A Chama da Ascensão


Segunda-feira, 30 / 03 / 20

Hopes to Ease Your Fears About Catching the Virus.

Hopes to Ease Your Fears About Catching the Virus.
Mushaba Platinum Light
Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba


Posted March 30, 2020


Dr. Wise: March 28, 2020

Dear Humanity

I am representing the Universal Galactic Doctor's Council. My name is Dr. Wise and I am the one that gave or spoke through Edgar Casey the many health remedies that helped so many people. 
I now come again along with my colleagues in the doctor's council, and we have looked at many things in your world to see what could be of help to combat this Corona Covid-19 Virus sweeping across your globe. We have in previous messages given you good solid recommendations to help you to protect yourself not just against this particular virus but other viruses and bacterial infections. 
Before we speak further, let us talk a moment in hopes to ease your fears about catching the virus. Basically people are afraid that they will die if they catch the virus. So much fear spreading more rapidly than the virus. If the fear gets out of control it causes people to panic and do unimaginable things in the name of being safe. Look at the country in your world called North Korea which executed a person with the virus and gave an official version as to why. It was the fear of the virus spreading that caused that person to be killed.

People are hoarding and not caring about the needs of others because all they know is that they want to live and not die from the virus. People have bought out gun shops of guns and ammunition to protect themselves against people. They say it's in case someone raids their homes they want to protect their family, when it’s really the fear of someone coming into their home that might have the virus. People are worried about being put under slavery or put under martial law. They say it's all part of the plan to enslave the people. Then others say its part of the plan to free the people. Let me tell you that as I look into your world I do not see worldwide martial law, or North America being under martial law. I don't see people being trapped in their homes forced by military; people starving and thirsty and have no tissue to blow their noses or wipe their butts. People are so scared of what could happen, what might happen that they are acting on something that isn't a reality.

It's ok to have some extra supplies on hand. It's ok to do things to protect your health. Doing it out of fear is not the best approach. Do you think that Spirit or the galactics will stand by and let the population become decimated to become enslaved by corrupt governments? We told you in one of our talks in the Mushaba Platinum Light that there are galactic beings at a very, very high level with a great deal of wisdom and understanding that sent out a very powerful pulse of frequencies that was designed to kill this virus. We told you that the virus will not spread, or no new people would catch it, but only those who had it already incubating in them will show signs. We also said that a pulse was also sent to not allow leaders to take advantage of good people and use this to do their dirt. On Friday afternoon, another very powerful pulse was sent out to reinforce and support the raising of the frequencies above the level of the virus and to reinforce that the leaders do not go overboard against the people. Remember yes, there are those with an agenda, and to try and accomplish that agenda they need to cause mass panic and fear. Don't fall for it. It's not as terrible as they are saying. The full truth isn't being told.

You as an individual do not need to worry and be in fear for your life. Look at this as a wake-up call for humanity to stop and pause and take a good look at itself. People who died from the virus, the huge majority of them had other complications and underlying conditions. It wasn't just the work of the virus that killed them. Don't fear so much, because you set up an attraction that can draw sickness to you. Be more positive thinking that I am healthy and I am taking proper precautions for my health. This virus is like many other viruses. This virus hasn't claimed the many lives of people that other illnesses have claimed and are still claiming. The virus is being given too much power and this makes matters far worse. Stop giving your power over to the fear of this virus. Let me ask you a question: what is the main cause of anyone getting struck by a virus or a bacterial infection or many other dis-eases? It's your immune system weakness. However, it's not just about your immune system it's more than ever about your autoimmune system dis-eases. This is where the problem truly lies with this covid 19 corona virus and other illnesses like cancers, Lou Gehrig disease etc.

Your health industry in your world is still about 15-30 years away from finally discovering that the basis, the underlying issue, the main core of almost every disease in your world is autoimmune related. The problem is many of the diagnoses of disease are never attributed to being caused by autoimmune deficiency. So the key here is to get your autoimmunity under control. Almost every living soul on your earth experiences some form of autoimmune disease. You should be able to easily understand why. Your food, air, water, alone is enough, never the mind the endless list of possibilities. The question is what to do about it. In the past we have made recommendations and we would like to make one now. This particular product sold by The Mushaba Store at our insistence and recommendation, because it is so powerful and far, far superior to most anything you can find in your world that really works. It’s about the quality and the potency of this product that impresses us in the universal Galactic Doctor’s Council. Those who want to get right to it, here is the link: 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:18
Segunda-feira, 23 / 03 / 20

Recommendations concerning the Corona Virus

Recommendations concerning the Corona Virus
Mushaba Platinum Light
Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba


Posted March 23, 2020

Dr. Fischer and Dr. Sebi: March 20, 2020

I am Dr. Fischer Assuming control, I am here as an addition to what was given to your world by Dr. Wise and Dr. Fu Man Lu. I come here with Dr. Sebi who was a healer in your world and has cured cancers, diabetes, ulcers, blindness and more. You can look him up on your internet for it has been a few short years since he left the earth realm under suspicious circumstances. I introduce him because he is the newest member of the Universal Galactic Doctor’s Council. In the last message that we gave you, a quote from Dr. Sebi was given concerning the main cause of all disease in your world and he referred to the underlying cause being that of mucous. We asked him to come forward to explain more and what can be done to remove the excess mucous and protect the mucous membrane from invasion of various diseases and viruses. Before I bring him forward, I would like to say to you that it was mentioned that we are watching this closely, and that certain energies were sent into your world to assist in the ending of this situation and it was said that within a week you would start to see proof. By Monday some of the government decisions will be reversed because they come into new information that will change things because of the pulse. Let me tell you that you can find proof now. It has been verified that in China they have not encountered any new cases of the Corona virus. This is the place where it began and was the hottest spot in the world for the infections. Now, you may see some new cases arising in many places in your world, however it is as we said yesterday that only those who are already infected and have been in their incubation period are the only ones that will in our opinion, be present with the condition. Outside of that there will be no new cases. Now, what if you have the virus already what can you do? Is it a death sentence if you have the virus? No it is not and there are things you can do. In your world they say they do not have a cure for this Corona virus that has been around since November of 2019. However, we will not offer you a cure either, but we will offer you a way to help neutralize the virus. Let me step aside and allow Dr. Sebi to speak.

Dr. Sebi:

Dear People, I am honored to come forward to share with you what I know that will be of help to you in these troubling times. You were given a statement made by me during my earth life. It reads like this:

“All manifestation of disease finds its genesis when and where the mucous membrane has been compromised. For example, if there is excess mucous in the bronchial tubes, the disease is bronchitis; if it is in the lungs, the disease is pneumonia; in the pancreatic duct, it is diabetes; in the joints, it is arthritis. Moreover, mucous in the retina of the eye will cause blindness; if found around the thyroid gland, cancer of the thyroid is the result. Basically, disease will arise in the body wherever there is an accumulation of mucous.”

Let me take this a little bit further. I have always believed throughout my life on earth that the main cause of any disease or virus or bacteria was due to a compromised mucous membrane. This Corona virus cannot survive in your body if you have strengthened and cleared your mucous membrane. Mucous feeds these various viruses and bacteria allowing them a very strong environment for them to thrive and become stronger. You take that away and they die. Let me share with you something that is simple and that you can do at home every day that you go out into the world and return home, you can do this to ensure your safety and the safety of your family. First of all, if you would drink a tea called Slippery Elm this alone would bring health and strength to your mucous membrane. What this will do is to coat your mucous membrane all the way through your system into your stomach. It will also protect your lungs which many times can be filled with an over abundance of mucous.

Another method to help neutralize the virus is heat. They tell you in your world that bleach will kill the virus on any surface. Why is this? Have you notice that bleach carries a heat to it. If you put your hands in bleach it gets warm does it not? Cleaning surfaces is a good thing to do but how can that help or stop an airborne virus? It cannot. So how do you get heat inside your body hot enough to kill the virus? Here is a way to do it. Steam! I want to address something that is going around your internet. It says that if you boil a pot of water with onion in it and lemon peel and sea salt, and allow it to steam, you can then hold your face over the steam as you breathe in the steam for about 20 minutes. It is said to kill the virus. I can say that this would be very helpful but you would need to be fairly healthy. Basically you must be careful if you have underlying health issues like heart issues, lung issues and anything that may be chronic. You would need to approach this very carefully and consult with your doctors.

Now this is what I recommend even more. Take 1 liter of water and add 1 tablespoon of sea salt to it, 3oz of lemon peel, and 3 oz of garlic. If you do not have garlic then use onion; onion is good too, but garlic is stronger. If you use onion, use white onion. Boil this mixture and strain it then drink it. Drink 3- 1/2 cups a day until the virus is neutralized. This will also help increase the white platelets.

You are going to hear stories of millions who are going to be affected and statics that will cause you to fear and panic. It’s not as bad as people think. They could also use the medication for malaria, for it has also proven to kill the virus.

Just take care of yourself, eat plenty of oranges for vitamin c. The vitamin c pills are ok but they are dry. Liquid vitamin c is more potent. Also another thing you can do is take raw cayenne pepper. Drink Cayenne with lemon juice as hot as you can take the pepper. The heat will also destroy many bacteria and viruses. Keep the mucous under control.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:15
Segunda-feira, 16 / 03 / 20

There is coming a major event that will change everything

Mushaba Platinum Light
Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba


Posted March 16, 2020


Anakhanda sent me this on Feb 28, and I have been so involved and distracted since then with my life that it has taken me this long to get to sharing this with all of you. With Anakhanda's purity he is happy for me to be sharing it with you, no matter what the time is. After all, what is time!
February 28th, 2020

Trunada- Teacher and Councilor

Mushaba Greetings of Freedom and Empowerment, Divine Love and Oneness,

I am Trunada who is a teacher and counselor on Planet Mushaba. I hope that you will accept the information I wish to impart to you that may be of help in your greater understanding of life.

This will be a short series of teachings that are designed to assist one on their spiritual and physical journey to greater evolvement. A lot has happened and a lot is in the process of happening.  To try to understand it and make sense of it is important to each individual. It's time to truly evolve your understanding, perception and awareness of things beyond the human psyche. 

There is coming a major event that will change everything; not just on earth but with everything that had a beginning and exists everywhere. This major event is not what many of you on earth has been looking for. That so-called event is no longer on the plans as it once was. That event has been change to another kind of event that has far deeper ramifications and will be more profound than one can imagine.  It's been decided and agreed upon by beings at the highest level of existence that earth needs to have a major change so profound that it wakes up all of humanity and send the earth into its next level of evolvement.  This event is already in the early stages of coming into fruition and it will be something tangible that every eye on earth can see and every ear can hear. It's long, long, long overdue! 

As you continue to go through life and work on yourself and work on your evolvement, you sometimes wonder why things so slow are. Why do I continue to have dreams sometimes bringing up old outdated trauma and feelings and emotions that I long ago cleared and let go? Some of you wonder where is the help we were promised as humanity and as an individual being. What's the holdup you might also ask? When you experience dreams, feelings, thoughts and emotions that come up that you feel you had long gotten past, do not take it in the incorrect way. Do not look at yourself as you are not progressing or that you have failed. Understanding how the human psyche works is a bit misleading. You see, it's not just the human psyche you are dealing with. Think about this for a moment; what is your understanding of the meaning of the human psyche? 

It is said that the human psyche is the totality of the human mind that helps one to navigate through life. It is said that this involves the three levels of personality which are the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the unconscious mind. In this definition you could also say it's the identification, the ego, and the super ego. Also understand that the word psyche also represents or means the soul, mind and spirit. It is also looked at as the invisible animating entity which occupies the physical body. These are what the human definitions speak to concerning what is the human psyche. Now, there is more to this that the human understanding us not aware of as of yet. Even though they say that it represents the soul, mind and spirit, it's not clearly understood as to what that means and what this entails. Now you are stepping outside the ego's domain because it cannot comprehend anything that is not of the three dimensional world.  When you do that it affects how your mind are able to perceive things and understand things because your ego wants to interpret any perception and understanding you receive in a way that makes sense to its limited ability keeping it in the three dimensional realm of perception and understanding. What is also important to be aware of is that there is the involvement of your higher self- and there is also a higher ego. This higher ego is not the ego that is constantly being talked about in your earth realm. You see, there is a realm in the higher dimensions that is where all egos are created. Every ego on earth has a higher ego from this realm. It is also possible to change your ego allowing the higher ego to take over from your present ego. This can also be accomplished through knowing how to give your ego a new job description as is talked about in the Mushaba Book Mind Over Illusion and the training course Alchemy and Transformation by Anakhanda Mushaba.

You may wonder why is it that you work on yourself and clear yourself and it seems to be going so well then out of the blue some of what was cleared or dealt with flares back up in your mind or dreams or emotions. Why is this and where do this come from you may ask? First of all let me tell you that it takes time to completely clear your psyche from all of what you have been carrying since your very first incarnation on earth. Also it’s important to understand that timing wise; it’s different for each individual. There is no set time that it should or should not be finished. It can be an ongoing process and as it moves forward progress is being made. However, it seems that you are not making progress when these thongs begin to rear its ugly head again. You think you have failed or are having a set back and that is not the truth. Some of these traumas can be very, very deeply set in your human psyche and that means mind, soul, spirit, ego, your identification of self, your conscious, subconscious and super conscious. Then you have something else that no one really thinks about and that is it is also in your body consciousness! It’s attached to your emotions and feelings. You know that your body is full of what are called feeling tones. These feeling tones are activated by your thoughts and emotions. And as you use your emotions, it causes whatever you are experiencing to go deeper and deeper depending on the voltage of your emotions. As it goes deeper and deeper, it sets up layers upon layers of this emotional trauma. So you clear and it seems that its gone then suddenly it flares up in the many ways that it can. You need to know and clearly understand that you have not had a set back and it is not a bad thing even though it does not feel good. Don’t beat yourself up because what is taking place is that you have reach much deeper levels of release and you have to release all of these things, all of these traumas completely in order to be truly clear and allow your frequencies and vibrations to rise and move to the zero point vibration. So when you have dreams and feelings of old things past, thank them for what they have done for you. Thank them for coming up and out so they can be released from your deeper levels of your psyche. Do not hate them because that will keep them attached to you but what you Can do as we do in Mushaba and that is you can love them into submission! When you love something into submission, you are giving it the honor it deserves and the energy and power of love that dissolves all of the darkness and the pain and the trauma from these emotions and dreams and free them to transform and become something else much higher. I know you are very tired of things coming up over and over but you must understand that this is how deep they were in your psyche and how deep they were in your body consciousness and others parts of yourself. It’s not just as simple as clearing the soul or the spirit. It takes more like as in the Ultimate Makers of Clearing which covers all of it. You can work on clearing your soul and spirit and body consciousness and mind and emotional self and mental self and your psyche etc. etc. Either way it works eventually to where all these various traumas that comes up are all gone for good!

I’d like to return again if you will have me. There is so much I wish to share with my family of earth. You are in for a powerful surprise. If it takes place before my return I will rejoice for all of you. If it does not then I will rejoice in sharing more information with you that can be of assistance to you in your life.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:17
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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