A Chama da Ascensão


Terça-feira, 05 / 05 / 20

The veil is becoming thinner and thinner.

The veil is becoming thinner and thinner.

Mahatma Gandhi.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

May 5th, 2020.



Greetings My Dear Ones,

I am Mahatma Gandhi and I am so pleased to be here.
I was waiting for a long time for the opportunity to come and communicate to humanity. I am very happy to have that chance to express my gratitude and my love to everyone on this planet, Mother Earth. It has been a long time since I walked and talked on Earth, not very long compared to other Ascended Masters, but it’s my pleasure and my respect to all of you that I can come here today and send my message to all of you.
When I was walking and living on Mother Gaia I was fighting for freedom from enslavement for my people. My people and everyone else right now are going through similar situation that I experienced during my lifetime. You are now fighting for your freedom with big forces who have been keeping you enslaved for a very long time by not letting you know who you are and what is the truth. Today, things are so much different compared to the time when I was experiencing the human life, at that time I didn’t even know myself about the existence of these Dark Forces. I only knew that deep inside my heart I wanted to be free and for my nation to be free.
I am so happy that I came here today, because I can help lead everyone who will hear my message and anyone who wants to follow my lead to freedom, prosperity, happiness and serenity, your welcome to listen and experience that freedom with me. Yes, the times are different, but the situation is very similar, humanity wants to and needs to become free, because more and more people are getting awaken. It’s becoming easier and easier to send messages from our side, our side you call that here behind the veil. The veil is becoming thinner and thinner especially since your receiving a lot of high energies that are send to you by everyone who wants you to become free and happy.
I decided to enjoy this ride to freedom by helping you to get more awake and follow my lead. As you know I was always a fighter, but I was always fighting in a peaceful manner, I never believed that fighting with the sword would bring freedom, and I believe only in fighting without the sword is the best way. I understand that all of you are going through hard times now, you are scared for your life, your confused and you don’t know what to expect in the near future. I am Gandhi, I can tell you one thing, don’t worry everything is going to work out even if it seams right now so uncertain, unfair and it’s scary. It is only temporary, the light will comeback as it always does, and I am happy to see that this freedom is coming to you. The freedom to become a new happy civilization who has been enslaved for many, many thousands of years.
It’s my pleasure and honor to become your support and guide to go and experience the finish line for everyone on this planet. I am so pleased and happy to help, guide and support my nation and the rest of the nations in the world. I am proud of my nation which went through a lot and is still going through a lot of different things. In this chaotic situation, I believe and I have faith in humanity that they will overcome this big obstacle, I seen how people can unite and help each other in difficult situations. This is why I am looking forward to and I know that all of these experiences what people are going through right now will unite everyone around the globe, it will bring peace, understanding and respect for each other.
My presence here is to become your guide and teacher to share my wisdom with all of you and my experiences from the other side to help you understand each other and to be more kind and loving to each other. Please remember, the human life at this moment has been very short, and we forget how precious moments can be, and how wonderful it is to able to take a deep breath and smell the flowers, feel the nature, listen to the birds and watch the sunset or sunrise, it’s all of these little things and all the scenery are so precious. I know you have been having hard times for many years, now and it’s sometimes so hard to pay attention to these little events and little moments in your life, but this is coming to an end.
As I said before, the finish line is very close, everyone is working to help you as much as they can from the other side to bring this New Age what everyone is talking about The New Age for Gaia, New Age for Mother Earth and New Age for humanity. Humanity is going to become very happy and prosperous, it’s everything what they need is here, you don’t need to look too far, but it was taken away from everyone by the Negative Forces, who didn’t want the people and nations to be happy and live in peace. All they always wanted was to control us or that we control each other.
This is why, when I was on journey here, I traveled and lived in South Africa and studied in England and then I went to my beloved India, I saw how unfair the system was towards people, and I couldn’t not live and tolerate what was happening to my beloved nation and I seen other nations suffering too, but because my background at that time was related to my India, I gave my life to it and I don’t regret any moment. It was my joy and pride to help people see their freedom, so at this moment, I call all the nations and all the people around the world to unite and help each other to receive and see the light, so all of us can experience a new life without poverty, hunger and without torture.
Some of you know and are aware that a lot of children in this world have been kidnapped and tortured in the tunnels around the globe under the cities and sacrificed and killed. I am happy to let you know that’s it’s true the children have been rescued, and they are continued to be rescued by amazing people, you call them here special forces who keep bringing these children home by bringing them back to this world and helping them to see the light again, because they were robbed from everything they had, from their parents, their life and from everything else what they could experience.
My dear ones, I am so happy and I can’t express my joy seeing and experiencing that a lot of you are awake and are helping each other to see the light. I understand and I am aware that Prime Creator came and gave a message with some hard truth, but please understand we love all of you, we would never want to harm any of you, if we give a little advice or send a message, it’s because we want you to see and understand why and what it is happening to you. You living your lives here and you sometimes are so consumed with it that your not able to see the real truth. We don’t want you to think that we look down on you and don’t understand what your going through, we do understand. I was here and the times were rough, very rough. I went many, many times to jail and I know how human rights were violated at that time, and they are still being violated today in some countries.
I am here as an Ambassador of Light and Love, and I am here to help you, nurture you and lead you to a new life. I am so grateful and proud of all you and I can’t forget about my nation also. I call my nation, because this the life I had in my last life. My dear beloved India, I am so proud of you, you did amazing, amazing work. I understand you still have poverty and some people are still dying from hunger, but everything is going to change just trust yourselves and trust everyone else. I love you my dear ones, I always will, your my family and the same thing I can say about the rest of humanity.
I am so happy to be here and I am looking forward to more messages that I can deliver to all of you. Today, I am grateful to be here, because it was my blessing to be able to come and be channeled, I hope you will be grateful and happy to hear from me, Gandhi, who was always the fighter and will be always fighting for freedom in a peaceful way. I am sending you all my light and love to all of you and please love each other, support each other and stay safe and be healthy.
I am Gandhi and I was grateful to be here.

Thank you

Erena Velazquez

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:05
Quinta-feira, 14 / 11 / 19


by Teri Wade.


Posted November 14th, 2019.

The Pleiadians are a very advanced ET race that exist on the higher planes above this 3D planet. If you are aligned with them energetically you will relate to their teachings and understand their world. They are master storyteller’s and teachers, their messages include light codes and triggers to help wake up the lower resonating beings at just the right moment.
There is a Great cosmic drama playing out and it’s just about coming to a close. The human population is now finding out that a group of dark, nefarious beings has controlled humanity and Earth by deception. The reason for the cover-up of our entire existence is so our energy could be harvested lifetime after lifetime. This incredible amount of energy has been harvested and redirected for their use.
These Dark beings knew that when humanity figured out what has been happening to us we would become very angry and revolt and this would be the end game for their heinous plan. This is the game many of us are participating in now.
Unconscious humans are so asleep and so far gone at this point in regards to what is truly happening it’s really irrelevant to be so concerned for their Ascension, you can’t do one thing to help them until they are ready. Until humans stop hurting and killing each other there is no immediate solution for them. So it is wise for you to keep your focus on your progression at this moment.
The Pleiadians are certainly concerned for them that’s why they are transmuting tons of low vibrational energies on their behalf. But, like I always say everybody is on their individual path and everybody deals with their own consequences.
The Ascension Event is going to come up on the humans very quickly and abruptly and the Pleiadians know that most are not prepared for it and are trying to make this transition as painless as possible. They are moving massive amounts of super dense energy out of the way so they have a better chance to make this Ascension. Ultimately, we are here to make this Ascension. Sooo much is going on behind the scenes on Earth and in the higher planes so as many humans as possible will make this transition.
Incredible amounts of high frequency gamma Photon Light is penetrating Earth in the last 6 months or so. These frequencies, these levels of light have been secretly measured by every space agency on this planet and is completely hidden from us.
These space agencies are hiding, trying to anyway, the hundreds of thousands of Extra Terrestrial craft that are being seen around the sun this is the very reason solar observatories were shut down trying not to leak photos and video of these massive armadas of craft and vessels. However, the Pleiadians did agree with this shut down because they know a huge majority of humanity are not ready for such a blunt disclosure yet.
5D is Heaven, a Gamma State, a blissful state.
There are 12 dimensional boundaries in this Universe. Our bodies have 12 primary strands of DNA which work like nano sized fiber optic cables and 12 multi dimensional chakra portals that lets Akashic light data flow in and out of the body. This data is stored in our cellular memory. This information alone should tell you just how incredibly powerful we really are.
10 of these DNA strands were deactivated eons ago by these Dark rulers but they are now becoming activated and this is changing the entire game. Most Starseeds on this planet right now have between four and five of these strands activated.
The old low vibrating 3D Earth Matrix is one state of consciousness and the new 5D matrix is a faster vibrating state of consciousness. When you hear the word prayer in the Christian Bible it simply means meditation. While prayer is a form of asking it means asking for something by matching that vibration. Remember, there is no being higher than you, there is no higher authority than oneself. So, you’re not praying to some outside source you’re asking YOU to match that particular vibration.
Major movements by the negative rulers towards the surface population for complete control of Earth is coming to a halt. This agenda has been reversed engineered shall we say and a push towards a more positive timeline is being activated.
A year or so ago the Draco Alliance made a major push for an end of the world programming using Loosh energy to open up a portal to bring in back up. But, at the same time a positive surface ground crew anchored in the physical shut down that particular portal to reset the original timeline and open up more Galactic consciousness to the programmed surface population.
This operation by these positive beings also captured and quarantined some major players. The Dark forces have been in survival mode for more than a year now and are pushing for more and more fuel. This is why we are seeing so much social unrest, unstable weather, natural disasters, wars and rumors of war.
These Dark rulers have been running on razors edge for sometime now milking enough negative energy out of humanity to fulfill their end of the the world Armageddon agenda.
Without us they have no batteries and this is a major reason there will never be another world ending war like the annihilation of Maldek and the destruction of Mars atmosphere. Simply, because they need their livestock.
They are reaching the end of what their manipulation can handle without the collapse of their entire system. But, many are starting to see the collapse of the old world and are cultivating the bringing in of the New World.
The reason why many of us are here at this time in Earth’s history is to bring in these higher energies that are ushering in this New World as painless as possible.
We are coming into some major times of chaos before the major transition. We all know there is something massive coming for humanity, something brilliant, something pure. Our path has never been more clear and we are beginning to see where it all leads. Remember, everything is connected, everything! 🙌🏼
Earth changes are creating physical changes to the human body right now. Earth is mutating and so are the beings on it. There is a transmutation taken place in the human body on a cellular level. Basically, the human body is being formed using a whole new combination of elements altering its molecular structure. Our genetic code is changing.
The changes that are happening right now in our bodies is information that’s coded in our DNA and is now being activated. All the information in the blueprint of our species is found in our cellular DNA of our bodies. Everything we need to know about everything is within us.
“For all of human history, we have been striving for one goal, the spiritual reunification of mankind with Source, the Divine intelligence that lives within us.”


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:49
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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