Emmanuel Dagher.
MARCH 2020
March 3rd, 2020.

Hi my friend,
It’s an honor for me to connect with your presence again. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!
The energy of March will feel very different from how the last four or five months have felt.
Layers of density have been dissolving for many of us in recent months.
In March, it will be quite clear that we have arrived at a completely new space in our awareness.
We will be entering the kind of reality we are now consciously choosing to create for ourselves.
This is exciting, because from this expanded space of new awareness, many of our previous choices will no longer feel to be in alignment with who we really are.
When that happens, the space opens up for us to make decisions from our most empowered and expanded selves.
Making decisions from the most empowered version of ourselves tremendously enhances the kind of people, places, and situations we bring into our experience.
Unexpected Surprises
The first half of March will bring lots of unexpected surprises into our personal and collective world.
The key to receiving the full blessings available in these surprises is to remain open and in the flow.
Being open and in the flow is one way of affirming that we are consciously choosing to be present, and to live in a vibration from which we are able to operate from our most empowered self.
When we are present, we are able to listen to the intuitive impulses that help guide us to our greatest blessings in life.
Being open and in the flow also helps us to not get caught up in the survival-oriented distractions the mind can get caught up in, simply because that is the approach it has always reverted to as a way of coping with life’s challenges.
Being open and in the flow will bring us great rewards, especially now.
From early to mid-March, we may also find that love and affection are on our mind a bit more than usual.
When this happens, the mind usually looks for love and affection from others, or from food, or from anything else it has become dependent on for receiving the feeling of being loved.
Right now is an excellent time to shift the focus of looking for love and affection from outside ourselves to inside ourselves.
When we commit to becoming a loving and affectionate presence for ourselves, all the distractions and behavioral misalignments that can occur when we search outside of ourselves for love, somehow resolve.
This can happen when much of the pressure, need, desperation, and expectation associated with personal and romantic love are no longer factors in the healthy new relationships we are choosing to bring into our lives.
When we show up for ourselves completely in every way, our cup is full.
When we operate from a full cup, we operate from the most empowered, joy-filled, vibrant, fulfilled version of ourselves.
From this space, we immediately know what we do or do not desire to create in our lives. The feedback we receive will be clear, and instant.
We also naturally show up in the world in a way that attracts us to others who are also loving and honoring themselves, in a similar way to how we have chosen to love and honor ourselves.
If we find ourselves getting caught up in some “needy” emotional energy in early March, let’s be gentle with ourselves and use it as feedback that encourages us to give ourselves extra love and affection.
This shift in approach will help us raise our standards, especially when it comes to the kind of relationships we’re choosing.
This is not the time to settle, simply because we are receiving any kind of attention from others.
We have so many new blessings to receive, and the old patterns of settling for any kind of attention only serve to distract us from actually receiving those blessings.
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A Season of Rewards
From March 9th to July15th, we will be in a season of receiving many new rewards from all of the hard work we’ve put in in recent years towards our personal growth, healing, goals, and highest visions.
The more committed and consistent we have been in doing our inner personal work, the more rewarding this time will be.
We will experience a jump-start to a “reward” season during the second half of March, because there will be a new wave of excitement, joy, and creativity in the air supporting us.
If we are someone who tends to be a procrastinator or lacking motivation, especially when it comes to being committed to loving and honoring ourselves in every way possible, this will be a time to refine and resolve this coping pattern.
By choosing to recognize procrastination as the mind’s way of creating a distraction (because it doesn’t like change), we can now have compassion for that response, without allowing it to hold us back anymore.
It also helps to realize that we have other choices.
We deserve to thrive and receive ALL of the blessings the Universe desires to shower upon us.
The only reason we may not fully receive them, is because of the limited coping methods we have chosen in the past.
There are many coping methods that are empowering and freeing. The more we love and honor ourselves, the clearer it becomes that this is what will set us free to fly beyond any limitation we bought into in the past.
Our being the most loving and compassionate presence for ourselves and our inner child is the greatest reward we could ever give and receive.
Everything else just becomes the delicious icing on the vegan organic cake.
Now is the time to nurture this kind of unconditionally loving relationship with ourselves.
This is one of the main reasons we have all decided to enter this Earthly experience.
This is what many of the masters and sages who preceded us, such as Buddha, Kwan Yin, Jesus, and many others, were able to tap into.
They were able to love and honor themselves to such a degree, that it naturally poured into the experience of all those around them—those who were open and willing to receive love.
This is why so many miracles were documented as a result of being around these sages. They elevated the space they entered, and brought others into that space of unconditional love.
Pure, unconditional love is the most powerful energy in all Universes.
Embody it, and one immediately becomes the most powerful energy in all Universes.
What these sages were showing us is that each one of us has the same exact capacity to do what they were able to do, and more!
Let’s work with the energetic doorways the Universe often provides us with, to strengthen our love and affection for ourselves, and especially our inner child.
We can then also be that unconditional love for others, in ways that heal, uplift, and inspire them to love themselves and the world in the same way.
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Patience is a Divine Virtue
We’ve often heard the quote “patience is a virtue.” Yet when most people think of the word “patience,” they think of having to wait for something.
In fact, patience actually has nothing to do with pausing or waiting for anything.
Patience is about becoming so present, as often as we can throughout our day, that we are able to easily listen to and honor the natural intuitive pulse that desires to express itself through us and as us.
That natural intuitive pulse is the way our Spirit speaks to us.
Our Spirit knows everything! So, when we are connected to the presence of our Spirit often throughout the day, we are connected to the part of us that knows everything.
This part of us will always communicate to us through insights, feelings, wisdom, messages, and opportunities, in ways that will always be aligned with our Highest and Greatest Good.
The last week of March will be an excellent time to practice patience in the sense of being fully present—being here now.
When we are patient, we are open.
By the last week of March, we will be given the opportunity to create a fresh start for ourselves. This will be a good time to begin new projects, or to resume old ones we haven’t tended to in a while.
When we are patient and open, it becomes much easier to put old insecurities and inhibitions to one side.
Let’s use this time to do just that. If we find any old insecurities coming up for us, let’s use it as feedback that the part of us that wants to identify with those old insecurities just desires to receive more love and affection from us.
The way we love ourselves is to honor all of the emotions we are noticing in our body and awareness. We allow ourselves to honor them by feeling where these emotions are being held in our body.
We feel these emotions in the area of the body until we notice a softening and a releasing of them. From this space, we express gratitude and love to our body and mind, for simply asking us to give them more love and affection.
Then we do things for ourselves that we most love doing. It could be meditating, singing, dancing, painting, receiving a massage, exercising, sitting under a tree, etc.
As always, please take great care of yourself, my friend.
We are in some extraordinary times, and it’s such an honor to be able to share this journey with you!
May this be a month that continues to bring you abundant blessings in every area of life!
It’s an honor for me to connect with your presence again. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!
The energy of March will feel very different from how the last four or five months have felt.
Layers of density have been dissolving for many of us in recent months.
In March, it will be quite clear that we have arrived at a completely new space in our awareness.
We will be entering the kind of reality we are now consciously choosing to create for ourselves.
This is exciting, because from this expanded space of new awareness, many of our previous choices will no longer feel to be in alignment with who we really are.
When that happens, the space opens up for us to make decisions from our most empowered and expanded selves.
Making decisions from the most empowered version of ourselves tremendously enhances the kind of people, places, and situations we bring into our experience.
Unexpected Surprises
The first half of March will bring lots of unexpected surprises into our personal and collective world.
The key to receiving the full blessings available in these surprises is to remain open and in the flow.
Being open and in the flow is one way of affirming that we are consciously choosing to be present, and to live in a vibration from which we are able to operate from our most empowered self.
When we are present, we are able to listen to the intuitive impulses that help guide us to our greatest blessings in life.
Being open and in the flow also helps us to not get caught up in the survival-oriented distractions the mind can get caught up in, simply because that is the approach it has always reverted to as a way of coping with life’s challenges.
Being open and in the flow will bring us great rewards, especially now.
From early to mid-March, we may also find that love and affection are on our mind a bit more than usual.
When this happens, the mind usually looks for love and affection from others, or from food, or from anything else it has become dependent on for receiving the feeling of being loved.
Right now is an excellent time to shift the focus of looking for love and affection from outside ourselves to inside ourselves.
When we commit to becoming a loving and affectionate presence for ourselves, all the distractions and behavioral misalignments that can occur when we search outside of ourselves for love, somehow resolve.
This can happen when much of the pressure, need, desperation, and expectation associated with personal and romantic love are no longer factors in the healthy new relationships we are choosing to bring into our lives.
When we show up for ourselves completely in every way, our cup is full.
When we operate from a full cup, we operate from the most empowered, joy-filled, vibrant, fulfilled version of ourselves.
From this space, we immediately know what we do or do not desire to create in our lives. The feedback we receive will be clear, and instant.
We also naturally show up in the world in a way that attracts us to others who are also loving and honoring themselves, in a similar way to how we have chosen to love and honor ourselves.
If we find ourselves getting caught up in some “needy” emotional energy in early March, let’s be gentle with ourselves and use it as feedback that encourages us to give ourselves extra love and affection.
This shift in approach will help us raise our standards, especially when it comes to the kind of relationships we’re choosing.
This is not the time to settle, simply because we are receiving any kind of attention from others.
We have so many new blessings to receive, and the old patterns of settling for any kind of attention only serve to distract us from actually receiving those blessings.
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A Season of Rewards
From March 9th to July15th, we will be in a season of receiving many new rewards from all of the hard work we’ve put in in recent years towards our personal growth, healing, goals, and highest visions.
The more committed and consistent we have been in doing our inner personal work, the more rewarding this time will be.
We will experience a jump-start to a “reward” season during the second half of March, because there will be a new wave of excitement, joy, and creativity in the air supporting us.
If we are someone who tends to be a procrastinator or lacking motivation, especially when it comes to being committed to loving and honoring ourselves in every way possible, this will be a time to refine and resolve this coping pattern.
By choosing to recognize procrastination as the mind’s way of creating a distraction (because it doesn’t like change), we can now have compassion for that response, without allowing it to hold us back anymore.
It also helps to realize that we have other choices.
We deserve to thrive and receive ALL of the blessings the Universe desires to shower upon us.
The only reason we may not fully receive them, is because of the limited coping methods we have chosen in the past.
There are many coping methods that are empowering and freeing. The more we love and honor ourselves, the clearer it becomes that this is what will set us free to fly beyond any limitation we bought into in the past.
Our being the most loving and compassionate presence for ourselves and our inner child is the greatest reward we could ever give and receive.
Everything else just becomes the delicious icing on the vegan organic cake.
Now is the time to nurture this kind of unconditionally loving relationship with ourselves.
This is one of the main reasons we have all decided to enter this Earthly experience.
This is what many of the masters and sages who preceded us, such as Buddha, Kwan Yin, Jesus, and many others, were able to tap into.
They were able to love and honor themselves to such a degree, that it naturally poured into the experience of all those around them—those who were open and willing to receive love.
This is why so many miracles were documented as a result of being around these sages. They elevated the space they entered, and brought others into that space of unconditional love.
Pure, unconditional love is the most powerful energy in all Universes.
Embody it, and one immediately becomes the most powerful energy in all Universes.
What these sages were showing us is that each one of us has the same exact capacity to do what they were able to do, and more!
Let’s work with the energetic doorways the Universe often provides us with, to strengthen our love and affection for ourselves, and especially our inner child.
We can then also be that unconditional love for others, in ways that heal, uplift, and inspire them to love themselves and the world in the same way.
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Patience is a Divine Virtue
We’ve often heard the quote “patience is a virtue.” Yet when most people think of the word “patience,” they think of having to wait for something.
In fact, patience actually has nothing to do with pausing or waiting for anything.
Patience is about becoming so present, as often as we can throughout our day, that we are able to easily listen to and honor the natural intuitive pulse that desires to express itself through us and as us.
That natural intuitive pulse is the way our Spirit speaks to us.
Our Spirit knows everything! So, when we are connected to the presence of our Spirit often throughout the day, we are connected to the part of us that knows everything.
This part of us will always communicate to us through insights, feelings, wisdom, messages, and opportunities, in ways that will always be aligned with our Highest and Greatest Good.
The last week of March will be an excellent time to practice patience in the sense of being fully present—being here now.
When we are patient, we are open.
By the last week of March, we will be given the opportunity to create a fresh start for ourselves. This will be a good time to begin new projects, or to resume old ones we haven’t tended to in a while.
When we are patient and open, it becomes much easier to put old insecurities and inhibitions to one side.
Let’s use this time to do just that. If we find any old insecurities coming up for us, let’s use it as feedback that the part of us that wants to identify with those old insecurities just desires to receive more love and affection from us.
The way we love ourselves is to honor all of the emotions we are noticing in our body and awareness. We allow ourselves to honor them by feeling where these emotions are being held in our body.
We feel these emotions in the area of the body until we notice a softening and a releasing of them. From this space, we express gratitude and love to our body and mind, for simply asking us to give them more love and affection.
Then we do things for ourselves that we most love doing. It could be meditating, singing, dancing, painting, receiving a massage, exercising, sitting under a tree, etc.
As always, please take great care of yourself, my friend.
We are in some extraordinary times, and it’s such an honor to be able to share this journey with you!
May this be a month that continues to bring you abundant blessings in every area of life!
Until next time,
Miraculously yours,
You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the name of the author and the source website link.
To learn more, visit here or use this link https://afterlifeprocesshealing.com/
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:
- Emmanuel Dagher<emowave19@sbcglobal.net>
- https://emmanueldagher.com/energy-forecast/
- https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/search?q=Emmanuel+Dagher
- http://violetflame.biz.ly/cgi-bin/blog?tags=emmanuel+dagher
No religious or political creed is advocated here.
Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.
Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.
Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone.
Please respect all credits.
Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.
Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.
Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone.
Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility.
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