A Chama da Ascensão


Quinta-feira, 07 / 05 / 20





Série Paixão 2020 – SHOUD 9

Adamus Saint Germain,

canalizado por Geoffrey Hoppe.

Apresentado ao Círculo Carmesim
a 2 de maio de 2020


Tradução de Inês Fernandes

a 7 de maio de 2020.


Eu Sou o que Sou, Adamus do Dominio Soberano.
Ah! Bem-vindos, caros Shaumbra. Bem-vindos a esta edição especial da série Paixão 2020.
[Adamus respira fundo.] Estou neste momento inspirando todos vocês. Ouvi dizer que tem essa coisa chamada distanciamento social. Agora, gosto de começar, em geral, dando um grande abraço em todos...
[Ler Mais]


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publicado por achama às 20:31
Quinta-feira, 30 / 04 / 20

Tudo ao seu redor ainda é uma ilusão.

Tudo ao seu redor ainda é uma ilusão.

Mensagem do Saint Germain

Canalizado por James McConnell.

em 19 de abril de 2020. 

Tradução a 29 de abril de 2020


Sou Saint Germain.

Estou aqui para trazê-los mais uma vez a esses níveis mais elevados de vocês mesmos, aos conhecimentos mais elevados de quem vocês são. Porque muitos de vocês estão sendo despertados o suficiente para perceber que tudo ao seu redor ainda é apenas uma ilusão.

Quando vocês ouviram esse termo pela primeira vez, há alguns anos, que tudo isso é uma ilusão, é uma ilusão tridimensional, muitos de vocês se perguntaram: "o que isso significa?" Como isso pode ser uma ilusão, porque é tão real? Mas, no entanto, agora vocês estão começando a entender cada vez mais o que queremos dizer com isso. Como tudo isso foi uma ilusão.

E que, sendo uma ilusão, está sendo criada. E quem são os criadores, são vocês mesmos. Todos vocês estão criando essa ilusão. E assim como vocês criam essa ilusão, essa ilusão tridimensional, agora vocês podem criar e estão criando uma nova realidade para si mesmos sem a ilusão de programação. Para muitos de vocês, a ideia de programação está se tornando cada vez menor. Vocês não estão sucumbindo à programação tanto quanto costumavam. Mesmo em sua conversa anterior, ouvimos dizer que vocês não estão permitindo a propaganda do programa que foi instituído em todo o planeta, que não estão caindo na armadilha.

No entanto, se vocês pensavam muitos anos atrás, se a mesma coisa tivesse acontecido, quantos de vocês a teriam comprado? Assim como muitos de vocês - a maioria comprou a ilusão no seu 11 de setembro.

Mas isso não é mais assim. Porque vocês agora despertaram ou estão dentro do processo de despertar. E a vida não é mais como sempre foi. Vejam como as pessoas em todo o seu planeta estão dizendo: "basta!", "basta!" Eles não estão permitindo ser programados ou continuar programados. Sim, certamente existem alguns, e talvez até a maioria que ainda permita isso. Mas é um progresso que desperta.

Este é o "Grande Despertar". E o que está ocorrendo agora, que parece ser uma tempestade ao seu redor, essa tempestade está se dissipando, porque a luz a está diminuindo.

Se a escuridão tivesse sido permitida aqui, se o plano e o programa deles tivessem sido instituídos plenamente como eles queriam (eles, é claro, sendo o que vocês chamam de cabala, as forças das trevas), se tivessem permissão para continue assim, então a humanidade como vocês a conhecem deixaria de existir aqui. Mas por sua causa e por causa das muitas que trabalham com vocês que trabalham na Luz, trabalhando nas vibrações mais altas para mudar a história, mudar e mudar o programa e a ilusão, e criar a nova realidade que muitos, muitos mais agora estão desejando.

Vocês não estão vendo as profundezas do programa do que poderia ter sido. Vocês não estão vendo isso porque, como um coletivo, não permitiram. Todos vocês se levantaram e disseram, como o James disse anteriormente: “Nós não iremos silenciosamente para a noite. Nós não vamos desistir sem lutar.” Essas palavras ecoarão para sempre em toda a consciência do homem. Porque como uma grande conexão de consciência, todos vocês estão se levantando e dizendo: “Basta! Acabamos! O jogo acabou!" Muitos de vocês estão dizendo: "Não estamos mais jogando este jogo, e está na hora."

Agora é hora de criar essa nova realidade, a que todos vocês vieram aqui para testemunhar e fazerem parte.

A nova realidade, a Nova Era de Ouro, que todos vocês viram tantos milhares de anos atrás, quando planejavam entrar nesta evolução. Você viram o começo e o fim. Você simplesmente não sabiam das dificuldades ao longo do caminho de quão difícil seria a jornada. Mas ainda assim, aqui estão vocês, tantas vidas depois. Bem aqui na linha de chegada, no ponto culminante, crescendo, pouco antes da trombeta final tocar sua música.

Sou Saint Germain. Muito mais está prestes a ser revelado em muitos aspectos, de várias maneiras. Alguns que vocês não ficarão surpresos. Alguns que virão até vós, da Luz, irão surpreendê-los. Para muitos de vocês não conhecem a profundidade, quão profunda é a escuridão. Como no seu (filme - “Matrix”) dizendo: “quão profunda é essa toca de coelho”.

Que toda a minha paz e amor esteja com todos vocês. E que a Chama Violeta continue a abraçá-los, e continue a queimar-se, expurgar, exatamente como está fazendo para muitos de vocês agora, enquanto se perguntam o que está acontecendo com meu corpo, as contrações, as dores, as limpezas que estão acontecendo agora. Tudo está acontecendo como parte desse processo de ascensão. Portanto, tenham bom ânimo e saibam que tudo está realmente sendo orquestrado e para continuarem a confiar no Plano.

Saint Germain

James McConnell

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publicado por achama às 04:12
Sexta-feira, 24 / 04 / 20

Embracing Your Multi-Dimensional Self.

Embracing Your Multi-Dimensional Self.

Saint Germain.

Through Natalie Glasson.

April 24th, 2020


Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

You are now existing within a period of the Earth’s ascension where a multi – dimensional shift is taking place. While ascension waves and activation’s take place all the time, impacting numerous dimensions, the shift occurring now is different. Each person on the Earth and each soul on the inner planes is connecting with every aspect of themselves on all 352 dimensions of the Creator’s Universe. It is important to remember each person is born from the Creator, manifesting in numerous forms in diverse areas of the Universe. This means you are connected to every expression of the Creator. In this ascension shift, you are being asked to reconnect with all expressions and manifestations of yourself. It is impossible to understand or even acknowledge each expression and existence of yourself, therefore, an intention of connection is enough. The aspects of yourself which are most important, influential, or inspirational will make themselves known to you.
As each person/soul connects with greater aspects of themselves so they will absorb and reactivate wisdom, healing, spiritual awakening, and enlightenment. Allowing a surge of clarity and inner knowings to ground into each being and Mother Earth. While the wisdom anchored will create deep awakenings into a new way of existing for many, the most important manifestation is the presence of unity. As each soul connects with their multi – dimensional self so the entire Earth and the Universe of the Creator is united in oneness, unity, and harmony. It is the conscious awareness of unity which is the key. Each being is always connected, however, to experience and embody this fully is a powerful conscious engagement with the Creator.
Imagine if in your current reality you experienced a deep resonance of unity and oneness with every being in your world whether physical or energetic. Imagine you constantly experienced a complete togetherness with the Creator. How would this impact your reality and experience on the Earth? Would you feel more grounded, have greater clarity concerning your pathway on the Earth and trust in your own healing journey?
The Universe of the Creator and the Earth are uniting in order to create and manifest the presence of the Creator in all realities. Humanity is being asked and invited to witness this, to embody the shift and learn to express it through their beings, actions, and reactions. Never has humanity had the opportunity to consciously feel so supported and embraced by each other and the Universe of the Creator.

Illusion and Truth

You are a unique blend of different energies, influences, and expressions on many levels of your being. At a physical level, you may be influenced by your nationality, culture, historical events, family, rules, judgments and so forth. At an energetic level, you may be influenced by your soul, soul group, team of guides, angelic guides, and the Creator. Mother Earth and her cycles impact your being as does the collective consciousness of humanity. There are numerous factors that create you as the way you recognise yourself today. When we add a connection with your multi – dimensional self, we can recognise that it may be challenging to recognise what is illusion and what is truth. You may begin to question who you really are, experiencing confusion and uncertainty. The aim of the multidimensional shift taking place now is to bring forth a clear understanding which continues to evolve your truth and who you are.
There is a need to explore and exist for a while in this space of realising the numerous influences upon your being. As you begin to contemplate why you make certain actions, reactions, and creations, you will begin to acknowledge what is illusion and what is truth. Another perspective is to acknowledge and observe what serves you and what does not. You have the divine right to let go of any influences or impacts which do not serve you in your current reality and ascension. You also have the divine right to more fully embrace the influences which serve and fulfil you. The more you take time to access, explore and exist from this space, the more you will receive yourself as a unique blend, with everything you need and require available to you and accessed through you.

To release influences which no longer serve you, use the following invocation:
‘Saint Germain, I invite you to be present with me, embracing me in your transformational and liberating energy. Please release from my being any influences and impacts from outside or inside of me which do not serve and fulfill me. Please eternally release and liberate me from the impacts and influences which create illusion and a false identity in my reality and being. May I receive the necessary healing to support this powerful shift of awakening, self-realisation, and truth. Thank you.’
Allow me, Saint Germain, to come forth and work energetically with you to achieve the appropriate healing.

The Dawning of Your Unique Perspective of the World

When you recognise your Multi – Dimensional Self you also need to recognise the same in others. It is a recognition that you are greater than your existence on the Earth and sum, therefore so is everyone else. You are connected to and able to express the entire Universe of the Creator, as does everyone else. You are a unique combination of different and diverse energies carefully drawn from the Universe of the Creator to manifest and be expressed on the Earth, creating a specific reality and purpose. This is the same for everyone else on the Earth. Your specific existence then merges and synchronises beautifully with each person on the Earth creating a greater picture and collective mission which further manifests the Creator. It is your divine mission and purpose to exist in harmony with yourself, then with all beings and expressions of the Creator. Simply holding the intention of doing so, will create a deeper awakening and remembrance of your unity and divine purpose with all beings.

The Multi – Dimensional Ascension Shift of the Earth

As each soul connects with their multi-dimensional self, and therefore, unites with all expressions of the Creator at an energetic level, so a power surge is created which will flow into each being. Thus, each being has the power to create and manifest their reality aligned with their truth and Creator expression. With the deep connection to all aspects of self and truth, each creation and manifestation will not only serve the individual, it will also fulfill all beings and the Ascension of the Earth. This is the purpose of the multi – dimensional shift, to reinstate unity consciousness, so each creation serves the greater purpose and divine plan. Everyone will experience their creations and manifestations anchoring and connecting with greater speed and potential because each person is being supported by the whole; the complete nature of the Creator.
It is important to recognise that each person because of their current level of spiritual awakening and belief systems exists at different and diverse energy frequencies. Therefore, through each person the truth of the Creator is anchoring into all frequencies, this in itself creates a powerful ascension shift.
With each person being energised and enthused with so much light so there are powerful opportunities for humanity and all beings within the Universe of the Creator to create a numerous impactful and fulfilling guided ascension shift to serve all. This is a multi – dimensional ascension shift.
Embrace your multi – dimensional self and ascension purpose, recognise the truth within yourself and all being, including the Creator.
With eternal love and blessings,

Saint Germain



Natalie Glasson
Natalie Glasson from Sacred School of OmNa
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Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 15:39
Segunda-feira, 20 / 04 / 20

Are You Ready for Eternal Freedom? - 1

Are You Ready for Eternal Freedom?

(Part 1)

Goddess of Liberty and Saint Germain.

Channeled by Adele Arini.

April 19th, 2020.



Thank you beloved I AM, St Germain & Goddess of Liberty for being with us here today.
In today’s message, I would love for us to focus more on a subject that is very dear to my heart: Eternal Freedom (in all of its forms), and how to achieve this state of being permanently free from ALL fears, limitations, restrictions or oppression coming from within & without.
In our great desire to claim and experience this Divine Birthright, what message would...



publicado por achama às 16:47
Sábado, 04 / 04 / 20

Go now into the paradise that you can create.

Go now into the paradise that you can create.

Wake up Call:

St Germain.

Nancy Tate.

April 03, 2020.



If there is a time in your lives when you know that you are in charge, this is that time. It is a time for all of you to realize that you are creating that which you are experiencing, and as you go on in the development of it, it is obvious to you that you can have a say in how it all goes. It is a one to one situation that you can see that can be either for you or against you, and this is the moment for you to make that choice on an inner level and begin to either continue with your life as it is, or change what it is and know that you are creating a life that you intend, and desire for the rest of your time here on earth, and beyond.

It is a time for you all to look at what your life is and what you feel about it. You no longer need to allow what is in your life to be there in order for you to see what it is telling you, unless it is what you want it to be giving you. It is a matter of you knowing what is in the moment of realization and follow through from there to create the life that you know is in perfection of Peace, Joy and Love, for that is what and who you are right now and forever.

I am St. Germain, and I am here with my eyes and my heart open to you all.  I see the beauty of what you have created in the opening of your life on this planet, and beyond. I am part of your family, and I love that part that I have and that you are, as well.

Go now into the paradise that you can create, or continue with it and I will see you there when the time gets there for our reunion. We are all one in our destiny and here we are in our Now way of life.

Thank you so much dear St. Germain!

I love you so much, as I feel we all do!

Nancy Tate


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 04:32
Sexta-feira, 03 / 04 / 20

Major Global Changes to Occur Faster.

Major Global Changes to Occur Faster.

Saint Germain.

Channeled by Adele Arini.

April 2nd, 2020.





Greetings beloved Masters.
We, the Light-Beings in charge of Earth’s Ascension, are extremely pleased with the progress of your individual and collective’s journeys back to the Light-of-God within.
Many of you reading this message, had expressed in different ways, your heartfelt requests for visible, major global changes to occur faster.
Over the years you had prayed, or, expressed similar thoughts such as these:
‘Enough is enough – let all wars be permanently stopped on Earth’;
‘Let the positive changes begin now – bring them on’;
‘Please God, grant unto us permanent, everlasting peace and harmony on Earth’;
’No matter how hard we work, we just can’t seem to get ahead/save much money. Please God, show us the simplest, and most effective way to liberate our lives from the financial shackles that seemed to have enslaved humanity for a very long time‘;
or, my favourite:
‘Dear God, thank you for the Infinite Love, Peace, Joy, Harmony, Freedom, Oneness and Abundance that are ours to have, and to share, always’.
Most of you here have immediately understood why the last one was my favourite, and the answer is simple.
A statement of gratitude such as this, when backed by the emanation of your genuine, positive feelings, is the most powerful form of prayer.
When making this type of statement, you are in fact expressing your desires as though they have already been manifested in your physical reality, and thus, it will guarantee the speedy manifestation of such a reality in your life and in the world around you.
Never underestimate the Mighty Power of your prayers, thoughts, words and feelings, loved ones, provided that they are all expressed in the energetically-expansive (rather than energetically-contractive) manner that supports your ‘Act of Creation’.
Rest assured that they had ALL been heard, and, answered by the Universe, by God, and by all of us here who are always working hard to help you manifest the grand dreams that you have for yourselves, for Earth and humanity.
Here comes 3 powerful mantras that We highly recommend for you to mentally/verbally recite often, daily, in your spare time. Of course if you already have your own set of mantras that never fails to lift your vibrations, then please keep doing what you are already doing. Your loving service to ALL in this manner is very much needed right now.
In these times of uncertainty, the following Sanskrit mantras can help you to transcend ‘the small-self’, merge with your I AM, and in the long run help you to manifest the physical reality that you deeply desire for yourself and ALL on Earth.
Let us gently remind you, beloved Masters, that Sanskrit is one of the very few ancient languages on Earth that can powerfully activate the state of ‘Higher Consciousness’ within, thus greatly accelerating your spiritual growth.
Chanting, singing, speaking these mantras often, will thereby focus all of your energy, time and being, on what you wish to create/embody whilst on Earth, rather than just focusing on ‘What-Is’.
They will greatly assist you and humanity, to create & maintain high vibrations of love, peace, perfect bliss, and freedom daily, during these amazing times of transition that you are all going through right now.
May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.
2) The Moola Mantra:
OM – We are calling on the Highest Energy of All
SAT – The formless, the Unmanifest Potential, the Truth
CHIT – Infinite Consciousness of the Universe
ANANDA – Pure Love, Bliss & Joy
PARABRAHMA – The Supreme Creator
PURUSHOTHAMA – Manifested in every living being
PARAMATMA – Who comes into my heart, and becomes my inner voice whenever I ask
SRI BHAGAVATHI – The Divine Mother, power aspect of creation
SAMETHA – Together within Non-Duality
SRI BHAGAVATHE – The Father of Creation, Unchangeable & Permanent
NAMAHA – I bow in deepest reverence. I thank you and acknowledge this presence in my life. I ask for your guidance at all times.
3) The Gayatri Mantra:

Let us now answer Adele’s four questions as previously mentioned above.
Her Higher Self had partially answered the first question herself when she explained that humanity is currently in the middle of the biggest healing and transformation period never experienced before, in the history of this planet.
The greatest ‘show‘ ever created by mankind has now started on Earth, and your victory is NOW here.
Remember loved ones, that in the great, eternal moment of NOW, your Ascension and that of Mother Earth’s, have already occurred.
However from your 3D linear perspective (in this specific NOW moment that you have labelled as ‘April 2nd, 2020’), the story that you may wish to, one day, tell younger generations about ‘how it all happened’ is now unfolding as we speak.
Humanity, as a collective, currently has a number of different realities/timelines available – whether or not you will end up choosing the Optimum Timeline for yourselves will greatly depend on your own individual/collective intentions. However, it is perhaps reassuring to you to know that ‘All Roads Lead to Rome’, i.e. the timelines currently available for humanity to choose from, all lead to successful completion of the Ascension process for Earth & all Ascending-souls on it.
Father God Himself has recently stepped in and chosen to ‘come into the physical realm’ to get more involved, and personally lead or oversee Earth’s Ascension process from the front lines, so that our success will arrive at the perfect Divine timing for ALL. For all of you, and, your Earth Mother, had suffered long enough.
And just like many of you here had had to go through your individual awakening, clearing, healing, or, God Self re-alignment phases to get to where you are today, the time has come for all ascending, and, non-ascending members of humanity to do the same, in the manner of their choosing.
Many non-ascending souls are now facing their final, decision-making moment of whether to stay here, do the compulsory clearing/purging/healing required to raise their vibrations & ascend in this lifetime (i.e. merging with their God-Self whilst in the physical realm), OR, to leave the planet (i.e. merging with God back in the non-physical realm) & ascend somewhere else later (at their earliest convenience).
And many souls had chosen the latter, using the Exit ‘Tool’ that has now conveniently appeared – arriving in the form of this pandemic. The death of their physical bodies is in fact part of their ‘Act of Creation’ as God, and, with God, to expand and move forward in the directions that they have actually CHOSEN (on a higher level) to go.
By transitioning back to spirit; back to our eternal Home in Heaven, they had in fact chosen to take the ‘express way’ of re-aligning themselves with their God-Self.
This is always a very joyful experience (for the returning soul) that is actually cause for a celebration!
Your knowing, believing and rejoicing in the following Highest Truth that states:
ALL deaths happen BY CHOICE, and, NEVER by accident
will NOT fail to, vibrationally, alleviate much of the fear, drama & self-imposed (often unhealthy/prolonged) emotional/mental/physical suffering that humanity has long created, when impacted by: the death of people close to them, or, the potentially-scary news of rising death toll happening around the globe.
It is time, loved ones, for the entire planet to permanently leave behind the 3D fallacies, beliefs or programming that Adele had mentioned above, including everything else not specifically listed there.
If you have now personally arrived at a place in life where all of those 3D beliefs can no longer be found within your consciousness, e.g. when reading the ones Adele had listed above, you can honestly say that you have zero resonance with all/most of them, then congratulations, loved ones.
We are happy to announce that you have now successfully arrived at the Final Stage of your ‘I AM Integration-Process’. A stage that will soon be completed by many of you here whose Light Quotient Level is already very high -> you are in fact moving, ever closer each day, to 100% perfect resemblance or resonance with the frequencies of your own I AM Presence.
2020 will soon be the year when you can finally have your ‘graduation party’, as you will: become the full embodiment of your God-Self; the Holy Christ-Self, and, successfully triumph over all limiting conditions present in your life at the moment.
Simply be ready and, be completely open to receiving the many wonderful surprises that We have got in store for all of you this year!
And now that you have arrived in this final leg of your I AM integration journey, you will find that it has become so easy, and so natural, to maintain your high vibrations lately – no matter what is going on with the people/world around you. ...
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publicado por achama às 18:29
Terça-feira, 24 / 03 / 20

You are the ones that can see between the lines.

You are the ones that can see between the lines.

Message from Saint Germain and OWS. 

Channeled by James McConnell.

 February 22nd, 2020. 

Posted February 24th, 2020

I am Saint Germain.   
I am here at these moments now to tell you, just as your Dear Beloved Sister KaRa spoke to you.  You have arrived!  We have all arrived!
These are the moments that you came here for.  You are on the cusp now, of many, many changes that are coming to this planet, coming to the consciousness of man, to the Collective Consciousness.
Even though those of you that are on this call, those of you that resonate to these words after:  you are the ones that understand.  You are the ones that can see between the lines, see behind the headlines of the Mass Media.  You are the ones that can see beyond.  For you know, each and every one of you know that you have arrived in these moments, that you have planned for, that you have worked for.  Not only in this lifetime, but countless lifetimes previously as you volunteered so long ago to be here.
And there are many more across this planet now that are awakening, that are coming into their own, coming into know and remember who they are and realize that everything that is happening now is all happening for a reason.
Yes, of course, there are those that have not awakened.  And there are those that will not awaken in these moments.  It is not their time.  It is not their place.  But yet, so many more are.  And it is up to each and every one of you, you, the Awakened, you, the Chosen Ones, the ones that chose themselves to be here now.  You are the ones to help more and more of those awakened as they are ready.  And I can tell you now that many more are going to awaken as a result of all that is occurring now.
This viral pandemic that is happening, have we not told you many times before through many different sources, not just this one I speak through now, but many sources, we have told you that we would not allow a pandemic of any kind, a viral pandemic, or a nuclear war, or anything that would keep you, this planet, from continuing on to becoming what it is destined to be:  a fifth-dimensional and beyond planet, and all of the people on the planet to become a part of the expression of the new higher consciousness that is here.  All of those that are ready for this.
But as you know, all will not be ready.  They are all given the opportunity.  But there are those that will shy away from the Light.  They are already doing so.  They are choosing to remain in the darkness, and that is their choice.  But they will receive their just rewards as a result of this.
But I am not here to focus on the dark forces or the removal of such.  I am here to tell you to rejoice now, for the Christ Consciousness is being reborn in all of you, in all of mankind now, and in the planet itself.  And you are that Christ Consciousness in every one of you if you allow it to be, if you allow it to come forth.  You are the way, the truth, and the life, or the Light.  Just as Yeshua was and is.  He never left.
He is here, just as I am here, Archangel Michael is here, Ashtar is here, the One Who Serves (collective) is here, all of the Galactics are here now.  They are preparing for the final phase of their operation.
Do you understand what that means?  The final phase of their operation is in motion now, where they can reveal themselves to the majority of mankind that is here at the time of the Changeover.  This is not yet the Changeover, but it is the beginning of it.  You are moving in to that final operation, even here on this planet.
There have been many phases that you have gone through, and you are entering the final phases now of this third-dimensional illusion, and the Changeover from this, because you have arrived.
And everything is, indeed, being orchestrated just as we have been telling you.  The plan is in motion, has been in motion.  And you have been told to ‘trust the plan.’  Just as it is being worked out now.
Will it become more rocky yet?  Very possibly.  That is not yet for sure.  Because everything changes in the moment as you look at it.  You always have to remember that.
Nothing is written in stone except for this:  there is no going back now.  The Changeover is coming.  The Solar Flash is coming.  The Event:  it is all coming.  And it has already happened in the higher vibrational frequencies of the higher dimensions.  It has already occurred.
It now only has to be brought down–not into the third dimension, though.  The third dimension cannot hold the Solar Flash.  It cannot withstand the event.  But the fourth dimension and higher can and will.
So trust now in who you are, who you are becoming.  Because you are in those moments.  Believe in yourselves.  Believe in those leaders that you have chosen to guide you and direct you.  Those leaders that are being over-lit now by those of us to help to guide them.
And your one leader of this country, your president, is certainly being over-lit not only by myself, but by those various ones coming as the Galactics that are here to assist in this entire process to make sure that everything goes according to the plan.
Even though it appears at times, and certainly does by many across the planet, that all is lost, that this is the end of the world, this is anything but the end of the world.  But to those who remain ensconced within the lower frequencies within the lower dimensional illusion, they may indeed see this in that way.  They will see it just as they are believing they will see it.
But you, those of you, and all of the new ones that are awakening, will see it for what it really is:  a new awakening, a new dawn.  The Blue Dawn of the Aquarian Age.  This is it!  The New Republic.
And I say the ‘New Republic,’ because it will, indeed, be new.  Just as those forefathers, those ones who designed this plan, the Constitution, to lead this country into the Light of the world, to lead the world ahead.  The New Republic is coming, along with all of those promises that have been made to you, that you have heard for many years, now, that you have been preparing for, for lifetimes.
And even though I was there at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and I helped those of the forefathers to create this great nation, as I am back here now again to continue to assist in this process.  But those who are in motion now are the ones who will continue to lead this forth.
Have no fear.  Let fear go.  For fear will only hold you back.
Feel, now, the love within each and every one of you rising, the Light within you glowing.  As you become the Light that you were each meant to be here.  The light to a new nation.  The light that will illuminate all going forth now.  And how you will find as the New Dawn approaches.  Even though it became darker and darkest before the dawn, the light approaches.  And the light of the many suns will illuminate all across the planet and the entire solar system.
I am Saint Germain.  And I leave you now with the Violet Flame to continue to purge out all the old programming within each and every one of you.
Let that go once and for all.  For you are all, we are all, in this, indeed, together!  Together as ONE!  We shall continue to move forward and become not only the nation of illumination, but the world, the planet of illumination.
ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)
Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.   Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna here standing by, and we are ready to go.
Woah!  Was that some kind of message, or what!  St. Germain was definitely on his game there!  You can say that!
And there are so many more things that are coming that have not even begun to be mentioned yet.  We cannot go into that now, but you are going to experience so much more in the next days and weeks to come.  Notice we do not say ‘months.’  Notice many of the sources are not saying months anymore.  What are they saying?  They are saying ‘days’ and ‘weeks.’
So you have indeed arrived.  And allow this to flow through you, as St. Germain said.  Let it flow through you, and feel yourself basking in the light and the illumination of all that is here now and still yet coming.
We would say to continue to keep those seatbelts fastened, because the ride may get yet a little rockier.  But once you have arrived at your destination and you leave your vehicles of travel, of transportation, you will be there in that next higher vibrational frequency of the fourth, and even into the fifth dimension.  Congratulations!  It is NOW!
Okay, we are ready now for question/answer here.  You can have questions.  We think we will have answers for you.  We will see.  We know Shoshanna always has answers, though.  She has wonderful answers.  First, we know there is an e-mail question, is there not?
Guest:   Yes, there are two e-mail questions from a Brother.  His question is, “We know that the Solar Flash is imminent. Because of the different time zones of Earth, now long will it last? Or will it be a series of flashes?”
OWS:   What we can tell you is there are events that are occurring right now.  These are the mini-events that we have spoken of that are leading to the grant event, The Event, which will encompass the Solar Flash as well.
Are there mini-flashes?  Not necessarily.  There could be.  We cannot say for sure yet at this point because, again, as we have said many times, this has never happened before, ever in the history of the history of humanity.  You have never had this type of experience that is in process now, the ascension process and The Event, the Solar Flash–all of this.  It has not happened.  And it is difficult at this point to say exactly how it is going to be.  We can only prepare you as we understand it coming.  But everything that we do to prepare you isn’t even going to come close to the preparation that what you will actually experience in those moments of The Flash.  Okay?  Shoshanna, do you wish to add to this?

Shoshanna (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell):  No, we do not have more to add.
OWS:   Very good.  Your second part of your question?
Guest:   Yes, he is asking if the Solar Flash actually comes from the sun, something the sun emits, or it is energetic waves that come from the ships that are surrounding the planet?
OWS:   The way we can answer this is notice if you go back to what St. Germain said at the very end of his message:  did he not say, “… the light, the illumination from the many suns”?  There is your hint.    That should give you pause for wonderment, here, we would say over the next days and weeks here as to exactly what he meant by that.  Shoshanna, anything you can add here?
Shoshanna:   Well, we can share.  We can share that for eons of time the beings, that are planets, that are beings of light, have been assigned the task that you are calling the Solar Flash.  And this has been planned for many, many, many times ago this has been planned, and it assigned, you see.  So you cannot analyze it.  It is an event that will occur, and the beings of light that have been assigned this task that have accepted it will go about the task.   Namaste.
OWS:   Yes.  Very good.  That is all we can give on this now at this point.  You will come to understand more as you get closer to this particular event, here.
Shoshanna:   And we would say rather than attempting to understand, more importantly, experience it.
OWS:   Yes.  Certainly.  Are there other questions here, now?
Guest:   Yes.  I have a question.
OWS:   Yes?
Guest:   Yes.  My question is about 5G towers.  Are they here to harm us?  Do they have a radiation effect to them that could potentially get U.S. civilians sick and civilians in other countries sick?  What is the real deal with the 5G towers, please.
OWS:   You are speaking of the 5G expression that has been being prepared for some time, here.  This 5G was meant by the cabal, by the dark forces, to wreak havoc.  We will come right out and say that.  It was meant to do this.  But those of the Forces of Light, what you call the Alliance, they are very much aware of this entire process, and they are going everything they can to mitigate or to shift the potential danger of this particular technology.  But understand, this is just simply a technology.  It can be used for good or it can be used for bad.  Good or evil, you see.
At this point as we find it, it is being co-opted by the Forces of Light, by the Alliance, to be able to be utilized in the times coming here to be a new expression, a new technological expression that will be given to the public across the entire planet.  But originally, as we say, it was meant to do much harm.  But it has been shifted or changed.  Those here in this country especially, America, those and the President are very much aware of the effects of this and are doing what they can to hold this off and to also to mitigate any dangers that can come from this.
Also understand at the same time, as we have been telling many of you, all of you, for some time now, that as you are in the higher vibrational frequencies, none of this can harm you.  It does not matter what it is:  electromagnetic radiation, all of these things have no effect on those who are in the higher vibrations of the fourth dimension and higher.  If you are in the third-dimensional illusion and you still find yourself there, yes, then these things can be harmful, and are harmful to those who are not equipped for this, not prepared for this.
But what has Sananda been saying to all of you for some time?  You are being acclimated to these energies.  The energies have been coming in.  They have been ramping up more and more.  And you have been taking these energies in and acclimating to them.  And even if you are ones that are new to this call, that is okay because as you are becoming more and more awakened to who you are and what is really gong on around you, then you are also preparing and also acclimating to these energies somewhat as well, even if you do not know that you are at a conscious level yet.  But that is coming.  Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:   We can agree with all that has been given, and we have nothing to add.
OWS:   Very good.  Then we hit the, what is your [saying], ‘head on the nail?’ or ‘nail on the head,’ here?
Shoshanna:   Yes.
OWS:   Very good.  And that we know was The James’s son, here.  Welcome, Dear One.  Welcome to the Awakened Ones, we will say, here.
Guest:   Absolutely.  Thank you so much.
OWS:   Okay.  Very good.  Now we have other questions here?
Guest:   Hello, I have a question.
OWS:   Yes?
Guest:   Yesterday my sister was asking in the group that we held here in Guatamala if we can help her and help ourselves, like protecting ourselves.  Because there were some sort of black entities surrounding the Light.  Could you please to me a little further about it?  We surrounded her in Light, but we couldn’t pretty much understand what she was talking about.
OWS:   Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:   We do not have anything to share on this.
OWS:   So you are asking about a particular individual that you know, a friend or a family member, that is inundated with a dark entity around them?  Is this what you are saying, here?
Guest:   She said that the guide that works with her told her that we should protect ourselves because there were some sort of black entities that were in the planet, like round and small, and they couldn’t tell us that much about it.
OWS:   Yes.  You are speaking of, we believe, the plasma Archon energies, those entities we will say here that have been here for many, many thousands and thousands and thousands of years, and have been infiltrating the humanity consciousness here over all of this time.  But, those of the Light forces, your Alliance, the Galactics, all are here to continue to remove those plasma forces, those Archons, the Chimera that Cobra speaks of, all of these are being taken out of the picture.  They are being removed little by little, and sometimes in very large swoops, we will say here, to take them out.  Because they will not be able to withstand the energies of the higher vibrations as you are all being prepared to do.  They cannot handle it.  They cannot handle the light.  They must be in the shadows.  Just as those of the minions of them, those of what you call the cabal, the Illuminati, those individuals that are here on the planet, they are simply the minions of those other high forces, those dark forces, and they do their bidding.
But understand that those higher dark forces that the Illuminati take their orders from are mostly gone.  So they have been left alone.  Those here on the planet still on the surface of the planet have been left alone, and they have no one to turn to anymore.  This is why all that is happening to cut off the exits and all of this is all purposeful here.  They cannot turn to those that would have helped them previously.  They have nowhere to run.  Just as you are hearing from the many sources:  nowhere to run.
But what happens when one gets cornered, such as they are being cornered?  They lash out.  They have lashed out with this particular virus.  This is, as James said earlier, their ‘Hale Mary’ attempt to hold everything off, to hold ascension back.  What have they been doing for some time, now?  Attempting to hold ascension back by blocking the sun.  Have we not said how ridiculous that is for some time now to think that they could actually block the light of the sun?  They can somewhat put clouds in front of the sun, but is that going to block the light, the illumination coming from the sun which comes from the Galactic Central Sun, which then also comes from the Cosmic Central Sun?  How could they possibly block all of that, you see?  So there is no danger in this respect.
And all that is there, and this one that spoke is actually correct, there have been that for many thousands of years, but that is all being removed now, we will say, disappearing over a period of time.  Shoshanna, anything to add here?
Shoshanna:   We do not quite comprehend what has occurred here.  We do not know what has occurred.  Can we ask this One Dear Sister to once again give your summation of what has occurred?
Guest:   That was exactly what I was asking, but I couldn’t get it quite well.  This is my sister who told the group yesterday that I held in Guatemala, and she was just saying, “I wanted to share with you that external forces are looking for something on Earth,” and they are round and small and black.  And my teacher, or my guide, is telling me that we should protect ourselves.  I don’t know what happened or why is there much interest, and what are they looking for.  But I would like to ask you if you can help me feel protected.
Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, we can share.  May we share?
Guest:   Yes, please.
Shoshanna:   One must immediately understand the power of their light.  The power of your light is exponential over any of these creatures.  If the individual that feels threatened gives up their own power, then infiltration will occur.  You must understand the power of your light and the power of those that are within this group, their light is exponential, and they can only be defeated by not recognizing their own light, you see.
You cannot protect anything but yourself, and protection comes in the form of knowing who you are and knowing the magnitude of your light, you see.  We believe that you know this.
And if someone is giving you information that you are being threatened, that possibly is fear-mongering as we see it.  We do not agree with this.
Guest:   Okay.
Shoshanna:   Shine your light, Dear Sister.  Ask all that are in the group to shine their light as brightly as they can.   Namaste.
OWS:   Yes, very good.
Guest:   Namaste.  Thank you very much.
OWS:   Very good.  Are there any further questions, here?
Guest:   I do soul retrievals, and the soul retrieval that I did yesterday on a person.  She was out and about and she got hit by a car, got a concussion, and broken hip.  What I got was that was in the plan several lifetimes ago.  So that had to happen right now at this point in time with the virus and all that stuff for her to get over this every moment, make her choice, and get over this, and get through this, and see it as an opportunity instead of a tragedy and a trauma.
So my question is this:  has this all been in the works, everything we are going through now, since the beginning of time?
OWS:   That is your question, has it been in the works since the beginning of time?
Guest:   Yes.
OWS:   Understand that everything changes all along the way.  So from the beginning of time would be difficult to say that this particular thing was in the works.
But if you look at it from the point of view of the cosmic consciousness of the universe, Universal Central Source, we would say that Universal Central Source knows all.  So if that is the case, and indeed it is, then the Universal Central Source knew all along that this would be part of the plan.  And the plan has been working out for all of this time, you would say.
Again, as you say from the beginning of time.  But what really is the beginning of time?  Time is relative based on the consciousness of man creating that time sense.  And this becomes very difficult to understand because as we have said many times that in the higher vibrational dimensions time does not exist as you understand it now.
So again, to say from the beginning of time, we will say from the beginning of creation, that can come into play, here.   So from that understanding then, yes, this has been in the works, in the process, but everything shifts and changes as a result of all of those that are working with in the plan itself.
So your very thought as a collective race of man, here, shifts and changes everything in the moment from a moment basis.  So in one moment, as we are speaking right now, everything is what it is that we are saying.  In the next moment, because of man’s consciousness across the planet, everything can shift and change.
And this is how the Alliance has taken over the situation here, knowing exactly what we are saying, here.  They understand this, and they were able to, as has been said several times, now, being able to co-op this entire process to be able to utilize it to be a part of the greater plan of the Light, here.  Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:   We can share.  May we share?
Guest:   Absolutely.
Shoshanna:   Dear Brother, you have posed an extremely complicated question.  And we have an answer, but the answer is complicated.  We must tell you that the creator has enjoyed the long story.  The story changes.  Then it goes back to another story.  And then it diverts itself.  Because the Creator gave the man and other beings of the galaxy a free reign to create reality in the way that they wished it to be created, you see.  But the plan was always to come back to the Light.  The plan was always to re-merge with Higher Self and know who you are.  The individual that you speak of that had the accident can see this accident in multiple ways, you see, because there is free will component.  The one that had the accident can say, ‘Oh, this is a tragedy, I am going to be sick for a long time, I have an issue” or they can see it as perfection.  Because there is perfection in all experiences, and the perfection is to teach that one that had the accident to find out who she really is, and the power that she holds over the physical body and over the issue that she has experienced, and to know that she is God.  She is God walking, you see.
So the question that you pose is quite impossible to answer, except to know that no matter what we do, the plan will still work out.   Namaste.
Guest:   And that is paraphrasing exactly what I told her, that she can look on it as an opportunity or a trauma, and it is her choice, and she will step into her power and she will step into her power in whatever way.  But that was just a metaphor, or a hyperbole, or whatever the word is.  What I meant was that The Event that we are going through now, and you’ll answer the question, was that scheduled to happen since the beginning of creation.  Now I realize that had man evolved into higher consciousness prior to this day in time (time is irrelevant), or it could go longer.  So it is either the one or the other, and we are in the perfect place at the perfect time.  Thank you.
OWS:   That is correct.  Very good.  Like minds think alike, here, do they not?
Guest:   Yes.
OWS:   Good.  There was another question, here?
Guest:   Yes.  This was a wonderful meditation we did, because I kind of realized this, but I didn’t see the implications of it.  But it seems like we are almost these great, I don’t know exactly, I wouldn’t say diving rods or antennae, or something, we  the Lightworkers are collecting the light and then dispersing it as well, as I understand it, almost like a radio transmitter, or something like that.  And it seems like during The Event we are an integral part of that dispersing of light.  So I was curious to know is that true, and I would like verification.  But also how far can our individual light actually really reach?
OWS:   Very good.  We will answer the second part of that first.  How far can your like reach?  It can reach as far as you can possibly imagine that it is going to reach.  If you want it to reach across the planet, it reaches across the planet.  If you want it to reach the solar system, it reaches the solar system, the galaxy, etc.  That is completely up to you and to the individual that is working with the Light in this way.  And the more that you can believe, you can _____ (that was a fill-in-the-blank).
Shoshanna:   You can see.
OWS:   You can see.  Yes, exactly.  That is what we would say on the second part.
On your first part of question, can you repeat it, here
Guest:   Well, just verification that when The Event and the events happen, our actually standing in a physical place and being the ones to catch it and to send it out, is actually a part of it.
OWS:   Yes, absolutely.  You have been a part of it all along.  For many, many lifetimes you have been a part of it.  But this particular lifetime is the lynchpin.  This is the one where you equated it as a lightening rod.  We will say more like a solar battery.  You are taking the light and holding it within you, and then dispersing it out, just as one who would then receive the energy from that solar battery, you see?  So you are taking the light and dispersing it out from you.  Do you understand this?
Guest:   Yes, yes.  When I first thought of it, I just thought that light was just hitting us and was consuming us each in whatever way it would.  I didn’t realize what an integral part we actually are of that.
OWS:   Yes.  You are a very integral part of this entire process.  You are the ones you have been waiting for.  You have heard this many times.  You are the one.  Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:   We can share.  These questions are very complex.  May we share?
Guest:   Definitely.
Shoshanna:   Our Dear Sister, you are the light.  And the light is you.  And the light is outside of you, and is within you.  It is all ONE.  It cannot be separated.  What is missing is the acknowledgement of that, not the questioning of it, but to know it.  You see, every being on this planet is light.  However, they have lost their understanding of that.  They have lost their knowledge of that, and have dropped down into darkness, but they are still light.  They have just lost their way, you see.  You can never be anything else but light.  When your body disappears, you are still light.  When you no longer can see yourself in the physical, you will acknowledge yourself as light, you see.  But it is in the knowing that you are light that you become the light, you merge with all other lights, and you become one with that in the knowing, you see.  Most here now have lost that understanding, but are regaining it, you see.   Namaste.
Guest:   Thank you.
OWS:   We apologize if there are any more questions, but we must end this message time here, this question-answer time, because this one, The James’ body is burning up and his heart is beginning to race, so we must release.  The energies are much too strong for this one to continue this process at this time.  We will ask here though, in final point here, Shoshanna, is there a final message here for you?
Shoshanna:   We will say to each that it is happening!  You are on the right road at the right time, and you must shine your light more powerfully than you ever have, and acknowledge that you are the light.   Namaste.
OWS:   Very good.  And we will just say here, as you have heard many times, again from many different sources:  trust the plan.  This is indeed the Grand Awakening that you are right now in the process of.  Continue to go with the flow.  Continue to believe it and you will see it.  And everything will continue to work out exactly as it needs to.  Keep your seatbelts fastened, because the ride is going to get quite interesting from here on out.
Shoshanna:   Namaste.
OWS:   Shanti.  Peace be with you.   Be the one.
I am Saint Germain. 

James McConnell 

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publicado por achama às 11:47
Sexta-feira, 24 / 01 / 20

Your Help to Bring Peace, Love, and Harmony Into Our World NOW

Master Saint Germain Asks for Your Help to Bring Peace...

Meditation on February 2nd, 2020.

Posted January 24th,2020.




What John Lennon’s “Imagine” stirred within us -oh those many years ago- we are now distinctly privileged to help bring to fruition with a ‘whole lot of love.’ Our strength is our humanity, our passion, our ability to see and feel what we desire -Peace, Health, Comfort, Freedom-and help bring it all into the world of form.
On Tuesday, January 7, 2020, Ascended Master Saint Germain spoke during a channeled Violet Flame service for humanity and said, “If more life streams were serving right now, in less than a day’s time the world would instantly change.”
Register to the link to participate – No charge:  

A small, quiet group of Master Saint Germain’s Inner Court has stepped up to provide an opportunity for Lightworkers around the Earth to join Ascended Master Saint Germain and the Company of Heaven in sustaining a Violet Flame service for 24 hours.   Our goal is to maintain a continuous radiation of the Violet Flame (unconditional forgiveness, mercy, transmutation and etherealization), the Pink Flame (unconditional love, kindness, patience and compassion) and the White Flame (ascension, purification, illumination and the raising of consciousness) for 24 hours.
It’s simple to join this free on-line gathering: 

On February 2, 2020, a special 30-minute Violet Flame service will be broadcast for 24 hours simultaneously as a Zoom webinar and as a Live-Stream on YouTube.  The broadcast will run continuously from 12:00 am GMT until midnight GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).  You can participate anytime during the 24 hours for as long as you like.  The Company of Heaven will
assist us; however, they need earthly life stream bodies to work through.
  • The service will re-start every 30 minutes during the above 24-hour period.
  • Register here to receive the link to the Zoom Webinar or for the URL to the Live Stream on YouTube.
Ascended Master Saint Germain reminds us that it only takes a few to change the world!  Many times, a small group of dedicated people has brought about major change in our world by pouring their energy into the changes they wanted to see.
It’s important to get this message around the world so we cover all time zones throughout the day.  Feel free to share this with others via email or Facebook. This is planetary change.  We can change the world with our love and commitment.
I humbly thank you for your time, and for helping Ascended Master Saint Germain and the Company of Heaven.
Questions directed to sacredheartflame@sacredcircle.me


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 21:32
Sexta-feira, 24 / 01 / 20

There is More and More Light and Less and Less Darkness, or Matter.


The Elementals Speak.

Through Suzanne Lie

Posted January 23th, 2020.


“Welcome, how do you do? We, the elementals, are members of the fourth and fifth dimension. We welcome you to our world. Come, we will show you around. As you journey up the various sub-planes of our Home, you may realize that our residents differ. Just as the residents of the deep ocean differ as the infusion of light into their world changes, so do we differ as there is more and more light and less and less darkness, or matter.

“Our lowest plane, the Lower Astral Plane, is our junkyard. This is where everyone from Earth has dumped his or her fear, anger, sorrow and pain. We try to work with it, but it is not ours to clear. The "Third Dimensionals" have created the mess in the Lower Astral Plane, and it is they who must clean it up.

We hope that you did not have too much trouble there. But if it is your first time living on third dimensional Earth, you probably did. Eventually, you will create your Path through the Lower Astral Plane, and in fact, all the way up to the Fifth Dimension.

“The key to visiting our Elemental Kingdom is that you release your fear. There is much fear in your third dimensional physical world which holds you captive in your land of illusion and work. What you call illusion, we call imagination or creativity. And, what you call work, we call service.

“We do not have any illusions here because we know that everything changes with our thoughts and feelings. If we think like an owl, we become an owl. If we feel beautiful, we may look like a flower and if we are feeling powerful, we may look like a unicorn.

“Yes, all of your “mythical” creatures are alive and very real here. If you wish to see one, then just think of it and it will be around the next bend, or it may suddenly appear. Our world is much like your dreams. In fact, this is where you come in your night body.

“A predictive or spiritual dream would be your night body’s visit to the higher planes of our world. On the other hand, a nightmare would be a trip to the Lower Astral Plane. We learned early on that if we allow fear to overtake our being, we too would be pulled into that dark place. Therefore, we focus on the many joyous events about us.

“Please follow our imagination, and we will show you a new flower that is about to give birth. Our flowers here may be a bit different than the flowers in your Kingdom, but some of them are the same. In fact, some of our most treasured flowers are known as weeds in your world.

“OH! Watch closely now, as a young bud is about to open! AH, is that not the most glorious sight? How wonderful! Our dear flower friend is sending a drop of its essence down into your earth. Perhaps you will see it when you return there.

“We do that a lot you know, send down portions of our essence to your world. In fact, if you look very closely, and with blurred vision, you may even see us elementals wavering in your atmosphere. We greatly love to be in gardens, streams and under huge trees. Allow me now to introduce you to some of my friends.”

“We are Sylphs. We may look like only one being to you, but we are all joined in consciousness and do not perceive ourselves as being individuals, as you humans do. Our essence rules the air element of your third dimensional world and body, and we fourth/fifth dimensional ones continually change our forms.

“We waver in the wind like feathers. We serve your world by clearing your air and atmosphere. We often have to express the negative thoughts of humanity in the form of hurricanes or cyclones. We do not wish to hurt any of you. We are only following our assignment, which is to assist humanity in seeing the power of their thoughts.

“Allow me to introduce you to some of our Fairies. They are also Sylphs because they serve in the air. They are the ones who assisted that beautiful flower in opening.”

“Hello human. We are Faeries. Some of us live in the Land of Faerie, but many of us also live here in the lower vibrations of the Astral Plane. It is here that we learn about being “changers”. A changer is one who assists the seasons in changing. We assist the old leaves to fall from the tree in the Fall and the new buds to open in the Spring.

“Thank you for visiting us. Will you remember to look for our kind when you see a lovely garden? Perhaps you will recognize us. We know that we will recognize you. Oh, I must return to my flowers. My Sylph friend here will continue to guide you. Bye, bye.”

“Thank you Faerie. I am Sylph again. I am sure that this human appreciates you as much as we Sylphs do. Oh, dear human, do you see that clear stream ahead? Let us go there, and we will introduce you to the Undine friends who represent the water element. See how busily they work to keep the stream moving.

“We Sylphs often serve with the undines to create rain. In this way, our gardens and forests can flourish. The undine’s essence also rules the water element in your third dimensional bodies. Just as thoughts are like air, emotions are like water. There is as much water on your third dimensional Earth, as there is here in our Astral Plane. Therefore, there is also much emotion here.

“Here the denser emotions, such as fear, anger, and sorrow, sink into the Lower Astral Plane. This allows us a boundary between the pain of darkness and the purity of light. On the other hand, in your world the pain and purity are intermingled and often difficult to identify.

“If you ask for our help, we Undines can assist you in differentiating your emotions. We Undines work directly with the physical body to assist you with uncomfortable feelings for pain and darkness and to remind you of the glorious feelings for light and love.

“Oh look, there are some gnomes who are carrying the damp soil from the streams over to the baby flowers. They care for our infant plants and animals in the same manner as you humans care for your human infants.

“The Gomes serve as Earth Elementals. See over there, by that big crystal. If you look closely, you will see a gnome peaking up from under the earth to tend to it. And over to your right, there is an Elf who is caring for to a small faun.

“Can you now realize how we elementals work together to create our harmonious environment? Only humans who can focus on love can visit us here. With the added love of king visit from humans, we don't have to out-picture your emotions in the form of storms and natural disasters, as we are too often called on to do on third dimensional Earth.

“Do you feel our wonderful sunny day? You can thank the Salamanders for that. They rule the Fire Elementals. Without the Fire Elementals, you would not receive the photons from the Sun, have fire to warm your homes and cook you meals, and your bodies would not have neuron synapses.

“We earth, water, and air elements deeply appreciate the salamander fire elementals as they carry Spirit to your world, into our very essence.

“Now we are approaching one of the Mystery Schools. The Ascended Masters, your ascended humans, each have a Mystery School on the etheric plane so that you can more easily access them in your expanded consciousness. Some of your more evolved humans can even bi-locate to these Mystery Schools and study directly with the Ascended Masters.

“The Ascended Masters have a higher octave of their schools on each of the sub-planes of our fourth dimensional world. OH, we have come to the boundary of our territory. St. Germain, the Ascended Master of the Seventh Ray will be your guide now.”


“Greetings. I am joyous to find you here in the inner planes.

I, the Ascended Master for the Seventh Ray, am your guide. Allow me to congratulate you on your ability to make this trek. I know that you have faced, and cleared, many of your personal demons in order to be be able to to allow you self this pleasure.

“We are still in the Astral Plane, which is the emotional sub-plane of the fourth dimension. It is here that many of the Angels serve the third and fourth dimensional humans on Earth. We Ascended Masters are very grateful for the ministrations that the Angels have given to humanity.

“Without their assistance, we doubt that not man humans would have been able to make our transcendence into the Light. It is also the selfless example of the Angelic Kingdom that has inspired us to forgo our further aspirations into the Light in order to serve in the Fourth Dimension and assist our brother and sister humans.

“I, St. Germain, work with the Angels to transmute the darkness of the Third Dimension into Light. Ascended Master Nanda works with the feeling of bliss that the Angelic Choirs radiate onto the many places of worship, whether they are a personal garden or bedroom, a high mountain peak or sacred grove, or a beautiful man-made cathedral.

“Ascended Master Hilarion often calls upon the Angelic Kingdom to bestow upon humanity the feeling of TRUTH to amplify healing and scientific discovery, and Ascended Master Lord Lanto calls upon the Angels to shed their Divine Illumination upon fortunate human recipients.

“Of course, Ascended Master Serapis Bey calls upon the Angels to assist with human ascension. Ascended Master Paul the Venetian works continuously with their love force. Also, Ascended Master El Morya works directly with the angelic leader, Archangel Michael, and his powerful Divine Complement, Lady Faith.

“But enough of my human talk, allow me to introduce you to this glowing angel who now stands before us.”

Hello, beloved human. I am joyous that you have journeyed into the Higher Planes where I serve. We Angels also have a group consciousness in that we are in constant inner communication with each other and with the ArchaiI of the Ray on which we serve.

5 “However, since we serve so intimately with humans, some of your individuality has rubbed off on us, so to speak. As you know, we absorb the essence of our environment. One of our biggest challenges is to enter your world with our absorbed love and compassion and not allow the fear, anger, and psychic pain of your world to taint our gift.

“We are grateful for the appreciation that many of you humans have been showing us. We truly appreciate when our likeness has been drawn by your artists, our music is received by your musicians and composers, our words are written by your writers and poets, and our movement is grounded by your dancers and athletes. We wish you to know that with every stroke of the brush or pen, with every note of music, and with every movement, we are beside you celebrating your expression of our gifts.

“We give our offerings freely and in Unconditional Love. We realize the many hardships you endure, especially the hardship of feeling separate from the Oneness. Some of us have chosen to take a physical life, but we seldom do it twice. Our hearts are best suited for Unity and Loving service to God-Goddess-All That Is.

“For that reason, we serve here in the Higher Planes to assist you in clearing your emotions so that you can better receive and ground our offerings. We greatly admire the courage you all display as you live and contribute in a world so filled with separation and limitations. Would you allow me to touch you heart in appreciation of your great accomplishments?

“Oh thank you, dear human! You may not realize it, but we angels find humans to be as beautiful and loving as you humans find us. We each serve the Source in our own way. Together we are striving now to raise our dear Gaia into her true fifth dimensional form. We are a good team, humans and Angels. Yes, indeed we are.

“Oh dear, here we are already at the threshold of the Mental Plane. I believe it was the blending of our auras that brought us here so quickly. Before you cross over to enter into your mental body, please take a moment to see and feel your astral-emotional body. It is a lovely oscillating, dynamic body, is it not?

6 “Within your astral body is the sum total of all the emotions and feelings that you have ever experienced in all of your third and fourth dimensional incarnations. When you merge with your Astral Body, it is good to call upon an angel, such as myself, to “touch” your heart so that we may heal your darkness and amplify your light. As you carry more and more light, your third dimensional aura will glow and your inner beauty and love will radiate to all those who come into your life.

“My, it is time for you to step over into the Mental Plane, but before you leave, would you like to change form? Perhaps you would like to be a wolf or a hawk or a snake. Would you like to burrow into the ground, run as fast as a wild stallion, or fly like a bird? Possibly you would like to be twelve feet tall or as small as the elves and faeries in this world. In fact, upon this threshold is the wonderful Land of Faerie. See. It is just through that waterfall. You may travel there whenever you wish.

“But now, I see a deva who has come to greet you. Yes, it is a water deva who has come to assist you in the final clearing of your emotions so that you may step into the Mental Plane. Be prepared dear human, the next land has much less form.”

“Welcome, human. We are Deva. We too have a group consciousness. Our consciousness is in unity with all the other Devas as well as all the elementals that serve with us to create form from thought. In our world, form and thought are one. When we are thinking about something it takes a form, but when it leaves our thoughts, it loses all form. That is the way of our Mental Plane.

“Here, thought is pure potential. It is our responsibility to receive Divine Will, which is each and every thought from Source, and to create a matrix for it here on the Mental Plane. Then we send that matrix to the Astral Plane to be filled with emotion—energy in motion. The Divine Will is then passed into the Etheric Plane where the elementals feed the infant Divine Idea with their etheric substance.

“At this point, the etheric body of a human who resonates to that idea will be able to carry it over into the third dimension. Your etheric body holds all the knowledge, pain and experience of all of your third dimensional lives. The Divine Ideas that will attract your etheric body are

7 probably Ideas that you have worked on in many lives. Once the etheric body magnetizes a Divine Idea, it can more easily be passed into the consciousness of your physical body. Oh, what joy and jubilation we all feel when the seed of the ONE blooms upon the Physical Plane!

“Some of the humans are able to visit us here in the Mental Plane so that they may become aware of their Divine Idea. This awareness is obtained by merging with your own mental body. In your mental body is stored all the thoughts and beliefs of all of your third and fourth dimensional lives.

It is easier to absorb your personal Divine Ideas because you have believed in and thought about them for many, many incarnations. These thoughts and ideals leave a residue within your mental body, which acts like a magnet to attract concepts of that frequency and matrix.

“Take a moment now to look at your mental body. Do you see your own ‘thought matrix’ through your translucent form? Oh, be careful. If you allow yourself to feel frustration that you are not ‘doing it right’ you will lower your vibration and terminate our visit. Allow me to touch you and it will be easier for you…

“There, I am sure you can see your mental body now for you are glowing like a thousand candles. Take a moment and send an image of this glowing form to your earth-bound brain. Then remember to remember that image when you return to your third dimensional world. This is the best way to ground your light body in your physical form.

“Allow me now to invite you to one of our devic meetings. It is there that we gather up the inspirational thoughts of humanity, match them with the Divine Ideas of the Source, and send them back to the earth plane. Perhaps you will find out more about your own Divine Ideas….

“Well, well, we are joyous that you joined us in our meeting. Was it not a glorious experience for you? You did so well there that you have gained the attention of one of our Elohim. We will take you now to their Temple. Just close your eyes and allow your particular Divine Ideas to grow in wisdom and illumination and you shall find yourself there…”

8 “WELCOME cherished human, I AM Elohim. You have performed admirably in your mental expansion. You have cleared old beliefs in limitation and separation and learned to keep your thinking positive. These accomplishments have calibrated your consciousness to the frequency of the higher planes.

“Allow my ESSENCE to enter your mind. Just close your eyes and accept my message. Only you shall hear it, and only you can manifest it in you physical world…

“Oh yes, dear human, our blending has accelerated your resonance into the Causal Plane. Enjoy your journey. I believe your own Christ Consciousness has come to greet you.”

“Beloved One, essence of my SELF, I am our Christ Consciousness. I need no form, as I AM pure consciousness. I AM the sum total of all the loving feelings, thoughts, and actions of all our lives. I AM our Star Body, which changes and wavers with every thought and feeling. One day I AM golden and the next I AM violet. Often

“I will alternate from one color to another with each message I receive from my higher or my lower selves. Can you feel me within you? Allow me to touch your heart so that you can more easily “feel” my consciousness within you…

“Wonderful! Now take that “feeling” of our Christ Consciousness and infuse it in every one of our lower bodies as you make your return trek, through the Fourth Dimension, into your physical body. In fact, allow me to touch your Third Eye and we shall do that together now…

“Beautiful! Yes, you are still here because you are EVERYWHERE. In fact, you and I are everywhere that I AM for we are One. You are my physical encasement, my manifestation of our Divine Idea of an individual, human life. I AM the LOVE that brings joy to our human Heart, the consciousness that brings ILLUMINATION to our human Mind, and the CONNECTION of our human essence with our Divine SOUL.

“You are me and I AM you, and I AM ALWAYS in constant connection with our

“I AM PRESENCE!” Our “I AM Presence” is at the threshold of the Fifth Dimension, in fact, it IS the threshold. Allow me to merge with you so that we may go together to that threshold…

“Thank you my beloved human; was it not glorious to be in Oneness again? We are here now, our “I AM Presence” is before us.”

“GREETINGS, my beloved physical expression. I AM ALL THAT I AM. I AM our SELF. I AM our Higher Human. 

Take me Home with you into your physical world, and I will take you Home with me into the Fifth Dimensional Home!”
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 09:31
Sexta-feira, 01 / 11 / 19

The Changes are upon Earth

Saint Germain and OWS.

Channeled by James McConnell.

October 30, 2019. 


I am Saint Germain.  I come at this time with what we consider very exciting news.
News that has been building up for quite some time, now.  You have heard many things over the past years, and months, and weeks, and days.  Many things are leading you to believe that your lives are changing and are going to change in a dramatic way.  That is true.  They are going to change in a dramatic way.
But always remember that if these changes are going to come, they must first come within the NOW.  Must always be within the NOW moment.  Because the NOW moment is the fifth dimension.  And the more that you can find yourself in that NOW moment, you will be in those higher vibrations, in the higher fourth and into the fifth dimension.
You have heard many things.  Much news that has come forward over the past time.  Many predictions.  Many people have said this.  Many intel sources have come forth and said this will happen, or this is coming.  We ourselves, brothers of the Great White Brotherhood, your galactic friends, brothers and sisters, the Agarthans, all have been saying that dramatic changes are about to come to you, about to befall you here on the Earth.
Up to this point, you look and you do not see the dramatic changes as of yet.  The exciting news that I am here to bring to you, that I have been asked to share, is the news that very dramatic truths are about to come forward in many different respects.  Those dominoes that have been spoken that would begin to fall, one rather large domino is about to fall.  It may come in the form of an announcement.  It may come in the form of simply a happening experience that occurs.  No, it is not going to be a major revelation coming in the skies, not as of yet.  But it will come as a major revelation in terms of truth coming forward, in terms of the darkness being illuminated by the light.  Those that still crouch within the darkness, within the shadows, must now come forward and bring those truths to the larger public as a whole, not only to the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors which all of you are, but to those outside of yourself as well.
Those that are still in that sleeping state, but are about to become awakened by something rather dramatic.  We cannot, of course, give you what that will be, but it will be quite astounding to many, and even to those of you that have been waiting expectantly for these various things to come forward.  Even those of you will not be astounded so much, but will find joy deep within your heart coming forward.
Because the moment of awakening is coming very close now, the awakening of mankind across the planet.  Not, of course, all will awaken.  Many will choose to continue to stay asleep.  But that is not your concern.  Your concern will be to those who are ready to awaken, those who are reaching up to the Light and want more and more of that Light, want more and more of that information to be shared, the truth that you have known for some time, they will now want those truths as well.
That is what is coming very, very soon to all of the planet.  First here in this country, your United States, the Republic of the United States (that, my friends, is a hint), all of this is about to come forward now.  And once it begins, it will be as the avalanche that has been spoken of many times.  The avalanche that will continue to gain momentum and take all of the darkness along with it that will then be illuminated by the Light.  The dark can no longer stay in the dark, in the shadows.  The shadows must be illuminated.
It has been written, it has been said before, and these are those times now that you, those of you, again that volunteered so long ago, these are those times you have been waiting for, that you have been preparing for, and that we have been helping to prepare you for.  But as of yet, you have, as the saying goes, not seen anything yet.  But you shall.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now, knowing that many of things in terms of the financial endeavors that have been in the works, in process, are about to come forward.  That is not to say that you will automatically become rich overnight—that is not the plan.  It is not the plan for you to all of a sudden find yourself in riches.  The plan is for balance to be brought to the world.  And you, those of you, are a big part of bringing that balance to mankind.
I leave you now in peace and love, and turn this channeling over to another who wishes to speak with you.
Peace and love be with all of you.  And may the Violet Flame continue to purge out all of the darkness, not only within each of you, but in everyone around you as well.
KaRa   (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am KaRa.
I appreciate, as always, the opportunity to be with you, to share with you.
To give you more understanding of that that has been spoken of previously by myself, by Ashtar, that about disclosure, and how close disclosure is now.  Project Disclosure is very close.  It is going to happen.  It is in the process of happening.  And has been said before, we are now bringing disclosure to you.  But it is not only about disclosure that I have come to speak with you, it is about the other projects that are in the works.
One in particular, what we call Project Masterpiece.  This project is also coming close to culmination.  And that is to round up, you might say, to bring forward those that are in the shadows, as Saint Germain has given, into the Light.  They will come into the light of the truth of the knowing.  And so that all across the planet can begin to understand what has happened, what has been happening over the many thousands of years, and what is now about to come to a culmination, an end.
As Archangel Michael said to you a couple of times ago, he spoke to you of the game, and the game that is no longer needing to be played.  And we say the same thing, now.  Reach out to your brothers, your sisters and assist them in not playing the game, as well.
Assist them in being ready to accept the truth as it comes forward.  As the light is brought forward, they will be ready as well, just as you have been, just as you are now, to accept the truth, to accept the Light into your lives.  The darkness can no longer hold sway upon all of the people of the planet.  They have lost control, and Project Masterpiece is all about taking that control away.
We don’t take that control away, you do.  We are just here to facilitate the process.  We, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, all that are here to assist in this process, we are all playing our parts, just as you are all playing your parts.
And those parts are coming together more and more so that all of the various workings, all of the machinations that are working together to bring the entire project to a climax, to a culmination, to a crescendo.  That is what this is all about.
You can look at it as a large piece of machinery and all of the cogs, the wheels that are helping to move the machinery, move the energy through the machine.  And every and every one of you are one of those cogs, are one of those pieces that are needed to keep the machine running.
The machine, of course, here, is the universe.  The universe, the galaxy, the solar system, the earth, and all of you here upon the earth.  And always remember:  you are in the earth, or on the earth, but not of the earth.  Do not be of the planet.  Just be here now in the moment so that you can assist in the process as Project Masterpiece continues to move forward.  And all that are there that are needing to be brought out to the public.  The troops coming forward:  that is what this is all about.
And yes, it does encompass the financial system.  It does encompass many arrests that need to be done, because they have to be brought forward.  The truth must be revealed.  The truth shall be revealed.  All will know the truth as it comes forward.  And you, my friends, are the truth to come forward.
I am KaRa, and I leave you now at this point to continue to prepare.  Prepare yourselves for the light of truth to become known across the entire planet.
All my peace and love be with all of you.
ONE  WHO  SERVES   (Channeled by James McConnell)
Om, mani, padme, hum;  om, mani, padme, hum, hum, hum.   Greetings to you.
One Who Serves here.  You can now unmute your phones, and we can move along here and answer your questions if you have questions.
We have noticed over various timeframes here that your questions have become very much more attuned, attuned to the vibrations that you have moved into.  They are no longer the questions of a one that is awakening.  They are those questions now of ones that are awakened.  And that is a major difference, here.
We so enjoy these questions, because when you ask certain of thee types of questions, we can then expand, or expound, on those questions and bring the Light forward more and more.  And that is what this is all about, is bringing the Light through:  through your hearts, and through your minds, and the heart-mind connection.  Bringing it all together so that the entire planet, the galaxy, the solar system are all illuminated by the Light, by the love, by the consciousness of higher vibration.
Do you have questions now for One Who Serves and Shoshanna?
Guest:   Yes, hi One Who Serves and Shoshanna.
OWS:   Yes
Guest:  First of all, I would like to thank you all for the beautiful, beautiful words you kept saying, one word after another, that I was just loving hearing and had been waiting desperately to hear.  And so I just thank you for it.
But my question is, I have been noticing that the Schumann frequency has been going crazy in the last week.  So if I understand right, black lines mean we had a time line change.  Please correct me if I’m wrong.  And I’m curious about what solid white lines are.  And then I noticed we had a period of about 24 hours or so that was completely black this week, and I want to know what’s going on.
OWS:   What we are going to tell you is not so much about the direct relationship to the Schumann resonance, but the relationship to all of vibration that is increasing across the planet.
Those of you can feel it.  You can feel it here when these energies come in.  And we can see it.  We can see it in that flame that burns within each of you.  And it is burning more and more brightly, not only within those of you, the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, the Lightworker community, but to many, many more that are now awakening as a result of this.
You heard in terms of your conversation earlier in the situation where the one was in a musical situation (if you call that music).  But whatever it is, it was in that situation, and there was love there.  There was concern there.  There was consciousness there within all the ruckus around them in terms of being in the eye of the storm around.  So in that area, what you call the ‘mosh pit,’ those that were going wild and crazy, and the energy so raised up, not in terms of higher vibrations that you would think in terms of higher vibrations.  But within that, there was the love, there was the timing to assist and to be of service to others there.  And that is what we are speaking of.  That is what is changing, here.
And your Schumann resonance is a resemblance of this.  It is indicating this shift that is happening, and correct in terms of time line shift, yes, it has been that.  And the energies are coming stronger and stronger, and they are going to get stronger and stronger and stronger.  So be ready for this.
You heard also in terms of a warning, a darkness that is coming.  We would not say it is a darkness, but it is a light that is coming to illuminate the darkness.  That was what was actually being given there.  We certainly would never say for you to be in fear or to be anticipating that anything would be coming.  For some, it may be considered negative.
But it is where you are needing to, as we say many times, keep those seatbelts fastened because Kansas, as you do know it, or as you have known it, is going bye-bye, you see?  So that is the old programming we are speaking of.  Not Kansas, of course, itself, is not going anywhere, but the programming, the old ways, are going to be gone, here, more and more as you move more fully into the ascension, here.
Shoshanna, we know you are waiting, here.  We apologize for taking so much time.  But your floor, here.
Shoshanna:  (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell):
You have explained this very well.  And we have a perspective for you, Dear Sister.  May we share our perspective?
Guest:   Yes, thank you.
Shoshanna:   What is happening all around you is a cause and effect.  The being that you are, the hue-man who is imbued with the Source, who is the source, who is the divinity that was given to this soul way before the incarnation into a being known as human is causal.
When we recognize as humans that what is occurring outside of us was inside of us first, then we know our power.  So when you look outside yourself at external events, you can be sure that those events started inside of you, and that your recognition of those events is because you are awakening to those events as a causal being.  We hope this helps.   Namaste.
Guest:   Um, it does, but I think I need to clarify something.  I guess I was thinking of the Schumann resonances as like a foretelling of what energies were coming toward us, and their intensity.  But it seems like you both saying that they are a measurement of what’s coming from the earth.  And I was thinking it was what was coming from the heavens.
Shoshanna:   It is all one.  It is all one, and that is perplexing to most.  We can tell you is all one, that one draws upon the next, draws upon the next, draws upon the next.  That it is an energy flow that is created by the one.  And the one includes all of the multiverses, the galaxies, the universes, and YOU, and the planet.
The Schumann resonance is a result of all of those things, and that it is a magnification of the causation mostly of humans, you see.  So human beings, as they excel and exceed their third-dimensional conscious-knowing selves and move past that, the Schumann raises.  Do you see that?
Guest:   Yes.  And so that energetic connection between everything, that would be considered like a toroidal or a serpentine-type of an energy, am I correct in saying that?
Shoshanna:   Yes, yes you are.  And you are the scientist, our Dear Sister.
Guest:   (Laughs)  No, I don’t think of myself in that way (laughs).
Shoshanna:   Well, our Dear Sister, toroidal is a scientific term that most will not even understand or know what you are speaking of, but yes, that is correct.
Guest:   Yeah, that is why I also said serpentine that could be thought of as spiraling.
Shoshanna:   Yes.
Guest:   And it folds within, upon itself, and yeah, it is very flowing.  Let’s just say it flows.
Shoshanna:   And you must notice, as you are speaking in these terms, that the very Milky Way Galaxy is a toroidal shape.
Guest:   Yeah.  It’s everywhere in nature.  It’s in all of creation.
Shoshanna:   It is the Flower of Life that has been spoken of.
Guest:   Right.  Yeah.   Well, thank you.  I appreciate all the time and for my brothers and sisters for putting up with my multi-questions (laughs).  Thank you very much.  I love you all.
Shoshanna:   Namaste, Dear One.
Guest:   Namaste.
OWS:   Wonderful.  Wonderful, and wonderful questions.  Are there any other questions, here?
Guest:   One Who Serves.  I just want to make a comment.  During that astral journey where I had the warning.  I had to go so fast with that, I left out the part that actually as I was flying and the areas that would have been frightening, they were like teddy bears and I continued to sing and dance, and there was no fear.  It was actually written up on my astral journey that we were to be prepared for anything that might come, and we are not to have any fear.  So I want to send this out later on to everybody, and you can really read the entire thing.  But I got that as well.  We just keep our seatbelts fastened and continue your life.  Live your life, be happy, be in joy, and don’t worry about any of the snags that might pop up, because they cannot harm us.
OWS:   That is correct.  Be in the eye of the storm.
Shoshanna:   We have something to share, here.
OWS:   Yes?
Shoshanna:   May we share our perspective, Dear Sister?
Guest:   Yes.
Shoshanna:   What has been given you to is personal to you.  It is about you.  It is about your life.  It is about how you have progressed, how you see the world, how you contribute to the world, how you transcend the world.  This is personal to you, and it applies to all.  But what we must tell you, and you may already be completely aware of this, is that those messages are for you.   Namaste.
OWS:   Yes.
Guest:   Thank you.
OWS:   Very good.  Are there any further questions, here?
Guest:   Yeah, hi.
OWS:   Yes.
Guest:   I have been sort of having dreams.  I don’t remember the details.  But it does go back to Atlantis,  And Atlantis is one of the lifetimes that I remember, again, not in detail, but I do remember some things that occurred.    Also, just recently I have been reading channeled messages that also are relating to Atlantis, the fall of Atlantis, what occurred there.  We are kind of at that point at this time, so we are kind of doing the full circle and going into kind of auto-correct of that time.  Is there something you can speak to around that, and how it really relates to where we are now?
OWS:   The fall of Atlantis, as you are speaking of, is continued time, after time, after time in terms of civilizations coming on, and civilizations falling.  And that has happened over and over, not only here on this planet, but many planets and galaxies ad infinitum, infinite, here.  It has happened over, and over, and over.
And at this point here, those of the dark forces had planned the same thing again.  They had planned to bring this about.  Of course they would survive, they would be the ones that would survive, and the rest of humanity would perish, just as occurred in Atlantis, in Lemuria, and it was planned for this to occur again.
But of course, what is your saying?  ‘The best laid plans of mice of men often go astray,’ right?  So that was not going to be allowed in this respect, here.  The Prime Creator said ‘”‘enough is enough.”  The earth, Gaia herself, reached out to her brothers and sisters out there and asked for assistance.  And assistance has come.  And those things that were going to happen are not going to happen here now.  Disaster, as you know it, all the catastrophes and everything, of the predictions from the bible and other works are not going to occur.  So do not be concerned about this.
But the timelines are what are involved here.  The timeline has been shifted enough so that those things that were planned by those of those dark forces are not going to be.  Okay?
Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, may we share with you?
OWS:   Sure can.
Shoshanna:   We have seen something that we will reveal to you, and you may be completely aware of this.
In your life in the Atlantis lifetime, you were part of a council.  You may know this.  You had a designation as if you were a princess.  You were one that gave advice.  The people did not listen.  They did not listen to you.  And you are re-playing this now through a universal language that you know as ‘light language.’
The movie that you were drawn to so deeply, and we apologize because this one that we speak through, JoAnna, has an empty head and she cannot remember the name of the movie and give it to us…
OWS:   ‘Arrival.’
Shoshanna:   ‘Arrival.’  Yes.  You recall how you were drawn to that?
Guest:   Oh yes.
Shoshanna:   Do you recall how it plucked at your heart strings?  And you have taken your position now, and you sit with that language given to others to awaken them to a higher understanding of who they are and where their heart must be to move to the ascension.
So you are playing a very important roll.  But this roll was from that lifetime and continues now in this lifetime, so take it VERY SERIOUSLY, and know that you, because you are so loving and so integral, with so much integrity that you have been chosen again to bring this about in humanity.
This is what we have to share with you, Dear Sister.   Namaste.
OWS:   And we would add here that as Shoshanna has given that at that time they did not listen.  At this time, you find that they may not be listening either because they do not understand.  But that matters not.
You need to continue to do what you are doing because it is very important that you bring, not so much the words here are not important, but the vibration within those words is what is important, here, the vibration, the consciousness that comes with this.
Because they would be considered in terms of downloads.  And anyone that is hearing these words come through, this language that no one knows what it is, it is getting within them regardless, even if they have no conscious understanding of what it means.
Someone can attempt to elucidate what is being given, but they will not even come close to in terms of your English language to be able to understand what it is.  It just must be felt.  It must be just reached within one’s self to be able to have the full understanding from this that you bring here, okay?
Guest:   Fantastic.  Thank you, guys, I appreciate it.
Shoshanna:   May we offer another suggestion perspective to you?
Guest:   Yes, please.
Shoshanna:   We would ask that you consider, when you are offering yourself to others and bringing in this light language, that there be a preamble to your discourse, that you would say to people–you may need to repeat this very often– that this language that you bring is not a language that the brain can translate.
OWS:   Yes.
Shoshanna:   That this language cannot be understood with the brain.  That they must learn to listen with their heart, and to open their heart to listen AND FEEL what the language is telling them, and then allow them to share.  But giving them this message prior to your discourse will help them open their heart and listen with that, not with their head.   Does this make sense to you, Dear Sister?
Guest:   Oh yes, very much so.  Thank you very much.
Shoshanna:   Namaste.
OWS:   Very good.  Are there any further questions, here?
Guest:   I have a question.
OWS:   Yes.
Guest:   I heard a message this morning from the Arcturian Council of Twelve with regard to mass landings, and that the timeline for that has been moved up.  It didn’t say how much, but that critical mass was getting closer.  Anyway, I wanted to know if that had anything to do with this, and if we are looking for disclosure coming forward, are we looking at the next couple of weeks, the next couple of months?  Thank you.
OWS:   Of course we cannot give you dates or times of this nature, but we can tell you the answer to your question is yes.  It has been moved up.  It relates to that which KaRa gave, Project Masterpiece, and also Project Disclosure, as well as other projects that are in the works here, too.  And they are all leading to what you are calling ‘mass landings’ at a certain point.
But these mass landings cannot happen until Project Masterpiece has been completed.  In other words, there must be those of the dark forces removed from the picture, here.  They have been given many opportunities, after opportunities, after opportunities to turn to the Light.  Many have done so, but many have also still refused to do so.  There will not be waiting much longer, here.
Those of your leaders, those that are able to bring these changes forward, those in your Alliance, they are working very diligently, very hard, and sometimes even losing their lives, to bring these needed changes to the planet.  So that is what is in the works here, we would say.  Shoshanna, anything you would like to add?
Shoshanna:   We must ask a question.  Dear Sister, may we ask a question of you?
Guest:   Sure.
Shoshanna:   What do you wish to be disclosed that you do not already know?
Guest:   I just want it to be disclosed to everyone, that’s all.
Shoshanna:   May we share this perspective with you?
Guest:   Of course.  Yes, please.
Shoshanna:   It is important that all that are in the Light Community acknowledge their understanding.  Acknowledge that they are completely aware of everything, and that they do not need to wait for a government or individuals or a group to announce disclosure.  If all of you began to be in the now moment. that all is revealed in this moment. and that you are completely knowledgeable and aware of all that is going on, you will not have to seek external understanding, because it is within you.  You know everything.  It is just a matter of acknowledging your knowledge, and not seek to know from others what is going on.
We are not being clear about this, but we will tell you that you know what’s going on, and if it is frustrating to you that others do not understand this, that is the lesson for you.  You see?
Guest:   Okay.  Thank you.
Shoshanna:   Does that make sense to you, Dear Sister?
Guest:   Absolutely.  I just think we’re all in the same place when it comes to that.
Shoshanna:   Yes.   Namaste.
Guest:   Thank you.
OWS:   Yes.  Now would there be any further questions?
Guest:   I wish to speak.
OWS:   Yes?
Guest:   This is the first occasion I’ve heard the term “masterpiece.”  Could you explain that a little further, please?
OWS:   The need to explain what is meant by this is not important, because it is just a term that has been given here to this particular project.  But this project is all about bringing an end to those who still attempt to hold things back, here.  More and more, they have come to the understanding that they are finished.  They cannot continue to hold things back, even though they make attempts here and there to do so, thinking that at the last moment, the very last moment, they will be rescued by those coming from high above, those coming from the stars from long ago who will come back to assist them.  They are not.  They are not coming, and that is not going to happen.  So, it is all about bringing it in to those forces that have held the Light off for as long as they have.  Okay?
Guest:   Okay.  Thank you.
OWS:   Would there be any further question?  We need to release channel here, now.  Is there any further question?
Guest:   Yes, One Who Serves.  Hello beautiful Shoshanna,, as well.  I have booked my trip to Mt. Shasta for two weeks from yesterday.  I also then listened to the Michael Love video.  They were talking about how to prepare the body, we need to move to raw foods and nothing cooked, and nothing even frozen.  I wanted to just check in, because I had a strong feeling maybe I should go that direction, especially with the Mt. Shasta trip.  And I was wondering is that valid and true that that is the direction we are wanting to be moving, everything just in its natural state, nothing done to it, really.  Is that the direction we are wanting to be moving for our Light bodies?
OWS:   First of all, there is no shoulds here, of course.  And it is always about moving into the higher vibrations.  And as you move into those higher vibrations, all that you are speaking of will take care of itself.  The body will no longer be able to handle or withstand certain foods that you have utilized for all your life, and maybe in other lifetimes previous to this.  It will not even want it.  There will not be the cravings anymore for the sugar or for various types of meats or anything of this nature.  All of this will go away on its own.  We say this because it is not something that you need to feel guilty about.  Certainly, don’t feel any guilt here whatsoever.  If you take something into your body, if it is not meant for it, your body will tell you.  It will purge it out in some way or it will give you some indication that ‘no, this is not right for you.’  As to whether it is to be raw foods or whatever it is, the more plant- and fruit-based type of diet you can be on, of course, is better because it is nature.  Anything that is associated with nature is very important.  Now, of course, we are not speaking of the eating of animal flesh.  That is something that is quite rapidly, we will say, more and more, going away.  And it will eventually completely be gone, because there will be no need for it anymore.  And, with your higher vibrations, no one will even want it anymore.  But, take it as you need to take it.  Listen to your body.  Your body will tell you what you need.  Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:   Yes, you have given all that is true, here.  But we will rephrase somewhat.  May we share our rephrasing, Dear Sister?
Guest:   Definitely.  We would tell you that you are completely aware, you are so aware, that the mind and the body are one thing.  That the body is the mind, and the mind is the body.  And that both must be fed correctly.  Both must be given the proper nutrients to excel, to move past the drama, to move past the low vibrations.
We would tell you that seeking the advice of another is how we find that the information already resides in our hearts.  It is just a reminder.  Anything that we read or know of, or listen to, is a matter of finding it within our own hearts to be true.  Do you see?
Guest:   Yes, definitely.  Thank you.
Shoshanna:   So, if this resonates with you to eat raw food, if this truly resonates with you, then that is what you must do.  If it does not, you do not.  We would tell you that there are many disciplines, especially the Ayurvedic Medicine, that tells you to steam your vegetables so that your digestive system is not taxed.  There are many that cannot digest raw food.  And there are many that need their vegetables steamed.  So you must find which is appropriate for you.
And, you must raise the vibration of your mind and heart to accept any information that is given to you now through this trip that you are about to take.  It is important that you prepare both your mind and your body, and listen to your heart, especially what is correct for you.  No one can tell you this.  Does that make sense to you, Dear Sister?
Guest:   Ye it does.  Thank you.
Shoshanna:   Yes.   Namaste.
OWS:   We also add here, since you have brought this up, that the one, the Michael Love, channeling was where you can find out more information about this Project Masterpiece.  This is where it came through here first, as we find it.  You can learn more about this.  There is much correct information that is coming forward.  Not all is correct certainly, but never in any channeling session is everything 100% correct.  It is what you need to take from it using your discernment at all times.  Okay?
We need to release channel here now.  Before we do, Shoshanna, anything you wish to add at the end, here?
Shoshanna:   We are going to say in this moment that what is most important and what is most valuable in the human process is to learn for yourself what is appropriate for yourself.  Learn who you are, and acknowledge your gifts in each moment, and be unto yourself.  It is not important what others think.  It is not important what others say.  It is most important that you find in your heart what is appropriate for you.   Namaste.
OWS:   Very good.   And what we are about to say for this group, Ancient Awakenings predominantly only, and that is that this group has been selected, you might say, to be a guiney pig, we can say here, in terms of at your next Advance we are going to attempt to do something that has not been done before:  to bring the vibrations up to such a point where you will literally be in the fifth dimension during that time.  We have shared this with the James.  He has no idea how we are going to do this.  But we are going to do it as long as your vibrations are reached to a high enough level, and we will do much to bring those who are in attendance to this to come to that culmination, that crescendo that is needed to feel the vibrations of the higher fifth dimension, here.  That is what we can say here now, and we will build up to this as we go, here.


Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the One
James McConnell 

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  2. www.ancientawakenings.org

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Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 10:01
Sábado, 13 / 07 / 19

OS MATERIAIS DO CÍRCULO CARMESIM Série Emergindo – SHOUD 11. ~ Adamus, Geoffrey Hoppe.


Série Emergindo – SHOUD 10.

Adamus Saint Germain,

canalizado por Geoffrey Hoppe.

Apresentado ao Círculo Carmesim
a 6 de julho de 2018


Tradução de Inês Fernandes.


Eu Sou o que Sou, Adamus of Sovereign Domain, e Saint Germain.
NOTA: Estas canalizações foram originalmente transmitidas durante a celebração de “10 Anos com Adamus”, em Santa Fé, nos dias 15 e 16 de junho de 2019.
Eu Sou o que Sou, Adamus of Sovereign Domain. 
[Aplausos da plateia] Obrigado. Obrigado.
Ah, estou muito satisfeito de ter vocês aqui neste encontro... more @ 


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Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.

A religião organizada é desnecessária à espiritualidade.

Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dogmático dessas religiões.

Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcansar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.

Por favor, respeitem todos os créditos

Recomenda-se o discernimento.

Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade do respetivos autores ou editores.


publicado por achama às 00:04
Sábado, 29 / 06 / 19

FAÇAM DO TEMPO UM GRANDE AMIGO. Mãe Maria; Saint Germain, Maria Silvia P. Orlovas


Mãe Maria.

Através de Maria Silvia P. Orlovas

27 de maio de 2019

Se há algo que acompanha você, do seu nascimento à sua morte no corpo físico, no plano da matéria, esse algo é o tempo.
Faça do tempo o seu grande amigo.
Use o presente, o tempo presente, para cuidar de si mesmo, para se auto observar, para fazer a sua vida ser boa hoje.
E não tenha medo da passagem do tempo.
Quando o tempo é seu amigo, ele segue a seu favor.
Quando o tempo é seu amigo, você aproveita cada momento, cada dia, cada hora: para aprender mais, para olhar para as pessoas, para aprender a ouvi-las, amá-las, cuidá-las.
Faça do tempo o seu grande amigo, o seu parceiro.
A passagem do tempo, tão temida por aqueles que vivem na superfície do seu ser, é uma grande bênção.
Cada dia que passa, você aprende mais. E ainda que o seu corpo físico possa eventualmente sofrer, porque não tem mais o vigor de antes, o seu corpo mental, emocional, espiritual, ganha. Porque aprende, porque tem chance de se modificar, de se expandir e de se auto iluminar.
O tempo é um fiel servidor da iluminação.
E assim vocês estão, vida após vida, aprendendo mais. Não pensem que tudo acaba com a morte, porque isso não é verdade.
As suas boas ações continuam e as suas más ações continuam também perseguindo vocês.
E é exatamente essa condição que define o seu nascimento. Como será: numa família rica, abastada, vivendo experiências do luxo, ou vivendo experiências da pobreza e das dificuldades.
O tempo define o uso que você fez das suas habilidades, define a sua vida agora e a sua vida posterior.
Então, se você deve começar um novo estudo, um novo trabalho, um novo jeito de se relacionar com as pessoas, não tema o tempo. Ele está a seu favor.
A juventude, para muitos, é um tempo de confusão porque não sabem o que fazer.
Fazem escolhas erradas e depois precisam se ajeitar dentro daquilo que criaram para si mesmos.
E aí, meus amados, o tempo está a seu favor. Porque o tempo define o caminho a ser percorrido.
E se, por acaso, caminhos errados já foram os seus, caminhos certos podem vir. Porque você tem a seu favor a sua sabedoria, a sua consciência, a sua energia, a sua força, o seu poder.
E lembrem-se: o tempo passa rápido para aqueles que se dedicam, estudam, amadurecem, crescem, vivem.
Nada do que você faz é desperdiçado.
Nada do que você foi é perdido.
Nada do que você pensa é esquecido.
O tempo é um grande servidor do Divino.
O tempo é o grande servidor da iluminação.
E esse tempo presente, dentro da energia crística do Eu Sou, quando você medita, quando você ora, quando você reza, ele é um tempo onde a sua alma se nutre de sabedoria, de amor e de bênçãos. Trabalhem a favor do tempo. Vivam a favor do tempo. Orem através do tempo.
Amem sempre, sempre. Porque o amor é a maior força que o homem tem a seu favor para driblar qualquer circunstância, qualquer movimento, qualquer perda.
O amor supera absolutamente tudo!
E o tempo na Terra é o tempo de Deus.
É o tempo onde vocês aqui estão para manifestar a sua luz, para manifestar o seu melhor.
A maestria acessada pela Chama Violeta é o momento de evolução íntima, quando você descobre em si mesmo a sua maior força, a sua maior luz.
Acessar a maestria exige de você que você não tenha medo de viver, não tenha medo de se expor, não tenha medo de ser quem você é.
Assim se concilia o Céu na Terra.
Assim, o tempo se torna seu amigo, parceiro e guardião.
Saiba que há muitas vidas você está no seu processo íntimo de evolução, para poder fazer aqui, hoje, o seu melhor.
Não tema o tempo. Não o maldiga o tempo.
O tempo é o seu grande aliado, o seu grande benfeitor, o seu grande parceiro, a sua iluminação.
Eu sou Saint Germain, e abençoo vocês com o bem mais precioso, que é a consciência.
Permitam que a consciência se expanda, permitam que o seu melhor se apresente e não temam o tempo.
Aproveite cada minuto, cada instante da sua vida, para ser melhor do que você é.
A maestria é a única ambição favorável ao homem.
Porque querer as coisas da Terra, porque querer o dinheiro, a posição, a abundância material, qualquer um pode querer; um bandido pode ambicionar muito bem.
Agora, aquele que ambiciona o seu melhor, a sua luz, a sua manifestação divina com todos os poderes, esse é um grande homem. Que está usando, com luz e sabedoria a sua amizade, sua parceria com o tempo.
Amados sejam. Amados são.
Recebam nosso amor, nossa luz e nosso impulso para viver a vida como deve ser vivida: com muita luz e com muito amor!

Recomenda-se o discernimento.

Por favor, respeitem todos os créditos

Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
A religião é desnecessária à esperitualidede.
Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle e dogmas das religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.

Por favor, respeitem todos os créditos

Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade do respetivos autores ou editores.

Recomenda-se discernimento e evitar o julgamento.
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publicado por achama às 03:50
Domingo, 09 / 06 / 19




– SHOUD 10

~ Adamus Saint Germain, Geoffrey Hoppe.




Adamus Saint Germain,*canalizado por Geoffrey Hoppe.* *

Apresentado ao Círculo Carmesima 9 de junho de 2018* *www.crimsoncircle.com*.

Tradução de Inês Fernandes. .

Eu Sou o que Sou, Adamus of Sovereign Domain, e Saint Germain. Vamos respirar bem fundo juntos, ao iniciarmos este dia. Hum. Agora, eu sei que muitos que estão escutando, muitos que estão aqui no Centro de Conexão acham que não sentem nada. Mas eu diria que vocês sentiram uma coisa. Eu diria que vocês sentiram algo. O que foi, no momento, realmente não importa. E... ---> more »
publicado por achama às 21:52
Domingo, 02 / 06 / 19

The restoration process is ready to return to this planet. ~ Saint Germain, Nancy Tate.


Wake up Call:

The restoration process is ready to return to this planet.

Message from Saint Germain 

Through Nancy Tate, 

May 31st, 2019

There’s going to be a time in these coming months when all of the issues that are now in the residence of being finished will be not only finished but will be recreated in widespread use for the restoration of this land. It is a matter of being able to repair all of the hurdles that have been in place for so long, and now are being removed and given over to the consciousness of the ones off planet who know how to assist the ones who have been outside of the energy of Love.
It is a matter of them being able to go through the process of restoration and then being able to return to this planet and go into the mode of Loving action for the restoration of the planet and of their own souls. It is a matter of being able to step into the places that they were able to see could be the way to live on this planet, and then to be harbored away from that inner knowing and listening too much to those on the planet who came to destroy not only what the people were to be doing, but the planet as well.
The destruction is not going to happen. This planet earth is in the process of being restored, and not only that but to be able to welcome back those who have returned in the original state of beingness that they originally came to the planet to be in, and the destination of that which can be the essence of Love in every move that is made.
I am here to let you know that the last few steps have been seen to be in the process of being restored to that of the energy of Love, Joy and Peace. There will be many steps and occurrences that will be broadcast around the world as the ones that are being created to bless this planet with the energy of the way to live with all of life and to understand the harmony that is being recreated as I speak. 
I am St Germain, and I wish to repeat one thing today that I have announced before. It is matter of all of you knowing what is the best you can do for yourself, and the others in the same way. Harmony is the answer to all of the movements that are bringing this planet back to the origins that carried forth the idea that it can be done, even after the deadly movements have been stopped and restructured as movements in Peace, Joy and Love in all instances.
Go now into your inner knowing and listen to what is coming forth for you to realize what is taking place around the world these days. It is a matter of feeling the wonder of the changes that are still in progress and bringing about the new energy that was in the process when this planet was created. In the essence of all who came here and are now here is the example of what it means to spread forth that which has been deemed impossible, and is now in the process of being created in every moment. Love is all there is and it is being recovered in many of those who had lost their way. 
Keep the positive energy rolling in the dance of forgiveness and the knowledge that there is a wide-open new way of sharing this planet with all of those who are here, and in the movements of the Love that is all there is. I am with you in every step you take and every movement you make. Love is the answer.
Thank you Dear St. Germain,

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publicado por achama às 04:00
Segunda-feira, 27 / 05 / 19

The illusion is over, the programming that continues to hold it is over, if you allow it to be.

The illusion is over, and the programming that continues to hold that illusion together is over—if you allow it to be.

~ Saint Germain, James McConnell.

The illusion is over, and the programming that continues to hold that illusion together is over—if you allow it to be.*Message from Saint Germain**Channeled by James McConnell.*May 19th, 2019. James McConnell, Saint Germain . I am Saint Germain. I come to all of you now with the Violet Flame to continue to utilize this as a tool, and only a tool, to continue to purge out all the old, the old programming within you. It no longer has a reason to be there. All of that programming was there for a reason in the illusion that is, yes, of your creation, part of the experiment. That e... more »
publicado por achama às 03:56
Terça-feira, 07 / 05 / 19

Things are definitely heating up and changing on your surface world ~ Ashtar, ... ~ Galaxygirl

Things are definitely heating up and changing on your surface world.

Message from Ashtar, Saint Germain, Yeshi, Pleiadian and Arcturian Collectives, Mother and Father God.

Channeled by Galaxygirl.

May 4th, 2019. 

Greetings dear friends, I am Ashtar of the Galactic Federation. I stand before you now on the bridge of the New Jerusalem with tears of joy streaming down my face. For such a momentum has been reached and we are witnessing explosions of light and love in new pockets that we have seen little light in previously. Things are definitely heating up and changing on your surface world, on precious Gaia, as she morphs and changes, resplendent in her beauty.
Hello Friends, comrades arms, this is your St. Germaine here above and below. For many of us have many players in the game and we are all lending our mettle in our own way. Friends, it is happening. The RV, the energy changes, the wave – all of it is happening. I know that you grow tired of these words but nonetheless it is very true, and you are witnessing the great changeover of the ages. You have prime seats to experience and to lend your light in the greatest show in the universe. Gaia is giving birth to herself, to a higher dimensional reality of herself and you all as co-creators are not only witnessing but participating, purposefully and intentionally lending your light, your frequency, your honing skills and your passion and joy. I am your St. Germaine. Be in joy. Be at peace. For all is well, my friends. You are bearing witness to these momentous, magnificent changes all the while as you morph continually with upgrade after upgrade, becoming the higher dimensional human that you were always meant to be. Many of you are having numerous ascension symptoms. Utilize my violet flame, my love, my light and make it your own. For it is. It is your right as a sovereign being to know and to wield the violet flame, in love, always in love, for it is a mighty weapon of justice, of truth, of purification. Use it well. I, St. Germaine, am signing off now as there are more who wish to speak.
Hi-ho friends, this is your Yeshi! I know you. I love you. I am one of you! Together we carry the mantle of the Christ, of the Magdalenes. Together we ignite the Christed consciousness on Gaia, within the hearts of men and women. Today is a new day, a new dawn. Find this joy and bring it anew into your every day and you will carry the spark, the ember and it will burn a bit brighter every day. Your hope, your faith, your steadfastness is amazing to witness, friends. You are the inspiration of the Company of Heaven. You are doing what it takes to get the job done and you – we – we are all doing it together! Great will your joy and your reward be for a job well done, for a life well lived, for your sacrifices, your grit, your mettle are legendary. Have patience as these changes move through you, become you, remake you, remold you. You are literally morphing, becoming your super-hero self, emboldened by these new higher dimensional energies that are bathing you in liquid light, love and Christed awareness. Sure and true are these words, my friends. I am so excited to greet you all again with a hearty hug and handshakes. Pats on the back all around. This energy is glorious! Your love and how you are sharing it is stupendous! Share the light. Live with light, in light, be a living prayer, a living perfume of joy, uplifting the others. You have total control over your mood, over your responses to things. We see you all doing marvelously, greeting previous irritations with a lighter touch. Laughter is good for the soul! Imbibe in it. Be the life of the party. For you are life eternal. You are the light of the universe, the Christ bearers, the love givers, the way showers. And oh, I, we, the COH and I, am so proud of you. Not much longer, friends. Enjoy these higher vibe times and enjoy the show. Hold fast to me. Breathe in my essence now, my scarlet flame of passion and renewal. Peace. I am your Sananda, you may call me Yeshi, brother, friend, for I am! Be in joy!

Greetings friends, we are the Pleiadian and Arcturian Collective here joining forces today in this moment to demonstrate our solidarity and friendship and cohesive unified force of oneness. Such we intend humanity to be able to feel so that divisions are no more. You are all one race. YOU are all the human race. WE see no color difference. Your heart beats the same, your visions of hopes for your families are the same. It is time for humanity to come together strongly, with great intention. It is time to extend hands in service, even more so than you have previously. For the tide has turned, and many will be caught unawares, needing an extended hand to pull them up. It is marvelous how you have all chosen to ascend as one. This is the experience that you have been waiting and longing for. For the fall of Lumeria, of Atlantis, left many wounds and is time to heal them as one, to heal the wounded parts of the human collective and to infuse them with light. Such is what you are doing now human friends, indeed, comrades in arms. For it has been a most intense energy battle and this sector of space has had much to clear and to heal. Know that you are loved, tremendously protected and supported. Our ships twinkle all around you, visible and invisible. We are there nonetheless. We are the Arcturian and Pleiadian Collectives sending you a healing energy wave in this now moment. Sit, be still, and breathe it in. Ask for help with your ascension symptoms. Ask for utilization of our healing chambers. We are most eager and pleased to assist when called upon. Many good things are coming just right around the corner, friends. Many, many good things. Be at peace and be in joy. You are well loved. We are the Pleiadian and Arcturian Collectives.
Children, this is your Mother God speaking. Yes, we are all lined up like children at the swings, eager to have our turn. I send you my love, my encodements of honey light, love and bliss. I pour them over your head now. Feel the saturation of my love and breathe me in. Let me help you with the balance of the divine feminine and masculine energies within you, for the divine feminine is indeed rising but it must be balanced, tempered so that mistakes are not re-created and the divine masculine is balanced and supported. You are both. That key point of balance is perhaps your greatest strength, for it is where you can most clearly hear my voice, and feel the divinity within you of your Mother and Father components, balanced, loving, holding hands, quiet, still, at peace. This still point is where creativity sparks, ideas and energy flow more clearly, where the realm of ideas is supported, balanced, free, unencumbered by fear or misbalance or disharmony. Now children, be my harmony bringing this peace, this frequency of unconditional, ever-loving love to the others that you interact with. It is true. Be my hands and feet. Be my breath. Be my smile. Hold my hands when you hold the hands of the children or the elderly, assisting, loving, radiating my love and presence. Why do you think the Magdalenes, the Essenes, the Buddhas, the Christs were so revered, so loved? They knew me. They radiated my presence, my frequency in a dark place and it lit up their surrounding worlds into yet more light. Feel this light. I, Mother God and Father God ignite your Christed flame, pouring down yet more Christed frequency codes on you, as an anointing. Be blessed. Be Christed. Be strong. Be sure. Be illuminated with the joy of one who knows me. And be free. Be free children. Be free. It is time for you to come home, to come home to me, to our true home of the higher realms where all is love and light, community, friendship and joy. My arms are ever open and waiting for you to embrace me back, and I do so hope that you rest in this most loving embrace now for quite awhile. Remember, in the stillness there I am. I am always with you should you allow and acknowledge. I am your Mother God.
Children, this is your Father God. Delighted to be with you! Delighted to be here! Excited beyond all excitement. I feel like I’m unwrapping presents on Christmas morning every time I get to hear your voice, every time you choose to talk with me, it is the highlight of my day. Children, you’re doing it. You’re winning! There is so much cheering up here in the stands it is almost deafening. Our applause is momentous – can you hear us? We can hear you, I assure you and we send our love, our cheering, our support! Now go team Gaia!
I am Ashtar. Can you now see how tremendously valued and supported you are, ground team? We are all here for you, cheering in the stands, quite literally, sending you healing and love bursts and doing much more than we can say at this time, I assure you. Be assured. Hold the light and hold the line. I am your Ashtar. Over and out.


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publicado por achama às 18:02
Quinta-feira, 02 / 05 / 19

It is all about bringing back the idea of a Republic ~ Saint Germain, James McConnell.

It is all about bringing back the idea of a Republic.

Message from Saint Germain

Channeled by James McConnell.

April 28th, 2019. 



I am your Saint Germain.

I am pleased to be with you to continue working together with this group, and with you each as individuals.  Because together we are all bringing this about.  We are all making this happen.
As I have been associated many times with the advent of this country, this America, as well as other areas of Europe, so I am not just associated with America, I am associated with many areas of the world.
But it is all about bringing back the idea of a Republic.  What is a Republic?  It is not what you have today in this United States.  But it is what was meant by those of us, those that you call the forefathers of this country, those that forged ahead:  yes, with some of my help at the time.  Because I have been associated with the advent of the beginning of a new age for some time.
You are coming to the culmination of that.  But in order to do that, you first must become the republic that you were meant to be.  And all of you, even though you say, “what can I do?”  You can do a great deal just by visualizing what a Republic is, what it was meant to be, with those of the forefathers meant how this nation was to be.  It was supposed to be a government by and for the people, not the other way around.  It was not meant to be the people for the government, which is what it is now.
It is very much associated with that idea of councils that you are moving toward.  Someday this is what it will be like.  This is what your government will be like.  Many individual councils running the show, but not running the people, assisting the people, guiding the people.  That is what government is supposed to be.  Not governing the people, but the people governing the government.
And I stand by as Saint Germain, continuing to assist wherever I can.  Yes, I am associated with the President.  I am working together with those that you call “The Alliance,” myself and many others who work together with me to bring this about.  You are not alone in this. There are many, many that are working together to bring this about, to bring this reset across the world about, to bring the revaluation of the monies, to bring the changing of the financial system that you have now into a new, higher consciousness financial system that is being brought to you by those of the Galactics.  And we are all working together to bring this forward.
And yes, as someone said on your phone call, patience.  It takes a great deal of patience to work this entire process.  It takes a great deal of patience to go through this ascension process that you are going through.  It is not an instantaneous miraculous overnight change. It is gradual.  Line upon line, thought upon thought, that it is happening.  And for some of you, you wonder, “Why isn’t it happening faster?  We are ready.”
Yes, you may be ready, but there is an entire collection of man’s consciousness out there that we would say are not yet ready.  Because if the event were to occur now in this moment, many would not survive it.  Many, in terms of billions, would not survive it.  So that is why it has not happened.
But does it have to take a lifetime?  Does it have to take many, many years before it can be?  No.  It has to take a movement of consciousness, of the collective consciousness of man, to bring this about.  And this is happening now.  There is a change occurring.  Just go out every day and notice more and more people are seeing the beauty around them, and not looking at the ugliness.
Even though your news reports, your media, tends to bring about all of the negative things that are happening, how many more of you out there are saying, “Enough is enough, we don’t want to see this anymore, we don’t want to have this in our consciousness any more. We want purity.  We want love.  We want higher consciousness always to be with us.”  Yes, those of you, the Lightworkers and Warriors, are saying that.
But there are more people than you know that are out there.  Although they don’t know the terminology that you use, and that we use with you, but they do know about love.  They do know about higher consciousness.  And they are moving in that direction as well, even now as we speak.
We have used the visualization with you many times of the lights that are appearing everywhere around the globe from our vantage point, as if the light was coming on in individuals more and more and more.  And literally, it is.
So continue to trust, my friends, my brothers, my sisters:  continue to trust in the orchestration that is happening and will continue to happen.  Because although the event has not yet occurred at the physical level that you are at, it is not going to happen in the three-dimensional world as you know it.
It is going to happen when enough people have moved out of the three-dimensional illusion and the illusion has left the building, you might say.  And you will be left with fourth-dimension, and even fifth-dimensional consciousness and vibrations associated with that. That is where you are headed.  That is what is requiring patience on your part.
But that does not mean for you to sit back and do nothing.  It means for you, in every opportunity that you have, to become the Warriors of Light that Archangel Michael has called for, and spread that light wherever you can, wherever it is called for.  Not where you call for it, but where someone else calls for it.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace and love, and the Violet Flame to always be with you.  I am the embodiment of the Violet Flame for this planet.  But that does not mean I am the only one that carries it.  Just like Yeshua is not the only one that carries the Christ Consciousness.  You all carry the Christ Consciousness.  Become the embodiment of that Christ as you can.
Pease and love be with all of you.
Saint Germain


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publicado por achama às 18:34
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

We are originally from a place of Love. ~ Saint Germain, Nancy Tate.

Wake up Call:

We are originally from a place of Love.

Message from Saint Germain 

Through Nancy Tate, 

February 14th, 2019

If we ever go to the place where we are showing our hearts in a wonderful kind of way, it will be as if we have always felt that way, and it is true, we have. We are originally from a place of Love, and when we show that love it is in a grin, a smile, a happy face, a side view of who we are. It is a tremendous way of being who we are being, and showing others that even though we may sometimes feel only to look at them with a stare, or in an upset way, or an unhappy feeling of emptiness, it is always based from Love, or we would not even look at each other. We would not even acknowledge that we are all in the same place and doing the same kind of thing that others have likely done at one time or another, in this lifetime and others.

We would not even see anyone else if we did not know that we are all from the same origin and were each given the opportunity to move forward in any way that we choose. It is the time now for acknowledging that we are on our way back to the realization of who we are and how we are all related. We are all family with each other. As we come to the reality of what that means on a deeper level, then this day of Love with the purity of the heart is what we live more and more as we see each other with a smile on our faces and the feeling of Love in our hearts.
We are all one, and we are living that in the independence of our ability to live our individuality in the way we feel inspired to. So, dear family, go on forth and continue living the way you choose and know that as you do so you are returning to the reality of how we are all expressing ourselves in the ways that we have agreed with each other to do. Based in Love, the more we return to that every moment feeling, the more we will follow and dance with each other in our lives of the day.
Come and dance with me and see the reality come forth and show us the way to keep the Love in expression in every moment. It is creation of every day being Valentine’s Day. We are blessed with the Love of Creation, which has never left us within, and which we are feeling more and more as we bring ourselves to the oneness that we recognize as our own individuality in motion and stillness at the same time. I am St Germain, and I am dancing with you this moment and every other one in my heart and soul, as so are you dancing with me, and all of reality.
Thank you Dear St. Germain,

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publicado por achama às 22:42
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Energies are coming in more and more into the planet. ~ Saint Germain, James McConnell.

Energies are coming in more and more into the planet.

Message from SAINT GERMAIN

Channeled by James McConnell.

January 27th, 2019. 


I am Saint Germain.   As always, it is a pleasure to be with you in this way in these moments, for so much is in flux now.
So much is shifting and changing.  Energies are coming in more and more into the planet.  More and more of you are feeling these energies.  So many of you who have awakened for some time now have been working with these energies more and more, and many, many more are beginning to awaken as a result of these energies coming into the planet as a result of collective consciousness rising.
Though you may not notice it, may not see it in the outward appearances, for in many respects it looks like very little has changed.  But I can assure you now that so much has not only changed, but is changing.
You find yourselves now in the moments, the moments prior, moments prior to the great changeover.  And everything is building toward it.  Celestial stars are moving in directions to bring about this great changeover.  The alignment of the stars, the alignment of the planets:  everything is coming in to be in that perfect instant when the signal is finally given and the changeover, the event, can begin.  These are those times now.
You will look back on your past, your past in this lifetime, and very, very little of it will continue to have meaning for you, because you will have moved beyond the past.
Your past lives, those memories that are necessary, will come back to you.  You will remember who you have been.  Because who you have been makes up the present NOW that you are.  Not that you need to know that now, but you do need to know all is coming back, all is coming back to remembrance.
Those of you, the Lightworkers, the warriors, the sharers, and bearers:  you are here now in these moments for a reason, to either begin or continue on with your missions.  I can assure you, as these times continue to move on and the changeover comes, that you will be in the right place at the right time to be able to begin to access those of us, the Ascended Masters, those of the Galactics and the Agarthans, to assist us in bringing about this incredible changeover to this planet, to this collective consciousness here.
It is time now to sit back, be in that perfect moment, be in the neutral state as much as you can.  Move out of fear.  Move out of judgment.  Move out of hate.  Move out of sadness.  And embrace the joyous reality that is all around you if you but look for it.  For it is trulybelieving is seeing.  It is time now to believe.  Believe in who you are, believe in the connection, the great Source of all.  As you continue to believe in that connection and feel that connection, and be that connection, you will be ready for your ascension.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace and love, and the Violet Flame burning within each and every one of you, so that all of the old can be burned away and the new sprout forth.

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publicado por achama às 22:32
Quinta-feira, 14 / 02 / 19

Perspective on the new reality ~ Ascended Masters and more.

Perspective on the new reality.

Channeled messages come via many channels and sources.

Posted February 12, 2019 by Edward Morgan. 




Channeled messages come via many channels and sources, for instance via Mike Quinsey (a channel for SaLuSa from Sirius), Sheldan Nidle, and other extraterrestrials from the Arcturian and Pleiadian star systems. 
It is necessary to have a certain knowledge regarding the reality they are speaking from, and which will be ours, for those who so wish. These extraterrestrials represent and are part of the Galactic Federation of Light. In addition channeled messages are forthcoming from our Ascended Masters, such as Sananda (Jesus) and Saint Germain, plus many Archangels. These Ascended Masters reside primarily on ships belonging to the Galactic Federation of Light.
We want to start by saying that the disclosure of the existence of loving and supportive extraterrestrials is very close in time. The exact date is not given and is dependent on developments.
Let us first put together the context from a broader perspective. Our solar system itself circulate around the Central Sun – Alcyone. Alcyone is the central sun in the Pleiadian Star system and our solar system could also be considered as part of the Pleiadian system. The time to orbit is about 25860 years, which is one cycle. Alcyone and all Suns circulating around Alcyone also circulate around the Milky Way Galaxy, with an orbit of around 220 million years.
During the passage around Alcyone our solar system goes through the photon belt during certain periods of the full 25860-year cycle. We have recently started our entry into the photon belt, which is one reason for the heightened energies of Love and Light that Earth is experiencing.
Officially, our latest cycle ended on December 21, 2012, and we are now in the new cycle. The new cycle is often referred to as the Golden Age. The date is confirmed by the Mayan Calendar, which ended at this date. The calendar has always said it was the end of a cycle and the start of a new, which some have misinterpreted as meaning the end of the world. The Hindu calendar, according to many scholars, also puts an end to the dark Kali Yuga cycle at this time and the entry into the Satya Yuga. Similarly many indigenous spiritual belief systems have 2012 as the end of an era and the official start of a new one.
The human species was seeded on Earth the last time about 800,000 years ago on the continent Lemuria, formerly located in the Pacific Ocean. Before this human root races had also been seeded on Earth, but were removed from Earth by other Galactic races. The Human race originally evolved in the Vega Star system from aquatic roots about 7 million years ago.
The human colony on Lemuria thrived for a long time, but went under about 26000 years ago, due to among other things unbalanced energies – with a surplus of feminine energies. Many of the inhabitants managed to escape the sinking continent to reach Inner Earth – Agartha – where they continued to evolve and have reached a higher level of consciousness (5th dimensional consciousness).
Part of the demise of Lemuria was also the conflict with the Atlantis continent, which suffered under an unbalanced surplus of male energies. In the latter years of this continent, which went under 13000 years ago, the Atlanteans pursued dark agendas, which included reducing our forefathers to a status of limited consciousness, which we have suffered under since then. This dark agenda also led to the very physical demise of the continent, which was located largely in what we today call the Bermuda triangle. The Atlantis society used very advanced crystal technologies. As the continent sank under the waves very large crystals ended up on the ocean floor. These crystals are today responsible for many unexplained disappearances of ships and airplanes, due to opening up of portals thanks to interaction between sunlight and the crystals.
The Inner Earth or Agartha might be a very surprising aspect for some. According to the description of reality in messages posted on this site Earth is hollow. The shell is proportionally as thick as the peel of an orange or about 800 miles. Other planets in this solar system, such as Mars and Venus, and other planets around other stars are also hollow. This is the norm in the Universe.
There are wide entrances to Inner Earth at both the South Pole and the North Pole. American Admiral Byrd describes his airplane flight via the North Pole into the Inner Earth and back in 1947. In addition there exist tunnel systems at other latitudes to Inner Earth, particularly in Tibet. The fables from Tibet of Shangri-La describe life in Inner Earth and the city Shambala that lies directly underneath the Himalayan mountain complex. Also, the city of Telos in Inner Earth is located underneath Mount Shasta in the United States and it is connected via systems of secret tunnels to Earth surface.
Gravity functions in such a way that it is reversed (180 degrees) in Inner Earth compared to the surface world. About four hundred miles down in the crust of Earth there is a neutral zone with zero gravity, before it reverses direction as you move yet deeper and reach Inner Earth. Inner Earth also has an Inner Sun, which on the shores of the Inner Earth appears roughly the same size as our Sun Sol, the latter is located at a much larger distance. The Inner Sun has a more diffuse light and is also sometimes referred to as the Core or Seed of the Earth.
Before the demise of Atlantis (and also Lemuria) mankind had a higher level of consciousness. The dark Atlanteans engineered a reduction in consciousness in the human race, to what we now call the third dimension or duality or just simply limited consciousness. The term living in the illusion also refers to this level. This traumatic experience of moving down to this lower level of consciousness still lingers in our sub-conscious minds, expressed as the fear of the end of the world. However, the end of this cycle will not coincide with a new catastrophic development, as did previous ends of cycles, – quite the revers.
Some people from Atlantis managed to escape the sinking of Atlantis in physical form. They fled to for instance Guatemala and these people come to be known as the Mayans. In fact, Maya was the name of the priesthood at Atlantis. The Hopi Indians are also direct descendants from the Mayas and Atlantis. Other people fled to Ireland and on to Egypt. This started the Egyptian civilization.
Pyramids are a central form from Atlantis, with a unique spiritual meaning. Pyramids also exist in Guatemala, Egypt, Bosnia and other parts of the world. The three large pyramids in Egypt, for instance the Cheops pyramid, and the Sphinx were however constructed by extraterrestrials about 40,000 years ago. They are located in line with the Sirius star system (The North Star) on a very important node or chakra in the Earth energy field.
The concepts of reincarnation and that the soul is immortal are central among these messages and a fact, in spite of the fact that many do not believe so. Many of us who are now incarnate on Earth were also incarnate during the times of Atlantis and Lemuria. Some other souls who now are here and incarnate came from other planets in other solar systems and they are called Starseeds. Regardless of the recent origin of the souls the common focus is now to lift the human consciousness level – Ascension. This time it will not be a failure, as at the end times of Atlantis and Lemuria. The male and female energies will be balanced. An uplifting of consciousness will take place that moves the consciousness level quickly through the fourth level to the fifth dimensional level, which is also referred to as full consciousness. Our spiritual and physical abilities will quickly and dramatically change. We will consciously start to remember previous lives and communicate more and more telepathically. Aging, which we now experience, will first slow down and then be reversed and the rejuvenation process will commence.
Ascension is optional and will not be forced on anybody. Those that chose the way towards Ascension will follow Mother Earth to a higher vibrational level in the fifth dimension. Those souls who prefer to continue their experiences in the third dimension (3D) will end this life and start new lives on other 3D planets very similar to Earth. One such planet is called Herculobus and is being prepared specially for souls from Earth. These souls will continue their development on these planets and will eventually be ready to Ascend to the fifth dimension. However, the next opportunity to Ascend in large numbers might take a long time.
The Ascension of large number of souls all at once and in their bodies, which is taking place on Earth is unique and many extraterrestrials in higher dimensions are here to witness the process and help. Normally souls attain a higher level of existence as part of their next life and do not take the body they are in with them. This, our Ascension process en masse and in our bodies, has not previously taken place in this Universe. The Ascension taking place here on Earth takes center stage in more than one way, and it is key to the Ascension that also is taking place in other solar systems in this galaxy.
The extraterrestrials that are here can generally not be seen. They use cloaking technologies for their ships, which make them invisible unless they turn it off and show themselves. This happens more and more often and is the reason for some of the UFO observations.
The extraterrestrials that are here are for the most part friendly and full of love. They belong to the Galactic Federation of Light and reside in the fifth dimension or higher. They also protect us from unfriendly introducers from dark civilizations. In the Galactic Federation of Light there are a majority of human extraterrestrials from Pleiadian star system, from Sirius A, Arcturians, Herculians, Andromedans, Alfa Centurians, Ummites, Procyons, Tau Centians, Lyrians and many more. Lyrians are especially interesting, since it has been said they represent the original human race that developed in the Vega system. The others represent later developed human colonies, which also we are. Members of the Galactic Federation of Light are mostly of human origin, but not completely.
There is also an extraterrestrial dark side, which was allowed by the Creator. The dark side was allowed to infiltrate and cause the destruction of the civilizations on both Lemuria and Atlantis. Many galactic wars were fought with the dark galactic federation called The Anchara Alliance. They had their central locations in the star systems of the belt of Orion.
Members of the Anchara Alliance have more often than not reptilian genetics. For instance the demons and gargoyles that adorn many churches in Europe from the Middle Ages – for instance Notre Dame in Paris – represent extraterrestrials with a reptilian genetic form. One of the most important races is Dracos. It is a powerful reptilian race, both physically and mentally. While most Dracos belong to the dark side there are exceptions.
The extraterrestrials that are most often depicted in our media, as small, grey and with large black cold eyes are not the main players. They are called the Greys or Zeta Reticulians. They do belong to the dark side and are subordinate to the Dracos’ empire. They have been allowed to visit Earth during the last 70 years and have formed agreements with governments during this time. Their goal has been to form a new hybrid race with a mix of their genetics and human genes. Their race has been threatened by extinction and this is their way to save their species. They are the ones who were responsible for fetus abductions, which then were used for creating the new hybrid race. They have also been allowed to have underground bases on Earth. In exchange they have shared aspects of their advance technology, which primarily the American military has had access to. In reality many UFO sightings are the result of ships made by the American military using technology obtained from the Greys. However, this technology does not come close to what the Galactic Federation of Light possesses. ‘
The true power in the dark alliance has a more pure reptilian background. This includes the Dracos and its royal race – the Ciakar. The latter are formidable reptilian individuals with wings. They can possibly correspond to our “myths” about dragons.
Galactic wars have taken place with the Anchara Alliance as the main actor during millions of years. This has, among other things, led to the destruction of the surfaces of Mars and Venus. Our solar system initially had four beautiful water planets, similar to Earth. The fourth planet Maldek was the largest, and was completely destroyed in these wars and all that remains is what we call the asteroid belt. In other words the asteroids are pieces of the former planet. All four planets will be restored to their pristine conditions, via a process called terra-forming, and be part of our new Solar system. The name of Maldek will then be changed to Pax.
For those interested in astronomy it can be mentioned that our current moon previously was a satellite or moon around Maldek and it is not natural. It has an inner construction made out of Titanium. When our current artificial moon was put into orbit around Earth a long time ago the two natural moons that then existed were removed. These two moons will be recreated via terra-forming and the current artificial moon will be removed.
Yet one more planet will be recreated. In it is the innermost planet, inside the orbit of Mercury, called Vulcan. It is small, but was observed from Earth around 1840-1850, but can currently not be seen.
Further, some sources state that Earth has a most unique position in this galaxy. A certain singularity source exists within Earth, from which the whole Milky Way Galaxy grew. This makes Earth a very special and sought after planet, over which many wars have been fought. It can possibly also explain why Earth was not destroyed to the extent that the other water plants were in this solar system. It has further been stated that our solar system will approach and move closer to that of the Sirius system and become a part of it, and its existing suns; Sirius A, B and C.
As we discuss astronomical or geo-physical changes it is also interesting to note that at the time before Atlantis went under Earth had two Firmaments surrounding it. They were two spherical layers of ice crystals in the atmosphere surrounding Earth, which were held in place via the earlier mentioned advanced crystal technologies that existed on Atlantis. The Firmaments served the function of providing a protected and temperate climate around all Earth. When Atlantis went under and the crystals disappeared to the bottom of the ocean the Firmaments could no longer be held in place and the ice crystals fell down to earth. This created the basis for what was retold in the Bible as the Deluge due to the Fall of Man and the anger of the Gods. Recall that as Atlantis went under Humanity fell from full consciousness to limited consciousness.
Atlantis and Lemuria will once again be raised to the surface once the transformation of the surface of Mother Earth starts in earnest. The Firmaments will then also be restored together with the two original moons. This will be part of creating a balanced and temperate climate on Earth.
Let us return again to the fall of Atlantis 13000 years ago, but from a different angle. The remaining and now in capacity reduced human race managed to establish a primitive existence on other continents. Shortly after the fall of Atlantis the Anunnaki extraterrestrial race entered the scene and approached Earth. Their home base is on the planet Nibiru, or sometimes called Planet X, or Planet of the Crossing. It is a planet that goes in an elliptical orbit between Sirius and our Sun. The Anunnaki are sometimes called the Nephilim and were very large in stature – giants. It was a hybrid race with human genetics from Sirius B and reptilian genes from the Orion system. The Anunnaki people worked together with their rulers the Dracos.
As the human race had digressed in development and moved backwards to limited consciousness with its lower vibrations it become easy for the Anunnaki people to land on Earth and set themselves up as gods in the eyes of humanity. The Anunnaki people were not only large in size they had special technologies and abilities as well. The Anunnaki did introduce certain technologies and knowledge, which led to flourishing cultures such as the Sumerians. They built step pyramids, Ziggurats, in Mesopotamia and elsewhere. They functioned as holy places where the Anunnaki showed themselves. Also it was a place for the male Anunnaki to sire offspring with female humans. The offspring was called half-gods. The half-gods had special abilities, such as long lives, stemming from the father’s lineage. These half-gods and their offspring in turn became the founders of the tradition of kingships, under the tutelage of the Anunnaki. During subsequent centuries and millennia Kings were selected from offspring of the original half-gods. They carry a certain special bloodline, which is sometimes referred to as blue blood in nobility and royal families. This has led to attempts to keep royal families marrying within themselves to preserve this bloodline. This same bloodline is also important for the Freemasons. In order to reach the top 33d level within the Freemasons today blood tests are performed and this particular bloodline is required.
The Light did not leave Humanity all together in the hands of the Anunnaki after the fall of Atlantis. Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohammed came to spread the Light. However, the religions that were formed following the departure of such Masters were infiltrated by the dark led by the Anunnaki. The Christian religion went through a major directional change starting with gathering in Nicea in 325 a.d., under the Roman Emperor Konstantin. Before this date the Christian faith contained the concept of reincarnation, but not the concept of sin, and Jesus was seen as somebody who set an example that could be followed and not the Son of God, which nobody else could achieve. Around this time the concept of sin was introduced and a system of going to church to beg, pray for and buy the absolution of your sins. This made the Catholic Church very wealthy over the centuries.
After the time of Jesus Christ the control over mankind became less overt and was achieved by the Anunnaki and their minions through more subtle means. Many secret organizations were formed and some not so secret, such as the Freemasons. Much of the focus was on creating fear and suffering among the populations, which advanced the agenda of the Anunnaki and their overlords.
Lets move quickly forward to the time of the French revolution. Around this time various dark groups supported by secret organizations and the Anunnaki started to use the name Illuminati – the illuminated. However, they are not of the Light, but quite dark. Today the Illuminati consists of about 13 leading families, included here are the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and a range of European dark nobility families.
At around the time of the French revolution and the American Revolution Count Saint Germain was active and incarnated in France. This soul was also incarnated as Joseph, father of Jesus, at that time. He was also Christopher Columbus and Merlin at King Arthur’s court. He and Sananda (Jesus) work very closely today and will come back together. So, at around this time St Germain established what is called the Saint Germain World Trust. It is a fund that has been accruing in value since this time, thanks to his financial genius. Also, at this time Saint Germain was key to assisting the Founding Fathers with writing the American Constitution. As the Founding Fathers hesitated in signing the document they had created – fearing for their lives – he appeared in front of them, a stranger, and gave a speech that gave them courage to sign the document.
Since this period in history the dark, mainly the Illuminati, have dominated our world and since 1913 they have used the American Central Bank as a key instrument for this. The 13 Illuminati families own Federal Reserve Bank. The dark have had a very sinister agenda of depopulation on Earth via a range of catastrophes, while at the same time building underground bases to which they would retire and survive the catastrophes in.
As part of the depopulation program the dark designed a plan for three World Wars. The Third World War was intended to be a conflict between the Moslem world and the Western Christian civilizations. The Illuminati’s creation of Israel was part of this plan at the end of World War Two. The state of Israel was created in 1948 based on The Balfour Declaration from 1917, a letter from the then British prime minister to Lord Rothschild – a banker. Attempts are still made to create a Third World War, but it will not be successful.
Also, at the end of World War Two when the first nuclear bombs were detonated it attracted much attention among extraterrestrials. They realized that we were not a sufficiently mature society to handle such powerful weapons. The result became that large number of ships from a number of planetary systems came to our shores to observe and protect. In fact, many sources have stated on numerous occasions that they would interfere if a nuclear war were to develop, and make our nuclear devices non-operable.
While the Anunnaki dark minions, Illuminati and others, have sought to both depopulate Earth and to establish slave like control of the remaining population they have not been successful. Their luck has turned. Around 1995 the Anunnaki decided to abandon their old dark habits at the same time as the Anchara Alliance entered a Peace Treaty with the Galactic Federation of Light. The result became that the dark minions on Earth no longer had the support of the Anunnaki. However, they did not decide to follow the example of the Anunnaki, to join the Light, in spite of encouragement to do so.
However, the Creator and Heaven (non-physical spiritual beings in the seventh dimension or higher) have declared that Humanity on Earth will end its sojourn in the dark – a fact that the dark is trying to ignore. In fact, the Creator intended the dark period for Humanity after the fall of Atlantis to be a period of soul development and growth for Humanity, and from which Humanity would come back. It was never intended to be permanent. Souls volunteered to be part of this experience for their own benefit.
As we transition towards a new Reality of Love and Full Consciousness a battle of the souls and minds of humanity is taking place. It is a battle that the Light will win. It is made possible and fueled by the inner developments among Lightworkers, which makes outer changes and developments possible.
The Galactic Federation of Light will soon be formally introduced by certain Light oriented major governments to the people of Earth. This is where we currently are in the spring of 2015. As the Galactic Federation is introduced our Ascended Masters will also return. This will include Sananda, Saint Germain, Buddha, Mohammed, Hilarion, Mitreya and many more. Also at this time we will be introduced to our cousins in Inner Earth (Agartha).
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publicado por achama às 10:05
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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