Limitless, Immortal Beings.
Mike Parsons with Jeremy Westcott.
Posted April 11, 2019 by Edward Morgan.

Restoration of Sonship
The deeper I have gone in relationship with the Father the more I have come to know the two priorities of the Father’s heart: the restoration of our sonship and the restoration of all things. My journals are filled with our conversations relating to sonship and restoration. These are some of the things He has spoken to me about:
The Father’s Heart
Knowing that God is our Father is one thing; choosing to pursue that relationship and allowing Him to father us is something else altogether. His desire is that we share His heart; that we get to know His ways as well as His works. As we carry His heart and grow in maturity, He will include us in the deliberations of the councils and assemblies of heaven. His deepest desire is for His children to return to the place of our conception within the recesses of His heart, so that we can truly know Him and have a deeper revelation of who we are as His sons, made in His image: co-heirs and co-creators.
He desires to restore everything about us, including our identity, position, authority, abilities, knowledge, wisdom, relationship and connection to the created order. He desires to remove the limitations of the finite and the mortal nature of our minds and restore the limitlessness of our transcendent and infinite origins. We are relational beings, made in His image, of limitless creative potential.
We were conceived as limitless, immortal beings like our Father. He never intended the limited, restricted, finite, mortal existence which mankind now experiences because of choosing the DIY path instead of the Tree of Life. Restoration of our sonship encompasses possibilities far beyond the wildest dreams of even the most creative minds. I can imagine eyes capable of seeing all wavelengths of light, ears capable of hearing all wavelengths of sound, bodies capable of multidimensional travel and existence, minds capable of creative expression, bodies capable of instantaneous healing. I can imagine doing the works Jesus did, and greater works: controlling the molecular structure of water, becoming invisible, creating and manipulating matter, telepathy (knowing people’s minds and hearts) and telekinesis (‘immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going’), creative thought, translation, bilocation, pre- and post-cognition, time travel…
If I can imagine those things, then the true potential of restored sonship lies far, far beyond them.
He told me, “Son, your sonship is the only priority you need to focus on.” The purity of restored relationship between the Father and His sons and daughters is His deepest desire; the restoration of all things is its outworking. “This is the love agenda where all things of the created order will be returned to relational connectedness within My unity. Son, no one who becomes intimately acquainted with the thoughts and intentions of love revealed through knowing Me could fall to see their destiny within the desires of My heart.”
All things
Just as Paul wrote, God is continually ‘working all things together for good’. That is how they were designed to work. All things were created to work together, unique and individual in themselves, yet only complete within the harmonious union of the whole. The removal of all fragmentation, fracturedness and brokenness in all its forms is the ultimate goal of restoration:
Personal restoration of spirit, soul and body to original intention, condition and functionality
Spirit to God relationship
Spirit to eternal identity
Spirit to all creation, physical and spiritual
DNA restored to 12 strands
Spirit soul and body
Everything within the soul – mind, emotions, will, conscience, imagination, reason, choice – restored to innocence
All brokenness, fragmentation, separation, isolation and rejection restored
All needs met for harmony, relationships, intimacy, union, unity, love, joy and peace
Mind restored to full creative capacity
Body restored to health and wholeness and all supernatural abilities
Breath of life restored
Restored destiny and purpose
Restored inheritance, identity, birthright, position, authority
Spirit being, to living being, to godlike being
That shalom, that wholeness and peace, will carry on expanding: there will never be an end to its increase within His ever-increasing kingdom. And we are intended to be instrumental in the government of that kingdom. The restoration of our relationship as sons must lead to our exercising responsibility commensurate with our sonship. We will learn to rule, not only over what is already created but over what we create. We already have the ability to create; however, because of lost identity we have created mainly chaos. Knowing our identity and restored to sonship, our capacity to create beauty and order will increasingly manifest around us.
The restoration of the sons of God will be like Joseph coming out of the dungeon prison to take up the second highest position in Egypt; we will emerge from obscurity and shame to be invested, enthroned, seated in the heavenly places; ruling and reigning as the mountain of the house of the Lord.
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