The Answers Are Within You.
Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel.
June 16th, 2019.
We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.
For this week, the message from Archangel Gabriel is reminding us that we have a direct connection within our hearts to all the information we require to thrive.

The Gabriel Message Card for this week
Be Aware that the Answers to All You are Seeking are Within You.
There are times when I receive this message and feel frustrated with it. I want the Gabriel Message Cards to help me receive the answers I am seeking. I think I want more information than to merely look within. There even may be a part of my mind that wants the decisions to be made very clearly for me.
I know this card is telling me to settle down, breathe more slowly, take some time to be still, and THEN I will have the answer. Sometimes my rebellious nature shows up, making me feel impatient. That is when I really need to go for a walk, do some yoga, dance to loud music, or something else of a physical nature.
Those are the times when my mind has gone on mental overload and there is no way I will be able to find my answers intellectually. Why does it seem so hard to step away from the computer, when it is so obvious I need to do something more resourceful or loving for myself?
I find it really helpful to stop and say a prayer. I am letting the Divine Mind know that there are answers I am seeking and would appreciate the flow of clarity and wisdom that will help me to receive. And I might make sure that I also ask to be a better receiver, what they speak of in Buddhism as beginner's mind. When my mind — or my heart — is not open to receive, there will not be any clarity for me in that moment.
After a prayer, gifts come to me that look very different than the answers I had imagined. If I am not able to receive my answer clearly from within my heart, in perfect synchronicity a book might fall off the shelf in front of me. I may be in a store and overhear a conversation, or a friend will mention a class she took and will give me insight to the answers I am seeking.
The Universe is conspiring to support us in every way. Our willingness to have an open mind and heart offers us the ways to receive all that we need in every area of life.
Divine Presence,
I offer to you this decision I need to make. I offer to you the questions in my life that require clarity. I offer to you my work, my relationships and my Well-being.
Thank you for bringing me the support, the clarity and the answers that I require to thrive in the physical world. As I begin to trust myself more and more, allow me to begin to be a willing participant in the transformation of my life. Help me to open my receptive channels so I can be inspired deep within, with true knowing from my soul's highest wisdom. I ask to integrate this wisdom within my being to assist me in living a more fulfilling life in the world.
For these and all my blessings, I am filled with Gratitude and Love. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
June 16, 2019
I know this card is telling me to settle down, breathe more slowly, take some time to be still, and THEN I will have the answer. Sometimes my rebellious nature shows up, making me feel impatient. That is when I really need to go for a walk, do some yoga, dance to loud music, or something else of a physical nature.
Those are the times when my mind has gone on mental overload and there is no way I will be able to find my answers intellectually. Why does it seem so hard to step away from the computer, when it is so obvious I need to do something more resourceful or loving for myself?
I find it really helpful to stop and say a prayer. I am letting the Divine Mind know that there are answers I am seeking and would appreciate the flow of clarity and wisdom that will help me to receive. And I might make sure that I also ask to be a better receiver, what they speak of in Buddhism as beginner's mind. When my mind — or my heart — is not open to receive, there will not be any clarity for me in that moment.
After a prayer, gifts come to me that look very different than the answers I had imagined. If I am not able to receive my answer clearly from within my heart, in perfect synchronicity a book might fall off the shelf in front of me. I may be in a store and overhear a conversation, or a friend will mention a class she took and will give me insight to the answers I am seeking.
The Universe is conspiring to support us in every way. Our willingness to have an open mind and heart offers us the ways to receive all that we need in every area of life.
Divine Presence,
I offer to you this decision I need to make. I offer to you the questions in my life that require clarity. I offer to you my work, my relationships and my Well-being.
Thank you for bringing me the support, the clarity and the answers that I require to thrive in the physical world. As I begin to trust myself more and more, allow me to begin to be a willing participant in the transformation of my life. Help me to open my receptive channels so I can be inspired deep within, with true knowing from my soul's highest wisdom. I ask to integrate this wisdom within my being to assist me in living a more fulfilling life in the world.
For these and all my blessings, I am filled with Gratitude and Love. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
June 16, 2019
The Gabriel Messages #16
Be aware that the answers to all you are seeking are within you.
Dear One,
When you are in harmony with your heart's intelligence, seeking answers to your life's questions outside yourself will seldom be necessary. This seems impossible to you and yet this is a time when people no longer need an intermediary to be in tune with God, the Source of all Life.
There has been a quickening in the vibrational frequencies on and around planet Earth. Because you are an electrical being, you are very much affected by this increased Light. A higher level of energy enables you to attune yourself to a finer vibration, which allows you to consciously receive the resonance of wisdom and love from the Divine Mind. Wisdom and love come through your energy field as light energy, which carries with it information allowing you to live more in harmony with the needs of your soul.
This means that as you pray and meditate, you raise your vibration and draw to yourself, like a magnet, a high frequency of light and love-filled energy. As this energy permeates your being, it opens your mind to receive answers to any question you put forth. You have the capacity to be a conduit for information, as well as for the ecstasy of God's love.
It may not seem possible to receive answers to complicated questions. Yet this is true only when fear and doubt cloud your perception. Pray to receive clearly, and pray to know the truth that is in your highest good. You can ask to know beyond a shadow of a doubt. Then you can follow the "Diamond Covenant of Moses." This declares that you are willing to do whatever is revealed to you, when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that which is in your highest good. This willingness to follow your inner guidance sets up a flow of energy through you, which allows your Higher Self to be attuned to your conscious mind.
When you are in a relaxed and expanded state of being, you have access to all the wisdom of the universe. The Angels are available to flood your mind with love and light if you ask. When your being is filled with love and light, you understand consciously what steps to take in any situation. This inner knowing may not be immediately apparent to your conscious mind. However, as you go about your day, you will begin to respond to all situations with greater calm and certainty. When you look back, you will see how you just "knew" what to do.
Try writing your question on a piece of paper. Have it with a pen close to you as you meditate, and pray to know the truth beyond a shadow of a doubt. Ask that your Higher Self be in tune with Divine Mind. Now sit, breathe in a rhythmic way, and allow your mind and body to relax. Visualize yourself sitting in a pillar of golden light connecting Heaven and Earth. After sufficient uninterrupted time, you may feel the impulse to write.
While you pray and meditate, you are in an expanded consciousness. From this place all answers are obvious, yet the critical nature of the mind loves to make judgments. Do not read your answer right away. This will defuse your inner critic. After an hour or so, go back and read what you have written. Most likely you will surprise yourself with the simple, practical solutions to your questions. With practice this process becomes easier, as you set up a direct conduit to your higher self, that part of you in touch with the Angelic Dimensions and Divine Guidance.
This is the dawning age of direct guidance and wisdom. You no longer need priests, gurus or those outside yourself to show you what is in your highest good. This does not mean that teachers and role models are not important. It does mean that you do not have to seek outside yourself to find the answers to your most important questions. No one else knows more than you what is right for your life. When you are aligned with God and spend quiet time in prayer and meditation, all that you want to know will be there for you.
So remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:
Be aware that the answers to all you are seeking are within you.
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
June 16, 2019
When you are in harmony with your heart's intelligence, seeking answers to your life's questions outside yourself will seldom be necessary. This seems impossible to you and yet this is a time when people no longer need an intermediary to be in tune with God, the Source of all Life.
There has been a quickening in the vibrational frequencies on and around planet Earth. Because you are an electrical being, you are very much affected by this increased Light. A higher level of energy enables you to attune yourself to a finer vibration, which allows you to consciously receive the resonance of wisdom and love from the Divine Mind. Wisdom and love come through your energy field as light energy, which carries with it information allowing you to live more in harmony with the needs of your soul.
This means that as you pray and meditate, you raise your vibration and draw to yourself, like a magnet, a high frequency of light and love-filled energy. As this energy permeates your being, it opens your mind to receive answers to any question you put forth. You have the capacity to be a conduit for information, as well as for the ecstasy of God's love.
It may not seem possible to receive answers to complicated questions. Yet this is true only when fear and doubt cloud your perception. Pray to receive clearly, and pray to know the truth that is in your highest good. You can ask to know beyond a shadow of a doubt. Then you can follow the "Diamond Covenant of Moses." This declares that you are willing to do whatever is revealed to you, when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that which is in your highest good. This willingness to follow your inner guidance sets up a flow of energy through you, which allows your Higher Self to be attuned to your conscious mind.
When you are in a relaxed and expanded state of being, you have access to all the wisdom of the universe. The Angels are available to flood your mind with love and light if you ask. When your being is filled with love and light, you understand consciously what steps to take in any situation. This inner knowing may not be immediately apparent to your conscious mind. However, as you go about your day, you will begin to respond to all situations with greater calm and certainty. When you look back, you will see how you just "knew" what to do.
Try writing your question on a piece of paper. Have it with a pen close to you as you meditate, and pray to know the truth beyond a shadow of a doubt. Ask that your Higher Self be in tune with Divine Mind. Now sit, breathe in a rhythmic way, and allow your mind and body to relax. Visualize yourself sitting in a pillar of golden light connecting Heaven and Earth. After sufficient uninterrupted time, you may feel the impulse to write.
While you pray and meditate, you are in an expanded consciousness. From this place all answers are obvious, yet the critical nature of the mind loves to make judgments. Do not read your answer right away. This will defuse your inner critic. After an hour or so, go back and read what you have written. Most likely you will surprise yourself with the simple, practical solutions to your questions. With practice this process becomes easier, as you set up a direct conduit to your higher self, that part of you in touch with the Angelic Dimensions and Divine Guidance.
This is the dawning age of direct guidance and wisdom. You no longer need priests, gurus or those outside yourself to show you what is in your highest good. This does not mean that teachers and role models are not important. It does mean that you do not have to seek outside yourself to find the answers to your most important questions. No one else knows more than you what is right for your life. When you are aligned with God and spend quiet time in prayer and meditation, all that you want to know will be there for you.
So remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:
Be aware that the answers to all you are seeking are within you.
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
June 16, 2019
About Shanta
Shanta Gabriel is an author, teacher and healer,whose life is devoted to Bridging Heaven and Earth. She began her studies with an Indian Shaktipat master of the ancient Science of Sound in 1977. It is the inspired ancient practices she received at the ashram and has used in 40 years of training, that she offers to others in her programs.
Her work with the Archangels began in 1988. She shares this work through alignment, immersion, and transmissions from the Archangels through her classes, membership groups and private sessions. Her mission is to facilitate and invite people into a direct experience of Infinite Intelligence and Divine Love.
For more information about her classes as well as private sessions and products, visit
Compiled by from:
- Shanta Gabriel <>
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