A Chama da Ascensão


Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

How to Align Your Life With the Power of Focused Attention ~ Tamara Rant

How to Align Your Life With the Power of Focused Attention.

By Tamara Rant, Conscious Life News.

May 4th, 2019. 



Most of us have heard the phrase, “Energy flows where attention goes”, but have you ever stopped to ponder what this truly means and how to actually apply this Truth to your own life? It is such a powerful principle that can so easily be harnessed, yet so few of us catch onto it right away; if ever.
Most of us tend to put our energy into the things we think we are supposed to and for the most part that’s a good thing, right? We study hard so we get into a good college so we have a better chance at landing a good job. We take care of our families by going to those jobs each day. We pay the bills from our wages to keep a roof over our heads, etc.
However, if most of us are doing what we are “supposed” to be doing, then why are so many of us so unhappy and so unsatisfied with our lives? The very lives we work so very hard for every single day to ensure stay in place just as they are? Why do we struggle then, only to keep the struggle going? Do you see where I’m going with this?
Well, for starters let’s take a look at where our major priorities in life may come from. If you never question your own beliefs, wants, and feelings then how can you ever know if they are truly your own or have simply been inherited or passed down from your parents and possibly even the generations before them? This would mean that what you are choosing to focus on is a subconscious, not conscious choice that is there because of someone else’s perceptions of the world; not your own.
If you are happy, then keep on keeping on! However, if you are unhappy and want to align your life so that it works better for you, then the first thing I would suggest that you do is take a look at your core beliefs; these strongest, most influential beliefs you have over the greatest, most relevant parts of your life including your love life, finances, health and career.
You may get a feeling at some point during your career that the particular path they’ve chosen is not for you and that you’re simply not doing what you love. It may run as deep as feeling like you’re wasting your talents, gifts and abilities and were put here to do more than “the daily grind”. If it runs deep enough, this is often the first time we question what we are doing with our lives, why and for whom?
Unfortunately, many of us never stop to question our beliefs and may never know the Self with a capital “S” that lies beneath the masks of our perceptual personality. However, if we do get to asking the question, then this usually is the first sign that our current beliefs and motivations leave great room for growth, molding, shaping and expansion of our creation and hopefully we like the taste of power that questioning our beliefs actually gives us.
Focusing our attention on all we’ve been told and un-learning anything that no longer serves us is the first step to aligning our lives. With the first question, with directed attention on new potential we begin to see that we are creators in our own rite. And hopefully, we roll with it! 🙂 Because the more we are willing to face the unknown about ourselves and get to know to real us, the more life will reward us with balanced experiences. And by that I mean, because you are living as a true expression of yourself, you stop projecting and reflecting in your relationships and you just ARE. And with just being is where we find…yep, you guessed it…balance. And in balance, there is none other than peace.
When we can live peaceful lives, we thrive and align in all sectors. We are not haunted by our fears, but rather see them as catalysts for action. We are not exhausted by change, we are respectful of it’s infinite presence. We are not attached to experiences, we are aware of conscious love in all time. We’re not living on auto-pilot reacting to things that “happen” to us, but rather choosing how we direct our focus and energy or rather living “pro-actively”. We gain confidence needed to focus our attention on self-love and things that serve us, so that we may better serve the world.
When we make a conscious choice regarding what we think about rather than just letting our brain run rampant, a funny thing happens…you realize that you are not your thoughts! You are, rather, the observer behind them; the conscious listener per se. And you realize as well that this consciousness you are, is ever-present, and infinite and if you’re anything like me when this hit my heart, an unimaginable wave of peace will overcome you.
I think we’d all agree that living in peace where you feel aligned and balanced would sound great to anyone, right? And I’m confident that anyone can live that way, regardless of what circumstances we many find ourselves in. This doesn’t mean repressing emotions or pushing down feelings. This is a simple shift in how we handle things and process our feelings. We are peaceful because we are confident, strong and can trust our own decisions. We are aligned because of the choices we are now making in our lives that serve our needs and allow us to do what we love. We are so much stronger than we’ve ever been taught to believe and perhaps that is the first belief we must truly take into our hearts as our own to overcome all others that are not.
*This article is dedicated to all the kick-ass souls out there who had the guts to leave jobs they hated to make a living doing what they love! Have a safe and awesome Labor Day weekend (if you’re here in the States with me, of course.) 
Tamara Rant.
Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to RantDesignMedia.com
Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.
Follow Tamara on FacebookTwitter and Google+
This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 06:47
Quinta-feira, 14 / 02 / 19

4 Alchemical Tools for Spiritual Transmutation ~ Tamara Rant.

4 Alchemical Tools for Spiritual Transmutation.

By Tamara Rant, Conscious Life News.

February 11, 2019. 



The ancient art of Transmutation has stretched and webbed itself to mean different things throughout various theologies and esoteric studies. In pure Alchemy, it is the act of turning lead into gold, whereas within the darker halls of the esoteric soul sciences, it is the act of bringing your shadows to light to become the greatest, most illuminated version of yourself. As gold is the goal within the chemical and physical processes; wisdom and joy are the goals when it comes to “spiritual” Alchemy.
In modern society, we are taught as very young children to feel “good” or “bad” about certain emotions and ultimately parts of ourselves we’ve already associated with these emotions. The raising of children lead to believe that anger is unacceptable or embarrassing, or that having individual wants and needs is selfish and shameful, sows the seeds for future adults who believe that money is God and aptly surrender their lives to participate in what is deemed appropriate by the masses.
I remember being SOOO damn confused as a child having adults around me tell me things like they had “wished” they had gone after their dreams, or if they could go back and do some things over they would. Seemingly putting out an underlying message or even a warning perhaps of what’s to come later in life.
These same adults preaching how important it is to learn and study, which is absolutely true; however it is WHAT we are taught to focus on that I have a problem with as a 40-year-old woman…and it’s one I’ve had since I was a 4-year-old girl…
Whether we have figured it out yet or not, we are raised in a world of confusion, conundrums, and hypocrisy. The parent living vicariously through their children; putting more effort into seeing how their pushes and pulls on their children towards or away from certain things, is somehow worth more than putting in the same effort to manifest these types of “successes” for themselves.
It never made sense to me as a child to see an adult be so talented as something, and then not do it for years because someone made a rude comment or told them they weren’t good enough at some point. Like the lack of pure, unadulterated (no pun intended) joy was worth giving up, just to keep our sad stories alive and well of why we “can’t do it” or “don’t have enough time to do it”. This isn’t and wasn’t the most confusing part for me growing up. It was rather the fact that while those around me were literally in jobs they hate, working to impress people they don’t even really like, voluntarily giving up the pursuit of their own dreams, yet somehow find the time to push us as children to “never give up” on our own.
How can a child learn to express their greatest potentials with the adults around them living lives where they are doing anything but?

“The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.” – Paulo Coelho

While I don’t have children personally, I’ve come to understand throughout my own learning processes, that adults do not actually exist and we are ALL just children; some of us who’ve been here a bit longer than others. What I mean by this is that we don’t ever actually “grow up” but rather we grow “out of” or “into” different versions of ourselves. But ultimately, we never lose who we are as children and if we are wise, we learn to appreciate that rather than thinking it is something to be ashamed of, for it is our childlike wonder, enwrapped in our imaginations that are ultimately weaving our lives…stitch by stitch…thought by thought…
We can keep a firm grip on our inner child, while also allowing it to keep us grounded to our roots. This is something I think many people give up throughout their lives and once we have convinced ourselves that inner child has long since gone, it becomes so much easier to convince ourselves it’s too late to become our greatest selves, which cannot happen without the acceptance and embracing of all facets of your existence, and this includes facing our darkest shadows, to allow the brightest light from with to emerge.
Thus this brings us to the 4 Alchemical Tools for Spiritual Transmutation and they are as follows…
  1. Nigredo (Confession) – Connecting with your deepest and darkest desires, facing your shadows, proactively looking at parts of yourself without judgment.
  2. Albedo (Illumination) – Focusing on building a connection between the conscious and unconscious mind, interacting with and reading the world around you through symbols, dreams, and archetypes.
  3. Citrinitas (Education) – Transference and Countertransference work that focuses on our interactions with others and the world at large to get a better view of our place within it.
  4. Rubedo (Transformation) – Focusing on individuation and authentic personification; i.e. living your most true and highest potential self.
Now, I’ve purposely omitted including more information on these stages because my intention is not to point which way to go, but rather to plant a seed and just get you started in the right direction; whatever that is for you personally. I know for me, researching new topics with the sole intention of gaining new and wider perspectives, is the key that opens the door to the Universe. And once the Universe is invited and welcome into your life, it will gently but firmly point the way for you…
We all just need to look up and within as only then we will know we are never truly without. Happy transmuting! 

Tamara Rant.
Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to RantDesignMedia.com
Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.
Follow Tamara on FacebookTwitter and Google+
This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 09:39
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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