A Chama da Ascensão


Terça-feira, 19 / 05 / 20

Gaia está equilibrada, respirando, limpa e em profunda paz.

Gaia está equilibrada, respirando, limpa e em profunda paz.

Aieshla de Oceana.

Através de Galaxygirl.

em 17 de maio de 2020. 

Tradução a 19 de maio de 2020


Eu sou Aieshla de Nova Gaia.

Conversamos anteriormente, já há algum tempo. Estou convocando esta chamada de amor a vocês do mundo oceânico de Nova Gaia. É mais difícil canalizar do fundo do mar, mas acredito que este canal esteja pronto para o desafio!

(Farei o meu melhor, Aieshla! Vejo uma cidade dourada com estruturas de cristal em forma de bolha ao seu redor. Vejo tritões de todas as cores nadando, felizes. Os peixes são cores vivas, não há coral porque são muitos. Vejo raios de sol sendo colhidos do sol brilhando diretamente nos telhados das bolhas, para que haja muita luz. O oceano vibra com vida e felicidade. Os tritões parecem ocupados e felizes, há muito que fazer, mas eles estão gostando do que fazem. É um lugar pacífico e de muita quietude).

Sim! Sou Aieshla do reino Oceana de Nova Gaia. Falo com vocês agora como representante do meu povo. Desejamos recebê-los em seu novo lar vibratório, aqueles que escolheram o caminho mais alto e estreito da ascensão. É uma estrada solitária, mas nesta solidão é feita com a verdadeira paz interior dourada dentro. Tal é o tesouro no fim do arco-íris proverbial. Há muitos arco-íris aqui em Nova Gaia e nós coletamos suas energias para alimentar nossas naves.

(Vejo naves subaquáticas. Suas naves são aquáticas e completamente climatizadas de acordo com suas necessidades, sim, elas podem viajar para as estrelas). 

Sim, podemos viajar para as estrelas, mas preferimos ficar e ajudar a construir e co-criar o novo reino, Oceana, com nossos humanos ascendentes. 

(Vejo que os humanos já estão em Nova Gaia, coexistem enquanto digito).

Sou Aieshla, espero que vocês tenha gostado de ver o vislumbre da nossa bela cidade que está se expandindo e crescendo com um propósito alegre dia após dia. Neste ponto, os oceanos foram recentemente limpos e purgados dos detritos humanos, a vida aquática é muito saudável e cheia de vida. Gaia está equilibrada, respirando, clara e em profunda paz. Ela está em paz, pois seus filhos finalmente estão em casa e em paz nas águas interiores de suas próprias almas, pois a guerra não existe mais.

É como um sonho que é facilmente esquecido, apenas lições lembradas. Se alguém optar por se lembrar profundamente, pode ir à biblioteca, mas após a limpeza e a cura já não é realmente necessário, a maioria das pessoas escolhe seguir em frente e criar novamente. Pois o universo está sempre criando. A fonte está sempre em expansão. Há muito que fazer na movimentada Oceana. Nunca há um momento de tédio, mas há muitos momentos de paz agradável e ainda propósito de ser. Todos aqui sabem de sua conexão interna com a Fonte e o livre arbítrio não é violado de nenhuma forma. As trevas foram removidas à força ou de boa vontade, pois não podem vibrar tão alto. 

Gostariam de ver meu jardim? 

(Vejo colunas bem cultivadas de algas flutuantes de várias cores usadas para fins medicinais. Também vejo fileiras de moluscos entre as alas. As plantas estão vivas, os moluscos e os caramujos estão muito felizes a limpar as algas. É uma relação coesa). 

As plantas oferecem seu valor nutricional e compartilham seu poder com todos que precisam. Não comemos as criaturas do mar aqui, elas são nossas amigas. Trabalhamos com elas e ao lado delas, cuidando do jardim de Gaia.

Eu sou herbertista. Preparo cataplasmas das várias plantas oceânicas para os necessitados. Não há doença aqui, mas coletamos mais energias de cura interior para aqueles que são feridos em suas aventuras para que possam se curar mais rapidamente. Existem muitas maneiras de utilizar as propriedades medicinais e os compostos moleculares das variedades de plantas marinhas. É minha alegria pesquisar e criar novos cataplasmas para a superfície e o mundo interior de Nova Gaia.

Venho fazendo isso há 2 anos. Tenho mais um ano antes do término do meu estágio e gostaria de aprender um novo empreendimento de minha própria escolha. Vou transmitir meus conhecimentos para que todos beneficiem e treinarei o aprendiz que deve me substituir. Espero continuar estudando as plantas, mas talvez eu aprenda novas maneiras de colher e cultivar?

Gostaria de aprender mais sobre como fazer isso em nossas naves aquáticas, para que o transporte dessas plantas e sementes a outros sistemas estelares seja possível! Desejo que vocês sintam a emoção disso, nunca há um momento de tédio aqui no multiverso nunca falta nada, há muita emoção que se pode cultivar e criar à própria escolha.

Estou tremendamente empolgada em poder participar dessa canalização subaquática. Não gosto rotineiramente de canalizar debaixo d'água, as bolhas atrapalham e, se houver qualquer escuridão, poderá escapar e outras pessoas sequestrar com mais facilidade. Esta é uma mensagem clara ao canal, porque estas águas são as águas cristalinas de Oceana, minha casa.

Estou tão emocionada por estender a mão e tocá-los, ascendendo em sua Gaia atual! Tudo ficará bem. Vejam, ainda há muita alegria e emoção a alcançar e chegar dentro. A taxa vibratória que vocês procuram está dentro de vocês. Cheguem dentro. Encontrem as águas calmas e cristalinas do seu novo lar e fiquem em paz.

Sou Aieshla de Oceana.

Toco meu terceiro olho nos vossos. Aplico minha mais nova criação de cataplasma para ativar ainda mais suas habilidades intuitivas. Vocês estão quase em casa. Por favor, venham me visitar à Oceana. É um lugar encantador. O mundo da superfície não tem nada sobre nós, gostamos de dizer! É claro que na vossa forma humana ascendida é facilmente possível viajar para cá, pois vocês simplesmente se transformam na sua forma aquática.

(Ouço a água cantar. A água está viva).

Sim, galaxygirl. A água também está viva em vosso mundo, mas os controladores sabiam disso e colocavam produtos químicos para diminuir a sua capacidade. É muito importante que vocês limpem sua água antes de beber, que a abençoe. Por que vocês não imbuem nas vibrações cristalinas de Oceana? Então vocês sentirão ainda mais como se estivesse bebendo um pouco do lar. Preciso voltar pra cuidar de minhas algas e experimentos. Muito obrigada.

Abundância de bênçãos, queridos amigos. Meu coração é vosso. Vos amo.

Sou Aieshla.


Site Pincipal: http://achama.biz.ly/
Para outros artigos espirituais e denúncias por favor visite:
BitChute Channel do Jordan Sather

Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
A religião organizada é desnecessária à espiritualidade.
Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dogmático dessas religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcançar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.

Por favor, respeitem todos os créditos

Recomenda-se o discernimento.

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Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.


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publicado por achama às 07:52
Terça-feira, 19 / 05 / 20

Gaia is balanced, breathing, clear, and at deep peace.

Gaia is balanced, breathing, clear, and at deep peace.

Aieshla of Oceana.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

May 17th, 2020.

 am Aieshla of Nova Gaia. 

I have talked with this one previously but not for some time. I am summoning this clarion call of love to you from the oceanic world of Nova Gaia. It is trickier to channel under the sea but I believe this channel is up for the challenge!

(I will do my best, Aieshla! I am seeing a golden city with bubble-like structures of crystal surrounding them. I am seeing merfolk of all colors swimming, happy. The fish are bright colors, there is no coral because it is too deep. I am seeing beams of sunlight being harvested from the sun shining directly into the bubble roofs so that there is plenty of light. The ocean hums with life and happiness. The merfolk look busy and happy, there is much to do but they are enjoying doing it. It is a peaceful place. There is a stillness here).

Yes! I am Aieshla of the Oceana realm of Nova Gaia. I speak to you now as representative of my people. We wish to welcome you to your new vibratory home, those of you who have chosen the higher and narrow path of ascension. It is a lonely road, but in this loneliness true inner peace with the golden one within, is made. Such is the treasure at the end of the proverbial rainbow. There are many rainbows here in Nova Gaia and we harvest their energies to power our ships. 
(I am seeing underwater ships. Their ships are aquatic and completely climate controlled to their needs, yes, they are able to travel to the stars). Yes, we can travel to the stars, but we mostly prefer to stay and help to build and co-create the new realm, Oceana, with our ascended human ones. (I am seeing that humans are already on Nova Gaia, that it is co-existing as I type).
I am Aieshla, I hope that you have enjoyed seeing a glimpse of our beautiful city that is expanding and growing in joyful purpose day by day. At this point, the oceans have been recently cleared and cleansed from human debris and the aquatic life is very healthy, teeming with life. Gaia is balanced, breathing, clear, and at deep peace. She is at peace for her children are finally home, at peace within the inner waters of their own souls for the war is no more. 
It is like a dream that is easily forgotten, only lessons remembered. If one chooses to deeply remember they may go to the library but after the cleansing and the healing that is not really necessary and most people choose to move onward and create anew. For the universe is always creating. Source is always expanding. There is much to do in busy Oceana. There is never a dull moment but there are many moments of delightful peace and still purpose of being. Everyone here knows their inner connection with Source and freewill is not violated in any form. The dark ones have been forcibly or willingly removed as they cannot vibrate this high.
Would you like to see my garden? (I am seeing neatly cultivated columns of floating seaweed of many colors that are used for medicinal purposes. I am seeing also rows of mollusks in between the rows. The plants are alive, the clams and snails are very happy with cleaning the seaweed. It is cohesive relationship). The plants offer their nutritional value and share their power with all who need it. We do not eat the sea creatures here but they are our friends. We work with them alongside them, tending Gaia’s garden. 
I am an herbalist. I prepare poultices of the various oceanic plants for those in need. There is no sickness here but we harvest further inner healing energies so that those who are injured from their escapades of adventure can heal more quickly. There are many ways to utilize the medicinal properties and molecular compounds of the varieties of sea plants. It is my joy to research and create new poultices for the surface and inner world of Nova Gaia. 
I have been doing this for 2 years now. I have one more year before my internship is complete and then I will enjoy learning a new endeavor of my own choosing. I will pass along my knowledge so that all will benefit and I will train the apprentice who is to follow. I hope to continue studying the plants but perhaps I will learn new ways to harvest and cultivate? 
I would enjoy learning more about how to do this on our aquatic ships so that transport of these plants and seedings to other star systems would be possible! I wish for you to feel the excitement in this, there is never a dull moment here in the multiverse. You will never lack for anything, there is plenty of excitement that you can build and create of your own choosing. 
I am tremendously excited to be able to participate in this underwater channeling. This one does not routinely like to channel underwater, the bubbles get in the way and if there is any murkiness others can slip through and hijack more easily. But this is a clear channel message because these are crystal clear waters of Oceana, my home. 
I am so thrilled to reach out and touch you, ascending ones on your current Gaia! All will be well. See, there is much joy and excitement to yet reach for. Reach within. The vibratory rate that you seek is within you. Reach within. Find the still, crystal clear waters of your new home and be at peace.
I am Aieshla of Oceana. 
I touch my third eye to yours. I apply my newest poultice creation to further activate your intuitive abilities. You are nearly home. Please come and visit me in Oceana. It is a lovely place. The surface world has nothing on us, we like to say! Of course in your ascended human form it is easily possible to travel here, for you simply morph into your mer form. 
(I am hearing the water sing. The water is alive). 
Yes, galaxygirl. The water is also alive on your world but the controllers knew this and put chemicals in it to lessen its ability. It is very important that you cleanse your water before you drink it, that you bless it. Why don’t you imbue it with the crystal vibes of Oceana? Then you will even more feel like you are drinking in a little bit of home. I need to get back to tending my seaweeds and experiments. Thank you so much. 
Blessings abound, dear friends. My heart is yours. I love you. 
I am Aieshla.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 05:45
Quinta-feira, 30 / 04 / 20

Deitem-se e Descansem.

Deitem-se e Descansem.

Mensagem da Luz estelar dos Unicórnios.

Canalizado por Galaxygirl.

em 27 de abril de 2020. 

Tradução a 29 de abril de 2020


Saudações humanas do coração de Gaia, que têm a atenção de muitos.
Eu sou a luz estelar dos unicórnios.

Agora nos aproximamos das sementes estelares para ativação, encorajamento e grande alegria. Pois há muito esperamos nossa reunião com a humanidade ascendida.

Sou a luz estrelar. Nossa raça é poderosa, somos muitos. Estamos muito vivos, mas fomos mantidos fora da sua matriz de realidade atual por causa das energias discordantes vibracionais.

Temos uma alta vibração cristalina, somos da quinta dimensão e acima, como é o requisito para canalização. Desejamos oferecer a vocês códigos de luz do arco-íris de nossos chifres, uma extensão de nosso terceiro olho, para suas testas, para ativar seu portal de terceiro olho.

Desejamos que essa energia flua ainda mais em seus corações, sentindo essa codificação vibracional do amor, da renovação e do lar das realidades dimensionais mais elevadas. Estamos ao seu redor, fora da sua visão.

Quando vocês servem, criam, visualizam a Nova Terra, estamos nessa frequência de energia. Somos criaturas simples, mas fortes à nossa luz. Gostamos de trabalhar com muitos mestres que desejam aprimorar seu fluxo criativo, enquanto nossos raios de energia luminosa se concentram e aguçam intenções que são puras, para criar com maior velocidade.

Já ocupamos sua Nova Gaia, nossa nova casa. Transferimos a residência para suas ricas terras verdes, seus campos prontos para a corrida e nossos jovens potros desfrutam da liberdade de seus amplos espaços abertos e de delicadas ervas e flores. Estamos enviando imagens, esse sentimento de lar para vocês, para refresco, para encorajamento.

Sou a luz das estelar da raça unicórnio, um líder da minha espécie.
Não tomo meu papel de ânimo leve, pois falo como a voz de muitos, uma grande honra e fardo. É preciso ser atencioso e cuidadoso com poder e responsabilidade. Nos reinos mais elevados, todas as vozes são ouvidas e consideradas com grande pensamento e intenção, de modo que todas as necessidades sejam revisadas, consideradas, e o maior bem de todos esteja sempre na vanguarda do processo de tomada de decisão. Assim será em Nova Gaia.

Vocês, futuros líderes de Nova Gaia, seus atuais portadores mais iluminados da humanidade sonolenta, seus papéis serão muitos. Mas animem-se, alegrem-se, sabendo que vocês desfrutarão completamente desses papéis de liderança, pois cada um deles foi projetado exclusivamente para vocês e seus pontos fortes e necessidades. E, portanto, servir verdadeiramente será uma alegria para vocês, em qualquer capacidade que sirvam.

Descansem nesses prados verdejantes com sombra manchada de nossos amigos das árvores e luz solar suave do sol. As flores os cercam num anel de fadas. Deitem-se e descansem. Nós unicórnios de todas as cores os cercamos do lado de fora deste anel, chifres apontados para dentro em direção à sua assinatura de energia, acendendo-a, enviando amor e imbuindo-lhes paz.

Os próximos dias parecem incertos na sus nave e, no entanto, o resultado é garantido. Nova Gaia chama alto e com grande beleza para aqueles que têm ouvidos para ouvir e o coração dos aventureiros da luz que vocês são. Venham.

A mudança já ocorreu dentro de muitos de vocês, pois seus destinos foram registrado nos salões de registros como alguém que fez o impossível com grande força e alegria. Nós assistimos. Estamos assistindo Gaia a se curar atualmente. É uma visão bonita. Este momento de espaço de quarentena foi muito curador para maio. Enviamos raios curativos de tons de arco-íris para vocês e para o seu mundo e assistimos a transformação com a respiração suspensa.

Sou a luz estelar da raça unicórnio.

Estamos gratos a vocês pelo seu ato de serviço à Mãe Gaia. Sua bravura é lendária, assim como nossa pureza. Enviamos nossa pureza de cura aos guerreiros fatigados ​​que estão um pouco enlameados e ensanguentados de suas incursões aos reinos inferiores. Paz. Sintam a brisa suave de Nova Gaia.

Vocês têm muitos novos amigos esperando para encontrá-los do outro lado da cortina. Vemos paz e descanso para vocês e, em seguida, grande alegria em servir e criar mais. Para tal é a receita da aventura. A fonte delicia-se com a aventura e, como tal, vocês também. Tenham certeza de que haverá muitas alegrias para experimentar, muitas aventuras felizes a serem realizadas. Estejam cientes de que vocês terão muitas oportunidades para maior expansão, como sempre.

Sou a luz das estelar. Eu envio um pouco da minha luz para vocês. Eu toco minha buzina no seu terceiro olho. Sintam o calor, sintam o giro.

A luz dos unicórnios foi procurada por seu poder ao longo dos tempos e, portanto, encontramos abrigo nos reinos mais elevados. Nós somos muito parecidos convosco. Nós também fomos perseguidos por nossa luz e nossa espécie se escondeu para servir à distância, emprestando nossa luz, nosso amor, nossa pureza de um lugar seguro. Mas vocês foram os corajosos, ao serviço de todos, dos outros, vocês escolheram brilhar sua luz repetidas vezes, derretendo a escuridão, transformando-a em luz que vemos como sendo manifestada em Nova Gaia. Nós inclinamos nossas cabeças para vocês, guerreiros do caminho.

Estamos ao seu serviço. Aceitem essas vibrações de cura e sejam confortados. A luz venceu. Permaneçam aqui neste santuário interno o tempo que quiserem. Nossos potros estão ansiosos para encontrar um guerreiro do caminho.

Cuidado, eles têm muita energia! 

Em breve novamente, sim. 
Em breve novamente, sim. 


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Site Pincipal: http://achama.biz.ly/
Para outros artigos espirituais e denúncias por favor visite:
BitChute Channel do Jordan Sather

Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
A religião organizada é desnecessária à espiritualidade.
Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dogmático dessas religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcançar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.

Por favor, respeitem todos os créditos

Recomenda-se o discernimento.

Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade do respetivos autores ou editores


Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.


Individualmete pode-se ser ajudado a encontrar a própria Verdade que é diferente a cada um de nós.


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publicado por achama às 04:18
Terça-feira, 10 / 03 / 20

Time is Malleable, and is Rippling More Often than Not.

Time is Malleable, and is Rippling More Often than Not.

Archangel Collective.  

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

March 7, 2020.




Welcome dear friends of the light, of the way. 
We are the Archangel Collective. 
We hold our multi-colored swords up high in honor of our light bearers. We are many. Some of you have record of us in your ancient texts, but most remain anonymous from your records, for there are so many of us. We honor and serve the Creator with all that we are. We are delighted to see that many of you are beginning to do the same and are stepping up into your role as leaders of Nova Gaia. We were considering saying “future leaders of Nova Gaia” but we do desire to portray the immanency of our words.
For time is malleable, and is rippling more often than not. This one experienced a large time jump today. This is happening more and more regularly to many of you as you are adjusting to the higher light frequencies. Like clear water, the dimensions exist stacked one on top of one another. The lower the dimensions the muddier the waters. We hope that this analogy makes sense. And so, when one puts a foot into the pond and starts moving in the water, it is difficult to say which part of the body remains in which part of water, for all is in motion.
This is an apt depiction of what a multidimensional experience is like, for you are all experiencing different layers of dimensional water simultaneously. As a human form you are, or at least have very well been, encased within a solid form. As you know, as your scientists admit, there is much space in between the in-betweens. Space exists within the atoms on the smallest most minute level. The heartbeat of the universe lies within the spaces. You are the universe encased in form. We wish for you to see and feel this fact, for humans have been conditioned to believe that they are small and they are anything but. Atoms dance and spin and within them, exists worlds of realms you have yet to discover. This is where the magic of creation comes in, friends. There is so much more to discover.
We are the Archangelic Collective. We are working nonstop for the ascension and progression of humanity upon Gaia, to morph into her higher dimensional light. We offer our many-colored rays to you in service. Utilize them. Invite us to work with the frequencies of colors needed for your auric cleansing, for your stability, for your morphing. You are exhausted and the time jumps, energy upgrades and auric cleansing post attacks, have been harrowing and yet you continue to shine. We wish to surround you with your permission. We surround you with the rainbow hues of our swords of many rays. (I am seeing angels of all races surrounding me with swords upheld, creating a pillar of rainbow light, running through us into the crystal heart of Gaia and up into heaven. I am seeing this crystal heart begin to spin in a vortex of rainbow crystal hues, spinning, spinning. It is windy. There is much wind extending up from the vortex beneath all of us, up through the earth. The wind extends through both poles of Gaia. I am seeing the rainbow rays begin to create a grid within Gaia). Yes, we are creating further additions to the already existing crystalline grid of Nova Gaia, of 5D. (It is a multi-layered grid of mobile gold and sparkling light. It is joyful, multi-layered to infinity. As far as I can see, all around are moving, alive layers of light, like clock gears all spinning in their own way, forming and creating a solid form. I am seeing this within the hearts of the grid holders as well. We are taking on this form within our human insides). True, there is much in the process of creation in this now.
We are the Archangelic Collective. Call to us, remember this meditation. We have activated your rainbow codexes further, to spur you on in your ascension and you have been an integral part with furthering the rainbow body bridge. We serve the Creator with great joy and naturally we are in service to you. We will protect and defend. Create this rainbow bubble of light around you, should you desire to feel our presence more permanently. It will serve you well in the coming days. All is well, warriors of the light, of the way. We are offering you your own sword in return for this massive assistance. You have always had one but have misplaced it perhaps, over millennia of incarnations into the dark for self-discovery. Your soul name is on the blade. Wield it for the light, always. The darkness is past, all that remains are angry wisps of smoke. This sword dissolves anger and fear. Keep it near you. Send light to all you meet. We are the Archangelic Collective. We are always nearby, should you require assistance or wish to delve further into this meditative state with us, where we may speak more clearly with you. Peace. We love you!







Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:33
Quarta-feira, 19 / 02 / 20

Pepper Your Consciousness With Light.

Pepper Your Consciousness With Light.

Trees and Fairies of Nova Gaia.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

February 17, 2020.

Greetings friends of the light, of the way, of the inner Christ. 
We are the Trees of Nova Gaia. 
We are sending you light encodements through the ruffling of our many green leaves. Can you see and feel the light beams streaming in between our leaves onto your upturned faces? Let these light codes of hope, of new beginnings, pepper your consciousness with light. Many of you have been feeling downtrodden by these stirrings of muddy waters on your surface world. The silt is being strained so that the crystal clear waters may reemerge blameless, pure, sparkling with light.
We are the Trees of Nova Gaia. 
We are ancient in our knowing. We will house many of you in exquisite homes nestled within our branches. Some may choose to live in the crystal caves that permeate our root systems. Some may prefer the flatlands. We are the trees speaking from the coastal areas of Nova Gaia. We have adapted easily for the elements here are not harsh like you are currently used to. Sea breeze mixes well with our green glowing leaves. We enjoy the salt, the breeze, the winds are gentle on us. We are mighty, massive trees. We enjoy our large forms that further anchor the light into Nova Gaia’s many electrical light systems. 
Love is in the air here, it always is. Love of self, of others, love of all is all around. We love ourselves, and we wish dearly that you light workers would begin to unlock this code and learn to love, to really love yourselves. For your inner child is crying out for healing, many of you. It is ok to cry, to weep for this allows healing. Light enters where the woundings have been. Allow us to please enlighten your forms further. It is time for the light worker to explore true, deep, authentic self love. For then and only then will your twin be able to deeply reach you. When you loathe a part of yourself you are in loathing of a part of the Christed consciousness and of your own beloved twin. No more self down talk.
We are the Trees of Nova Gaia. 
We come in all shapes and sizes and yet, we are all uniquely beautiful. So too we see upon the surface of your world humans come in all sizes, shapes, forms. It is time to embrace all aspects of yourself for you are all Source in form, and we believe it is the time for you to embrace this fact. And so, embrace your flaws for they have become your strengths. They are a part of your story to tell. And your story of this embodiment will be a great strength to the others as you teach, as you lead, as you lend your love and light to the others. But first you must allow yourself to love all parts of you.
We are the Trees of Nova Gaia, coastal regions. 
Allow us to nestle you with our branches. Climb up high, be young and free. See, you are safe here, you cannot fall. For there is no death here. Hear the children laughing on the breeze. See the giggling fairies fly by giving you a flower of the most beautiful electric blue. Tuck it behind your ear, hold it to your heart. Feel the warmth of our sunny bark behind your back and lean in. Feel the dappling of light through our leaves. 
Be at peace, dear one. You were not meant to hold the weight of the world on your shoulders alone. We see the light workers are carrying more than their share. We see allowing of others hands to be imminent. Allow. Allow your team, including the trees, allow the higher aspects of you, of your ancestors to support you, to nurture you. For this is not an easy quest and even Frodo had his faithful companion Sam. Things did not go well for Frodo when he cut Sam out, did they? No, they did not. We say these things for many of you have experienced the story of the Lord of the Rings in one way or another. 
Timelines flip and fold, aspects jump and merge. You are familiar. It is time for the Lightworkers to join hands with those outstretched to them and to find hope in this union. Allow us to be the strong comfort, the feeling of home that you have been so longing for. For you have felt so alone, so cut off, and your earth has never felt like home to many of you. That is because your home is of the higher light, of the blissful state, where all is light and love and joy and peace. This is the vibration of home that you are becoming, that you are remembering to welcome deep within your crystal hearts. This is the home that you seek. It is within you.
We are the Trees of Nova Gaia. 
Smell the sea wind. Feel your tendrils blow in the wind. It is the perfect temperature here. You will never sunburn. You will never be too hot or too cold unless you seek that experience. You can create with your mind. (I am seeing a flower form in my hand as I create it. The colors here cannot be described, they are alive, bright, glowing). 
Galaxygirl, you are not alone in your desire to meet your soul family. You have tremendous support, all of you. Bring this vibration of home, of Nova Gaia deep within your heart spaces and perhaps you will feel less lonely for you have truly connected. Be truly at peace. The trees are not easily uprooted. We are only uprooted when we choose to change places, locations. (I am seeing massive trees stand and walk easily). 
We do this when our perspective needs to change. Many of you are feeling the need to literally uproot and change locations and many of you are wishing that you could hop here right now. We say to you dear ones, precious fractals, not yet, but soon. The more of this vibration of home that you have the sooner you pull this experience into you. Be at peace. Feel at home. We are the Trees of Nova Gaia whispering peace and love to you.
Hello, hello! 
We are the fairies of Nova Gaia and we are preparing a special welcome ceremony for you, dear hearts of the light! And we are so tremendously excited for you to be joining us, for the weather is sublime here and you always feel good. 
We are excited because the energies of your surface world are high enough that we have been able to take sneak peaks of you and you of us, which is so unique. 
This has not happened for so long, because your realm was like slogging through mud and our realm like a perfect spring day with no mud, silly but true! And now little wormholes of light are opening up between our worlds and our fairies friends from long ago are able to fly through and we can chat a bit which is so lovely because we do so love to chat and to catch up for millennia is a long time (laughter) and we are relieved to be able to make contact with our Christed ones! 
For you are carrying so much light that we have prepared flower wreathes for you and with your permission, would you please let us crown you? 
We have flowers of all colors and sizes here in wreaths for your heads and they are filled with the most glorious feelings of peace, of love, of joy, of reconnection and they will make you want to reconnect more fully to yourself, to your soul families and they will function kind of like an antenna for you, so that you feel more connected, more heard, more loved! 
Although you are so tremendously loved we are shocked that you can’t feel it and so we send it to you now from the fairy kingdoms to the peopley kingdom! We love you!
We are the Fairies of Nova Gaia. Please wear your flower crowns, you deserve them, you have earned them and they will make you feel extra sparkly in the days ahead as there is a bit more mud to trudge through, yucky! And we are so thankful for this time, for this experience. 
We love you so much! We are the Fairies of Nova Gaia. Remember your crowns are as beautiful as you are! (Much giggling and laughter as they fly away, leaving streams of glowing flowers flowing softly on the breezy trail behind them).

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 19:26
Segunda-feira, 27 / 05 / 19

Gaia is one of many water planets. ~ Merpeople Collective, Galaxy.

Gaia is one of many water planets.

Message from Merpeople Collective of Nova Gaia.

Channeled by Galaxy.

May 22nd, 2019.



Hello human friends, friends of the light, keepers of ascending Gaia. We are the Merpeople Collective of Nova Gaia. We are many. We joyfully patrol the waters of Nova Gaia, filling them with yet more light. For we are light in form, as are you, human protectors of Ascending Gaia. Your role is not to be under estimated, or over estimated. All roles are equal, all roles are important. All are perfectly fitted puzzle pieces creating the most beautiful image of glowing ascended Gaia. Your light is much needed. Your threads of light are an integral piece of this cosmic tapestry. Some threads have been sewn many many times, representing many earthen sojourns on this once difficult terrain, this place where darkness played and the light attempted to understand it.
Gaia is one of many water planets. Her once pristine oceans will become so again. We will assist, we are already assisting in our own way, harmonically cleaning and clearing away the emotional debris of humanity’s waste products. We too long for Gaia to be as gleaming in your now-and-space as in our now-and-space. For we are on the ascended, glittering, perfect crystal-clear waters of Nova Gaia. Very soon we will be able to easily pass through many portals that are opening all over your water world like Swiss cheese and we shall pass through most easily. (We choose the image of Swiss cheese for many of you have eaten such animal products. We do not. The analogy remains). Portals opening are not as rare as you may think. Think of the Stargate in your TV shows, of your government secret space-ops that will be and are quickly coming to light. Portals are a simplistic way of bending space time, and in our case, the energetics of water are easily manipulated, in light, in love. We have ascended beyond manipulation and need of power over or of control. Flow, understanding love, these are the tools that most interest us in this now moment. Protecting and preserving our planetary mother, Gaia, our sphere of perfection, is our most important mission in this now.
We are stewards of the water. We partner with the cetaceans and the other water creatures who hold their own unique creation song, creating the oceanic symphony of many harmonies. It is time for the humans to find their own harmonics and to write their own symphony of overcoming, of reunion, of bliss, of joy. We see joy exploding in pockets on your planetary surfaces like joyful fireworks of light. We see bliss becoming the normal status quo for many of our ascending ones, our Nova Gaians with a foot in each realm of worlds. You are very busy when you slumber. You may ask to swim with us in your dreams on your journeys into your new ascended world. The energies are shifting, rising, climbing and humanity, those who have chosen, are rising the tide of this massive love burst from our dear friend Alcyone, and it is most magnificent. The harmonics, the energetics of your Gaia’s waters are changing, morphing, climbing. Lower energy signatures such as radiation will not be compatible with this increase in energy. Such is a good thing for your waters have been very contaminated, without the truth being fully relayed to you surface dwellers. The time of such unveilings, revelations is here now in your reality. Stand in your truth. Stand in your light. Swim with the current of these higher energies and become embraced by Gaia herself. For remember friends, the portals are opening, much change is happening. You can gratefully and joyfully anticipate and participate in much change for the positive.
We are the Ascended Merpeople Collective. We have fought many of our own wars over the ages with many of our own kind. We have been distrustful of humans and removed ourselves from you, whether in the planetary depths, or your inner earth, or higher dimensional spaces. We are ready to swim with our human friends again. We are hominoid adapted to aquatic environments, who tend to the watery depths with great care, compassion and love. We are peaceful. We have dropped our tridents in favor of tools of peace, of music, of harmonics of the sea, for these are lovely tools of tremendous change.
We are the Ascended Merpeople of Nova Gaia. Much change will be needed to heal your Gaia, and much help will be provided. But the ingredient you can most provide is passion for change, passion for peace, passion for Gaia and her creatures. Cleaning up her environment is a natural outward expression of an inward change. Many hands make light work. Many hands, all types of hands and technologies, will pitch in for this massive planetary effort. Our final words would be to trust with the eyes of your heart; trust your heart-eyes much more than what you have seen, or been shown as truth. It is time for fresh vision, for clarity of sight, for deep compassion, for change. Look at Gaia with the eyes of your heart, help her, and be changed alongside with her as she morphs into the higher vibrational encodements that will bless you and all upon her who have chosen the light. Those who have not chosen the light have chosen another path. It will be honored. The time of indecision is long past. The time of the new day is here. Nova Gaia’s doors are shining, open, sparkling, pure, ready for you to step through energetically. Heaven, ascension, is a state of being, a vibration. Be ascended now, right where you are and be masters of form for this realm and change it for the better. Anchor the light. Be at peace. We are eager to meet and speak with our human friends again as we did in days of old when we were friends in Lumeria. We are the Ascended Merpeople Collective of Nova Gaia. We are, as are you.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 00:27
Quinta-feira, 23 / 05 / 19

Holding the vibration of joy, peace, renewal, for cleansing all that no longer serves. ~ Crystal Collective, Galaxy.

The upliftment of humanity, 

for holding the vibration of joy, peace, renewal, for cleansing all that no longer serves.

Message from Crystal Collective of Nova Gaia.

Channeled by Galaxy.

May 19th, 2019.



We are the ascended crystals of Nova Gaia. We are connecting now with our crystalline friends in your realm/reality that is quickly morphing, changing and upgrading as the Great Central Sun bakes and purifies all that is not of the light into light, so that all is light, all is the frequency of love. Ultimately this will be your reality, friends of the way, of the light, of the love, of the out-breath of the Mother of All Things.
We crystals are a unified field of consciousness. When you speak with one of us you speak with the all. This is why crystal work is so beneficial, so healing for the planet. For we are all a unified forcefield of energy, of love. We can be programmed for many purposes. Currently our purpose is for the upliftment of humanity, for holding the vibration of joy, peace, renewal, for cleansing all that no longer serves. We are massive transmuters. So do you see, ground team, how we are all interconnected? For as you morph into crystalline forms, do you see how we will become more like each other? Transmitters, receivers, transducers, love-holders of light in form. That is who we are, that is what we do. We assist our great goddess Mother Gaia in her trajectory towards the higher levels of consciousness. She is a highly, highly evolved being who betook upon herself tremendous sacrifice so that many could experience the game of separation. All was a glorious beautiful plan. The hijack is over. The dark ones are leaving. We send them our healing vibrational encodements, which are meant in love, and we lovingly ask that they depart into the light and leave this place for light only. For that is her mission, her trajectory.
The purpose of Nova Gaia is to be a respite, a healing sanctuary for all upon her, a vast joyful galactic interchange, a meeting place for many to gather data, stories, joy and to be healed, rested in the process. Nova Gaia is to be a home for many of you, our Christed ground team. We say ‘our’ for we are like you in many ways and we are old friends, for we have worked and worked alongside you in happy friendship for so many lifetimes. Why else is the engagement ring typically a crystal? To best hold love. It is the representation of the higher ways, of the higher light, transforming carbon into rainbow fractals of pure light. Diamonds, gemstones in general, are beautiful, hardy, strong. This is what you are becoming friends, quite literally. You are becoming the higher light, beautiful, strong, multi-faceted, embracing your multi-dimensional self, refracting the light into the rainbow hues of inter dimensional light and consciousness, transforming all around you into joy.
Many of you have had neck pain, body pain, for it is uncomfortable to morph, to change and this is precisely what you are doing. Work with us. Lay us on the places that you hurt and we will transmute the pain with you. Create crystal elixirs and drink our essences through the day and we will heal from within. Place us in your bathwater that we may bless you and in turn bless the water elementals with their transmutative efforts, and when the water drains into all other waters, we will have our vibratory encodements in those waters as well, healing the all from dross to light. Love. Be transmuters of love.
We are the ascended crystal collective of Nova Gaia. We are wise, we hold the keys to universal knowledge, as do you friends, as do you. For all is within us, we are all beautiful, lovely emanations of Source. Hold us close to your morphing, expanding heart spaces and be at peace, be comforted. For these are heavy times that are best experienced with lightness of heart and spirit. Allow us to lighten your load. Much is transpiring on your surface world. Remain within the middle point, the zero space of pure creative potential and create your Nova Gaia dreams, morphing them into firm reality.
We are the ascended crystal collective of Nova Gaia. Be at peace and be transformed by these encodements within these words. Continue to align and realign with the higher vibrational energies. Align with the cosmic wave. Imprint this intention with your crystals and we will assist you with this mighty endeavor with joy, ease and bliss. When you do your deep breathing, envision yourself within a crystal sphere filled with light. Breathe in the light of the 12 cosmic rays, of the crystalline sphere that surrounds, that is bursting with the Christed light-flame and breathe out the lower, watching it transmute before your eyes. All becomes light. All becomes healing frequency. Be healed, be transformed, be made new.
We are the ascended crystal collective of Nova Gaia. Be at peace and be transformed by these higher vibrational times into the sturdy multi-faceted true gem that you are. We are the ascended crystalline collective of Nova Gaia. Be at peace.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 00:13
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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