A Chama da Ascensão


Segunda-feira, 16 / 03 / 20

Blessings from Your Galactic Family.


Blessings from  Your Galactic Family.

The Arturians.

Through Suzanne Lie


Posted March 15, 2020.

Dear Galactic Family,
Do you have any information that would assist those of us wearing a third dimensional vessel?
Dear Ones, We, the Arcturians, are happy to address this issue.
It is interesting that you would say, “Those of us who are still wearing a third dimensional vessel.” In fact, it is a helpful manner for your self and for others to realize that you are NOT just a third dimensional human. 
In fact, many of you are Galactic Beings, just as we are, who have chosen to take a third dimensional “earth vessel” during this now of Gaia’s great planetary transmutation. Please remember that the difference between “change” and “transmutation,” is that change can, and does, occur within your third, fourth and even your fifth dimensional expression of self. 
Very often the humans who have not yet realized that they also have higher dimensional realities of SELF which their third, and even their fourth, dimensional expression of SELF is not yet aware of.
We, your Galactic Family, wish to remind you that ALL of you are Multidimensional Beings who have other versions of your SELF in the higher dimensions of Gaia’s Multidimensional Planet. We say this to you now, not to try to lessen your worry, or even fear, but to remind you that you are much more that you realize that you are!
There are many reasons, which many of you have experienced, that have made you forget that YOU are Multidimensional. What that means is that Your essence is NOT limited to the third dimensional, physical plane. Most important, we wish to remind you all that you can be in “constant contact” with your own Higher Self in the Higher Dimensions of reality.
Your Higher Self can remind you that YOU have personally chosen to take an incarnation during this extremely important NOW of your “human self.” It is also an extremely important moment in the life of your beloved planet Gaia, also known as Earth.  In fact, we find it is vital that we remind you all that your “human self” is just the lowest frequency of your innate Multidimensional SELF.
We, your Galactic Family, have observed that those of us who have been courageous enough to choose to wear a third dimensional Earth Vessel during this NOW of great planetary “readjustment" have needed to connect with their own higher frequencies of thought and emotion.
Though that connection, you will be increasingly able to rise above the fear and anger that many humans have, and could become trapped in. However, there is one strong antidote to the fear that is racing throughout Gaia’s planet. 
That antidote, is that this “fearful disease” is traveling all over the world. Therefore, since most humans are having the same fearful experience within the same NOW, it is possible that all the ones who are united by fear, can remember that first and foremost—THEY, the humans from all over the world, are indeed UNITED!!
Also, this unity is based on finding a solution to a problem that the entire world is having. Therefore, they cannot “blame the bad guys” or even “blame themselves.”  It is this lack of blame of others, or of themselves, that can allow them to focus on Love and Light. 
It is the focus on Love and Light that will allow the humans to expand their consciousness into their innate fourth and fifth dimensional expression of their own Multidimensional SELF.
At first, it may be that only a few humans that remember their innate Multidimensional SELF who are able to Unconditionally Love themselves enough to rise above all fear and to focus on sending out Unconditional Love to all the beings who have been suffering from this virus. 
There is a VERY strong energy field that will occur as more and more humans remember to “rise above their fear,” and remember and choose to live within, and to also send out, Unconditional Love to ALL of Gaia’s beings. 
Humans may have forgotten how Gaia herself is a living being, as is all the other plants, animals, fish, birds, insects and other creatures who have made Gaia their home. Remember that this “pandemic” began by humans who did NOT honor the animals that were NOT meant to be “eaten” by humans.
We say this, not to blame any human for what has occurred, as Gaia has been needing humanity to listen to what She, Gaia, has been telling Her human inhabitants for many eons. Humans have been harming their Homeworld for uncountable eons. It was inevitable that at some point in time, that the innate system of Planetary Health and Welfare, would be greatly harmed.
Gaia has had to suffer greatly at the hands of humanity. There have been massacres of  the indigenous human beings, who worshiped Gaia as their own Planetary Mother, many destructive wars by the humans, Chernobyl in which the land became radiated for an unknown time, finding a sport in killing animals, and in fact, the early Americans found a sport in killing the Native Americans so that they could steal their land.
Then, once the land was stolen, it was greatly damaged by the humans, who called themselves the “master of all that they owned". Of course, they did not “own” that land. Instead, they had “stolen” that land, and killed those who lived there in peace and harmony with the animals, plants, waters and each other.
In fact, there have been many generations of humans mistreatment of dear Gaia via, Chernobyl, two major World Wars and many, many smaller wars. Humans mourned the loss of their human family and friends, but ignored the damage that those wars inflicted on their own Mother Planet.
Now, after many generations of humans “running the show” and destroying their planet, they may wonder why their world has become SICK. However, now it is not just the planet that is suffering, it is the humans who are also suffering. Remember, that part of this “pandemic” began by eating animals that were not meant to be “merely food for humans to kill and take.”
Yes, NOW Gaia has the attention of the humans. NOW it is not just the land, the water, the sky, the plants and all the non-human beings living on the planet! NOW it is also the humans who are suffering. And, this illness does not just come to those who have weakened Gaia’s planet, but it has also come to the older and weakened humans on Gaia’s planet.
Of course, many, if not most, of the humans who have “caught this virus” were good people with kind and loving feelings for the Earth and for other humans. However, the energy out from those who did not care, and or protect, their dear planet, has come to many, many, good humans who have spent their lives caring for others, and caring for Gaia.
Unfortunately, disease cannot choose to whom it will attack. However, those who are the weakest are less able to survive that disease that flows throughout the planet with NO discrimination about how this pandemic occurred, and no known enemy but the disease. Of course, the weakest are the first to suffer, and the weakest are often the oldest. 
Therefore, it is the strongest humans who are meant to find a way to cure and stop what is occurring to many, many innocent people. What is needed is strong leadership from the people, the everyday people that are just “living their lives” and want to continue to live their lives. 
So, what is to be done? Strong Leadership by Strong Humans who care of their planet and their reality more than they care for money and having power over others. It is the NOW that humanity is called to find their OWN POWER WITHIN. This power within is available to everyone who is willing to Send Unconditional Love out into a world that is suffering from fear and illness. 
We ask everyone to please remember the Great Circle of Life, which is within EVERY Being. As you remember this Circle of Live, you will also tap into your INNATE inner power. Unfortunately, some have chosen to live via Power OVER rather than via Power WITHIN. 
We, your Galactic Family, wish you to know, that you ALL have “power within” because you ALL are Multidimensional Beings. We regret that there are still many who have forgotten that they chose to come to Gaia during this moment of the NOW to assist with Her Planetary Ascension. 
There are more and more humans who are realizing that we ALL share the same planet, and we will ALL need to work together as ONE being on Gaia’s Earth in order to heal the wounds that humanity has created on and within Dear Planet Gaia. 
Dear Gaia, does not blame the humans for their misjudgment. Instead, She asks all humans to UNITE in the Love and Light that will be stronger than ANY virus could withstand. The virus was humanity’s wake-up call that “something was very wrong and it needs to be fixed NOW.” 
Please remember that this “fixing” is the most powerful when it arises from “The Love for All Life” and the “Recognition that humans were meant to be the PROTECTORS of their planet, and not the ones who have harmed their own homeworld.  Of course, there are many humans, who have lived their lives caring for their beloved planet. 
We, the Arcturians, ask that all of you beloved ones who have loved your dear Gaia, to remember and step into the “reason why you chose to take a earth vessel during this NOW of great planetary challenge.” 
We, the members of your Galactic Family, recognize many of our friends and family who chose to take an earth vessel during this NOW of Great PLANETARY CHALLENGE. We, your Galactic Family, wish to remind you that many of you visit us in our Higher Planes of reality during your sleep and your times of deep meditation.
We promise to greet you all, and assist you to remember the Mission that you chose to fulfill in order to assist Gaia during this NOW of GREAT Planetary Challenge.
We, your Galactic Family, we come to you in your meditations and dreams to assist you to remember what you have promised to do for Gaia within this now, and how you can best fulfill that promise, which is also the reason for your incarnation within this NOW!
The CALL is out and we KNOW that YOU will ANSWER!
Blessings from your Galactic Family
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
Free counters!



publicado por achama às 13:37
Domingo, 08 / 03 / 20

Remembering Your Innate Multidimensional SELF and Multidimensional Planet.


Remembering Your Innate Multidimensional SELF and Multidimensional Planet.

The Arturians.

By Suzanne Lie


Posted March 6, 2020.

First, please allow yourself to remember that you have a Higher SELF who resonates to higher frequencies of reality.
Then, remember how your Higher SELF can  align your thoughts and emotions to recognize and create thought forms.
As your consciousness begins to maintain a steady connection to the higher frequencies, feel how your body begins to shift in an attempt to stay in alignment with you higher dimensional thoughts and emotions.
If your thoughts and emotions are NOT in alignment with each other, your body becomes confused and is unable to create a steady frequency rate. Therefore, watch for thoughts of limitation or loneliness, as they lower your frequency of consciousness. 
As your frequency of consciousness steadily rises, memories of your true SELF will begin to arise and send you Love and Light. This Love and Light will assist you to expand your consciousness to have higher dimensional thoughts and feelings. This Love and Light will assist you to Expansion of higher dimensional perceptions
Then you will begin to remember how to recalibrate your consciousness to higher and higher frequencies of your thoughts and emotions. 
Then you will begin to remember your other incarnations on Earth and on your Home World and/or Star Ship, which will assist you to better remember your other incarnations on Earth. This will assist you to remember your Mission for this lifetime, as well as your innate special gifts that you can share with others.
Then you can begin to remember the thoughts and emotions that are in alignment with your Mission that you choose to take during this incarnation.
Align with this latent energy field within your core to better align with this energy field. 
Align your own core with the core of Gaia. 
Feel the safety and comfort of Gaia’s Core.
Align your personal transmutation with Gaia's planetary transmutation
     Entraining your consciousness with Unconditional Love 
    As well as having unselfish thoughts of serving Gaia and all Her inhabitants
Transmutation begins on an elemental level
Align your body with all the elements and 5D Elementals who are the:
     Gnomes (earth), Sylphs (air), Salamanders (fire) and Undines (water)
     Use every inhale and exhale to intermingle personal and planetary elementals 
Inter-dimensional Travel
You do not go out or up, you go in and through
In the fifth dimension and beyond there are NO polarities
There are No “others” in the fifth dimension, as you are ONE
Your fifth-dimensional ONE is the expression of your own Higher SELF
Fifth Dimensional Form
Wearing a form if you choose
There is no fifth dimensional concept of “others”
 Everyone is an expression of the same Oness. 
Creating Your Perception
3D tree—4D tree—5D tree
Merge your consciousness with experience of being beside a tree. 
Allow your perceptions to follow the dictates of you imagination 
Know that you imagination is creating what you wish to perceive 
 Perception IS Creation 
You perceive what you want to create and create what you want to perceive 
Your desire creates the perceptions that represent that which you wish to perceive. 
Your state of consciousness dictates your frequency of reality.
All realities travel in a circular path of creation/perception ~ perception/creation. 
Separation is a third dimensional illusion
Communications are NOT made of separate words in sequential order.
Within the fifth dimension, and beyond, ALL is within the NOW of the ONE. 
All that you could desire, perceive, create or communicate
IS within that NOW with which you are ONE!
Dear Arcturians
Do you have a message that I can share today?
Yes, today, and every day, we, your Galactic Family, have a message for each and every one of our brave grounded ones.  These Grounded Ones took on an earth vessel within this NOW to assist Gia during Her NOW of great planetary challenge. 
We, your Galactic Family, wish to remind all of you “Brave Ones” who chose to take an earth vessel during this NOW. We wish to remind you all that you are NOT alone. We, the members of your Galactic Family, such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Antarians, the Venusians, as well as other Galactic Families that are also assisting dear Gaia.
We say, “Gaia,” rather than Earth because all the Galactic Members call Earth by the name of Gaia. t We, the joint members of your Galactic Family, are aware of the many challenges that are now occurring to your selves, as well as to your planet. 
Part of the reason for these challenges is that there are those in positions of power that are not evolved enough, yet, to realize that Planet Earth is a Living Being, with all the needs and protections that the humans need.
There have been times in Gaia’s history in which Gaia’s Earth was honored and even worshiped by those who live on Gaia's Planetary Self. Unfortunately, there has also been eras in which there were wars of persons against persons that caused great damage to Gaia and all Her Elementals.
Unfortunately, many humans do not even know what an Elemental is, therefore we will remind you. We say “remind you,” as we, your Galactic Family, remember the true Multidimensional Being that is your innate SELF. 
Within your innate Multidimensional Being you are able to communicate and commune with all the myriad humans, animals, birds, fish, insects, as well as all the trees, mountains, valleys, and even the air and the atmosphere.
What if more and more members of the human family began to remember that they, the humans, are as much a component of Gaia’s Earth as every component of Gaia’s great planetary body.
Of course, we Arcturians, as well as all the Galactics, call the planet known as “Earth” by many humans, "Gaia." Gaia is the higher dimensional name for what the third dimensionals call Earth. The “Lost Ones” wearing an earth vessel have long ago forgotten that the planet on which they live is, in fact, a living being. 
When we, the Arcturians, say “Lost Ones,” we refer to the many brave ones who left their own fifth dimensional Home worlds, such as the Arcturians, The Pleiadians, The Antarians, and The Venusians to assist their sister planet Gaia with the great challenge that she is facing within this now. 
It appears that the too many humans on Gaia’s Earth have forgotten that Gaia is a living being, just as all the other planets, as well as all the beings, plants, waterways and atmosphere of Gaia’s Earth Body.
Yes, just as humans are the essence that is wearing their human form, Gaia is the is essence that is wearing a Planetary Form. The “primitive” humans were well aware of the fact that ALL life was ALIVE. However, as humans evolved, which in many ways they actually devolved, they lost contact with their own “Higher Dimensional Expressions of SELF.”
“How can one loose contact with their own self?” we hear you ask us. We, the Arcturians, have also been puzzled and greatly distraught about how did our brave fifth dimensional ones loose their Multidimensional Essence once they took on a third dimensional form on a third dimensional planet?
We, your Galactic Family, have tried to understand how this “loss of SELF” became so common once one of our Galactic Family Members lowered their essence and form into the third dimensional frequency of reality.
Worse yet, because there are too many humans, and too many leaders, who have forgotten their own Higher Dimensional Self, they cannot effectively confront and deal with the MANY harsh challenges that Gaia, as well as all the living beings on Her Earth Body, are facing within this NOW on Earth,
We say “Earth” here rather than Gaia, as Gaia is the Essence of Earth. Just as humans have higher dimensional potentials within their aura, Earth also has many higher dimensional potentials within Her aura. 
Unfortunately, the “lost humans” (meaning the humans who have lost their connection to their own higher dimensional SELF) are unable to even realize and confront the great challenges that need to be confronted in order to assist their dear planetary Mother Gaia to transmute Her Planetary Body into the Fifth Dimension.
However, please remember that “the darkest night is just before dawn,” and Gaia, as well as the many living beings that Gaia offers as their Home World, are ready to receive the "dawn" of Planetary Ascension into the fifth dimension and beyond.
We, your Galactic Family, wish to remind all of you “Brave Ones” who chose to take an earth vessel during this NOW, and wish to remind you that you are NOT alone. We, the members of your Galactic Family, such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Antarians, the Venusians, as well as other Galactic Families that are also assisting dear Gaia.
We say “Gaia,” rather than Earth because all the Galactic Members call the planet on which you are currently living “Gaia.” We, the joint members of your Galactic Family, are aware of the many challenges that are now occurring to your selves, as well as to your planet. 
Part of the reason for these challenges is that there are those in positions of power that are not evolved enough, yet, to realize that Planet Earth is a Living Being, with all the needs and protections that the humans need.
There have been times in Gaia’s history in which Gaia’s Earth was honored and even worshiped by those who live on Her Planetary Self. Unfortunately, there has also been eras in which there were wars of persons against persons that caused great damage to Gaia and all Her Elementals.
Unfortunately, many humans do not even know what an Elemental is, therefore we will remind you. We say “remind you,” as we, your Galactic Family, remember the true Multidimensional Being that is you innate SELF. 
Within your innate Multidimensional Being you are able to communicate and commune with all the myriad humans, animals, birds, fish, insects, as well as all the trees, mountains, valleys, and even the air and the atmosphere.
What if more and more members of the human family began to remember that they, humans, are as much a component of Gaia’s Earth as every component of Gaia’s great body called Earth.
Of course, we Arcturians, as well as all the Galactics, call the planet known as “Earth” by many humans, Gaia. Gaia is the higher dimensional name for what the third dimensionals call Earth. The “Lost Ones” wearing an earth vessel have long ago forgotten that the planet on which they live is, in fact, a living being. 
When we, the Arcturians, say “Lost Ones,” we refer to the many brave ones who left their own fifth dimensional Home worlds, such as the Arcturians, The Pleiadians, The Antarians, and The Venusians to assist their sister planet Gaia with the great challenge that she is facing within this now. 
It appears that the too many humans on Gaia’s Earth have forgotten that Gaia is a living being, just as all the other planets, as well as all the beings, plants, waterways and atmosphere of Gaia’s Earth Body.
Yes, just as humans are the essence that is wearing their human form, Gaia is the is essence that is wearing a Planetary Form. The “primitive” humans were well aware of the fact that ALL life was ALIVE. However, as humans evolved, which in many ways they actually devolved, they lost contact with their own “Higher Dimensional Expressions of SELF.”
“How can one loose contact with their own self?” we hear you ask us. We, the Arcturians, have also been puzzled and greatly distraught about how did our brave fifth dimensional ones loose their Multidimensional Essence once they took on a third dimensional form on a third dimensional planet?
We, your Galactic Family, have tried to understand how this “loss of SELF” became so common once one of our Galactic Family Members lowered their essence and form into the third dimensional frequency of reality.
Worse yet, because there are too many humans, and too many leaders, who have forgotten their own Higher Dimensional Self, they cannot effectively confront and deal with the MANY harsh challenges that Gaia, as well as all the living beings on Her Earth Body, are facing within this NOW on Earth,
We say “Earth” here rather than Gaia, as Gaia is the Essence of Earth. Just as humans have higher dimensional potentials within their aura, Earth also has many higher dimensional potentials within Her aura. 
Unfortunately, the “lost humans” (meaning the humans who have lost their connection to their own higher dimensional SELF) are unable to even realize and confront the great challenges that need to be confronted in order to assist their dear planetary Mother Gaia to transmute Her Planetary Body into the Fifth Dimension.
However, please remember that “the darkest night is just before dawn,” and Gaia, as well as the many living beings that Gaia offers as their Home World, are ready to receive the "dawn" of Planetary Ascension into the fifth dimension and beyond.
Blessings to  you all,
Gaia and ALL Her Planetary Family
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
Free counters!



publicado por achama às 19:38
Sábado, 07 / 03 / 20

Remembering Your Innate Multidimensional SELF


Remembering Your Innate Multidimensional SELF and Multidimensional Planet.

The Arturians.

By Suzanne Lie


Posted March 6, 2020.

First, please allow yourself to remember that you have a Higher SELF who resonates to higher frequencies of reality.
Then, remember how your Higher SELF can  align your thoughts and emotions to recognize and create thought forms.
As your consciousness begins to maintain a steady connection to the higher frequencies, feel how your body begins to shift in an attempt to stay in alignment with you higher dimensional thoughts and emotions.
If your thoughts and emotions are NOT in alignment with each other, your body becomes confused and is unable to create a steady frequency rate. Therefore, watch for thoughts of limitation or loneliness, as they lower your frequency of consciousness. 
As your frequency of consciousness steadily rises, memories of your true SELF will begin to arise and send you Love and Light. This Love and Light will assist you to expand your consciousness to have higher dimensional thoughts and feelings. This Love and Light will assist you to Expansion of higher dimensional perceptions
Then you will begin to remember how to recalibrate your consciousness to higher and higher frequencies of your thoughts and emotions. 
Then you will begin to remember your other incarnations on Earth and on your Home World and/or Star Ship, which will assist you to better remember your other incarnations on Earth. This will assist you to remember your Mission for this lifetime, as well as your innate special gifts that you can share with others.
Then you can begin to remember the thoughts and emotions that are in alignment with your Mission that you choose to take during this incarnation.
Align with this latent energy field within your core to better align with this energy field. 
Align your own core with the core of Gaia. 
Feel the safety and comfort of Gaia’s Core.
Align your personal transmutation with Gaia's planetary transmutation
     Entraining your consciousness with Unconditional Love 
    As well as having unselfish thoughts of serving Gaia and all Her inhabitants
Transmutation begins on an elemental level
Align your body with all the elements and 5D Elementals who are the:
     Gnomes (earth), Sylphs (air), Salamanders (fire) and Undines (water)
     Use every inhale and exhale to intermingle personal and planetary elementals 
Inter-dimensional Travel
You do not go out or up, you go in and through
In the fifth dimension and beyond there are NO polarities
There are No “others” in the fifth dimension, as you are ONE
Your fifth-dimensional ONE is the expression of your own Higher SELF
Fifth Dimensional Form
Wearing a form if you choose
There is no fifth dimensional concept of “others”
 Everyone is an expression of the same Oness. 
Creating Your Perception
3D tree—4D tree—5D tree
Merge your consciousness with experience of being beside a tree. 
Allow your perceptions to follow the dictates of you imagination 
Know that you imagination is creating what you wish to perceive 
 Perception IS Creation 
You perceive what you want to create and create what you want to perceive 
Your desire creates the perceptions that represent that which you wish to perceive. 
Your state of consciousness dictates your frequency of reality.
All realities travel in a circular path of creation/perception ~ perception/creation. 
Separation is a third dimensional illusion
Communications are NOT made of separate words in sequential order.
Within the fifth dimension, and beyond, ALL is within the NOW of the ONE. 
All that you could desire, perceive, create or communicate
IS within that NOW with which you are ONE!
Dear Arcturians
Do you have a message that I can share today?
Yes, today, and every day, we, your Galactic Family, have a message for each and every one of our brave grounded ones.  These Grounded Ones took on an earth vessel within this NOW to assist Gia during Her NOW of great planetary challenge. 
We, your Galactic Family, wish to remind all of you “Brave Ones” who chose to take an earth vessel during this NOW. We wish to remind you all that you are NOT alone. We, the members of your Galactic Family, such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Antarians, the Venusians, as well as other Galactic Families that are also assisting dear Gaia.
We say, “Gaia,” rather than Earth because all the Galactic Members call Earth by the name of Gaia. t We, the joint members of your Galactic Family, are aware of the many challenges that are now occurring to your selves, as well as to your planet. 
Part of the reason for these challenges is that there are those in positions of power that are not evolved enough, yet, to realize that Planet Earth is a Living Being, with all the needs and protections that the humans need.
There have been times in Gaia’s history in which Gaia’s Earth was honored and even worshiped by those who live on Gaia's Planetary Self. Unfortunately, there has also been eras in which there were wars of persons against persons that caused great damage to Gaia and all Her Elementals.
Unfortunately, many humans do not even know what an Elemental is, therefore we will remind you. We say “remind you,” as we, your Galactic Family, remember the true Multidimensional Being that is your innate SELF. 
Within your innate Multidimensional Being you are able to communicate and commune with all the myriad humans, animals, birds, fish, insects, as well as all the trees, mountains, valleys, and even the air and the atmosphere.
What if more and more members of the human family began to remember that they, the humans, are as much a component of Gaia’s Earth as every component of Gaia’s great planetary body.
Of course, we Arcturians, as well as all the Galactics, call the planet known as “Earth” by many humans, "Gaia." Gaia is the higher dimensional name for what the third dimensionals call Earth. The “Lost Ones” wearing an earth vessel have long ago forgotten that the planet on which they live is, in fact, a living being. 
When we, the Arcturians, say “Lost Ones,” we refer to the many brave ones who left their own fifth dimensional Home worlds, such as the Arcturians, The Pleiadians, The Antarians, and The Venusians to assist their sister planet Gaia with the great challenge that she is facing within this now. 
It appears that the too many humans on Gaia’s Earth have forgotten that Gaia is a living being, just as all the other planets, as well as all the beings, plants, waterways and atmosphere of Gaia’s Earth Body.
Yes, just as humans are the essence that is wearing their human form, Gaia is the is essence that is wearing a Planetary Form. The “primitive” humans were well aware of the fact that ALL life was ALIVE. However, as humans evolved, which in many ways they actually devolved, they lost contact with their own “Higher Dimensional Expressions of SELF.”
“How can one loose contact with their own self?” we hear you ask us. We, the Arcturians, have also been puzzled and greatly distraught about how did our brave fifth dimensional ones loose their Multidimensional Essence once they took on a third dimensional form on a third dimensional planet?
We, your Galactic Family, have tried to understand how this “loss of SELF” became so common once one of our Galactic Family Members lowered their essence and form into the third dimensional frequency of reality.
Worse yet, because there are too many humans, and too many leaders, who have forgotten their own Higher Dimensional Self, they cannot effectively confront and deal with the MANY harsh challenges that Gaia, as well as all the living beings on Her Earth Body, are facing within this NOW on Earth,
We say “Earth” here rather than Gaia, as Gaia is the Essence of Earth. Just as humans have higher dimensional potentials within their aura, Earth also has many higher dimensional potentials within Her aura. 
Unfortunately, the “lost humans” (meaning the humans who have lost their connection to their own higher dimensional SELF) are unable to even realize and confront the great challenges that need to be confronted in order to assist their dear planetary Mother Gaia to transmute Her Planetary Body into the Fifth Dimension.
However, please remember that “the darkest night is just before dawn,” and Gaia, as well as the many living beings that Gaia offers as their Home World, are ready to receive the "dawn" of Planetary Ascension into the fifth dimension and beyond.
We, your Galactic Family, wish to remind all of you “Brave Ones” who chose to take an earth vessel during this NOW, and wish to remind you that you are NOT alone. We, the members of your Galactic Family, such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Antarians, the Venusians, as well as other Galactic Families that are also assisting dear Gaia.
We say “Gaia,” rather than Earth because all the Galactic Members call the planet on which you are currently living “Gaia.” We, the joint members of your Galactic Family, are aware of the many challenges that are now occurring to your selves, as well as to your planet. 
Part of the reason for these challenges is that there are those in positions of power that are not evolved enough, yet, to realize that Planet Earth is a Living Being, with all the needs and protections that the humans need.
There have been times in Gaia’s history in which Gaia’s Earth was honored and even worshiped by those who live on Her Planetary Self. Unfortunately, there has also been eras in which there were wars of persons against persons that caused great damage to Gaia and all Her Elementals.
Unfortunately, many humans do not even know what an Elemental is, therefore we will remind you. We say “remind you,” as we, your Galactic Family, remember the true Multidimensional Being that is you innate SELF. 
Within your innate Multidimensional Being you are able to communicate and commune with all the myriad humans, animals, birds, fish, insects, as well as all the trees, mountains, valleys, and even the air and the atmosphere.
What if more and more members of the human family began to remember that they, humans, are as much a component of Gaia’s Earth as every component of Gaia’s great body called Earth.
Of course, we Arcturians, as well as all the Galactics, call the planet known as “Earth” by many humans, Gaia. Gaia is the higher dimensional name for what the third dimensionals call Earth. The “Lost Ones” wearing an earth vessel have long ago forgotten that the planet on which they live is, in fact, a living being. 
When we, the Arcturians, say “Lost Ones,” we refer to the many brave ones who left their own fifth dimensional Home worlds, such as the Arcturians, The Pleiadians, The Antarians, and The Venusians to assist their sister planet Gaia with the great challenge that she is facing within this now. 
It appears that the too many humans on Gaia’s Earth have forgotten that Gaia is a living being, just as all the other planets, as well as all the beings, plants, waterways and atmosphere of Gaia’s Earth Body.
Yes, just as humans are the essence that is wearing their human form, Gaia is the is essence that is wearing a Planetary Form. The “primitive” humans were well aware of the fact that ALL life was ALIVE. However, as humans evolved, which in many ways they actually devolved, they lost contact with their own “Higher Dimensional Expressions of SELF.”
“How can one loose contact with their own self?” we hear you ask us. We, the Arcturians, have also been puzzled and greatly distraught about how did our brave fifth dimensional ones loose their Multidimensional Essence once they took on a third dimensional form on a third dimensional planet?
We, your Galactic Family, have tried to understand how this “loss of SELF” became so common once one of our Galactic Family Members lowered their essence and form into the third dimensional frequency of reality.
Worse yet, because there are too many humans, and too many leaders, who have forgotten their own Higher Dimensional Self, they cannot effectively confront and deal with the MANY harsh challenges that Gaia, as well as all the living beings on Her Earth Body, are facing within this NOW on Earth,
We say “Earth” here rather than Gaia, as Gaia is the Essence of Earth. Just as humans have higher dimensional potentials within their aura, Earth also has many higher dimensional potentials within Her aura. 
Unfortunately, the “lost humans” (meaning the humans who have lost their connection to their own higher dimensional SELF) are unable to even realize and confront the great challenges that need to be confronted in order to assist their dear planetary Mother Gaia to transmute Her Planetary Body into the Fifth Dimension.
However, please remember that “the darkest night is just before dawn,” and Gaia, as well as the many living beings that Gaia offers as their Home World, are ready to receive the "dawn" of Planetary Ascension into the fifth dimension and beyond.
Blessings to  you all,
Gaia and ALL Her Planetary Family
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 08:01
Segunda-feira, 02 / 03 / 20

Many Humans Have Forgotten that Gaia is a Living Being.


Many Humans Have Forgotten that Gaia is a Living Being.


The Arcturians.

By Suzanne Lie


Posted March 1st, 2020.

Dear Arcturians
Do you have a message that I can share today?
Yes, today, and every day, we, your Galactic Family, have a message for each and every one of our brave grounded ones.  These Grounded Ones who took on an earth vessel during this NOW face great planetary challenge. 
We, your Galactic Family, wish to remind all of you “Brave Ones” who chose to take an earth vessel during this NOW, and wish to remind you that you are NOT alone. We, the members of your Galactic Family, such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Antarians, the Venusians, as well as other Galactic Families are also assisting dear Gaia, also assisting those of you who are wearing a human earth vessel.
We say “Gaia,” rather than Earth because all the Galactic Members call the planet on which you are currently living “Gaia.” We, the joint members of your Galactic Family, are aware of the many challenges that are now occurring to your selves, as well as to your planet. 
Part of the reason for these challenges is that there are those in positions of power that are not evolved enough, yet, to realize that Planet Earth is a Living Being, with all the needs and protections that the humans need.
There have been times in Gaia’s history in which Gaia’s Earth was honored and even worshiped by those who lived on Her Planetary Self. Unfortunately, there has also been eras in which there were wars of persons against persons that caused great damage to Gaia and all Her Elementals.
Unfortunately, many humans do not even know what an Elemental is, therefore we will remind you. We say “remind you,” as we, your Galactic Family, remember the true Multidimensional Being that is you innate SELF. 
Within your innate Multidimensional Being you are able to communicate and commune with all the myriad humans, animals, birds, fish, insects, as well as all the trees, mountains, valleys, and even the air and the atmosphere.
What if more and more members of the human family began to remember that they, the humans, are as much a component of Gaia’s Earth as every other component of Gaia’s great body, which is often called Earth.
Of course, we Arcturians, as well as all the Galactics, call the planet known as “Earth” by many humans, Gaia. Gaia is the higher dimensional name for what the third dimensionals call Earth. The “Lost Ones” wearing an earth vessel have long ago forgotten that the planet on which they live is, in fact, a living being. 
When we, the Arcturians, say, “Lost Ones,” we refer to the many brave ones who left their own fifth dimensional home worlds, such as Arcturus, The Pleiadians, Antares and The Venusians to assist their sister planet Gaia with the great challenge that she is facing within this now. 
It appears that the too many humans on Gaia’s Earth have forgotten that Gaia is a living being, just like all the other planets, as well as all the beings, plants, waterways and atmosphere of Gaia’s Earth Body.
Yes, just as humans are the essence that is wearing their human form, Gaia is the is essence that is wearing a Planetary Form. The “primitive” humans were well aware of the fact that ALL life was ALIVE. However, as humans evolved, which in many ways they actually devolved, they lost contact with their own “Higher Dimensional Expressions of SELF.”
“How can one loose contact with their own self?” we hear you ask us. We, the Arcturians, have also been puzzled and greatly distraught about how did our brave fifth dimensional ones loose their Multidimensional Essence once they took on a third dimensional form on a third dimensional planet?
We, your Galactic Family, have tried to understand how this “loss of SELF” became so common once one of our Galactic Family Members lowered their essence and form into the third dimensional frequency of reality.
Worse yet, because there are too many humans, and too many leaders, who have forgotten their own Higher Dimensional Self, they cannot effectively confront and deal with the MANY harsh challenges that Gaia, as well as all the living beings on Her Earth Body, are facing within this NOW on Earth.
We say “Earth” here rather than Gaia, as Gaia is the Essence of Earth. Just as humans have higher dimensional potentials within their aura, Earth also has many higher dimensional potentials within Her aura. 
Unfortunately, the “lost humans” (meaning the humans who have lost their connection to their own higher dimensional SELF) are unable to realize and confront the great challenges that need to be resolved in order to assist their dear planetary Mother Gaia to transmute Her Planetary Body into the Fifth Dimension.
However, please remember that, “The darkest night is just before dawn!” And Gaia, as well as the many living beings that Gaia offers as their Home World, are ready to receive the "dawn" of Planetary Ascension into the fifth dimension and beyond.

We thank all of these beings of Light and know that more and more Higher Dimensional Beings will be able to openly visit Earth as the humans begin to remember their true Multidimensional SELF. We, the members of Gaia's higher dimensional reality are ready to assist any person or being that is ready to transmute back into their true fifth dimensional SELF.
Blessings from your Galactic Family
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 04:08
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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