The evolutionary process cannot be stopped because it is simply the process of awakening to what already is.

Arcturian Group Message  

Marilyn Raffaele

January  27, 2019

Welcome to the new age dear ones, for in spite of appearances you are indeed on the cusp of the new age long predicted by seers of the past and present. The evolutionary process cannot be stopped because it is simply the process of awakening to what already is.
Sooner or later every soul tires of the fruitless efforts involved in third dimensional living and without personal alignment to feed them, the illusions of material sense begin to fade away.  Evolution can be ignored and delayed but cannot disappear because it is the means by which every soul awakens out of illusion and into reality.
Try not to imbue your concerns with power over you, but rather remain centered in the realization that  your oneness with Divine consciousness constitutes  your oneness with harmony, peace, abundance, and wholeness–everything IT is.  Then after doing that, take the human footsteps you may be guided to take.
Many are suffering at this time of transition and those on the other side are well aware of it.   The world has not been abandoned, nor is it being punished for its “sins”.  Events taking place in these times are necessary to the completion cycles of clearing for earth’s ascension process that is now well on it’s way.  A point of no return has been reached.
Many are being forced out of their comfort zone which serves to open them to question their personal belief system and the status quo.  New and higher awareness about everything seen, heard, tasted, touched, and smelled are quickly unfolding in world consciousness through the Light of the higher dimensional energies now pouring onto earth.
Third dimensional ideas are beginning to shift into higher form as increasingly more people awaken. This is causing those who have chosen to remain locked in “power over” consciousness to resist and fight any change as best they know how.  There is a global rift beginning to take place between those opening to  higher consciousness and those refusing to or who are simply not spiritually prepared.
You are going to witness this deepening divide as chaos, but it is part of the ascension process.  Trust that all is proceeding according to plan.  Much that heretofore has never been questioned, especially in politics and religion, is  increasingly being examined and questioned by those seeing with “new” eyes.
The outer always reflects the inner.  Consciousness is the substance of all form because nothing else exists but Divine Consciousness.   However, the qualities embodied in the One Divine consciousness can only be experienced personally when there is alignment.  Every person’s consciousness expresses what it is in alignment with.
However, it is important not to judge or believe that everyone experiencing  problems is un-evolved, for the individual may be right on track with his pre-birth contract, having the experiences  he chose to have as necessary for his spiritual growth.
Differing levels of consciousness are the reason so many religions originally based in real truth and taught by an evolved master teacher are today polluted with erroneous concepts and beliefs that representing gross misinterpretations of the original teachings.  Students and followers unable to grasp the teachings at the level of the teacher,  interpret them incorrectly according to their much less evolved state of consciousness. This is why Truth should never be organized.
You who read these messages have made  your choice to ascend and are spiritually prepared to stay centered at all times even if you do not think you are.  The outer scene is changing very quickly and those who remain centered, meeting every appearance with an awareness of truth,  will find they are spiritually cushioned for whatever presents.
It is time to clear lingering false beliefs and remove any energetic cords still binding you to some person, place, or thing.  This will create space for higher frequency energies to integrate and become your energy.  Energy pathways present in the etheric body are now being activated in the physical body, enabling it to hold, carry, and become one with  higher frequencies.
Many highly evolved beings are assisting earth at this time.  Assistance is always available for the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual facets of the whole.  It is important to understand that because of free will, help must be asked for.  Guides cannot tell you what to do, they are only permitted to assist you with your decisions.
Never disrespect the physical body through the belief that it is base, sinful, irrelevant, or un-holy as  many religions and even some metaphysicians continue to teach.  Your body is the sacred temple of Divine Consciousness, the material sense of the spiritual body.   To think of it as anything less is a facet of the three dimensional belief in duality and separation.  Treat your body as the sacred temple it is by keeping it safe, loved, and clean inside and out.
We have often stated that every person must eventually  let go of seeking outside of themselves for what they need.  This is true regarding spiritual truth as well.  When a person attains the conscious realization of their completeness and wholeness, that which is needed regardless of how seemingly ordinary can manifest outwardly because the person’s consciousness is in alignment with the substance of it.
Needed answers, ideas, or goods flow through some person, job,  book, etc. but  NEVER FROM THEM.This is the universal mistake inherent in third dimensional thinking that has brought about so much suffering and pain for the world.  It is a person’s attained consciousness of their already present wholeness that can then manifest in forms that are  personal to the individual.
                                   THERE IS NO UNEXPRESSED CONSCIOUSNESS.
Truth progresses from being simply intellectual knowledge to being an attained state of consciousness through awareness, acceptance, and practice.  Truth must become one’s actual consciousness before it can manifest because consciousness is the substance of all form.  A consciousness of duality and separation will continue to create experiences of good and bad for as long as it remains intact.
Release  any and all beliefs promoting the idea that some ritual or belief is necessary for your spirituality. True spirituality is not governed or based in rules and regulations, it just IS.  Going to church every Sunday will not make you any more spiritual than you already are although  it can assist spiritual beginners to open to new ways of thinking.
You are ready to fully embrace the truth that you already are and always have been everything you  sought through lifetimes in techniques, rites, and rituals.  These helped you to awaken in the beginning but you are no longer beginners.  You now know that you already embody everything  you sought and yet many of you continue to doubt, still placing all your trust and confidence in the third dimensional belief system.
Continuing to think of yourself  as a human being subject to the whims and conditions of duality and separation after awakening to the reality of who and what you really are, is very foolish indeed and only serves to hold you in bondage to the creations of this mindset.
When you compare, judge, doubt  and access your life according to third dimensional standards, you are only able to see a tiny fraction of the whole picture leaving you to understand  your life in very limited ways stating that some things are right, and other things are wrong and that if you fail to accept and live by these rules you are unworthy of love.
Choose in this moment to once and for all let go of and move beyond the old programming and decide for  yourselves which world you will live in.  Truth either is or it isn’t and the choice always remains yours.
We are the Arcturian Group  

Marilyn Raffaele


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 23:52