The Mass Awakening in Israel 

Part 2/2.



Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia


Sunrise at Masada


Here’s an example how we’re our own saviors when we’re moved to act. I’m donating to various causes like fighting corruption and the mandatory biometric database in Israel via crowd-funding. I also personally went from one neighbor to another to explain why we all need to resist the installation of smart meters and had them sign a petition. Overall, I’ve gotten a positive response. My brilliant friend, Nir, constantly speaks about these topics with his “unawakened” family members and colleagues at work. He was ridiculed at first, but then colleagues began to realize that he was right and silently began to support him and his family members, asking for more “signs” of what he was talking about. His acquaintances now alert him and others when they see chemtrails or other suspicious activity. Shabtay Avigal, and activist and the founder of Za’akat Hashkama told me how his wife, who was totally pro-vaccines, started questioning them and was amazed that she talked with the doctor at the pediatrician’s clinic about them. Yes, tiny steps, but consciousness is contagious, and every right act is multiplied exponentially. In Israel, half a world away, there were posts on the topic of DAPL [Dakota Access Pipeline] shared with many comments supporting this Native American cause. I also remember how I felt—together with other Israeli activists—about the daily protests in France against the outrageous indefinite state of emergency in that country and the serious censorship of information, as reported in The Guardian before the Yellow Vest Protest started in Autumn of 2018.


In Israel, the anti-corruption grassroots movement is led by Rafi Rotem, a former celebrated official in the tax authority (equivalent to the IRS), who was financially and personally destroyed once he became a whistleblower and exposed the rampant corruption in this authority. According to Haaretz newspaper, he wanders the streets of Tel Aviv and continues to be persecuted by the police who harasses him every time an article is published about him. Rotem’s accusations are extremely serious and worrisome. He described the apparent cooperation between wealthy tycoons, smugglers, and big-time criminals and senior Tax Authority officials. This includes the mysterious death involving one of his informers, who Rotem believes was killed after being exposed by a Tax Authority employee as Rotem’s informant. “The police closed the case claiming that it was suicide despite big question marks at the scene of the killing, according to Haaretz. Here’s a footage of Rafi Rotem anti-corruption and other protests across Israel (French):

Not only did this activist managed to raise an outcry against corruption by his protests, he successfully managed to raise money by crowd-funding to sue the government and the tax authority in 2017. His target goal was 200,000 NIS, approximately 56,000 USD, and he raised 202,000 NIS under the banner: “The Corrupt Ones Are Ruining Our Country, Let’s Sue Them.” I also donated to this cause. This isn’t the only social cause that crowd-funding was used to fight against the government and Knesset (the Israeli parliament) in Israel. This year I was excited to witness how a grassroots movement I was involved in for almost five years succeeded with its protest. This was against the mandatory biometric database of iris scans and fingerprints that are required to issue passports and IDs. Five hundred activists called the offices of all 120 ministers and members of Knesset a few years ago to voice our resistance to this tyrannical measure. The government claims it’s for our security to prevent creation of double IDs, which barely exist. It does not prevent the creation of a false passport. The target sum for funding the lawsuit in the Israeli Supreme Court was 60,000 NIS (crowd-funding sum). This target was reached and surpassed in less than 24 hours with 105,000 NIS collected.


The struggle against “the agenda” is taking place on multiple levels and dealing with many issues, including the corruption of the government and parliament members and inflated municipality taxes,. It’s propagated on alternative media sites and even mainstream investigative reporting. Crowd-funding is being used to establish an alternative platform broadcasted on prime-time TV to uncover sensitive financial and economic treachery. This includes the case of bank agents teaching about loans in public schools to create future lenders to enrich the banks and impoverish poor children later in life (to sustain the current debt-slavery banking system). It also includes uncovering how toxic food is not allowed to be labeled because of the powerful lobbying of big food in the Israeli parliament (the Knesset). The Investigative Fund’s goal—Keren Ha’tahkirim in Hebrew—is focused on funding independent investigative reporting in Israel. The fund’s most important exposé was the dangerous TTP and TTIP trade agreements that Israel secretly signed without allow any review.


Many awakened Israelis are aware that all the protests here are orchestrated by the Deep State. So, it was very encouraging to see that despite the promotion of the
 fake Yellow Vest protest in Israel by the controlled MSM, barely any people showed up and the few that did were ridiculed on social media as people said that they left their 4WD away and then took taxis to the protest. Meaning it’s not the hard-working poor people who pay so much taxes but the rich ones (backed by their patrons). There were about 100 people at this protest including the media.



The awakening in Israel might be more widespread than what I previously thought . On prime-time TV, the controlled MSM is mocking the “conspiracies” about the Deep State or the Left controlling the judicial system and MSM in Israel. It seeks revenge on prime ministers who appoint conservative ministers of justice and attempt to bring back the Checks and Balances between the three branches of Government Let me mention the previous PM Ehud Olmert, who is still in jail for corruption. He appointed a minister of justice who was opposed to the Supreme Court’s “activism.” Israel Hayom newspaper discusses this blunt threat by “the Powers that Be” over Netanyahu. Please note that I didn’t vote in the last general elections and not in the previous ones. Moreover, I’m not a supporter of Likud Party headed by Benjamin Netanyahu as I’ve written in the article entitled Impeach Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel. This episode showed the MSM literally threatening the newly-elected PM , he dares to appoint a particular minister for this office, he’ll face another year in prison. In my view, it shows how threatened “the Powers that Be” must feel by this great awakening that they need to ridicule what people in Israel openly talk about. It’s no secret anymore. They try to censor and thwart this discourse but, if I’m correct, to no avail. I’m convinced that the mass awakening in Israel, as well as anywhere else in the world, cannot be undone.

Another episode ridiculed the fake Apollo landing on the moon

Also Israel’s Beresheet (SpaceIL) botched landing on the moon to raise taxes for yet another landing on the moon according to the Jerusalem Post newspaper. In this episode, the guest (stand-up comedian Guy Adler) explains that they could easily do it by renting a studio and even showing the host how to turn the lights on and off while the picture in the background shows the moon. Watch here on Kan 11 Channel 8:25 minute mark. You’ll understand without knowing a word of Hebrew (over 14K views on YouTube).

I’ve never seen such disclosure on a main channel or such a denial and discrediting the information about the deep state and the rule of the left on prime time TV in Israel. Jordan Sather agreed for an interview on Q with the Washington Post, the mouth piece of the Deep State as he explained on Edge of Wonder although he knew that he’s going to be discredited. But despite being aware of this he accepted the offer even if he only awakens one person. But the fact that the Washington Post even asked him for an interview shows, I believe, that the Cabal is aware of the mass awakening and wish to thwart it. In my opinion, the same happens in Israel.




For decades, we’ve had to continue using polluting fossil fuel as our prime energy sources, since others were suppressed. The Elite controls this industry and its enormous profits. Yes, the US government has suppressed 5000 patents for free energy and other innovative energy inventions, according to Wired Magazine and Despite this heavy suppression, we recently saw how free energy has gone mainstream. There is Keshe’s invention of a bicycle that you can pedal for an hour that generates electricity for 24 hours. Another example was illustrated by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who went out driving the Gal-Mobile—a mobile, integrated water desalination and purification vehicle, which turns seawater into safe high-quality drinking water. “The seawater fuels the car and the byproduct is desalination.” See the video here



According to Jerusalem Post newspaper, almost a thousand surfers paddled out into the sea to demand the relocation of the planned gas rigs to 120km from the shoreline of Israel and not 10km as it is today. They created the largest circle of surfers in the world according to Guinness World Records. You can see here the circle of surfers at 1:21 minute mark:

The organization that organized this event is called Shomrey Ha’bait (Homeland Guards) and on Facebook (58K followers). Other events included a demonstration that 10K protesters attended. You can see the protest and hear Michael Jackson’s track “They Don’t Care about Us” in the background.

Drumming circle 


To the Victory of the Light and Let’s Make Earth Great Again.
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publicado por achama às 02:12