A Chama da Ascensão


Sábado, 21 / 03 / 20

The Sea of Consciousness and Oneness.

The Sea of Consciousness and Oneness.

A Message to Lightworkers 

Collective of Guides.

Through Caroline Oceana Ryan.

March 20th, 2020


This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:


Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.
We see that many of you are in the throes of stress, anxiety, and general unsureness about Life, and we are able to assure you, that is understandable, even natural, given the present circumstances of the world.
While we on one hand encourage you to find any reason, any way for you to relax your body, your breathing, your train of thought and feeling, we also encourage you to be utterly kind, patient, and forgiving of yourself and others at this time.
As emotions run high and outcomes are both “high stakes” and unknown, you will have moments when your brain’s survival mechanisms seem to be sending “danger” signals to every part of your mind and body, to warn you to step back from a situation that feels to the brain to be threatening your existence or at least familiar ways of life.
What is interesting, is that you have the capacity for understanding, at this moment on Earth’s timeline and in your own life, that those signals are not there to keep you safe from the predator in the woods, so much as signal to you that all the old social, political, and economic structures are fading more than ever now, as new ones come into view.
Yes, this situation was designed to put you into survival mode—a high level of vulnerability—and to keep you there for weeks or months at a time.
And yet, due to the Ascension energies and higher Light data now reaching the Earth, that is not fully what is happening, despite the moments in which you feel worried or overstretched.
What is happening more and more for each of you is far greater.
For one, there is a unifying wave of thought energy moving across the Earth and Her population, asking not only for good health and well-being, but that human beings support one another now in ways that in the past, would have been rare to impossible.
There is already a web that stretches across the planet, interweaving and interconnecting every life with every other life, and you are aware of this interconnection.
Some call it the “inner-net”—the sea of consciousness in which all life meets, mingles, and intersects, flowing together as molecules in a great river that eventually reaches the sea.
You are now in constant inner connection with one another, across all national and cultural boundaries, in both word and in intent.
And you are coming to realize your interconnection and Oneness in ways that had not struck as possible you before now.
So that far from experiencing disconnection and separatism out of fear that another might infect you, either with illness or increased fear and stress, you are actually coming to understand the innumerable ways in which you constantly connect with one another.
That connection flows into a single, upward moving consciousness.
Yes, there are the times when individuals will retreat in fear and suspicion, when they may speak or imagine the worst occurring for them or others, or behave impulsively and aggressively in public—certainly, that has been occurring.
But it is not the predominant theme or vibration of what you are experiencing now.
That vibration is still a high and refined note that has not been sung in human consciousness for millennia.
For another, be aware that this heart-opening of compassion—a decision to sort of sit down and sing together until the storm passes—has made it possible to raise the vibration of humankind and all animals to where galactic and Angelic intervention is far more easily achieved.
This is particularly true now that so many are actively calling that forth.
Understand that the members of the Ashtar Command are fully apprised at every hour of what is occurring now in your governments, your populous, and your planetary vibration. 
We are all working more extensively now than ever to assist you, not only to stem the flow of further suffering, but to lift the emotional vibration of Earth life to where even more help can arrive.
None of that would be possible without all of you, and your dedicated, ongoing work in enacting your Earth mission with great involvement—a heart-centered Love of humanity and Earth Herself, and of Divine service.
You are our inroad to breaking through the shell that has surrounded Earth for so long, preventing us from offering the kind of assistance that you now usher in and call forth, and take part in yourselves.
So that while you may observe certain counties, cities, or countries on “lockdown,” we assure you, planet Earth Herself is not under such.
Though the shadow plan was to create exactly a situation in which, etherically, that was the case, that plan has failed.
We see as well many who have in the past given themselves over to the shadow realm, now stepping forward and joining the presence and consciousness of the higher Light.
They are abandoning their former willingness to aid those who stand for destruction and the narrow, short-lived gains of material power, to assist those who stand in and for Divine Light.
We wish you to understand that your growth during this time, individually and collectively as a human race, is unprecedented.
You are releasing many things that have hindered your path or kept you from knowing your true power and value as a Light Being on Earth in human form.
Some of you will be releasing addictions to certain foods or drink, drugs, cigarettes, or television, as you move off of these distractions and realize you no longer need them.
You will find you desire to go to sleep earlier each night, to drink more pure water during the day, to have more moments of silence where no thoughts are needed, and to have a greater connection to Nature.
You will find you are less likely to judge another or yourself, to realize those areas of your life you need to pay more loving attention to.
And to realize as well, the great game played on humanity, that this or that political party is your only safe haven from the Other—the other parties, or countries, or similar threat—the Them you have been taught to fear, mistrust, or despise.
You will increasingly release interest in separatism of any kind, as you understand that There is only a Oneness of all life, now and always.
In these moments, you begin to take on many of the attributes of your beautiful higher selves.
In return, your higher selves then find it easier to meld their energies with yours.
It is so, that your inner awareness of the increased presence of galactic brothers and sisters around and upon the planet at this time (and going forward), has quietly reminded you that you are not alone.
Reminded you that you are once again becoming part of a great intergalactic confederation of worlds.
And that as one expression of Life on one planet, amongst many billions, even trillions, you stand in awe at the integration of so many viewpoints, cultures, languages, and ideas.
All are not shaped as you, nor do they all think or feel or experience Life as you do.
And yet—such diversity serves you far more now, as you come to grasp its significance for Earth life, than you could possibly know at present.
In all of this, you are loved, watched over, protected, and guided forward on your chosen path by those you have chosen to assist you.
You are still co-Creator, dear ones, regardless of what any one situation or group seem to be saying.
You are still a god/goddess, wherever you may be in the Universe, whatever you may face.
And you are never alone.
Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, now and always.
Caroline Oceana Ryan
Copyright Caroline Oceana Ryan 2020.

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publicado por achama às 03:02
Sábado, 14 / 03 / 20

The vision for Global Peace, Abundance, Fulfillment and Oneness is a Great One...

The vision for Global Peace, Abundance, Fulfillment and Oneness is a Great One...

A Message to Lightworkers 

Collective of Guides.

Through Caroline Oceana Ryan.

March 13th, 2020


This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:


Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.
We see several things occurring now which may be difficult for many of you who telepathically pick up on others’ thoughts and emotional energies.
This may also pose a challenge to the many of you who, in your increasing evolvement, are able to pick up on the goings on of governments, populations, and the inner, unconscious reactions to events now occurring around the planet.
We would say, allow yourself to feel the emotions of uncertainty and unsureness now, even moments of fear and stress, before releasing them into the Light.
You may have heard on our latest Abundance Call, that many will have the impulse now to squash emotion and to deny it, because the resonance of fear or panic is something they deem as “unspiritual” or “unbefitting” a Light Bearer and Way-Shower.
We do absolutely understand that your standard for your own emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and overall resonance and vibration has never been higher.
The vision you hold now for a humanity that lives in an atmosphere of individual and global Peace, Abundance, fulfillment, and Oneness is a great one, and we join you in celebrating such.
We would only point out the many hundreds of lives you have lived on this a low-vibrational planet, over many thousands of years.
For the vast majority of those lives, Survival was your main interest.
Life on Earth was not only challenging and unsure. It was chaotic and untenable in many respects, in many places, for a very long time.
So that the very cells of your body have (until the recent powerful influxes of Light now reaching the planet), been tuned mainly attuned to struggle and fear of loss or death.
As you see reports on your news programs and speak with others about a virus that your officials claim has no cure (though all illness is curable), your survival mechanisms leap into action.
These send warning signals throughout your mind and body, telling you to run and hide, fight the assailant, or freeze with shock or panic.
This flight-fight-freeze reaction is well-known to you as being the opposite of the centered calm that humanity is increasingly moving into.
Yet many are succumbing to these early and middle Earth age human reactive moments, as if this were the only sensible way to behave.
The pressure that fear and panic put on the body mean that the stores of nutrition, inner coping mechanisms, and physical endurance must fly to those parts of the body and emotions most in need of assistance.
This is extra stress that you do not need in a time when extra rest, vitamin C and D, pure nano-silver, and pure food and water are called for, while outer and inner stresses are not.
We assure you that there are higher forms of help now occurring on Earth to assist in keeping this illness from reaching even the lower stages of a pandemic.
And that you assist those efforts as you envision these helpers being successful in their work, and envision yourself and all around you, and all around the world, remaining healthy and calm, at Peace and assured that All Is Well.
Is this the simplest assignment you have ever been given, Light Bringer?
No, certainly not.
Yet this is the life in which you have decided to dispense with your accumulated density altogether—to release the density which you have retained from all your other Earth lives, and from this life.
Again, this is not the simplest or most unchallenging task one could think of.
And yet—it is what you and many millions of others chose as your path before incarnating, as you knew that in the process of releasing the survival fear and panic reaction—of coming out of ego, personality, and smaller self, you would then begin to resonate all the more powerfully with your true, authentic, and higher self.
We do not make light of what you experience now, dear ones.
We are aware that many of you are re-experiencing the fear you felt during a plague or other disaster in other Earth lives.
Consider that as you establish inner calm in your quiet time each morning—meditating, sending forth prayers and petitions, spending time in Nature, emptying your mind of all thoughts, and speaking with your Spirit team—that you are anchoring that calm for many thousands living in the areas all around you, and beyond.
Consider that you are calming Earth’s energies, dispersing dense frequencies and entities—sending all into the Light where they may heal and transform, or transmute to a whole higher form of themselves.
And consider that your courage in that and every respect rings in the highest planes of Spirit for all to celebrate—that nothing is lost, and nothing is at risk, in the greater sense.
We send our Love, dear ones, knowing you shall rise not only above the current frequencies you now navigate, but all that remains of third dimensional Earth, as you willingly and quite consciously help create the fifth dimensional one.
You stand upon the precipice not of disaster, but of a New Earth. Rest your mind and heart upon that.
Image the beauty of that!
Remember Who you are, and how completely you are Loved.
Stand tall now.
You are every day more and more living upon a New Earth, one freed of all the shocks and pressures you now live under—Free at last!
Namaste, friends! We are with you, always.
Caroline Oceana Ryan
Copyright Caroline Oceana Ryan 2020.

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publicado por achama às 03:24
Domingo, 23 / 02 / 20

The Internal Pressures Many Are Facing

The Internal Pressures Many Are Facing

A Message to Lightworkers 

Collective of Guides.

Through Caroline Oceana Ryan.

February 22nd, 2020


This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:


Today we again answer a question from a reader, who writes:
“I am frankly a little concerned and frustrated about the growing group who call themselves “Lightworkers” or “Light Warriors” (it sounds so nice to the egoic mind—add that feather to the hat of accomplishments).
I hope this doesn’t sound like an attack or putdown. However, so many label themselves with this new label, and still go around acting pretty much in the “normal” 3D behavior.
Which is, sometimes, to tell lies and manipulate in everyday affairs, in service to themselves.
Thinking perhaps that if nobody sees or knows, it somehow doesn’t hurt. But it does—it hurts the one doing it most.
This isn’t going to fly in the higher dimensions.
It isn’t just doing a good deed here and there or posting to aid the koalas in Australia.
It’s examining every action, every moment, everyday, and asking, “Who am I serving?” 
It’s also more than just outer focus. It must start with very deep inner work; noble work.
It is raising one’s own vibration, and that is not all peaches and cream.
Facing one’s ego, truly, is the whole work; knowing and conducting oneself, consistent with the knowledge that we are not our labels which we have become so comfortable with, is the hardest thing to do.
Yet absolutely critical to entering the new higher earth. But once we do … Wow, what a world to live in!
I would love to hear what the Collective have to comment on this.”
The Collective: You correct, dear one, that many have taken on the label of Lightworker, Light Bearer, Light Warrior, and similar terms, who have only a minimal interest in an in-depth spiritual journey.
Or they are satisfied to let that journey “happen” to them rather than taking actual steps to live and enact that journey of healing, discovery, and awakening.
Many will look for identifications as they go through life, whether social, professional, familial, cultural, spiritual, or otherwise.
Photo by Meta Cerar
This is common amongst human beings, who for so long have been taught that those associations and labels are sufficient as a Life—to fulfill certain roles is all that is needed to “get somewhere” in one area of life or another.
Yet as you say, this is not the same as a journey in which there is self-reflection, inner realization of areas that have not been faced inwardly, and are crying out for healing and awakening.
And yet—it is vital to let each be responsible for their own path of growth.
You free others to find their way when you grant that their “schedule,” their rate of growth may well be different from your own.
And you free yourself when realizing that the words and actions of others need not disappoint, need not be a stumbling block that ruins anyone’s day, or lets them down.
Be aware that there is no need to even notice, except quickly and in passing, where others are on their path.
It is so that many have only identified with the Lightwork phenomenon in instinctive ways—they hardly know why they have lined up with certain ideas and insights, yet for some reason, those ideas and energies resonate with them at a deep level.
And often, there are pockets of resistance, of the ego-mind, as you say, as it objects to these new ideas, or tries to fashion them into a kind of new religion or social group, so as to use the ideas in older, more familiar ways.
As that happens, the ego-mind then often considers that “This new belief system I have is superior to all others.”
From there, the religion paradigm is enacted, not only within the left-brain mind, but within the person’s personality and etheric energies.
Photo by Meta Cerar
Then it becomes a matter of “being right” in each discussion on what is occurring in the world, stressing one’s preferred outlook as the one true outlook, while living still from within the ego and the personality, as people have been taught to do for millennia.
What is different about this time you live in now, is that millions are coming to realize that the ego-mind, personality, and cultural and familial training are not the be-all and end-all they have pretended to be for so long.
They are realizing that the old forms of narrow thought and orientation lead to increasing fragmentation of mind and spirit, and increasing separatism amongst people and nations.
Yet the time for separatism is well over now, as you hint at in your comments, dear one.
Most understand this now, in one way or another, as they realize quietly that duality has had its day.
And yet—what to do with those who claim to be on or to represent a higher path, yet offer the words and actions of one who has simply chosen another color to wear, while the person wearing those colors has changed very little?
We would say, do nothing.
Understand that all are on a path that will awaken them either very quickly, very slowly, or at some middle pace between the two.
That pace is not for any one person to ponder or stress over.
To some, the pace of any person’s path of growth might appear a bit slow for their preference.
Yet those more fully evolved are more relaxed in their outlook, and do not judge anyone for where they are at present.
Cloud Ship Over Highway Near Mt Shasta
As you yourself delve ever more deeply into trusting that All Is Well, that Love is the center of all forms of healing, expansion, and awakening, and broadcast those beautiful vibrations with your presence—
As you live in ways that show your special grace, calm, and inner Peace—
There will not be a person who meets you who does not feel the effects of that powerful and empowering vibration.
To do so will require healing those parts of your inner life that still resonate with pain, abandonment, and letdown—something that many millions are dealing with now.
And yet, even once you get there, not everyone you meet will celebrate your wholeness, your powerful inner Light.
They have been trained to shun the Light, particularly if it calls them to something higher than the ego-mind.
Yet as they realize that you are not judging them—an unusual moment amongst human beings!—they will note the Presence of your Divinity, and somehow, in some quiet and beautiful way, it will change them.
That is all, dear one.
Hold up your Light, and let it be all right that some others have not yet located theirs.
Your presence will remind them of that which the world at large has encouraged them to forget, lifetime after lifetime, century after century.
Particularly now that it is their time to Awaken!
To throw off the shackles of the past and the ego, to release the old paradigms, to love the stuck and unhealed places, to finally see the unwelcome interferences in consciousness and energy.
The time is Now (the only Time there ever is)!
And yes, they will See you, as do all of us See all of you, dear ones, and your phenomenal, Earth-shifting Light, come forward on this timeline to assist in the Ascension of your planet.

You have set foot upon the path—no need to glance behind you. You are free.
Namaste, friends! We are with you, always.

Caroline Oceana Ryan
Copyright Caroline Oceana Ryan 2020.

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publicado por achama às 00:59
Domingo, 16 / 02 / 20

A Message to Lightworkers – 2020/02/14

A Message to Lightworkers 

Collective of Guides.

Through Caroline Oceana Ryan.

February 14th, 2020


This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:


Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.
We see many of you dealing now with feelings of confusion and upset at different times, and an uplifted happiness at other times.
And we wish to assure you this is nothing unusual, as many millions are experiencing this now in the Light of the energy shifts that have come to your planet over the last few months.
We have noted previously that these shifts can be accompanied by physical and emotional symptoms that may have you worried or unsure at times.
Understand that you are not alone in assisting the Earth and all upon Her in this movement out of low density to a much higher one.
And know that you are being assisted in new and empowering ways by those who have long been by your side in the etheric, and who are now reaching into human affairs to assist with what in the past has appeared immovable and unredeemable.
More assuredly, some of these assisting you are your galactic brothers and sisters.
You have sensed their presence often, and increasingly numbers of you are noting their visible ships in the skies.
At times, some are meeting them in person, though among some of these beings, their apparently human appearance belies their “foreignness.”
Photo by Sherri Bausch
As these moments of connection and realization occur, dear ones, you raise not only your own vibration, but that of your entire planet and your human race.
All feel the shift on one subtle level or another, and may decide from there whether or not to collectively add to or join in on that frequency.
In this way you become co-Creators of one heart-mind, as a special Oneness once scarce on the Earth, is now becoming more and more prevalent, and even commonplace amidst children and other pure souls.
We mention the increasingly galactic presence and integration into your world not so that you may feel, “Oh, at last—our rescuers have arrived!!” for that is not their objective.
Nor do Angels and higher beings of any kind intend to pull you out of the journey you so carefully designed before incarnating, to spare you the trouble of dissolving the density you intentionally walked into.
We mention this to spur you on—to remind you that you too are partakers of the energies and endless expansion of the higher realms.
You have many times spoken with them in your sleep state as you travel etherically with your soul family to assist in various missions on- and off-planet, on the ships and on planes of pure energy.
You are also being assisted by those Angelic forces, including Light Beings, whose job it is to assist Earth in Her Ascension and Her re-integration into the Intergalactic Confederation.
How is this possible, when you have heard for so long that they are not permitted to intervene?
We would say, each time you meditate and clear another form of trauma or dense resistance to becoming your higher self—
Each time you grasp some new bit of Wisdom on a heart level, activating the high heart frequencies to new levels—
Each time you give up your third dimensional need for “physical proof” and “outer results” in favor of understanding that all times are Now, and that any beautiful reality may likewise occur Now, if you are willing to envision such and hold it as “real” and present, in the deepest part of your heart—
And that the co-Creation you seek is within you, and not sitting around waiting to appear at the behest of someone with highly advanced technologies or Angel wings—
Each time you move into those spaces, you are your own freeing and empowering forces.
Photo by Meta Cerar
You are without doubt the Activators and Empowered enablers (in a good way) of that which you once thought without hope, without redeemable value.
And now, as you ponder the seemingly intractable sadness, brokenness, and corruption of the world around you—now is the perfect time to concentrate on the miracles of your high and beautiful presence having arrived into the middle of that morass.
For while you have hopefully looked to the skies in this and other Earth lives, hoping assistance would come forth, we would say, the irony is complete.
You are the ones who came to assist.
You are the activators and anchors Light—the help you are seeking.

Hence the Hopi elders’ prophecy, “We are the ones we have been waiting for.”
In literal terms, “We are our own rescuers.”

And in that case—how is a rescue even necessary?
Most assuredly, call upon the help of higher beings all you wish, and be assured that no entreaty goes unanswered.
Merely, we would say, do not be surprised if it is your own presence, your own energetic influence, your own Love of Earth life that ends up being the crucial ingredient to Her Ascension that you seek.
Namaste, dear ones!
We are with you, always.
Caroline Oceana Ryan
Copyright Caroline Oceana Ryan 2020.

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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 01:30
Domingo, 09 / 02 / 20

New View of SELF Never Seen Before

A Message to Lightworkers 

Collective of Guides.

Through Caroline Oceana Ryan.

February 7th, 2020


This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:


Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.
We see you being brave and wanting to feel inspired as you go through your day of fulfilling various work and family duties while paying bills, and working to be healthy in mind, body, emotions, and spirit.
Through all that you are seeing the world in its varying forms—staying well-informed, yet not allowing any one situation to vex or dishearten you entirely.
And we are aware that amidst these new energies, you increasingly feel another form of motivation, as you realize that you can, if you wish, revise your entire life along new and higher lines.
The first question the modern person will ask is, “How?” and we would say, the How is up to you, according to the imagery and energy-shifting skills you prefer to use or to learn now.
Many are finding in moments of meditation that they are stepping into a new view of themselves they have never seen before.
Sometimes this is a memory of life in the higher realms, in which they see that they are able to move energy by imaging clouds of color or Light.
Or they see that they are able to release interferences and density in their energies by imaging them dissolving into a cloud of Light or a brilliant flame.
You do not have to name each interference or heaviness in order to release them, you are finding.
You simply have to look at the outer situation and realize, “There is density here. I want to dissolve this at its root,” even if you don’t remember the original intention that put you in that circumstance.

Photo by Maureen Keefe
Others are discovering a new connection to Nature and a new intrinsic understanding that the same energy that flows through the trees, grass, or water runs through your individual essence as well.
And realizing that beyond that connection, there is Oneness that has not quite been realized before.
Some of you are stopping for a moment, as you find yourselves remembering something unhappy from your past—something that someone said or did that made life harder at the time—and feeling that you would rather not judge or hold anything against that person anymore.
There are not only better things to focus on, but there is an understanding that what has come before need not define the present moment, and that others also have their blind spots and pain to heal and overcome, that has nothing to do with you.
These energies are empowering much inner understanding now, that in the past would perhaps visit only a few very advanced spiritual masters.
They would speak of their discoveries, sounding quite ethereal and elevated, yet their experience was not quite real to those who had not yet stepped into the vibration these dear ones had taken on.
Nor does meditation alone bring you to it, as invaluable as it is.
Keeping an open heart, and staying present in the heart, is meditation, as you know—a powerful form of it.
For you live then in your essence, in the Present, in the Flow of that which runs through all things.
And as we speak of an open heart, we mean more than a willingness to love in conscious ways that which appears to be neutral or positive to the mind.
We mean a spirit of openness, of Allowing, of Accepting that which Already Is, even when it reaches you in ways that feel less than ideal.

Photo by C O Ryan
Many are disappointed and unhappy with the events occurring in their country at present, and we do not only speak of the United States.
Numerous countries around the world are finding their leaders or their parliamentary or congressional bodies to be sadly lacking in accountability, and only slightly understanding the daily struggles of the people they once promised to assist and support.
Many are alarmed at the out-of-control fires, the extreme weather patterns, the feeling that something big is happening—so “why hasn’t it birthed itself yet?”
This can create its own feeling of angst, or regret some days, that one ever decided to take on yet another Earth life.
We are entirely understanding your impatience on the one hand, and your increasingly feelings that some Beautiful New Thing may be birthed from these energies you are playing in now.
You hold the beauty of quantum potential in one hand—both your playground, and your workplace—and the loud though tired raging of an old Earth paradigm in the other.
And we would say, that while your confusion and your tiredness are understandable, they do not define you in any way.
You are still a queen or a king, still a conqueror of density and a birther of new worlds, still an alchemist intent on drawing gold from every experiment.
If you are able in the denser moments to remind yourself that there are no boundaries now such as your mind once told you, you free yourself from feeling that any one situation is stuck or immovable, or very, very slow to change.
If you can remember that the most brilliant song you ever sang while in the Joy of the higher realms does not even approach the power of the beauty of the New Earth song, you free yourself to feel empowered rather than weakened by whatever might be going on around you.
And if you can remind yourself as well, in those times when Earth’s food doesn’t seem appealing, the air doesn’t feel pure enough, the clothing you are wearing no longer suits this New Being you are becoming—
if you can remind yourself in those moments that that is a good and beautiful sign, and not an indication that you will experience uncomfortable growing pains forever—you do yourself a great favor of self-nurturing and inner Love for your journey.

Photo by C O Ryan
We will not fill you with platitudes about how “suffering is good for the soul.”
We are aware that those of you who are healers (and that is most of you) understand that suffering is no longer a requirement for inner learning and growth, if it ever was.
Nor will we say, “This discomfort you are feeling is a good thing!” because what is called Good or Bad is likewise a part of the paradigm you are leaving behind.
We would only say, You have come here to release the old and herald the New in Joy and excitement.
And yes, some days, you will feel birth pains. Yet you are doing it nevertheless.
If you can refrain from the judgment that “Life is rough,” and just remain neutral on the subject of whether you even like your life at present or not, that is a great step forward.
Nothing can defeat you, dear ones, as you decide to guard your emotional energies and mental processes with the awareness of a thousand brave Angelic warriors.
They are within you, fighting for you and your right to rise above circumstance, at every moment.
Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always.
Caroline Oceana Ryan
Copyright Caroline Oceana Ryan 2020.

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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 



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publicado por achama às 03:11
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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