Universal Mother Mary’s 

New Year’s Message 

Through Linda Dilon.

 January 5th, 2020.

Posted Per Staffan  January 8th, 2020.



I AM Mary, I AM Maré, Universal Mother, Eternal Mother, Mother of One, and Mother of all, Mother of the oceans, and Mother of the sky, Mother of the internal, and Mother of the external.
I wish you to think of this for I AM the Mother internal, internal to thee, sweet one, and of course, external… internal to Gaia, internal to the galaxies, internal to the universe, my omniverse, and external; yes, your within and without.
Everything was designed to be in balance, in the infinite and eternal ebb and flow of balance; it is not stagnant, it is not fixed, it is in constant, eternal change, motion, movement. And you sweet ones, if you are not in that ebb and flow, in the constant movement just like your breath, then you are not alive.
There are many, many forms of what you conceive of as death and the saddest one… for yes, your idea of death is often filled with grief… and the saddest one is those who are still alive, breathing, and dead. That is not the embrace of what I give you and what I have always, always given you. And yes, there is always more and I do not mean the unending drama. I mean there is always more love, there is always more potential, there is always more possibility than you can possibly even begin to imagine.
So yes, when we all say to dream big, to follow your heart, we mean not just to wish that your dreams and desires come to fruition, but to literally, to follow, in the ebb and flow, your heart.
I am not merely speaking because I have need of something to say… and yes, I do have much to say, to convey, from my heart, from our heart to yours at this time of rebirth, this time of new beginnings, and shall we say fresh starts?
When I have said to thee, when I say to thee, when my beloved son, Yeshua, gives you the gift of new life, what does this mean? Does it mean that you get a second chance… with your spiritual journey?… to meet the love of your life?… to follow the pathway of your dreams? Yes, it does mean all that, but beloved, it means so much more… it means to be reborn. I want you to think of and to embrace the magnitude of this.
When I have given thee the gift of the 13th Octave this was a gift not previously available upon your planet. In order to be at home, you had need to shed what you think of as this physical vessel. But I needed, I wanted, I desired, I chose, and I willed that you would have this capacity so that you would be in full readiness and movement into your ascension. I have given you ample time and you are ready… even when you think that you are stuck or not ready, I tell you, you are ready.
So now, what do I give you in this new year of 2020, this new decade of 2020 to 2030? No, you are not waiting another decade for your ascension, child. I am giving you rebirth, in form, something that only a rare few upon your planet up until now have enjoyed. It is not a gift that is given casually, and yes, there are many who will say, “I don’t even know what she is talking about.” But on the soul level the entire planet has already said yes… but either you will say yes or say no and return to me.
Balance is the balance within, internally. But balance is also the external… to be in sweet harmony, not pushing and pulling, but sweet harmony, not only with each other but with all the kingdoms, and particularly the kingdoms. For most of the repair work upon Gaia is being and will be done by the elemental kingdoms. Yes, they will engage you, but the elementals and the star beings are truly the rebuilders, particularly the Halion engineers, and their time is nigh.
If you are not in balance with the planet, with your galaxy, with all the kingdoms, with each other and yourself, then how do you rebirth your New You? your Nova Being? your Nova Gaia?
I have told you long ago, I have explained that when I dream, it is done. Yes, sweet angels, my action steps fall into place simultaneously because the dream, the desire, the intention is, what you would think of, is that strong, that there is no distraction.
So, the time of fulfillment, in rebirth, in renewal, in the actual embrace of a new life is the conscious decision and then it is done. No, this does not mean that you sit at home in hiding. It means that you take action.
I have guided this channel to remind you not of expectation… that has long since passed… I remind you that you are the champions of the world. These lyrics speak to your heart, but they also speak to your potential. I did not birth anything that is mediocre, I birthed those that have my infinite capacity, not merely to create but to co-create with the kingdoms, with Gaia, with your galaxy, with your star family who is very present… this announcement comes soon. All is in readiness and that is the good news that you have waited for. This is not about a year or a decade of further clearing and housekeeping.
You are seeing what is possible. Ignite your own fire and quench your desire. Be in the balance, sweet ones, that you were born unto. And if you turn to me and say, “Mother, I do not know how” I will help you. I have many legions lined up and ready… you are ready. Let us proceed because now is your time in my time.
Go with my love. You are so cherished. Discover, rediscover in your rebirth what you are truly capable of. I am with you. 

Linda Dillon

©2019 Council of Love, Inc.


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publicado por achama às 18:20