A Chama da Ascensão


Sexta-feira, 22 / 05 / 20

The Great Solar Flash of Light, New Earth and Ascension

The Great Solar Flash of Light, New Earth and Ascension

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

May 22nd, 2020



Your experiences since 2012 that was the end of the last Age have clearly shown that you are going through change, so that you can release the old that serves no further purpose. You are in the process of a change that will lead you on to the next phase of your evolution. Clearly when one cycle ends another commences so it is necessary to do some cleaning up so as to prepare yourselves for the next stage in your evolution. More so it will separate the “wheat from the chaff” so that each one can continue to follow a path designated to allow for further development, at a level that gives you opportunities to experience the next stage necessary to expand your consciousness even further.

The future is set to ensure you continue your evolution having experienced many lives in the depths of the lower vibrations that were your Hell on Earth. Some souls were caught up in them so much so that they were unable to extract themselves from it, whilst others repeatedly took on the challenges presented to them and were able to survive. In a freewill Universe you were allowed to choose your experiences, although with guidance you took due note of the advice given by those who have already reached a high level of consciousness.

Understand that you volunteered to experience the lower vibrations being fully aware that you were essentially on your own, although help was always within your reach. The attraction for you was that through success you would be able to advance much more quickly and be all the more stronger for it. So it is with full admiration that we applaud your achievement and will stand aside to welcome you to the higher dimensions. These may seem premature in view of the fact that there is still some way to go, but you have completed the difficult part and are now rising up to a new level where you will experience the Great Solar Flash of Light from the Sun, that will immediately lift you onto the new Earth – your Ascension.

You may not realise how privileged you are to be on Earth at the actual moment of Ascension and it can be looked upon as an exciting moment in your life. Can you imagine the relief you will feel that at long last you have been successful, and ahead of you are many opportunities to choose your next experiences that will be most exhilarating within the realms of Light. You will no longer have to live as before but instead have absolute freedom by being able to provide for yourself through your power of thought. Friends and family will be but a thought away making contact very easy.

We like to lift you up by giving you a glimpse into your future as ascended beings, and we can fully appreciate how much you have gone through to prove your strength and dedication to the Light. It will be quite natural that having ascended you will at some stage like to also help others upon their path. You will have many friends and even family that will follow in your footsteps, and it is understandable that you would like to help them and you will have that opportunity.

Mankind with time on their hands is at present going through a period of introspection, as it has become apparent that the old way of living has not proved adequate or helpful to those wishing to prepare for Ascension. The higher vibrations are already bringing out the best in many people and there is more sympathy for those souls that are barely able to exist in their particular environment. The inequalities amongst the different groups is patently obvious yet they should be one, as in fact All are One. Whilst it would be true to say that many have chosen their own destiny there is no reason why they should not be given that right and live happy and fulfilling lives.

Life on Earth could have been a delightful and happy experience but the dark Ones who believe that in some way they are superior have deliberately kept for themselves inventions and advancements exclusively for themselves. The surface dwellers have been under the control of the Illuminati for eons of time, but fortunately the Alliance has now grown in power to the point that they are the dominant force. They have undertaken to break up the dominance of the dark Ones and have already put many behind bars. Ultimately it is certain that Humanity will become aware of how they have been confined to an “open prison” for so long and accepted it as normal. It is far from the truth, and along with friendly Space Beings who await an opportunity to introduce themselves and bring about changes that will help propel you into a New Age.

Dear Ones you stand out on Earth like beacons of Light and hardly realise how much you lift others up through your presence. You exude an energy that is calming and reassuring to those who are embroiled in the lower energies due to their low quality of life. Be assured that they are not being punished but they have needed experiences at such a level to awaken them to the truth. They in turn give others an opportunity to show their sympathy to their plight, and help in a way that shows their love and light for those considered to be lesser beings.

You live in an illusion that has become your reality which is why it is far removed from your true selves. You live a make-believe life although it is set up in such a way that you can learn from it and evolve. Your true Self is your God Self that remains on the other side of the veil that over sees your life on Earth. It is the source of your being and your ever present God Self of eternal life, and has much to do with helping you to fulfil your life plan. Many have chosen their own destiny, and there is no reason why they should not be given the right to do so and live happy and fulfilling lives.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 22:35
Sexta-feira, 15 / 05 / 20



Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

May 15th, 2020



You are beginning to recover from the Coronavirus and most countries are experiencing an upward turn that will allow an easing up of the restrictions you have been experiencing. It has been a costly experience in many ways, not least of all the knock on effect of so many businesses suffering near closure. You have come face to face with the flaws that the business model reveals, and how it has been controlling the lives of so many people. Already they have realised how the world economy has largely been run and manipulated by the banks, revealing that your monetary system has been deliberately subjected to ups and downs to their benefit.
Without a doubt you will have a lot of soul searching to do, if you are to start anew with the assurance that paper money will disappear. The gold standard will return and be the measure of a new economy that is run with real money that has real value. You will have ample time to make the necessary changes that will ensure that there is no return to the old defunct way of running your countries. Already there are moves taking place to ensure that there cannot be a return to the old ways that cannot take you forward any longer.
With the continuing uplifting of the vibrations and a gradual increase in your level of consciousness, you will have less and less to do with the negativity associated with the old Age. You are on the upward curve and moving into a new level that is gradually becoming free from negativity. Ignore those who refuse to uplift themselves as they are creating their own pathway to the future. Bless them and move on as they have nothing useful to offer you, as their pathway is not yours. You are treading one that is of the Light and in the not too distant future will lead you to Ascension.
Do not concern yourself about the fate of those who persist in carrying out negative actions, as they too are following a carefully arranged life plan that will give them the experiences they need to overcome their weaknesses.  At such an important time in your evolution you should stay focused on your own goal. Be assured that every soul has an equal opportunity to ascend, but clearly many of them are still caught up in the fight for individual supremacy. They have little or no concept of the Oneness of Humanity or Eternal Life. However, there will come a time when they awaken to the Light and become aware of their God selves.
You have a multitude of beings from all over the Universe who have come to Earth not just to witness Ascension, but be ready to welcome you into the Galactic Society. Some are from the Pleiades and other areas in space to “claim their own” and help them to adjust to the new life ahead of them. The dimensional shift leaves your old world behind, so that you can take your place on a beautiful new Earth, free from any form of interference from the dark Ones.
However, there is still a long way to go before the higher vibrations are achieved but you are heading in the right direction, and help is on hand to ensure your success. Never falter as you are assured of Ascension providing you maintain your present vibrations and raise them up as the opportunities arise. You have come such a long way to arrive at this point in your evolution, so make sure you do not drop back. With so many of you having cleared your karma the rest of your journey should be plain sailing. Yet there are distractions all around you, so care must be taken to firmly keep your goal in sight at all times.
The end times are opportunities for you to help others also travelling the path who may not be as advanced as yourselves. A kindly word or a helping hand can be most acceptable as your experience enables you to speak with authority. It is perfectly normal for those who have advanced in evolution to help others, and in the bigger scheme those who have set the path are responsible for ensuring that those who follow in their footsteps are guided to achieve success.
Understand that you are all One and the sooner you can accept it, the sooner you will advance and able to treat others with the respect that you seek for yourself.  This also applies where other life forms are concerned, because all have souls that continually change as they experience the different life forms. Life is all about gaining experience and you go where you can best learn from it and expand your consciousness. Your Universe is full of different levels of vibration and it is only in the lower ones that you can experience matter and solid physical forms. Whatever you can imagine already exists somewhere in your Universe
In the not too distant future many of you will rise up into the higher vibrations and look back and realise that you spent many lives in the lower ones.  Through it you gained a greater level of consciousness and learned to control your emotions. It was necessary to overcome what can only be described as the lower emotions. These no longer exist in an evolved soul who has complete control over their feelings, and can remain at one where they are constantly able to remain unaffected by what goes on around them. It takes time to achieve that level of control, and eventually it will become second nature.
Words can hardly express what a wonderful future awaits you, one so different to your present existence that there is no comparison. It will be well deserved as you have plumbed the depths and experienced many horrors, wars and depravity, yet you have come through it and kept your dignity and composure to set a shining example of Light and Love. You are to be acknowledged as a shining example of one who has found their God Self .
I leave you with love and blessings and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self  and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 22:18
Segunda-feira, 11 / 05 / 20

Com os benefícios que as mudanças trarão ficareis mais do que satisfeitos

Com os benefícios que as mudanças trarão ficareis mais do que satisfeitos.

Mensagem do Eu superior,

Recebida por Mike Quinsey.

a 8 de maio de 2020

Tradução: Candido Pedro Jorge, 

revisada a 11 de maio de 2020


Não se desesperem com as mudanças aparentemente intermináveis que estão ocorrendo, elas são necessárias para tirá-los dos velhos costumes e que, até agora, serviram aos seus propósitos. Haverá muitas mudanças na maneira de como estão vivendo agora. Algumas serão de longo alcance e parecerão drásticas, enquanto outras não causarão mais do que uma pequena ondulação. 

Quer gostem ou não, podemos garantir que, uma vez que vejam os benefícios que tais mudanças trarão, ficarão mais do que satisfeitos e jamais desejarão voltar aos velhos tempos. Algumas dessas mudanças levarão algum tempo para serem concluídas, todavia, na medida em que seus amigos extraterrestres puderem se apresentar com segurança, eles serão autorizados a ajudá-los e acelerar suas atividades até sua conclusão.

Se puderem ver os efeitos sobre suas vidas, como serem levados para tempos emocionantes e edificantes, lidarão muito melhor com a situação, caso contrário, podem ser levados a insatisfação e decepção. Na verdade, aqueles que puderem esperar até a Ascensão são considerados privilegiados, uma vez que, muitas almas que estavam ansiosas para fazerem parte dela, no entanto, não foram selecionadas. 

Pode-se dizer que esta é uma "oportunidade única" em que, pela primeira vez serão capazes de, neste Universo,  realmente, experimentarem a Ascensão em seus atuais corpos físicos. É o momento que estavam esperando, quando seus julgamentos e tribulações chegarem ao fim. Mudanças são inevitáveis, embora, no longo prazo, verão que tudo está destinado a abrir seus caminhos para uma vida melhor, uma que seja pacífica e gratificante.

Os Mestres que supervisionam suas evoluções estão satisfeitos por vocês terem ultrapassado o limite e esperam com ansiosas expectativas e alegria por, finalmente, terem comprovado suas disposições de ascenderem, onde cada um de vocês é algo pouco parecido com ovelhas perdidas que, de repente, encontraram o caminho de casa e estão empolgados com o fato de que, aquilo para o que se esforçaram por éons, finalmente chegou. 

A oportunidade de ouro para avançarem ainda mais na Luz, deixando para trás as vibrações mais baixas que bem serviram a seus propósitos. Para nós, é difícil aplacar aquelas almas que não atingiram o nível necessário para ascenderem, todavia, não haveria nenhum propósito ou valor nelas, até que estivessem prontas. Seus problemas imediatos são que, enquanto na Terra, não tenham uma memória completa de suas vidas anteriores, não têm como julgar quanto progresso espiritual fizeram.

Entendemos suas preocupações com os anexos adquiridos durante suas temporadas na Terra. Desejam sentir que, de alguma forma, podem renová-las, todavia, não podemos dar essa garantia. No entanto, onde os relacionamentos são formados por Amor recíproco, é formado um vínculo que garante que se encontrem novamente. 

Lembrem-se de que, do outro lado, o tempo que entendem como ser, não é o mesmo e passa muito mais rapidamente, situação em que podem ir e voltar de acordo com suas necessidades e descobrirem que pouco ou nenhum tempo parece ter decorrido. De fato, poderão reviver e corrigirem eventos em suas vidas anteriores que lhes causaram preocupações.

Nas vibrações mais altas, a vida é muito mais gratificante e emocionante, livre do tipo de preocupações que experimentam na Terra. Em termos gerais, há uma maior harmonia e liberdade de viajarem para onde desejam e, ao pensarem em alguém, desde que esse alguém esteja livre para responder, manterão contato. 

O poder do pensamento é a chave para a maioria das coisas, quando estão num nível de vibração tão alto e, isso significa que, ao contrário da vida na Terra, podem criar praticamente tudo o que quiserem. Percebam o quanto mais de liberdade terão, vidas totalmente diferentes das que tiveram. 

Certamente, nunca irão querer voltar ao antigo estilo de vida que, embora bonito, às vezes, também, tenham sido experiências muito dolorosas. Experiências que, no entanto, serviram a seus propósitos, ajudando-os a evoluir.

Experiências que, de qualquer forma são essenciais para o crescimento espiritual e a razão de concordarem em encarnar na fisicalidade. Reconhecidas como a maneira mais rápida de evoluir e provarem suas capacidades de poderem viver com êxito suas vidas físicas. 

Naturalmente, na medida em que avançam, os desafios se tornam mais difíceis. No entanto, quando superam seus obstáculos, são momentos de grande sentimento de satisfação. Com ajuda, acabarão tendo sucesso em cada Era, levando adiante o que já aprenderam. Um sistema que existe há éons para que possam ter certeza de que são perfeitos para as experiências necessárias as suas evoluções.

O carma é um dos meios pelos quais cada um de vocês evolui, uma vez que é necessário destacar para onde está indo, se à deriva ou para onde sua evolução possa prosseguir sem obstáculos. A vida não é uma série de eventos acidentais e, sim, uma série de experiências cuidadosamente organizadas para garantir que progridam. 

No entanto, não ficam sozinhos para lidarem com elas, pois seus Guias sempre estão à disposição para guiá-los, bastando, penas estarem atentos a eles.  Se não fizerem isso, o problema permanecerá e agirá como um obstáculo aos seus progressos. Dessa forma, observem os desafios que surgem em suas vidas, uma vez que eles são muito importantes em seus aprendizados.

Os tempos de testes pelos quais estão passando mostrarão se podem ou não seguirem o fluxo e não permitirem que os eventos os perturbem, aceitando que nada acontece sem uma boa razão. O que quer que surja em seus caminhos é de vital importância. 

Portanto, após cada experiência, considerem cuidadosamente que lição foi aprendida. Se falharam, já devem saber que o desafio será repetido. Obviamente, é de seus interesses limparem seus carmas com sucesso, para que possam fazer um bom progresso, sabendo que não existe razão para que eles voltem a aparecer. Aprendam bem suas lições e certifiquem-se de continuarem evoluindo.

A chance de ouro está convidando-os a se elevarem, para que não tenham necessidade de, novamente, seguirem o mesmo caminho. Levarão essas experiências consigo, que servirão muito bem para o caso de desafios futuros.

Deixo a todos com Amor e bênçãos e que a Luz ilumine seus dias e caminhos até a conclusão de suas jornadas. Esta mensagem vem através do meu Eu Superior, meu Eu Divino onde toda alma tem a mesma conexão interna com Deus.

Em Amor e Luz.

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publicado por achama às 20:18
Sábado, 09 / 05 / 20

With the benefits that the changes will bring you will be more than satisfied

With the benefits that the changes will bring you will be more than satisfied

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

May 8th, 2020



Do not despair at the seemingly never ending changes that are taking place but they are necessary to move you from the old ways that have now served their purpose. There has to be many changes to the way you are living now, some will be far reaching and seem drastic whilst others may pass without causing more than a little ripple. Whether you like it or not we can assure you that once you see the benefits that the changes will bring, you will be more than satisfied and never wish to go back to the old times. Some changes will of necessity take a long time to complete, but at the stage when your Extra-terrestrial friends can safely introduce themselves they will be allowed to assist you and speed up your activities to completion.
If you can view the effects upon your life as leading to exciting and uplifting times, you will cope a lot better otherwise it could lead to dissatisfaction and disappointment. In fact those of you who can expect to go all the way to Ascension are considered to be privileged as many souls were eager to be part of it but were not selected. It is as you might say “a once in a lifetime” opportunity for the first time to be able to actually experience Ascension in your existing body. It is the time you have been waiting for when your trials and tribulations have come to an end. The changes are inevitable but you shall see that in the long run everything is destined to open up your path to a better life and one that is peaceful and fulfilling.
The Masters who oversee your evolution are pleased that you have passed the marker, and wait with eager expectations and joy that at last you have proved your readiness to ascend. You are a bit like lost sheep who have suddenly found the way home, and are excited that what you have been striving for eons of time has at last arrived. It is your golden opportunity to move further into the light and leave behind the lower vibrations that have well served their purpose. It is difficult for us to placate those souls who have not reached the required level to ascend, but there would be no purpose or value in them doing so until they were ready. Your immediate problem is that whilst on Earth you do not have a full memory of your previous lives, and have no way of judging how much spiritual progress you have made.
We understand your concern regarding attachments made during your times on Earth. You wish to feel that somehow you can renew them but we cannot give you that assurance. However, where relationships have been formed out of love for each other, a bond is formed that ensures you will meet again. Bear in mind that on the “other side” time as you understand it is not the same and passes much quicker, and you can go backwards and forwards according to your needs and find that little or no time seems to have elapsed. You can in fact relive events in your earlier lives that have caused you concern.
Life in the higher vibrations is so much more rewarding and exciting and free from the type of worries you experience on Earth. In general terms there is a greater harmony and freedom to travel where you desire, and by thinking of someone providing they are free to answer, you will have made contact. The power of thought is the key to most things when you are at a level of vibration so high, and it means that unlike living upon Earth you can create virtually anything you want. Realise how much more freedom you will have in a life totally unlike the one you will have left. Assuredly you will never want to return to the old life style which although beautiful at times, could also be a very painful experience. Yet it serves its purpose by helping you evolve.
Experience in any form is essential to spiritual growth and it is why you agreed to take physical incarnations. It is recognised as the fastest way to evolve and prove your ability to be able to successfully live through physical lives. Naturally as you progress the challenges become harder but when you overcome them it is a great feeling of satisfaction. With help you will eventually succeed as between each Age you carry forward what you have already learnt. The system has been in existence for eons of time so you may rest assured it is perfect for the experiences needed to evolve.
Karma is one of the means by which you evolve as it is necessary to highlight where you are going adrift, so that your evolution can proceed unhindered. Life is not a series of accidental events but a series of carefully arranged experiences to ensure you make progress. You are not however left on your own to cope with them and your Guides are always on hand to guide you if only you will take notice. If you do not the problem still remains with you and acts as block to your progress, so please take notice of the challenges that come up in your life as they are so important.
The testing times you are going through are going to show whether you can go with the flow, and not allow events to upset you but accept that nothing happens without good reason. Whatever comes up on your path is vitally necessary so after the experience carefully consider what lesson can be learnt from it. If you fail you must know by now that the challenge will come around again. It is obviously in your interests to successfully clear your karma so that you can make good progress, knowing that there is no reason why it should come around again. Learn your lessons well and be sure that you are continuing to evolve.
The golden chance is inviting you to ascend so that you will have no necessity to walk the same path again. You would carry the experiences with you, and they will serve you well where any future challenges are concerned.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 19:05
Sábado, 25 / 04 / 20

Control Over the Ego and Emotions.

Control Over the Ego and Emotions.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

April 24th, 2020



With time on your hands you all have a unique opportunity to consider your degree of evolution and whether you are firmly on the path to Ascension. It is very important at this point in time as in real terms you do not have that much longer to firmly set your sights on your evolution and take the golden opportunity that is before you to ascend. If it is your goal and you have made every effort to adequately prepare yourself, no doubt you are aware of the need to push forwards and never lose sight of it. With so much happening around you it would be easy to become distracted, so the need to keep well focused on what you are doing is so important.

To be released from the continual challenges that you have had to face will come with Ascension, and the nearer you get to it the easier it will become. Even at this particular time you will notice subtle changes as you start to re-assess your progress. The main objective is to put your ego in a position where it cannot dictate how you respond to any future challenges, as by now you should have control over your emotions. No more should you automatically re-act to situations that could otherwise involve loss of self-control. You are the master where your feelings are concerned, and by maintaining a peaceful and loving attitude regardless of what is happening around you are proving your ability to keep calm. This way you are continually lifting your vibrations and maintaining your path to completion.

We know the tasks are very trying, but that is of course their intention and cover aspects of evolution that are vital to you as you climb higher and higher on the evolutionary path. However, you are never alone and your Guides are always on hand to give helpful advice and they will also arrange matters to ensure you keep to your chosen path, and try their best to stop you from straying. You can rest assured that if you feel that you are ready to advance your evolution they will point you in the right direction. You can be certain that if you should stray off your path every help will be given to get you back upon it.

You will be part of a great celebration after the Event finally takes place, because each of you undertook an enormous task to find your way back to the Light, after being thrown into the darkness and loneliness of the lower vibrations. Whilst you have always had your Guides around you, few souls have been immediately aware of their presence. However, it was known that many of you would raise their consciousness levels as time progressed and more experience was gained. The few have helped many others find their path and often it has started through following the teachings of their religion. In time through many incarnations in various other religious orders, a soul has been able to discern the truth and eventually acknowledge the existence of the God inside each soul.

It must be pointed out that whilst on Earth you are but a small aspect of your Godself, and it is understandable that you find it difficult to accept how great you really are. However, in time as you evolve even higher you will come to understand that your Godself exists on the other side of the veil. There are many surprises in store for you as you rise higher and higher, reaching levels that are way beyond those that the negative forces can achieve. You will leave them behind to experience their own demise, the result of leading a life of deceit and intent to bring others down with them. In the ultimate all such souls will be given another chance, but will first have to make amends for all of the negative actions they have been involved in.

At no stage are souls punished for their wrong doings, but have to make amends through which they learn the lessons in life. All is fairly operated and every soul is given opportunities to rise up again once their intentions to do so become clear, there is always help given to lead the way. Those souls who drop down into the lowest of the low levels are almost beyond redemption but even so they are never given up. Many souls that are incarnate now are those who have progressed sufficiently to be given an opportunity to ascend, and they will be helped to advance in a way that does not affect their freewill choice.

As you may imagine much is now happening to root out the dark Ones whilst they are largely isolated due to the Coronavirus, and it will occur with all speed to stop them from escaping. You may ponder the fact that in a period when the Light appears non-active it is quite the opposite. At a time when so much has come to a standstill, the Forces of Light have taken the initiative, and are busy taking the dark Ones into captivity. Those who travel into the future have seen the possibility of the Light being able to turn current matters to their advantage, and were therefore fully prepared to act at a minutes notice to the shutdown of virtually all of Humanity.

Out of a situation that could easily have cause much more harm, so to say the tables have been turned on the dark Ones, no doubt to their surprise and dismay. Dear Ones, the end game has started in earnest and there is only going to be one winner, how else could it be with the backing of the Forces of Light. Nothing is set in stone except Ascension that is a Cosmic event beyond the interference of the dark Ones. They are in disarray and lack co-ordination to be able to stop the outcome in favour of the Light. They will not admit that their cause has been lost and in desperation strike out at whatever is in their way.

Use the time you have on your hands to consider your position, where you are going next as decisions made now will determine how well you progress in the future. Each time you face a challenge there is always a chance the dark Ones will use it to distract you from your goal, so be alert and aware of what is happening around you.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 16:02
Sábado, 18 / 04 / 20

The people of the Earth are One, and the ego must be set aside.

The people of the Earth are One,

and the ego must be set aside.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

April 17th, 2020



The testing period you are in is going to make a big impression, so much so that things, many things that you take for granted are going to change. It is hoped that you will seize the opportunity to lay before you a path to Ascension that will reflect the needs that will arise as a result. Your focus should be entirely upon it as you have much to do in preparation for it. We feel that your present experiences will result in a more cooperative feeling amongst nations, who will recognise the Oneness of mankind regardless of colour or creed and realise that there is a greater need for a coming together, if you are to make world peace for once and for all time.

Currently you are seeing the outworking of the last time events will touch upon war between nations. The time for such actions is no longer acceptable and differences can be settled amicably if those concerned put their minds to it. You could make much quicker progress if you adopted peaceful attitudes and put an end to petty squabbles. The people of the Earth are One, and the ego must be set aside so as to allow good sense to prevail so that you can advance in a unified manner. Look ahead and set a path that allows all countries to come together. The days continual warring are finished and ended with the coming of the New Age. It has barely commenced but already there is a new feeling amongst people, who realise that the way forward is through peace and goodwill.

Politics are also changing inasmuch that there is less showmanship and deceit and instead a move to an honest relationship where all are treated with respect. Inequality has often resulted in difficult relationships where those holding the power have laid down the rules. The need for honesty and openness is needed to create good relationships that have been seriously lacking in recent times. It will improve as the “right” people take positions of authority and ensure fairness in all transactions. The truth has often been scarce but times are changing as more responsible and honest people move into the top positions. It may take time for people to realise how much things have changed for the better, but once the last vestiges of war have been removed, it will be obvious that a new era has commenced.

The population of Earth has tired of the continual wars and conflicts, having realised that they have been orchestrated, deliberated, and started by members of the Illuminati. Peace has never been their objective and even now they try to create situations that lead to wars, however greater powers than theirs have the authority to prevent their actions, as an end to them has now been decreed. There may still be minor skirmishes, but nothing of any importance. The changes taking place are irreversible and will eventually lead to peace on Earth. It will be seen as a prelude to permanent peace and allow great strides to be taken towards open contact with the Galactic Beings who patiently await the right opportunity to make themselves known to you. They have been following your progress for a long time, and are pleased that they can now help Humanity to achieve its goal of a One Nation of Peace. Their experience will be invaluable as you leave the old totally behind for an entirely new life.

There is so much waiting to be carried out once the vibrations have reached a point from where peace will reign. You cannot imagine how excited the Galactic’s are, knowing that the time is approaching when they can openly come amongst you. Their role will be to show you the way forward and help you speed up your activities. You have never really experienced what it feels like to rest in peace knowing that there is no threat against it. Understand that the higher vibrations will affect all living forms in a manner that you have not yet seen and would find it hard to visualize. You will get the idea from the promise that “the Lion would lay down with the Lamb”. There have of course been times when the harmony upon Earth reached new heights, but they have only been momentary. Just for a few moments you have been lifted up and experienced that peace and love that seems as though it could last for an eternity. It is a sign of things to come that are assured as you rise higher and higher into new levels of vibration.

The beauty and love as you rise up is something you have yet to experience, but it will eventually come your way. What you do during this time of change will set the system up for the remaining period up to Ascension. There is no need to panic as in fact you have more than ample time to put into place systems that will adequately cover your needs. In some respects you are in a critical time when changes are going to come quickly into place. It will be for the betterment of you all so that you will be fully prepared to take the necessary steps to keep you on track for the final changes. Initially it will seem chaotic, but as they take place so will your designated path become clearer.

Be assured as always help is on hand to guide you, and in this period we will be able to be more active. That does not mean that it is the right time to come closer to you, and you will hardly fail to recognise the result of our input. You have many friends and family who follow your progress and are urging you ever onwards to ensure a satisfactory conclusion. After the many lives you have had to reach this point you rest assured we are present to ensure you enjoy a satisfactory conclusion.

This is the time you have been working towards through many, many lives and having earned the opportunity to ascend you should have no problem in going all the way to completion. We are with you, so call upon us when in need and we will do our best to impress upon whatever you should do. Sit quietly and peacefully and we will be able to come quite close to you. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.

This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 19:11
Sábado, 04 / 04 / 20

The virus is severely testing your ability

The virus is severely testing your ability

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

April 3rd, 2020


The world has never had an opportunity to sit back and take a look at itself, or test what response it would give in a worldwide emergency. Now one is confronting them it is interesting to see how the main countries are coming together not knowing where the pandemic may take them. The virus that threatens most of your civilization is testing you to the limit, and it will show how well you can come together to deal with the threats that could bring down some of your governments. The virus is testing your resolve to beat it before matters become too serious.

The virus is already severely testing your ability to cope with its impact upon the very foundations upon which your countries rely upon for a smooth passage through life, and it will never be quite the same again and a lot of soul searching will have to take place. In time you may well consider that what is happening now is in some ways a blessing in disguise. Because there is no doubt that when matters return to normal there will be a lot of speculation about the need for making changes that will avoid such a catastrophe again. It will also be an opportunity to prepare the population for the great future that awaits you.

Some people are questioning why God allows such pandemics when so many people will die from the virus, but understand that freewill must be upheld. The truth will be hard for many to understand or accept, but whether as individuals, or collectively, you will come to accept some responsibility for the outcome, as your actions have helped bring it about. Realise that those souls who have passed on will be told of the circumstances leading to their death, and with a greater understanding of karma will accept their experience as part of their evolution. You will find that each lifetime is planned for such progress to which you will have agreed and little or nothing happens by chance.

You may feel aggrieved that you do not have waking knowledge of your life plan, but as we have previously explained, you should intuitively know when you are being tested. To fully know would mean that your reactions to your experiences would not necessarily be spontaneous as they should, given that you should feel free to express yourself in whatever way that you wished. Having given you freewill we have no desire to unduly influence you, although we may try to keep you on your spiritual path so that you fulfil your life plan.

You are unlikely to fully understand how your life can be so well organised to ensure you have every opportunity to get through it successfully, until you can see the full picture as you will when you return to the higher vibrations. Life is not as full of random happenings as you may believe, and your Guides are always with you to point you in the right direction. Again we emphasise that they do not impose their help upon you but at all times are there to guide or help you follow your chosen path.

You have all travelled a long way to get to this point in your evolution and it is probably the most important time you have ever reached. You stand at the door to freedom from the attention of the dark Ones, who have tried so hard to divert you from your path back to the Light. Although they are given limitations as to what extent they can go to achieve their aims, they are often still able to divert your attention from your goal. However, many of you have stayed true to your life plan and have moved beyond the obstacles placed on your path. Now there is no looking back as you have established a strong hold on your future.

You can now start thinking about your future and where you would like it to lead you, unlike earlier periods when your path was arranged for you. Now you are able to choose which one you wish to take, and have ample time to consider it before the Event takes place. The Galaxy awaits your presence and will welcome you as a Galactic Being who will follow your own designated path. Before the Event it is difficult to appreciate how wonderful it will be to have such freedom and be free from the interference of the dark Ones. Everything you have so far experienced has made you more resilient and stronger in the face of difficulties placed on your path.

Those who oversee your progress cannot interfere with your freewill decisions, but can use any situation that in the long run will ensure the outcome can also be of benefit to you. You may look at the present situation on Earth and ask how can that be, yet already there is recognition that the pandemic is highlighting the weaknesses in your old ways of living. Things will have to change to ensure your future is assured of never having to again face the results of such a serious pandemic. It has given you an insight into how precarious your lives have been balanced and how easily they can be uprooted with serious consequences. You have an opportunity to put things right so as to ensure that you never have such an experience again.

It might be hard to accept that you knew the possibilities of what might happen before you incarnated upon Earth, but you also knew that the outcome would most likely be a great change in direction that would benefit all Mankind. The New Age will now commence in a way that was impossible during the earlier period. All the good things that you were promised will soon start to become your reality.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 19:14
Sexta-feira, 27 / 03 / 20

Mother Earth is in the course of cleansing and cannot wait any longer.

Mother Earth is in the course of cleansing and cannot wait any longer.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

March 27th, 2020


I would imagine that many of you already keep in touch with David Wilcock’s latest video talks, as they are usually very informative and cover information useful to anyone on the path to Ascension. In a recent one titled “End Times” he referred to the present period, giving information as to precise nature of the “Event” that brings it about. I feel it is very important for people to be aware of it and know precisely what it entails. I am therefore giving you a slightly edited extract of the most relevant information that refers to the very nature of it as given, from the “End Times” through David Wilcock.

“The present period will be the last time our civilization will be in the third dimension. The World will go through a holographic transformation caused by a Wave of Light. A city will materialize above Earth that has already been seen by Man many times in the sky and it is on a different level of vibration. There will also be a 21 degree pole shift and it is also at the times end, and there will be a spiritual transformation as predicted in the Bible – see Matthew 13, 12.43. It will be the day of enlightenment and you will have a luminous body and experience the Resurrection. You will find that it is predicted exactly the same in the Muslim Book”.

Those who have already seen the City in the Sky tell us that it has what clearly look like tall buildings similar to skyscrapers. It seems likely that it may be the same one as visited by Genii Townsend in recent times that is also in the higher vibrations. If that is new to you, she has a website:

that is well worth visiting.

The powerful Wave of Light emanates from the Sun as Flash of Light, and it has been speculated that it may even flash three times. As far as I am aware no one knows exactly in which year it will take place, and already almost every year from 2020 up to 2030 has been put forward as being the most likely one. On a personal note I feel that David Wilcock is going to be the most accurate one by giving 2029/2030 as his prediction.

I will now continue with the usual weekly message through my Higher Self:

Mother Earth is in the course of cleansing it and cannot wait any longer for Man to grasp the truth of what is coming. Man’s ways are destroying the Earth and it must now be stopped before it is too late. However, there is no judgement involved as Man has been given freewill but has repeatedly ignored helpful warnings as to the result of his activities. Whilst it is true that some positive changes have taken place it is as you might say “touch and go” as to whether they will be sufficient to avoid a series of dramatic changes that are now needed. Certainly in one way or another Mother Earth has no option but to take whatever measures are necessary, as the situation is becoming urgent. Certainly enough warnings have been given as to the possible outcome, and strong actions have to be taken to keep you on track for the beneficial changes that are soon to take place.

The days of the Illuminati and their followers are numbered and already their power is diminishing. They can no longer control events on Earth to achieve their aims to reduce the population to a manageable number. It means that those of the Light can go about their business with full confidence knowing that the power of the cabal has been greatly curtailed, and in fact the arrests of their followers has weakened their plans. Their chance of success has come and gone and they can look forward to having to answer for their acts against Humanity and slowly but surely that day is approaching. The road to success has been cleared for the Light and preparations can commence to set the scene for a successful conclusion.

Meantime keep your eye on the goal that has been set for which your present actions are intended to lead you ever onwards. Know that events are “organised” so that your progress can continue and fully prepare you for your growth in consciousness. You are great beings that are beginning to wake up to your full potential, having come this far with a lower level of consciousness. You knew intuitively that having passed the marker success was to be yours. It may be hard to visualize with all of the difficulties you are facing but know that the Forces of Light are helping to pave the way for you so that you are assured of success.

Try not to look back and know that the changes are taking place to bring the new into being as the old ways are no longer appropriate. So keep an open mind and give your whole hearted support to those who lead the way, and we give our assurance that we have always been with you since you passed 2012 are allowed to ensure you achieve total success. The fact that you have done so is a remarkable achievement and at times it did not look as though you would succeed. Credit can go to the Lightworkers who with confidence did achieve success, and are set upon ascending to the higher vibrations.

Once things settle down you will find that a new way of progressing will be adopted, ensuring that all of your efforts are put into the right channels that should hasten the coming of the changes that are really overdue. From our side of the veil you may be assured that we are already setting up a plan that will put you on the right path. You are coming out of the lower vibrations and rightly so, as it is your time to leave them behind and concentrate on all that is destined to take you all the way to Ascension. It will be a well-deserved achievement and we congratulate all concerned.

By focusing on it you will help bring about a speedy path to completion. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 17:30
Sábado, 21 / 03 / 20

The old has no place in the present times.

The old has no place in the present times.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

March 20th, 2020


The chaos on Earth is reaching a new level and many of you are understandable confused because it is totally unexpected. As a result of a new virus that you have yet to find an antidote for, your world is experiencing a serious epidemic that has spread so quickly. Many of you thought that with the coming of the New Age that the new vibrations would quickly result in a great upliftment that would soon see the end of such troubles.

Yet you are in the midst of a world-wide pandemic the likes of which has not been experienced within your time frame. Your concern is such because you were told that with the completion of the old cycle in 2012, you were in effect commencing a new era free of old karma. Many souls have continued to remain karma free but others have incurred new karma, and we did warn you that in this new period it would not be carried over but would be almost instantaneous.

Therefore Coronavirus is a way of dealing with the need to correct the mistakes being made. However, the consequences are also an eye opener for many, many of you who have still tried to maintain the old way of living. The old has no place in the present times and it is shaking the very foundations on which your lives are based. You are seeing the shortcomings of the last Age and you will never return to them. When you start anew you will look back and acknowledge that which was unsuitable for your future, and take this opportunity to start anew.

In spite of all the trials and tribulations you have experienced, it is to your credit that many of you are rapidly approaching the time of Ascension. Regardless of what is happening the path to Ascension is now opening up even if it is not apparent at this particular time, and nothing will prevent it from coming to pass. The joy and happiness you will feel will be beyond measure and having moved beyond duality, you will live in peace and able to express yourselves free from the burden of mixed societies that have often been led by the Illuminati.

Although you cannot take any material possessions with you may rest assured that everything you need will be immediately available to you, although in reality you will have the mental power to bring such things into being yourself. It means that you will have so much more freedom of movement than ever before that can extend well beyond the Earth. Most souls usually prefer moving in groups who have similar interests and ambitions. The likelihood is that you will meet up with friends from earlier lives and so renew such friendships. They will be exciting times and you will have freedom to explore as you wish. With the added advantage of a much longer life your ambitions will clearly have no limitations.

You might imagine that having lived many, many lives over thousands of years there would be little left to excite you, but bear in mind that everything is continually moving on and subject to changes. There are seven Universes and in your time you will have spent lives in some of those, so you are in fact a seasoned traveller of the skies. You will also have experienced some of the different life forms that you will have long forgotten, yet there are still records of your history and it will remain there for all time. In reality you are a seasoned traveller of the Universe.

You are entitled to feel excited at the prospect of once more being in control of your destiny. Be assured that that the goal is still to continue your evolution and soon you will have much more to say about your future. You will be carrying forward all of the positive gains from your previous lives and your goal is to evolve even higher. Instead of very short lives and experiences, you will live for hundreds of years whilst maintaining a youthful appearance.

What lies ahead of you will be somewhat familiar and why you will have no problems in accepting it. After many lives having your life plan organised to enable you to lift your vibrations and achieve Ascension, it will be well within your capabilities to have full understanding and knowledge of the new experiences that you need. The knowledge of who you really are should lift you up to new heights, and the prospect of being part of those who seek out others needing help with their evolution is exciting and rewarding.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 02:41
Sábado, 14 / 03 / 20

Everything is in the process of change and at the root of it are the continuing higher vibrations.

Everything is in the process of change and at the root of it are the continuing higher vibrations.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

March 13th, 2020


As ever time is flying by and is your measure of how it is increasingly going quicker, and you are realising that time is not constant. Once you venture outside Earth and even outside of the solar system it will become more apparent. Eventually you will cease to measure time in your way and be guided by astronomical signs. A human’s life is built around time yet if you were more spontaneous and just allowed things to happen, you would be very surprised at how well synchronised events would be. You have a saying “that old habits die hard” and we realise it will take you quite a time to allow the flow of events to embrace you. You do not have to be a slave to events in your life, but sometimes try and be free and easy. It is of course appreciated that when you are employed you may well have targets to meet, and do not have the luxury of natural progression.
Everything is in the process of change and at the root of it are the continuing higher vibrations. There is much on Earth that is of low vibrations and will have no place after the cleansing has taken place. If you did but realise it, the Earth at times has been a living hell and even so many souls have managed to hold on to their higher vibrations, and come through period s that have been some of the greatest tests they have faced. All credit to those souls who weathered the “storm” and now stand at what may be called the gates of heaven. In your present experiences you have never touched upon the beauty and perfection of the higher vibrations, but it will come with Ascension.
Understand that no one can force their way into the higher dimensions, but there have been occasions when a soul has been given the protection of a Higher Being and taken there more as a sight-seeing trip. We say again, every effort you put in to ascend will be so worthwhile, and you would be so pleased that you focussed and concentrated on getting there. This incarnation really can be your last time in the lower vibrations as once having risen up there is no further need to experience it again.
People ask how they will know if they are on the right track and whilst there is no easy answer, it is a state of mind in which you always feel at ease and in total control of your emotions. You can converse with people without being critical or overbearing. Your opinions are tempered by gentleness and in no way do you speak with outright criticism. It will be difficult to change from what you would call a normal type of conversation, to one where you do not try to be dominant but instead speak from a neutral standing. Old habits die hard but like all things, changes can come with practise and you would soon be noted as a pleasant person who always speaks nice of people. Without control over their emotions people tend to get annoyed and soon an argument develops and then anything can happen.
Humans are fond of making criticism and that is possibly the root of many problems that exist between people. Be kind and gentle with people ad bear in mind that you can always walk away from a conversation that is getting out of hand. All changes have to start somewhere some time and it comes down to intent to change. When you do remember that your Guides will be cheering you on and giving you every encouragement, so if at first you do not succeed try and try again.
Dear Ones, you will end up with many accolades for your determination to overcome the challenges of living through the lower vibrations. Yet when your memories were dimmed and you took up the challenge to overcome your trials and tribulations you had no idea as to what it would be like. It must have been a shock to many souls who were used to peace and tranquillity, but stood their ground and were determined to last the course of events that tested them to their limits.
You have a saying that “all’s well that ends well” and before very long you shall leave the lower dimensions behind and return to familiar levels that you were well used to, and find your memory fully restored. Through your experiences you will have much to offer those who follow in your footsteps and you will know that you have returned a greater being than you were before.
We leave you with love and blessings and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same internal connection with God.
In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 02:51
Domingo, 23 / 02 / 20

When you focus upon something you give it power.

When you focus upon something you give it power.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

February 21st, 2020


Why do we warn against holding onto negative thoughts, simply because they are energies that build up and eventually take form. Consequently they are attracted by those souls who hold onto such thoughts, even though they represent experiences they would rather let go. The most obvious example is that of the “Devil” that exists in thought form only and does not possess a soul. However, its influence is fearful and although souls try to ignore it, through the fear it creates they are maintaining its existence.
In other words when you focus upon something you give it power regardless of whether it is seen as positive or negative. For Reptilians, fear is the energy that they feed upon, and they create conditions that will ensure that type of energy is always available to them. They rely upon it for their existence as “food” and without it would lose their power.
On the other hand when your thoughts focus upon positive energies such as love you are helping spread it around, and are also keeping the vibrations at a higher level. It helps to pacify those souls who are affected by negativity, by bringing about a calming peaceful effect. Through your own human experiments you have proved the power of positive thought. When thousands of people meditated upon peace the affect was recorded, and it was found that criminal activity was reduced by some 25%, and for example if millions of people meditated and prayed for world peace, it would come about for certain. So as the vibrations continue lifting up, they are slowly bringing about welcome changes in your society. Each one of you can contribute to these changes by avoiding self-imposed negativity.
You are on the verge of experiencing far reaching positive changes that will eventually establish a more peaceful society by eliminating the conditions that have led to poverty amongst you. A time is on the horizon that will introduce changes to your way of living that will eliminate the conditions that are presently causing so many problems. Many welcome changes are coming that will overcome those that have blighted your lives, and will gradually eliminate the causes of poor health and wretched living conditions. It takes time to overcome such worldwide problems but be assured that the answers already exist.
We hope that knowing of the bright and happy future that beckons, will give you the strength and purpose to keep steadfast and determined to go through such testing periods, without any doubts as to what the future holds for you. We know you tire of the continual battles that go on around you but the old must first be cleared away so that the new can take its place. Man is at heart a peaceful being and yearns for a trouble free existence, where all people regardless of their colour or creed can live together in harmony and caring for each other. You are after all human beings who have had many lives in different countries, often with their own set of beliefs that may be different to what you have now.
Each of you has a responsibility to help those who you may look upon as lesser beings, as in the fullness of time there comes a point when progress depends on all souls having evolved beyond the Matter Universe. There is a time approaching very shortly when your vibrations will have become so refined that you will be ready to move into levels where you no longer need a material body. However, through your power of thought you will be able to “think” yourself into one as and when required. Indeed, much of your needs will be thought into being and in no way will they be as great as in your human body now. The power of your thought will enable you to instantly satisfy your needs.
To be enlightened is to be prepared and as you rise up you will know much of what to expect, and of course your Guides will always be on hand should you need assistance. Understand that once you have ascended you will find many things that are familiar to you, but because of the higher vibrations they will be radiant in colour and perfect in their presentation. You of course will retain your looks and abilities as a young person as in the higher level aging does not occur. Again through your power of thought you can “dress” yourself to suit your desires. Times are coming when you will leave the lower vibrations for all time.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same internal connection with God.
In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 01:45
Domingo, 16 / 02 / 20

Every soul will move on and all will find themselves at a level that matches their own vibrations.

Every soul will move on and all will find themselves at a level that matches their own vibrations.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

February 14th, 2020


As time passes and the vibrations continue to lift up so gradually the degree of negativity on Earth will decrease. In fact there will come a point where only the positive energies will exist and that means the end of the dark Ones, as they cannot exist at the highest levels. By such a time the “Event” will most likely have taken place and those souls whose vibrations had been sufficiently lifted up, will have ascended. Already many souls are sensing that the changes they are going through are an indication of something “big” that is going to happen.

Many know that the end times were predicted but there was no certainty of them, except that the year 2012 was looked upon as a key time when something special was expected to happen. Since that year many prophesies have been linked with it and the numerous Earth changes taking place are seen as a sign that major ones are underway. Some are worried that it is the end of the world but it is not just the end, but a change that sees the present third dimension giving way to the fourth dimension. It is the reason why only beings that have prepard for it will find themselves moving into that level.

Every soul will move on and all will find themselves at a level that matches their own vibrations. It will be the beginning of a New Age of beauty and peace not experienced in your lifetimes. Each soul will continue their evolution so that they continue to evolve, and eventually reach another end time when they will again have an opportunity to ascend. As previously they will be helped to progress and instead of starting all over again, will commence with the advantage of what they had gained from previous lives.

Many souls are awakening because of the higher vibrations and beginning to understand the true purpose of life. They also realise that every soul is linked to each other and beginning to understand the concept of all life being One. That comes from understanding that all intelligent life forms have the Spark of the Creator within. It is why in the scheme of things you periodically return to the Godhead, only to be sent out again for further experience. That is putting it in a simplistic way for easier understanding as you are in the early stages of evolution. Yet you have had sufficient experiences to have evolved to the point of ascension.

With the present difficulties that exist upon Earth, making headway is not easy yet it is a test of your resolve to stay peaceful and loving to all souls. If you have the right frame of mind you would not find it difficult to achieve, and it helps by seeing all souls as equal to yourself and on the same journey. By your example you can help other souls understand what they need to do to continue evolving. It is understandable that many have the desire to ascend as they no longer feel “at home” in the lower vibrations with all of the negativity that takes place. That is your challenge, and if you can maintain a calm, peaceful and loving attitude where other people are concerned you will succeed.

You have come a long way to reach this point in your evolution, and it is why you are being given much help to ensure you have every opportunity to ascend. If you could glimpse what lays ahead for those who are successful you would not hesitate to put every effort into your life right now. If you feel that you have failed do not despair and keep your focus on your goal as you may not after all have created such a problem as you may imagine. Never give up as all experience is valuable in your quest to rise up.

It is as well that as far as possible you prepare yourselves for the changes that are coming, even although they may be far away at present. Many advancements are just waiting to be introduced but as always it has to be at the right time. As you will know by now, the Illuminati have done their best to hold you back and been quite successful. However, little by little some advancements have been introduced that have helped you to enter the New Age. Some changes to come will be so far reaching that how you live now will seem very antiquated.

Society will change well beyond anything you can presently imagine. So there is much to look forward to when you shall at last benefit from amazing advancements that will take a lot of drudgery out of your lives. Keep hold of your vision of the future as in part you are responsible for which changes manifest. Hovering in the background is the “Event” but regardless of it life will go on as usual. After all you are still growing through your experiences and many of you have a part to play in them. All of you will eventually find your right place, so that the changes will result in all souls moving into a level that reflects their stage of evolution at that time.

There is much help needed by many people at this time, still suffering from the ravages of war that on some cases has meant that they have never had a permanent home. It is of course tied in with the outworking of karma, whilst at the same time offering other people opportunities to show their kindness and sympathy to others in need. Great numbers of people have been displaced by wars or the threat of wars, and their needs allow others to show sympathy and help in their time of need. People look to their leaders for direction and encouragement but they are not always awake or willing to act, through lack of concern or understanding of their plight. Obviously the greatest help will come from the ET’s who have been patiently waiting for mankind to commence putting their Earth into a restored state, that undoes the harm and damage that has left you with polluted and poisoned soil and oceans. They look to you to make a start and show a positive intent to right the wrongs that have taken place,

We leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same internal connection with God.
In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 00:39
Sexta-feira, 07 / 02 / 20

Technology Now Exists To Quickly Deal With All Problems.

Technology Now Exists To Quickly Deal With All Problems.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

February 7th, 2020


The secret advances in technology have been going on for over 50 years, and the speed at which they have increased means that you are so far behind it would take ages to bring you up to date. The technology now exists to quickly deal with your present problems that are greatly holding back your evolution, and the dark Ones are preventing you from fully benefitting from it. However, the forces of Light have been trying to create a new scenario so that the rate of change can be speeded up. A complete change cannot go ahead until the dark Ones are stripped of their ability to continue with their control of affairs on Earth. For some time now many of the minions who support them have been removed and imprisoned, but it is a formidable task to deal with thousands of miscreants.

Depending on how quickly the Event takes place it is possible that it will happen before the dark Ones are totally placed in check or prison, so that it is difficult at present to give anything other than an approximate time of 2029/2030. The old ways of the last cycle are no longer applicable and for Humanity to progress it is important that beneficial changes are introduced as soon as possible, and every effort is being made to achieve it. We have mentioned free energy many times, and it is possible that it might be revealed from an independent source. That alone would bring massive changes into being and greatly aid the moves to reduce or rid the planet of pollution that is suffocating the seas and destroying marine life forms that you are dependent upon for a balanced ecosystem.

Each soul should take a look at what they could do to help clean up the planet and so encourage the return of all life forms to a healthy environment. Understand that you are most dependent upon Mother Earth for your well-being and survival as well as unpolluted air if you are to return to full health. It has all been neglected for too many years and now is the time for a grand clean up that will help restore nature that has been badly blighted. There are small groups helping with the changes, but only a world-wide plan will bring the maximum benefits as time is running out before a major catastrophe occurs. You may feel that the sense of urgency about the condition of Earth is unwarranted, but we assure you that the danger signals are there to see for those who have the ability to understand them.

As you might imagine food is at risk because of the poisons that exist within the earth’s soil and even waters. Man is aware of these problems and is now taking steps to reverse the situation, and is just beginning to recognise the immense damage to the coral reefs, the home to so many different types of oceanic life. Of course many organisations are aware of the urgency to get nature back into balance, but the size of the task calls for a greater response. Your governments and World Health Organisations are taking action, but the size of the problems is overwhelming and calls for more co-operation between nations. It is no good waking up when it becomes too late.

The good news is that once you really get going to restore the Earth, there is help waiting from higher sources, although Universal Law holds you responsible for making good all of the harm you do to the environment. We first want to see the proof that you do care for the Earth and are taking positive steps to overcome the problems that presently exist. Again we mention that we do not wish to take steps that would interfere with your freewill, but we will always help to the degree that we allowed. We are delighted that Man is beginning to accept responsibility for his actions. Ideas for progress are imprinted into the minds of those who are in a position to get things done, and usually that is a successful way to achieve it. It is then up to you whether you act upon them.

Understand that what is happening in the time you are now in is not like the normal experiences you have previously had. So far at the end of the earlier four cycles of approximately 25,600 years, the Earth has been cleansed so that very little evidence remained of the previous civilisations. This time Ascension is possible because sufficient souls have raised their vibrations and will go on to ascend by experiencing the Event. What evidence there was has all but vanished, most of it deep under the Earth’s surface from where you have occasionally found remnants of advanced races.

Your version of earlier civilisations is far removed from the truth although in principle Darwin’s version of evolution was correct. Of recent times you have found many skeletons that tell you there have been far more different human species that have come and gone than you care to admit, including Humanoid beings of some 30 feet tall or more. In a relatively short time further revelations will be made and more understood about your true history. You is much to learn that will shock those who hitherto have not interested themselves in the real truth of your past evolution. You have a great future ahead of you and many ET’s are awaiting your Ascension because you will be the first to experience it as fully conscious beings. The Event is of course the trigger for it and it will be instantaneous for each soul. Not all will be ready to ascend but will move on as the old cycle is to be closed.

There is a place for every soul to continue their evolution and it will exactly cover their needs so there is no need to concern yourself about your future, as all has been taken care of to ensure a smooth transition from one level to another. These are exciting times to experience as you have waited a very long, long time to reach this point, and you can now enjoy the success of your efforts to overcome all of the challenges you have successfully met. Be assured that in time matters will settle down and your evolution will progress even faster. By then the dark Ones will have been reduced to a non-effective force and most of them imprisoned for their crimes against Humanity. They will have played their part in the “power game” and were never going to be allowed to usurp the plan of the higher forces that were for the evolution of those who lived in the energy of the One God. All souls will eventually gain their advancement, and remember at all times we stand beside you leading the way.

In your realms of time matters move very slowly compared to the levels of the higher vibrations but nevertheless much progress is being made. As you cannot see the overall picture it is difficult to appreciate that you are advancing in spite of the chaos that often exists. However the all-round efforts are bearing fruit and it will gradually become clear to you where you are going. Much is ready to explode upon the scene and it will clearly indicate that the Light is now the dominant force for good. Be of good spirits as you have so much to look forward to that is soon to be revealed.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same internal connection with God.
In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 22:23
Sexta-feira, 24 / 01 / 20


Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

January 24th, 2020


You have only to learn of the pending world changes to realise that something big is taking place, as unlike seasonal changes there is disruption and upheaval of a measure never quite seen in your recent times. Mother Earth is almost shouting at you that preparations must go ahead to make ready for even greater changes that are coming with the Event. The longer Mankind takes to recognise the necessity of the changes, the more difficult it will become to handle them and avoid traumatic events that will inevitably follow. By anticipating what is needed in readiness for the future a path can be followed that will prepare the way with the least effect upon the people. A worldwide decision must be made to join forces and share the responsibility for ensuring that progress is made with the least damage to the Earth itself.
The energies for change are being felt everywhere and although the outcome is not generally known people sense that something big is coming. Many already have some knowledge of the Event but it is not known precisely when it will occur. However, there is a feeling that Mankind needs to address the potential happenings so as to minimize the damage to man and beast alike. We are not fear mongering but the potential for change is becoming more obvious with climate change already taking its toll. When you take these warnings seriously we in turn will do our best to guide you, but the onus is upon you to take the first steps, because even in these present times your freewill is foremost and honoured.
The emphasis is now upon peaceful actions and the use of your wealth to strengthen the hands of those who are leading the way. Listen to what they have to say and give them the support they need in whatever form it takes. There is no reason to continue investing money in dead ventures, and instead use it to pave the way to a far better world that is coming. The pace of change is quickening and people will look for the major powers to come together and lead the way in worldwide peaceful action. You will ignore it at your peril but we hope that a “Wake-up” call will stir many into action that will put Humanity on to a path that anticipates what is needed. The demands on your resources will gradually become greater, and more fresh water will be needed to prevent catastrophes in areas where it is already becoming short. You should perhaps be looking at treating seawater to make it into drinking water, but not by your present costly desalination methods, when more efficient and far cheaper methods are known.
It will be difficult to convince “big business” they too must change to assist Humanity to get through the coming period, as no one will be exempt from the effects associated with it. However, with goodwill and a sensible approach to the problems that arise, the least damage will be experienced. For our part we will as always try to energize those organisations and people who are in a position to directly help you in times when you are in need. Clearly there are ways of calculating your needs in advance and in some instances saving for a “rainy day”. After all, you now have the technologies to anticipate your requirements, regardless of what form they may take. You are at the crossroads of change, and one way leads to chaos, whilst the other one leads to success. It may not come easily but with determination and goodwill, in truth there is nothing that you cannot achieve.
Obviously the effects of change will differ from one country to another and even one town to another, so you will have to look for the signs of activity that affects you and take action accordingly. Weather prediction is well advanced so you should be able to prepare for unusual times and take steps to make sure you are prepared. Food supplies are always going to be vulnerable and a small back up to cover for shortages would be wise.
You may have noticed that small communities seem to cope better in times of need and this may become the normal in years to come. In fact you have so many potential changes ahead you may decide that small is beautiful anyway. There are no rules that can be laid down to cover the unexpected, but common sense should prevail. After all most of you have gone through difficult periods already, and even wars, and know how to anticipate your needs and provide for them.
Never lose sight of the fact that there are galactic entities of vast experience that oversee your evolution. They know the plan for Human, and their presence ensures that you are protected and given every opportunity to gain success. They have the authority to take steps where necessary to ensure that as far as possible you do keep to the plan, to ensure progress and not allow it to stagnate, or worse to cease. Therefore when life seems haphazard and pointless realise that there is still a plan operating and you will return to it at the earliest possible time. Each one of you has many Guides, and some are especially selected for the wisdom and knowledge they have. So you are not alone in your quest for spiritual progress so take note of those promptings you get when you are in your quiet moments such as meditation.
Do not allow the negativity around you to influence your life as you have a plan, even if you are personally unaware of it, and events in your life are pre-arranged so that you get every opportunity to evolve. Understand that every time you fail to reach a level that leads you to ascension the same opportunities will come up again, but that will extend the number of years you remain at the lower vibrating level. Progress is lifting your vibrations and maintaining them at a higher level, when ascension becomes automatic, and that is your goal. You will gain the most wonderful life and freedom from the negativity that is presently around you.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same internal connection with God.
In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 21:41
Sábado, 18 / 01 / 20

The big clamp down on members of the Illuminati continue...

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

January 17th, 2020


The big clamp down on members of the Illuminati continues and inevitably takes time as thousands of individuals are involved. There is no quick answer as matters must be handled in accordance with the law of the land. Be assured that things are on the way to reaching a conclusion, but even so there are other matters that must also be attended to. Originally it was intended to release information little by little but in view of the delays experienced a complete disclosure is now envisaged. It means that as so much has been held back, the changes to come may well be overwhelming. Your whole way of life will ultimately change for the better as things such as free energy will put a completely new way of life into being. The Alliance is prominent amongst those who are pushing for changes to be introduced, and are now in a more powerful position than the Illuminati, so progress has become well advanced.
The period of moves to introduce the changes is well advanced , but bear in mind that it also covers events that will affect the way big business is being run and it will be some time before such matters settle down. In essence it is the size of the changes that are taking so much time to come to fruition. However, in the end you will be more than satisfied and after such a long wait all will be to your liking. The old days of lack and bad distribution will disappear and smaller units will ensure that all will equally benefit from the changes. Understand that for a long period of time you have benefitted from new technology much of which has been back engineered from alien craft. It has given you the basis for even better and more advanced knowledge that has taken you into deep space. You have also been given great advancements where computer knowledge is concerned. It has all lifted the quality of life and taken you part way to a new way of viewing it.
The future is taking shape and the benefits for you will be enormous, and they will come and cannot be held back indefinitely. Some changes will feel uncomfortable and possibly result in people having to move to a new location, as Mother Earth carries out her own cleansing in preparation for Ascension. The Earth has been subjected to so much damage due to wars and adverse use of her resources, however the coming changes will help rectify the problems, as for example when the use of free energy will overcome the necessity to use the Earth for that purpose. There are other resources in use that are not harmful such as wind farms, but these are inadequate to meet the demands involved. Be assured that we are doing our best to encourage the introduction of new methods that are harmless to the Earth’s environment.
To be forewarned is to be prepared to meet the challenges that are yet to come, and we would like to see more co-operation between countries, as the challenges that are to come are best dealt with on a world-wide basis. Those who hold most of the wealth need to help those who are unable to handle major problems, and we would remind you that you are all affected by what happens on Earth. You are all One and the time for individual growth at the expense of others is past. You have to grow as a world and bring harmony and cooperation to the forefront. The quicker you can bring peace to the world the sooner you will completely open up the path to Ascension, yet even so it is approaching quite speedily.
The believers and non-believers alike are all following a preordained path that is each souls agreed life contract, so respond to whatever comes across it in a way that accepts the challenges involved. Your spiritual growth and well-being are at stake and your conscience should come into play, prompting you to take the right action that is positive and in no way harmful or injurious to another soul. Listen to the promptings of your Higher Self that is the “other” you that knows your soul plan and helps you keep to it.
Your experiences on Earth are far removed from those of the higher vibrations and dimensions. Earth as you are no doubt beginning to understand is a school for spiritual growth. You grow by your experiences and take that understanding with you to your next life, so whatever you learn that enhances you is most important. Can you begin to understand that because you are experiencing within a hologram, it is something prepared for your evolutionary experiences and is not your true reality. It is amongst the stars and if you successfully raise your vibrations to an ascension level, you will be returning to a wonderful realm quite beyond your present understanding. Your Earth as a hologram is being used to give you the conditions and experiences that you need to evolve. It is presently in an outer protective energy placed there by the Blue Avians who are still present and oversee your evolution. At this important time those who are on the path to Ascension will not have to wait much longer to reach that point, and it is important that no interference is allowed. So currently no one can get out or into your Universe, which is protection for you.
Understand that you are living an “unreal” experience inasmuch that you are being held back, whereas you could have been enjoying a more advanced experience. However, changes have been taking place because of advances gained from back engineering spacecraft that have fallen to Earth. They have enabled progress to be speeded up through things like fiber optics and new materials used in space technology. There are other advances that the military have kept to themselves, but ultimately these will have to be made known.
As we have often mentioned, you have been denied many advances that would have made life easier but when you ascend you will more than be compensated. You will be free from the effects of aging and remain as a young person, being able to change features as and when you wish. You will live much, much longer than present and enjoy life without the prospect of disease or illness, but instead enjoy absolute good health. The Universe will be open to you to follow your hearts desires and still evolve even further, as it does not stop until you reach the ultimate – the Godhead. That is how ever a long, long way into the future.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 09:24
Sábado, 21 / 12 / 19

There Are Great Movements Underway

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

December 20th, 2019


Here we are again looking back on yet another year that seems to have passed so quickly and that has been the pattern for many years now. It is proof that time is still speeding up and if prophesies for this period are proved to be correct, we shall continue to experience many changes. Some are undoubtedly brought about by the actions of mankind and not all are necessarily beneficial. However, there are great movements underway that can hardly be held back any longer and I believe that the year 2020 will at last see some positive changes that will move us away from strife and struggles into a more peaceful time. The real changes that will benefit mankind have to commence sometime soon, as it is becoming harder and harder to hold them back. Obviously the dark Ones do not want you to know how very advanced they are, but they will eventually have to come clean and announce their intention to reveal a lot more of the truth about the great changes that are possible and already being enjoyed by them.

With the obvious speeding up of the climate changes and the resultant problems anticipated, ways of overcoming the threats they represent must be found and acted upon otherwise Mankind will suffer the results for many years to come, yet secretly so many advances already made in technologies would help ease the problems they represent. There is no doubt in my mind that in many instances we have the wrong people leading the way forward. They acknowledge that big changes are taking place, but will not dedicate their work to helping the people to be fully prepared for the extremes in weather that are already starting to be felt. On the positive side many people are coming together to take action before it is too late to have any real impact to deal with the changes. Changes are all around us and some are threatening the very fabric of society so clearly action is needed sooner rather than later and the sooner the better.

I feel that we are looking at a very eventful New Year and that 2020 will prove to be a turning point, when many of the “right” people who know how to handle the coming changes will emerge into public life. It is already noticeable that the younger generations are stepping forward to take charge of many matters because they have the better understanding of what is needed to handle them. I believe that if some people try to prevent them from gaining prominence, they will be removed by greater powers than those on Earth. Since the New Age we are no longer bound by edicts that prevented help from being given to us. It was never completely denied us depending on circumstances, and whether the outcome would prevent Man from following the path that had been ordained for him.

I would like to thank our team for their dedication to the cause and untiring work for Humanity, and I believe it is for souls to have their freedom returned. It is coming, but not fully until the influence of the dark Ones is totally removed. It is our destiny and the word of the Supreme Creator that cannot be challenged. So I will conclude by wishing everyone a wonderful time for the Christmas period, and an exciting and fulfilling New Year.

Best Wishes for a Happy New Year to you all, and thank you for your unending support. Mike Quinsey.

I shall be sending out the first message of the New Year for Friday the 10th January 2020.

Message from my Higher Self.

If only you could see the beautiful energy you are giving out at the time of your celebrations. The clear beautiful colours come streaming out and lift you up so that the end of the year becomes a glorious example of what your love can achieve. Family problems can be set aside to bring them together for your special occasion regardless of whatever name you give it. It is a great time for overcoming your differences and starting anew. Certainly your Guides will be well behind you giving every encouragement to bring about peace and goodwill. Sometimes big issues are involved but any time is a good one to overcome them, and forgiveness may be hard to come by, but with goodwill and determination anything can be achieved.

Dwelling upon the negative issues brings down your own vibrations and ultimately is likely to result in illness. Forgiveness is like standing in the Light of Love and it helps all of those involved, and happiness soon replaces gloom and despair. Some souls feel so hurt by their experiences that they find it hard to forgive, but you cannot go on forever living at less than your true potential. Be assured that as soon as you decide to face your problems head on, you will be given every encouragement and help to succeed. Do you realise that if you hold onto the lower vibrations you will most likely experience some form of illness as they tend to poison the body. At a time of “goodwill” just see how good and well you feel when spreading love and kindness.

As you must by now be aware the vibrations are continuing to lift up, and they will give strength to those who seek to do good work in the name of love for their brothers and sisters who are also experiencing life in your matter Universe. Look upon those around you as following in each others footsteps and learning by example as you all have something to offer that will enhance another souls experiences. You have a wealth of experience from your many lives upon Earth, and although you have little if any recall of them they do nevertheless influence your thoughts and actions. You are the sum total of all of your lives and it influences your thoughts and actions, so be understanding of other souls when they may have a totally different view and response to life than yours. You have a saying that “variety is the spice of life” and it could not be truer.

I leave you with blessings of love and goodwill that forever pour out of the Godhead. May you achieve your life’s desires and fulfil your plan for further evolvement.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 17:57
Domingo, 15 / 12 / 19

Humanity should be allowed to know what is taking place at this present time.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

December 13th, 2019


As we rapidly approach the New Year the pressure is building up on the authorities to officially announce the presence of ET’s on Earth who have bases underground. They have been in existence for many years and their spacecraft have been regularly seen in your skies. First Contact was made in the late 1940’s, when by agreement ET’s were allowed to have an undisturbed underground presence on Earth. There have been so many sightings over the years and many, many contacts been made with us. It can no longer be claimed that the ET presence is kept secret so as not to frighten or upset the people, as the whole subject has been aired so many times that most people are prepared to accept that ET’s present no danger to them. In fact they try to keep out of the public view although that is not entirely possible. It can be confusing, as your own military forces have long had their own craft that are not easily distinguishable from any others. However, the triangular craft are more likely to be your own and are regularly seen in your sky.

Making an official announcement has been considered many times but put off for various reasons, but it is clear that it is overdue and Humanity should be allowed to know what is taking place at this present time. Whilst you have benefitted over the years from the technical advances that have been made, there are nevertheless many more that would quickly propel you into the New Age, such as free energy that would do away with fossil fuels. The electric car is catching on very quickly and part of urgently needed changes to help eliminate the problem of pollution that has grown to dangerous proportions. There are moves in the right direction but much more is needed if the problem is to be seriously tackled. The Galactic Forces have the technology to help you, but first you must yourselves show the right approach and dedication to removing the problem. The people have awakened to what is needed but in most instances adequate official support has been lacking. Some may ask why not give us help now but are unaware just how much is done already without publicity. Be assured that without help from your ET friends you would already have run into much more serious problems.

You may ask why if we have compassion and love for you why we do not help more now, but you must first show serious attention to dealing with the problems that could otherwise lead to unprecedented loss of life. We believe that you will respond sufficiently to the dangers that threaten you but time is short and the sooner you apply yourselves to the needs of the people the quicker the problems will be taken under control. We realise that matters have suddenly speeded up but they have been threatening you for quite some time. You could by now have set up adequate resources to tackle the upcoming problems, and nothing short of a world-wide agreement will be sufficient to stop the inevitable from taking place. You certainly have the backing of the people who clearly understand the urgency of the situation. We cannot help more but feel that if war threatened your planet you would soon mobilize yourselves to deal with it, and such a response is really required now.

We do not wish or intend that our warning causes panic amongst the people, but it is only by highlighting the problems of the various authorities that they will come together and make plans to adequately deal with them. The younger generations have come into life with a greater awareness of the dangers to the planet and mankind. Their voices are getting louder and they demand that suitable action is taken now, as their futures are also at stake more so than the older generations. Bear in mind that souls being born in recent times are more understanding of the problems and how they should be dealt with to delay the quickening demise of the Earth. The problems can be overcome but time is of the essence and action needs to be seen, and the quicker the better.

You have come a long way to get to this point in your evolution and are being prepared for a leap in it. In one sense there is little time left for you to become ready yet every opportunity is being taken to raise your consciousness and awareness levels. With the changes in your evolution coming nearer you must be on track for it and have preferably integrated the positive changes that can lift you up. Obviously some souls do not respond to the higher vibrations, having been engulfed in the lower vibrations with no desire or understanding of the need to leave the old ways behind, and seek a better way. Every soul that starts to awaken and looks for help will get it, and there are many groups that have the knowledge and desire to help them.

Do not forget that there are many societies and other bodies that are all aware of the changes that are taking place, and ready to help those who are seeking the truth. A momentous time is coming with the aim of bringing the changes into manifestation, lifting humankind out of the darkness and fully into the Light. It must come, because it has already been ordained by those who oversee your evolution. You have got through the hard part by passing the marker and must now focus on your future, and take the wonderful opportunity that is presenting itself to lead you onto the higher levels, and put all of the woe and misery behind you never to blight you again. It may mean changing your old links with the past but that is inevitable if you are to rise up with Ascension.

Go about your work cheerfully and know that in reality the good times are approaching, inasmuch that you attract similar energies to those of yourself. In other words it is you who has the control over how your life works out, although it must be said that any karma that you create becomes part of your life. Karma is not necessarily negative but Humans have a habit of creating situations that result in it. The simple answer is to share your love with all souls and think no ill of anyone and you should lead a trouble free life. It is easier than it sounds but initially your ego may get in the way, as it is used to being in charge. Think upon it, if all souls were loving and kind the world’s problems would immediately disappear and happiness would reign.

Creating a beautiful world sounds so simple, but whilst inequality exists there will always be problems. There is enough of everything to meet people’s needs, but unfortunately the wealth of the world is in the hands of a very small minority. It will have to change and it will as such situations cannot be allowed to stand in the way of progress. Be assured that higher beings are influencing people to do what is necessary to bring the changes about and they will achieve their objectives.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self as all other souls also have.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 00:41
Domingo, 24 / 11 / 19

The truth cannot be held back indefinitely.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

November 22nd, 2019


Immediately after the 21st Century commenced the world appeared about ready to make a dramatic leap forward, with the announcement that ET’s were intending to show themselves as part of First Contact, and it was planned to make numerous fly-overs all over the world with their craft. That event never took place and in accordance with instructions from the higher command of the Galactic Federation, it was seen that it would not have been an appropriate time for such an event. Consequently although First Contact remains to be officially carried out, naturally other events have continued to unfold, and in general terms you are clearly much more informed and aware than previously. The fact that the dark Forces have since developed their own technology sufficiently to have their own interstellar craft causes confusion, so sightings are generally looked upon as being off world.

Many years have since passed, yet First Contact remains strong and is still to be part of your evolution. Meeting your brothers and sisters from other worlds and dimensions will be a prelude to learning the truth of your history and your future. You are so near to the “Event” and already there are early changes taking place that will eventually lead to your ascension. You are all greater souls than you have been led to believe, but the truth cannot be held back indefinitely. It was long, long ago that the Annunaki were your Masters when you were not much more than slaves to them and worked accordingly. However, that phase has long passed and you have gradually evolved and become more aware of your true selves. In truth in time you are to be fully returned to your angelic state that you were before you elected to drop down into the lower vibrations for a greater experience.

Understand that at no time have you been left without help or guidance, and every opportunity is taken to ensure that you progress in accordance with your agreed life plan. Guidance is most important at this time as in real terms there is little time left before things start to take off, and we do want you to be totally prepared. There are certainly many distractions at this time as the changes do not come easily, but come they must and as matters settle down you will be that much nearer the final events that lead to your ascension. You of course knew beforehand what was coming if not necessarily exactly how it would take place. Knowing that it would be the first time ever that souls would ascend in their physical bodies, and it was considered by you as a most exciting prospect that you did not want to miss.

Meantime you try to understand what is happening upon Earth, as it is the most chaotic time since the last wars. The changes are being led by the young people who understand what is needed to move mankind forward. It is a painful process because those in authority have little or no idea what powers the movement for change. Change will come and clear the way for a greater future and the fulfillment of predictions made for this period. Heaven stands with those who know what is required to move on and strengthens their hand. The destiny of Man is written in stone with God’s blessing and no mortal shall be able to change it.

Meantime, keep a level headed approach to whatever you may do, and all will work out to your liking in the end. The future is planned because of Ascension. but it is up to you which path you take to reach it. From a personal point of view work towards your own goal and remember that at this particular time it is most important to you. As time passes you will find that things will become easier for you, as the vibrations lift you past the point of challenges that may come your way. You are living the chance of a lifetime that is not to be missed. Indeed all will become clear in good time as your consciousness continues to expand.

You have come so far in your present incarnation and have been given every opportunity to make fast progress. Do not worry if you wander of course, and simply adjust and carry on with your determination to be successful on your path to a higher level of evolution. Everything you need is within your reach, and we are cheering you on knowing that you do have the ability and experience to succeed. Enjoy those quiet moments when you can contemplate your future and decide what you want from life. Many opportunities are being opened for you and very soon you will get much assistance and advice to ensure your success.

Your evolution has been tied in with the animal kingdom who over a very long period have provided for you even to the extent of giving up their lives. They too are evolving and progressing because of their close link with humanity, and have often suffered extreme treatment at their hands. They are aware of the sacrifices that they had to experience but through them have also evolved as a species that agreed to help you. Although they have experienced abuse and cruelty, through it have earned the reward of better lives ahead.

Animals have a group soul except for those that have become domesticated through contact with you, and become individual souls. Things no doubt seem at times without any plan for their evolution, yet all sentient life forms have the potential to make progress. When you think of the love, trust and affection that some animals have for humans it is obvious that they have had prior contact with them. Love is the answer and the energy that can move mountains, heal the unwell and bring peace all around. When all else is removed all you have left is the great love of the Supreme Creator, the Fountainhead of All That Is.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. Every day you move nearer to the completion of this particular period, and as they pass your consciousness also grows. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same internal connection with God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 01:24
Sábado, 16 / 11 / 19

The waiting game is soon to be over

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

November 15th, 2019


The waiting game for some indication of moves towards positive changes is soon to be over, and will come after major political changes in the U.S. These will be unavoidable and take place in full view and be the first steps to political freedom. For too long election results have been “arranged” by the Illuminati, and only a miscalculation for example when it seemed that their choice Hilary Clinton would be the declared winner but went wrong. They were careless and others took advantage of the situation resulting in Trump being empowered and becoming the President. His term may have to be terminated allowing for the first time an appointment to be made of one who will work for the betterment of all Mankind. You have little or no idea as to what goes on behind the scenes, but not unexpectedly cause your the strongest and most popular party generally ends up the Electoral winner.

Firm and honest politics are very necessary to ensure you get the right people with the right talent, experience and ability to carry out their tasks. There is a saying that you only get what you deserve, but it is more a matter of what you attract to yourself. It applies all around and it is your thoughts that are the true magnet. It is why we have often told you to guard your thoughts when expressing wishes for a certain outcome in your life, so we ask you again to think positively at all times. You may find it hard at first but it will become easier with time and practice. It may simply be a matter of turning the other cheek, but be prepared and ready to turn away from difficult situations. There is no question of you being cowardly, you simply do not want to get involved in arguments and cause your own vibrations to drop.

Realise that slowly but surely you are lifting your vibrations, and as you do so you will find it becoming easier to control your feelings and reactions. You will also feel good within yourself and understand how debilitating it can be when you lose control of your emotions. Believe it or not you will also substantially extend the period of your life by maintaining high vibrations at all times. You are not expected to put the world right but your presence will make a difference. There is much at stake as you move forwards and having made such good progress so far, will gradually find it becoming easier to maintain.

At present there is much in the way of changes taking place all over the world, and they are far reaching. Clearly the old traditional ways are under scrutiny and in most cases it is the people who have brought them to the surface to be reviewed. Much has changed over the years and what was acceptable previously is no longer fit to serve the purpose for which it was introduced. Many who see ahead and know how things can be improved are pressing for change. Old habits die hard, and there is a reluctance for some to give up that which they have become familiar with.

However, when it becomes apparent that new ideas and inventions will raise the quality of life, the objections will soon disappear. Few like change that moves them from their comfort zone but when they fully understand that they will be the very ones to benefit it will be achieved. Your traditional way of thinking and doing things will rapidly change and often it is only financing that holds up progress. The resulting lifting up of Humanity will draw people closer together, and the result will be more cooperation that will dissolve the tension and distrust that has often prevented a coming together. Be assured that in the future you will realise the benefits of working for the good of all people, instead of seeing yourselves as separate units.

There is much help waiting to be given to you, but the world is in too much of a turmoil at present for it to be introduced. The approach of  ‘every one for themselves’ has to change and will once it is seen that by working together you achieve far more, and at the same time improve the standard of living. You are all One and those of the lower vibrations know it to be true and have continually kept you in a permanent state of war and confusion. The consequence is that you have been exploited and led into conflicts that have set you back many, many years. Also the financial cost alone has taken money from you that could clearly have been spent on improving your quality of life. That is of course, in the process of change now that wars between countries has ceased. Not least of all is the cost in human life, caused by the destruction and poisoning of Earth.

However, in spite of the dismal stories that Mother Earth can tell, there are pockets all over it of small groups that have been formed by people with spiritual values and understanding, who have gone their own way and are contributing to bringing about peace on Earth. It comes naturally to those who have a genuine love of other souls experiencing their own life plan. These groups are the basis for a great community that will soon start to come into being; indeed it will embrace other beings regardless of colour or creed by recognising the Oneness of all souls. Understand that all are on a journey that started millennia ago and have experienced so many different lives and are much wiser for the benefit of them. Obviously your memory of them is delayed so that your experiences are not impeded by them.

You should by now begin to realise that you are far greater than you could imagine, and on return to the higher realms you will become more aware of your true background. You talk about heaven upon Earth and that will become your reality once you return to them. However, you must obviously be ready in a true sense of Universal Love for all life forms. There is no reason why you should not be successful providing you have learnt to control your ego self, indeed there is no necessity for it at all. See how long you can go without the influence of your ego and you may be surprised at how easy it is. Humans often have a propensity to misinterpret comments that appear to be made against them and easily take offence.

You did not come to Earth to become a wastrel although some souls take little or no interest in their own development. Even if you are unaware of the true purpose of life that is subject to a life plan that your Guides are aware of and will implement for you. As we have mentioned before, situations are set up for you so that you experience according to your life plan. At the same time you will be given every help to be successful, but of course you have freewill to take whatever path you choose. Clearly you are best advised to follow the one you are directed to although missed opportunities will certainly come round again, after all the object of life’s experiences are for you to evolve.

More people are beginning to wake up to their spiritual selves and instead of just service to self, are feeling an urge or prompting to help others, and there is no doubt the desirable changes are beginning to take hold. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 21:40
Domingo, 10 / 11 / 19

There is a greater plan for Mankind that at this time concerns your path to Ascension

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

November 8th, 2019



If we told you that the world was your oyster you might wonder what it had to offer, when all around you is the great mess that Man has left it in and is continuing to make worse. What you cannot see are the changes going on behind the scenes that would totally change your view about things. We have often mentioned the nature of coming changes, and an end to the disrupting activities of those who have ignored the needs of nature and Mother Gaia to satisfy their own greed. Clearly matters have to be taken in hand so as to put a stop to the destruction that is taking place. Plans have been made and all that remains is to put them into being at the appropriate time, so as to ensure success. We cannot say when that will be but due to the urgency of the situation we cannot visualize it being too much longer.

As you must know by now, on our side of the veil time is not as you understand it, as everything is in the now. So it becomes difficult to give precise predictions for events to take place, so we have to generalize based on what we know about your activities. Freewill always comes into it but on occasions we are “ordered” by higher sources to take certain actions regardless of any other situation. There is of course a greater plan for Mankind that at this time concerns your path to Ascension and no one will be allowed to interfere with it. Having passed the 2012 marker there is absolutely no way that anyone will be allowed to make changes to it. In the greater plan there are often Galactic considerations to be made as the result of your future actions are more far reaching than you might imagine.

The Human Race is now the focus of attention and largely because you will be the very first to ascend in your present physical body, and in the process it will become refined as a result of the higher vibrations. This is really what Ascension is all about and you would have known about it before you reincarnated. The trigger for it is your Sun as we have previously mentioned. You could say that the end of your journey is in sight although it will still take some years before you reach it. The imminent change is your release from the lower energies that have held you back, often deliberately by the dark Ones who have wished to prevent your Ascension. However, you have nothing to fear provided you keep on the straight and narrow road without deviating from the plan for souls desiring to ascend.

The spiritual truth can be mighty powerful, so much so that you feel like announcing it from the rooftops. It is understandable, but it is best to keep such information to yourself and only release it when you are prompted to do so. It is possible to give out too much too soon for some souls to comprehend and could deter them from going further. The best time to help other souls is when they ask for it and not until they do so. Remember that all souls have Guides who will ensure that they are helped to rise up when the time is appropriate. The soul holds an enormous amount of information and it will be used when it is best likely to help them to further evolve.

There are now many groups of people that have their own particular interest in helping others evolve. The feeling of “service to others” is growing and it is due to the continual upliftment of your vibrations. It is all part of the plan for Humanity, to prepare as many souls as possible for the ascension process as there is nothing difficult in it, simply a desire and determination to stay positive at all times and maintain your level of vibration regardless of what is going on around you. It is much easier than you might imagine but you must be careful not to be drawn into negative discussions. Always think and act positively and keep calm when others choose to do otherwise, and your presence may help defuse a difficult situation.

With Ascension gradually getting nearer and nearer you may wonder if you have reached a point where you are ready, and will be one of those who will go through. Know that you do not need to be concerned about your future, simply put Ascension will occur in the near future and if you have raised your vibrations you will go through. It is an automatic outcome which is why those souls who are not ready progress to their level and continue evolving on a different path. It is a wonderful system that is absolutely fair and helps all souls to continue with their experiences giving every opportunity to make progress. Many earlier civilisations have made such a journey and long completed their time in the Matter Universes. So the system has been long tried and tested and found to be perfect for the purpose it was intended.

The Human Race creates so many problems by believing that one group is superior to another, when in fact all are on the same level. The fact that there are many different races with different skin colours, religions and beliefs, is because over a great period of time they have developed their own belief systems. It allows souls that are re-incarnating a choice to choose the family that offers the best opportunities to evolve, meaning that you may select a different path from one life to another. It begs the question that since you have experienced many different religious beliefs should you not consider all souls as your brothers and sisters and respect them accordingly. Instead of seeing the differences between one Race and another accept that all souls are treading paths that eventually lead to the same conclusion.

As time marches on so small groups will start forming who have a common interest, and the predominance of extremely large groups will change. It is also the reason why people will move from vast cities for a more personalised existence. To use one of your phrases there is also the fact that “small is beautiful” and much more easily handled and supported. These are changes that may be some way off, but you are already beginning to see the decline of centralisation. Also bear in mind that you will become more self-supporting, and modern technology will help reduce the time spent carrying out your tasks.

History will tell you that for many lives you have struggled to exist and rarely lived without some threat to your existence whether from natural causes or through man’s activities. The latter period ended with the end of World War Two although many years on you have still been unable to achieve total peace, but for certain it will come eventually. Again it is the young people that will bring it about, having been born to Earth purposefully so that peace can be more quickly achieved. Listen to them and note their determination to change Man’s traditional ways of living for the betterment of all people and a caring approach to the needs of Mother Earth.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.  

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 20:57
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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