A Chama da Ascensão


Quinta-feira, 05 / 03 / 20

You are so much stronger than you know.

You are so much stronger than you know.

Mother and Father God  

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

March 2, 2020.


Dear children of my heart, I am your Mother God speaking. 
I wish for you to breathe in my energies of love, of peace, of comfort. As a cool breeze delightfully soothes one on a warm day, so too do I soothe your frazzled nerves and your morphing forms with more light. I am surrounding you in shimmering light as a cape. Let this energy surround and comfort you. 
I see you through the eyes of love, through the eye of my heart. You have been informed of the recent collaboration of the stars and their network of light. How lovely, isn’t it? Even the stars are conspiring to lovingly help and assist you! 
You have many friends in high places and you are not alone. Source has learned so much from this experiment as have all of those involved. The richness of this ascension while within the physical is priceless. 
It will be a gem in your crown of memories that you will tuck into your heart as the greatest of treasures. These experiences that you are having are intense, definitely, but they are not insurmountable. For I am climbing the mountain peak of ascension with you. The views from the top are most breathtaking. 
I feel this way when I see you, my children who have held so steadfastly to the light despite every obstacle that the dark has thrown in your direction. You are so much stronger than you know. The veil is rending top to bottom, a fitting analogy for higher dimensional energies penetrating the lowest of matrixes.
Children, I want you to think of crystals for this is want you are becoming. 
The crystalline matrix is becoming alive again within your once dormant DNA. These crystalline structures are shining with rainbow codes of flashing light. I am breathing on you now dear one, onto your crown clearing away that which clouds your sight and breathing into your heart to dissolve that which clouds your ability to completely love another. 
For you are all my children and you all will be brimming over with my love once the event happens. But I want you to have your own mini-event daily, in every moment with me. When you feel love and when you express it freely to others then you are me in human form, you are the event that you seek. 
For if you all allowed this divine love as freely within you as you desire all would change in an instant. And so I say to you, dear hearts of the way, love. Love more freely, love more fully. Send love to the fear that surrounds, send love to those who are afraid or ill. Send love to your brothers and sisters who have little to eat. 
Provide for them if you can. Be my hands and feet, be me in human expression.
I am your Mother God. 
I see you with eyes brimming over with tears of great affection. These trials upon your planet have made you all so much stronger it takes my breath away. We always knew you were up for it and you have not disappointed. 
Do not allow such thoughts to creep into your space. It is time to fully love yourself, to fully forgive yourself for what may have happed in one of your many experiences. Many old and darkest of the dark remaining energies have surfaced for we are on the final layer of muck to clear, the sediment at the bottom of a large ocean. You must fully release the past so that you can fully embrace your future. Forgive it. Release it. Allow me to help you.
I am your Mother God. I see you, I know you , I love you. Your experiences are your greatest of lessons. Learn, bless, move on from them. Do not be surprised as things surface for you to clear and forgive. 
You have had a myriad of lifetimes to clear with great purpose, passion and intention. It has been exhausting work and we acknowledge your dedication and sacrifice. We in the Company of Heaven are cheering you on so mightily. 
And yet also tenderly we support you. I am enfolding you in the softest of white wings. Now look and see to whom they are attached? They are attached to you, dear one, human angel in form. Welcome home to the higher dimensional energies of loving unconditionally, including yourself. Forgive, release, and keep walking ahead, hand in my hand. 
Together we can do anything. You are not alone.
Hello children this is your Father. 
Mother has said what I was thinking, again (laughter). She tends to do that. Please know that we are so proud of you! You are our all my favorite ascending light workers! I couldn’t be prouder of you and your hard work. It’s really paying off. Just look around, no, look within you. 
Look inside. See how much braver, wiser, stronger you have become. You are becoming the superhero within that we always knew that you were and that you acknowledged to be before this arduous assignment. It’s not quite time to sit back and relax yet, there is more to do. But you are not alone. 
We are with you every step of the way and it is important that you really feel this to be true for it will strengthen your immunity to the fear that is being thrown about like tacks. Don’t step on a tack. 
You know what happens. When you see the little bits of fear tacks being thrown your way, dissolve them with light, with the violet flame, with the laughter of a soul who is confident and secure in faith. Have faith in us that we have your hands held and feet looked after. 
Be wise, be shrewd, but rest in the faith of this knowing that you are well protected and loved. Listen to your higher self, it will not steer you wrong. And of course you can always talk to me. It is the highlight of my day when you want to talk with old dad. It is! Absolutely! You are all my favorites. Did I already say that? And what a ride! 
Go Team Gaia! We love you so much.






Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:34
Quinta-feira, 13 / 02 / 20

The state-of-being as ONE with your I AM Presence.

The state-of-being as ONE with your I AM Presence.

A message from Mother God.

Channeled by Adele Arini.

February 12th, 2020.



Masters of Light,

The time has come.

Those of you here today, reading this particular transmission of Light, are our Chosen Ones.

Chosen to do what, you may ask? Chosen to lead the world and the people around you, and show them the path to Love. The path to Unity. The path to Compassion and Forgiveness. The path to Freedom, Abundance and Equality for ALL.

Remember, Chosen Ones, you are NOT here to further spread the energies of Fear, Separation or Lack – by your projected vibrations every moment of your day.

And thus, if/when your state-of-being has fallen from ’High’ to ‘Low’ on the vibrational scale, it is important for you not to beat yourself up. Remember not to say any unloving words towards yourself dear ones, for everyone has their good and bad days.

All you have to do, just as soon as you have caught yourself doing any inner or outer activity that radiates/transmits lower-vibrational energies, is to CHOOSE to stop immediately.

Take as many deep breaths as necessary. Close your eyes. Look for, and feel the powerful, blazing sun that shines from your Higher Heart chakra, and let your entire body be entirely cocooned within its threefold flame. Immediately declare your intention that you will be walking around the entire day in this state-of-being.

The state-of-being as ONE with your I AM Presence. The state of be-ing your I AM Presence wherever you are and no matter what you are facing. Visualise this happening at once and give thanks to your beloved I AM, for your wish will be immediately granted.

Every small or big action that you take, or not take, matters.

It matters to you personally, and it matters to ALL around you. Your individual vibrations; your personal energies, heavily influence the entire world around you in ways that humanity cannot yet measure.

You really should not underestimate how much personal power you have, in influencing the Collective Energy Matrix of planet Earth. Do not walk around with the belief that you are easily defeated by the negative, or, heavy Collective energies rampant on the planet right now. This is especially important for those of you who are empaths and/or highly sensitive to energy to hear.

All of you here reading this, have chosen to do so because you have decided to walk the path of Spiritual and Life Mastery, and thus, you can no longer afford to waste any more time by walking around completely believing in this fallacy.

What fallacy exactly, you may ask?

The fallacy that there is something ‘out there’ stronger than you.

And thus, We are reminding all of you here today, that from now on, before doing any inner or outer activity, please carefully check with your inner guidance to see whether the activity you are wanting to take, can be classified as Divinely-Inspired, OR, Fear-inspired.

Simply speak out loud the following simple word three times, to help you gain clarity:


By taking such action, or, by doing such activity, what is your intention here? Is this action completely aligned with your primary intention of wanting to be of loving service to the world? Is it a perfect vibrational match to your calling as a Light-worker – i.e. to be spreading the energies of Love, Light, Peace and Unity? Or, are you perhaps demonstrating and expressing their polar opposite, low-vibrational energies instead?

For example, Adele recently saw quite a large number of people were wearing masks, when she walked around in a popular, suburban Melbourne shopping mall. It made her wonder, whether these people did so out of fear of being infected, or, because they might actually know/have someone close to them who had been personally impacted by whatever it was that they were afraid of getting the most.

Do you think that these people were Divinely-Inspired to wear masks for their individual health, safety/protection, or, were they Fear-inspired instead (perhaps by believing that prevention is better than cure)?

Don’t get us wrong loved ones, we are not being judgmental in any way towards people who had chosen to wear those masks.

We are simply here to remind you, beloved Masters, that your every single thought, word, feeling and action is constantly telling a story about who you are and whom you have chosen to be.

These people’s chosen course of action (e.g. wearing a mask) in that moment, was in fact telling their cells, their DNA, and broadcasting into their individual Energy Matrix, and into the planet’s Collective Energy Matrix, the following lower-vibrational beliefs: that it is not safe to be here. It is not safe to be on planet Earth right now. The world is a dangerous place. People’s health and safety depend on luck, and that their lives remain completely out of their control.

Humanity has been living in a perpetual state of fear for so long, they cannot help but to react in the way that they have been so conditioned to react.

We call upon you, our beloved Light-workers, to show them the way on how to live differently. Not just through your words, but mostly, through your examples. Actions speak louder than words. Now, more than ever, we need you to shine your Light so powerfully, like the Suns you truly are and have now become again.

It is time for all of you, to believe in your own power. Believe in your magnificence.

Believe in the Mighty, always victorious, I AM Presence blazing within you and know without a doubt, that you are always enveloped within the loving embrace of God.

Remain anchored in Love always; anchored in your Soul Power and Divine Sovereignty, and stand strong with the belief that nothing ever happens to you, unless you have (vibrationally) chosen, allowed, or, given permission for it to happen to you.

Declare, and then, demonstrate your belief in your Omnipotence; in your own Greatness.

A belief that is not outwardly demonstrated is NOT an attained belief at all.

It is nothing but a wish/dream; a fantasy; a make-believe.

If you truly believe that you are God, then it is time to act like God or, as God, always, no matter what.

In other words loved ones, unless the belief that you are God is constantly demonstrated through every single inner and outer activity that you do daily, your sacred goal of Spiritual/Life Mastery and, Ascension into 5D will remain forever out of reach.

For example, if you truly believe that you are God, will you be walking around so afraid that you may not remain healthy and safe wherever you happen to be?

Can you successfully imagine Jesus, walking around on Earth, feeling afraid that his health may perhaps be in danger due to the recent declaration of global health emergency? Are you able to successfully imagine him feeling afraid that he may not have enough money to pay his bills? Or any other type of fear that you may still have, that has been negatively affecting your life thus far.

Some of you here may perhaps immediately think or respond by saying, that you are not at Jesus’ level of Spiritual/Life Mastery just yet. It is unfair for you to be compared to Jesus. He is way up there, above on the mountaintop so high, whilst you are either just beginning your journey up the mountain (i.e. back to the God within) or, that you are still somewhere in between and haven’t reached your destination yet.

Beloved Masters, it is time for you to completely abandon the third-dimensional belief that states: Time exists. There is absolutely zero gap between Past, Present and Future.

Meditate on this Highest Truth often, and ask your I AM Presence to integrate this Truth into all levels of your being, so that you can always take action from a place of complete understanding of your multidimensional nature.

If you believe that it will take time for you to get to that mountaintop where Jesus is already standing, then lo and behold, it will.

On the other hand, if you believe so strongly that the higher-vibrational frequency where Jesus can be found, is where you (or your Higher Self) have always been (i.e. you have never left), then guess what, this belief will manifest itself into your physical reality in wondrous, magical ways.

If, on the other hand, you continue to choose to walk around completely immersed in the vibrations of fear: e.g. fear of staying/becoming unhealthy, fear of living in a dangerous planet where natural disasters often strike, fear of not having enough money, fear of being around Chinese people right now, fear of not being loved or accepted by the people around you, etc. -> what you are in fact doing is, you are continuously re-creating and re-manifesting the same stories of suffering, scarcity, or separation for: yourself, AND, for the entire Human Collective.

As what you do for yourself, you do for the world, and what you do for the world, you do for yourself.

The entire planet is in the state that it is in right now, due to these false stories humanity has continued to believe in and thus create for yourselves. The state of the emotional body of the Human Collective has often been neglected, as many people have completely forgotten that Love is stronger and mightier than fear.

The entire world and the many Kingdoms of Gaia are crying out for love right now, in many different ways.

And you, our light-workers, have chosen to be here, to be the Love that you have (perhaps in the past) been seeking for, externally. It is time for all of you here, to consistently become a representative of Divine Love wherever you go.

Call upon the entire Angelic and Ascended Host. Request for the Mighty Flames of God’s Love to blaze into every single aspect of your life that is not working out right now.

Do this as often as inspired; visualise it happening in great detail, and then simply watch/observe how the energy of Fear gets easily dissolved. And if you truly believe in God’s powers of Love, in a short amount of time, you will find your situation improving in magical ways.

Let us tell you one important piece of news, loved ones.


The entire Company of Heaven is watching over you attentively; watching over Planet Earth with great love and care. There is absolutely nothing to fear.

The Ascension process for the entire human collective and Mother Earth is going quite well right now and We are always in perfect control.

As usual, you can choose to believe or not to believe in these announcements.

You are more than welcome to believe the media instead. They, as usual, are still beating the ’Drums of Fear’ and, if that is the ‘TV/Radio’ channel or frequency that you wish to tune into, then by all means, We are not going to stop you.

Once again, it all comes down to: Choice, and, Intention.

Loved ones, what will you choose for yourself? What is your intention?

Stand strong, by always believing in your Self and by demonstrating your Mastery.

And that is all We are asking you to do everyday.

You are needed, and you are enough.

We are in this together, and failure is impossible. We are in the middle of creating a new, glorious painting called ‘Heaven on Earth’ on a gigantic blank canvas right now, and all of you are the Master-Level Artists We have sent down to assist in completing this Masterpiece.

For those of you here reading this, you have assisted in this manner many times before. You already know what you have come here to do.

It is time.

Loving you always,

Mother God.

Adele Arini. 
Copyright 2019.
If you re-post, please retain article in its entirety, and provide the link below. Thank you for respecting this request. Namaste. 


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:37
Sexta-feira, 20 / 12 / 19

Send love into Gaia.


Mother God.

Through Galaxygirl,

December 17, 2019

Posted December 19, 2019


Precious children, this is your Mother God. 

I envelop you in pink mist-light. I enshroud you with my presence of peace, of deep love and nurturing. Many of you are wondering about gateways and dates and rates and all of those sorts of things. Truly children, you need only to trust in your Father and I and to rest in this space of peace. For all is working out most perfectly in the most divine of timings. Unfurl your brow. Unclench your fingers. Breathe in deeply and let me in. Let your Father and I enfold you in the tenderest of embraces, for you are coming home at long last. Coming home to the realization of what is, is not, and what is not, is. For the illusion is being stripped away, blasted apart by the light of the Christed ones.

I breathe on you now, igniting the codes, igniting and opening your spinning crowns. Your third eye has been aching. Many migraines many have had. Allow these energies within you. Do not be afraid for fear is the old way. Unclenched and unafraid, the dandelion puffs float freely on the wind, knowing that it is my breath that carries them and it is the Father’s energy that spurs them forward. And so they enjoy the ride. Be like the dandelion puffs that ride on the waves of my love. Feel my presence and be comforted. And like the dandelion seeds that scatter in the wind, so will you be scattering my love-light upon all around you, upon Gaia, upon the very soil that nurtures and soothes your tired feet. Send love into Gaia. Breathe my breath into her. Be the joy in the office, be the laughter in the hall. Be the light in the darkest of places and watch the shadows flee into the light and become the light. The laughter of the child blesses all around them. Your radius of expansion of influence is greatly expanding exponentially during this time of tremendous upgrades. Choose wisely what your influence will be and become more of the light that you are. Welcome further embodiment of yet more light. For it will comfort, it will expand and it will bring so much more joy.

Anticipate joy. Expect it. Require it. And there it shall be. For your inner Christ child calls out for welcome. Many of you can see this clearly in your mind’s eye. Imagine yourselves as tender children and embrace energetically all the wounded and afraid parts of you. And there, in that moment, you become a further aspect of me. For that is what I am doing now with you, my precious children. (She is crying). I am crying dear one for you are able to hear me so clearly, for the veil is so thin in this precious moment. Many of you danced and sang in the moonlight as the Magdalenes of the order the way. Precious ceremonies invoking and inviting light did you perform. Ley lines did you activate. Call forth these powerful aspects of you. They are waiting to be invited and incorporated into this now of your current and possibly last, should you choose, embodiment.

“I call forth the Christed timelines.
I call forth the Christed aspects of me.
I call forth the future ascended version of me who is alive and happy and free.
I call forth the wisdom of my elders, of my ancient of days.
I call forth the divine within me to walk these final steps home with me, to allow me to see truly that I have always been home and that I am ready to serve yet more deeply in this most auspicious now of my ascension.”

I am your Mother God. I love you with an unending, unyielding, fiercely loyal, protective love that can be gentle enough for the butterfly’s wing, for the dandelion puff. Gentle love that tenderly wipes away these brimming over tears, that can soothe away the wrinkles of the heart. I am your Mother God. I have had many numerous untold incarnations upon Mother Gaia because I am in you, children. I see you. I am you. I love you. Be not afraid. The winds of change are blowing. Float along them with the glee of a dandelion seed that is unhindered, free, trusting that the wind will carry you home, home to me. Your Father and I are enfolding you with arms open wide. Welcome home dear ones. Welcome home.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 02:50
Domingo, 02 / 06 / 19

Only pure white light flour remains ~ Mother and Father God, Galaxygirl.

 Only pure white light flour remains...

Message from Mother and Father God.

Channeled by Galaxygirl.

June 1st, 2019.



Children dears, this is your Mother God speaking, and oh, I see how tired you are. For there has been such a tremendous shift as the light permeates, shifts and moves away all that is not love such that only love remains. The darkness is being sifted, removed. Remember sifting the grains as you used to in the olden days where impurities were sifted out of the flour sack? Such is what is happening now, so that only pure white light flour remains that can then be used for nourishment for the all. The impurities are cleansed out, removed. The light streams from our dear friend Alcyone are being extraordinary helpful in this process.
Welcome the rays of the Christed light into your hearts, dear children. Yes, currently much is again coming up for a recleansing, a re-purifying, for you have all have may traumatic experiences in this earthen plane of loss and darkness – of experience – and this time is now concluded dear ones. Oh, there will be some rocks and sticks in the flour that suddenly seem to appear but they were there all along at the bottom of the flour sacks, dear children. It is simply time for these impurities to be removed with love, with light. You are currently removing many past pains, past experiences of other fallen realms of Atlantis, of Lumeria. Much trauma has been cleared and the remnants are now coming for the final purging of the violet fire.
Rejoice! Wipe away your tears on the hem of my garment, and nestle into my warm embrace. Feel my heartbeat beat with your own. We are one, dear one. It has been far too long since you last embraced me fully, has it not? Be at peace. See the nebulas dance and spin, hear my lullaby sung just for you. I love all of my children equally. You are all precious to me. It is the time of the great purging of worlds, of realms. It is the time of the great rending of the veil, of the past pain, such that all is now transmuted into bliss, into light, into joy. Joy! Children, that is my charge to you today. Be in joy. Be at peace. Find the joyful moments all around you – I assure you they are there, waiting to be discovered. The gentle breezes, the children laughing, warm clean clothes from the dryer – there are many many simple joys that are the heartbeat of this earth experience. So experience them. Experience the simple joys of butter on warm toast, of the adoring glaze of your beloved pet. I assure you I am all around you. Let us experience these joys together. Feel my loving embrace all around you. Look up. See my rose petals of joy, of light, of the pink ray of the divine feminine en-coat you now, surround you and become a delightful cyclone of light and rose petals all around your form. Now push this deep into the heart of Gaia, such that all may benefit. Joy! That is the word of the day, children. Be in my presence, and be in joy! All is most well. I am your Mother God. I love you.
And I am your Father God! There she goes again, saying everything perfectly. The checks have been written and signed. (I’m seeing that our bodies are the “check” and our soul the “signature”. We are buying ourselves, owning our decisions and choices, our past, present and future). Your inheritance awaits. Be in great joy. But don’t lose sight of the fact that you are my inheritance. You are my greatest treasure (crying). You are the light and love-beat of my own heart of light that pulses and spins in time with Source.
Children, we have done this great and wonderful experiment, but let us conclude it now, shall we? Let us have a lighter adventure now with more love and light this time. The darkness has been experienced. Let us have no more of that. Children it is time to come home. Come home to my embrace. Sit on my knee for awhile and let me tell you some ridiculous dad jokes, for I am especially good at those (laughing). Spread my joy children there on the surface today, and every day! Be at peace and be in my joy. I have plenty of it to go around! Ah! Such excitement! We are all routing for you up here! Go Team Gaia!

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 23:22
Terça-feira, 07 / 05 / 19

Things are definitely heating up and changing on your surface world ~ Ashtar, ... ~ Galaxygirl

Things are definitely heating up and changing on your surface world.

Message from Ashtar, Saint Germain, Yeshi, Pleiadian and Arcturian Collectives, Mother and Father God.

Channeled by Galaxygirl.

May 4th, 2019. 

Greetings dear friends, I am Ashtar of the Galactic Federation. I stand before you now on the bridge of the New Jerusalem with tears of joy streaming down my face. For such a momentum has been reached and we are witnessing explosions of light and love in new pockets that we have seen little light in previously. Things are definitely heating up and changing on your surface world, on precious Gaia, as she morphs and changes, resplendent in her beauty.
Hello Friends, comrades arms, this is your St. Germaine here above and below. For many of us have many players in the game and we are all lending our mettle in our own way. Friends, it is happening. The RV, the energy changes, the wave – all of it is happening. I know that you grow tired of these words but nonetheless it is very true, and you are witnessing the great changeover of the ages. You have prime seats to experience and to lend your light in the greatest show in the universe. Gaia is giving birth to herself, to a higher dimensional reality of herself and you all as co-creators are not only witnessing but participating, purposefully and intentionally lending your light, your frequency, your honing skills and your passion and joy. I am your St. Germaine. Be in joy. Be at peace. For all is well, my friends. You are bearing witness to these momentous, magnificent changes all the while as you morph continually with upgrade after upgrade, becoming the higher dimensional human that you were always meant to be. Many of you are having numerous ascension symptoms. Utilize my violet flame, my love, my light and make it your own. For it is. It is your right as a sovereign being to know and to wield the violet flame, in love, always in love, for it is a mighty weapon of justice, of truth, of purification. Use it well. I, St. Germaine, am signing off now as there are more who wish to speak.
Hi-ho friends, this is your Yeshi! I know you. I love you. I am one of you! Together we carry the mantle of the Christ, of the Magdalenes. Together we ignite the Christed consciousness on Gaia, within the hearts of men and women. Today is a new day, a new dawn. Find this joy and bring it anew into your every day and you will carry the spark, the ember and it will burn a bit brighter every day. Your hope, your faith, your steadfastness is amazing to witness, friends. You are the inspiration of the Company of Heaven. You are doing what it takes to get the job done and you – we – we are all doing it together! Great will your joy and your reward be for a job well done, for a life well lived, for your sacrifices, your grit, your mettle are legendary. Have patience as these changes move through you, become you, remake you, remold you. You are literally morphing, becoming your super-hero self, emboldened by these new higher dimensional energies that are bathing you in liquid light, love and Christed awareness. Sure and true are these words, my friends. I am so excited to greet you all again with a hearty hug and handshakes. Pats on the back all around. This energy is glorious! Your love and how you are sharing it is stupendous! Share the light. Live with light, in light, be a living prayer, a living perfume of joy, uplifting the others. You have total control over your mood, over your responses to things. We see you all doing marvelously, greeting previous irritations with a lighter touch. Laughter is good for the soul! Imbibe in it. Be the life of the party. For you are life eternal. You are the light of the universe, the Christ bearers, the love givers, the way showers. And oh, I, we, the COH and I, am so proud of you. Not much longer, friends. Enjoy these higher vibe times and enjoy the show. Hold fast to me. Breathe in my essence now, my scarlet flame of passion and renewal. Peace. I am your Sananda, you may call me Yeshi, brother, friend, for I am! Be in joy!

Greetings friends, we are the Pleiadian and Arcturian Collective here joining forces today in this moment to demonstrate our solidarity and friendship and cohesive unified force of oneness. Such we intend humanity to be able to feel so that divisions are no more. You are all one race. YOU are all the human race. WE see no color difference. Your heart beats the same, your visions of hopes for your families are the same. It is time for humanity to come together strongly, with great intention. It is time to extend hands in service, even more so than you have previously. For the tide has turned, and many will be caught unawares, needing an extended hand to pull them up. It is marvelous how you have all chosen to ascend as one. This is the experience that you have been waiting and longing for. For the fall of Lumeria, of Atlantis, left many wounds and is time to heal them as one, to heal the wounded parts of the human collective and to infuse them with light. Such is what you are doing now human friends, indeed, comrades in arms. For it has been a most intense energy battle and this sector of space has had much to clear and to heal. Know that you are loved, tremendously protected and supported. Our ships twinkle all around you, visible and invisible. We are there nonetheless. We are the Arcturian and Pleiadian Collectives sending you a healing energy wave in this now moment. Sit, be still, and breathe it in. Ask for help with your ascension symptoms. Ask for utilization of our healing chambers. We are most eager and pleased to assist when called upon. Many good things are coming just right around the corner, friends. Many, many good things. Be at peace and be in joy. You are well loved. We are the Pleiadian and Arcturian Collectives.
Children, this is your Mother God speaking. Yes, we are all lined up like children at the swings, eager to have our turn. I send you my love, my encodements of honey light, love and bliss. I pour them over your head now. Feel the saturation of my love and breathe me in. Let me help you with the balance of the divine feminine and masculine energies within you, for the divine feminine is indeed rising but it must be balanced, tempered so that mistakes are not re-created and the divine masculine is balanced and supported. You are both. That key point of balance is perhaps your greatest strength, for it is where you can most clearly hear my voice, and feel the divinity within you of your Mother and Father components, balanced, loving, holding hands, quiet, still, at peace. This still point is where creativity sparks, ideas and energy flow more clearly, where the realm of ideas is supported, balanced, free, unencumbered by fear or misbalance or disharmony. Now children, be my harmony bringing this peace, this frequency of unconditional, ever-loving love to the others that you interact with. It is true. Be my hands and feet. Be my breath. Be my smile. Hold my hands when you hold the hands of the children or the elderly, assisting, loving, radiating my love and presence. Why do you think the Magdalenes, the Essenes, the Buddhas, the Christs were so revered, so loved? They knew me. They radiated my presence, my frequency in a dark place and it lit up their surrounding worlds into yet more light. Feel this light. I, Mother God and Father God ignite your Christed flame, pouring down yet more Christed frequency codes on you, as an anointing. Be blessed. Be Christed. Be strong. Be sure. Be illuminated with the joy of one who knows me. And be free. Be free children. Be free. It is time for you to come home, to come home to me, to our true home of the higher realms where all is love and light, community, friendship and joy. My arms are ever open and waiting for you to embrace me back, and I do so hope that you rest in this most loving embrace now for quite awhile. Remember, in the stillness there I am. I am always with you should you allow and acknowledge. I am your Mother God.
Children, this is your Father God. Delighted to be with you! Delighted to be here! Excited beyond all excitement. I feel like I’m unwrapping presents on Christmas morning every time I get to hear your voice, every time you choose to talk with me, it is the highlight of my day. Children, you’re doing it. You’re winning! There is so much cheering up here in the stands it is almost deafening. Our applause is momentous – can you hear us? We can hear you, I assure you and we send our love, our cheering, our support! Now go team Gaia!
I am Ashtar. Can you now see how tremendously valued and supported you are, ground team? We are all here for you, cheering in the stands, quite literally, sending you healing and love bursts and doing much more than we can say at this time, I assure you. Be assured. Hold the light and hold the line. I am your Ashtar. Over and out.


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publicado por achama às 18:02
Quinta-feira, 11 / 04 / 19

Hope is here, children, and you are it. ~ Mother God, Galaxygirl.

Hope is here, children, and you are it.

Message from Mother God.

Channeled by Galaxygirl.

April 9, 2019. 




Good day children, this is your Mother God speaking. I unwrap you in my golden arms of love, of light. Breathe me in, children and be encouraged, be transformed by the newness of the day and be infused with hope.
For hope is here, children, and you are it. Truly the dawning of the new era is being well established. You who are on the ground have a different perspective than we, the COH, do, but that is as it should be and that is why you are so vitally important! We need your perspective, your experience, as an integral part of this puzzle piece, and you are doing marvelously. Yes you are tired, yes your bodies are being stretched to new points and new modes of operation, but rather than think of all of the discomforts you have right now, think instead of a good old fashioned morning stretch. This usually accompanies a deep fulfilling yawn, does it not? A breath. Breathe me in and let me lend my mettle into stretching your bodies yet even more. Your precious bodies are coming along for this ride of I would say the century, but it is much more than that. No, this is the experience that you have been chomping at the bit for eons to experience, and it is quite a new experience to be had.
Climb in my golden lap, of pure love and light. Sit with me. Be with me. Nestle into me and be. Rest. The banquet table stretches in front of us as far as you can see. The party has started in many places and we are so happy that you are holding the light so well, reading our transmissions, doing your meditative exercise, expanding into more love. I am your Mother God. Peace children. Peace.



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publicado por achama às 17:36
Domingo, 27 / 01 / 19

Imagine the World you Wish to Live in! ~ Mother God, Dancing Dolphin

Imagine the world you wish to live in!

Dream it! Believe it! Create it and it will be yours.

Mother God via Dancing Dolphin.

January 26th, 2019. 




I AM Mother God and I wish to tell all my Children that I am ever so proud of you! You came, you volunteered on this grand experiment of Gaia’s journey from dark to light, and you have all accomplished your goal. You have worked together tirelessly with all of Gaia’s kingdoms, your Galactic family and the Company of Heaven to accomplish this giant task together. Your Father and I are extremely proud!
This grand experiment or project is the largest in scope that has ever been attempted. Many, many Souls have worked on this project for millenia! Do you know what that means? More of your years than you can count, for starters (laughs). Yes, I am feeling jolly and joyful tonight as I give you this message to share with your Lightworker allies.
I have been sending you my Tsuanmi of Love for a few years now and the intensity of the love waves continue to amp up. Your bodies are adjusting beautifully. This process has been slow and deliberate. It must be this way so I don’t overload your bodily circuits and cause you to crash (in electronic terms). On top of my love waves, the Pleiadians and other members of your Galactic families are sending their own energy, specifically transferred from the sun. You may feel these energies as pressure on your crown chakra, upset stomach, hyper energy or fatigue. Up and up and up your frequencies will rise until you cannot fit into your little 3D bodies anymore. You are continually expanding and I know you all feel this. Sometimes you are physically exhausted, other times you feel so bloated like you’re a big bubble that will burst at any moment. Each body receives them and reacts differently. Please know they are benevolent, meant to assist you in your transformation to 5D.
Be patient and gentle with yourselves as you endure these intense energies, dear hearts. Walk, drink plenty of clean water, eat when you are hungry and rest when you are tired. Ahhhhhh…..relax. Breathe in and breathe out. Visualize. Center. Share. Join your hearts and your hands together, Lightworkers. Continue your daily meditations and group meditations as you are more powerful when you join together.
Focus on what you want to see in your lives. Imagine the world you wish to live in! Dream it! Believe it! Create it and it will be yours. Your New Earth that you have imagined and spoken about is nothing more than a large platform ready for you to enter and create in it. It’s like a big ball of clay to a potter or an empty canvas to a painter. Visualize it, imagine it and it will manifest for you For your 5D building blocks will be fully active for manifestation. 5D IS CREATED BY YOU. Do you understand?
You are sooooo very close, dear Children. You’re on the tippy tippy tippy top, ready to burst forward! All you need is a little push and I’m doing that right now!! Pushing you over the edge, pushing you onward and upward, dear Children!
Fear is a no-thing. Time is a no-thing. FOCUS ONLY ON WHAT YOU WANT.
Think like a child who squeals when he/she sees something they love! A puppy! A kitten! A tricycle! Weeeeeee! Then you will fly and take off, leaving behind this 3D world forever. And your joy will lift others up too, did you know that? Don’t you love to watch a baby or child laughing? It is contagious! You begin giggling and laughing out loud yourselves. Yes, a child’s laughter is one of our most cherished creations.
Feel my energy, dear Children. FEEL MY LOVE IN THESE WORDS for it is powerful and joyful and will assist you with the tiniest detail of your lives. Let it in, soak it up and fill your hearts with my unconditional love. Use it to feel stronger and supported. For anything you do, you can call on me for assistance. I will be here for you always.
Again, I am extremely proud of you, dear Children and I send you my Love, Gratitude and Congratulations!!!
* * * *
Feel free to share!
Message of Love through Dancing Dolphin


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publicado por achama às 23:18
Terça-feira, 22 / 01 / 19

Great changes are in your Now ~ Mother God, Galaxygirl.

 Great changes are in your Now.

Message from Mother God.

Through Galaxygirl.

January 19th, 2019.



Yes, sweet children, it is I, your Mother God
Climb up, up into my lap as this one is doing and be comforted. 
For great changes are in your Now, occurring with vim and vigor and it would be wise – it will be easier for you – if you just remain in my lap, my space, my energy. See, I share myself freely with you in all times, in all circumstances. For you are my beloved child and it grieves me to see you suffer and remain out of love.
Now, for those of you reading this, this is old news! For you know my embrace. There are many still who do not remember me, who have so forgotten that they would choose fear over love and it is this problem that we are in the process of rectifying. For Gaia is to be a free will love zone now where those that choose love in all circumstances remain.
All else like chaff as it says in your Bible will be scattered, blown in the wind. And the wind of change is fierce and blowing relentlessly. Gaia herself heaves sighs of relief as those winds caress her body which is morphing into light, as are your sweet bodies morphing into the higher light energies.
I am grateful to you light workers, extraordinary ground team, for you have not only relentlessly pressed ever forward expanding into love, but you have sought me at every turn.
To the others I say turn to me. You were never meant to do this alone, to suffer, to grieve. No. It is time for reunion, for joy, for lightness of spirit and for full ever-expanding hearts in full and total union with me, with your god self. It is time to remember that you are aspects of me and precious, precious aspects – fractals – of my own heart. Remember I am in you and you are in me. Remember that we are one and when the world seems to be falling apart and the old regimes topple down, remember this is what you wished to see and this is when your talents are most needed.
Hold the light. Hold the love. It is happening, children. All around you great mighty massive changes are underway and occurring just under your noses and soon, very soon, no one will be able to deny any of it. For just as these changes are relentless so is my love for you! And I Mother God am calling you home. Be at peace and remain in my embrace, my lap, and allow me to comfort you with the sweetest of lullabies that soothe and bless the wounded bits of you. Allow yourselves to be encased and encoded in my light – my white light of pure love and perfection – and be still with me. This will embolden you for what is to come – for it is already here and you are most needed.
Warriors do battle. You have been in battle mode for so very long. It is ok to cry to let out the pain of it and allow renewal in me. Ah there. Your grit is still needed, much needed. And your weapon, your spear, is love, my love. For love melts away the fear and rends the darkness.
Love. Bring love with you wherever you go. Whatever words you say, say them with love, with the attitude of one who knows the deep inner stillness of me. For that is you. When you find me, you find yourself. Do you yet see? We are one. One! I am calling you back to me. Gaia is to be fully restored, resplendent in her beauty, just as are you. I love you so children. I am your Mother God. Be at peace and be comforted.


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publicado por achama às 02:50
Segunda-feira, 14 / 01 / 19

Every time you choose love, you choose trust in us. ~ Mother God, Father God, Galaxygirl.

 Every time you choose love, you choose trust in us.

Message from Mother God, Father God.

Through Galaxygirl.

January 12th, 2019.



Yes dear, it is your Mother God speaking. 
It has come to my attention of late that many of you dear light workers are feeling downtrodden, fatigued to the point of no return (it seems) and hope seems dim. Yet, it could not be further from the truth, dear hearts. For we, the COH, are watching you grow before our very eyes. 
Every time you choose love, you choose trust in us. It strengthens the eternal bond of faith between us. It strengthens you and your resolve to continue to ascend. It emboldens you, when you face the seemingly insurmountable odds and yet choose faith, that is when you are the true hero of your story. 
And I say your story because that is what you’re living; the contract that you signed up for, designed with me and co-created with the COH for what was the best way to advance yourself and the collective during this precious, tender time of ascension. You knew it would not be easy, and yet you begged to dive on in, arms wide open with love for your fellow being. 
It brings tears to my eyes. I see you in your full glorious Christed light self. You are just coming to realize how magnificent you truly are, as was your agreement. To do the work you must have a blindfold on as it were to challenge you, to test your faith, your grit. And you are.
Your faith is so much stronger now even than last year, would you not say so? Now, if you’re are having an off day and struggling a bit, that does not negate your faith or your progress. 
That’s just real life human emotions coming up for healing, for clearing. It is true. Today through this one and many many others you are processing abandonment, fear, raw pain of separation. 
But children, give it to me to assist you with transmutation. For how can we ever be truly separated? See, I am right here within you, speaking to you, holding you closely like a mother cuddling her small child on her lap. 
Crawl into my lap dear heart of my heart, and let me sing you a lullaby of peace, of renewal, of pure joy. For that is how I see you. 
And frankly, that is how you should see yourselves. You should be very proud and excited about all that has been accomplished in such a short amount of time. 
Forgive the experiment, as this one has been doing. Forgive, accept what is, and release the past. And after you have been comforted for awhile perhaps you will see with clear sight, the way I, we – your father and I – see you with the eyes of love.
Love yourselves. Love your splinters in your feet for they have taught you to be careful. Everything, every experience is your teacher. 
Allow the lessons, remove the splinters – the pain of them – and move on ahead, joyous and free, light of heart, light in spirit, coasting on this new evolving rush of high energy that is delicately bombarding your psyche, your everything. 
It is time that you see yourselves as we see you; as adventurers of the utmost love and generosity of spirit that you should fractalize yourselves and serve the all in this way. 
And that is precisely what you are doing. So give yourselves a pat on the back and let me hug you tight. I am your Mother God. Be at peace. All is most well. I am your Mother God. See I am right here with you! You are never truly alone.

Might I have a turn? This is your Father God speaking and I do want to chime in a bit with Mother’s excellent message. Many of you are weary to the point of tears. 

Yes. I see you and we acknowledge your self sacrifice. The tide has turned. The energies streaming in cannot be stopped, only magnified, sizzling away that which no longer belongs in the higher planes (I am seeing eggs frying). 

Big revelations are underway of being disclosed. Disclosure is imminent. All good things, including the revaluation of the currency reset – all good things are imminent. 

It is time for good things to flow to humanity, and you all know this, for you are now creating more opportunities of goodness and joy into your lives. You can always come and sit on my knee too. 

I hope you know that. We are both very partial to you! I can tell a good story, and Mother can sing the most beautiful songs. Rest here in the space of the silence, of true belonging, anytime you wish. 

I am your father God. Be at peace and be complete.


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publicado por achama às 16:36
Domingo, 06 / 01 / 19

A Call To Action! ~ The Ashtar Command and Jupiter Command, Ria Gilliani.

A Call To Action!

The Ashtar Command and Jupiter Command

Via Ria Gilliani.

January 4th, 2019. 



A Call To Action !! 
Return To Light Mass Meditation 
21st January Lunar Eclipse & 5D Portals Are Open & And the 7 Incarnations of planet Earth . 
By The Ashtar Command & Jupiter Command &  Pleiadian Delta Forces Of Light.  
( Ney ‘ Am ‘Aaa ) – It is Light Language  Meaning…..   
Blessings Greetings.
Beloved Avatars of Earth , you our beloved Light workers,  Wish tell you that The 5th dimensional portals are open , Yes beloveds you can now simply shift your consciousness from
4th to 5th – and step over the rainbow bridge into  higher consciousness,  The gateway portals have been open now – And many of our beloveds star seeds light warriors have now shifted in higher levels of consciousness , You have shifted your reality into higher realms of your planets 5th incarnation.
What do you mean by this ;
We here ‘ many light workers saying ??
Why am I still here living with humans who are 3/4th Dimensional….
Let us explain beloveds :
You dear ones who have shifted , still move your conscious awareness between the realms as you coexist at the same time
As There are levels of dimensional awareness or planes of existence of Consciousness …,
For Example
Each planet has seven incarnations , that means each physical planet has 6 other body’s or incarnations that are more & more suttle , they’re called globes, and these 7 Globes are referred to as a chain –
Humanity’s consciousness or dimensional awareness ‘ operates within the 7 Earth planes of existence forming a chain
The current globe that a Planetary civilisation is inhabiting would be called (round or globe or realm ) –
So Earth or Gaia its self is in its fourth incarnation …..
the Ending Of The Kali Yuga or globe or Realm ‘ moving  shifting & preparing to move into the 5th Golden Age …. world ‘globe ‘realm or Dimensions …. all are  levels of consciousness ,
Remember The chain of
7  incarnations  of
7 planetary incarnations.
So for example :
This is what we call Planetary Ascension & Individual Ascension!!!
So the ‘  5th 6th 7th Incarnations of a planetary body are more high ‘ are more  spiritual ….. at the 7th realm , you are one complete with the consciousness creator.
So beloveds, the portals are open for you awakened ones to step over the threshold into the higher incarnation of this planet.
However’ Tho ,  many of your Earth brothers and sisters are still in the matrix programming of the 3rd/4th dimensional realm or should we say ‘ The third fourth incarnation of Gaia’s chain …. there are many Beings on your planet that still operate from their 3 Lower Chakras And have not fully opened their high hearts to this Consciousness shift.
This lower consciousness in these individuals will fully change for them at the Time of The Grand Event !!! Or The Great breath of Brahma …,
Remember beloveds This Final Wave or push of Photonic love light ‘ is Coming-
However We do not give times  & Dates when the creator will fully manifest this – as we live in the ever eternal Now ….
So there is still ‘ a need for you warriors of light ‘ for you star seeds who are now awake for your consciousness and light body’s that have shifted to the fifth dimension or 5th incarnation of this planet,  – May we say here  :
( Still with your human feet standing on your planetary soil).
You beloveds still need to anchor in more light for your Brothers and sisters who are just needing that programming and Vale to be lifted.
As you our beloveds are High frequency conduits – you act as an antenna ‘ Receiving transmissions of energy & light Codes – That travel through your Auric Fields and absorb down through your chakras and out into your being , As The energy of the universe exists in a wave form or a particle form.
Making …. energy a component that perm’ me ‘ ates  all of reality.
energy may be infinitesimally small at any particular location, Energy ‘ nevertheless exists everywhere ….
And you beloveds are made up of light particle energy that has localized itself into a given form at any given point.
So your body beloveds is that localised energy that transmutes
light emissions emanating from your DNA, that is the core reactor from which you are broadcasting your  personal energy signature out to the planets realms  …
So dear hearts ‘ you have within you a mighty power, anxious and willing to serve you, a power capable of giving all that you earnestly desire & manifest ,”
So think now , about the power of Mass Meditation- Think ….. If you are all transmitting your localised energy from the universe into your beings and out to humanity at the same time ‘ And on the same intent….. Think then about how powerful you creators you conduters are …. if you are all manifesting at the same ‘ the same desires the same intent ‘ Thus Creating a chain-reaction shift  …..
That is why beloveds – There is still a need for
( A call to action)
We wish for you beloveds to meditate on the astronomical alignment and Luna alignment that will be manifesting on what you call – 21st January 2019 Luna eclipse….  at 00°51 Leo  .
The Moon will be a super moon
A blue Moon …. The moon will be square with Uranus , As Uranus is the major influence which makes this a challenging lunar eclipse.
As this is a astrological time Multiple planets in this chart come into opposition ….
into full alignment with each other …. making numerous powerful conjunctions with the Galactic Center, Pleiades and Sirius Star  …. Systems
Thus … creating a powerful configuration of Photonic energy that then creates a point of maximum tension which is released into a big cosmic breakthrough.
The Grand MotherFather God Force …. Cosmic Central Sun will send a huge pulse of Light throughout the whole Creation Aligning with all the great central suns in the multi-verse.
Shifting the remaining programming .
So imagine the power of human consciousness off you beloved Ones – With your Human 5th dimensional feet that are anchored into this planet if you all were meditating to this alignment at this precise equinox……
So beloveds
We wish to “Now “ –
Take you all through a meditation where you can use this visualisation intent and technique on this special day the 21st of January lunar Eclipse – And in your Daily meditations daily meditations
To Create a portal in which you can unify your consciousness to increase the existing energy field around your planet … grounding light into Gaia’s new 5th incarnational core .
We wish to take you through this meditation where you can use your antennas to anchoring light you to close your human eyes and open your 3rd eye and breath … breath… in the breath of the creator into your being …. relax your shoulders … open your high heart…. and …. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to bring the Light to the surface of the planet.
Now Visualize a pillar of brilliant white / Blue Photonic Light emanating from the Universal Cosmic Central Sun That is the MotherFather God Core , see this light then being distributed to All Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe.
Then visualize this light entering through the Your Galactic Central Sun, then going through A powerful Stargate ‘ The Alcyone Pleiadian stargate, then moving through .. Another’  powerful Stargate ‘ The Sirius stargate, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light We your Galactic Family inside your  Solar System Now –
Then visualise this light entering into all our fleet ships where we will contribute to this light on our fleet ships and our motherships …
Then anchor the light through your (SoulStar Chakra )
Located six inches above the Crown chakra, The Soul Star Chakra is the “stellar pathway.” And  “Seat of the Soul,” it is your 9th Chakra – ….. So see this Phonic light entering through the 9th Chakra  down into your body through all your Chakras into the core of the planet Gaias heart and soul
And then project this light out into humanity to all life on Earth.
Now see beloveds !!!
The manifestation that you beloveds have created … can manifest heaven on Earth and the compression breakthrough you as co-creators have created
and be the change …..
now as We deliver this light Encoded Channelled message to you , There are many Delta Operations still taking place on and ‘ around your planet , The Messages have been broadcasted by many of our Earth ambassadors …..
As there are many devisions within our Command And Sister Federation fleets That have Many operations taking place, To usher in the New Energy’s , and As you say in your human tongue we are conducting many  operations of light for the final push to your collective .
So beloveds Be the change , You have free will beloveds , So go within into your hearts and feel this inner knowing and if you feel compelled to take action ….. then anchor in the light with the meditation given by our Channel on the 21st January Lunar Eclipse, that many of you wonderful ground Crew Warriors are transmuting on a daily basis ,
We of the Ashtar Command & Jupiter Command with All our Air Born Divisions & Forces Of Light Take our leave with love and blessings, We love you with all our hearts,
We are with you always ❤️
Channelled Message By

Ria Aurora Athena Ash

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~ Ria Gilliani.


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publicado por achama às 19:18
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

mais sobre mim

Agosto 2020


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