A Chama da Ascensão


Terça-feira, 19 / 05 / 20

It is absolutely essential that you love and honor yourselves.

It is absolutely essential that you love and honor yourselves.

Saul (Paul) via John Smallman

May 18th, 2020




We are approaching the completion or the end point of humanity’s awakening process!  That probably does not appear to be the case from your perspective as the news media floods the airwaves and the internet with further misinformation about the worldwide pandemic, along with news of the ensuing dramas.  However, humanity is on a roll toward a new way of living that will totally change the ways in which you relate to one another, as your perception of the meaning of life as a human evolves into spiritual awareness of the real purpose of your lives as humans in form.  Memory of your true nature is returning, and therefore you are seeing your human lives in a completely new LIGHT!
The Light of Love is arising into your conscious awareness bringing into focus the real purpose of a human life, namely, to recognize, honor, and express your True Nature at all times.  And, as you all know, your True Nature is LOVE.  When you start to do this, even though at first you may feel reluctant to do so, you will find yourselves meeting and interacting with others who are also doing this.  This confirms for you that this is the only meaningful way to live, and arousing in you the confidence – always there but not trusted, because of the sense that confidence in self was felt to be unsafe, unwise – and the courage to set and put into practice the intent to be only loving in every moment, and to allow Love to guide your thoughts, words, and actions at all times.
This is what enlightenment means, it does not mean being out of this world experiencing the intense felt sense of the infinite field of divine Love enveloping and embracing you, as reported by many who have had Near Death Experiences – which is of course totally valid.  It means living in the world as humans at peace with yourselves whatever arises, and not being drawn into the drama that others create out of their strong feelings of like or dislike of people, food, activities, organizations, and the beliefs and opinions they attach to them.  It is a state of being free from worry, anxiety, or fear of what others may think of you, because you know that who you are is who, with great wisdom, you chose to be before incarnating to experience this life in this moment in order to learn the lessons with which it presents you.
Remember, every sentient being without exception is divinely created in Love, and at One with Source, from Whom they are never for even an instant separated.  To awaken is to know this and experience the Reality of It at all times.  Yes, stuff will arise that is messy, unpleasant, and painful, but because you know who you truly are, and live that truth at all times, nothing that does arise will discombobulate you to the extent that you become unable to deal with it and consequently sink into depression or victimhood.  Instead it will arise as a challenge that you welcome, knowing that it is one of the lessons that you set on your human life path prior to incarnating, and you will, therefore, resolve it with excitement and attain a deep sense of satisfaction in doing so.
You are divine beings having a temporary experience in form, although when life appears to be treating you unfairly or unkindly, it does not feel very temporary.  Life just is, it is neither good nor bad except in your own personal appraisal of it.  Life happens, life unfolds, moment by moment as you, in human form, experience it while playing the game or dreaming the dream that life in form presents to you.  Those moments can seem momentary – a moment of intense joy or pleasure – or interminable when you are suffering and or in pain.  A moment is just a moment, but how you experience it is due to the choices that you make – in that moment!
You all know or have met people who are nearly always upbeat, cheerful, and enthusiastic about their lives, and others who never seem to be happy but, instead, are almost always complaining about some aspect of it, or about another person.  Both types are living the choices they have made for themselves.  The reason for their choices are mostly based on life experiences they have encountered from early childhood right up to the present moment, and most definitely those who have suffered a plethora of unpleasant or severely abusive and damaging events and relationships need your compassion and love, free from judgment or shaming.  As all are One, anything you think, say, or do affects you as well as those at whom you direct your thoughts, words, or actions.  Therefore, it makes absolutely no sense to engage in unloving behaviors of any kind – thoughts, words, or actions– because you are then engaged in directing them at yourselves.
When you make the conscious choice to treat yourselves lovingly, fairly, and compassionately, then it becomes impossible for you to treat others any less favorably.  It is, therefore, very, very important, in fact essential that you love and honor yourselves.  Vast numbers of people carry a heavy burden of unworthiness, of unlovableness, and this is often expressed in disapproval of others who are mostly just acting as mirrors to them, because, of course, you are all mirrors to one another, and what you see in others is very frequently a reflection of the self you are presenting to them – Love experiences or meets Love, hatred experiences or meets hatred.  You always have a choice as to how you will think, speak, or act, but many are either unaware of this fact, or choose to ignore it, and allow their emotions to control their reactions or responses to situations in which they find themselves.  Those who choose Love are always far happier and more at peace than those who choose what is not in alignment with Love.
Anyone who is unloving is, in fact, desperately calling out for Love.  But often these people are so full of feelings of shame, unworthiness, or self-hatred, that they are unable or find it extremely difficult to accept Love when It is offered to them.  They obviously cannot move out of this state without help, but until they are willing to acknowledge that their problems lie within them and choose to seek and accept help, then the only, and very effective thing you can do for them is to hold them silently, quietly, and peacefully in your hearts as you send them Love, whenever you think of them, or remember them.
So, to reiterate, there is only Love, Mother/Father/God, Source, with Whom all sentient beings are One.  Therefore sending Love to another is to send It to yourselves, and this is why you are presently incarnate as humans at this moment in humanity’s awakening process.  Be Love, express Love, share Love, and enjoy the peace and contentment doing this will bring you if you can set the intent to do so unconditionally, and then actually do as you intend,by putting it into practice.  Oftentimes people set an intent, but then fail to implement it, and not realizing this, wonder why it is not achieved.
Trust yourselves, truly trust yourselves, operate from the fullness of your personal integrity as you send Love to all – without exceptions of any kind – and know that this is why you are presently incarnate, helping to bringing humanity successfully and most magnificently through your collective awakening process.
With so very much love, Saul.


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 04:49
Quarta-feira, 29 / 04 / 20

A intensa necessidade de se estar certo e dos outros estarem errados é um fenômeno egoísta humano muito comum


A intensa necessidade de se estar certo e dos outros estarem errados é um fenômeno egoísta humano muito comum

Saul (Paulo) 

Através John Smallman. 

25 de abril de 2020

Tradução: Candido Pedro Jorge

a 28 de abril de 2020



Atualmente, enquanto a maioria das pessoas se concentra ou se distrai com o fluxo contínuo de notícias constantemente atualizadas da pandemia mundial, muitos estão muito preocupados e inquietos, uma vez seus governos exigem que fiquem em casa ou isolados, enquanto o Coronavírus grassa pelo mundo, levando doenças e mais ansiedade para muitos.

Como sempre acontece com as epidemias e pandemias, isso vai passar. No entanto, enquanto estiver presente, vocês precisam tomar cuidados extras, cientes de quaisquer mensagens com as quais seus corpos apresentem para, em seguida, sintonizar e descobrir o significado delas.

Seus corpos são capazes de sintonizar os reinos não físicos para acessar informações que não consigam acessar por meio de seus processos racionais de pensamentos intelectuais. Portanto, dedicar algum tempo um sossego solitário para meditar, ou apenas relaxar calmamente, pelo menos uma vez por dia, é essencial para o bem-estar e, fazendo isso, serão capazes de obterem acesso a esse lugar de paz e calma interior, seus santos santuários internos, onde reside o Amor.

Ele está sempre lá, esperando para se revelar a vocês por meio de um abraço caloroso que podem sentir, sempre que relaxarem ou aquietarem seus temíveis processos de pensamentos "e se?"  e abram seus corações para recebê-Lo.

O Amor é a natureza de todos, portanto, durante esse período de confinamento geral, façam uso pleno e frequente da quantidade incomum de tempo livre que tem disponível para se conectar a Ele. Fazer exatamente isso é uma inatividade muito eficaz! 

A inatividade desse tipo permite que a consciência de suas Unidades com Deus e com todos os seres sencientes se intensifique e, na medida em que milhões de humanos estabelecem a intenção de fazerem isso, o senso coletivo de interconexão inseparável se torna cada vez mais consciente. Pessoas que nunca foram capazes de sentir a presença de entes queridos, familiares ou amigos que não estavam fisicamente presentes com elas, agora, estão começando a fazê-lo.
No início, isso pode ser chocante ou perturbador, porque a grande maioria das pessoas acredita que essa habilidade seja um presente especial disponível, apenas, para alguns que sejam paranormais e médiuns. Definitivamente, não é esse o caso. Todo ser senciente tem essa capacidade, mas apenas alguns humanos permitiram que ela crescesse e se desenvolvesse dentro deles.

Muitos que experimentaram isso na infância, antes dos sete anos de idade e conversaram sobre isso com seus pais ou irmãos mais velhos, lhes foram dito que estavam imaginando coisas, que era uma ilusão e, portanto, precisando de aprovação dos outros para não ser ridicularizados, se fecharam.

Mas é claro que a ilusão é o que a maioria dos humanos experimenta o dia inteiro, todos os dias no mundo físico material da forma em que vivem suas vidas diárias como seres humanos. Isso não é realidade! Realidade é Amor, é Unidade, é Mãe/Pai/Deus, que é o que todos buscam quando ficam desiludidos e desapontados com a vida na forma e com o estresse e a tensão quase constante que a vida na fisicalidade implica.

A vida na forma sempre foi difícil, porque a forma limita muito suas habilidades criativas, ao mesmo tempo em que os leva a acreditar que têm apenas uma vida na fisicalidade forma e que essa seja a única vida disponível para vocês.

A vida, como a Realidade, é eterna, no entanto, a vida na forma é temporária e, se acreditam, como muitas pessoas, que realmente seja a única vida disponível, isso também contribui enormemente para o estresse e a ansiedade.

Tanto que leva muitos a uma necessidade intensa e interminável de cuidarem apenas de si mesmos, o eu separado que acreditam ser, independentemente das consequências que as atitudes e comportamentos resultantes possam ter sobre os outros ou no planeta.

A história da humanidade está repleta de demonstrações das consequências dessa crença, enquanto homens se atacam uns aos outros ao longo da história registrada, fazendo com que um grande número de pessoas passe por enorme sofrimento totalmente desnecessário.

Ao longo dos tempos, muitos sábios tentaram convencer as pessoas a honrar e respeitar todos os outros, todavia, geralmente falharam em fazê-lo, simplesmente porque o medo entusiasticamente incentivou as pessoas a rejeitar, desdenhar e frequentemente atacar fisicamente aqueles que têm diferentes visões políticas, cores, cultura, ou, principalmente, até muito recentemente, por causa de suas diferentes crenças ou persuasões religiosas.

No entanto, nos últimos anos, a insanidade desse modo de vida tornou-se inevitavelmente aparente para quase todos e, no entanto, parece que não há maneira possível de criar ou estabelecer uma vontade coletiva que reconheça, respeite e honre sua interdependência coletiva.

Sim, muitos grupos se formaram e muitos grupos de reflexão surgiram para discutir e considerar maneiras de ir além dessa insanidade atual, todavia, as ideias diferentes sobre como seguir adiante tendem a ser muito divisórias. Isso ocorre porque, muitas vezes, as pessoas são polarizadas por causa do método "ou" pensamento racional que está arraigado em quase todas as suas culturas.

A intensa necessidade de se estar certo e os outros errados é um fenômeno egoísta humano muito comum e, como estão lendo ou ouvindo, sabem muito bem que esse fenômeno amoroso e extremamente divisivo é especialmente notável naqueles que buscam cargos políticos de qualquer tipo e naqueles que são as principais figuras de autoridade em grandes organizações, de governos a industriais/empresariais e, também, educacionais e religiosas.

Em qualquer lugar, nenhuma organização fica sem sua parcela de indivíduos egoístas, absolutamente convencidos de que estão sempre certos!

Durante os próximos meses, as principais mudanças que ocorrerão, na medida em que as pessoas tiverem mais tempo disponível para olhar e realmente observar suas próprias atitudes egocêntricas e crenças autogovernadas - atitudes e crenças que podem e facilmente veem e identificam em outros, mas que desconhecem ou não querem reconhecer por si mesmos - são as mudanças essenciais que levarão a uma experiência generalizada que o Cristianismo tem, em inúmeras ocasiões, procurado, mas nunca encontrado e que chamou de “Céu na Terra”!

Deus é Amor e, cada um de vocês - todo ser humano e todo ser senciente - é UM com Deus. Não existe separação. A separação da Fonte é impossível, porque a Fonte, Mãe/Pai/Deus, a Inteligência Suprema, a Sabedoria Divina, a Aceitação infinitamente amorosa, compassiva e incondicional de tudo o que existe é Tudo o Que Existe, vivendo num estado de perfeita, harmonia consigo mesmo. Isto é o Céu! Não existe outro lugar.

Mas por eras, por causa da escolha coletiva de experimentar a separação, uma escolha que a Fonte honrou - porque tudo o que é criado é criado completa e totalmente livre para ser o que escolhe ser - vocês experimentaram a si mesmos como separados do Céu. No entanto, estão no Céu em todos os momentos de suas existências eternas. Mas, por causa dessa escolha, parece que não estão e onde o ambiente em que parece estarem vivendo apoia totalmente essa escolha.

Portanto, este é um momento de CELEBRAR, porque, coletivamente, a Humanidade, finalmente mudou de ideia e inverteu sua escolha de experimentar estar separada da Fonte, Amor, Mãe/Pai/Deus.

Portanto, estão prestes a se lembrar e saber que, de fato, estão em um estado de “Céu na Terra”, pois a paz e a harmonia são abraçadas por todos e cada um de vocês e a aparente necessidade de conflito e divisão competitiva, que o estado de aparentemente separação exigiu por eras, simplesmente desapareceu, permitindo que cada indivíduo reconhecesse em todos os outros o Amor infinito que é Tudo o Que Existe.

Com muito Amor, Saul. 




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publicado por achama às 04:27
Sábado, 25 / 04 / 20

The intense need to be right and to make others wrong is a very common human egotistical phenomenon.

The intense need to be right and to make others wrong is a very common human egotistical phenomenon.

Saul (Paul) via John Smallman


April 25th, 2020






At this time, as most people are focused on or distracted by the ongoing and constantly updated news of the worldwide pandemic, many are very concerned and unsettled as their governments require them to stay home, or stay isolated, while the Coronavirus flows across the world bringing sickness and further anxiety to many. It will pass, as epidemics and pandemics always do, but while it is present you do need to take extra care of yourselves, being aware of any message with which your bodies present you, and then tuning in to uncover their meaning. Your bodies are well able to tune into the non-physical realms to access information that you are unable to access purely through your rational intellectual thought processes. So taking quiet time alone to meditate, or just gently relax at least once each day is essential to your well-being, and by doing so you will be able to gain access to that place of peace and calm within, your holy inner sanctuaries, where Love resides. It is always there, waiting to reveal Itself to you by way of a warm embrace that you can feel, whenever you release or quieten your fearful “what if?” thought processes and open your hearts to receive It.

Love is your nature, so during this time of general confinement make full and frequent use of the unusual amount of free time you have available to connect with It. Doing just this is a most effective inactivity! Inactivity of this kind allows your awareness of your Oneness with God and with every sentient being to intensify, and, as millions of humans set the intent to do this the collective sense of inseparable interconnectedness becomes increasingly conscious. People, who had never before been able to feel the presence of loved ones, family, or friends who were not physically present with them, are now beginning to do so. Initially this can be rather shocking or unsettling, because the vast majority of people believe that this ability is a special gift available only to a few who are psychics and/or mediums. This is most definitely not the case. Every sentient being has this ability, but only a few humans have allowed it to grow and develop within them. Many who did experience it in childhood, before the age of about seven years, and talked about it to their parents or older siblings were told that they were imagining things, that it was an illusion, and so, needing approval from others instead of ridicule, they closed themselves off from it.

But of course the illusion is what most humans experience all day every day in the material physical world of form in which you live out your daily lives as humans. This is not Reality! Reality is Love, is Oneness, is Mother/Father/God, and is what all seek when they become disillusioned and disappointed with life in form, and with the almost constant stress and strain that life in form entails.

Life in form has always been difficult, because form limits your creative abilities very severely, while at the same time leading you to believe that you have just one life in form, and that that is the only life available to you. Life, like Reality,is eternal, but life in form is temporary, and if you believe, as so many people do, that it truly is the only life available to you, then that too contributes enormously to stress and anxiety. So much so that it leads many to an intense and endless need to take care solely of their own self, the separate self that they believe themselves to be, regardless of the consequences that the resulting attitudes and behaviors may have on others or on the planet. Humanity’s history is rife with demonstrations of the consequences of this belief, as men have preyed on one another throughout recorded history, causing vast numbers of people to endure enormous amounts of totally unnecessary suffering. Over the eons many wise ones have tried to persuade people to honor and respect all others, but have generally failed to do so simply because fear has enthusiastically encouraged people to dismiss, disdain, and frequently physically attack those who have different political views, color, culture, or, most especially until very recently indeed, because of their different religious beliefs or persuasions.

However, in recent years, the insanity of this way of living has become unavoidably apparent to nearly everyone, and yet it seems that there is no possible way to create or establish a collective will that will recognize, respect, and honor your collective interdependence. Yes, many groups have formed and many think tanks have arisen to discuss and consider ways to move beyond this present insanity, but the different ideas on how to move forward tend themselves to be very divisive. This is because so often people are polarized because of the ‘either or’ method of rational thinking that is ingrained within nearly all of your cultures. The intense need to be right and to make others wrong is a very common human egotistical phenomenon, and, as you who are reading or listening to this are very well aware, this unloving and extremely divisive phenomenon is especially noticeable in those who seek political office of any kind, and in those who are the major authority figures in large organizations from governments to industrial/business ones, and also educational and religious ones. No organizations anywhere are without their share of egotistically driven individuals who are absolutely convinced that they are always right!

The major changes that will occur during the next few months, as people have more time available to look at and truly observe their own ingrained self-centered attitudes and self-governing beliefs – attitudes and beliefs that they can and easily do see and identify in others, but which they are either unaware of or unwilling to acknowledge in themselves – are the essential changes that will lead to a widespread experience that Christianity has, on numerous occasions sought for, but never found, and which it has called “Heaven on Earth!”

God is Love, and you – every human and every sentient being – are One with God. There is no separation. Separation from Source is impossible, because Source, Mother/Father/God, the Supreme Intelligence, the Divine Wisdom, the infinitely loving, compassionate, and unconditional Acceptance of All that exists is All That Exists, living in a state of perfect harmony with Itself. That is Heaven! There is nowhere else.

But for eons, because of the collective choice to experience separation, a choice that Source has honored – because all that is created is created completely and utterly free to be as it chooses to be – you have experienced yourselves as separated from Heaven. Nevertheless, you are in Heaven in every moment of your eternal existence, but, because of that choice, it seems that you are not, and the environment in which you appear to be living totally supports that choice.

Therefore, this is a time to CELEBRATE, because, collectively, humanity has finally changed its mind and reversed its choice to experience being separate from Source, Love, Mother/Father/God. Therefore you are about to remember and know that indeed you are in a state of “Heaven on Earth,” as peace and harmony are embraced by each and every one of you, and the apparent need for conflict and competitive division, which the state of separation has seemingly demanded for eons, just falls away, allowing each individual to recognize in every other the infinite Love that is All That Exists.

With so very much love, Saul.

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 16:53
Sábado, 04 / 04 / 20

Moving from fear to Love is what your awakening process is all about.

Moving from fear to Love is what your awakening process is all about.

Saul (Paul) via John Smallman


April 3rd, 2020







As the coronavirus continues to spread globally and the number of consequential deaths reported increases daily there is much fear and anxiety being experienced.  However, although it is proving to be extremely virulent in a very small percentage of cases, for most people who actually become infected the illness will be experienced with only minor unpleasant effects.  So do not dwell on the endless flow of alarming outcomes that many are suggesting may occur.  Doing that weakens your own energy field which is then unable to provide for your immune system as effectively as it normally does.  Let go of fear and anxiety and allow Love to empower you during this period of uncertainty, as It will if you surrender to It.  You are all precisely where you are meant to be at this point in the collective awakening process, so do not try to second-guess any irreversible choices you may have already made to help you to deal with what is arising for you now.
I would like to reiterate that humanity’s collective awakening is proceeding perfectly as divinely planned, it will not be delayed or diverted, and your awakening is assured.  The intent that so many are setting daily, to be only loving whatever arises, is massively effective, and it is why those making it are on Earth at this time.  Everyone presently incarnate, and there are no exceptions, set that loving intent before incarnating.  But, and this was also fully understood, because of the spiritual amnesia that affects all who incarnate into form, and which is a major part of becoming human, it was realized that many would forget not only that they had set that intent prior to incarnating, but that they would also forget that they were spiritual beings who had come into form to assist with the awakening process.  Consequently the numbers who have incarnated to assist in humanity’s awakening are far in excess of the numbers that might have appeared to be necessary – in fact there is a very large inbuilt redundancy factor to ensure that the divine plan flows perfectly, just as Father/Mother/God intends.
As many channeled messages have informed you, enormous changes all across the world are an absolutely essential part of the awakening process.  Changes in attitudes and behaviors towards one another are occurring – whether between family members or between people of different ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic group, political or religious persuasion, and other disparate and seemingly unrelated groups – as Love starts to replace fear as the intent and expectation when people meet.   Changes in how you come together to meet, either physically or remotely – a method that is very new and that offers enormous possibilities that will lead to a great reduction in the burning of fossil fuels.  Changes in agricultural and industrial methods of food production.  Changes in diet as people choose to eat more mindfully and healthily.  And, of course, major changes in global economic practices and policies.
With, and as a result of, the present ongoing pandemic, many of the changes that are needed are now being put into effect, and are clearly visible to all because of the almost constant reportage on the mainstream media.  Quite a number of the more highly publicized ones, supposedly being introduced to protect you from one another, are not perhaps what they seem and will need to be reversed.  Others are essential, and have, until now, been put off and delayed due to lack of motivation, because those in positions who have the power and authority to implement them have been focusing on what to them seemed to be more important issues.  One could say that their hands were forced, and rightfully so.  Therefore make a point of seeking out news of uplifting changes that are being put into effect by many loving people, people who are fully aware of the need for many of these major changes, and who are taking the initiative by putting them into effect, and then share this news with friends and loved ones, and on social media – a communication format that can be put to very good use in these unusual times.
The changes are all about LOVE!  Moving from fear to Love is what your awakening process is all about, and the illusory game that has been ongoing for eons, and in which humanity has been engaged, relies on fear for its rules and guidelines.  When fear is enormously reduced, as is happening now,the desire and motivation to play the game will lose the appeal that has enabled it to be endemic – an ongoing pandemic – as people start rapidly healing from fear and ever more fully start to engage with their true nature, which is, of course, LOVE.
As so many messages have been telling you recently: “Now is the time to celebrate!  Celebration is powered by Love, and Love dissolves fear.”  Take that message to heart and do celebrate.
So while to a large extent your ‘normal’ daily lives have been badly disrupted, you now have the time and the opportunity to focus on uncovering within yourselves the real purpose of your lives in form.  That purpose has always been within you, but hidden or forgotten, awaiting your focused attention.  It is different for each one of you because you are each unique divine creations, Beings of Love, and therefore whatever your individual purpose may be it is always in complete alignment with Love.  Each one of you – even those you see as your worst enemies – are at heart, at the very center of their being, beings of Love.  You are Love and you desire only to be loved.  How could you desire anything else when Love is your nature?
By celebrating you are honoring your true desires, and also the desires of all of humanity.  Everyone loves to celebrate, therefore celebrate the amazing effectiveness of your awakening process, and give thanks to God, your divine Mother and Father, who created each and everyone of you for eternal joy, and who planned and designed the perfect awakening process for you all.
Within the game, the illusion, over the eons, many in form have acted in extremely unloving ways that have caused immense pain and suffering to others, and that is still the case today.  However, there are none among you who have not at some time, during some lifetime(s) engaged in similar unloving practices and behaviors.  And the reason for this, and it applies to everyone without exception, is because you did not know what you were doing!  You had forgotten who you were, you believed that you were abandoned, lost, worthless, and unloved, and so you reacted by distrusting, fearing, and attacking others, who, needless to say, reacted in the same way, leading to the state of division, distrust, and dislike that has overwhelmed you all at times, from individuals to nations, and encouraged an intense need to see yourselves as righteously defending yourselves against myriad others who are undoubtedly wrong and who present a great and ever-present threat to your well-being.
The insanity of these kinds of beliefs is now becoming crystal clear, as your loving natures start to make themselves known to you by arising into your consciousness, bringing to your awareness the divine Truth that there is only Love, that anything that is not in alignment with Love is unreal, untrue, and unlivable.  Love is the power that supports you in every moment, It is the You that is One with Source, eternally and inseparably.  This ‘new’ awareness – new in so far as it is only now arising into your conscious minds, having been cloaked or veiled for eons – is changing everything.  Therefore I call on you to go within now, to your holy inner sanctuaries, and give thanks to Mother/Father/God whose Love for you – for everyone who has ever experienced life in form, who is experiencing life in form, and for every conscious being ever created – is boundless.  Then CELEBRATE!  You are divine beings awakening from the dream.
With so very much love, Saul.


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 04:18
Quarta-feira, 25 / 03 / 20

Your presence in form at this moment in the awakening is an absolutely essential part of the divine plan.

Your presence in form at this moment in the awakening

is an absolutely essential part of the divine plan.

Saul (Paul) via John Smallman


March 24th, 2020







The worldwide pandemic, and the constant stream of advisories concerning it, is unsettling and disturbing for many of you as you worry about the health and well-being of friends and loved ones.  The self-quarantining that many of you are engaged in tends to intensify the sense of separation that is a major aspect of the illusory world of form in which you are experiencing yourselves as humans, and this can cause you unnecessary anxiety.  However, being in quarantine or self-isolation is in fact an excellent opportunity for you to spend much more time relaxing into the peace of your holy inner sanctuaries from where you can call on your support teams in the spiritual realms for comfort and guidance.  When you are at rest within that holy inner space it is much easier for you to reduce the quantity and noise of your normal and almost incessant flow of thoughts, making it easier for you to listen to and hear the personal guidance from your friends and support teams in the spiritual realms.  They are always available, but, as you go about your normal and busy daily lives, it is often very difficult for you to be aware of them, let alone hear or sense them.  So, while you now have plenty of time to do so, please make a point of visiting with your spiritual support team three or four times daily.  This will strengthen your connection with them, thus enabling you to commune with them more easily, and to “hear” them more clearly.
Here in the spiritual realms we are watching with wonder and delight as you move forward so powerfully in your collective awakening process.  As you live your daily human lives at this point in your spiritual evolution there is very little direct feedback available to demonstrate to you the fantastic progress that you are actually making.  Therefore we in the spiritual realms long to keepyou up to date and fully informed about the progress that we can so clearly see you making, so please do commune with us regularly to enable us to inspire you with encouraging reports onthat progress.  Doing this will greatly assist you in letting go of any doubts or fears that arise as a result of the almost continuous flow of negative news on the mainstream media, and on the social media forums to which you are subscribed, or which scan throughout the day.
As you have been told so often, your awakening is assured, is divinely guaranteed, because you are immortal beings created from Source, like unto Itself, into a state of eternal peace and joy.  You are just momentarily having an experience as mortal beings for a very limited time before returning Home.  It seems that you have been undergoing this experience for a considerable length of time, but in truth it occurred only for a fleeting moment, a brief instant, and then it was gone.  And the truth of that will be undeniably apparent when you awaken and experience the eternal wonder of Reality.
Therefore rejoice in these times of chaos and confusion, because they indicate to you most clearly that your awakening is close.  By rejoicing you intensify the effectiveness of your energy fields, your individual expressions of Lovein form, and this emanates powerfully out from you in every direction affecting everyone throughout the realm of physicality.  As humans in form, severely limited by your physicalbodies, you can have no conception of the power of your energy fields as they emanate outwards assisting enormously in humanity’s awakening process.  Your presence in form at this moment in the awakening is an absolutely essential part of the divine plan, no one can replace you, and you are mightily honored for choosing to volunteer your services as incarnate beings on Earth at this critical point in the awakening process.
What is occurring now all across the world, as chaos and confusion seemingly intensify daily, is a growing awareness within the human collective of the need for major change in your attitudes and behaviors toward each other, and toward the earthly environment that so lovingly supports your human forms.  You had become so distracted by the pressures of your personal daily lives along with the almost constant barrage of fear-driven news reports and advertising pressures, that an alarm needed to be sounded, a time-out needed to be taken so that your awakening process would not slow down unduly or stall.  The current pandemic has sounded that alarm and has now provided the necessary time-out so that calm and peaceful dissertations can be prepared and presented for evaluation, prior to introducing essential new concepts which will help you see yourselves, and what truly motivates you, far more clearly, thus encouraging you to re-evaluate your personal beliefs and perspectives in this new light that is dawning within you all.
Minds are now being seriously focused to deal with the worldwide pandemic and the anticipated after effects, and this will lead to some much needed and serious discussions to generate new ideas that will lead humanity away from the shaming, blaming, and generally abusive forms of public discussion that have become so common place in recent years.  You have, as the collective, tremendous intellectual abilities that you have used previously to deal with major issues that have arisen concerning human interactions at all levels of society, from families to nations.  Now these abilities are again being called upon, gathered together, and linked so that harmonious meetings – in which all present are honored and heard – encourage the development of the essential new ideas that will move you forward from the present global gridlock that has prevented the development of innovative methods to deal with your major issues on more than a very small scale.
Humanity has incredible potential to develop extremely effective ways to improve the living conditions of all on the planet, totally eradicating the soul-destroying poverty in which so many are unwillingly, unnecessarily, and, in fact, almost criminally confined.  This is mainly due to a lack of serious motivation by those in authority to properly and lovingly address and deal with the issues they were placed in authority to address and resolve.  Part of the reason for this is because for eons people have taken pleasure in harshly judging and condemning those who make errors.  Consequently, people who control and manage large organizations of any kind are frequently extremely reluctant to take charge and make important decisions, as they fear making mistakes and being shamed and condemned for doing so.
But, as you well know, humans often make mistakes, it is part of the learning process that being human involves.  So there needs to be a change of attitudes about mistakes which will allow and encourage people to admit to them so that all can learn from them, allowing changes in procedures to be made to lessen the possibility of their being repeated.  In some of your more technologically advanced industries much has been done to address these kinds of issues, and it has been very effective.  Nevertheless, fear of failure, and the ever-possible stigma and shaming that often accompanies it, hangs heavily over many in positions of authority, and so there is still much more that needs to be done to deal lovingly and humanely with those who make mistakes.  When fear is no longer an issue people are far less likely to make mistakes because their stress levels are enormously reduced, leading to far clearer thinking about whatever issues they may be addressing.  And of course they then have the motivation and the integrity to deal far more appropriately, and without undue delay, in resolving the problems and issues that arise.
So, to reiterate, do make sure to set the intent daily to be only loving whatever arises, and reset it anytime throughout the day that it occurs to you.  As more and more of you do this the effectiveness of those individual intents amalgamate and intensify.  This is the most powerful thing that you can do to bring about the changes that are essential for humanity to live in peace and harmony on Earth, effectively bringing into being the state of “Heaven on Earth” to which so many sages and mystics have referred, and which all, deep in their hearts, earnestly desire.  You are indeed to awaken into Heaven on Earth, a state that you, in your intense Love and Wisdom, have created and established for all.  It is with you already, just patiently waiting for you to release from within yourselves all that is not in alignment with Love, and which, therefore, is effectively hiding Reality from you.
With so very much love, Saul.


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 21:18
Quarta-feira, 18 / 03 / 20

Saiba que o Amor é o antídoto para o medo.


Saiba que o Amor é o antídoto para o medo.

Saul (Paulo) 

Através John Smallman. 

15 de março de 2020

Tradução: Candido Pedro Jorge

a 17 de março de 2020


Como você bem sabe, a pandemia de Coronavírus está causando muito medo em todo o mundo, enquanto a vida cotidiana se torna cada vez mais difícil para a maioria das pessoas devido a restrições do governo em reuniões e viagens. Saiba  que o Amor  é  o antídoto para o medo. O medo causa estresse, às vezes intenso estresse e, isso coloca uma carga pesada no sistema imunológico, o que pode reduzir sua capacidade de lidar efetivamente com a grande variedade de infecções às quais é exposto, enquanto conduz sua vida diária normal.

Seu sistema imunológico é adaptado individualmente para atender exclusivamente a cada um de vocês e, por isso, é que as pessoas que recebem transplantes de órgãos ou que precisam se submeter a tratamentos invasivos para doenças graves, então, precisam tomar vários tipos de medicamentos imunodepressores pelo resto de suas vidas. Seus sistemas identificam o que foi implantado como invasor e tentam desativá-lo.

Seu sistema imunológico é uma magnífica infraestrutura de autocura que, constantemente, está alerta para novas ameaças ao seu bem-estar, enquanto, continuamente, desenvolve novas formas de melhorias para lidar com os ambientes em constante mudança em que levam suas vidas diárias. Na medida em que surgem novas doenças, ele está constantemente aprendendo novas maneiras de lidar com elas, desabilitando-as e dissolvendo-as quando elas invadem o seu corpo, permitindo assim a cura.

Alguns de vocês têm sistemas imunológicos mais capazes de lidar com o Coronavírus do que outros; portanto, muitos serão infectados, mas, não ficarão doentes; outros experimentarão sintomas semelhantes aos da gripe que drenam sua energia e exigem que tirem algum tempo para descansar e se recuperar, e, para alguns, o seus sistemas imunológicos serão incapazes de desativar ou descartar o vírus e, assim, deitarão seus corpos e voltarão para casa, onde receberão as mais magníficas boas-vindas.

Portanto, se você é um daqueles que perdeu alguém próximo e querido - seja pelo Coronavírus ou de qualquer outra causa - lembre-se de que este ente está sendo extremamente bem cuidado, uma vez que isto, deliciosamente se ajusta ao seu retorno ao Lar. E para si mesmo, permita um tempo suficiente para lamentar sua perda, perdoe-se plenamente se, por qualquer motivo, acreditar que o tenha ferido ou ofendido de alguma maneira e saiba  será perdoado de maneira  mais definitiva e amorosa, porque, SÓ EXISTE AMOR e que, agora, está absolutamente e plenamente consciente de Sua alegria e poder, enquanto descansa em Seu abraço mais amoroso!

Portanto, durante esses tempos difíceis, continue redefinindo sua intenção de amar apenas o que quer que venha a surgir. Concentre sua consciência no fato de que está bem avançado em seu processo de despertar. Isso o capacita e permite que o Amor flua através de si de maneira mais fácil e poderosa, fortalecendo seu sistema imunológico e, em seguida, saindo de você para ajudar e elevar todos os seres humanos, enquanto, eles se envolvem - consciente ou inconscientemente - com o processo de despertar.

Seu despertar é um fato concreto, garantido e que o experimentará, juntamente com a intensa alegria que o acompanha. Como uma analogia não muito brilhante, você pode pensar nisso como um filme que deseja muito ver. Você sabe que o filme já foi lançado e que, agora, é apenas uma questão de encontrar o momento e a oportunidade de ir assisti-lo - está lá nos cinemas, pode ir vê-lo quando quiser. Da mesma forma, seu despertar está lá fora, aguardando por sua decisão de se envolver com ele.

Atualmente, muito do que está acontecendo em todo o mundo, está firmemente a incentivá-lo a tomar consciência da necessidade de mudar a percepção de sua visão de mundo, a tomar consciência da interdependência conectada de todos os seus pensamentos, palavras e ações e da necessidade de modificar ou mudar totalmente certas crenças e comportamentos que não lhe servem mais e com os quais se identificou por boa parte da sua vida.

Dentro da ilusão, sonho ou pesadelo que está experimentando como humano na forma, na fisicalidade, muita coisa está acontecendo que precisa mudar. E cada um de vocês, cada indivíduo, mudando suas percepções e crenças de medo para Amor, está trazendo à tona essas mudanças essenciais.

Não se engane, sua presença na Terra neste momento importante da evolução espiritual da humanidade é mais do que urgentemente necessária. Cada um de vocês tem um papel muito importante a desempenhar no processo de despertar coletivo, um papel no qual ninguém mais está qualificado ou apto a substituí-lo. Não se assuste com esse pensamento, porque cada um de vocês tem dentro de si, tudo o que precisa para executar e concluir suas tarefas.

Algumas delas podem ser ações físicas a serviço de outros, outras podem se apenas você mesmo, deixando cair as máscaras que se acostumou a usar quando não estava completamente sozinho. Quando se permite ser você mesmo, permitindo assim que os outros o vejam como a pessoa que realmente é - gentil, compassivo, amoroso - isso os incentiva e convence a fazer o mesmo.
Seu despertar coletivo está acontecendo agora! Portanto, não se distraia com os acontecimentos mundanos que estão sendo relatados de maneira a incentivar o medo. Agora, é o momento de se envolver totalmente com o Amor, com sua verdadeira natureza e ver todos os outros como Amor, mesmo que suas ações ou comportamentos no momento não demonstrem isso.

Ao demonstrar o Amor em ação e, escolhendo vê-lo nos outros - e nada mais - você afeta e acelera mais positivamente o processo de despertar. Não espere que outros o façam primeiro! Isso só funciona como um empecilho para o processo. Confie na Mãe/Pai/Deus, Fonte, Jesus, nos reinos espirituais a quem você ora, sua equipe de apoio espiritual e  todos com quem interage, porque todos são UM e, portanto, você e VOCÊ e nós e NÓS estamos trazendo esse maravilhoso momento a sua plena floração.

Com muito Amor, Saul. 




 Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
A religião organizada é desnecessária à espiritualidade.
Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dogmático dessas religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcansar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.

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publicado por achama às 16:10
Domingo, 15 / 03 / 20

Know that Love is the antidote to fear.

Know that Love is the antidote to fear.

Saul (Paul) via John Smallman


March 15th, 2020





As you are well aware the Coronavirus pandemic is giving rise to much fear all across the world, while daily life becomes increasingly difficult for most people due to government restrictions on gatherings and travel.  Know that Love is the antidote to fear.  Fear causes stress, sometimes intense stress, and this places a heavy load on your immune system which can reduce its ability to deal effectively with the wide variety of infections to which it is exposed as you lead your normal daily lives.
Your immune system is individually tailored to suit you, and this is why people, who receive organ transplants or who have to undergo invasive treatments for major diseases, then require to be on various kinds of medications for the rest of their lives, as their immune systems identify what has been implanted as alien and attempt to disable it.  Your immune system is a magnificent self-healing infrastructure that is constantly on the alert for new threats to your well-being, while continually developing new forms of amelioration with which to deal with the ever-changing environments in which you lead your daily lives.  As new diseases arise it is constantly teaching itself new ways to deal with them by disabling and dissolving them when they invade your body, thus allowing healing to occur.
Some of you have immune systems that are better able to deal with the Coronavirus than others, thus many of you will become infected but will not become sick, others will experience flu-like symptoms that will drain their energy and require them to take time out to rest and recuperate, and, for a few, their immune systems will be unable to disable or discard the virus, and so they will lay down their bodies and return Home, where they will receive a most magnificent welcome.
So, if you are one of those who loses someone who is near and dear to you – whether from the Coronavirus or from any other cause – just remind yourself that they are being extremely well cared for as they adjust delightedly to their Home-coming.  And for yourself, allow adequate time to grieve your loss, totally forgive yourself if for any reason you believe that you have hurt or offended them in any way, and know that they have most definitely and most lovingly forgiven you, because THERE IS ONLY LOVE, and they are now absolutely and fully aware of Its joy and power as they rest in Its most loving embrace!
So, throughout these difficult times, keep resetting your intent to be only loving whatever arises.  Focus your awareness on the fact that you are well advanced in your awakening process.  Doing this empowers you and allows Love to flow through you more easily and powerfully, strengthening your immune system, and then out from you to assist and uplift all humans as they engage – knowingly or unknowingly – with the awakening process.  Your awakening is a done deal, it is assured and you will experience it, along with the intense joy that accompanies it.  As a rather poor analogy, you could think of it as a movie that you very much want to see.  You know that the movie has been put on general release, and that now it is just a question of you finding the time and the purpose to go and see it – it’s out there, you can see it any time you choose.  So with your awakening, it’s out there awaiting your decision to engage with it.
Much that is presently occurring throughout the world is very firmly nudging you toward becoming aware of the need to change your perception of your worldview, to become fully aware of the connected interdependence of all your thoughts, words, and actions, and of the need to modify or totally change certain beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you, and with which you have self-identified for much of your life.  Within the illusion, dream, or nightmare that you are experiencing as a human in form, much is occurring that needs to change.  And you, each individual, by changing your perceptions and beliefs from ones of fear to ones of love, are bringing into being those essential changes.  Make no mistake, your presence on Earth at this momentous time in humanity’s spiritual evolution is most urgently required.  You each have a very important role to play in the collective awakening process, a role in which no one else is qualified or able to replace you.  Do not be alarmed by that thought, because each of you has within you all that you need to perform and complete your tasks.  Some of them may be physical actions in service to others, some may be just being yourselves by letting drop the masks that you have become accustomed to wearing when you are not completely alone.  When you allow yourselves to be yourselves, thus allowing others to see you as the person you really are – kind, compassionate, loving – it encourages and persuades them to do the same.
When you all start to show yourselves as you truly are, instead of presenting yourselves behind masks that limit the ability of others to recognize you because of your fear of being thought of as not good enough, less competent, or even unacceptable, then major shifts in humanity’s collective awareness of what it means to be human will occur very rapidly indeed.  Your self-trust, expressed and demonstrated through your self-disclosure, will help others to find the necessary courage to do likewise.  And as that happens you will start to recognize the awakening occurring all around you.
Your collective awakening is happening right now!  So, do not be distracted by worldly events that are being reported in ways that encourage fear.  Now is the moment to engage fully with Love, with your true nature, and see all others as Love, even if their actions or behaviors in the moment do not demonstrate that.  By demonstrating Love in action, and by choosing to see It in others – and nothing else – you most positively affect and accelerate the awakening process.  Do not wait for others to do it first!  That only acts as a drag on the process.  Trust Mother/Father/God, Source, Jesus, those in the spiritual realms to whom you pray, your spiritual support team, and everyone with whom you interact, because all are One, and, therefore, you and You and we and We are bringing this wonderful moment into full bloom.
With so very much love, Saul.


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 21:14
Quarta-feira, 01 / 01 / 20

Prepare yourselves for the joy to come.

Saul (Paul) via John Smallman


December 13th, 2019






  1. 2019-12-31-saul-audio-blog-for-new-years-eve.mp3  
  2. Saul Audio Blog for New Yea's Eve 2019/20

Today, as you prepare to enter into a new terrestrial year, I would like to remind you that there is only and can only be L O V E!  Love is Reality, is Mother/Father/God, is The Source from which All That Is flows constantly out embracing and re-embracing Itself in every moment, creating infinite Joy for All.
Separation is an illusion, and time is a major aspect of the illusion, because there is only NOW.  There is no last year, this year, or next year, there is NOW.  All experiences occur NOW, even memories you revisit occur NOW.  That is why memories can be so intense, because when you bring them to mind you re-experience them NOW!  Painful memories need to be released and discarded because they spoil the now moment for you.  However, they do not actually do any spoiling, it is just that when you bring them to mind you are departing from NOW!  Now is always joy-filled, so joyful memories can intensify Now, whereas painful and sorrowful ones hide Now from your awareness, and replace it with dreams or nightmares that are totally lacking in Joy.
Joy is real and is available to you in every moment regardless of what may be happening in the now moment for you as humans.  Joy sees the beauty in every moment and intensifies it, and in every moment there is always beauty.  As humans you experience duality – good/bad, right/wrong, beauty/ugliness – and you thenchoose the aspect on which you wish to focus your attention.  That is why earthly events and situations bring joy to some and misery to others.
For instance you might support a football team; when they win a match you are in joy, and the supporters of the other team are in misery; and when your team lose you are in misery and the supporters of the other team are in joy.  But to allow yourselves to make yourselves miserable because the team you support does not win is a choice you make, no one else makes it for you.  That is a simple example to demonstrate quite clearly that you do make the choice to be either joyful or miserable, because if you decide to support a different team then your perception of what makes you joyful or miserable alters.  But, as you live your lives, most of the time the choices available to you do not seem to be nearly as clear and simple as that.
In Reality choices are unnecessary because Love, Joy, and Creativity flow smoothly and constantly in every moment further revealing the amazing wonder that is Reality.  The choice to experience separation from Source was a little like a human teenager choosing to do something that was different from the life experiences that had so far occurred, a teenage expression of independence.  It lasted but an instant, BUT, because God had given you Himself when He created you, you had the same infinite power, the same divine power to create something on your own that appeared to be quite different from Source.
BUT there is nothing apart from Source, and so you became lost in a dream state, an illusory state that to you, as humans, seems totally real.  It is not!  However you chose to believe that it was real and therefore that is how it appears to you, and how it will continue to appear to you until you change your mind!
To awaken is to change your collective mind, and, because you experience yourselves as separated from one another, you each have to change every one of your individual minds.  That changing of minds is happening right now, and you can see evidence of it everywhere as Love replaces conflict and confusion in the minds of many people, so that they then change their attitudes and their behaviors.  This leads to a collective change of perception, allowing more and more loving ideas and activities to manifest in the seemingly most unlikely of places on the planet.  These ideas and activities are alive with hope, alive with enthusiasm, alive with excitement as it becomes very clear to those involved that life can and will be joyful.
There are very few now who are completely unaware that enormous changes are occurring planet-wide, and therefore many are seeking information as to what it is that is happening and why.  And what they are discovering is that humanity is waking up, and they keep meeting and making new acquaintances who are also waking up.  This is truly a most inspiring and uplifting time in which to be incarnate as a human on Planet Earth.
Your task, each of you reading this message, is to focus your attention on the positive and uplifting events that are taking place all over the planet as opposed to focusing narrowly and very intently, as many do, on the chaos, confusion, and conflict that is also occurring on the planet.  These latter have been occurring for eons and are now in their final stages of dissolution as the Tsunami of Love washes ever more intensely across the planet and in doing so embraces all of humanity.
It does seem weird to have so much that is good and loving and so much that is causing conflict, resentment, and bitterness occurring seemingly simultaneously.  This is the moment of change, and for change to be brought forth chaos and confusion must be present.  In situations of chaos and confusion change will occur, because chaos and confusion inevitably lead to change.  Mostly in the past things only appeared to get better – wars ending and peace being established – before the cycle started again with wars of greater intensity causing greater damage and suffering than before.
This not what is happening now.  Humanity is awakening to the realization that conflict and the resultant wars are both insane and totally unnecessary.  Wars arise from a powerful egotistical need to be right and make the other wrong, and the facts of the situation are never the issues over which wars are fought.  Wars are fought over the issue of pride!  The pride of the authority figure(s) who choose conflict in order to demonstrate how powerful they are.  But conflict always leads to further conflict as the defeated ones recover and choose to reengage to heal their injured pride.
That kind of pride, which has been present for eons, has finally been recognized for what it is – a child-like refusal to admit that it has made a mistake by totally denying it, and blaming the resultant damage on someone else.  With recognition, with awareness of this, the possibility for change arises and is wisely and enthusiastically embraced by all involved.
This global awareness or recognition is the direct result of so many choosing to be loving whatever arises, and it has now become so all-encompassing that it is empowering the peoples of the world to absolutely demand change from those who were elected to serve them, but who have misused their positions for personal gain.  The tipping point has passed, doubts are dissolving, and humanity is awakening.
Prepare yourselves for the joy to come by continuing to hold your Light on high and treating absolutely everyone with love and respect.  Doing just that is what brings into effect the changes for which you have all been hoping and praying.
With so very much love to you all at this dawning of the terrestrial year of 2020, 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 06:59
Sexta-feira, 13 / 12 / 19

All will feel the infinite intensity of divine Love.

Saul (Paul) via John Smallman

December 13th, 2019




  1. 2019-12-13-saul-audio-blog-for-friday-december-13th.mp3  
  2. Saul Audio Blog for Friday December 13th

Here in the spiritual realms, as we watch over you and support you, we are all elated with the progress that the human collective is making as it moves purposefully forward on its path towards awakening.  It has, in regards to the time spent on it, been a long and arduous journey, and many have suffered greatly due to the general ignorance or lack of understanding of the purpose of life as a human.  When the choice was taken to experience separation from Source, the enormity and intensity of the state of confusion that this would lead to was not, and could not have been foreseen.  Once you had entered into the experience of separation – even though it was and is unreal – your memory of Reality was replaced by a dream-like territory that enormously limited both your creative abilities and the wisdom to understand what you had done.

Initially, the purpose of life, when you became aware that it had a purpose, was survival.  The human form, being easily damaged or killed, needed your constant attention so that you could provide it with the energy it required – food – and shelter and protection from all that could harm it.  There were many elements in the dream environment that you had constructed that at any moment could cause you serious injury or death.  It was therefore a frightening environment in which rapid reactions were sometimes necessary if you were to survive and avoid the life threatening catastrophes that arose, often without any warning.  Life as a human was, initially, very demanding, sometimes requiring you to make very rapid decisions whether to fight for your life, or to flee in search of safety.

Over time you formed families, tribes, supportive communities, and later, cities and nation states, in order to provide a sense of safety and security.  But always disagreements would arise, either one on one or between larger groups, that inevitably led to conflict.  Now, as the Tsunami of Love continues to intensify as more and more of you choose to set the daily intent to be only loving whatever arises, vast numbers of you have recognized that conflict never resolves the issues that led to conflict in the first place.  This recognition is leading to changes in attitudes and behaviors all across the world as the intent to be loving alters people’s perceptions about life’s meaning and the way it should be lived.

Although the military industrial complex mentality is still operating powerfully and very corruptly in many areas, many within it are now seriously questioning its philosophy and consulting with one another in order to establish within it practices and incentives to completely alter its old and utterly outdated conflict-driven mentality.  A mentality that has been its guiding principle for so long, and which has caused and continues to cause so much suffering, while at the same time doing so much uncaring damage to the planet which is your only and total life support system while you remain in form as humans.  The insanity of previous methods of dealing with the issues that arise for humanity is now clearly understood, and they are being discarded as new methods that respect and honor each and every individual as well as the whole human collective are being introduced.

This is a time of enormous change as the Tsunami of Love dissolves the fear that has for so long been separating you and driving you apart into warring factions riddled with deceit and mistrust.  Times of change are always very unsettling as much that was hidden is revealed, bringing into the light the egotistical hunger for more and more power over others that drives so many who hold influential positions in politics, in the military, or in major industrial corporations.  Egotistical behaviors and attitudes are fear driven, and have arisen because of the sense of complete separation from everything that is not self that every individual sentient being in form experiences.  Even though modern science has now shown that absolutely everything in form – from rocks to humans – is connected to everything else, only an extremely small number of people are actually knowingly aware of this truth.  Yes, some accept it as a fact intellectually because science say that it is so, but practically no one at all knows it in the intense way that one knows that one exists.

When that intense inner knowing that there is only One is widely shared and experienced, then fear dissolves and loving cooperation becomes fully established as the only way in which sentient beings can and desire to interact or relate with each other.  Knowing that there is only One, and that each of you are that One, instantly removes all the blocks and barriers to Love that have been built and reinforced over the eons that you have been experiencing separation through living lives in form.  When that happens – and that is your awakening – all will feel the infinite intensity of divine Love, which is the only environment that exists, flowing though them abundantly and constantly, and they will also feel It flowing through all others.

The bliss and the joy of that knowing that you are One is what you have all been seeking for eons.  You have never been apart from It, but you have been having an extremely long, ongoing, and terrifying sense that you are each alone and separated from It, purely because you made the collective choice to immerse Yourself in the dream that presents itself to you as physical reality.  That unreal state seems totally real because the vast majority of humans identify themselves completely as only their individual physical bodies, totally separated from other physical bodies that can and do attack and hurt them.

God, Source, the supreme Wisdom and Intelligence, is infinite and absolutely limitless energy – LOVE – and You used only a tiny fraction of the power flowing constantly through that field to construct unreality, the dream, that you experience as the vast multiverse in which, as seemingly tiny insignificant beings present in form for but an instant, you experience your lives.

The only point to note is that it is unreal, that it does not and cannot contain you for even a moment, because there is nothing that can contain, limit, or restrict LOVE, which is what You are, eternally.  Celebrate Reality, and accept that you are about to remember who You are as you awaken into God’s divine Reality, Your divine Reality, where you exist and have always existed in eternal and – in human terms – absolutely unimaginable Joy.
With so very much love, Saul.


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 21:22
Segunda-feira, 02 / 12 / 19

To awaken is to know who You are.

Saul (Paul) via John Smallman

December 1st, 2019




  1. 2019-12-01-saul-audio-blog-for-sunday-december-1st.mp3  
  2. Saul Audio Blog for sunday December 1st

As a large part of humanity – those who are aware that they are on a spiritual path leading to their awakening – waits expectantly for the awakening to happen, much is occurring worldwide that is very unsettling for nearly everyone, and very painful for those who are living in war zones or in areas in which the planet herself or the weather is causing damage and disruption on a large scale.  This is all in preparation for the awakening, because much negativity – resentment, hatred, bitterness, anger, and negative judgment – that humanity has been clinging to, has to be seen, acknowledged, and released in order for you to awaken.
Those strongly held feelings and opinions most definitely affect not only those who live in areas where they are endemic, intensifying them, but also people all across the world, and the planet herself.  Therefore it is essential that you all open your hearts, even more fully than you already have done, to allow Love to flow through you far more freely to those who are living in fear and thereby shutting It out of their lives.  Your intent to share and extend your Love to all on Earth, regardless of the apparent differences between you – whether of race, color, or ethnicity, of religious or political beliefs, or any other differences – is the most effective thing you can do to assist in the awakening process.
Your awakening is inevitable, because it is God’s Will.  And, because it is God’s Will, it is also your will, because You and He are One, always, eternally, in an infinite state of joy!  You have never left that state, but the vast majority of humans focus their attention on the myriad distractions with which it seems that the illusion, the dream/nightmare state is continuously presenting you.  It is a very noisy and disturbing environment, and while you focus your attention there it is practically impossible for you to be aware of or access the field of Love in which your eternal existence is forever playing out in supreme happiness.  Some of you have had moments when you very briefly experienced that Love, when you actually felt It, and It mightily changed your perception of life permanently.  Fear then fell away, leaving you in a state of peace and acceptance, knowing that you are indeed beautiful sentient immortal beings, infinitely and eternally loved by God.
You are all, every sentient being on Earth, Love incarnate in form.  Love is the infinite and eternal flow of energy that is the life force within those forms.  That is, You are the Love that expresses Itself through each and every form.  While in form your memory of your divine nature is forgotten, and the life paths that you have each individually established for yourselves, and which you are following in every moment, were specifically designed for you, before you incarnated, to lead you back to remembrance of who you truly are, namely One with Source, Mother/Father/God, LOVE.  And, of course, there is nothing other than This!
To awaken is to know who You are, and in knowing who You are great joy arises because You are then instantly aware that you are eternally alive in this wondrous state that no words and no poet can ever express.  It is a state that has to be experienced by each of you individually, and as it arises in your awareness You instantly know that You are One, that there is no separation, that there is only Love, God, Source without end, limitation, or boundaries of any kind whatever.
Life as a human is rather like living in a maze or a labyrinth from which there appears to be no exit except through death!  And this is very disturbing, exasperating, frightening, and depressing, so people seek distraction through a variety of hobbies, sporting activities, and easily accessed non-activities such as watching movies, or aimlessly scanning social media posts in the hope of finding an exciting drama in which to engage.  Anything to avoid being alone with themselves, because most people have a deeply ingrained sense of unworthiness, of not being good enough, or not as good as . . . a family member, a friend, or someone of public note.  Being alone with one’s self, aware of one’s self is very uncomfortable because then the ego judges and condemns the self for all its perceived failings and inadequacies.
However, you are ALL perfect divine beings!  You were created perfect, because what God creates can only be perfect, and that state never changes!
Nevertheless, because for the most part you identify with your bodies, which age, get sick, and die, the idea that you are perfect not only fails to resonate with you, it cannot resonate with you, because death – which for bodies is inevitable – is what you fear the most.  And of course your egos powerfully encourage you to identify with your bodies and, therefore, with them.  Your egos thrive on your sense of separation because you then turn to them for advice and guidance, and what they offer you is always negatively judgmental of your bodies and their senses, and appears to be true because you are forever finding fault with your bodies, and it therefore seems that that fault finding is valid!  In a way it is valid because your bodies are vehicles of limitation, they were chosen by you to provide the experience of limitation . . . but you are not your bodies!  You are immense beings, far vaster than the universe in which your bodies are experiencing themselves as small and insignificant time limited forms in flesh.
However, while you are in form, your bodies provide you with the experiences you chose to place on your human life paths before you incarnated, experiences that you chose for the lessons with which they would present you.  And those lessons always occur at precisely the right moment, although frequently they are not recognized as lessons, and may even be seen as calamities or catastrophes because they are not aligned with your egoic desires.
As most of you are very well aware, meditation is highly recommended by all the major religions, by spiritual teachers everywhere, and also by those in the spiritual realms who speak to you (like this one) through channeled messages.  The reason for this is because it establishes you in a relaxed state in which your egos are relatively quiet, almost peaceful, thus allowing you to listen to and hear the guidance that your spiritual support team offers you when you call on them for advice.  Some of you refer to that guidance as ‘intuition,’ but what you choose to call it is totally unimportant, what is important is that you listen for it, hear it, and avail of its help in your daily lives.
Meditation has also been scientifically proven – in the last few decades – to be of great value in helping to keep your bodies healthy as it dissolves excessive levels of stress, and strengthens your immune systems.  So, as I keep reminding you in the messages that I offer you, you need to make a meditative practice an essential part of your day . . . every day!  It is so easy to find yourselves overcome with massive ‘to do lists,’ and then your egos suggest that missing your practice just this once is OK, and that anyhow you can make up for it tomorrow.  Obviously neglecting to meditate occasionally will not harm you, but it will weaken your practice and make it less effective.
I recommend it, because meditation is the key to maintaining your peace as you go about your daily lives, and one of the best ways to practice is to settle yourselves quietly, where you will not be disturbed by others or by social media devices, and then choose to go within, to that holy inner sanctuary that you all have within you.  While you relax in that holy space set the intent to open your hearts fully so that Love may enter to embrace you.  It is always with you, because You and It are One, and when you invite It in It will embrace you, intensifying your sense of peace.  Therefore, it is an excellent way to start your day.  And while you are in a meditative state any doubts you may have about your existence as eternal, beloved, and perfect children of God will soften.  These doubts are an aspect of being human, of being limited, of being less than, and they are invalid, but your egos do not want you to let go of them, because, when you do, they lose their power over you, as you find yourselves increasingly at peace, and increasingly aware of the truth that you are indeed a perfect and beloved child of God.
With so very much love, Saul.


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This author archives:


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 02:33
Domingo, 30 / 06 / 19

The age of crude, gross, and insane materialism is over. ~ Saul, John Smallman.

The age of crude, gross, and insane materialism is over.

By Saul (Paul).

Therough John Smallman.

June 29th, 2019

  1. 2019-06-29-saul-audio-blog-for-saturday-june-29th.mp3  
  2. Saul audio Blog for Saturday June 29th

Humanity is most definitely on the brink of awakening!  You need to wake up from the dream/nightmare/illusion that has encouraged you to believe in separation and engage in interminable conflict for eons.  Over the last few decades the technological achievements of mass instant communications worldwide has enabled awareness to grow of your global interdependence – no one is an island – and of the essential requirement for a change in attitudes and behaviors to eradicate poverty and become true guardians of your beautiful Planet Earth.  Your disastrous industrial behavior, which has caused so much environmental damage, has to be terminated and replaced by modern technologies – which are readily available – that treat the Earth, your home, with honor and loving respect.  There is no lack, the planet is well able to support you all if you will just engage with her lovingly and considerately.
The age of crude, gross, and insane materialism is over.  It is being superseded as the young members of humanity everywhere rightly demand change so that a sustainable way of living that honors the planet and all life forms, while at the same time starting to repair the enormous industrial damage of the last two or three hundred years, is introduced.  The damaging methods of industry, that have escalated in recent decades, must cease, and the toxicity that they have caused must be cleaned up.  The technology to do this is readily available now!  It has been suppressed by those who chose to enrich themselves regardless of the cost to humanity or to the planet, but it is now being brought into action on a small scale in may areas for proof of concept trials that will lead to large scale planetary revitalization and remediation.
As you well know, humanity has taken the collective decision to awaken, and as a direct consequence of that decision much is now arising into people’s awareness that has long been buried, hidden, or denied, because it was far too painful to be held in conscious awareness.  Basically withheld and unacknowledged harsh and bitter judgments of others, judgments that were in truth self-judgments projected out onto others in order to avoid the intense pain of owning them – pain so intense that it could lead people to desire self-destruction.
Over the eons this has set the stage for today’s development of weapons of mass destruction to be used preemptively to attack othersif those who possessed them felt sufficiently threatened.  But an attack is always an attack on the self, because there is noother.  That is why conflict always leads to further conflict as the self repeatedly attacks itself to right wrongs it believes were directed at it by others.  This is nothing but a continuous feedback loop constantly reinforcing itself until the insanity is recognized and someone chooses to break or discontinue it.  That recognition has now occurred, and has given rise to peace movements, and to an increasing number of meditation or prayer groups meeting regularly with the same intention, namely to live peacefully by engaging fully with their true nature which is Love.
What still has not been widely enough recognized is that peace has to arise first within the individual, within the self.  To demand that others be peaceful and respectful while failing to release negative and harsh judgments of them is self-defeating.  Negative judgments are always a reflection of unacknowledged negative self-judgments projected onto others.  Yes, others do behave in ways that are unkind and unloving, but that is just a reflection of their own inner turmoil, and self-hatred.  Self-hatred in self or in others needs to be met with love, and only with love.
The way forward is to acknowledge this – in yourselves and in others – however painful it is to admit to having made seemingly terrible and unconscionable choices and then acted on them, and then forgive oneself and resolve not to continue along that path.  Doing this brings an enormous sense of peace, along with the strength to feel emotions of anger and resentment without acting them out on others, and in that space Love is found, along with a strong desire to forgive those whom one believes has hurt or offended oneself.
As so many wise ones have informed you: There is only Love, nothing else is real.  However, when feelings of bitterness, resentment, a need for restitution, or hatred are harbored and nursed Love is blocked out because when you hold onto to unloving feelings you just cannot be loving, as Love is hidden by the fog and confusion that those feelings produce, and your awareness and attention are finely focused there, and only there, in that fog of confusion.  And in that confusion of thought and of perception it is impossible to see the way forward to a state of lasting peace, as your history clearly shows.  Because you are very powerful divine beings, what you focus your attention on is precisely what you experience.  Change your focus and change your experiences.
When you go within, to that place where peace and love are always present, to relieve your stress by relaxing and letting go of the worries and anxieties with which your lives are often seemingly filled, reset the intent to be only loving whatever arises.  This intent needs to be reset regularly because it is often displaced or overridden when an event or situation arises that angers or frightens you.  By resetting the intent you effectively let go of the unloving emotions that have arisen, leaving you free once more to be only loving.  And when you do this you feel so much better because your mood has shifted.  This is the best way to exchange a bad or unhappy mood for one of peace and contentment.  And when you are at peace your energy field is welcoming, encouraging others to feel the peace and respond to you peacefully.
To awaken is to move into your place of peace and remain there at all times, thus finding yourselves feeling happy and contented because you are at HOME!  You are at One with Source instead of attempting to separate yourself from that perfect state of being.  Then life is constantly joyful and the issues that made you feel separate, alone, lost, are no more.
With so very much love,  Saul.
No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 08:17
Quinta-feira, 06 / 06 / 19

When there is celebration conflict is impossible! ~ Saul, John Smallman.

When there is celebration conflict is impossible!

By Saul (Paul).

Therough John Smallman.

June 5th, 2019

  1. 2019-06-05-saul-audio-blog-for-wednesday-june-5th.mp3 
  2. Saul Audio Blog for Wednesday June 5th

Changes of enormous significance are occurring worldwide as humanity moves increasingly positively toward awakening.  Some, political or geophysical, are being reported in the mainstream media, while others, of a far more positive nature, are being reported in less public spaces, and then shared person to person through the vast network of social media channels.  People worldwide are choosing to communicate person to person on spiritual matters arising for them personally, matters that they have found their faith-based or religious organizations do not or cannot address.
Humanity is evolving spiritually very rapidly indeed, and many of the old religious organizations are either unwilling or unable to assist their members in this amazing awakening process.  All the old systems – social, political, business, educational, and religious – will either evolve spiritually or become totally obsolete.
The new age, which has been arising over the last five or six decades, is the age of LOVE.  Love is the natural state of sentient life forms, but for eons this was forgotten.  Now awareness is growing rapidly that Love is All.  Anything not in alignment with Love is unreal, illusory, and as the shadows or veils that were hiding or disguising Love dissolve and disintegrate, the awareness of the Reality of Love as the life force, the field of consciousness in which all that has been created has its eternal and never ending existence, is increasingly being recognized and honored.  The dream or, for far too many, the nightmare that life in form has become is to change beyond all recognition, as increasing numbers of people engage fully with their natural state – LOVE – by living it and demonstrating it constantly.
The chaos and confusion that is mightily apparent in politics, business, religion, and most horrendously in military conflicts all across the world that are causing mass migration, are now realized to be insane and, most fortunately, unsustainable.  New groups are forming, as those who now recognize that Love is the answer, the onlyanswer to all the issues and problems facing humanity and the planet, and these new groups are most positively setting the immutable intent to engage only with Love as they take part in discussions that are having a major effect in all areas of human life and activity.
This is an exciting and inspiring time to be incarnate as a human on Planet Earth because, as the collective awakening process gathers momentum, more and more people are becoming aware that there is far more meaning to life as a human than is found in the basic struggle for survival in which so many are engaged full time.  As Love flows into and fills myriad hearts across the world, the values that people honor and respect are becoming increasingly spiritually oriented, leading to an intense desire to to alleviate and then totally eradicate poverty worldwide, and by doing so all the suffering to which it leads.
Suffering basically arises from a person’s sense that they are unimportant, of very little value, unheard and unseen, which everyone who incarnates as a human experiences to a lesser or greater extent during their growth from physical infancy to physical adulthood.  This sense of lacking value is devastating!  As divine beings, beloved children of God, all were created in a state of perfect loving acceptance, knowing that they were each an inseparable and essential aspect of God, permanently at one with Him.  In that state there is only joy.
To then incarnate into human form and be seemingly separated from that divine form is absolutely terrifying.  Initially, developing within the mother’s womb, assuming the mother is happy to be with child, all physical needs are provided instantly, and the environment in which this growth occurs is warm, welcoming, and safe.  However, because of the intimacy and immediacy of the connection between mother and infant, all the chemicals – food, drink, medications, etc. – and the emotions that the mother ingests and experiences are almost immediately shared with the infant.  Therefore the womb can be experienced as a very as warm, comforting, and safe, or as a dangerously toxic environment physically, spiritually, and emotionally.  For most it is somewhere between those extremes, never perfect, and never totally unsafe.
Consequently, as children grow and develop, they learn to adapt automatically to the environments in which they find themselves in order to survive.  Everyone who chooses to incarnate as a human in form knows that they will undergo difficulties, but, because of the intense and brilliant planning that precedes incarnation, they know that they can deal most successfully with whatever arises during their human lives.  Nevertheless, because of the amnesia that is an unavoidable aspect of incarnation, they very quickly forget that they are divine beings, and get almost totally brain-washed by the culture into which they incarnate.  They then rebel against the pain and suffering that arises, to a greater or lesser extent, and then either bury or deny the suffering that they experienced in their early years, because the pain is far too intense to live with.  This leads to intense anger and projection, and their intense sense of unhappiness is blamed on others, the world, or God.
Spiritual evolution, which is a major aspect of the developing human, should occur gradually, as the infant’s intelligence develops, allowing and encouraging curiosity and investigation of the meaning of life, and of the environment in which it finds itself.  Frequently this is prevented as the child is either gently introduced to the cultural norms of the society in which it is growing up, or is force-fed the beliefs that the culture espouses.  This misalignment between the culture and the child’s curiosity and desire to learn can be devastating, and for the sake of peace, or even just in order to survive, the child buys into the cultural beliefs, and its spiritual evolution basically comes to a halt.
This has been the experience of the vast majority of humans for eons.  Now this is changing rapidly and dramatically, and the worldwide-web has been a great benefit in encouraging and stimulating the sharing of new ideas that enormously widen the points of view available for discussion and further development.  Restricted, narrow, and limiting belief systems are no longer accepted unquestioningly.  This opening up to new ideas really started to gain momentum after World War II, and then as further wars arose in a society that had fought two horrific wars to bring an end to war, the insanity of the attitudes that inevitably led to wars began to be seriously questioned and rejected.
That questioning and rejecting continues today, because although for many it is very plain that the old methods do not and cannot work, cannot bring world peace, their remains in place an old authoritarian system in which teams, tribes, or people with differing views still refuse to acknowledge that their attitudes are a major part of this ongoing problem.
This is now changing very rapidly as young people, who have had previous lives of intense suffering in war zones, now move forward into positions of influence where the wisdom they have accumulated over many life times can be shared and then built upon to bring about the essential changes in attitudes and behaviors that will enable the collective awakening of humanity to blossom.  The divine intent is for life to be joy-filled, and every being that God has created knows that deep within themselves.  Now, finally, that knowing is arising into the conscious awareness of ever increasing numbers of humans, regardless of their ethnicity, race, culture, or political or religious persuasion.
The tipping point is past!  Humanity is moving rapidly, and just in time, toward the essential awakening that will lead to acceptance that all are divine beings, created in Love, and that therefore all are seeking a return to Love.  Love is the energy field, the field in which consciousness arises, It is the life force that flows within every sentient being, and as awareness and acceptance of that divine and unalterable Truth continues to fill the hearts of increasing numbers of the human family, awakening will be seen to be happening on a vast and global scale.  Truly, celebration is the most appropriate way to honor the inevitability of your awakening each and every day.  When there is celebration conflict is impossible!  And when there is celebration Love shines forth.
With so very much love,  Saul.

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Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here. 
(Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 16:58
Segunda-feira, 20 / 05 / 19

You have never been separated from Love. ~ Saul, John Smallman

Truly life for all on Planet Earth is about to become far more harmonious!

By Saul (Paul).

Therough John Smallman.

May 19th, 2019

  1. 2019-05-19-saul-audio-blog-for-sunday-may-19th.mp3 
  2. Saul Audio Blog for Sunday May 19th

We all – Father/Mother/God, supreme Intelligence, divine Wisdom, all of creation that is not in form (an unimaginably vast number!) – are watching with delighted and enthusiastic excitement as your moment of awakening draws ever closer.  And yes, I hear you as you again express your doubts and your irritation because we have been telling you for a seemingly very long time that your awakening is about to happen.  And to many of you it appears that nothing is going on.  Your doubts and irritation, even intense anger, increase.  This is completely understandable because, as humans in form, it is extremely difficult for you to access the divine field of information where announcements and bulletins relating to this most magnificent event are posted regularly.  You, therefore, are reliant on the channeled messages received and shared by those tuned in to receive them, and naturally you find that less than totally satisfactory.  Your trust is being divinely tested, as you knew it would be, and you all agreed to this because you absolutely knew that all would be well, and you will not be disappointed.
Here in the non physical realms we do understand your impatience, and your disillusionment, and your awakening is all about this latter experience – disillusioning you! i.e releasing you from the illusion.  You are, each and every one of you, divine beings having an experience in form as humans.  You all chose to do this, knowing full well how deeply hidden your memories of Reality would be as you underwent life as a human, and although you had chosen to incarnate at this point in human history to participate in this most marvelous awakening event, it is, nevertheless, very unsettling for you, as it is for all of humanity, to observe and even be involved in the chaos, conflicts, and confusion presently arising worldwide.
However, deep within you all, your faith remains firm and unshaken in spite of your doubts.  It is this incredible faith that persuaded you to incarnate at this point in the awakening process – it has been ongoing for a long time in human terms – to mightily assist those who seemingly have absolutely no idea of what is going on, nor any idea of the unutterable joy that awaits you all.
Your faith and your strength, and the love that fills your hearts, and which you so willingly share, is essential to the awakening, and supports so very many, of whom you remain totally unaware, in ways that would astonish you.  Truly, you are enormously honored and respected here in Reality, the state or place from which none of you has ever departed.  You are unaware that you are constantly and lovingly enveloped by Reality because of the limitations being human imposes upon you.
However, by holding firmly to your own most powerful intent to awaken – a most powerful intent that all hold but are mostly unaware of or cannot access – even if you do not verbally communicate that intent to anyone else, I assure you that it is getting communicated and shared on very deep levels, which is why so much unsettling “stuff” is arising for so many right now.  And many of you, I know, feel very alone because it seems that there is no one, or that there is practically no one, with whom you can share even a small part of your vision of the awakening.
The expression “the end times” has been much quoted as people become increasingly concerned and anxious about the state of the world and the direction in which it appears to be heading.  But it would be far more appropriate to refer to “the darkness before the glorious light of dawn.”  The awakening is a “dawning,” a knowing arriving in people’s conscious awareness that there is only Love, followed by the joyful recognition of this divine truth.  The power of Love to melt or dissolve anything that is not in perfect alignment with It will amaze you, as the dawn breaks and the most brilliant light pours into your awareness leaving nowhere for darkness to abide, and showing you what beautiful divine beings you all are.
Bitterness, hatred, judgment, blame, and the intense egoic need to see punishment ordered and delivered, which unfailingly lead to endless conflict, will just fall away and disintegrate as people open their hearts to the immense power of Love.  You have never been separated from Love, but Love does not impose, it does not force, it does not direct, it does not control, It just is, and when It is no longer refused or shut out, rejected because you feel unworthy of Its Presence within you, and instead is openly welcomed into all your hearts, then It will fill you with a sense of awe and wonder that you cannot possibly imagine.  The joy of unconditional acceptance that Love offers to everyone – both saints and sinners alike, for you are all both saints and sinners – will absolutely blow your minds.
I ask you therefore to OPEN your hearts FULLY – they have for eons been closed in fear and have shrunk due to lack of sustenance – and allow them to expand limitlessly and endlessly as Love fills them once more with all of creation.  Within each one of you is All, you have just temporarily forgotten and lost sight of this fact, and of Reality.  There is only ONE, You are One, and in the Presence of the One there is only infinite joy.  So, celebrate the inevitability of your awakening, release your doubts and anxieties, and know, as you do deep within yourselves, that all is well, that all is always well, and that you just have not been paying enough attention.
With so very much love, Saul.

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publicado por achama às 04:41
Terça-feira, 07 / 05 / 19

Truly life for all on Planet Earth is about to become far more harmonious. ~ Saul, John Smallman

Truly life for all on Planet Earth is about to become far more harmonious!

By Saul (Paul).

Therough John Smallman.

May 5th, 2019




As all are very well aware enormous changes are occurring all across the world in politics, in business, and in religious, social, and charitable organizations, as aspects of their affairs, about which they have for so long been very secretive, are now being widely disclosed by myriad whistle blowers for all to see.  And while these disclosures are long overdue, many people have been amazed to hear how much has been going on that is almost beyond the bounds of belief.  People in positions of trust and authority, placed in those positions because of their apparent honesty and integrity,and who have been seduced by the sense of power that their positions have bestowed upon them, and who have then totally misled those to whom they are supposed to be answerable, are finally being compelled to answer important questions about processes that they were charged with overseeing, and which have not been carried forward with the honesty and integrity for which they were instigated.
It is utterly apparent that it is now absolutely essential to replace these corrupt and self-serving organizations, along with those who have been using them and running them to deliver their own self-serving agendas, with ones that act with honesty and integrity for the benefit of all humanity.  Vast multi-national organizations clearly do not operate in the best interests of humanity or of Planet Earth, and as they start to collapse or fall apart, due to their moral and actual financial bankruptcy, there are already in existence many smaller organizations being run competently and honestly that are well-placed to provide the necessary services, services on which these mega-conglomerates have for so long had a virtual monopoly, far more efficiently and economically.
Truly life for all on Planet Earth is about to become far more harmonious, as new ideas that address the needs of all are put into effect by new leaders all over the world, leaderswho will be operating with far more honesty and integrity than has ever before been seen on your beautiful planet.  Many of them are, as yet, unaware of the new roles that they will be taking on, but, as they are guided to step forward, they will be joined by other like minded individuals who have long been preparing themselves, often unknowingly, for these new and most important roles.
The ways in which humans relate to one another, either one to one or nation to nation, are about to enter into a period of massive transformation, because the realization has finally dawned that attempting to resolve the issues and problems facing humanity through bitter competition, and the resultant conflicts to which this path leads, not only do not work, but are, in fact, quite insane.
Be of good cheer, because you are all awakening to the realization that you are all one,regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, skin color, and political or religious persuasion.  And you are therefore also One with your living planet, whose vitality and good health directly affects you.  Needless vituperative arguments about whether or not climate change is true or false need to cease.  Your beautiful planet has always been in an ongoing state of evolution, and there have always been climactic changes in progress.  However, humanity has only become aware of this in the last few decades, as many scientists, with the best will in the world, have offered scientific facts and scientific evidence, to prove that what has been observed and recorded over the last two hundred years or so indicates very clearly that human activities are almost solely responsible for the enormous climactic changesthat are apparently presently occurring.
Without a doubt much damage has been done to the planetary ecosystem by unwise and foolish industrial activities over the last two or three hundred years, activities that have vastly escalated in magnitude, since the end of the second World War, as the need for energy escalated exponentially.  However, you now have the knowledge and the scientific competence to provide all the energy required for your modern ways of living without further despoliation of your living environment, Planet Earth.
The large industrial conglomerates, because of the insensitive and egotistical agendas of those who control and run them, and who have an insane sense that they need to be in control of the necessities that humans need for their daily lives, have, over the last hundred years or so, done their utmost to suppress new technologies that can, and will, provide Free Clean Energy in limitless abundance for all.
The technology IS available NOW to provide all the energy humanity could ever need, and those with the skills and competence to start repairing the frightful industrial damage that has been inflicted, often totally unthinkingly, on the planet are also available.  The technology is also on hand to clean up and recycle all the waste that is polluting the earth, the air, and the water on which human and animal survival depend.
There is an increasing awareness that you cannot continue to live on earth as you have been doing for the past two or three hundred years, with a small minority living in extreme luxury (better here to say extreme insanity!), while the rest are effectively enslaved to provide for that minority.  Planet Earth is a planet of abundance!  There is absolutely no need whatsoever for billions to live in gut-wrenching poverty while the so-called elite enjoy standards of living that are, in comparison, totally unconscionable.
This is all in the process of changing right now, as we speak!  Because, finally, there are enough adequately educated humans incarnate on Earth, who have evolved far enough spiritually, and who are sufficiently passionately motivated, to put into effect the changes necessary to ensure that all, without exception, will have the opportunity to live lives in which all that they need to live in comfortable abundance, without anyone else being deprived, will be readily available.
The times for untold enforced suffering and unconscionable poverty are coming to an end, being terminated, as an awakening human society comes to fully understand the message that the saints and mystics have been promulgating for thousands of years, namely that there is no separation!  That all are one, and always have been, and that what any single human thinks, says, or does affects not only all of humanity, but all of God’s divine creation.  There is growing recognition that Love is the unchangeable nature of every sentient being, and that happiness and joy arise when this is recognized, and when all live constantly holding that most powerful intent: “Whatever arises, I will respond lovingly, and only lovingly, because Love is my eternal nature.”  Be who you are, and exult in the results.
With so very much love, Saul.

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publicado por achama às 16:56
Sexta-feira, 26 / 04 / 19

Fear is unreal! ~ Saul, John Smallman

Fear is unreal!

By Saul (Paul).

Therough John Smallman.

April 26th, 2019

You, humanity, is finally opening to Love, and thus arriving on the same page where we in the non-physical realms spend a lot of our time. This is making it far easier for us to bridge the seemingly vast gap between form and non-form so that we can commune with you all far more easily and spontaneously. Awareness of your true nature, the Self that is using the body as a vehicle to experience form, is rising into the consciousness of increasing numbers of you, as the felt Presence of the Tsunami of Love, which is pouring down on Planet Earth, continues to intensify. Everyone incarnate on Earth now is feeling It, although the vast majority do not, as yet, have any understanding of what is happening, what it is that they are feeling, they just feel slightly to extremely uncomfortable, and all their denied or hidden non-specific-fears are adding to that discomfort.
What is happening is an essential aspect of the awakening process. To awaken is to open fully to Love, but fear blocks your access to It, and yet fear is, in truth, unreal. What people need to do is to look at it and see it for what it is, an unreasonable and illogical fear about some unknowable and unforeseeable, but seemingly possible future occurrence. Humans have for eons lived fearfully, believing that some horrendous catastrophe may arrive unexpectedly at any moment. That very seldom happens, but with instant worldwide news constantly available nowadays, and because catastrophes do happen, humanity’s fears have intensified. And fear is cumulative, thus strengthening the beliefs in the logicality of being fearful. Further, of course, the media – news, social, personal, political, religious, and institutional of all kinds – fans the flames, even throwing gasoline on them, because those in positions of authority over others are always keen to strengthen their positions, and building and encouraging fear is a most effective way to do this.
When people are alone in their homes, or are meeting in small friendly groups, the fear level is low because they each feel supported by the safety of their home environment or by the group. However, when large crowds gather, it is very easy for fear to arise – often without reason – and then spread rapidly, causing panic as people rush for the exits, trampling on each other intheir urgency to escape. Those who refuse to be overcome by fear can stand aside and remain quite safe, as the crowd rushes past, while they assess the situation to decide if there is anything to fear.
Your rational and logical minds know that living with a constant sense of fear is very stressful, and that it leads to psychological disorders that further compound the situation. Nevertheless, your egos thrive on fear! How many times have you felt offended by something someone has said to you, fear has then arisen, and as a result you have responded angrily to put that other person down, in their place. In the moment, if you think that you “have won” the argument or disagreement, you feel temporarily uplifted, powerful, strong. Then the other responds equally powerfully, undermining your momentary sense of victory. And of course that is how nations interact with each other, also multi-national corporations, and even religious organizations. So much of human interaction for so long has been confrontational – who will blink first!
Now, as the energy flow of Love increases and intensifies, many are becoming aware, very aware, that major change in attitudes and behaviors is essential if you – humanity – is to avoid Mutually Assured Destruction. You have the technology to achieve that insane result, and your governments keep on adding to their arsenals, as if more is better and safer. In the meantime, masses of people are living lives of desperation as they attempt to feed, shelter, and clothe their families. They want change. Enormous change in the way that their governments operate, so that those in need are cared for, and that those in despair and addiction can be lovingly attended to and brought back from their despair and addictions into lives that are uplifting and inspiring.
Everyone on Earth wants to be loved, happy, and at peace. And of course this is possible, it is your natural state. However, fear has hidden the reality of that from you, and in fear defenses are constructed, and borders and walls are built to separate “the haves from the have-nots!” Is it possible to to conceive of a state in which to live that is more insane than that? And differing political and religious beliefs and persuasions intensify these rifts between peoples due to race, color, ethnicity, culture, and intellectual ability, as those in positions of authority play on the fears of the masses to strengthen their own untenable positions, positions to which they were elected or appointed in order to honor, respect, and guide the people who place their trust in them.
All across the world it is now very apparent that people have seen through this deception, they are angry, and they will no longer tolerate the dishonesty, corruption, and indifference of those who are supposed to be governing and guiding the societies over which they have seemingly limitless power, and which they are seen to be using to pursue their own self-gratifying agendas.
As you have been told so often, ENORMOUS changes are occurring. They are not being reported by the elite owned mass media, but the freedom of information, now easily available across the world due to modern technical innovations, makes it impossible for this eons old deceit and corruption to be kept hidden.
The old order is crumbling. It is not up to the task of transforming the traditional attitudes and behaviors that have been based on an “us vs them” mentality, and encouraging, creating, and establishing a system that works fairly, honestly, respectfully for every human.
A transformative system is arising as people everywhere come to realize that there is no separation, and that everyone’s thoughts, words, and actions affects absolutely everyone else on the planet. A massive spiritual evolution of humanity is in process right now, and the rate of transformation, which is already very rapid, is accelerating.
You are all divinely loved, from the most spiritually advanced mystics to the simplest of individuals who seemingly have absolutely no awareness of their spiritual heritage. God does not differentiate between you, He does not judge you, He does not punish you, He Adores every single one of you without exception, and His Will is for you to do likewise. That is what your awakening is all about. And the Tsunami of Love is flowing powerfully into all your hearts wherever there is the slightest crack in the fearful defenses you built eons ago to keep It out. You will awaken into the complete and full knowingness that you are all One, and that awakening will bring you untold joy. Your awakening is divinely willed and therefore it is absolutely inevitable.
Therefore, Rejoice, Celebrate, and LOVE one another as God does! Truly you are beings of LOVE, and anything that you are presently experiencing that is not in alignment with Love is unreal and is crumbling, disintegrating, dissolving. And because it was unreal, when you awaken you will have no memory of it. There is only JOY.
With so very much love, Saul.

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publicado por achama às 23:26
Quinta-feira, 14 / 02 / 19

As the Tsunami of Love continues to intensify. ~ Saul, John Smallman.

As the Tsunami of Love continues to intensify.

By Saul (Paul).

Therough John Smallman.

February 13th, 2019


An event in human affairs of enormous significance is approaching rapidly.

The mainstream media have been avoiding issues of real significance, while attempting to draw your attention towards distractions which are intended to confuse and divide you so that you live in anxiety and fear.  Politics is a game played by influential people who are blinded by their own self-importance and driven by their desire for power over others, and who are supported by the mainstream media, while both are controlled and manipulated by a tiny but very powerful elite who have unlimited financial resources, and who have personal information about those influential ones which ensures that they can brought down in a moment, if they refuse to obey their masters, by releasing scandalous information about them.  Thus many politicians and news organizations are “owned” and used by a few very wealthy people with self-serving, secret, personal agendas that have been kept hidden from the public view.
Many people are now aware, or are becoming aware of the immense corruption that has been ongoing for a long time worldwide in large organizations, organizations that until recently were thought to be honest and trustworthy – operating in politics, business, education, healthcare, charities, religion, and the media – and a worldwide grassroots movement seeking enormous changes in their management and operations is growing rapidly as more and more shocking but, until now, hidden secret scandals are revealed and brought into the light of the public arena.
If humanity is to avoid self-destruction this powerful and power-hungry elite will have to be totally separated from their financial resources, and from the organizations through which they exercise that power and control.  Then the incredibly damaging activities in which the military-industrial complex has been engaged for decades must be terminated, following from that,quick and positive steps must be taken to start repairing the damage done to the planetary ecosystem.
As many of you already know, the damage done to the planet over the last two hundred years, and which has been occurring at an increasingly exponential rate since the end of World War II, has resulted in unconscionable amounts of pollution being arrogantly dumped into the oceans, lakes, and rivers, into the forests and prairies, and into the atmosphere, with militant disregard for the damage that was bound to ensue.  If steps are not taken swiftly to reverse and correct the damage that the planet has already sustained, then, in the very near future, its environment will cease to provide the basic essentials of clean air and clean water needed for humanity’s survival.
That so much damage has not only been allowed but encouraged clearly demonstrates the insanity of globalization.  It has stripped away any sense of responsibilityfrom the owners and managers of these enormous corporations for their decisions and for the subsequent activities that their organizations have engaged in,despite the enormous consequential ecological injury done to the planetary environment, and to the non human life forms the planet supports, because of their activities.
Although modern physics has recently shown that absolutely everything is connected to absolutely everything else, the responsibilities that an understanding of this lays on humanity has so far not been taken nearly seriously enough.  Well before modern science revealed this vast ordering of the entire universe, people had become aware of it on a smaller scale as the ecological interconnectedness between plants, insects, and animals (including humans).  And although ecologists gave warnings about the damage occurring, those with power and authority to limit and restrain damaging activities chose to ignore them, while encouraging globalization, whose supporters, promoters, and backers were interested solely in short-term financial reward.
Now, finally, awareness of the overwhelming need for change in humanity’s attitudes and behaviors is growing, and leading to a move toward major alterations in industrial processes, so that the most damaging activities are eitherseverely curtailed and restricted, or completely terminated.  You already have the technologies necessary to replace the most damaging industrial processes which you deem essential, they have just not been brought into use because they are not in alignment with the financial goals of the large globalized multinational corporations.  This is going to change!  New technologies – new in that information about them has not yet been released into the public domain – can and will be put into operation very quickly once those who have been preventing their introduction have been removed from power.
Truly there is a bright future ahead for humanity once the essential changes in attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors come into effect within you all.  This will allow and most positively encourage the setting and maintaining of the intent to establish a caring and responsible stewardship of Planet Earth, a stewardship that will ensure the well-being of the planet, while at the same time guaranteeing satisfying and uplifting living conditions for all of humanity without any exceptions.  At present, as you observe so much senseless and totally unnecessary conflict and suffering planet-wide, it is almost impossible for you to imagine a change of sufficient magnitude to resolve these seemingly overwhelming issues and problems.  Issues and problems that have been discussed in countless forums for decades without there being any meaningful signs of progress.
As all the channeled messages have been telling you, as alsohave many aware and trustworthy individuals presently incarnate, L O V E is the answer, the only answer to any problem or disagreement that arises between any of God’s divine children.  And each and every one of you, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, skin color, religious or political persuasion, or none, is a divine child of God.  Without even one of you God is incomplete, and God cannotbe incomplete.  As the Tsunami of Love continues to intensify – and YES, It is most certainly intensifying mightily – more and more of you are beginning to rub your eyes and open to the awareness that truly all that matters is L O V E!
All is divinely taken care of, there will be no winners and losers, no conquerors and vanquished, because all will succeed and delight in the success of all, as Love’s all-inclusive embrace envelops all.  When you engage with love, peace ensues because they are one, inseparable, as each of you are inseparably one with each other, and with God.
So, spend time alone with yourself at your holy inner sanctuary daily.  Yes, gather in groups to do so physically, or via phones or social media (the perfect use for them), and then go deep, and, as the distractions of your daily lives fade away for a time, feel the Oneness that is ever-present within each one of you, and from which you are and never can be separated.  The wonder and the all-fulfilling energy field that you then experience will empower you and give you the strength to hold the vision of a future of peace and abundance for all of humanity.  You are creating and bringing that vision into being.  Let go of your doubts, and know that it is so.
With so very much love, Saul.

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publicado por achama às 10:26
Domingo, 20 / 01 / 19

Fear is unreal, a figment of unreality. ~ John Smallman, paul, Saul

Fear is unreal, a figment of unreality.

By Saul (Paul).

Therough John Smallman.

January 18th, 2019


The New Age has arrived!  Yes, there appears to be increasing chaos and confusion, with some major catastrophes occurring across the world at present, but that is just a sign that life on earth is changing for humanity.  The ongoing changes are enormous,never before, in all of human history, have such major changes happened.  This is a First,and it is a VERY GOOD SIGN!  Nearly everyone is going through very unsettling emotional and or psychological issues as they make room to fully accept the Love that has been waiting patiently for this moment in order to enter into and completely infuse your hearts.
As I have said before, and quite recently, this is truly a time for CELEBRATION.  The old order, which has never really served you at all well, is collapsing as its foundations crumble, because humanity is no longer willing to accept the authoritarian dogma that it has used – in the service of a few powerful but very misguided ones – to control and subdue you.  You have become FREE – in truth you have always been free – but you are only just beginning to understand what this means.  It is indeed a vast learning curve, as you move from bitterly held resentments for pain and suffering imposed upon you over the eons, to a place where you can understand why it happened, and then lovingly forgive yourselves – remember, there is no separation, You are all One – and the perpetrators who are themselves in intense pain.
Everyone has lived in fear for a very long time, and although you are discarding it very rapidly indeed, the scar tissue, the psychological and emotional damage that you have undergone needs to be healed.  And that is what Love is doing right now as you write down this communication that I offer you, and asothers read it, listen to it, or in anyway become aware of it.  This is about your awakening, about (figuratively) rubbing the sleepy dust from your eyes, splashing cold water onto your faces, and leaving behind the world of dreams and nightmares.
Fear has, for far too long, been an intensely damaging emotion that has caused humanity to deceive and distrust one another, leading to disagreements, harsh judgments, blaming, and, then, wars.  War has been endemic on Earth for eons because so many humans are fear-driven and seek to strike others preemptively before they themselves can be attacked.  When this attitude is present in and encouraged by people of prominence in society – politicians, business leaders, religious leaders, and governmental leaders – trust is destroyed, devalued, dismissed, and presented as gullibility, further intensifying the sense of fear with which so many live, who then spend their lives justifying to themselves and to others the validity of their fear, and the dangerous vulnerability to which they expose themselves by trusting others.
The truth is that Love is completely vulnerable, and herein lies Its infinite and eternal strength.
Love can never be defeated, It can only be denied and ignored by people closing their hearts in fear.  But doing that changes It not at all, because It is ALL!  Love is the life force, the field of consciousness in which all that God has created has its eternal existence.  Without Love, which is impossible, there would be nothing.  But God is,therefore there is no place, no space, no room for nothing!  God, Love, Source IS ALL that existsand is, therefore, every sentient being, every conscious being ever created.
What Father/Mother/God creates is eternal, exists forever.  There is no end point, there is not the slightest possibility of anything Source creates, or has ever or will ever create, being terminated, destroyed, removed, obliterated.  Only what is unreal can be terminated, dissolved, and that is purely because it is unreal and has never existed.
All sentient beings, all life forms, all that is in any way conscious, are eternal divine creations, created in Love for eternal joy.  Fear is unreal, a figment of unreality that has arisen because you have forgotten who you are, as you apparently live in the dream of separation.  If it was possible to be separate from Source there would be reason for fear, but there is absolutely no such possibility.  However, as humans in form, this truth escapes you because you are in a state of amnesia, not knowing who or what you are, and that state of seemingly total ignorance of what is real is terrifying.
God, Source, is All.  Every life form is lovingly and eternally held in the divine embrace – safe, warm, whole, and joy filled.  That state can never and will never change, because Love, Source, supreme Intelligence, divine Wisdom, the Will of God is eternal and unchanging.
Truly, I cannot stress for you sufficiently, make real in your extremely limited human minds, the fact that fear, and all else that, like it, is not in complete alignment with Love, is but a figment of your unreal human minds.  When you awaken, as you inevitably will, and far sooner than you can conceive of, all that is unreal will just fall away as you become fully and utterly aware of the overwhelming JOY that is your divine right, that isGod’s Will for you, and that is your permanent state of existence.
Therefore, CELEBRATE, utter Joy is at hand!
With so very much love, Saul.
John Smallman 

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publicado por achama às 02:03
Segunda-feira, 26 / 10 / 15

Amor é o que sempre foram e são. ~ Saul via John Smallman.

Amor é o que sempre foram e são.

Saul [Paulo] através de John Smallman 


Tradução: Candido Pedro Jorge.


As notícias da grande mídia continuam a apresentar uma seleção alarmante de catástrofes e desastres, todavia as coisas não são como parecem. Sim, há muito sofrimento, mas ele está sendo curado, na medida em que a bondade humana em grande escala responde com compaixão, como nunca antes na história humana, àqueles na extrema necessidade.
E esse enorme derramamento de compaixão está produzindo um enorme efeito, ao capacitar outra decisão coletiva da humanidade para despertar da ilusão e, ao fazê-lo, dissolvendo o pior dos horrores que o homem infligiu sobre si, seus irmãos e irmãs, por eras passadas. Na verdade, uma mudança grandiosa e mais maravilhosa nas atitudes, numa forma global, tem acontecidonas últimas cinco ou seis décadas,com o crescimento da consciência de que, aqueles em necessidade, podem e sejam ajudados, independentemente de que suas carências, aparentemente sejam decorrentes de seus próprios erros.
Aqueles na extrema necessidade, foram ignorados ou usufruídos por um longo tempo. Mas agora, a humanidade, apesar, dos barulhos irritados e alarmistas daqueles temendo os afluxos maciços de refugiados pobres e dos políticos que dependem deles para a eleição, tomou uma irreversível decisão de ser guiada pelo Amor e compaixão, em vez de unicamente se guiar pelo interesse pessoal e do temor. As emanações de generosidade e bondade de milhões de pessoas em todo o planeta por aqueles que estão famintos e desabrigados, nunca antes foi tão difundida.
Grandiosa mudança está acontecendo, agora, na medida em que o Tsunami do Amor ganha força e espalha compaixão por todo o mundo, levando amorosa ajuda àqueles que realmente precisam. É impossível para qualquer um no chamado mundo desenvolvido, continuar a ignorar o sofrimento dos pobres e despossuídos.
Como cada pessoa reage a essa consciência é um aspecto individual. O julgamento está sendo descartado, na medida em que muitos percebem que só aqueles que têm "enfrentado seus demônios", seu lado sombrio, aspectos "inaceitáveis" de si próprios que, por medo têm negado, realmente podem viver com Amor e compaixão, enquanto aprendem a se aceitarem total e completamente.
Foram criados perfeitos por Deus, que os aceita totalmente, sem condições de qualquer tipo. Então façam como Ele, aceitem-se incondicionalmente. Quando fizerem, a aceitação dos outros naturalmente acontecerá, porque todos estão se engajando com a Unidade que é Deus, deixando de lado seu senso de separação, de solidão, de singularidade e, claro, de qualquer senso de indignidade ou inaceitabilidade, culturalmente arraigadas em suas formas humanas nas quais possam ter sido agarrados numa falsa humildade egoísta.
A boa notícia é que cada vez mais pessoas estão enfrentando esses aspectos "inaceitáveis" de si mesmos, entendendo, em sua maioria, como aspectos perfeitamente normais, que permitem desenvolver e utilizar suas capacidades criativas, com as quais seu Pai tão amorosamente os dotou.
Ser UM não significa ser o mesmo. Na Singularidade, são livres e incentivados a desenvolver suas habilidades criativas individuais concedidas por Deus para a satisfação pessoal de cada, sem restrições. Quando fazem isso, agradam a Deus e toda a criação, demonstrando a diversidade do Amor, que é um aspecto essencial da Unidade.
O Amor é o que sempre foram e o que são, sempre. Quando imersos na ilusão, o sentido da separação e da solidão que proporciona, incentiva o medo que se recusa a reconhecer ou honra-lo. Vão para dentro, rendam-se à divina chama do Amor que arde eternamente dentro de cada um de você e deixem que o temor se vá. O medo precisa ser alimentado e é alimentado pela preocupação, ansiedade, raiva, não aceitação e todas aquelas emoções ou sentimentos com os quais possam recusar um envolvimento.
Peçam ajuda daqueles nos reinos espirituais para fazerem isso, porque, inicialmente, pode parecer imprudente não estarem cientes de possíveis eventos ou situações que possam surgir para prejudicá-lo. No entanto, o mal só ocorre quando o Amor está ausente, pois é apenas na ilusão que o Amor parece estar ausente, por isso o mal é parte da ilusão e é irreal.
O Amor, além de ser Tudo O Que Existe, quando é vivido na ilusão, surge como um bálsamo curativo, uma companhia reconfortante, um fluxo suave e relaxante de sentimentos que traz uma sensação de bem-estar, de segurança e um saber de que todos os tipos de coisas estarão bem. Então quando saem desse tranquilo santuário interior, novamente são bombardeados com as todas as distrações que a ilusão propicia e possui e acreditam que são reais.
Quando novamente forem pegos na realidade aparente da ilusão,em que são bombardeados com notícias de guerra, sofrimento, corrupção, desonestidade, crimes financeiros e eventos gerais de desamor, usem essas notícias cuja função é desestabiliza-los, como um lembrete urgente de reverem seus sagrados santuário interiores, para se conectarem com a Realidade, através do campo do Amor, que flui constantemente, dentro e através de cada um.
O Amor sempre está lá para se conectar Quem São e nunca podem estar separados Dele. Quando parece que não são amados, estão sozinhos, abandonados, indica que estão se permitindo serem arrastados para o medo e a ansiedade da ilusão e que precisam voltar para dentro, para um refresco e uma revigorada.
E peça-nos ajuda. Terão que pedir, porque não podemos entrar em seus sagrados santuários privados e pessoais, a menos que sejamos convidados a fazê-lo. Estamos permanentemente disponíveis, aguardando suas chamadas, então chamem-nos e desfrutem da sensação de nossa resposta amorosa e instantânea.
Com muito Amor, Saul.

John Smallman 
Agradecimentos a  Sementes das Estrelas 

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Arquivos deste escritor em português: 
http://rayviolet2.blogspot.com/search?q=John Smallman

Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade do respetivos autores ou editores.
Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
Individualmete pode-se ser ajudado a encontrar a própria Verdade que é diferente a cada um de nós.

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publicado por achama às 12:26
Quarta-feira, 21 / 10 / 15

Suas singularidades surgirão para surpreendê-los e se deliciarem. ~ Saul via John Smallman


Suas singularidades surgirão para surpreendê-los e se deliciarem.

Saul (Paulo) Através de John Smallman


Tradução: Candido Pedro Jorge



A maioria das pessoas tem problemas com a verdade de que todos somos UM. Como seres humanos separados, com indivíduos em suas próprias instâncias distintas, fica muito difícil imaginar ser UM com alguém que não gosta e, muito menos com alguém que geralmente seja reconhecido como um criminoso ou como um ditador opressivo.

Mas esses são apenas aspectos ilusórios de si mesmos, que resultaram da tentativa de separação da Fonte divina. Quando despertarem, como inevitavelmente irão, porque são vontades tanto suas, como de Deus, a Unidade de cada um surgirá em toda a sua glória e magnificência irá surpreender e encanta-los.

O fato é que suas várias culturas e etnias possuem padrões de comportamento muito complexos e exigentes para os quais foram ensinados a obedecer, na medida em que cresceram, desde a infância até a idade adulta.

Chegando atingem a idade adulta, esses padrões de comportamento se tornam tão arraigados que sequer nunca pensaram em questionar suas validades, porque sempre "souberam" que essas normas eram as certas. E, por isso, regularmente se deparam com pessoas de diferentes culturas e etnias, como estivessem se comportando "estranhamente, de forma inadequada e inaceitável".

O Amor é a totalidade, é Tudo o Que Existe e está vivo. É como um campo de energia, um campo de força, uma corrente infinitamente poderosa, (como a eletricidade, por exemplo) que pode ser colocada em uso de muitas diferentes maneiras. É a força ou energia que permite a seus corpos, as formas físicas de todos os seres vivos viverem.

Quando um ser vivo morre, pensam nisso como um encerramento, porque o seu corpo físico já não funciona satisfatoriamente e começa a se decompor. E, imersos na ilusão, este parece ser o caso. Mas, como a ciência moderna descobriu, a energia nunca pode ser destruída e a força da vida que impulsionava essa forma física, na verdade apenas a abandonou e seguiu em frente.

Como já disse antes, a morte não existe, na medida em que a percebem como o momento da cessação definitiva da vida. A vida é eterna, nunca termina, ela pode mudar de forma, ser sem forma, mas sempre é porque, o que Deus cria é para sempre e Ele criou a vida.

Quando escolheram encarnar na forma humana, tiveram que aceitar os limites impostos sobre si, para que para pudessem operá-los, trabalharem e viverem contidos neles. Todavia são vocês quem fazem as formas que são.

Enquanto enclausurados em suas formas físicas se esqueceram disso, frequentemente parecendo estarem sem opções, nas mãos de um destino que trata eventos e experiências muito localizados, como a morte ou doenças de entes queridos, ou experiências abrangentes como guerras, terremotos, inundações e erupções vulcânicas, sobre as quais não têm controle, mas com as quais têm que lidar da melhor maneira possível.

No entanto, o planeta em que estão e o que estão experimentando nele, é resultado de escolhas que fizeram, com orientação e assistência de seus professores e mentores nos reinos espirituais. Não existem acidentes e nem suas vidas são predeterminadas. Todos, sem exceção, escolheram o caminho em que embarcaram para as lições que lhes seriam apresentadas.

Na medida em que aprendem suas lições, seguem em frente. Quando enfrentam uma lição desconhecida, até que realmente aconteça, dizem que não é predeterminada, mesmo conscientes do sentimento: "por que coisas como essas sempre acontecem comigo!" Coisas como estas sempre acontecerão, porque escolheram um caminho de vida com essas lições contidas nele, para que pudessem aprender e seguirem em frente.

Porque esqueceram que fizeram essas escolhas antes de encarnarem... Muitas vezes, demora muito tempo para percebam que existem lições de enorme importância para aprenderem, enquanto vivem suas vidas humanas. Alguns nunca perceberão e deixarão suas formas humanas, tendo aprendido muito pouco do que tinham intenção de aprender.

Isto não constitui problema, porque, naturalmente, aprenderão tudo o que escolheram aprender e, então, o Despertar acontecerá. Quando isso acontecer, toda a dor, preocupação, medo, ansiedade e sofrimento a que foram submetidos se dissolverão, porque é tudo parte de um sonho, uma ilusão que, na verdade, nunca ocorreu.

A vida humana, parece muito real quando se está passando por ela, com cada um se apegando aos resultados que acham que, como seres humano, querem e desejam, porque sentem certeza que eles os tornariam felizes. Todavia, já alcançaram os resultados desejados, em apenas descobrir que não eram aquilo que esperavam.

O que realmente desejam, é conhecerem-se a si mesmo como deuses, para retornarem ao estado natural de alegria eterna. Essa é a força motriz que os motiva, como seres humanos, que em sua maioria, os leva conseguir apenas o que irá agradar e satisfazer seus corpos humanos, com os quais se identificam tão intensamente.

Quando as conquistas pelas quais têm procurado deixarem de satisfazê-los, a insatisfação, então, será um ponto de partida para fazê-los questionar o que realmente estão procurando.

Infelizmente, considerando que as possibilidades aparentes ofertadas pela ilusão serem tão sedutoras, normalmente procuram outras "opções" para as quais se esforçam - um novo relacionamento, um novo emprego, uma nova mercadoria para ser consumida, um novo lugar para morar e começar de novo - e nenhuma delas jamais irá satisfazê-los.

Foram criados para viverem a vida eterna na presença de Deus, num estado de total satisfação e completo contentamento a envolvê-los. Não existe nenhum outro estado além desse e muito menos um que vá lhes proporcionar alegria e felicidade duradouras. Quando perceberem isso, se voltarão para dentro, em busca da Realidade e quando o fizerem, todos nos reinos espirituais se alegrarão, porque voltaram para casa.

No entanto, devido ao "ruído" da ilusão, acham difícil fazer contato com o verdadeiro você, o Eu Superior que sempre foram, o Eu, nos quais a felicidade eterna de cada um reside. É por isso que visitas diárias a seus sagrados santuários interiores são essenciais para o bem-estar e crescimento espiritual.

Nesse tranquilo espaço interior, se persistirem - silenciosamente permitindo - sem impacientemente exigirem resultados, na medida em que suas mentes egoístas deixarem de bombardeá-los com pensamentos e preocupações, encontrarão momentos de grande paz, a chama-los para dentro e partirem em direção às suas verdadeiras naturezas, onde conhecem a si mesmos como UM com Deus.

É preciso calma e muita paciência, porque o ego foi projetado para distrair e perturba-los, trazendo todo o barulho e confusão da ilusão em suas consciências a todo o momento de suas vidas humanas.

Quando se é governado pelo medo do ego, a ansiedade os leva a mudarem as circunstâncias para buscarem uma satisfação que, muitas vezes, parece que os outros têm e vocês não possuem. E muito desse "ruído", é causado pelo estado geral de agitação em que as pessoas freneticamente buscam em todos os lugares, aquilo que acham que está faltando em suas vidas.

No entanto, não lhes falta nada. Apenas, o barulho da ilusão, temporariamente oculta suas verdadeiras naturezas de suas consciências.

Então, entrem, aquietem-se e peçam ajuda daqueles nos reinos espirituais, a quem se sintam confortáveis em chamar e peçam um abraço de Amor, para lembrá-los da alegria doque está para vir. Não estão sozinhos ou abandonados num mundo sem sentido, estão apenas dormindo, tendo sonhos e pesadelos. Despertar para a Realidade é inevitável.

Com muito amor, Saul.

John Smallman 

Fonte: http://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/

Agradecimentos a Sementes das Estrelas

Por favor, respeitem todos os créditos

Arquivos deste escritor em português:
http://rayviolet2.blogspot.com/search?q=John Smallman

Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade do respetivos autores ou editores.
Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
Individualmete pode-se ser ajudado a encontrar a própria Verdade que é diferente a cada um de nós.

Atualização diária 

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publicado por achama às 21:40
Quarta-feira, 09 / 09 / 15

O Amor É Todo-Poderoso, Nada pode derrotá-Lo ~ Saul via John Smallman

O Amor É Todo-Poderoso,

Nada pode derrotá-Lo

 Saul [Paulo], 06.09.2015

 Através de John Smallman

Tradução: Candido Pedro Jorge

Com o mundo ilusório aparentemente no caos, é muito perturbador para todos estarem constantemente cientes do enorme sofrimento que está ocorrendo e que pessoalmente não encontram forma de aliviar.

Podem orar por aqueles que sofrem, podem enviar doações para organizações apropriadas que oferecem assistência, podem ligar para seus políticos para abordarem a situação com compaixão final, no entanto, apesar de tudo isso, o sofrimento continua aparentemente sem solução em qualquer lugar que é visto.

A ilusão, sendo destinada a separá-los de Deus, não pode, mas causa sofrimento. Todos, sem exceção, desejam desesperadamente ser incondicionalmente amados. Só Amor existe, que lenta, mas poderosamente torna evidente, que a humanidade irá acordar. Ser amado incondicionalmente por Deus é o seu estado natural e eterno de existência e estar separado desse estado é muito doloroso, aterrorizante e humilhante.

Nunca estiveram separados de Deus como bem sabem, porque Deus É Tudo O Que Existe. Todavia, suas escolhas de eras atrás - embora na Realidade apenas um momento atrás – separar-se de Deus só poderia causar-lhes dor, um estado irreal que seus imensos poderes permitiram-nos construir, algo imaginário que parecesse absolutamente real para vocês.

A maioria de vocês já presenciou crianças pequenas com raiva, resistindo a todas as tentativas de confortá-los e, ao mesmo tempo sofrendo intensamente, porque, o que realmente desejam é apenas serem envolvidas em seus braços Amorosos e confortadores. Tudo o que têm a fazer é deixarem a raiva que está causando suas birras acalmar e se renderem num abraço amoroso - mas que não farão - não até que a raiva tenha se dissipado e deixado de dirigi-la contra aquele que tenta confortá-la.

Bem, isso é muito semelhante ao estado ilusório, no qual a humanidade está, aparentemente e impotente envolvida, onde não pode responder ao Amor de Deus, até a sua raiva interior se dissipar.

A causa dessa raiva? Bem, em primeiro lugar, a causa foi a escolha insana de se separar, juntamente com o conhecimento interior de que foi uma escolha insana. Uma raiva interior que por um longo tempo foi totalmente negada, uma recusa de uma emoção incrivelmente poderosa que acumula uma enorme pressão, por não haver nenhuma maneira de liberá-la, enquanto mantida em negação.                                

Agora, por causa da intensidade, essa pressão se tornou tão poderosa que já não pode ser negada ou contida, está atuando indiscriminadamente em todo o mundo.

Isso parece terrível, inaceitável e horripilante, EMBORA, até ser totalmente liberada, a volta ao estado natural de paz e harmonia na presença Amorosa de Deus não pode ser alcançada. Nada que não esteja em perfeita harmonia com Amor pode aceitar o Amor que é oferecido.

Na medida em que esta raiva é liberada, através das várias crises humanitárias em andamento em todo o mundo, a pressão cai e cria espaço para que o Amor possa se infiltrar. Então, os horrores que assistem, realmente estão ajudando a libertar a humanidade da escravidão em separação, porque, tal qual com crianças pequenas, quando a intensidade da raiva diminui, torna-se possível começar a aceitar o Amor que está constantemente a ser oferecido.

Saber que o mundo que assistem e experimentam é ilusório, realmente não consola em nada, mas permite que escolham e o deixem se dissolver. É irreal, onde somente a crença coletiva o faz parecer tão real. Optando em serem Amorosos em todas as situações em que se encontram, abrem seus corações um pouco mais e então, começam a reconhecer o Amor contido no que realmente são.

Amor que sempre esteve lá, profundamente contido dentro de cada um e totalmente inextinguível, embora suas opções pelo temor e construção de barreiras defensivas para protegê-los do perigoso mundo, tenha bloqueado suas consciências disso.

Ocasionalmente recebem sugestões, quando estão totalmente envolvidos com aqueles que confiam e amam e quando o mundo exterior é brevemente esquecido. Todavia esses momentos por sua própria natureza são breves e a consciência da ameaça do mundo exterior só pode ser evitada por alguns breves momentos. Suas tarefas  na Terra é ser Amor e demonstra-Lo em ação.

Inicialmente é difícil, porque experimentaram todo tipo de abusos e traições e, assim construíram sistemas de defesa pessoais, máscaras irreais que apresentam para o mundo, porque revelar seus verdadeiros eus, seria acreditar estarem abertos para serem atacados e, possivelmente, ridicularizados.

Esse medo básico, é parte da condição humana de uma aparente separação - como corpos que realmente são muito distintos - a convencê-los de que basicamente estão sozinhos no mundo, com a morte humana confirmando essa crença subjacente.

O que nos reinos espirituais temos dito e o que vários santos e místicos, ao longo dos tempos têm demonstrado é para que sejam vocês, sejam Amor, embora, aparentemente, um estado muito vulnerável e perigoso mas que, na verdade, torna-os invulneráveis. O Amor é todo poderoso, nada pode derrotá-Lo.

No entanto, é claro que um corpo humano pode ser prejudicado de várias maneiras e, contanto que se identifiquem plenamente com seus corpos, dor e sofrimento humano são inevitáveis. Ao se identificarem com suas verdadeiras naturezas, no entanto, seus campos pessoais de energia, o campo do Amor, no qual estão sempre mantidos e carinhosamente abraçados por Deus, tornam-se fortes, efetivamente desarmando aqueles que iriam atacá-los.

Ao serem Amor, aceitando sua verdadeira natureza e oferecendo Amor a todos em qualquer situação, atrairão mais Amor para si mesmos e seus medos e ansiedades se dissolverão. Quando isso acontece, seus estresses se reduzem, a paz e contentamento tornam-se normais e os outros irão procurá-los para companhia, porque suas energias são boas.

Energia que é experimentada por outros, como uma aceitação incondicional, sem julgamento e quanto mais são capazes de se envolverem com suas verdadeiras naturezas, espalhando Amor incondicional por todo o mundo - quando vivem Amorosamente seus campos de energia realmente afetam a todos no planeta – encontrarão outras pessoas que também estarão mudando, tornando-se mais tolerantes, mais calmos e confiantes. Na verdade, irão encontrar cada vez mais pessoas começando a se identificar, possivelmente sem consciência, de quem eles realmente são.

Amor vivido e demonstrado leva a mais Amor. Por quê? Porque o Amor é tudo o que existe e, vivenciando-O, faz com que o manto sob o qual estão escondidos d’Ele se desintegre, o nevoeiro em que estão perdidos se disperse, permitindo que a Luz quente e fulgurante do Amor brilhe sobre vocês, sem interrupção, agora que a nuvens de medo e dúvida foram dispersas.

A forma  com que amam e aceitam os seres tem um enorme efeito em todo o mundo, mesmo que faça muito pouco sentido. A energia divina que os abraça a todo o momento de suas existências, que é a natureza, o verdadeiro você, se expande através de vocês para o infinito e além, quando se permitem a aceitar seu abraço, afetando todos os seres sencientes, todo o coletivo de humanidade, levando-os a também se abrirem para o Amor que os rodeia.

É desses campos energéticos individuais de seres humanos, que o Tsunami do Amor é feito. É irresistível e está mudando o mundo, porque estão permitindo que flua.

Só existe Amor que, lenta, mas poderosamente que está se tornando aparente. A humanidade irá despertar.
Com muito Amor, Saul.
John Smallman 
Agradecimentos a Sementes das Estrelas 

Por favor, respeitem todos os créditos

Arquivos deste escritor em português:
http://rayviolet2.blogspot.com/search?q=John Smallman

Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade do respetivos autores ou editores.
Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
Individualmete pode-se ser ajudado a encontrar a própria Verdade que é diferente a cada um de nós.

Atualização diária 

Se gostou! Por favor RECOMENDE aos seus Amigos.
publicado por achama às 06:11
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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