Jesus Sananda’s Christmas Message

Through Linda Dilon.

December 21st, 2019.

Posted Per Staffan December 24, 2019.




I am Yeshua, I am Jesus Sananda, I am Jesus, I am Yeshi. And I am yours as you are mine. I welcome you to this time of re-birth, to this time when quite literally the heavenly host announce the re-birth in and out of form.

Traditionally, this time of year has meant the exchange of gifts, of presents. Your presence on planet, on Earth, with sweet Gaia is a deep profound gift to me, to the Mother, to the Father, to the All.

But what gift do I bring you? What gift do I wish to bestow upon you? And what do I wish to share with you about your remarkable progress, achievements, forward thrust over this last year, over this last decade?

No, the decade did not begin in 2012 but certainly, sweet angels of light, that was a pivotal turning point – a point at which you assumed whether you were conscious, cognizant of it at the time – when you, each of you and the collective in a level of spiritual evolvement and maturity that actually was quite unexpected, you declared to the Mother, Father, One, that you chose love.

Could anything be more precious? Could anything turn the tide more than that? That you choose not only to think of yourselves and your desire to be in the fullness of your ascended self but rather than proceed alone, or with a small clique, that you have chosen to ascend as one, with your brothers and sisters of this planet?

Has the remainder of this decade been truly work, play, expansion, anchoring, evolvement? Yes! You’ve cleared the decks. And you have cleared beneath the decks. And you have rooted into not only your core issues but the truth of who you are, individually and collectively. You have chosen to proceed not with a snap of our fingers but with the assumption of the truth of who you are and who you have always been.

Now it is time – yes, in your time, in the Mother’s time, in [Archangel] Uriel’s silver pool of time – it is time for you to emerge, as I have emerged once before from the cave, from the tomb.

The similarity between you and I, beloved ones, is pretty much exact. And why am I talking about resurrection and Easter when it is Christmas? Because I want you to understand, not only about the gifts we all bring this day, but about the gift you are. About the power, the might, the light that you are.

You have lived in a very dark time and I do not simply mean in the past decade, or in the past one hundred years or even the past two thousand years. You have lived in very dark times. I do not mean this in terms of the divisions, the divisiveness that has been created by those who wish to maintain or abuse power. I mean the darkness of loneliness, of isolation. Might I even say the abandonment of the dream? And not only your dream, but the dream of the Mother, the dream of the Father, the dream of many throughout the galaxies.

That darkness comes to an end because the clarity of vision, which is no more than the clarity of heart, is being restored. And is it being done to you? No. It is being done with you. Oh, we have done some fine tuning, no doubt. But so have you in your choices, in your forward thrust, in your choosing of love.

Now you enter a new time. It does not hurt to look over your shoulder. You do not turn into a pillar of salt. Look over your shoulder, and see me. See my beloved Magdalena, our family, our circle, our friends – the disciples, the apostles and centuries of saints, prophets, and wise men.

Look over and when you do, see us. See us as part of the Mother’s final wave of her Tsunami of Love – pushing, guiding. No running backwards. See what has been accomplished.

And then, beloved, look ahead, because I am standing directly in front of you. I have asked you several years ago to come and to walk with me. Well, now I am coming and asking you to run with me, to fly with me, to soar with me. And you say, “Lord, there is nothing in the world or beyond that I would like better.”

And so, what I say to you, let us together this day claim your right – your divine right, your historical right, your birthright – to be in the fullness of your ascended self. My gift to you for Christmas, for Hanukkah, for Wednesday, for Tuesday, for every single day, is not only the gift of my love, but the gift of re-birth.

You’ve been in the cave, you’ve been in the darkness. You know what that is like, and you have come to the stillpoint and you have traveled back to the heart of the Mother/Father/One. Now, let us push aside the stone. No, not that you ascend into heaven, but that you walk the Earth in harmony with all – with the elements and elementals, with Gaia, with your star family – very present now. With us who return in this time of renewal and celebration. Yes, myself included.

It is time. You say to me, “Yeshi, Yeshua, Lord, how do I do this?” It is a very complicated procedure but I will go through it with you. I want you to get up and go to your bathroom and look in the mirror, and see yourself – and to truly see yourself, to embrace yourself, to love yourself, and to see me standing there right next to you.

Yes, in the privacy of your own home. And perhaps it is at the privacy of your table where you have prepared a place for me, dear friend. For I am sure to arrive hungry. I always have been, you know. This is part of the delight of being on a planet where there is food and drink and water and air. I do not say this to any of you casually. Oh, I tease you. I make light of it.

You have been birthing your sacred self and you most certainly – each and every one of you – have known the labor pains. I remember being born through Mare into human form, emerging through the birth canal. So much attention is always given to the mother, as is correct. But I remember it, that sense of – even though I knew what lay ahead – slight anxiety. “Am I sure that I am up for this? Am I sure that as I emerge into the brilliance of the light – the birth canal is dark?” It is like being in the void.

Then you are pushed, pushed into the light. Luckily, I was not smacked. I was simply coddled. That is what you are doing. You are birthing into the light on planet. While the Mother might be the one birthing you, I am certainly right there with you to be midwife, to give you not only the first coddle, but to assist you with your first breath of clear, clean, pure, pure, pure fresh air. To guide you, to walk with you, to run with you, not as downtrodden human but as bright angels in form, in the truth, the power, the might, and the light of who you really are.

This is not a gift of preparation, my beloveds. This is a gift of saying “Let’s go!” And I know that you have already said “Yes.”

Go with my love and go in celebration.  Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon

©2019 Council of Love, Inc.


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publicado por achama às 04:35