Elites fighting desperately against Global Slave Revolt.
Benjamin Fulford Full Report.

There can be no doubt about it… Planet Earth is in the middle of a Slave Revolt!
We are living through times that will be written about thousands of years from now. We are witnessing the overthrow of an ancient control system involving murder, lies, and bribery. The inbred family group controlling this system of Babylonian debt slavery is called the Khazarian Mafia… or more simply the Cabal. The epicenter of this revolt is the United States.
Although there are huge clouds of disinformation being spewed out by all sides, let’s try to summarize what’s going on. The trigger event was the bankruptcy of the Cabal owned UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION on February 16th, 2020, a date that will live on in history. The Chinese, in essence, told the Cabal they would no longer accept their debt certificates. Instead, they said that from now on payment is required in gold or other things that really exist.
The Cabal, anticipating this event, tried to bow the Chinese into submission with a failed biological weapons attack and a more successful electromagnetic attack using 5G and satellites. This attack probably caused millions of casualties in Wuhan, China, according to CIA sources who secretly visited Wuhan after the attack.
Meanwhile, the bankruptcy of the U.S. Corporation triggered an undeclared civil war in the United States that is still raging on. Here is how British MI6 intelligence views the situation.
“It appears to be the restoration of the First Federal Republic over the second secret (Masonic) illegal constitution. The collaterals suggest the CEO of the Colony Corporation of the District of Columbia has been sworn into the correct constitution. Civil war is on the horizon there.”
That is why U.S. President Donald Trump no longer uses the Presidential seal.
Pentagon sources say: “Martial law is complete as all 50 states are under disaster declarations, joint special operations command (JSOC) has received marching orders, and Trump declares himself a wartime president.” That’s why one million reserve troops have been mobilized.
“It appears the top dogs of Hollywood, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and others, may have been detained or kept under house arrest,” the sources say.
At the same time several U.S. states, notably California, have declared themselves independent from the regime in Washington DC. California Governor Gavin Newsom said that “as a nation-state” California would acquire the hospital supplies that the federal government has failed to provide and might even “export some of those supplies to states in need.”
Two separate personal contacts living in California report they have seen tanks on the streets there. There are also multiple non-natural earthquakes being detected around the Area 51 base in Nevada and the military underground bases in California.
Pentagon sources say “Cabal tunnels stretch from Mexico to Canada, so war on…
Mexican Cartels was declared to stop the flow of drugs, arms, humans, children, terrorists, and money.”
There is also a crackdown taking place in Israel the Pentagon sources say, noting “Israel under Passover lockdown may make it easy to round up war criminals and terrorists.”
The culling in Israel appears to have started with the “coronavirus death” of former Israeli Chief Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron who has called for the murder of Jews who marry non-Jews.
This war is by no means over and the elite are fighting back hard. This is seen, for example, in the call to vaccinate everyone with what is likely to be a cocktail of toxic substances including microchips, CIA sources say.
The Cabal killed Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s daughter and granddaughter in revenge for warning about the dangers of their vaccines, MI6 sources say. Kennedy says:
“Indian doctors blame the [Bill and Melinda] Gates campaign for a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children.”
Also, as a sign of who he really works for, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Thursday that “Canadians won’t be able to return to life as they knew it before the novel coronavirus pandemic until a vaccine is available.” Justin, the son of Fidel Castro, almost certainly murdered his brother, the real son of Pierre Trudeau, in order to become Prime Minister.
The elite are also using the fake pandemic and quarantine in order to force the population into surrendering their human rights. As a result, “instead of workers now demanding a restoration of wages, hours, and workplace rights, they are clamoring for any chance to work at all, under any conditions handed down. Elites can ‘afford’ to do this because they’ve been given trillions of dollars to do so,” notes writer Joaquin Flores.
The Stanford Advocate notes freedoms are being drastically curtailed:
“While leaders around the world fight the spread of the coronavirus, they’re amassing sweeping new powers. As legislatures limit or suspend activities in the name of social distancing, many of the norms that define democracy – elections, deliberation and debate, checks and balances – have been put on indefinite hold… France and Bolivia have postponed elections. Peru handed its president broad new legislative authority. Israel sharply ramped up the reach of its surveillance state.”
More and more people are waking up to the fact that the coronavirus being used to curtail freedoms around the world – is fake. Dr. Scott Jensen, a Republican State Senator from Minnesota, for example, says doctors have been ordered by the U.S. government to label all deaths as coming from the “coronavirus.”
A CIA doctor sent us this comment:
“I work in healthcare. When patients in two hospitals I work at die, if they have ANY respiratory issues, we are ordered to put COVID on the death certificate. These patients were never even tested for the virus. Cancer, trauma, blood loss deaths are now all COVID deaths. If you are sick, almost everyone gets oxygen. So if you die, COVID is placed on your death certificate! This is a scamdemic! It’s all lies!”
The CIA source also sent us the following:
“The Coronavirus originated from the city of Wuhan in China and has now reached every corner of the world. But this virus has not reached Beijing, the capital of China, and the economic-capital Shanghai near Wuhan, why …?Beijing is the city where all the leaders of China live. Military-leaders live here, those who run the power of China live here and there is no lock-down in Beijing! It is open! Corona has no effect here, why …?Shanghai is the city that runs the economy, it is the economic capital of China, where all the rich people in China live! Those who keep the industry running, there is no lock-down here, corona has no effect here…! * Why …? “
As we noticed last week the bioweapons’ laboratory at the epicenter of this “coronavirus,” is owned by the Soros Foundation, a Rothschild front. We informed the Chinese that the Coronavirus had been traced to their facility at “666 Gaoxin Road,” in Wuhan, China.
The fact this information is not on the front pages of Chinese newspapers is telling.
The reason, apparently, is there were secret communications last week between the Rothschilds and the Chinese, according to Asian Secret Society sources. The Rothschilds said they had devices in Russia aimed at China. The Chinese responded by saying if they were attacked again they would retaliate by obliterating Switzerland and Israel. Instead of war, they offered to sell the Rothschilds 1,000 tons of gold and are still awaiting a formal answer. The Asians have made it clear the current situation cannot be resolved by force, only by cooperation. Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai says:
“Let’s work together to respond to this global crisis, to save people’s lives, to save the future of the global economy, and to save the future of the global community. This is our paramount task.” Cui calls for “a new and effective global governance system…based on mutual respect and…full recognition of diversity.”
The UN will at the very least be radically restructured under an improved system of governance. Right now they are short of funds. “We understand that there is money in the pipeline, though it has not been officially received,” said Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General of the UN last week.
The Asians are also cracking down on coronavirus fear-mongering. That’s why, “At least 266 people have been arrested for posting coronavirus-related information in 10 Asian countries, from Thailand to India and Mongolia, according to an AFP tally based on police reports.”
Asian Secret Society sources say their membership is now figuring out the coronavirus is fake. However, the 5G electromagnetic attacks are the real threat, so they are dealing with it. For those of you who still do not understand the 5g threat is not “fake news,” please look at this article backed by about 100 scientific citations.
MI6 sources say:
“We see this whole thing as hybrid warfare against the world’s nation-states, so by having the Prime Minister-executive leader of Great Britain going down, the rest of the world’s leaders should be galvanized, which they now are, etc.”
In other words, they may have faked Johnsons’ “coronavirus,” in order to successfully scare other world leaders into action.
In Japan, the military is preparing action against the fraudulently installed regime of slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, because he has been pushing 5G and is causing the economy to collapse with the fake pandemic, say Japanese right-wing sources close to the Emperor.
Meanwhile, as more and more people wake up to the fake pandemic, there are signs of Project Blue Beam holograms all over the world. Here are examples from Indonesia, Israel and various parts of the U.S. Keep your head up as there may be a show – coming soon – to the skies above you too. This is just a small part of the fake end-times party being organized and carried out, multiple sources agree.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQlusHAycuQ
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwKDy6uQfAw&t=217s
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0v0ckt9jIY&t=13s
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww6wtt43X4Y&t=46s
We also note that the shutdown of most non-essential commercial activity has already been a boon for nature. I was able to take the following picture at my local park.

The goal is to have a world in harmony with nature, where everybody has a healthy and happy standard of living. This planet can be a turned into a heaven intended for all, including an immortal spirit for those who wish it. Remember that even though humanity is winning, the battle for Planet Earth is not over. We all need to do our part.
Benjamin Fulford
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:
- https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/search?q=Benjamin+Fulford
- http://violetflame.biz.ly/cgi-bin/blog?tags=benjamin+fulford
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Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.
Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.
Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone.
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