Time is not constant.
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.
By Mike Quinsey.
May 4th, 2019
Who said time flies because they were correct and it seems to be going faster than ever. It certainly proves that time is not constant and I do not think anyone would dispute that. Then move forward to a coming period when the vibrations will have become so high that everything will be spoken of as being in the now. You may ponder whether everything remains forever and there is every reason to believe it does. You can travel back in time, so somewhere out there you can view history as things really happened. Much of it goes unrecorded in your history books and in any event is often incorrectly recorded. The Akashic records are your main source of information and are such that you can actually be a spectator at an event as though you were really there.
What you will find is that history repeats itself. Civilisations tend to go through the same challenges time and time again, until they have experienced sufficient to have learnt their lessons and move on. You never stop learning, moving from being a single soul onto group souls that grow larger and larger. Your Human experience has been more of a test of your resolve to face whatever has confronted you, and many of you have overcome the difficulties and risen up to now have two feet upon the path to Ascension. You have had help but it is open to anyone who takes up the challenge and shows the determination to succeed. Be assured that every soul has the potential to rise up, but many have not recognised the opportunity being given.
There is no urgency expressed where your evolution is concerned, in fact each life you have is planned to suit your ability to learn from your experiences. So no one is pushing you hard except yourself and that means you are never given more than you can handle. When the “Human” experience commenced eons of time ago, progress was deliberately held back to give souls ample time to benefit from them and slowly evolve. After many, many lives there came a period where your evolution was speeded up, and so it has continued until Homo Sapiens were introduced as another step towards growth and completion. Your history clearly shows such progress in recent times that coincided with your ability to become more of a Being of Light. As with every phase of your evolution, many other souls of great experience have been on hand to assist you.
Your history is being re-evaluated and it is becoming very apparent that not only have you had help from evolved beings, often they have been other species such as the Avians that presently surround and guard you against any possible interference. Cave drawings also clearly show that there has been visitations by the Ant Beings and even the Mantis Beings. You may find some of them scary but understand they are loving beings who have reached a high point of evolution, and they give their services to help younger souls to evolve. In their presence you would find their energies to be of a loving nature and in no way threatening or unpleasant. There are of course other kinds of beings that are well evolved but in service to self, and these are mainly the reptilians but we hasten to add that not all are negative. In general they are kept away from you but occasionally in the past, a single being has been able to make contact with you. Do not let this worry you as you are protected by the higher beings of Light.
We are aware that there are large numbers of people that just do not want to know about other forms of life, and clearly they are not ready for such revelations, and you can be assured that no one will be forcing the issue. However, disclosure must go ahead for the benefit of those souls who are ready to expand their level of consciousness. Evolution is a very personal matter and you are being encouraged to make your own pathway, to your liking. What could be better than gently easing you along at a pace that suits you and does not put you under any pressure.
In between lives you make plans for your next incarnation with the help of your Guides, whose advice is respected because of their vast experience and knowledge. With few exceptions all of you chose your own times to incarnate on Earth based upon what you have learnt about your needs. You do not necessarily incarnate into the same country or religion and that depends on the lessons you need to evolve. Each life is arranged to give you the maximum amount of opportunities to have a successful experience. Chances missed will come around again, as your progress must proceed in an orderly manner.
Naturally there are times when the outworking of experiences includes other people, and the working out of situations becomes quite intricate. Often it includes other souls who have played a part in your previous lives, and you may for example “owe” them a favour in return for help you have been given by them, or vice versa. Life may seem full of random happenings and many are, but in the main important events are set up to allow certain experiences that may help all souls involved. The most difficult scenario you are likely to face, is when of necessity you are born into a family where there is a need to get on with each other, and where previous opportunities have failed.
When each life is completed there is always a review of it with Beings who understood your life plan and can help you overcome the problems you may have encountered. In that event you may not necessarily have to go through the same ones again. What you may view as chance happenings are still likely to have been planned as unlikely as it may seem. Take note of any event in your life that seems intentional, and try to determine the meaning behind it as nothing really happens by chance. Sometimes the most difficult experiences to understand are those that call for some form of generosity from you, yet you cannot always respond in that way. Clearly if you are being urged intuitively to help, it is possibly likely that you are being “urged” by your Guides to do so. Certainly follow your intuition and you will not go far wrong. It is worth reminding yourself that every soul that incarnates on Earth has a purpose and a plan, and are equipped with whatever they need to ensure that their experience is rewarding.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.
This message comes through my Higher Self.
What you will find is that history repeats itself. Civilisations tend to go through the same challenges time and time again, until they have experienced sufficient to have learnt their lessons and move on. You never stop learning, moving from being a single soul onto group souls that grow larger and larger. Your Human experience has been more of a test of your resolve to face whatever has confronted you, and many of you have overcome the difficulties and risen up to now have two feet upon the path to Ascension. You have had help but it is open to anyone who takes up the challenge and shows the determination to succeed. Be assured that every soul has the potential to rise up, but many have not recognised the opportunity being given.
There is no urgency expressed where your evolution is concerned, in fact each life you have is planned to suit your ability to learn from your experiences. So no one is pushing you hard except yourself and that means you are never given more than you can handle. When the “Human” experience commenced eons of time ago, progress was deliberately held back to give souls ample time to benefit from them and slowly evolve. After many, many lives there came a period where your evolution was speeded up, and so it has continued until Homo Sapiens were introduced as another step towards growth and completion. Your history clearly shows such progress in recent times that coincided with your ability to become more of a Being of Light. As with every phase of your evolution, many other souls of great experience have been on hand to assist you.
Your history is being re-evaluated and it is becoming very apparent that not only have you had help from evolved beings, often they have been other species such as the Avians that presently surround and guard you against any possible interference. Cave drawings also clearly show that there has been visitations by the Ant Beings and even the Mantis Beings. You may find some of them scary but understand they are loving beings who have reached a high point of evolution, and they give their services to help younger souls to evolve. In their presence you would find their energies to be of a loving nature and in no way threatening or unpleasant. There are of course other kinds of beings that are well evolved but in service to self, and these are mainly the reptilians but we hasten to add that not all are negative. In general they are kept away from you but occasionally in the past, a single being has been able to make contact with you. Do not let this worry you as you are protected by the higher beings of Light.
We are aware that there are large numbers of people that just do not want to know about other forms of life, and clearly they are not ready for such revelations, and you can be assured that no one will be forcing the issue. However, disclosure must go ahead for the benefit of those souls who are ready to expand their level of consciousness. Evolution is a very personal matter and you are being encouraged to make your own pathway, to your liking. What could be better than gently easing you along at a pace that suits you and does not put you under any pressure.
In between lives you make plans for your next incarnation with the help of your Guides, whose advice is respected because of their vast experience and knowledge. With few exceptions all of you chose your own times to incarnate on Earth based upon what you have learnt about your needs. You do not necessarily incarnate into the same country or religion and that depends on the lessons you need to evolve. Each life is arranged to give you the maximum amount of opportunities to have a successful experience. Chances missed will come around again, as your progress must proceed in an orderly manner.
Naturally there are times when the outworking of experiences includes other people, and the working out of situations becomes quite intricate. Often it includes other souls who have played a part in your previous lives, and you may for example “owe” them a favour in return for help you have been given by them, or vice versa. Life may seem full of random happenings and many are, but in the main important events are set up to allow certain experiences that may help all souls involved. The most difficult scenario you are likely to face, is when of necessity you are born into a family where there is a need to get on with each other, and where previous opportunities have failed.
When each life is completed there is always a review of it with Beings who understood your life plan and can help you overcome the problems you may have encountered. In that event you may not necessarily have to go through the same ones again. What you may view as chance happenings are still likely to have been planned as unlikely as it may seem. Take note of any event in your life that seems intentional, and try to determine the meaning behind it as nothing really happens by chance. Sometimes the most difficult experiences to understand are those that call for some form of generosity from you, yet you cannot always respond in that way. Clearly if you are being urged intuitively to help, it is possibly likely that you are being “urged” by your Guides to do so. Certainly follow your intuition and you will not go far wrong. It is worth reminding yourself that every soul that incarnates on Earth has a purpose and a plan, and are equipped with whatever they need to ensure that their experience is rewarding.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.
This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:
- https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/search?q=mike+quinsey
- http://violetflame.biz.ly/cgi-bin/blog?tags=mike+quinsey
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