A Chama da Ascensão


Quarta-feira, 04 / 03 / 20

The Magic Of This Time Revisited

The Magic Of This Time Revisited

Lord Merlin.

Through Natalie Glasson.

March 2nd, 2020. 

Natalie Glasson from Sacred School of OmNa

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa https://www.omna.org/



The world that you currently acknowledge as your reality is ablaze with magic. The very air you breathe into your body is filled with the presence of magic and your body is preparing to act out the energy of magic in your daily life.
Magic is a label for the life force energy, the essence, and truth of the Creator. It is an active energy. Magic is the process of intentions and energy that creates miracles, possibilities, and potentials. There is so much magic on the Earth now as the attention of all aspects of the Creator’s universe is upon you and the humanity of the Earth. Everyone is watching the miracle which is the Earth at this very moment. Even your soul, the essence energy within your physical body is watching you, observing the Earth and looking for the beauty of magic as it manifests. With so much attention being placed upon the Earth, there are vast quantities of energy, intentions, and light being focused into your reality. This truly is a blessing; you are being supported by the entire universe of all aspects of the Creator. The energy that is being anchored acts as a magnifier to develop your intentions and encourage all your truth to blossom.
It is not only the Earth that is attracting attention, all aspects, stars, and civilisations within the Creator’s universe are looking to each other, waiting, wondering and feeling the support that they send each other. They like you are acknowledging the lift in vibration, the increase in light, sensitivity, and awareness as well as respecting the wisdom within them which indicates that positive change is on the horizon. Those who are not aware or sensitive to energy may not be aware of the great magic that is occurring, but there is excitement, anticipation and hope building in the energy of many, creating a tremendous power of magic where anything is possible, where dreams can truly manifest. Many of you have longed to be on the Earth at this time, you have waited patiently for this time to come and it is here, so there is a need to continue to awaken your being as much as possible and allow your soul to guide you forward.
Your soul in itself is a form of magic; it is the only energy that can truly guide you through the transitions occurring now. So much light is being anchored onto the Earth, it is throwing the sunshine into all dark corners, the energy of negativity is being shed by all. The heaviness of the Earth is being altered into a higher vibration, it is impossible to hide from the power that the light currently holds, and this light is naturally igniting as well as magnifying the light within your being. It is appropriate to realise you can no longer hide the light within you, who you truly are, what you believe in and how you wish to exist on the Earth. If you continue to hide your truth even a small amount you will find your experiences thrust you forward to awaken and ignite your light further. You may wonder why you have been waiting for this time on the Earth?
The Earth is being re-coded to manifest a greater source and vibration of the Creator. Many new energy patterns of love are activating flowing gradually into the reality and consciousness of humanity. Some may feel it as an abundant wave of love extending from their being connecting with all. As new energy patterns activate from within your being, you may find a deep desire to first embody the energies before expressing them. You will be guided to delve deep within your being to explore the unique and diverse energies awakening through you to serve your reality and humanity. As the energy activates from your DNA and from your soul it will change your programming, the way in which you think, the way in which you perceive the world and your reality. As many people experience this, they will naturally alter the reality of the Earth into an expression and experience of the Creator. This process to me, Lord Merlin, is like magic. You couldn’t ask for a greater magic as the activation and the expression will be totally blissful for many. Some may not even realise the transition that is occurring but will naturally change their mindset to hold and express greater love and an expression of the Creator. Thus, greater unity, respect, honour, and truth between people will manifest, however, it may take time to be perceived and manifested.
A shift in consciousness may be experienced as many are encouraged to align with the Creator’s light and source, as well as, the Creator’s numerous aspects in order to encourage a greater awareness, understanding, and perception of what is occurring. Greater sensitivity to your soul and your spiritual being is being guided. You may, therefore, experience a shift from physical thinking and perceptions to spiritual soul understandings and expressions. The shift in consciousness is also to incorporate a greater unity between humanity, as every soul unites their energies to create what they truly desire and feel inspired to manifest on the Earth. Each of you is missing parts of your consciousness, your wisdom, and understanding. This is because you haven’t recognised these parts yet. With the uniting of humanity’s consciousness, aspects and parts of your consciousness and wisdom will be restored as you show to each other the information you need to acknowledge. Not only will this make humanity stronger as a united energy, it will allow for a true blossoming of the understanding humanity holds. This action in itself will pave the way forward for a greater embodiment and manifestation of love.
This time will activate a feeling of power and leadership from the soul. It is almost as if the souls of humanity are presented with a tool or a certificate that offers them permission to become leaders in their own reality. This is not to allow the personality or ego to lead as it has done before, it is to allow your soul to take a greater role of leadership in your reality. This will only occur when the individual is ready and has achieved a level of acknowledgment of the soul. For those who already feel a strong connection with their soul, then this will be magnified as new experiences and understandings of their soul and soul group manifest.
Through my communication today, it is my wish that you grasp the magic and the wonderful experiences that are manifesting into your reality. There is a need to acknowledge and appreciate the time you exist in and how you have placed yourself in the very centre of this experience for a reason, this reason is for you to experience and enjoy the transitions fully. Many of you feel as if you do not know what you must be achieving now, the spiritual practices that you need to integrate into your reality, I would say to you at this special time:
  • Acknowledge the magic, the beauty within everything and everyone, including yourself.
  • Focus on embodying love as this will mean that when the new energy patterns of love activate your experience will be greater. And it will be easier for you to recognise the activation taking place within you.
  • Constantly align your energies to the Creator and ask to accept the consciousness that is most appropriate for you.
  • Send love to the consciousness of humanity.
  • Bring your attention to your soul, listen to and radiate the light of your soul in preparation for the greater role it will play in your reality.
  • Take time to focus within on feeling the power and leadership from the soul waiting to blossom.
  • Call upon my energies, Lord Merlin, to assist you in recognising the energies activating within you with ease as well as, embodying these same energies with ease. Ask me to assist you in then expressing these activated energies appropriately through your being into your reality.
  • Meditate with the intention to remember the magic within your being, remember the magic within your reality and remember the magic of this time.
With love always,
Natalie Glasson.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



 * All Posts

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:50
Segunda-feira, 25 / 11 / 19

The dark is diminishing, retreating into the darkness of itself.


Merlin, the Wizard.

Through Galaxygirl,

November 22nd, 2019

Posted November 24th, 2019

img source

(I am seeing Merlin riding on the back of Elthor, flying high. He is summoning the ascended dragons and the ascending ones – you and me). Greetings! Arise! From dust into light! (I am seeing Merlin’s staff send moonbeams of bright light onto the dark places).

I am Merlin, returned. For eons I have been the seer of the unseen, the elder of time, the alchemist of change. I am igniting you, ground team, to do the same, to be this, in this most pregnant of times, of possibilities exploding into light. Do not be timid! For the time of timidity is as faded as an old shirt. Now is the time to stand tall, staffs in hand, surrounded by the angels, the ascended dragons, the elementals who all stand at the ready. Lend your light. Charge! Charge forward! Embrace your light! For the dark is diminishing, retreating into the darkness of itself. Send it light! Extend your right hands in service and feel the flame through your fingertips. For too long has this realm been in the shadow grips! It is now in the embrace of the light! No longer!
I am Merlin. Feel your power. Feel your strength rush through you. Timid no more, warriors once again. Be in joy, be in peace, be in perfection of grace. Feel the pulse and spin of your inner galaxies explode into yet more light. Ignite your light body. Ignite the light body of Mother Gaia. We send rainbow light, igniting the codes. Feel the magic in the air.
I am Merlin. This is not a cheap parlor trick. This is you toe-dipping into the lake of old memories, of time beyond time when you were strong and free. Be strong and be free once again, human friends. There are no shackles on your feet. Pronounce your freedom and it shall be so. The matrix is crumbling, the shadows being exposed for the smoke and mirrors that they always were. We send the light of the Christed flame to all archon programming, shattering it. We blast the yellow cube with the violet fire. We blast the programming of all of ages past, of darkness and despair into the light of the Christed one. Be the Christed one. Be the creator that you are. Be the fierce warrior god or goddess of love that you have always been. Your weapon is love, is light.
I am Merlin. There is a disturbance in the force, as you say. That disturbance is love, is you. The energies swirl and spin, like a bubbling cauldron pot. It is time to spice up the magic in this sector to remove the sludge and to replace it with golden possibilities. I am an alchemist, as are you. It is time to remember. Your slate before you is a beautiful blank one. You can create on it what you wish. See, your palate is full of the most beautiful colors. Mercury retrograde is at an end. It has been a brutal chapter for many as the darkest of sludge has come up for staring at, for clearing. Many of you have had rough days and nights. Send the memories – your teachers – light. Send the darkness – your memories of lifetimes resurfacing for clearing – light. Send the lost ones – your brothers and sisters – light. Send healing to the realm.
I am Merlin. (He is no longer with the dragons, he is sitting, smoking a wizard pipe.) Yes, galaxygirl, I do love my wizard pipe. I do love that phrase. In the higher realms you can enjoy all sorts of habits that do not cause harm, of course. You dare devils reading this will be delighted to know that there are no blown out knees in the higher realms. Healing is quick and effortless. I choose to smoke my pipe with violet fire mixed with unicorn steam. Yes, they stream a bit when they are angry, it adds a certain spice to the mixture. (I am seeing white horses steaming in the sunlight). I like things hot and spicy. When embodied I enjoyed the foods that created a reaction. For life is all about reactions. How are you reacting? This beginning message shows that we are lending our light, our magic, our power, our strength to create a reaction. It is better to create than react to a situation of someone else’s creation to control or manipulate. That is the old way. Creators arise. I am puffing my smoke over your crown, reigniting your ability to see and feel magic. For magic is all around you. (I am seeing dark blue smoke with points of light like a starry night sky).
Become en-magic-ed once again, children of the light, of the way, of the breath of the Mother and Father. Have you noticed now that more puzzle pieces are fitting into the the final picture? Have you appreciated the depth of change on the global scene today? Know that all is proceeding quite nicely. (He is lying back puffing his pipe in huge circles, with pictures forming in them. (I am seeing viking ships). You are seeing the old way. (I am seeing flying ships). You are seeing the new way. For humanity was meant to fly and shall fly high again beyond the constraints of this society of darkness. No more darkness. Let there be light. (The smoke becomes yellow golden light with sparkles and now white). You see the solar flash is to become a turning point, but the tipping point must be reached first and we see this as happening quite nicely. (I am seeing the sun in the middle of the smoke circle suddenly expanding out so that the entire circle is white light. I am seeing Mother’s pretty face and hands around it, with Father standing behind). You see truly. Now, what was it that you were fretting about today? Is it really so big as being beyond healing? Ah, yes. Trust. It is time to trust the grand design. Mother and Father have this in their very capable hands. And so, you see that is why I am not worried. I grew rather tired of worrying in my incarnations – what a waste of energy, when one could be tinkering up new spells, new creations, new joys to be had. I gave that up long ago. Perhaps you too are ready to give up the enticement of worry? For worry is a creation of a false projection or reality you do not want. Why would you lend your energy to this? It does not suit a child of the creator, I can tell you that. It is easily manipulated by those who would delight in your pain, this I know. Their days are coming to a rapid demise. (He is laughing.) And you were worried? Why? No more. People will feel pain in this time, some will feel anxious. Send them light. Transmute on the spot and you will help many more than you know. That is your job, light workers. It is light and it is work. It is not easy work. That is why you were chosen. Remember, that is why you came. You came to lend your light, and lend it, you have, you are, and you will continue for it is your very nature to serve the light, for you are of it.
I am Merlin. Have I given you enough to think about tonight? Did you like my grand entrance? I do so love partnering with Source in all forms. Such excitement! (He is rubbing his hands together, and opening them. Inside is a beautiful electric blue butterfly). This is an Arcturian butterfly. It is lovely isn’t it? So many are near to help you, to guide you, to love you. Just let them. I am Merlin. My class is about to start. Will you join me ?



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 05:01
Sexta-feira, 22 / 11 / 19

Breathe a little bit deeper and let Merlin tell a story


Intergalactic Council.

Through Galaxygirl,

November 20th, 2019

Posted November 22nd, 2019

img source

I am Merlin, the wizard. 
There. Breathe a little bit deeper and let me tell you a story. For you see, this is your story, our story, for we are all a part of it. A long time ago there was an eager group of bright young students – creators who were learning the ropes of creating and eager to demonstrate, feel and explore the love and wonderment of the process of creation. You were perhaps one of these pupils. 
But I digress. Source is always expanding, always learning, always exploring. Do you really think this is the only game of exploration in the universe? No, but it is a hot spot of keen interest, for Gaia is doing something totally and completely new. She is expanding in new ways, doing now what was once thought impossible. 
But all things are possible with Source, and you will know this shortly for this is one of the lovely unveilings as you begin to rediscover your majesty of creation. This is not a hypocritical statement, as these fingers cringe a bit. No. Type away galayxgirl! This is your friend, Merlin. We have known each other a long time. 
Many of you are and were my pupils. You will begin to re-remember. For this is the time of the age of re-remembering the majesty and the beautify of the Source that is within you. Ah, there. You were able to type that more easily were you not? (Yes, Merlin. He is laughing).
Now, were was I? Oh yes. 
Creating earth – Gaia – was a keenly exciting project for many millions and billions of well-meaning angels. Explorers of the realm and creators in their own right, they wished to form a library of the wonderments of the cosmos. Earth was to be the storehouse of this, a little blue oasis of paradise. 
Now you were all a bit war weary from the Orion wars. This has not been a peaceful sector. And so, for rest, for beauty’s sake you all decided to create a little piece of paradise on the outskirts of this marvelous galaxy, which you are currently calling home. 
And so they came. Millions and billions of lovely souls and creators came, offering up their genetics for diversity, for study, for peace, for tokens of the full range of diversification of creatorship. Many great civilizations came, explored, grew. Much light, much joy it was for one’s soul to be embodied upon surface and inner Gaia.
I am Merlin, telling this story. I hope perhaps you have time for this, for I do feel like sitting by the fire for awhile with you, for this is such a magnificent tale. (He is smoking a long pipe). Of course the dark ones came, as they were attracted to the great light. Of course more brave souls volunteered to become useful, to help, to assist. And so you came. 
You came to this place, many of you, in many various chapters. Some stayed longer than others. Some became trapped and ensnared by the cycles of reincarnation. Some ascended. But regardless, you are all here now, for Gaia is ready to be born anew. For you see, a special place is being prepared for her in the heart of this no longer Milky Way but now Golden Rose galaxy. 
Oh yes. Oh yes! (He is rubbing his long fingers together) We are all very excited. For this movie has been playing for over 350,000 years, with chapters and cycles in between, true, and it is riveting. For you see, everyone wanted to be here, and in a way everyone is here in one form or another. 
Your plants, animal kingdoms, your Gaian kingdoms (elementals, crystals) they are all here en masse with various bits of consciousness from all over, watching as the curtain lifts. But I digress, for many of you are feeling like nothing is happening. (He is laughing). 
Everything is happening, children, friends, students, fellow travelers of the way. You are happening! Do you see your etheric wings forming in the mid back? Do you feel your auras spinning and expanding with vim and vigor? You are new. New foods are craved, new ideas are had, new thoughts are formed. You are not who you once were, and yet, you are simply remembering who you have always been.
I am Merlin. I offer you encouragement and do know that all is proceeding according to the script, which is in flux for you are a part of creating  it.  Much dross, much sludge and blackness has had to be cleared. Let us transmute it together, shall we? (I am seeing purple fire in his hands and I am seeing him extend his hands and fire to my hands. The fire spreads, engulfing us). 
Let us send this purple flame of my other aspect St. Germaine deep into the heart of the crystals of your Earth. Do this with me now. (I am seeing the fires of deep inner Earth crystals become ignited. I see the purple fire spread and burn through all of that which is not of light.) Join the ascended dragon collective and invite them to join us. 
I do so love a good story. And this is an excellent moment in this script that we are writing together now, is it not? Yes. Hello there, Alisheryia, Elthor, good friends. It is time for humanity to become ignited, is it not? Allow this fire to burn deeply within you, friends, and be at peace. Set your worries, your fears, your exhaustion within the fire and watch it burn off, as alcohol burns in the frying pan. See the flash, and enjoy the release.
I am your Merlin, your teacher, your friend. I am always looking for new eager pupils. I am happy to teach further in the night classes should you desire to further your comprehension of such things. The ending of the story is yet unseen, for Mother and Father have it under wraps, quite literally. But know, friend, that you are adding your part of the story quite brilliantly. 
Find the still points between excitement and contentment. It is a lovely place to be. Just be. Be with these energies of hope, of renewal, of transformation. And all will wonder why your eyes are sparkling, what is your secret? You are a key player in the unfolding of the greatest play of the universe. Be at peace and be in joy.
I am Merlin. Do not grieve the past the atrocities that have occurred. Send them light and healing. From great depths come great heights. Truly you are teaching us all a thing or two about the  inextinguishable human spirit. I am Merlin. Thank you for listening to my story, your story, our story – the story of the universe. Thank you for lending your light and grace. 
I touch my wand to your throat (I am seeing spinning green light) for it is time to speak clearly. I touch my wand to your ears for it is time to hear clearly, above the noise. I touch my wand to your physical and etheric eyes – it is time to see clearly. Now let us watch the unfoldment together, shall we? 
I am Merlin. My classes begin promptly. Do not be late.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:32
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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