3 Signs of Perfection Paralysis and How to Overcome It

3 Signs of Perfection Paralysis and How to Overcome It.Becky Storey. https://www.learning-mind.com/February 24, 2020 [image: perfection paralysis]. image source I think it would be fair to say that we’ve all struggled with perfection paralysis at least once in our lives. We’ve all wanted so badly to be perfect that we haven’t been able to do anything at all. It is a fairly common experience to be so afraid of being less than perfect that you can’t bring yourself to even try. It’s great to strive to do your best. Generally speaking, we should all want to be our best selves, at least... more »

I Will Never Leave You.

I Will Never Leave You.*The Beloved **One*.*Is The Teacher*Message received by LytskeUrantia, February 2, 2020Posted February 24, 2020 [image: Akashic Construct - 11:11 Spirit Guardians] Source *The Beloved One:* “This is the day your Creator has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. This is the day for a new realization to dawn, a new insight to be gained, for you are beginning to discover how immensely wealthy you really are. “You have a Fragment of your God living within you. I will never abandon you, never forsake you. I love you, understand you and will Guide you forever mor... more »

Humanity has everything it needs to put an end to the conflicts ...

Humanity has everything it needs to put an end to the conflicts and poverty that so many are enduring.Saul *(Paul)* via John Smallman February 24th, 2020 Audio: 1. 2020-02-24-saul-audio-blog-for-monday-february-24th.mp3 2. Saul Audio Blog for Monday February 24th We are all watching with delight from here in the spiritual realms as humanity races towards its awakening! You are definitely moving along very rapidly towards that wonderful event, when shock and delighted amazement will fill your hearts with joy, as you realize that you have arrived! The journey has been lo... more »


STOP WASTING YOUR ENERGYKate Spreckley's Inspiration. February 24, 2020 [image: day 2422020]. As we create a deeper, more conscious connection with our soul, we are able to retreat inward to consider, reflect and review our life choices, decisions and the actions we may take. We are able to construct our life in a more meaningful way with clarity and inspiration. As a result, we are more open to sudden changes, new directions and the naturally shifting currents of life. The New Moon energy, which will linger for a few days, is watering the quiet growth that is occurring with... more »

The Crystals Will Fully Communicate With You.

The Crystals Will Fully Communicate With You.NOVA GAIA*Channeled via * *Galaxygirl**.*February 22, 2020. . I am Nova Gaia. I offer, I extend the vibration of peace and joy to you grounded ones today. I love you so much. I embrace you in my love. There are many versions of me, just as there are many versions of you, reading these words. We have all been deeply involved in healing all of our aspects. I am most pleased and joyous to say that I have arrived fully at my 5th dimensional and higher state and I am fully embodying higher and higher light codes that I am now more able to... more »

Empath! How to Stop Being Enmeshed.

Empath! How to Stop Being Enmeshed.Ivo of VegaVia Sharon StewartPosted February 20th, 2020 by Staffan. . Good question: For the empath, how to stop being enmeshed, thinking others’ emotions are our own. (I should elaborate: Ivo starts out explaining how we sense the energy of others, and then goes on to explain when we’re enmeshing our energies with others’ and mistaking it as our own mood). Me: I know a few ways it works for me but everyone senses energy differently. Ivo: They do. You are visual. When you see a picture of another or have them standing in front of you, you ca... more »


PERCEPTION IS CREATION*.*The Arcturians.By Suzanne Lie Posted February 23rd, 2020. . Your thoughts and emotions are becoming more and more balanced and in alignment with each other. In this manner you are creating clearer thought forms about the reality you wish to perceive and live. Please remember that if your thoughts and emotions flow in different directions or on different frequencies, you will find it difficult to create a constant perceptual field which you can reflect back to your conscious awareness. There are many things to be seen around you, but if you do NOT bring ... more »


ARE YOU BETTER OFF BEING AWAKE?*THE 9D ARCTURIAN COUNCIL*CHANNELED BY DANIEL SCRANTONFebruary 23rd, 2020. Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been very interested in how you would handle the transition from being third dimensional beings to being fifth dimensional beings. We knew that many of you would become aware of this shift in consciousness that we are all experiencing, but we did not know whether being awake would benefit you, or whether remaining asleep would be the easier path. And now that we have been observi... more »

High frequency energy and assistance is higher available

High frequency energy and assistance is higher available.We are the Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele.February 23, 2020. Dear readers, we hold a great deal of love and respect for you who have chosen to be on earth during these challenging times. You chose to enter this incarnation fully aware that it would be a time of energetic shifts and difficulty but you wanted to participate, knowing that your awareness could help others. If you believe that you only recently woke up from the three dimensional dream, you are wrong. You who align with these messages are not new souls just ... more »

A Gift

A Gift The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley*.* *Posted February 24, 2020* . Each person you come in contact with has a gift for you. Graciously receive it with love, admiration, respect and joy. If you have to ask what that gift is, you need to look more closely. Creator. *Jennifer Farley* - *https://thecreatorwritings.wordpress.com/* ------------------------------ *Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: * - https://thecreatorwritings.wordpress.com/ *Archives:* - https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/search?q=jennifer+farley - http://vi... more »

Federation of Light, 2020/02/23

Blossom GoodchildFebruary 23rd 2020. . *In black=Federation of Light In grey=Blossom Goodchild* Hi there, DeLightful Light Beings! Here on Earth many of us still find ourselves struggling, it seems. I take on board that our ‘Oneness of self’ is assisting in cleansing everything. There is so much emotional struggle going on for so many, depending on their particular intense situation, and in what part of the world they reside. Yet, on behalf of us all … Can you not give us a cotton pickin, routin toutin break? I know it’s not ‘you’ per se, and you cannot change it. Therefore... more »

Humanity to move quick to Golden Age and Ascension.

Humanity to move quick to Golden Age and Ascension.Mira from the Pleiadian High Council of Earth.*Channeled by Erena Velazquez.*February 22, 2020. . I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council of Earth, I am very happy to be here. I was waiting for this channel to be ready to channel me. I have been spending a lot of time in the meetings. We keep looking to find the easiest and the most quickest ways for Humanity to move forward to their Golden Age and Ascension. We are doing a lot of heavy duty work and we don’t mind it, because we love humanity. We would love to see humanity a... more »

Bill Gates surrenders to the Chinese as secret war rages on

Bill Gates surrenders to the Chinese as secret war rages on.*Benjamin Fulford* *Report Sample **2020/02/24.* The secret battle for planet Earth is raging on with England, Russia, China and the Pentagon leading the charge against the Satanic Khazarian mafia. In the biggest development last week, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, fearing for his life, surrendered to the Chinese and is providing them with insider information about the Pharmacidical Mafia… Asian Secret Society and Pentagon sources say. The official Chinese Xinhua News Agency reports Gates offered $100 million to fight the... more »
publicado por achama às 18:56