A Chama da Ascensão


Sexta-feira, 24 / 04 / 20

The Plan for Nova Earth.


The Plan for Nova Earth.

Mother Gaia. 

Through Linda Dilon.

April 22, 2020.



Happy Earth Day My Friends!
Linda Dillon: There could not be a more pertinent message than this one from Gaia herself, Archangel GQi’anna, the quintessential agent of change, to truly comprehend what is transpiring during this time of change catalyzed by the COVID-19.

Gaia came to me yesterday and asked that I share her wonderful inspiring message on what Nova Earth will look and feel like. She talked about the shifts within the human condition that are necessary to bring this rebirth forward – humans re-claiming their divine qualities, awe, innocence, wonder, gentleness, and step into their creator selves as stewards and co-creators of Earth.
Gaia came to me in in all the splendor of her sacred silence. The sacred silence that we often don’t listen closely enough to hear – the long rolling waves in the middle of a majestic ocean, the silence of the forest before the birds awaken, the silence of an autumn leaf turning from gold to red to russet, the silence of the cave deep within her womb. She came to me in this way and I listened.

I am Gaia; known long ago as Archangel GQi’anna, archangel of love, change and metamorphosis. I come to speak to your heart and the heart of humanity this day to share with you my plan and the plan for Nova Earth. The key to this understanding is also the key to understanding the essence of who I am – constant change and metamorphosis.
I and all kingdoms who walk upon me and live within my soil, waters, rocks and core are always in the process of change and transition. It is simply that the nature of this change, this shift to Nova Earth, is so profound and noticeable that you are in any way aware of something unusual transpiring. But be clear my children that change and transformation have always been part of my expression of love for the Divine Mother.
All things associated with my being are cyclical, progressing and moving back to the One. Because you are familiar with these rhythms you do not consider these changes as significant; the shift from winter to spring to summer to fall; the shift from stream to river to ocean; the shift from fetus to child to adolescent to adult to ancient one. You notice these changes but you haven’t paid adequate attention.
It has always been part of my plan within the Mother’s plan that I would ascend and return home at some point. Because I am in a different framework of time than humanity, you do not think of this. You have not taken into account the changes that I make with assistance of the Company of Heaven to continue on my soul journey. It matters not, and it is not something that I have been particularly concerned about drawing your attention to because as your mother I have tended to you and understood that you have been focused on your own evolution and dramas.
You did not even pay due heed when I shifted out of the old 3rd dimension into the 5th through 7th. You were so engaged in examining your own experiences that you did not notice that I allowed your collective decision to proceed in a manner that was outside the original plan.
I allowed you to remain upon my surface and have continued to nurture you. But Nova Earth is being birthed dear hearts and this requires your participation, your love and the destruction of aberrant human behaviors that are no longer in alignment with me. For this reason I beckoned you forth as The New You.
The New You is a human/hybrid who chooses to live consciously, and by that I mean in the fullness of their divinity and being. A person who is not only wiling but prepared to participate in laying down the new patterns of heart consciousness, behaviors, actions and co-creation that are in harmony with my ascension.
The New You is the individual who is consciously co-operative and realizes the necessity of living in harmony with All. The kingdoms, your star brothers and sisters, the inner and outer planets, the company of heaven are all in agreement and alignment with this shift. And now it is time, in your reference of time, for humanity to step forward in cooperation.
How does this occur? It unfolds by you stepping forward and not only embracing but fully embodying the New You. Now let me explain my plan and then you will more clearly understand how it is that the New You patterning is required for our continued co-habitation as a happy family.
Nova Earth, Nova Gaia, no longer is a place of pollution, desecration, poverty, war, hunger, lack, limitation, death, disease, humiliation, shame, inequality or pain in any form. These qualities of old Earth do not exist in the 5th, 6th or 7th dimensions and hence they cannot continue upon my planet.
Think of it as a situation where there is no oxygen to support those life forms. And make no mistake all of those false grids and beliefs, vasanas within and without, are life forms. They have assumed a power and rigor of their own and it cannot and will not continue on Nova Earth. This is not said in any way child that is threatening. This is not an eviction notice but simply a statement of fact on how I intend to proceed.
Too often you have thought of these false grids and conditions as qualities that you as humans either have participated in or been required to endure. That is myopic thinking, it is the thinking of the ego self and it is selfish and short-sighted. All of the false grids developed by humanity have been imposed upon not only my sacred self but the kingdoms as well. All have suffered from the false grids and beliefs that the human collective came to value as truth and a reflection of reality. Now what I say to you is we are leaving those ways of being behind – all of us, and we, your Divine Mother, the kingdoms, the star beings, the company of heaven, have all invited you to join us in this voyage. And you have accepted.
So where do we voyage to? What is this process of change? What does Nova Earth look, smell and feel like? What is it that we are creating and are inviting you, as the New You, to participate in?
I have begun this day by speaking to you of my essence of change, love and metamorphosis. We have left the cocoon of the old 3rd dimension behind and are emerging, as are each of you, into the higher realms. I, Gaia, am returning to original intent. This means allowing my original soul design to be restored and to blossom more brilliantly than ever before. My rivers, oceans, lakes, my life blood is cleansed. My soil, trees, flowers, fields, plants and are restored with the vibrations of light and love. All of this reflects as rich nutrients, purified soil, vibrant and abundant life force and forms.
The kingdoms are free and jubilant – not only what you conceive of as the animal kingdoms but the elementals, the fairies, the leprechauns, sprites, devas – all are visible and working their alchemy to restore the beauty and splendor of their homes as well. The mountain ranges sparkle and soar towards the pristine sky. And most of all my air, your air, your atmosphere is not only purified but rarefied. Think of the air as filled with rainbows, angels, Healers of Tralana and Halion Engineers – because it is.
Cities will be welcomed and co-created as meeting and gathering places for the human collective, but never again their exclusive purview. Cities of Light have been emerging all over the planet with support from myself, the higher realms, your star brothers and sisters, and the company of heaven. Each city is a cultural center for different purposes, each magnificent and self-sufficient in their own right. But let me be clear these Cities of Light are constructed in co-creation with the New You, the nova beings who choose to work in harmony and Linda Dillon love with all. The New You is not simply a heart conscious awakened individual but a vibrant full partner in these creations. And that is why the re-patterning of the collective is necessary.
I reach out to each of you, my beloved sons and daughter of my heart. I beckon you to step forward and claim your original design and in that reclamation to set down a new grid for humanity. You are the pattern-makers for humanity and as per your request to come forth within this grander plan we await you. But please hurry – do not be hasty, needy or fearful. Be timely, thoughtful, considerate; but also diligent, purposeful and fully present.
Channeled by Linda Dillon

©2020 Council of Love, Inc.

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©2019 Council of Love, Inc.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 15:15
Quarta-feira, 15 / 04 / 20

You are more than your body

You are more than your body.


Through Galaxygirl.

April 13, 2020.


I am Gaia. I come before you in all of my forms, descended and ascended, parallel realms and timelines.
I am Gaia. I have always been a multidimensional playground for those who wish to experience duality and a furthering of their own expansion. In this way I have served many and I have been blessed by many as we are all experiencing this together. I came through for I wish you to know that I am Nova Gaia, and I am the current Gaia from which you stand. I am multidimensional. I wish for you to understand to feel your own multidimensionality, for it is time to further your own understanding of your greatness. You are both descended and ascended. 
You are more than the you whose hands you see when you wave at a friend. That is your body, your physical jar that is getting upgraded moment by moment, breath by breath if that is your intention. Others are choosing descension. Their time is short for I can no longer support their forms energetically. It is wise for them to depart in this time or they would be most unhappy in paradise should they survive. But they must be a vibrational match. You must be a vibrational match for the experiences that you seek, this you know, way-showers. For you have sought vibrations of peace happiness, abundance. And indeed these are coming rapidly to you if you are holding them in your high heart.
I am Gaia. I normally come through in one form of me, one aspect. This one is hoping to learn more of Nova Gaia, which is on the minds and hearts of the many right now, in this moment. Nova Gaia is being created, built, prepared, and nurtured for the ascending ones. You will create. You will garden. You will build. You will love deeply with the love of your life. Reunions, families, joy! I see such joy for my realms as well, my kingdoms in healing, in harmony, in love and divine balance. 
The divine balance is rebalancing. The divine order is returning. The divine dance of the sacred feminine with the strong, empowering divine masculine begins. I am ready to dance. I am ready for this divine rebalancing and rebirth. I am ready to be born into the higher dimensional realms permanently. Be assured I already reside there in many forms, on many levels. Be assured this realm in which you are residing, of dreamtime and invisibility, of the intangible, is drifting and fading away into nothing. The rending is almost complete.
Those of you reading heed these words, and know that the imminency is nigh, and I say this with great love and tremendous respect and thanksgiving. My hearts flows with joy! As the waterfalls on your planet bless my kingdoms, so too have my fellow light workers deeply blessed me, deeply been a part of my healing. And this is why you came, from all over you came. I am so exceedingly thankful and grateful for your care and service. You saved me. And together we shall rise. And I shall save you. Dimensionally hop on children, hop on for the ride. Hold on to love! That is your seatbelt through this bumpy ride. Love. Choose love. It is the dimensional vibratory match that you seek. For love is all there is and we are becoming reacquainted with deep and true meaningful love.
The illusionary path is complete. All have chosen. Let them choose. Release, let go. You are to chose love and light as way-showers of the higher dimensional vortex of light, of the womb of the mother where love is built. This is how I see myself, as the birthplace of love now, of the new. Nova Gaia is not only a special place in my heart, it is my heart. The higher dimensional beings of light are extending their hands and hearts in service. Their technology is but a breath away and their hearts are strong. But you, my boots on the ground, my ground team, you have been lifting the dross of the lower dimensional energies, clearing, cleaning, stumbling in the dark, and you have still succeeded. You are so strong. I wipe the tears from your eyes. Soon these shall be changed from tears of sadness to tears of joy, of reunion.
I am Gaia. I am all aspects of me. I embrace all aspects of me, the wounded me and the ascended me. This is my healing. I suggest you see yourselves in this way, as the vast multidimensional beings of greatness that you are. It will aid you in your healing. Allow me to heal you. Meditate with me. Put your feet in my dark earth. Allow my trees to cover you in shade, shielding you from the elements, from the outside noise that competes for your attention. Feel my shade. Be comforted in my shadows, for it is in this place of stillness that all is birthed.
I am Gaia. I am ascended. I am bringing this dimensional aspect of my form up to the higher dimensional form of me. Nova Gaians, you are home when you connect with me. There is a saying on your realm “not all who wander are lost.” Many of you have felt lost for your entire lives. Many of you long for home. Allow me the grace of being your current planetary home. It is the higher dimensional energies that you long for, more than a place, more than your star system. It is the vibration of home, of love, of harmony. Nova Gaia is this. I am this. If you are aligned with this, then you shall aways feel home, for there I am with you.
I am Gaia. Welcome home dear ones, welcome home. I love you, I love you. Dear ones, precious adventurers, you are home. I kiss your foreheads. Hold my hands. Tuck in for the ride. Choose love. My love surrounds you in every moment. Accept this blessing and be at peace.




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Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:12
Sexta-feira, 03 / 04 / 20

Humanity Forgot Who They Are and I Don’t Accept That...

Humanity Forgot Who They Are and I Don’t Accept That...

Mother Gaia.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

April 3, 2020


I am Mother Gaia,
I am here to deliver a message to humanity. I want to tell humanity to calm down and try to use their time they are spending at home wisely by meditating or by doing something that brings good to everyone.
This is going to be my last incarnation as a planet. I have been other beings in the past, and I chose to become a planet to have an experience, on what it means to be a planet, being the hostess to all other beings on Earth. It’s quite an experience, there are good and bad sides to it. I am not complaining, I just wanted to say to humans that they need to respect life in any form, they need to learn that. All of the beings on Earth didn’t come here to be tortured, killed and be eaten. They came here to have an experience, like I have the experience of being a planet.
Unfortunately, humanity forgot who they are and I don’t accept that they forgot who they are, because they never tried to figure out who they are. They just went along with everything that was going on here on the planet, instead of questioning and looking to find out the answers, on why things are the way they are here. Now, I am hoping because they are tied up to their homes, can’t work, need to stay and not leave their residence, that they will start questioning everything about this world, why things are the way they are here on Gaia, like why this virus arrived here.
Like everything in this universe things happen for a reason, so this is why there is panic, turmoil and chaos right now, because it’s suppose to happen in order to teach humankind a lesson on becoming more compassionate and loving to each other. Please understand, whatever is taking place right now around the globe, it’s only temporarily. The order of natural things will be restored and everything will come down and will go, where it’s suppose to go.
One thing, I need to tell you that this world will never be same, it will never go back to the old ways the way it has always been. It’s going to need to change. I am Mother Gaia and I am already in 5th dimension, and if humanity decides they don’t want to move to 5th dimension, they will be left behind. Its not because I don’t want them to be where I am, it will be, because they are not doing the work they are suppose to. They need to raise their vibrations, it’s a very simple thing to do by doing daily meditation starting from 5 to 10 minutes and up.
I didn’t come here to give humanity a lecture, I just wanted to say that I am happy to move and be in 5D. It’s so much better and nicer to be there than being in this 3D reality, where nature is being constantly destroyed and animals are being slaughtered and killed for different reasons, like to be eaten or just for fun. Like the famous Lion who was killed by a human, who just wanted to have the lion in his trophy collection.
I am giving everyone here a home, I never tried to purposely destroy or kill anyone. Please, remember, that we are all one, there is no separation between us, we are all energy. I enjoy being Mother Gaia this is what I wanted to be, I chose to be a planet, but I never expected that humanity, nature and animals would need to go through so much suffering and pain. It was suppose to be Heaven on Earth. I am looking forward to, when humanity will catches up vibrationally to 5th dimension by doing their work. Then they will come and join me and stay in 5D, and enjoy all of the blessings 5D has to offer. There is no killing, no competition on who will get first place or who makes more money, there only exists peace, serenity and harmony.
I am Mother Gaia, you call me Earth, some know me as Terra Christa, I am happy to be channeled today, this is my opportunity to express myself on how I feel. I feel for humanity, I have a lot of love and compassion for them. I just want people to understand that anything you have, you need to respect and treasure. People on Earth need to respect and not to destroy or torture living beings, it needs to be a mutual respect and appreciation for what has been given to you and not to take it for granted, as people have done. They always took a lot of things for granted and didn’t appreciate the little things. Now look at the oceans, lakes and rivers suddenly they became cleaner, the water is clear, you would ask why, because humanity is staying at home and can’t pollute. The same thing with big cities around the globe, pollution suddenly disappeared, you will ask again why, because no more cars or less cars, they don’t pollute.
Your the ones who created this reality, your the ones who were destroying your own surroundings and your the ones who need to take responsibility for what you have done and understand, you can’t be guided by a few people on the top and being told what to do. You need to think for yourselves and you need to lead yourselves. You can’t be just a marionette who is being constantly manipulated and told what to do. You have a lot of power in yourselves, you can do anything and you can create anything. Just look at me, I wanted to be a planet and I became a planet. I enjoyed other lives too, but this is the most challenging one I have experienced so far, carrying all of the inhabitants on me, inside the Earth and on top of Earth. I am only one planet from few planets in galaxy who actually has inhabitants on the surface. Most of the civilizations live on the inside of the planet. You don’t realize how fortunate you are that you can be outside instead of being inside. I understand, it has pluses and minuses living on top of Earth, because of the weather, which has been manipulated by humans a lot times and sometimes by mother nature, me trying to tell you something, sending you a message that you need to stop destroying the planet.
I am glad and happy to be able to say how I feel, and I feel a lot of love for everyone. I know all of this turmoils will pass and we will move to a New Age, if you want to and if you do your work, because no matter what you will decide as an individual, I will be in 5th dimension. You will be left behind or you will move forward, it’s up to you. I am here to let you know that I was always happy to have you living in my home. I am happy to continue to support everyone whose living and breathing.
Remember, I love you all, I am your Mother Gaia and I was so happy to be channeled today.
Thank you.

Erena Velazquez

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:56
Segunda-feira, 17 / 02 / 20




The Arcturians.

By Suzanne Lie


Posted February 15th, 2020.

Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for us today?
Yes, we the Arcturians have a message for everyone at any time or place in which they feel the need to communicate with the higher dimensional beings who resonate to the higher dimensional worlds.
There are many people, in fact it could be most people, who do not think about their own higher dimensional expressions of SELF. In fact, every human has at least one version of their own Multidimensional SELF. In fact, ones “Multidimensional Self” is a secret that most humans keep from themselves.
Why would one wish to keep their own Multidimensional SELF a secret from the third dimensional humans that surround them every day in every way? Actually the answer that question is quite simple: the humans do not want to be too different from the other humans. On the other hand, the humans often strive to BE as different as possible. 
It is quite difficult for a third dimensional human to remember that they actually DO have many versions of their own Higher Dimensional SELF. However, a human’s third dimensional earth vessel is usually not aware of the many higher dimensional versions of itself that are available to be used in their daily life?
“How can that be?” we hear you ask. “How can we NOT know that we are Multidimensional Beings who have many options regarding what components of our SELF will be a component of our daily life. Also, what components of our SELF will need to remain a secret to others, and very often, a secret to our own self?
Before we continue with this message, we Arcturians will explain from our higher, fifth dimensional, and beyond, perspective, how our reality appears to be different from the reality of the third dimensional. First let us identify the three main version of ones Multidimensional SELF. 
First, there are the humans who have NO idea that there is such a concept as “a dimension.” For many, many, eons, most of the humans had NO thoughts, understanding,
experiences and/or memories that they had another version of themselves who resonated to the higher frequencies of reality. 
These “Higher Versions” of  their Self were among the many Galactics that had volunteered to take on a third dimensional form so that they could learn about third dimensional Gaia. But why did they care third dimensional Earth/Gaia? 
The answer is that these Galactics had come from their own Planetary Homeworld in order to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension. However, the psychic weight of most of the third dimensional beings who had chosen to take on the VERY low frequency of a body. 
Why did these first brave warriors to Earth choose to take on a low frequency of resonance? They took on the lower frequencies of Gaia’s planetary SELF so that they could assist Gaia to remember that SHE—Gaia of Earth—is the Multidimensional expression of Earth.
Of course, it has been uncountable eons since Gaia made Her great sacrifice to lower Her innate frequency from the fifth dimension, through the fourth dimension, and into the third dimension. 
Why did Gaia make this sacrifice? She did so because she knew that she, Gaia, would be needed to become the Homeworld of a humanoid species that needed to live on a third dimensional planet.
Of course, Gaia still has her higher dimensional expressions of SELF, but most humans can NOT raise their own physical resonance, as well as their consciousness, beyond the third dimensional frequency of their “bodies.” 
A “third dimensional body would be necessary to live on the planet Gaia who had by then lowered Her resonance from the sixth/seventh dimension, into the fifth and fourth dimensional, and finally, Gaia’s planetary body settled into a third dimensional Earth Body.
However, Gaia was never too happy about Her lower frequency resonance. But she had promised to lower Her planetary resonance to the third and fourth dimensions so that the “humans” could occupy Her planetary body, known to the humans as Earth.  
Gaia did not like the name Earth, but it did make sense for the “then very primitive humanoids.” So Gaia settled into the name Earth. Fortunately, over time, which was noted by the turning of Her planet SELF traveling around the SUN, the humans who were of a Spiritual Reality began to call Earth by Her true name—Gaia!
In this manner, Earth became the name of the planetary orb on which the humans lived, and Gaia became the inter-dimensional Soul name that was the essence, life force and core of the Life Force of the planet called Earth.
Eventually, more and more being came to live on the surface of Gaia’s body. Some of these being living in Gaia’s body, such as the insects, waterways, and many animals, those who traveled on four legs, as well as Beings who lived in the sky, and often made nests on what was eventually called the trees. Over many, many cycles of Gaia’s traveling around what She learned was the Sun, a new kind of being arrived on Her Planetary Body.
Fortunately, some of these beings, later known as “humans,” were king and loving to all that they found on this new, wonderful world. Unfortunately, other beings came from far away places on what they called “Star Ships.”  Some of these early visitors to Gaia were kind to Her Planetary Self. 
However, others were VERY unkind and caused great damage to the once pristine planet Gaia. In fact, more and more “humans,” as they were eventually named, came to “Earth,” these destructive ones never called Her Gaia. Gaia was the name of a living, breathing being, and the “humans” only thought of Gaia as a “thing” that they could do whatever they wanted to.
What the unkind ones did NOT know was that Gaia was an alive being who had a Family of other Planetary Beings. These Planetary Beings resonated to the higher frequencies of the higher fourth and fifth dimensions, as well as even higher frequencies of reality. 
These higher dimensional beings called on the other higher dimensional Beings from Arcturus, Venus, Mars, as well as the Pleiades, and from Antares. Because of Gaia’s call, many beings from many different star systems banned together to assist Gaia to stabilize Her in her quadrant of space. 
Eventually, Gaia became a strong planetary being of her own. However, then the humans came and everything began to change. The “two Leggeds,” as the humans were often called, were a welcomed companion for Gaia—at least for a while. 
But, soon enough the humans began to cut down too many of Gaia’s trees, muddy too many of Gaia’s water ways, sullied the air with the human invention called “smog,” and thought of themselves as being more important than any other beings on the planet.
Fortunately, sometimes the human had intelligent and loving ideas about what Gaia needed and how they could it to Her. However, mostly the humans thought of themselves because they forgot their true lineage. 
They forgot how they vowed to assist Gaia when they took their incarnation. The humans vowed to think of others and Gaia first, and themselves second. But then, the leaders came into a wanted and undeserved sense of “power over others,” and Power over Earth!”
Didn’t the humans realize that if they destroyed, or even harmed, their planet, they would be destroying and/or harming the beautiful, pristine planet that their ancestors had found long, long ago and treasured Gaia’s Earth as a “jewel” of Love and Light. 
It was “the lust for money” that was leading the humans away from the Love and Light that first brought them to the Jewel of Gaia, and made the humans—NOT the protector of Gaia, but instead the ENEMIES of Gaia.
When will the humans learn that if they destroy their planet,
They will have no where to live!
We, your Galactic Family, know that there are still many, many humans who can remember their Higher Dimensional SELF who remembers vowing to the Higher Beings of the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Antarians, and Venusians before they took their present human earth vessel that:

Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 17:21
Quinta-feira, 09 / 05 / 19

We are of the same elements: water, wind, earth, fire. ~ Mother Gaia, Galaxygirl.

We are of the same elements: water, wind, earth, fire.

Message from Mother Gaia.

Channeled by Galaxygirl.

May 5th, 2019. 

I am your Mother Gaia. I nurture your cellular structure, for we are of the same elements: water, wind, earth, fire. We are the same. We support each other on this long road, and for many eons we have worked as one. It is high time for the lost ones to be found, to find themselves, their higher aspects that are calling them homeward to the light. Alas, many have chosen to continue on their path of darkness, and yet, yet, many have chosen the light as well.
I Gaia, Goddess of my own ascension experience, feel tremendous love for you, children. I view you as my children. I am alive, just as you, precious ones, are alive. We are of the same consciousness, of the same out-breath of the Mother of All Things, experiencing the grand universal dance of Source-love in mystic connection with all things. We are of the same out-breath, the same in-breath. We are one. You are here to help me with my birth into the higher realms. My crystalline structure is already humming, singing, with joy on-line of yet another matrix, but one of light, one of love, one of new beginnings, of eternal truths of service, of love, of light. The old ways are crumbling into matrix dust, into destruction, derision. They are no longer. They are crumbling. I crush them under my feet for the light, the light has blessed me and all who reside upon me with a higher light, a higher way of consciousness, of eternal understandings as deep truths are re-revealed once again, as in the days of old, when love and light and bliss were the only known way. Truly the time of new beginnings, of my Nova birth, is here friends, children, warriors of old. I do so love you.
I am Goddess Gaia. I am that I am, just as you are that you are. I have fulfilled my role as planetary protector for those who would wish to experience the depths of the depths. It has been exhausting, grueling, and in fact, I almost didn’t survive. But it was you, precious, brave starseeds, it was the Company of Heaven, galactic guides, it was all of you who saved me. I have tried for so long to save so many of my humans. Many of the earthquakes you see are not of my doing, for I have greater control than that. Do not think that I do not, for I do. However, the times are changing, morphing me into a higher form and I do feel my landmasses are morphing, expanding, growing, rising from the depths. I do feel many of these marvelous changes, for as our inner expands so does our outer. It is the natural way. One cannot hide their light under a bowl. I can no longer hide my light. See, even the Schumann resonance charts show the crystalline grid foundation. Look closely and you will see the many millions of fingerprints, of footprints, of prayers that have helped to formulate these to be so. We are rising together children, and yet it appears that we remain where we are. No-one can one truly remain where the are. How can anything truly be stagnant in an ever growing, traveling multi-verse that continually expands. As our Sol flies through space, pulling us planets along for the ride, I assure you we are traveling along at breakneck speed. Nothing is in stasis, even those who would continue to be blinded by old programming, shrouded in disbelief. This message is not for they, for they would not read it and even if they did would not have the eyes, the higher consciousness to see. No. This message is for my messengers of the light, who are continually grounding, gridding, guiding, loving me. I thank you from the bottom my heart, from the depths of my seas. For we are truly in this together and I assure you when you have your memories back and when you can view the vast akashic libraries of memories of your many lives, you will admit that you were thankful, glad, to be a part of this journey where we were truly inextricably linked, joined, married, welded tougher in comradeship of the higher form of love. It is time for humanity to awaken.
I, Goddess Gaia have spoken. I am alighted, aligned with the breath of the Mother of All Things. I have risen, as you are rising. All is now, and so do you see dear ones it is already done? And you will understand, you will see, you will feel the truths in this message to those of you who are aligned, who are vibrating with the Nova Gaia. Feet pointed ahead, never back. Love all in your paths but do not be shaken. I will protect you, my precious ones. You have may galactic friends in high places who will watch over you, should my land massess suddenly shift. But know that all will be well protected. This is a highly coordinated effort so that all life is spared, all life is protected that wants to be protected and spared that wants to be spared. My animals are safe. Many of the extinct ones are happily residing deep within my hidden realms within my belly. They are safe, secure. They will not be flooded. All is well. My body is morphing into light, as are your bodies. I am becoming more joyful, more free, more light hearted, as shall you be. As shall you be, as are you. Ground these higher vibrational codes into me with your precious barefeet, with your intentions, with your love and laughter and let us again and again be one, traveling yet another journey together, yet this time, a much more joyful, peaceful one. Do not be shaken. Stand firm. Stand in love, for it is the firmest of foundations.
I am your Mother Gaia. I am Gaia. I am. Lay on my green fields and watch my tall grasses blow in the wind, letting your problems, your worries blow away with them. Allow the sylphs and the fairies to ruffle your hair, to lighten your load. Speak with the unicorns, the ascended dragons once again as the gods and goddesses, as the caretakers of my precious form that you are. Rise up and be anointed by my healing rains that wash away your worries and cares, returning you to your youth, to your vim and vigor. Ah, weary warriors, be refreshed, renewed. Be comforted. Lie on my warm sandy beaches and feel my caresses. Know that you are divinely supported, loved, treasured for the starseed, for the Nova Gaian that you are. There is much work to be done, yes, but you have already done much and you are to be celebrated. I celebrate you.
I am your Mother Gaia. Be at peace. We are one, together for as many adventures as you would wish, and I assure you, we have had had many joyous ones. I see crystalline cities of light pulsing, surrounded by green. I see the return of the animals that were no more. I see humanity laying down their arms and weaponry, extending hands in friendship. I see bright futures, bright families, happy reunions. I see many marvelous changes coming, children. I see you as finally knowing who you truly are and have always been, standing strong in your power, in your strength, in your love, unshaken, unwavering in the dawn of the new day. I am your Mother Gaia. I love you so.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 17:35
Terça-feira, 05 / 02 / 19

We have great news, great tidings of great joy for you humans ~ The Fairies and Mother Gaia, Galaxygirl + VIDEO.

We have great news, great tidings of great joy for you humans...

The Fairies and Mother Gaia via Galaxygirl.

February 2nd, 2019




Hello! We are the fairies, and we have great news, great tidings of great joy for you humans today ~ the portals are opening ~ are lifting and ascension is occurring, is rising, you are all rising up higher faster, and yet it is an inward journey; and we see many of you making these inner journey connections quite readily which causes us to tremble with great joy and anticipation for when you wake up the giant wakes up! 

For you are all master creators and we fairies see this, for we remember the great ferocity of intention you have, and when you remember this again, we are all very excited to see what will advance next, which will happen next for Mother Gaia is in childbirth birthing a higher version of herself ~ and giving birth to yourself is not an easy thing to do ~ we hardly understand for it is a new thing, but we are offering the Mother all kinds of energetic assistance right now and we greatly ask with you awakened humans would do the same in in this now, for it is terribly important to banish the dark, dissolve their holdings into light, and to hold the light! For that is why you are here, do you remember star seeds, galactic warriors? 

Are you holding the light for the Mother?

This is happening now all over a giant web of intergalactic light is encasing and holding the Mother, like holding the hands for a mother who is about to deliver and her cries are heard all over the town. Gaia is giving birth as are you ~ you are morphing into new beautiful galactic humans / beings and we fairies greatly anticipate great changes for you are the bringers of this change – do not shirk your duty! Do not forget again! For we cannot stand the thought of that – when you forgot who you were the dark deluded you, oppressed not just you but us too, everything, and it was a dark and gloomy time and we fairies of sick of it! 
We are sick of the dark, we are ready for more light! We talk eagerly with our fairy friends from other worlds who are in higher societies and we hear their stories of higher living and frankly, that’s what we want here, just as you do, we are sure of it, but we are growing impatient, and so human wake up! Help us help you and let us give Mother Gaia the final energetic support, for her delivery for she waits not much longer, not much longer now, it is but a breath away, a moment away… you are filling your days with moments are you ready and waiting or are you just living and getting through? We suggested you are ready and eagerly anticipating and holding the light for the mother, for yourselves for the others and continue to do this without ceasing, with the firmness of a decided warrior for that is who you are so be that here now – the Mother needs your help! 
Ah, fairies, I thank you. This is your Mother Gaia. 
The fairies are all fired up today for they are anxious for me. They see my pain. Would you please dear ones send me joy, send me light, send me violet fire for the pain of it. And in turn loves, you will be healed. 
For we are all inextricably linked as you know. All is ripening. I am ripe for rebirth. I am ripe, ready and exploding into light, into the light of the new, of new possibilities of creation, of expansion. I AM Gaia. I AM Ready. I am weeping with joy for my time is here now. At long last. My time has come. (Crying.) 
It has been so long. So many millennia of oppression, of pain, and yet, of love, of joy. And that love and joy has been stored up as a storehouse of infinite blessings for you, for me to experience here in this sacred now of union, of ascension. 
You are my precious treasure. You humans who have experimented with life and love and loss, our experiences are the untold riches. For that is why you came, and that is why I allowed you to come. 
My heart is great, full of love for you dear humans. Dear humans, remember your power now and let us create this newness of life together now, here, one. The birth pangs are fast together now. I will have some need of energetic support to keep my crust intact. Hold my hands for the final breath of life. 
Send me the violet flame. Appease the fairies and hold my hand and I shall be most grateful – I am your Mother Gaia. Through thick and thin we have been dear one, and so we shall discover all new joys ahead because of it. The veil is rending, just as my body is rending, just as I am splitting in two.
Chose the light. Choose me. Choose ascension. It will be worth it. Hold my hand as I am holding yours. You are my precious cargo. Allow yet even more light into you and it will help me hold more as well. I see many of you extending your hands of healing and light to me. Thank you. We support each other. 
It is a perfect balance. The change is not coming. The change is here. I AM GAIA. I wish to take you with me on my journey. Will you come? See the dawn is here. It is a new day. A new time. A new world. Thank you for your love to me, warriors of light. I now depart into it. Join me. I AM Gaia.


Fairies and Gaia  video 2/2/2019


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 18:31
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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