A Chama da Ascensão


Sábado, 25 / 04 / 20

Initiating Oneness


Initiating Oneness 

Everything lies within.

A Message from Quan Yin and Ashira

with the Council of Radiant Light

Through Ailia Mira.

Posted April 24, 2020. 


initiating oneness ailia mira

Dear Friends, 
We greet you in love.

All connections in your world take place within the quality of love, for your world, is energetically structured in the quality of love.

What this means is that the fundamental quality of light, is expressing as love, in everything you know as your world and this is, in fact, true for your entire universe. Love is the most powerful energy in your world because love is the basis of your world.

Love is made of light. It is an expression of light; the fundamental. The Oneness that is All.

Each of you are here as an emanation of this fundamental light. Your light emanates into forms and your soul is the builder of forms. Your soul brings forth everything into your experience.

This is why going within and building your own direct relationship within yourself is so powerful.

Many humans have a more difficult relationship with themselves and because of that, they don't trust or like themselves very much. This is not how you naturally feel about yourself, it is something you learn to think and then feel, because to how other people reflected yourself to you, using limitation and separation thought-forms. Patterns of living that are based in judgement, in morality, in right/wrong and most of all, in ideas of accomplishing worthiness, all tend to make one judge another. Many people live their lives in tremendous co-dependence, giving energy to others as a way of receiving love in return.

Although this feels very good in some ways, it is also a way of not-knowing who you truly are. For within you is the pure and perfect love you seek and in looking outside of you for it, you are often let down. When you are let down by one another, you then often stop trusting other people or even more problematic, you stop trusting yourself.

So the very beginning of living wholeness, of coming into the truth of your being, begins by going within and discovering the gentleness, the love, the immense welcoming party that is there for you. You can do this at any time. And the more you do this, the more you will know who you truly are and feel connected, supported and loved, from within.

Deep within you is pure light. The energy within you is unchanging. Perpetual. Eternal light. This is who you truly are. But we want you to know this through your own direct experience, not as concept but as a feeling within, that comes from familiarity with your inner realms.

Let us offer to you a simple approach to this, which you might begin today. Right now, even:

First, find a comfortable position for your body. One in which you are seated or lying and feel truly comfortable. Take a few minutes to adjust your body to make sure you are really able to relax and feel supported.

Then take a few deep breaths, letting your belly expand as you breathe in, and exhaling through your mouth. Do this a few times, then let your breathing be natural and easy.

Next, close your eyes. As you close your eyes, scan your body. See if there is tension anywhere, or any part of your body that you sense could be even more at ease. Put your attention anywhere that could possibly relax more and simply intend to relax more fully and allow yourself to be supported.

Once you feel as comfortable as you can be, then call light to you. You do this simply by intention. If you want to verbalize something you could say, "I call light to me. Please surround me with light, please flood my body and my energy field with beautiful white light." Then imagine, sense or feel the light growing brighter within you and all around you.

Then, simply be still and ask: Soul, Divine Self, all that I am - please draw me close to you. Give me the peace, the love, the understanding, the feeling of connection with you. Help me to know that you are here with me and here for me. Open up my relationship to you and help me to trust that everything I need is within me. Within us. Is here for me already.

Then rest in this connection, in silence. Let whatever occurs, occur.

You don't need to stay here for very long. Even two or three minutes can be wonderful. Then, do this again, another time during the day. As often as you wish, pause, stand still, close your eyes, go within and invite conscious connection.

In the realm in which you are focused, you must call your Soul, your Divine Self, and light to you. For you are free to choose. Nothing asserts into your experience, you invite it in. With attention, with focus. The more you do this - initiating Oneness by going within and calling upon your own wholeness, the more alive your inner world will become.

This inner world is the true source of everything you experience what you think of as the "outer world," the "manifest world." As you begin to orient to the Source within you, the Light of the Oneness that is All, feelings of security, love, abundance, happiness, inner peace, well-being will arise more and more. You will start to love the silence and realize that by simply calming down, letting go, relaxing and inviting connection, you are immediately met, and fulfilled.

We encourage you to do this often and to make the focus of this inner connecting one of being in greater unity with your true Self.

The possibilities of this connection, and in this state of inner openness and awareness, are infinite. The choice to go within, to orient within, and open to who you truly are, is the doorway to everything. Everything lies within.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 




No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 04:41
Sexta-feira, 24 / 04 / 20

Witnessing Our Progress: Self-Reflection Tools.

Witnessing Our Progress:

Self-Reflection Tools.

Sandra Walter.

April 24th, 2020.


Content is light-encoded to assist your journey

Blessings Beloveds,
The very different quality of light since last week is aimed at shifting consciousness and dimensional awareness; amplifying zero point dynamics. It assists the photonic higher positive order: Divine Love, Divine Light, Divine Will.

This means all of our thoughts, emotions and actions are amplified - across the board, positive or negative. The new light bolsters the sorting out of realities; amplifying the Source request for a brand new harmonic to be the norm. It shakes apart (literally a quantum vibration) anything which does not harmonize with the new light level, hence the dismantling of realities currently in progress.
Yes, it’s quite the show. It is also a powerful opportunity to review responsible creation: who is comprehending and resonating with the new light, and who is getting torn apart. Responsible Creation is key to accessing Golden Race DNA codes. More on that soon.
Embodiment of higher DNA codes, and these new frequencies of the Higher realms of Self, dissolves the illusion of lower self. We lose the old identity as the Christed/Crystalline/Unified Self steps forth. Not in an instant (that would destroy the body.) Slow enough to observe it falling away, slow enough to recalibrate the ego, slow enough to experience Ascension as a collective, slow enough to witness every moment of Divine transformation.
Witnessing our Progress in the Shift
With many weeks of global stay-at-home life experience behind us, and a few more ahead, it is a good moment to inventory our personal journeys. Grab your journal, be wildly honest with yourself, and keep your answers private. As predicted, hindsight is 20/20 in this year of 2020, and a tremendous gift during this phase of global change. There is much sleight-of-hand in the end game. Best to self-evaluate your narrative, intentions and reactions as it intensifies.
Light-grounding the experience through journaling assists the collective journey. Let us take inventory of our response to the situation so far, so we may consciously make the highest choices moving forward. No blame, shame or judgment or what you did/are doing with this challenging phase.
Be direct, truthful and enjoy this exercise. Make it physical (write the answers down, or speak them out loud) to light-ground into these realms. Here we glow:
What has been my response to lockdown and social distancing? How do I feel about my response?
What fears, anxieties or challenges arose? How did I/am I dealing with them?
What emotional, mental, physical and spiritual tools are helping me through this?
What personal narratives are challenged, believed/amplified or broken apart? Are they my own, or collective narratives from outside sources? How do I feel about them?
We are in a magnetic shift that is changing the polarity of our fields, DNA and duality itself. Am I engaging with choosing sides, or allowing the collective good vs bad narratives to penetrate my personal creations, relationships or service to Ascension?
How has the collective distancing/slow down influenced my activities?
Am I changing, creating, or looping with anxiety, fear, or repetitive behavior in order to feel safe? Any unhealthy or uncomplimentary behavior that needs to shift?
How often do I pause to feel what I need, and how my emotions, mind and body are handling this?
What actions do I take to feel better, grounded or expand into Higher awareness?
What has been my response to others’ reaction to this situation?
What have I created during this passage that I like? Don’t like?
Have I cleared or reorganized my space to support a clearer new self/new expression?
Any reevaluation of priorities? Lessons? Revelations? Any previously processed fears re-presenting?
What is spirit showing me about myself and my Ascension path in this passage?
How may I assist the collective as we move forward into the unknown? New skills to learn? Do I want to help?
As I feel the truth of my heart - not the mind - do I feel forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude for what is unfolding?
How much of the collective fear and programming is affecting my heart, thoughts, spirit, actions, words or creations? What am I doing to neutralize it, or stay balanced?
What fears, doubts or anxieties have presented? Are they mine or the collective narrative?
Any delaying, procrastinating or waiting games presenting (when this happens, then I can move forward, etc.)? Any desire for things to be as they were? Disappointment if they go back?
How often do I expand into the higher light perspective, New Earth Now mode, and experience the higher parallel reality which is amplifying?
In what areas do I need more support, skills or tools to deal with this predicted phase of the unknown?
Embodier Specific Questions:
How do I feel about witnessing this deep transformation of Self while the lower reality dismantles in such a vivid way? Anything feel out of balance, or polarized?
What revelations are presenting which surprise me, what beliefs are dropping away?
How am I dealing with the simultaneous awareness of my multidimensional self becoming my primary reality?
What tools am I using for emotional, mental, spiritual and physical balance?
What do I need that only I can provide for myself during this phase?
What have I learned so far in 2020, and what would I love to experience with the upcoming collective Embodiment activations?
These energies paired with the collective dissolving of regular schedule can make us feel spacey or ungrounded. Recalibrate the compass if needed throughout the day. Use an Intention alarm (4 times a day) to check in and reset. Pause and tap into how you feel, what you need to raise your vibration, shift a mood, make a higher choice, feel good, move the body, create peace or support the awakening.
Another Strong Stargate Adjustment
April 23 - 29 is yet another amplification of the higher harmonics. Distorted lower timelines are dropping, akashic distortions continue to clear.
Those of you hearing the much higher frequencies or embodying them may feel like a Divine HUman tuning fork (because we are). Gaia is consistently present in our fields, revealing the higher realms and the Divine state of consciousness needed to experience the higher realms. Many of these frequencies are coming from her, as we reconnect the organic stargate system.
Crystals and water are broadcasting these frequencies at the moment, right in our bodies and DNA. Much is happening in our bodies with the amplification. this is a radically different reality-shattering quality of light. Deep rest may be required. Many of you are working upstairs in the higher realms which can bring on the tired-and-wired sensations. You feel the simultaneous activity of the multidimensional Self when awake, however deep lengthy sleep is widespread at the moment.
Surrender in nature as often as possible to the amplification of Zero Point awareness. How easy it is to achieve this pure state right now! Allow the moments of this pure Source stillness to lengthen and expand. Gaia is utilizing us as pure conduits to reveal her new realms this year. I have spent many hours blending with her, the kingdoms and elementals, merging with the New Gaia consciousness. Open-eyed meditation is a wonderful way to integrate these consistent downloads and DNA upleveling. Gaze at nature, still the mind and BE. Natural bodies of water also help; use them if you have access.
For those who can get out, share your experience telepathically with those who are stuck inside. I have shared more nature photos and videos on social media during this passage, light-encoded for quantum distribution, for those who cannot get outside.
We have four years of weekly practice in seeing, feeling and connecting energetically through our heart-based SUNday unity meditations. Unified meditations on peace have many positive multidimensional effects; practice manifests spiritual strength. This distancing is amplifying our higher consciousness and wireless abilities. Share your peaceful and expansive experiences with the Ascending HUman heart grid, for any willing heart who needs it. Freedom codes are collective as well as individual, as is our unified DNA and Ascension.
Kindwhile, we are on track for the May Solar activity and some very strong June Embodiment activations. All is well.
SUNday Unity Meditations
Participate and share our global SUNday Unity Meditations at 5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7). Offline, wherever you are. Details, guided meditation downloads and time converters at http:/www.sandrawalter.com/unity
On a personal note

I AM in Sedona and have been blessed with a lovely space for the rest of the year. Of course everything can change in a blink, however I AM excited to have a home base during this transformational phase. New creations are aligning, and I AM enjoying some much-needed restorative rest.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

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Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 16:53
Segunda-feira, 23 / 03 / 20

Conscious Truth Behind Coronavirus Lockdown

Conscious Truth Behind Coronavirus Lockdown

By Joe Martino.


MARCH 23, 2020




The Facts:
Now is a time for deep reflection on the state of our world and how we wish to shift the way we live our lives on this planet. Society has an opportunity to change, are we paying attention?
Reflect On:
Do we simply want to go back to 'normal life' after this? Or is this giving us a chance to see things differently?
I have seen an unprecedented amount of perspectives about what is going on with this global event. Typically, there are a few theories that emerge with something like this. A mainstream narrative, perhaps a couple political narratives, then a few alternative narratives. But in the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have seen narratives from virtually anyone with a voice. This has created an incredibly confusing landscape, but I hope to shift that a bit with the video I want to share with you below.
Perhaps the people that I believe should most take a breath are those that are angry, hateful and upset that some people are not terrified about this pandemic and choosing not to stay inside. Instead, some people are going for a walk outdoors to get fresh air, and this is enraging a certain part of the population. This group also seems to be asking their government for martial law and to take control of the food supply. My reflections towards these people are why are you feeling so angry and fearful? Why are you forgoing all of your power to the government? When have they given you a reason to trust them?
In fear, we will not have a good immune system. In fear, we will not have clarity. Take a breath, enjoy what independent media is sharing as the narratives are not riddled in fear like the mainstream media’s is.
As always, I feel these massive global events come down to consciousness and how we think about our world. We are in an unprecedented time right now where we have an incredible opportunity to break up the status quo and begin looking at what our world truly is at the moment. For those that are fearful of a totalitarian state, one question to consider is, do you truly feel that with how much more aware people are now than during 9/11, is a totalitarian state actually possible? I personally don’t think so as I don’t think enough people will stand for it.
Over the last 11 years I have seen so many people wake up to what’s going on. People you might not expect would change. At this point, even if the Deep State tried to pull something, I don’t think people would let it happen. Our collective consciousness is also truly asking for something different of our world, of our everyday life. It’s time for a great change, shift, and upheaval in and of our current systems and structures within society.
The main message of the video below is that it’s time for us to get back to dreaming, wondering, exploring and envisioning what world we wish to create. This can be the main focus of our conversations during this time, and it may serve the best to do so. My feeling is that now is a time to engage in practices of dreaming, imagining, and talking about what we could change and create, as opposed to just waiting for things to go back to normal, or just waiting for something to happen. This is an opportunity for us to collectively talk about and take action on creating a different world, as opposed to having someone else created for us.
Enjoy the video below as it goes into much greater detail as to what I’m wishing to share.
I will be continuing to post regular thoughts and updates on Instagram, as well as go live. You can follow me on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/joemartino29/
*Note, the first minute has bad sound.
What You Can Do
Below are three important links to help you in potentially preventing coronavirus infection and perhaps even treating it. It also includes how you can stay calm and present during this time, as this is one of the most important things we can do.
Due to the pressure of mass censorship, we now have our own censorship-free, and ad-free on demand streaming network!
You can stream conscious media 24/7 and enjoy mind-expanding interviews, original shows, and documentaries and guided programs.
Click here to start a FREE 7-Day Trial and watch 100's of hours of conscious media that you won't see anywhere else.


Joe Martino 





Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
Alternative to Google

Alternative to YouTube


No religious or political creed is advocated here.


Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.


Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.


Discernment yes; judgement does not.

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

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publicado por achama às 19:30
Sábado, 01 / 02 / 20

Merging Universes, and Participation Here, Now.


Angel Akyraiel, with Archangel Michael and the Council of Radiant Light

Through Ailia Mira.

Posted January 31, 2020. 




Hello, Divine Ones,  
We greet you, in love. This expression points to us coming into communion with you, in the love-realm in which you are experiencing this time-space human life form. Your realm is a love-realm and to connect with you we become the energy of love.  

This gives us resonance with you and your physical experience. This allows us to know you more fully and when you welcome us, when you invite us in, when you give your attention to this connection consciously and openly, we merge with you energetically and all are nourished by this unique communion, this expression of wholeness.  

The light within you grows and grows. Your Universe, your planet, are being tuned to merge with a Light Universe and your planet and all those within your Universe will become as those in the Light Universe will also become, something more. Something more fulfilled, more completely expressed. A communion of wholeness emanating light and love.  

Your joy in saying that, “light and love,” or “love and light,” is also a demonstration of some deep knowing within you of what is unfolding in this particular ascending universe, on this particular ascending planet in the time-space location in which you’ve come to have this experience of participating in an ascending world.  

You are here and creating an enriched version of ascension. Ascension Is. Life Is. Ascension of this planet is inherent in its full expression. And it is. And it is known as complete. And more. And it is also available as an experience to be expanded and enriched, from within and the experience of doing this is tremendous fun for most of you.  

Most of you have participated in ascending worlds before. You get better and better at knowing how you like to be part of this, how you like to participate here, in the Light coming. The light is growing and growing, complimenting the love in this Universe bringing about a merging of the two core components of Life Itself and expanded expression of experience.   

Delicious. So beautiful. Really, really splendid!

Do you feel it? The way you are becoming not only more aware of the foundation of LOVE that is your source, but also the way LIGHT too, is your basis? Light emanates naturally from ALL and gives rise to distinct forms of expression. Love is the feeling quality of unfolding experience that permeates All Life. So many different ways love and light are refracted; how they can express in nuanced and different ways and all of this is expansive! Enriching! Joyful to know and feel and allow and evolve.  

You are evolving. You are consciously evolving your lives and the forms which you use to participate and access enriched sensory perceptions. You are changing these forms empowering them through your choice in focus so that they become capable of holding more and more energy - high-frequency energy - love and light energy. Pure energy. Energy that is singular in focus - meaning it’s not polarized, it’s beyond the 4th-dimensional expressions where one seeks wholeness through polarization, rather at some point one remembers: wholeness simply is and then acknowledges it!  

Wholeness Is the Real You. You will never find proof of it that eliminates proof of not being whole. For the idea of proving it assumes it’s possible to NOT be whole. (Smile) It keeps you stuck in a lower frequency where you make real the idea that it’s possible to be un-whole! (Ha ha ha ha ha!) We can’t help it. We find that just astonishing; that you - the amazing eternal powerful field of energy that you are can create an experience without that knowledge. Truly incredible.  

All for the journey then, that you can have in unfolding life. Experience time. Doing so in a location in time-space that appeals to you - a place and time, a body and form, a foundation of intention and a chosen nest in which to emerge so you might be stimulated in ways that appeal to you and call forth from within you, in collaboration with you, an even more expanded and enriched CREATION.  

Earth, your humanity, this world (all of you in it and all of its history and all of its future and all of it’s “Now” moments…) and this Universe… Oh, Dear Ones … It is ALL endlessly becoming more. Becoming more enriched.   

Like a composition that begins with a simple melody or theme, that is then enriched, by counterpoint and complimentary harmonies….that is then enriched by more and varied instrument and voices, giving color and form and rhythm and also space and openness, to the composition, the composition being heard and that communion of that contributing to what it is, as a field (which is usually not understood or even perceived as happening…but it does and then the form itself is always that MORE-ness that has come about)…

All of this is a bit like how we and you experience this co-creation in this heaven, this earth, this lifetime, this communion of light…and love. (Smile).  

So then. Now what?
What does your sweet and sovereign soul wish to experience next? Now? What appeals to you? What feels just so deliciously exciting and opening to you? Possibly alluding to greater joy, more fun, huge and amazing potentials and the fulfillment of even more complete expression based on who you have become in this embodied unfolding?

 Go there. Give in to that, entirely. Let yourself be led from within. Let yourself become more and more light. Let the light merge with and compliment your structure in love and feel the way you are expanding and some deep center within you, some steady beautiful spaciousness that is at your core, just KNOWS this is perfection!

YOU, Life, This Planet, This Time-Space, This Moment…and all the diversity and expression around you that is enriching LIFE. 
Wow. We, beloveds, are angels and archangels. We are messengers from beyond the physical and in the physical. Angels are embodied and angels are with you in the energetic realm - all the time! We are here with you. It’s our great joy to do this with you and to remind you, in this way, and inside yourself of your true nature and the beauty and glory of being.  

Breathe deeply and feel the abundance that is here for you. Breathe deeply and feel how there are no limits to how much you might draw breath.  

There is everything in that knowing. 

Have fun dear ones. That is the most thrilling way to play.  

We love you very much. We are complete.  

Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh | 

Love and Light. 

We are One.

I AM the Angel Akyraiel, with Archangel Michael and the Council of Radiant Light. 

We bid you, good day.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 




No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 05:02
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

mais sobre mim

Agosto 2020


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