A Chama da Ascensão


Sexta-feira, 20 / 03 / 20

From Fear into Love: Coping During Panicked Times.

From Fear into Love:  

Coping During Panicked Times.

By Rachel Horton White, 

Guest writer for Wake Up World.

March 19, 2020. 



With all the panic and hysteria in the air, many of us tend to forget that the world around us is a beautiful place around us. The sun is still shining, the birds are chirping and the flowers are emerging.
Let’s move into the pre-frontal cortex (rational thinking) and out of the amygdala (fight or flight). Ask yourself, am I okay right now? If you’re reading this, most likely you are.  Of course, we want to protect the vulnerable from getting sick. Of course, washing our hands thoroughly (without going into obsessive-compulsive mode) is a good idea.
Remember that we are strong, healthy and resilient humans (my family takes elderberry syrup all winter to help with that). Focus on your health, on the good things in your life, and you will raise your personal vibration to invite in more good things.
Fear does the opposite. We have much more power to co-create our lives than we have been taught.
Sure you could try to think of the worst case scenario of what “could” happen, but how likely is it (on a scale of 1 to 10) going to happen?
They want us to stay in fear, since we are easier to control. And boy, is it working.
Does it really feel good to live in this state of being? Do what brings you joy. You deserve it. And this will keep you strong and healthy!
Take the time to breathe, to go outside in the fresh air, to take care of yourself naturally.
The worry, the stress and the anxiety is not serving us and we need to let it go to free ourselves from the social, mental and spiritual prison that they have had us in for thousands of years….
And why are so many people buying in to the freak-out of the mainstream manipulation? There’s this thing called “confirmation bias.” This is the psychological state, which happens to all us humans, in which we look for something to confirm a previously-held belief. For instance, we buy a shirt that we really don’t like and paid too much for, but we pretend that we like to avoid the painful realization that we bought a shirt we wished we hadn’t.
This is because the Ego part of who we are wants us to believe that we are “right.” So, in spite of feelings (and evidence) that something is not actually true, we look for reasons to confirm our long-held stance (of what we believe or have been taught) as correct to avoid being “wrong.”
Now, this is happening in a rampant way. Many of us don’t want to believe that we are being manipulated, that the media and the government would skew the truth to make us afraid. It would be too painful to come to the realization that those who “rule” and “control” things actually do not always have our best interests in mind, but instead are wedded to the profits of the pharmaceutical industry and helping the richest 1% get richer, and helping those in power stay in control.
Of course, when you look back at history and fear-based things, it happens over and over. It’s hard to see that you’re being manipulated when you’re in it, but once you turn off the news/TV, start meditating, and opening the third eye, you start to see the truth.
But this awakening to truth is scary to many people, as it shakes up their world too much. This is why I believe some people are so vehemently attacking people trying to share what they feel to be true. On a subconscious level, this truth threatens their worldview so much that it’s like being told that there’s no Santa Claus. Or that you believed someone to be your parent but that they are actually not.
This type of information can be so life-shattering that the Ego fights it to stay in a safe place. So some will us the term conspiracy theorist” or other labels to try to neatly put you in a box that they can understand and dismiss. It’s almost too much to bear for some people, so there is a “shoot the messenger” mentality (or confirmation bias).
There is a silver lining to all this I believe… the powers that be they are so desperate to maintain control that they are pulling out all of the stops.. unsuccessfully in the long run, though, I believe. We are, as humans one by one, awakening and moving toward light, love and healing.
We can find gratitude in our hearts for this corona virus that is awakening us. We can find gratitude for those looking out for friends and neighbors. We can find gratitude for people caring for each other, for time spent at home together with our families.
We are being asked to have hope, to not let fear overtake us. Things are still unfolding, and while we may want to lash out out of self-preservation, can we find it in our hearts to understand how strongly people have been conditioned by fear? They have been conditioned by the media, by the companies, by the forces desperately trying to maintain control. These forces are powerful, they are strong.
But love is stronger. When we are ready, may our anger transmute into love. Yes, we may protect ourselves as we deserve to, but turning against our neighbors and friends is just what they want us to do: “divide and distract.”
To shift the vibration of fear, we must work on our own vibrations – moving from anger/fear into love/gratitude/compassion. We can forgive and help others who are suffering, so heavily conditioned and influenced by fear, as many of us have been. Try this exercise:
STOP – Stop, Take a Moment, Observe, Proceed. You can use this acronym to remember to “STOP and Shift” fearful thoughts/emotions. When an unwanted thought/feeling comes up, pause for a moment. Just observe that this is a temporary sensation that you are having. See if you want to attach to the thought/emotion and create stories around it. Maybe you do not. In that moment, you make a choice whether to get on the ride and take off with the train of thought, or you can let the train leave the station, letting it pass on by. If you are worrying, you can ask yourself, Do I really believe this? Is this true 100% of the time? Chances are you will see that everything is usually okay and has been that way in the past.
We are the way-showers, we must lead the way with our light. We can also begin reprogramming our thinking with mantras like these:
“Love and only love may enter my energetic space. I am safe. I am free. I take my my own power. I am a sovereign being responsible for my own choices. I am strong and in control of my own life.”
People have been giving away their power for so long, and that a part of our own vibration has created this onslaught of fear.
We can learn to take back our personal power, to stop allowing others to tell us what we should do… and to trust our own hearts and intuition. It’s our responsibility as individuals to shift our vibrations so that we stop subconsciously allowing ourselves to be controlled, as part of us thinks it’s easier to do that than to take back control of our lives in our own hands.
And we can help allay the worries of those who are scared right now. I will be pausing every day when I can to imagine the cords of fear and anger and control being pulled out of our country and out of the planet. And we can quiet our minds regularly (like this weekly Sunday live, complimentary, online meditation I will be doing), to quiet our own fears. I hope you’ll join me, as this visualization of light and healing can help in magical ways.
You can listen to/watch a recent “impromptu light meditation” I guided on my personal Facebook page to help spread healing and light.
Planetary healing starts from the individual level, from our own healing and then this energy spills out to others.
Blessings to those of you who are boldly pointing out the absolute insanity happening at such a widespread level. Keep spreading the truth and the light! We need you, and we will get through this. May we all see the light. May we have hope. May we stand for what is right, steadfast and strong.
Rachel Horton White
About the author:
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Aiming to merge the spiritual with the real world, Rachel Horton White helps spiritually-open people release negative patterns in their lives, with practical tools like mindfulness, energy and intuition exercises, to connect with their true, inner selves.  Through her work in Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting, Rachel has written articles for worldwide publications such as Wake Up WorldOm Times and Elephant Journal and has a podcast called The Courageous Path. Rachel is a life coach, hypnotherapist, mindfulness teacher, intuitive reader, tree-hugger and angel enthusiast. With a Bachelor’s Degree in English from Wellesley College and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of Georgia, Rachel claims her true education came from studying abroad in Dakar, Senegal. Her greatest teachers these days are her two bright-eyed, energetic children in Portland, Maine.
Rachel can be found on:


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 00:33
Quinta-feira, 30 / 05 / 19

The War on Human Consciousness ~ Rachel Horton White

The War on Human Consciousness.

By Rachel Horton White, 

Guest writer for Wake Up World.

May 31st, 2019. 



There is a war out there against the expansion of human consciousness. It has been escalating in recent years to the point where we must protect ourselves from the onslaught of this intervening frequency trying to turn us into stressed-out, sick automatons.
This is the same low-vibration energy that is responsible for the ravaging and disregard of the Earth herself along with all the plants and animals; responsible for the profit-driven, billion-dollar business of war and for the overly-medicated, misdiagnosed children raised on screens; responsible  for the greediness of the pharmaceutical industry “treating” illnesses that often make us even sicker – and obviously, responsible for the insanity that seems to run the U.S. government.
And most recently, the proposed 5G technology for cell phones is really the icing on the cake.

Awakening to Truth

Many of us wonder if we will ever feel better, if the Earth will ever heal. There are scares about climate change, about mass extinction of entire species and about the future of humanity itself.
But the greatest danger to the human race is our own unwillingness to pull the blinders off of our eyes. Smartphones have taken over many people’s consciousness to the point where they are numbing themselves to their loved ones and to their own souls. Our addiction to the news and to sources we think are telling us the truth have turned friends and family against each other just because they voted for a certain person for President.
It’s not fun to wake up to the fact that many of these institutions are harming us (although, as with everything, there are both good and bad elements in all). And many of us are still in denial about this, refusing to accept the enormity of the lies that we have been fed.
It’s too upsetting to believe so we try to go back into our shells and pretend it’s not real. But eventually we wake up to the Matrix (this movie, like many, has a message for us) and realize we are living in a version of the Truman Show.

Shifting Energies

Fortunately,  the energies are shifting to shake us out of our slumber. More and more people are experiencing spiritual awakening (are you seeing 11:11 everywhere? That’s a clear sign that you’re awakening. If not… you will – and this meditation might help).
Often, change does not occur until it is forced, or until it gets more difficult to avoid. It’s going to get harder and harder to avoid flowing with these new, expansive energies.
We have reached a point when people can choose the path of love, healing, forgiveness, kindness and freedom. It is a path that requires great courage, risk and overcoming fear. The alternative is the path of being afraid, of going along with the crowd and of making choices based on worry about worst-case scenario. We have free will as human souls. We can choose love, or we can choose fear. Often we choose a mixture of both.
Faced with so many choices, it’s natural to feel so overwhelmed that we do nothing. But it is this collective apathy that has led us to the state that we are in today.

Defeating Overwhelm: Start with One Small Thing

What do you care about? What one small thing can you do to make a positive change in the world today?
In the past, when I saw something that bothered me, I would have complained to someone, but then probably forgotten about it.
Let me give you an example. Recently, after visiting a local farm and dairy product company that claims to be free-range, we were dismayed to see that the cows were not free-range at all. My kids told me they did not want to go back there “until the cows’ chains were off their necks.”
Before, I would have felt that I could not really do anything to change the situation. But that excuse does not work for me anymore. I can no longer watch from the sidelines. And my children remind me of this.
So, one small thing. I emailed the company management and wrote a review of them, but they said they would do nothing. So I wrote a letter to the editor of our local newspaper (which was published). The next step, if needed, will be to contact the suppliers and restaurants to let them know about the problem so they can refuse to buy from this company if need be.
Humans for years have unconsciously eaten animals that have suffered or bought products that put chemicals in our bodies or on our lawnsThe power of the consumer to put the pressure on companies to do better with what we buy or do not buy cannot be underestimated.
What’s your one small thing, that you can do now, today, to make a difference?

Activate to Evolve

We are awakening to the truth of what has been done to us in our lives. It’s not our fault. Mostly. But we now know. So it’s up to us to now do something about it. This is our time to activate. Each and every one of us.
The solutions are simple when broken down. Here are 7 things that work for me and may also help you:
  • Quiet your mind every day. At least for 5 minutes, ideally for 15-20 minutes.
  • Connect with something beyond yourself – something based in light and love.
  • Put your phone down when you can. Just try it. Wait 5 seconds before picking it up next time. Ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” and see if it feels good to you.
  • Get out in nature for no particular reason or purpose other than just to wander, explore and observe.
  • Connect with other people, in person if possible. Ask for Spirit to guide you to people that can lift you up and support you.
  • Do something to help the world. “Think globally, act locally.” Pick one cause you care about and take five minutes to do something – more than just signing a petition online. Make a phone call, write a letter to the editor, show up at a rally.
  • Think about what you buy, eat and put on your body and in your home and make a statement with your wallet. If it has chemicals in it, is made of an animal that has suffered, or is rooted in perpetuating harm to the Earth in some way, you may want to pause and really ask yourself if it’s worth it.
Consumers will ultimately revolutionize our world. When we refuse to give our money to companies that destroy the Earth and its beings, they will either change their ways or cease to exist.
We are now being asked to choose. The turning point has been reached. We are being asked to have courage. We are being asked to heal ourselves and find light in our hearts. Not everyone will answer this call. They may experience life in a completely different way than you do.  But the time has come for us to activate, to speak up for justice, to advocate for causes we believe in, and to help ourselves and others by connecting with our souls and with light all around us to help us do this.
 I do believe there is a lot of hope for change, as more people are choosing the path of expansion, freedom and love. And there are positive changes being made in some areas of government, companies, education and even the health care system. But more of us are needed to speak up from a place of love, compassion and forgiveness (even for those responsible for the suffering). The time is now for us to decide.
I believe that nature will eventually recover. Whether or not humans choose to do so is another story.
What will you choose?
Also by Rachel Horton White:
About the author:

Aiming to merge the spiritual with the real world, Rachel Horton White helps spiritually-open people release negative patterns in their lives, with practical tools like mindfulness, energy and intuition exercises, to connect with their true, inner selves.  Through her work in Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting, Rachel has written articles for worldwide publications such as Wake Up WorldOm Times and Elephant Journal and has a podcast called The Courageous Path. Rachel is a life coach, hypnotherapist, mindfulness teacher, intuitive reader, tree-hugger and angel enthusiast. With a Bachelor’s Degree in English from Wellesley College and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of Georgia, Rachel claims her true education came from studying abroad in Dakar, Senegal. Her greatest teachers these days are her two bright-eyed, energetic children in Portland, Maine.
Rachel can be found on:


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 16:46
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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