A Chama da Ascensão


Terça-feira, 19 / 05 / 20

Light Offered by Humanity

Light Offered by Humanity

The "Team".

Through Peggy Black.

May 18th, 2020. 




We are here, reaching out to you as you navigate these interesting times. What you are experiencing as a collective is the opportunity to honor yourself and one another. The idea of most of life’s activities coming to a halt has stretched each person.
It is in that stretching that your new awareness is being brought forth. The familiar routines that each one has called normal have been totally disrupted. This has revealed your strengths and your weaknesses, both as individuals and as the collective. There is a dismantling of all that you hold as normal.
There is a pressure building in the collective consciousness that is cracking everyone open to awaken to a new reality. This is a dark night for the soul of humanity. Since nothing is the same, nothing is solid, dependable or stable. A huge cleansing is taking place and this process is causing many to feel unbalanced, fearful, lost, depressed, confused and angry.
There are those who are riding this wave of energy, surfing this energy so to speak, aware that there is more to be revealed. There are those like yourself who have been asking for changes to come to this reality, those who are aware of the other higher dimensions and realities. Many realize that this is an extreme metamorphosis for the collective.
Realize that distorted beliefs and the limitations of the old paradigms are dissolving. This action is causing much confusion, dismay, and anger. Leaders are sharing many untruths, frightening everyone because they do not know how to deal with what is occurring at this time.
Having all your social activities stopped has removed any distraction you might have used to avoid looking at any personal and emotional issues. What a wonderful situation you have been offered – to be with yourself and your loved ones coming into the space of awareness.
Many are consciously moving into the next dimension. You are becoming aware of what is important and valued. Experiencing more time alone or isolated has triggered many old issues and patterns, which you can now consciously release.
We are observing the increase of light offered by humanity at this time. You are doing the work. People are reaching out to comfort one another in simple and amazing ways. Hearts are being opened and the level of love is flowing. Staying in a heart centered place is the safest and most powerful place you can be.
It is this coherent vibration that is welcoming the energy of the higher dimension. Individuals are sensing this shift. It is subtle and yet when recognized and felt it is profound. Many people are resolving to bring new answers to the old world problems. Many people are waking up to their true multidimensional self.
They are watching this matrix begin to crumble. Many will wonder when the madness and confusion will end. They are becoming aware of how out of balance their lives and the collective have become. They are beginning to understand that they are truly creators and are stepping into their power to create a reality that is life sustaining.
There is an awareness of the oneness of all. The internet has offered this connection for some time, however now it is more obvious just how it serves as a link. You as divine beings are meant to communicate telepathically. This is an ability that is coming forth to many out of this personal isolation. There are other high quality abilities and gifts that many of you are experiencing.
You are seeing movement out of the corners of your eyes; you are sensing that you are not alone, that there is a presence near you. Many are actually seeing energy waves and vibrations in a new way. Many are having vivid dreams of walking or being active in other dimensions.
The collective has silently been screaming about the abuse of other humans and of nature. The collective has been silently praying for a new template to manifest for humanity, a template or matrix that is honoring of all life, a template or pattern in which there is a bond between humans, the elements and the elementals.
This evolution of consciousness has been requested by all sentient beings. The global pause, this stop of activities, has given humanity the opportunity to allow a healing of the distortions, the lies that have been told since the beginning of time, especially that you are powerless. You are not powerless, you are powerful behind measure. You have been living in an energy field of unconscious limitation. However we celebrate that you are waking up and stepping out of that unconsciousness into a field of all possibilities.
Hold that truth close to your heart and begin to act from your place of personal power. Spend time envisioning a new reality. Use your imagination and imprint the energy field with a reality that enlivens others to thrive. Encourage others to understand their personal power to create a new reality. Guide others to honor themselves and others. Stay in the vibrations of an open loving heart, this will empower your visions.
Be aware of those who offer fear, scarcity, doom and gloom. Remember when the collective feels powerless they are easy to manipulate. You are powerful beyond measure. Own this truth and stay in your open heart with joy and gratitude. These are the emotions and the vibrations that allow you to move through these difficult and challenging changes.
This is a cosmic awakening. You have the support of the galactic families, the celestials and all divine beings and masters. What is happening on your planet has the attention and support of the entire universe. Earth is ascending into a higher dimension and taking you with her. Celebrate.
We are here to support and assist you as you ride these waves of great change and transformation. We acknowledge your courage and willingness to be here at this time to anchor this new reality that is coming forth. the ‘team’
Peggy Black

_______ Thought for the Month ______
“We are observing the increase of light offered by humanity at this time. You are doing the work. People are reaching out to comfort one another in simple and amazing ways. Hearts are being opened and the level of love is flowing. Staying in a heart centered place is the safest and most powerful place you can be.” the ‘team’

The "Team"
©2020 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 18:17
Quarta-feira, 18 / 03 / 20

Life Sustaining Energy

Life Sustaining Energy

The "Team".

Through Peggy Black.

February 17th, 2020. 




We are here offering you insights and guidance regarding the challenges that are being expressed in your physical reality. We are here reminding you that you are powerful beyond measure. You physical consciousness deals with the beliefs and programs of limitation, however your divine consciousness does not express limitation.

Your goal is to recognize and honor your divine knowing and divine consciousness. Each time a limited belief arises, notice that and make a conscious shift into your personal power to transform that limitation.

We are here, witnessing the incredible chaos and reaction to the pandemic enveloping your planet. Many are being triggered and saturated with feelings of fear and powerlessness. We want to encourage you to shake off any discouragement and any feelings of hopelessness or powerlessness.

These feelings actually add to the energy matrix that is being played out on your screen of reality. It is important to remember that you are a magnificent creator, you are a being of divine light and consciousness. You are here, so to speak, on assignment to support and transform these misqualified energies.

Consider for a moment that fear is actually a vibration of energy. Fear could also be considered a virus. The energy of fear spreads very quickly throughout your collective consciousness. As empathic individuals you are easily triggered by this energy wave of fear.

This collective field of energy and emotional vibration infects the thoughts of everyone. Everyone is empathic and feels this dense energy. Most suppress this because they do not know how to deal with it. Nevertheless they are a part of it.

You could say that there is a pandemic outbreak of the virus of fear. It is manifesting in the actions of individuals as well as in the assembly of groups. The antidote to this pandemic of fear and helplessness is your awareness of who you truly are and your willingness to hold and anchor a new reality. Each awakened being who continues to radiate the frequencies of well-being, love and gratitude into the matrix and the collective consciousness is offering powerful work.

You are not helpless in this reality. You are powerful beyond measure. So step up and step into this personal power. Begin to generate frequencies and vibrations that are life sustaining.

When you recognize that you are responding to the events from a fearful state of mind, STOP! Reset your thoughts and projections which are only adding to the very thing you are disturbed about. This is a practiced skill that we are inviting you to master. You know this; it is a matter of remembering.

We invite you to step back for a moment and acknowledge who you personally are. You are a transformer of dark, misqualified energies and actions. You are a member of the family of Light. You are a divine, magnificent, multidimensional starbeing who is here on this planet to uplift and shift all that is life diminishing.

We know that this is what you might call big work. Let us assure you that you are up to the task or you would not be here on this planet at this time.

Your assignment is to observe events in your personal life as well as what is occurring in the collective and to offer an uplifting frequency of your focus of love and light into the very thing that wants to polarize you.

Remember, negative emotions are addictive. Remember that emotions are contagious. It is time for you to be honest with yourself and begin to honor who you are. You are a divine being who happens to be caught in the frequency web of this pandemic of the virus of fear. The virus of fear is just as toxic to your body as any other virus. Viruses are contagious, as are panic, fear, hysteria, calm, love, enthusiasm, kindness and joy; choose wisely.

Remember it is all vibration and energy. We invite you to be mindful and responsible to your personal well-being. Take the necessary actions that physically protect you from any virus. Practice good physical hygiene as well as good mental hygiene. Notice when your energy drops to match the collective fear. Quickly shift your vibrations to a sense of divine well-being as well as physical and mental health.

Remember that your divine knowing and vibrations of well-being are the best vaccine to any virus.

It is with your intention and your connection with the truth of who you are as a galactic citizen that you can offer your light frequency into any situation with the intent to transform it.

As you observe the events that are broadcast on your television remember to not judge or condemn or become triggered. This adds energy to the very situation you want to change.

Call upon the non-physical beings of Light to support and assist in this transformation. Call upon the legions of divine beings and angels to minister to these situations, assisting, uplifting, and healing all that are affected by this physical virus as well as the virus of fear. It is when each human owns their power and truly steps into that power that your reality will shift.

Let us assure you that there are more and more awakened individuals who are beginning to anchor a life sustaining reality. Your numbers are increasing. Each one is adding more light, love, forgiveness, gratitude and well-being to the collective matrix.

You are an important element to this unfolding. Join this increasing number of awakened conscious beings and begin to envision a reality that supports life, that supports well-being and the honoring of all. In whatever manner and at whatever level, begin. Each time you uplift your attitude or judgment of another, each time you offer a prayer of gratitude, each time you invite the support of the non-physical beings of light to assist you and the situation you have focused upon, you are making a significant difference.

The "Team"
Peggy Black
©2020 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. 

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Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 19:41
Domingo, 16 / 02 / 20

What Makes you Unique?

What Makes you Unique?

The "Team".

Through Peggy Black.

February 15th, 2020. 




We are here offering our words of encouragement and empowerment. We know that you are feeling the intense energy shifts that are taking place in the world as well as within your body. These rising frequencies are vibrating and pulsing with quicker intensity.

Many individuals feel like closing off or shutting down, feeling overwhelmed, while others who are observing this energy flow increasing just tighten their grip on what they believe is real. Those of you who are sensitive are experiencing a struggle to handle the intensity and the chaos. We invite you to be gentle with yourself and begin to allow yourself to integrate this new energy a little at a time.

Remember, when you feel fear or panic it is normal to be cautious of the unknown, it is a part of your 3D survival. Remember to take several deep breaths. Remind yourself that you are fully embodied, anchored to this planet, that you are your divine self in physical form. These simple steps will assist you to relax, and when you relax you can and will integrate this new energy with more grace and ease.

There are those who realize that they are here to anchor the energy flowing in and are open to the increase. These individuals realize and remember this energy. Their awareness of these intense frequencies is familiar to them as starbeings. Even though they have a physical form playing in this dense 3D reality, they remember that this kind of vibration opens and awakens.

This frequency, this vibration being felt, is a higher intensity energy and a galactic gift. This higher frequency can certainly cause a disturbance in the field. You are witnessing what is being played out on your planet, with the disharmony, the intense division, the intense weather/emotional reactions.

This galactic energy is offering the opportunity for dramatic shifts. This energy is opening up the possibility beyond anything that you have ever experienced in your physical reality.

This is all a part of the ascension process. As you match these higher energies, you realize this is truly the next step. You are becoming aware of your part in this ascension process. You recognize your part, your passion and your gift in this process.

Your body has slowly been transforming so that you can make this ascension with your physical form. Remember, you need to support your 3D body as it releases all the old programs and energy and is upgraded with new light programs and codes.

Also a part of this process is that many are receiving divine inspirations and a calling to move, or dramatically change some aspect of their life. We invite you to stay open to the ideas and guidance you are receiving. Relax into the truth of your knowing.

You are also becoming aware of your galactic contract. You know yourself as a light worker, a spiritual teacher or mentor. However you have unique gifts that you have been expressing or feel called to express. So ask yourself just how your unique gifts come forward in your life.

Are you a grid worker or gatekeeper for the planet, connected and called to travel to sacred sites and to open spiritual doorways on this earth? Are you a light keeper someone who embodies the light no matter the circumstances, a lighthouse for humanity? Are you a transmuter or uplifter who works on behalf of and for the collective consciousness of humanity? Are you a healer, a seer, a way-shower? Are you a divine blueprint holder, activating the templates and codes of awakening? Are you a messenger, who receives guidance from the divine, from angels, or ascended masters?

These gifts and abilities are coming forth. We invite you to step into your personal power. Now is the time to share your unique gifts. Remember it is all energy. You are connected to the collective consciousness, and with loving intentions you can offer your gifts to this energy field of the collective.

If you feel you are a grid keeper and are unable to physically travel to various places on the planet, remember that you can sit quietly and envision yourself energetically at that place. Imagine that you open the portal or doorway, or add more conscious loving light to this dark place. You can do this work easily in this manner. You can invite divine beings, and angels to join you.

If you feel you are a light keeper or transmuter or uplifter you can also envision yourself sitting quietly and radiating light and love from your heart out to some person or group of people. Realize that in the claiming of your unique gifts you will be inspired in ways to offer this gift.

There are no limitations. You are pure divine energy. How you translate that divine energy and use that divine energy is what makes you unique. We are just empowering you to step up and be active with your intentions and focus.

Now is the time, while this energy is so intense, grab it, anchor it, use it to transform this reality. It is only through the human heart and consciousness that transformation takes place. You have the key to assist in transforming the misqualified energies of this planet. You are divine light and energy manifest.

We acknowledge you as well as empower you. Stabilize any wobble in your personal energy field and use this divine energy gift to its full potential. We are available to support and assist you at all times.
the ‘team’

Peggy Black
©2020 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. 

FREE 88 messages available


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 01:22
Sexta-feira, 20 / 12 / 19

Keeper of the Frequency

The "Team".

Through Peggy Black.

Posted December 18th, 2019. 




We are here, offering our encouragement and certainly our acknowledgment for your tenacity and courage. We observe all that is taking place in your reality and will bow to your willingness for being active in that physical experience.

We see you as beings of energy yet you experience yourself as a solid physical being. Dear ones you are quantum beings. You are made up of stardust, light energy and multidimensional consciousness. We know that when you are active in your current life, doing your tasks and handling issues, you do not think of yourself as the quantum being. It might shift things a bit if you considered yourself this energy superhero.

We are wanting to stretch your understanding and invite you to begin to weave the awareness of your quantum self into the various mundane activities that you create. Let us assure you, if you begin to do this even a few times a day it will make a tremendous difference in your outlook and even the results.

We observe that it seems to be easy to get into a pattern of sameness, repeating actions over and over again without bringing consciousness to the task. What occurs with these types of behaviors is a numbness that occurs within; your energy self becomes repressed. Where is your aliveness? Where is your excitement of being here and now?

It is important for you to shake yourself out of the dullness and sameness and to re-energize your moment. Bring yourself to the moment, to the task at hand; fill it with your full attention, your full energy and even some excitement. Remember you are keepers of the frequency.

Being alive is the prize. Being alive in this reality is truly the prize. You are a being of energy. Every part of your body is filled with light. Every one of your cells emits light. Every cell has consciousness. Own the responsibility of interacting with your body, your cells in ways that continue to keep them energized.

Observe a small child; they are bundles of energy, actually expressing themselves in all directions. Begin to notice where you have shut down your energy. We are inviting you to reclaim it, pump it up, activate it.

What does it mean to be an energy being? Find things that enthuse you, find ways that fill you with renewed energy. Those that live a long and productive life have learned how to refill their quota of energy. They are continually excited about the day. They find new ways of doing the same tasks. They energize their mind and thoughts with adventure, real or imagined. They understand that they are keepers of the frequency. This is most important for all humans to understand and to be active in restoring their energy.

One way to restore energy is to release old emotions and old patterns. These old emotional energies can be a burden, weighing you down, without you even realizing it. Think of these old memories of regret, bitterness, anger or shame as caged animals. Let them go. Release them with as much grace as possible. Trust us; when you do this, you allow a new surge of energy to flood into your body and consciousness.

Another way to renew and restore you energy is to pull energy from your natural surroundings. Literally, imagine reaching out your hands and cupping your figures, and pulling energy from the green, growing living things around you. You can call in energy from the stars, from the sky. The energy vibrations of all living things are available. You can invite energy frequencies from music to refill you. Notice that singing or chanting can fill you with alive energy. Laughing is an excellent way to recharge.

As you begin to own that you are a quantum being of energy that does need to be recharged and renewed, you will take a more active part in this process. You will begin to notice what energy you do allow to fill your quota. Is it artificial energy or electronic energy? Is it negative energy?

Remember that self care is a priority not a luxury. Taking a rest will also restore your energy. Do what feels good and right to maintain your well being and aliveness.

Your goal is to continue to raise your vibration, raise the frequency of energy that you are taking in and expressing out. Remember that gratitude, appreciation and joy are the three keys of a successful keeper of the frequency.

We are here to acknowledge you and support your renewed energy of aliveness. You are doing good and great work. We are always available to serve with you. the ‘team’
©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. 

FREE 88 messages available


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



and https://www.facebook.com/mel.tavares.75

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Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 03:24
Sábado, 15 / 06 / 19

This Is a Very Large Playground ~ The Team, Peggy Black.

This Is a Very Large Playground.

The Team via Peggy Black.

June 13th, 2019. 


We are here to honor you in your magnificence. You continue to move up the spiral of evolution with every conscious thought and conscious action, especially in the midst of the chaos as the old paradigm is dissolving. You are witnessing the collective shadow of negative and misqualified emotions rising to the surface of world events. These shadow emotions are being seen, witnessed and transformed by those of you who understand the principles and the universal laws. The light that you carry and broadcast is making a tremendous difference.
You are not alone in this task of transforming the negative and misqualitied energies. The entire galactic community of divine conscious starbeings, ascended masters, avatars, ancient ones, and archangels and angels are always available upon request.
The transformation of consciousness on this planet is a cosmic event that has been taking place for eons of time. This is the result of timeline experience after timeline experience. No matter how dark or hopeless it all seems, that can all change in a moment of the collective breath.
So with this transmission we are inviting you to begin to reconnect with your own star or galactic heritage. Begin to consider that even though you have a physical body there is an energy that is animating that form and that life. Just as you might consider your physical body your genetic heritage consider that you are also a part of a galactic heritage of energy.
Allow yourself to imagine for a moment that you have star essence, that you do carry the traits and the abilities of a galactic heritage, what might that be? How would these abilities or this divine lineage manifest in your life and actions?
What if these intrinsic gifts, these star and galactic abilities were awaiting the activation of personal codes. What if you could activate the codes or stimulate or quicken these intrinsic gifts. These are questions we are inviting you to begin to consider.
You know yourself as a physical presence; now we are wanting you to begin to engage with the idea that you are also an energy presence. Perhaps you can begin to engage in some form of energy exercises. Use your imagination and begin to allow time to play with the possibility that you might be able to travel time. Imagine yourself visiting other time frames in your history. Imagine that you might be able to travel even to other dimensions; allow yourself to see or sense what that might feel or look like. We invite you to leave any expectation aside. Remember you are just playing in your imagination.
You can use the quantum field to create a space in which you are safe to travel, to explore and adventure.
Let yourself relax into the process and just observe how this might manifest for you. The use of sound can also trigger a state of mind in which you can experience other realms and realties.
We are just inviting you to consider the possibilities and give yourself the grace to explore what your star heritage might be. What star system has always interested you or perhaps this is an entirely new concept to entertain and think about. You can do some searching and investigating. Study the star systems and the galaxies, does one interest you more than another.
Consider for a moment that there are something like 300 billion stars in your Milky Way, there might be around 30 billion planets in your galaxy alone, and there are over 100 billion galaxies in your observable Universe. Many of you have heard of some of these systems Antares, Pleiades, Arcturus, Betelgeuse, Sirius and Andromeda. This is a very large playground.
We are inviting you to create a sacred space, an Alchemist Chamber. The space is created in your imagination. Make it as real as possible. There are no limits here; remember, you are a creator. Once you have the space, the chamber, allow yourself to close your eyes and sense or feel yourself there. This is the place where you can invite information about your star essence, your galactic heritage. This is the place you might meet other energy beings that come as colors or geometric forms or patterns. Be open to the possibilities.
Remember you are a divine multidimensional being. You are in essence star energy. You carry a galactic heritage in your very DNA. We are just encouraging you to begin to access this information.
It is this connection to the bigger picture of who you are which will allow you to step more fully into your personal power as a master. As a divine starseed being you have unlimited energetic abilities. You are so much bigger than you ever have allowed yourself to consider. You just happen to be playing in an unconscious field and dimension that is limited. So as an empathic being you match the energy of this unconscious limited third dimension.
Now is the time to begin to stretch your awareness, to honor and call forth your personal abilities and gifts. It is time to quicken and stimulate the latent legacy you carry.
We invite you to begin to simply invite your star family, your star tribe, to make themselves known to you. Decide that you are going to watch movies or programs in which the subject may be starbeings or ET’s. Notice how new information appears, notice what you decide to read or what program you are guided to watch; that will offer clues to your questions.
Be aware of your dreams and the images that come forth while you sleep. The opportunity is happening now for you to awaken more fully to who you are and your connection to the stars and all the galactic energies. , Find a place where you can watch the stars in a relaxed setting and make a practice of observing the night sky. Imagine or even pretend that you could talk to the stars.
We realize that what we are suggesting here might feel a bit far out or even silly. Notice your reaction to our transmission. Does our words and invitations intrigue you, do they feel impossible or even feel like nonsense?
You can call upon the divine ones, named or unnamed, to assist and support you in this discovery. We assure you that once you begin to investigate the possibilities, doors of awareness are going to open and more will be revealed. It is time, and codes are being activated within many of you earthwalkers. Step into the truth that you are truly more than your physical body and form.
We are always available to support and assist; please call upon us in your journey to your true revealing. You are star seed, you are part of the awesome and amazing galactic unfolding. You are creators of worlds. the ‘team’

Peggy Black

©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 00:31
Quarta-feira, 15 / 05 / 19

Hologame of Time ~ The Team, Peggy Black.

Hologame of Time.

The Team via Peggy Black.

May 13th, 2019. 


We are here offering you another opportunity to stretch your known reality. You are so comfortable with all that is familiar, with all your preconceived ideas and beliefs that allow you to participate in your daily activities without questions such as what dimension am I focused on now, how am I relating to time and what are my beliefs about time?
We have been offering the idea and inviting you to be aware of the magnetic and solar activities that are stirring up the collective consciousness. There is a shift of energy being offered that continues to increase. This increasing energy shift is being felt in and through your nervous system and your body’s electrical fields body.
Be aware of how your physical body is feeling, notice when you are feeling out of balance, or even a bit dizzy. Pause and take a deep breath. This simple action will assist you to reset. Your physical body is adjusting to this increase in energy and vibration, which is part of the process of illumination and advanced consciousness.
These stimulating vibrations and frequencies are opening several channels within the energy field of the human being. This is a part of the ascension process of which you have been aware, part of the awakening of humanity, the shift into the higher dimensions.
The first aspect of this transmutation is to realize your understanding of time needs to shift. Each and every person without fail lives in a different time reality governed by their perception of the learned/programmed concept of this time matrix. We realize we are exposing one of your most sacred belief systems and we understand your resistance and your confusion. Time does not exist on the higher dimensions.
So as you continue to welcome and expand your consciousness, time as you know it will begin to waffle. It will become irregular, elusive and baffling. Time is shifting which creates the sense that it is speeding up. This is one aspect of your hologame that you can begin to recognize and monitor. Remember you are consciously bigger than time.
Let’s just explore the concept of time. Time that exists in your belief systems, time that is a part of this third dimensional construct does not exist in the other dimensions. So each individual is confronted with their old third dimensional time beliefs and what they are now experiencing as they move in consciousness to the other dimensions.
We understand that you still will need the construct of time in order to function in your daily life right now. Humanity has recorded time, with history, past events, clocks, calendars and all manner and methods of measure. So there is no need to eliminate all the ways to keep track of time. We are just encouraging you to become more aware of how fluid, flexible and manageable your experience of time is. This is important because it will show you how you utilize time in your dimension.
We would like to offer you a suggestion that the references you make about time keep you locked into a limited reality. Time is a concept here on your planet. All your words about time continue to keep you in a mind-set of restrictions. Some examples common in your reality are: not enough time, time is short, time is running out, rush time, time is moving too fast, losing time, wishing for more time, wish time would hurry up, time is moving so slowly and where did time go?
We believe you are getting the idea. These are beliefs about time. Time, like everything else, responds to your attitudes, your beliefs, your statements, your words, your vibrations.
Time is one of the fabrics of your earthy game. It is a veil. It keeps you in the illusion. It is wise to realize that time is created only to serve a certain aspect of physical reality.
We continue touching one of your planet’s sacred beliefs. We don’t expect this information to change the laws of the game. We would desire that your awareness would shift. In that shifting of your beliefs about time there is much freedom to begin to move between the dimensions with greater awareness and ease. As you transform your time beliefs, it will be reflected in your physical reality and beyond.
Once you can recognize that time is an abstract, that it doesn’t really exist, that it is just part of the hologame and everyone has given it much importance, this will free you.
The essence of who you are is beyond time. The essence of who you are sees time as an imaginary game much like ones that children play. We know that you do live here in this game with time. We understand you can honor time with its limited concepts and still know the freedom of “NO TIME.” It is in the space of “NO TIME” that you will travel between all dimensions.
We invite you to play a little with this thing called time. Pretend that you can stretch it, expand it, mold it in ways that support your day and your projects. Make time your friend; remember it is very elastic, it is very flexible. Play with it in a new way today. Relax into your tasks, laugh, lighten up. Allow yourself to step into the stream of time from many different levels, from many different vantage points. Remember that your breath can shift your perception of your experience of time. Be aware that you are experiencing a tremendous shift in evolution.
Live in each moment, bring your consciousness to each NOW. This will offer you the most expanded viewpoint of time in this realignment that is taking place between your planet and the entire solar system. It is from the present moment of now that you are allowed and welcomed to dance between the dimensions. You are multidimensional; time is only a breath, it is only a thought.
We are complete in this remembering. You are a magnificent multidimensional starhuman playing in the hologame of time. Allow yourself to stretch into this awesome expanded energy that is being offered. Invite us and other divine beings to show you how to travel time. the ‘team’.

Peggy Black

©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 18:44
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Wonderous Task ~ The Team, Peggy Black.

Wonderous Task.

The Team via Peggy Black.

February 11th, 2019. 


We are here offering our support and insights from a larger perspective. We acknowledge you in your physical form. We acknowledge the focus you have regarding what is happening in your life and what is occurring on the planet as a whole. Often this focus becomes all that you are able to see or take in. It becomes a bit narrow so to speak. You are too close to the events and some of the events are charged with emotions, attitudes, fears that keep you locked into that narrow focus.
This reality is enticing; it can be rather seductive, especially when all your energy and focus is on the physical dimension. We recognize and acknowledge that there is a certain amount of attention needed to maintain your body and the activities of your life. We are inviting you to soften the focus a bit and allow your awareness to begin to view your life and what is happening on your planet from a higher perspective.
When you practice this often throughout your day, it will become more natural. Your birds that walk on the ground hunting for food see only the limited area they are acting upon, yet these very birds can take flight and soar above the ground and see an entirely different landscape. This is the offering that we are inviting you to practice. Consider your daily activities like the bird on the ground and often allow yourself to consciously soar above those activities and events and view them from this higher perspective.
We acknowledge that the physical body and its activities seem the most important. However, shifting your point of view to a higher perspective will certainly offer you new insights. From your earthly grounded point of view things seem perhaps random or unexpected, yet when you allow your higher consciousness to look at the random or the unexpected event you will be surprised at how these events truly are connected as they unfold.
When you view world events through a limited perspective you miss the true unfolding of these events and how they reveal the bigger picture and the energy that is being offered. We observe that you are viewing world events with a feeling that all is hopeless and that you are powerless to support or assist in the outcome. This could not be farther from the truth. That is a surge of energy that is awakening humanity.
This frequency is in place to support and assist you in your own realization of who you are. You are a divine being of light and energy. You have a physical body and you have a divine body that is pure creative energy. You are meant to recognize this partnership and fully awaken to the power of this awareness.
It is the physical body that walks on the ground and it is the divine body that allows you to soar above what is occurring. It is from your divine perspective that you are able to see and understand what is unfolding in the larger picture on your planet.
We are celebrating what is occurring. The repressed emotions and beliefs are now very visible and being acted out. Because these old negative and misqualified energies are now more obvious, they are now able to be transformed. They are not in the shadows. Because they are not in the shadows, those light workers, those who are awake and aware like yourself, are able to dissipate that negative misqualified energy.
As a divine being of light, you have the birthright and the responsibility to transform all negative or misqualified energy you experience or witness. Remember, in your true essence you are powerful beyond measure. Hold that, anchor that, walk in that truth. This is your strength that comes with that awareness.
You begin to realize this is what you came here for, to be a part of this great and grand shift of the ages, this evolution and awakening that is taking place right here and right now on Earth.
We can only observe until we are invited to join you in the wondrous task. Understand that what is happening on your planet has the attention of your galactic and star families. Realize that not every divine being who wanted to be a part of this was offered a ticket. You were, and you are the most qualified conscious being to be here now.
So beings are encouraging you and supporting you to continue to observe what is happening from the larger perspective. There are a great many things taking place around the world that are astonishing, amazing and life enhancing. Begin to look for these amazing events and occurrences.
There are countless numbers of awakened beings assisting this planet to evolve. There are countless awakened beings who are offering a frequency of love, appreciation, gratitude, acceptance and forgiveness to all they encounter.
Remember to say to yourself often, I am aware that I am aware. This shifts your ground-level point of view to the higher perspective. It is from your higher perspective that answers, solutions and inspirations come. You can also say, here I am, so glad you are. These simple statements will assist you in remembering to look at the bigger picture of what is unfolding.
You can observe that more and more people are taking action to find ways to clear the waters, take care of the less fortunate, and stand up in their power to make a difference by holding and anchoring the truth.
The mis-creations on you planet are being dismantled. Use your power to focus on that, add your thoughts, emotions, visions to the best and brightest outcomes. Watch when you drop into the place of judgments, or pushing against some event; remember, your energy just adds to the energy of that dysfunction. As quickly as possible use your tools, invite non-physical beings of light and love to assist and support the outcome benefiting all.
When you are puzzled by what is going on and you do not or cannot understand, say to yourself, there is more to be revealed.
These are exciting times and you are here to make a difference. Realize your smallest act of kindness can tip the scale to a blessing for all humanity. Your conscious loving action will always ripple out and touch the lives of everyone. Remember that you are an alchemist who transforms all energies into higher frequencies of light and love. You are transmuting the old paradigm into a higher intelligence and order.
You are pure potential. We acknowledge that truth and stand ready to walk beside you as you create a reality that honors all living things. Be in your joy and delight in this awesome opportunity. the ‘team’
©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 19:33
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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