It is time to release some intel about the coming Ascension portal of 2025. Since the collapse of Alpha timeline in early 2018, no significant tactical intel about the planetary liberation can be released, so therefore this article will speak in symbols, codes and parables that can activate your higher mind and align you with the Plan, without revealing any tactical details whose release would be to disadvantage for the Light Forces.
Everything in this universe is subjected to many cycles of various length and intensity. These cycles are actually scalar waves of cosmic energies that create interference patterns which, combined with the sum of free will vectors, shape the destiny of the universe in dynamic interplay between the Source and the primary anomaly:
We are approaching the convergence point of many cycles which is expected to erase darkness from this universe. This convergence point is expected to occur in 2025.
First, a very powerful solar proton event that is responsible for Pleistocen species extinction (12887 years before 2000) occurred exactly half precessional cycle (12886 years) before the Galactic Alignment, which occured in May 1998 and was the moment when solstice Sun crossed the Galactic equator. The moment of Galactic Alignment was the turning point of the Ascension window for this planet, which is open from 1975 to 2025:
Neptune at midpoint between Uranus and Pluto configuration will start being effective in 2020 and will last to about 2030:
This configuration in 2025 will be far more powerful than in 1504 because Uranus and Pluto will both form a sextile with Neptune at apex point, with Neptune positioned exactly at point of Aries, with Pluto entering Aquarius and Uranus entering Gemini:
Third, a new 50 year Sirius B orbital cycle will begin in 2025 when Sirius B will reach maximum distance from the main star, Sirius A:
50 year Sirius cycle sends a powerful evolutionary pulse to planet Earth every 25th and 75th year of each century. Many of those pulses have triggered events that are connected to 2025:
A Sirius pulse in 1775 signified the peak of Enlightenment movement in France, formation of Mystery School in Paris by Comte de Saint Germain and the “shot heard round the world” which triggered the American Revolution:
Inside the Brotherhood of the Star, year 1775 is known as “the year of the Light”.
Interestingly enough, year 1775 also saw a loose grand trine between the three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto:
A Sirius pulse in 1975 has opened the Ascension window and a Sirius pulse in 2025 will close it.
Interestingly enough, both 1975 and 2025 pulses are supported by Neptune sextile Pluto, which brings very high vibrational spiritual energy to the process:
This Neptune sextile Pluto aspect will start being effective in 2020 and will extend its influence well into 2030s:
All those aspects will be so powerful that nothing and nobody will be able to resist them, and the planet and the whole Solar system will go through a transformation.
The relationship between 2020 and 2025 and how the Event ties into all this needs to remain veiled for now. The only thing I can say is that the full Moon of May 7th (Wesak Full Moon of 2020) is the trigger through which Archangel Metatron will activate our Solar System into an Ascension portal connected to Galactic Center, with the exception of sublunar space and planet Earth itself, which still need to remain buffered to a degree.
Sublunar space and planet Earth are still the center of accretion vortex for quantum fluctuations primary anomaly, and this problem will be addressed by the Light Forces in the coming weeks, months and years through iteration sequence clearing technologies.
A situation update which will address the situation on the surface of the planet will be released in a week or two.
No religious or political creed is advocated here. Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality. Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions. Discernment yes; judgement does not. If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart. Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility.
Ascension Timeline / End of Coronavirus Meditation Preliminary Report.
Cobra Update.
Posted April 5, 2020 by Richard Small.
This meditation was our most successful meditation ever! The critical mass has been reached many times over, with over 1 million people meditating. To properly evaluate such a huge achievement some time is needed, and a full report will be posted within two weeks.
We can keep surfing on the huge energy wave of Jupiter-Pluto conjunction and you can join the following activation later today and light a candle if you feel so guided:
No religious or political creed is advocated here. Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality. Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions. Discernment yes; judgement does not. If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart. Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility.
Ascension Timeline / End of Coronavirus meditation Final Update.
Cobra Update.
April 4, 2020 by Richard Small.
Time is approaching our Ascension Timeline /end of Coronavirus meditation and the energies are rising as more and more people have made a decision to join us and we are gaining momentum. We have a real possibility of reaching the critical mass.
Next 12 hours will be decisive for how many people join us and how much impact our activation will have on the planetary situation. Therefore I would ask all of you to spread the news about this meditation far and wide. Youtube videos are the easiest way to make this viral and many short version promotional videos and longer guided meditation videos have been created in over 40 languages:
It is interesting to note that in an amazing synchronicity, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, has called for a mass meditation against the coronavirus for Sunday, April 5th at 9 pm India Standard Time (IST). This equals 3:30 pm GMT, which is a little bit more than 12 hours after our main meditation, and you can join if you fell so guided.
Also, 30 minutes before our main meditation, Mayan elders will be conducting a special sacred fire ceremony. You can join if you fell so guided as well:
No religious or political creed is advocated here. Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality. Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions. Discernment yes; judgement does not. If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart. Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility.
Prepare for Change welcomes back Cobra and Benjamin Fulford for a very important conversation about the Corona Virus and escalation in the war for planetary liberation.
We include several vital messages for our Prepare for Change community that we urge you to listen to for a little more perspective of what’s going on and for the need to react calmly to reject the Cabal’s dark agenda.
Our conversation with Benjamin and Cobra thoroughly goes through all the rumours regarding the Corona Virus and focuses the attention squarely to the Cabal perpetrators. We take up how they are reacting and what the White Hats response is and will be over the near future. Cobra gives us an update from the higher planes perspective and we also set up the mindset of the dark brotherhood for those new to this message.
While it’s very important to hear the message and be prepared as well as vigilant, it’s also important to know these higher truths as this premeditated biological attack is one that is beyond the pale, in plain sight, and perhaps necessary for the public to observe to further wake up and take part in demanding change. Now is the time to firmly put out your intent.
We also urge viewers to do their own investigating of our claims as well as investigate the MSM claims regarding overflow hospitals. Hospitals are proving to be drastically empty. Go walk into the emergency room of your nearest local hospital and you’ll notice they are quieter than usual because with so many people now staying at home in “quarantine”, therefore there are far fewer road and work accidents. Using you common sense: Do you hear any ambulances sirens anywhere? Then stop buying into their fear mongering. Does this align with MSM narratives?
We have prepared a global meditation “Ascension Timeline – End of the Corona virus global meditation” on April 4th & 5th (depending on which part of the globe you live) This meditation is to End this “coronavirus” madness and instead bring Peace, Health & abundance to our planet for good! You may find the link with all the details of this important meditation here:
This “Ascension Timeline- End of the Global Coronavirus” meditation has been translated in many different languages and again, you may find those videos at Cobra’s website below:
Keep on seeking the truth, rally your friends and family and expose as much corruption as you can… every little bit helps add pressure on the powers that are no more.
No religious or political creed is advocated here. Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality. Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions. Discernment yes; judgement does not. If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart. Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility.
In today’s interview recorded on the 13th February 2020, we catch up with Benjamin to discuss what’s going on. There appears to be a breakdown of communication of higher-level groups that were negotiating earlier this year. Furthermore, what we’re seeing playing out with Corona Virus is a Bio-Weapon and there are indicators that a trail leads to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu! The user deadline has basically come and gone without so much as a deal since there is now complete radio silence. Clearly, operations are afoot. Brexit is bigger than the UK & Europe and has global ramifications. There is some very interesting news about the Royals in the UK and the potential path of ascent for the crown. Ukraine corruption is blowing up big time and many are being exposed. Also, Qanon getting another round of MSM conspiracy bashing whilst some key players are screaming all indicates big things are looming on the near horizon.
For a list of our past interviews with Benjamin, please go here:
Keep on seeking the truth, rally your friends and family and expose as much corruption as you can… every little bit helps add pressure on the powers that are no more.
No religious or political creed is advocated here. Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality. Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions. Discernment yes; judgement does not. If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart. Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility.
Sisterhood of the Rose organized a recent interview with Cobra about the importance of the upcoming Age of Aquarius Activation meditation on January 12th at 6:11 AM UTC. In this interview, they discuss why it is so important for as many people as possible to do this meditation at the same time, astrological configurations, the current financial situation, and the power of the divine feminine Goddess energy.
Below is the recording and transcript of this interview. Times and instructions for the Age of Aquarius Activation meditation are at the end of this post.
DEBRA: Hello, I am Debra and I am leader of a Sisterhood of the Rose group in the United States. Today I have the pleasure of speaking with Cobra about our upcoming Age of Aquarius activation meditation taking place at 6:11 a.m. GMT on January 11th and 12th depending on your time zone.
The Sisterhood of the Rose supports this meditation very much. We have many questions and things to discuss today to bring clarity and to emphasize the importance of as many people as possible doing this meditation.
So, let’s get started. Welcome Cobra and thank you for doing this interview.
COBRA: I think it is important to do this, and I hope everybody will join us because we have a real chance to create a breakthrough.
DEBRA: Absolutely! Yes, there are so many people excited. So you are calling this meditation the Age of Aquarius activation, with the intent to trigger the process that will lead us into the Age of Aquarius. But aren’t we already in the Age of Aquarius? And what exactly is the Age of Aquarius? Is it the same as the Golden Age?
COBRA: Coming from the Piscean Age into the Age of Aquarius is a process which takes many centuries. And right now we are at the peak of that transition. This is the purpose of this meditation, to trigger that, I would say, phase transition into the New Age. This Golden Age or the Age of Aquarius is something that many visionaries have seen throughout the centuries about the New Age that will come and will radically transform society on the surface of this planet and will actually be in a whole new cycle of evolution. This is what many have been expecting and it did not happen, it still did not happen, but right now we are at the moment where real change is increasingly becoming possible.
DEBRA: Wonderful! So to help people visualize, what kind of world will we be triggering with our meditation? Like what would a typical day in the Age of Aquarius look like?
COBRA: There are many differences between what society looks like now and how the society will look after the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. One of the major differences will be the vibrational frequency of the society which will be full of real love and real support and mutual understanding between people which is not present now.
The other difference will be the awareness of the connection with your own Higher Self, with your own Soul.
The third difference will be the widespread understanding that this whole Universe is a Living Being with many different races inhabiting many solar systems and there will be active contact between the earth civilization and other star races. This will be a common occurrence.
We will be joining galactic society, and average day will be completely different from what we are experiencing now. There will be no more need to struggle for survival to do regular jobs in the way you are experiencing now. There will be a completely new paradigm where you will be living each day according to your inner guidance and whatever is the highest purpose for every day, which might be completely different from one day to another.
DEBRA: Wow! So is there a connection to the Age of Aquarius and Atlantis? Did people do mass meditations in Atlantis, and if they did, did it help change the course of events?
COBRA: Yes, actually Atlantis has three phases. The first phase of Atlantis was in the Pleiades. The second Atlantis was the one that Plato was talking about in the Atlantic Ocean, and the third one is the new Atlantis that we are arriving at.
In the second Atlantis, which was in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, there were periods where life was quite similar to what we will be experiencing in the Golden Age and there were many people doing mass meditations. There was open contact with other star races, and this is something that will return.
DEBRA: Okay, we are definitely looking forward to that! With this meditation, what effects would the average person experience if we achieve critical mass? And would they happen right away or with time?
COBRA: What will happen if we reach the critical mass is that we will shift the timeline. And timelines are like rivers. So now the river of planetary events is running into a certain direction and if we reach the critical mass, we will re-direct that river.
First the effects will be small and barely noticeable, but with time this river, the change of direction will be quite significant and can actually determine how things will develop. For example, in the current timeline there is a war between Iran and the United States. In the new timeline, that war doesn’t happen. That’s just one example of how things can change.
And definitely at some point there will be drastic changes in the daily life of every individual on the surface of the planet if we manage to shift the timeline into a better one.
DEBRA: Wow, that in itself is motivation to do the meditation! And I have to ask, what can we expect to happen if we don’t achieve critical mass for this meditation?
COBRA: If we don’t achieve the critical mass, there will be no breakthrough. But still we will have significant impact on world events because for sure many people will join the meditation. But if we don’t reach the critical mass, we will not have that fundamental shift of timelines. We will not have that massive improvement that we are hoping for.
DEBRA: So, it would have an effect, but it would just slow things down a little bit more than if we achieve critical mass.
COBRA: If we achieve critical mass, we can cut the waiting time quite significantly. If we don’t reach the critical mass, we will just cut it very, very, very slightly.
DEBRA: I understand, yes. So now a few specifics about some of the things that you’ve posted about this meditation on your blog. You have said that “Meditation if it is done in the same moment with a large mass of people changes mass consciousness. Everything that is happening today is the sum of vectors of decisions of people on the planet. 7.7 billion people making daily decisions. If we put a coherent signal for one moment in that whole lump of free will vectors we can change what happens.” Can you explain a little bit more how this process works?
COBRA: We have as I said more than 7 billion people on the planet, and most of them are just blindly following the major vectors, which are the mass media, which are their financial situation. But there is a small number of people that are using their free will, and scientifically it is proven that there is a certain number of people that needs to be reached to influence the planetary situation and this number is the square root of two times the planetary population, which is right now around 120,000 people. But because not everybody is doing the meditation 100% efficiently, we are using this symbolic number of 144,000. So if that number of people meditates at the same space in time, it creates a coherent signal. It means a signal which is like a laser beam. And when you have a laser beam signal in the planetary consciousness field, you direct, you dictate, you drive the river of free will on the planet. You shift it into a certain direction, and if we are visualizing the Golden Age, this is the way we are shifting that river.
It is important to understand that we need to do this at exactly the same moment if you want to have a physical change; the physical plane is dictating with the laws of space and time. And if we want physical change, we need to do it at the exact same moment.
This is why timing of this meditation is so critically important. It is very important that everybody does it at the same moment throughout the planet. If you do it two hours later you will not add to the critical mass.
DEBRA: I am glad you made that point, because there is actually a science behind this that we are working with, as you said, the actual physical. So do these free will vectors interact with the plasma fields from the solar system? Is that what creates the resonance that changes the course of events?
COBRA: What is happening is basically that the plasma fields from the solar system influences the masses because the masses are not using their free will, they are just responding to tendencies. And I have explained in detail what are the astrological configurations at that time so people react to that. But if we use our free will to put a laser-like signal in that plasma interference pattern, we can dictate the outcome. We can actually shape the outcome towards the Golden Age.
DEBRA: So specifically, as it relates to what is going on the planet, how can this affect the financial markets or the exposure of the child abuse networks?
COBRA: What will happen is if we put that signal into the grids at the moment where the plasma interference pattern is triggering the financial system, this is the moment where we can influence the financial system the greatest. We can actually start revealing all the irregularities in the system. If they can become part of the public common knowledge, and when this becomes part of the common public knowledge, the system needs to change.
If we determine that we want to change it into a fair financial system, this where it will have to go according to the laws of physics.
DEBRA: I would like to address the child abuse—abuse of the child abuse networks that you mentioned too. So with these coming disclosures and others, you mentioned in a recent interview that people would become, and you used the words, “very, very, very angry”. What can we do—obviously children are very much in the heart of the Sisterhood of the Rose—what can we do, all of us, to help soften and stabilize this situation or any other chaos that may occur? Can you explain how the energy of the Goddess can help with this?
COBRA: Energy of the Goddess is the energy that brings balance, it brings harmony, it brings healing, and if as many people as possible channel that energy and transmit it into the planetary energy grid it will begin to calm down the surface population. And this is exactly what is needed for us to survive this transition intact and without too much violence.
Because this anger, the violence that is now suppressed, will be released, and it is actually a suppressed masculine principle, which can only be healed by the presence of awakened feminine principle. So the energy of the Goddess is the energy that can calm down people, that they will not start killing people randomly on the streets, but they will rather take informed and enlightened action.
DEBRA: Good, okay and I’d like to speak a little later too more about some of the divine feminine as well. But let’s continue a little bit where we were. How will exposing the child abuse networks force the black nobility families to give up control?
COBRA: It will not force them to give up control, this is just the first phase. So when there is enough awareness among the surface population about the existence of child abuse, and the extent of child abuse, it will be harder and harder for those people to hide behind their masks. It is a matter of exposure, and when exposure reaches the critical mass, when there is enough exposure in the consciousness field of humanity, then the Light Forces can take physical action and arrest those people.
DEBRA: So you are suggesting people to help expose some of this Truth.
COBRA: All of this Truth.
DEBRA: Right. There have been recent issues with a lot of the social media shutting down accounts, and there’s been something on Twitter about how you can be subpoenaed for certain information. Do you feel it is safe for us to really speak our Truth, or The Truth, on some of those social media platforms?
COBRA: What you need to understand is that we are in a war, and in a war nothing is safe. It is a matter of making choices, personal choices. I will not force anybody to do anything against their will, but I would say that those people need to be exposed. It is time.
DEBRA: Yes, yes. And of course, you have given us protection protocols to use as well, which should be used daily. Let’s get back to the timing of this meditation because it is so important. You keep bringing up how important it is. Why do we work with these astrological configurations? And what do they do? Do they open a doorway to the Light Forces to help us?
COBRA: Those astrological configurations, as I said, they are plasma interference patterns throughout the solar system, and when there is a very powerful astrological configuration, whatever happens at that moment is magnified many times.
So if we have a laser-like signal, right at that moment, it becomes magnified many times. And this particular configuration is very favorable towards exposure. So this Saturn-Pluto conjunction actually can expose a lot. It can expose more than most of the other configurations, and we have a very explosive mix of planets joining up together and important cycles ending and new cycles beginning. So we are at the exact insertion point where this New Age can begin to happen.
DEBRA: Right. I am going to quote something you said in your blog. “First there will be a penumbral lunar eclipse on January 10th, creating a very tense and rigid energy pattern. Then on January 11th, both Uranus and Eris will turn direct, this will release a lot of previously suppressed planetary kundalini energy. January 11th is a very powerful timeline day and in the last few decades there four powerful events that took place on January 11th that changed the destiny of this planet. Two of those I can mention, the opening of the doorway on 11/11 on January 11th, 1992 and the archon invasion of January 11th, 1996. Then on January 12th, we will have an extremely powerful Saturn and Pluto conjunction that will crack the global financial system open”, which you just mentioned.
With all of this going on that weekend, why is it that this meditation is taking place (for a lot of us here in the USA it is on the night of the 11th), why that particular time out of all the aspects that are happening over the weekend? Why was that time selected?
COBRA: The Light Forces have selected that particular time to have the maximum number of people meditating globally. They are not just looking at the United States. They are taking into account especially the people in Asia. There are very strong meditation groups in China and in other countries in Asia and throughout the planet. This particular time is expected to have the most effect on the energy grid situation and the maximum number of people meditating.
DEBRA: Does it have to do with the one or the eleven, or the 11:11? Here in the U. S. what we talk about is “wow, it’s 1:11 my time, or 11:11 my time.” Does any of that energy come into play?
COBRA: Yes, also.
DEBRA: You mentioned too in this report that the lunar eclipse on January 10th would create a very tense and rigid energy pattern. How will this affect us, and do we need to do anything to prepare or protect ourselves that day?
COBRA: Just be aware that there will be strong energies triggered. There might be a lot of entities flying around the astral plane. There might be a lot of pressure. There might be shocking news in the media, anything of that nature. Just stay calm and centered and focused.
DEBRA: Thank you! You also mentioned a Synodic Cycle and you said there would be thirteen of them starting in 2020. So first of all what is a Synodic Cycle and what is the significance of thirteen of them?
COBRA: A Synodic Cycle is a cycle where two planets actually meet if you look from the center of the Sun. So if you would be right now at the Sun and you would look at the planets, when two planets conjunct or they come together when they meet, it is called a Synod. And when planets move in their orbits around the solar system, there is a certain period between the first and second meeting of the same planet and this is called a Synodic Cycle. And in this year, we have thirteen of them. I would say thirteen more significant ones, where an average year you just have one or two.
So this just stresses the importance of this year. What is also interesting is that I would say four or five of those cycles are happening on that weekend between January 10th and 13th.
DEBRA: Oh wow, I didn’t realize that. So that is pretty powerful! You said that gold was taken to the U.S. in 1996 and used to finance underground bases to prepare for the Draco invasion in 1996. Is there a connection between the invasion on January 11th of 1996 and what will happen on this January 11th meditation and the Age of Aquarius activation?
COBRA: Okay, I never said the gold was taken to the United States in 1996. The gold was taken after World War II to the United States, and then it was underwriting the trading programs which were secret, and this money generated through those trading programs went to finance the building of underground military bases which were built extensively since 1946 and 1947. This network of underground bases was completed in 1995 and the Draco invasion was triggered on January 11th of 1996.
Now we are here twenty-four years later, when we are actively reversing that trend. We are ending that invasion.
DEBRA: And we are doing that through this meditation, or just with all of the incoming Light that is coming in?
COBRA: I would say the Light Forces have been working actively since 1996 to counteract that invasion and now we are reaching a certain point where the efforts of the Light Forces will become visible and we are marking this with our meditation, with our activation.
DEBRA: Are you yet able to say what the other two January 11th events that changed the destiny of this planet?
DEBRA: Okay, had to ask! You also mentioned that “The trading week between January 13th and 17th is the time of greatest probability that the situation in the financial markets will burst into a full crisis. The astrological chart of the opening of the New York Stock Exchange on Monday, January 13th, at 9:30 am EST shows a powerful exact quadruple Sun – Saturn – Pluto – Ceres conjunction with Saturn actually behind the sun.” Can you say more about this and how we can expect mass consciousness in the United States to be affected? Why the focus on the New York Stock Exchange?
COBRA: New York is a financial center of planetary importance. We have J. P. Morgan Headquarters there, the New York Stock Exchange is there, the New York Fed is there, so these are three major institutions that dictate how this worldwide financial crisis will unravel.
And it is interesting to note that the opening moment of the New York Stock Exchange happens exactly at the peak astrological influence of that quadruple conjunction, so it will be a very powerful moment. And it is not possible to say what will happen. We are speaking about probabilities. We cannot see the future, but we can see the trends, we can see the cycles, and that week will be very interesting.
DEBRA: It sounds like it! Cobra, is this meditation energetically related to the Silver Trigger meditation we did on 11/11 of last year? If so how? Is there a connection through the “1” and the “11” energies of these two days?
COBRA: Actually the meditation on the 11th of November was preparation for this one. It was a plan of the Light Forces to do them one after the other. What is interesting to note is that the meditation on the 11th of November had Sun – Mercury conjunction, actually a Sun – Mercury transit, and Mercury is returning back to the Sun on January 11th of this year. So these two months, Mercury did a certain loop which brought him back to the Sun, which is again putting a spotlight on the global financial system again.
DEBRA: Right, so it did a whole loop, that’s interesting. What happened on this planet the last time we had such a strong astrological configuration? Back at the Grand Cross Eclipse on August 11th, 1999.
COBRA: On August 11th, 1999, a huge interdimensional portal opened which actually reversed the trend of the Draco invasion. Between 1996 and 1999, the Dark Forces were just attacking the planet, coming here and gaining power. This powerful stargate reversed the trend, so since then they are losing power. This was visible two years later, and the 9/11, which they engineered, was not a sign of strength, it was a sign of their weakness and desperation—because always when they do something so visible, so easily noticeable, it means that they are desperate.
They understood at some point people would be investigating and everything would come out, so they had no option. It means that they started to lose the war, the Galactic War, in 1999.
DEBRA: So is our Age of Aquarius meditation related energetically to that astrological event in 1999?
COBRA: Yes, we are beginning to write the last chapter of this galactic saga.
DEBRA: Okay, the very last chapter?
COBRA: The last one.
DEBRA: Alright, good! I want to talk a little bit about the financial reset. People seem to be confused about this because in the past you have said that the financial reset would only happen at the time of the Event, and yet now there is talk about it happening prior to the Event. So can you update us on what is going on with that?
COBRA: What is happening in the Light Forces are favoring a gradual dismantling of the old financial system because they realize an abrupt crash would create too many problems, primarily because people are not ready, people have not done their homework and there is not enough consciousness on the surface of the planet. The support grid of Lightworkers is far too weak to sustain the energies of an abrupt financial crash.
So what will happen will be a gradual dismantling of the old system which will be identically triggered with this Age of Aquarius activation. And this dismantling will take a certain amount of time which will culminate in the final reset.
DEBRA: Okay. You recently asked us to do a meditation every four-hours to stabilize the financial system, especially Deutsche Bank until we did the Age of Aquarius meditation and you also said that the collapse of the Deutsche Bank is predicted to happen around January 15th. So what is the particular reason why it was important to delay this collapse of Deutsche Bank at this time; is that so there would not be this chaotic crash that you just talked about?
COBRA: A few things here … The first one is there is a faction of the cabal that wanted to hard crash the system and then introduce electronic money with total control. And this is what this meditation was preventing. Their plan was to implement this on the 1st of January this year, and as you can see, this did not happen. Their plan failed, which is good. And this was the main reason why this meditation was taking place and is still necessary for a few days.
It is not just about Deutsche Bank. It is also about the whole financial system. I am not saying Deutsche Bank will collapse on January 15, it is just, I would say, the peak of the cycle. What exactly will happen nobody knows.
DEBRA: Well, a lot of it depends on what takes place that weekend in terms of our collective consciousness.
COBRA: Exactly.
DEBRA: Is Fulford accurate when he says the USA needs to be bankrupted in order to get rid of the debt-based economy?
COBRA: I would say the U. S. government, and this whole debt-bubble. needs to be collapsed. That’s the start of the financial reset. Not just the United States but worldwide. All this will be collapsed. But as I said before, this collapse will be gradual, it will be more of a dismantling not a sudden shock, because a sudden shock the surface population would not be able to absorb it. People would experience hardships that are not necessary.
DEBRA: Right, we don’t need any more of that on the planet. So it would be more of a gentle, softer, slower crash.
COBRA: I would not say gentle, but I would say not as brutal as it would be with a hard crash.
DEBRA: Okay. Let me ask you, how is it going with the struggle between the two black nobility factions over whether they will have a debt-based or social credit-based financial system? What would it take for them to give up control so that we finally have a fair financial system?
COBRA: I have said before the faction that wants to have electronic on-line social score banking system has lost quite much power over the New Year. There was a lot of in-fighting going on, a lot of so-called negotiations, and now the faction which is still promoting the debt-slavery financial system that we currently have now is gaining power—but the Light Forces are also gaining power, and we will get the upper hand and the system will be crashed on our terms, not theirs.
DEBRA: Okay, good. Who or what are backing these Black Nobility families energetically?
COBRA: There is the Chimera group from the plasma plane, there are many reptilian and Draco entities on the plasma plane and etheric plane, and they are working in unison. I would say the top occultists in the Black Nobility families have direct contact with those entities, are invoking them in their rituals, are channeling them, and they will be actually also doing rituals during that weekend. They want to do their own thing.
DEBRA: Right, which is one of the very important reasons that the Lightworkers need to do their own rituals so to speak to counteract a lot of that.
COBRA: We will bring the Light in, we don’t need to fight with them. We just bring the Light and the Light will do whatever needs to be done.
DEBRA: Absolutely! So it’s obviously important to put our focused attention on the Age of Aquarius meditation at the time we are doing it at, but also throughout the entire weekend. I would say that it would be very important to beef up your meditation over those several days.
So let me get back to the financial situation just a little bit more. What is China preparing for with its gold?
COBRA: Yes, China, and Russia also, are collecting gold because after the reset, gold will partially underwrite a new financial system. Gold will back partially the new financial system and China and Russia, and also some other countries, are actively preparing for that.
DEBRA: Okay. And I know we touched upon this a little bit, but I think I would really like to drive this point in so that people can understand the importance of this January 11th & 12th meditation. Can you share with us what a hard crash or a financial reset that the Dark Forces will try when they are using this astrological configuration? What would a hard crash look like?
COBRA: First, I need to say this, the hard crash scenario that the Dark Forces are planning is extremely unlikely to happen. But if it would happen, the banks would close immediately, the distribution chain would be disturbed, people would start losing access to food, electricity, there would be riots on a mass scale, and then as you probably know the dark ones will strive to implement martial law and would use this as an excuse to completely tighten the control over the surface population. I think I don’t need to go further into that.
DEBRA: Right, okay. Let’s not put any attention or energy toward that option or possibility. As you said, it is very unlikely that would happen.
I have to ask this because some people are worried about things like that. Are there indicators that things might go badly as they did in Germany in the 1930s when the banks collapsed and inflation got so out of control that a loaf of bread cost $100 and people turned to the Nazis to stabilize the country. Is there a possibility this could happen in the U. S. or Germany in 2020, or as you just said, it’s quite unlikely?
COBRA: Okay, hard crash is not just hyperinflation. A hard crash is when the banks close, when the shops close, when the distribution chain gets disturbed. We also have a melt-down option which is like hyperinflation, problems with employment, banks working sporadically, huge financial crashes worldwide, something that was experience in the 1930s, and that IS possible for a certain period of time.
DEBRA: Okay. With especially what’s happening recently with the whole war thing, people are talking about World War III and all of that, are the Dark Forces planning to crash the global economy and then pull us out of it with a global war economy and reduction of the population the way they did in World War II?
COBRA: This is a scenario I was describing just before.
DEBRA: So, basically no. All right.
COBRA: I mean they have a plan, but this plan has been counteracted so many times already and it is extremely unlikely that they will be able to pull this off.
DEBRA: Can you offer a little more insight into what kind of financial reset the Light Forces are orchestrating. You said it was going to be softer. How would the everyday person experience that?
COBRA: You mean the Light Forces version of the financial reset?
COBRA: Okay, there will be a few things happening. The first thing will be exposure of the financial machinations of all the wrong-doings through the mass media. Big scandals. And there will be melt-downs of the larger banks which includes Deutsche Bank and J. P. Morgan. Many larger banks will have to go bankrupt, but it will be a controlled situation and the huge restructuring of the rules of the financial system. This is a process that can take quite some time but will be quite intense and quite dramatic. It is not expected that this will always go smoothly. There will be many shocks that are not avoidable. It is not possible to completely make this a smooth transition. But what we are trying to prevent are the hardest scenarios.
DEBRA: Right, absolutely. Will there be any type of a jubilee?
COBRA: At the moment of the reset, yes.
DEBRA: So what things specifically can we visualize happening in the financial system so that we can help to have this smooth financial reset?
COBRA: You can visualize a smooth transition; you can visualize this system being transformed into a new system that is fair to everybody. That is the basic goal.
DEBRA: Okay, because that will help during the meditation in terms of what we want to visualize. You have said a lot before about how to prepare physically for the reset by stocking up on two-weeks worth of supplies, but how can we best prepare ourselves spiritually for the reset? How can we help mainstream folks who are likely to be in a state of shock as well as being caught without supplies?
COBRA: The first thing that is the most important is to get in contact with your inner guidance. And you can get in contact with your inner guidance by practicing following inner guidance, and not neglecting inner guidance. And inner guidance will sometimes guide you through situations where it is not comfortable for your belief system or for the belief systems of those around you. So it is a matter of practice.
And the other thing that is also quite important is not to get involved in dramas of other people. Because when you begin to raise vibrationally above the average, you become a magnet for people’s drama. The key here is do not engage. People will get crazy because those new energies are quite strong and people will not be able to handle them. So for you to stay in your own center, and not get involved into all that craziness happening around you.
DEBRA: I know you speak a lot about connecting with your inner guidance. But as I think we can all relate to, it can be challenging sometimes, especially with the interference that we are getting with some of these scalar weapons and things like that. Do you have any suggestions, especially right now with the energies as chaotic as they are and a lot of Lightworkers actually being attacked? Do you have any advice for us on how to manage that, as well as how to really access that inner guidance?
COBRA: The most simple, practical way would be to spend some time each day in nature. I would say half an hour to one hour each day in nature would help quite much. And do not say you don’t have time for that, you can create time for that. It is one of the top priorities to keep sanity in the world as it is now.
DEBRA: I love that. I am a big nature person and you are reminding me. It is cold where I am but it is still important to get outside. Very good.
Cobra, if you have a few more minutes, I would like to ask you some more questions specifically related to the divine feminine energy.
How can people bring the divine feminine Goddess energy into their lives?
COBRA: The first thing is just to develop inner personal connection with the Goddess energy there. There are many ways to do that. I have published many of them on my blog. People have their own way to connect with the Goddess and if you search, you will find!
DEBRA: Will it have an effect on mass consciousness if Lightworkers start doing this on an individual and regular basis?
COBRA: Yes of course that would have an impact on mass consciousness, but what has been observed by the Light Forces is that not enough people are doing that connection and not enough people are making the effort to create that connection.
DEBRA: Right, exactly, it can be a challenge. But it is very important, and I think just acknowledging in a mindful way, like you said, calling in the Goddess, can be very powerful—and this is for men also. It feels like once you embody, I know with my experience, once you embody the Goddess energy, you do suddenly feel a combination of gentle, loving kindness, but very powerful at the same time—which is that energy that is so needed on this planet. Would you agree with that?
COBRA: I would agree completely!
DEBRA: Absolutely! Let me speak a little bit about the Sisterhood of the Rose groups. Or can you speak actually about the importance of creating and sustaining these groups, especially at this time in our history? Many groups are experiencing challenges, like division or lack of attendance. How can we grow our groups and keep them harmonious and active?
COBRA: As the very word sisterhood implies, there are people, especially women, who are sisters to each other, and that means transcending old belief systems and patterns that women have towards each other. So they need to start behaving towards each other as sisters and not as competitors, and this will solve one-half of the problem.
The other half of the problem will be solved when there is enough Goddess energy present in a group, that the group will become a magnetic vortex that will draw other people to it. So it is a matter of making a conscious decision, everybody who is involved in those groups, to actively embody sisterhood principle in daily life, and then bring Goddess energy into the group through meditation and other practices that were given through my blog and through other sources.
DEBRA: Do you feel the members have to understand all of these principles and be super-knowledgable about what’s going on, or can they simply come in with an open heart and a sisterhood mentality?
COBRA: If they come with open heart and embody those principles in their actions, that is a very good start.
DEBRA: Okay, because you know not everybody understands a lot of the things we were talking about or exactly what is going happening on the planet, and especially a lot of Lightworkers say they don’t want to talk about the dark side of things. So I just wondered if we could bring in women or men who are really just wanting to make a difference. They may not even understand why but they just want to make a difference.
COBRA: Yes, that is the basis.
DEBRA: Can creating a virtual group have an impact too?
COBRA: It can have, but I would say many, many, many times less because we are on the physical plane and physical action is very important. A virtual group will stay on the mental plane and it will not affect the physical plane so much. This is one of the tricks of the Dark Forces; they have created a mental network. The internet was created by the Light ones, but the Dark Forces have misused the internet to keep people completely enmeshed into the world of ideas and the world of artificial social networking which has nothing to do with our physical lives. And virtual groups have very little impact on the planetary situation.
DEBRA: Really? So it might not even be worth our time or it may even have a negative impact?
COBRA: It would not have a negative impact, but you could use that energy much more effectively by creating even a small physical group.
DEBRA: How can the Sisterhood of the Rose groups connect with each other energetically, across national borders and language barriers, so that we can support Light on this planet in the most unified way?
COBRA: You can create group meditations, you can interact with each other, even electronically when that is needed. You can have national meetings, you can have international meetings, you can have all kinds of connections.
DEBRA: Can we connect with each other in the etheric? I am sure, yes, of course we can.
COBRA: Of course through meditation you can connect with anybody.
DEBRA: So when we do our Goddess vortices, does that connect with other Goddess vortices that other groups are doing?
COBRA: Yes, especially if it is done in the same moment, it is very powerful and can assist the energy grids very much.
DEBRA: And it is important each time we meet to do the vortex, is that correct?
DEBRA: Thank you! I am glad you said that because in my group sometimes we’re like “Oh, do we have to do that, I am tired” so I will stress the importance of that.
COBRA: Okay, I would like to say that sometimes people are tired and don’t want to do something, but this tired is just a blockage that needs to be overcome because when you really do something that is quite important, when you overcome that blockage, you will have amazing results.
And there are people who are complaining that this [Age of Aquarius] meditation is taking time too late, it’s 1 am in the morning for some people, but I would say if they are able to wait for the New Year’s Eve for the midnight, they can easily await one hour longer for the event that can determine the timeline of their future. I think that it is worth it.
DEBRA: Absolutely! I mentioned it to a friend of mine on the east coast, and she was kind of like, “Well, it’s kind of late and maybe I will do something else that weekend instead,” and I was like “No, you need to do it at this time!” So, we definitely want to encourage as many people as possible!
COBRA: It’s on the weekend, from Saturday to Sunday, not a working day the next day. It should not be a problem.
DEBRA: Absolutely, and really, it’s 15 or 20 minutes. It could be the most important 15 or 20 minutes of your life!
COBRA: Yes, yes.
DEBRA: Before we part, one last question for you. Do you any last words of encouragement for the old-timers, you know the Lightworkers who have been holding the Light and meditating for so long, some of them 30 years in some cases, that are losing hope. What can you say to those veteran Lightworkers, as well as to some of the more new ones?
COBRA: What I would say is this year, 2020, is actually bringing hope. We have gone through a very long period of intense war which has drained our resources. But this year is actually bringing fresh cosmic, galactic energy that some people can already feel, and if you connect with that energy, you will definitely experience it. And our activation will magnify that energy and bring it closer, and everything we do throughout the year will bring us even closer.
So this is the end of the long wait energetically speaking.
DEBRA: Absolutely! Well, people are hoping for the Event in 2020, so let’s work towards that. Cobra, is there anything else that you would like to add?
COBRA: Okay, I would just encourage everybody to join us at the exact moment of our activation and inform those who you feel are ready for this. You can use your social media, you can use your electronic devices to spread the word, and word of mouth as well.
This might be one of the most impactful things we have ever done.
Thank you very much, and Victory of the Light!
DEBRA: Victory of the Light! Goddess wants the Age of Aquarius, and the Age of Aquarius it will be!
Thank you very much, Cobra!
— End of transcript —
It is essential that as many people as possible participate in this meditation at 6:11 am GMT on January 12, 2020! Here are times for different time zones:
Use your own technique to bring yourself to a relaxed state of consciousness.
State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to co-create the trigger that will start the Age of Aquarius.
Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.
Visualize this Light transmuting all remaining darkness on Earth, healing all inequalities, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.
The suggested time for this meditation is 20 minutes.
No religious or political creed is advocated here.
Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.
Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.
Discernment yes; judgement does not. If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart. Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone.
Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility.
In this Boxing Day special, we discuss how the past 20 years has suddenly changed for the positive. We discuss the pending release of highly classified secret space technologies. Benjamin has now witnessed anti-gravity type device and says that it’s simple to produce. The path to bringing this forward it to have the US Corporation default and the system reset to something new. Whereby the US can use these technologies to back the value of there assets in trade vs the staggering debt they’ve accumulated with this SSP program. A.I. is running amock with the digital world and we discuss how making physical networks of knowing people is the only way to truly verify events. The US Military IS intervening and much is happening in the background. 2020 is really looking like it’s the year we can finally take back the planet!
Keep on seeking the truth, rally your friends and family and expose as much corruption as you can… every little bit helps add pressure on the powers that are no more.
Prepare For Change is a registered 501c3 charity and only run of public donations, to help us continue bringing you more interviews and daily posts on our website please offer a financial donation. Beyond keeping our operating costs covered with an all-volunteer staff. Prepare For Change is the proud founder and supporter of an orphanage in Malawi, Africa. A significant proportion of our donations go to this noble and worthy cause.
No religious or political creed is advocated here. Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality. Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions. Discernment yes; judgement does not. If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart. Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility.
Age of Aquarius activation videos have been created in more than 20 languages. Make them viral, spread them through your networks to assist in reaching the critical mass!
Videos in other languages are needed, especially in Hindi, Arabic and Bengali. You can send your translations to and they will be made into a Youtube videos.
Video playlists in many languages have been created by Smaly7:
A joint Cobra/Fulford interview has been created by We Love Mass Meditation to raise awareness of the current situation in the financial system and to help spread the word about Age of Aquarius activation.
No religious or political creed is advocated here. Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality. Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions. Discernment yes; judgement does not. If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart. Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility.
In this recording dated the 12th December 2019, we catch up briefly with Benjamin Fulford. We discuss the up and coming planning and development body that is being finalised, with a big meeting planned between all groups coming in the New Year. Benjamin shares his thoughts on FISA & Impeachment. We discuss Poland repatriating its gold from the UK and China’s financial troubles with major banks. To cap off we also discuss that Brexit should be able to move forward now that the UK is electing a new parliament & government.
For a list of our past interviews with Benjamin, please go here:
Keep on seeking the truth, rally your friends and family and expose as much corruption as you can… every little bit helps add pressure on the powers that are no more.
Prepare For Change is a registered 501c3 charity and only run of public donations, to help us continue bringing you more interviews and daily posts on our website please offer a financial donation. Beyond keeping our operating costs covered with an all-volunteer staff. Prepare For Change is the proud founder and supporter of an orphanage in Malawi, Africa. A significant proportion of our donations go to this noble and worthy cause.
No religious or political creed is advocated here. Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality. Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions. Discernment yes; judgement does not. If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart. Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility.
In this episode recorded on the 21th November (Date announced 20th due to just passing over international date line), we talk about the shambles of an impeachment process and in fact there are some indicators, not all is what it seems. Discussing further the Gnostic Illuminati and how they’re opposed to the bloodline rule and evils they indulge. Benjamin highlights that there is a group of 737 people that run over 80% of the major companies and these are the ones that are being targeted. These people literally are fighting for their lives, as once humanity becomes aware of the truth there will be nowhere to turn! The east and the west are continuing high-level negotiations with the pope currently in Asia. Commonwealth countries are now signing up to the AIIB, against the wishes of USA & Japan. We briefly touch on BRICS and a new initiative happening in the USA called the Blue Dot. We also discuss matters surround Epstein, Prince Andrew, Prince Charles and Jimmy Savile. Finally, Israel is being surrounded and they are being forced into a position of submission and negotiation.
For a list of our past interviews with Benjamin, please go here:
Keep on seeking the truth, rally your friends and family and expose as much corruption as you can… every little bit helps add pressure on the powers that are no more.
Prepare For Change is a registered 501c3 charity and only run of public donations, to help us continue bringing you more interviews and daily posts on our website please offer a financial donation. Beyond keeping our operating costs covered with an all-volunteer staff. Prepare For Change is the proud founder and supporter of an orphanage in Malawi, Africa. A significant proportion of our donations go to this noble and worthy cause.
No religious or political creed is advocated here. Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality. Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions. Discernment yes; judgement does not. If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart. Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility.
No religious or political creed is advocated here. Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality. Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions. Discernment yes; judgement does not. If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart. Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility.
Hello Everyone. Today is Oct. 30th, 2019. My name is Anthem. I am the founder and leader of International Golden Age Group. This November is very special to many lightworkers around the world because we are going to hold two major events this month: Sliver Trigger activation on November 11 and Taiwan Ascension Conference on November 30th-December 1st.For the sake of clarification and promotion of these two important events, our dear old friend Cobra,the contact person of Resistance Movement would like to share his insight via this interview. Now, I would like to invite my co-host, Patrick and Cobra.
Cobra: OK, we have received many questions about Sliver Trigger activation and Taipei Ascension Conference. We have even heard some rumors about this activation. Let’s answer all of them one by one.
【Q&A For Silver Trigger Activation】
Q1:What is the exact reason for people to buy silver for this activation rather than gold or platinum?
Cobra:There are many reasons for this. The first reason is that silver has a very specific energy and is connected with Goddess energy. This is one of the reasons. The other reason is that the price of silver is not so high so more people can join these excavations much easier to people buying silver than buying gold or platinum.
Q2:Why do you specifically suggest people buy silver coin or silver bar?
Cobra:silver bars are pure silver and there are also some other energetic are reasons that I will not go into but basically it’s better to buy bars or coins.
Q3:If a person only buys gold or platinum on Nov. 11th, would this purchase be counted as one of critical mass?
Q:So only silver?
Cobra:Only silver.
Q4:You once mentioned that the minimum weight of abundance seed is 3 gram. What is the minimum weight of purchase for silver trigger on Nov. 11th?
Cobra:3-5 grams at minimum.
Q5:Should we set a strong intention that we will free human society from debt financial slavery by means of buying sliver when we make our purchase?
Cobra:yes this is very much recommended.
Q6:If a person has no idea about silver trigger activation but coincidentally buys silver for good luck or other reasons, will such purchase be counted into critical mass?
Cobra:No because there will be no conscious intent behind the purchase. Actually, there are millions of people buying silver everyday.
Q7:For people who are not interested in reserving precious metal, can we encourage them to join our movement by persuading them to buy silver houseware such as silver spoon, teapot or comb?
Cobra:Yes of course. They can buy those objects also. It will be good as long as they buy objects made of pure silver.
Q8:We have a question from an artist of metal work: can I join this silver purchase movement by buying silver clay, metal/industrial silver and create a silver art piece on 11/11?
Cobra:Yes that’s an excellent option.
Q9:For the sake of reaching critical mass, is it wise to encourage silverware shop owners, silver dealers and silversmiths to buy silver materials on 11/11?
Cobra:This is actually a very good idea because you can get more people. And the amount of silver bought on that day will be larger But they need to be aware of the purpose of this activation. At least to a certain degree.
Q10:According to Universal Time Zone, what time will light forces start to count the number of people buying silver?
Cobra:When the first time zone on Earth enters Nov 11th.
Q11:When is your recommended starting hour of buying silver based on Universal Time Zone ?
Cobra:As soon as the time zone of your location enters Nov. 11th. But I would say the peak of activation would be the afternoon of UTC.
Q12:Will it be more energetically beneficial if I buy silver near or in the timeframe of Mercury Transit?
Cobra:Yes of course.
Q: so we can focus our order in this timeframe?
Q13:What time can I make my last buying order of silver?
Cobra:In the midnight of Nov. 11th in your time zone.
Q14:Is it energetically positive if I buy silver with credit card, cryptocurrency or borrowed money on 11/11?
Cobra:It doesn’t matter how you buy the only thing that needs to happen to become your property. You need to be the owner of that silver.
Q15:If I turn my silver ETF, paper silver account or silver future into physical silver, will such transaction be counted into one of critical mass?
Cobra:Yes it will definitely be counted. And I encourage everyone who holds silver ETF, paper silver account and silver future to convert them into physical silver on 11/11.
Q16:If we intentionally buy abundance-themed silver coin or bar, will such purchase become energetically helpful to silver trigger activation?
Cobra:Yes, it will acyuallly be.
Q17:Should we avoid buying silver with Britush Queen (Elizabeth the second) portrait as possibly as we can on 11/11?
Cobra:It is not necessary to avoid buying any type of silver coins on that day. What counts is the silver inside the coin.
Q18:What should I do if silver with English Queen portrait is my only option on 11/11?
Cobra:okay so if this is your only option, you definitely need to buy those coins.
Q19:Canadian, Astralian, New Zealand Royal Mints must include British Queen portrait in their silver coins and bars. Does this rule have any specific occult meaning? For example, would such design give her the abundance energy of silver or let her symbolically own every silver coin & bar with her portrait?
Cobra:Actually occultic speaking, it will give her control over all that silver. But if we buy silver portrait on 1111, we will actually take silver out of her control. So it is actually a good thing.
Q20:If I buy gold-plated silver or silver jewelry with minerals or gems on it, would such purchase be counted into one of critical mass?
Cobra:No,you need to buy pure silver, not silver- plated items and notl silver jewelry which as other materials attached to it.
Q: How about gold-plated pure silver?
Cobra: No, you need to buy pure silver.
Q21:Which option is better on 1111 under the same budget?
I buy one ounce of silver alone.
2. I split my money with an well-informed person and then we buy half an ounce individually.
Cobra:The second option is better because more people are involved and more consciousness will be involved.
Q22:If I have enough physical silver to sell on 11/11, should I sell some silver to those in need or should I reserve all of my silver until Financial Reset?
Cobra:You can sell some of your silver to those are are aware of this process and they will be part of the activation.But it would be even better for those people to buy silver from other sources so that the awakened community will have more silver in total.
Q23:If I willingly sell my silver to those who would like to join silver trigger activation with more than 50% discount on 11/11, will their purchase be counted into critical mass?
Cobra: To a certain degree yes.
Q24:If I have a plentiful reserve of physical gold or platinum and I decide to exchange some of my gold or platinum for silver of the same value, would this exchange be energetically helpful to Silver Trigger activation?
Cobra:Yes, it will denifitely help.
Q25:Will the silver we buy on 11/11 carry special meaning or energy so that we should always keep it? Or it’s not a big deal to sell it afterward?
Cobra:It will have special energy because it will be infused with the energy of the 11/11 portal. But if you feel guided at any point to sell it, course you can.
Q26:A woman said people would be possessed once they buy silver. She also claims that all silver on market is energetically polluted so people should be very cautious. What is your opinion about this statement?
Cobra:Of course people will not be possessed if they buy silver. And the silver market is polluted at the same degree that all other matters on the physical plane of this planet. So they can compare the degree of pollution of silver with pollution of the food that you eat each day so there is no difference and no additional danger of buying silver. If they want to purify their silver, they can do it by putting under tape water for one or two minutes. so there is absolutely no need to worry about.
Q27:Should we be concerned for the possibility that the Cabal uses fake silver to interfere our purchase movement?
Cobra:There is absolutely no possibility for Cabal to install fake silver specifically for this purpose. But there are some fake silver coins around. If you buy it from reliable sources there is almost zero possibility that you will buy fake silver.
Q28:In addition to 1111, can regular purchase of silver speed up the Event and Financial Reset?
Cobra:Yes, if critical mass of people do it on a regular basis, which is not very likely.
Q:so we can buy silver daily?
Cobra:If you are so guided yes.
【Q&A For Silver Trigger meditaiton】
Q1:We are going to witness Mercury Transit on the day of 11/11 portal activation. Is there any occult meaning other than enlighten the energy of the worldwide financial system?
Cobra:Actually Mercury transits are quite rare. Whenever they happen, they bring a very strong flash of energy that brings new ideas new understanding in the mental sphere of humanity. This particular Transit is very specific because Mercury will transit very close to the center of Sun surface as seen from the earth. so it will be our almost perfect alignment and that it would be very strong.
Q2:When we join Sliver Trigger meditation, can we put our sliver on an altar with our crystals?
Cobra:Yes of course you can.
Q: Do we have to do any ritual for our silver when we put it with our crystals?
Cobra:If you feel so guided yes. But we have release the guidance of silver trigger meditation.You can follow the guidance and assist the critical mass.
Q3:If Lv2. Ray healers channel St.Germain ray and Andromeda ray on 11/11, would they be able to boost the momentum of silver trigger activation? If yes, what target should they visualize in their mind?
Cobra:The ray which will be the most efficient is Saint-Germain Ray. And even those who have level 1 Saint-Germain react they would be advised to do this with a very high focus on Nov.11th. Those who have level 2 Saint-Germain Ray can put the whole planetary silver trigger activation when they visualize the healing process in their mind.
Q4:Would you recommend that we do Goddess Vortex meditation everyday before 11/11, and we visualize rainbow vortex manifest more than 144000 people joining silver trigger mediation?
Cobra: This is actually a very good idea and I would recommend it strongly.
Q5:You mentioned that people can speed up manifestation by focusing their attention on a visual aid model. If we want to manifest an epic success of silver trigger activation and also financial reset, what kind of silver or visual aid model can we use?
Cobra:People as a group can create a print of flower of life mandala and put silver coins in each intersection of mandala. You can use that model with a group meditation and visualize the success of the activation on 11/11.
Q6:Would you suggest any tool or protocol to magnify the power of this meditation?
Cobra:For a large group, you can create a big printed flower of life mandala and put silver coins in each intersection. Then visualize the success of activation and meditate near the mandala each day before 11/11 to build up the energy.
Q7:In addition to Abundantia, St.Germain and Andromeda Ray, what beings can we invoke and pray to for the sake of supporting silver trigger meditation?
Cobra:You can invoke the presence of goddess Lakshmi and you can also involve any other light beings that you feel aligned with and they will assist this activation.
Q8:Do you recommend that we do ritual of abundance everyday before 11/11 to support the momentum of silver trigger?
Q9:After 11/11, should we integrate silver trigger meditation with ritual of abundance so that we can focus our intent on new financial system?
Cobra:You can do that if you feel so guided.
Q10:Can we invite people to join silver trigger meditation by saying this mediation can bring them money and good luck?
Cobra:Yes. But when they join, you have to explain more to them so that they can understand the real purpose of this meditation.
【Silver energy and usages 】
Q1:Blindfolded Abundantia is a very popular logo for silver coin and bar. Is silver with this logo positive or negative?
Cobra: It is neutral. It depends on what the meaning you attach to it. So as to every symbol.
Q2:Will tachyonized silver coin with New Atlantis and St.Germain logo play a special role in silver trigger activation?
Cobra:It will assist the general activation process as other special silver coins and bars.
Q3:Is there any special advantage of tachyonized silver?
Cobra:Tachyonized silver is more aligned with the energy of The Source and more connected with primary function which is to bring the Goddess energy on the surface of the planet and especially inside the financial system.
Q4:How do priest and priestess in Atlantean Age use silver?
Cobra:they were creating many very powerful objects made of silver. They were using big constructions of silver as portals to other dimensions.
Q5:Silver is the metal that connects us to abundance and to the Goddess energy. How can we use silver to strengthen our bond with Goddess energy?
Cobra:The most effective way is to create a Goddess statue made of silver and this will be the direct way to connect the Goddess.
Q6:In addition to connecting abundance and to the Goddess energy, can you share other esoteric and occult usages of silver?
Cobra:Actually in the certain period of human history, silver was forming the basis of the financial system and it was quite effective because it was preventing large-scale manipulations that are happening in the financial system the last two decades. Together with gold tip was one of the pillars of financial system of many ages of the past.
Q7:How can I activate the energy of my silver so that I can have a stronger connection with it?
Cobra:just go meditation and hold your silver in your hands and it will connect to your energy.
Q8:How do positive ET races use silver?
Cobra: Many positive ET races use silver to connect with the Goddess energy. There are also certain races which have not yet reached the highest level of technological development. They would use silver as parts of some of their technological devices. But more advanced races do not need silver in their technology. For them, silver is a metal that connects to spirituality than technology
Q9:Does Mithril the magic silver-like metal in fantasy literature truly exist in our universe? If yes, what properties and usages does real Mithril have?
Cobra: No
Q10:Does silver represent a metal of abundance on other planets? Or it only has such meaning on Earth because we are controled by a financial slavery system?
Cobra:No ble metals such as gold, platinum and silver are universal symbols of abundance throughout the universe because they are actually emanations of very high spiritual frequencies. When I say abundance, it does not only mean physical abundance but also spiritual abundance.
【Other questions about silver】
Q1:China once owned nearly half of world silver reserve in Ming Dynasty. Did light forces plan to hoard silver at that time?
Cobra:Actually Ming dynasty was one of the peaks of Chinese development of Chinese fine culture. And the sealed concentration of silver in Ming Dynasty was one of these signs of high culture. and Occultively speaking, was one of the reasons why Ming dynasty was so successful as long as it existed.
Q2:It is mentioned in ancient Chinese literature that silver was once more expensive than gold. Do you know what caused the price reversion of silver and gold?
Cobra:Actually in most locations on the planet silver was less expensive than gold. But there were certain areas of China when there were more silver deposits than gold deposit So in certain period of Chinese history, silver was more expensive.
But I would say lately the price of silver has been suppressed even more dramatically than the gold price. The gold/silver price ratio is maybe about 1:80 but it actually should be 1:16. I would say of silver price have been suppressed 5 times more than gold. Sliver is not as common as you can imagine based on the silver price.
Q3:is it possible that the price of silver goes up more than 50 times after the Event?
Cobra: it is possible but not very likely. After the Event, the price of silver will increase dramatically. But 50 times in my opinion is a little bit off exaggeration.
【Q&A For Silver Trigger for 2019 Taiwan Ascension Conference】
Q1:Is there any special energetic meaning of the date of this conference?
Cobra:The date of this conference has been chosen based upon the planetary situation and the optimal timing based on the planetary situation and development behind the scenes and the readiness for Humanity to receive some of the new Intel which will be released there.
Q2:This conference will be the 7th one in Taiwan. What is the special meaning of this conference?
Cobra:There will be a lot of focus on the new Financial system lot of focus on the financial reset and there will be some new Intel release about. Also I will give even more detailed explanations of the primary anomaly, of the toplet bomb, so that people can really understand what is going on behind the scene. People would really understand why the event hasn’t happened yet and they will really understand what conditions need to be fulfilled for the event to happen and to receive some practical technical keys to how they can contribute to accelerating the Event.
Q3:Why do we have so many conferences in Taiwan?
Cobra:Taiwan is a very special place on the surface of the planet. I would say that Taiwan is the central point of the most Mass concentration of humanity where the most populated area on the planet. The second reason is that Taiwan is an island which has a very strong energy vortex. The third reason is that from the end of the Ming Dynasty to the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, many Dragon families have escaped from mainland China and settled in Taiwan. and they are quite present in Taiwan. So this dragon energy is supporting our conferences. This is actually the reason why we are having conference is there. This is the place one of the most positive Dragon family support places from the planet.
Q4:Does the topic of this conference imply that humanity will be able to enter a new society and achieve First Contact in a shorter time frame?
Cobra:Yes, there are some changes in this area I cannot comment on the time frames but I would say that the plan is being improved all the time and the plan is being adjusted to the situation all the time.
Q6:What kinds of new tachyonized products can we expect to see during the conference?
Cobra:This will be a surprise. Some things have been prepared. They will be strongly aligned with what is happening now. It will be a very good surprise for those who will be there. It will be the first time for certain products to release.
Q7:Many people thought the last year’s Ascension conference in Taiwan was the last conference before the Event. Some people might feel disappointed as there would be one more to go. Would you like to say some encouraging words to all participants to this conference?
Cobra: I don’t want to raise any expectations and I didn’t claim that would be the last conference because the timing of the event is not known. The situation is ever influx. But each time we do a conference like this, week wait create a big push to work on the final Liberation. We need to see things from a long-term perspective. Each of those conferences is one of the important steps towards higher goal When he event happens and you look in your memory about each of these steps, you will know it is worth it.
Q8:In addition to an open mind,what should the participants prepare in advance?
Cobra: Open mind is the main requirement. Everything else will fall into place.
Q9:We will discuss Reality Shaping Breakthrough on Sunday morning, should we prepare anything for this session?
Cobra: Not special preparation is needed.
Q10: Do light force and high dimensional beings, like Pleiadians, Ashtar Command, Ascended Masters, RM and Cosmic Central Race pay close attention to this ascension conference in Taiwan?
Cobra: Yes of course. At every conference, they are already preparing things energetically. The energy is building up and they will be present to the conference.
Cobra: Thank you very much. I hope people will join our activation as many as possible so that is will reach critical mass. Then we can get one step closer to the Event. Victory of the Light!
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
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Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.
Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.
Discernment yes; judgement does not. If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart. Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone.
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In this episode recorded on the 23rd May 2019. We collectively discuss the impending document declassification that’s due in the US. From FISA to the IG much is on the cusp of being revealed in the #RussianHoax #SpyGate situation. The power struggle is becoming clearer to see for people and the mainstream news can’t continue to cover the corrupt elite. Their narrative is breaking down and exposing them. The Nazi Fourth Reich is failing and the playbook they keep rehashing is played out. Brexit Polls will speak loud and clear!
The old system IS collapsing and we’re seeing the death throes of the old guard. Until we’re finally fully liberated, we must keep applying pressure to the old system.
For previous releases in this long-running series of interviews:
Let’s take our cue from Benjamin Fulford and turn our world into a wonderful place!
As Benjamin says, don’t just sit on the sidelines, pick up the phone and call your elected officials and respectfully demand answers to these gross atrocities that have plagued our way of life for far too long. The stronger our collective voice, the quicker we affect change.
Please consider a donation
We are an all-volunteer organization. We do set aside a little money to support our website, but nearly all of your donations to support about 460 children in an orphanage we funded in Malawi, Africa.
Think about donating to these children, who have lost their parents. You can donate here.
Prepare For Change would also like to thank Miss Merrilee for providing our interview announcements, such a gracious and wonderful lady! To see her own shows please check out
Also, a big thank you to for helping PFC with the Audio engineering.
As always try to raise your vibration and remain loving to one another, we’re all one, and we’re all going to bring about a new world!.
In this episode recorded on the 2nd May 2019, we discuss the following; Muller, FISA, 911, Fukushima the truth must come out. Will war happen on the Korean peninsula? China creating new networks including new UN building in LAOS, yet they’re lacking social and global skills to govern as a new superpower. Will there be a big event or a slow continual gradual change into the new system? North Korea giving Putin F-35 present. Julian Assange case has much weirdness to it and may not be what we are being told. Also, there is something up in Low Earth Orbit that we’re not being told about and more…
The old system IS collapsing and we’re seeing the death throes of the old guard. Until we’re finally fully liberated, we must keep applying pressure to the old system.
For previous releases in this long-running series of interviews:
Let’s take our cue from Benjamin Fulford and turn our world into a wonderful place!
As Benjamin says, don’t just sit on the sidelines, pick up the phone and call your elected officials and respectfully demand answers to these gross atrocities that have plagued our way of life for far too long. The stronger our collective voice, the quicker we affect change.
Please consider a donation
We are an all-volunteer organization. We do set aside a little money to support our website, but nearly all of your donations to support about 460 children in an orphanage we funded in Malawi, Africa.
Think about donating to these children, who have lost their parents. You can donate here.
Prepare For Change would also like to thank Miss Merrilee for providing our interview announcements, such a gracious and wonderful lady! To see her own shows please check out
Also, a big thank you to for helping PFC with the Audio engineering.
As always try to raise your vibration and remain loving to one another, we’re all one, and we’re all going to bring about a new world!
This video sums up everything I’ve been learning about since I awoke over 3 years ago. It’s beautiful and amazing because of its intrinsic truth! It’s only 10 minutes long and will likely be the most inspirational and motivational video you’ll have seen.
There are only two root emotions in life, love and fear. All others stem from these two. Love is of a higher vibration and fear is of a lower vibration. If we don’t love ourselves we’re sending the fear signal throughout our body. Which signal do you want your body to absorb and emit?
There are more cells in your body than there are star’s in this Galaxy and Andromeda combined! You’re never alone, in fact, you’re the master of your own little universe.
A massive thank you to Dr Bruce Lipton for providing this information and to the content creators who created this amazing video.
In this episode recorded on the 11th April 2019, we discuss the recent stolen election in Israel, Carlos Slim turning a new card, fake space probes, has Turkey left NATO? and much, much more.
Also, we’ve clearly hit a nerve with some groups and our interview was disrupted when my router was attacked just as Benjamin was about to reveal the real reasons for distractions. It’s within milliseconds of him about to say something and is extremely abnormal. I am going with ALICE the AI, but it could easily be Mossad or another group. It took some time to fault find the problem and it ended the interview early.
The old system IS collapsing and we’re seeing the death throes of the old guard. Until we’re finally fully liberated, we must keep applying pressure to the old system.
For previous releases in this long-running series of interviews:
Let’s take our cue from Benjamin Fulford and turn our world into a wonderful place!
As Benjamin says, don’t just sit on the sidelines, pick up the phone and call your elected officials and respectfully demand answers to these gross atrocities that have plagued our way of life for far too long. The stronger our collective voice, the quicker we affect change.
Please consider a donation
We are an all-volunteer organization. We do set aside a little money to support our website, but nearly all of your donations to support about 460 children in an orphanage we funded in Malawi, Africa.
Think about donating to these children, who have lost their parents. You can donate here.
Prepare For Change would also like to thank Miss Merrilee for providing our interview announcements, such a gracious and wonderful lady! To see her own shows please check out
As always try to raise your vibration and remain loving to one another, we’re all one, and we’re all going to bring about a new world!
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á!
-Só é real o AMOR Incondicional.
-Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix.
-Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!