A Chama da Ascensão


Segunda-feira, 10 / 02 / 20

Many of you feel the symptoms of the energies.

Many of you feel the symptoms of the energies.

Message from Sananda and OWS. 

Channeled by James McConnell.

 February 2nd, 2020. 

Posted February 10th, 2020

I am Sananda.  And as always, I appreciate these times that I can be with you and communicate with you in these ways.  For so much is in the process of change now.

Many of you are feeling the energies, the waves of energies that are coming in.  And they are coming in stronger and stronger.

And in this day now, today, a major gateway has opened up that is allowing for many more of these energies to come through, and for all of you, the Light Workers and Light Warriors across the planet, to be able to take these energies in and continue to acclimate to them as they continue to work on your central nervous system.

And many of you feel the symptoms of this, because your central nervous system is not quite ready in some cases for these energies.  Some of you it is.  But some are having difficulty with this.  It can be in stomach pains.  It can be in bodily pains.  It can be in heart fluctuations.  It can be in rather severe headaches at times.  Energy is either expanded or contracted in those times.  You may feel like you need to sleep for long periods of time.  You may also feel energetic and like you can conquer the world in these moments.  You may even begin to feel more of a blissful feeling come over you.  This again is acclimating to these energies.

For this day, this February 2, 2020 has not happened in this way for over a thousand years, the last time being January 1, 1010.  And the next would be March 3, 3030.  So this is an auspicious time that you are in now in these moments.

And all of you are being prepared, and are preparing, for this ascension, for your own personal ascension, as well as the collective ascension of mankind.  Because this is a collective venture.  You have a saying:  “no man or woman is left behind.”  And that is the case here.  For no one will be left behind that wants to continue on, that chooses to do so.

Yes, there are definitely things that you can do, processes that you can take, tools that you can utilize to help you in this ascension process.  But I tell you now, as Sananda, no one will be left behind that chooses to move on.

For it is destined for all of you, all of you the Light Warriors and Light Workers, the Way Showers, the Light Bearers, all of you are destined that you shall move on.  For these are your moments.  This is your time.  Times that you have been preparing for for many thousands of years and many, many lifetimes.  These are the moments that will be arriving, are arriving now.  You just simply need to sit back, watch the show, and look at it as a show, maybe even as a movie that is playing out in front of you.

When you watch a movie, you observe it.  You are not actually a part of it.  You are not one of the actors in the movie.  But this particular movie you are one of the actors.  You are the actors, you are the directors, you are the fans.  You are even the producer of this movie.  While all of this is going on around you, be aware of it, but not involved in it.

As some of you, and many across the planet are beginning to become frightened about this so-called pandemic that is spreading, it is yet but another attempt, or another ruse, by those of the dark forces to both take attention away from something that they do not want you to attend to, or to bring fear so that they can feed off this fear.  And where many of those now that are seeking to flee from the light are going is where there is much fear happening now in these moments on your planet.  That is in the Asian area.

But there is nothing to fear except fear itself.  Except the programming of fear.  For if you remain within the eye of the storm as the storm continues to rage around, and rage around it shall still, not for much longer.  For those that attempt to raise the storm are finding out that they do not have the power anymore to do so.  And as they realize this more and more, the storm will diminish.

And the storm then that is raised by the forces of Light shall take over.  You are that storm.  Each and every one of you.  You are storm that raises the Light, raises the love, raises the consciousness across the planet.  So continue to do so.  Every opportunity that you have.  But you do so by remaining neutral in all situations.

Find that neutral stance within you, that neutral state within you.  Because that, more than anything, my friends, is preparing you for your ascension.  Find the neutral point.  Find the zero point within you and remain there as much and as often as you can, and you will find then that the 3-D matrix, the illusion of the 3-D matrix, will dissipate right in front of your eyes.

I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness, that you might continue on each every day, each and every moment.  Find that neutral point within each of you.

ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.   Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna is standing by, and we are ready to go.

Before we do, though, we wish to reiterate what Sananda has given here, and how important it is for you to continue to find that neutral point within yourself.  It is so important to not react in any situation.  To find that love connection within yourself, and listen to that love connection.

Listen to that wee whisper of love that comes deep within you, comes from the Source within you.  And as you do that, you will always, always, and in all ways, be directed in the way of love, in the way of Light.  And you will continue to move into those higher vibrations and remain in those higher vibrations longer and longer and longer.

And the more that you find yourselves in those higher dimensions, or higher vibrational frequencies, you will then find yourself also in the fifth dimension more and more.  And, as you are in the fifth dimension more and more, the 3-D world that you know of will dissipate more and more.  This is a promise to all of you.

Do this every day.  Find something in your life that you can change to change the programming in your life, anything.  Something small can begin to shift the programming.  Can begin to shift the programming for yourselves.

This is what you need to do more and more, here, and everything will take care of itself.  As we say many times, to ‘go with the flow,’ here.  And if you go with the flow, then you are going with your Higher Self directing you.  Okay?

Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to share, here, before we start with questions?

Shoshanna (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell):

We will contribute when there is a question.

OWS:   Very good.  Then we are open for questions now.  You can unmute your phone.

We do have one question here, The James is sharing with us right now that came from your e-mail.  It is about the ones that are the non-carbon-based.  It has been said at times that they were attempting to take over the planet, take over humankind, and that type of thing.

Of course, it is a scare tactic.  It is fear.  But there was also some truth to what those forces of the darkness were attempting to do.  In many cases, their plan was to overtake the planet at some point in the future.  This was the earlier predictions of earth changes and all of these things that were going to happen, as well as a potential pandemic or a third world war with nuclear expression with it, all of these types of things were planned by those nefarious forces of the darkness.

But, as you know it, that has all been curtailed by the forces of Light.  And the forces of Light are much, much stronger than the forces of darkness.  And certainly now as the Source of all creation here in this universe has taken charge, you might say, has taken an interest in everything that is happening, here, and at one point finally said, “enough is enough!” and were going to allow for the Prime Directive, if you will, to be overturned here in some respects.

And this has happened greatly with all of the ones that we call The Galactics that have come here to assist the Earth here, the planet, here, to overcome the forces of darkness.  And this has certainly happened, and is happening now in this moment.  The Light shall prevail – there is no question about this.

Shoshanna, do you have anything to add, here?

Shoshanna:   We do not.

OWS:   Very good.  Then are there any questions from the ‘peanut gallery’ out there?

OWS:   Hello Dear One Who Serves and Shoshanna.  We were talking earlier about the distinction between emotion and feelings, and what to do with them and what is

the distinction between them.  I was wondering if you could say a little more on what you see is the distinctions between them, like the emotions of human beings and the feelings that we are speaking of in a higher sense, I guess, and also when we need to deal with those emotions so they don’t kind of get stuck in our body, and when we don’t.

OWS:   Very good.  Shoshanna, do you want to share?

Shoshanna:   No, I do not have anything at this point.

OWS:   Very good. Then we will share with you a distinction, you might say, between feelings and emotion.  In some ways, they are one and the same.  But your emotional content within yourselves can lead to many different things.  It can lead to hatred, it can lead to anger, judgment, fear, all of these types of things can be your emotions.

Your feelings, though, come from deeper within you.  So that is a distinction you can look at here.  Because your feelings are deep within you.  Your feelings can trigger emotion in different respects, as we are saying.  The emotions can be of the Light side, or they can be of the dark side as well, within your own nature we are speaking of, here.

Shoshanna:   We will share.

OWS:   Yes, please, yes.

Shoshanna:   We can share our perspective on this.  May we share?

Guest:   Please.

Shoshanna:   This is simple.  An emotion is a reaction to a program.  It is a reaction that is triggered by a program that the human has learned to react to.  A feeling is a present-moment instruction that guides, that shows the being what direction to move toward.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very well said.  Yes.

Guest:   Wow.  Thank you.

There was a second part to that, that I don’t know if you heard.

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   When would you say, because I know that also with emotions sometimes they can get stuck inside of us if we don’t let them out.  So when would you say it is important to express emotions or let them out, as to where we are.  Maybe we don’t need to anymore. Maybe we are high enough of a vibration.  But is it still important?  Or when is it still important?

Shoshanna:   If you wish, may we share once more?

Guest:   Please do.

Shoshanna:   If you wish to express an emotion that you feel has been trapped, you may do this privately.  You must do this privately.  You can write about it.  You can talk about it into a recorder.  You can speak about it to yourself.  The challenge that we find is that when a being feels the need to emote, it is generally not a good thing.

And it victimizes them almost immediately, and victimizes the other that is listening.

So we will tell you that if you or any individual feels a need to emote, they must do it in writing or privately, not to another unless, let us say that you decide to go to a professional, and even then you will find that the emotion is a circular thin—it just goes round and round and round, and is never resolved, you see.  So please, if you feel that something is trapped, write about it.   Namaste.

OWS:   And we add here that as you move into the higher vibrational frequencies, the need to emote, as you are saying, will become less and less.  You will not have a desire or a need to do that, because the programming that created those emotions will be curtailed, will be gone in many respects.

Shoshanna:   And diminished.

OWS:  Diminished, yes.  Because all of that programming comes from your past.  And as you let go of the past, as we have said before, ‘forgive, forget, and move on,’ as you forget the past, if you forgive those that came before you, then everything will continue to take care of itself as you move into those higher vibrations, and you will never have this question again.  There will be no need for it.

Shoshanna:   We must share one more aspect of this.

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   May we share one more aspect, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Of course.  Thank you.

Shoshanna:   In your progressive culture, man developed a science that they called ‘psychoanalysis.’  And what this did for man is keep their brain in a loop.  You see, you can analyze things forever and ever and ever, and it will not diminish the program, it will keep you in the program.  So we would say that if an individual is the person that requires to analyze something, that they simply stop doing that.  You see, if something is occurring, it is not necessary to analyze it, it is necessary to move past it, you see.  And moving past it requires consciousness and an understanding of why you must move past it, not what it is.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.  And when you are analyzing something, you remain in the past.  But when you begin to let go of the analyzing, then you are in the moment.

Shoshanna:   In the moment, yes.

OWS:   When you are in the moment, then nothing else matters anymore.  You just continue to be in the moment.  Alright?

Shoshanna:   And we will add one more thing, if we may.  This is a very important question.  May we add one more thing?

Guest:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   There are many things that trigger emotions.  There are many programs that trigger emotions:  self-doubt, fear, lack of feeling loved.  All these things will trigger emotions, but have no basis in true reality.  We must truly understand these are reactions to programs that are false, that do not belong in the human heart.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Do we have any other questions here, now?

No further questions?  You can feel free to ask, if you wish.

Remember, when you ask a question, even if you think it is not important, if you think others will think it is not important, it can be important to others.  Someone may be wanting to ask the same question, but afraid to do that.

Guest:   Well, if no one else is going to jump in, can I ask another?

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Mostly because I hate to have you guys go (laughs)!  No, I’m just kidding.

Shoshanna:   We rely on you, Dear Sister, we rely on you!  You get the ball rolling!

Guest:   Well I do, I hate it when I sit there and go, ‘get on there and ask a question, because I don’t want them to leave!’ (laughter).

But seriously, can you tell us a little more about entities, and how they and they are around, how we can recognize they might be around.  Not necessarily inside of ourselves, but inside of others, and what is a way to deal with that.

OWS:   We are glad that you have brought this up, because it is something that is of concern more and more to those of you that are of the Light and the Lightworkers, and certainly even more so, the Warriors, here.  But we can tell you that you have sufficient Light within all of you, each of you, that you have no concern about this for your own personal selves.

Only if you open up to it.  You open up to it by the use, or abuse rather, of drugs, or abuse of alcohol.  Or it can be a bad fall that opens up a certain area of your spine to this connection, here.  So it can be various things.  It can be if you turn all of a sudden to the dark side.  But certainly none of you are going to do that.  So again, you have no concern about this for yourselves.

Now for others, the way for you to be of assistance to others is to not necessarily to attempt to remove the entity, because you do not do that yourself.  You ask for help or guidance from those who are available to do this to help you out.  It can be your Higher Self.  But it can also be ones such as Hilarion or the Archangel Michael, certainly.  They can help in this instance at all times, here.

But again, not to be concerned for yourselves.  And the important thing about your ascension process, your own personal ascension process is that it is just that, it is personal to you.  So you cannot control what happens to others.  You can assist, but you can’t control it.  Shoshanna, anything to add?

Shoshanna:   Yes, we can share on this.  May we share?

Guest:   Please.

Shoshanna:   The attachment of a consciousness to your consciousness that you believe is negative can be transmuted through love.  You see, if you feel a consciousness is invading you, and it is hurting you, and steering you in a wrong direction, you can ignite your heart with Light and love, and it will be transmuted.  It will go into the Light.

If another is perhaps exhibiting an attachment, love is always the answer.  Light is always the answer.  To love, to feel compassion, to shine a light, your light, on that which is negative, and it will be transmuted.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Would there be any other questions now before we release channel?

Guest:   I have a question.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Are the suns the chakras of the universe?

OWS:   Are the suns the chakras of the universe?  Very intersecting that you have come to this idea, or this concept.  Because the reason you are coming to it is because it has come to you.  It is coming to you as a remembrance, an understanding that is beyond the three-dimensional conscious understanding.  So we congratulate you, Dear One, for coming to realize that there is so much more to the universe, and so much of a connection between the universe and the individual such as you are.  Because you have chakras, the galaxy has chakras, and the universe has chakras.  So in retrospect, you are correct.

Guest:   Wonderful.  Thank you.

OWS:   Yes.  Anything you want to add, Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We do not have an answer.

OWS:   Very good.  Would there be any other questions?

Guest:  I have a question.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Since I have been in my family supposedly experiencing a walk-in, I would like a definition of what is a walk-in.  I have a feeling that I know, but I don’t exactly know all the concepts of it.  And why are they walk-ins.  And I understand there are many walk-ins now coming in, and what is that purpose?

OWS:   You are correct.  There are many more that are occurring at this time.  But of course, many people around those of the walk-ins would not even realize that that one is a walk-in, as you are saying.

And for those of you that may not know, a walk-in is normally an agreement that has been made prior to the lifetime where at a certain point the one who is living the life, the personality that is living the life, will exit the body and exit it in a rather, we will say easy way, for the most part.  And that one that comes in as the walk-in will take over the body and have the memories and everything from that lifetime.  But oftentimes there is a change that happens, because this one coming in is there to carry out a mission now.  And in order to carry out the mission, it must be in a proper vehicle at the time.  In other words, if there was a disease of some type, say cancer or something of this nature, then the personality exits the body and the new one coming in heals the body immediately.  This often happens, here.  You do not hear about it very often.  But if you know someone, such as this one is speaking here that she has an indication of one that is a walk-in in her life, and she has received some guidance about how to work with this situation.  That is all we can say on this now.  It is happening more, and will continue to happen more, because many have made the choice before coming into this lifetime to exit the body at a certain point.  Okay?

Shoshanna:   May we share?

Guest:   Yes.  Oh yes, please do.

Shoshanna:   The soul consciousness that steps into to share a third-dimensional consciousness is for the purpose of advancing humanity.  It is for the purpose of showing us what we need to do to increase our own vibration and to raise in consciousness.  That is why they step in.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Yes.  You just answered the next question I was going to ask.  Thank you.

Something else I wanted to ask:  I had heard, or I think it was Ruth Montgomery’s book that sometimes the other soul does not have to leave.  Can there be two souls in the same body, the other one did not have to leave?

Shoshanna:   We will share on this.  We will share, Dear Sister.  One Who Serves, may we share?

OWS:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, may we share our perspective?

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   Yes.  This is correct.  Because the soul that enters the consciousness that another soul is occupying is for the purpose of uniting in consciousness and bringing forth a stronger understanding that is necessary for humanity to raise their consciousness and move forward in their lives, you see.  It is common.   Namaste.

Guest:   Another part of this, if I may take time, is okay now, we are saying a whole lot of new walk-ins are coming in.  Okay, so it must be to help us with this ascension, that they need to help the collective or society.  So what is the purpose, or is there one purpose, or is there just no answer?

Shoshanna:   We gave the purpose, Dear Sister.

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:  We gave it twice.

Guest:   Okay, say it again, then (laughs).

Shoshanna:  To augment man’s consciousness.  To move man forward.  To propel him forward in consciousness and vibration.  That is the purpose.

OWS:   Yes.  To help the collective consciousness in ascension.

Guest:   Okay, I got ya.  Thank you.

OWS:   Yes.  Are there any further questions, now?

Guest:   Yes, I have a question, if I may.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   I know a person that for years and years and years has been in the loop of negative emotions.  She has been in that loop forever, for many, many years.  And now she is making a conscious effort to break this loop of many years, but it seems like she is incapable of doing this, even though she has a strong intention.  And she is using the tools that have been presented to her or she found, but very unsuccessful.  How can she be capable to break this, when she seems to be completely overpowered.  I want to understand that.

Shoshanna:   Can we share on this, One Who Serves?

OWS:   Yes.  Please do.

Shoshanna:   May we share, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   One of the things that keeps another in what you call a ‘loop’ is the way we see them.  You have described this individual in terms that are very low vibration.  You must begin now to see her differently.  That is the first thing you must do.

The second thing, if you wish to help her, is if she requests your help, then she will receive your help.  If you are attempting to help her and she is resisting that, then you must step away.  Because she must give you permission.  You must ask permission each time you have something to offer her.

And the third thing is we find that this individual that you are speaking of is steeped in her past.  She speaks of her past.  She continues to lament her past.  And as long as this one continues to speak in terms of her past, she will stay there.  She will continue to trigger those programs of trauma as she stays in the past.  She must change her story.  She must find a way to get past her past and be in the moment.

And the only way that one can assist another in this process is not to join in.  Do not join another who wishes to speak of their past.  You must help her if she wishes this to raise her vibration by asking her to speak in terms of the now moment, what she enjoys in this moment, what is she doing in this moment, and how she is paving her future in the moment.  That is the only way that another can break the program loop of emotions.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Then we are needing to release channel, here, now.   Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to add here at the end?

Guest:   Thank you.

Shoshanna:   We will share.  We find, well, JoAnna finds that she will listen to these messages.  Once they are given, she will go on the website and listen to the messages to reinforce the message.

Because many messages that are given are layered with greatness, layered with wisdom from the One Who Serves and from the higher aspects of JoAnna, ourselves, Shoshanna, and to truly allow this information to be received in its fullest form.  It is important for the human to listen again and again, because the human is deeply programmed.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  And we close with this:  because of this major gateway that has opened here on this day today (02/02/2020) you will experience much more light coming in, into the planet, into your bodies, your central nervous system, these waves of energy, to continue to raise the frequency across the planet.  And that is what this is all about.

And as the frequency continues to raise across the planet, then you will find that the 3-D illusionary matrix will begin to dissolve more and more and more.  And all of those things that you are seeing in the news, and these types of things, will become less and less important.

Just as you are seeing now where many across this country especially are not even paying attention to what is occurring by those so-called leaders in your government, here.  They are turning a deaf ear to it all in many respects, because it is more of the ‘same old,’ same old.’

Guest:   I would just like to say thank you to everybody.  There have been so many great and wonderful things discussed here today.
James McConnell 

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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 12:53
Quinta-feira, 16 / 01 / 20

Ascension Symptoms


 White Winged Collective of Nine.

Through Galaxygirl.

Jauary 15th, 2020


Greetings, we are the White Winged Collective of Nine. 
We are ninth dimensional and up, as you say. For we are always evolving and expanding, just as you are so doing in this mighty now of change. We see humanity’s progress of the awakened and awakening ones as astonishingly delightful to behold, for it reminds us of our own awakening to our own Source awareness in days gone by. The ripple effect of humanity’s ascension is not to be underestimated. It is truly profound, affecting all within this space time quadrant and beyond. For all is interconnected as a great cosmic web of love, of consciousness, of thought, of creation, of pure potential. We wish for you to see and feel your pure potential of creation, for it is vast, truly.
We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. 
Many of you are being inundated with ascension symptoms, and you have been informed of your many teams of assistance, such as your Pleiadian Medical Teams, angels of service, truly. Open yourself up a bit more to the possibilities of total body improvement, of intracellular advancement, of becoming younger from within, for this we see for you as an endless possibility of truly being in partnership with your body, which would be a new experience for you. Medicine is changing and will continue to evolve as the consciousness of humanity improves, with understanding the consciousness of the body and the interaction with the soul. But you in the drivers seat of your own body can lovingly concrete perfect health and balance of your inner body systems, of your hormones, of your past traumas being balanced into light.
Would you like assistance with this? For we would like to come through more fully. If so, state “Yes, White Winged Collective of Nine, please partner with my higher self for further inner balance and healing so that I may navigate these upcoming energy waves with grace and ease in full harmony with my inner and outer selves.” Please sit or lay down and be in a comfortable quiet environment. Create this space around you with us. We enfold you in the whitest of ninth dimensional light. We are working with your higher aspects to clear further trauma of the lower aspects, which are rising and clearing nicely. You may feel and see flashbacks. Send them light. In this space of neutrality, of love there is complete healing. As the observer, as the master of your form, you see and acknowledge this healing. Welcome this inner light. (I am seeing and feeling rainbow light of color pulse through my body. In some places it pulses more as it clears. I am hearing singing). Invite the inner song of the angels deep within your cellular structures, deep within the DNA for ancestral healing. (I am seeing rainbow DNA, I am hearing the singing and the drum circles of the ancestors in celebration). Sit with this and feel the shift. Please state “I lovingly accept this deep shift of healing and I send this healing deep within Gaia’s crystal heart, further activating her healing and all upon her.”
We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. You are welcome to make this shift a permanent part of who you are now. When the challenges of the day arise, pull this rainbow and white light healing around you, insulating you, comforting you from the surrounding noise. And the ripple effect continues. 
We are the White Winged Collective of Nine.


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Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 21:51
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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  • fale alguma coisa,de mim sou poliana miguel
  • Você fala com anjos ,pede um deles mandar uma mens...
  • A "vida real" é uma ilusão Toda a matéria é formad...
  • Bom dia,reparámos que o seu blog faz uso de textos...
  • O Amor é tudo o que existe e na sua mais pura exên...
  • usando uma metafora descrevendo a vida real, e nao...
  • o odio deve-se à permissao do mal andar entre nós,...
  • Obrigado pelas suas palavras. Fiquei a conhecer po...
  • Adoro este artigo. Já tinha conhecimento do assunt...

blogs SAPO

Universidade de Aveiro