A Chama da Ascensão


Sábado, 23 / 05 / 20



By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 23, 2020.



Beloved Souls, Greetings!

Certain that we found them in this Now within their best for the occasion, we returned to point out some more of your questions, always from the perspective of your galactic friends and family and other kind consciences.

Our selection of questions is used for tasting ideas. Be comfortable, preferably in a quiet environment, open your minds and keep to yourself what resonates best, releasing what you cannot understand or agree at that moment; consciential awakening despite being collective, always starts from being to being, according to its evolutionary rhythm. [smile]


- Everything has to do with the Planetary Transition phase because everything is part of the same thing. There will be Terrans who will feel especially more sensitive, while some others, for no apparent reason, will feel cooler, more distant, airy. There will also be those who will oscillate between these two conditions and develop new habits even.

What is relevant should be pointed out here is that it is characteristic of the moment that certain points referring to the personality of the Gaian Man will tend to become even more intense, so who already has a predisposition to sensitivity and who has the characteristic of selectivity when expressing thoughts and feelings, most likely you will go through this experience of accentuating those energies.

The best recommendation is to protect yourself so that you can recognize yourself within these new intimate configurations, before you go around saying things that afterwards do not even know how or why they said them. It is a process, it can take a shorter time here, longer there, depending on the evolution of each individual.


- It means that your new interest is beginning to emerge now, and that the divine spark that is wants to gain wings, explore other realities, and that in the beginning it is really sensibly confusing for everyone. Nobody is born knowing, you say among yourselves. We say that you just do not remember everything you already know, but to progress, to ascend is just that - it is a path, even before a destination.

In that case, go slow. Many Seekers get lost surrendering in haste, to the rush of their anxieties, compromising the good quality of the search itself. We have already told you about the benefits of Targeting over Rush, but this concept is not for everyone to understand, so we do not insist.

Read articles, watch documentaries, see lectures, films on the topics you want to better understand that, little by little, everything will start to fit, at your own pace, without any hiccups or unnecessary excesses. Nothing to compare to the others - it doesn't work! [smile]


- Quarantine is a resource that is repeatedly applied among Terrans in an attempt to restrict as few people as possible to the exposure of a serious viral condition. It seems new to them, something unprecedented and even aggressively undue, because many did not live in those days and in places where there were similar health conditions.

Still, it is a controversial method for many understandings, due to the demands that each one carries to be purified in the atmosphere of Gaia. As hard as it may seem, the truth needs to be told: many will be able to get around all of this, but others will perish, because they need these experiences to face what lies ahead - on this plane and in other parallels.

When someone accesses a certain level of understanding that is more expansive, he will be guided by the most pertinent practices for the prolongation of his missionary existence on the little blue planet. Likewise, those who have a more modest expansion of understanding will tend to neglect what they are told about safeguarding themselves from excess, and will resist head on as long as they can. It's all about the quality of experience they've had so far and everything they give themselves to - without judgment.

Do not suffer for the luck of yours. Understand that each one only faces what he needs to face in order to become someone better, in this existence or in another, and everything is fully assisted by selfless mentors, but always in respect for each person's free will. Wearing out for something that is independent of you directly is a waste of energy in itself, you see.

- The "cure" is already among you, along with the conception of the virus itself, and is in the hands of those who conceived them, as well as those who bought it, in an attempt to take advantage over other countries, according to their own interests. But, as always, greed and ideals of centralization of power did more damage than initially planned by all those involved, but they did consider the drastic reduction of the world population to their most specific plans.

When this answer will be consciously offered to them by their “governors ruled” by Density adherents, it will only depend on them. Because you are still reluctant to deal with the fact that everyone who is living there the privileges that live at your expense, is in no hurry to change anything in this scenario installed by the shadows of greed and pride. But you need to go through all of this in the best possible way, with discipline and resignation, because you also depend on these experiences to transcend the chaos that you co-created and co-created in the name of maintaining your own physical and ideological addictions.

It is exhausting, yes, it is painful, yes, but that is what Humanity needs if it wants to know another side of its own existence that so many of you request in your moments of recollection and elevation in prayers. Cleaning needs to be surgical, and it will be.


- There is no effective separation between the two themes, due to the similarity of that on which the current institutions were built by Man. Without one, the other concept is not sustainable, socially speaking. And now trying to dissociate one thing from the other is especially complicated, although possible - for an undated future; everything will depend on the moral purification of understanding of its social cells.

What happens especially in Brazil is part of that old issue of polarization of their subjects, which has been following them very closely from some of their linear years. The result of all this is the postural densification of those who give in to their primitive instincts, leaving common sense in the background.

What is indicated for the case is that they avoid free ideological clashes, especially when they want to impose on others what they think and feel in the cry - as if this were actually possible to be accomplished with the success initially envisioned. It doesn't work like that, but telling them that is fruitless when the fear for the reason they seek to spread seems to be more important than anything else.

Getting away from those in love with the densest is what they can best do for themselves. Do not comment, do not propagate, do not give them the energy of your attention. Their question is with themselves first, only after that they return to the social of which they are also part, and do not have enough clarity to understand.

Family, for today's communication we have the presence of Antarians and Essassanis who came to assist and collaborate with all of you, Pozinhos de Estrelas (Little fragments of Stars). This whole experience is shared with immense Love by your own searches, you know! And we humbly thank each beloved spark that contributes to this delicate process that certainly elevates Gaia to its best version. [smile]

Soon, news for those who adopted us as part of their ascended realities in their lives! Until then, leave your greetings to our guests from the appointment of the day. And see you soon!

Selamat Matah! (May the peace be with you!)



AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo

CHANNEL NOTE: Greetings to the Antarians and Essassanis brothers! It was an honor to count on you, your light and good energy! The SIRIUS FRATERNITY certainly makes the best social in the Universe. 😊 Endless gratitude! ❤

Translated by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

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Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 17:48
Sábado, 23 / 05 / 20



By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 22, 2020.




Beloved Souls, Greetings!

Today we will talk about the energy of the Terrans who live their personal legend as active and lethargic co-creators, asleep.

Many of you, in your moments of intimate seclusion and conscientious reflection, raise your thoughts about the quality of some of your relationships. And, you know, none of this fails to be fully assisted by your friendly mentors! [smile]

If it is part of your inner maturation, you can be absolutely convinced that there is a powerful spiritual / magnetic support nearby, trying to open your eyes to understandings that until the same time were no longer possible in the same way.

In these moments, we seek to raise your private magnetic fields a little more so that you can benefit from energies more consistent with each issue, and then be able to access an extra dose of your I Am. From then on, their decisions usually become lighter, more fluid and harmonious. If until another day you resisted taking a certain route, “suddenly” the whole thing changes its shape. Work of chance? You can call it that, if you want, but we reaffirm a lot of work and love involved in each process!

It is still delicate to deal with so many fluctuating energies around you, so it is a great opportunity and satisfaction to offer you this quality of support. It is not that you are not in a position to resolve your issues alone ... it is that the concepts of this understanding change a lot between your readings of this and ours, ascended. But the decisions, all of them, have always been, are and will be yours - we, your Galactic Family, are just your private advisers, so to speak. [smile]

In any case, as soon as certain interpersonal dilemmas move towards their most expanded resolution, other new service fronts are opened, always with the greatest intention of dissolving knots, dismantling vibrational densities that, when together, make the dear Seekers so heavy, moody, sad and less productive in their routine about Gaia. In some cases, they may even throw them into beds, for health reasons, either physical or emotional (somatized).

For each of you, it is absolutely imperative that you can continue unlocking these points of conflict. That is if there is really an engagement in your moral / spiritual purification. When not, everything continues to unfold in the form of challenges, and one more complicated to manage than the other, ceaselessly, until tiredness settles, resistance screams for a break and other interests for alternative routes begin to be considered with greater interest than the old formulas used up to that critical point.

When talking about the “other”, it is important to say that, quantum speaking, this “other” does not exist, because we are all One (1) with the Whole, and that means that that “other” is also a fraction of each yours. What is done in their name is done automatically in you, because everything is one and the same, just experiencing different ways of the same reality.

We know how challenging information of that order can be for so many of you. After all, it takes an extra dose of understanding and minimal interior lighting to absorb it all in a more… comfortable way, according to their realities and behaviors within them. But, roughly speaking, you feel that what we tell you touches you in a particular and strong way, and this is the beginning, the beginning of a new relationship with yourself that will become more and more constant and dominant - dominant , but without ever being invasive, don't worry about it! [smile]

The existence within the very particular aspects of the optical perception of the Gaian Man is unique. We learned from all of you, be convinced of it, loved more, but what the Pozinhos de Estrelas (little fragments of stars) capture is transcendental. For this reason, some people already go to other planes, in their moments of physical rest, to other realities and share their experiences all over Gaia and beyond the little blue planet. Yes, legitimate teachers who speak with the assistance of countless mentors so that Knowledge can be expanded, according to what each one has and had to offer. And how your classes are played by the Multiverse!

When their mentors call them "masters", it is also for this reason. Because that's what you are, and you just haven't accessed full awareness of all these adventures yet. To be honest with you, we would spend hours here describing all the fronts that your essences take on in front of the Cosmos, and you wouldn't even imagine! But soon everything will become very clear to your conscious human understanding, be patient. [smile]

Family, everyone teaches and everyone learns, that's all. Its apparent opponents today are nothing more than beings boiling with themselves. They externalize all this, all this gall in criticism and bad mood because it is part of their intimate processes of personal recognition and maturation. They are seldom consciences that have learned about a series of understandings that to many of you feel natural and consistent. Resilience! Do you know what they are and what they will never be, from a certain point of conscience, so why give so much importance to the words of those who still fall asleep over their own nature? Do you understand what we tell you here?

Allow it to pass. Being reactive at this point in time and with so many other more relevant events taking place at the same time right in front of your physical senses is, at the very least, one of those wears out of which it is not worth the price to get involved, to feed, to propagate. Will they continue to be impolite, inopportune, provocative? For you to find in yourself the most placid of non-judgmental and Unconditional Love energies. It is not meant to be “easy”, dear ones, it is a mission, we have already told you this a few times, so it is the opportunity that presents you with new paradigms, in greater synchronicity with the values ​​of the New Earth, because it is so!

Heia Sun! (Let there be light!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


CHANNEL NOTE: When we remember that our role here * is self-transcendence and service, it becomes more and more important that we keep the focus on this guideline, and in this way what comes from third parties will lose strength, importance to the point of disharmony. Since it is not possible for us to control what goes on in the minds of others, let us work on our own internal shielding as to the sarcasms and dense vibrations of those who know nothing about themselves to try something against us. So it is done!


Translated by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 05:40
Sexta-feira, 22 / 05 / 20




By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 21, 2020.




Beloved Souls, Greetings!

There is no “punishment”, “retaliation” or anything like that; what exists is what each one needs to live in favor of its best version (without judgments!).

To the Terran understanding, it may seem an external way of selecting who ascends and who remains in the purge of their demands, indefinitely. When not. Whoever engages better understands that Law of Cause & Effect is Nature's tool for the systems involved in the process of each social segment, so that you always have the best of what all of you have to offer in favor of the New Earth.

And it is always Men who place themselves above, below or beside these directives of conscientious / spiritual / magnetic expansion. No one else. [smile]

The idea that some external factor is the one who determines the pace of their evolutionary marches belongs to the matrix of those who always understand that they suffer the direct effects of the actions of others, of this or of parallel dimensions. One more of these structural mistakes that the invigilating Servers of Light use with some regularity.

The great truth is that you will always be in the quality of what you rise to access. Those who engage in little will achieve the same proportion of their own blessings, while those who turn to good practices the most will achieve similar returns. Everything very consistent and transparent.

Those who think they can circumvent this elevation formula of all things are deluded, because they cannot. There is no “way” for that. It is not possible to “turn around” in this condition that supports the Good News and the New Man. Whoever gives of himself with discipline, fraternity and love in his heart, will always follow a more enlightened path and, consequently, will be helped with his demands in an identical way. [smile]

We have already had the opportunity to tell you this, but we will repeat: There are no privileged in the path of good; there are consequences.

Envying what the other is experiencing, in itself, is no longer one of those good energies that they can associate with yours. Imagine plotting against your brothers just because they live what you would like to experience and don’t? What sir does this energy serve, beautiful ones? Think!

Your path is one, the path of the next is another, and everything is perfectly harmonious within this evolutionary itinerary. It does not matter what each one lives and in what way. Everything is given to those who are entitled, understand.

Whoever wants to follow for the sake of experiencing new relationships, new conquests, needs to try to engage in this focus, needs discipline and awareness of the value of every small opportunity. Everything is climbing, needs to be worked on in order to optimize one day at a time, with faith and humility, with enthusiasm and hope. And what has to be yours will be.

If things stop going as you originally planned, that's okay, part of it. Learning how to deal with the frustrations of the way mature is also an empowering experience. And certainly other fruits will avenge all of this - perhaps even better than you imagined back there. [smile]

Family, Man is very blessed and rarely identifies this in his brief existence on the little blue planet. Many of you will be able to realize this only when you are no longer in that Now, living the life you co-create through your engagements and neglect.

So, consider valuing the little things of your time in Gaia Now. Because chance is just one of those badly told stories that the atmosphere of dense planets has reserved for undeveloped understandings, in the face of the immeasurable All Cosmic, of which they have always been part.

SYRIUS FRATERNITY greets you and smiles in complicity with your most modest achievements, everyone knows. JATA (Source) speaks to you all this way too! [smile]

Selamat Gajun! (Be One!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


CHANNEL NOTE: Typical Sirian “note” that resonates with my values and understanding. What is to be mine *, will be in one way or another, and in the same way, what does not have ... we deliver to the Universe. I think that detachment should always be exercised in the face of these cases, you know ?! We become lighter when we aim for life.


Translated by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 00:46
Quarta-feira, 20 / 05 / 20



By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 20, 2020.




Beloved Souls, Greetings!

It is not relevant what you call the movement caused by the system that coordinates and feeds your pillars in terms of centralizing power and spreading fear. Nothing changes the fact that it is real and acts powerfully on the nations of his planet, and it will always reorganize itself in an attempt to keep things as they are - standardized, stagnant, average.

At least, it was that way until another time; maybe some of you still have some difficulty in identifying, but a lot has changed in recent times, and this is not just a matter of chance! [smile]

So much is said about the New Earth, and so little objective idea is made of it - if only because of the freedom of minds from the lack of imagination and fear strategically implanted among the dear Terrans! In any case, the fact is that new actions provoked reactions to the height, and the energy of Gaia is already differentiated, and for the better, despite those without Faith, without confidence in their own power as well as in the Supreme Intelligence of JATA (The Creative Source, God).

Servants of Light had to face their own demands as part of their own purification process. There was suffering. There was pain. There was doubt. There was loneliness. However, there was also solidarity, fraternity, expressions of affection, respect and love. There was an effective engagement in practical actions in favor of the collective, as rarely seen in so little of humanity. And all of this was and is part of what will bring about in Man the changes that they need for the New Man to co-create the New Earth.

Obviously, the matrix, the system, does not want, more beloved Terrans, that things change even more in order to confront their interests so intrinsically rooted in the ego of the invigilating Servants of Light, through their vices and dark interests. Therefore, it is natural for it - the system - to move in defense of its interests, even if it means dropping pieces of its big game in favor of itself.

It is important to say objectively: the system does not care about human lives.

It feeds on everything that its mentors and guides of light have always tried to teach them to deal with discipline and engagement; and we speak here of fear, of segregation, of separatism, of violence, of everything that evokes the darker side of the ignorance of being. And all this is easily identified in the actions of Man, whose energy is associated with Matrix interests, as he will always be on the side of financial interests above legitimately humanitarian causes.

The vibrational scale of the New Earth that is established in this Now, will exalt the most striking characteristics of all of you. For this reason, the last strongest movements in favor of duality are yet to come, although around your 5 (five) earth years things have become especially denser among you, with glaring ideological postures, falling into physical aggression in some cases. This is all from the purge phase, that is, it must be so due to the high demand involved in the process.

Humanity has seen movements in favor of and against the coordinates of the bodies responsible for monitoring global health regarding this pandemic. People are already starting to confront each other about all of this, in a very similar way to what happened in their most recent elections, that is, with more passion than with common sense. And due to this direct effect, wear and tear of relationships have kept them away from each other, even in family social cells including. Because the system is strengthened when you divide, objectively so.

You fall, like pieces of a huge domino, knocking each other down, mechanically, whenever common sense is relegated to the background. But, when their own leaders fail to lead them through the paths of open and respectful, empathic and aggregating dialogue, what do the sleeping morals, the conscientious lethargics do if they don't follow the herd? This is the legitimate end of days, beautiful!

The adherents of these denser and more violent stances will no longer remain in Gaia - and they know it. They know and do not care, because for their interests what the reverberating energy of the rising planet means, they do not arouse any interest either, if they will no longer be able to maintain the privileged patterns on which they depend to coexist as they are used to. Some groups will resist the Good News here and there, but they already see that from that last experience of the Gaian Man positively activated due to the effects of the pandemic, with less and less resources they will be able to count on to maintain themselves according to their intimate and petty interests.

The New Man is a growing reality among you. They are identified coordinating themselves in favor of the other, without particular interests, and so often anonymously - such that their conventional media show contempt and choose to show the lack of respect for the collective, the focus on the violence of their routines, pain and in the suffering of his people. And all of this has already started its countdown to reach the end, because the beautiful ones yearn to live other and higher qualities of experiences. And it will be!

Beautiful, the matrix cannot counter the more direct effects of the New Earth. Neither he - the system - nor his immoral supporters. For this reason large groups will be removed from the planet, you know, because they have run out of time among you. They had all the opportunities pertinent to their intimate improvement to transcend or at least signal interest in that direction, but they made choices and, of course, will respond for every act of love not lived. Do not regret any of this; it is the strongest dose of what will still be treated according to where they will go for their evolutionary development, still assisted by their mentors and guides of light.

What should remain in you, who are really interested in moving forward on the path of Unconditional Love in favor of the New Earth, is the feeling that each one can only offer what he rises to share. Because outside the fraternity, there is no real evolution, and this rescue is intimate, it goes from conscience to conscience, from spark to spark. [smile]

The New Man is a growing reality among you. They are identified coordinating themselves in favor of the other, without particular interests, and so often anonymously - such that their conventional media show contempt and choose to show the lack of respect for the collective, the focus on the violence of their routines, pain and in the suffering of his people. And all of this has already started its countdown to reach the end, because the beautiful ones yearn to live other and higher qualities of experiences. And it will be!

Beautiful, the matrix cannot counter the more direct effects of the New Earth. Neither it - the system - nor his immoral supporters. For this reason large groups will be removed from the planet, you know, because they have run out of time among you. They had all the opportunities pertinent to their intimate improvement to transcend or at least signal interest in that direction, but they made choices and, of course, will respond for every act of love not lived. Do not regret any of this; it is the strongest dose of what will still be treated according to where they will go for their evolutionary development, still assisted by their mentors and guides of light.

What should remain in you, who are really interested in moving forward on the path of Unconditional Love in favor of the New Earth, is the feeling that each one can only offer what he rises to share. Because outside the fraternity, there is no real evolution, and this rescue is intimate, it goes from conscience to conscience, from spark to spark. [smile]

Selamat Matah! (May the peace be with you!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


CHANNEL NOTE: Despite all the problems caused by everything that is involved in our purification process, I still stick to the best examples and stories of those who roll up their sleeves and surrender in favor of social well-being. Everything that is heavy, dense exists, already existed before, so I see no logic to exalt any of this. New Earth asks for the New Man that we can all always be, if we stop resisting and really allow ourselves to. Expanded free will.


Translated by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 22:56
Quarta-feira, 20 / 05 / 20



By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 19, 2020.




Beloved Souls, Greetings!

As stated a few times - and confirmed by countless serious channels - High Spirituality works hard in favor of the legitimacy of all things, with method and discipline. In other words, your spiritual / magnetic support remains firm and at your side, dear Terran, in the sense of showing you more and more to the engaged and enthusiastic of the Good News.

We affirm that the best of all things are in full swing, bringing out of each new situation more of what they once committed to, still in the astral. In this sense, there is the loving alert to the other Servers of Light:

Stay focused on what adds up to the positive. Get away from what they hijack you from your good anchoring. Density has several tools at the service of its energy stagnation, so pay attention to venous distractions disguised as information *. No matter how attentive your spiritual / magnetic protectors may be, without your efforts for the proper maintenance of your anchoring, synchronicity is not established and intention is replaced by illusion.

We Syrians have just left, together with sister lineages in Light, of heavy and exhausting work on the minds of some of their political leaders and supporters, due to the energy harassment they suffer from Shadow-workers. Those who are infiltrated in this cause are excited, trying to harm as many as possible to them through these weaknesses that always end up facilitating the work of the dark minions of low vibration.

Despite the best results achieved, we will have to return to the same points soon, to untie certain knots that still maintain those consciousnesses assisted by the shadows by the effect of astral contracts, with the intention of preparing the area for the New that they will begin to access even in this month of your linear time. We are happy with the new possibilities, as everything runs towards positive results for the health of all of you.

The activities in the Astral Field are accelerated, as many improvements will still be delivered soon, you know. And a large part of this is due to the good anchoring of those who have positively surrendered to the phase of social detachment for spiritual self-improvement, thus elevating relevant points on the planet, rebalancing the Gaia chakras.

We could not end this session without registering here our gratitude for each one of you who dared to follow your missions and illuminated the delicate phase through which humanity is going through with its prayers, its anchors, its meditations, its magnetic elevations as a whole. You have made and make the positive difference that is expected of a true Server of Light! [smile]

Heia Sun! (Let there be light!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


CHANNEL NOTE: I admit that seeing this exhibition recorded in that text was strange to me at first, but I now understand the importance of these examples. Sirians are very intuitive so they can create metaphors in the form of very diverse, and even fun, images. The fact is that we are very supported by our “spiritual cavalry”, and we do not always realize how much. Does not matter. What counts is the feeling of gratitude that must always be at the forefront of all occurrences. And so it is!


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 02:30
Segunda-feira, 18 / 05 / 20



By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 18, 2020.



Beloved Souls, Greetings!

In the Faith that all our dear Terrans follow the flow of the positive and expansive, we have selected yet another wave of intuitions captured by the channel, through its sensitivity, for all of you. They are decrees, they are words of good cheer and encouragement to the good practices that we regularly speak to them in our meetings.

Make good use of all that energy, taking with you what seems to resonate the most and, as always, despise what fails to make sense to you. The important thing is to anchor them in their best versions, because our mission among you is essentially this. [smile]

So, all have good thoughts for this restarted weekly cycle!

⚜️ ❝Discipline is the new ‘engagement’, targeted motivation. Whoever engages in an idea will never be the idea itself, but will integrate it into his own being, and that is powerful! ❞

⚜️ ❝Optimizing an energy is putting yourself in rhythmic and synchronous fluidity with it. It can be achieved through high engagement and determination.❞

⚜️ ❝I AM Faith, Discipline and Love. I go on wrapped in the best energies and vibrations. I am in everything that I focus my attention on, and for this reason I focus on the Light of better days progressively. So it is! ❞

Desejo️ ❝The desire to betray the partner starts from points of imbalance between essences. When someone decides to venture with someone else, he has completely disconnected himself from the one he betrays.

It is possible to consider the total rupture of a relationship even before reaching such a point, but it is difficult for man to embark on this path. The tendency is to betray and, depending on the outcome of this, you may - or not - consider that the best is that each one goes to his side. Getting involved with third parties is always a potential problem. It moves the mind, the psychological, the emotional, and all of this can be very serious. Take all this into account, in the future, because today's ‘case’ may pass, but the consequences tomorrow will be etched forever in your evolutionary history.❞

⚜️ ❝ Offer your best, with humility, with love. That is the part that is up to you. What the other person will receive depends on how you find your spiritual, your emotional, your psychological - and none of that depends on you or your intentions. Your Angels tell you to do the right thing because it is what you are motivated to do. Each one will always answer for the signature he gives under everything that is available. Receive! ❞

⚜️ ❝I AM the love for the experience that transcends me. I am whole in every moment. I stick to that purpose Now and beyond. So it is! ❞

Família️ ❝Your family reigns far beyond the average understanding of man. Its essence was never just earthly, and in due course you will remember it.❞

⚜️ ❝Honor your original lineage through moral correction and fraternal service to the collective. Someone involved in such principles is certainly a Server of Light anchored at its best.

⚜️ ❝Stay faithful to the highest you can experience in your evolutionary march. Your focus determines your most objective destination.❞

⚜️ ❝Bad moments can always return when their instructional teachings are not absorbed. Replace complaints with attention to the hidden lesson in the unfavorable picture, and make adjustments.❞

⚜️ ❝It is possible to be a friend of the one you love because love itself has elements of goodwill, respect and a high degree of empathy. However, it must be said: it is not every frame of friendship that necessarily becomes a romantic relationship. Think of it as one of those truths that can be ignored, but which always reveal themselves in their essence through their own interaction. Don't force anything. If some couples out there were just good friends, they might get a better result from their relationships. If you have that opportunity, don't skip steps. Live one phase at a time, that tomorrow belongs to God - says the popular adage.❞

⚜️ ❝Angels are spiritual guardians of something or someone, being given the power to protect their guardians with engagement and unconditional love. Your Angels tell you that there are limits to your actions on your life, making it necessary for you to make practical movements for vibrational elevation and, in this way, better capture what they try to share with you, with greater fluidity. Receive! ❞

⚜️ ❝I AM the fullness in all my reflections and attitudes. I am anchored in my best version. I offer my best to everyone who crosses my path. And so it is! ❞

⚜️ ❝Stay away from victimization. The energy of 'coitadismo' is dangerous because it undermines its positive magnetism and propagates the low vibrational scale where to pass.❞

⚜️• ❝A boa manutenção energética faz parte de suas tarefas nesse Agora. Sem esse auto-cuidado, pode-se desperdiçar uma qualidade vibracional que fará falta logo mais.❞
⚜️ ❝Não é preciso ser um ‘especialista’ em relacionamentos para identificar uma relação fake e a diferenciar de uma outra mais comprometida com a legitimidade natural de todas as coisas. Logo, considere reavaliar essa necessidade íntima de sair registrando e espalhando por aí o quanto sua vida pode ser feliz e harmoniosa, sem de fato o ser. Quem precisa saber exatamente do que se passa na intimidade de seu lar é você e seu par, ninguém mais. Com uma luz boa e um filtro interessante, qualquer um, sozinho ou acompanhado, passa pra frente uma ideia manipulada. O mundo real não tem filtro – tem direcionamento.❞
⚜️ ❝Quem fala a verdade não merece castigo. A questão é: qual verdade lhe ressoa e de qual verdade está predisposto/a a abrir mão? Seus Anjos estão dispostos a lhe ajudar a ampliar sua percepção para que acesse com mais qualidade àquilo de que realmente precisa para ser feliz. Basta que você queira isso, mesmo que signifique ir contra algumas de suas próprias crenças. Receba!❞
⚜️ ❝Quando o sentimento ou pensamento de caos se abater sobre você, assuma a postura de ler* o que a mensagem lhe diz, mas não a absorva, ou seja, a identifique mas não permita que ela determine o andamento de suas atitudes. Esse corte quem tem o poder de dar é você.❞
⚜️ ❝Organize-se de modo à otimizar o andamento de sua rotina. Tudo flui bem melhor à seu favor quando você propicia condições para isso. Seus Anjos lhe pedem para que verifique o que pode fazer hoje para agilizar seus assuntos, com ações práticas. Nem sempre bastará você saber que existem coisas para fazer… será necessário pôr a mão na massa. Receba!❞
⚜️ ❝Seu sono anda bagunçado, surgindo em horários diferenciados? Tudo bem. Entregue-se, se possível, pois poderosos downloads vibracionais estão sendo realizados enquanto seu corpo físico relaxa.❞
⚜️ ❝O período letárgico do corpo físico é quando o universo sutil de seus mentores, anjos e afins vão ao seu encontro – ou você até eles – para trocar energias. Faça desses momentos de repouso um ritual para que descanse bem e, de preferência, sem interrupções.❞
⚜️ ❝Existem pessoas que precisam dormir mais do que algumas outras, apesar do que lhes dizem seus especialistas. É plenamente possível ter uma vida produtiva repousando pouco, quando há treinamento para isso e disciplina nessa intenção. Vale a pesquisa!❞
⚜️ ❝EU SOU o Amor manifesto nesse Agora. Estou presente onde sou chamado em similar energia. Sirvo ao Bem Maior que criou e recria o Universo pela eternidade. Assim é!❞
⚜️ ❝Todos os especialistas poderão cruzar seu caminho tentando lhe harmonizar os entendimentos sobre si e sobre o outro, sobre seus relacionamentos, mas se você não se propuser a fazer a coisa andar para frente, a acontecer, nada e ninguém poderá lhe socorrer. Existem pessoas que realmente se sabotam, através de posicionamentos que lhes minam as melhores possibilidades. Os relacionamentos não vingam, o serviço não anda, não progridem nos estudos, sentem-se mal sem qualquer causa aparente, e frequentemente porque decisões atraíram consequências, energias densas, pesadas. Crenças limitantes fazem tudo isso. Daí a importância em tentar identificá-las para posterior administração adequada. Simplifique a vida, e verá a fluidez positiva realizando milagres bem diante de seus olhos!❞
⚜️ ❝Quando você se organiza para que a vida torne-se algo mais leve, seu suporte espiritual encontra campo aberto para trabalhar suas próprias energias em seu favor. Seus Anjos lhe sugerem que abra portas e janelas, que permita que a luz do sol entre, que o ar circule para que a renovação vibracional realize seus pequenos milagres. Receba!❞
⚜️ ❝EU SOU a perfeição aos olhos de Deus. Invisto na humildade e bom senso no trato de todas as coisas. Realizo meus sonhos em conformidade com meu amadurecimento moral e espiritual. Assim é!❞
⚜️ ❝O Homem não se aparta da Fonte Criadora através de seus deslizes morais. Isso ocorre quando nega-se à si mesmo o melhor que sua rota evolutiva tem para lhe revelar.❞
⚜️ ❝Direcione-se para a abundância focando em seus sonhos, suas metas e na possível logística para realizá-los. Quem foca na falta, na escassez, na ausência, fortifica esses padrões e logo se tornará um cativo deles.❞
⚜️ ❝Faça a coisa certa, mesmo que isso implique em possíveis desarmonias. Se suas bases forem sólidas, relacionamento algum se desfará por conta disso. Porém, se o Amor deixar de ser legítimo, ocorrências mais sérias podem se dar. O importante é que impere a transparência e o bom senso sempre. Tentar selecionar onde ser verdadeiro e onde deixar de ser, é medíocre em qualquer configuração de relação. Seguir o bom caminho não é para ser fácil sempre, ou belo em tempo integral. Falamos aqui de energias, e elas oscilam. Falamos de sentimentos, e eles também variam. Mas o que é correto e onde impera o Amor, sempre será onde se manifesta o campo das mais expandidas possibilidades.❞
⚜️ ❝Reavalie a qualidade daquilo que se esmera em registrar por aí. Existem energias que simplesmente não merecem ser documentadas.❞
⚜️ ❝Ser digno é estar ancorado em sua melhor versão. Sempre haverá honra em buscar viver em sincronicidade com o Mais Alto, com Deus. Seus Anjos lhe dizem para que viva essa condição de buscador espiritual com dignidade, com honra, com amor – mesmo que a reciprocidade nem sempre pareça surgir em resposta imediata. Receba!❞
⚜️ ❝O poder do outro sobre a sua conduta tem a extensão que você lhe confere. Nada muda essa condição. Diante de um aborrecimento com alguém, tome providências e reassuma as rédeas de sua vida.❞
⚜️ ❝EU SOU a melhor versão de mim mesmo/a nesse Agora. Estou conectado/a diretamente à Fonte Criadora e por ela sou plenamente amado/a. Sigo em paz e feliz com tudo que acesso e conquisto. Assim é!❞
⚜️ ❝Quando você foca na benignidade da vida, o bem se apresenta com mais facilidade em sua existência. O nome disso é direcionamento.❞
⚜️ ❝Todo Servidor da Luz ativado é capaz de realizar milagres. Através de seu exemplo positivo, propicia um dos mais poderosos que existe, pois contagia todos àqueles que estão prontos para ascender.❞
⚜️ ❝Ponha-se em Amor e viva essa experiência do Paraíso na Terra. Ninguém chega à esse nível de realidade expandida e remissora senão através dessa via potencializada.❞
⚜️ ❝Mágoas são legítimos venenos que intoxicam qualquer relacionamento menos sólido. É preciso identificar ‘o inimigo’ e realizar sua assepsia com vigor cirúrgico, antes que cresça e se alastre de modo incontrolável. Sempre que tiver a oportunidade de pontuar o que pensa e sente, especialmente sobre um assunto mais sensível, delicado, faça-o. Muitas consequências indesejadas podem ser tratadas de acordo através dessa predisposição em invocar a Verdade e o Amor Incondicional.❞
⚜️ ❝Respire fundo, conte até dez, mas antes de considerar externar palavras e sentimentos rudes, lembre-se que sempre existe um outro caminho. Seus Anjos lhe pedem que verifique com maior atenção a qualidade de suas próprias energias. Muito provavelmente anda se permitindo desequilibrar por mera invigilância. Receba!❞
⚜️ ❝O Universo pertence àquele que se eleva para acessá-lo em seu Eu Sou. Através das boas práticas, sua melhor versão se manifesta. Faça acontecer!❞
⚜️ ❝Um Eu Sou ativado se sincroniza com a Paz, a Harmonia, a Fraternidade, a Gentileza, a Amizade, o Amor Incondicional. Quem vibra à margem disso, permanece estagnado até que desperte dessa letargia consciencial.❞
⚜️ ❝EU SOU a alta qualidade magnética em ação. Acesso tudo o que me é devido para amadurecer e propagar. Trafego entre as realidades existentes com equilíbrio e sabedoria, com humildade e fraternidade. Assim é!❞
⚜️ ❝Assuma sua maestria, seu soberano Eu Sou. O mundo sempre se revelará mais fluídico à partir dessa ação expandida, em auto-amor.❞
⚜️ ❝Servir ao coletivo significa colocar-se à sua disposição, à partir de seu melhor. Uma coisa independe da outra, mas em termos de fluidez, trata-se de outro nível de energia em ação.❞
⚜️ ❝Temer sua ascensão é incoerente com a essência que é. Deve temer o Novo quem criou raízes, quem firmou acordos com a densidade, através de seus próprios vícios. Esses, sim, responderão por suas práticas invigilantes à altura.❞
⚜️ ❝Você identifica coerência ou incoerência num comando através dos efeitos que tais coordenadas provocam sobre você e o coletivo. Fique alerta aos sinais, analise tudo à frio (sem paixões) e siga sua intuição. O restante ao Universo pertence.❞
⚜️ ❝O Amor está no ar para quem despertou para sua percepção. Você pode fingir que nada está acontecendo ou se engajar nesse direcionamento de busca e reconhecimento. Invoque Amor sobre si, sobre seus assuntos. Envolva de Amor o próximo, o meio e o Todo, e jamais haverá de se sentir menos valioso/a do que realmente é. Não há perdas nesse quadro, saiba!❞
Dessa forma vamos encerrando a transmissão oficial do dia, com grande satisfação por sua presença nesse Agora e muito Amor por cada um de vocês, tão engajados em sua auto-transcendência, Família. Que possamos seguir sempre assim, juntinhos em amor e luz rumo ao esplendor de suas melhores versões! [sorriso]
Selamat Bratzo! (Estejam em satisfação!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 15:58
Segunda-feira, 18 / 05 / 20



By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 17, 2020.



Beloved Souls, Greetings!

In the certainty that they remain firm and in constant search for psycho-emotional balance, we present ourselves in this NOW for our notes of the day. We hope that they are in a position to open their minds and review concepts, despite all the obstacles that the phase imposes on them. [smile]

Mission has these things - if it were to be a joke, it would be disfigured as a mission. You have to challenge, you have to promote changes, you have to provoke understandings, because all of this is part of the ascension process. Whoever had the option of being on Gaia like you and chose not to go through any of this, stagnated in his own evolutionary march. Objectively so!

But, as we have even more to share with all of you, on specific issues, let's move on:


- Peace is more than an intention; it is a set of applied behaviors, experienced in the effective daily life. Man (humanity) needs to be educated to exercise the Peace he claims to want. Otherwise, everything will be just another chimera, a summer dream.

It is easy to see Terrans complaining about their own (lack of) luck, and for many reasons. They do not use the same energy spent in this focus to invest in Self-knowledge to the point of identifying the primordial origin of what destabilizes them. And then they claim to want peace fully involved with practices opposed to this cause ... blame others ... circumstances ...

Qualitative engagement leads to Peace, that is, practical actions and even quite simple to access and apply, put things in their proper places. Less ego and more brotherhood, less attachment and more self-surrender, less aggression and more unconditional love. Whoever wants to live peace must first suspend the agreements made with the war actions, and that is a personal commitment.


- Consider investing more and better in yourself. There are a lot of distracted Seekers really believing in, as you say, in the other half of your oranges, in the lid of your pots, isn't that so? [smiles] And in that way, a limiting belief was presented to you successfully.

Man is not "half" of anyone. That does not exist. Never existed. If the amusing allegory of the eternal search sounds poetic to them, it must be said that this reaffirms a continuous dissatisfaction behind a form of absolutely undue emotional dependence.

Why would anyone stop "being whole" to put themselves in the submissive position of a half? Think: to whom would this benefit, if not Density, if not the restriction of positive fluidity? However, if it is in these beliefs that you place your attention, it is as if the Universe - which is neutral until you carry out your magnetic emissions through thoughts, feelings and attitudes befitting -, resonates what each of you are, by doing or for entire existences, and in fact it is.

Anyone who really wants to live happily with someone else, needs to invest in himself first to the point of becoming someone pleasant, vibrationally interesting and interested in sharing his own fullness. From this intimate setting, the best experiences come naturally to you - without any effort.


- Definitely not. There are other responses that are better applicable to the effects of the pandemic, which, in turn, is nothing more than the materialized reflection of their most intimate fears, a pertinent picture that Men have molded from the ethereal through negative synchronicities (hatred, resentment, violence, sexism, segregations and other dense tentacles).

These afflictions at the collective level and fully synchronous with the low magnetic quality of a determined social group are cyclical. In any case, you go through this experience because you need it to reach other future conscious spheres. Some locations more than others, because of the variation in intensities. And what your medications can do against all this is really little, almost nothing.

In a personalized dosage, this formula can, at most, reduce discomfort due to other pathological specificities (lung), but nothing much more than that; little or almost nothing if they are told about the effects on their kidneys, for example, or even about side effects for those suffering from blood pressure unevenness.

Their “best answer” is still their responsible conduct to guard against the excesses they adopt in the face of their own challenges, because this can immunize them from the unwanted effects of this virus. The question is: if it really cured someone as some people try to claim, it would be mandatory for Man to have completely deciphered his activation codes in the human body, something that is not yet done, very objectively speaking to them.

It is important that you do not give up this search, within your fragile area of ​​understanding the matrix of everything that is involved in this process of scanning Gaia, but dear ones, please do not wait for “magic formulas” overnight because it won't be like that. On the contrary: there will still be more casualties due to this inability and precipitation in the way of administering their medications until their most efficient treatment. Until then, Faith, DISCIPLINE and patience!

In time: Self-medication does not save * anyone!


- Correct would be the understanding that every action invariably causes an equivalent reaction, including Nature. Do you notice the difference between the sentences?

If there was planting, there is the harvest. To that little starlet who wishes to live in harmony with himself and the environment, he intuitively knows what behaviors to adopt, and will not be cutting down trees indiscriminately, burning pastures and forests, hunting animals for sport or polluting the atmosphere, seas and rivers that will turn for Man the best returns. There is no such synergy, you see.

The appearance of plagues is the most objective way to tell them: “Humanity, you are disrespecting our time and our way. They are unbalancing something they are also part of and depend on, whether they consciously acknowledge it or not. Review your actions while there is still this possibility! ”.

As long as the ignorance of greed is active among you, dense developments are scheduled to occur, whether in the form of plagues or even in viral ways.


- One of those truths that are hardly propagated around is that technology also fails! [laughs] Despite the collective unconscious feeding the opposite idea, apart from the creation coming directly from the Creator Source (God), everything else is liable to failure. It is just a matter of opportunity.

To believe that alien technology is absolutely infallible is a mistake on the ground. Especially because there are many technologies among the peoples of space - some more advanced than others, but all consistent with the evolutionary degree of what they have purified to access. Or do you really believe that because you can travel through the Cosmos, everything that was created for that is really "perfect"? [smile]

For your information, spaceships of civilizations existed that were disintegrated by simple contact with the Earth's atmosphere either by the effect of gravitational pressure or by direct contact with the quality and components of its air, and even these cases were not recorded for your knowledge. Because technologies are restricted aspects of something much bigger involved in the pilgrimage and even the intention of contact with other civilized realities or not.

Therefore, “flying saucers” can fall, yes, and for the most varied reasons. Many are on your planet right now, and many of them against their own will (but it was necessary, as it was part of their intimate rescue to go through such an experiment). Some of them no longer have the spark of physical life, some others remain alive, some confined, some others living among you in recluse. They are very wide variants, you know!


Family, we will continue to answer the questions left in our official spaces, in our notes and intuitions of the channel, as always. So be patient and stay alert so that nothing is lost for free.

We also remind you that our objective here is to present you with the Sirian perspective of these occurrences that affect the Terran race, but without any extra intention of imposing on you any new element with which they resonate or refute. Everything here is prepositive; embrace whatever makes sense to you and release what you fail to do. This is the civilized formula to behave, in any dimension and consciential level. [smile]

Selamat Mai! (So ​​it is!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


CHANNEL NOTE: Yesterday I had the opportunity to record and share in audio in our AarayA Family group about these elements that occasionally emerge as legitimate smoke screens. The fall of the flying saucer was one such case. It is just to try to distract us from things that are really more important for our development, such as our conscientious elevation or even the messes of our confused political scenario. It is time for less distractions and more commitment to our positive anchoring, because that is the basic condition of free access to our best version in this Now. May it be fulfilled!


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 05:23
Domingo, 17 / 05 / 20



By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 16, 2020.




Beloved Souls, Greetings!

For the appointment of the day we will share with you, who lovingly fortify our words with the energy of your attention, the meaning of some codes that we lovingly present to the channel, in the face of certain very practical and common situations among the other dear terrans. A light way to draw your attention to what they are doing on their evolutionary route, through simple commands. [smile]

First of all, it is pertinent to point out here that, contrary to what many of you think, the magnetic support of all Seekers is personalized, from being to being. That is, what happens to one has no obligation to repeat itself with the same configuration for another - it would not work, due to the consciential / spiritual variation of each one of you. That said, let's go on then.

Who among you has found yourself wanting to solve several obstacles at the same time? Many, isn't it? We check your energies also on those occasions (they change color). [smile] It is obvious that the channel, in its condition as a Gaian man, also goes through experiences of this order. But, since it is something he has to manage, after all this is part of his purifying process on Gaia (like everyone else), we follow how he reacts, how he gets around the dilemmas themselves.

Roughly speaking, it achieves satisfactory results, but when we identify traces of some more resistant density, of an idea or feeling of wanting to control more than they should, we project on your mental screen the image of someone opening a drawer and fixing it. From there he captures the message: “Do you want to change the planet? Start packing your drawers! ”. [smiles]

It is very easy for you to fall into the egoic trap of wanting to be in control of absolutely everything - even elements on which you do not depend, and as if that were really possible. Hence the simple brake. So, here is an example of code that you can use yourself in those moments when you are identifying yourself with this improper posture - you will tidy up your drawers, clean the house, fix things or build new ones, getting rid of what has already accomplished its mission with you in detachment. The possibilities are there to be exercised!

Another case: how many of you, Pozinhos de Estrelas (micro fragments of stars), have already caught yourself entering via a route without many or any guarantees that such an action would work, and yet you are left with the question of "Did I do the right thing?" in the mind? Too many, to be sure. Well, it is worth telling you, little ones, that whatever course you take towards your destinies, it will be correct at that point in your life. However bitter some developments may be, it was still that dose of the consequences that his essences needed most, regardless of the result.

When the channel catches itself oscillating vibrationally to the point of starting to feel heavy, with a few pangs of pain in the head or something similar, the image we coded to call your attention is exactly that of the discouraged child taking a bitter spoon of medicine, and shortly thereafter, despite the grimaces, being reenergized, being cured of her pain. The "child", most loved, are you. And the medicine is the teaching contained in the lived experience, which will not always be sweet, however, whenever it happens, it will be fully necessary for its evolution. [smile]

Another codification we use in our relationship refers to the feeling or idea of ​​loss, of something or someone. Does such a feeling of emptiness, of coldness, seem familiar to you, Family? Well then, it is something very recurring among you, and it makes sense that as a human, the channel is also exposed to such a picture, occasionally or, in some cases, for entire lives.

For this case specifically, the image we work on, the little film we play in the channel's mind is that of the feather, very light, which is suspended by the breeze from one point and which rests in another alternative point. Because that is how things are, beautiful, what starts to move must follow from a specific point, from a situation, to some other, regardless of our wishes, our desires, and all of this is natural.

So, why wear yourself out for something that doesn't depend on your will, right? That is the point: even if it doesn't seem to make any sense to them, it will often be necessary for the Universe, which is alive, to make use of its own designs to realign things and provoke their best versions through experiences of that order. Even if it takes some time, you, all of you, will come to the best of yourself, through these repositionings. [smile]

Dear Servants of Light - and we call you affectionately so that you consider the option of replacing the encoding of the “warrior”, the one who lives in constant battle, wear and never allows the fluidity of lightness ever -, it is time for the resignification of your own values ​​for this Planetary Transition.

Elements were presented to them in a pertinent way for those who have been here, but other ways of moving forward - with or without a pandemic, present themselves well in front of their physical senses. Can you understand that? Can you identify the new parameters being redesigned to accommodate the reality of days of more light and fraternity between themselves and the other social nuclei of which they are part?

Your galactic family speaks to you, speaks through you, with a similar desire to contribute to your life story together. We are always inspiring them in countless ways so that they can access their best version, in any situation, however heavy it may be, because we are all One with the Whole, and their pain also affects us, we just manage it more broadly, without commitment to uncontrolled attachments or egos.

If they pay close attention, they will identify their own internal codes of their mentors, regardless of lineage or even ascended order. The fact is that all of this exists, more beloved ones, and so many of you start to notice it and see it with other eyes that come to thank the perception of the experience as a whole! Because that's how it is - simple. It is enough that we allow it to be so, and Cosmos always fulfills its role straight from the heart of JATA (Source) to yours. [smile]

Selamat Matah! (May the peace be with you!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


CHANNEL NOTE: I admit that seeing this exhibition recorded in that text was strange to me at first, but I now understand the importance of these examples. Sirians are very intuitive so they can create metaphors in the form of very diverse, and even fun, images. The fact is that we are very supported by our “spiritual cavalry”, and we do not always realize how much. Does not matter. What counts is the feeling of gratitude that must always be at the forefront of all occurrences. And so it is!


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

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Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 02:07
Sexta-feira, 15 / 05 / 20



By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 15, 2020.




Beloved Souls, Greetings!

Sometimes we are surveyed, either in our official spaces, or through the ethereal (mentalizations, meditations, prayers), about the best way to work according to the Directives of Light, of the Highest, of JATA (God). The answer may vary slightly from understanding to understanding, due to the varying ways in which information is received, but we can extol one of the most relevant ones: through your own energies.

Every body, whether animated or not, emits a magnetic quality pertinent to its original state. The dense human body is no exception. Its differential is based on the property that in addition to being able to receive energy from other sources, you can also "read" it. And how this perception helps the Terran more aware of this potential! [smile]

The big question here is: can everyone access this conscious treatment with these highly varying magnetic qualities? And the answer is "YES!".

When your galactic family tells you about the values ​​of Self-knowledge, we invariably advance also over that area of ​​their existence where they are on a planet with a dense atmosphere in transition to something more fluid.

Whoever invests in Self-knowledge, does not waste time in applying the first teachings in practical life, because each experience they need to go through, tends to become more effective, even optimized, enhancing relationships with themselves and with the collective, improving health issues, prosperity , of other relationships, of access to their cosmic consciential heritage.

Thoughts generate energy, feelings generate energy, attitudes generate energy and, you know, intentions also generate energy - so much so that it is through these emissions that many consciences access them precisely through them - some more enlightened, others more primitive, depending on what that an issuer dedicates itself to deposit its focus, its attention.

Hence the importance of the Seekers to try to really separate segregating and disharmonious attitudes in general, because this is the food of those who chose to turn their backs to the Light.

It is also important to say that there are certain subjects that are for the treatment of the Gaian Man (human), and others that are not. When we tell them to abandon certain heavier topics, of a sensationalist nature, for example, this is just one of those destabilizing elements that we try to alert them to.

Because fear undermines their own strength and, although this is not always the intention of those who propagate certain information, their disseminating agents rarely work with such articles at the same time that they anchor them back to their best, most basic versions, in positive anchoring. of your energies, affecting your evolutionary march.

They resist to understand this, but we have reached a point in the Great Transition where the tickets for the entry of the New Earth are being distributed to those who are entitled, and those who are not, will follow an alternative route. Cause and effect, nothing more.

As soon as Stars' little fragments (humanity) understand how much they can benefit from this training, which is individual, to learn about energies, what they can accomplish with you and for you, my friends, other realities will become more easily co-created, for your satisfaction and its galactic support, because a significant consciential elevation of this size affects Gaia itself, raising its own energy standards.

For those who do not know, man, fauna, flora, the mineral kingdom, and some others still hidden from his senses, punctuate a particular energetic quality. When there is an elevation of any one of these kingdoms, the others also go on their way and at their pace, to seek a similar elevation. It is the balance of Nature in full swing, despite the already famous human rush, following its own course, with fluid direction and engagement. [smile]

Family, your intuition is opening up more and more for you and, through this new condition, it will become especially easier to see yourself, the other and the environment where you are in this Now, who you are, where you came from, your role before the Cosmos and its relationship with the Whole. Can you understand the magnitude of this picture, beautiful ones?

The words also emit vibrations, even more subtle is true, but they follow with the same power the intention of those who utter them verbally or in writing. It is up to each one of you to decide - and appropriate action - on how to manage these same energies in your lives. That authority is yours, so know that the consequences of what you flirt with, what you energize through your attention, is the exact proportion of what the Universe will send you in return. Objectively so.

There are matters that are above you, and for which the celestial phalanxes are scheduled to deal accordingly, and not with the help of "anyone", but with enlightened consciences already prepared before and incarnated on the little blue planet for these missions existential lives.

Some will even perish, if necessary, but nothing that they don't already know before the start of this complex process. For this reason, we tell you that not everything is for everyone, in terms of information, because whoever has to learn and with what depth, takes care of that right now and, of course, with total and unrestricted extra-dimensional support from their positive spiritual / magnetic support.

For those who are still without guidance in the face of everything we deal with here, follow the gentle note: live your lives with simplicity and transparency, with empathy and guided by unconditional love.

Allow disruptive behaviors to pass, heavy energies signed by pseudo light workers, but who insist on acting like spoiled children after attention - your attention.

It is time for a choice: they either follow their example of straight and peaceful conduct, of that good energy that heals the world, or they remain in the resistance that will lead them to a destination similar to the energies with which they are linked by tuning effect. Because it is only possible to reap what was sown, either in Gaia, or in any other quadrant of the Multiverse.

Selamat Mai! (So ​​it is!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


CHANNEL NOTE: Intuition is working, I admit. Today, for example, when I start reading certain things, or when I watch some things on TV or the Internet, when there is something strange, I can identify it more quickly, and it has helped me a lot. Especially not to expose myself to that anymore - and that goes even for the heavy energy of some people. I can pray for them, I can emanate more harmonious vibrations for them, but cutting excesses is surgical. We are responsible for directing our energies and this calls for empathy, without forgetting equivalent self-preservation.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

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Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 14:25
Quinta-feira, 26 / 03 / 20

“Last Rebellion of the Old” a Galactic Federation Report.

“Last Rebellion of the Old” 

a Galactic Federation Report.


Posted March 26, 2020 by Derek Knauss.

Part 1
Source: Galactic Federation – SaVi
Disclaimer: This message is only meant for those to whom the contents resonate, for everybody else you can read and then let it go.
The article is structured in different parts which are not necessarily connected to each other. They provide an overview of the current developments. Furthermore, it has two appendixes (vaccination certificate & additional information from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)
The Last Rebellion
The surface population is awakening more and more to the real intentions and actions of governments and businesses, and therefore are beginning to resist these structures and systems.  Their trust in these long controlling organizations, banks, and economic entities continues to decrease to such an extent that almost every election cycle is tainted with accusations and suspicions of legitimacy.  In some countries there are indications that the votes during elections are no longer counted.
The public must openly reclaim their birth-right to be “heard” – and actively participate in all processes, especially when their own fate is decided.
Slowly we are starting to see resistance of the surface population to these old oppressive structures via groups such as the “yellow vests” and others, both silent and loud ones.  Groups, individuals and even micro-nations are being formed to exist independently from the old structures.  Of course, there is little information or mention of such groups in any kind of media or market support.  The surface population has begun to actively seek ways out of these systems – they want to be free from all suppression, oppression, false information, lies, fraud.  The people yearn for a peaceful solution.
The calls and demands of the surface population have now become very loud and persistent such that it is hard to ignore if you are paying attention.  Thus, those of the dark see their only possible response as to initiate an open war against the people of this planet along with the animals, ecosystems and the planet itself.  We can now see this cosmic war emerging on the surface of the planet.
Ironically part of the conflict to maintain the power structures is to institute a deliberate and complete collapse of all systems.  This will include the annulment of all rights of the peoples and everyone and everything that resists or rebels against these old structures will be declared an enemy.  Such enemies will be publicly and socially identified and persecuted, sometimes through the use of military forces, as that is one reason the military and police were originally created.
It must be remembered that our governments have immense investments in military and weapon systems, with as much as 70-80% of all budget allocations being used for such purposes.  Sadly, the majority of researchers, inventors and experts who work for companies that support the military industrial complex are not aware that they are actually participating and being used by dark elements of these power structures.
So it comes as no surprise that there are reports now revealing that in some countries special forces have started to maltreat opposing splinter and grassroots groups when mere defamation via the mass media or other campaigns no longer suffices.  These actions are always done behind the scenes of a current distraction, and in this case, it is the “Corona Virus”.  But these practices have always existed.  The only difference is that it is now occurring on a global scale all at the same time – which is part of the overall plan of the dark side.
Fortunately for us the Light Forces have been working relentlessly these last weeks and months with extreme care and attention as they pursue their mission of liberation in spite of the plans and threats from the dark side.
The threat of a pandemic was all but removed from our minds for many decades.  A robust supply chain is well organized worldwide, with various fruits and vegetables made available to people in many countries from all parts of the world.  Our water supplies have improved, and the general living conditions and hygiene has greatly enhanced.  Along with these and other increasingly modern accommodations, we are experiencing an increase in various different healing methods.
People live more and more consciously; they visit each other in different countries and continents, they play football (soccer) and socialize together, attend large events, eat together, vacation more, etc..  They help each other in countless charitable projects worldwide (some of them are very successful) – they are interested in each other’s fate, have become more compassionate, attentive, heal and support each other.  They actually are moving and living in tighter quarters and communities.  The image of your neighbour as your adversary is quickly disappearing.   These are all factors that have brought and are bringing change to our quality of life.  Naturally these things do not affect everyone – but compared to the past century or millennia of human history, much has changed.
Societies health conscious habits have created entire new markets based on active and healthy living and eating.  As we begin to see the benefits of organic and clean living the pharmaceutical lobby, among others, seems to be losing more and more justification for having purpose.  Profits and revenues of such companies are decreasing along with their influence and power.
While we have learned to become healthier in our living habits, the health insurance companies seem to be offering fewer and less benefits as their support services decline and get eliminated.  At the same time, however, the expenses or taxes have often increased.  People have had to look for alternative ideas and methods and have found that they get healthy or feel much better without the need for drugs from the pharmaceutical industry.  They are also finding that making connections with nature and the earth have more numerous and successful benefits.
Such continued practices will inevitably lead to the fact that some members of society are slowly detaching themselves from some of these oppressive and debilitating structures.  They will become more and more independent.  As this continues to happen, they unintentionally will show others that it is possible to exist without certain forms of control.  Thus, they are beginning to step outside of what we call the Matrix.
Of course, only those who choose this path are affected, all others remain trapped in the matrix systems.
Dissolution of the Matrix
In recent years many people have been feeling the need to downsize and simplify their lives.  Many have started to separate from their old things, be it clothes, furniture, dishes, books, papers, decorations, etc..  Cellars, attics and sheds have been cleared out.  More and more people noticed the ballast of consumption and started to separate from it.  The same thing is also occurring with our relationships to friends, families, partners, employers.  People noticed that it became easier – some couldn’t explain it, but it became easier for them.  Some started to look more and more for what they really desired and needed … everything else became less and less important.  And the more they let go, the more their lives changed.  The old distorted and artificially created structures began to dissolve more and new possibilities opened up – as they started to gain better control over their own lives.
The overall result of such actions and attitudes means that governments, the economy, banks, police and military are continuing to lose their influence and/or authority.
No enemy               – no war.
No disease             – no expenses.
No consumption pressure  – no money shortage.
No shortage            – no fear.
No aggressiveness    – no limitations.
No prejudice           – no isolation.
No cluelessness      – no separation.
No lies          – no false information.
No fraud           – no disadvantage.
It is therefore difficult in these times to find a logical reason for further continued restrictive measures, control structures, coercive tactics, false information, personal monitorization, elimination or removal of rights and/or elimination of persons, groups or other sovereign entities.
Corona-Virus from a World Perspective
We likely are experiencing a pandemic far worse than the medical version…and that is a pandemic of fear.  With a virus that has existed in every cold, flu or influenza for ages, and not only at the turn of each year, but also throughout the year.  It must be taken into account that all diseases are artificial in nature.  They are artificially created.  Every healthy immune system can handle them, and our bodies are designed to combat them.  The virus represents a traffic light function and indicates the stability of the immune system.  If the immune system is intact, it is no problem for the body – and the body does not have to suffer from it under any circumstances – it can be a carrier – but does not have to suffer from it under any circumstances.
Furthermore we distinguish between the difference of being a carrier of a disease and actually being ill from a disease.  Therefore, in a normal diagnosis of a pandemic, it is rather the disease and its course that is decisive, not the number of carriers.  Because potentially we are all carriers.
Therefore, the question has to be asked, with such a “normal” virus, which has existed for ages and which is not purported to be of any consequential danger, why such fear and panic?  The focus seems to be on the detection of carrier types of certain anti-bodies in the test runs that are being made.  It is not being tested for disease which would seem to be the most critical factor.  Furthermore, these test runs cost 150 EUR in Europe.  Costs which are not covered by the statutory health insurance policies.  Naturally there will shortly be no shortage of available vaccines which will create huge profits for the pharmaceutical industry.
Contents of many vaccines include a host of elements which purely by themselves are quite toxic.  These include heavy metals such as aluminium and mercury.  Mercury in the smallest of amounts can be deadly.  One of the greatest effects of keeping a society in a desired unstable health condition is to administer these vaccines to children in their earliest years.  Children are usually still very pure and sensitive – they are still in the process of building up their physical systems and immunities – so protecting these children is the most important thing we can and must do for them.
Intentional contamination with poisons or similarly equipped vaccines can cause considerable damage to children – various damages that are demonstrable.  However, children cannot defend themselves and if parents are kept in constant fear, they are more likely to succumb to the lure of these vaccinations.  Thus, it is possible to breed a sickly and weakened society which becomes bound to the drugs developed for them from their earliest days of childhood.
The “Nuremberg Code”
After World War II the Nuremberg Trials were held to address the numerous human abuses and violations that resulted from the extensive human experimentation on prisoners of war.  From that trial came the Nuremberg Code, a list of ten points meant to address consentual rights of humans who might be subject to “permissible medical experiments”.
The “Nuremberg Code” 
requires “actual voluntary informed consent” for all medical interventions, which vaccinations would certainly be categorized.
Short comment: According to criminal law vaccinations are injuries of the body, it is confirmed for example through the ministry for families in Germany (2005), therefore, vaccinations are governed through the Nuremberg Code. 
(source: https://www.impfkritik.de/upload/pdf/Koerperverletzung/Schreiben-Familienministerium.pdf )
Therefore, we propose to recommend making the following request to the vaccine consultants:
I/ we strongly urge Vaccine Choice Advocates to assert their right of Informed Consent.
Conditioning access to free public education (or paid private education) on surrendering the right of Informed Consent violates the Nuremberg Code.
This right arises from the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials after WWII and specifically from the infamous Nazi Doctors’ Trial.

The Nuremberg Code requires actual voluntary Informed Consent for all medical interventions, includingvaccination:
“… voluntary consent… is absolutely essential… the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of forcefrauddeceitduress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion…”
Informed Consent is a Fundamental Human Right Protected Against Diminishment Through Legislative and Administrative Agency Denial of Philosophical or Religious Conscientious Objections to Mandated Vaccination. Informed Consent is Separate from Statutory Exemptions and May Not Be Abolished.
The Right to Informed Consent is Meaningless Without the Right to Refuse Any Medical Intervention, Including Mandated Vaccination. Government Agents and Those Acting Under Color of Law are Forbidden by Long-Standing National and International Law from Coercing Vaccination.
In order to vindicate International Humanitarian Law regarding Informed Consent to any and all medical interventions, including vaccination, even during any declared local, national or international Health Emergency, the right to refuse any vaccination must be respected, whether that refusal is grounded in philosophical, medical, religious or no reasons at all.
Attached is an example of a possible consent form: Consent-Form.pdf (21 downloads)
The following is a video made by Robert F. Kennedy addressing a trip to Germany he was to make in September 2019.  He starts the video in English at the 00:40 second mark in the video.  The rest of the video is subtitled in German but you can listen in English.  There is some relevant information in this video related to vaccinations.
Robert F. Kennedy has done a lot of other work regarding vaccinations.  You can find more on his website Childrens Health Defense at https://childrenshealthdefense.org/about-us/contact/
Thank you.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

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Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:43
Quarta-feira, 18 / 03 / 20

Cobra Update: Endgame Scenarios

Endgame Scenarios.

Cobra Update.

Posted March 17, 2020 by Richard Small.

Graphic: global matrix shutdown in progress.



War for the liberation of this planet is reaching its climax.
After the coronavirus outbreak in China was contained, the dark forces planted another, a modified strain of the virus in Codogno, Italy. Codogno is just a few miles away from Piacenza, which was ruled throughout the centuries by many main Black Nobility families: Scotti, Pallavicini, Visconti, Sforza, Farnese, Bourbon and Habsburg.
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piacenza
  2. https://michaelsalla.com/2020/03/14/is-coronavirus-a-deep-state-bioweapon-attack-on-china-planned-in-2005/

The Italian virus outbreak is an outer manifestation of infighting between two Black Nobility factions and the faction which planted the virus wants to crash the economy. They seem to be quite successful right now:
  1. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/total-fking-global-carnage-worldwide-liquidation-accelerates-despite-massive-monetary

The critical moment of the spread of the virus throughout Europe was when European ministers decided to keep the borders with Italy open at their meeting in Rome on February 25th, as ordered by the Black Nobility:
  1. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/02/europe-refuses-close-borders-italian-coronavirus-cases-jump-200225215600060.html

Open borders allowed the spread of the virus first in Europe and now also worldwide.
The spread of the Italian strain of the virus throughout Europe and globally has triggered massive quarantines:
  1. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/03/europe-edging-total-coronavirus-lockdown-200316131203376.html

As many people have noticed, all this creates ideal conditions for the mass arrest scenario.
I can confirm that the Positive Military has the plan to carry out mass arrests as has been released by Drake Bailey:
drake bailey notice
Dragon sources from mainland China are confirming this, saying that the current emergency allows the cleanup to take place and that all this will become visible by April 15th.
Resistance has communicated that they can not confirm the Positive Military plan, but they are also not denying it. They have also stated that Positive Military is not the only faction at play, and that “there are also other scenarios involved”. They have added that mass arrests are NOT yet taking place, although the Positive Military is already involved in certain preparatory operations.
Resistance has suggested that everybody prepares for a global medical quarantine by stocking up on food and other essentials for a month or so, and to take money out of the banks immediately.
Until all toplet bombs are removed, the Event can not happen, but a scenario similar to Delta Option is possible:

Light Forces have very recently managed to remove the vast majority of plasma anomaly on the surface of the planet along with the large part of the last layer of plasma toplet bombs. This is a big victory and it is one of the factors that has triggered the plans of the Positive Military.
Unfortunately, as the clearing of the plasma plane was nearing its completion, a very powerful defence mechanism within physical implants of all surface humans was activated by the Chimera as their last defence line. All physical implants namely have a singularity well with topness producing a quark-gluon plasma that creates toplet bombs which are interconnected into a network which connects implants of all surface humans.
As this defence mechanism was activated, it created a mutation in quantum primary anomaly field, which resulted in a partial distortion in the timeline flow in late February. This is why the dark forces were able to plant samples of the virus in Italy, Iran and Korea.
This timeline flow has been already partially corrected, and our meditation can ensure that we will shift into the best possible timeline towards the planetary liberation and Ascension.
The Resistance was able to destroy all biochips which were meant to be put into the new vaccine which is being developed against the coronavirus. Therefore the new vaccine can NOT contain any biochips, although it can still contain chemicals dangerous for your health.
On a spiritual level, the coronavirus outbreak has drastically accelerated the total and final purification of all non-physical entities that are still to some degree surrounding the surface of the planet. It has also triggered a purification of human excesses, recklessness and selfishness, a purification of illusions and brought much-needed grounding.
Forced to stay home, may people have exited a vicious cycle of needing to produce more, spend more and consume more, and finally have time to listen to the birds singing, as they have returned to now silent cities with much less human activity:
planet healing due to less cars, graphic
It is a purification of the Matrix:
Graphic: global matrix shutdown in progress
Zhong Nanshan, a top Chinese epidemiologist who has correctly predicted the end of Chinese coronavirus outbreak, is predicting for the pandemics to be over by June if social distancing measures which can stop the spread of the virus are taken immediately:
  1. https://nypost.com/2020/03/12/coronavirus-pandemic-could-be-over-by-june-if-countries-mobilize-expert/

Defender Europe 20 military exercise troops will NOT bring New World Order to Europe nor will they conduct mass arrests, but they can spread the virus very effectively:
  1. https://www.voltairenet.org/article209437.html

The efficiency of social distancing measures and lockdowns in stopping the pandemic are excellently explained in the following article:
  1. https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-act-today-or-people-will-die-f4d3d9cd99ca

graph showing distancing measures
The fact that this coronavirus is a bioweapon is finally hitting mainstream media, as top-level officials around the world are starting to ask questions:
  1. https://www.rt.com/news/482405-iran-coronavirus-us-biological-weapon/
  2. https://www.globalresearch.ca/china-coronavirus-shocking-update/5705196
  3. https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2020/03/05/who-made-coronavirus-was-it-us-israel-or-china-itself/
  4. https://dimpenews.com/2020/03/14/russian-military-expert-on-biological-weapons-asks-investigation-in-us-laboratories-for-the-production-of-covid-19/
  5. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/03/13/asia-pacific/science-health-asia-pacific/china-us-military-brought-coronavirus/#.XnAYrnJ7m1s

It is now common knowledge that 5G base stations seriously compromise the immune system and that they play a crucial role in this pandemic plan of the dark forces:
5G rollout vs conformed corona virus cases
5G network is part of the plan of the dark forces to reinforce quarantine Earth:
  1. https://humansarefree.com/2020/02/dutch-state-secretary-admits-5g-will-be-used-for-crowd-control.html
  2. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/spacexs-illegal-fleet-5g-satellites-21388233
  3. Chimaera-controlled US Space Force wants to use 5G as a defence line against positive extraterrestrials:
  4. https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/03/the-space-force-and-5g/

What is happening right now is the peak of the quantum war for planet Earth between the positive extraterrestrial forces and the Chimera group.
Details of that quantum war can not be released yet, I can only say that the positive side is removing topet bombs and the negative side is developing technologies like this one:
  1. https://www.army.mil/article/231525/new_device_accelerates_development_of_extraordinary_quantum_networks

Here you need to understand that in every war there are moments of victory and there are moments of defeat. The road ahead may be quite intense and bumpy, and things may not always go according to the plan or as predicted, but we will be victorious in the end.
With the meditation coming in a few weeks we can shift a lot, as our unified consciousness can directly affect the quantum field dramatically.
Until then, you can also use vitamin C to boost your immune system, and it may also help against the virus:
  1. http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n14.shtml

You can also use Command RCV stardust protocol as much as possible. It removes about 75% of the virus, as this report from Wuhan from February 20th clearly shows:
command RCV stardust for lightforce assistance
Pleiadians have communicated that their protocol would be even more effective, but there are always some extremely selfish people who are not part of the dark force cabal, but they are spreading the virus through their recklessness and even by selling the virus on the dark web (watch the video from 8 to 14 minutes mark):
This war will be over soon, and a new world will be born, the world we have all been fighting for.
Victory of the Light!


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

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publicado por achama às 22:10
Quarta-feira, 18 / 03 / 20

Everything Is Indeed Being Orchestrated.

Everything Is Indeed Being Orchestrated.

Lady Nada and OWS. 

Channeled by James McConnell.

 March 15th, 2020

Posted March 18th, 2020

I am Lady Nada.  I appreciate this time that I and my Beloved, Sananda, can be with you here now in these moments, these trying moments for many across the planet.
These moments that you, those of you, the Light-Workers, the -Warriors, the Light-Bearers and -Sharers, this is what you have been working for, and waiting for, and praying for, for all to come to this point in love.  And even though it does not appear to some, those that are still deeply enmeshed within the third dimensional illusionary matrix, to them it seems like chaos is reigning, now.
But to those of you that have prepared for these very moments that are ahead now, for those of you who see, you see beyond the curtain.  You see beyond the veil.   You see what is really there, what is really there now in this moment, not what is coming, but what is here now.
Because if you focus on the now moment, then everything else you realize is exactly where it needs to be, and you, right there, within the eye of the storm.  Even now as the storm rages around you, you are safe within that eye, within the neutrality that you yourselves have created for yourselves.  Because it is in that ‘neutral point’ where many of you are finding yourselves more and more.  It is in that neutral point where you finally realize that everything is indeed being orchestrated.
We do not want you to look and to see the fear that has arisen across the planet.  We want you to instead to see beyond that, and to see the joy and the love that also has arisen.  Because even in the darkest moments a light shines through, just as it is doing now.  You have a saying:  ‘it is always darkest before the dawn.’  And that is certainly true.
And even now, as you look out upon the vistas in front of you, if you see with the eyes of all of those that are still enmeshed within the third dimension, then you see turmoil, you see travesty, you see ugliness.  But if you see with your third eye now that has been opened wide for most of you, and you see with that eye. then you see as we see.  And we see only purity, only love, even in the deepest shadows of darkness.  We see the light within.  And we know that that light can come forth again.  So if you are wanting to see all of those pay for their crimes, then you are still within that third dimension illusion.  You are still operating at those frequencies.  But if you can look as we do and see the glimmer of light, the glimmer of a flame still even within the darkest ones, then there is always a chance.  Will they take that chance?  Many will not.  But that is not for you, or for us, to determine.  That is their choice.  Just as it is your choice to live in the world, but not be of it.  To know that you are rising even in these moments into the higher vibrational frequencies within yourselves.
And you have nothing to fear except fear itself.  Fear holds you back.  Fear holds down your immune system.  It doesn’t let it do what it is capable of doing.  Let go of all fear.  And what is left?  Only love.  And when you let go of all fear, you also let go of all pain and suffering.
Because when you have let go of fear and there is only love, you have reached the neutral point within you.  And in that neutral point is where the God source within you resides.  The kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of God is within you, within all of us.  Let that kingdom reign within you.
Moving forward now, you have everything right there in front of you.  It is all being brought forward for all, not just those of you, but for all to see, for all to become aware of.
For those that continue to reside within the shadows of darkness, they are being brought into the Light, yes, even at times kicking and screaming.  But they are coming forward.  Will they be brought before you, and their crimes told to all?  Maybe not.  But it is not for you to judge that.
It is for you to accept that all is exactly as it needs to be, and the divine plan is working out exactly as it needs to.  And all of you are more a part of this divine plan than you can even begin to imagine, at this point.
So continue raising your frequencies whenever you have the opportunity, whenever you can think about it.  And the more you do so, the more it will become easier for you to think about it.  And when you think about it, you bring about it.  So allow for the frequencies to continue to rise the vibrations within you.  To continue to reach up higher and higher, and find that sunlight that is coming through the clouds, now.  Look, and you can see it, and see ahead of you all of the clouds parting, and the beautiful blue sky coming through.  And the sunlight lighting up everything on the planet a with brilliant light.  And nothing within the atmosphere to hold it back.  That is what is ahead, that you, those of you, have created here.
Continue now to trust in yourselves.  To trust in your brothers and sisters all around you.  To know that mankind has chosen love.  Mankind has chosen the Light, and nothing that anyone who still loves the darkness can hold that Light back.  For as you heard several weeks ago when KaRa spoke to you, she said you have arrived.  And you have all arrived now.  Everything, my friends, my brothers, my sisters, everything is right there now in front of you and within you.  Just reach out and take it for yourselves and for each other.  For nothing now can hold it back.  Continue to be right there in that eye of the storm as you are now, with the storm raging around you, but you safe and secure in the knowing right there in that eye that you again are exactly where you need to be.  You, being the collective you.
That is my message for you at this time.  Many more messages are coming forward now from many different sources to continue to prepare you for all that is coming and all that is already here now.
My peace and love be with all of you.  And Sananda also gives his love to each and every one of you.  For it is time.
ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)
Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.   Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna here.  And we are ready to continue on.
We hope that you have your popcorn and your candy or whatever it is that you use when you go to your movies, because the movie around you is quite profound, here, as we find it.  It is quite an enjoyable show if you look at it that way.
It is when you go to a movie in your theaters and watch your movies.  You can sit there, and you can be bored with it, and you can think, ‘this is nothing, this is not enjoyable,’ or you can sit there and you can get into the movie.  You can experience it.  You can feel yourselves one with it.  And then it becomes a whole different process for you.
Well, that is what you can do here.  You can be aware of everything that is happening around you.  You can even become involved in it in certain ways.  You can become involved in it in the higher vibrational frequency ways, if you understand what we are saying.
Do not become involved in the fear part of it, become involved in the joy of it in what is coming, what is right around the corner.  What is already now in motion.
We tell you this, and Lady Nada gave this to you:  everything is in motion now.  Everything is exactly where it needs to be.  The plan is being followed exactly.  And all of those of us, the Ascended Masters, the Company of Heaven, the Galactics, the Agarthans, all of us are sitting here with (what is your saying?)–‘bated breath’–crazy saying, but we are sitting here like that, and we are awaiting everything to occur here, and to see the joy in your faces as things continue to ramp up.  And they are going to ramp up.
But as you also know, and as Lady Nada also said, “it is always darkest before the dawn.”  And the darkness is here now, if you see it that way.  But if you see it as the Light.  If you see it as joy, and oneness, and peace, and peace coming to the entire world, if you see it that way, then that is the way you will perceive it.  And we would say that is the higher consciousness way of perceiving everything, here.
So allow it to be.  Allow yourselves to be.  Allow yourselves to be in joy in these moments knowing that you are on the cusp, or the verge, or the culmination of so much that you have been preparing for, and that we have been helping to prepare you for.
We are ready now for questions if you have any.
Guest:   Yes, I have a question.  But I have a question for my friend.  He is a little bashful to come on and he wanted me to ask two questions.  The first question is what happens to us when we pass on?
OWS:   Oh, my goodness.  That is a long, involved question.  But we can tell you, and we know Shoshanna will likely have something to add here as well.  But what we can tell you is it is not anything to be afraid of.  It is something you have done many, many, many times before.  And when it happens, you remember.  The remembrance comes back to you.
Now, as we are saying this, we also want to add here that most of you, many of you, will not go through this again in this lifetime.  It is not meant for you.  You came here to be a part of this expression of the ascension process here, and to do so by taking your bodies with you.  So most of you will not go through this dying process here again at this time.  But again, as we say, you have done it many, many times, and there is certainly nothing to be afraid of.  In fact, it is quite an enjoyable experience.  At some point, when you are ready for it, much way down the line for most, you will experience that and remember, here.
Shoshanna, do you have anything to add?
Shoshanna (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell)
We can share on this.  May we share, dear sister?
Guest:   Yes, you may.  Thank you.
Shoshanna:   This process that human beings have gone through for millennia of passing out of their bodies has been an issue in this culture because there is much fear around this subject, and it is not talked about.  It is not discussed.  And, if someone brings up the idea of dying, they are shunned!  “Do not speak of this!”  But, we must speak of this because many will still go through that process.
What we will tell you is, it is not what your culture has told you.  It is simply passing through a door.  When the body decides it is no longer useful in this environment, it is simply cast off, and the astral body moves beyond and walks through a door into another world and can take on any other body as spirit of that body moves forward.  It is an adventure.  So we will tell you to look forward if you think that your body will be cast aside in this lifetime, you can look forward to a wonderful adventure of moving forward and discovering things that are not on this planet.  That is what we have to share.   Namaste.
OWS:   Very good.  And we also add here that times long ago in your ancient times of Lemuria, Atlantis, and others, when the dying process happened, it was not looked at in the respect that it is today in this culture, as Shoshanna has given.  It was looked at as just a passing on:  another adventure, as Shoshanna has also given, here.  And when that one passed on, they knew that they were going to come right back in, in a different body, and resume right back where they were when they left.  You see?  They just lay the body down and come back into a new one.
But then there has been the religious control process that created the fear around the dying process, you see?  But it is certainly nothing to fear, and Shoshanna has given perfectly it is a new adventure.
We are finding with The James, here, a movie, ‘Lord of the Rings, Return of the King,’ at the very end where the Bilbo says he is going off into a different dimension, as it turns out, and taking his physical body with him.  In a sense, he was ascending.  And he said, “I am going on a new adventure.”  So that is what we have for you on this.
Is there another question here on that?  Or do we move on?
Guest:   There was another part.  He wanted to know if we come with the same intelligence in the next incarnation that we had before.
OWS:   That is very difficult to answer here, because everyone is different.  Everyone has their own experiences, their own life contracts.
Shoshanna:   We can share.
OWS:   Yes, please, you can, yes.
Shoshanna:   May we share on this, Dear Sister?
Guest:   Yes, please.
Shoshanna:   The idea of intelligence is a judgment.  You see, it is a silly judgment.  Because what is intelligence?  And who has it?  And how much do they have?  And it is a measurement that is very third-dimensional, as we do not even think of this in the higher dimensions.  So what we would tell you is that what if you choose to come and reincarnate again in the third dimension, perhaps on another planet, perhaps on the third-dimensional Gaia, you will come based on what you need.  What you need to progress your soul and your moving of consciousness into complete compassion, love, and understanding for all.  It does not matter how you see it, or if you were an Einstein or a rock.  It does not matter.  It is what your soul prefers, and it is what you have agreed to as a Being of Light.   Namaste.
OWS:   Very good.
Shoshanna:   Does this answer your question?
Guest:   Yes, I do believe you’ve answered it for him.  I am speaking for him.  But it sure did answer it for me.  Thank you.
Shoshanna:   Yes.  Namaste.
Guest:   Namaste.
OWS:   Very good.  Are there any other further questions, here?
Guest:   Yes, Dear One.
OWS:   Yes.
Guest:   I would like to find out what’s going to be the knowledge or the understanding of the people of what just occurred.  I had always thought that this whole thing about having to bring things to light would mean that the population was going to know what had just been gone through, what atrocities, etc.  Not that you want to sit there and watch it, like Romans in the Coliseum watching the people being eaten by the lions or anything horrible like that, just for awareness so that they could move on.  And now we are hearing that maybe this will not come to the public’s attention of what had actually occurred in a dark sense.  So what is going to actually happen, and why is that the best way to do it?
OWS:   We can tell you that some will and some will not.  There will be some that will come forward and others that will not.  They will continue to remain in the shadows, and they will be taken out of the picture without fanfare, we will say, here.  That, in some cases, will be some of those that will be able to make that choice.  But others will not.  There will be much that will be revealed.  It is already coming to the forefront of your various human trafficking, and drugs, and all of these things, that are coming forward now that are being revealed to the public.
Your media, your mass media we speak of, the media that many still do pay attention to, still listen to, although many have left that.  They do not respond to this anymore, or certainly react to it as they did before.  So that is changing and will continue to change.  And eventually the media will become a spokesperson for the people once again rather than for the corporation, you see.  That will be the major difference, here.
So there will be much that will come forward, much that is going to be revealed, much that is already in the process now of being revealed, and each time these things come forward, it continue to raise awareness across the planet as well as consciousness.
And again, don’t forget, these energies that are coming in, which is also greatly helping to raise consciousness much faster that it would have if it were not for these energies that have been granted by the Creator and by the Galactics to continue to assist this process, here. Okay?  Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:   We can share.  Would you prefer that we share our perspective on this, Dear Sister?
Guest:  Yes please.
Shoshanna:   The being that you are, and the being that another is, are completely connected.  There is no separation.  What happens to you, happens to all, and what happens to all, happens to you.  Your soul is an individual consciousness of the Source.  And the path of your soul is enlightenment.  No matter what the course or the path that you take, the soul wishes to join back with Source and become the Light and become enlightenment, and assist all to become one once more.
With that being said, what you need to know as a soul entity will be revealed to you for your enlightenment.  What you do not need to know will not be revealed to you, because it will not assist you in your enlightenment, you see.  It does not matter what the scuttlebutt is, it does not matter if he said, she said, that, this, and the other, what matters is the course that your soul wishes to take to achieve enlightenment, you see.  So if you need to know something that will create enlightenment for you, which creates enlightenment for all, it will be revealed, you see.  One must trust that this is how it goes.   Namaste.
OWS:   Very good.
Guest:   Thank you, thank you.   I have a Part B, may I ask it?
Ows:   Yes.
Shoshanna:   We love Part B!
Guest:   (Laughter)   We heard 99% of the people are ascending.  But that still leaves 8 million people not.  Is that a correct number, or will there be a lot more ascending than that, because 8 million seems like a lot of people.
Shoshanna:   We can share.  Do you wish for us to share first?
OWS:   Yes, please do.
Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, here is our perspective.  If you are doing the math, then that will be your reality.  We suggest to all that the focus is on their personal ascension, because as we said before, that which you achieve, you achieve for all.  And that which all achieve, they achieve for you.  Because all is ONE.
So we must tell you that there is a massive separation technique that has been designed in the third dimension to keep us disconnected from each other.  So we will tell you it does not matter if it is 8 million, 8 billion, 80 trillion—it does not matter.  Because your goal is to achieve your personal ascension.  And again, you personal ascension will uplift all of humanity to whatever level they need to be uplifted.   Namaste.
OWS:   Yes. And we would add here that no one can predict how many there will be in the ascension process.  It is not possible to even do so, because everything changes in the moment-to-moment basis.  So one that would ascend, in the next moment might not, or vice versa.  So it cannot be given.  So anyone that has given this from any source:  there needs to be much discernment used here on this.  Okay?
Guest:   Thank you.
Shoshanna:   Does that answer your question?
Guest:   Absolutely.  Thank you so much.
Shoshanna:   Namaste.
OWS:   Yes.  Are there any other further questions, here?
Guest:   I have a question.
OWS:   Yes?
Guest:   I was wondering if there is a correlation, because the corona is also part of our sun, and it is the plasma part of our sun.  I just wondered does this virus have anything to do with the entire light that is coming in with the purification process?
OWS:   You have to understand that this particular virus is not new, No.1.
And No. 2, it is in the process of changing in many respects, here in terms of those that utilize this for their own needs and sometimes their own nefarious needs here in terms of the dark forces utilizing this virus for purposes that are meant for control and power, and all of these types of things.
But you also have to understand that it is also being co-opted, you might say, by those of the Light, the Alliance, whatever you want to call them, are utilizing this to bring about aspects that are needed to bring this entire ascension process forward.  You see, those that are wanting to hold back ascension are using this virus in a respect of doing so.  Those that want to bring ascension forward are using it in that respect, you see?  Does this answer your question first of all?
Guest:   Yes it does, thank you.
OWS:   Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to add here?
Shoshanna:   Well, we can add a perspective here, if we may.
Guest:   Of course.
Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, we must explain that the name of a virus is irrelevant.  The scientist who named the group of viruses many years ago (we find it six decades ago), called ‘Corona,’ they named it for the shape of it.  Because scientists are very mathematically minded, and they saw the coronal shape of this virus, and said “oh, we will call it ‘Corona.’”  It is not with any depth of understanding, it is not with any depth of consciousness, it was a measurement in geometry that created the name.  What we will tell you though, is underlying any incident or situation that occurs on your planet is up to those that have the consciousness to bring it about in a higher frequency and a higher understanding for all of humanity.  So you see, the name is pretty irrelevant.   Namaste.
OWS:   Yes.  Very good.
Shoshanna:   Does this make sense?
Guest:   Yes.  I think it is probably just a personal connection for me, then.
Shoshanna:   Yes.  And we will say that those that are analytical, which is most, because most beings have been given an analytical layer to their brains, will attempt to have a meaning behind everything.  All the time the meaning is created by the being that sees it, feels it, hears it, and experiences it—that is the meaning for that being.   Namaste.
OWS:   Very good.  Are there any other further questions here, before we release channel?
Guest:   Hello, One Who Serves?
OWS:   Yes?
Guest:   I just wanted to express to all of our ascended counterparts my gratitude my very deep, deep gratitude for all you have done for us to allow us to remember the unity and to come out of the separation.  And I just love you all so much.  And I just wanted to express that gratitude to you.  Thank you.
OWS:   We love you all so very much as well.  But we also express our gratitude to you to continue the fight here, the fight for Light, here.  And to be here now in these moments, after volunteering so long ago and continuing this process.  You could have passed a ways from this many times previously, but you always said before coming into the next life, you always said, “no, I need to complete this process; I volunteered for it, I need to complete it.”  And here you are now.  So we commend you.  We bow to you, as was given by Aramda some time ago, here.  We bow to you.  It is not the other way around.  Shoshanna, anything you wish to share on this?
Shoshanna:   We wish to share on this.  May we share our perspective, Dear Sister?
Guest:   Yes please, Sister.
Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, gratitude is the element of love that connects everything.  So, when any being experiences gratitude, they experience oneness!  They experience connection with all!  And that is all there is!  So, the more deeply in gratitude we all are for anything that is occurring, we bring about oneness.   Namaste.
OWS:   Very good.
Guest:   Thank you, Sister.
OWS:   Do you have parting message, here, Shoshanna?  Or was that it?
Shoshanna:   We will give a message.  May we?
OWS:   We will offer to all the being that have listened to this call, and that will listen to the recordings, that if you are listening and you are participating, you are all the harbingers of the Event, the ascension, and you will raise humanity to heights that it has never experienced before.  You are the ones you have been waiting for!  You are the change that you wish to see in the world.
Congratulations to all of you, as we are deeply in love with each one of you, and we praise you, appreciate you, and are in deep gratitude because your frequency has raised ours.   Namaste.
OWS:   Very good.  Wonderfully said.  And we simply add here to keep being where you are now in these moments.  Be in the moment.  Don’t be in the past.  Don’t hold yourself in the past.  Don’t remember the past.  Don’t hang onto the past.  Let it go.
And, while you are letting it go, forgive everyone in any way, shape, or form, that harmed you, any time in that past.  Forget it all.  Let it all go.
And then, once you have done that, you are now in the present moment, and in the present moment in that neutral place within you, then everything can continue to go all around you, and the storm and all of this, and you are perfectly safe and sound right here, now, in the moment; in this very moment, you are perfectly safe and sound.  That is all we wanted to say.
Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the one.
James McConnell 

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publicado por achama às 15:25
Quinta-feira, 12 / 03 / 20

20 Signs of Starseed Walk Ins The Three Waves of Volunteers.

20 Signs of Starseed Walk Ins The Three Waves of Volunteers.


From awakening5dhealing.com





Dolores Cannon’s seminal work the Three Waves of Volunteers explains the reasons for Starseed intervention. The first wave came after 1945, the baby boomers. The starseed traveller volunteer program was birthed long before earth’s linear 1945. In quantum time the destruction, trauma and travesties of nuclear warfare echoed across all dimensional fields. Our galaxy’s astral belt is the remnants of previous civilisation who destroyed themselves and their planet in nuclear warfare. The last devil’s playground, apocalyptic cycles, time tripping, dimensional veils burning. Gaia also left clues, her indigenous people peppering the planet’s surface in standing stones, monoliths of truth, remnants of ascended communities, crumbs our allies followed to piece it altogether. The first wave, the baby boomers, arrived on mass. Starseed often arrive as unexpected babies, born to older mothers or parents who were previously unable to have children. This first wave birthed the beatnik hippie peace and love movement of the 60s. Feminism was put on the global agenda as was personal freedom and love not war algorithms were seeded. The second wave were born in the 70s and 80s, young adults who birthed the Love rave generation, a second movement vibrating on Peace frequencies. Both movements used recreational drugs, derivatives of Gaia’s goodness, to open their minds and raise their vibrations. Both movements were stifled, nuked by media brain washing and political, legal, main-streaming cultural counter attacks. Many believe the assassination of JFK killed the truth movement in the US. In the UK Big Brother’s Criminal Justice Act has been stifling the 80s Love generation ever since. The Third Wave came through as millennials, growing up and Waking up the world with their high vibration rhetoric.
Walk Ins are Volunteers who elected to arrive rather than be birthed, to Walk In to a body when the soul of that child leaves. We chose our bloodlines. We chose specific families to clear them of attachments, curses and break negative ancestral behaviour and thought cycles. Unfortunately, many of us were discovered and attachments were used to target us as we jumped. Many of us have had handlers present since childhood seeking to disable our high frequencies and prevent us carrying out our Mission. Not all of us made it, enough did. Advantages of being a walk in rather than birthed is we retain more pre human lifetime memory. We implemented better stealth mode due to arriving in a fully formed communicative state. Most of us are part of traveller teams working on alternate dimensional frequencies to destabilise the matrix from the inside. All volunteers have infiltrated the infiltrators, this was our job. Our very presence on Gaia’s material plane ensures a raising of the vibratory temperature in alignment with Gaia’s ascension. Without the presence of starseed on the physical plane Gaia’s ascension would likely have left most of humanity behind trapped in engineered hell dimensions of post apocalyptic proportion. These dimensions exist, they’re just hugely underpopulated thanks to the work done by volunteers to wake the world up.
We agreed to immersion in the matrix, amnesia, loss of our starseed skillsets to camouflage ourselves. We have been Activated. Amnesia dissolving as our higher and lower selves assimilate. Dolores Cannon is an Easter egg in the matrix, her books and teachings break memory implant loops. Dolores triggers our latent traveller memories with her encrypted language. Volunteers, three waves jumping in to change up the frequencies from within the matrix. Stealth mode. Soldier senses. Streetwise with sharp minds and razor blade cunning for survival. Over several generations, attaching to chosen ancestral lines for Klearing. Deep undercover friends. So deep some of us lost ourselves. Healers and teachers. The mission is the same, raise the vibrations on the material plane. Instil compassion in the hearts of people creating a ripple effect. The hundredth monkey collective consciousness tipping point is our goal. We are harnessing celestial intervention to fully embody ascension frequencies. Our conscious surrender to upgrades carried in lightwaves penetrating the matrix, coupled with our elevated spiritual practise, has ensured many of us have come online fully with our starseed identity, and our role in the bigger picture of Gaia’s ascension.
How do I know if I’m a Walk In?

1. No clear memories prior to 6, 7, 8 years old

2. feel like an alien from arrival, in chosen family, the black sheep, the one who doesn’t ‘fit in’
3. likelihood of passing of child we transferred into
4. problems assimilating into the matrix, identified quickly as rebellious, difficult, challenging the system.
5. survival mode activated instantly upon arrival due to cold energy
6. feeling of homesickness persistent throughout our time here
7. Starseed alliances made on the material or astral planes
8. ancestral attachments established in timeline jumping, past life memories
9. interdimensional travel
10. astral travel
11. ability to leave the reality space presented us
12. told we have too much imagination, day dreamers, delusional, paranoid
13. problems with authority
14. persistent sense that all is not right here, predating any research
15. soldier senses highly developed, street wise from arrival
16. trust our gut, energy, instinct beyond sensory perception or established narratives causing problems with integration into the matrix, also ensuring survival
17. attraction to psychedelic experiences, expanding our minds
18. curious, questioning mind, academic or research backgrounds
19. rebellious heart or nature, natural tendency to ‘fight the system’
20. the word Mission sparks light within, Yes, that’s why I’m here!

The Volunteer programme is ongoing, starseed travellers arriving to help manage humanities ascension through the mid 21st century. Source has also made plans for Gaia’s ascension and the great war for humanities hearts, minds and souls. Source triggered the Return of the Rainbow Children to Gaia. The rainbow children are sooooo woke, it makes the rest of us look sleepy. We are soldiers, fighting for survival in the hunger games of cabal manufactured matrix existence. Traveller teams, though largely disbanded, are still operational as sole units. Starseed have snuck in the backdoor and our high cellular vibratory fields are catching friends, like a virus we have poisoned the matrix with Liiiiiiight. Rainbow children have been arriving since the 90s, older members often referred to as indigo children. Their eyes sparkle, their hair is lush and shimmery, they have a lightness of being, imagination, creativity, scope and expansion in their little worlds. Their light, their rainbow chakra light, is growing like mushrooms underground, pushing up through the darkness of the matrix, heading for rebirth. Parents of crystal kids are experiencing the intense power in their cores, their enormous hearts and their bright, sassy, progressive minds. Their love vibrations are multiplying, magnetising more lightwaves into the depths of darkness. These are truly momentous times to be here, present and correct, doing our bit to rescue humanity from the enemy within.
Straseed Walk Ins have specific missions beyond the overall mission of bringing love to darkness. Some are artists, creators, thinkers, musicians, actors, writers volunteering to expand the collective consciousness in word and picture. Others are healers, bringing advanced healing energetic practises like reiki, acupuncture and gong baths to the beleaguered human population. Some are braving politics, economics, the frontline of monetary scarcity programming, seeking to level inequality from the inside out. Similarly some are deep inside the Badlands of the cabal, bankers, money men, corporate CEOs, brave soldiers lighting up the depths of synthesized, corporate kingdoms. Influencers, explorers, free thinkers are more influential than matrix talking heads, the system is running to catch up, take out influencers who are not promoting matrix values of selfishness, shallowness and superiority/inferiority complexes. Others are operating in smaller communities, reaching out with star light to awaken the sleepers gently. A few starseed are whistle blowers, anarchists seeking to blow the lid off human trafficking, pharmaceutical chemical warfare and black market, deep web, enemy networks. Techies placed in silicon valley’s, boosting humanities technological progress. Scientists fighting hard to stay alive if they speak out against the established scientific narrative of Separation from philosophy or religion. Every area of the worlds organised networks are infiltrated by starseed. We are everywhere inside the matrix friends.
Early arrivals dealt with the density of post war earth, rationing, depression and abject poverty. Later arrivals have been subjected to pharmaceutical warfare, many being diagnosed as anti social, unethical, unsound of mind, psychotic or abominations (the war on rainbow sexuality is evidence of this attack on human soul integrity). Drugs, chemical warfare, street drugs and big pharma used as a weapon of mass destruction on starseed arrivals. Rainbow children diagnosed as autistic, Asperger’s, adhd, their high vibration preventing them from full assimilation into the matrix, making them vulnerable to attack. Autism is a sensory issue, autistic starseed are hyper sensitive to matrix poisons in the air, lighting, materials and in communication. Their very presence on Gaia’s physical plane has mega boosted humanities ascension beyond measure, their suffering will be a mark of the true horrors of this space for eons to come. Older starseed volunteers were placed in education and social services, hospitals and charity support groups, their mission to ease the transition of high frequency rainbows and indigos into the matrix and try and protect them from the worst of systems counterattack. We thank all who do this, in humility, with grace and in deep gratitude.
I will write a post about parenting crystal kids (video and workshops will be available in my coming membership), for now, all we need to know is they are kind, charismatic, quirky, super cute and quick thinking. Their energy is high, their vibration shimmering in creative light. The rainbows and indigos will change this world. Older volunteers have roles in easing the transition for them and paving the way. We have the same agenda – wake up the world to evil present in their homes and every day lives and model compassion as progress, exposing fear as regression. Expansion is the name of Our game, Oppression is the name of the Anunaki cabals game. We break the matrix by simply being present, we don’t need to do more than that. Anything else is up to us. We heal, teach, preach and pray. We share, enlighten, query and question. We challenge the status quo in word and deed. We recharge our batteries in lit spiritual practise reminiscent of our truth, our lives pre human immersion. Spiritual practise comes naturally to all starseed, indigos, rainbow children and older volunteers. Mediation is the breath of life. Creativity and compassion is the fire that drives us all. Our passion is our purpose. Our truth is the light in the darkness.
We have allies on both sides of the veil. A team of guides prepped and ready to manage us safely through matrix labyrinth mind control programs. Our guides communicate on headsets embedded in our minds, we can turn the dial anytime we want to speak to them or our higher self. Meditation helps us open the airwaves and refine our ability to communicate with our team, despite being inside the matrix. This telepathy comes from raising our vibrations, as does all wokeness. Surrender is twofold. We surrender to our role, our mission when we wake up or if we are walk in, we may have always known we don’t belong here and have landed with a mission. We surrender to source, divine alignment, we surrender our control of our lives to higher vibratory fields of light. The matrix tells us we are insufficient to manage our own lives. Dictators, politicians and programming ensures we are stripped of our divinity, we lose our souls in the depths of this dark space. The evil permeates the atmosphere, like rats, always there but rarely seen. Instead of jumping into a pretty snow globe we’ve jumped into a zombie apocalypse, black rain, deviance and devilry. Many of us are working on the front line, not just existing in it. We work in hospitals, homeless units, schools, projects and policy making, supporting charities trying to plug the gaping, engineered holes, in a system set up to destroy the heart and will of the people. We are here to restore soul integrity, to boost humanities heart vibrations, expand her mind and get her online with Gaia’s ascension light waves. No small task. Lots of us made it. We have allies supporting us. Humanity is ready. We hold our truth, stay sassy, streetwise and stealthy. We keep shining the light beautiful people, we keep shining that source light goodness for those around us to witness, emanate and eventually imbue into their own vibratory field. We do our job just by breathing here, anything else is extra, and we are doing incredibly well to be here still breathing! We can do this because we are doing this. In light and love cosmic surfers. Peace up the rEvolution.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:01
Quinta-feira, 27 / 02 / 20

The Divine Unification of Yin and Yang

The Divine Unification of Yin and Yang.

Angelic Collective Protective Military Division and Ascended Dragons

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

February 26, 2020.



Greetings friends of the light, of the way. We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division. 
We offer you the space of our frequency, of our light in this now moment. For the great destruction of the cities of the false matrix has begun in earnest in allowance for the grand rebirth of the new. We wish to offer words of comfort. You are the change makers, the way showers. You did not come to have a typical 3D life. You have already experienced this, most likely many thousands of times. For Earth was the grand space of learning the cosmic playground of energies and it was glorious until the fall. And it will be glorious once again. Do not be downtrodden. Do not be disheartened. Do not be dismayed for all is proceeding according to the perfect plan of Creator and you have many numerous hands behind the scenes protecting you, holding a sword for you.
We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division.
Victory to the light! Victory to love, to the Creator of all things made perfect in the new. New beginnings are to be embraced, emboldened by the joy of hope. Be in hope humanity, for the clouds are lifting, the sun is shining brighter than ever before and you have more help being readily made available to you than ever before. Truly you are most supported. Ground hope. Ground truth. Ground peace. Be the peaceful one in the eye of the storm that the other windswept ones can look to for an example of holding the light. You are making a tremendous difference in your work-spaces, in your home environments. Your vibrations are reverberating all across the globe and the multiverse. For that is what you do. You are light. Your vibrations travel at the speed of light. You are all that you see. We welcome the moment when you fully embrace the all that you are into the all that you are becoming. Find the peace in this sentiment and know that it is most true.
We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division. 
Every instrument of heaven is being made available to ensure the success of this mission. All hands on deck. All is operating at full throttle. And so when you feel shaken or throttled by these energies retreat deep within your heart space for rest. For the energies are only going to intensify, this is to be certain. And so your vibration, which is key, your vibration makes a tremendous effect. Protect it with inner peace, inner joys rediscovered, inner hopes rekindled. Smile. You are lighting up the night sky with a multitude of stars, your reverberations of hope and tenacity are felt by all.
We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division. 
We offer our combined force of insurmountable protection to our lighted ones, our Christed light bearers of the way. Be not afraid. Be emboldened by the you that you are becoming, by the you the you already are. We wish for you to feel the truth of this statement. You are that which you seek. You are the change that you crave. Be the change. Be the light. Be the voice to the voiceless. Spread your wings and fly. We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division. Peace. We love you.
Greetings, humans reading these words. We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
I Elthor, and I Alisheryia, are speaking. We represent the whole tonight, the balance of the the divine masculine and divine feminine energies that are to be fully made equal, lovingly balanced in this realm. But know that we are simply an example of many twins. Other ascended dragons have their mates. Others are also examples of our union. 
But tonight we represent this divine union, unification of yin and yang, of polarities becoming balanced in this realm. You all have energies of the divine masculine and divine feminine within you and it is time that they become balanced. It is time for you to do this work and to ask for further assistance should you require it, so that when you are faced with meeting your twin it will be like meeting yourself. You must be the one you have been waiting or. It is not trite, human. It is deprogramming. No more victimhood (Elthor is roaring). The time for you to become your own savior of rising up. Be the hands of the Christ which is what this moment is calling for. It will be your healing.
I Alisheryia, am speaking. My divine consort, Elthor, is very passionate. He is the divine fire. I am the divine water. And so we balance. You seek balance in your lives, but when it flows from inner balance, all else will flow, like a mighty river whose course is steady, unstoppable. Water finds a way. Fire finds away. Both are either healing or destructive. You have had lifetimes of healing and of destruction. We all come together now to heal Gaia’s damaged areas. Many hands and feet make this possible. Galactic technology will make this possible. Human vision and innovation will also make this possible. But you all must work together. And you shall.
I Alisheryia, and I Elthor, are speaking. You are in the moment of your own making. In every moment you choose the experience, you choose the outcome. No more victimhood. Humanity is awakening faster now. The energies are in great support of this. The ascended dragons have been working clearing, blazing, fighting the darkness with light.
I Alisheryia and I Elthor breathe and ignite your crown with the Christed flame. We are igniting your crown into further expansion to deprogram victimhood, apathy and self loathing. We see the restructuring occurring all around of the false ideologies that have constrained and confused. They are lifted. Humanity is rubbing its eyes. Little human what do you see? Do you see the light surrounding? Or do you see shadows? The shadows are of your mind. Change your mind. Choose to see the light. We are continuing our upgrade. (I feel continued heat on my head and am seeing glowing shapes and images, triangles with lines and a language of symbols I do not recognize.) You are seeing the ancient dragon languages of days long past, galaxygirl. 
We are turning on dormant DNA and reprogramming lies into truth. (I am feeling orange golden fire all around me in a circle. I am surrounded by codes). Invite these codes into your heart space, into Gaia’s crystal heart, into the hearts of your ancestral lineages that have been so wounded, so enmeshed in the pain of the experiment. (I see streams of fire sending out from all sides around me, like spokes in a wheel. I am seeing many faces along these fire streams. I am hearing screaming, seeing burning homes, death. I am feeling pain of past ancestors, perhaps). 
Now I, Alisheryia invite you to pour the royal blue, cool waters of the divine feminine to these lines of fire that have been touching your ancestry. See it flow like a calm cooling river, quenching the fire, quenching the thirst. Feel the steam and see the happy faces of your ancestors turn toward you in gratitude. (I feel tremendous peace and joy. I see thousands of happy faces). You have done a mighty deed. Now together we send the divine fire and the divine water into the heat of Gaia to balance, to heal, to calm, to soothe. We send healing we send grace, we send light.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
Be healed by these words the upcodings, the destructions of the false and be ignited and restored, refreshed in the new of the new beginnings that surround and nourish. Claim them as your reality and then they so shall be.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
Be at peace in the coming turbulence. Be the balanced human with the glowing embers of balanced fire and water within. Be ignited. We leave now. Peace.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:59
Sexta-feira, 31 / 01 / 20

Herald to the light!

Herald to the light!

Blue Avians, Ter’ Aka.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

January 30, 2020.


Herald to the light! 

We are the Blue Avians making contact through this one once again, as we bring good tidings of high energies and encodements through this one, in this most illustrious now. For the tide has turned. 

You are seeing, you are experiencing, you are witnessing the destruction of the matrix programming that has brought so much pain, and yet great learning and understanding, to so many. Gaia is to be praised for her willingness to withstand the dark, so that she may more aptly explode into the light.

Herald to the light! Herald to the Christed consciousness, to Yeshua, Master and friend. We are the Blue Avians. We are your guardian angels in many ways for we have been overseeing this project Ascension Gaia for so long and are very willing to lend our light, our technology, our power of intellect and we extend our deep joy to you, grounded Gaians of the light. 

We see many coming together. We see more coming together shortly. We see tremendous changes of light encodements, of waves of love, of tears being dried, of hopes being lifted, of the children being able to laugh and be free in their play once again. For the realm of the dark has been changed to the realm of the light. And this we see, we deeply feel, we truly know that the light has won.

Herald to the light! Blessings be. We are the Blue Avians extending our wings in service. Do not be troubled by what you see in the media, it is the false sputtering of the dead. Pay them no head. You are alive in your insight, in your questions, in your consciousness that is seeking expansion. 

Seek expansion in these times, it will light the fire of knowledge of truth within your belly. Seek love and be the love and the light in this time. For you are to anchor it. You are to be it. You are to live it. You are be the the hands and feet of the masters of times gone by, of eras past that are now returning. 

For you are your ancestors reborn, you are holding within you the now blessed ancestor genetic coding that is truly written in the light now. Your children’s children will have a different reality to experience, praise be. You have been here a very long time. In the darkness in the matrix, the time and illusion twist together so that one can become easily lost. 

Do be in joy, do be comforted. The light has won. Such matrices of similar but not as dark, such prison planets (similar but not as dark) are being freed by your example of tremendous tenacity to hold the light. Hold the light! Be strong in these final days of swirling and possibly discordant energies. You are to hold the light, and we see you doing this most excellently.

Are are the Blue Avian Beings. We wish to extend our wings, our hands, our hearts, in service to rising humanity, so that all are blessed in the process. These energetic uplift all that surrounds your space quadrant, for all are connected. It is like the inner workings of the cell. 

You understand your cellular biology only slightly, what you don’t see behind the ribosomes and mitochondria is the spark of Source, is love. Love is all the there is, enwebbed within consciousness of form and of without form. Be this love. It is to be to your birth right. Gaians, we are calling you home. Gaians, spread your wings and fly. 

For it is the time fo fly high with these energies of hope, of promise, of new days dawning. Be emboldened. Be pure of heart. The dark night of the soul is over for many but at hand for some. Send them your light. You choose your own experience. Choose to experience love. We are waiting in the wings to make further contact. Until then, peace. 

We are the Blue Avian Beings. 

I am Ter’ Aka.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 17:53
Sábado, 28 / 12 / 19

Christmas Mind Control Matrix Unravels! Can You Handle These Truths?

By Indian in the machine.

Jesus Exposes Santa Claus!!

December 27, 2019 by Edward Morgan.




“Santa Claus represents in his image figure, gluttony and his perceived “jolliness” and “benevolence” is really the ANTI-GOD laughing AT YOU because you parents play his game of seducing your own children into MATERIALISM and away from true SPIRITUALITY.” -Sananda
Dear awakening world,
The whole santa thing is really about satan.  Can you handle the truth?  Do you just brush off things like satan like it’s ‘ho hum’ not a big deal, meanwhile can you not see the confusion of everybody all around you… especially true during holidays like Christmas… HOW CAN SO MANY PEOPLE CELEBRATE SOMETHING AND LET KNOW SO LITTLE ABOUT IT?
The mind control around Christmas is extremely thick.
Read what the Supreme Commander Sananda, has to say about Santa…. (for those unaware, Sananda is one of the three souls of the incarnation known as “Jesus”).  His real birthday was August 8 B.C.


APRIL 16, 1991
I AM Sananda. I come in service to Our Holy Father of Light, God/Aton and The Creation. Greetings, precious chela, Druthea. Let us begin.
Many of you may wonder what Santa Claus has to do with the Anti-Christ. Everything! The Adversary to God in its wish to place bondage and limitation upon God’s Human Creatures upon this plane knows that to garner the greatest degree of deception it must begin with the human in its childhood state.
You see, the adversary, in order to maintain deceptive “control” over you ones, must support its “illusion” of attachment to “physical” matter. The being that so-called Christians have called Santa Claus represents the “god” (of the adversary) to your little children. For example: According to the “myth” (defined as, “An imaginary or fictitious person, thing, event or story) Santa Claus can BE everywhere around this planet within a short 8-hour-or-so period. He will bring “gifts” to all the “good” children around the planet. These “gifts” are physical toys and objects of desire of the young and “good” child. If the child is really “good”, he/she receives many gifts of which he/she has asked for. This begins the human’s attachment to having “things” of material plane versus desiring the “spiritual” gifts of Our Creator, God/Aton.
Now the parents, of course, support this Santa Claus “image”, only it is not necessarily based upon the “goodness” of the child, but more directly based upon the pocket-book abilities of the parent. Since there is NO such being called Santa Claus as described in the “myth”, it is THE PARENTS who perpetuate the lie of the adversary, by themselves continuously allowing, encouraging and fulfilling the “I want…” list of their children. Essentially, regardless of the “good” intentions of the parents, they themselves are planting the seed of, encouraging and sustaining “materialism” within their child. Those children whose parents cannot “afford” many gifts for their children most often feel “guilty”. The child senses this and unless the parent explains HONESTLY where the gifts come from, so that the child understands that it is not based upon his “goodness” or “badness” but that any “gifts” given are based upon the LOVE sharing of his parents (or whoever gives), he will begin “comparing” himself by that which he has not received, against what his “perceived” more abundant friends and peers receive. The child will most often begin to harbor feelings of unworthiness and eventually he may become quite ANGRY with his parents for allowing and supporting a LIE.
Am I saying it is “wrong” to give gifts of material matter? Not at all. Parents, you must FIRST simply nurture and encourage the spiritual “gifts” of Our Creator, God/Aton; especially the spiritual creative potential within, personal responsibility, integrity of spirit within, Love and Joy of life and ONENESS with all. If Christmas represents a “time” when family and friends can be close in communion and sharing of LOVE, and a “time” of thankful appreciation for the gifts of LIFE of God and a “time” of remembering and giving back dignity to those who are less fortunate in physical manifestation, then God blesses you. Only, God, Our Father, and We of the HIS HOSTS OF LIGHT would encourage you to not save this “time” of sharing for ONLY societal designated “times” such as Christmas. EVERY DAY IS HOLY AND BLESSED OF GOD! MAKE EVERY MOMENT A DIVINE, HOLY CHRISTED CELEBRATION WITHIN!
I AM suggesting, though, that the “image” of “roly poly”, Santa Claus who is “everywhere” (“like” God) is really the ANTI-GOD’s attempt at a very POOR copy of GOD. Santa Claus represents in his image figure, gluttony and his perceived “jolliness” and “benevolence” is really the ANTI-GOD laughing AT YOU because you parents play his game of seducing your own children into MATERIALISM and away from true SPIRITUALITY. The “myth” says, “Santa Claus” goes “everywhere” where the “good” children are. Do you think perhaps those starving ones, such as in Ethiopia and HERE within your own United States, are loved LESS by God/Aton? Well, Satan Claus only gives “gifts” to children who are “good” according to material desire AND ABILITY OF PARENTS TO PAY! Ponder this carefully.
Parents, many of you have given “EVERYTHING” you could of material “desires” to your children, and when they are grown and still depend upon you in their adult years and then even resent you, you are baffled. Don’t you see? When you give your child TRUTH and LOVE and GUIDANCE of SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY and ONENESS, THEY WILL HAVE GAINED ACCESS TO THE TOOLS WITHIN THEM TO BE RESPONSIBLE CREATIVE HUMANS OF THIS PLANE. YOU MUST GIVE THEM TRUE “GIFTS” OF SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE AND POWER WITHIN THEM that they may move forward IN JOY AND INNER PEACE and FEAR NOT the challenges put before them, but instead WELCOME THEM as OPPORTUNITIES TO GAIN KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF TRUTH OF THEIR HOLY, DIVINE SPIRITUAL HERITAGE WITHIN!
So what am I suggesting? Very plainly, that the “myth” of Santa Claus be presented HONESTLY to your children from the beginning. You need not continue to FEED THE LIE OF ANTI-GOD and thus, cripple your children by feeding them limitation and bondage to “material” objects. They must learn and KNOW that THEY create ALL within this experience, including any perceived “lack”. You must teach your children RESPONSIBILITY for their thoughts, words and actions and DISCIPLINE of their “minds” by ALWAYS monitoring their own thoughts. For those of you parents who have already taught your children the “myth” of “Santa Claus”, NOW is the time to “pop” the phony, gluttonous belly of Santa Claus to release the “hot air” existing within this deceptive “satanic myth”. You see, “Satan” Claus is NOT an image of TRUE Christians. TRUE Christians are those who understand and adhere to CHRIST consciousness teachings of THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION, NOT so-called ones who label themselves “Christian” based on their “belief” in what they are told are the “teachings” of Christ as presented erroneously within your various Bibles.
SEE Santa Claus for that which this image truly represents: a ridiculous, gluttonous image to perpetuate COMMERCIALISM of’ material “goods” and “services”. Face it, precious ones, MANY businesses DEPEND upon your CHRISTMAS season for a major portion of their business. Just as the ANTI-GOD DEPENDS upon your IGNORANCE of Truth to perpetuate its EVIL FOLLY upon you. YOU feed the BEAST by your choice to remain spiritually ignorant.
Many of you now may be concerned about YOUR BUSINESS, especially if yours is one which rides the MASS consciousness tide of Christmas giving. IF that be your FIRST concern and NOT about the integrity and necessity of YOUR product, then YOU need to PONDER YOUR priorities of concern more carefully. If your business is truly one which serves your human brethren by truly SERVING GOD, then you need not concern over its success…GOD’S WILL WILL BE DONE! But if your business rides upon MEDIA molded and created desires, addictions and “social” traditions…it may be time to carefully consider YOUR PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to GOD, SELF and YOUR BRETHREN, and therefore, CHANGE your business! IMPOSSIBLE, YOU SAY?! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR FIRM COMMITMENT TO SERVE IN BALANCE WHICH IS OF GOD/ATON AND THE CREATION. “Will it be easy to change”, you ask? THAT depends upon YOU! Meaning it depends upon the degree of resistance and dependence upon the “material” plane offered and accepted by your “altered” ego which, of course, is fed by the Anti-God which YOU have allowed within YOUR TEMPLE OF GOD. Whether it is easy or not does NOT matter. WHEN your commitment to GOD IS MADE AT SOUL LEVEL, YOUR SOUL WITHIN WILL BRING THE LESSONS TO STRENGTHEN YOUR SPIRITUAL CONNECTION AND COMMITMENT TO GOD. IT WILL BE ENTIRELY UP TO THE SELF-DEVELOPED INTEGRITY WITHIN as to whether or not YOU are successful in YOUR TESTING to allow YOU entrance within GOD’S HOLY KINGDOM OF LIGHT. So Be it.
I AM Sananda, ONE with GOD, in Service to God/Aton and The Creation. Thank you precious chelas for this communion. May you receive the clarity and understanding OF GOD, given herein. Bless you little sister, Druthea, for your service. Peace be with you. Salu.
More teachings 



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 05:57
Quinta-feira, 14 / 11 / 19


by Teri Wade.


Posted November 14th, 2019.

The Pleiadians are a very advanced ET race that exist on the higher planes above this 3D planet. If you are aligned with them energetically you will relate to their teachings and understand their world. They are master storyteller’s and teachers, their messages include light codes and triggers to help wake up the lower resonating beings at just the right moment.
There is a Great cosmic drama playing out and it’s just about coming to a close. The human population is now finding out that a group of dark, nefarious beings has controlled humanity and Earth by deception. The reason for the cover-up of our entire existence is so our energy could be harvested lifetime after lifetime. This incredible amount of energy has been harvested and redirected for their use.
These Dark beings knew that when humanity figured out what has been happening to us we would become very angry and revolt and this would be the end game for their heinous plan. This is the game many of us are participating in now.
Unconscious humans are so asleep and so far gone at this point in regards to what is truly happening it’s really irrelevant to be so concerned for their Ascension, you can’t do one thing to help them until they are ready. Until humans stop hurting and killing each other there is no immediate solution for them. So it is wise for you to keep your focus on your progression at this moment.
The Pleiadians are certainly concerned for them that’s why they are transmuting tons of low vibrational energies on their behalf. But, like I always say everybody is on their individual path and everybody deals with their own consequences.
The Ascension Event is going to come up on the humans very quickly and abruptly and the Pleiadians know that most are not prepared for it and are trying to make this transition as painless as possible. They are moving massive amounts of super dense energy out of the way so they have a better chance to make this Ascension. Ultimately, we are here to make this Ascension. Sooo much is going on behind the scenes on Earth and in the higher planes so as many humans as possible will make this transition.
Incredible amounts of high frequency gamma Photon Light is penetrating Earth in the last 6 months or so. These frequencies, these levels of light have been secretly measured by every space agency on this planet and is completely hidden from us.
These space agencies are hiding, trying to anyway, the hundreds of thousands of Extra Terrestrial craft that are being seen around the sun this is the very reason solar observatories were shut down trying not to leak photos and video of these massive armadas of craft and vessels. However, the Pleiadians did agree with this shut down because they know a huge majority of humanity are not ready for such a blunt disclosure yet.
5D is Heaven, a Gamma State, a blissful state.
There are 12 dimensional boundaries in this Universe. Our bodies have 12 primary strands of DNA which work like nano sized fiber optic cables and 12 multi dimensional chakra portals that lets Akashic light data flow in and out of the body. This data is stored in our cellular memory. This information alone should tell you just how incredibly powerful we really are.
10 of these DNA strands were deactivated eons ago by these Dark rulers but they are now becoming activated and this is changing the entire game. Most Starseeds on this planet right now have between four and five of these strands activated.
The old low vibrating 3D Earth Matrix is one state of consciousness and the new 5D matrix is a faster vibrating state of consciousness. When you hear the word prayer in the Christian Bible it simply means meditation. While prayer is a form of asking it means asking for something by matching that vibration. Remember, there is no being higher than you, there is no higher authority than oneself. So, you’re not praying to some outside source you’re asking YOU to match that particular vibration.
Major movements by the negative rulers towards the surface population for complete control of Earth is coming to a halt. This agenda has been reversed engineered shall we say and a push towards a more positive timeline is being activated.
A year or so ago the Draco Alliance made a major push for an end of the world programming using Loosh energy to open up a portal to bring in back up. But, at the same time a positive surface ground crew anchored in the physical shut down that particular portal to reset the original timeline and open up more Galactic consciousness to the programmed surface population.
This operation by these positive beings also captured and quarantined some major players. The Dark forces have been in survival mode for more than a year now and are pushing for more and more fuel. This is why we are seeing so much social unrest, unstable weather, natural disasters, wars and rumors of war.
These Dark rulers have been running on razors edge for sometime now milking enough negative energy out of humanity to fulfill their end of the the world Armageddon agenda.
Without us they have no batteries and this is a major reason there will never be another world ending war like the annihilation of Maldek and the destruction of Mars atmosphere. Simply, because they need their livestock.
They are reaching the end of what their manipulation can handle without the collapse of their entire system. But, many are starting to see the collapse of the old world and are cultivating the bringing in of the New World.
The reason why many of us are here at this time in Earth’s history is to bring in these higher energies that are ushering in this New World as painless as possible.
We are coming into some major times of chaos before the major transition. We all know there is something massive coming for humanity, something brilliant, something pure. Our path has never been more clear and we are beginning to see where it all leads. Remember, everything is connected, everything! 🙌🏼
Earth changes are creating physical changes to the human body right now. Earth is mutating and so are the beings on it. There is a transmutation taken place in the human body on a cellular level. Basically, the human body is being formed using a whole new combination of elements altering its molecular structure. Our genetic code is changing.
The changes that are happening right now in our bodies is information that’s coded in our DNA and is now being activated. All the information in the blueprint of our species is found in our cellular DNA of our bodies. Everything we need to know about everything is within us.
“For all of human history, we have been striving for one goal, the spiritual reunification of mankind with Source, the Divine intelligence that lives within us.”


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:49
Domingo, 10 / 11 / 19

Chaos is necessary...

by Teri Wade.


Posted November 9th, 2019.



We are witnessing chaos, hate and confusion in the United States and all over the world right now. President Trump has implemented many changes in his first few years that has brought about fear in many people and has made a major division that’s very apparent in our country.
But, what if all is going on is a good thing? What if it’s the beginning of a whole new way of living? A rebirth of a new Era?
So many say to me how can you support a guy that doesn’t give a shit about anybody, a guy that is dividing our country like never before. I hear people from other countries dissing him and his America first approach. But, these people are still seeing it from the 3-D human perspective.
What I mean is the human race is so programmed in living in duality that they don’t realize they have a third perspective. It’s either I don’t like him or you do you like him. What about looking at what Trump is doing with a neutral perspective?
We need to look at what he’s doing with an energetic perspective, a higher perspective, a Universal perspective. What we are experiencing now is an exact blueprint of a Spiritual Awakening of a nation. The United States is the first nation to go through this as a western society and will lead this process covering the whole planet.
We need to remember chaos is good because chaos is necessary to change a system. So, in order to get to chaos you first have to build fear on our 3rd dimensional level. Fear is not necessarily a bad thing, it’s just an energetic vibration that we experience with our 3rd dimensional bodies. It only gets dangerous when our ego interprets it as something bad and dark.
Really, what fear does is it accelerates action to immediately initiate change. What the fight or flight response was meant for is to build up energy quickly for survival to get a crystal clear outlook on what to do in a life and death situation. This is why some animals play dead to save themselves, really what they’re doing is changing the situation. So the energetic vibration of fear is a great catalyst to bring about change.
So instead of looking at this change that Trump is stirring up as fearful, we need to look at it as everything is being calibrated to a higher level. Meaning, fear is necessary for this change and remember fear is the lowest frequency so it’s only up from here on.
A rigid system cannot sustain itself forever. This rigid system of oppression, control and authority was always going to break down and we are in the cusp of that break down as we speak.
Many of us are realizing that fear and chaos is a catalyst to rise to a higher vibration. So, if we react to this change with fear we’re going to go thru the same spirals again and again and we’re going to have to go through the same lessons over and over. It’s wake up time!
We are now in what some call the “Change Curve” and everyone will go through this curve. Some will flow and some will resist it just depends on their ability to embrace uncertainty. Like the saying goes...”intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.”
When people are faced with change on such a massive scale such as what’s happening in the United States they go through stages and a big one is...
Denial - How can Trump be our President, how did this happen, omg our world is gonna end.
Anger - Realizing what happened is real and it cannot be denied any longer and oh boy are we seeing anger. They’re lashing out because they are being pushed out of their comfort zone.
Bargaining - Coming to the realization that they are going to have to bargain and come to a compromise
Depression - Sometimes called the “valley of despair.” Some people pull back not wanting to talk to anyone.
Acceptance - This phase happens when there is an undeniable realization of the facts and truth and an inevitable path towards the future. Coming to the acceptance of “I can’t fight it so I might as well prepare for it.”
I don’t think we are at this point yet in America. 🥴

So really what I just explained here is the path of a Spiritual Awakening... Denial, the shock of finding out the horror, ugliness and truth about the world we live in. We experience Anger because it just pisses us off what has been done to our species and the planet as a whole. We start then Bargaining with ourselves trying to make sense of what we are learning. Some go through a Depression “The Dark Night of the Soul.” We eventually get to Acceptance excepting what has been done to us and our world and we start wanting change. This is what’s happening in the United States and what’s happening in the United States will create a ripple effect throughout all creation.
Our planet is in extreme danger like no other time in our species history. We are seeing the clash of two Ages. Pisces (control and oppression) to Aquarius (enlightenment and liberation) it’s literally a conflict between the Light and the Dark. It's all vibrational.
All of you still stuck in any belief system, social and religious dogma need to wake up. The deception the church preaches has all been designed by the Archons. They are who you indirectly pray to in your Temples of Deception. Religion is all mind control. Period!
We are souls having a brief physical human experience in a low density Matrix created by the Dark, rebelling against Prime Creator. Catholicism is rooted in the Dark occult rituals.
The cross mocks a false satanic sacrifice of Jesus (Light) The Eucharist symbolizes cannibalism. The Eucharist... is the Christian ceremony commemorating the Last Supper, in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed. Bread being the flesh and wine being the blood of man. Gehenna (referred to as Hell) was a place of child sacrifice in Jerusalem, a destination of the wicked, a place of fiery torment.
We are in the time of the Apocalypse meaning the unveiling. Again, nothing is what we’ve been told, be prepared to be either completely amazed or shocked beyond comprehension because it’s coming. Jesus referred to this time as...”If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword and the meek shall inherit the Earth.” It’s time to clean house and that’s what’s happening.
There is a Universal Ascension process taking place and it’s up to you as an individual to ascend. You evolve from within at your soul level, your physical body is just a vessel to experience this reality. No one gets a free pass because you cannot lie to yourself.
Original Sin is a mind game the religions of the world play on our psyche. Making you feel less than and in need of guidance from an outside source. It’s all a brilliantly designed strategy to control the masses. All organized religions are forms of madness...



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 05:11
Sábado, 22 / 06 / 19




Através de Gabriel RL.

21 de junho de 2019. 



Nos últimos três dias, têm havido muita movimentação no espaço em volta da Terra e em todo Sistema solar, quando forças dos não confederados tem tentado “ameaçar” de alguma forma, “atirando-se/kamicazis” contra as naves da Federação mais físicas e causar desarmonia. Inútil, Forças do Comando Ashtar, Raça Central e um dos mais recentes exércitos da Luz que chegaram ao Sistema Solar chamados de "Os Guardiões Esféricos." (Estou canalizando sobre eles, eles têm me entregado informações aos poucos, logo que finalizado, publico) estão controlando e harmonizando toda a situação.

Esse movimento começou quando uma grande nave-mãe Draco começou a se aproximar da primeira barreira de proteção magnética, próxima ao cinturão de Kuiper e estava tentando adentrar o Sistema Solar e foi impedida pelo Comando Ashtar e pelo cinturão magnético. Essa nave de Draconianos não confederados tentava entrar após um chamado desesperado da Terra daqueles que lhes servem, assim como dos Draconianos que estão dentro das barreiras de proteção. Draconianos não confederados, assim como Reptilianos e outras raças não confederados que estão “presas” dentro da barreira magnética levantada pelos Altos Comandos estão tentando escapar de alguma forma, e tentando causar alguma confusão.

Ninguém sai de dentro do Sistema Solar por enquanto. É uma barreira de proteção dos Altos Comandos até que todos os não confederados sejam levados a Conselho. Essa barreira está dividida em três camadas: A Primeira, pode-se dizer que está além do cinturão de Kuiper, envolvendo todo ele e tem uma certa espessura. A Segunda, envolve mais o Sistema Solar, numa camada mais grossa a partir de Júpiter, (que já envolve Júpiter). E a Terceira e mais forte e grossa envolve a Terra, a Lua e o Sol completamente. Em um desenho que fiz abaixo pode exemplificar um pouco melhor:
(Clique na imagem)
Toda essa agitação tem causado movimentos dentro do Sistema Solar e grande agitação energética porque os confederados na Terra, vocês que leem essa nota estão sendo chamados pelos Altos Comandos a levaram as suas vibrações às alturas e, ao mesmo tempo, incorporando mais suas personalidades galácticas na superfície. Parte desse movimento agressivo dos não confederados é que muitos na Terra estão começando a perceber, recebendo direta ou indiretamente informações sobre quem são em nível galáctico, e ao receberem essas informações estão ancorando muita Luz e causando transtornos na Matrix. Quando um confederado encarnado não sabe quem é, de onde veio ou para onde vai, de repente, começa a ser instruído por intuição, sonho, meditação ou recebe a informação de outro confederado já consciente, isso causa descargas de Luz muito poderosas dentro da Matrix, causando graves rompimentos e isso tem deixado as forças negativas desesperadas, pois a Matrix tem se rompido rapidamente e as fontes energéticas dos não confederados se esgotando.

Em resumo, incorporar sua identidade galáctica na fisicalidade é um grande problema para as forças negativas e eles têm enviado sinais para além da primeira barreira, tentando receber ajuda de alguma forma. Ainda que esses sinais não sejam interrompidos diretamente pelos Altos Comandos, pois tudo tem um motivo, é inútil tentar e acreditar que a ajuda vai chegar e ultrapassar as barreiras. Isso não vai acontecer. As forças negativas para dentro das barreiras precisam se contentar com elas mesmas. Nenhum reforço externo vai chegar para resgatá-los ou apoiá-los de alguma forma. Assim, as Forças do Comando Ashtar também têm enviado Frotas Draconianas e Reptilianas confederadas, que atuam dentro do Comando para tentar “negociar” com os não confederados. Apesar de pertencerem diretamente à mesma raça, os Draco e Répteis não têm recebido de braços abertos os seus irmãos de mesma raça. De qualquer forma, está tudo sob controle.

Enquanto isso, identidades galácticas são reconhecidas e reverberadas na superfície e garantindo que os Altos Comandos continuem harmonizando no espaço, até o Momento Especial de Flash Central. Enquanto todo esse movimento ocorre, muitos poderão ter sonhos no espaço e flashs mesmo durante o dia do que está acontecendo lá em cima. Com todo nosso respeito às forças negativas, nada mais vai parar o despertar da humanidade da Terra para suas origens e potenciais.

Por hora é isso que o Comando Ashtar pede para que eu transmita.

Pela Verdade, nada mais que a Verdade,

Em Amor e Bênçãos,
Gabriel RL


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Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade do respetivos autores ou editores.

Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.

Individualmete pode-se ser ajudado a encontrar a própria Verdade que é diferente a cada um de nós.


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publicado por achama às 16:07
Segunda-feira, 10 / 06 / 19

The Event Briefing: 3D Matrix Phase-out ~ Michael Love

The Event Briefing: 3D Matrix Phase-out



via Paul Butler @ Prime Disclosure

June 8, 2019 




Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 01:59
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

mais sobre mim

Agosto 2020


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