A Chama da Ascensão


Quinta-feira, 07 / 05 / 20

Ben Fulford Full Report: Will the Scamdemic flush out the Secret Space Force?

Will the Scamdemic flush out the Secret Space Force?

Benjamin Fulford Full Report.


Posted May 6, 2020 by Edward Morgan



Although there may seem to be a stalemate on the surface as the battle for Planet Earth rages on, something huge is coming, multiple U.S. government-linked sources agree.  The secret space program is about to be unveiled, NSA sources say.  For their part, NASA sources say some sort of anomaly is “affecting the very fabric of reality.”  The U.S. military is also now in full war-time mode with over 1 million reservists being called up.  As a result, the list of missing celebrities, billionaires, and politicians keeps growing as a massive purge of Satanists continues.
As the real criminals are being rounded up, the bankruptcy of the U.S. corporation is now leading to the mass release of mostly non-violent offenders.  While many law and order advocates are raising alarm bells, the fact is the U.S. has been operating a massive prison slave labor gulag. 

Americans are 20 times more likely to end up in jail than Chinese.  For example, an African American friend says her brother was jailed simply because his hair tested positive for marijuana.  This is but one of countless examples of the ruling cabal using any pretext to gather up prison slave labor.  A colleague in Singapore has seen U.S. bonds backed by prison slave labor being sold to investors in the Far East.  Let that sink in: the U.S. government has been selling slave-labor backed bonds to the Chinese.
The bankruptcy of the corporation is now shutting down this gulag.  Only the truly dangerous criminals need to be kept in jail in the present circumstances.  Maybe setting up a system of gang-controlled prison reserves might be the way to go forward on this?
The sheeple meanwhile, hunkering down in their homes, are very slowly beginning to realize their current government is composed of criminals and liars.
Many traditional news outlets are now waking up to this reality.  The New York Post, for example, is reporting that Bill Gates may have created the coronavirus in order to microchip people.  The NSA is saying the same thing, as crazy as it sounds. 

The vaccine industry is being busted big time and people will be horrified when they learn what trusted medical officers have been doing to them. 

The rabbit hole runs deep and there can be no doubt a family mafia has been running the Western world like a giant slave ranch for thousands of years going back to Babylon.
The Russians have been hysterically attacked because they were able to pinpoint the leadership of this mafia.  The photographic evidence below, for example, is just part of a mass of proof that shows Adolf Hitler’s children have been running much of the Western world since WWII ended.
Did you know Barack Obama’s mother, a criminal wanted by the FBI, was according to the Russians…
a daughter of Adolf Hitler?  His father, Frank Marshall, was an American communist agent.  Here is a picture of the FBI wanted poster and agency file photo for Obama’s mother.
These other photos sent by the Russians may help you wrap your head a bit around the enormity of the lies we have been told since the end of WWII (if not longer).  Before looking at them, please realize Hitler escaped Berlin on a plane to Norway before taking a submarine to Argentina.  He lived to a ripe old age in Paraguay on a ranch that was subsequently bought by the Bush family.  That is why many of his children were born long after the war ended.
The right-hand side photo we have posted before showing Adolf with his daughter Angela Merkel.  To convince doubters we now add an official photograph on the left side of the young Angela for comparison purposes.
The next photo shows the family resemblance between Hitler’s mother and Merkel.
Then we have Angela’s maternal grandmother’s photo (Eva Braun’s mother).
The following photo shows three of Hitler daughters who ended up in positions of power: Angela Merkel, Theresa May and Dalia Grybauskaitė, President of Lithuania
Here we can see the percentage of Jewish blood among top Nazis.
Merkel makes a fascist salute to Nazi Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu.
The release of evidence like this is part of an attempt to wake up the sheeple to the reality of their gangster government.
After the false-flag attack on 9/11/2001, the Nazis fulfilled their long-term plan of taking over the United States and turning it into a fascist puppet state.  That is what is now being taken down by the White Dragon Society and its Western and Eastern allies.
Here is a summary of what is being uncovered (from Prepare for Change):
  • The Governor of Michigan used to work for George Soros
  • California Governor Gavin Newsom is Nancy Pelosi’s nephew.
  • Nancy Pelosi is Hitler’s niece.
  • Adam Schiff’s sister is married to George Soros’ son.
  • John Kerry’s daughter is married to a mullah’s son in Iran.
  • Hillary’s daughter Chelsea is married to George Soros’ nephew.
  • ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, Obama’s former National Security Adviser.
  • CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.
  • ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to Jay Carney, former Obama White House Press Secretary
  • ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s former Deputy Press Secretary.
  • ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Elizabeth Sherwood, Obama’s former Special Adviser.
  • CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to Tom Nides, former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary.
The White House, Senate and Congress lists go on and on…it’s all one big cabal family club and you are not allowed anywhere near it! 

This is what the alliance is fighting against.  These are some of the celebrities and politicians we are being told have already been arrested (it has yet to appear on an official Justice Department press release so think of it as provisional at this point):
Seth Green, James Gunn, Dan Scheinder, Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, Steven Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Ashton Kutcher, Kevin Spacey, Kathy Griffin, Oprah Winfrey, Shawn Carter, Beyonce Knowles, Anthony Kiedis, John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, Jim Carrey, Steven Tyler, Ben Affleck, Stephen Collins, Will Ferrell, Aliaune Damala Badara Thiam (Akon), Marshall Matthers III, Jeffrey Jones, Victor Salva, Marc Collins Rector, Charlie Sheen, Tyler Grasham, Madonna Ciccone, Katheryn Hudson, Gwen Stefani, Stefani Germanotta, James Franco, Will Smith, Justin Roiland, John Cusack, Demi Moore, Brian Affleck, Meryl Streep, Wanda Sykes, Chelsea Handler, Michelle Wolf, David Yarovesky, Pharrell Williams, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Downey Jr, Courtney Love, Alec Baldwin, Johnny Depp, Brian Warner, Asia Argento
Some Political Elites:
Joe Biden, John McCain, Bob Menendez, John Podesta, Tony Podesta, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, Jacob Schwartz, Ed Murray, Barney Frank, Brock Adams, Mel Reynolds, Neil Goldschmidt, David Wu, Tony Mendoza, Anthony Weiner, Peter Strzok, Adam Schiff, Charles Windsor, John Kerry, Joe Scarboroug, Andrew Cuomo, Justin Trudeau, Brian Stelter, Jake Tapper, Chris Cuomo, Pope Francis, Bill Richardson, Peter Soros, Prince Andrew, Barack Obama, Anderson Cooper, Sheila Jackson-Lee.
This group is still not going quietly into the night and it is clear they tried to kill us and scare us back into submission with the coronavirus “plandemic.”  It is also clear that for some reason, their bioweapon attack on the human race is being neutralized.
This Italian politician is one of the sheeple who is waking up to the fake nature of this pandemic as he fact-checked and found out the so-called coronavirus deaths were nothing of the kind: 

Here you can see the real causes of death, which are mostly heart attacks and cancer: 

The Chinese and the Russians though, are fully aware the U.S. regime has been trying to kill us all off with bioweapons.  Check out these official statements:
“We took note of the statement made by the Russian Foreign Ministry … The United States has created many laboratories in the territory of the former Soviet Union, which evokes serious public worries in the neighboring countries concerned,” the Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Geng Shuang on Wednesday (April 28)
The official Xinhua News Agency meanwhile said:
“Washington must respond to the concern that the belated and chaotic U.S. response has actually accelerated the spread of the virus to more places around the world.”
This is as diplomatically close as they can come to blaming the U.S. for spreading the pandemic without an actual declaration of war. 

Since the bioweapon attack has turned out to be a dud, there is now a serious ongoing attempt by the cabal to kill us with electromagnetic weaponry.
This is getting close to home.  Last week the veterinarian I take my dogs to approached me with a fascinating story.  He said they did a 5G experiment at Zenpukuji Park, which is close to my home in Western Tokyo:
“Birds started to fall out of the sky.  I was called over and I took 3 dead pigeons back to my hospital and examined them.  They all had ruptured lungs as if something had messed with the sodium ions in their bodies.  Also, they all had symptoms identical to feline infectious peritonitis (a coronavirus that destroys the lungs of cats)”.  He said it was “not naturally possible,” for pigeons to get a cat coronavirus.
Birds are apparently also dropping out of the sky in other places like Australia. 

We have previously been told by Dr. Michael Meiring and others that HIV was created by taking a cat disease and mixing it with genes from African green monkeys and other nasty stuff to make it infectious to humans. 

These people need to be removed from all positions of power ASAP and this is exactly what is now happening.  The final bastion of their control grid is the corporations and the banks.  That is why the U.S. corporate government and its financial system need to be imploded.
One way this is being done is by collapsing the price of oil.  The negative oil prices seen recently are driving the computer speculators out of the oil market.  The same is being done for other commodities.  The idea is to separate the financial speculators from real-world business.
The cabal is fighting back by trying to destroy people’s livelihoods by shutting down the economy with the fake pandemic lockdown.  This battle can be seen as the stock market rebounds (enriching the cabal) while the U.S. adds a record 30 million unemployed (impoverishing the people).
These Satanic rulers are so arrogant they still leave public signs of their activity, notably the number 666.  For example, the FRB’s balance sheet reached $6.66 trillion on April 29th while Italy’s crime rate fell 66.6% due to the lockdown. 

As things now stand, the U.S. military is the only institution capable of dealing with the collapse of the Satanic U.S. Corporation.  A total of 1,031,03 reserves are being called up to ensure basic survival items (food, shelter, and emergency medical care) are available to everyone as the system collapses.  Efforts by the cabal to shut down meat processing plants are one example of where the military has stepped in already.  You can confirm this by reading the executive orders below. 

The EU is also falling apart along with the U.S. and is breaking up into its components states.  https://www.rt.com/news/487421-netherlands-rutte-eu-coronavirus-finance/
So, what comes next?  It’s hard to say how long the chaos will continue and worsen, but the worst will likely be over by this summer, Pentagon and other sources predict.
The real question though is if the collapse of the U.S. Corporation will flush out the secret space program and secret military technology that has been monopolized by the elite.  The WDS has reached out to the Nazis offering full amnesty (with the exception of child torturers and mass murderers).  We hope the unveiling of their secret space program will provide the U.S. and the rest of the world with the spark to start a new age of wonder.
No matter what though, the mass global awakening that has started can no longer be stopped.  Humanity is being liberated from millennia of slavery.

Benjamin Fulford


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publicado por achama às 17:12
Quinta-feira, 31 / 01 / 19

Benjamin Fulford Complete Report, January 28th, 2019 ~ Cabal Venezuelan oil grab fails; U.S. corporation bankruptcy looms

Cabal Venezuelan oil grab fails; U.S. corporation bankruptcy looms.

Benjamin Fulford.

White Dragon Society

January 28th, 2019. 




The battle for the planet Earth is intensifying as the satanic ruling Western cabal is cornered, dangerous, and literally fighting for its life. The cabal are now fighting desperately to stay in power by stealing the oil reserves of Venezuela, because they are doomed if they lose control of the financial system and thus their ability to hire protection. More and more whistleblowers are coming out and confirming that they really do torture and murder children, and continue to try to murder the majority of the Earth’s population.
For example, the British newspaper The Guardian is now confirming what we have long been reporting, which is that HIV/AIDS was deliberately spread in an attempt to depopulate Africa.
Years ago we reported that a Dr. Michael Meiring told us that he, together with polio vaccine pioneer Dr. Jonas Salk, participated in the spreading of HIV by inserting it into polio vaccines given to 2 million Africans. The initial geography of the breakout of HIV/AIDS in Africa corresponds precisely with the geography of the polio vaccination campaign. We will not get into it again here in detail, but we assure you that ebola, SARS, avian influenza, etc. were also deliberately spread as a part of this depopulation agenda.
We are also hearing from more whistleblowers who describe how members of the Western ruling elite sacrifice children as part of their worship of Ba’al, otherwise known as Moloch, Set, Satan, etc. We will discuss a couple of the latest gruesome revelations below, but first let us look at the ongoing global power struggle.
In their latest gambit, the satanic Khazarian mafia is now trying to preserve its control of the petrodollar-based financial system by seizing the oil reserves of Venezuela. Self-described Satanist Leo Zagami is calling on all Freemasons to back “opposition leader Freemason Juan Guaido” as president fighting for “Freemasonry and Christianity,” against the communist Pope Francis and the “communist Jesuits.”
Venezuela has 303 billion barrels worth of oil, the world’s largest oil reserves, and its efforts to remove this oil from the Khazarian mafia’s petrodollar system is the real reason for the attempt to overthrow President Nicolas Maduro.
In fact, the failure to overthrow Maduro is a “fall of the Berlin Wall” type of moment for the Khazarian mafia. As Pentagon sources explain, “the Neocon coup against Maduro failed, as the U.S. military, the Vatican, Mexico the EU, South Africa, Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, India, Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and other nations don’t go along.” Also, “Brazil and Colombia refuse to invade or allow use of their bases, there is no UN recognition of puppet Guaido, and even the Organization of American States failed (16 out of 34) to get enough votes.” It should also be noted that Russia sent nuclear bombers to protect Venezuela, and elite bodyguards to protect Maduro.
This whole operation, by the way, has been run by convicted Iran Contra criminal Elliott Abrams, Senator Marco Rubio, and the satanist crime minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu.
This move against Venezuela comes as the admittedly undemocratic EU has struck another blow at the Khazarian petrodollar system by designating Saudi Arabia as a terror-funding country. This announcement comes as the EU has come up with a special purpose vehicle to avoid Khazarian-led sanctions against Iran.
This brings us to the arrest by Canada of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou “for committing fraud” by lying to American banks about her company’s ties to a telecommunications firm that did business in Iran “in a breach of sanctions on Iran.” Canada’s Zionist-slave Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was forced to fire Canada’s ambassador to China because the ambassador told the truth by mentioning, among other things, that Canada did not even support the “Iran sanctions” to which the arrest was supposedly tied.
You see that this spat too is really about control of the international financial system. The Chinese, through Huawei, have been building an international payments system that does not rely on the Khazarian-controlled SWIFT system, and that is what this fight is really about—not “Iran sanctions.”
The U.S. Corporate government, meanwhile, appears to have stolen taxpayer refunds in order to finance a three-week end to its government shutdown, until February 15th. We speculate this is the case because the announcement of a temporary return to work by the government coincided with an announcement that tax refunds would be smaller than people might have expected.
Pentagon sources have a different explanation, saying, “Trump only paused the shutdown until February 15 so he can give the State of the Union speech, expose the Supreme Court as Ruthless, pay grand juries, and confirm judges and Attorney General William Barr, while the FBI can serve more warrants and then declare a national emergency.”
The U.S. military seems to think Trump is their savior, but unless he uses his declaration of a national emergency to announce a jubilee and a major campaign to help the planet—similar in scale to the Chinese OBOR project—then all he is really doing is trying to preserve the bankrupt U.S. corporate government.
Speaking of bankruptcy, Pentagon sources note that, “Unable to get bailouts from irate California taxpayers and ratepayers, Rothschild agent Roger Kimmel resigned from the Pacific Gas and Electricity board as the utility files bankruptcy.” Hopefully the bankruptcy procedures will expose that company’s use of directed energy weapons to promote misguided genocidal Agenda 21 policies.
In any case, despite the turmoil in the U.S. and the attack on Venezuela, the world is moving in a good direction as the U.S. unwinds its military campaigns around the world. The last move on that front was a peace agreement reached in Afghanistan. Also, it appears that a long-running guerilla war in the Philippines is ending.
World peace is a prerequisite to rebooting the financial system, so these are very good signs.
Another good sign is the increase in satanic cult insiders coming forth with revelations about the cult of which they are a part. Below are two such revelations. The first comes from a European royal family whistleblower who has recently contacted this writer. Here is what he had to say:
“Satan is an occult title—not a person/thing. The satanic elements are a cult who bring into a false reality their unusual beliefs. When that false reality is ended, Satan simply does not exist; it is called a paradigm shift in physics. I looked at that whole topic in the forensic archeology of the Khazars; it dates back to the Babylonian cults of Ba’al and the human sacrifices, mostly of children. It has transmuted into what is now known overtly as the Catholic Church—a highly sanitized quasi-blood ritual—the cult of Ba’al, or for whom the bell tolls. The origins of the Jesuits trace all the way back there also. Reference the evidence on the Fukushima incident when the Jesuit [Black Pope Peter Hans Kolvenbach] proclaimed himself Satan. It is a high black church title much like Pope. I don’t let this nonsense threaten me; they are psychotic criminals and nothing else.
“I tend to remain above this for self-preservation, but there was a very unusual episode here while I was reviewing some high-level evidence of the above—a satanic ritual in Australia attended by the police, of all people, where a pregnant woman was disgorged from sternum to groin, her child dissected and eaten, then a row of drugged children paraded out and beheaded, no less, and the usual blood-soaked sex orgy as happened at the groundbreaking of the World Trade Centre. 9/11 was a blood sacrifice to call into this bizarre concept of antichrist or second coming—all messianic. I became very distressed with this whole case and really very sick.
“There have been a few similar incidents over the years while I have had to examine so much—use case scenarios—to design this financial system. The other small nugget in this whole affair was the LHC CERN, which returned a message “Tekel.” This is an old Babylonian phrase “Meme tekel Parsin,” or “the writing is on the wall” and it dates back to Nebuchadnezzar. I understand when this was learnt about by the high-level satanic elements of the various ruling classes around the world, their went hands up because the financial systems which protect them, sustain them, were ending. In the overt, there has been a lot of mention of the NLP words “Quantum Shift,” which refers to this incident, and the really quite eye-popping rapid adoption of the whole DLT technological revolution, including the new world financial system.”
The other revelation was found last week on a chat room discussion.
Here is a quote from that:
“I come from a wealthy family in the auto industry but have been exiled as I am not of their kind. Not to fear, I have sufficient funds to last forever, or until I kill myself. But before then, I would like to explain to you who might be interested, how wealthy pedophiles can purchase individual or groups of children. Services offered also include destruction of evidence, police protection, sexual education of the child before purchase, and shipping across Europe. It’s pedo Amazon for the upper klass. The main storage facility operates from my family’s canton. Bellinzona is where you will find the capitol of pedo criminal organizations. It is run by some Jews and others. Thanks to you all, I have learnt the truth about Jews.”
Those whom this person refers to as “Jews” of course are not real Jews, but members of the cult of Ba’al pretending to be Jews. They also disguise themselves as Muslims, as in the Saudi royal family, or Christians, as in the Bush family, etc. Their time is ending.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
  • https://sananda.website/benjamin-fulford-complete-report-january-28th-2019/



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publicado por achama às 22:46
Segunda-feira, 28 / 01 / 19

Benjamin Fulford 2019/01/28 sanple +full video: Cabal Venezuelan oil grab fails; U.S. corporation bankruptcy looms.

Cabal Venezuelan oil grab fails; U.S. corporation bankruptcy looms.

Benjamin Fulford Report 2019/01/21.




The battle for the planet Earth is intensifying as the satanic ruling Western cabal is cornered, dangerous, and literally fighting for its life.  The cabal are now fighting desperately to stay in power by stealing the oil reserves of Venezuela, because they are doomed if they lose control of the financial system and thus their ability to hire protection.  More and more whistleblowers are coming out and confirming that they really do torture and murder children, and continue to try to murder the majority of the Earth’s population.
For example, the British newspaper The Guardian is now confirming what we have long been reporting, which is that HIV/AIDS was deliberately spread in an attempt to depopulate Africa.

Years ago we reported that a Dr. Michael Meiring told us that he, together with polio vaccine pioneer Dr. Jonas Salk, participated in the spreading of HIV by inserting it into polio vaccines given to 2 million Africans.  The initial geography of the breakout of HIV/AIDS in Africa corresponds precisely with the geography of the polio vaccination campaign.  We will not get into it again here in detail, but we assure you that ebola, SARS, avian influenza, etc. were also deliberately spread as a part of this depopulation agenda.

We are also hearing from more whistleblowers who describe how members of the Western ruling elite sacrifice children as part of their worship of Ba’al, otherwise known as Moloch, Set, Satan, etc.  We will discuss a couple of the latest gruesome revelations below, but first let us look at the ongoing global power struggle.
In their latest gambit, the satanic Khazarian mafia is now trying to preserve its control of the petrodollar-based financial system by seizing the oil reserves of Venezuela.  Self-described Satanist Leo Zagami is calling on all Freemasons to back “opposition leader Freemason Juan Guaido” as president fighting for “Freemasonry and Christianity,” against the communist Pope Francis and the “communist Jesuits.”

Venezuela has 303 billion barrels worth of oil, the world’s largest oil reserves, and its efforts to remove this oil from the Khazarian mafia’s petrodollar system is the real reason for the attempt to overthrow President Nicolas Maduro.

In fact, the failure to overthrow Maduro is a “fall of the Berlin Wall” type of moment for the Khazarian mafia.  As Pentagon sources explain, “the Neocon coup against Maduro failed, as the U.S. military, the Vatican, Mexico …
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Benjamin Fulford: January 28, 2019


Question about the Rosicrucian Order

Dear Benjamin,
Thank you for all your work.  I think the information you share is so valuable and I know it takes courage to do what you are doing.  Thank you for saving humanity.
I grew up in Japan and knew crazy stories from people that tried to run for office, and now I know they were all true.
I am writing you because I have a real dilemma.  For the last year I have been interested in the Rosicrucian teachings, but I am concerned about the agenda of the AMORC (The Ancient and Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis, also known as the Rosicrucian Order).  To me it sounds like they are genuinely trying to make the world better, but I have heard things about mind control as well.
Are the Rosicrucians the “good” branch of the Illuminati?  What is their real connection?
I am concerned to go any further with the teaching until I know this.  I would like to know your opinion and if I should keep practicing their teachings if I want world peace.  I am only interested in their teachings on a spiritual level and to learn some techniques to help others.
I did hear David Wilcock say that the Red Cross workers were protected by some sort of agreement.  Can you tell me more about this?
Thank you very much for your assistance.


It is always good to follow knowledge and learn more.  I believe the Rosicrucians mean well and are custodians of valuable traditional knowledge.  My advice is you follow your heart and learn from them if you feel so compelled.  However, if you ever encounter evil, I suggest you back away carefully.
As far as the Red Cross is concerned, it is known as one of the worst charities on earth, in the sense that only about 5% of the money donated to them actually goes to the people it was meant for.  Take a look at what they did with all the money they gathered for the victims of the Haiti earthquake as an example.

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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


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If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 17:38
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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