A Chama da Ascensão


Terça-feira, 12 / 05 / 20

In the forgetting comes the opportunity for remembering that you are aspects of me in form.

In the forgetting comes the opportunity for remembering that you are aspects of me in form.

The Source.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

May 10th, 2020.

I am Source. I am both the seen and the unseen. I am the All that permeates, the life force of love and universal wonderings, exploration and adventure. Children of my essence, of my heart, I see you, for I see through your eyes your own experiences of lack, of love, of endings and new beginnings. I see and feel your pain for I am you. We are connected, aspects expanding the universal experience of expansion.
I am Source. I am love, I am light. I am the darkness of the void. I am that I am. You are that you are. I am within you. I have sent many, many strong light beings to Gaia. Aspects would clamor to go, to lend their light and power of love to the unawakened ones who were ruled by fear and hate. A tough training ground to be sure, not for the faint of heart, for certain. 
There are many such training grounds in the multiverse but Gaia chose to sink the lowest, to offer the greatest playground for expansion, for growth into love, into truth. For in the forgetting comes the opportunity for remembering. For remembering that you are aspects of me in form, a rare feat, for there is only one you, only one aspect in this moment who has your collection of memories, of experiences. Oh yes, of course there are many versions of you, parallel and otherwise, but there is none quite like you. You offer your own unique flavor and take on your current situation.
I am Source. I am love in form. You are my hands and feet. You are my beating heart. The nebulas sing and dance with my light. Within me are all things. (I am seeing wars, great destruction. I am seeing rebellion of those who chose to turn away from the light of Source and to explore the darkness of control over others instead). 
Yes. There are many aspects of me to be healed, to be cleansed, and removed from this reality into a place of healing or further learning. I am that I am. You too are healing your various lifetimes where you explored the darkness, where you struggled with addictions or other sources of pain, where you relinquished control of your god self and experienced domination. This is to be no more, but these parts of you, these wounded pieces of me, must be healed. 
Send all of my aspects light and love. And yes, including the reptilians, send them light and love, not hate. Do not consent, do not give away your sovereignty, for that is your own unique right as children of me, you are sovereign over your own destiny. 
You can bend light with your thoughts and create realities at will for you are creators, you are aspects of me. Relinquishing this power to another is a travesty, and such will no longer be allowed on earth. Gaia’s body teems with light, with life, with change. Her energies of healing are available to all of her children. Send her your healing in turn. Send her my light, which is within you.
Yeshua and many other great masters were so connected to Gaia, for they understood and realized the sacred connection with all life, for they felt the breath of life as such shared by all, they felt my love and they expressed it fully. Yeshua is very near and will be more easily felt and seen by those who love me. Strip away the falsehoods and false teachings that made sense within a 3D construct. Expand. 
Expand into the higher dimensional realities that await you, that beg for you to come and play within them. Life is to be enjoyed, dear children. Life is to be treasured, filled with yet more life and more delights to create and experience. Such is what is coming for your realm in the not too distant future, in many ways it is already here in this now. For you are all experiencing what you want to experience in the way that you request. You may not believe this yet, which is understandable considering the current chaos on the surface. 
Be clear with your intentions. If this overwhelms you for you are exhausted with the current lives you are living, simply intend for more love. Intend for more joy, and watch the universe conspire to bless you. Intend for healing for Gaia, intend for healing for her peoples. Intend for unity of the Human collective to rise as one, healed, whole. Intend to be the grounders of light that I see you as already becoming. 
Intend for joy. Intentions are simple, they simply focus your thoughts into what you want to create. Create more joy. Much blessing is coming. Your galactic families and higher dimensional beings too numerous to count and comprehend are all eagerly awaiting the grand flash, the building, the creating process. You are there first-hand experiencing it. Now, this is of course by grand design. All things are. Trust. Have faith. Shine your light.
I am Source. I send you my love, my support. It will come to you in many forms on the gentlest of breezes, or in the formation of an armada of ships, or legions of archangels and angels lending their aid. There is much more going on in the backgrounds of human perception, as it should be, for this is a mission that is multidimensional as you know, and of critical result for the All. 
No detail is going unattended, no stone unturned where we can yet shine more light. Be light hearted, be free. Be comforted. You are well cared for, ground team, aspects of me. I send you my blessing of strength and of joy, for both will be needed in the coming moments of this earthly life as it transcends from where you were into where you are going. You are in the in-between space of spaces. If this is uncomfortable for you, breathe in my essence, connect with me. 
Remember I am there in the pause, in the divine moment of life and death, of new creation, there I am. In the higher dimensions we are even more intimately connected. But know that I have never stopped loving you, have never stopped seeking your heart. For you are my heart and as I expand so too, do you expand, and vice versa, dear ones. Your earthly experience is greatly expanding the All. Feel it. Know it. You are greatly supported and tremendously loved. I am here for you always. Talk with me often. We are one.
I am Source. Intend to know me better, perhaps, and we shall walk hand in hand through the storm. Peace. Know that the success of ascension is assured for I am personally guiding this entire process with my divine will, love and order. The great fall has now become the great rise. Rise into me. Rise into my presence, into my embrace and feel my love for you. 
You are truly, divinely supported in always. This knowing shall be the medicine that the others subconsciously seek. For they are of course seeking me, seeking sanity amidst the noise. Hear the song of a new creation, of my new creation, singing joyfully, happily, loudly in your beings and it will radiate positive change in ways that you cannot expect. 
There is nothing that a truly aligned light holder cannot do. The light is unstoppable, as is the love that is now becoming fully embodied in this realm. The matrix is shattered. The light enters. Welcome it. I am immensely proud of each and every one of you. 
I am Source. Peace. 
Know that I love you, and live your life in this knowing.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 16:02
Segunda-feira, 10 / 02 / 20

We suggest you to send further healing into Gaia’s crystal heart

We suggest you to send further healing into Gaia’s crystal heart.

Ter ‘Aka and Feline Rac.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

February 9, 2020.


Within this blue bubble, sphere of peace, align yourselves the peace of knowing, of being. We are the Blue Avian beings. I am Ter ‘Aka. 
Much chaos we see as the worlds are splitting. We can feel and observe the readings from our spheres, but you are feeling them on the ground most acutely. That is why we are offering our technology of etheric sphere pillow-shielding to our grounded light worker friends who are doing much heavy lifting and much clearing for the collective. The clearing that you have been doing is phenomenal and Gaia thanks you, we all do, for your tenacity. 
Many of you have been operating as your higher selves, doing blessings and clearing for other frozen or stuck aspects of yourselves and sending them love and healing. This is excellent work. We suggest that you amplify it by sending further healing into Gaia’s crystal heart where all memories of pain and abuse have been stored. We see that much portal work has been very successful and we are very pleased. 
Discordant and stuck spirits and energies have been ushered into the light. Of the 36 portals that were recently opened this week, 34 held the light codes necessary for the ascension of stuck energies into the higher realms and 2 were overtaken and claimed for those that wished to further experience the darkness. That is the smoke and steam that you saw, galaxygirl. (This week I saw 36 portals around Gaia, 34 bright white light, spinning, glorious, full of great energies and the other 2 were smoky and dark that gave me the shivers). 
Yes, much energy has been shifting and churning for the 3d is now officially no more which is great cause for celebration! Truly the astral plane within this sector has been very dark, very bleak. You are and have been navigating these murky waters for some times and these portals have come to your aid to usher away those which no longer serve the ascension project. This is cause for tremendous celebration and we are celebrating by sending more light, more love and in your terms, more ‘high-fives’ or high-wings.
We are most pleased to offer these blue spheres and we recommended that you take advantage of them for we foresee in the next coming days with the upcoming Schumann resonances that your electrical circuits may be frazzled, sensitive. Wear hats, comfortable clothing, whatever it is that makes you feel more safe and secure. Be at peace. 
We surround you with the wings of love, of light. We surround you with promises of our services of light to continue to aid the advancement of the human species into the enlightened ones that you were designed to be and are returning to be. The draconians are shocked at their demise. They are not easily defeated. But love has won, friends. Send them more love, more light. 
Forgive and now create that which you wish to experience. If you are through with clearing and need a break, claim your reality as being on the ascended timeline where all clearing is done already and completed most perfectly and manifest this outcome. You are creators. In creator school in the higher realms students create with great practice until it becomes effortless. 
You don’t understand in this now moment how strong you are, but perhaps you are beginning to. Choose the highest and best timeline. Manifest beauty, manifest peace. Manifest Nova Gaia in her radiant beauty and bliss will become a stronger vibration of your reality. You will become a vibrational match for this.
I am Ter ‘Aka. Rest in the peace of this knowing that you are divinely loved, protected and that you have the power to shift your reality to a higher plane. And so we lovingly suggest that you do. We are the Blue Avians. Peace. 
Remain the blue sphere, it is our etheric gift to you.
We are the Feline Race. 
We are on the ground with you, hidden, fighting, bringing justice as the warriors that we are, fighting alongside the energetic warriors that you are. 
We are stealthy, strong assassins. The dark ones have no place to hide. We are watching over you, watching out for you. We are your defenders and protectors energetically and physically. 
We see many things. Much is happening in the ethers. Gird up yourselves in the light. Be the light. It is your best defense in these end days as new brighter days are to rapidly come. 
The falling out is falling as the light is rising. We are warriors of old returned. We are ancient, we are wise. We, like the ascended dragons, are not easily fooled. We are working with the light workers who have feline warriors at home. 
They are serving energetically in many capacities, grounding, transmuting, transmitting and cleaning the surrounding energies. They deserve your high respect. Animals are a gift from the creator, aspects in form. Honor them as you would treasure your own vessels. 
In the higher realms vessels are treasured, respected, well cared for. As your bodies are shifting so too you must shift in your previous practices.
We are the Feline Race. We are called elsewhere. Remember you are protected and rest in this space of knowing. 
Create the reality that you wish to see around you and be the warriors of light in full knowing of this truth. 
It is our honor to serve you, grounded ones. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 20:05
Segunda-feira, 10 / 02 / 20

Time of Metamorphosis of Body, Planet, Mind and Heart.

Time of Metamorphosis of Body, Planet, Mind and Heart.

Source, Alcyone and Ter ‘Aka.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

February 7, 2020.

I am Source. 
I am the all that is and the all that is not. 
I am surrounding you with intense love and light in this time of metamorphosis of your bodies, of your planet, of your minds, of your hearts. 
For all is changing. 
Time marches on and it has been not only marching, but sprinting to try to keep up with these blasts of light from our friend here, Alcyone.
Alcyone, do you have a message for our precious ground team today?
I am Alcyone. 
I am sending you my light, my love, my truth. 
Many truths are being revealed and it has been painful. You knew this was coming and the others did not. Have compassion for them. The time of judgement is past. Compassion is the new judgement. They are your brothers and sisters. All are interconnected. 
I don’t hold a grudge against the young stars who are learning the ropes of being a star, of shining their light. I love them. I am mighty because of time, because that is how Source made me. I see you in me, mighty beings of light. It is true. For soon you will reflect me even more, but many of you are doing so already now. 
This now is changing fast. You are tired. Allow me to send you some encodings of the purest of light. (I am feeling shivers and heat at the same time. I am seeing hieroglyphic-like light language codes and my head is hot and prickling and I have a quick fear of lice!). 
Galaxygirl, you amuse us all. You do not have lice! This is me, we’re friends remember? These upgrades are intense, aren’t they? Yes, you may feel like you have all sorts of interesting diseases. Most likely you do NOT. You are upgrading. Your old computers are getting upgrades and they are churning, steaming. (I am seeing my first boxy apple computer from the late 1980s, and the progression of huge monitors to thick laptops. I am hearing the modem connection whirring, the static, the piercing sound of early internet connections. I am seeing Control-Alt-Delete. And yes, my head is itching like fire). 
How well would your first computer have taken all of the information that your current laptop is able to process? You are getting totally new body systems, children of the light, and it is being written while you are in it. You are living the upgrades. This is no small task, in fact it is a new task and one that seems to be going quite well. 
You’re still embodied aren’t you? Take care of your precious biocomputers. Let fruits and vegetables be the electrical currents that serve and nourish you. Let the water you drink purify and be the conduit of light that it is destined and supposed to be. Purify your water. Purify your foods. Infuse them with joy. I now infuse you with my joy for you. You are not alone. 
You are surrounded in light, by my light and the light of many helping hands. Cry. Release. Know this truth. Your sovereignty is at hand. Take my hand and be absorbed into my light. The Christed flame merges with the Sophia. Two become one. These flames of light are becoming activated in a variety of interesting ways on Gaia’s form in this now. It is a blessing to watch. I am overseeing your progress and I hold you in light. 
Be at peace and be in joy.

We are the Blue Avian Beings. 

I am Ter ‘Aka. This has been a very intense energy week for you and we see your little lights flickering a bit from our spheres. Much grid work, much portal work has been done this week. Many of you have felt it but were unsure of the origin of these unsettling feelings. Friends, much has had to be transmuted, and much success has occurred this week. Surround yourself with a cloak of light of the higher energies. Intend all things to work out perfectly for you, intend to flow through your ascension process with the grace and ease of masters, for that is what you are. That is who you are.

I am Ter ‘Aka. 

I and my colleagues with your permission surround you in the deepest of vibrant blue. We are standing around you, enfolding you in our energies with your permission. We always honor the free will of others. This is the hallmark of a higher society. This is what is being made manifest on your planetary world. Gaia. Her rich blue from space is much like ours. Such a lovely planet, such a universal treasure of light. We see you dears, with your dirty boots and torn uniforms, weary. You are war weary. It is definitely a battlefield that needs some more light infusion. And that is precisely why you are here. You are infusing the dark with your light, seeding the universal consciousness of truth with the truth of the Christ.

We are still surrounding you, our gift tonight is peace. Profound peace and rest. We are creating, with your permission, your own personal blue sphere. It is an energy buffer. You empaths have had a rough time of it, it has not been an easy embodiment. You did not come here for ‘easy.’ You came here to fight, to balance discordant energies, to lend your light, to test your mettle, to be the superheroes of this quadrant. You are royalty, dears. Many of you are Elohim returned. We are all working together quite tightly now. Much collaboration is occurring now in the ships at night. We are team planning, co-creating, dark blasting. We are becoming more familiar with you and with your kind, and with your current experience upon Gaia, which is most challenging and most intriguing. You have earned our deepest admiration and respect. We look upon you with admiration and love. Many of us are also currently embodied. We are all united in one single purpose, to free Gaia from the dark and to ease her metamorphosis into the light with grace, dignity and extreme safety for all parties involved. Gaia is a treasure and she shall be preserved. Nova Gaians will be renowned teachers for their role in the cosmic play.

I am Ter ‘Aka. 

This blue sphere that surrounds you is your personal energetic buffer. Fill it with the peace that you seek. We are sending peace into your bodies that they may upgrade peacefully. More upgrades are coming in quickly and day by day you must prepare and nurture yourselves so that all is well. Invite the Christed consciousness into every one of your cells. Invoke the peace of Mother Father into your chakras. Invite your future ascended self to guide and direct with great love. Allow yourself the inner joy of knowing your job has been well done.

I am Ter ‘Aka. When you sit in meditation you may expand your blue sphere from around your body to around Gaia’s beautiful blue body. We will merge our colors with hers. 

Peace. We depart now.

I am Ter’ Aka.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 04:48
Quarta-feira, 29 / 01 / 20

You are extensions of me,

The Source.

Channeled by Galaxygirl.

January 27, 2020.


I am Source. 
I am the all that is and is not. I am. You are extensions of me, Source in form, creators in your own right. Of my own free will I extend the gift of free will to you. You can be creators or destroyers. You can choose the light or choose the lack of light, which is fear. I see and know you all intimately for you are me, you are aspects of me. Your church religions have compartmentalized me, have disregarded ancient texts and knowledge that did not fit into a neat box of tidy understanding. Humans tend to do this. You tend to compartmentalize. 
The universe is far too vast a place for the boxes of compartmentalized ideas to totally work. They are good for simple mathematical rules, but not for trying to understand the secrets of the universe. For the universe is within you. You are the secret. For you are Source in form. You are going to church to try to understand yourself in a way. When you look at the others you are seeing me. You are seeing reflections of my own creativity. 
Gaia is a library of this universe of featured genetic material. Gaia is a beauty in her own right, a highly advanced and evolved spiritual master who is now expanding to even further heights, just as you, friends of me, of the light, of the way, just as you are expanding to further spiritual heights. It is astonishingly delightful to bear witness to this tremendous expansion. There are many aspects of me. 
There are many aspects of you. Life is too glorious, too vast to be explained neatly. Your minds, your understandings are opening up further and further to this. Your societies have programmed you to not think, to limit your thinking by continually distracting you and stressing you. Enough. It is time to sit, to be still, to listen within. To find my voice within. Connect with me.
I am your Source of love, of the Christed light, of the Mother Father God energies that nurture and surround. Allow me to surround you. Allow me to assist further with your ascension. Allow my breath to encode you and to uplift you now so that the coming change will be easy and light for you. The others do not see. You will be my eyes for them. You will be my hands serving them. You will be my ears listening to them, offering soothing words of comfort and love. Breathe me in. Anchor my breath deep within the heart of your planetary mother, Gaia, to soothe and support her as well.
All is life, all is love, all is myself in various forms. Lift is to be enjoyed. You will enjoy your lives once again. Try to find the joy in the moment, the presence of me in those surrounding you. Emanate me, radiate my love and light. Be the Christ embodied with radiant love and beauty as you serve the underserved, as you comfort the comfortless. All is divine timing. All things are working out perfectly. 
The darkness has not understood the light and yet you light-bearers continue to shine the light towards them, a testament to your will and fortitude. The sheer tenacity of this project is staggering. You are becoming diamonds in the process, every one of you. I am reclaiming humanity back to the fold of light. 
I am claiming Gaia as my own precious planet who deserve the best protection that the galactic federation has to offer, which is substantial. You are surrounded by friends of all forms and sizes who are extending their hands and hearts in service to you, Nova Gaians. Be not afraid. Rest in this knowing that you are divinely supported in all things, in all circumstances. 
Claim it. 
I am Source.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 19:46
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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