A Chama da Ascensão


Quinta-feira, 14 / 02 / 19

Signs and Causes of Compulsive Lying and How to Stop This Habit ~ Mariya M.

Signs and Causes of Compulsive Lying and How to Stop This Habit.

By Mariya M.

February 13th, 2019. 




At times, we can all tell a small white lie, but compulsive lying is a completely different animal.

People who have the habit of compulsive lying tell lies about the most random things. If you ask them what they did over the weekend, they might say, “I went fishing with some friends“. In fact, they sat at home and watched television. These people just cannot control their lies.
A person who has a habit of compulsive lying will give wrong answers to any question. The worst thing is that they do it for no good reason. They have no ulterior motives; people like this also have no special purpose to be realized by their falseness.
It’s very difficult to listen to a person who speaks to you and find out if he or she is a compulsive liar or not. This is simply because the lies which the compulsive liars tell are credible and absolutely probable.
Is it possible to identify a compulsive or a pathological liar? According to a study conducted by B.H. King and C.V. Ford of the Department of Psychiatry, the Hospital of UCLA, compulsive lying has a few indicators.

3 Signs of Compulsive Lying


1. The Stories Do Not Match

The most obvious sign of a compulsive liar is that their stories never match. They are always confused about their made up facts. A person who is prone to compulsive lying will often add detail to their lies, so the new lie is different from the one they started.
An intentional liar has a hidden aim and will, therefore, they will pay particular attention to remembering the very lies they have actually told earlier. A compulsive liar, however, is going to tell self-defeating lies.

2. No Limits

Compulsive liars are incessant. They will lie at every opportunity, even if it is absolutely unnecessary. Most of the times, their lies are harmless. But is it hard to believe a compulsive liar if they can tell the truth?
The main reason for this tendency to lie about all sorts of things is the fact that compulsive liars often do not realize they are lying. Sometimes they just cannot stop, even though they know they are lying.

3. Guilty As Accused

Compulsive liars often admit that they lie when they are confronted with enough facts. This is different from a deliberate liar who can still try to actually defend themselves. It truly proves that this kind of liar is quite fearless, with no regard for the consequences of their actions.
This often leads to the person confronting a stunned obsessive comptroller, since the confrontation also shows the absence of an ulterior motive. You cannot understand why the compulsive liar lied at all! The sad part is that even the compulsive liar has no answer to this question.

What Are the Causes of Compulsive Lying?

Certain central nervous system problems, such as epilepsy, infection and other issues, have been associated with the causes of this disorder. There is no precise pattern regarding gender – men and women are equally affected.
In fact, compulsive lying is a very miserable state because as soon as the liar has been truly exposed, almost everyone who knows you excludes you. However, if you ever see a compulsive liar in someone you know and care for, don’t be angry. Try and help them out of this instead.

How Can You Stop This Habit?

To admit that you have a problem is the first courageous step towards overcoming your compulsive lying problem. Asking for help is the second.
Psychotherapy, counseling or hypnosis therapy could help you to identify and address the causes of your lying addiction, and to stop lying in a short time.
As you begin to overcome the causes and habits of compulsive lies, you may notice an improvement in your relationships and a significant increase in your self-confidence. The truth is that people who have the habit of compulsive lying have very low self-esteem.
Equally important is good psychotherapy. Besides finding the ways for you to stop lying, a psychotherapist will also help you discover the cause of your compulsive lying issue so you can lead a more fulfilling and authentic life.
On your first visit, you can discuss your compulsive lying problem confidentially, ask questions, and decide if your psychotherapist is right for you. This first session will give the psychotherapist a good idea of the problems and help them understand what you want to achieve.
After the first session, they will tailor a treatment plan to your individual needs. It’s possible that the psychotherapist can control your patterns through hypnotherapy by altering your very habitual thoughts and reactions. In general, however, long-term treatment is not only recommended but also required.
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is an extremely intense, perceptive treatment that requires honest commitment from you to address the issues, but it is very effective in solving the causes of compulsive lying.


People who repeatedly lie are not very easy to deal with, but they should not be labeled as evil or manipulative. Their lies can become compulsive for lots of reasons, often which are deeply rooted in problematic childhoods.
Compulsive lying issues can affect the lives of persons who tell the lies as well as those around them, thus the tips above are a way to deal with it effectively.






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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 10:24
Segunda-feira, 11 / 02 / 19

7 Motivational Success Stories That Demonstrate the Power of Introverts ~ Mariya M.

7 Motivational Success Stories That Demonstrate the Power of Introverts.

By Mariya M.

February 10th, 2019. 

motivational success stories introverts.



Motivational success stories are crucial to understanding and replicating success in all aspects of life.

In almost every type of social setting, extroverts are popular, whereas introverts are usually relegated to the background. But the prejudices against introverts are not a new or recent problem. In fact, for more than 30 years, the American Psychiatric Association has considered introversion a disorder. They judged that introversion inhibited the individual’s ability to integrate into society and succeed in our increasingly competitive world. However, we can learn from these motivational success stories to know what the truth is.
Yet, when it comes to creativity, extraversion is not always an asset. Nikola Tesla believed that the tasks that we usually associate with creativity are in the realm of loneliness and introversion: to observe, reflect, meditate, write, draw, search, project.
“The mind is sharper and keener in seclusion and uninterrupted solitude. No big laboratory is needed in which to think. Originality thrives in seclusion free of outside influences beating upon us to cripple the creative mind. Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born.”
― Nikola Tesla

In fact, both introverts and extroverts have their place when it comes to creativity.

Some people who are trying to solve a problem will prefer direct sensory contact and will rely on their feelings and emotions. This will be the field of choice for extroverts who need to be in direct contact with their environment and other people. But what about introverts?

Innovators Are Often Introverts

Innovators are often introverts with an original, individualistic, insightful personality. They prefer ideas to sensations and Susan Cain, in her book ‘Quiet: The Power Introverts In A World That Cannot Stop Talking‘, reaffirms the fact that introversion is often considered as an illness and that it must be treated.
She recalls that the present society is arranged for and suited for the extroverts. Whether it’s workplaces or schools, everything is done to encourage group work in open spaces. Cain points out that 70% of American workers occupy open spaces. From 1970 to 2000, in the United States, the average area of the workspace decreased dramatically from 500 square feet (46 m 2) to 200 square feet (19 m 2).
Some of the natural reflexes attributed to introverts are not unfounded since we have seen enough motivational success stories. For example, wanting to isolate oneself for silence and working more effectively is just neurological. A study conducted by UK researchers on 38,000 knowledge workers shows that excessive stimulation is a drag and negatively affects performance.
The simple fact of being interrupted in the execution of a task is one of the main barriers to productivity and increases the risk of errors by 50%. In addition, after an interruption, the return to the initial task, whether it is writing a report or computer coding, requires about fifteen minutes.
Solitude, something regularly sought out by introverts, promotes the acquisition of new knowledge. A simple walk in a natural environment, a forest or a park, for example, soothes the brain and results in easier learning.

Here are some motivational success stories that demonstrate the power of introverts.

Abraham Lincoln

The introverted leadership qualities of the 16th US President have often been studied by researchers and educators for their “geekiness, dignity and calm”.

Mark Zuckerberg

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer, told the New York Times in 2010, Zuckerberg, the founder, and CEO of the social network, is shy and introverted and often does not seem very friendly to people who do not know Zuckerberg well.
She added, “He really cares about the people who work here.” To this day, no one on earth shares motivational success stories quite like the FB founder.

Sir Isaac Newton

One of the key figures of science, Newton discovered the very laws of motion as well as universal gravitation. Newton was actually recognized for being a deeply introspective character who strictly desired and protected his privacy.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is among the revered and respected physicists in the world. He has frequently been quoted as saying, the solitude and monotony of a true quiet life stimulate the creative mind. Einstein received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 and is best known for the theory of relativity.

Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett is known as the Omaha oracle and is considered one of the most successful introverts and business people in the world. Buffett said he initially had the “intellect for the business” but felt he had to sign up for Dale Carnegie’s seminar course, “How to Influence People“.

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan is one of the best basketball players of all time. He is also one of the best-introverted athletes. He set so many records in basketball that are said to be impossible to beat by anyone ever again.

George Orwell

Orwell is known as one of the most influential writers in history. He wrote the critically successful novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Not only did he write novels, but he was also a journalist and very politically outspoken.
Orwell was known to be very private, had only a few friends and felt extremely uncomfortable in crowds. In fact, many of his encounters with people are said to have been awkward and forced.
Introverts are thrilled to add value to their team and to play discrete conductors. Since they do not seek glory, they don’t pull the blanket from under others.
Another point that adds to the motivational success stories and advantage of introverts is that they trust their teams more than extroverted managers. In short, they have no equal to rely on and delegate and are extremely reliable.
  1. https://www.psychologytoday.com
  2. Susan Cain, ‘Quiet: The Power Introverts In A World That Cannot Stop Talking




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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 15:55
Segunda-feira, 11 / 02 / 19

How to Overcome Fear and Phobias with These 10 Science-Backed Strategies ~ Mariya M.

How to Overcome Fear and Phobias with These 10 Science-Backed Strategies.

By Mariya M.

February 8th, 2019. 

how to overcome fear.



This article on how to overcome fear will be helpful for everybody because everyone is afraid of something.

Fear is a natural response that protects us from danger as well as other threatening circumstances we can encounter in our lives. However, sometimes this natural reaction goes a bit crazy and this can cause a certain fear to become a phobia. It’s in this kind of situation that we must learn how to overcome fear.
No matter what your fear is or where it comes from, you can work on your phobias to remove them. It may not be easy, but you can see some improvements in a short while if you keep at it. Here are some strategies for how to overcome fear that are supported by science you can try out so as to get rid of any of your phobias once and for all.

1. The Self-Exposure Therapy Strategy

This is a great option for folks who never have time (or money) for luxury therapy sessions. If you want to know how to overcome fear, you could try self-exposure therapy, a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy. You can carry it out through books, support groups or self-help.
Basically, you want to take it in your own hands.

2. Reading On The Topic

Let’s say you are afraid of flying. By reading everything about the operation of aircraft, flight statistics, and security measures, you can better control the situation. The same applies to almost every phobia.
A little knowledge can do a lot to reduce your fears. When you get to know the subject of your phobia, it basically helps you learn how to overcome fear.

3. Climb The Stairs Of Fear

The fear trapping technique works well when the other methods seem too ineffective or too much. According to an article on helpguide.org, you may have started with something that was too scary or overwhelming. Instead, start with a situation that you can handle and develop from it.
Let’s suppose that you are afraid of dogs. You can take a picture of dogs or watch a video of these dogs. You want to look at a dog through a window, stand 10 feet from a small dog, then 5 feet up and so on.

4. Learn Relaxation Techniques

One of the worst parts of phobias is physical reactions, such as superficial breathing, quickened heartbeats, etc. This can make your fear worse than it already is. Relaxation techniques can be helpful in calming your panic. By breathing deeply from within the abdomen, you can reverse these physical sensations.

5. Do It Anyway

If you have ever given up something because you were afraid, then you know how important it is to do it anyway. Yes, planes are terrifying, heights can actually be scary and even spiders are terrifying, however, that does not truly mean you will never encounter them or that you can run away from them forever.
Let the fear come and do everything to keep going. This is believed to be the best way to overcome fear.

6. Try To Desensitize

If you really feel overwhelmed in addressing your phobia, the desensitization technique may be right for you. The idea is to gradually expose yourself to the dreaded situation (ie spiders, crowded streets, heights) until the tipping point when your anxiety becomes too great.
Next time press a little further. And so on, until the fear (hopefully) completely disappears.

7. Give Biofeedback A Try

Biofeedback is a great spatial way to observe your stress reactions. During a session, a doctor places electrodes on your skin. See a monitor nearby for things like respiratory rate, heart rate, and muscle activity.
As an expert said, “Biofeedback gives anxious people the opportunity to see their physiological responses to stress.”
It is hoped that this awareness can lead to better relaxation techniques.

8. Go To The Flood Technique

Think of a claustrophobic person who steps in and out of an elevator all day, or a germaphobe who smears their hands on dirty door knobs. This technique is just as it sounds, repeatedly (or flooded) a situation until you feel less frightened. This is how you learn how to overcome fear.
The amygdala is expected to be trained that nothing bad is going to happen as well as stop discharging stress hormones. Although this technique is hard to do, it’s worth it in the end.

9. The Association Method

If you are in a situation that scares you, for example in a mall full of people, think about asking for a friend’s company. If you are afraid to walk alone among the crowd, you want to walk with your friend a certain distance. Your friend must walk ahead a little bit and then wait until you catch up.
After you caught up, the person continues before you catch up again. Gradually, you will find yourself walking long distances alone. This is a simple and excellent technique to remove this type of anxiety.

10. Join A Support Group

Self-help groups help you realize you’re never alone. They can be fun and crazy (in a good way). If you are with like-minded people who want to improve, it greatly increases your chances of recovery. If you would like to remain anonymous, you can also try online chat and work together with an online friend on your problems.
Lastly, regardless of the source of fear, it blocks too many people and prevents them from achieving what they want and can do. There is no surer way to fail than to never try. Don’t let fear ruin your life before you do something about it.
  1. https://www.nhs.uk
  2. https://www.helpguide.org
  3. https://www.apa.org


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 15:35
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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