A Chama da Ascensão


Terça-feira, 25 / 06 / 19

Synchronicity: 7 Ways to Interpret and Manifest It ~ Mateo Sol.



7 Ways to Interpret and Manifest It.

By Mateo Sol.

Guest writer for https://lonerwolf.com/

June 26, 2019


“Synchronicity reveals the meaningful connection between the subjective and objective world.” – Carl Jung

You keep seeing the same repeated numbers, colors, words, or images all the time. What’s happening?

Are you going crazy?

Thankfully, the answer is no. You’re not going crazy. You’re actually experiencing a phenomenon called synchronicity.

What is Synchronicity?

Synchronicity is a term originally coined by psychologist Carl Jung that refers to the meaningful (or even miraculous) coincidences that occur in your life. When you experience synchronicity you’ll have experiences that seem far too significant to be mere day-to-day serendipitous encounters.
Synchronicity can manifest in an endless number of forms; popular types including names, numbers, words, symbols, and events.

What is the Purpose of Synchronicity?

A growing number of people believe that synchronicity is like a powerful ‘wink’ from the Universe telling us that yes, we’re on the right track. Synchronicity is also believed to be a form of guidance from the Higher Self; a way of showing you where to go and what to do next in your life.

Common Forms of Synchronicity

Synchronicity is different for everyone – it’s as unique as people’s needs and desires.
But there does seem to be a few common ‘categories’ of synchronicity out there. I’ll touch on them below:
  • Seeing repeated numbers (such as 11 11)
  • Thinking about something, then having it happen
  • Being in the right place at the right time
  • Dreaming about people/animals/places, then seeing them repeatedly in real life
  • Seeing repeated symbols (such as the infinity sign, the triangle, the tree of life, etc.)
Can you think of any other common forms of synchronicity? Please share them below if you can.

Difference Between Serendipity and Synchronicity

Serendipity is when something good accidentally happens. For instance, we may need cash to pay for unexpected vet bills and find some in our jacket pocket that we’ve just put on. Synchronicity, on the other hand, is not just a single experience of good fortune. Synchronicity is a string of events that seem to be highly symbolic and meaningful in nature. If serendipity is like the bread crumb, synchronicity is the trail that leads us toward a new destination. Many people see synchronicity as a lesson, affirmation, or message from Life. One example of synchronicity is hearing the same name over and over again (in books, on TV, on number plates, in dreams) and later discovering that the name is suburb where you finally find your dream home.

Synchronicity Examples

Here are some examples of synchronicity:
  • Overhearing a couple of strangers talk about something that is of great significance to your own life
  • Watching episodes of your favorite TV shows that all somehow have the same underlying storyline/focus
  • Getting the exact message you need the most at the exact right time (e.g. if you’re going through a divorce, depression, betrayal, major life change, etc.)
  • Meeting the exact right person at the exact right time (e.g. a partner, friend, teacher, etc.)
  • Seeing the same symbols or images repeated everywhere (e.g. in magazines, on commercials, on buildings, on tattoos)
  • Glancing at the clock the exact same time of the day for many days on end (and seeing 11:11, 14:14, 23:23, 2:22, etc.)
  • Reoccuring signs that seem to lead you somewhere special (e.g. your ideal job, home, relationship)
  • Hearing the same song repeated many times in unusual circumstances
  • Strange alignments of birth dates between friends, partners, etc.
How many of these experiences can you relate to?

Theories About Synchronicity (From Skeptics to Believers)

What exactly is synchronicity? Let’s examine some popular world views:
  1. Hindus believe synchronicity is a manifestation of Brahman or the fundamental connection of all living things within the universe
  2. Behavioral Economists would classify synchronicity as a form of confirmation bias. For example, if you’re told to look for yellow cars, you’ll start seeing a lot more of them than you initially thought existed
  3. Quantum physicists attribute synchronicity to the “non-local” mind (or universal consciousness)
  4. Skeptics call synchronicity Apophenia or the practice of seeing connections and patterns in random and/or meaningless data
  5. Everyday spiritual folks believe synchronicity is a sign from their Higher Self or Soul
  6. Psychologists (particularly those who follow Jungian theories) believe synchronicity comes from the unconscious mind and collective unconscious
Whatever causes it, synchronicity is far too common and too intriguing an experience to overlook or quickly dismiss and forget about. As the author of You Are Not So Smart, David McRaney concludes:
Just remember that meaning comes only from within.
The only person who can understand why a synchronous experience occurs and what it means is you.

What Creates Synchronicity?

Common explanations for the origins of synchronicity include the following:
  • The unconscious mind. We get warning messages in our dreams, so why can’t we get them in waking life as well? Our unconscious mind influences a lot of our behavior, and at the same time, can also communicate with us. Signs and omens (or instances of synchronicity) are the unconscious mind’s way of guiding us.
  • Harmony of energy. As everything consists of tiny vibrating atoms (aka. energy), synchronicity could also be a manifestation of global/environmental harmony, where the frequencies and vibrations of the moment sync together in perfect equilibrium (or Oneness) producing such uncanny experiences.
  • Law of attraction. This theory states that good and bad events in life are caused by your thoughts and feelings. Thus “like attracts like,” which possibly explains why synchronicity occurs.
  • Psychic abilities. Synchronicity is also thought to be a manifestation of psychic abilities where, for example, we intuit that a certain person will call us or significant event will befall us, and it does.

Personal Experience

Here is an illustration from my own life of synchronicity:
For some reason, the number 9 has been extremely significant in my life. When I need confirmation of anything, paying attention to number 9 is one of the most obvious places to look for me. I was born on the 19th, my partner was born on the 9th, my mother was born on the 29th, my uncle was born on the 29th, my brother is born in the 9th month of the year, and both myself and my partner share number 9 as our favorite number. What are the chances?!

How to Welcome More Synchronicity into Your Life

When you remain connected to the Divine, She will speak to you — in patterns and connections, signs and synchronicities, and all sorts of gifts. When magic rises to the surface of your awareness, and your life, you know you’re blessed. It makes life a wild adventure. It’s also a source of incredible strength, coming to you when you most need it … – Phyllis Curott
Have you ever thought that perhaps the synchronicity in your life right now is a message in disguise?
Whether you’re a skeptic or not, I encourage you to take action and see where you’re led.
Welcoming synchronicity into your life is simple. Here are some basic practices and mindset shifts to adopt:
  1. Be mindful and aware. Practice alertness and pay attention to the present moment.
  2. Be open and receptive. Maintain an open-minded outlook towards synchronicity. This will enhance your receptibility towards such experience.
  3. Be humble. Sometimes what you desire or think is best for yourself is not. Learn to have a very loose hold on your desires. In this way, you won’t be imposing yourself on Life, but you will allow Life to impose itself on you (in the form of synchronicity).
  4. Be trusting. Trust that synchronicity will appear in your life and when it does, trust your intuition and follow the paths presented ahead of you. When you learn to trust yourself, you also learn to trust Life.
  5. Follow your instincts. Listen to what your gut instinct is telling you – your unconscious mind is vast, limitless, and extremely wise. Doors are being opened for us all the time, and when we listen to our instincts, we can actively see them.
Other spiritual tools/practices you might like to use to increase the synchronicity in your life include:
  • 6. Prayer – mentally or verbally express your desire to receive synchronicity (you don’t have to be religious to pray – you can pray to whatever you believe in).
  • 7. Sigils – sigils are intention-infused symbols that are used to communicate to your unconscious mind – they can be used to increase the synchronicity in your life.

How to Interpret Synchronicity

So you’ve had an increase in synchronicity lately. You might be wondering what it means and how you can correctly interpret it.
By learning how to correctly interpret the signs and omens that appear in your life, you’ll be able to know when you’re on the right path, when you’re making the wisest choices, and when you’re living aligned with your deepest needs and values. 
Sometimes synchronicity heralds new doors (or opportunities) that may open in your life. Other times, synchronicity is simply trying to teach you a lesson, for instance, to stop pursuing the relationship/job that you’ve set your heart on because it won’t work out.
Here are some of the most accurate ways to interpret synchronicity:
  1. Meditate and go inwards. Ask yourself, “what does this synchronicity mean?” Wait for images, feeling or words to enter your mind. If you still feel doubtful, repeat the same practice three times and see what answer you get.
  2. Tune into your body. Your body is a repository of wisdom and will tell you the truth no matter what your mind tries to make you believe. When you think you know what the synchronicity means, tune into your body. Do you get any goosebumps, shivers, or feelings of expansion as though an inner lightbulb has gone off? If this is the case, you’ve likely found the right explanation. If, on the other hand, your body doesn’t experience any notable changes, you probably haven’t found the right answer.
  3. Use a pendulum. Pendulum dowsing is a powerful way of getting a direct answer from your unconscious mind. Simply get a pendulum (or a make-shift one) and ask it a question that demands a “yes/no” answer. For example, you may like to ask, “does this synchronicity mean that this relationship is right for me?” Read more about pendulum dowsing.
  4. Find patterns. One easy way to interpret the synchronicity in your life is to find patterns in your behavior. What issues or questions have been emerging a lot in your life at the moment? What has been the biggest source of anxiety/frustration you’ve been dealing with? Synchronicity often arises when we need answers and solutions. Find the patterns and relate them back to your synchronicity.
  5. Explore the symbolism. Often, synchronicity is symbolic in nature (e.g. the black dog you keep seeing in your dreams and waking life that symbolizes negativity/bad choices, the repetitive number “1” which symbolizes “being number one”). Is there any symbolic aspect present in your synchronicity? If so, what does it mean to you? Yes, you can consult a symbol dictionary or look up the meanings online. But remember, the most important meaning is the one you create and believe in.
  6. Use oracle and tarot cards. Renown psychologist Carl Jung once commented on the Chinese divination method of I Ching: “For more than thirty years I have interested myself in this oracle technique, or method of exploring the unconscious, for it has seemed to me of uncommon significance.” Thanks to the I Ching, Jung developed his theory which he coined ‘synchronicity.’ I’m sure if Jung was alive today he would believe the same about oracle and tarot cards – which, in my opinion – are much more accessible. One of the easiest ways of interpreting synchronicity is to consult an oracle or tarot deck. You can read intuitively (which is largely what I do) and pay attention to what feelings emerge within you. You can pick up affordable decks online such as the Vintage Wisdom Oracle. Before pulling cards it’s always best to ground and center yourself, preferably through a meditation. Then, shuffle the cards and stop when you intuitively feel the need to pause. Pull the card from the top of the deck and turn it over. Pay attention to the feelings you get from the image – is it positive and welcoming or unfriendly and negative? Depending on what type of card you receive you’ll have your answer. You can also use tarot and oracle cards for far more than simple “yes/no” answers – they can help to reveal the very core meaning of the synchronicity you’re experiencing.
  7. Listen to your dreams. Your dreams reveal a lot about the synchronicity occurring in your life – they are the language of the unconscious mind. You can either try to passively analyze your dreams or actively trying to “incubate” (or create) dreams that help to answer your question. To practice dream incubation, think about the synchronicity that has been happening in your life lately about half an hour before bed. Write down your question or draw a picture that symbolizes your synchronicity and put it under your pillow. This will help to prime your unconscious and prepare it to give you answers during your dreams. Upon first waking in the morning, record your dreams in a journal. Do this for one week and see what patterns emerge.
Try one of the above techniques that you’re drawn to – if you try too many you may get overwhelmed. So it’s best to keep it simple.
Synchronicities are the mysterious and beautiful occurrences that spontaneously happen in life. They can help to guide you and open your eyes to new potentials you didn’t know existed.
What are some powerful forms of synchronicity that you’ve had? I’d love to hear your stories. (It makes for an exciting read!) Please share below.
Recommended articles by Mateo Sol:

About the author:
Mateo Sol is a prominent psychospiritual teacher whose work has influenced the lives of thousands of people worldwide. Born into a family with a history of drug addiction, schizophrenia, and mental illness, Mateo Sol was taught about the plight of the human condition from a young age. As a spiritual guide and teacher, Sol’s mission is to help others experience freedom, wholeness, and peace in any stage of life. See more of his work at lonerwolf.com.
This article, Sigil Magic: How to Create Symbols That Manifest Your Destiny,  was originally published on lonerwolf.com, and reproduced here with permission.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 21:23
Segunda-feira, 29 / 04 / 19

Ayni, or Sacred Reciprocity: 5 Ways to Manifest True Abundance in Your Life ~ Mateo Sol.

Ayni, or Sacred Reciprocity: 

5 Ways to Manifest True Abundance in Your Life.

By Mateo Sol.

Posted April 27, 2019 by Edward Morgan. 




Ayni is responsibility and respect. Ayni is love and compassion. Ayni is everything. And it is us. Reciprocity. – J. Wilcox
Throughout the ages, shamanic tribes and traditions have all agreed on one thing which science confirms: life is one big pulsating field of energy.
You and I are both part of this vibrating web of energy, as well as every single thing you perceive. Rocks, trees, animals, rivers, computers, cars, buildings, fire, clouds, even the human mind, and emotions — it’s all energy.
As a result of everything being energy and therefore connected at a core level, whatever we do has consequences. Whatever thoughts, feelings and actions we carry out impacts the world around us in ways we can’t even fathom.
Often, this simple principle that every action has a reaction causes a wave of events to crash down on our lives, leaving us feeling panicked, resentful and emotionally stingy towards others (and ourselves). We wonder why our lives seem so damaged and flawed when deep down we aren’t aware that our thoughts have created our reality.
If you’re feeling jealous, suspicious, guarded and as if your life is being lived in mental, emotional, financial and spiritual poverty, read on.

Why it’s Vital to Understand the Principle of Ayni

We human beings are used to pillaging the earth, taking what we want, and focusing solely on our own needs. This selfishness is a natural part of our conscious collective evolution as a species.
How often do you take the time to stop, examine all that you have been blessed with, and offer your thanks to Life, God or Spirit? In our materialistic society, most people equate gratitude with fluffy and impractical New Age concepts. But gratitude is an immensely powerful force as it is an expression of sacred reciprocity.
Having Incan heritage, I learned about Ayni early on in life. It was my grandmother who taught me that Ayni, which is loosely translated to “sacred reciprocity” or “proper relationship” is the central principle of life. As opposed to Western thought that believes creation is solely predatory, in Andean thought, creation is inherently benevolent and will live in harmony with us if we live in harmony with it.
In other words, when we don’t cultivate the right relationship with the earth, we reap the natural consequences. We can clearly see the principle of Ayni reflected in our current world: as a result of disrespecting the earth through annihilation of species, pollution, and degradation, the earth has begun to desert us. Pachamama has delivered us drought, floods, pestilence and climate change in exchange for our greed and narcissism.
Ayni, or sacred reciprocity, is the fundamental law of life because, without it, we live in extreme disharmony that results in suffering. In fact, the principle of Ayni is so vital that it is the only genuine moral rule in the Q’ero (Incan) tradition which is otherwise flexible and fluid.
Ayni is gratitude, respect, honor and reciprocal living. Put simply, Ayni is about recognizing that all of life exists in a sacred balance of give and take. When we practice Ayni we send a message to Existence and partake in the gifts that Life, in exchange, gives back to us. In other words, when observing Ayni we give back to the earth whenever we receive, and by giving to the earth, we know that we’ll be privileged to get something back in return.

How to Manifest Abundance Using Ayni

Pachamama, the earth, is the first mother, the true mother, the spirit mother. From her we have all been given form and substance, and it is largely her will that determines the quantity and quality of our worldly sustenance. It is to her, and to the spirits of the rain and the hail and the other elements that exist within her domain, that Andeans owe the very conditions of their lives. Therefore every action they undertake is necessarily an act of ayni, or reciprocity, with Pachamama. Before any food is eaten or liquid is drunk, a portion is offered to the Earth Mother. Before a spade is thrust into a field, or before a river is crossed, or before a thousand other mundane actions are undertaken, an offering is made to the Mother. – J. Wilcox
Everything in life is Ayni, sacred reciprocity. Everything from our relationships to the chemical reactions within matter reflect Ayni. Even our bodies express Ayni: our breath is supported by our lungs, our lungs are supported by blood and neurochemical reactions, and our neurochemical reactions are supported by our hearts, which are supported by the food we eat.
When it comes to manifesting abundance in our lives — whether that be financial, physical, emotional, mental or spiritual — we have to keep in mind that every action has a consequence, no matter how small. Ayni helps us to realize that we are not made to exist in an abusive relationship with the earth. In other words, we don’t own the earth (as the Abrahamic religions and Descartes would have us believe). Instead, we are a part of the earth and therefore must treat it with respect.
By treating the earth with respect, we learn how to treat ourselves with respect. By expressing gratitude for what we’ve been given, we receive even more to be thankful for.
Here are five simple ways to manifest abundance in your life using the principle of Ayni:

1. Offer sincere gratitude for what has been given to you

You might think that you’ve “earned” what you have. But you haven’t. Did you control the circumstances that led you to the opportunities that helped you to prosper? No. Did you control the people, environment or social climate that led to your success? No. What you have has been given to you through the grace of Life. The human ego loves to believe that it is solely responsible for its success, but this is what leads to selfish and destructive living.
The first step in manifesting abundance is to sincerely offer your gratitude to Life for what you’ve been given. Examine all that you have right now (even if you don’t have that much): look at the food, house, family, clothing, job, entertainment and/or security that you have. Consider what life would be like without these things.
You can offer your gratitude through a simple prayer that is heartfelt. For example, “Dear Life/God/Spirit, thank you deeply for what you have given me. All that I have is from You, and all that I have will return back to You. Thank you for gracing my life with Your loving kindness.”

2. Make respecting the earth your priority

So much of what we buy impacts the earth in a severe way. By choosing non-toxic, biodegradable, sustainable and ethically sourced options, you are performing Ayni, or sacred reciprocity. You might not think of it this way, but what you choose to spend money on contributes to the harmony or disharmony of the planet.

3. Do an earth-honoring ceremony to honor Ayni

Once a week, or whenever you feel the need, offer something back to the earth through a ceremony.
Earth-honoring ceremonies can be as simple or complex as you like. For example, you could sprinkle food scraps at the base of a tree, create an elaborate despacho (read more about despachos), or even practice mindful gardening. When you honor the earth, thank the trees, wind, sky, rain, sun and elemental forces for blessing your life.

4. Nurture and protect life

Everything on earth has just as much a right to be here as you. When you nurture Nature, Life nurtures you in exchange. This is the principle of Ayni. For example, instead of killing the spider or fly within your house, why not catch them and release them outside? Instead of exterminating all pests in your garden, why not choose organic alternatives to restore the natural equilibrium? After all, nature knows best how to care for herself.
You might also like to practice small acts of kindness to wildlife or flora. For instance, if you see a snail on the path, why not move it out of the way so it doesn’t get crushed? If you have the opportunity to save or support a local wetland, why not protect it?

5. Consecrate the ground beneath your feet

Wherever you are, bless the ground beneath your feet. Thank the earth for supporting your house, for the food it provides you, and for everything you have that traces its roots back to the earth. Bless the earth and ask that it thrives with health, abundance, balance and peace. Consecrating the earth beneath you can even become a mantra that assists you in meditation. For example, a beautiful Ayni mantra could be “Earth, may I honor you, Earth, may you honor me.”
So many articles and books out there are written about attracting and “manifesting” abundance. But a large percentage of them are written with the perception that Life is at our bidding and will “serve” us if we know how to “make” it.
Ayni is a principle of equality, respect and the mutual flow of giving and receiving. Ayni acknowledges that we aren’t slave-drivers of the planet, but we’re instead interconnected members of it.
Quite simply, if you want to receive more, GIVE more. Give your gratitude, give your love, give your support, give your attention. Paradoxically, the only way to receive more is to give more. And by giving, you naturally receive.
I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 03:21
Terça-feira, 12 / 02 / 19

Why Our Political Instability Will Continue, and Crisis is OK ~ Mateo Sol.

Why Our Political Instability Will Continue, and Crisis is OK.

By Mateo Sol.

Guest writer for Wake Up World

Febuary 12, 2019




Recent events seem to show our world being turned upside down. With political, ecological, economical and religious stress everywhere, we’ve been experiencing one crisis after another, with no end in sight.
Can anything good come out of this?
Although there is currently a wave of change occurring at a global scale, the natural state of human beings is one of crisis.
We are the only living beings (that we know of) that are aware of our own existence, of the changes we go through internally and externally, and how we expect the world should be. We are constantly in the process of going from the known toward the unknown, the familiar towards the unexpected. It’s no surprise that we are constantly in crisis, the crisis of being alive. We feel this crisis in our perpetual states of existentialanxiety,tension, and anguish.

Why is Crisis Necessary?

Our basic spiritual desire to answer the questions “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” are born from the crisis of being alive and not knowing what on earth to do with ourselves.
At a fundamental level, we’re wired to dislike change because it is something we (the ego) can’t control. But our resistance to growth keeps us stranded in a state of stagnation. As a result of this inner stagnation, many of us try to fill this void with all kinds of distractions: work, material consumption, travel, food, socializing, movies, video games, and much more.
The truth is that this abyss within us is always here. But many of us refuse to face this void until we’re forced to, usually through a crisis of sorts.
Every great change in history has occurred in a period of crisis. From Martin Luther King’s revolution and Gandhi’s movement to the French Revolution, the most effective changes have come from the most intense periods of dissatisfaction.
And we’re in such a period right now.
With political and social instability on the rise, we’re starting to see the wide-reaching impacts of chaos and the way it breaks apart our old patterns and paradigms.
Have you ever noticed that when everything is static, we as a collective feel socially indifferent to any particular view? As a result, not much change is possible. But when chaos arises, change is not only inevitable, it is destined.
This is why crisis is actually a necessary force. Without it, we would be stuck rotting away in our ingrained habits, beliefs, and structures.
Rethinking our system and structures is expensive, and there are a whole bunch of people who are invested in preserving the status quo. This system is protected by wealthy elites armed with the power of law, privately owned media, large multinational companies, propaganda, the police force, and the army.
The only way that we, as the other “99%” can make a real, soulful change, is through the force of crisis. Crisis is the only thing that can motivate us enough to change the way we think, feel, and behave.
We have come to a point where a new vision is needed. It has never been needed as much as it is now. Not only is our Earth in an ecological crisis due to our abuse of it, we’re also experiencing a severe political crisis with untold future repercussions.
For these old foundations to dissolve, we must lay new foundations. But for the new to be born, there must be some birth pains. That’s what the crisis we currently face really is.

Why Our Political Leaders Are Immature

The history of politics in Western civilization is full of stories featuring power grabbing or, at best, well-intentioned but psycho-spiritually immature leaders.
Genuinely wise, balanced, whole, and mature politicians are rare. Too many leadership choices are motivated by greed and fear and enabled by immaturity, paranoia, and lack of moral development.
Perhaps our political system is a reflection of our society and education systems that teach us to contribute to the “common good” through self-interest. In our society there is little consideration or exploration of what the “good of the whole” might mean or exploring the primordial questions: “How should I live?” and “How should we all live together?”
Yet when we trace back to the origins of politics we realize how divorced it is from its original Socratic intention as the search for the ideal “good life.”
The good life for Socrates had two primary aspects: what he called “the improvement of one’s soul,” and on the other hand, there is the improvement of one’s society. This sort of Socratic knowledge was what he called wisdom.
This pursuit of wisdom cannot be simply legislated or bureaucratically enforced. The government is only an institution, human-made, and cannot provide the wise society that we seek.
Instead at the center of such a cultural and consciousness revolution must be a spiritual, intellectual and moral rebirth of ourselves as individuals; what Socrates disciple Plato referred to as “Periagoge,” or “a turning around of the soul” toward truth, beauty and good.

Why We Desperately Need Mature Action Right Now

The Platonic ideal of finding wise mature leaders and state heads that are lovers of truth and righteousness rather than wealth and power can be exemplified in cultural leaders such as Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandela.
These men were great not so much because they were “special” and unlike us, but precisely the opposite: they exemplified, in concentrated form, what is most human about us. They were aware that the highest form of personal self-actualization comes through serving the growth of the community.
These matured and whole individuals acted almost like crystals of light that were dropped into a toxically charged political system, causing everything to crystallize into a more ordered and harmonious state.
The politicians we have today are spiritually stunted and immature, yet despite this, they continue to get elected. In the end, our leaders are a reflection of us as a society, and as a planet at large. Therefore, our social and ecological health are entirely dependent on our capacity as voters to do some intense soulwork, and go through a genuine process of human maturation.
Only once we have more matured Souls on this planet will we realize that “self-interest” actually includes the concern for other people because we are all interconnected.
The current state of our world brings great despair and anguish to all of us, this is especially true for the old souls with mature hearts among us who feel the rape of society and torture of the earth more intensely.
Mature action involves preserving and protecting all that is left while simultaneously exploring our inner selves and reconnecting to our Souls.
Whether it be political or charitable action, mature action must come from an inner place of humbleness, rather than from a place of “needing to do good” which can easily be tainted with all kinds of needs, such as self-gratification, power, and control – as is the case with so many politicians today.
Recommended articles by Mateo Sol:
About the author:
Mateo Sol is a prominent psychospiritual teacher whose work has influenced the lives of thousands of people worldwide. Born into a family with a history of drug addiction, schizophrenia, and mental illness, Mateo Sol was taught about the plight of the human condition from a young age. As a spiritual guide and teacher, Sol’s mission is to help others experience freedom, wholeness, and peace in any stage of life. See more of his work at lonerwolf.com.
This article Why Our Political Instability Will Continue, and Crisis is OK was originally published on lonerwolf.com, reproduced with permission.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 09:44
Sábado, 26 / 01 / 19

8 Different Types of Love According to the Ancient Greeks ~ Mateo Sol

8 Different Types of Love According to the Ancient Greeks.

By Mateo Sol.

Posted January 26, 2019 by Edward Morgan. 




There are many paths in life. But the longest of them all is the path to the heart. If you resist this path, you will take lifetimes to find it again. If you surrender and embrace it, you’ll be home.
We’ve all been blinded by the blanket of emotions that comes from falling down the precipice of union into love. While we only have one word for it, the ancient Greeks in their pursuit of wisdom and self-understanding, found eight different varieties of love that we all experience at some point.
When we understand the different types of love out there, we can become conscious of how deep our connection is with ourselves and the other people in our lives.

8 Different Types of Love

What different types of love are you currently experiencing and how are they impacting your life?

1. “Eros” or Erotic Love

The first kind of love is Eros, which is named after the Greek god of love and fertility. Eros represents the idea of sexual passion and desire.
The ancient Greeks considered Eros to be dangerous and frightening as it involves a “loss of control” through the primal impulse to procreate. Eros is a passionate and intense form of love that arouses romantic and sexual feelings.
Eros is an exulted and beautifully idealistic love that in the hearts of the spiritually mature can be used to “recall knowledge of beauty” (as Socrates put it) through Tantra and spiritual sex. But when misguided, eros can be misused, abused and indulged in, leading to impulsive acts and broken hearts.
Eros is a primal and powerful fire that burns out quickly. It needs its flame to be fanned through one of the deeper forms of love below as it is centered around the selfish aspects of love, that is, personal infatuation and physical pleasure.
Love Catalyst: The physical body

2. “Philia” or Affectionate Love

The second type of love is philia, or friendship. The ancient Greeks valued philia far above eros because it was considered a love between equals.
Plato felt that physical attraction was not a necessary part of love, hence the use of the word platonic to mean, “without physical attraction.” Philia is a type of love that is felt among friends who’ve endured hard times together.
As Aristotle put it, philia is a “dispassionate virtuous love” that is free from the intensity of sexual attraction. It often involves the feelings of loyalty among friends, camaraderie among teammates, and the sense of sacrifice for your pack.
Examples in Films: Girl with a Pearl Earring, The Girl Next Door
Love Catalyst: The mind

3. “Storge” or Familiar Love

Although storge closely resembles philia in that it is a love without physical attraction, storge is primarily to do with kinship and familiarity. Storge is a natural form of affection that often flows between parents and their children, and children for their parents.
Storge love can even be found among childhood friends that is later shared as adults. But although storge is a powerful form of love, it can also become an obstacle on our spiritual paths, especially when our family or friends don’t align with or support our journey.
Love Catalyst: Causal (Memories)

4. “Ludus” or Playful Love

Although ludus has a bit of the erotic eros in it, it is much more than that. The Greeks thought of ludus as a playful form of love, for example, the affection between young lovers.
Ludus is that feeling we have when we go through the early stages of falling in love with someone, e.g. the fluttering heart, flirting, teasing, and feelings of euphoria.
Playfulness in love is an essential ingredient that is often lost in long-term relationships. Yet playfulness is one of the secrets to keeping the childlike innocence of your love alive, interesting and exciting.
Love Catalyst: Astral (Emotion)

5. “Mania” or Obsessive Love

Mania love is a type of love that leads a partner into a type of madness and obsessiveness. It occurs when there is an imbalance between eros and ludus.
To those who experience mania, love itself is a means of rescuing themselves; a reinforcement of their own value as the sufferer of poor self-esteem. This person wants to love and be loved to find a sense of self-value. Because of this, they can become possessive and jealous lovers, feeling as though they desperately “need” their partners.
If the other partner fails to reciprocate with the same kind of mania love, many issues prevail. This is why mania can often lead to issues such as codependency.
Love Catalyst: Survival instinct

6. “Pragma” or Enduring Love

Pragma is a love that has aged, matured and developed over time. It is beyond the physical, it has transcended the casual, and it is a unique harmony that has formed over time.
You can find pragma in married couples who’ve been together for a long time, or in friendships that have endured for decades. Unfortunately pragma is a type of love that is not easily found. We spend so much time and energy trying to find love and so little time in learning how to maintain it.
Unlike the other types of love, pragma is the result of effort on both sides. It’s the love between people who’ve learned to make compromises, have demonstrated patience and tolerance to make the relationship work.
Love Catalyst: Etheric (Unconscious)

7. “Philautia” or Self Love

The Greeks understood that in order to care for others, we must first learn to care for ourselves. This form of self-love is not the unhealthy vanity and self-obsession that is focused on personal fame, gain and fortune as is the case with Narcissism.
Instead, philautia is self-love in its healthiest form. It shares the Buddhist philosophy of “self-compassion” which is the deep understanding that only once you have the strength to love yourself and feel comfortable in your own skin, will you be able to provide love to others. As Aristotle put it, “All friendly feelings for others are an extension of a man’s feelings for himself.
You cannot share what you do not have. If you do not love yourself, you cannot love anyone else either. The only way to truly be happy is to find that unconditional love for yourself. Only once you learn to love and understand yourself, will you be ready to search for the spiritual freedom of the Self.
Love Catalyst: Soul

8. “Agape” or Selfless Love

The highest and most radical type of love according to the Greeks is agape, or selfless unconditional love.
This type of love is not the sentimental outpouring that often passes as love in our society. It has nothing to do with the condition-based type of love that our sex-obsessed culture tries to pass as love.
Agape is what some call spiritual love. It is an unconditional love, bigger than ourselves, a boundless compassion, an infinite empathy. It is what the Buddhists describe as “mett?” or “universal loving kindness.” It is the purest form of love that is free from desires and expectations, and loves regardless of the flaws and shortcomings of others.
Agape is the love that is felt for that which we intuitively know as the divine truth: the love that accepts, forgives and believes for our greater good.
Love Catalyst: Spirit

Final Thoughts

Thanks to the ancient Greeks, we can learn from all the different types of love in our lives. Because of these distinctions, we can learn that in order to truly enjoy eros we must also search for greater depths through philia and cultivate ludus, avoiding mania as our relationships mature. It’s through these efforts that we’ll find pragma in our soulmate or twin flame relationships.
Finally, through the power philautia and agape we can come to understand how amazing our human hearts really are. Our hearts are the only things in the universe that grow larger the more they give to others.


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publicado por achama às 00:41
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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