Benjamin Fulford 

Sample Report 




World tensions are reaching a dangerous boiling point as an increasingly isolated U.S. President Donald Trump lashes out in all directions.  It looks like Trump is trying to rally U.S. military support for war against Denmark and Mexico in an attempt to seize resources to finance the U.S. corporate government, multiple sources agree.  A major financial sabotage campaign is also underway against China, highlighted by the U.S. dollar bond default of a company with revenue of the satanic number of $66.6 billion.  Meanwhile, Trump backers are lashing out against the British royal family.  Remember, Trump has already labeled the EU “a foe.”
All of this activity is related to the fact that, despite stealing the Japanese people’s pension money, the U.S. corporation still does not have a clear path to meeting its January 31, 2020 payment deadline.  It is interesting to note in this context that Brexit is now scheduled for January 31, 2020.
Let’s start by looking at the situation with Mexico.  The U.S. has now deployed three aircraft carrier groups around that country as “the U.S. military prepares to attack Mexican drug cartels, who may be armed and trained by Mossad,” Pentagon sources say.

While we can independently confirm that some of the drug cartel fighters have indeed been trained by Mossad, we also know that this war on Mexico is really about stealing Mexican oil, silver, and other resources to finance the U.S. corporation.  That’s why the Mexican military has publicly come out in support of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (Amlo).

Russia has also deployed nuclear-armed submarines around the U.S. coastline, and Russian President Vladimir Putin publicly declared earlier this year that his country is ready for another Cuban missile crisis.

What this means is that Trump is going to have to back down, because the U.S. military is not going to start a nuclear war to steal resources to support a foreign-owned UNITED STATES CORPORATION.
Next let us look at Denmark.  Here, Lars Findsen, head of the Danish Defence Intelligence Service, said Greenland was now a top security issue for Denmark because a “power game is unfolding” between the U.S. and other global powers in the Arctic.  Trump cancelled an August state visit to Denmark and called their Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen “nasty” after she refused to sell Greenland to the U.S.

These events follow the installation of a Nazi government in Brazil and a seizure of lithium resources in Bolivia by U.S. Special Forces.  Clearly the Trump administration is trying to turn the American continent into a fortress.  Unfortunately, Canada (the British Empire), Denmark (the EU), and Mexico (supported by Russia and the Vatican) stand in his way.
Now let us turn to the economic attack against China, where CIA sources in Asia promise, “China’s economy and financial system will most likely implode within …
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Letters to the Editor

November 28, 2019

Benjamin Fulford talks Gold, Silver, JFK and financial reset with Robert David Steele, with Notes




By Benjamin Fulford



This 30-minute interview with Robert David Steele provides an easy-to-understand overview of exactly who and what the deep state is made of.
Hi Ben,
I thought your interview with Robert David Steele was so good it should make the history books as “The Steele-Fulford Level Set.”
I had to take notes. Here they are if they can be useful to you.
Best & cheers,
Robert David Steele (RDS) sets the stage, asks for Fulford’s full introduction, and Fulford complies. RDS cites Fulford’s introduction of a Japanese princess to RDS, and then RDS breaking the Korea Peninsula denuclearization and reunification story because of this. RDS is called a lunatic until the story breaks more widely. RDS knows that many Fulford stories are similar—considered crazy until widely acknowledged. RDS then asks for a broad, global stage-setting of the historical players.
Gnostic Illuminati
Started the American, French, and Russian revolutions. Starting a world revolution this time.
Founded by Pythagoras.
Recruits 6,000 geniuses per generation.
A discloser to Fulford (one of the geniuses) was scouted in by Bobby Fisher, the chess champion.
P2 Freemasons
Created Communism.
Leo Zagami told Fulford of the P2 Freemasons.
Descendants of Caesars who want a NWO empire under them.
They wear black masks and give orders to the Vatican and others.
They foretold of the firing of Pope Benedict and then made it happen, so they’re real.
Scottish Rite Freemasons
Basically, the British Empire, #2 “on the totem pole” after the P2 Freemasons/Caesars in the West. Fulford feels they are, from his interactions, basically decent people.
They are pushers of global warming to support underdeveloped countries to avoid killing large part of the world’s population. Bush and his people want population culling.
RDS recounts Fulford introducing RDS to a top Chinese Freemason.
RDS asks about the power structure in Asia and the differences in Freemasons in the West versus the East.
Fulford: The Chinese royal families chose Communism as the best way to modernize China.
There are two power blocks inside China, and three outside.
Communist Youth League is Chinese meritocracy/bureaucracy; the people working their way up that pyramid.
Royal families that stay in the background and control finances.
Third Asian block, having similar languages: “The horse people”—Mongolians, Japanese, Koreans—with a 1,000-year history of cooperation and adversity with Chinese. Fulford: “The difference between the Chinese and these people is BIGGER than between the Chinese and the English.”
Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia: Former members of defeated dynasties who fled with riches/gold to Southeast Asia and Taiwan. Very influential among overseas Chinese.
The Bolshevik Revolution was NOT a Russian revolution but rather was created by Communist Jews.
Upon the dissolution of the USSR, 300 top Russians were bribed to agree to the fall of the Soviet Union and became Russia’s oligarchs living overseas, as in London, etc. Many top Russian Jews migrated to Israel.
The traditional Orthodox Christian Church of Russia and the Secret Service allied to the Czar were assassinated (~200 people) but took back power. Today the Russian Orthodox Church is the main power in Russia. Fulford feels these are good people. Russia’s living standard doubled within one year of Russia taking back its power. The Church/Putin stopped the looting of monies going overseas by oligarchs, which is why they vilify Putin. Fulford speculates that the USA similarly could double its living standard within a year by the removal of the Khazazian Jewish owners of the Federal Reserve Board. RDS agrees.
RDS references returning to the topics of Asia, gold, and the JFK Memorial Green Hilton Agreement.
RDS mentions the Russian Orthodox Church sweeping into the Byzantine empire as the segue to the Middle East of today and Russia’s proactive stance in Middle East and avoided the topic of the Aga Khan.
Fulford: “I forgot to mention the Zionists!” Big laugh. RDS: “Qanon says ‘we leave the Zionists for last,’” referencing a Qanon post.
Fulford recounts the Turkish Jew founder, Sabbatai Zevi (~1648) with ~1 million followers, acts to carry out prophecies in the Bible, create an artificial Armageddon, and rule the world from Jerusalem.
The Chabads think that after war between Gog and Magog with 90% of humans eliminated, every Jew will receive 2,800 slaves and Jews will rule the world. The Zionists are a powerful minority behind the Middle Eastern troubles.
Middle East: Historically, there are three main groups:
Persians/Iranians—the Shia branch of Islam.
Turks/Byzantine heirs—different languages, but variants are still spoken in 17 countries, as testimony of the enduring legacy of the Byzantine empire.
Arabs/Saudi Arabia, Egypt—the Sunni branch of Islam.
Aga Khan—a descendent of Mohammed and heir to the Assassins (who are still around and quite active). Influential in the Shia world and British high society, maintains a low profile and controls Pakistan. Fulford: His heart seems to be in the right place.
RDS mentions the Seagraves’ book Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold. Both of the Seagraves were friends of RDS. The book is about the capture of Japanese gold in Philippines, which became the Black Lily Fund, which funded U.S. covert operations worldwide, morphing into the Black Eagle Fund which funded the Brennan/Tenet/Krongard economic war on Russia (RDS: “for which Putin had every right to nuke us”).
RDS segues to the Global Currency Reset (GCR), as indigenous chiefs and elders seem to be coming back into their own.
Fulford: “That’s a big question!”
Since Roman times, Asia has been sending silk/ceramics/spices to the West, being paid in gold and silver, resulting in 85% of world’s gold being in Asia.
Asians set up the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) to help Germany help pay for their Versailles Treaty reparations after WWI.
Asians were promised a world governance with families in the background, but needed WWII to make that happen. The winning powers broke their promise and cut off gold to Asia, with no Marshall Plan for Asia/Africa, only a plan for the countries they controlled in Europe.
Kennedy promised a Marshall Plan for the world using Asian/Indonesian gold for backing. Kennedy was assassinated and the U.S. ran out of gold in the early 1970’s. Nixon went off the gold standard and the petrodollar was the scheme created, which is now failing.
9/11 was related to a secret court case that the U.S. lost. The U.S. had to pay back gold taken from China in the 1938 deal. The U.S. couldn’t pay, so the evidence was blown up in 9/11. The War On Terror started, with a fascist coup d’état in the form of the U.S. Patriot Act, when the U.S. became a Nazi terrorist state. The good guys wake up and find that the U.S. establishment are the bad guys.
In 2008, with the U.S. teetering on bankruptcy, they promise a black president and “things will be different” to get money from Asians. Barry Soetoro a.k.a. Barack Obama was just a Bush-agenda house slave. Asian support was withdrawn. Obama/2008: 750 tons of gold were taken from Yohannes Riyadi, and sold 1,000+ times to create $23 trillion of gold-backed bonds. This is what’s pumping up the global stock markets, 1,000x leveraged gold. The markets must return to reality.
The Trump presidency is backed by Gnostic and military-industrial persons, whose hearts are in the right place.
RDS asks about a possible Xi Jinping/Putin/Trump deal to keep markets from collapsing to get Trump re-elected. Fulford: It’s easy to say it’s a bubble, but difficult to say when it will burst. The Chinese Elders suggest a collapse will occur before the U.S. elections and Trump will have to negotiate a bankruptcy.
The CIA and Indonesia contacted Fulford before this interview specifically to ask Fulford to bring up President Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110 and state that it “is still there,” providing for stroke-of-the-pen gold-backed U.S. currency “and leave the Fed mess to the Khazazian mafia.” Re-enactment of that Executive Order is their recommendation. This would bring Asian backing.
RDS points to Wayne Jett’s book The Fruits of Graft: Great Depressions Then and Now, stating that the Fed debt is on the private banks, not the U.S. citizen. RDS says “we could nationalize the Fed, and NOT nationalize those Federal Reserve dollars….”
RDS asks Fulford about the Chinese view.
Hillary Clinton had promised China “The United States of China,” handing over control of Japan and Asian to the Chinese and “that’s why they gave her lots of money and were surprised when she was not elected.”
Trump could be better for Chinese, i.e. “with a whole new set-up for the planet, and a fair role for Asia.”
In the 1980’s Fulford was studying the successful Japanese economic double-digit growth as a student. Japan’s success was being dismantled by U.S. The U.S. assassinated prime ministers, the U.S. shot down Japan Airlines Flight 123 (600 people), along with other disruptions. The Japanese system had an economic planning agency at its heart—a hybrid between Communism and Capitalism where the government creates a framework and the private sector fills that framework. Singapore—the third richest place on earth—and China both copied and improved upon this model. Qatar and Luxembourg were cited as shills; Singapore earns money through work and real economic development. Fulford has been recommending such a system for a Western re-boot.
Fulford cites the bankruptcy of the U.S. CORPORATION owned by “gangsters and satan-worshiping bankers” (many people have no clue as to this U.S. CORPORATION, the Act of 1871, and how USA/America has been actually ruled) as not terrible but actually “removing the nightmare.” He makes an analogy to the fall of the USSR, and that “that would be a great thing for everybody.” This is a military fight; we (the good guys) are winning, and they (the cabal) have hired mercenaries to stay in power. Victory is only a matter of time. RDS cites the parallel between a planning agency to his open source intelligence and open source engineering.
5-minute wrap-up
RDS: Will Palestine be returned to the Palestinians per Kissinger’s suggestion?
Fulford: Israel is militarily doomed. The U.S. will no longer fight wars for Israel. Israel will have no choice but to sue for a real peace and will end up in the protection of Turkey, Iran, and Egypt.
RDS: “I’ve distinguished between Zionism and Judaism for a long time. The Supreme Leader of Iran recently made the same distinction, calling for the end of Israel. Will Trump visit Iran before the election and make “the deal” with Iran’s Supreme Leader?
Fulford: The Jews need to realize that the Holocaust was caused by Zionists. It was manufactured to fit the Gog vs. Magog Biblical battle and to drive the European Jews into Israel. “If they (the Jews) don’t understand that, they’re never going to be free.” The people of Israel will be allowed to live and prosper in peace with autonomy. They just need to get rid of these fanatics.
RDS interjects: “I agree… I follow Rabbi Michael Lerner among many others. It’s clear that many Jews now realize that Zionism is antithetical to Judaism.”
RDS: With 2 minutes left, what would you say to Donald Trump if you had his ear for two minutes alone in an elevator?
“Make a deal with the Asians for a Future Planning Agency for the planet;
“Start multi-trillion-dollar projects to:
End poverty;
Stop environmental destruction (clean up the planet); and
Expand the human race into the universe.
“That’s all I’d need to say.”
RDS closes very graciously and says he’s looking forward to another visit with Fulford in Japan, praising Ben as an amazing human being.


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publicado por achama às 18:13