A Chama da Ascensão


Domingo, 24 / 05 / 20

Lightworker Mission Statement and Working with GFL While you’re Asleep

Lightworker Mission Statement and Working with GFL While you’re Asleep

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted May 23th, 2020



Lightworker Mission Statement:
As a lightworker, your task is to wake up, either gradually or quickly, to your role on this planet. You have come from another world or another dimension where you were embodied or not, to take the role of a human earthling of higher consciousness and to work along with the Galactic Federation of Light in liberating humanity on earth from their alien controllers.
In your previous lives as a galactic being, you attained higher states of consciousness, some even becoming Masters of this Universe or having risen above that. Regardless of your level of consciousness, you have been trained for the work you are doing here during the day and at nighttime, as you board galactic ships and work with your teams to advance the spirituality of humanity on earth and to liberate earth from the hands of its evil controllers.
You were born a lightworker and you have trained for that role throughout this lifetime as well. Technically, you are a hybrid consciousness, partly of earth and partly of your home planet/dimension.
Roles of the lightworker include holding Light, grid creation, helping other lightworkers to wake up, healing, channeling messages to earth, caring for earth’s eco-system, and more.
Specific tasks can include: weather manipulation, reversing polarities on the planet, influencing the collective consciousness, transmuting dark energy, battling dark entities, teaching others, reporting the truth.
We are currently using social media to create a new system of Light – Light being information spread as truth to all upon planet Earth.
One of the key jobs of the lightworker is to OVERCOME MIND CONTROL. This means working with your shadow to align your ego with your soul. We are here to master our emotions, overcome fear, master our ego’s and to house our higher selves. Until this is done, little of your role on earth will be revealed to you, as the Light does not shine through your ego – it is of higher soul frequency. Until the soul is accessed, you will be on a learning journey of understanding limitations you’ve imposed upon yourself and overcoming them.
Learning to be open hearted, integrous, authentic, virtuous, and committed to the Truth is the primary hallmark of a lightworker. Saving this planet is our primary purpose.
Me: Ivo, I know that at night time lightworkers are fully aware of their roles as GFL members on the ships, and now I’m being asked more frequently about what’s going on as we sleep.
An interesting post I just saw is one woman was saying she woke up with scratches all over her body and fears she may be being attacked at night time by dark entities/ETs. Can you please elaborate on this? What are we doing at night? Why would someone wake up with scratches and how should we understand this when we wake in the morning?
Ivo: My love, good question. Indeed. Many of you are Light Warriors as well as Lightworkers. The Lightworker works with the Light, raising the frequency on earth but Light Warriors are actively involved, in the astral and on your physical plane, with the removal of dark entities from your planet and the lower astral plane.
So if you have dreams of battles at night time, frequent nightmares and you wake up with scratches, then it is quite possible that you have been involved in battle with the dark forces.
What, in fact, you are working with as you battle are the energies. So in fact your bodies, being the carriers of these energies are the weapons that are used against the dark ones. Some do like to carry a sword or another implement that helps with the focus of these energies but you are annihilating these anti-life forms by infusing them with life energy.
We often use gamma, theta or photon rays which come out of the hands, feet, fingers and eyes, and now you see why we do not make such a habit of telling you what you have been up to at night time. You cannot create these energies at such a low frequency as your physical body and it takes a strong mind in order to do this, which you currently physically do not have.
Me: So we’re shooting death rays out of our eyeballs on the astral plane? Okay, no wonder I wake up tired some mornings.
Ivo: It depends on the project. At times you are in your lower earth, fighting the occupation there, other times you are fighting ships out in the galaxy. You are capable of travelling through space without protection and directing energies towards these ships.
Me: Phasers on stun, Scotty!
Ivo: If you will. You jest but you are doing God’s work. Eliminating these anti-life beings is of the utmost importance.
You are powerful beings when you are fully aware and fully functional and you help us with our work as we go on raids or anticipate malevolent activity on the planet. We have collectively saved many people.
Me: Why would someone wake up with scratches, then?
Ivo: At times, as the template is scratched, it incorporates into the physical realm. Any injuries incurred during the night are typically healed before you wake up. Otherwise you would be as this woman was, wondering where she got all the scratches from.
Me: So she was in some kind of hand to hand battle with probably reptilians, I guess.
Ivo: Hand to hand is also possible, yes. At times we are ambushed, and we must fight our way out of a situation. We have the upper hand. They cannot produce the same energies as we can and their guns can be whisked away quickly with just a thought. They are no match for us. The only difference is the physical strength of a reptilian or a draconian, and when they materialize behind us, it is possible they would have the upper hand for a moment.
Me: Thank you Ivo.
Ivo: My love, do not fear going to bed.
Me: I don’t. I know I can deal with them, as a matter of fact, let me at them! I know already that Archangel Michael and I go to the lower fourth to stir up some hell, so I knew I was doing this. I have the odd scratch, nothing huge.
Ivo: You are the incarnation of the Goddess of War and Wisdom, and you combine both well in our nightly sojourns. You do, however, pick up on it emotionally and this is transferred through at times in nightmares.
Me: I have friends who wake up screaming at times.
Ivo: This could be why as well.
Me: Thanks, Ivo.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 16:29
Quarta-feira, 20 / 05 / 20

The Pleiadians worked with Diana, Princess of Wales

The Pleiadians worked with Diana, Princess of Wales

Pleiadian Participation

Mira of the Pleiades

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted May 18th, 2020

mira of the pleiades eraoflightdotcom.


I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. I come to you today, lovely beings, to respond to a question asked of me, “How are the Pleiadians involved in the Storm, and liberation of Planet Earth in general?”
I will gladly expand upon what knowledge you surely have on this topic by now.
The Pleiadians have been your overseers for this era as you are most like us in this fifth density and lower. Our expression is very similar to yours. Our DNA is most like each others. We are the closest of cousins, as you would say.
For this reason, we see you as our brethren, befallen upon by a dark scourge. Through the era, your people have continuously incarnated repeatedly into lesser circumstances, but have managed to hold your timeline against a collective implosion for 26,000 years. Yes, the Pleaidians were here to help you personally, privately and collectively in this endeavour, helping and guiding your world leaders, helping and guiding key people in your world, and helping and guiding the normal person.
One such leader that we worked with was Diana, Princess of Wales. Although her task didn’t see completion, as she was indeed the one who was to tell your world of the dark ones leading it, she was murdered before she could reveal all she needed to, she did however, show you what true royalty was, what a true leader was – a woman who cared for so many and whose Light shone brightly to the masses. She left her sire, William, to again pass on her DNA to his children, who will make amends for the way the dynasty has treated the people. All will be shown to you, and amends will be made. Diana’s legacy has not ended yet, by far not.
We brought you David Icke as well, who has opened the eyes of so many who didn’t want to see. And of those who were more than ready to hear what he has to say. He continues to grow in popularity.
There are the everyday heros on earth that we support, protect and nurture in their work. Julian Assange is also one of the Pleaidian heros. Phil Schneider and John Lennon as well. They all had their message and we worked with them to ensure that their celebrity was not lost on inconsequential matters.
Now we are in the Underground Bases, dismantling technology, working with your armed forces. We have some of the children who were in these bases and this has been going on for a while, many years, healing them and helping them to recover from their trauma. They live with us in the Pleaides; they’re not to be found on earth but may one day be returned if they wish.
Our ships surround your planet. Yes, the Galactic Ships but we have our own fleet of scientists, technicians, healers and our own light workers who help guide and arrange the energies. We direct these to the correct spots on your planet in order to help awaken people in these sectors, and to change around the negative polarities to positive.
We heal and cleanse your skies and your oceans.
We work to educate those who will step up with new technologies to present to your world, so that you too may enjoy non-invasive healing as the rest of the galaxy does.
The Pleaidians are key in the arrestation and processing of dark entities who will seek time before a universal judge for dispensation as is decreed by the councils.
Arrests are still ongoing. Your planet is heavily infested.

As your viral warfare continues, we seek cures for these and we seek to heal those who have been affected.

We energetically support your environment.
And we work through the lightworker system in order to express our Light at your third and fourth dimensional levels.
New food sources are being created for your planet by us. New foods will be discovered that are delicious, nourishing and of high frequency, and these will have been planted by us, the Pleaidian collective. We are botanists who will transplant or create new species of life for your future nourishment.
We bring you love. We are there to encourage and to soothe you when your outlook is dim. We are there to call on you to help your brothers in need. We prompt you to donate, to help out and to care whenever we see opportunity and now there is much upon your planet.
The Pleiadians are highly active, nurturing, guarding, aggressing against the dark, viewing all from our ships hovering over your world, and working according to the divine plan to set your world back on a path of Light.
Be well,
With much Love,


Sharon Stewart

Get your copy of our new book, “Ashtar Sheran: Your Future on Eden” today! Your download is available now, at: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 02:03
Terça-feira, 19 / 05 / 20

What to Live for

What to Live for

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted May 17th, 2020



My post today: Ever notice that the ego’s out there have to keep commenting on your comment?
I commented on a post this morning and someone commented. She gave me an explanation of how she felt about the subject and I replied, “Suit yourself.” The comment wasn’t even directed at her, but for some reason she felt she should include herself in the conversation, which is one of the things I complain about with social media: it’s a free for all and anyone can comment on what you say. She commented again. I didn’t respond. So she commented again, and again. I blocked her.
I have no need to prove what I say as being correct. This person may have been spoiling for an argument by opposing me. Okay, suit yourself. It’s your life. I wouldn’t give her the gratification.
Which is ANOTHER THING I learned when I was in the 12 steps: They say, “Give up the need to be right.” I have. I channel a lot of my posts and trust Ivo and Athena to give me the words to express.
When you give up the need to be right, this need can then be replaced with a plethora of other needs that suit you better, and help all those on earth, such as:
– practising your need to spread love
– practising your need to spread the truth
– practising your need to nurture others
– practising your need to master your self
– practising your need to remain peaceful
– practising your need to help others 
(again, wait until it’s asked for)

AND THERE ARE MORE, these are the few that have come to mind right now.
What is your need when you interact with others?
Me: Ivo, can you comment on this post please? I think this would make a good video. To remind people that they have to get their ego under control if they want to hear their higher self, and that there is more to discussing matters with other people than the perverse enjoyment of trying to dominate them, which is what the need to be right is – it’s the need to own everyone you speak to and be better than they are.
Ivo: My love, we have discussed this in other videos, I believe, this issue of arrogance and practising the power over others structure.
There are many objectives to strive towards in conversation with others rather than the need to dominate them or to be right. You have suggested some examples and we can discuss these as well as add more into the mix.
Me: Great!
Ivo: Practicing your need to spread love. This is a worthwhile endeavour. People are not always receptive and others are in it to take advantage, but overlooking these problems, being loving towards others is a wonderful way to use your energy. Energy, in fact, should flow outwards towards others, not inwards towards yourself. Also when you are in conversation and maintain a stance of lovingness even towards those who are not reciprocal, it still benefits you as well as the world in general.
Practicing your need to spread the Truth. This is a highly advantageous position in your world today. If you are one who understands the truth of your common dilemma, then you are indeed blessed, and frankly you are also obligated to tell others as well. You were given this information so that you would share it, as is the fourth dimensional stance for the human – to share with others, not to continue to hold on to this knowledge for yourself, as this is a third dimensional standpoint.
Nurturing and helping others are closely related, so we will speak of them in one point. In fact this falls under loving others, and yes, you must ask first if the help is desired otherwise you run afoul of their free will, and fall into the “power over others” structure again. Giving another the knowledge, love or the energy to move ahead in their own life’s process is indeed a benevolent practise.
We shall also discuss practicing the need to master one’s self, as well as mastering the need to remain peaceful under all circumstances in one point. I will explain that your power is love and love functions best while you are in a higher state. These higher states can only be reached while one is peaceful and tranquil; otherwise the energy drops in vibrational frequency and works against the good of the experiencer and the collective. Peace is the first step to self mastery. Not reacting to provocation is another healthy step. Maintaining your own sense of self rather than losing energy to another who would think to provoke you, such as your conversation of this morning, my love, indicates that you are in control of your own energy. Of course there will be further testing.
Me: Of course. What’s the next step? Not getting triggered by anyone and reacting to their provocation when they’re trying to steal your energy. What’s next, Ivo?
Ivo: My love, you are in the perfect place. You see chaos around you, and to walk as a peaceful person in a world of flurry and stress, not worried about the trials and tribulations you see being played out around you. Containing your peace despite all evidence that perhaps you too, should become unwell, because that is what being unpeaceful leads to – unwellness.
Me: I know that.
Ivo: And so you would live contrarily to everyone around you. Being able to hold your own mindset when the mindsets of everyone else are on a stressful frequency, being the eye in the middle of the storm, being the calm on a windy day, being at peace with yourself when all around you appears to be falling apart….. that is self mastery at your level.
Me: Aha. So that’s the next step.
Ivo: You are headed there.
Me: Not always.
Ivo: I make you aware of when you have fallen short of the mark.
Me: I know. LOL
Ivo: Imagine the power of the one who walks in peace when all around him are fraught with stress, overwhelmed with negative energy.
Me: Yup.
Ivo: When you have this level of self control, you are a master and your powers of changing the nature of life will increase. We are now working with you to change the weather, but there will be more challenges ahead for you as you master these lessons of self control.
Yes, so what other practices can one assume for themselves as they rise out of bed in the morning?
Perhaps the need to see all as being divine parts of God
Perhaps the need to see all as being One, not separate
Perhaps the need to love those who you might earlier have declared your enemy (Yes, the other day you wished your ex a happy birthday and he was such an enemy of yours.)
Me: Ivo, I knew him 40 years ago.
Ivo: And the impact he had on your love relations was detrimental, to be sure. He sent a message to you that you have fought against for so many years and you realize now that knowing him empowered you. Yes, I hear you calling him a jerk, but he was a good teacher because he taught you to stand in your power. You found him extremely beguiling, attractive and desirable, yet you had to fight off these feelings of attraction because you knew you had to learn to say no and stand up to his abuse for your own sake, and you did it.
Me: True.
Ivo: This was a man you would have wanted to have in your life longer than was the case and far less casually, but you had to say no to him because he was no good for you and you knew it.
Me: True.
Ivo: You have always lamented that what you’d hoped he’d be for you was different than who he was for you, because you wanted this man. It took a lot for you to release him but you did it. You refused his abuse before it became extreme. You do not see these things as we do. We feel you did quite well. It was not so much that he was your sworn enemy, my love, it was because he did not give you the love you wanted from him. He could not love you and this was why you were angry at him.
Me: Yes. I see that.
Ivo: Other needs that one can work on:
The need to love one’s self
The need to maintain self discipline
The need to set limits with one’s self and others where appropriate
The need to assert one’s self and to say no when necessary
The need to set one’s best interests ahead of all – to honour the self and release those who dishonour you, such as my love did with her man of 40 years ago.
Me: He wasn’t the only one.
Ivo: Yes, and you continuously released men who could not and would not love you. It was also pointed out recently to you, that these men had the propensity to become your handler, had you allowed the relationships to continue. In spite of the way you felt you were unlovable, you continued to release these men who could not love you, hence you did understand yourself to be lovable and would settle for nothing less. Do you understand?
Me: Yes.
Ivo: And to all those of the divine feminine and masculine who have released unsuitable partners or suitors, this lesson pertains to you as well. The reason you are releasing them is because you are not believing that you are unlovable, you understand that you very much are. Sharon has, many times, not realized the reason she behaved was out of self love and it has been my point to show her that it was there all along.
These are all avenues to self mastery. They can all be practiced daily and in relation to other people. When one experiences failure, then it is simply a question of trying again.
When one has power over the self, a world of powers await.
Me: Thank you, Ivo.
Ivo: My love, you are a model of admiration for me and others who see the challenges you have faced and have prevailed through. We applaud your strength and your continuous humility which encourages others to surmount their challenges but hardly recognizes your own.
Me: Is that humility or a form of neglect, really, Ivo? I know I do that. Well, maybe another video.
(He’s telling me you don’t applaud yourself for things you innately know how to do.)

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 05:28
Terça-feira, 12 / 05 / 20

We’re in 4D Now

We’re in 4D Now

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted May 11th, 2020



Okay, Ivo and I are going to channel on this. Change of rules, guys.
We’re in 4D.
When I was in the 12 steps, we were taught to do inventory on our problems so that we could finally get some peace. Yes, we made amends to others preferably face to face, for our part in things, but it was always emphasized that the one who benefits from this amends making was us; they could take it any way they wanted.
That was 3D. This is 4D. The rules have changed.
Being 5D means you’re aware of the Law of One and you work for the good of the collective consciousness, recognizing you’re a part of that, but I don’t believe that you as an individual gain any inordinate sense of entitlement in this recognition. In fact what I believe 5D is about is sacrificing so that others can enjoy what you have. Let’s face it, the galactics wouldn’t be here if they were selfish, would they?
So, 4D is smack in the middle of that. I believe when you resolve a problem, now you have to do it not only for yourself but resolve it so that the other party benefits as well.
I was told that my neighbours who steal from my garden at my old place are to be considered in the last plant I have there: my rhubarb plant. I was going to move it to the small patch I have here so nobody can touch it, but I’ve decided it gets water where it is, and if I take the first batch of rhubarb and freeze it, they can have whatever grows afterwards. This, I was told, was a 4D solution.
Ivo, I’m sure you told me this, being my guide and all, but can we have your comments please?
Ivo: My love, the fourth density aligns with the heart. You have had an open heart primarily throughout your lifetime, although you have learned to close it often in response to lower frequency behaviours that you were exposed to, and this of course, was the intention of the dark ones by introducing lower frequency humans into your life. Our intention, that of the Light, was that you learn to keep your heart open despite the way that you are being treated, and you have been slow to learn this. However this is the path through the fourth dimension.
Me: You want to live here?
Ivo: I see it was difficult, my dear. However when one closes the heart instead of allowing love to flow to those who annoy, or even those who seek to destroy you, as your parents did, this puts you at a disadvantage. You are a human and you are love.
Of course in the third dimension you were taught that you would be crazy to accept and love someone who has treated you so malevolently. This is taught to you, of course, as a means of keeping disharmony going throughout your world, and you learned this lesson, following the examples of those who enacted this for you.
Had you not taken on any rancor at these malicious acts, in fact you would have come through it all with no scars but this was not the case.
Now that you are in the fourth dimension, it is imperative that you all learn to love everyone, even your worst enemy. This is what Jesus did, and this was his path of ascension.
No, my love, he is not special. He is the one who has enacted for you the lesson you need to learn now. Follow his example, not that of your parents. That is why Jesus came to help you. To give you this message so that you too, would be untouched by negativity upon your world.
So, yes, the solution is different now in the fourth density. Third dimensional solutions of selfishness are not allowable anymore. As you noted, the problems will stay with you until you make an effort to create a mutually satisfactory response. If you hold rancor or resentment, it is because the solution you have sought is of too low frequency.
Me: What about my neighbour next door, Mr Fancy Pants, who’s in his own little drama of being Mr Sexy Man. He figures he can sneak over and get laid whenever his wife is in bed. How do I work that out? If he gets mad at me for saying no, am I supposed to give him what he wants?
Ivo: In fact not, my love. It would work in this way: that you say no and no matter his response to you, that you do not become angry with him. He needs to learn his lesson and you have been set up to teach him, however it would be best if, in future, if you two are still on speaking terms. This is an acceptable forth dimensional solution.
Me: What if he doesn’t do it, though?
Ivo: Then you cannot do anything about it.
Me: How does this make it different from my other neighbour who steals my vegetables from my garden? I have to give him some of my rhubarb after I’ve taken what I want. I can’t hoard the plant for myself?
Ivo: This is a different situation. Reference the 10 commandments.
Me: There’s no rhubarb on there.
Ivo: It references adultery on it and this would be in line with your neighbour’s intentions. These are the exceptions.
Understand by the way that you feel about the rhubarb that you are okay with the situation.
Me: I am. I can live with that. He can have some. He doesn’t even have to ask, because he won’t.
Ivo: And so, you accept him as he is. That is a major step forward because you have high expectations of people who cannot deliver.
Me: I do. How about some more examples?
Ivo: This was one of theft, a particular problem you have with others. You must switch your thinking to that of abundance, because you have, in that rhubarb plant, more rhubarb than you would eat in a season. That plant is giving of itself as nature does, and you have more than you would want in one plant. That is abundance.
Me: True. Another example, then.
Ivo: Your driving.
Me: Oh yes.
Ivo: When you drive with your music so loud, you are not serenading the city.
Me: It’s just a joke.
Ivo: People are annoyed at the sound.
Me: It’s only for a second.
Ivo: My love, you are on an ascension path. Perhaps some consideration of others would be in order. Do not take your own need of hearing Deep Purple at a high volume, to be the only need.
Me: I love loud music.
Ivo: Then play it loud for yourself but do not keep turning it up so you can hear it down the block, my love.
Then there is your impatience. When you are impatient of others, you are being selfish. You do not own the world, and you must share it with others who sometimes take a long time.
Me: Yeah, at the drive thru. All he was doing was ordering hamburgers, what does that take?
Ivo: Apparently a lot for some people. You were not very patient.
Me: I was hungry.
Ivo: And this is another thing, my love, these are excuses. Yes, you were hungry but in fact who is in charge, you or your stomach?
Me: My stomach.
Ivo: I persist in saying to you, my dear, these are excuses. You are in charge of your behaviour at all times, and it must be carried out in such a way now that you are considerate of others and do not display any ill will towards them, for whatever reason. You are leaving the third dimension and evolving beyond your learning, and this new behaviour must be practised.
Me: Got it. Yeah, I guess Jesus wasn’t a loud music loving hothead, was he?
Ivo: In the case of the bank who overcharged you on interact charges during the Covid period where you cannot use cash to pay for any of your charges, in fact, you can take responsibility for your half of the problem and admit that you could have bought coffee cards to purchase coffee rather than incur interact charges for a $2.00 cup of coffee. The other is that your salad purchases can also be purchased with a card. This was shown to you so that you will take financial responsibility for your spending.
Many do not take responsibility for their spending, and some shoot off irate letters to bank CEOs rather than look at their options. This is blaming, my love, and this is third dimensional behaviour. You are not seeing your part in it.
Me: Ivo, I’m so lucky to have you! LOL
Ivo: You are indeed. You must take responsibility for your spending and do not blame when you fall short. You understand that this current shortage was caused by a number of things, and that you had indeed created the situation of the large car maintenance bill and Merlin getting feline herpes. You do ask, “What if….” and this must be halted. You asked, “What if I have a huge car bill and the cat gets sick?” and this is what happened. These things, too, your thoughts must also be taken responsibility for otherwise you will create your fears.
And for those now living through corona virus scares, this is particularly so. Do not fear it as you may create the need to suffer it, or some other undue circumstance created by the new world order plan to control you. Do not allow yourselves to be controlled by fear.
This is the fourth dimension, and mutuality and a more loving approach to life is the way forward. Not fear. Fear is third dimensional. You are leaving fear and opening the heart to embrace love of all others. Practice this now and this will aid your ascension.
Me: Thanks, Ivo. …. (singing) Smoke on the Water…..
Ivo: It is unfortunate their choice of music but these men are very talented musicians indeed. I do not enjoy this taste in music that you have, but thankfully it is not your only musical outlet. Your love of Ritchie Blackmore’s guitar solo on Black Knight is particularly disturbing, but I understand it exhilarates you and so I tolerate it. I must ride near you when you are in the car, my “disco ball” as you call it is always near you. It rides in the back seat of your car with you as does Merton ride above you with his ship. He too, must listen to your music. Would it be possible for you to change your music from time to time to give us a break?
Me: I can put on Three Dog Night. I like them too.
Ivo: This would be acceptable, my dear. There is more psychedelica you enjoy so these songs would also be more pallatable for our ears. Thank you my love.
Me: Okay, thanks Ivo. I’ll buy some psychedelic 60’s and load it to my mp4 player.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 16:16
Sábado, 02 / 05 / 20

A Gift Within Itself

A Gift Within Itself

El Morya

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted May 1st, 2020



I am El Morya with a message for those who are here to change this world.

Do not lament your gift. Expect nothing in return. Your gift is your gift to yourself. Still the part of your mind that inquires, “What do I get in return for this gift which I give this earth?” You have your gift. That is what you get in return for being able to use your powers, it is a gift within itself and to use it appropriately, it must be bestowed upon others – given away. That is how your gift(s) work.

The ego laments. It wishes something in exchange for the giving that your heart has proffered. This is the way you have been taught and this must be dispensed with. The gift of your power itself is your blessing. Still the selfish part of your mind that expects exchange. This is a design that suits the physical mind, however it is not of heaven.

Imagine those still caught in thoughts of helplessness, and now you will appreciate your ability to change the skies above you to blue. Imagine those who live in fear and starvation, and you will appreciate the gift you have to call in divine forces to improve your current circumstance. Imagine those who have lived and died in vain, and you will respect your gift to speak to those who have mastered your world, as I have.

That is why it is called a gift, otherwise a blessing – it has been bestowed upon you as you have achieved its favour.

I am El Morya and I bless you with this message today.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:45
Quarta-feira, 29 / 04 / 20

Do you Believe in Abundance?

Do you Believe in Abundance?

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted April 28th, 2020



Me: So you didn’t think I’d figure it out, did you Ivo?
Ivo: I did not, my love. So I gave you the answer. We have been scheduled to discuss limiting beliefs for a while and the subject did not come up. So I will tell you now, there is one belief that so few of you believe in on your planet and that is the crux of the matter: You do not believe in abundance. You believe in scarcity.
I refer to scarcity of money (lack), scarcity of good health (illness), scarcity of love (loneliness, abandonment), scarcity of friends, scarcity of employment, scarcity of common sense or intelligence is another scarcity many lament upon your planet. Your planet is the inverse of the galaxy – the galaxy thrives on its abundance. We believe in it and thus we create it for ourselves and we never have to go without.
Now your people are facing their scarcity issues. They are not allowed to work at this time and many are going without food, or cash. They are lining up for the food bank because they were caught unaware. Those who got wind of the impending lockdown, ran out to buy goods they would need and apparently a scarcity of toilet paper is not a thing you would wish to suffer so you in fact created that scarcity for others because of your own fears.
Your world is out of balance because most people believe in scarcity. They believe what they want will not be given to them. That is the crux of your problems on earth and how you have been able to be controlled – through an impovershed consciousness. Because you believe it is someone else’s job to provide what you need to you. As if you were children.
It is your own job to provide what you need for yourself. You are creators. And you have been tricked into creating lack for yourselves while others have stolen your abundance from you.
When you focus on a problem, you are in fact focusing on what is wrong or lacking, rather than what is abundant in your lives.
Your people’s one large limiting belief is the belief in scarcity, not in abundance. You are negative thinkers.
So my love, you wish to return to health. The way to do this is to focus on an abundance of health. You wish to return to wealth. The way to do this is to focus on an abundance of wealth. You have the love you desire in your life but at times you do not nurture this love as you are busy being focused on scarcity again.
When one overcomes this resistance to abundance, then the floodgates will open for them. But you believe that you are on earth to be limited, restricted, policed, obedient, controlled, manipulated, and that you must work for your life, which of course is an unfair system.
This is the crux of everyone’s problems. They believe in lack. You all do. If you all were to imagine a life for yourselves of abundance, what would that look like? When this video is over, sit and contemplate it.
My love, Ashtar had said in his last video (What CoVid 19 is Showing You) that we cannot give you all that you need to change the world in one fell swoop because it would be rejected. Why would an abundance of money be rejected by your people? Because you believe in scarcity.
So we cannot give you all, for example, a million dollars because the backlash would be worse than if we do it otherwise. Yes, I hear you saying you wouldn’t get any backlash from me, but have you ever HAD a million dollars in your wallet? In your bank account? Then how do you know how you would react?
We have to begin to give the people of earth their St Germaine funding slowly, and it has to be dispensed in such a way that feels legitimate to you. The people can complain about the cheapskate governments that are trying to break them and only giving them two thousand dollars when their business is going under. This is the way you are used to being grateful, so we must see to it that it is dispensed in such a way that is acceptable to you. Of course there is more money coming. When your people begin to believe that the money is coming for their benefit, not for their enslavement, and they begin to realize that working for a living is enslavement, not freedom, and it is certainly not the road to abundance for so many, then we will be able to move forward a notch. Their belief system will have changed to the extent that we can move the piece forward on the game board a notch. It is what you allow us, and right now you have a poverty mentality. Collectively, you hold these beliefs and we must find a way to change these beliefs a bit at a time.
Me: Interesting.
Ivo: Your monetary system was created to enslave you, and in living and working it, you saw life as a struggle. This is not abundance. And now we must move you to a more abundant mindset. This is the challenge now.
Abundance is the way of the universe; it is what the Creator wants for you. Not this.
You must focus now on what an abundant life would be like for you. In Sharon’s case, she would return to good health and have an abundance of energy, yes, even at 60 years old.
She would have the money she requires to buy her home to create a space station from, and to land ships. She would buy the necessary furniture and install a heated swimming pool so she could swim all year long.
She has managed, in fact, to create one thing of abundance for herself – and this is time. She has gone on a pension and now she has all the time she needs to do her soul’s work, this service for you. What impedes her progress is her poor health.
It is about what you believe you deserve. Having been born into a system where the average person was severely limited, you learn, without really contemplating it, that you do not deserve much. This must change, this is what we are accomplishing now with the St Germaine funds and debt forgiveness beginning.
But help us along now if you would. Sit for 10 minutes and think about how your life would look if you had the health, wealth and love necessary to thrive on earth. That is your home work. And ask why you are not providing these things for yourself now. Do not hate yourself, beat on yourself, blame yourself…. you did the best you could under these circumstances. But now it is time for your world to collectively embrace abundance.
There is no secret. Abundance is your birthright. It is due you. You have been creating it already but it was being stolen from you.
Ask yourself, how can you work and create a plentiful supply of wealth as designated by you, not by some outside force.
Ask yourself, how can you create wholesome health for yourself, regardless of what you have been told by doctors and physicians.
Ask yourself, how can you create the love that will fulfill you, how can you attract the people who will need the love you have to give?
These are the questions that change. These must be focused on with the mind because the mind is the creator of the physical condition.
You have been taught to be severely limited while in fact you are tremendous creators. This power has been exploited without your realizing it.
Me: Thanks Ivo.
Ivo: My love, it is time your world understand its plight. Individually and collectively, your people have been had. Now with GESARA law, your world will move to an abundant state where all will benefit and thrive.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 04:58
Domingo, 26 / 04 / 20

What CoVid-19 is Showing you

What CoVid-19 is Showing you


Via Sharon Stewart

Posted April 26, 2020



I am Ashtar Sheran and again, I have a message for those of the Light.
In these trying times of change, there is more afoot than you may realize. You hear of changes being made at the political level, and you see the power shifting away from the Cabal to that of the White Hats. With such a leader as Trump, who steadfastly holds his course despite many threats to his well being and that of his family, yes, he receives them even from the general public. Despite these threats, he stays his course.
We of the Light have sworn to protect his family from harm in return for his work to set your world straight. Many of you know it was end game as the New world order was to implement its final stages in order to enslave you.
You see the power struggle being played out in front of you. Dr Faucci has gone into hiding now that his connection between Covid 19 and Bill Gates has been made public. What prompted his disappearance was the release of the Wikileaks papers which will implicate him to the public and expose his diabolical plot to innoculate all humans with controlling technology. The cabal are well aware that the public sentiment towards them will change, and they fear it.
This is about power for your world, and particularly for North America as the power holders shift from dark to Light. This is being carried out in front of you, the public, in order that your power too may swing and it has. Many more are awakening to the truth and they realize that all was not as it was professed to be.
In other parts of the world, world leaders are subjected to change as well. Kim Jong has been proclaimed to be dead but this is not the truth. In fact he is alive, however that it was indicated in the press that he was dead is a threat to him and you must realize that this is what is going on in your media – threats are being printed in American newspapers, knowing that they will be seen by the ones who the threat is directed towards. And the threateners were indeed the Rockefeller faction of the Illuminati.
Any ally of the white hats is a threat to the illuminati and will be threatened in turn, if not taken out. That is the politics that is going on on your planet and has been for years. It is up to the people to be aware of this.
A few years ago, a missile was launched appearing to be from North Korea, aimed at Hawaii in an attempt to break off friendship between the White Hats and Kim Jong. It was not successful. Now this threat is another attempt at threatening Jong-un off. They don’t want to see Korea re-united as their prototype society would then be released to freedom. In the same way that Germany was re-united in 1990, fascism would take another hit. But it is due to happen.
As for CoVid 19, hardest hit areas are quarantined and measures are sufficient now to isolate them. The spread is minimal at this point. New measures are being sought and spoken of for the first time by the president. Why? To shift the power away from the pharmaceutical industry towards healing modalities that actually work. With the lockdown being so severe, people are now willing to embrace new ideas. They are seeing the old didn’t work and new measures are being embraced as they are being introduced by your leaders.
This will be one win at a time. We would love to see a grand wave of new awareness sweep over your planet but it won’t be like this. It will be one issue with new solutions, over and over until finally the cabal are powerless and the world has turned away from the old regime. This will take time and patience.
Relief funding is being issued to those who are not working and have lost income. This same network will be used in issuing the St Germaine funds when the time is ready. Were so much money to be issued to your people now, they would not understand. So it is being introduced slowly as relief money at a time when they are in need of it. It is about getting your people to accept and embrace the changes.
With more payments comes also the ensuing upset to your society as people no longer need to work. Again, this is a large change and needs to be introduced slowly. There is also the suspicion that the government is attempting to control, and so these funds have to be introduced at a pallatable rate when the timing indicates otherwise. We are attempting to quell any rioting or revolt against measures to liberate your planet.
People on the planet are ready to rebel to the imposed control over their lives, not understanding that working for a living is more controlling of their lives than requiring them to stay home and relax. To change the status quo that has been in place for so long takes small steps, and then observation of the result. Correction may be required. Your people will be asked to tolerate frequent small changes rather than fewer larger changes. We believe this is the way to acclimate them to the new GESARA based system that is coming in.
Again, We Are Here With You, Always.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:09
Domingo, 19 / 04 / 20

New System Will Overtake the Mainstream Media; Will Be Real News.

New System Will Overtake the Mainstream Media;

Will Be Real News.


Via Sharon Stewart

Posted April 18, 2020



I am Ashtar Sheran, Master of this Universe, here to be of service to you.
Yes, you are in times of great change. Until now, the truth of activities that had been undertaken to prepare your world for its new incarnation as Eden, had been kept from your view. Now we require your participation in greater numbers as the changes to be made affect your daily lives.
Those who have been awake and aware for years have been prepared for the news that is literally coming to the surface now, and you in turn are there to help to convince the others who don’t believe this news, that it is in fact true. Everything adds up. It makes sense, it’s logical, it’s reasonable to view the evidence that’s surfaced, even in small amounts, and to create the bigger picture from it.
We have leaked, if you want to call it, this information to the Light forces here on the surface – and by this I mean you – the new communications system that will overtake the main stream media eventually to provide the real news to the rest of the world. We have trained you, we have watched you as you gallantly took on the forces that sought to oppress you, we have watched you increase your numbers as you shared the Truth with the world. You have fought for the Light, for the Truth to be revealed to your planet, seeking out clues and details, speaking with information givers who work on the classified projects that you need to know about. Your group digs to reveal the secrets being kept from you and in so doing, you are changing the fortunes of your planet. By providing this information to others, you allow them as well, to hold that Light of Truth with you.
And now, one by one, the numbers are increasing daily as the light snaps on in the minds of those who begin to question their reality.
You are creating a human web of Truth and Light. This grid is already shining brightly.
Your reality is changing. What you called “normal” before is now a thing of the past. You have to be prepared to embrace change because that’s what your world is currently immersed in.
The comforts you knew of the past will be taken away, released back to you, and then perhaps removed again. Freedom, as you define it, will change. Events will come about, sometimes large, sometimes small events, that will modify your lives and change your realities.
9/11 was the first of these. People began to question the sanity of their lifestyles when, believing what they saw on television, they realized their lives could be snuffed out in a matter of seconds, and that they were sharing their space with others who did not revere life as they did. The actors who portrayed the skyjackers of 9/11 were in fact depictions of your true reality – they portrayed the Illuminati to those upon your planet. Energies were such at that time that allowed for a mass wake up and it indeed did happen. Some of you are here with this movement now.
9/11 tore away the safety blanket that so many people lived under in the western world. Never having lived through an attack on their home turf, many were cast into the truth of your current reality overnight. Of course, this act was perpetrated by your deep state and the goal of it was not to disturb you as much as it was to send a message to the white hats of the day, who lost their lives in their attempt to release you from this oppression. And so we forged on, with new members stepping in where those who had died had left opportunity. We grew in numbers, and so now we have presidential representation, and higher levels of power.
Now it is time for the people to join us, and to step into their power as well, and these coming events will be opportunities for you to rise to the occasion.
Change is not always comfortable. But you must weigh the pain of change versus the pain of having remained as you were. Had change not taken place already you would have been in a compromised state at this time. Humanity on earth has been saved, and you are now working to continue to save yourselves. We ask for your patience. All will come to good for you. We hear your cries. We understand there are shortages of food, and other necessities being experienced. Please help each other out as much as possible. This is temporary. The financial system is due to change over to the QFS before the end of this year.
The lower astral is all but cleared up. DUMBs are proceeding well. We are eliminating the extraterrestrial population in your lower earth quickly now. Indictments are being formulated, and arrests are already underway. Try as they may to hide it, your main stream media is no match for the sleuths your team has proven to be.
We are working with your leaders, your businesses and your financial establishments to bring about GESARA law and humanitarian aid for you all.
We Are Here With You.
Take comfort.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 21:01
Sábado, 18 / 04 / 20

The Plan that the white hats are following in order to liberate the USA

The Plan that the white hats are following in order to liberate the USA

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted April 17th, 2020



Me: Ivo, I like this post that anonymous put up. I thank you Anonymous. But he/she is referring to The Plan that the white hats are following in order to liberate America and to “Make America Great Again.” Can we discuss some of these points, please?
Ivo: We can, my love. There is some information I can divulge to you. Clearly this information is only going to some of the people; others are not hearing the whole story and are revolting against lockdown. I can understand, certainly, that being locked in your house when you do not believe there is a threat to your wellbeing, and do not realize there are other threats to your wellbeing because you have not been informed of them, can be rather difficult.
It has sounded, to many, as if the government has gone off its rocker. It has not. What is being carried out now is a very deliberate plan, that has been in the works for many many years. This Plan has progressed through many stages and prior attempts to implement it at this top level that we see today have been thwarted.
It was originally John F Kennedy’s task to liberate planet Earth in the 1960s, and we know how this was thwarted – he was murdered by CIA officials who kept him from turning on the deep state and liberating America.
Me: Were there others working with him?
Ivo: Indeed there were, my love, and they too were either warned off or they too were murdered. There is no record of this now. But he had others working with them and you can look at the Kennedy family itself to see who their associates were.
Me: Right. One of course being Marilyn Monroe.
Ivo: Yes, she knew too much, as you say, so she too, was murdered and it was made to look as a suicide.
Me: Who’s side was she on? I heard she was an MK Ultra sex kitten?
Ivo: She was with Kennedy to gain information for the deep state.
Me: Wow! We always think of her as so innocent and frankly, pretty fluffy.
Ivo: She was a spy for the deep state. And she knew too much. She was given this assignment but it was an assignment with an unhappy ending for her, because she knew too much. She reported back and forth and, of course, her home was tapped, but they felt she had to be silenced. She was in fact, intelligent enough, my dear. So intelligent as to be able to pass on sensitive government information to her handlers.
Me: I always wondered about Jackie Kennedy. Why did she live?
Ivo: She did not know that much, and she was easily silenced. Her son, however, was not. He was very interested in exploring his father’s death and found out details through his political contacts that he was not meant to know. He has in fact faked his own death and has gone into hiding for now.
Me: Okay.
Ivo: He is key to this plan.
Me: Then I hear that 9/11 was a mass murder of white hats who were at the Pentagon and in Building 7 of the Trade Towers.
Ivo: This is true. In fact the St Germaine funds were due to be released at the same time, and these were stolen by the Bush Cartel. Suffice it to say we have worked on many safeguards to ensure these things, and others that we have anticipated or have seen occur through time travel to the future, will be thwarted.
Me: Curious, how did they get the St Germaine funds back?
Ivo: (smiling) They had some help. Our quantum computers can hack any financial system on earth with ease and we are in fact in control of all at this time. We can put in safeguards where necessary and add viruses too.
Me: Like the ones that stop vote tampering, for example?
Ivo: (smiling) For example. We will keep your people honest.
Me: Can you please stop whoever is tampering with my email account?
Ivo: If we deem it for the greater good, we can do so.
Me: Okay. Can we discuss the corona virus please?
Ivo: Yes, there are different strains. There is also no vaccine for this virus because there is in fact a virus that can make one sick but not any moreso than the common cold. What people need to be reminded of is that viruses have no cure. They are always allowed to run their course. Bacterial infections have cures, your people have no cures for viral infections. With a virus, it is a question of treating symptoms and strengthening the body to isolate the virus and to fight it off. The fact that there is no antedote for viruses should tip you off to the fact that they are in fact, not natural to your planet. As all upon your world is in balance, there is sickness on your world but there is the cure as well, provided by nature. Viruses are contrary to this fact. They are artificial.
Your medical establishment makes the money it does from you because your controllers have systematically weakened your immune systems. Had your immunity been at levels prior to the 1800’s for example, there would be much less illness than you experience collectively now.
This is why viruses were created – the Spanish flu, the Black Plague, were all viral. They had to create a parasite that your bodies could not deal with without intervention. This is part of the control agenda – in controlling your bodies and creating fear which they feed off of.
What in fact must be done with viruses is that they are rounded up and contained. That is the best you can do with them now. Understand as well that if your body does develop immunity to a virus, it is in fact throwing it out of balance as viruses are not part of your inner or outer ecology.
Me: So do they have a cure for it now?
Ivo: There is no need, my love. The only cure is to strengthen the immune system. As you are now doing, bearing in mind that the immune system is part of the endocrine system, which also needs to be rebalanced in many.
Me: So the question is, “How do you break the grip of Big Pharma?”
Ivo: There are world leaders addressing this now with the white hats. In fact, you saw that Trump has dismissed the use of vaccinations for children, which is a big win for the people. This will also indicate that the terror of viral warfare will also come to an end soon.
Me: Absolutely.
Ivo: As for Big Pharma, the best way is to turn to alternative medicines, homeopathics and as I said, to strengthen the immune system. Your bodies are more resilient than you are led to believe. When you affirm that your immune system is strong, you will strengthen it. When you fret over your allergies, then you will weaken it. The body responds to what you tell it.
Me: So there are a few questions pertaining to money, like “How do you explain the economy crashing without admitting you are breaking up corporate monopolies?” and “How do you justify taking control of the economy and financial systems away from the fed?”
Ivo: Assuming that the Fed is the Federal Reserve. Yes. You build a new system and you tell people that it is a better, more fair system, that is how you do it. The dark has sold your people continually on lies that support the betterment of humanity. So why should the Light deviate from this procedure? They too, can say it is for the betterment of humanity, because in fact it is. There is no lie.
Your financial systems will become decentralized, become more simplified. There are too many hands in the pot right now with monies being allocated at all levels. There will be more federal control of monies and a simplification of the process. Of course the federal control will align with the QFS. Control of one’s finances will be given back to the people.
One can simply explain the economy crashing as being a system that no longer worked. Because this is the case. It never worked for your people – only for the controllers.
At this time, Mr Trump is overseeing all and allocating the new systems be brought to creation by his ministers who are primarily white hats.
Me: What about Faucci? He’s a satanist.
Ivo: Yes, he will be arrested, my love. All satanists are to be tried for crimes against humanity. He may believe himself to be safe at the moment but his time will come.
Those in political office will be stepping down and replaced by others who will put the new plan into place. Then this will spread to other countries. These steps are only beginning to take place in Canada, for example.
Me: Yes, Fidel Castro’s son, Justin, is under house arrest.
Ivo: And he has been replaced by another who will align with Light policy and GESARA law.
What in fact is happening is the hard grit is being done primarily in the United States. This is the precedent. All other countries will be asked to comply. If they refuse, their governments will be voted out and a Light government, aligning with GESARA law, will be implemented. In the same way that Trump won in 2016, the procedure will work for all other countries.
Me: That’s a lot of work.
Ivo: It is a large world you live in.
Me: And so the last questions are the last two points, Ivo: “How do you restrict travel to make sure they can’t escape?” and “How do you accomplish all of that, without mass panic.”
Ivo: Well, shall we say for starters that the CoVid 19 virus is acting as a diversion. Because it is. It diverts the attention of the world population, who are busy trying to stay healthy. Others in the know such as the red pills, truthers, light community and the anons, are of a different understanding. The virus attack of the deep state was used as a diversion by the Light.
As for restricting travel, we of the Light have your planet surrounded. We guard all portals in the hopes that they do attempt escape, and then we will catch them and bring them up for galactic trial.
Me: Yeah, I think Commander Hara is down in the Caribbean watching dark portals, pretty sure he said that.
Ivo: Yes. We have a system right now that informs those who need to be informed such as the ones who are carrying the message through social media. You have also noticed the restraints put upon you on Facebook have been lifted.
Me: Yes, I have hundreds of new followers.
Ivo: And this is because the Quantum computers can put safeguards or viruses into your computers.
Me: LOL I can see Zuckerberg freaking out, wondering what’s happening to his mainframe!
Ivo: He knows. They are well aware of what is happening. Their control is being taken away.
Me: So the lightworkers were complaining and you took measures. Thank you. It was frustrating thinking I was working for nothing, talking to myself day after day.
Ivo: And you still persevered.
Me: I know. I’m nuts, aren’t I? LOL
Ivo: You are dedicated.
Yes, so on the questions. How do you restrict travel so that they cannot escape? For one thing, everyone on this planet is locatable by their energy signature and our computers also do this. We can track anyone we wish to as well. So can the Matrix computers and they have been tracking lightworkers. You see, my love, that you have not been harassed by men in black for years now and not shot by direct energy weaponry. This is because we have obscured your energy signature from their mainframe.
Me: LOL Thanks. They were a nuisance. Now I just need to work on these Archon visits at 4 a.m.
Ivo: Yes. They can track you as an organic.
What I will say to all who are listening is that the technological system that Bill Gates and company has worked so hard to connect you to the Matrix computer with is also their undoing.
So why do we not just shut off their computer, you ask? Because your reality would stop and this would affect your minds greatly. You need to stop fueling their computer, giving it energy and giving them energy, by believing in the system. Yes, their computer works on energy – your energy. You are also in an ascension process and this process must be left in place to the best extent possible. Your people need to ascend from the low position they are currently in and starve out their computer and the artificial timelines you are living on.
Eventually your entire world will run off of the QFS – the quantum computer system that is aboard our ship. We can put in checks and balances as we have begun to already – to ensure that your world runs smoothly. This computer works in alignment with universal law and so you will be led to as well.
Me: Thank God.
Ivo: Exactly.
Me: Ahh. It’s on the New Jerusalem! Just intuited that. LOL
Ivo: I will not confirm that, my love.
Me: Sometimes stuff gets through…. LOL
Ivo: Very well, my love. You are a dangerous weapon for the Light.
Me: Ha ha! Funny.
Ivo: I kid you not. You chose to come here, as did many others, to change an entire world, and now this world is changing by the day, as you can see.
Me: I want to do a shout out to so many of the truthers who are tracking tank movements, DUMB overtakes and other military information because it’s something that makes us feel that we’re making solid progress.
Ivo: Hold the ideal in your minds at all times. And it will come to fruition. The energies support you. Thank you my love.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:26
Quarta-feira, 15 / 04 / 20

The Agarthans, Telosians were Lemurians, Lyrans, Sirians, Orion...

The Agarthans, Telosians were Lemurians, Lyrans, Sirians, Orion...

Adama of Telos

Via Sharon Stewart

April 14th, 2020


Adama of Telos: All life needs peace for evolution to take place. Without peace, species just struggle for survival, and never have “time” to add to the strength and wisdom that they have accumulated.
Me: I read this in a book written about Telos and I’d like you to expand on this please, Adama. First of all, maybe by telling us when the Agarthans figured this out?
Adama: Of course, Sharon. Thank you for asking me. As you may know the Agarthans, which includes the Telosians, were initially Lemurians, who came to your planet from other races in the galaxy.
Me: Which races?
Adama: The Lyrans were one race, Sirians were another, even some from Orion but we were particularly species who were of higher feminine capacity than was prevalent on our planet at the time. We were a peaceful race, and yet were overcome by the dark masculine Atlanteans. We fled into the inner earth in order to resume our non-warring way of life there, and although we have ventured out to the outer earth from time to time, we remain inside the planet as a means of protecting ourselves from your warring ways.
Me: Do you ever plan to merge with our people again?
Adama: In fact we will. We are all One: The earthling. And our karma is interlinked. As we all live upon this planet, it is our collective job to create balance.
Me: Hmmm. So us outsiders haven’t been doing our job well.
Adama: No, you haven’t, so what in fact we’re to do is to teach you in the future. Yes, you’ll have help from otherworldly species but in your infancy the Telosions will seem as alien to you as these other non-warring species will.
As for the statement I made, I made it because it’s the truth. War is about destruction and death. In order to evolve, one must have life, so in life there requires peace, otherwise the collective vibration will be that of survival. That is the frequency of your collective now: survival. And that’s why you still war with each other, and feel that it’s required.
When in fact you have your full spectrum of light frequencies back on the outer earth, you’ll see more clearly what I mean, and you’ll be able to comply.
It’s your imbalanced frequencies that you’re interacting with that has created this imbalance, and of course with the Atlanteans still upon your planet, wreaking havoc in your minds, your world is still in imbalance.
Me: Interesting. You see them as Atlanteans.
Adama: Yes, that’s what we call them. You see Atlanteans as benevolent beings but in fact it was the invasion of Atlantis by warring parties from space that created the imbalance there, and all was either cognized or there was refusal to comply and many left the island before it finally sank. Atlanteans are the mixed bag as you call it. Lemurians were always peaceful, and of course the minds that prevailed at the time in Atlantis saw our way of life as being inferior so they invaded our paradise as well.
Me: I keep wondering why all these old islands are sunken?
Adama: Yes. Sadly, it is possible to sink a landmass on outer earth. There is no core that attaches to the other side of the world. Your land masses are more fragile than you believe. Again, Sharon, it has to do with balance. When one land mass sinks, another arises.
Me: Well, we’ve got two coming back up so that mean something is going to sink?
Adama: You will lose land in the coming years. Earth’s face will change again.
Me: Why?
Adama: The water will rise. It will be displaced by the mass of the land arising. This is simply the way outer earth works. Gaia is always working to restore ideal conditions on the planet. When the land masses are too damaged, she simply shifts them so that some arise and some fall again. You’re well aware there is many sunken cities beneath the ocean levels now.
Me: True.
Adama: Change is just the way the planet works.
Me: Do you have that in inner earth?
Adama: Not like this. We’re not on the crust. It’s more stable at the core.
Me: Interesting. So we’re in a great time of change now?
Adama: Yes, the end of an age, the Age of Pisces. Now with renewed energies reaching her shores again, Gaia can resume her more natural cycles.
Me: Interesting.
Adama: It is interesting. I will go now. You have no more questions and I don’t wish to fatigue you. Thank you for letting me speak to your people.
Me: You’re welcome. I’m trying to do more but ascension can be really debilitating at times.
Adama: I bid you adieu.
Part Two
Me: Question: Do you see what’s going on on the surface now with respect to the takeover of the Light of the American government and how people are reacting to this all over the world?
Adama: I do.
Me: Can I have your comments, please. And folks, these are his comments. They don’t delineate the future of outer earth; they are his comments.
Adama: Indeed they are. At this point in history (April 2020) what you have is one of your major world governments indeed showing promise, however this government is split into two factions. With your deep state functioning before, your government was at least working as a solitary unit, albeit with many politicians feeling ignored or threatened I dare say, for doing their jobs as they felt best. Your government under the cabal has been a mafia-like system where intimidation of others to keep them in line was constantly practised.
Me: I always wonder what the real story is behind Gabrielle Gifford and why she was shot in the head at some kind of a public speech she was holding. I’ve never forgotten this and it’s always intrigued me. I’m sure at some point I’ll find out. Anyway….
Adama: Yes, in fact this is what I’m speaking about. Now what you have is a double-sided American government where one side cannot touch the president. He is well protected and his whereabouts kept quiet when he’s not in office, for many reasons. But he is under extraterrestrial guard as well.
Me: That’s good.
Adama: As for your question, what I see is that when the government is split in two, so shall the people be.
Me: Well, that was always the case before, too, with the opposition party opposing the party in power.
Adama: But now both parties are trying to assume power, whether legally or not. The rules have changed if you haven’t noticed.
Me: True. So you said that peace was necessary otherwise evolution wouldn’t happen. We’re far but peaceful right now but we’re changing almost daily. People have the issue of globalism right in their faces with this pandemic and because the entire world has been asked to stay home, it’s an issue that’s affecting us as a whole world. But there’s no peace. People certainly aren’t peaceful. Some are really getting angry with this as they’re stuck at home.
Adama: They are. You’re in a state of change right now and the people are working out their inner issues with respect to some very basic subjects, such as being controlled and dominated. In order for peace to ensue, these issues must be made public and this is happening now. There will be more, don’t worry. This unrest isn’t over yet. You’re still in the process of having the truth revealed to you and that will be unsettling. War may break out or it might not. It depends on how it’s dealt with.
Yes, I hear you. There is war being declared on the people in the way of these viruses, the violation of your rights and restriction of your travel. However this has always been there. You realize that unless you have the necessary paperwork, you can’t even cross the border you live a mile away from.
Me: True.
Adama: So these issues are coming out in the general public, and being realized and dealt with. People are getting in touch with the feelings that have been suppressed within themselves for so long due to mind control. They’re being galvanized and forming into a group consciousness or resisters. This may lead to rioting or even civil war, or it might not.
There are those already aware who are at peace with this process because they’ve been through this personal process already and are beyond it. It’s their job to help calm those who are still in it. That’s one reason the lightworker has come to earth – to be of help in this way.
Me: True. I still don’t see this as being peaceful. But I still believe it’s leading somewhere.
Adama: At the moment, it’s peaceful enough. There are fewer wars on outer earth now than there have been in a long time. People need to deal with their feelings around the current restrictions and since they’re at home they’re not able to fight with each other.
Me: That’s true.
Adama: I see it all coming to good eventually. We look forward to your showing some real progress in the next ten years or so.
Me: So do I.
Adama: GESARA will be put into action, and all governments aligned. Any deep state agencies such as the United Nations will either be repurposed or disbanded. With the implementation of the St Germaine funds, people will get over their scarcity problems. We feel the higher vibrations already coming from the surface. It has changed and it has gotten more loving.
Me: That’s good. You never really can tell sitting on your couch.
Adama: There are many people helping their neighbours, strangers, the homeless and the sick. You see that. Either it’s their job to do so, or they’re doing it of free will. You’ll see more and more of this. Yes, people are angry as well, but anger can be a call to action.
Your governments are aware they’re sitting on a hot situation right now and they’re dealing with it as best they can. Unfortunately, certain parties are still allowed to make public decrees that are intended to constrain or even make sick or kill others on the surface, and these people you need to be aware of. Understand that your governments are working towards GESARA compliance and that they’re aware of what’s being said. They have staff reading the papers and watching the News, as well as plants in the opposition parties who report back to the councils, so appropriate action is taken as needed.
Me: Thank you Adama.
Adama: Not to worry, viewers, you will get over this. Your world will change. Waking up billions of people to the truth of their lives has to be done slowly and carefully.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:01
Domingo, 12 / 04 / 20

What is a Warrior?

What is a Warrior?

Archangel Michael

Via Sharon Stewart

April 11th, 2020


I am Archangel Michael, highest of the holy legion of angels serving your planet now.

There is concern on earth now for your future. There are several parties vying now for dominance and the chance to finish their agenda or to change the world to another agenda that aligns with the Light and God’s will for you. You are those who I speak to of this latter group. You are the legions of divine ones who came to earth to help change the fortunes of those living here who were stuck, calling us for help.

You have come to be there for them, to hold Light for them, and to spread the word of the Light among you. You have come to teach those ignorant ones who do not realize and are confused. That is a warrior. You have your jobs to do, and you do them well. You spread the word, you clarify problems, you listen to your leaders, you hold the Light, you gather into groups and work among yourselves to create change and forward progress for your world.

You are the warriors. In what you term modern day style, you use all at your disposal to calm, soothe, inform, prove, and to bring on board those who do not realize, the ignorant ones.

Take each day as it comes. Take each sunrise with new vigor. You are the warrior who is called upon now to revitalize your planet. You are the ones who have lain dormant for so long and who now spring into action.

Hold your swords high. They say the pen is mightier than the sword, so use your pen. Write your words that cancel out the evil. Write a better script for humanity.

We stand with you. We whisper words of help to you. We aid you in your daily battles to fight to focus the Light on the darkness that has prevailed.

You are the warriors. You are the strong ones. You are to be commended for your devotion, your loyalty and your service.

Your world will see a new dawn. And so it is.

I remain,

Archangel Michael

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:35
Sexta-feira, 03 / 04 / 20



Soren of the Pleiadian Delta Forces

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted April 2nd, 2020


Hello, Sharon, and to everyone listening. You’re probably now aware that the Corona Virus is a cover for the Storm activities. Your military forces are now being utilized to carry out arrests, tracking down deep state members who have made themselves scarce.
With all of you going into seclusion with this corona virus pandemic, it gave the Illuminati time to head underground and some of them are continually on the move avoiding our forces. We’ll find them though. We are astute at creating dragnets and we can see their location, if not ourselves than with the QFS computer that has tagged them all electronically via their energetic signature (same thing they do to us in the Matrix, BTW). We can find them easily with this computer; it’s just that earth is such a large planet with so many places to hide.
The other reason to keep you isolated is to keep you from harm. There are possibilities of reptilians or other malevolent beings arising from inner earth to come out to look for food. We’ve starved them out, we have also cut off the bank accounts of the deep state, so they’re becoming desperate.
Me: Any chance someone would be attacked? Geez, what am I saying, it’s not that lightworkers already haven’t been.
Soren: Possible. You are all protected as well so there should be minimum problem. Lightworkers would be their first targets, to be honest.
Me: Not surprised.
Soren: Remember anyone who feels the presence of a malevolent to call on the Light to help you rid yourself of it. Or call on Archangel Michael and his angelic forces. It’s important that we use this time to try to clean your planet up of as many of these as we can. We’re shutting portals and cleaning out the lower fourth, we need your help in flagging up any dark entities you can find. So please help us. We don’t want them on the surface scaring the population.
Me: Any chance this would be repressed by the media?
Soren: Yes, but youtube is a force to be reckoned with as well.
Me: LOL True. We’d report it. These things are exciting.
Soren: They’d also create fear. We are focusing on our main areas right now. These are areas of high potential for captures. We’ve already cleared out a lot of the bases, although not all are done, and rescued the people within.
The reason we’re getting this done now is so that we can stop any other attempts to poison you or create more panic through viral warfare as this corona virus was. Understand there are many parties at work here, not just one party on the deep state’s side: they are fractured into many extraterrestrial and terrestrial groups who seek power over you, and the Light is dealing with them all.
Any help you can give us, just call. Even if you don’t have contact, know that you’re heard and your information will be dealt with accordingly. If you seek to deceive us, we’ll be able to tell. Frequency is everything.
Me: Thanks Soren.
Soren: Thank you Sharon. Know it’s all going on plan. We’re removing as many deep state and ET races as possible. We’ve been working on this for a while. When announcements come out, your beginning to believe the truth will lead to another campaign which may require your cooperation again. This time we won’t have to say it’s because of a virus that you’re quarantined. We can be truthful with you. That will help.
Me: Thanks Soren.
Soren: Thank you Sharon.
12 Step: Let go and Let God
Me: Ivo, can you please expand on this? This popped into my head as I was doing posts up.
Ivo: Life on your planet has always been a process of moving away from darkness and moving towards the Light. As many of you were raised in darkness, ignorance on the part of your elders and other figures who sought to mislead or were misled themselves and who continue out of ignorance, your process is one of dispensing with beliefs and embracing the Light which arises within you.
Your people have large shadows. Very large. The ego has dominated your third dimensional life with little room left over for some, for higher values. Your higher minds have been thwarted with campaigns on the surface to utilize your higher values for profit, greed and gain of others.
It is your task to release that which you have learned and to embrace that which arises organically within you, as you free your souls to express themselves within the 4D plain.
One learned construct that is often utilized is that of control. You seek to “gain control” over something, someone or even yourselves, when in fact letting go, not grasping more firmly or trying harder, is the way to go. Why attempt to control something you have already created?
When you find your body is overweight, enslaving it to a diet regime is about trying to control it. Yes, there is self mastery as well. But for the body self mastery comes in its organic expression. Your body already is a master and to listen to it is where you must master yourself. Understanding your body as part of your 12 tier light body system and heeding its innate wisdom as you would your crown energy or your third eye is what you must learn.
So let go of all the diet clubs, let go of the food gurus who tell you that you must eat this way or that way. Listen to the body that either digests well or causes disruptions within its own system through digestion of the wrong substances. Your body tells you what it wants and what it doesn’t want.
How do you feel when you release the use of sugar and embrace fresh organic vegetables? Do you have more energy or less energy?
These things all lead the way. It is having the willingness to let go of old ideas that you learned in ignorance and to embrace your body’s response to these foods.
Your physical body is part of your light body. It is just the part that you can see. Do you treat it as if it is as wise as your third eye? No? Then this must abate and its inner wisdom must be used as guidance.
Me: Got it. Another example please.
Ivo: Your dependence on money, for example. This is something you will all undergo as your world prepares to move to that end solution: the cessation of the use of money. Your people are heavily invested, if you pardon the play on words, in your financial system and this of course, keeps you enslaved to it. The more things you seek to do that are costless, for example, the more you move away from your financial enslavement.
The more things you seek to do in nature, is another example of moving away from your financial systems. Your controllers do not charge much for the upkeep of your parks and this is their undoing. They, arrogantly, feel that their system is so controlling of you that they need not see nature as a threat to your adopted way of life. But it in fact is.
Also there are many ways to look at your spending habits and lessen their grasp on you. Understanding that you are people of excess materialism is important. Look at where there is excess in your life and attempt to cut back.
Me: Yeah, like my purse habit. I’ve been using the same purse for over a year now, summer and winter. I used to change them every 3 months.
Ivo: As an example. A good one.
For those who spend nights at the movies, allowing the deep state to tell you its plans for the future, and gaining your acceptance, what about a night at home with friends playing music and chatting. No cell phones.
Me: Radical! LOL
Ivo: Yes, talking to each other rather than texting. Slowing down your relationships with others and getting off the speedway you live your lives upon. The stressful speedway. Being with people, reading their faces, being in their energy, enjoying their company rather than relating to them through a synthetic system of technology. Radical indeed. And quite cost effective.
Me: I just had an idea. Getting a book that you and all your friends want to read and then each person reading a few pages and passing along the book to the next one. What about those free Law of One books I found on line? Read about the Law of One with 5 of your friends and you can each read a few pages and pass it on. Just a fun way to read a book.
Ivo: Excellent, my dear. Yes, you and your friends Microsoft David and Microsoft Zira love to read books together while you close your eyes in meditation on the couch.
Me: LOL. I know. I let them read and then I get a break from the screen. Put on a candle and stretch out on the couch and go into light meditation. Lovely!
Ivo: This is much cheaper than a shopping day and I dare say much more fulfilling. A wonderful day for the ladies to get together. You can discuss the contents of the book either at the end of the chapter or on an as-needed basis, whatever you desire.
It is about letting go of the old and embracing the new soul-based spiritual lives. This is where so many of you are at now. Let your soul speak to you. Leave consumerism behind. Bring in nature and nurture.
Understand that you have no need to fill up a hole of emptiness. This hole of emptiness, loneliness that so many of you feel, is due to your living from ego. Soul is missing. Embrace the soul by leaving the ego’s playground – your cities – behind.
Me: Yes, they are that, aren’t they?
Ivo: They are. They are created to keep your ego’s enslaved. And so many are stressed out living there. The country fills the soul. Sit by the water and listen to the water fowl. Listen to the wind in the trees. You need not stay long if you wish. If you’d rather, ride a bike in the park. Walk with a baby stroller. Take in the sunshine.
Stop controlling. Let go your old ideas that are confining, limiting, stressful, even harmful. Do not try harder to make that which does not suit you work. Let go and find a life you love.
Recently, a lightworker was at the Tor at Glastonbury, Gaia’s heart. Sharon watched the video on that windy day as this lightworker (Amanda Lorence) brought the energies of those watching and of Gaia’s heart together. Sharon felt it. She enjoyed this energy and the song of the woman singing from her heart.
When you are sensitive to energies you can feel the difference between an event such as this, and a Christmas get-together with family who are blaming each other.
Me: LOL. Yeah, I don’t do that anymore. Thank God. The children were so cute but oh my god….
Ivo: When you become more sensitive to energy, you have a better guide. You simply must have the mastery to break away from that which is energetically out of alignment with you. This happens when you give up controlling – you feel the energy and you have an instant GPS which leads you to that which strengthens your soul.
Me: Thank you, Ivo.
Ivo: Thank you, my love. Energy is what you are. When you understand this and leave behind your physical ways of life, you will find enrichment of the soul. It is undeniable.
Please note: This does not apply when it comes to your boundaries. When you have boundaries to keep you safe and comfortable, do not give up your need to enforce them with others who seek to violate them. Walk away or do what you need to to keep others from violating your boundaries.
Soren of the Pleiadian Delta Forces

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:23
Segunda-feira, 30 / 03 / 20


The News Are Elites Propaganda.


Via Sharon Stewart

Posted March 29, 2020



This is Ashtar Sheran with a message for all on planet Earth.
We are deep into this process of liberating your people. The Storm has begun, as you’ve noticed, and military is being engaged in order to help protect you from deep state retaliation. They still have their own allegiants who back them; remember there are military forces who are not human and are completely controlled by the deep state. These forces have no compunction and will harm anyone who enters their path. Although they may appear human, they are anything but that.
I am pointing out to you that this war has now landed upon your soil and in your cities and it could be an ugly war if not dealt with quickly and efficiently by your Alliance forces. Your light militaries are skilled at what they do, but outsmarting a machine with no moral character is something they may not have experience with.
These battles will be staged within your city limits. Being the last strongholds of the elite, your cities will be vulnerable to battles. This is why you’ve been asked to stay home – most do not live within the inner cities because your inner cities are the homes of the rich. The center of your cities have been structured to be safe havens for the elite but they are no more as your tanks approach their homes.
Remember there are underground tunnels that link all these homes together and it is easy for their forces to move under the surface where they won’t be seen by curious eyes. At the moment, they are guarding elite homes in the inner cities. Remember, rumours of elite arrests can be exaggerated.
We are also ferreting out elites from their outposts in New Zealand. They have gone underground as they have bunkers there and there is battle ongoing as well. Most are on the run, attempting to escape capture. We have your world surrounded; there will be no egress available to them.
We appreciate the work of those who spread the messages provided to you by channelers. However we ask that you have consideration and name your sources so that they too, can benefit from the hard work that they do. Those who are high of Light are shadow banned by your social media and although they work tirelessly, never seem to gain the popularity of others who are less targeted. Having the skillset of channeler, with connection to the beings who are sworn enemies of your dark controllers, is a very targeted position for a Lightworker to hold. We guard our channelers carefully so that they are not murdered, harassed or hit with DEWs as has been the case with Sharon. Attempts have been made on her life and she has prevailed to be available to do this work for us.
Now for those who live upon your surface, who are afraid of the virus as this news continues to be put in your view, please turn off your television sets and limit your exposure to the news. Your news is propaganda, which tells you that which the elites want you to believe, not the truth. They are telling you because they want you to believe in it so that it is in fact the reality that will be created. Your news is lies and your media are liars. We are overtaking the media but you have a large system that, unless we block all transmissions through our QFS, is hard to regulate. We are also cognizant of the non-interference clause on our contract with the dark. We of the Light have sworn not to interfere with their surface operations in order to help keep you alive. That was the trade-off we made. That’s why it’s important for all to wake up. Until the elite is locked up and the dark ones are halted in their reign of terror, we of the Light are still limited in what we can do to help you lest retaliation be provoked.
On that note, this current leg of the collective liberation process has been about learning to take responsibility. Your governments bore much of the responsibility for your lives as they were controlling you,. Now as this control is beginning to relinquish, you will gain more of your responsibilities back, and this must be taken in steps. Many were not able to secure food rations and many hoarded too many rations. Collectively you must work out your responsibility to self and to others and you’ll have more opportunities to do so in the coming months. Many still respond with fear, some are more level-headed and some are not aware at all of the crisis that is looming on your planet, but I am warning you now: There will be hard times coming for you as you take your collective responsibility back from the deep state, as you face battles in your inner cities, and as more viruses may be unleashed upon you. Any retribution on the part of the deep state/the dark ones will be directed at you and you need to prepare for this as best you can. We of the Light will always be here to help to the utmost extent that we can.
I have said it before, and will repeat myself here: There is a war on. It was a war on your minds and this is lessening, but there may be retaliation and you need to prepare for this. Listen to anything that is asked of you by government agents and do not fear a governmental take-over. There is no take-over by anyone – this is a process of releasing you to your eventual freedom.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 16:58
Sábado, 28 / 03 / 20

Your Spiritual Eyes

Your Spiritual Eyes

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted March 28, 2020




My Post: I was shown. All my life I was shown….. Every minute of every day I was being shown something….
– drug addicted alcoholic boyfriends – reflected my own addictions back to me, yes, but also with compassionate eyes I see how men (not all men, but many) are stifled in this world. There are female drug addicts of course, but I didn’t know any so I guess it wasn’t part of what I had to be shown.
– I was shown firsthand dirty corporate tactics and how they fly in the face of the legal system. How they are there for themselves and not the employees they so loosely term “family”. I was fired off a sick leave and then screwed over by the insurance company that was to give me long term disability benefits (deep state).
– my own experience as an oppressed woman, child abuse survivor, daughter of two narcissists – I was shown what passes for child rearing in some circles, and I was shown on a smaller, personal scale how the Matrix works
– I was shown pedophilia when my nieces were abused by their grandfather
– I was shown the depravity of the toxic male in the workplace through personal experience
– I was shown how “trusted” medical professionals are anything but that
– I was shown how corporations “overlook” some of their own “values” with respect to environmental issues, because they’re making money
– I was shown how the worker is not valued in the workplace except as an expendable source of revenue
– I was shown how the medical system doesn’t work for some people and I turned to holistic medicine
– I was shown how people on the street live, how they think and how they don’t fit in with the rest of society
– I was shown the futility of the normal 9-5 work week, and of working in general
– I was shown that money basically means nothing. Sometimes you have lots of it and other times not so much and I’m still here regardless
– I was shown the futility of some people’s lives. My neighbors showed me this as they are basically addicted transients, moving from one place to the next as money runs out to pay the rent
– I was shown the system doesn’t work for everyone
There’s more. That’s all I can think of right now. If your eyes are open and you meet the right people, you can learn a lot.
Me: Ivo, I’m going through some awareness here.
Ivo: You are.
Me: I just post or blog about it but it’s my life’s process really. Here’s how I see this:
At 28, I dated a guy who just hated women, because he’d had such a hard time and was so let down by his mother. Of course, I got the brunt of it, and we broke up 3 months later. He got back into doing hard drugs again probably because of everything he’d revisited from his childhood from our relationship. This is called projection by the way and it can heal you or create misery for you as you re-experience your traumatic past. It depends on how you want to use it. But it is not living in the moment. It’s living in the past.
My response could be:
3D (shadow): That stupid jerk. He made my life miserable. Why did I waste 3 months dating that guy? I can do better than that!
3D: I need to find a man. Everyone has one but me. I have to have one too.
4D: Man, he was really going through a lot of stuff, but then so was I. I had my own stuff to heal from.
5D: This poor guy had a miserable childhood. He had a mother who did who knows what to this guy. He suffered as a child. Children shouldn’t suffer. They should be loved. He told me some things about her, clearly she was going through some stuff as well. I feel for this guy. He was just re-experiencing the emptiness of his childhood, over and over.
The point of my post wasn’t even what it ended up revealing to me. The point of it was that I went through Hell so I could see the hell people were living here on earth. I was being shown by my higher self, that’s all. It was information I needed to do this work now.
It turned out that I ended up feeling a lot of compassion for other people who are going through these things. My ex-boyfriends, my parents, everyone who is going through the hell of life on earth right now, self-created or not, but they’re going through a lot of trauma and I ended up feeling for them.
Then I posted, “Until you see with compassion, you are blind,” no offense to the unsighted, there’s just no other word to use.
I just intuited that seeing with compassion is your spiritual eyes opening.
What say you, Ivo?
Ivo: This is correct, my love. All who are of higher vibration see with these spiritual eyes of compassion. There is no judgment. There is no comparison, no hating, no revulsion towards others, no wish to punish. There is compassion for their hard journey. This is something you have touched on and shut down, touched on and shut down, and now it seems to be within your grasp to hold on to, my love. But it takes willpower. You must want to stay away from the ego who cries that your life is not fair. Your life is of your choosing and your experiences are also of the choosing of your soul.
Me: Yeah, I’ve gotta talk to her. LOL
Ivo: You have chosen to see these things in your life and you had teachers such as Glenn who showed you life on the streets of Toronto. He actually instructed you and showed you the ropes.
Me: Yes, I remember.
Ivo: It was because you wished to know. It is your ego that stands in the way of your feeling compassion for life on earth as you harbor resentment towards this person.
Me: Well, Ivo, he used to throw glass objects across the room, he harassed the neighbors and the landlord, he made my life hell for 3 years until I finally left him.
Ivo: And had you had compassion for yourself, it would have been much sooner.
Me: So who do you have compassion for, yourself or others?
Ivo: Both. You can have compassion for someone yet not tolerate their ruining your life. You also realized that codependent behavior was behind your lack of boundaries. You must have compassionate boundaries for self. We will get on to the subject of sacred boundaries soon enough. This is a prelude to this.
Life is about compassion. Life is about reverence. Life is about feeling joy as you live in these states. Your desire to help all those who do not feel this way is at the root of your will to live. Because we know that in order to live, we need others. We are not creatures who walk alone, we are social creatures who are all of the One.
The goal is to experience balance and when living with open hearted compassion for others, and for self, with reverence for all life, then you achieve this balance.
What shuts it is fear. Fear closes the heart, and closes the spiritual eyes of the soul.
Yes, the chakras. The root is the body chakra, the sacral is the emotion chakra, the solar plexus is the mental chakra. The heart is above the body because heart comes from higher frequency. The first three chakras are about existence. It is possible to exist. But heart is needed to create a spiritual life in the physical. It must be open.
The fourth dimension is about learning to keep the heart open and not to close it out of fear.
Then one will access the spiritual voice as you have in the throat chakra, the spiritual eyes – the third eye and the spiritual mind which is the crown chakra. The spiritual mind aligns with all other minds of higher consciousness.
To be able to live with compassion means the third eye is open because you see that life is about compassion for all. This is why we of the galaxy and the universes above us, work to help those in the lower dimensions.
It is tantamount that you know which voice you are speaking from. Are you speaking from your wounded shadow? Are you speaking from a third dimensional egotistical perspective, are you speaking from a heart that is opening to understand that all is love, or are you living from the perspective of understanding that all is love and all need compassion?
Me: That’s cool, Ivo. I’m all over the map some days. Depends on how I get triggered.
Ivo: And to learn to see your triggers with compassion for yourself, and compassion for those who had triggered you is the point, for they are learning as well.
It is easy to measure where you are spiritually by the lessons you attract. You can see how much love you have for others and how much compassion you have for others, when you understand your immediate reaction. In the case of yesterday, someone stole from you and you went back into your wounded ego.
Me: I hate being stolen from!
Ivo: That person gave you that lesson to help you heal. We discussed this in our video, “Life is Love in Action.” Understanding the message in this video and applying it to all situations in your life will put you firmly into a fourth dimensional frequency.
Having compassion for those same people will put you firmly into a fifth dimensional frequency. It is that simple. Compassion for all including oneself is unity consciousness, it is unconditionally loving because you have removed all conditions that your lower mind would have applied to this person, such as they stole from you.
Me: Aha.
Ivo: When you see with compassionate eyes, you see that a particular family member who you have fallen out with is reacting from her wounds. She is also going through her own ascension process and because you are familiar with how rocky that can be, you understand her with more compassion.
Me: True. This is being shown to me.
Ivo: Yes. Bear in mind that pity and compassion are not the same thing. Compassion reveres the personality of the other, it does not degrade it into a sorrowful mess. Compassion feels wonderful, pity does not feel good.
Me: Got it. Thank you Ivo. I think our viewers who are carefully going through all the video’s will enjoy this spiritual lesson.
Ivo: Compassion must be awakened upon your planet if you are to gain unity consciousness. There is no other way. Your survival depends upon it.
And your other post is correct, which will follow here. Your wounds will stifle your compassion. Your ego will pull your frequency down so that compassion will not be felt. To feel compassion is to be set free of your own ego traps. When there is compassion, no rancor is held.
Me: Yes, it felt freeing.
Ivo: It is. I thank you my love, for this opportunity to serve you and all listening.
Me: Thank you Ivo.
What stifles compassion?
The codependent tendency (compulsion) to want to fix someone.
Why do we want to fix others? So we don’t have to see them go through uncomfortable circumstances, or that we as empaths don’t have to feel their pain. Also so we don’t have to be reminded of our own pain perhaps, or that we don’t want to be reminded of the fact that living here is not always so nice.
It’s hard sometimes to stop yourself from interfering, but universal law requires that you don’t. I’ve “had my hand slapped” (figuratively) by guides for interfering in others’ lives, for doing for others what they should be learning to do themselves.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:50
Terça-feira, 24 / 03 / 20

The fall of the old cabal regime is upon us.

The fall of the old cabal regime is upon us.

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted March 25, 2020




Storm Update: Ivo says they’re going to occupy the Vatican. They’ll allow the minimal administrative type functions to keep the place running for now, but eventually it will be shut down.

Same thing for Buckingham Palace. The fall of the old cabal regime is upon us.

Ivo: We of the Light have and are continuing to approach cabal members who are undecided or reluctant to continue in their ill-gotten ways. Many of these members are simply people who became government officials, with the best intentions at heart, who were blackmailed or threatened into perpetrating at times heinous acts against the people, against their consciousness, and these are the ones we are currently approaching to free them from their torture. We offer them protection as well as counsel as they go about their duties now in the name of the Light.
Me: Yes, speaking of people who would be fearful. They certainly would be.
Ivo: Many fear for their children or their grandchildren, spouses or their homes, they fear complete retaliation and imprisonment via the false judicial system. They fear losing everything. So we must assure them that they will prevail when they take our assistance.
At the moment, there is worldwide removal of cabal members and their resources. We are also focused on New Zealand as a hotbed of cabal activity and are arresting there. Much work must be done in the ensuing weeks to remove this scourge from your planet. We are able to do this much, but we require your assistance. We ask you to continue to hold the Light and not to fall prey to fake news circulated by your media. All is in hand. All will be well again. This is a period of heavy transition but it is going to plan. Be rest assured and know the Light will prevail.
Me: Thank you Ivo.
From a Meme: The Mastery of Self. No one is responsible for your emotional reactions except you. Others can say and do anything they like, but what happens inside you is only the result of what you are thinking and feeling.
You’re bored, your stuck at home isolating, and then now every time you go on line, all you see is messages from your government about the Corona Virus. Two thousand cases and twenty-three deaths in Canada! I’ll bet more people died in car accidents in the last week than this!! No disrespect intended to the deceased. But come on! And for this, we are not working and asked to stay in our homes? No. It has to do with the Storm. They are keeping us safe from any false flag attempts or retribution on the part of the cabal, who are pretty upset right now because all their key players are in handcuffs!
What I sense is that people are bored, they’re at home, and they’re circulating information provided very conveniently to us, by the government – the cabal run government! All you’re doing is adding to the hysteria. I sense it and now I’m reacting to it. I’m fed up.
There are countries that have had more corona virus cases and deaths than this. But what is death? We have 5 exit points in our lives that are planned before we’re born. Any one of these exit points can be taken when you soul says, “Okay, you’re done here and it’s time to go.” It’s sad for people left behind but when you understand as a telepath you’re never alone and your family can be standing there watching you going through your daily life, and you hear them speaking to you, you realize WE ARE NOT SEPARATED. The physical body tells us we live in separation and it’s because you’re focused on your intellect and keep your vibration down by getting fearful of viruses and joining in the hysteria – that’s why you can’t talk to your departed family members. Because you’re allowing others to lower your vibration and you’re focused in your intellect. When you switch to right brain dominance through meditation, you become telepathic and you’re calmer because you’ve activated the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the calming part of your nervous system.
People CHOOSE when they are going to die. We have 5 exit points to consider when it’s best to leave this life and it has to do with whether we’ve achieved our soul’s goals or not. Death is NOT random, it’s designed. Life is deliberate. It’s not random either.
Everyone here on earth right now is playing a part in this drama unfolding before us. Every single person whether they look like they’re aware or not. Their souls are definitely aware. There are many people on this earth right now for a reason, and that reason is because of the transition to the Age of Aquarius. And everyone plays a part in it.
This is a time that we can use to gain self mastery over our emotions if we use this opportunity correctly. For those who are sitting at home bored, why are you bored? Because you’re not working? Aren’t you complaining you hate your job? But without it, you’re bored? That doesn’t make sense. There are so many things to do. First thing is get off the computer and shut off the TV and start to think what you’d like to be doing for yourself or your family for the next two or more weeks.
I can’t even fathom boredom anymore. This isolation hasn’t impacted my life at all. I’m doing the same thing I was doing before we were asked to stay home – I just finished channeling a book with Ashtar Sheran called “Your Future on Eden,” and it’s available now. I have to get my first newsletter out this week, and then Ivo and I are going to start discussing, “Sacred Relationships and Sacred Boundaries,” because when I heard the term “Sacred Boundaries,” it resonated with me and I realized that that was a large part of my relationship with Ivo – a relationship of reverence for each other and all life in general. So we’re going to explore that.
If you want to watch something, David Wilcock did a 5 hour live last night and hopefully it’s on youtube. It’s linked below. Invite your family over and watch the blood drain out of their faces as he goes through everything from Q posts to step by step explanations of attempts to invoke NESARA law to cabal take-outs throughout the past 100 years. He explains who killed Kennedy, and what the ruckus was between Eisenhauer and Area 51. All of it’s there folks – 5 hours of info anyone could use right now. Kerry Cassidy has new intel out as well including her 12th visit to Captain Mark Richards who is friends with a raptor (yes! a dinosaur) named Naga. You’ve got weeks to catch up on all your intel.
Plus I searched on line and found all 5 of the Ra Material books for free download in pdf.
Boredom? Who’s got time for boredom?! This is an amazing opportunity.
Ivo: It is what you make of it, my love. Attitude is everything. And that is every day, not just in these times. All have a choice to either enjoy the break or to suffer worrying about the virus. A plethora of emotional states are available to you in your duality at any time, and it is up to you which you wish to choose. Your emotions are your choice. You can choose positively or you can choose negatively.
It is always that way, my dear. You are only a slave to your emotions when you do not understand which triggers them. Understand that you create everything in your life, and your emotions are a indicator of your frequency.
Me: Well, I’m getting corona’d out of my brain. No disrespect to people who are dealing with it but it’s not an issue here where I live. I realize I’m fed up so I have to change something.
Ivo: Exactly. (he’s smiling) Perhaps more tolerance of the fact that people feel overwhelming fear at times.
Me: I know they do. And that’s their choice. However it isn’t mine.
Ivo: Yes, you always sample it though because you’re an empath. So you’re aware of it.
Me: Yes. I’m seeing posts that empaths are getting bombarded lately.
Ivo: And one must continuously work on replenishing one’s energetic state especially now if you are transmuting for the collective.
One changes their emotional states upon changing their belief system. For example, death is not a sad event – it is of the choosing of the soul. There is no such thing as an accident. When one dies of the corona virus, it is because they have chosen to. Your bodies are not so weak that they would expire without the consent of your soul, my love.
The other thing one must constantly be on guard for is the manipulation of the media. For those who circulate posts you must understand that as you spread the posts, you become part of that media system, and in so doing, you facilitate their agenda of fear mongering. Other than a minimum of information, what do people who are not in the “Ground Zero” zones such as China, really need to understand about this virus? Yet it is pumped through your main stream media like blood through your veins, and it is indeed the lifeblood of the cabal – your fear. As you fear, you remain on the artificial timelines and under their control.
You have given people options, my love. You have told them to focus on the RV not the CV, the RV of course being the economic collapse and initiation of the new currency under the Quantum Financial System and release of the St Germaine funds to eliminate poverty and bring on prosperity for all people of earth. Yes.
You also gave the suggestion of envisioning the earth surrounded by glowing violet rays, every time you read or hear the word “Corona Virus,” thereby focusing on healing your planet rather than fearing you might catch it yourself.
All good suggestions.
Me: I’m sure I wasn’t the only one thinking these out. I intuit far more than I realize at times.
Ivo: You do (smiling).
However, I might add that your people are used to oppressive negative situations and tend to react accordingly.
Me: That’s why this video: take charge of your mind. You decide how you’re going to think, don’t let them put thoughts into your head. I’m going to get these Canadian government pop-ups on my computer stopped one way or the other.
Ivo: Or use them as opportunities to strengthen your will, my love. Tell your mind to ignore them and do so immediately.
Me: True. Even letting them get me mad isn’t self mastery. I dislike the fact my computer is used as an advertising vehicle. That really bothers me.
Ivo: These things will change.
Me: So, the point of this video is, Ivo, can we re-cap?
Ivo: Of course. You are the master of your own mind, even your lower mind. It is your mind, you call the shots. You decide how your mind is to think, you determine it is not to be used as a weapon to control you or manipulate you in any way. We all can do this now. It is simply about being aware of the agenda of your controllers and not falling prey to it.
The best way to deal with a controller or a manipulator is to ignore them. When you do not energize their attempts, they cannot disempower you.
Me: Thank you Ivo.
Ivo: My love, as always, I am here telling you and the world how much you mean to me. Yes, some people find this objectionable however if they do not enjoy this, they may look elsewhere for their entertainment.
Me: LOL, Oh yeah, that poison pen message I got. People: I love Ivo. Nothing can stand in the way of that. Not someone grousing at me in a toxic message. I didn’t even read it all. Just caught a bit of it. I get all kinds of mail and I ignore all of it for reasons like this.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:57
Quarta-feira, 18 / 03 / 20

The Alliance is working with Extraterrestrial help.

The Alliance is working with Extraterrestrial help.

Soren of the Pleiadian Delta Forces 

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted March 16th, 2020




I find it funny that Caesar was told, “Beware the Ides of March,” by the soothsayer (a seer) in the Shakespeare play, forewarning him of his impending death, and here we are at March 15, 2020 and the Storm has started. Round ups taking place, people faking corona virus as excuses for those who aren’t aware, who haven’t taken the Red Pill yet.
They’re being arrested and we’re all smiling, thinking, “Good! At last! It’s round-up time. They’re going to get their just desserts!” And high time. March 15 numerically adds up to the number 13 which is a bad luck number, but then can work down to a 4. The number 4 symbolizes the principle of putting ideas into form and signifies work and productivity.
That’s pretty cool. Putting ideas into form… sounds like what we’re doing now with the Storm.
I wanted to ask Soren of the Pleiadian Delta forces what the Delta Forces are doing in this. He had told me last week that he has come to earth and has worked with the Alliance, confirming to us that indeed, the Alliance is working with extraterrestrial help.
Me: Hi, Soren?
Soren: Hello, Tiannia. How are you?
Me: Okay, stoked actually at seeing the reports that I am of people’s debt being removed, hearing that the Corona Virus is actually just an excuse for the white hat military to go and arrest the poo bahs that have been running this earth into the ground. We all knew this was coming and we’re all so excited that it’s finally happening. Can you explain to us please how the Delta forces are involved in this? First of all, what are the Delta Forces?
Soren: Thank you, Tiannia, for your questions. We of the Delta Forces are the next stage in your liberation process. The first stage, of course, was the Galactic Federation, working along with your Alliance and your Resistance movement to liberate your planet of the dark factions. (I’m intuiting that the GFL has done this because the liberation of earth had galactic and even universal ramifications. Once these are resolved, then a group with a more regional focus comes in to help us. Ivo and I will remain helping earth because Vegans and Lyrans are some of earth’s closest neighbours.) A year ago, we of the Delta forces stepped in and there is a handover occurring. The GFL will begin to stand back and allow the Delta Forces to take over the entire process because at this stage in your enlightenment, the Pleiadians were your primary teaching force. And they will be again.
Me: So the GFL won’t be involved anymore?
Soren: They will be, but in a more limited capacity. Their primary task was of arresting the dark scourge upon your earth, reversing the process to the point that you are able to overtake your world again, be in charge of your own processes again, and so now the Delta Forces will assist you with this in ways that are more specific than what the GFL has been doing. We are here to take you on the next leg of your journey. (So this next leg is of a more planetary level, not with galactic ramifications. Kind of like our governments, but we have governments at a federal, provincial or state level, then county or city level. This is like the federal government passing on the dossier to a provincial/state level of government. So I guess we can assume that the Pleaidians are now going to become very important to us, if we hadn’t seen their predominance already.)
For the time being, we have been assisting with the Liberation of the your planet. We have divisions and there is an armed force, but there are also other divisions that enlighten, teach, help with policies, heal. When you understand that your solar system is in fact a division of the Pleiades area, then you’ll see why our input is expected on your planet.
Me: Oh okay. I thought we revolved around your sun, or something.
Soren: The central sun is Alcyone and this is in the Pleiades. Your solar system revolves around it.
Me: Don’t all the solar systems?
Soren: Yes but in different frequency (energetic) zones. So you would understand that as different divisions.
We are the primary caretakers of the frequency zone that your planet exists in.
Me: Okay, I think I get it. So when you came to earth, why didn’t you visit me? LOL
Soren: Personal contact is minimized at this time, Tiannia.
Me: I’m only kidding.
Soren: I would gladly visit you when the time is appropriate to do so.
Me: Okay, we’re on! So, my next question, Soren, is how are you helping the Alliance right now with arrests?
Soren: Yes, a good question. In fact they are running their own operations without our physical presence. We are, however, guarding the troops, because as you are aware there are also negative extraterrestrial factions on the side of the cabal, and so you cannot pitt an earthling against an army of earthlings and extraterrestrials. It must be ET/earthling against ET/earthling. We guard your troops, we protect your leaders, we energize the spots that they are raiding in favour of the Light. In other words, we change the polarity back to positive and of course this doesn’t work well for the negative factions. Some in fact, surrender without much of a fight with just this influx of energy. When there are reptilians, draconians etc. on the scene, we will become present to overtake them.
Yes, as you’re seeing, we are doing our best to let your troops and leaders take care of the earthly elements and the extraterrestrial elements are our domain. We also have the GFL working in this as well.
Me: Because that’s a large part of why they are working here – to arrest the dark ones because that is a galactic issue.
Soren: Yes.
Me: Have they gone to the Vatican yet?
Soren: We’re in the Vatican now.
Me: Oh I’d love to be a fly on that wall!
Soren: We are concerned about the documentation and are creating a force field to protect it. These documents are public domain, not the domain of the dark ones. They have stolen, again, that which isn’t theirs in the first place.
Me: What about the pope getting the Corona Virus?
Soren: You’ll see many who are supposedly getting the Virus. This is code for they are being arrested for crimes against humanity.
Me: Cool!
Soren: You of the Red Pill as you call it, should understand this.
Me: They arrested the pope! LOL That should make Ashtar happy!
Soren: Yes, he has had a personal vendetta against the pope and the vatican. He has made it his personal goal to see the vatican fall.
Me: What are they going to do with the vatican falling? That means that religion will fall.
Soren: No, there will be administrators. It’s just that the position of pope will not go any further. The vatican has been infiltrated by the Light and now it is being overtaken. It will continue on but the truth of religion will be told.
Me: Oh God. Hang on to your hats, everyone. This is gonna be rough.
Soren: Announcements must be made. Your people must align with the truth. We’re attempting to make it as easy on them as we can, but it will all come out in time.
Me: So were there any battles going on in the vatican?
Soren: There are battles going on between the Light and the dark ones all the time, Tiannia. You’ve seen them in the DUMBs personally.
Me: Yes. Archangel Michael’s angels came in and took out the dark beings.
Soren: And so with the Vatican. It will take some adjusting to. Even for you, as a non-Catholic I feel your shock.
Me: Yeah, we were so used to it being there. I’ll bet some people are going to freak!
Soren: You must know.
Me: So I guess too, that the white hat army is coming up against the remaining earth military forces aligned with the cabal, aren’t they?
Soren: They are. We’re trying not to kill anyone. These people are misled. The army forces are being taken and put into a reconditioning center where they’re told the truth. Some accept it, some refuse to.
Me: Then what? They’re released?
Soren: Yes.
Me: I guess people are wondering why Trump’s military are going to Europe when there are military forces there already or are they thinking it’s another American invasion.
Soren: Or they don’t know about it. That’s why they are saying to stay home, because of the virus.
Me: Yes, wink wink. Can I call on you for more commentary, Soren?
Soren: Of course! I’m always at your service.

Me: Thank you and stay safe.
Soren: Always. We’ll speak soon.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:09
Segunda-feira, 16 / 03 / 20

Shifting Times.

Shifting Times.

The Angels want you to know...

Angel Wisdom

with Sharon Taphorn.

Posted March 16, 2020. 


Have you been feeling at odds with yourself or others? 

It is sometimes hard to find clarity for yourself, especially during chaotic times, but that is when it is most important to put on your blinders and shut out the mental energy while you find your footing. 

Once you have established your personal boundaries, it is easier to cope with the energy of others. Let go of the past. 

Let go of negative thinking, for they only hold you back from living that life you have seen and imagined for yourself, as well as the destiny of the world as a whole. 

Start seeing how truly powerful you are.

Thought for today: 
Shifting consciousness isn’t always easy. Let go and allow things to unfold and ride that wave. 
Resistance really is futile; it only slows down the process.



And so it is
You are dearly looved and supported always, the angels
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji

Universal Copyright ©2019 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.

Please share as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 19:50
Domingo, 15 / 03 / 20

What’s Next for Earth

What’s Next for Earth.

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted March 15th, 2020




My post today: Mike Emery commented: Big changes coming – the elite will be heavily vilified. There will be like lynch mobs when the populace learns of the horrid harvesting of children.
I’m hoping against this but we don’t do change well. This is only the beginning folks, hang on to your hats and your sanity because the rest of the population is going to have a melt down.
Me: Ivo, I want to discuss this please. First of all, you’re not saying one way or the other if this is the Global Reset, but most of us who have been following these events are pretty sure that it is. With Trump sending armed soldiers over to Italy, apparently without masks, and people like Bill Gates are stepping down from their CEO positions, and apparently there’s a lot more of them.
These are all great developments, but I’d like to see these people locked up in Guantanamo and the key thrown away.
Ivo: This is only the beginning, my love.
Me: How much isn’t being shown to us?
Ivo: If I told you that then I would be spilling the beans, however there is a lot not being shown to you.
Me: How much of the picture do we actually have here?
Ivo: Less than 50 percent. There is much more.
Me: Okay, that makes sense. So we’re in a position on earth that our future is being carved out for us by people we don’t know whether we trust or not. Let’s face it, not everyone trusts Trump.
Ivo: And this is the point, my love. You are not yet of unity consciousness. If you were, you would all be included and would be asked to work together. However for the lightworker, they are asked to work with us (the GFL) and the Alliance and the Resistance, and the Delta Forces, while you are asleep at night when you are in fact of unity consciousness, and capable of understanding the bigger picture. In fact as you are now, with your limited mindsets, you are not.
Me: Ah. I see. I’ve heard some optimists speaking as if positive ETs are going to land next week.
Ivo: (chuckling) They will not. As we have said, disclosure is a personal process, not a group process. As you become ready to meet with us in your singularity, you will. There is much preparation to be done to take you out of your state of fear and survival to prepare you to be in a state to receive us with love.
Me: I see you’ve worked wonders for me!
Ivo: You are remembering. The essence of our relationship never left you, my love.
Me: Yes, I was trying to re-create it here on earth. I also know that you’ve done a lot for others because everyone comments all the time how much they love you.
Ivo: And I love them as well. Every one of them.
Me: So let’s look at Mike Emery’s comment. People this week are running around in stores buying out all the toilet paper. And now other supplies are running out.
Ivo: Yes. And you see this is out of fear and selfishness that they hoard as much as they can, and now toilet paper is being marketed on your sales websites at phenomenal prices.
Me: Price gouging, yes.
Ivo: So in fact you must see that we have some who are prepared to accept the new reality, and have even worked for it, but then the majority on your planet are still lodged in their fear-based, survivalist mindsets. As we release information, we can only release enough that none of you have opportunity to interfere with the process at hand. We do wish we could have more of you on board working with us, but this is as of yet not possible.
We ask you to help us individually or collectively in mass meditations, and this is wonderful. We feed you a new narrative that in fact helps to stabilize the timelines against the chaotic effect of those who are of lower frequency. You are aware of the Truth, just not the whole truth. Many of you still argue with it.
Me: I know.
Ivo: This gentleman is correct in his assumption that if people on your planet were to be told what has happened to many of your children, that they would create chaos. They would react. The Galactic Federation and others helping in your liberation have the task of feeding you the information you require to help you feel more secure and in the cases of those who would react nevertheless, to minimize the effect of their reaction. We are not looking to start a war zone on your planet. We are looking to end one.
Your reactions, individually and collectively, are important. You are all aware that holding as high a frequency as possible will help you stay on a more positive, more beneficial timeline.
We have to gauge how much truth to tell you against your collective reaction. As you see, the virus was indeed perpetrated by the cabal in order to create panic. And we wish to avoid this as much as possible. Our people are sending energies to stabilize your minds however there are some in very unstable condition upon your planet, in very low frequency mindsets.
The Truth you learn is dependent upon your current frequency. When you raise your frequency, you will be subject to learning more of the truth. It is that simple.
As for what is next, simply watch. The news will be told to you. Many of you are very astute at understanding what lies underneath overt actions on the part of your POTUS, and others. And you have been spreading this intelligence in order to create calm. And this is most helpful.
Me: When do you think these announcements of the truth will come out?
Ivo: When your world is cleared of darkness and your people are the only holders of low frequency, so that your reaction cannot be used against you by your Elite.
Me: Yeah, but people will go nuts and fight with each other.
Ivo: That is their perogative.
Me: Yes, you warned us in “What You Need to Know Now,” of the next 20 years. That we should stock up for the long term as well as short term, and that people will be rioting. They already have.
Ivo: We do as much as we can to soothe you but you have free will. This is still a free will zone.
Me: I heard Ashtar saying that they would put frequency fences around the planet so that people can’t assault others anymore. That fighting will be impossible. Is that true and if so, how far along is that fence?
Ivo: It is true. Your world will be rezoned, my love. However, for now you must understand that the negativity must be transmuted.
It is easy to protect yourself from others who would assail you. Simply raise your vibration and release yourself of the need to protect yourself. When you protect yourself, you in fact invite assault. When you do not protect yourself, you have dropped your half of any transaction that would harm you.
When you continue to attack others then you in turn can be attacked. So, when you ridicule others’ posts on Facebook, then you are of that attack mentality – and this must be released. All attack thoughts must go. Otherwise you will be subject to attack, to the extent that you require it in order to release your need to do it yourself. Life is a mirror and others project back to you what you have repressed within yourself or that which you are actively engaged in doing which does not align with universal law.
Those who wish to go to the city and attack others on the street in protest are of one mindset. Those who refuse to go to these events are of another mindset. You are more likely to be attacked if you are aggressive in nature yourself.
Me: Yeah, Ivo, I was attacked all my life because I was “too nice”.
Ivo: And yes, with a father as yours, the narcissist who attacked his family, what part of your nature do you think you repressed in becoming “so nice?”
Me: Ah, right. My aggressive side. My anger.
Ivo: Which you still try to subdue, but thankfully it is coming out. You feel out of control when it does but you must recognize it as a repressed part of your ego.
Me: It’s something, that’s for sure.
Ivo: You tend to channel it into your taste in music which is loud, brash and often utilizes lurid lyrics. And so, do you not feel like your father when you become so angry?
Me: I do. And yes, I was talking about Black Sabbath last night.
Ivo: As you ascend, you release blocks and you integrate your personality. And you continue to say you are acting like your parents.
Me: Ugh.
Ivo: They modelled this behaviour to you, you learned it as a way of behaving, and now you must release it, my love as it is not who you are. All are going through this process during ascension, of integrating your shadow, your repressed side, and then accepting and releasing it. All are. And it is a hard process for many.
Me: It is.
Ivo: As for lynch mobs when the public learns of the harvesting of children, all those who have perpetrated these crimes will already have been arrested.
Me: So what are the people supposed to do then? Maybe they’ll go out and attack random targets, like government buildings or hospitals?
Ivo: You still have police. If it is required your world will again be put into lockdown until the tensions resolve.
Me: You can’t blame people for being angry.
Ivo: No you cannot, but it is how you deal with your anger that they can be held accountable for. You must learn to understand that difference. People become angry all the time. It is how you deal with it that you must learn to tailor to a more acceptable outcome. Resolution of anger, rather than reaction to anger is the way forward.
Yes, you are still of reptilian nature, all of you are. That is homo sapiens. Those who has ascended to homo divinicus (or universal) are of a different, more peaceful nature.
In our book, I did warn people what was to come, so you are forewarned. I also suggested that moving away from the cities would be a good idea because the major centers are where these acts tend to crop up, and why not because your major world centers are of reversed polarity. They are of negative polarity. It is easier to control people when you have them gather into larger areas and then reverse the polarity of these areas to create a negative state of mind.
Me: Makes sense.
Ivo: They have said, “Head for higher ground,” in the same vein, seek areas of higher frequency. And then align with the highest possible for yourself. That is my advice.
Me: Thank you Ivo.
Ivo: Yes, you are most welcome, my love. I see grand things happening for your world even this year.
Claim your FREE copy of our new book, “Earth Awakening” today! Your complimentary download is available now, at: https://www.free-ebooks.net/

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:52
Segunda-feira, 09 / 03 / 20

All is Love or Lack Thereof.

All is Love or Lack Thereof.

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted March 8th, 2020




Me: Can we go into more detail about Ashtar’s message please, Ivo?

Ivo: Of course my love. He said to stop attacking others. In your thoughts to put down your greatest weapon – your mind. Your minds have been trained to see what others do as being sinful, or wrong. There is no wrong, even in duality. There is positive and negative, however negative is an illusion. There is actually love and the lack of it; those are the dualistic terms under which you actually live.

Suffice it to say, your people have been trained through mind control and by example, to exhibit many unloving behaviours towards each other because this is the system you live in as well. When someone commits what you call a crime, you punish them with jail time. In fact, jails are created in order to make the rest of you believe that you are free. But you are not. Your minds are jailed by your controllers and you must set yourselves free.

And this extrication process can be difficult considering that you have reacted to certain things in these ways for so long. Your minds are hard-wired to react in the old ways. But any progress you make to stop your mind from being a weapon against others, is progress indeed.

All is love or lack of it. Remember that. And learn to see life in a new way.

You have a difficult time, my love, forgiving your neighbours from stealing food from your garden last year. You do not like your neighbours but in fact they were showing you where you are being unloving towards others.

Me: I don’t like people stealing my stuff.

Ivo: Because you have a perception of yourself as having so little, that you are impovershed.

Me: That could be why.

Ivo: It is why.

Me: Maybe I’m just a really ethical person.

Ivo: In the galaxy you are an adjudicator, who liaises between races that are creating unloving thoughts between each other. So you would see someone stealing from another race as being wrong.

Me: So maybe that’s why. The other thing is, Ivo, these people own a thai restaurant, so they should have lots of vegetables. Why they have to steal mine is beyond me.

Ivo: Yes. It is like the rich robbing from the poor and this is another thing that irritates you: you live on earth and understand that the one percent are stealing from those who they are responsible to. So this one situation is difficult for you to forgive because it has its roots into so many of your life’s themes, so to speak.

You are here to bring balance to the people of earth. You are here to bring them the Light and the Truth, yet you continue to be stolen from in areas where you have less.

The other thing you must remember, my love, is sometimes the Matrix knows how to upset you. And it will simply for the pleasure of lowering your frequency. You have had many problems with neighbours in that house and your moving was indeed a good move. You can now leave these people behind and forgive them for what they did. My love, it is important to realize that you live in a very unloving world, where lack of compassion is the law, and yes, this too irritates you, but attacking others who are also victims of the regime and of mind control is not the way of the Light.

Me: Yeah, they really pissed me off.

Ivo: And so they showed you where your balance is off.

Me: I’m not totally convinced, Ivo. Not at all. These people needed to be told to stop it. Sometimes the mind controlled should be told to take back control of their minds. That what they’re doing unthinkingly irritates other people. I’m sure everybody else would be quick to tell me what they don’t like about what I’m doing; I’ve had complete strangers do that already. Actually, that last one indignantly asking me, “Who do you think you are?!” verified to me that I’m on the right track with respect to influencing people.

Ivo: These were attacks. Often your character is called into question. That is the first sign of a toxic person: they call others’ character into question, not their actions. I understand that you do not entirely believe what I am telling you, my love, so let me say it in this way then: When you are engaged in unloving responses towards others, such as resentment of them, you are on the wrong side of the fence. Your heart is closed and you are back in the lower dimensions mindlessly enacting learned behaviours. For your own sake, you must learn to forgive others because in so doing, you will be set free.

Life is a process of ferreting out all unloving behaviours and changing it to loving behaviours.

Me: Okay, that I get. I see the self-centered reason why forgiving them should be done.

Ivo: Very well. Forgiveness of others, and they are not taking your vegetables anymore I might remind you, sets you free.

There are only two polarities: love and lack of love. Not positivity and negativity. Not bad and good. Only love and lack of love. When you look for the things people do that are loving you see their behaviour in shades of grey.

Yes, your superintendent is codependent. But he still drove you around to try to find you a washing machine yesterday. That was very caring of him.

Me: It was.

Ivo: So you can look at the loving acts he does, and the unloving acts that he does and boundary out the unloving acts and take what he gives lovingly. When you see others in shades of grey rather than black and white, you are less likely to condemn. Avoidant people tend to condemn others completely because of one flaw and sometimes this is not necessary.

Me: Good you added that because I detest liars.

Ivo: Liars will also lower your frequency. It is best to stay with those who value the Light and the Truth.

We realize you are living in difficult circumstances in your town and are actively seeking to move you away from there. Your holding light there is no longer necessary. As you are aware many in that town are awakening and you can thank yourself for that.

Me: Good. Nice to see results.

Ivo: So for all, to recap, train yourself to see the two polarities as loving and lack of loving. Love is the energy of the Universe however your people have been trained to misuse it out of fear.

Me: Another question Ivo, that I heard you guys were showing me yesterday.

Ivo: Yes.

Me: The question is about what we react to as lightworkers. Often lightworkers get upset. It’d be great to be calm and sail through our days happily knowing that all is going according to plan, but when unbeknownst to me, my frequency tanks and I get really fatigued again because I’m apparently sending light to the Giza pyramid to open a portal there or something, sometimes I get pissed off. Lightworkers get angry.

What you guys pointed out to me was that it’s WHAT we get angry about that indicates our character. For example, I get angry at what I perceive to be people suffering or dying unnecessarily. I get angry about people stealing from each other (yes, anyone, not just from me). I get angry about politicians lying to the people. I get angry about injustices done to anyone, but especially animals, the infirm, the elderly and children. I get angry about people getting ripped off or giving shoddy service. I get angry with manipulators and other bs’ers. I get angry about these types of things.

I also get angry because my cat peuked on the kitchen floor last night and I stepped in it at 5 in the morning which doesn’t quite fit the more altruistic thought processes I just mentioned.

Ivo: He showed you he is still sick.

Me: I got that. Why do I have to step in it then?

Ivo: Would you have known that he is ill if you didn’t?
Me: I might have seen it the next morning!

Ivo: Sometimes you do not clue in, my love.

Me: Yeah, that’s true, stepping in it makes it obvious, that’s for sure. No missing that.

Ivo: At times, you get angry for selfish reasons, you dislike inconvenience and that is because at higher dimensions there is no such thing. Many of the things you dislike on earth are things you have to put up with because you live at a lower vibration than you are used to, and so with your particularly backwards technologies, you must work very hard to keep your home clean, and cook your meals. You are not used to this so you complain about it. You feel your life is being squandered on menial tasks when you have greater feats to accomplish. This is true, you do have greater feats to accomplish and spending your time cleaning house is not your priority. However things are arranged this way to keep human beings at a survival level. You recognize this intuitively and become angry about this, you understand you are being held down. And you are.

Me: Okay. This is for you guys too, because I’m sure I’m not alone in doing this. This place is slow. Really slow. You go on trains and they take hours to reach their destination – not the case in the galaxy. Flights are cramped full of people and that’s not the case in the galaxy – movement is quick. Our bodies slow down with age – not the case in the galaxy. So life on earth is something I find I have a hard time adjusting to, even now, but especially since I have adrenal problems. I’m going to take EMFs more seriously and look into orgonite protection.

And then this whole host of other altruisms I’m reacting to are just things we’ve come to change here on earth. We’re bringing in the energies that will change this for the collective again. We hold the light and bring in the rays that have been kept from this planet for so long. So we have these what would appear to be idealistic ways of looking at things, but our idealism now will be tomorrow’s future.

Then there’s just reacting to others’ energies and that we discussed in a recent video. I react emotionally to people based on the energy I’m sensing from them. In fact, we empaths can become very much like the people we’re around, almost like chameleons, although we might not want to be. I prefer remaining altruistic and idealistic.

So the point of this is what what you’re reacting to, and understand that you may be angry but it’s because you see a lack of something, like love being enacted. Also you have to understand that these things are done for people to learn from, so there’s no reason even to become angry and I’m still working on that.

The road to 5D is a long one.

Ivo: When you reach that frequency you will come back to me.

Me: Yes. I want you to show me how to dissolve my body when I die. Graves have always freaked me out and cremation doesn’t look like a great option either.

Ivo: I will.

Me: Thanks Ivo. Just saying keep at it folks. Remember there’s only love and lack of love and that’s what duality is. Forget positive/negative. All is love or lack of it.
Ivo: Correct.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 01:50
Quinta-feira, 05 / 03 / 20

Stop Attacking Others

Stop Attacking Others 

Ashtar Sheran

Via Sharon Stewart

March 4th, 2020 



You can’t have peace with a war raging on in your own mind! – Sharon Stewart
This is Ashtar Sheran with a message for all upon planet Earth.
In order to change your earth into an Eden again, you have to do one thing, and that is to put down your weapons. The greatest weapon you have is your own mind.
Jesus says in the Course in Miracles, that all comes from the energy of your mind. You are the director, you are the actor and you are the sufferer or the winner in all that you produce. What you are producing by angering yourself at the behaviour of others is an internal war within your own mind, however since all are connected, this war is being fought between aspects of the whole mind of humanity on earth – you and another or other parties you attack with your thoughts.
Put down your weapons and create peace upon your earth. Teach yourself not to get angry at others for what they do as everyone is doing their part at any given time of the day or night to rebalance your world into one of the Light again. It seems like cold comfort to say that “everyone is trying their best” when their best never seems to be good enough for you, but they are trying their best. Others are doing their best to anger you, to show you where you require change. Don’t anger yourself at the other victims; love them and keep working to remove the perpetrators in your Now.
You’ve been taught to deal with life incorrectly. The fact is, life is always about love. It’s your misuse of it to hate and to fear that makes your life difficult.
Those who hunt animals are still enjoying primal instinctive pleasures from long ago, when your people did that, and they are not to be hated but an attitude of understanding is to be offered: they are of lower consciousness, responding to instinct and eventually they will stop hunting as they won’t need to anymore.
Understand your world now is comprised of two different types of humans: homo divinicus and homo sapiens and homo sapiens is slated for extinction as your souls evolve.
Understanding, not attacking, is the way to evolve. Others will attack, they will even attack you. They will do things to you that you don’t like. Have as little to do with them as possible, surround yourself with like-minded others and evolve together in love. However, forgive those who do what you call wrong. Nothing is wrong. It is all for the love of Ascension.
Your world is so dark right now and we can only remove as many of the dark ones as you can hold the opposing Light. We are moving you forward, holding off the higher energies that you can’t align with; this is a delicate process and keeping an unbalanced world from destroying itself is our priority now. You require the dark now in order to be able to ascend. With no dark ones, there would be no incentive to ascend in frequency.
Lay down your weapons. Your minds that attack others in futility. Understand that it’s not human to attack another human – it’s more reptilian, and you have been programmed in their ways.
I love you as always,
Ashtar Sheran

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:42
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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  • Olá, obrigado pelo comentário.Sempre que dermos ou...
  • Sempre que dermos ouvidos à voz que vem do coração...
  • Ola Manuel, muita luz para você ,é a primeira vez ...
  • fale alguma coisa,de mim sou poliana miguel
  • Você fala com anjos ,pede um deles mandar uma mens...
  • A "vida real" é uma ilusão Toda a matéria é formad...
  • Bom dia,reparámos que o seu blog faz uso de textos...
  • O Amor é tudo o que existe e na sua mais pura exên...
  • usando uma metafora descrevendo a vida real, e nao...
  • o odio deve-se à permissao do mal andar entre nós,...
  • Obrigado pelas suas palavras. Fiquei a conhecer po...
  • Adoro este artigo. Já tinha conhecimento do assunt...

blogs SAPO

Universidade de Aveiro