A Chama da Ascensão


Domingo, 17 / 05 / 20

The RV and the Transition the world is in.

The RV and the Transition the world is in.

Per Staffan

May 17th, 2020.




Dear Lightworkers,
I want to update date on my reading of the current situation regarding RV and the transition the world is in.
I refer to among other things the latest message from Ron Giles (https://sananda.website/the-rv-broadcast-from-the-parking-lot-by-ron-giles-5-14-20/) and IDC or inteldinarchronicles in general. My view is that Ron Giles is the lone surviving guru speaking the truth. Gurus such as Bruce and others, and the new one Fleming, appear to be saying the same thing as dutifully reported by Judy Byington – namely that it will happen “now”. We all want good news and if there is a reasonable argument that we need the RV now to start helping the world and to turn the economy around to help Trump get reelected – then RV “now” makes good sense.
One primary reason for my support of Ron Giles is his demonstrable deep knowledge of the subject of RV in past messages, combined with his good sense. Contrast this to other gurus references to “my key sources on the inside”. It reminds you a bit about the New York Times referring to its confidential sources. If you also add in the offer or willingness of these other gurus to help us meek sheeples with this very complicated process, that they understand best, by handing over our currency to them to do it for us – you can also see the clear conflict of interest. Ron Giles on the contrary argues the importance of holding on to your currency and exchange when the time is right, which I agree with.
Some people determine the truth according to how many people hold a certain opinion, so by banding together and presenting a common truth and reported by Judy it starts to look like a clear cut case. BTW, this is akin to how truth is determined in our cabal dominated democracy. – brain wash enough people to think a certain way and that will become the truth. However, other contextual information is needed, which would contradict their view on the RV.
Having said all this I do not want to blame Patrick or Judy at IDC. Patrick has always said he wants to have an open forum to post important information not found elsewhere and does not apply his judgement. Judy seems to operate in a similar way and much good information has been dispersed in this way. For the reader it is important to remember that Judy and Patrick leaves it up to you to decide what the truth is, while in my opinion this leaves it wide open for abuse. So for readers of IDC remember you are the judge of the truth content of the messages posted. It is not true just because you read it on IDC.
For those of you how have followed this “saga” for a long time you will remember that while Sheldan Nidle was active with his updates from the GFL they pointed out that the cabal will have to be arrested first and before any RV exchanges are done. Some of us might have hoped that the QFS would take care of this problem and we could go ahead before the the arrests. I am not of this view, but the QFS will help.
Arrests will have to be made first. I am not sure how many of 170 000 plus sealed indictments that have to be unsealed and acted on first. So, you might ask why are these arrests not carried out as of right now. It is taking too long – well, emotionally I can sign on to this view, but logically not so fast.
These people will be and deserve to be arrested for treason, including President Obama. Are the people ready for this. Such “nice guys” as Justin Trudeau, Biden and Obama executing an agenda to kill off 90% or so of the people with the help of Bill Gates. That will take a lot of getting used to if we are not going to have civil war in a number of countries.
So, in order to arrest people their crime will have to be disclosed based on unshakeable facts and the complicity of the media will have to be disclosed at the same time, the latter probably through multiple law suits. However, so many people are so emotionally attached to people such as Obama, Trudeau and Biden that they will probably refuse to accept the true facts, as to them facts and truth are a matter of opinions and all that matters is which side you are on. The will prefer to continue to hate Trump. The plan of the alliance seem to be to disclose the torture and trafficking of children at the same time as the crimes against the country, the world and the people. To call it pedophilia seem too mild of a word. When this comes out roughly at the same time as the treasonous acts it might be easier for people to accept the truth.
The alliance with Trump as its earthly Executive in charge is now in the process of disclosing facts in order to counter the propaganda from the MSM and educate people enough to be able to receive the truth without a civil war. He is also cleverly allowing the cabal to show their hands as they refuse to open up the country in a number of states and blatantly violate the American constitution. This goes to show the people where the cabal intended or wanted to take us.
I do not think Trump will need RV induced economic stimulus in order to win the November election. It is enough to let “the enemy destroy themselves” coupled with voter registration and no mail in votes in order to prevent voter fraud. Maybe some high level arrests will be made before the election to further help is case. However, they will have to be very well selected and trying to arrest Obama before the election might very well be counter productive.
Also, in order to process 170 000 sealed indictments an expanded and reformed justice system is needed. Trump is having a hard time to get his picks appointed due to democrat cabal members dragging their feet. No, I think the bulk of the arrests will be done during his second term and subsequent to this the RV/GCR can be done.
It can be noted that Trump has taken control of the Federal Reserve Bank, but this is not announced or made a big deal of, not even by Trump. The disclosure of the former owners of the FED and their activities will come later, after the November election. For now Trump will use his control of the FED to print money. He knows that this is cabal fiat money and after disclosure and arrest of the former owners of the FED the American people will not have to pay back any of the fiat money that is printed now. The old system will go bankrupt and Trump is milking it for all that it is worth before the bankruptcy.
While, this might be taken for bad news on the RV front it is good news for the disclosure of truth and maintaining peace in the world. The Alliance and the Galactics will not allow anything to go wrong.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 17:53
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

People are feeling the transition from dark to light ~ Andromedan Collective, Galaxygirl.

People are feeling the transition from dark to light.

Andromedan Collective via Galaxygirl.

February 5th, 2019.

Greetings neighbors! We are your friends the Andromedan Collective, here to wish you a joyful new day and happy Chinese New Year! 

Many ships are perusing your skies, your seas, ensuring your safety and a successful transformation / transition from dark to light, 4D to 5D. People are feeling these changes, we can see this, for we do have the technology to observe you lovingly, not intrusively, and we can see your energy signatures, your vibrations from high above and it is beautiful when you are doing your light work, your prayers, when you are working on Gaia’s grid or extending the hands of forgiveness.

We see this as light, as love and we see the physicality of the light that you extend, and it is beautiful. You are beautiful. Society has told you that you are not unless you look like a certain prototype. That is nonsense, and we want to assure you that Source does come in all sizes, shapes, forms, all experiences. And Source is Source, as are you. Therefore you are beautiful because you have that inner spark, that inner light, that angelic hue of greatness that takes our breath away and it is nothing to be dimmed down. And so, today on this new year, embrace your beauty.

Embrace the beauty that is you, in your glorious self, your strongest most assured self. For that is the self that you will need to be tapping into in the following days where it might bet a bit bumpy. And we know that you, the strong ones, are chomping at the bit, ready to ride and we also see that many of the other humans are not, and have no idea what is going to befall them. But in the midst of the chaos is much blessing, is much light, is much love. So no matter how it looks, see the light, the love, see the beauty in the situation. See the beauty, and you are a big part of that beauty. For your fortitude, your strength, your resolve, your love will cross over the barriers, will become with outstretched hands, the rainbow bridge to the others, helping them across with your vibrations of service.

We will help you. Many, many will help you. You do not have to do this all alone, but you do have to try your best, your hardest, and tap into that warrior side of you. The Christed light burning within is enough, more so, than you have ever had the capacity to understand yet. And so we see that you are well fortified, well loved, well protected. Your beauty, your strength, your power is quite real, we assure you. And so we are eager to partner with our friends and family on the ground, our ground team, to effectively employ Operation Ascension Gaia and walk alongside you in the midst of these massive changes. You are ready. It begins.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 19:53
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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