A Chama da Ascensão


Segunda-feira, 09 / 03 / 20

Russia Just Told the World, “No.

Russia Just Told the World, “No.”

By Tom Luongo.

Posted November 5, 2018 by Edward Morgan. 

There is real power in the word “No.”



In fact, I’d argue that it is the single most powerful word in any language.
In the midst of the worst market meltdown in a dozen years which has at its source problems within global dollar-funding markets, Russia found itself in the position to exercise the Power of No.
Multiple overlapping crises are happening worldwide right now and they all interlock into a fabric of chaos.
Between political instability in Europe, presidential primary shenanigans in the U.S., coronavirus creating mass hysteria and Turkey’s military adventurism in Syria, the eastern Mediterranean and Libya, markets are finally calling the bluff of central bankers who have been propping up asset prices for years.
But, at its core, the current crisis stems from the simple truth that those prices around the world are vastly overvalued.
Western government and central bank policies have used the power of the dollar to push the world to this state.
And that state is, at best, meta-stable.
But when this number of shits get this freaking real, well… meeting the fan was inevitable.
And all it took to push a correction into a full-scale panic was the Russians saying, “No.”
The reality has been evident in the commodity markets for months.  Copper and other industrial metals have all been in slumps while equity markets zoomed higher.
But it was oil that was the most confounding of all.
Most of 2019 we saw oil prices behaving oddly as events occurred with regularity to push prices higher but ultimately see them fall.
Since peaking after the killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani oil prices have been a one-way trade. Down.
Our inept leaders are trying to blame coronavirus as the proximate cause for all of the market’s jitters.
But that masks the truth. The problems have been there for months, pushed to the back burner by incessant Fed intervention in the dollar-funding markets.
The 2008 financial crisis was never dealt with, just papered over.
The repo crisis of last September never ended, it’s still there.
And it reappeared with ferocity this week as people sold dollars and bought U.S. treasuries pushing U.S. yields on the long end of the curve to absurd levels.
Credit markets are melting down. Stock markets are the tail, credit markets are the dog. And this dog was run over by a bus.
The Fed intervenes to keep short term interest rates from rising to preserve the fiction it is still in control.
The market wants higher rates for short-term access to dollars.
The Fed tried to help by cutting rates by 0.5% but all that did was tell people the Fed was as scared as they were.  The selling resumed and gold bounced back to it’s recent high near $1690, only to be swatted down on the New York open this morning.
That didn’t work either.
And into this mess OPEC tried to save itself by asking for a historic production cut.
OPEC needs this cut to remain relevant. The cartel is dying. It’s been dying for years, kept on life support by Russia’s willingness to trade favors to achieve other geostrategic goals.
I’ve said before that OPEC production cuts are not bullish for oil just like rate cuts are not inflationary during crisis periods.
But finally Russia said No. And they didn’t equivocate. They told everyone they are prepared for lower oil prices.
“Regarding cuts in production, given today’s decision, from April 1, no one — neither OPEC countries nor OPEC+ countries — are obliged to lower production,” he told reporters after the meeting.
OPEC’s Secretary General Mohammed Barkindo said the meeting had been adjourned, although consultations would continue.
“At the end of the day, it was the general, painful decision of the joint conference to adjourn the meeting,” he told reporters.
Earlier, Oanda analyst Edward Moya had suggested that a failure to reach an agreement could spell the end of OPEC+.
“No-deal OPEC+ means the three-year experiment is over. OPEC+ is dead. The Saudis are all-in on stabling oil prices and they may need to do something extraordinary,” he said.
There comes a point where negotiating with your adversaries ends, where someone finally says, “Enough.” Russia has been attacked mercilessly by the West for the crime of being Russia.
And I’ve documented nearly every twist and turn of how they have skillfully buttressed their position waiting for the right moment to get maximum return to reverse the tables on their tormentors.
And, to me, this was that perfect moment for them to finally say “No,” to get maximum effect.
When dealing with a more-powerful enemy you have to target where they are most vulnerable to inflict the most damage.
For the West that place is in the financial markets.
Remember, the first basic fact of economics.  Prices are set at the margin. The only price that matters is the last one recorded.
That price sets the cost for the next unit of that good, in this case a barrel of oil, up for sale.
In a world of cartelized markets the world over, where prices are set by external actors, it is easy to forget that in the real economy (regardless of your political persuasion) the world is an auction and everything is up for bid.
High bid wins.
So, the most important geostrategic question is, “Who produces the marginal barrel of oil?”
For more than three years now, President Trump has supported his policy of Energy Dominance in a Quixotic quest for the U.S. to become that supplier.  Trillions of dollars have been spent on building up domestic production to their current, unsustainable levels.
This policy pre-dates Trump, certainly, but he has been its most ardent pursuer of it, sanctioning and embargoing everyone he can to keep them off the bid.
What he could never do, however, was push Russia off that bid.
The reason U.S. production rates are unsustainable is because their costs are higher per barrel than the marginal price especially when all other prices are deflating.  Simple, straightforward economics.
If they were, on balance, profitable then the industry as a whole would not have burned through a few hundred billion in free cash flow over the past decade.
That’s where the Russians’ power comes from.  Russia is one of the lowest cost producers in the world.  Even after paying their taxes to the government their costs are far lower, close to $20 per barrel break-even point, than anyone else in the world when one factors in external costs.
When you don’t owe anyone anything you are free to tell them, “No.”
Sure, the Saudis produce at similar cash costs to the Russians but once you factor in its budgetary needs, the numbers aren’t even close as they need something closer to $85 per barrel.
They can’t tell their people, “No,” you have to do without. Because the populace will revolt.
Russia can ride out, if not thrive, in this low price regime because :
  1. the ruble floats to absorb price shocks in dollars.
  2. A majority of their oil is now sold in non-dollar currencies – rubles, yuan, euros, etc. – to lessen their exposure to capital outflows
  3. the major oil firms have little dollar-denominated debt
  4. low extraction costs.
  5. its primary governmental budget ebbs and flows with oil prices.
All of this adds up to Russia holding the whip hand over the global market for oil.
The ability to say, “No.”
And they will have it for years to come as U.S. production implodes.  Because they can and do produce the marginal barrel of oil.
That is why oil prices plunged as much as 10% into today’s close on the news they would not cut production.
There is a cascade lurking beneath this market. There is a lot of bank and pension fund exposure in the U.S. to what is now soon-to-be non-performing fracking debt.
Liquidations will begin in earnest later this year.
But the market is handicapping this now.
I cannot overstate how important and far-reaching this move by Russia is.  If they don’t make a deal here they can break OPEC. If they do make a deal it will come with strings that ensure pressure is lifted in other areas of stress for them.
The knock-on effects of oil plunging from $70 per barrel to $45 over two months will be felt for months, if not years.
And it is no shock to me that Russia held their water here. If they didn’t, I would have been surprised.
This was Putin’s opportunity to finally strike back at Russia’s tormentors and inflict real pain for their unscrupulous behavior in places like Iran, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen, Venezuela and Afghanistan.
He is now in a position to extract maximum concessions from the U.S. and the OPEC nations who are supporting U.S. belligerence against Russia’s allies in China, Iran and Syria.
We saw the beginnings of this in his dealings with Turkish President Erdogan in Moscow, extracting a ceasefire agreement that was nothing short of a Turkish surrender.
Erdogan asked to be saved from his own stupidity and Russia said, “No.”
This condition of producing the marginal barrel of oil in a deflationary world places Russia in the driver’s seat to drive U.S. foreign policy behavior in an election year.
Talk about meddling in our elections!
The Achilles’ heel of the U.S. empire is the debt.  The dollar has been its greatest weapon and it is still king.  And it is a weapon with a great deal of power but wielded only against the U.S.’s allies, not Russia.
Markets will adjust and calm down in a few days. The panic will subside. But it will come back soon enough in a more virulent form. Today is a replay of 2007-08 but this time Russia is far better prepared to fight back.
And when that happens, I suspect it won’t be the Saudis or the Turks that come running to Russia to save them, but the U.S. and Europe.
At which point, I have to wonder if Putin will channel his inner Rorschach.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 02:30
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Matthew Ward via Suzanne Ward, February 14, 2019

Yellow Vest movement in France, Brexit complexities, political upheaval in Venezuela, effects of China’s economic slowdown on the global economy, effects of the United States government shutdown, cyberspace warfare, crisis in Yemen, continuing terrorism around the world, climate change denial, Russia’s intentions, nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea.

Message from Matthew Ward


Channeled by Suzanne Ward

February 14, 2019

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.

Let us begin by addressing your concerns as to how the following situations are affecting the progress of the light: Yellow Vest movement in France, Brexit complexities, political upheaval in Venezuela, effects of China’s economic slowdown on the global economy, effects of the United States government shutdown, cyberspace warfare, crisis in Yemen, continuing terrorism around the world, climate change denial, Russia’s intentions, nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea.
Those situations and all others in one degree of flux or another are the resistance to change clashing with the insistence upon it, and in no way is this deterring the light’s progress. A process as monumental as world transformation doesn’t happen in a straight line—it zigzags in accordance with billions of free will choices made daily.
The Illuminati, now commonly called Deep State, are resisting accepting that their efforts to retain their influence in your world are utterly futile. And, without knowing that the light’s unparalleled power is exposing and banishing darkness, the peoples are responding to light’s high vibrations by insisting upon justness and equality. What you are seeing is a civilization bringing to an end its ages-long trauma so healing can come.
Beloved sisters and brothers, we know your desire for all of Earth’s peoples to live in a peaceful, harmonious, benevolent world—you went there to help them awaken consciously and spiritually so they can manifest it! And, while we know this is happening with swiftness unique in this universe and we see that beautiful wondrous world flourishing in the continuum, we understand your impatience to see this in linear time.
When you volunteered to go to Earth, you knew that your journey would entail experiencing the emotions and hardships inherent in a third density civilization. You also knew that by divine design, all of that would be forgotten when you incarnated and you wouldn’t remember why you are where you are. Therefore, you would follow your intuition, tap into your spiritual strength and persevere with determination and ingenuity to surmount the many obstacles you would encounter—and you have been doing this nobly! Along with honoring your steadfastness in the light and your invaluable service to the peoples of Earth, we want to assure you that evidence of what you have helped them accomplish is on the near horizon.
“Please, ask Matthew how to deal with the need of Ego in the task of learning to serve in light and love.” First we say, ego gets a bad rap when it is limited to denoting egotism or pomposity, and it is more than your dictionary definition, the part of the psyche of which a person is consciously aware.
Ego can be considered a work in progress because it changes as you add to your conscious awareness through academic and religious teachings; observations; ideas; expanded circle of acquaintances; conformance with or rebellion against parental, peer and societal expectations; pursuit of interests; the honing of skills and talents; acquisition of “street smarts”; development of values and standards of conduct; success or failure in personal relationships and professional goals. In short, ego is the composite of everything you have experienced from infancy to date.
So, it is not an issue of the need of ego in learning how to serve in light and love or in any other capacity. Ego simply is. It is your concept of who you are, an intrinsic part of you that functions 24/7 as naturally as breathing. Ego goes to its composite of all the human traits and actions it has experienced or observed—its storage facility of supplies, so to say—and automatically chooses what it wants as you interact with others and react to circumstances.
Everything in the supply line available to ego emits vibrations. The high end of the line includes “godly ways”: kindness, empathy, compassion, humility, gentleness, thoughtfulness, helpfulness, gratitude, generosity, joy, honesty, forgiveness, trustworthiness, loyalty, dependability, hopefulness, and perseverance in times of adversity. The low end includes apathy, immorality and amorality, cruelty, deceptiveness, betrayal, bigotry, arrogance, fear, anger, stinginess, jealousy, envy, pessimism, resentment, guilt, egotism, hubris and vengefulness. That duality in third density humankind comes from the belief that each person is separate from all others and from God.
Now then, choosing traits and actions with high vibrations enables clarity in perceiving self and others and acting with sound judgment, whereas choices in low vibratory ranges produce deluded opinions of self, flawed assessment of others, and rash rather than reasoned behavior. And, what you think of as character, nature or personality are what the ego most frequently chooses from its spectrum of possible selections. In this, conscience—the province of the soul that nudges provisions chosen in the soul contract—is ego’s companion and ally; but if conscience is consistently ignored, it atrophies and becomes nonfunctional, thereby leaving ego out on a limb, in a manner of speaking.
To give an example of ego “in action,” let us say that four strangers have just been seated in the waiting area of a crowded restaurant. Their reactions are in consonance with what automatically comes to each: One thinks about the delicious dinner ahead, one worries about being late for an evening business appointment, one looks around the room and admires its décor, the fourth shows annoyance about having to wait for a table. Those four different perceptions of a shared situation enter the collective consciousness of Earth. As they wait, each person perceives self—self-image—and forms an impression of the other three, so 16 more perceptions exist within the group and those, like all the other thoughts and feelings that come to them, also become part of the collective consciousness.
Let us take this a step further. You see things as solid, but nothing is—everything is energy fluctuating within vastly varying degrees of frequency—and, like vision, everything that your other four senses tell you also is what you perceive it to be—what you perceive is what you believe and that is your reality. Now let us put into that perspective your questioning how various situations are affecting the light—those you mentioned and all others are reflecting the myriad perceptions of reality within the populace at any given moment.
Putting all of those into the context of today’s happenings produces two primary and opposing perceptions—a world ruled by the few who feel entitled to do what they want is one; the other is a peaceful, harmonious world with justness and abundance for everyone. The continuously increasing strength of the latter perception’s energy in the collective consciousness is manifesting that envisioned and desired world. And it doesn’t stop there. The energy of that perception flows into universal mass consciousness and on into cosmic consciousness—everything happening anywhere affects everything everywhere.
We digressed considerably, so let us bring ego back down to Earth and speak about persons who are serving in light and love, or lightworkers. They are acting upon ego’s natural selection from its supply facility the qualities that emit the highest vibrations. The same is true of people who are living in godly ways, but they haven’t heard the term lightworker so don’t think of themselves as such. The difference between you who know you are lightworkers and the many millions who don’t know they are is your knowledge.
You know you are multidimensional immortal souls inseparably connected with each other and God, and all souls are the pure love-light essence of Creator. You know about soul contracts and pre-birth agreements, universal laws and planetary and personal ascension. You know there are countless souls in other civilizations, many of which are highly evolved spiritually, consciously and technologically, and some are your ancestors. And you know that during this unprecedented era of change throughout this universe, love-light, the most powerful force in the cosmos, is vanquishing the vestiges of darkness on Earth.
Rejoice, dear family, in knowing these truths!
“I am a former member of the news media and must say I don’t believe all of the members of the news media are corrupt. Maybe their bosses and some very high-profile talent are. But most of the journalists I worked with in the 80s and 90s were honest, hardworking people. I’m sure this is still true today.” Yes, it is. Most press, radio and TV journalists don’t know that the information they report from wire services and other sources is what media’s dark controllers want the public to believe.
Few journalists know that often information they call “fake” news is, instead, the truth. For instance, when the pedophile ring came to light in the Washington, DC, area that is serving members of the US government and visiting dignitaries—this became known as “Pizzagate”—dark ones quickly labeled it fake news and unwitting reporters echoed that falsehood. A term of longstanding that was devised to hide the truth is conspiracy theory, and the public has been programmed to consign to the trash heap whatever media reports as such.
Although many still do believe that information to which either term is attached is lies or crazy ideas, others are realizing that issues are thusly labeled as cover-ups, and that is due to the efforts of journalists around the globe whose exhaustive research has exposed the pervasive corruption within their own industry; corporations; medical, entertainment and sports fields; governments and financial institutions.
We honor these men and women, whose soul contracts include not only writing talent, perseverance and courage, but the potential of professional discrediting, imprisonment or assassination because of their dedication to uncovering and publishing the truth. It should not be surprising that a large number of them are souls from other civilizations who volunteered to incarnate on Earth to serve in this capacity.
Although the history of St. Valentine has been discarded and the commercialization of February 14 has gone into hyperspace, who can fault celebrating love? There will be a universal celebration when love has permeated every heart in your world!
Beloved family, all light beings throughout this universe are supporting your mission on behalf of Earth with the unequaled power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 22:40
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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