A Chama da Ascensão


Quinta-feira, 26 / 03 / 20




By Suzanne Lie


Posted March 23, 2020.





Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 23:55
Quarta-feira, 25 / 03 / 20

You and Gaia Are on the Cusp of Great Change.


You and Gaia Are on the Cusp of Great Change.

A Message From the Arcturians

Through Suzanne Lie


Posted March 23, 2020.


Dear Arcturians,
Please send me some information that I can share with others to assist us all during this time of great challenge.
Dear Suzille,
We, the Arcturians, are happy to assist you, as well as anyone who asks for our assistance. 
We Arcturians, as well as all of our Galactic Family are working as ONE “Higher Dimensional Team” to assist our beloved Planetary Friend, Gaia. Yes, the issues that the humans are confronted with are also impacting all the levels of our dear Planet Gaia. 
Therefore, we suggest to all of you that you, too, connect with us, The Arcturians, The Pleiadians, The Antarians, The Venusians and other Galactic Beings that most of humanity has not met—yet!  We say “yet” because YOU, the members of Gaia’s Planetary Family, are on the cusp of great change.
Yes, dear humans, we realize that there has been more than enough “change” within your now, and we commend you for your immense courage and ability to remember that “Together WE are ONE.” By saying “we” you are connecting your personal consciousness not only with your family and friends, but you are also connecting your consciousness with your Galactic SELF.
We will now explain what we mean by the term, “Your Galactic SELF.” As most of you are aware, “What you think about—You bring about.” One of the reasons that we have come to this within this NOW is because we need to remind all of you, our brave humans, to remember that your thoughts have great power.
On an individual level, your thoughts are like a “secret” part of you that is constantly interacting with you, whether or not you deserve. In today’s busy world, especially within this NOW of great challenge, it is easy to become so embroiled in what is going on around you that you do not have “time” to think about what is going on INSIDE of you. Yes, your minds are constantly communicating with you in many different ways. 
However, when you, the humans of Earth, become deeply embroiled in the mere act of survival, which many of you feel like you are doing, a wave of fear flows through the eithers of Gaia’s planetary body. 
We realize the many of you do not realize how much your thoughts alone can influence, not how you see the world around you, but also the way the world sees you. Yes, please remember that Gaia is a living, breathing being. When you are sad, you send out a wave of sadness that invisibly flows throughout Gaia in many directions.
On the other hand, when YOU send out Courage, Love and Confidence, you send out a an invisible wave of “It is going to be alright! I know that we will join together, in fact, we are already joining together, to assist ALL planetary beings to move through and even “learn from” that which is being called a “pandemic.” 
The dictionary’s definitions of “pandemic” are Epidemic, Contagion, Sickness, Disease, illness, “having a widespread effect as a very widespread disease. Unfortunately, too many people are experiencing this “pandemic” within this NOW. 
We, your Galactic Family, who are members of Gaia’s planetary family such as the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the Venusians, Antarians, are aware of the great courage and cooperation that has occurred during your great challenge. Unfortunately, there are some, and you are aware of who we speak, who has NOT been able to “take hold of the reigns.”
However, YOU the brave humans of Gaia’s planet, YOU the everyday people who have taken care of your self, your family, your homes and your land, have “volunteered” to assist dear Gaia with Her Planetary Battle, and to assist the humans in their personal battle.
“Why do we use the term, “battle”? We, your Galactic Family, chose to use that term because you are all “Warriors for Gaia.” WE, your Galactic Family, who is also YOU in your higher dimensional expression of SELF are calling ALL the members of Gaia’s dear Earth and remember that “energy out is energy back!”
We, your Galactic Family can see from our Starships how YOU, the humans, are banning together with other humans. However, this “banning together” cannot be done in a physical manner, or the “pandemic” would travel from person to person and place to place. In fact, we, Galactics are very proud of our dear grounded ones living as humans on Gaia’s Earth.
In fact, an increasing amount of our Arcturians, Pleiadians, Antarians, and Venusians, have chosen to take on a human earth vessel because they knew that Gaia would need them on Her planet. “How did Gaia, a planet, know that?” we hear you ask.
To answer your question, we will need to remind you Earth is a Living Being!!!  Cavemen knew that Earth was a living being, as did many other early societies. However, as humans became more and more “civilized” they became more detached from their Planetary Mother—Gaia.
Therefore, they did not care if what they were doing would harm dear Gaia’s elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. In fact, most “modern” humans did not think at all about the elements of  Earth, Air, Fire, or Water, and treated these elements as “just stuff.” 
Unfortunately, the humans, especially the “modern day humans” who have forgotten, or never thought about the fact that there are many “living beings” on Gaia that are NOT human. In fact, all the elements—Earth, Air, Fire, and Water—are living beings. However, these “Elementals” are the core of Gaia’s planetary health.
Therefore, when the Earth is covered with concrete, the Air is fill with smog, Fires are ignored until great damage is done, and the Water is filled with trash and many chemicals and, once again, trash!
Why is there so much TRASH? How many humans have even asked that questions. And, more importantly, how many humans have taken care of their “trash” in a manner that that does NOT pollute their world?
Why did humanity wait this long before it even began to realize that HUMANITY was meant to be the Guardians and Protectors of their planetary home—Earth? 
A big part of that answer is that humans, not the Native Humans who have NEVER lost touch with the fact that the Earth they walk is alive, the Air they breathe is alive, the “fire” from the Sun is Alive, and the Water, which humans cannot live without, is Alive!
In fact, everywhere that you look is an example of the energy field of where you are looking. For example: 
How do you feel when you see beautiful trees and green fields?
Please take a long moment and close your eyes to see within you beautiful trees and green fields.
Please take a long moment to close your eyes to see within clear, beautiful sky free of all pollution.
 Please take a long moment to feel the warm Sun on your body as you walk through a lovely day.
 Please take a long moment and imagine that you are swimming in or standing in a   pool of clear clean water.
How many times in the last month, have you thought about the fact that YOU, the humans, were meant to be the Guardians for Gaia?
How many times in the last year have you thought about the fact that YOU, the humans, were meant to be the Guardians for Gaia?
In fact, when was the last time that YOU realized that YOU have an innate mission to protect Gaia, especially during the difficult time of this NOW?
Beloved humans of Gaia, we the Arcturians, wish to DEEPLY commend the MANY humans who have taken “great care of their Mother Planet!” We, the Arcturians, as well as ALL of your Galactic Family of the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Antarians and Venusians, as well as the other Galactic Beings who have not, yet, revealed themselves to Gaia’s humanity. 
Dearest humans who have chosen to take an earth vessel during this VERY IMPORTANT NOW of Gaia’s need to be healed, loved, protected, and honored as you own Planetary Mother. In fact, Gaia is more than “just your Mother.” Gaia is YOU! You are constructed of the same elements, and Elementals, of Earth, Air, Fire, Water.
Could humanity live without a earthen body?
Could humanity live without air to breathe?
Could humanity live without any eight from the Sun?
Could humanity live without any water to drink?
If humanity were to loose even one of the elements (as well as the unseen Elemental Beings who create and enliven the elements) how would that be?
We, your Galactic Family, and we seriously mean YOUR Galactic Family, ask that YOU find the time in your busy day to read this message from us, Your Galactic Family. We ask you to read this message not because our scribe wrote down the words that we gave here. 
NO, we, your Galactic Family ask you to find time in your busy day to assist Gaia with HER Planetary Ascension. In fact, “we, your Galactic Family” is actually YOU, the human who has chosen to take on an earth vessel during this NOW of Gaia’s GREAT NEED!
We, your Galactic Family, ask that you ignore those who speak only for themselves and listen deeply to those who speak for Gaia and for All Gaia’s planetary humans. It is the NOW to remember your fifth dimensional Galactic SELF.
We will return to speak much, much more of your True Galactic SELF!
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 23:31
Quarta-feira, 19 / 06 / 19

Great and wondrous changes are in the making currently ~ Antarians, Galaxygirl.

Great and wondrous changes are in the making currently.

Message from The Antarians.

Channeled by Galaxygirl.

June 17th, 2019.



Greetings humanity, we are the Antarians and we are delighted to reconnect through this one to you once again. For great and wondrous changes are in the making currently on both the inner and outer realms of Gaia and we see great advancements on behalf of humanity’s collective consciousness. For you, ground team, are becoming quite strong with your intentions and many of you are advancing much faster than anyone anticipated. For you are surfing the wave, riding at the forefront of these delightful cosmic rays / energies and are doing most swimmingly, pun intended (laughing).
You will begin to see anomolies of space time. Portals are opening and closing all around you, depending on your vibrational alignments as to which vibrational frequency resonates with you in that given moment. Best to keep your vibration as high as possible, indeed, and many of you are doing so very well with this that it pleases us to such great extents! Indeed, all of the galactic collective of ascended beings are monitoring your progress with tremendous love and care, trying to make it as comfortable and as smooth as possible. We are well aware that there are some on your surface world who are holding white-knuckled to the old ways. They will be unable to hold on much longer, for the vibration will simply not allow it. For Goddess Gaia has spoken, Mother / Father God have spoken, Source has deemed this experiment complete and we are all in the wrap-up stages of this.
We are the Antarians. Our forms are much greater in height and our appearance is much different than your human appearance, but we gently remind you that we are all the same. We are not carnivorous insects, no, we are benevolent, loving, healing beings of praying mantis form, and we are vibrant in hues, just as humanity is of many colors. We offer our healing balm to you now. If you would like to connect with this healing encodement simply intend it to be. Ask your higher self and your favorite ascended master to be on either side of you for this may be intense for your systems. Love. With your approval, we now bathe your form, your cells in crystalline love / light of the highest order of several dimensions up from where you are currently. We will not define a number to it, for vibrations, tones, are not as hard-fixed as you have been told. There are multidimensional layers / levels to a dimensional field. And as many of you are on a different vibrational field, a 5/6 blessing may not be high enough to advance you. Indeed, many of you are higher, which is a magnificent quandary to have. And so we open up the field of the Christed love light to you, 2 levels up to your most current advancement, with the approval of your higher self and the blessing of your favorite guide. Be ascended in form. Be the Christ light in form, functioning in perfect rhythm with the music of the spheres. Feel the music of the universe flow through you, like a fine-tuning fork of great power, aligning. Feel your cells resonate with the higher ways, with the higher Christed light that shimmers and moves all through your four body systems and surrounding your aura, healing any cracks and holes that may have been marks of old memories and woundings. Now you are a shimmering being of crystalline. Feel the liquid light move through you like thick rainbow light, fine-tuning you for the solstice burst. Yes, you have had many bursts, and today holds many as well. But you have been using these to get ready for more, and as more is in your very near now, we encourage you to sit with in this field of Christed light plasma waves that we are encasing your form in, in a protective sphere, bubble of intention, of purity, of love, of healing.
We are the Antarians. Please feel free to invite the Arcturians and the Pleiadian healing teams to surround you as well, to amplify this, to prepare you for the coming wave of waves. We know that there has been much chatter about “the big one” and all of that stuff and nonsense, for really, every wave is big if you are unprepared for it, and one can drown in the smallest of waves. And so, surfers, boards up, get ready to ride. Be fortified, be buoyed up by this lovely plasma light encodement. Our intention is for you to be as completely prepared as possible.
We are the Antarians. We love you completely and offer our support whether it be healing, or vibrational upliftment or camaraderie. We are here to support you in whichever way is needed and by the looks of things, we see that you are doing very well, which is tremendously exciting. You are teaching us all, ascending humans, about fortitude, sheer will and grit. Tenacity in form, that is you, ground team. We salute you in love, we embrace you with our plasma Christed light and we pass the torch of the Christed flame to you, for you are lighting up the world. We love you. We are the Antarians. Our large eyes are shining tears of joy. Be ignited, be healed, and be ready to lead for you are most surely needed. And of course you are most completely supported. Please remember we are always here for you. We are the Antarians.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 04:28
Domingo, 02 / 06 / 19

Feeling Completion and Going Back To The Beginning ~ Antarians, Suzanne Lie.

Feeling Completion and Going Back To The Beginning.

Message from the Antarians.

Through Suzanne Lie.

May 31st, 2019. 

(Dear readers, I received this message long ago and do not remember what the above circle is about. Perhaps one of you do?  If so, please share that via the comments section.)


Dear Readers,
I first connected with the Antarians quite a few years before I connected with the Arcturians. At least, I think that is the way it was. As more and more of you will begin to realize, when we communicate more and more with the higher dimensions, our sense of "time" becomes more and more difficult to keep track of. This is because, as we move more and more into our fifth-dimensional consciousness, we begin to live within the NOW of the ONE.

The NOW is likely a very different experience for all of us, and the one thing I do know about this process is that there is no RIGHT WAY.  In fact, there is only YOUR WAY. Each of us has made our own inner agreements as to why we took this earth vessel, and how we will assist Gaia with Her planetary ascension.

There are also those who do NOT focus directly on Planetary Ascension, but as each human moves more and more into their higher fourth and fifth-dimensional consciousness, we realize that WE ARE ALL ONE. We may not know exactly know what that means, as the "meaning" is specific for each person. Therefore, we are faced with the challenge--and the great privilege--of "remembering our true, fifth dimensional states of consciousness.
We, the evolving members of humanity, are coming towards the conclusion of many other areas of our life. Primarily, we are beginning to recognize how the outdated behaviors of our third-dimensional self lower my consciousness. Third dimensional behaviors have always limited our consciousness, but we could not identify them quickly enough to see the connection.

Then, after too long of a “time,” we would realize that WE were the cause of the situation that WE had created. Now we are seeing how our thoughts and emotions create the foundations of that which will soon be our creation. We are catching our self in the act of reacting to life in a third dimensional manner.

Therefore, now, we can often observe how our reactionary behaviors create the same kind of situation again and again. Fortunately, we are beginning to consciously connect the dots of our old patterns of “unconscious” creation. As we consciously identify our reactions and interactions, we are realizing that we can choose to Let Go of our reaction and allow the unknown to enter our consciousness. 
This letting go has repeatedly been displayed in our life. Therefore, we have been much more “conscious” of our unconscious creations. The wonderful lesson we have learned is that, when we allow our self to LET GO of 3D reactions, interactions, judgments, and conflicts, something better manifests. 
In other words, when we LET GO of our 3D reactions, a more creative, and higher frequency energy field, replaces that which we just released. With this realization, we may think that we would instantly “let go” of any third-dimensional reactions to any person, place, situation or thing that is lowering our consciousness. 
However, before we can Let Go of all 3D reactions, we have to identify our third dimensional behaviors and/or habits that are tenaciously creating the very reaction that has NEVER worked. Why would we hang on to old behaviors that lower our consciousness and hold us in the lower frequencies?
The answer is because it has become “normal” to accept, behave, desire and/or react to life in a third-dimensional manner. As long as these behaviors are normal, we cannot see the portal of light that is quietly glimmering through the trees.

This light is calling us to be aware of BOTH our reactive 3D self, as well as our Multidimensional SELF, who constantly reminds us to LET GO of third-dimensional reactions and behaviors. In other words, our inner voice is whispering, crying, shouting to LET GO of old patterns of engaging in the now extinct third-dimensional dramas.

Yes, these dramas are extinct, but many of our perceptual channels are tuned to a version of reality that only exists within my own unconscious self. Fortunately, and often uncomfortably, we are NOW recognizing that these old tapes are no longer of interest.

Our third dimensional desires are diminishing along with our third-dimensionaldreams of fame and recognition. Yes, we still like to feel as though someone is observing our life, however, as we stop judging our self, we are less and less concerned as to whether or not others are judging or acknowledging us.
Most important, we are beginning to KNOW and trust that we are always protected. We know that we are protected because we are able to “feel” our higher guidance above and within us. Of course, there still are “Initiations” in which we have chosen to confront any inner darkness that is ready to fall from our aura and be transmuted into light. 
Through these Initiations, we are able to understand that we are actually being giving another chance to live the higher path of Multidimensional Light. We can choose this higher path by releasing our fear reactions and interactions with the illusions of the physical world. 
There are also adapt behaviors we do not experience while in our third-dimensional consciousness. For example, I am floating in and out of time in an embarrassing way, with lots of excuses as to why I appear so disoriented. But, the main change has been in my relationship with the elementals. My backyard is forging its way into the fifth dimension with the growing trees, abundant flowers, myriad insects and hummingbirds.
Many of us have decided to LET GO of our corporate jobs or that fast paced life of the big city. More and more of us want to walk in nature and enjoy our friends, family and the new life we are creating. We are discovering our inner abilities of manifesting the life we choose. Therefore, money, and the lack of it, has been as issue for so long that it has lost its value. 
Meanwhile, we are refusing to participate in a reality based on fear and lies. We can make this refusal NOW because we are remembering the WE are our “Higher SELF.” This realization allows us to remember that we can only create a loving life when we love our self.

Loving our self is not easy because we have been trained for myriad incarnations that something is wrong with us. Or, maybe, we just weren’t “good enough.” Why did we never stop to consider just “who was judging us and why?

The answer is that we were far too busy “trying” to be good enough for “them.” That is one of the main things that are changing. Because we are not judging our self. When we do NOT judge our self we are not be affected by the judgment of others.
As we are moving into the next phase, we will find ourselves looking back to our first inter-dimensional and inter-galactic communications. Since these communications seemed so weird, so different, and so unacceptable to almost everyone we knew we had to hide this information from others, and I hid my information in the bowels of my computer.
Computer after computer held these early secrets that I kept from others and even tried to keep from myself. However, as much as one part of me was sure I was insane, another part of me KNEW that what I was experiencing was real. This process began when I first met the Arcturians and they encouraged me to move through their “vortex.”Some time in May or June of 1995 I began to receive my first transmissions from Antares.
I, Sue Lie, have been focusing on the Arcturians and Pleiadians for quite a few years now. However, when my file for the Antarians jumped somehow into my awareness, I knew that I needed to read this information again. Then, of course, I knew that I needed to share it. I do not know if I shared it before, but I do know that the Antarians will be joining the Arcturians and Pleiadians when the Ships begin their landings.
I am no longer young, but I KNOW that I will join that landing party, whether it is from Gaia or if it is from a Starship.  I am sure that if you have read this entire, long article, that you will likely also wish to experience the NOW of Gaia's.  
Thank you for reading the above. I now introduce our dear Galactic friends and family--The Antarians. I have not communicated with them much for many years, but they have come back into my awareness NOW. Perhaps, together, we can ALL understand why they are HERE within the NOW!
We are the Antarians from Antares
We have come to communicate with you because you have remembered an ancient alliance that you made with us in other time zones and incarnations. You, meaning the ones who are called to read this message, may not remember this alliance as it began many eons ago, and/or even before you chose to take a third-dimensional earth vessel to better assist dear Gaia during her times of great need and possible Planetary Ascension.

We realize that Planetary Ascension appears totally impossible during your NOW, but we remind you that "the darkest night is just before dawn!"
You (meaning those of you who are called to read this message) have served in our legions during many incarnations. You have not been able to recognize this portion of yourself as you have placed it unconscious self as a means of protection for your physical self.  However, we perceive that MANY of YOU are now awakening.

We have asked Suzille if she would be willing to channel information for us. We extend that question to all of you who feel our awareness around you. We, the Antarians, have messages, which we would like to relay to the people of Earth that are willing to hear. We feel the doubt and fear of many grounded ones to put their self in a vulnerable position. This fear is ungrounded. You are all great warriors. 

The word warrior in you language means one who is willing to fight for that which they believe is important to them and to their current versions of reality.  We also translate the word “warrior” as "being one who is brave and unafraid to fight for that which they believe." Battle is not the first choice, but it will be taken if necessary. 

We on Antares have changed the term "battle" into the evolutionary term of "transmutation." From our fifth dimensional consciousness, we are able to transmute a difficult situation into a higher dimensional frequency in which Unconditional Love can find and guide us into solutions to difficult situations. 
It is the NOW for humanity on Earth to transmute their "battles" in the same manner that we did on our planet of Antares. We came to your planet in the late 1980’s to assist Gaia as She expanded into Her higher frequency expression of form.

Since then, we Antarians, as well as many other Galactics, Angelics, and Ascended Masters have been working with Gaia's AND humanity’s immune systems which have been very taxed by the pollutants within your biosphere.

Some of the pollutants were released from Earth, but others were a part of a chemical warfare that was occurring in the sky above your planet. The apex of this battle was, at that time, above your city of Los Angeles, as well as other big cities all around Gaia's Earth.

We came to Gaia to communicate with humanity because it was the NOW for all humans to open their memory to the Galactics so that we can better assist humanity with the process of healing and protecting Gaia.

We will recount the “dream” that we have placed within the mind of those who are ready to remember their reason for the incarnation:
You were in your Light Body flying above your city.  The vibration of your city, as well as other big cities, was much like the vibration of Atlantis during its fall. Our Antarian Commander, Radulan, a name which may or may not be familiar to you, came to great you. There was a facsimile of a Spaceship created for you so that you could feel more comfortable.    
When you entered the space ship you met with many old friends from past, future, and parallel realities. We Antarians are very dynamic people. Our energies are quite different from the Arcturians with whom many of you have formerly communicated. 

We Antarians are very tall to your earth standards, about ten to twelve feet tall. Our skin appears copper in color, and we enjoy long hair, much like the Celtic pictures that many of you have collected.  In fact, many of you have taken on a body in this life that carries much of the genetic codlings of our people.  
You have been preparing for many lives for this task. Yes, many of you feel your hearts pull to Arcturus, as it is indeed important for your planetary ascension. However, within this NOW, at this time of our first meeting, we ask that you also align your energies with our race for the task that you are to accomplish. 
First, you will need to come to peace with the Warrior within you. It was the final step necessary for the opening of your Heart. We have assignments for you all that you volunteered for very, very long ago from your measurement of time. Of course, our "Galactic time" is not as you would measure from your third dimensional world.
When you have made the transition from duality to unity, you will be living in the NOW. 
In fact, we speak to you from the omnipresent NOW. It is our task to assist you to understand the functioning of the NOW, so that you do not become confused by the many ensuing changes you are facing. For example, you are becoming someone new at the same time that you are becoming the person that you have always been. 
You are moving into the future at the same time that you are moving into the past. In no time and no-space, there is no-separation between future, past, new or old.  All simply IS. As you have learned before, your planet is moving into the NOWand the  BEING of the fifth dimension.
Feel this Isness, Nowness and Beingness about you as you communicate with us. 
We use the word “US” because we are no longer in duality and no longer perceive ourselves as beings separate from each other. Again, when we say “no longer” there is an inference of time. It is difficult to communicate in your language without the inference of time or space.  
One of the techniques that will allow you to expand your conscious is to communicate with us by using a language free of references to time or space.  Within the NOW, language is NOT laid out in strings of letters or sounds such as we must now do to communicate with you.
Imagine now that we are with you.  See our form. Yes, we are very tall by your standards. We have taken on a denser form than we usually wear to facilitate your vision of us. Do you now see two beings standing behind me to my right and my left? They are emanations of myself.  
All is a spectrum. I am a band of energy. In order to communicate with you, I place my consciousness at a particular vibration upon that spectrum.  My “wings,” which appear to be two other people standing behind me to my right and left, are the bands in my spectrum.  
Imagine a long ribbon that is elastic. It is anchored at two distinct points.  The points of anchoring are the edges of the spectrum. These “edges” are actually an illusion. However, we choose envelopes of operation such as your envelopes of light and sound. 
The point within this band or envelope that we place our consciousness, is the peak of activity that fans out and behind us in both in both directions from that point of our consciousness. 
Experience yourself now as a point on your spectrum.
Put the past at one end and the future at the other end. 
Now move your consciousness towards the “past” portion of the spectrum and experience Atlantis.
Feel your consciousness moving along the band of the spectrum.
 As you do so, view some of the other lives that you have remembered.  
Your Atlantis life has a “niche” on the spectrum, as it was the point of your entry into duality.   
Now realize that this spectrum is actually a circle, as is all life.  
As you see the band as this circle, you can match up the resonant point of your entry into duality with the point of your exit from duality.

As you see this spectrum as a circle, you realize that there is no beginning and no ending, no now, and no later, because you can travel around the circle many times. 
Also, you can go in either direction on the circle.  Therefore, you can begin again and again, or end—again and again.  You, however, are not the point.  YOU are the spectrum!

The point of your consciousness is just a tool that you can use at this point of your remembering until you can embraces more of your emanations. 
In actuality, you are the entire circle and can exist in all “spaces” on the spectrum at the same “time.” You do not have to learn this process. You need only to remember it.
We see in your mind the graph of the light spectrum and the points of it that are visual to a third-dimensional human. That is a good example of what we are saying. Now place that spectrum into a circle by connecting the “ends” of the spectrum. We ask you to practice expanding that spectrum of visibility until you can see all of it at once.  
How do you do this? 
You move to a point of perception above the circle of Light. After you have achieved the ability to see the entire circle, practice becoming the circle andmoving your point of awareness around it.   
We see that you struggle with the wounds of your long battle on Earth.  Release that struggle now and allow those wounds to heal. Your life shall be calm and simple for a portion of your time so that you can come into a complete healing. 

Your body is undergoing a great transformation, your emotions are being healed in a deeper level than you ever imagined possible, and your mind is being expanded beyond of all of your lives on Earth.  
Allow yourself now to enjoy this process. The Light will care for your needs. Release that old belief that you have to struggle in order to survive. You will always survive because you are Spirit.  Spirit is infinite.  
You are very blessed to be able to have this experience of transformation/transmutation. For many lives, you have been preparing for this experience.  The integration of you Higher SELF into your current reality will greatly assist you.  
Finish all that you have begun and BE patient. All is proceeding just as it should.  Remember, there truly is NO time, as you know it. Therefore, there is NO impatience.
Commander Malteese
Suzanne Lie

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
  • http://suzanneliephd.blogspot.com/2019/05/transmissions-from-antarians-through.html


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 19:34
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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