A Chama da Ascensão


Domingo, 24 / 05 / 20

Lightworker Mission Statement and Working with GFL While you’re Asleep

Lightworker Mission Statement and Working with GFL While you’re Asleep

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted May 23th, 2020



Lightworker Mission Statement:
As a lightworker, your task is to wake up, either gradually or quickly, to your role on this planet. You have come from another world or another dimension where you were embodied or not, to take the role of a human earthling of higher consciousness and to work along with the Galactic Federation of Light in liberating humanity on earth from their alien controllers.
In your previous lives as a galactic being, you attained higher states of consciousness, some even becoming Masters of this Universe or having risen above that. Regardless of your level of consciousness, you have been trained for the work you are doing here during the day and at nighttime, as you board galactic ships and work with your teams to advance the spirituality of humanity on earth and to liberate earth from the hands of its evil controllers.
You were born a lightworker and you have trained for that role throughout this lifetime as well. Technically, you are a hybrid consciousness, partly of earth and partly of your home planet/dimension.
Roles of the lightworker include holding Light, grid creation, helping other lightworkers to wake up, healing, channeling messages to earth, caring for earth’s eco-system, and more.
Specific tasks can include: weather manipulation, reversing polarities on the planet, influencing the collective consciousness, transmuting dark energy, battling dark entities, teaching others, reporting the truth.
We are currently using social media to create a new system of Light – Light being information spread as truth to all upon planet Earth.
One of the key jobs of the lightworker is to OVERCOME MIND CONTROL. This means working with your shadow to align your ego with your soul. We are here to master our emotions, overcome fear, master our ego’s and to house our higher selves. Until this is done, little of your role on earth will be revealed to you, as the Light does not shine through your ego – it is of higher soul frequency. Until the soul is accessed, you will be on a learning journey of understanding limitations you’ve imposed upon yourself and overcoming them.
Learning to be open hearted, integrous, authentic, virtuous, and committed to the Truth is the primary hallmark of a lightworker. Saving this planet is our primary purpose.
Me: Ivo, I know that at night time lightworkers are fully aware of their roles as GFL members on the ships, and now I’m being asked more frequently about what’s going on as we sleep.
An interesting post I just saw is one woman was saying she woke up with scratches all over her body and fears she may be being attacked at night time by dark entities/ETs. Can you please elaborate on this? What are we doing at night? Why would someone wake up with scratches and how should we understand this when we wake in the morning?
Ivo: My love, good question. Indeed. Many of you are Light Warriors as well as Lightworkers. The Lightworker works with the Light, raising the frequency on earth but Light Warriors are actively involved, in the astral and on your physical plane, with the removal of dark entities from your planet and the lower astral plane.
So if you have dreams of battles at night time, frequent nightmares and you wake up with scratches, then it is quite possible that you have been involved in battle with the dark forces.
What, in fact, you are working with as you battle are the energies. So in fact your bodies, being the carriers of these energies are the weapons that are used against the dark ones. Some do like to carry a sword or another implement that helps with the focus of these energies but you are annihilating these anti-life forms by infusing them with life energy.
We often use gamma, theta or photon rays which come out of the hands, feet, fingers and eyes, and now you see why we do not make such a habit of telling you what you have been up to at night time. You cannot create these energies at such a low frequency as your physical body and it takes a strong mind in order to do this, which you currently physically do not have.
Me: So we’re shooting death rays out of our eyeballs on the astral plane? Okay, no wonder I wake up tired some mornings.
Ivo: It depends on the project. At times you are in your lower earth, fighting the occupation there, other times you are fighting ships out in the galaxy. You are capable of travelling through space without protection and directing energies towards these ships.
Me: Phasers on stun, Scotty!
Ivo: If you will. You jest but you are doing God’s work. Eliminating these anti-life beings is of the utmost importance.
You are powerful beings when you are fully aware and fully functional and you help us with our work as we go on raids or anticipate malevolent activity on the planet. We have collectively saved many people.
Me: Why would someone wake up with scratches, then?
Ivo: At times, as the template is scratched, it incorporates into the physical realm. Any injuries incurred during the night are typically healed before you wake up. Otherwise you would be as this woman was, wondering where she got all the scratches from.
Me: So she was in some kind of hand to hand battle with probably reptilians, I guess.
Ivo: Hand to hand is also possible, yes. At times we are ambushed, and we must fight our way out of a situation. We have the upper hand. They cannot produce the same energies as we can and their guns can be whisked away quickly with just a thought. They are no match for us. The only difference is the physical strength of a reptilian or a draconian, and when they materialize behind us, it is possible they would have the upper hand for a moment.
Me: Thank you Ivo.
Ivo: My love, do not fear going to bed.
Me: I don’t. I know I can deal with them, as a matter of fact, let me at them! I know already that Archangel Michael and I go to the lower fourth to stir up some hell, so I knew I was doing this. I have the odd scratch, nothing huge.
Ivo: You are the incarnation of the Goddess of War and Wisdom, and you combine both well in our nightly sojourns. You do, however, pick up on it emotionally and this is transferred through at times in nightmares.
Me: I have friends who wake up screaming at times.
Ivo: This could be why as well.
Me: Thanks, Ivo.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 16:29
Terça-feira, 19 / 05 / 20

What to Live for

What to Live for

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted May 17th, 2020



My post today: Ever notice that the ego’s out there have to keep commenting on your comment?
I commented on a post this morning and someone commented. She gave me an explanation of how she felt about the subject and I replied, “Suit yourself.” The comment wasn’t even directed at her, but for some reason she felt she should include herself in the conversation, which is one of the things I complain about with social media: it’s a free for all and anyone can comment on what you say. She commented again. I didn’t respond. So she commented again, and again. I blocked her.
I have no need to prove what I say as being correct. This person may have been spoiling for an argument by opposing me. Okay, suit yourself. It’s your life. I wouldn’t give her the gratification.
Which is ANOTHER THING I learned when I was in the 12 steps: They say, “Give up the need to be right.” I have. I channel a lot of my posts and trust Ivo and Athena to give me the words to express.
When you give up the need to be right, this need can then be replaced with a plethora of other needs that suit you better, and help all those on earth, such as:
– practising your need to spread love
– practising your need to spread the truth
– practising your need to nurture others
– practising your need to master your self
– practising your need to remain peaceful
– practising your need to help others 
(again, wait until it’s asked for)

AND THERE ARE MORE, these are the few that have come to mind right now.
What is your need when you interact with others?
Me: Ivo, can you comment on this post please? I think this would make a good video. To remind people that they have to get their ego under control if they want to hear their higher self, and that there is more to discussing matters with other people than the perverse enjoyment of trying to dominate them, which is what the need to be right is – it’s the need to own everyone you speak to and be better than they are.
Ivo: My love, we have discussed this in other videos, I believe, this issue of arrogance and practising the power over others structure.
There are many objectives to strive towards in conversation with others rather than the need to dominate them or to be right. You have suggested some examples and we can discuss these as well as add more into the mix.
Me: Great!
Ivo: Practicing your need to spread love. This is a worthwhile endeavour. People are not always receptive and others are in it to take advantage, but overlooking these problems, being loving towards others is a wonderful way to use your energy. Energy, in fact, should flow outwards towards others, not inwards towards yourself. Also when you are in conversation and maintain a stance of lovingness even towards those who are not reciprocal, it still benefits you as well as the world in general.
Practicing your need to spread the Truth. This is a highly advantageous position in your world today. If you are one who understands the truth of your common dilemma, then you are indeed blessed, and frankly you are also obligated to tell others as well. You were given this information so that you would share it, as is the fourth dimensional stance for the human – to share with others, not to continue to hold on to this knowledge for yourself, as this is a third dimensional standpoint.
Nurturing and helping others are closely related, so we will speak of them in one point. In fact this falls under loving others, and yes, you must ask first if the help is desired otherwise you run afoul of their free will, and fall into the “power over others” structure again. Giving another the knowledge, love or the energy to move ahead in their own life’s process is indeed a benevolent practise.
We shall also discuss practicing the need to master one’s self, as well as mastering the need to remain peaceful under all circumstances in one point. I will explain that your power is love and love functions best while you are in a higher state. These higher states can only be reached while one is peaceful and tranquil; otherwise the energy drops in vibrational frequency and works against the good of the experiencer and the collective. Peace is the first step to self mastery. Not reacting to provocation is another healthy step. Maintaining your own sense of self rather than losing energy to another who would think to provoke you, such as your conversation of this morning, my love, indicates that you are in control of your own energy. Of course there will be further testing.
Me: Of course. What’s the next step? Not getting triggered by anyone and reacting to their provocation when they’re trying to steal your energy. What’s next, Ivo?
Ivo: My love, you are in the perfect place. You see chaos around you, and to walk as a peaceful person in a world of flurry and stress, not worried about the trials and tribulations you see being played out around you. Containing your peace despite all evidence that perhaps you too, should become unwell, because that is what being unpeaceful leads to – unwellness.
Me: I know that.
Ivo: And so you would live contrarily to everyone around you. Being able to hold your own mindset when the mindsets of everyone else are on a stressful frequency, being the eye in the middle of the storm, being the calm on a windy day, being at peace with yourself when all around you appears to be falling apart….. that is self mastery at your level.
Me: Aha. So that’s the next step.
Ivo: You are headed there.
Me: Not always.
Ivo: I make you aware of when you have fallen short of the mark.
Me: I know. LOL
Ivo: Imagine the power of the one who walks in peace when all around him are fraught with stress, overwhelmed with negative energy.
Me: Yup.
Ivo: When you have this level of self control, you are a master and your powers of changing the nature of life will increase. We are now working with you to change the weather, but there will be more challenges ahead for you as you master these lessons of self control.
Yes, so what other practices can one assume for themselves as they rise out of bed in the morning?
Perhaps the need to see all as being divine parts of God
Perhaps the need to see all as being One, not separate
Perhaps the need to love those who you might earlier have declared your enemy (Yes, the other day you wished your ex a happy birthday and he was such an enemy of yours.)
Me: Ivo, I knew him 40 years ago.
Ivo: And the impact he had on your love relations was detrimental, to be sure. He sent a message to you that you have fought against for so many years and you realize now that knowing him empowered you. Yes, I hear you calling him a jerk, but he was a good teacher because he taught you to stand in your power. You found him extremely beguiling, attractive and desirable, yet you had to fight off these feelings of attraction because you knew you had to learn to say no and stand up to his abuse for your own sake, and you did it.
Me: True.
Ivo: This was a man you would have wanted to have in your life longer than was the case and far less casually, but you had to say no to him because he was no good for you and you knew it.
Me: True.
Ivo: You have always lamented that what you’d hoped he’d be for you was different than who he was for you, because you wanted this man. It took a lot for you to release him but you did it. You refused his abuse before it became extreme. You do not see these things as we do. We feel you did quite well. It was not so much that he was your sworn enemy, my love, it was because he did not give you the love you wanted from him. He could not love you and this was why you were angry at him.
Me: Yes. I see that.
Ivo: Other needs that one can work on:
The need to love one’s self
The need to maintain self discipline
The need to set limits with one’s self and others where appropriate
The need to assert one’s self and to say no when necessary
The need to set one’s best interests ahead of all – to honour the self and release those who dishonour you, such as my love did with her man of 40 years ago.
Me: He wasn’t the only one.
Ivo: Yes, and you continuously released men who could not and would not love you. It was also pointed out recently to you, that these men had the propensity to become your handler, had you allowed the relationships to continue. In spite of the way you felt you were unlovable, you continued to release these men who could not love you, hence you did understand yourself to be lovable and would settle for nothing less. Do you understand?
Me: Yes.
Ivo: And to all those of the divine feminine and masculine who have released unsuitable partners or suitors, this lesson pertains to you as well. The reason you are releasing them is because you are not believing that you are unlovable, you understand that you very much are. Sharon has, many times, not realized the reason she behaved was out of self love and it has been my point to show her that it was there all along.
These are all avenues to self mastery. They can all be practiced daily and in relation to other people. When one experiences failure, then it is simply a question of trying again.
When one has power over the self, a world of powers await.
Me: Thank you, Ivo.
Ivo: My love, you are a model of admiration for me and others who see the challenges you have faced and have prevailed through. We applaud your strength and your continuous humility which encourages others to surmount their challenges but hardly recognizes your own.
Me: Is that humility or a form of neglect, really, Ivo? I know I do that. Well, maybe another video.
(He’s telling me you don’t applaud yourself for things you innately know how to do.)

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 05:28
Terça-feira, 12 / 05 / 20

We’re in 4D Now

We’re in 4D Now

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted May 11th, 2020



Okay, Ivo and I are going to channel on this. Change of rules, guys.
We’re in 4D.
When I was in the 12 steps, we were taught to do inventory on our problems so that we could finally get some peace. Yes, we made amends to others preferably face to face, for our part in things, but it was always emphasized that the one who benefits from this amends making was us; they could take it any way they wanted.
That was 3D. This is 4D. The rules have changed.
Being 5D means you’re aware of the Law of One and you work for the good of the collective consciousness, recognizing you’re a part of that, but I don’t believe that you as an individual gain any inordinate sense of entitlement in this recognition. In fact what I believe 5D is about is sacrificing so that others can enjoy what you have. Let’s face it, the galactics wouldn’t be here if they were selfish, would they?
So, 4D is smack in the middle of that. I believe when you resolve a problem, now you have to do it not only for yourself but resolve it so that the other party benefits as well.
I was told that my neighbours who steal from my garden at my old place are to be considered in the last plant I have there: my rhubarb plant. I was going to move it to the small patch I have here so nobody can touch it, but I’ve decided it gets water where it is, and if I take the first batch of rhubarb and freeze it, they can have whatever grows afterwards. This, I was told, was a 4D solution.
Ivo, I’m sure you told me this, being my guide and all, but can we have your comments please?
Ivo: My love, the fourth density aligns with the heart. You have had an open heart primarily throughout your lifetime, although you have learned to close it often in response to lower frequency behaviours that you were exposed to, and this of course, was the intention of the dark ones by introducing lower frequency humans into your life. Our intention, that of the Light, was that you learn to keep your heart open despite the way that you are being treated, and you have been slow to learn this. However this is the path through the fourth dimension.
Me: You want to live here?
Ivo: I see it was difficult, my dear. However when one closes the heart instead of allowing love to flow to those who annoy, or even those who seek to destroy you, as your parents did, this puts you at a disadvantage. You are a human and you are love.
Of course in the third dimension you were taught that you would be crazy to accept and love someone who has treated you so malevolently. This is taught to you, of course, as a means of keeping disharmony going throughout your world, and you learned this lesson, following the examples of those who enacted this for you.
Had you not taken on any rancor at these malicious acts, in fact you would have come through it all with no scars but this was not the case.
Now that you are in the fourth dimension, it is imperative that you all learn to love everyone, even your worst enemy. This is what Jesus did, and this was his path of ascension.
No, my love, he is not special. He is the one who has enacted for you the lesson you need to learn now. Follow his example, not that of your parents. That is why Jesus came to help you. To give you this message so that you too, would be untouched by negativity upon your world.
So, yes, the solution is different now in the fourth density. Third dimensional solutions of selfishness are not allowable anymore. As you noted, the problems will stay with you until you make an effort to create a mutually satisfactory response. If you hold rancor or resentment, it is because the solution you have sought is of too low frequency.
Me: What about my neighbour next door, Mr Fancy Pants, who’s in his own little drama of being Mr Sexy Man. He figures he can sneak over and get laid whenever his wife is in bed. How do I work that out? If he gets mad at me for saying no, am I supposed to give him what he wants?
Ivo: In fact not, my love. It would work in this way: that you say no and no matter his response to you, that you do not become angry with him. He needs to learn his lesson and you have been set up to teach him, however it would be best if, in future, if you two are still on speaking terms. This is an acceptable forth dimensional solution.
Me: What if he doesn’t do it, though?
Ivo: Then you cannot do anything about it.
Me: How does this make it different from my other neighbour who steals my vegetables from my garden? I have to give him some of my rhubarb after I’ve taken what I want. I can’t hoard the plant for myself?
Ivo: This is a different situation. Reference the 10 commandments.
Me: There’s no rhubarb on there.
Ivo: It references adultery on it and this would be in line with your neighbour’s intentions. These are the exceptions.
Understand by the way that you feel about the rhubarb that you are okay with the situation.
Me: I am. I can live with that. He can have some. He doesn’t even have to ask, because he won’t.
Ivo: And so, you accept him as he is. That is a major step forward because you have high expectations of people who cannot deliver.
Me: I do. How about some more examples?
Ivo: This was one of theft, a particular problem you have with others. You must switch your thinking to that of abundance, because you have, in that rhubarb plant, more rhubarb than you would eat in a season. That plant is giving of itself as nature does, and you have more than you would want in one plant. That is abundance.
Me: True. Another example, then.
Ivo: Your driving.
Me: Oh yes.
Ivo: When you drive with your music so loud, you are not serenading the city.
Me: It’s just a joke.
Ivo: People are annoyed at the sound.
Me: It’s only for a second.
Ivo: My love, you are on an ascension path. Perhaps some consideration of others would be in order. Do not take your own need of hearing Deep Purple at a high volume, to be the only need.
Me: I love loud music.
Ivo: Then play it loud for yourself but do not keep turning it up so you can hear it down the block, my love.
Then there is your impatience. When you are impatient of others, you are being selfish. You do not own the world, and you must share it with others who sometimes take a long time.
Me: Yeah, at the drive thru. All he was doing was ordering hamburgers, what does that take?
Ivo: Apparently a lot for some people. You were not very patient.
Me: I was hungry.
Ivo: And this is another thing, my love, these are excuses. Yes, you were hungry but in fact who is in charge, you or your stomach?
Me: My stomach.
Ivo: I persist in saying to you, my dear, these are excuses. You are in charge of your behaviour at all times, and it must be carried out in such a way now that you are considerate of others and do not display any ill will towards them, for whatever reason. You are leaving the third dimension and evolving beyond your learning, and this new behaviour must be practised.
Me: Got it. Yeah, I guess Jesus wasn’t a loud music loving hothead, was he?
Ivo: In the case of the bank who overcharged you on interact charges during the Covid period where you cannot use cash to pay for any of your charges, in fact, you can take responsibility for your half of the problem and admit that you could have bought coffee cards to purchase coffee rather than incur interact charges for a $2.00 cup of coffee. The other is that your salad purchases can also be purchased with a card. This was shown to you so that you will take financial responsibility for your spending.
Many do not take responsibility for their spending, and some shoot off irate letters to bank CEOs rather than look at their options. This is blaming, my love, and this is third dimensional behaviour. You are not seeing your part in it.
Me: Ivo, I’m so lucky to have you! LOL
Ivo: You are indeed. You must take responsibility for your spending and do not blame when you fall short. You understand that this current shortage was caused by a number of things, and that you had indeed created the situation of the large car maintenance bill and Merlin getting feline herpes. You do ask, “What if….” and this must be halted. You asked, “What if I have a huge car bill and the cat gets sick?” and this is what happened. These things, too, your thoughts must also be taken responsibility for otherwise you will create your fears.
And for those now living through corona virus scares, this is particularly so. Do not fear it as you may create the need to suffer it, or some other undue circumstance created by the new world order plan to control you. Do not allow yourselves to be controlled by fear.
This is the fourth dimension, and mutuality and a more loving approach to life is the way forward. Not fear. Fear is third dimensional. You are leaving fear and opening the heart to embrace love of all others. Practice this now and this will aid your ascension.
Me: Thanks, Ivo. …. (singing) Smoke on the Water…..
Ivo: It is unfortunate their choice of music but these men are very talented musicians indeed. I do not enjoy this taste in music that you have, but thankfully it is not your only musical outlet. Your love of Ritchie Blackmore’s guitar solo on Black Knight is particularly disturbing, but I understand it exhilarates you and so I tolerate it. I must ride near you when you are in the car, my “disco ball” as you call it is always near you. It rides in the back seat of your car with you as does Merton ride above you with his ship. He too, must listen to your music. Would it be possible for you to change your music from time to time to give us a break?
Me: I can put on Three Dog Night. I like them too.
Ivo: This would be acceptable, my dear. There is more psychedelica you enjoy so these songs would also be more pallatable for our ears. Thank you my love.
Me: Okay, thanks Ivo. I’ll buy some psychedelic 60’s and load it to my mp4 player.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 16:16
Quarta-feira, 29 / 04 / 20

Do you Believe in Abundance?

Do you Believe in Abundance?

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted April 28th, 2020



Me: So you didn’t think I’d figure it out, did you Ivo?
Ivo: I did not, my love. So I gave you the answer. We have been scheduled to discuss limiting beliefs for a while and the subject did not come up. So I will tell you now, there is one belief that so few of you believe in on your planet and that is the crux of the matter: You do not believe in abundance. You believe in scarcity.
I refer to scarcity of money (lack), scarcity of good health (illness), scarcity of love (loneliness, abandonment), scarcity of friends, scarcity of employment, scarcity of common sense or intelligence is another scarcity many lament upon your planet. Your planet is the inverse of the galaxy – the galaxy thrives on its abundance. We believe in it and thus we create it for ourselves and we never have to go without.
Now your people are facing their scarcity issues. They are not allowed to work at this time and many are going without food, or cash. They are lining up for the food bank because they were caught unaware. Those who got wind of the impending lockdown, ran out to buy goods they would need and apparently a scarcity of toilet paper is not a thing you would wish to suffer so you in fact created that scarcity for others because of your own fears.
Your world is out of balance because most people believe in scarcity. They believe what they want will not be given to them. That is the crux of your problems on earth and how you have been able to be controlled – through an impovershed consciousness. Because you believe it is someone else’s job to provide what you need to you. As if you were children.
It is your own job to provide what you need for yourself. You are creators. And you have been tricked into creating lack for yourselves while others have stolen your abundance from you.
When you focus on a problem, you are in fact focusing on what is wrong or lacking, rather than what is abundant in your lives.
Your people’s one large limiting belief is the belief in scarcity, not in abundance. You are negative thinkers.
So my love, you wish to return to health. The way to do this is to focus on an abundance of health. You wish to return to wealth. The way to do this is to focus on an abundance of wealth. You have the love you desire in your life but at times you do not nurture this love as you are busy being focused on scarcity again.
When one overcomes this resistance to abundance, then the floodgates will open for them. But you believe that you are on earth to be limited, restricted, policed, obedient, controlled, manipulated, and that you must work for your life, which of course is an unfair system.
This is the crux of everyone’s problems. They believe in lack. You all do. If you all were to imagine a life for yourselves of abundance, what would that look like? When this video is over, sit and contemplate it.
My love, Ashtar had said in his last video (What CoVid 19 is Showing You) that we cannot give you all that you need to change the world in one fell swoop because it would be rejected. Why would an abundance of money be rejected by your people? Because you believe in scarcity.
So we cannot give you all, for example, a million dollars because the backlash would be worse than if we do it otherwise. Yes, I hear you saying you wouldn’t get any backlash from me, but have you ever HAD a million dollars in your wallet? In your bank account? Then how do you know how you would react?
We have to begin to give the people of earth their St Germaine funding slowly, and it has to be dispensed in such a way that feels legitimate to you. The people can complain about the cheapskate governments that are trying to break them and only giving them two thousand dollars when their business is going under. This is the way you are used to being grateful, so we must see to it that it is dispensed in such a way that is acceptable to you. Of course there is more money coming. When your people begin to believe that the money is coming for their benefit, not for their enslavement, and they begin to realize that working for a living is enslavement, not freedom, and it is certainly not the road to abundance for so many, then we will be able to move forward a notch. Their belief system will have changed to the extent that we can move the piece forward on the game board a notch. It is what you allow us, and right now you have a poverty mentality. Collectively, you hold these beliefs and we must find a way to change these beliefs a bit at a time.
Me: Interesting.
Ivo: Your monetary system was created to enslave you, and in living and working it, you saw life as a struggle. This is not abundance. And now we must move you to a more abundant mindset. This is the challenge now.
Abundance is the way of the universe; it is what the Creator wants for you. Not this.
You must focus now on what an abundant life would be like for you. In Sharon’s case, she would return to good health and have an abundance of energy, yes, even at 60 years old.
She would have the money she requires to buy her home to create a space station from, and to land ships. She would buy the necessary furniture and install a heated swimming pool so she could swim all year long.
She has managed, in fact, to create one thing of abundance for herself – and this is time. She has gone on a pension and now she has all the time she needs to do her soul’s work, this service for you. What impedes her progress is her poor health.
It is about what you believe you deserve. Having been born into a system where the average person was severely limited, you learn, without really contemplating it, that you do not deserve much. This must change, this is what we are accomplishing now with the St Germaine funds and debt forgiveness beginning.
But help us along now if you would. Sit for 10 minutes and think about how your life would look if you had the health, wealth and love necessary to thrive on earth. That is your home work. And ask why you are not providing these things for yourself now. Do not hate yourself, beat on yourself, blame yourself…. you did the best you could under these circumstances. But now it is time for your world to collectively embrace abundance.
There is no secret. Abundance is your birthright. It is due you. You have been creating it already but it was being stolen from you.
Ask yourself, how can you work and create a plentiful supply of wealth as designated by you, not by some outside force.
Ask yourself, how can you create wholesome health for yourself, regardless of what you have been told by doctors and physicians.
Ask yourself, how can you create the love that will fulfill you, how can you attract the people who will need the love you have to give?
These are the questions that change. These must be focused on with the mind because the mind is the creator of the physical condition.
You have been taught to be severely limited while in fact you are tremendous creators. This power has been exploited without your realizing it.
Me: Thanks Ivo.
Ivo: My love, it is time your world understand its plight. Individually and collectively, your people have been had. Now with GESARA law, your world will move to an abundant state where all will benefit and thrive.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 04:58
Sábado, 18 / 04 / 20

The Plan that the white hats are following in order to liberate the USA

The Plan that the white hats are following in order to liberate the USA

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted April 17th, 2020



Me: Ivo, I like this post that anonymous put up. I thank you Anonymous. But he/she is referring to The Plan that the white hats are following in order to liberate America and to “Make America Great Again.” Can we discuss some of these points, please?
Ivo: We can, my love. There is some information I can divulge to you. Clearly this information is only going to some of the people; others are not hearing the whole story and are revolting against lockdown. I can understand, certainly, that being locked in your house when you do not believe there is a threat to your wellbeing, and do not realize there are other threats to your wellbeing because you have not been informed of them, can be rather difficult.
It has sounded, to many, as if the government has gone off its rocker. It has not. What is being carried out now is a very deliberate plan, that has been in the works for many many years. This Plan has progressed through many stages and prior attempts to implement it at this top level that we see today have been thwarted.
It was originally John F Kennedy’s task to liberate planet Earth in the 1960s, and we know how this was thwarted – he was murdered by CIA officials who kept him from turning on the deep state and liberating America.
Me: Were there others working with him?
Ivo: Indeed there were, my love, and they too were either warned off or they too were murdered. There is no record of this now. But he had others working with them and you can look at the Kennedy family itself to see who their associates were.
Me: Right. One of course being Marilyn Monroe.
Ivo: Yes, she knew too much, as you say, so she too, was murdered and it was made to look as a suicide.
Me: Who’s side was she on? I heard she was an MK Ultra sex kitten?
Ivo: She was with Kennedy to gain information for the deep state.
Me: Wow! We always think of her as so innocent and frankly, pretty fluffy.
Ivo: She was a spy for the deep state. And she knew too much. She was given this assignment but it was an assignment with an unhappy ending for her, because she knew too much. She reported back and forth and, of course, her home was tapped, but they felt she had to be silenced. She was in fact, intelligent enough, my dear. So intelligent as to be able to pass on sensitive government information to her handlers.
Me: I always wondered about Jackie Kennedy. Why did she live?
Ivo: She did not know that much, and she was easily silenced. Her son, however, was not. He was very interested in exploring his father’s death and found out details through his political contacts that he was not meant to know. He has in fact faked his own death and has gone into hiding for now.
Me: Okay.
Ivo: He is key to this plan.
Me: Then I hear that 9/11 was a mass murder of white hats who were at the Pentagon and in Building 7 of the Trade Towers.
Ivo: This is true. In fact the St Germaine funds were due to be released at the same time, and these were stolen by the Bush Cartel. Suffice it to say we have worked on many safeguards to ensure these things, and others that we have anticipated or have seen occur through time travel to the future, will be thwarted.
Me: Curious, how did they get the St Germaine funds back?
Ivo: (smiling) They had some help. Our quantum computers can hack any financial system on earth with ease and we are in fact in control of all at this time. We can put in safeguards where necessary and add viruses too.
Me: Like the ones that stop vote tampering, for example?
Ivo: (smiling) For example. We will keep your people honest.
Me: Can you please stop whoever is tampering with my email account?
Ivo: If we deem it for the greater good, we can do so.
Me: Okay. Can we discuss the corona virus please?
Ivo: Yes, there are different strains. There is also no vaccine for this virus because there is in fact a virus that can make one sick but not any moreso than the common cold. What people need to be reminded of is that viruses have no cure. They are always allowed to run their course. Bacterial infections have cures, your people have no cures for viral infections. With a virus, it is a question of treating symptoms and strengthening the body to isolate the virus and to fight it off. The fact that there is no antedote for viruses should tip you off to the fact that they are in fact, not natural to your planet. As all upon your world is in balance, there is sickness on your world but there is the cure as well, provided by nature. Viruses are contrary to this fact. They are artificial.
Your medical establishment makes the money it does from you because your controllers have systematically weakened your immune systems. Had your immunity been at levels prior to the 1800’s for example, there would be much less illness than you experience collectively now.
This is why viruses were created – the Spanish flu, the Black Plague, were all viral. They had to create a parasite that your bodies could not deal with without intervention. This is part of the control agenda – in controlling your bodies and creating fear which they feed off of.
What in fact must be done with viruses is that they are rounded up and contained. That is the best you can do with them now. Understand as well that if your body does develop immunity to a virus, it is in fact throwing it out of balance as viruses are not part of your inner or outer ecology.
Me: So do they have a cure for it now?
Ivo: There is no need, my love. The only cure is to strengthen the immune system. As you are now doing, bearing in mind that the immune system is part of the endocrine system, which also needs to be rebalanced in many.
Me: So the question is, “How do you break the grip of Big Pharma?”
Ivo: There are world leaders addressing this now with the white hats. In fact, you saw that Trump has dismissed the use of vaccinations for children, which is a big win for the people. This will also indicate that the terror of viral warfare will also come to an end soon.
Me: Absolutely.
Ivo: As for Big Pharma, the best way is to turn to alternative medicines, homeopathics and as I said, to strengthen the immune system. Your bodies are more resilient than you are led to believe. When you affirm that your immune system is strong, you will strengthen it. When you fret over your allergies, then you will weaken it. The body responds to what you tell it.
Me: So there are a few questions pertaining to money, like “How do you explain the economy crashing without admitting you are breaking up corporate monopolies?” and “How do you justify taking control of the economy and financial systems away from the fed?”
Ivo: Assuming that the Fed is the Federal Reserve. Yes. You build a new system and you tell people that it is a better, more fair system, that is how you do it. The dark has sold your people continually on lies that support the betterment of humanity. So why should the Light deviate from this procedure? They too, can say it is for the betterment of humanity, because in fact it is. There is no lie.
Your financial systems will become decentralized, become more simplified. There are too many hands in the pot right now with monies being allocated at all levels. There will be more federal control of monies and a simplification of the process. Of course the federal control will align with the QFS. Control of one’s finances will be given back to the people.
One can simply explain the economy crashing as being a system that no longer worked. Because this is the case. It never worked for your people – only for the controllers.
At this time, Mr Trump is overseeing all and allocating the new systems be brought to creation by his ministers who are primarily white hats.
Me: What about Faucci? He’s a satanist.
Ivo: Yes, he will be arrested, my love. All satanists are to be tried for crimes against humanity. He may believe himself to be safe at the moment but his time will come.
Those in political office will be stepping down and replaced by others who will put the new plan into place. Then this will spread to other countries. These steps are only beginning to take place in Canada, for example.
Me: Yes, Fidel Castro’s son, Justin, is under house arrest.
Ivo: And he has been replaced by another who will align with Light policy and GESARA law.
What in fact is happening is the hard grit is being done primarily in the United States. This is the precedent. All other countries will be asked to comply. If they refuse, their governments will be voted out and a Light government, aligning with GESARA law, will be implemented. In the same way that Trump won in 2016, the procedure will work for all other countries.
Me: That’s a lot of work.
Ivo: It is a large world you live in.
Me: And so the last questions are the last two points, Ivo: “How do you restrict travel to make sure they can’t escape?” and “How do you accomplish all of that, without mass panic.”
Ivo: Well, shall we say for starters that the CoVid 19 virus is acting as a diversion. Because it is. It diverts the attention of the world population, who are busy trying to stay healthy. Others in the know such as the red pills, truthers, light community and the anons, are of a different understanding. The virus attack of the deep state was used as a diversion by the Light.
As for restricting travel, we of the Light have your planet surrounded. We guard all portals in the hopes that they do attempt escape, and then we will catch them and bring them up for galactic trial.
Me: Yeah, I think Commander Hara is down in the Caribbean watching dark portals, pretty sure he said that.
Ivo: Yes. We have a system right now that informs those who need to be informed such as the ones who are carrying the message through social media. You have also noticed the restraints put upon you on Facebook have been lifted.
Me: Yes, I have hundreds of new followers.
Ivo: And this is because the Quantum computers can put safeguards or viruses into your computers.
Me: LOL I can see Zuckerberg freaking out, wondering what’s happening to his mainframe!
Ivo: He knows. They are well aware of what is happening. Their control is being taken away.
Me: So the lightworkers were complaining and you took measures. Thank you. It was frustrating thinking I was working for nothing, talking to myself day after day.
Ivo: And you still persevered.
Me: I know. I’m nuts, aren’t I? LOL
Ivo: You are dedicated.
Yes, so on the questions. How do you restrict travel so that they cannot escape? For one thing, everyone on this planet is locatable by their energy signature and our computers also do this. We can track anyone we wish to as well. So can the Matrix computers and they have been tracking lightworkers. You see, my love, that you have not been harassed by men in black for years now and not shot by direct energy weaponry. This is because we have obscured your energy signature from their mainframe.
Me: LOL Thanks. They were a nuisance. Now I just need to work on these Archon visits at 4 a.m.
Ivo: Yes. They can track you as an organic.
What I will say to all who are listening is that the technological system that Bill Gates and company has worked so hard to connect you to the Matrix computer with is also their undoing.
So why do we not just shut off their computer, you ask? Because your reality would stop and this would affect your minds greatly. You need to stop fueling their computer, giving it energy and giving them energy, by believing in the system. Yes, their computer works on energy – your energy. You are also in an ascension process and this process must be left in place to the best extent possible. Your people need to ascend from the low position they are currently in and starve out their computer and the artificial timelines you are living on.
Eventually your entire world will run off of the QFS – the quantum computer system that is aboard our ship. We can put in checks and balances as we have begun to already – to ensure that your world runs smoothly. This computer works in alignment with universal law and so you will be led to as well.
Me: Thank God.
Ivo: Exactly.
Me: Ahh. It’s on the New Jerusalem! Just intuited that. LOL
Ivo: I will not confirm that, my love.
Me: Sometimes stuff gets through…. LOL
Ivo: Very well, my love. You are a dangerous weapon for the Light.
Me: Ha ha! Funny.
Ivo: I kid you not. You chose to come here, as did many others, to change an entire world, and now this world is changing by the day, as you can see.
Me: I want to do a shout out to so many of the truthers who are tracking tank movements, DUMB overtakes and other military information because it’s something that makes us feel that we’re making solid progress.
Ivo: Hold the ideal in your minds at all times. And it will come to fruition. The energies support you. Thank you my love.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:26
Sábado, 28 / 03 / 20

Your Spiritual Eyes

Your Spiritual Eyes

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted March 28, 2020




My Post: I was shown. All my life I was shown….. Every minute of every day I was being shown something….
– drug addicted alcoholic boyfriends – reflected my own addictions back to me, yes, but also with compassionate eyes I see how men (not all men, but many) are stifled in this world. There are female drug addicts of course, but I didn’t know any so I guess it wasn’t part of what I had to be shown.
– I was shown firsthand dirty corporate tactics and how they fly in the face of the legal system. How they are there for themselves and not the employees they so loosely term “family”. I was fired off a sick leave and then screwed over by the insurance company that was to give me long term disability benefits (deep state).
– my own experience as an oppressed woman, child abuse survivor, daughter of two narcissists – I was shown what passes for child rearing in some circles, and I was shown on a smaller, personal scale how the Matrix works
– I was shown pedophilia when my nieces were abused by their grandfather
– I was shown the depravity of the toxic male in the workplace through personal experience
– I was shown how “trusted” medical professionals are anything but that
– I was shown how corporations “overlook” some of their own “values” with respect to environmental issues, because they’re making money
– I was shown how the worker is not valued in the workplace except as an expendable source of revenue
– I was shown how the medical system doesn’t work for some people and I turned to holistic medicine
– I was shown how people on the street live, how they think and how they don’t fit in with the rest of society
– I was shown the futility of the normal 9-5 work week, and of working in general
– I was shown that money basically means nothing. Sometimes you have lots of it and other times not so much and I’m still here regardless
– I was shown the futility of some people’s lives. My neighbors showed me this as they are basically addicted transients, moving from one place to the next as money runs out to pay the rent
– I was shown the system doesn’t work for everyone
There’s more. That’s all I can think of right now. If your eyes are open and you meet the right people, you can learn a lot.
Me: Ivo, I’m going through some awareness here.
Ivo: You are.
Me: I just post or blog about it but it’s my life’s process really. Here’s how I see this:
At 28, I dated a guy who just hated women, because he’d had such a hard time and was so let down by his mother. Of course, I got the brunt of it, and we broke up 3 months later. He got back into doing hard drugs again probably because of everything he’d revisited from his childhood from our relationship. This is called projection by the way and it can heal you or create misery for you as you re-experience your traumatic past. It depends on how you want to use it. But it is not living in the moment. It’s living in the past.
My response could be:
3D (shadow): That stupid jerk. He made my life miserable. Why did I waste 3 months dating that guy? I can do better than that!
3D: I need to find a man. Everyone has one but me. I have to have one too.
4D: Man, he was really going through a lot of stuff, but then so was I. I had my own stuff to heal from.
5D: This poor guy had a miserable childhood. He had a mother who did who knows what to this guy. He suffered as a child. Children shouldn’t suffer. They should be loved. He told me some things about her, clearly she was going through some stuff as well. I feel for this guy. He was just re-experiencing the emptiness of his childhood, over and over.
The point of my post wasn’t even what it ended up revealing to me. The point of it was that I went through Hell so I could see the hell people were living here on earth. I was being shown by my higher self, that’s all. It was information I needed to do this work now.
It turned out that I ended up feeling a lot of compassion for other people who are going through these things. My ex-boyfriends, my parents, everyone who is going through the hell of life on earth right now, self-created or not, but they’re going through a lot of trauma and I ended up feeling for them.
Then I posted, “Until you see with compassion, you are blind,” no offense to the unsighted, there’s just no other word to use.
I just intuited that seeing with compassion is your spiritual eyes opening.
What say you, Ivo?
Ivo: This is correct, my love. All who are of higher vibration see with these spiritual eyes of compassion. There is no judgment. There is no comparison, no hating, no revulsion towards others, no wish to punish. There is compassion for their hard journey. This is something you have touched on and shut down, touched on and shut down, and now it seems to be within your grasp to hold on to, my love. But it takes willpower. You must want to stay away from the ego who cries that your life is not fair. Your life is of your choosing and your experiences are also of the choosing of your soul.
Me: Yeah, I’ve gotta talk to her. LOL
Ivo: You have chosen to see these things in your life and you had teachers such as Glenn who showed you life on the streets of Toronto. He actually instructed you and showed you the ropes.
Me: Yes, I remember.
Ivo: It was because you wished to know. It is your ego that stands in the way of your feeling compassion for life on earth as you harbor resentment towards this person.
Me: Well, Ivo, he used to throw glass objects across the room, he harassed the neighbors and the landlord, he made my life hell for 3 years until I finally left him.
Ivo: And had you had compassion for yourself, it would have been much sooner.
Me: So who do you have compassion for, yourself or others?
Ivo: Both. You can have compassion for someone yet not tolerate their ruining your life. You also realized that codependent behavior was behind your lack of boundaries. You must have compassionate boundaries for self. We will get on to the subject of sacred boundaries soon enough. This is a prelude to this.
Life is about compassion. Life is about reverence. Life is about feeling joy as you live in these states. Your desire to help all those who do not feel this way is at the root of your will to live. Because we know that in order to live, we need others. We are not creatures who walk alone, we are social creatures who are all of the One.
The goal is to experience balance and when living with open hearted compassion for others, and for self, with reverence for all life, then you achieve this balance.
What shuts it is fear. Fear closes the heart, and closes the spiritual eyes of the soul.
Yes, the chakras. The root is the body chakra, the sacral is the emotion chakra, the solar plexus is the mental chakra. The heart is above the body because heart comes from higher frequency. The first three chakras are about existence. It is possible to exist. But heart is needed to create a spiritual life in the physical. It must be open.
The fourth dimension is about learning to keep the heart open and not to close it out of fear.
Then one will access the spiritual voice as you have in the throat chakra, the spiritual eyes – the third eye and the spiritual mind which is the crown chakra. The spiritual mind aligns with all other minds of higher consciousness.
To be able to live with compassion means the third eye is open because you see that life is about compassion for all. This is why we of the galaxy and the universes above us, work to help those in the lower dimensions.
It is tantamount that you know which voice you are speaking from. Are you speaking from your wounded shadow? Are you speaking from a third dimensional egotistical perspective, are you speaking from a heart that is opening to understand that all is love, or are you living from the perspective of understanding that all is love and all need compassion?
Me: That’s cool, Ivo. I’m all over the map some days. Depends on how I get triggered.
Ivo: And to learn to see your triggers with compassion for yourself, and compassion for those who had triggered you is the point, for they are learning as well.
It is easy to measure where you are spiritually by the lessons you attract. You can see how much love you have for others and how much compassion you have for others, when you understand your immediate reaction. In the case of yesterday, someone stole from you and you went back into your wounded ego.
Me: I hate being stolen from!
Ivo: That person gave you that lesson to help you heal. We discussed this in our video, “Life is Love in Action.” Understanding the message in this video and applying it to all situations in your life will put you firmly into a fourth dimensional frequency.
Having compassion for those same people will put you firmly into a fifth dimensional frequency. It is that simple. Compassion for all including oneself is unity consciousness, it is unconditionally loving because you have removed all conditions that your lower mind would have applied to this person, such as they stole from you.
Me: Aha.
Ivo: When you see with compassionate eyes, you see that a particular family member who you have fallen out with is reacting from her wounds. She is also going through her own ascension process and because you are familiar with how rocky that can be, you understand her with more compassion.
Me: True. This is being shown to me.
Ivo: Yes. Bear in mind that pity and compassion are not the same thing. Compassion reveres the personality of the other, it does not degrade it into a sorrowful mess. Compassion feels wonderful, pity does not feel good.
Me: Got it. Thank you Ivo. I think our viewers who are carefully going through all the video’s will enjoy this spiritual lesson.
Ivo: Compassion must be awakened upon your planet if you are to gain unity consciousness. There is no other way. Your survival depends upon it.
And your other post is correct, which will follow here. Your wounds will stifle your compassion. Your ego will pull your frequency down so that compassion will not be felt. To feel compassion is to be set free of your own ego traps. When there is compassion, no rancor is held.
Me: Yes, it felt freeing.
Ivo: It is. I thank you my love, for this opportunity to serve you and all listening.
Me: Thank you Ivo.
What stifles compassion?
The codependent tendency (compulsion) to want to fix someone.
Why do we want to fix others? So we don’t have to see them go through uncomfortable circumstances, or that we as empaths don’t have to feel their pain. Also so we don’t have to be reminded of our own pain perhaps, or that we don’t want to be reminded of the fact that living here is not always so nice.
It’s hard sometimes to stop yourself from interfering, but universal law requires that you don’t. I’ve “had my hand slapped” (figuratively) by guides for interfering in others’ lives, for doing for others what they should be learning to do themselves.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:50
Terça-feira, 24 / 03 / 20

The fall of the old cabal regime is upon us.

The fall of the old cabal regime is upon us.

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted March 25, 2020




Storm Update: Ivo says they’re going to occupy the Vatican. They’ll allow the minimal administrative type functions to keep the place running for now, but eventually it will be shut down.

Same thing for Buckingham Palace. The fall of the old cabal regime is upon us.

Ivo: We of the Light have and are continuing to approach cabal members who are undecided or reluctant to continue in their ill-gotten ways. Many of these members are simply people who became government officials, with the best intentions at heart, who were blackmailed or threatened into perpetrating at times heinous acts against the people, against their consciousness, and these are the ones we are currently approaching to free them from their torture. We offer them protection as well as counsel as they go about their duties now in the name of the Light.
Me: Yes, speaking of people who would be fearful. They certainly would be.
Ivo: Many fear for their children or their grandchildren, spouses or their homes, they fear complete retaliation and imprisonment via the false judicial system. They fear losing everything. So we must assure them that they will prevail when they take our assistance.
At the moment, there is worldwide removal of cabal members and their resources. We are also focused on New Zealand as a hotbed of cabal activity and are arresting there. Much work must be done in the ensuing weeks to remove this scourge from your planet. We are able to do this much, but we require your assistance. We ask you to continue to hold the Light and not to fall prey to fake news circulated by your media. All is in hand. All will be well again. This is a period of heavy transition but it is going to plan. Be rest assured and know the Light will prevail.
Me: Thank you Ivo.
From a Meme: The Mastery of Self. No one is responsible for your emotional reactions except you. Others can say and do anything they like, but what happens inside you is only the result of what you are thinking and feeling.
You’re bored, your stuck at home isolating, and then now every time you go on line, all you see is messages from your government about the Corona Virus. Two thousand cases and twenty-three deaths in Canada! I’ll bet more people died in car accidents in the last week than this!! No disrespect intended to the deceased. But come on! And for this, we are not working and asked to stay in our homes? No. It has to do with the Storm. They are keeping us safe from any false flag attempts or retribution on the part of the cabal, who are pretty upset right now because all their key players are in handcuffs!
What I sense is that people are bored, they’re at home, and they’re circulating information provided very conveniently to us, by the government – the cabal run government! All you’re doing is adding to the hysteria. I sense it and now I’m reacting to it. I’m fed up.
There are countries that have had more corona virus cases and deaths than this. But what is death? We have 5 exit points in our lives that are planned before we’re born. Any one of these exit points can be taken when you soul says, “Okay, you’re done here and it’s time to go.” It’s sad for people left behind but when you understand as a telepath you’re never alone and your family can be standing there watching you going through your daily life, and you hear them speaking to you, you realize WE ARE NOT SEPARATED. The physical body tells us we live in separation and it’s because you’re focused on your intellect and keep your vibration down by getting fearful of viruses and joining in the hysteria – that’s why you can’t talk to your departed family members. Because you’re allowing others to lower your vibration and you’re focused in your intellect. When you switch to right brain dominance through meditation, you become telepathic and you’re calmer because you’ve activated the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the calming part of your nervous system.
People CHOOSE when they are going to die. We have 5 exit points to consider when it’s best to leave this life and it has to do with whether we’ve achieved our soul’s goals or not. Death is NOT random, it’s designed. Life is deliberate. It’s not random either.
Everyone here on earth right now is playing a part in this drama unfolding before us. Every single person whether they look like they’re aware or not. Their souls are definitely aware. There are many people on this earth right now for a reason, and that reason is because of the transition to the Age of Aquarius. And everyone plays a part in it.
This is a time that we can use to gain self mastery over our emotions if we use this opportunity correctly. For those who are sitting at home bored, why are you bored? Because you’re not working? Aren’t you complaining you hate your job? But without it, you’re bored? That doesn’t make sense. There are so many things to do. First thing is get off the computer and shut off the TV and start to think what you’d like to be doing for yourself or your family for the next two or more weeks.
I can’t even fathom boredom anymore. This isolation hasn’t impacted my life at all. I’m doing the same thing I was doing before we were asked to stay home – I just finished channeling a book with Ashtar Sheran called “Your Future on Eden,” and it’s available now. I have to get my first newsletter out this week, and then Ivo and I are going to start discussing, “Sacred Relationships and Sacred Boundaries,” because when I heard the term “Sacred Boundaries,” it resonated with me and I realized that that was a large part of my relationship with Ivo – a relationship of reverence for each other and all life in general. So we’re going to explore that.
If you want to watch something, David Wilcock did a 5 hour live last night and hopefully it’s on youtube. It’s linked below. Invite your family over and watch the blood drain out of their faces as he goes through everything from Q posts to step by step explanations of attempts to invoke NESARA law to cabal take-outs throughout the past 100 years. He explains who killed Kennedy, and what the ruckus was between Eisenhauer and Area 51. All of it’s there folks – 5 hours of info anyone could use right now. Kerry Cassidy has new intel out as well including her 12th visit to Captain Mark Richards who is friends with a raptor (yes! a dinosaur) named Naga. You’ve got weeks to catch up on all your intel.
Plus I searched on line and found all 5 of the Ra Material books for free download in pdf.
Boredom? Who’s got time for boredom?! This is an amazing opportunity.
Ivo: It is what you make of it, my love. Attitude is everything. And that is every day, not just in these times. All have a choice to either enjoy the break or to suffer worrying about the virus. A plethora of emotional states are available to you in your duality at any time, and it is up to you which you wish to choose. Your emotions are your choice. You can choose positively or you can choose negatively.
It is always that way, my dear. You are only a slave to your emotions when you do not understand which triggers them. Understand that you create everything in your life, and your emotions are a indicator of your frequency.
Me: Well, I’m getting corona’d out of my brain. No disrespect to people who are dealing with it but it’s not an issue here where I live. I realize I’m fed up so I have to change something.
Ivo: Exactly. (he’s smiling) Perhaps more tolerance of the fact that people feel overwhelming fear at times.
Me: I know they do. And that’s their choice. However it isn’t mine.
Ivo: Yes, you always sample it though because you’re an empath. So you’re aware of it.
Me: Yes. I’m seeing posts that empaths are getting bombarded lately.
Ivo: And one must continuously work on replenishing one’s energetic state especially now if you are transmuting for the collective.
One changes their emotional states upon changing their belief system. For example, death is not a sad event – it is of the choosing of the soul. There is no such thing as an accident. When one dies of the corona virus, it is because they have chosen to. Your bodies are not so weak that they would expire without the consent of your soul, my love.
The other thing one must constantly be on guard for is the manipulation of the media. For those who circulate posts you must understand that as you spread the posts, you become part of that media system, and in so doing, you facilitate their agenda of fear mongering. Other than a minimum of information, what do people who are not in the “Ground Zero” zones such as China, really need to understand about this virus? Yet it is pumped through your main stream media like blood through your veins, and it is indeed the lifeblood of the cabal – your fear. As you fear, you remain on the artificial timelines and under their control.
You have given people options, my love. You have told them to focus on the RV not the CV, the RV of course being the economic collapse and initiation of the new currency under the Quantum Financial System and release of the St Germaine funds to eliminate poverty and bring on prosperity for all people of earth. Yes.
You also gave the suggestion of envisioning the earth surrounded by glowing violet rays, every time you read or hear the word “Corona Virus,” thereby focusing on healing your planet rather than fearing you might catch it yourself.
All good suggestions.
Me: I’m sure I wasn’t the only one thinking these out. I intuit far more than I realize at times.
Ivo: You do (smiling).
However, I might add that your people are used to oppressive negative situations and tend to react accordingly.
Me: That’s why this video: take charge of your mind. You decide how you’re going to think, don’t let them put thoughts into your head. I’m going to get these Canadian government pop-ups on my computer stopped one way or the other.
Ivo: Or use them as opportunities to strengthen your will, my love. Tell your mind to ignore them and do so immediately.
Me: True. Even letting them get me mad isn’t self mastery. I dislike the fact my computer is used as an advertising vehicle. That really bothers me.
Ivo: These things will change.
Me: So, the point of this video is, Ivo, can we re-cap?
Ivo: Of course. You are the master of your own mind, even your lower mind. It is your mind, you call the shots. You decide how your mind is to think, you determine it is not to be used as a weapon to control you or manipulate you in any way. We all can do this now. It is simply about being aware of the agenda of your controllers and not falling prey to it.
The best way to deal with a controller or a manipulator is to ignore them. When you do not energize their attempts, they cannot disempower you.
Me: Thank you Ivo.
Ivo: My love, as always, I am here telling you and the world how much you mean to me. Yes, some people find this objectionable however if they do not enjoy this, they may look elsewhere for their entertainment.
Me: LOL, Oh yeah, that poison pen message I got. People: I love Ivo. Nothing can stand in the way of that. Not someone grousing at me in a toxic message. I didn’t even read it all. Just caught a bit of it. I get all kinds of mail and I ignore all of it for reasons like this.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:57
Domingo, 15 / 03 / 20

What’s Next for Earth

What’s Next for Earth.

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted March 15th, 2020




My post today: Mike Emery commented: Big changes coming – the elite will be heavily vilified. There will be like lynch mobs when the populace learns of the horrid harvesting of children.
I’m hoping against this but we don’t do change well. This is only the beginning folks, hang on to your hats and your sanity because the rest of the population is going to have a melt down.
Me: Ivo, I want to discuss this please. First of all, you’re not saying one way or the other if this is the Global Reset, but most of us who have been following these events are pretty sure that it is. With Trump sending armed soldiers over to Italy, apparently without masks, and people like Bill Gates are stepping down from their CEO positions, and apparently there’s a lot more of them.
These are all great developments, but I’d like to see these people locked up in Guantanamo and the key thrown away.
Ivo: This is only the beginning, my love.
Me: How much isn’t being shown to us?
Ivo: If I told you that then I would be spilling the beans, however there is a lot not being shown to you.
Me: How much of the picture do we actually have here?
Ivo: Less than 50 percent. There is much more.
Me: Okay, that makes sense. So we’re in a position on earth that our future is being carved out for us by people we don’t know whether we trust or not. Let’s face it, not everyone trusts Trump.
Ivo: And this is the point, my love. You are not yet of unity consciousness. If you were, you would all be included and would be asked to work together. However for the lightworker, they are asked to work with us (the GFL) and the Alliance and the Resistance, and the Delta Forces, while you are asleep at night when you are in fact of unity consciousness, and capable of understanding the bigger picture. In fact as you are now, with your limited mindsets, you are not.
Me: Ah. I see. I’ve heard some optimists speaking as if positive ETs are going to land next week.
Ivo: (chuckling) They will not. As we have said, disclosure is a personal process, not a group process. As you become ready to meet with us in your singularity, you will. There is much preparation to be done to take you out of your state of fear and survival to prepare you to be in a state to receive us with love.
Me: I see you’ve worked wonders for me!
Ivo: You are remembering. The essence of our relationship never left you, my love.
Me: Yes, I was trying to re-create it here on earth. I also know that you’ve done a lot for others because everyone comments all the time how much they love you.
Ivo: And I love them as well. Every one of them.
Me: So let’s look at Mike Emery’s comment. People this week are running around in stores buying out all the toilet paper. And now other supplies are running out.
Ivo: Yes. And you see this is out of fear and selfishness that they hoard as much as they can, and now toilet paper is being marketed on your sales websites at phenomenal prices.
Me: Price gouging, yes.
Ivo: So in fact you must see that we have some who are prepared to accept the new reality, and have even worked for it, but then the majority on your planet are still lodged in their fear-based, survivalist mindsets. As we release information, we can only release enough that none of you have opportunity to interfere with the process at hand. We do wish we could have more of you on board working with us, but this is as of yet not possible.
We ask you to help us individually or collectively in mass meditations, and this is wonderful. We feed you a new narrative that in fact helps to stabilize the timelines against the chaotic effect of those who are of lower frequency. You are aware of the Truth, just not the whole truth. Many of you still argue with it.
Me: I know.
Ivo: This gentleman is correct in his assumption that if people on your planet were to be told what has happened to many of your children, that they would create chaos. They would react. The Galactic Federation and others helping in your liberation have the task of feeding you the information you require to help you feel more secure and in the cases of those who would react nevertheless, to minimize the effect of their reaction. We are not looking to start a war zone on your planet. We are looking to end one.
Your reactions, individually and collectively, are important. You are all aware that holding as high a frequency as possible will help you stay on a more positive, more beneficial timeline.
We have to gauge how much truth to tell you against your collective reaction. As you see, the virus was indeed perpetrated by the cabal in order to create panic. And we wish to avoid this as much as possible. Our people are sending energies to stabilize your minds however there are some in very unstable condition upon your planet, in very low frequency mindsets.
The Truth you learn is dependent upon your current frequency. When you raise your frequency, you will be subject to learning more of the truth. It is that simple.
As for what is next, simply watch. The news will be told to you. Many of you are very astute at understanding what lies underneath overt actions on the part of your POTUS, and others. And you have been spreading this intelligence in order to create calm. And this is most helpful.
Me: When do you think these announcements of the truth will come out?
Ivo: When your world is cleared of darkness and your people are the only holders of low frequency, so that your reaction cannot be used against you by your Elite.
Me: Yeah, but people will go nuts and fight with each other.
Ivo: That is their perogative.
Me: Yes, you warned us in “What You Need to Know Now,” of the next 20 years. That we should stock up for the long term as well as short term, and that people will be rioting. They already have.
Ivo: We do as much as we can to soothe you but you have free will. This is still a free will zone.
Me: I heard Ashtar saying that they would put frequency fences around the planet so that people can’t assault others anymore. That fighting will be impossible. Is that true and if so, how far along is that fence?
Ivo: It is true. Your world will be rezoned, my love. However, for now you must understand that the negativity must be transmuted.
It is easy to protect yourself from others who would assail you. Simply raise your vibration and release yourself of the need to protect yourself. When you protect yourself, you in fact invite assault. When you do not protect yourself, you have dropped your half of any transaction that would harm you.
When you continue to attack others then you in turn can be attacked. So, when you ridicule others’ posts on Facebook, then you are of that attack mentality – and this must be released. All attack thoughts must go. Otherwise you will be subject to attack, to the extent that you require it in order to release your need to do it yourself. Life is a mirror and others project back to you what you have repressed within yourself or that which you are actively engaged in doing which does not align with universal law.
Those who wish to go to the city and attack others on the street in protest are of one mindset. Those who refuse to go to these events are of another mindset. You are more likely to be attacked if you are aggressive in nature yourself.
Me: Yeah, Ivo, I was attacked all my life because I was “too nice”.
Ivo: And yes, with a father as yours, the narcissist who attacked his family, what part of your nature do you think you repressed in becoming “so nice?”
Me: Ah, right. My aggressive side. My anger.
Ivo: Which you still try to subdue, but thankfully it is coming out. You feel out of control when it does but you must recognize it as a repressed part of your ego.
Me: It’s something, that’s for sure.
Ivo: You tend to channel it into your taste in music which is loud, brash and often utilizes lurid lyrics. And so, do you not feel like your father when you become so angry?
Me: I do. And yes, I was talking about Black Sabbath last night.
Ivo: As you ascend, you release blocks and you integrate your personality. And you continue to say you are acting like your parents.
Me: Ugh.
Ivo: They modelled this behaviour to you, you learned it as a way of behaving, and now you must release it, my love as it is not who you are. All are going through this process during ascension, of integrating your shadow, your repressed side, and then accepting and releasing it. All are. And it is a hard process for many.
Me: It is.
Ivo: As for lynch mobs when the public learns of the harvesting of children, all those who have perpetrated these crimes will already have been arrested.
Me: So what are the people supposed to do then? Maybe they’ll go out and attack random targets, like government buildings or hospitals?
Ivo: You still have police. If it is required your world will again be put into lockdown until the tensions resolve.
Me: You can’t blame people for being angry.
Ivo: No you cannot, but it is how you deal with your anger that they can be held accountable for. You must learn to understand that difference. People become angry all the time. It is how you deal with it that you must learn to tailor to a more acceptable outcome. Resolution of anger, rather than reaction to anger is the way forward.
Yes, you are still of reptilian nature, all of you are. That is homo sapiens. Those who has ascended to homo divinicus (or universal) are of a different, more peaceful nature.
In our book, I did warn people what was to come, so you are forewarned. I also suggested that moving away from the cities would be a good idea because the major centers are where these acts tend to crop up, and why not because your major world centers are of reversed polarity. They are of negative polarity. It is easier to control people when you have them gather into larger areas and then reverse the polarity of these areas to create a negative state of mind.
Me: Makes sense.
Ivo: They have said, “Head for higher ground,” in the same vein, seek areas of higher frequency. And then align with the highest possible for yourself. That is my advice.
Me: Thank you Ivo.
Ivo: Yes, you are most welcome, my love. I see grand things happening for your world even this year.
Claim your FREE copy of our new book, “Earth Awakening” today! Your complimentary download is available now, at: https://www.free-ebooks.net/

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:52
Segunda-feira, 09 / 03 / 20

All is Love or Lack Thereof.

All is Love or Lack Thereof.

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted March 8th, 2020




Me: Can we go into more detail about Ashtar’s message please, Ivo?

Ivo: Of course my love. He said to stop attacking others. In your thoughts to put down your greatest weapon – your mind. Your minds have been trained to see what others do as being sinful, or wrong. There is no wrong, even in duality. There is positive and negative, however negative is an illusion. There is actually love and the lack of it; those are the dualistic terms under which you actually live.

Suffice it to say, your people have been trained through mind control and by example, to exhibit many unloving behaviours towards each other because this is the system you live in as well. When someone commits what you call a crime, you punish them with jail time. In fact, jails are created in order to make the rest of you believe that you are free. But you are not. Your minds are jailed by your controllers and you must set yourselves free.

And this extrication process can be difficult considering that you have reacted to certain things in these ways for so long. Your minds are hard-wired to react in the old ways. But any progress you make to stop your mind from being a weapon against others, is progress indeed.

All is love or lack of it. Remember that. And learn to see life in a new way.

You have a difficult time, my love, forgiving your neighbours from stealing food from your garden last year. You do not like your neighbours but in fact they were showing you where you are being unloving towards others.

Me: I don’t like people stealing my stuff.

Ivo: Because you have a perception of yourself as having so little, that you are impovershed.

Me: That could be why.

Ivo: It is why.

Me: Maybe I’m just a really ethical person.

Ivo: In the galaxy you are an adjudicator, who liaises between races that are creating unloving thoughts between each other. So you would see someone stealing from another race as being wrong.

Me: So maybe that’s why. The other thing is, Ivo, these people own a thai restaurant, so they should have lots of vegetables. Why they have to steal mine is beyond me.

Ivo: Yes. It is like the rich robbing from the poor and this is another thing that irritates you: you live on earth and understand that the one percent are stealing from those who they are responsible to. So this one situation is difficult for you to forgive because it has its roots into so many of your life’s themes, so to speak.

You are here to bring balance to the people of earth. You are here to bring them the Light and the Truth, yet you continue to be stolen from in areas where you have less.

The other thing you must remember, my love, is sometimes the Matrix knows how to upset you. And it will simply for the pleasure of lowering your frequency. You have had many problems with neighbours in that house and your moving was indeed a good move. You can now leave these people behind and forgive them for what they did. My love, it is important to realize that you live in a very unloving world, where lack of compassion is the law, and yes, this too irritates you, but attacking others who are also victims of the regime and of mind control is not the way of the Light.

Me: Yeah, they really pissed me off.

Ivo: And so they showed you where your balance is off.

Me: I’m not totally convinced, Ivo. Not at all. These people needed to be told to stop it. Sometimes the mind controlled should be told to take back control of their minds. That what they’re doing unthinkingly irritates other people. I’m sure everybody else would be quick to tell me what they don’t like about what I’m doing; I’ve had complete strangers do that already. Actually, that last one indignantly asking me, “Who do you think you are?!” verified to me that I’m on the right track with respect to influencing people.

Ivo: These were attacks. Often your character is called into question. That is the first sign of a toxic person: they call others’ character into question, not their actions. I understand that you do not entirely believe what I am telling you, my love, so let me say it in this way then: When you are engaged in unloving responses towards others, such as resentment of them, you are on the wrong side of the fence. Your heart is closed and you are back in the lower dimensions mindlessly enacting learned behaviours. For your own sake, you must learn to forgive others because in so doing, you will be set free.

Life is a process of ferreting out all unloving behaviours and changing it to loving behaviours.

Me: Okay, that I get. I see the self-centered reason why forgiving them should be done.

Ivo: Very well. Forgiveness of others, and they are not taking your vegetables anymore I might remind you, sets you free.

There are only two polarities: love and lack of love. Not positivity and negativity. Not bad and good. Only love and lack of love. When you look for the things people do that are loving you see their behaviour in shades of grey.

Yes, your superintendent is codependent. But he still drove you around to try to find you a washing machine yesterday. That was very caring of him.

Me: It was.

Ivo: So you can look at the loving acts he does, and the unloving acts that he does and boundary out the unloving acts and take what he gives lovingly. When you see others in shades of grey rather than black and white, you are less likely to condemn. Avoidant people tend to condemn others completely because of one flaw and sometimes this is not necessary.

Me: Good you added that because I detest liars.

Ivo: Liars will also lower your frequency. It is best to stay with those who value the Light and the Truth.

We realize you are living in difficult circumstances in your town and are actively seeking to move you away from there. Your holding light there is no longer necessary. As you are aware many in that town are awakening and you can thank yourself for that.

Me: Good. Nice to see results.

Ivo: So for all, to recap, train yourself to see the two polarities as loving and lack of loving. Love is the energy of the Universe however your people have been trained to misuse it out of fear.

Me: Another question Ivo, that I heard you guys were showing me yesterday.

Ivo: Yes.

Me: The question is about what we react to as lightworkers. Often lightworkers get upset. It’d be great to be calm and sail through our days happily knowing that all is going according to plan, but when unbeknownst to me, my frequency tanks and I get really fatigued again because I’m apparently sending light to the Giza pyramid to open a portal there or something, sometimes I get pissed off. Lightworkers get angry.

What you guys pointed out to me was that it’s WHAT we get angry about that indicates our character. For example, I get angry at what I perceive to be people suffering or dying unnecessarily. I get angry about people stealing from each other (yes, anyone, not just from me). I get angry about politicians lying to the people. I get angry about injustices done to anyone, but especially animals, the infirm, the elderly and children. I get angry about people getting ripped off or giving shoddy service. I get angry with manipulators and other bs’ers. I get angry about these types of things.

I also get angry because my cat peuked on the kitchen floor last night and I stepped in it at 5 in the morning which doesn’t quite fit the more altruistic thought processes I just mentioned.

Ivo: He showed you he is still sick.

Me: I got that. Why do I have to step in it then?

Ivo: Would you have known that he is ill if you didn’t?
Me: I might have seen it the next morning!

Ivo: Sometimes you do not clue in, my love.

Me: Yeah, that’s true, stepping in it makes it obvious, that’s for sure. No missing that.

Ivo: At times, you get angry for selfish reasons, you dislike inconvenience and that is because at higher dimensions there is no such thing. Many of the things you dislike on earth are things you have to put up with because you live at a lower vibration than you are used to, and so with your particularly backwards technologies, you must work very hard to keep your home clean, and cook your meals. You are not used to this so you complain about it. You feel your life is being squandered on menial tasks when you have greater feats to accomplish. This is true, you do have greater feats to accomplish and spending your time cleaning house is not your priority. However things are arranged this way to keep human beings at a survival level. You recognize this intuitively and become angry about this, you understand you are being held down. And you are.

Me: Okay. This is for you guys too, because I’m sure I’m not alone in doing this. This place is slow. Really slow. You go on trains and they take hours to reach their destination – not the case in the galaxy. Flights are cramped full of people and that’s not the case in the galaxy – movement is quick. Our bodies slow down with age – not the case in the galaxy. So life on earth is something I find I have a hard time adjusting to, even now, but especially since I have adrenal problems. I’m going to take EMFs more seriously and look into orgonite protection.

And then this whole host of other altruisms I’m reacting to are just things we’ve come to change here on earth. We’re bringing in the energies that will change this for the collective again. We hold the light and bring in the rays that have been kept from this planet for so long. So we have these what would appear to be idealistic ways of looking at things, but our idealism now will be tomorrow’s future.

Then there’s just reacting to others’ energies and that we discussed in a recent video. I react emotionally to people based on the energy I’m sensing from them. In fact, we empaths can become very much like the people we’re around, almost like chameleons, although we might not want to be. I prefer remaining altruistic and idealistic.

So the point of this is what what you’re reacting to, and understand that you may be angry but it’s because you see a lack of something, like love being enacted. Also you have to understand that these things are done for people to learn from, so there’s no reason even to become angry and I’m still working on that.

The road to 5D is a long one.

Ivo: When you reach that frequency you will come back to me.

Me: Yes. I want you to show me how to dissolve my body when I die. Graves have always freaked me out and cremation doesn’t look like a great option either.

Ivo: I will.

Me: Thanks Ivo. Just saying keep at it folks. Remember there’s only love and lack of love and that’s what duality is. Forget positive/negative. All is love or lack of it.
Ivo: Correct.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 01:50
Sexta-feira, 21 / 02 / 20

We Have to Focus on What We Want to Create



We Have to Focus on What We Want to Create.

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted February 20th, 2020 by Staffan.

My Post: Today’s exercise: Whatever happens, no matter what…. don’t say anything negative about it.
I’ve got frozen shoulder, borderline migrane headache and I’m not going to complain about any of it.
Fact is, we have to focus on what we want to create – NOT ON WHAT WE ALREADY HAVE CREATED AND ARE SUFFERING FROM. Otherwise it won’t change. You’ll stay stuck in a negative loop.
It’s Universal Law. By complaining about your Now, you’re bringing more of it to bear on yourself.
Me: Ivo, can you explain this for people?
Ivo: My love, yes, I can. It is universal law. Universal law works on the knowledge of yourself as Creators, divine creators, not victims of your circumstances. You have been taught on earth that you are a victim of things that “just happen” to you, that your life is fairly random, and that you are the victim of it. Then of course, you are mind controlled in being victimized through your power over others structure. Even the perpetrator is the victim at times, of other more aggressive perpetrators.
So, you must rid yourself of this mindset. You must understand that you are creators, not victims, and if you are in a situation you find dislikeable, it is because you have created this situation for yourself. When you live in duality, you can take the positive road or the negative road. Many on your planet take the negative road – you live lives of what you do not wish to have or do and this is in order to show you what you must change. In fact, even in duality you can change your life to reflect the positive road – you can see yourself as a creator of your own good, because in fact, you are.
Negative things happen to you for positive reasons. You create negative things because you are manifesting your lower consciousness mindset. You can in fact switch by focusing on a more positive life for yourself. You must realize that you are in charge of your life at all times, absolutely. You have simply been tricked into believing otherwise and to create the reality that your deep state wants you to create – for their benefit.
Your world still works by universal law; you have simply been taught to misuse it.
Me: And you should be angry about that and want to change it.
Ivo: Focus on what you want for yourself and believe it is possible, because all is possible. You see people on your planet with ridiculous sums of wealth, fame and fortune and it is because they have created it.
Me: I find that having a certain attitude of expectation helps. Like you expect it to happen. I won’t say aggressively but you know you’re going to get this or that.
Ivo: Yes, this is self assuredness.
Me: So it’s like a GPS system. We punch in the coordinates and we’re led to where we want to be in life. You want to be at Happiness and Love Relationship, well your soul will take you there, however you’ll have to do the work to change whatever it is that makes you unhappy along the way to achieving your goal. That just makes sense, doesn’t it?
I have a goal of manifesting much more money than I currently have. So along the way I’ve been shown what it is that stops me from manifesting more money. And it’s working. The thing that was stopping me from manifesting more money was ME!! I have to say I despised money so because my focus was on not having any, I didn’t. I created that. So I had to make friends with money.
I’m now being shown through my frozen shoulder (it’s the fourth time I’ve had this condition) that I feel a lot of responsibility in life and it can be a burden at times. So I have to change my attitude and make it a happier occasion.
We’re shown everything we need to know – it’s just that we don’t know how to interpret the signs. Our physical 3D lifestyles have moved us away from interpreting our own innate wisdom.
Ivo: Yes, my love, you do not understand when you create bodily symptoms within yourselves. Your body is telling you how you feel because you are ignoring your feelings. When in fact you sit with them and understand them, a change can be made. Until then you will continue to manifest physical maladies. All illness is this. Your emotions are meant to be dealt with, not repressed to the point you will manifest illness and physical symptoms.
Me: Yes.
Ivo: To sum up, your emotions are telling you what you like and what you do not like. What you do not like, you are to change in order to make your life more amicable to you. That is how duality works. When people come into your life and they are irritating, then change the people around you or if you cannot do that, change your attitude towards them.
Everything is love. Everything is showing you the path to greater happiness and self love. You must learn to see it.
Me: Thanks, Ivo.
Ivo: My love, I know you have a great responsibility but you agreed to do this before you came to earth. You will see the fruits of your efforts some day but for now you are planting the seeds.
Me: Thanks Ivo.

Sharon Stewart

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:52
Quinta-feira, 20 / 02 / 20

The Negative Agenda to desensitizing humanity



The Negative Agenda to desensitizing humanity

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted February 19th, 2020 by Staffan.

Stephanie Sarten, Lightworker Extraordinaire:
Part of the Negative Agenda on Earth is desensitizing humanity to violance and sexualizing every single thing, the target being children.
Creating a mindset where violence and sex are “main stream” and “normal” – even combining to add violent sex, all while preaching in religion that you will go to hell – is an illumaniti sex attack. It gets you to consent to both and both through media and street theater, while teaching you that it is SIN.
“If everyone else is living in sin, then I will too.”

Is how people consent because mind control has you seeing in black and white.

Violence means violating innocence
Therefore you can see why the agenda includes desensitizing to violence and distorting the sexual nature of humanity all together.
To destroy innocence one simply has to attack the essence of what makes one innocent – their purity.
Innocence is purity – it’s honest, it’s true, it’s love, it feels safe.
Purity is authentic, genuine and real
Intimacy – into me I see
Innocence doesn’t have fear, it is love.
Intimacy is love of self and others with no fear based attachments
Sex is sacred.
Violence is cursed.
Combine them and you have a species with a cursed sexual nature.
Cursed means to punish by causing harm.
The Illuminati sex attack or the negative agenda of causing sexual misery on earth is about creating a reality where intimacy and innocence are lost to violence and fear, which causes ego attachments to inanimate objects that only money can buy – that will never fill the void
It’s to cause harm to intimacy and innocence and punish one by the belief you are going to hell.
So which one do you believe?
Do you choose to be like everyone else – especially false idols of Hollywood and engage in violence and sex, then believe you’re going to hell?
Or do you live pure and believe your are going to heaven?
Here’s the truth –
It has nothing to do with heaven or hell.
The agenda is to destroy your life here in the now.
Violence against others is NEVER ok.
And if you choose to be sacred sexually or open sexually is your choice – neither one gets you to heaven or hell
However, by destroying and harming the love bond that sex is intended for – by making sex a fear based activity open to share with anyone – you stay in hell here on earth.
Intimacy – into me I see – is uninhibited with a sacred partner – with another out of love – it was turned into inhibited with many others out of fear.
The divine living law is designed for you to experience heaven on Earth – not after death.
So when you make a choice – remember its not about after death – it’s about NOW.
Me: Ivo, I put up a short video the other day on my Fb feed and many loved it but one person laughed at it. I saw this was a new follower and I wondered what he could’ve found to be so humorous about a very seriously intended video. But then I thought, “Maybe he’s interpreting this as a message about sexual excitement.” I thought about it and decided it was worth doing a video on this because I’m sure this is only one of the ways that our life energy is being channeled into some very limited expression. Can you explain this, Ivo?
Ivo: Yes, my love. You said, ” Then Athena told me this: that the reason it excites you is because you’re doing it.” Also when you hear the words “doing it” what do people immediately think about? Sex. Excitement, passion and “doing it” are all terms you use that funnel your energies into sexual activity. Sex has taken on a cheap meaning in your society. Instead of being the illustrious energetic exchange between the divine masculine and the divine feminine which is an enactment of the entirety of interaction of energy in the universe, instead of being coveted as the act of divine creation of new life – your interpretation of intercourse and sexual activity has been relegated to bar bathrooms, payment to prostitutes, cheap nude or semi-nude poses in magazines and supposed “adult” humor which indicates no maturity at all.
Your sexual interpretation, without the divine feminine on your planet, is dominated by the dark father archetype, which is held by both males and females.
Me: I knew you’d explain it better!
Ivo: Your people interpret so many things in terms of sexual excitement because for so many who are mind controlled, sex is the only excitement you know of. When you are your authentic self, you find life itself to be passionate, exciting, rejuvenating, and a constant source of awe.
Can you say the same for life on earth now?
Me: No! LOL
Ivo: Your values reflect your captors’, your controllers’, not those of a true human being. For us, every breath we take is a joyous occasion. Every interaction with others an exchange of loving energy. Every act of helping an earthling is celebrated in the heavens. We revere life. You know this.
Me: Yes. I’ve been told. Angels have trumpets too.
Ivo: Our lives are like sweet music to our ears. We love to get up and live. Just being is an momentous occasion every day. So it stands to reason that we understand there is passion in all of life, not just a low frequency energetic exchange between two mind-controlled people.
And yes, my love, the point is, this is being done to you to rob you of the wonderment of being alive. The fact that there is anger and depression upon your planet indicates you are not in alignment with life. You are in alignment with death.
It is hard for you to be passionate about life when you are not aligned with your soul. When you look at life from the standpoint of an ego in an over-sexualized society, life is cheap. It is valueless to you. And your perspective shows that.
Me: True.
Ivo: It is not prudish to not want to play along with those who use innuendo to bait their next sexual conquest. And understand that sexual exchange is not about conquest, it is about connection. Those who feel it is an act of conquest are dominators of the false toxic masculine variety. Ideally, they should be avoided and starved out to hopefully wake up to the true reality of love and sexual interaction before it is too late for them.
Me: Thank you Ivo.
Ivo: My love, you understand and are waking up to all that you must know in order to thrive even on your planet. It is a question of leaving the old behind.

Sharon Stewart

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:04
Sexta-feira, 14 / 02 / 20

Who do you Think you are?

Who do you Think you are?

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted February 13th, 2020 by Staffan.


Me: Ivo, this lady asked me this question, incredulously, indignantly, in a hate mail she sent to me. In fact this is the entire reason we are here on earth – to figure out who we are – but she was asking the wrong person! She asked me, not herself!!

I could see Alan Watts or Timothy Leary going on about the existential significance of this question for hours on end!

Ivo: They are not present. So we shall discuss it.

Me: Go for it!

Ivo: This is the very question you as a human have incarnated to answer. You are answering it every moment of every day when you are following your heart. However, your people do not follow their hearts, they follow their minds and these minds are mind controlled. So you are answering the question for another who is controlling you into doing their bidding: you are answering the question your captors are asking of themselves : Who are we? That is whose question you are answering, not your own. Your expression is an expression of them, not of yourselves.

This question being asked of you by this email abuser is the most significant question when asked in the first person: Who am I? But when directed to another person, the reason for this is to cut the person down and to dominate them as if they have no right to be who they are.

Me: I didn’t care. I know who I am. And I don’t care about her opinion of me. But the significance of this question resounded within me. That’s something I’ve been asking myself all my life.

Ivo: You are all a spark of the Godhead. All of you. Anyone on the soul matrix, with a soul and a monad, is a part of God. What that means to you in your lower vibrational existence on earth could be anything. Some believe that they are external to God. Some believe they are God. Some believe they are a part of God. And some believe there is no God.

To all of these people, their individual beliefs are correct. And they live accordingly by them.

Me: Is one better than the other?

Ivo: Arguably, my love, one could be of higher consciousness than the others. There are levels, as there are levels throughout your entire growth process.

Me: So if I pick to become a soccer player (football for some) in this life, how is this going to answer who I am better than if I pick to be a grocery store clerk in this life?

Ivo: Of course what you do is not the point. What you do is only an expression of who you are. HOW you do it answers your question more aptly. Are you a nice soccer player who cares about the team mates and the competition, or do you hate all and express that hate in your play with them?

This question will give you some clues as to who you are as they reveal your choice of expression in a lifetime. However they do not answer the question directly.

In the same way, “How do I look?,” does not answer anything either. It is a choice your soul made in order to attract certain lessons, as is your choice of occupations, spouses, hobbies, whether you have children or not, or any other facet of your life.

When you ask, “Who am I?” and you sit with this you will realize you do not really know who you are. You can describe what you like, what you do, or what you dislike, but you will not answer this question this way.

Me: So how do you answer it?

Ivo: Yes. This is difficult to explain. Who you are is what you are not. It is what you do not like. It is how you do not look.

Me: It’s the opposite of all these things that I am?

Ivo: My point is you cannot find yourself in these things. If you were to live in India, your life would be a completely different expression than it is now.

Me: Yes.

Ivo: When you live as an extraterrestrial you live by values which will show you who you are. They are values that truly express yourself at the next higher level, you would be bringing the 7th dimension into the 6th dimension, shall we say.

The values you would live by would allow you to answer your question easily enough and then ascend to the next level where you would learn the values of the 8th dimension and then ascend again. The fact is, the only thing you are is love.

Do you feel that you are love today, my dear?

Me: No.

Ivo: And that is my point. Today is not such a bad day for you, but you have many where you have felt very unloving indeed. And so when you enact these negative states, you are being what you are not and therefore you cannot answer your question. Because you are enacting these negative states, your focus turns away from yourself and to others, which of course, is what prompted this troll to ask you that question: “Who do you think you are?!”

When you are expressing love, you feel at home in your body and you do not fear looking inside. When you are fearful, you will avoid looking inside and will project your fears onto others instead. This is what they refer to as “mirroring” and mirroring is only, as it is when you look into the looking glass, seeing yourself at face value but seeing yourself in the psyches of others around you.

You have multi-dimensional senses. You can feel who you are. You can see who you are. You can sense who you are. You can even hear who you are. But they still do not answer the question completely.

Me: The only way is to be that person.

Ivo: Yes. For your dimension, being that person when your heart is open and you are going about your business is answering that question to the best of your abilities.

People will challenge you to be unloving. People will challenge you and you will close your heart. But in closing your heart you are becoming less than your true self because you are love. So you must find new ways to deal with others that do not require your getting angry.

Me: Yes. We all could use that.

Ivo: A suggestion. Instead of anger, perhaps sending love to the person who annoyed you.

Me: I’ll work on that.

Ivo: Yesterday you expressed your annoyance to another person in the community via messager. He messaged you back with an explanation and then sent a big heart. You send a thumbs up. He sent you a bigger heart. You replied with a small heart. So he sent another bigger heart. You sent an LOL but you got the message. He loves you, no matter what you feel about his guidance. He is teaching you the way that people can forgive.

Forgiveness can be easy. You simply do not know how.

Me: When someone’s attacking you I’m sure your sending them big hearts is not going to change their mind.

Ivo: Change their heart. Send them a heart – send them your love and watch. You have much energy and it is very loving. You can share love with them instead of allowing them to walk away angry.

Me: I’ll try it. But I have to get over my own annoyance at having my free will violated.

Ivo: It is a process.

Me: Thanks, Ivo.

Ivo: My love, I reminded you of the necklace you bought at 16 with the single star in it. When we are one day together again, I will have one for you with our two stars entwined.

(stars to galactics are the same thing as heart to us – an expression of love)

Sharon Stewart

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
  • https://sananda.website/ivo-of-vega-via-sharon-stewart-february-11th-2020/
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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:05
Quinta-feira, 06 / 02 / 20

Without the Truth, there is nothing.


Without the Truth, there is nothing. 

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted February 5th, 2020 by Staffan.


Are you justifying your deceit?
Without the Truth, there is nothing.
Me: Ivo, I’ve recently put up a form on my website for people to respond if they want to have our channelings distributed to them by email. The intent is that they can post the content on their website or pass it on to other lightworkers.
I have already had a few people who have used that form for purposes other than what is specified. I’ve had one person just send me a pile of questions for Ashtar and expect me to answer them without even asking me if I’d do it. I deleted him from the list and blocked his email address. I won’t deal with liars. Because that’s basically what it is. You’re being deceptive. You reply to the form and then when you get one channeling you email me with a list of questions. Deception is an attempt at taking over control of another person and dominating their free will. I won’t allow it.
I figure it’s 2020 and we’re splitting out into different dimensions now. People are becoming more aware. So many people ask me why they can’t hear their ETs and I can tell you, it’s because of the way you’re behaving. You’re not ready to handle their messages with integrity. Having integrity means you have strong moral character and know right from wrong, but I get people emailing me who are out to manipulate or trick me into doing something for them that I never said I would do. This is a violation of my free will and frankly, I’m fed up. I’ve been on this planet, been lied to and deceived so many times by people who weren’t honest and I believe since lightworkers are the first to wake up, they should also wake up to where their moral character doesn’t fill the bill.
We learn to be manipulative and deceptive in the matrix and this has to be dealt with.
Ivo: It does, my love. Extraterrestrials can sense your intentions. You cannot lie to us. And we will not be deceived. So we will not deal with anyone who is lying to us or who makes a habit of lying to others. Your vibrational frequency is directly related to your integrity – your level of moral character. Lying and being deceitful, misrepresenting your intentions, and other acts of similar deception are not the types of behaviours we will deal with.
Me: There was the one person who paid thousands of dollars to a channeler who embellished the messages of one ET to his twin flame. The twin flame was totally over the moon but it was because they were lied to. I had to go through the messages and ask him to separate the lies from the Truth and of course the twin flame was crushed and very hurt. When I asked him why he channeled through this devious person, he said he had no choice.
Do we want messages from other realms to be coming through people of this low moral character? Do ETs want that? Of course not. Do you think they want their messages distorted by our ego’s? No. So they wait until they find a person of suitable integrity to relay their messages to. Or you are picked before you’re born and worked with throughout your life to be a good vehicle for their messages.
There are enough people already who are channeling dark entities rather than the Light and don’t realize it. The reason they don’t realize it is because they can be lied to. You have to align with the Truth, not with your opinion. Who you think you’re channeling is one thing. Who you are channeling is another. The first thing to do when you make contact is be sure you understand the dark agenda – to divide and conquer, separate, spread lies and chaos. Lisa Renee writes about this in the Ascension Glossary. If I can find the link I’ll add it below.
People who channel who don’t familiarize themselves with the dark agenda are putting everyone at risk of being lied to. It’s the channeler’s responsibility to ensure that no dark agenda messages are contained in their channelings. If they are, then you need to question who you’re speaking to!
The problem with lying right now on this earth is that that’s what our current reality has been built on – the lie of who we aren’t, and it’s the Truth that literally we are building earth’s future on, not on lies. Love is the Truth. Truth is Light. We are lightworkers, not lie-workers. We don’t deceive because when we do that, we are continuing to support the unreality of lies that holds earth in quarantine from the rest of the galaxy.
The truth is important and so is not deceiving other people. Being honest is of the utmost importance right now. It always was but it is especially now.
Ivo: You are correct, my love. Being honest is its own path to the Light. Insisting on honesty from others helps them to realize when they are being dishonest or deceptive. Understand that any dishonesty lowers the vibrational frequency of the person saying it and anyone believing them. That is why politicians lie to you – to keep your vibration down, and most people do not even understand the dynamics of this. What do you do when you catch a politician lying? You call them a dirty liar and you are angry. If they had not lied then how would you have felt? Better of course. Lies lower your frequency. It is important that everyone stop attempting to deceive everyone else. Be honest.
Do not misrepresent yourself and your intentions. You do not understand how this lowers your frequency and this lower frequency will not put you in touch with the Light, only the dark because the dark enjoys lying to you.
Sharon’s frustration with people who misrepresent their intentions, lie to her, and attempt to deceive her, is absolutely valid. As of late she has had neighbours come over for neighbourly visits in the hopes of seducing her. She would not have opened the door to this person had she understood his intentions beforehand.
Me: Something blinded me. I should’ve been suspicious when he came over with a mug of beer. Beer is the elixir of bullshitters.
Ivo: My dear, your frustration comes from living in dishonesty all your life. You understand the importance of honesty and the Truth. You understand that deception is a prison you create for yourselves.
Me: I’m so tired of it being in my face all the time. You can’t get away from it. Everyone’s living a lie.
Ivo: Yes. It will not be much longer for you, my dear. Then you will be released from this. Your work is not done yet.
Me: I know. I can’t stand bullshit and frankly, I won’t put up with it either. Even people who think themselves honest are prone to many types of deception. The most rampant is self deception.
Trust me, you’ll be tested. One time the power was off in Toronto for days. When it finally came back on, it was 9 p.m. and I had a load of laundry that needed to be done. The rule in the building was no laundry after 9 p.m. because I had the apartment next to the laundry room and it bothered me to have people in there at 5 a.m. doing laundry. So the landlady set hours. I had to wait until the next day to do my laundry even though nobody was using the machines, just because I was the one who insisted that nobody do their laundry after specific hours. So I couldn’t very well go ahead and do laundry and expect everyone else adhere to the rules, could I? Integrity is doing the right thing, even when nobody will catch you. That’s the standard of honesty we need to live by. This world would be so different!
It’s not hard to be honest. It’s probably easier to lie, though, or so we think. Ever been caught in a lie? Not very comfortable, was it? People think being honest is having to tell someone something you’d rather not say about them; it’s not. But being honest is a prerequisite for being assertive, and if you’re still lying to yourself, being assertive is going to be tough for you.
This is the future of earth, folks. Not the pack of lies we’ve been living in.
People want to know what the galactics will be teaching us when they land. This will be part of the curriculum of spiritual school. Adherence to absolute honesty and respect for others’ free will.
My creedo is:”Do no harm. Take no nonsense.”
Ivo: My love. This is a good policy. Dishonesty is about fear. Fear of someone saying no to you. If they say no, then is that so bad? You have been mistaught in your world. You have been taught the ways of your controllers and they are evil. The corruption of a species, of an entire world, is something they will not get away with. They are being taken to task even now for what they have done.
Me: Thank you Ivo.
Ivo: Your world is in a consciousness war and the prize is good moral character for the Avatar on earth. As your character improves and aligns more with the Truth, so will your psychic gifts be presented to you in order for you to learn to consciously use them. For Sharon, this new gift is her portal.
And so, my love, you are most welcome. I long for the day you will be with me again.

Sharon Stewart
On our website there’s a document written by Rick Jewers describing your divine gifts and how to access them. Link will be under the video.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:42
Domingo, 02 / 02 / 20




Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted February 1st, 2020 by Staffan.



Me: Ivo, can you please fill me in on this. Other people will want to know as well, maybe they’ve even seen portals around them. I’ll put up a sketch I drew of the portal. Of course it’s out of perspective because the portal is actually on the ceiling but I made it look like it was facing outwards because I wanted people to see the detail in it. All the flying zed’s in the portal. At first I didn’t know what this strange thing was. The whole thing was circling around the overhead light, and it dwarfed it!

Ivo: Yes, my love. We will discuss this. It is indeed your portal and you were told this.

Me: Seeing a circle with strange patterns floating around in it wouldn’t be even odd considering some of the things I’ve seen but why did I start seeing it?

Ivo: Because you were being shown what in fact you are using to get to my ship at night. Every time you fall asleep your astral body rises up into the portal. That is why it is above your bed.

Me: Hmmm. Maybe you should put it in the bathroom considering how many trips I make at night time. LOL

Ivo: (blatantly ignoring my comment) It is an instantaneous journey, my love. It takes no time at all to enter into the portal and to reach my ship.

Me: But am I safe? (intuiting that my insistence on being safe is fear-based. I’ve lived here too long.)
Ivo: Of course.

Me: So explain to me, Ivo, then what is a portal? How does it differ from a star gate? The earth has portals too.

Ivo: My love, and to all who are listening, you are so accustomed to thinking of your lives in terms of time and of space. The portal actually transcends all of time and space. As I said, the trip is instantaneous, as well as the fact that you do not have to traverse space. You are not going through your atmosphere, you are not flying by airplanes, unless that is how you choose to travel. There are some who astral travel with the birds and planes but this is because this is the point of their journey. A few times Sharon has astral projected into my ship and she saw herself flying over the mountains as I am in the western United States, she saw the blue sky and she enjoyed the feeling of the air.

Me: I took the slow way.

Ivo: You took the slow way because your conscious mind did not realize there is a portal which you can use to circumvent time and space. It is in effect, zero space, zero gravity, it is just energy and it is energy configured to take you to …. yes…. what is in effect another specified energy, which is my ship. It is energy which attracts energy, you being the energy.

Me: I doubt that that’s clear.

Ivo: When you travel through time and space you think it will take 15 minutes to reach the Rockies and my ship which is in space above the earth. You think of it as you would an airplane flying and you are in the seat of the airplane. However traveling via a portal is simply one energy point to another energy point. There is no space and time.

Me: Okay. That I get. Like Point A to Point B instantaneously. But are there coordinates?

Ivo: No, there are no coordinates. This is how portals are constructed. They have end points but basically no middle. There is no traversing a portal. There is no space between the points. It is instantaneous. You are here to there in a flash.

Me: So why not the other way then? The airplane way?

Ivo: Because you are using quantum navigation, my dear.

Me: Aha. So there’s not always a portal between two points, sometimes you go the slower way.

Ivo: If such could be said of our travel, slow…. Slow does not really describe it. You have astral traveled before and it was instantaneous as well. You went to what you consider to be your future. You saw your house, the one we will be using as a space port. And you were amazed because at the time you did not consider yourself a country person.

Me: So, why show me this portal then?

Ivo: Your summary is correct, my dear. The amnesia is lessening. You are beginning to remember more of your current life with me, and you already know of some of your past lives, if you wish to call them that.

Me: True. My other incarnations.

Ivo: You are learning in such a way that goes from most recent to least recent.

Me: So time does exist.

Ivo: To you it does. You understand as you have astral projected through your lives that time does not exist. You see one lifetime as clearly as the other. Your mind sees it as history and you are attempting to understand which life came before the other but in fact they are simultaneous. You can step from one to the other in a flash. This is also quantum. (Notice he said “you see one as clearly as the other,” not as “the next”. ETs don’t think in terms of time. They think in terms of possibilities.)

Me: So why are there funny zed’s in my portal?

Ivo: Energy signatures. The energy appears to physical eyes as looking like zed’s (or Zee’s for Americans).

Me: Does it make a sound?

Ivo: Yes, it has a frequency but hearing it is not your strength.

Me: Does it sound like music?

Ivo: You could call it that, but it does not sound like the Rolling Stones.

Me: Maybe they have their own portals. I fell asleep today and I saw myself doing something that reminded me of driving but it wasn’t driving a car. There was no steering wheel. I was navigating some kind of vehicle.

Ivo: Yes. You are beginning to remember. Shall we leave it at this and allow you to explore further, then you can come up with your own conclusions. (I was in a healing booth, I found out later.)

Me: Okay. So what do we want to tell the listener about portals?
Ivo: You all have one. Your personal portal. And it goes to your ship. Whatever ship you are aligned with when you go at night time, your portal will take your astral body there, as Sharon’s does. Everyone has such a portal.

Me: Does the portal follow you around or is it over your bed?
Ivo: It is in the vicinity of the person. It is always near you. Should you leave the house, it will follow you so to speak.

Me: A stalker portal. Okay.

Ivo: Suppose you should wish to leave your body during the day and go to your ship, your portal must take you. When you are in school and you begin daydreaming, you are often gone into your portal.

Me: So daydreamers aren’t really conscious?

Ivo: No. Do you feel your body when you daydream?

Me: No, not really.

Ivo: You are in a higher state.

Me: A higher state but I don’t go to my ship.

Ivo: You could.

Me: So there are higher states of consciousness and there are portals to take the light body to other locations.

Ivo: Yes. You have options.

Me: I guess the reason I’m seeing this portal is because I’ll be doing that.

Ivo: Yes, we would like to teach you to use this portal and come to the ship during your altered states of consciousness, during meditation.

Me: Oh, okay. Cool! So what about the earth’s portals?

Ivo: Yes, you can access one and go to other places.

Me: I don’t hear about too many people jetting out into portals and going to Sirius yet.

Ivo: You have. What do you think happened to the people who flew over the Bermuda Triangle?

Me: But that took their physical bodies too.

Ivo: Yes, they can go through a portal.

Me: Oh okay! So when you see images of a ship taking a person up from the surface during abductions, this isn’t a tractor beam….

Ivo: It is a portal they have created. There is artificial technology to do this as well.

Me: Wow. Space age!

Ivo: My love, there are star gates… such as you see in your sci fi, you walk through and you are in another point in history or you are on another planet or you set your mind to a place and the star gate simply gets you there. Time travel and travelling to other planets or dimensions is easy.

Me: I went to this pink place once, now that I think of it.

Ivo: Yes.

Me: What was that place? It was pink and I was doing astral somersaults all over. I felt very good, happy and free.

Ivo: You were back home.

Me: Wow! Really?! (Actually, we never left heaven, we just think we have. We’re very connected.)

Ivo: Yes. You went to where you call heaven. It was bliss.

Me: Why didn’t I see anything?

Ivo: Would you have come back if you had seen how wonderful it is?

Me: True.

Ivo: My love, your people are mind wiped, yes, because if you remembered all the details of what you left, you would never do your work. You would be too depressed living on earth.

Me: (tapping my foot with arms crossed)…… uh huh.

Ivo: You came to work. You came to help a people survive where 5 times before, the race had died off.

Me: Okay. I’m looking for brownie points for doing this.

Ivo: It all is recognized. Your soul will reap the benefits of what she has done.

Me: You mean what I have done.

Ivo: You are your soul, my love. Begin to think that way.

Me: My soul is a cat.

Ivo: And you are her incarnation.

Me: My weird life. Okay, thank you Ivo. I hope this gives people some idea about their portals. You all have one, seen or unseen.

Ivo: Yes. You have seen yours twice already.

Me: Yes. Can anyone else use my portal?

Ivo: I can.

Me: That’s because we’re the same DNA.

Ivo: We are the same quantum spark, shall we say. Your DNA is very different from mine as you are now.

Me: Okay. Thanks Ivo.

Sharon Stewart
On our website there’s a document written by Rick Jewers describing your divine gifts and how to access them. Link will be under the video.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:45
Quinta-feira, 30 / 01 / 20

Do Not Fear your Light


Do Not Fear your Light 

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted January 29, 2020 by Staffan.



“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Nelson Mandela

Ivo: You have been taught to fear yourselves. Your True Selves. Yes. What you are used to is your comfort zone and to break through it is to break through fear. Ask yourself, “What if everything you know and you think is wrong?” Not only that, my love, what if everything you think is an attack on yourself designed by your planet’s rulers to control you?

Me: Ivo, I can hear you talking to me all the time while I’m doing other stuff.

Ivo: I am guiding you, my love. You are taking a different approach to solving a problem in your life today because I told you to do something every day that you have till now believed impossible. Because it is possible. You are attempting to fix the electric motor in your camera’s zoom lens by feeding it energy. You understand that you can connect with technology because you were shown: you shut down a CD and then your computer with your mind.

So you believe that you can fix your camera without physical intervention. I believe it is possible, my love.

You have also moved objects with your mind and you have healed a dizziness problem by meditating on it.

It is a question of developing focus. A focused mind is like a laser beam. It directs a very powerful beam of energy towards a certain thing, and this focused energy beam is directed by the mind that is empowering it. We have created pyramids by joining up and focusing on the movement of these heavy stones, and they were cut to precision by our minds. Anything is malleable to the human mind, even a rock as hard as granite.

You do not understand who you truly are, however you have had “freak incidents” as you would call them, in the past where you have moved objects, shut down computers, healed yourself and predicted the future. There are more, we will start with these. You can do all these things, my love and so can anyone watching this video.

You are all capable of it. That is why the deep state uses distraction to keep you occupied at aimless pursuits – to keep your minds focused on things of no consequence. When you focus on what really matters, you can move mountains.

Sharon is showing this already as she has had an income increase of one third of her current income and this continues to increase. You can move mountains.

The objective is to focus on things you thought were impossible, and then to believe them possible. When you believe it is possible, you have overcome your mind and then you begin to use it as a tool of creation. It is already done by many on your planet who know how.

The Rosicrucians teach this in their workshops: how to focus your mind and then how to use it as such a tool.

When you do not understand who you are, you believe that you are born to chase balls, keep your house clean, to watch television and to work a job. These are the distractions. You believe in the power of the physical body yet the women have no such power as a man. Do you think that the Creator would create such an imbalance in his people? Women and men are both powerfully matched. Physicality has nothing to do with it.

Sharon has gone to the Abyss with Archangel Michael to fight off the dark entities and capture them. When you ask her when she is awake what she is capable of, she would never tell you that she could do this. However, she has had them around her house and sends them love, and they leave so she is beginning to understand.

It is teaching you, in the physical, that you are not just physical – you are metaphysical. Your powers encompass all of the Universe and yet you believe yourself to be worthy only of jobs such as stock boy, bell hop and fast food server. What a travesty! We know who you are, we knew you in Antiquity and we know what you are capable of. Feeding dead beef burgers to the public laced with GMO’s, toxic bread and chemical-laden drinks is your death, not your life. You need to wake up.

The more you leave your system, the more you will understand that it is enslaving you. You are powerful beings. Begin to do the things that others think you are crazy for attempting.

Me: Yeah, my father used to do stuff and we’d call him crazy. He used to do party tricks with match sticks but on the other hand he’d try to heal people and some said they felt better when he did. He liked hands-on healing.

Ivo: Yes. He was a Rosicrucian as well.

Me: Yes.

Ivo: He understood that you are metaphysical beings, not dependent on your bodies. He knew more about you then than you could ever know.

Me: He knew I was a lightworker before I did.

Ivo: Yes. So you can have some peace with him now knowing he understood you to some degree.

Me: Not everyone has a father born in 1927 that studied the I-ching and did the Course in Miracles. When he started, there was no putting the books down.

Ivo: And it helped him. He overcame many of the problems he was saddled with as a child of disturbed parents.

Me: Yes. Even just READING spiritual information raises your vibration.

Ivo: You must ponder the question, just sit and ponder, “What if everything I know, believe and think is wrong?” When you do this, you open yourself up to the idea that there is more to learn and to be corrected within yourself. Most of your people spend their lives either enjoying this false reality, or they spend their time living in such a way that does not trigger off their fears. When they do this, they can live comfortably, however they are being held hostage by their fears. The only way to live is to eliminate fears. One of your biggest fears is of your light, of your power. Humans were once gods on earth. Now look at what you have become.

Everything you believe about yourselves is entirely incorrect. You must embrace this idea and then go to seek the truth because it is coming back to your earth now.

You believe yourself to be a physical body that dies after 80 years. You are actually a god that, when fully empowered, can live for thousands of years.

You believe you need to find the items that you seek for your homes. In fact, you are creating them. Yes. When you look for an item in the store, it is there because you believe it will be.

Me: What if it’s sold out?

Ivo: Then it is not the item you require at this time.

Me: So if I go to the store to get celery to make vegetarian chili, and it’s not there, then it’s because I’m not supposed to be eating vegetarian chili at this time?

Ivo: Correct.

Me: Oh.

Ivo: Seek from the foods that are in the store and these are what you must have at this time, bearing in mind that many of the foods there are not healthy for the human being.

Me: So how come they’re there, then?

Ivo: Because you like them. This does not mean they are good for you. This is human intervention in its own natural process of spiritual health. These products are attacks on the body.

Me: I could just go to another store and get celery, Ivo.

Ivo: You could. But how often do you do that?
Me: True. I just leave it out of the recipe or throw celery salt in it.

Ivo: Life works differently than you think it does. Your lives are running on your intellects, and you do not take energy into consideration. You are manifesting constantly. The fact that the celery is not in the store or you have not picked it up anywhere else is indicative that you do not need to eat it at this time.

Me: That’s a whole different ballgame, Ivo.

Ivo: It is, my love. It is spiritual grocery shopping. Allowing the energies to speak to you.

Me: So what if people want to go on a cruise and that cruise is sold out?

Ivo: Then there is a better alternative for them. They must seek it out.

Me: What if they want to take a flight somewhere and the flight is booked up?

Ivo: There is a reason for this. Either they are to stay in the country they are in longer, they are not to be in the country they are to go to when they think, or there is a reason they must stay off that particular vehicle. For example, if their plane is delayed or they require a later plane, this could prevent the family member who is to pick them up at the airport from getting into a traffic accident. It could be any number of reasons, my dear. And it often has to do with timelines.

You lament when you do not get what you want, but in fact the lack of what you want is telling you something. You always get what you need, not what you want. You may be delayed from departing a party at the time you wish to, but had you gone earlier you may have run into the traffic stop and been given an alcohol test.

Me: They’re trying to stop drunk drivers from being found out?

Ivo: My love, I realize that your world is not keen on drunk driving. However some drunk drivers make it home with no problem. Much is being arranged for you as you go about your daily lives, even drunk drivers. When in fact there is an accident involving vehicles, whether there be drinking or not, it is because this accident was agreed upon as a vehicle for spiritual growth. And I might add, that some of you need to have your lives descend to these levels in order to put you back on a spiritual track.

My love, how many times have you heard a person say they were scheduled for a particular flight but could not get on. And then the plane had an accident and many died? They were not scheduled to die on that day. You call it lucky. We call it divine intervention or spiritual guidance.

I will make another point with you and that is the event of the car accident you had when you were 16. This was in fact an Illuminati attempt to kill you. I was very aware of this as well as your parents, Vary and Leo, and as you departed your sister’s house to get into your car that night you heard us very loudly and clearly tell you not to drive home. We urged you to stay the night at your sister’s house. But you listened to your intellect, which of course, has no precognitive ability at all, and got into the car. The thunder storm itself was a sign you could have refused to go home, at least until it blew over the area but you ignored that as well. This was simply a circumstance where you were allowed to hear us in your decision making because your life was in danger. We realized after that night, that you were not in the habit of listening to voices in your head even when they are clearly arguing with you, and so we used other tactics until such time we felt that you might decide to listen. Even then, we were disappointed when you refused to listen to us even when our voices were proven correct.

Me: Yeah, I remember that. The time I was told to stop at the teller machine instead of using my debit card at the store, and then the store’s debit machine wasn’t working.

Ivo: We had to work with you, and we still do, to get you to listen to our guidance.

People have guidance from their guides every day, even if they are not telepathic, and circumstances are created to prevent you from experiencing things, or to allow you to experience them, depending on what is for your greatest good.

That is what life is about. Not your idea that the can of brown beans has been sitting in the market as the store restocks it. They are there because you are meant to have them. Look at your life from a more personal metaphysical approach.

Me: Okay.

The entire function of life in the physical plane is perceived differently by your limited intellect. Every moment of your life is in fact a metaphysical experience.

Now, we must continue on from this first lesson. Now we will discuss “What if everything you think is an attack on yourself designed by your planet’s rulers to control you?” Because it is.

When you grocery shop, you can buy celery, or you can buy a tub of ice cream. Do you know what they put into ice cream? If you did you would not eat it.

Me: I heard they put wax in chocolate. I don’t eat chocolate bars anymore.

Ivo: This is true. You also tasted nicotine a couple weeks ago when you sipped your decaf coffee. My point is, eating the celery if organic particularly, and nourished with vitamins to support your body is healthy, a good choice. Eating ice cream which is loaded with sugar and other indigestible non-organic compounds, is an attack on your body. Yet your people consider it a delicacy.

Not only is eating the ice cream an attack on your bodies, so is dieting. Controlling your body is an attack on it. Eating the wrong foods is an attack on it. And believing you are fat is also an attack on it. But how common are all of these things? You do not respect your bodies because you have been taught not to. You have been taught to attack them. As Jesus says, you live in an attack culture.

Me: True.

Ivo: We were speaking of ladies’ magazines the other day. You mentioned you were surprised that a particular ladies’ home magazine was still being sold. You remember the days of apronned housewives pushing vacuum cleaners and washing dishes in this magazine, as well as coupons and advertisements for chemically-laden products. Now look at the incidence of breast cancer in your western world today and compare it to third world countries who do not use all these chemicals. These magazines and the chemical products they tout are an attack on the divine feminine. What is being advertised in all womens’ magazines is the dark feminine model, which is a creation of the dark ones in order to oppress women.

So then it became necessary for women to enter the workplace in larger numbers. Your women were told that they were being emancipated.


Ivo: So now, in fact, who looks after the children? Requiring women to go to work is an attack on the family system. There are many latch key children and many boxed pizza dinners being eaten as there is no time to cook nutritious meals. Mother is overburdened with all the work she has to do and this is also by design. This is an attack on the divine feminine. How can you discover your divinity with a vacuum in one hand, too exhausted to do anything but watch television when you get home from work?

It is all an attack on your people. The goal is either to reduce your energy and keep you in a lower state of being, or to attack the divine feminine and keep her from being realized within all of you, men as well.

This is why when GESARA is implemented across the world, as it now has been begun in Russia, funds will be given in order to reduce the necessity of working, which will allow you to follow your spiritual path again, not enact your intellectual roles.

Me: Thanks Ivo.

Ivo: My love, you will never lift a finger with me. All of our systems are automated and there is no such thing as a housewife. Mother is a natural role, as is father, however becoming a slave to a cleaning regime is unheard of on Elteron.

Sharon Stewart

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 23:00
Sexta-feira, 29 / 11 / 19

Make Friends with Money

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

November 28, 2019.


Me: Hi Ivo.
Ivo: Hello my love.
Me: I might as well load up on doing videos because Facebook is censoring me. Every time I try to create a post I get the pop up that says “We’re sorry but we can’t do this right now. Please continue to try.” Or something like that. I can’t post, I can’t post images, nothing. It’s because I’m sharing Stephanie Sarten’s work, that’s why.
Ivo: It is. (he’s laughing) Do not worry, my love. This will be rectified.
Me: I just got her started on retail shopping as a form of mind control, so I’m sure she’s going to hit that with her usual hammer-like force. LOL Anyway, I’ve been behind on my videos so I’ll put up a couple today and then focus on that until I’m out of, “We’re sorry but we can’t do that for you” censorship. I’m not going to stop posting Stephanie’s stuff, as a matter of fact the fact that they don’t want me to is all the more reason to do it.
I wish people weren’t so beholden to Facebook. Maybe they should realize it’s because it accommodates your lower mind that it works for so many people. Yes, it’s made with the intention of involving the part of your mind that you’re supposed to realign as you ascend higher. It’s made with the intention of keeping you in your lower mind. So for lightworkers being on Facebook and not engaging your shadow is the challenge. Facebook is heavily infiltrated and the groups are particularly bad. I just quit out of so many of them. Couldn’t take the energy.
Ivo: Yes, it is. It is simply one more corrupt vehicle in your corrupted western society.
Me: Good segue, actually. That’s what I wanted to discuss as well. I was doing some research online and found a site that said that if you dislike money, you’re not going to attract it. The simplicity of the next statement really struck me: You attract whatever you love. Now, in my case that wasn’t necessarily the truth: I attracted what I feared for much of my life, not what I loved, because I attracted whatever I aligned my frequency with.
But it does bring up a good point: if you hate money, you’re not going to get much of it. I didn’t anyway. I became avoidant. I wanted to avoid those jobs and I thought that’s where the money was.
Ivo: This is true, my love. And you associate money with your working past. You had a father who believed that money was the root of all evil, although he overspent on a regular basis and was a hoarder, so it was not really “do as I say” in his case, it was “watch what I do” to find his truth.
Me: Yes, the incongruencies were enormous.
Ivo: And this is about alignment. Understanding your actual truth by understanding what you are creating, not what you think you are creating but what you are actually creating. And in your case, my love, you do not like money.
Me: I have to learn to love it because I need more of it to help people, which is what I want to do.
Ivo: And so you must disregard your old opinion in favour of a newer one: that you like money because money is a vehicle for compassion on your planet. It can be used spiritually and for humanitarian purposes.
In your father’s case, he disliked money because he felt he was a slave to it. He worked all day to support his family, and clearly he resented that. Then he took money on the weekend to indulge his fear of insufficiency – not having enough. He overdid it on the sports equipment and the paints because as you recall, he had every colour in the rainbow there!
Me: He did.
Ivo: Many of you learn to hate money because it is a symbol of the system. And you dislike the system to varying degrees. You particularly hated it because you had PTSD and were taking in negative energies of all the people you worked with.
Me: Yes, so much fun!
Ivo: It is behind you. You will never have to do that again.
Me: Amen.
Ivo: But you see the association you have with money – it represents anger, fear, slavery, the nonsense you put up with, corporate corruption, and the worst, the removal of the rights of the workers you worked with. They were not allowed to say no in one financial institution. Saying no got one man fired when it became time to “downsize” which is just a convenient lie for relieving the company of the non-producers. You recall that downsizing was frequent at the time you were in corporate in downtown Toronto. Many companies downsized. It was a legally created excuse to circumnavigate the laws in place to protect employees.
Me: I should’ve figured. I hadn’t caught that one actually.
Ivo: Yes. There are laws in place to keep people employed but the companies have their ways around them. The other was the one that said that people could not be fired if on sick leave, yet you were.
Me: I know.
Ivo: You must understand that with all these companies, when you do as they wish, then it is fine. But when you do not do as they wish, they will break the law in order to deal with you.
Me: And they did. So did the insurance company when I applied for LTD.
Ivo: They do not care. They only care about making money. And it is this kind of ruthlessness that you associate money with. Many do.
Me: Yes.
Ivo: However you went on to work in a coffee shop for less money but you were not treated like a commodity there. It was more humane and you realized your work was appreciated.
Me: Yes.
Ivo: So now you must create your own reason to love money. Yes, I hear you saying “eeuw” when I speak of loving money, that is resistance to the idea that money can be used for the greater good. You realize this but you must overcome your resentment of the way you worked for it in the past.
Me: True.
Ivo: There may be some inventory to do on this.
Me: There was the oil company that I worked at where I was so abused. However I realize that this would have been necessary to wake me up whether I worked there or anywhere else. No matter what I’d done I would’ve encountered the same abuse.
As for Fidelity Investments, they weren’t even the worst one. The job was just really boring there and it wasn’t what I wanted to do. I’m sure Kelly Services gave me that job because I cracked up working with them and ended up bawling my eyes out because they couldn’t get their shit together and so they placed me in a boring non-demanding job at Fidelity Investments. I should’ve just stayed there and brought my own personal stuff to do. Nobody would’ve even known. LOL
I find it interesting that their logo is a pyramid with a capstone on it. Fidelity sure seems to think that that’s where the power comes from – the top part.
Ivo: The entire pyramid is the power because it sits over a point on the electro magnetic grid that fuels your planet and keeps it alive. They are all at strategic points on your planet’s grid. As I told you before, the dark ones would have mind controlled you into not seeing the pyramids, however, they could not do it. The pyramids are too powerful. So they created false ideas about the pyramids and a false history.
Me: But there are tombs within the pyramids.
Ivo: Yes, these were put in by other humans who believed the false ideas. The pyramids are like your nuclear reactors, and they are also portals to other systems.
And another point, this is how powerful your eyes are. Your eyes and your brains take energy and translate it into a perception of solid objects. Had the dark ones been successful at mind controlling you into not seeing the pyramids, you would have been able to walk right through them.
Me: Interesting.
Ivo: Your eyes are very important. They translate, with your brains, energies around you into solid objects and I say solid with quotes around the word because nothing is solid. It is all energy. So your expression, “I’ll believe it when I see it,” harbours much more truth to it than you actually realize. It indicates how your eyes actually work to create your reality.
Of course when the third eye is open, then you see your non-physical reality as well. The third eye is shut by illusion, and my dear, as I have said before, you are creating an illusion. The only reality is love. The illusion is fear. Fear shuts down the third eye. The dark ones know that and they send their scary ones to you in the astral to attempt to keep your third eye closed out of fear.
Me: They would.
Ivo: What is more accurate is to say, “I will see it when I believe it.” That is actually the way the mind needs to work. You have it backwards. This is why it is so important that the truth be told to you – so that your mind can align with it now. You rely on your physical eyes and it is so easy for the darksters to create a reality for you based on a certain set of frequencies. They can eliminate, and they have, anything they desire from your field of vision except where these objects are too strong for them to accomplish this. So then they change the narrative. In fact there are many parts of your history, your true history, that are simply not being seen by your eyes right now. The dark ones fear the return of your spiritual vision because it will tell the truth. The opening of the Third Eye is key to this ascension process because the third eye reveals the truth. So an illusion has been created for you to see, an unreality, for you to believe in, to keep your third eye closed. Also the use of fluoride and other chemicals act on calcifying and shrinking the pineal gland to help create the non-reality you are currently viewing. Terrans were once a race of titans. The super human. And now look what has become of them. Such a pity!
Ivo: So then, getting back to your money issues: learn to love money. Yes, you feel like you would be greedy for loving money but that is not the type of person you are. If you had extra you would use it to help others.
Me: I would.
So then you are understanding that money can be used for humanitarian purposes because that is what you would use it for. You have in the past, my love. You have no reason to doubt that you would use it for humanitarian purposes. Your past indicates your intentions.
Me: True.
Ivo: This is a lesson in believing in yourself, and not believing in the system.
Me: True again.
Ivo: You are the new system. You have brought humanitarian values to earth and you are creating a new way. Take that step now, my love.
Me: I will.
Ivo: Very good. We wish all a good day.
Sharon Stewart.
  1. http://www.sharonandivo.weebly.com

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 21:20
Segunda-feira, 25 / 11 / 19

Abundance is Not Just about Money

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

November 23, 2019.


Me: Ivo, can you enlighten us please? Abundance is really about having your real needs met, isn’t it? Oh yeah, there’s the link to your needs. Oh! Yeah. When I was a kid, my needs weren’t properly met. Anyone in an abusive situation isn’t getting their needs met, in fact I was exploited and controlled. So there’s the link between underearning and my needs. Ah good. Made some progress today!

Ivo: Indeed, my love. Nobody on earth is really getting their true needs met unless they have learned who they truly are!
Me: Oh yes.

Ivo: You are a consciousness having a physical experience. You are an aware energy that is connected to the all.

Me: So can you find something for that awareness at Walmart?

Ivo: LOL You can find what you need to fulfill your physical requirements at Walmart, however I suggest exercising caution as many of the foods are big business foods and you get my meaning.

Me: Yes.

Ivo: Your world is entirely focused on physical needs, however, and you are not physical beings. Even your physicality, what you consider to be solid matter, is energy. You are energy beings and in meeting your energetic needs, you create abundance for yourself.

Me: Oh. So do your cord cutting, do your 12 dimensional shielding, do your grounding, meditate… read spiritual books, work at becoming telepathic yadda yadda yadda.

Ivo: Yes. You are not wholly physical beings, in fact that is the lesser part of your reality.

Me: Aha! Stop thinking of yourself as a physical being and understand you have 12 dimensions of needs to meet. Or at least however these 12 dimensions relate to your physical experience. This is really about getting it right, isn’t it?

Ivo: Yes, becoming a wholly spiritual person. However, there are ways to understand how to meet your needs on earth. The resultant emotional state of happiness, for example. The resultant state of inner peace, for example, and the resultant state of being of service is another example. These are ways to meet your true needs and in aligning with (allowing) these, your physical life will become fulfilled.

Me: I knew there was a secret you two were keeping from me, Ivo!

Ivo: I keep no secrets my love. I will tell you when you are ready to connect the dots, so to speak and as you see, your perception has already shifted within the last 10 minutes. Meeting your needs is about aligning with your soul. Resultant states of happiness, joy, inner peace and being loving towards all will ensue.

Me: Aha. Then this reflects into the physical?

Ivo: Your mindset will change to reflect a more prosperous physicality, my love.

Me: So working on your abundance is a question of working on your ascension.

Ivo: Arguably, there is only the work of letting go of whatever ails you.

Me: These things stick like glue, Ivo!

Ivo: And when you have a bad mood now, what do you do?

Me: I ground myself. I rid my body of the negative energy I’ve either created or picked up from someone else. Or I just have a nap.

Ivo: Exactly, you return to a state of balance. You are in a better mood these days.

Me: I’ve gone through most of my ascension. I’m not having symptoms anymore.

Ivo: Yes. But it is said “Change your thinking, change your life,” is it not?

Me: Yes.

Ivo: So abundance is bringing the higher energies of love down to your physical level. And your life will change accordingly. The work is not to resist it, to keep your lower mind out of the way.

Me: Got it.

Ivo: Take opportunities daily to be at peace, be happy, laugh, feel joy. If something like the news bothers you, turn it off. Do not align with things that create negative states within you, including other people. Align with what you enjoy.

Yes, your idea of what your needs are just changed. You put them in two camps before: your spiritual needs and your physical needs but in fact they are all connected. The spiritual feeds your personality and the personality feeds the spiritual. Take eating for example: a better diet will decrease resistance to your higher vibration. When you crave now, you crave vegetables.

Me: True.

Ivo: So, my love, you lament that you are too busy? Do you understand as you just intuited, that this complaint of not having enough time, is your way of creating lack. No, you create it. It does not happen to you. You lament that you do not have time to cook properly for yourself, that you cannot clean as much as you want because you do not have the time. Admittedly, you do do a lot in one day.

Me: Yes.

Ivo: But you create lack by saying that you do not have the time to accomplish all you need to do. In fact, you are asking too much of yourself. By asking too much of yourself, you create lack – a perception that there is not enough time.

Me: Okay.

Ivo: You can meet all your needs without complaining that you do not have enough time. Yes, there are jobs that others could take from your hands. And this will come forth in future. You fear that you will fall behind in your painting, or that your book writing will fall behind or other things will fall behind, and this is simply you re-creating the lack of abundance from your childhood. It must be put to rest. You have enough time as you have no particular deadlines and you have control of your work schedule. You set boundaries with others according to what you feel your time constraints are and this is fine. You now use an organizer so that you do not forget to do something.

You must understand, and this is for all of you – that you create lack for yourselves. You do not experience it passively as something that has happened to you – you are creating it. Sharon experiences lack of time because she creates that perception. She does not lack time.

Sharon creates lack of money because she creates that perception as well, and then it is fulfilled. It works a bit differently here because money is a material item. Time is a concept. Because she focuses on what she feels she lacks, she creates more lack going into the future. What you focus on grows.

As she focuses on lack, she restrains her income potential. Again, this goes back into her childhood where her needs were not met, and she heard “gim-me gim-me never get” whenever she asked for something, so her understanding was that life will not meet her needs. This is part of your matrix system. The system will not meet your needs. Universal law will.

Me: Got it.

Ivo: I will remind you.

Me: Please do! It takes a while to integrate new ideas and to replace old ones with these truths.

Ivo: I know and you are the sticky note queen with them plastered all over your home to remind you.

Me: Yay! Sticky notes!

Ivo: Remember that lack is a perception that is foisted upon you, and promoted within your matrix culture. So are other states of inadequacy as well. These keep you chasing the wheel, unhappy with yourselves and with your lives. The idea is to keep you trying harder.

Me: Yes. Or just surrender yourself and learn you don’t lack anything and it’s just a question of creating it in the lower levels, starting with your mental plane – your thinking mind.

Ivo: Yes. All is provided for. Now just move aside the part of you that disagrees. Surrender it to the light.

Me: Yes, Universal Law of Surrender. When life has you beat, surrender it to God.

Ivo: So, with this I will end this message. This is enough for those listening to consider for a day. You create your own lack and it is through a feeling of lack of time, and lack of money. There artificial constructs keep you at odds with yourselves.

Me: Thanks again, Ivo.

Ivo: Of course, my love.
Sharon Stewart.
  1. http://www.sharonandivo.weebly.com

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:06
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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