A Chama da Ascensão


Segunda-feira, 18 / 05 / 20

Consciousness is Changing

Consciousness is Changing

The Arcturian Group 

via Marilyn Raffaele.

May 17th, 2020.



Welcome dear readers to the Arcturian Group message.
You are entering a new phase of the evolutionary process.  Present “down times” are allowing a quietness during which many for the first time are pondering, questioning, evaluating their lives, and the right way of doing things.   Every day more are allowing themselves to honestly examine aspects of their personal life as well as the world in general such as business, farming, religion, health, education, environment, and politics etc.
Much that has always been considered correct and appropriate is being recognized as inefficient, obsolete, and unfair to many and based in convenience and a resistance to change by those who benefit from the status quo.  This period of quiet is also allowing nature a respite from the ongoing barrage of pollution and  degradation she suffers.
All is proceeding according to plan.  You have been hoping, praying, and waiting for a world that more closely resonated with truth and it is coming but will be an unfolding process over the next few years because the third dimension functions in time and space.
Know that things will never go back to exactly as they were because consciousness is changing, and as we have said many times, the substance of the outer is the inner (consciousness).  Do not put effort and energy toward attempting to return everything to exactly as it was but rather be open to new and higher expressions of these same things.
Be prepared for change but also be prepared to hear things that will upset you.  Much is going to surface regarding the long standing negative activities of some individuals.  The denser energies must be exposed for what they are in order to be recognized and acknowledged.  There is an element that feeds from energies of fear, pain, suffering, and discord and in order to keep feeding, they promote words, activities, and false information that will serve to keep fear and discord alive.
When you become aware of these types of issues,  send these individuals  Light while recognizing that they too are Divine Beings who have lost their way.  They have chosen to close their hearts to Love energy and have no interest in or awareness of the fact that everything they sought is already fully present within them.
It is easy to get caught up in this type of information and spend a great deal of time and energy studying and researching  negative activities.  You have all experienced the heaviness of dense energy that comes from getting too involved in these types of issues.  As awakened individuals you are ready to move beyond duality and separation and live from the higher levels of consciousness you have attained.  Be aware of and informed about negative beliefs and actions, but then release them and align with Reality.
Activities of love are beginning to take place in the outer scene.  Although these activities flow from spiritual oneness they are generally understood as activities of kindness,  a looking out for neighbors, and the lending of a helping hand where needed.  These seemingly ordinary activities are three dimensional interpretations of spiritual Oneness, evolutionary steps that eventually lead to a state of consciousness that understand service to be service to SELF–Universal Oneness.
A sense of camaraderie not possible in the old energy is developing among people simply because all are experiencing the same issues (oneness).  Even the small sense of camaraderie you may feel towards a stranger as you walk by is in reality Oneness expressing through you.  However, not all are ready or willing to understand this and the loss of what is familiar is causing them to act out with fear and violence as they seek to protect and  perpetuate everything that has supported their false sense of empowerment.
Selflessness is beginning to penetrate collective consciousness on  a deeper level but selflessness has been misunderstood and falsely taught to mean that the sacrificing of ones’s self for some “grander” purpose is spiritual .   Sublimating and denying  one’s self/SELF by believing it to be of less value than another’s self  represents separation at its finest.
What can one possibly have to give another if they eliminate themselves  from the equation?   It is only an empowered person,  one who knows and accepts themselves to be a spiritual being, that is able to truly serve.  Sacrificing one’s identity, needs, and dreams  in the belief that it is spiritual is a denial of God for is not God every person’s true identity?
Never allow yourselves to be guilted, threatened, pushed, taught, or used by others into doing something. When you do this you are automatically surrendering your power.  Service must be a free will choice that flows from a place of love rather than an unwanted activity forced onto a someone for the benefit of another or others who appear more powerful and demanding, or are needy, disabled, and dependant.
We recognize that many are presently locked into some service that they did not consciously choose or want.  As a result they may feel angry, depleted, unhappy, and trapped seeing no way out. To these dear ones we say;  there are no accidents.  Every life is planned before incarnation with the help of Guides, to include those experiences deemed necessary for spiritual evolution.
These types of situations are usually karmic in nature and represent a person’s spiritual  readiness to address some old energy imbalance that may go back lifetimes but which can be balanced and completed through service in this lifetime.  The one needing service may have chosen to learn about patience, humility, and helplessness in this life having never expressed it to others in previously.  Frequently the server is a dear friend who volunteered to assist with this lesson.
Sometimes it is because the one needing service did the same for the server in a previous life allowing them both the experiences of giving and allowing.  Service can be the push a spiritually prepared person needs in order to move more deeply into the empowerment, love, patience, and awareness that they are ready for.
Do not let obsolete concepts of spiritual duty, and self- sacrifice to enter into your activities of love and service.  As universal consciousness shifts to new levels of awareness, service to others on all levels of need will become common, ordinary, backed by law, and simply the way life is lived because there will be a sense of oneness that was not present in third dimensional energy.
Realize that in and of yourself you have nothing to give another.  God alone is love, energy, appreciation, gratitude, service, cooperation etc. and God alone has these things to give.  To believe that self or some other person has spiritual qualities in and of themselves is the belief in a self separate and apart from God.  Only God is good, patient, loving, friendly, honest, cooperative, etc. etc.
Both human good and human bad are impersonal, never becoming or belonging to the person.  All there is,  is  God, Source, — perfect, whole, complete, harmonious, abundance, intelligent,  Self sustained and Self maintained Consciousness.
This is why looking or expecting  acceptance, companionship, friendship, forgiveness, cooperation etc. from a person is to look where these things do not exist unless they flow through the person.  Always seek these things from God, from within, allowing them to manifest as they will which can and often is where least expected.
True selflessness intuitively guides a person to acknowledge and honor their own needs.  It will also guide them as to whether their service is actually needed or simply wanted.  It is understanding  that what one does for another never comes from a personal  supply of love, energy, abundance, and ideas, but rather flows through them from an Infinite Source within–from a well that never runs dry.
Present times are calling  for more awareness,  deeper understanding,  and a serious contemplation of how one will continue living their life.  “Will I grudgingly go back to the same old, same old that I have outgrown or will I have the courage to pursue something that makes my heart sing?”
This  is where fear will jump in and say that you must go back to what you know or you will suffer lack and limitation, your family with starve, and you will be homeless.  It is fine to  return to what you are used to,  but never forget that you are creators.   Regardless of what others may tell you, do not allow your dreams to pass into oblivion in the belief that they are hopeless and could never happen.
Allow your dreams  to grow and mature silently and secretly within your heart until they ready to be birthed as your new world and identity.
You are creators, creating your world from the contents of your consciousness.
What do I hold as truth in my consciousness???
We are the Arcturian Group
Marilyn Raffaele 


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
BitChute Channel

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 15:05
Segunda-feira, 20 / 04 / 20

Engaged in One Facet of Earth’s Ascension Process

Engaged in One Facet of Earth’s Ascension Process

The Arcturian Group 

via Marilyn Raffaele.

April 19, 2020.



Dear Readers, understand that you are presently engaged in one facet of earth’s ascension process and that something much bigger than disease is taking place. As you witness chaos keep in mind that these times are bringing change to many universally accepted but false three dimensional concepts.
Solutions to world problems of all sorts have up to now always been based in solving the problem on the level of the problem which simply does not work. New, higher, and better ways of addressing all issues will emerge from this. Do not become impatient with the process for present times are just the beginning. You are the ones who must bring about change while being fully supported from the other side.
Ascension energy began long ago but has largely gone unnoticed by most. Evolution is the ongoing and unstoppable process of awakening into the reality of Divine Oneness. Many are now beginning to open to a new sense of oneness as all experience current events at the same time.
Today’s spiritually powerful times are guiding increasingly more individuals to question some generally accepted activities, beliefs, laws, and traditions. This in turn is opening them to examine what they hold as truth in their own consciousness be it be religious doctrine, political opinion, words from broadcast news, family/ racial tradition, or other commonly accepted group consciousness beliefs.
Many are experiencing internal struggle as they are forced to cease their normal pursuit for more, bigger, and better in the belief that these things represent success. We are not referring to small businesses who are indeed facing issues of survival during these times but rather are referring to those who have based their lives on the acquisition of increasingly more in the hope that it will bring them happiness.
As more individuals begin to examine the commonly accepted concept of more is better, they will open to understanding that the accumulation of material things or success in the outer scene can and will never make someone more acceptable and loveable than he/she already is, leading them to question; “What then really does make one acceptable/loveable?”
Nothing outside of self can or will ever bring about fulfillment for it does not exist in the outer scene. Adulation of the rich, beautiful, and famous through emulating their actions, dress, and appearance simply indicates the spiritual un-awareness of those who believe themselves separate from and “less than” those few who have fulfilled the some three dimensional concept of success.
This is not to say that the talented and gifted or those who have seriously spent their lives in service to others should not be recognized and appreciated, but rather than with blind adoration based in some concept of success or worthiness, let it be the recognition and acknowledgement of those Divine qualities manifesting in, as, and through the person.
Silent, serious, questioning begins to open submerged inner doors long held shut through fear and beliefs based in duality and separation. Increasingly more individuals are beginning to realize how much of what they have accepted as truth was simply handed to and accepted by them from some authority figure. Spiritual evolution is the gradual awakening of personal and collective consciousness into new and higher awareness. The opportunity is here now.
Those firmly established in and benefiting from the third dimensional belief system as it has been known feel no need to question themselves or anything in the world, preferring to maintain the status quo in order to continue benefiting from it. They work to keep everything the same and delay the awakening of collective consciousness to the new through various means meant to promote fear. However, they do not understand that the ascension train has left the station.
Most humans live three dimensional lives that serve them well for many lifetimes. However, there comes a point of readiness in every individual where they find that their lives so longer resonate in the same way and they begin to seek something different. The seeking always begins with what is already known and familiar on the third dimensional level but over time expands as the person begins to understand that what he is seeking simply does not seem to exist where he is looking.
The overuse of drugs, sex, and alcohol as well as suicide abounds hidden but rampant in the world of many who have actually achieved what they set out to achieve according to world standards. Having attained their goals but still feeling unfulfilled, these dear ones often turn to and become dependent upon their chosen “happiness decoy” in an attempt to cover up and quell this unfulfilled longing within, a longing that can never be satisfied through material means no matter how rich, famous, beautiful, or successful the individual.
This deep inner longing is every soul’s awaiting recognition and acknowledgement as individual Divinity and Oneness with God. All must eventually come to understand and accept that they are individualized Divine Consciousness and that they formed for themselves a physical body to use while on earth while working out the lessons and experiences of life lived in the denser energies. No one is or ever has been just a physical body subject to all the beliefs embodied in duality and separation.
You have all lived many lifetimes and are now completing what you put in motion over those lifetimes. It may be the balancing of energies you ignorantly participated in (karma) or it may be to experience something you have not yet experienced but was necessary for your growth and awareness.
You who understand and live from the deeper levels of spiritual truth have completed most of your three dimensional experiences. You have worked hard and balanced old energy and allowed cellular memory to clear. You are now prepared for the next phase of your evolution but in order to do that you must move beyond the familiar but outgrown metaphysical tools that served in the past to bring you to now. Most of these tools are based in seeking and searching for God but you have found Him/Her.
There will be changes to many comfortable aspects of life. Do not expect everything to return to exactly as it was. Long favorite books, films, and activities, medicines, careers, are starting to feel old and no longer interesting because the previous energy alignment has changed. Rather than struggling to keep them the same, step back and allow them to manifest once again in a higher and better form.
As cells integrate new and higher frequencies it automatically dissolves the previous denser energy. Some favorite foods and beverages will become difficult for your body to tolerate. Certain “foods” (GMO, fake, pesticide ridden) will no longer be able to align with the cells holding new and higher frequencies causing digestive issues.
In spite of what you have been told and so many continue to believe, three dimensional energy is the lowest rung of a very high dimensional ladder, dear ones. Earth’s shift to higher dimensional energy is but the beginning of your journey into an ever expanding conscious awareness of oneness with Source.
Free will allows every person to embrace or refuse the choices of these times. Some will choose to continue living as they have in the past, fully embracing illusions of sense based in duality and separation. Others will utilize these times to honestly re-examine personal and global beliefs. Many are choosing it as their exit point. They are tired, their work is complete and they want to go home. which is every individual’s free will choice.
We would advise that you use these times to your advantage which does not mean sitting and meditating all day, but does mean becoming aware of your reactions and responses to everything that is going on both within and without. It means being willing to sweep out the favorite corners of your belief system without feeling a need to defend, justify, or maintain them. It means having the courage to let some of your most satisfying false beliefs go, the ones that may have earned you acceptance and success.
Many know the truth but have not fully accepted it. There comes a point in every person’s spiritual journey where they must make a decision– Is truth simply a nice idea for like minds to ponder in conversation while speculating on its pros and cons or is truth to be accepted, integrated, and lived until it becomes an attained state of consciousness?
Truth must become an attained state of consciousness in order to be experienced because consciousness is the substance of form. An intellectual knowledge of truth is but the first step toward attaining the consciousness of it. There is a bible quote; “Know the truth and the truth will make you free.” Many organized religions, metaphysical groups, as well as those spiritually inclined have forgotten or simply ignore the “Know the truth” part of this statement, falsely relying only on “the truth will make you free” part.
You are Divine Beings, full expressions of God and embodying all the qualities and gifts thereof. Trust that your Higher Self is always guiding as you become ready for your next step toward full consciousness.
“I am ready to allow. To release the control I thought I had to maintain. To get out of my own way through letting go of concepts and beliefs that no longer serve my highest good. To accept that my Real Identity as an expression of Source already exists fully present as my safety and security, abundance, completeness and wholeness, creativity, guidance and direction, solutions, health, and everything embodied in Divine Consciousness.”
“I no longer need to seek for what I already AM but rather allow that which I AM to express ITSelf as me.”
We are the Arcturian Group   
Marilyn Raffaele 


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 16:21
Domingo, 22 / 03 / 20

Present events represent the dismantling of ancient and false creations.

Present events represent the dismantling of ancient and false creations.

We are the Arcturian Group 

via Marilyn Raffaele.

March 22, 2020.


Welcome dear readers.  
Know that we and all beings of Light assisting with earth’s ascension  are supporting you during this time of turmoil and confusion.  We understand the suffering that is happening as three dimensional structures dismantle and force many well beyond their comfort zone.
Present world events represent the energetic dismantling of ancient and false creations, dear ones.  The increase of higher resonating energy in world consciousness is forcing that which is out of alignment with it to surface.  Earth’s energy is quickly changing, lifting, and becoming Lighter (ascending) and as it does, it exposes layers of dense energy ready to surface and begin dissolving.  Human mind is interpreting these energies on the third dimensional level as disease and discord.
The inner (consciousness) will always express as the outer.  As mankind spiritually evolves and higher frequencies of Light and truth increase, it automatically exposes everything of a lower resonance. Today’s situation of disease is about imbalance.  Imbalances that have been in place on all levels for eons–financial, personal, global.  Imbalances created through the universal acceptance of self serving concepts based in separation–inequality and the non-value of certain individuals or groups.
You are going to witness a great deal of disruption and disturbance  before this is finished, but it will finish, for there are no laws other than belief to support, sustain, or maintain disease.  Place your reliance in the reality of your Divine nature, trusting that all is proceeding according to plan.
Rather than seeing yourself as needing protection against some outer evil, know that your conscious realization of Oneness with Source is your protection just as it is your safety and security, abundance, completeness, wholeness, intelligence etc.
Yes, many are and will continue to leave during these times, but know that when a person leaves it is always by choice, one made on a deeper level.  We have stated many times that there is no death nor could there ever be a death for the essence of your very being is infinite Divine Life.  This actually makes you more at home on the other side than on earth.
Never forget that as Divine Beings, you are creators, and what you hold in consciousness as truth will manifest outwardly for there is no un-expressed consciousness.  The issues at hand now are being promoted and further expanded through intense media coverage serving mainly to promote fear.  Ask yourselves; “What am I believing and holding as truth in consciousness?  In the light of spiritual awareness is it true?”
We are not saying to disregard  practical precautions that represent third dimensional wisdom, but we are saying to do these practical things from a place of empowerment rather than from a place of fear that assigns power to appearances.  Gad alone is power in spite of outer appearances to the contrary.
You are in the midst of the changes you have been hoping, praying, and looking for but didn’t expect to manifest in this way.  Everything happening is serving to  change the consciousness of the collective and lift mankind to new levels of awareness.
There is always discord and confusion during times of change for the majority gets comfortable with things being a certain way and comes to depend upon them remaining the same even if or when those ways are unfair, demeaning, or even dangerous to others.  This often happens in abusive relationships where one partner is willing to suffer physically, emotionally, and mentally simply because they are used to it.
When familiar structures begin to collapse, the human mind does not know how to interpret it and panics, drawing upon everything it can from the collective belief system in order to “solve” the problem and get everything back to what it sees as “normal”.  The human mind is no longer in control.  It is being superceded by Consciousness.   The human mind is  attempting to help through what it knows, but the time has come to let mind take the lesser role, identifying with and allowing the reality of who and what you are to take over.
Allow the process dear ones, allow the process.  You who are in alignment with these messages have the  awareness with which to meet these difficult times.  Take whatever practical methods you are guided to take with regard to your personal situation but resist the temptation to fall back into old programming out of the belief that you need to heal, change, or correct something.
Use each day to practice the truth you know.  Now is the time for trust; for holding to truth and living each day in conscious realization of your true identity as Source while remaining sensible on the three dimensional level.
Present conditions are serving to drive increasingly more individuals out of their old mind set and  into alignment with unconditional love and oneness.  Many who have always thought of themselves as separate from everyone they didn’t know personally or believed themselves to be better or less than others are beginning to experience a sense of camaraderie.
Unifying experiences are taking place because individual consciousness is expanding and becoming increasingly more receptive to truth,  This is causing the collective to expand and open to ideas based in oneness– greater tolerance, understanding, and awareness regarding community and issues that all face regardless of color, gender, country, religious belief, wealth, or politics.
Difficulties presently facing the world are forcing increasingly more individuals to examine their beliefs with regard to how everything must be in order to be right.   Many are beginning to disengage from long held concepts holding them in bondage and obligation to money, jobs they hated, relationships that were finished, and engaging only in what society deemed appropriate.
Present times are helping many to dismantle the layers of dense and ancient energy that have blocked their spiritual awareness.   Old energies long stored in cellular memory and carried from lifetime to lifetime were originally created through vows taken in other lifetimes,  guilt, obligation– lives of non-power lived through duty rather than free will choice.
As a majority becomes aware of itself as being one family, many of the inequalities and imbalances that up to now have been considered acceptable will be recognized for what they really represent.  This will help those still fully enmeshed in the third dimensional belief system to begin questioning exactly what they believe and if these beliefs are valid.
The increase of love and sense of oneness in world consciousness is going to lift and effect all species and all kingdoms–  plant , animal, devic, elemental, nature spirit kingdoms as well as humans which will result in a collective consciousness that respects mankind’s sacred obligation to love, protect, and care for all life upon Gaia who herself is a living breathing spiritual being.
It is long past time for the arrogant thinking and actions of humans who believe themselves above and separate from other life forms to cease.  All must come to accept that there is only One Life and that what is done to one form of this One Life effects all  including their own.  Animals, trees, plants, and even the rocks  have levels of consciousness and to continue believing otherwise is ego folly.  Animals evolve and re-incarnate.  Human beings were never given permission to harm, destroy, and devalue other forms of the ONE life.
Life,  in all of its infinite forms,  expresses the One and only life that exists–even the life of a virus.  Ponder this.
As personal and global consciousness  evolves into the higher frequencies of truth, the present form of many ordinary and universally accepted ideas and expressions (art, health, education, politics)  will dissolve.  The old denser energies that formed and held them in place cannot exist in the presence of higher lighter frequencies.
Those who insist on perpetuating the creations of a previous state of consciousness whether personal or global are going to meet with a great deal of struggle and resistance for you cannot make something out of nothing.  Evolution of mankind is taking place whether some like it or not.
Trust that all is as it should be.  We and all beings of Light assisting in earths’ ascension process are with you at all times.  You are loved and being guided at all times.
Trust…  Allow…   Be…
We are the Arcturian Group    
Marilyn Raffaele 


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
BitChute Channel


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:52
Segunda-feira, 09 / 03 / 20

The time has arrived.

The time has arrived.

We are the Arcturian Group 

via Marilyn Raffaele.

February 23, 2020.

Welcome all readers,

The time has arrived in which those who are ready are being guided to let go of all remaining concepts about how everything is or must to be in order to be correct and acceptable–all, not just the not so important ones.  Good concepts are just as illusory as the bad ones, both must be seen through.  No matter how comfortable or efficiently some concepts may of served you in the past, many can no longer do it because you have changed.

As individual consciousness evolves and begins to resonate with a higher frequency, much that resonated in the previous state of consciousness automatically shifts out of alignment.  Many of you are discovering that favorite books, movies, friends, foods, even employment and much more that up to now have been satisfying facets of your life have suddenly begun to feel boring and empty, you no longer find satisfaction in them.

Allow the things that no longer resonate to fade away no matter how important they may have once seemed or may still be to those around you.  This can take courage for usually these things– events, beliefs, systems of functioning, and activities involve others–family traditions, business, church etc.

Letting go of that which no longer resonates with you need not be overt rejection which can easily slip into an ego exercise.  Rather, simply, silently, and without fan-fare allow these things to gradually and gently fade out of your life without assigning power for good or bad to them.  This does not mean you must no longer engage in an activities that once worked for you and may still be important to those around  you, but rather engage if you choose but without attaching importance and necessity.

Ideas, projects, life issues more in alignment with your expanding consciousness will replace many of the things now fading away because everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell in the third dimension is a material  concept of its underlying spiritual reality–you cannot make something out of nothing.   Vehicles of transportation are actually Divine Omnipresence materially interpreted.  A home is actually Consciousness. Therefore the Divine reality will always re-appear on  new and higher levels if not blocked by false concepts and beliefs.

This is a process that does not take place over night.  Never think you have failed if you find yourself in the midst of some physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual dilemma.  Old and finished  energy is flowing up and out for everyone–the un-awakened as well as the awakened.  Allow it to flow out, addressing any accompanying issues as needed.  Try not to claim these energies as being yours personally.  They may seem to be, but can never really be for constitute the illusion having no law to maintain or sustain them.
Stop fighting, struggling,  or attempting to get things back to the way they once were whether  through learned metaphysical techniques  or through the three dimensional belief system.

Allow the I that you now know you are to express, trusting that IT can only express ITSelf as ITSelf which is and forever has been infinite wholeness completeness, harmony, abundance, safety, security etc.

God is and this is all you can ever know about God until God  reveals ITself to you.  It is an exercise in futility to believe one can know what God is with the human mind.  A finite mind cannot and will never comprehend an infinite God regardless of how many articles,  experts, or religious leaders expound about having done it.  Up to the point where God reveals ITSelf to you, simply know that God is–period.

Spiritual evolution is the gradual process of moving though and beyond the accumulated layers of  illusion that overlay personal and collective awareness.  This all happened over a long period of time and through many lifetimes lived in third dimensional frequencies that created collective alignment with those energies rather than with the higher frequencies of Light left behind when incarnating.

Clearing is simply the dissolving of those energies still sustaining and maintaining the shadow appearances and is individual.   You are quickly evolving to new states of awareness and the high frequency energy is why clearing has become intense for some at this time. It is like shining a bright light into a dark room where much that was not seen before is suddenly exposed.

Alignment with duality and separation caused each to accumulate and store in cellular memory  intense experiences of both good and bad from each lifetime until at some point every individual begins seeking for “more”.  This is the meaning of the bible story that tells how Adam and Eve were forced out of Eden through their act of eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Some of you are suffering intense physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual discord at this time.  Allow…  Trust…You are learning to let go of the need to  struggle for control over everything.  The mind is confused.   It is trying to help you through what it knows but is limited, offering solutions based in the collective belief system as well as in the metaphysical knowledge you accumulated through years of study leading up to this point.  Metaphysical knowledge is an important part of the journey for most, but must never be considered the end point.

Let go of trying to figure everything out and then heal, change, or fix it.  Nothing needs fixing or healing.  Allow your real Divine Self to be your reality without feeling that you need not tell it how.  This is an extremely difficult process for those who are used to being efficient, organized problem solvers.   The temptation remains to take charge,  jumping in with solutions based on what has been learned over the years.

As the Divine Feminine energy integrates on earth and begins to more fully express in the world as balanced male/female energy, the aggressive, active, be-er, do-er, traits of unbalanced masculine energy will recede.   As the receptive, intuitive nature of the Divine feminine aligns with the masculine,  life will be easier for those men and women who have always been compelled  to jump in and take charge of every situation whether they are needed or not.

The time has come to stand back and allow the I of your being to function through, in and as you rather than constantly trying to control everything through eyes unable to see the whole picture.  Like it or not, it is an energetically powerful time for everyone who has chosen ascension.  You must accept that many of the old ways are simply no longer valid in the presence of increasing more higher states of consciousness.

Many continue with attempts to make something that is complete and finished (often relationships)  work according to the world’s concepts of how things must be in order to be correct, fulfilling, meaningful, or loving.  These concepts are encouraged through your media, and a society that continues to embrace only third dimensional concepts based in duality and separation with regard to all issues of daily living.

At this time the world is experiencing a great deal of fear regarding the virus disease that has penetrated world consciousness.  As the  media continues its non stop promotion, it gives ever more reality and substance to the issue for you are creators.  Do not fear and do not give it power and thus substance.  As with all things that are not God ordained, maintained, or sustained, it will pass into the nothingness that it is,  if allowed.

There never has been or could ever  be death for you are spiritual consciousness and not physical bodies.  When a person leaves their physical vehicle behind it is always with permission given on a deeper level.  Stand back and allow,  become a silent observer of unfolding consciousness rather than a participant in the illusions of sense.   Even if your work lies in some area of world discord, you can still maintain a objective stance, helping, and serving for the highest good of all, but not aligning with appearances.

Living spiritually does not mean you can not see a doctor if you feel the need, nor does it mean you stand back and simply ignore the fear and suffering of yourself or those around you in an attempt to live the absolute.  Rather than pretending to a state of consciousness not yet attained,  hold  truth while lovingly ministering to self and others in the ways you are guided to which may simply be to do nothing but hold the Light.

It is a new time, new ways, new ideas, and change and to be a part of it you must allow and move with it.  It is why you are on earth at this time.  Align with and hold Light for Gaia as well, for she is a living soul and not an inanimate piece of dirt.  She needs your love and support as she too is clearing old energy.

Let the past go.  Let the present go.  Let it all go and move into  allowing.  You are ready.

We are the Arcturian Group
Marilyn Raffaele 


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 01:52
Segunda-feira, 10 / 02 / 20

Programs Based in False Beliefs

Programs Based in False Beliefs

The Arcturian Group.

Through Marilyn Raffaele


Posted February 9th, 2020



Dear ones, the world is increasingly moving toward more revelations with regard to negative actions and those  involved in them.  Be not afraid of what you may see and hear from commercial news sources or your technology for everything that resonates with old energy cannot help but change or actually disappear as new and higher frequencies integrate into the collective.

Many commonly accepted rules, beliefs, and concepts that over time have resulted in today’s belief system, must be exposed for what they really represent before those who consider them acceptable will be able to see them for what they really are–programs based in false beliefs and the surrendering of personal power to those who seek it for themselves.

Appearances would testify that mankind is going backwards and reverting to an old state of consciousness.   In reality, consciousness is going forward.  Each day as higher frequencies of Light increase, more individuals  become aware of what up to now has either been sanitized through false teachings or simply hidden behind closed doors.

Allow your light to shine in each now moment of the day for this is what adds to the incoming frequencies of Light flowing from higher dimensions.  Accept that you are the one you have  searched for over lifetimes.  The high resonating energy of each awakened consciousness  is what will bring change,  expose shadows, and assist the un-awakened to wake up.

All is proceeding according to plan.  Rejoice as you witness increasingly more people become aware of the need for change and better ways of living for all rather than a select few.  Changes are coming, but don’t spend your days waiting and looking for them while dwelling on and adding energy to negative appearances.  Rather keep your focus in truth, in the higher frequencies of conscious Oneness with Source and what that means.  Remember, you are creators.

Honestly examine how much time and energy you spend thinking about negative issues and learn to be  very selective with regard to networking, websites, or groups that easily pull followers into dense energy under the guise of information.  Many of you are beginning to recognize an energetic heaviness when visiting certain websites, news sources, or even entertainments.

Be intuitively selective with regard to what you accept into your consciousness.  Many sites that began as light fun and interaction with others have become platforms for promoting fear and separation.

Understand that as your consciousness  increasingly shifts to new levels, you automatically move out of alignment with some previous interests–online or in person.  Attempting to make something from a previous state of consciousness work as it once did is futile and only serves to hold one in bondage to energy that is familiar but which has been outgrown.

Be very honest with regard to how some people, places, or things effect you and have the courage to withdraw from them if they no longer serve.  Not only are you changing, but many things that began innocently enough also changed as they were recognized to be excellent platforms from which to to promote an agenda.  Always listen to and trust your intuition in these things.

There is much to come dear ones, much that we cannot yet speak about for we do not wish to influence you or cause you to sit back awaiting the arrival of some concept of  “savior”.

Love yourselves, all of yourselves not just the “good” parts, and allow your inner process to unfold. A great deal of clearing– physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually is taking place at this time.  Many of you are experiencing odd symptoms of one sort or another on one or all levels,

The clearing of old energy is individual because energies needing to be cleared result from individual experiences and different lifetimes.  One person’s process  may be to actually re-experience something  while another’s  will simply be to feel exhausted or sick.  Allow you process without comparing it to another’s.

Allowing indicates a consciousness able to  trust that the God/I AM of your being knows how to express ITSELF as and through you without your need to tell it how.  In every situation, simply say; “I allow…” rather than  “Teach me how to allow” because if your intention is to be taught, opportunities for practice will indeed present themselves.

Rest and pamper yourself when you feel the need but don’t endow your clearing symptoms with power. Love and support  your physical body as it clears old cellular memory and integrates new frequencies of Light .  Speak to your cells telling them to release low resonating energies acquired through inheritance and experience, and  allow frequencies of Light to replace them.  Visualize bright golden Light moving into each cell and pushing out any shadow as it does so.

Everyone at some point reaches a level of awareness in which they must cease looking to others for love, cooperation, gratitude, appreciation, friendship, support, etc. even from those where it is most expected.

These things are God qualities, facets of Oneness, that  human beings in and of themselves do not have to give.  Looking to some person for what God alone possesses can only result in disappointment because individuals are only able to express  God qualities at the level of their attained state of consciousness.

Every person eventually evolves to a place where they must begin to acknowledge their Oneness with Source and seek only from  IT.   This then allows whatever is needed,  be it the solution to a problem or the receiving of appreciation, to manifest outwardly though the avenue best qualified.

Solutions often appear through a person from whom it is least expected or even a stranger.  Never doubt that what you need will appear, often before you know there is a need  if you rest always in a consciousness of Divine completeness.

Third dimensional energy is and always has been about looking outside of self for everything.  This is because third dimensional energy can only express as duality and separation.  Enlightenment means realizing that harmony, wholeness, completeness, abundance, love, acceptance, appreciation, safety, security, and infinite supply are already fully present within never dependent upon outer appearances but rather upon a conscious realization of SELF versus self.

God qualities express and flow through humans, but can never flow from them, simply because human beings in and of themselves do not have these qualities to give.  Once you understand this, you stop being disappointed by another’s  lack of empathy, appreciation, friendship, love, support, or gratitude because you understand that every person is only capable expressing God at their level of consciousness.  Everyone is  expressing their highest level of awareness.

By not expecting another to give what only God has to give you are loving and allowing them to be who they are at this particular point in their evolutionary journey.   At the same time you are allowing yourself to trust that what you may seem to need at any given time already exists  within and so you allow the God qualities of your own Divine Consciousness to flow wherever and through whomever is the best vehicle.

In these times of change you are witnessing the disappearance of much that has always been held as being “tried and true”– facts about successful living that you could rely on.  Fear often arises for even the spiritually evolved when suddenly they discover certain solutions no longer work or carefully laid plans fall apart.

You have all lived lifetimes based in mind alone, where plotting and planning was the only acceptable way to resolve  issues of any kind.  Shifting away from mind alone and into truth and intuition is difficult at first when things begin to no longer work the way they are “supposed” to.

Because almost everyone still carries frequencies reflective of familiar and commonly accepted  ways of doing things,  panic, confusion, and fear will often manifest as an individual moves to a level of consciousness that requires trust and allowing.

Begin to put everything you have learned about truth throughout this and your many other lifetimes into practice and  begin to totally embrace the fact that you are a Divine Being having third dimensional experiences through your own choice.

Spirituality was all well and good and even quite comfortable when it was something discussed in classes, listened to in lectures, read in metaphysical books, given through a psychic, or by meditating now and then.  It was something you enjoyed with like minded people and left you feeling “holy” and perhaps even a little “better” than those who didn’t know what you did.

That work is complete.  You are ready to leave behind spiritual tools  based in a sense of separation that promoted  struggle in a vain attempts to contact some far away God or become enlightened.  You  came to believe that spirituality could only be attained through effort, ceremony, right practices, and a whole lot of work.   You now know that everything you sought through these practices is within.

You may still be guided  to seek help from a certain teacher, book, or class to help you move through a “stuck” place, but spiritual  tools are never intended to become one’s lifeline.  A continuing reliance on anything outside of SELF simply prevents one from realizing that everything they need is fully present within. The books, classes, crystals, mantras, and gurus necessary to one’s earlier steps are meant to be  bridges leading within.

Example; Crystals carry unique and often very powerful energy, but are meant to align with  and strengthen this same energy within the individual, rather than give them something they don’t already posses.

Those of you who are  spiritual teachers in some capacity must keep in mind that it is vitally important that you never allow human ego to keep your student coming after they are ready to go “solo”.  A spiritual teacher’s job to give wings to each student as they lovingly guide them toward realizing their Oneness with Source.

Integrate each truth as it reveals itself to you and live from your highest attained level of awareness. At some point  IT begins living ITSELF as you without effort or study on your part.  Most of you are either already there, or close to it or you would not be drawn to or even understand these messages.

Let go dear ones.  Let go and jump off that spiritual cliff you have teetered on for so long.  Allow your Divine self to be your sword and shield.   Accept that you really are a Divine expression of God in material  form and never have been a powerless human subject to all the manifestations of duality and separation.

I AM everything I have sought for lifetimes…there is no longer any need to keep seeking.

We are the Arcturian Group.
Marilyn Raffaele


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 04:20
Segunda-feira, 27 / 01 / 20


The Arcturian Group.

Through Marilyn Raffaele


Posted January 26th, 2020



Dear Readers, welcome to our message of hope and guidance.  Much is soon to manifest that will cause many to question personal beliefs and those of the world in general.  Allow your spiritual journey to unfold without limitations that consist of nothing more than concepts and beliefs based on the experiences of others for every person’s inner journey is individual and authentic.

Allow, by truly accepting that you are not the person you believed yourself to be, but are a Divine Being, an expression of Source Consciousness who formed for yourself a physical body in order to work and live in the denser energies of earth–a three dimensional interpretation of the real body, one of energy and Light.

You are more than ready to identify with the reality of who and what you are–Self sustained, Self maintained Divine Consciousness.   Within “Self-sustained and Self-maintained” exists every Divine Reality, everything ever believed to be lacking– abundance, harmony, wholeness, safety, security,  peace, completeness, intelligence, companionship–ad infinitum–just awaiting conscious  recognition. This is the secret of life, the holy grail, hidden in plain sight where most never think to look–within.

Divine qualities have always been and can only be fully present within every individual simply because Divine Consciousness is all that exists, manifesting ITself in infinite forms.  Beliefs of duality and separation have created a collective consciousness that believes itself separate from other people, animals, plants and all living things as well as from God.   The ups and downs, good and bad experiences of daily living are simply duality in expression for there is no unexpressed consciousness.

                   This is the work–“What am I holding as truth in my consciousness?”

The three dimensional experience is like someone having a large bank account that they are unaware of and so live in poverty and need.  However, each day more people are waking up to realize that much they have always accepted as true regarding every facet of daily life is simply not true.  It is at this point that food, entertainment, activities, and desires,  begin to lose their appeal and he/she begins his/her journey toward their as of yet unknown “bank account”.

Never attempt to reclaim the past dear ones, for once the lesson of some experience is complete, it is no longer needed.  As you shift into ever higher states of awareness,  you are no longer in alignment with much of your past.

Some attempt to re-create the past, clinging to nostalgia for the “good old days” in the belief that these times were better  but which in reality held the same dense and negative issues the world is witnessing today.  In general, the unawakened majority of earlier times surrendered their personal power to others, thus allowing the same dense and negative issues of today to be ignored, denied, or covered up.

Struggling to achieve, or attain some long held goal simply because you once set it for yourself can be wasted effort.  The chosen lesson may very well have been about the journey itself and  not in achieving the goal.  This does not mean that guidance from within toward some goal never happens, but rather means that if its attainment is fraught with continual roadblocks and negativity, the goal may be based in concepts rather than inner guidance.

Goals are usually based in some concept of success or happiness that must be attained in order to feel fulfilled or worthy of acceptance, love, respect etc.   Many, once realizing that they have not and will  not attain some personal goal, experience a sense of failure.  Others who have actually attained some goal are discovering that it did not bring them the fulfillment they expected.

The evolutionary journey is about growing through experiences until one reaches the point of being able to access learning from within.  Once an individual is willing to honestly examine their belief system, they begin to understand that successes and failures are tools that allow one to recognize and re-examine their beliefs regarding success, value, and worthiness.

Many committed suicide during the great depression, especially those who lost a great deal of money.  They did not understand that the same Infinite Source that manifested it in the first place could do it again.  They believed that their money came from themselves and was thus limited. These dear ones in their next life will be more aware of the deeper truths of abundance by virtue of having been helped and taught between lives about their experiences.  This is how the evolutionary process works.

Frequently someone who is extremely talented at art, science, or some other talent will completely lose interest in it, to the dismay of those around them.  This happens because they have attained this particular goal and it is complete.  Every person continues to seek fulfillment on and through all levels awareness throughout lifetimes  until finally they are ready for true fulfillment and the experiences of conscious oneness with Source

Every dream and desire no matter what it is or how ordinary, mundane, or even negative it may seem to others (relationships, money, education, power etc.)  is in reality the inner pull that every individual  has to once again experience their innate ONEness with Source.  The Divine is always and can only ever be Itself within every individual which is felt as desire for what one believes will bring happiness.

Every human  feels this Divine presence but does not understand what it is.  This deep yearning for Oneness is interpreted by three dimensional consciousness as the perpetual seeking for fulfillment in the outer scene–goals and desires that one believes will bring wholeness according to the state of consciousness of the individual.  Even a murderer believes his goals are valid and will make things better for him/her.

Every person chooses their earth experiences pre-birth according to what they believe will help them spiritually grow beyond their old belief system. The homeless person, may very well be a very evolved soul who pre-birth recognized the need for a deeper understanding of issues that surround lack and limitation.

The transsexual person that so many label immoral, wrong, or disgusting  is a person who has lived many lifetimes as one gender, and recognized the need to learn and experience the energies of the other gender in order to bring their masculine/feminine into balance.  However, once on earth, they forgot this and began to identify with their dominant energy.  Because they are unaware that they are consciousness rather than just a physical body they believe that somehow they are in the wrong body,  become confused, despondent,  and spend their lives attempting to once again be the energy they more closely resonate with.

None of these issues are right or wrong. They simply represent the learning process of every individual.  Judging, criticizing, or humiliating others with regard to the experiences of their journey,  are the actions of an un-awakened consciousness.

As more come to understand the reality of consciousness versus physical, judgement and criticism lessens and is replaced by more receptivity to giving and receiving  assistance in the form of practical advice,  guidance, and acceptance for those struggling with some issue on any level.  As individuals come to know who they really are, they can be shown how to release and clear old energies holding them in bondage.

Know that judgement and criticism can only take place if this energy is already present.  It is usually held unknowingly in cellular memory about self and then projected outwardly onto another. As a person is able to love and forgive themselves, they find that the judgement and criticism they have held for others begins to simply fade away.

Some are very young souls that  have not been on earth enough times to accumulate wisdom or personal power.  They live in fear believing themselves vulnerable to every three dimensional concept they learn about.  They need the structure of rules and laws in order not to harm others or themselves.

Others have been on earth many times, but need  more three dimensional experiences  in order to grow beyond their need for them.  These are people who are kindly but who usually hold rigid concepts about what they have been taught and as of yet are ignorant of deeper truth.

Then there are the  “old souls”, those who have lived hundreds of lifetimes on earth during which they have experienced almost every good or bad that could be experienced.  They have lived as all skin colors, in all societies,  and as each gender many times resulting in a state of consciousness that is wise and compassionate toward all people and life forms.

They are you.  You who understand and seek to always live from your highest level of awareness are the “old souls”, the way-showers.  You have the ability to carry light for those who wander through the dark maze of third dimensional creation seeking a path out of it.  Let your Light shine dear ones, you have earned the right to shine.  No more “I am not worthy.  I am not there yet.  I need more time.”  These are third dimensional games dear ones, and you have moved beyond the need for games at any level.  You are ready.

Shine your attained Light silently and secretly wherever you are in each now moment be it simply petting a lonely dog or speaking a kind word to a stranger.  See, hear, taste, touch, and smell the reality of everything for no one thing is more “holy” or spiritual than another.  Recognize all experiences, the good and the bad, to be sign posts directing you to more deeply understand that what you may still be holding in consciousness as  power.

Allow the awareness you have earned through lifetimes of dedication and hard work to come into fruition as your everyday world.  See through your awakened eyes and allow your every word to flow out on an energy of unconditional love even if those words occasionally need to be firm.

Allow…not in the sense of giving up, but in the sense of trusting that there is something greater taking place beyond what human appearances testify to.  Allowing is natural for a  consciousness able to rest in the reality of I AM.

It is knowing without question that IT will and can only function as ITself manifesting  ITs ever present harmony even in the midst of pain, chaos, and suffering.  IT is who you are, now claim it, live it, be it.


We are the Arcturian Group.
Marilyn Raffaele


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:30
Segunda-feira, 13 / 01 / 20

Learn to look beyond all appearances

The Arcturian Group.

Through Marilyn Raffaele


Posted January 12th, 2020



Dear ones you intellectually understand, but must actually accept that you are so much more than you have been led to believe.
Throughout lifetimes humans have been manipulated and taught that they are little more than animals deserving of and needing harsh treatment and incapable of making proper decisions and must look to those more qualified to tell them what is right or wrong or how to live.
Because of this, many unconsciously still carry old energy from those lifetimes in cellular memory.  As long as these energies remain active they can and often do manifest seemingly out of nowhere as experiences of either overt aggression or its opposite, powerlessness.
As old and dense energies clear both  personally and globally, some are re-experiencing deeply buried energies of fear, aggression, or powerlessness and not understanding why.  Because low resonating energy cannot align with the higher these must be cleared.  This often takes place through dreams but  through experience and emotions as well.
Allow the clearing process to take place without resistance or the belief that these things are who you are.  Negative emotions, thoughts, or feelings are never who you are.  Allow them to move through and out without attaching power to them.
When mankind was much less evolved, rules and guidelines were important and often necessary for staying alive.  However, mankind has evolved beyond those times and many of these guidelines have become obsolete and no longer necessary.  More and more, the concept of a “ruling class” has devolved into being simply a means for power over others.
Beliefs in duality and separation have and will continue to perfectly manifest  pairs of opposites as long as they continue to dominate collective consciousness simply because consciousness is the substance of form.  Mind, being an avenue of awareness,  interprets what it sees according to the state of consciousness of the individual or collective.
Demonstrations and actions hold an important place in helping to change world awareness, but unless guided from within to bring your light to some situation through participation, most of you will not be called to demonstrate and protest.  Those awakened and evolved usually serve on levels more in alignment with their state of consciousness, bringing  Light to the outer scene through silent alignment with “God alone is “.
Pre-birth every individual chooses the experiences he needs, and is spiritually prepared for in order to learn and evolve during his time on earth.  A person with a weak and powerless personality, who who has always allowed others to run his life may feel ready and thus choose experiences that will force him/her to empower themselves.
Example–After having never held a job, always looking to others, and believing self to be a victim, he/she may be forced  into empowerment after finding themselves in “do or die” situations following the death, abandonment, or withdrawal of those who have always enabled them.
Loving occasionally means allowing another to fall flat on their face.  When  you continue enabling someone who has had many opportunities,  you take away their job which is to learn and grow.
Those new to life on earth get a great deal of assistance  when choosing life experiences and are guided to choose only what  is not beyond their ability to complete.  Those more experienced and evolved  make the majority of their own decisions along with the others who will be involved.   “Older” souls are well aware of where they have failed in the past and what they need to learn.  However, all choices are lovingly guided and approved pre-birth based on each soul’s readiness rather than their enthusiasm.
You have entered a time in which many are opening to deeper levels of awareness through painful and intense life experiences.  Most are as of yet unaware that they themselves chose these or similar experiences either simply for the experience itself,  or to force themselves deeper within.  “Wake up calls”  are often necessary for those who are spiritually prepared, but who refuse to budge from their three dimensional comfort zone.
Most are unaware that when they realize some new facet of truth, they are in fact simply remembering it. Truth is, always has been, and can only be already fully present in the Consciousness of every person.  It does not flow from some outside source for there is no outside source.  All truth flows from where it has always been just awaiting recognition–within– even though often appears to come from a teacher, book, class, channel, or practice.  Evolution is simply remembering.  At no time have you ever not been the fullness of God expressing IT self.
You who read these messages are ready to release yourselves from all remaining self created prisons of illusion. The world  is not an illusion as many have been taught and believe.  Rather the three dimensional  concepts of the world are the  illusion.  A tree may appear to be an inanimate stand of wood to three dimensional consciousness but those able to see higher dimensional energy see the Light of Life flowing in, through, and around every branch and root, connecting it to every other tree.  “Tree huggers” are not hugging a piece of wood, but rather are connecting with the one same Divine life essence each holds.
Learn to look beyond all appearances, large and small, good or bad.  God is not just in good appearances and not in the bad ones.  Both are mind interpretations flowing in accordance with the state of consciousness and conditioning of the observer.  Because there is only ONE consciousness, everyone in alignment with the conditioned collective sees the same thing. This is what is meant by “You must come out and be separate”.
When you react strongly to some negative appearance, you feed it energy allowing it to continue.  Stop feeding world concepts based in duality and separation.  Honestly examine your belief system in order to understand if or how you may be doing this.   Rest in your Divinity rather than your humanness. You are ready. Understand and accept that everything reflective of duality or separation is nothing more than a mind formed  illusory corruption of some underlying reality.
Everyone comes to earth for the experiences they have chosen based on what they have not yet experienced or need to learn.  However, once on earth this is forgotten as the person sees and experiences physical and emotional struggles, as well as success.  Both are tools for learning but become obsolete and no longer necessary once a person attains a consciousness of Oneness and the non-power or reality of appearances.
This is not to say that “problems”completely cease upon awakening for as long as one is living in the three dimensional world, the pairs of opposites will present themselves.  However, those living from a higher level of awareness will find them occurring less frequently and usually for the purpose of drawing attention to some ingrained belief needing to be recognized and cleared. You will find yourself intuitively guided to the “right” person, business, or service capable of assisting with the problem if you allow and trust your oneness with harmony and wholeness.
Cease endowing “problems” with power.  Ask yourselves, “What is this experience teaching me? What am I believing that is causing me to feel this way?  Is this belief true in the light of the truth I know?”  You will discover that a great deal of what the world has labeled good or bad, acceptable or not acceptable began as nothing more than popular opinion given credibility through acceptance allowing it to become a rule, law, or societal norm.
It is time to let go of everything false and rest in the the truth that all is and can only be whole and complete because nothing exists outside of the ONE.   “Well, things don’t look so whole and complete.” you say.  Three dimensional appearances will always appear to defy and take president over truth simply because at this time the majority remains capable only of comprehending the material–that which they can see, hear, taste, touch, or smell.  This  is why the journey of every aspiring master is difficult especially in the beginning.
Never deny appearances  but rather simply acknowledge them for what they are and do what you may be guided to do to for self or the others involved.  Do what needs doing, but do it with the detachment that comes of not giving appearances power for good or bad.
Occasionally a misguided truth student will consider it spiritual to simply spout “God is all. Everything is illusion.” and do nothing during difficult times.  Pretending to have attained a consciousness of the absolute while it remains only intellectual knowledge is three dimensional thinking. Yes, know the truth, but then take whatever actions you are guided to take which more and more will become inner actions.
This type of thinking frequently occurs around health issues.  A serious student does not address some issue in the belief that he must hold to absolute truth or spiritual fail by looking to some outside medical assistance.  Assistance is offered on all levels and it is all spiritual.  Know the absolute and bring it to conscious awareness, but then take whatever human footsteps you are guided to take without assigning power to the situation.  You will soon discover that the sky does not fall down nor there is there any spiritual regression.
Some of you may be called to work in the outer scene, to take a stand,  lead some group, and solve world problems but most of you at this time are doing spiritual work by living each moment in silent awareness of One Reality always expressing ITSelf.  This work is not for the faint hearted because you are not yet the majority and it can be very tempting to simply “go with the flow” of majority thought.
As you live from your highest level of realization in each now moment of every seemingly ordinary day not hoping, seeking, looking for some future event, or miracle from on high, you will begin to witness personal and global change that is inevitable.  Ordinary, familiar, and commonly accepted beliefs within governments, organized religions, health fields, education, finance,  etc.  will begin to change and evolve into higher and better form.
In the meantime let go of expecting and looking to this or that to appear and save the world. These types of beliefs were born from the old belief system enmeshed in separation.  You are the change you hope to see and have been seeking for lifetimes.  You are the Holy Grail, God and Savour but have not known it.  You know it now, so allow these old concepts to fade into the nothingness that they are.
Live each now moment in conscious union with your Divine Self,  while allowing the “heathen to rage” however it pleases.  Consciously live the events, chores, joys, and disappointments of each day from center, from that silent, secret, and sacred place of Oneness.
This is Lightwork–you being YOU.  No group of ascended masters, evolved extraterrestrials,  angels, or gods somewhere in another dimension can do the work for you.   It is why you chose to be on earth at this time.
Allow your consciousness of Oneness to express ITself as you.

We are the Arcturian Group.
Marilyn Raffaele


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 06:05
Terça-feira, 31 / 12 / 19

Change will flow from within rather than from popular concepts.

The Arcturian Group.

Through Marilyn Raffaele


Posted December 29th, 2019



Dear Readers, greetings to all at this time of celebration and festivity.

You are entering into a new year and not just in the calendar sense. Change is going to manifest in many areas of living that will be resisted by those who fear change and those who financially gain from keeping “business as usual.”

As increasingly more individuals awaken and spiritual consciousness expands, many commonly accepted social rules, words, actions, religious beliefs, laws, etc., are being questioned.

Do not despair as you witness the creations of dense energy manifesting. Pockets of long dormant energy formed through ignorance, war, and suffering are surfacing and clearing through the presence of high resonating energy now flowing from Higher dimensions as well as from spiritually-evolved states of consciousness. You chose to be here during this powerful time of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual change.

The New Year is a time during which many make resolutions for some change in their lives but this year is going to be more expansive than ordinary New-Year resolutions. Each day more people are realizing that some perfectly acceptable actions, thoughts, words, concepts and beliefs simply no longer resonate with them in the same way.

New-Year resolutions are usually intellectually based in three-dimensional concepts of how to be a good or healthy human. These things continue to play a part while on Earth in human form, but for those living from a deeper level of truth and awareness, change will flow from within rather than from popular concepts.

A person may be guided to eat lighter or exercise more, but the choice to do this will flow from intuitive guidance regarding what is appropriate for him/her personally rather than from blindly following some “expert.”

Familiar lifelong activities, friends, foods, relationships, music and entertainment, hobbies etc. are no longer resonating in the same way they did which can be disconcerting for those unaware of the energetic ascension process taking place. Many seek to reclaim what was, struggling in futile attempts to resurrect some familiar activity or relationship that is finished.

Never attempt to hold on to some past state of consciousness that you consider to be happier or better. Rather view its passing as a graduation. Many loved and familiar activities or relationships are in fact not disappearing but are simply in the process of manifesting on a new and higher level. A job lost may well be the necessary precursor to a new and better one unfolding, one that resonates more closely with your energy.

Those who persist in trying to recreate some facet of life after it is obviously finished will only experience frustration and suffering because if the energy that formed it in the first place is no longer present, there is nothing from which it can form.

As one’s personal energy becomes lighter and brighter much that may of served well in a previous state of consciousness is no longer in alignment with the new and higher state of consciousness. When something feels right, works right, and flows right, there is always energetic alignment with the individual’s energy field-consciousness.

Everyone is evolving whether they know it or not. Spiritual evolution can be delayed but never eliminated because the real SELF is and forever will be the reality just awaiting recognition. It is much easier to begin aligning with the reality once you awaken to it rather than trying to continue recreating the good and bad of the past.

The human mind without access to Divine Consciousness (represented in the bible as the branch of the tree that is cut off and withers) is limited to what it already knows or whatever is floating about in the collective. As you allow yourselves to expand and open to new and higher ways of interpreting life in every situation, you are seeding the collective consciousness with truth. Because there is only one consciousness, this then allows the human mind access to it.

Seeding the collective is powerful and extremely important Lightwork. You who read, understand, and live the deeper truths are on the cutting edge of the ascension process, paving the way for those following even if it seems to you as if you are doing nothing. Generations that follow will not have it as difficult as you have had it because there will be greater access to and acceptance of the truth that you placed in the collective.

Things can only become more harmonious as collective and personal states of consciousness open to higher dimensional energy because consciousness is the substance from which all things are formed. Always remember that consciousness is the substance of form and will express whatever conditioning is present in it.

There is no unexpressed consciousness.

It is time to fully embrace the reality of your true nature, dear ones. Otherwise truths that are trying to unfold in your awareness simply remain intellectual knowledge. It is often much easier to continue living with what is familiar, to keep thinking of yourself as just a human being subject to all the problems and solutions available in the third-dimensional belief system. Intellectual knowledge alone cannot manifest for it does not hold the substance of manifestation–consciousness.

Beginning students of truth often become discouraged when the spiritual realities they read about, study, or see others experiencing do not happen for them. They believe they are doing something wrong or are not worthy. They do not yet understand that the intellectual knowledge of some truth is simply a first step toward attaining the consciousness of it where it can then manifest outwardly. Consciousness is the substance of all form.

Many today find themselves at a cross road — “Should I actually trust what I have learned, and attempt to live the truth I know or should I keep doing what seems to work and is perfectly acceptable to my friends and family even if sometimes painful?”

Living life as an awakened individual does not mean you never utilize available human resources or enjoy ordinary activities, hobbies, and friendships etc. but does mean that a silent secret awareness of oneness with Source is ever present as you do them. Life on Earth was never intended to be one of suffering, pain, and struggle. Those things were created as the consciousness of mankind sunk ever more deeply into beliefs of duality and separation.

Family discord often comes into play when one member of a family evolves and begins to think and believe differently than the rest. There is a sense of security and belonging that comes from being part of a group belief system such as religious, military, etc. A common myth about family is that all are or must be of the same state of consciousness in order to be a “good” family.

Many still believe that blood ties override all else and that, if one member believes differently from the rest, they are wrong. Others in the family begin to lovingly or not so lovingly consider him/her as the “black sheep”of the family. The myth of a blood tie being the overriding bond between people remains prominent in many cultural and religious groups.

Energetic resonance establishes the connection between people. Never forget that you are consciousness utilizing a physical body, not a body with a little box of consciousness hovering close by. Those who resonate at a similar frequency feel familiar to you even if you have just met them. Energetic alignment builds one’s true family in which there is connection, peace, and freedom.

Human families are formed pre-birth for many reasons. Often there is a need to resolve some old karmic issue between one or more of the members. Sometimes a family is simply a group that over lifetimes has become familiar and comfortable with each other. Some choose to be a family in order to learn from other members who are more evolved. There are family groups that have over many lifetimes worked as a team in law, medicine, education, music etc. and wish to continue working as a group.

Frequently a person will choose to incarnate into a family that carries some particular negative energy (abuse, overly strict religious beliefs, alcoholism, criminal behavior) that they themselves still carry and feel spiritually ready to clear in this lifetime. They incarnate into this family dynamic which re-activates the old the energy they hope to clear. A difficult and often long period usually follows, but eventually he/she is able to rise above the issue and once and for all clear the old programming. Many at this point choose to assist others who are struggling with this same issue.

Being a good family member never means you must always agree with another member’s belief system but rather means remembering that you chose your family for a reason, believing that it would provide what you needed to learn and evolve in some way. Always be true to yourself for that is empowerment. Speak truth to those who have ears to hear, but without judgement keep silent around those who would ridicule and attack.

In the early stages of spiritual growth there is always the temptation toward guilt and depression when one finds themselves out of sync with the opinions of those around them. Rather than doubting yourself, remember that everyone is at a different place in their spiritual journey, you included. Never allow someone else’s beliefs to cause you fear and doubt simply because they may be an authority figure or “expert”.

Many believe that they are being tested when things get difficult, but know that at no time is any person pushed beyond their capacity to learn and grow from experiences. Allow the process, trusting that there is a Higher Self lovingly drawing to you what you need in order to grow into your next level of awareness.,

Trust in the reality of your own Divine SELF to know what you need, where you need to be, when, and how to bring it about. Once the choice has been made to awaken and evolve, you are no longer running the show.

Let go of the plotting, planning, scheming you have learned and are accustomed to. Stop struggling to make things turn out the way you think they must be according to the world’s standards.

Trust that you are Source, God, Divine Consciousness in expression and therefore embody all that IT is.

Allow REALITY to live IT’s life as you.

We are the Arcturian Group.
Marilyn Raffaele


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 06:05
Quinta-feira, 19 / 12 / 19

The spiritual evolutionary journey begins at a level of unawareness.

The Arcturian Group.

Through Marilyn Raffaele


Posted December 18th, 2019



DECEMBER 15, 2019

Dear readers, welcome to our message in this seasonal time in which much of the world is celebrating according to their beliefs and traditions. It is a time during which many who have chosen to live closed off from others inadvertently for the first time experience a sense of oneness.

Love and giving even at their most primitive and unaware levels are facets oneness. The spiritual evolutionary journey begins at a level of unawareness. Younger souls are unable to love at the same level as those who have learned and evolved though the experiences of many, many lifetimes. Their Divine nature is fully present within, but they are not yet prepared to understand and embrace it.

Young children love easily because they have not yet been conditioned by beliefs of separation and duality

Love is only able to flow with the same resonance as the consciousness of the person from which it is flowing. Because Divine Consciousness is all that exists, all things are created and flow from this One Consciousness. However, when Divine Consciousness individualized becomes conditioned with false beliefs and concepts, its expressions will reflect that.

Examine honestly and often what you may still be holding as truth in consciousness for you are creators by virtue of being who and what you are for there is no un-expressed consciousness.

The highest expression of love for those living fully enmeshed in the third dimensional belief system may simply be giving old clothes or goods to another or a thrift shop, dropping a coin into the red bucket, or simply greeting a homeless person–simple actions, but actions that hold a potential for opening tightly closed doors to deeper awareness.

It is very important to honestly examine the intention behind every action, dear ones. “Am I doing this charitable action or loving act to be seen by others, to feel good about my value, or am I sharing from the realization that what I give physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually never comes from me personally where it can be depleted, but rather through me from that Infinite Source within that never runs dry?”

What matters is the intent behind every action. A treasured dime donated from a heart filled with love and oneness is much more powerful for the giver and the receiver than hundreds of dollars given with no thought or love other than to get a tax write off.

It is imperative to be open and honest with regard the intentions that underlie ordinary words and actions. You are quickly moving beyond a great deal of old programing at this time and a personal fine tuning is taking place. Many ordinary but low resonating habits considered to be nothing actually have the ability to hold a person in some facet of outgrown old energy.

During these celebratory times ask yourself what exactly is it that you are celebrating–the birth of a Christed individual 2000 years ago, the miracles of Hanukkah, or just because it is the season for parties and gifts ? You who read these messages are ready to take your awareness of the season to a deeper level through understanding that the Christmas story is your story–that the miracles and birth represent the birth of your own Christhood.

We have stated in previous Christmas messages but will reiterate that the Christmas story represents the birth of the Christ consciousness that takes place at some point for every person. All must eventually wake up. A conscious choice to evolve allows the reality of Oneness with Source to awaken and eventually express as one’s personal Christmas–the culmination of outer and inner experiences through hundreds of lifetimes that finally birth the fully realized state of consciousness.

One’s personal Christmas can only be born in the state of consciousness that is represented by the lowly stable. One that over lifetimes has been stripped free of beliefs in, yearning for, and seeking from three dimensional concepts of good. A consciousness aware that all that is needed is already present within and thus good or what is needed will express ITself without seeking. (Gifts of the Magi)

A fragile new born Christ consciousness must be protected and held close until it becomes strong enough to endure the slings and arrows of those who fear and hate the Christ consciousness.

(King Herod) but eventually, perhaps over lifetimes, the Christ consciousness is no longer fragile or in need of protection for it has matured into its innate wholeness where the nonsense of the three dimensional belief system can no longer effect or hold power over it.

The Christ Consciousness is ITs own protection by virtue of being fully realized as the one and only power.

Each now moment is the right time to begin journeying toward the stable. In particular, the energies of celebration and giving make it easier to love and experience oneness. Every loving gesture no matter how seemingly small to material sense adds Light and lifts the energy of the collective. The energies that flow from loving celebration between people overrides the energy of chaos and destruction for the energies of love are real, whereas chaos and destruction have no reality or law to maintain or sustain them.

Become Christmas by allowing acceptance and recognition to your Divinity, allowing it to flow out to a hurting world through every word and action regardless of how it may be accepted. Be who you are never fearing to love through whatever forms resonate with you for there is no lesser or greater love unless it is personalized.

Love is the energetic glue connecting all things within the ONE. This reality has been ignored and disregarded through ignorance forming the basis of all beliefs in separation. Many, through fear of being “different” continue to live concepts of separation long after attaining knowledge that only one “Something” exists.

This “Something” can be called God, Consciousness, Power, Reality, or even fiddlesticks for IT is un-namable and can never be understood with the limited human mind. Truth cannot be avoided forever because it is the reality just awaiting full realization–Christmas.

Let your Christmas, Hanukah, or other celebrations blossom into loving fruitage that does not cease at the end of December. Give, serve, and love in whatever ways seem appropriate as you view the world from a level of spiritual empowerment.

You are ready. You have done the work. Now accept who you are and live it through the celebration and joy that comes of of understanding the real meaning of Christmas.
Marilyn Raffaele


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 05:12
Terça-feira, 03 / 12 / 19

All is proceeding according to plan

The Arcturian Group.

Through Marilyn Raffaele


Posted December 1st, 2019



Dear readers, welcome once again to the Arcturian Group Messages. These messages are intended to assist those who desire a greater understanding of why they are on Earth at this time.
We see and love all who resonate with the messages. Call upon us in your quiet time for clarification of that which you do not fully understand and we will respond in a form that resonates with your energy.
Never doubt that all is proceeding according to plan in spite of outer appearances. The chaos, exposures, and discord that is manifesting the world over is helping to awaken those who remain asleep to more enlightened ways of living. For the first time, many are beginning to question their personal beliefs.
The world is moving into a new and higher energy but cannot do it overnight nor can an exact date be determined because the consciousness of mankind is creating it. There is a great deal of assistance to Earth at this time from the higher dimensional realms, but free will determines that mankind must do the work.
The third dimension is a dimension of time and space. If an individual were to suddenly be infused with the fullness of high dimensional energy their physical body would not be able to handle it and would die.
Spiritual evolution is a gradual awakening into higher awareness through experience, receptivity to change, and the acceptance of one’s innate personal power. For eons of time mankind has looked to others to make decisions for them in the false belief that others were smarter, braver, wiser, holier, and more qualified.
This does not mean that you never evaluate the ideas of those who have studied and work in areas of guidance or those who have lived through the very experiences that you may be dealing with, but does mean that you trust your intuition with the final word.
Many have or are now discovering that the emperor indeed has no clothes (not a person, but the whole common belief system) . This can be shocking to those who have always depended upon others to make decisions for them but is going to continue to manifest in all areas of ordinary life. Sadness, often accompanied by feelings of guilt, anger, and foolishness are frequently experienced when a person discovers that so much of what they have accepted as truth from the government, organized religion, and family tradition was actually false.
If you have these emotions, allow them to flow through and out again. Acknowledge them without resistance and anger and rejoice in the realization that you have experienced a shift of awareness–a vital and necessary step toward moving to your next level of consciousness.
An awareness of the inherent error underlying many familiar beliefs taught to and believed by the majority is a first step toward removing them from personal consciousness. Seeing with new eyes allows a person to recognize that many common laws, beliefs, and ideas are meant to benefit a select few who need mankind’s continuing ignorance for their continuing benefit.
Not all who hold privileged positions of power live solely for themselves. There is nothing wrong with being rich or famous for abundance is a Divine Law. If it comes through one’s realization of spiritual completeness or from an innate talent for business or profession and is carried out with love, respect, and sharing then it is the natural expression of the universal law of abundance. Wealth and fame become negative low resonating concepts when they become one’s sole source of validation and sense of superiority over others.
When wealth or fame causes a person to believe that they are better and more entitled than others, they are imbued with the energy of duality and separation thus creating for themselves experiences that will reflect the pairs of opposites. Many of them go on to spend their time and energy in vain attempts to maintain the illusion of who they have been in the past.
In the three dimensional world of duality and separation, success is usually defined by how rich, beautiful, athletic, educated, employed, or smart one is. Beliefs that categorize people through concepts of more and less, good and bad, always reflect duality and separation. “Success” is not known or recognized in the higher realms because all are known to be expressions of Source. Energies reflecting duality and separation can never align with higher frequencies of Light and truth.
On Earth, everyone is experiencing some or all of their pre-birth chosen lessons. Some have chosen to experience being poor, or sick, or mentally handicapped. Others have chosen to experience some catastrophe, live in an undeveloped country or one at war in order to have these experiences or to spiritually move beyond some karmic need for them. Some choose to be rich, beautiful, or athletic for the experience rather than for ego gratification but once in the lower frequencies of the physical realm often get lost in the hype and nonsense of the three dimensional belief system.
The energy of duality allows any three dimensional experience to carry the potential for its opposite to express. As mankind evolves many commonly accepted pairs of opposites (success/failure, peace/war, love/hate) will begin to fade into the nothingness they really are. This can cause those who continue to believe these things are attainable only through struggle and pain to pursue their goals in unwise and self indulgent ways that may feel old and unnecessary to those around them.
If you have been feeling despondent about not achieving some hoped for dream, rejoice, for it means you are moving beyond the need for validation through the world’s concepts of success and achievement which often signals a spiritual readiness for your next level, the one you came for but do not remember.
We would reiterate that there is nothing wrong with failure of any kind. It is only the third dimensional belief system that promotes failure as a bad thing. Failure is always a tool for deeper growth if understood and accepted as such.
On the other hand, if you are being guided toward a goal that strongly resonates with you, go within acknowledging and more deeply aligning with the truth of the Divine ever present wholeness and completeness you are, allowing it to manifest outwardly as…. Then take whatever human footsteps are required toward your goal.
Three dimensional concepts of success are beginning to dissolve in collective consciousness because they have nothing real to maintain them other than a belief in them.
Many are beginning to recognize that the hype and value given a person simply because they can run faster, are richer, or are prettier than another is really a silly “much ado about nothing.” Fun and games, yes, but distracting and not really important to the bigger picture unless it serves as an evolutionary lesson for those engaged in it.
Many who have had success or fame try to maintain it long after it is finished in the belief that their accomplishments, possessions, partnerships, or physical appearance define who they are. If you have been or are now successful according to the world’s sense of success, honor that and give gratitude for the experience but do not allow the past to hold you in bondage and keep you from moving on to what may very well be something better, higher, and more satisfying if allowed.
Continuing to grasp at and attempt to recreate some accomplishment or relationship that is finished in the belief that you are nothing or nobody without it keeps one spiritually “in place” until they are able to utilize the experience as a catalyst for spiritual growth. Periods of success in all areas of life are often meant to be a segue leading to the next phase of one’s chosen experiences.
Everyone is a Divine Being on Earth to experience that which they have planned as being necessary for their spiritual growth and learning. No one is on Earth simply to be rich, beautiful, powerful or to rule over others. Indeed some in ignorance actually believe they can do this but eventually there will always come failure and forced growth if not in this lifetime then in another for these things are always temporary.
The dissolution of popular concepts personally and globally is bringing about the chaos you see. The divide is widening between those awakening and those choosing to do whatever it takes to maintain the status quo.
Trust that you are indeed a spiritual being having human experiences. This realization will dissolve the need to search and seek for fame and success in order to feel loved and acceptable. Trust that your higher self knows what you need and when, allowing your good to manifest in new and higher ways appropriate for you at the right time and which may in no way resemble world concepts of good.
It is a powerful time of change in which human egos fear losing themselves. Once you truly accept that it is impossible to lose self because in reality you are SELF, you will come to know and accept that now and always you have been complete, whole, and successful.
We are the Arcturian Group 12/1/19
Marilyn Raffaele


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:58
Segunda-feira, 18 / 11 / 19

In the absolute, everything is perfect, but ...

The Arcturian Group.

Through Marilyn Raffaele


Posted November 17th, 2019



Dear ones, welcome to our message. Many of you find yourselves confused, depressed, and even entertaining the sense of wanting to give up and go home.
Yes, give up, but let it be a giving up of fighting, resisting, and fearing three-dimensional illusions. Old, false, and obsolete creations are sustained through the energy of belief in their reality.
We are not saying to stick your head in the sand or pretend all is well while shouting, “God is all,” in the presence of some disaster, for this would be pretending a state of consciousness not yet attained. In the absolute, everything is perfect, but most have not yet attained that level of awareness.
We are saying that the time has come to seriously accept that a spiritual reality underlies all outer appearances because nothing else exists. You cannot make something out of nothing. Everything in the physical world, the good as well as the bad, is a mind interpretation of the spiritual reality underlying it.
The mind is an avenue of awareness that draws its interpretations from the state of consciousness of the individual or collective. As mankind evolves, the outer scene automatically also evolves. Everyone is a creator regardless of their attained level of spiritual awareness because the core essence of everyone is Divine Consciousness.
Good humanhood is no more real than bad humanhood. So don’t overly rejoice or regret in outer appearances for both are illusory concepts of a bigger reality. Know that good appearances have no good in and of themselves but represent a deeper reality. Seek the reality that is expressing as the good. The bouquet of roses is not good in and of itself, but represents life, beauty, perfection, caring, love.
Appearances that reflect duality and separation have no law to support or maintain them other than the energy they are fed through belief. It is time to stop feeding them with energies of fear, resistance, attachment, denial, etc. You have been preparing though lifetimes and are now ready to do whatever needs to be done personally or globally from the higher levels of awareness you have attained.
Some of you have been discovering new ideas for art or science. The higher frequencies of Light now flowing to Earth are allowing many individuals to re-access knowledge and abilities they were forced to shelve long ago when the energy of Earth became too dense to support them. Healers, especially, are starting to remember ideas and techniques involving color, sound, oils, crystals, and more that they themselves once used in ancient temples of beauty and healing.
We wish to speak of allowing. Most of you have read books and listened to channels teaching you to love everything which is a very high-resonating truth. However, trying to do this has resulted in confusion and consternation for many who simply cannot understand how to love the negative experiences that they themselves and others have had or are presently undergoing.
The three-dimensional collective holds very narrow ideas of what constitutes love. You have all been programmed through many lifetimes to think of love as an emotion involving some person or persons, places, things, etc. This limiting definition of love still resonates in the consciousness of even the most spiritually-evolved, making it impossible to love everything that arises and creating a dilemma for the serious student of truth.
Change the phrase “love whatever arises” to “allow whatever arises.” When you allow whatever arises from your highest level of spiritual awareness, you are loving whatever arises. To see, understand, and accept something from a level of knowing the truth that underlies the appearance is love because you are in alignment with reality — oneness.
God has and never can express ITself as pain and suffering or lack and limitation for these things are not embodied in Divine Consciousness. Attempts to love something strictly from a human sense of love is very limiting because it ignores the deeper reality.
Unwanted experiences usually appear when you are ready to shift to a new and higher spiritual level because they expose some old belief you are still in alignment with and wouldn’t address otherwise. Allowing removes the burden of struggling to love something you do not like.
Allowing is accepting whatever arises from your highest level of spiritual awareness. You will find that the issues plaguing you, others, or the world begin to assume a less toxic role in your life. Many of these experiences are facets of the ascension process necessary for the spiritual evolution of mankind in general who at some point will begin to ask themselves if there is a better way of living.
You will continue to see and interact with negative events, but when you “allow” from a higher perspective, you aren’t aligning with them as you do when attempting to love in the human sense, some negative person, place, event, or thing.
You are moving to new levels of Being, learning to rest in your Divine Selfhood rather than allowing the thoughts, worries, and concepts of the third dimension to take dominion. This is trust. Not a blind trust in some person, power, or unknown God in the sky, but a trust that flows from a conscious realization of your oneness with Source.
You cannot really allow until you can really trust, and you cannot really trust until you can at least somewhat accept the truth about what you are trusting–that the Self-sustained, Self-maintained Godhead is fully present and able to function through you when acknowledged and integrated as your consciousness. To put one’s trust in anything less is to trust concepts with feet of clay.
Evolution is every individual’s journey of learning the reality of who and what they are. It is accepting that God is expressing ITself in and as every living thing because it is the one and only life. It is realizing that “I no longer need to keep seeking, searching, begging, praying, and offering up sacrifices for what has always been fully present within.”
Let “I Am that I Am” become your mantra, your heart song, and response to all you witness in these turbulent times of shifting energies.
Be what you are, now. No more procrastination. It is time and you are prepared and ready.
We are the Arcturian Group 
Marilyn Raffaele


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:08
Segunda-feira, 04 / 11 / 19

Change is happening and you are going to witness it

The Arcturian Group.

Through Marilyn Raffaele

Posted November 3rd, 2019


Dear readers, welcome once again to our message. We are very happy to see so many of you beginning to release fear and move into your true nature as sons and daughters of truth rather than continuing to live as human beings at the mercy of every three dimensional concept and belief still resonating in three dimensional collective consciousness.
You are evolving more quickly as intense high frequency energies increase. These higher dimensional energies are causing those who do not understand what is taking place to lash out with fear and panic in an attempt to return changing physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual issues back to the status quo that they are familiar with.
Change is happening and you are going to witness it become increasingly more intense. Fire and the other elements are Gaia’s tools for clearing old and dense energy. Know that the many dear ones suffering from these things at this time volunteered to go through this–not consciously, but pre-birth. Fire is a powerful tool for clearing old energy, allowing and often even forcing a person to examine their belief system with new eyes.
Those who have held mankind in bondage for eons are being exposed, These people go back a very long time continuing to function in service to self as “power over” from generation to generation. The energy of the collective is becoming too bright and high for them to continue as they always have. It is a new time dear ones. Hold to your center at all times and in all circumstances despite outer appearances. Know that much is taking place behind the scenes that you are not yet aware of. All is as it should be.
We wish to speak about personal peace. The peace that can only arise from where it exists–within. A peace that expresses consciously and unconsciously through words and actions that reflect oneness.
You are all aware of people who live ordinary lives from a consciousness of oneness and yet who never even think of it in terms of spirituality or unconditional love. It is simply who they are.
Peace consciousness is attained through living, learning, and experiencing in many, many lifetimes. This is why those who automatically live from unconditional love are often referred to as “old souls”.
Most humans are as of yet unaware of the higher dimensions. This is because three dimensional energy cannot align with the higher frequencies. This is why many remain “stuck” (ghosts) and do not move on after death. Because they continue to align only with third dimensional energy, they remain attached to familiar people, places, and things, unable to see their Guides and those waiting to assist them into the next phase of their journey.
Once a certain level of spiritual awareness is attained and becomes a state of consciousness, the person can never revert back to their previous or outgrown state. Many on earth at this time incarnated having already attained a very evolved state of consciousness. They appear to be living ordinary lives and can be found quietly serving the ascension process in ordinary ways and in all professions and belief systems.
They are you.
Three dimensional solutions for peace between individuals are always birthed from concepts of separation. Globally, attempts for peace also based in separation have the added elements of “power over” and force considered to be acceptable. The energetic clearings taking place at this time personally and globally are necessary because the dense resonating energy the world has always known can never align with the peace and love it seeks.
Problem relationships believed to be resolved and cleared are surfacing once again for many. Energy clears in layers as an individual is spiritually prepared to do the work. This is especially true with intense and long buried cellular memories. If an issue with some person, place, or thing has reappeared in your life it indicates that you are now ready for its next and usually final clearing. See it as a graduation, not a failure.
Karmic situations between people begins when negative experiences either from long ago or the present remain alive and well in cellular memory. This energy is then carried by both through many lifetimes and becomes what is termed karma. Karma is not a punishment as so many believe but is simply an energy imbalance needing to be cleared or brought into alignment.
The attempt to bring peace and resolution to some problem relationship from a higher level is often met with resistance from the other or others who prefer continuing to live from victim consciousness. If this happens do not align with the other’s lower resonating energy in an attempt to meet them at their level of awareness for this simply feeds and prolongs energies that may go back many lifetimes. This does not mean you cannot speak to them at their level of understanding, but means that you do not align your energy with theirs. This is spiritual empowerment.
If peaceful resolution is not possible because the other simply refuses, it can be done without them. A spiritually aware individual can clear an existing karmic situation without the permission or cooperation of the other who is not willing or ready. This is how you do that–
Set aside a specific time when you will not be interrupted. Center, meditate, clear your energy field, and firmly state your intention; Example–“In the presence of my Higher Self and my Guides, I choose to once and for all clear all remaining negative energy with…state the name.” Use your own words because it is your intention. Make it as long and inclusive as you want. Silently acknowledge the other person’s Light as a Divine Being even though they may not be interested or ready to know anything about this. Visualize the reality of them as pure Light. When you do this you are acknowledging their true nature and not the illusory sense of them you have come to know.
Remove any and all energy cords to the person. Ask your Guides for help if you want. Visualize your hands as Light entering into the solar plexus area and removing and all cords and their roots. You may or may not become aware of a long and very old cord. Simply allow the process and when it feels complete, lovingly hand the cord back to the other and fill the empty space with golden white Light.
You are now ready to let it go and move on. You will soon discover that further interactions with the person/persons are not so draining or difficult as they once were because you will no longer be carrying this dense energetic burden.
If the other continues to seek negative interaction do not be afraid to speak your truth from a place of spiritual empowerment and remove them from your life knowing that if you indulge the situation again at its original old energetic level, you once again create energetic cords and karma.
For a period of time the mind will continue to remind you of old hurts because it is trying to help you but is doing it from levels you have since outgrown. Think of your mind as a friend walking by your side who is trying to help you from an incomplete level of understanding. Mind automatically reprograms as a person spiritually evolves because mind draws from and forms the outer from the person’s state of consciousness.
Because like attracts like (One always seeking to be whole), thoughts and beliefs floating around in the collective that are in alignment with your energy will be drawn to you. These thoughts are impersonal and never become yours unless you accept and claim them as yours. Everyone still carries a bit of old energy that will act to attract similar energy from the collective.
Your job is not to panic and go into resistance when some unwanted thought floats through, but rather to simply recognize it as being impersonal and that somehow you attracted it. Replace the thought with the truth about whatever it represents and examine your belief system because there is no unexpressed consciousness. Even the little hidden bits will continue to express until cleared.
Example; A hypochondriac will attract all sorts of random impersonal thoughts and beliefs about disease. When they claim some or perhaps focus on one in particular they firmly establish it as their state of consciousness often creating the disease for themselves while adding more energy and power to their already established consciousness of disease.
Never resist negative thoughts when they come floating through (and they will), because that only gives them a power and substance they do not have. Simply recognize them for what they really are. One day you realize that you are no longer attracting many old familiar thoughts and ideas.
Karma is not always between people, but can be about the need to move beyond an old belief system that has governed throughout many lifetimes. For example– If a person has lived many lifetimes strongly attached to the teachings of a particular religion and pre-birth realizes that they are spiritually ready to move beyond it, they may choose to incarnate into a family that holds those same beliefs in order re-activate them once again. Now sufficiently prepared to see the old belief system from the level of a more expanded consciousness, he/she is able to release the energetic ties and move on.
Always know that real and lasting peace is a state of consciousness that cannot be acquired through effort and actions from outside of self although at this time some human footsteps remain necessary. Always remember that real peace is already fully present within every person whether or not they are aware of it.
Peace is the natural fruitage of a consciousness that knows; “There is only One”.
Claim the infinite peace that lives in and as you just awaiting recognition– that which will “never leave nor forsake you” — That which you are.
We are the Arcturian Group    
Marilyn Raffaele


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 15:45
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

The shifts of consciousness that are happening. ~ Arcturian Group, Marilyn Raffaele.

The shifts of consciousness that are happening.

The Arcturian Group's Message  

Through Marilyn Raffaele

July 14, 2019


Dear readers, know that the strife and conflicts taking place at this time on Earth indicate the shifts of consciousness that are happening. The status quo is being questioned and no longer blindly accepted by an ever increasing number of people.

The innately self-serving goals of many three-dimensional standards are beginning to be recognized for what they are and, as more and more awaken, will be eliminated or transmuted to higher forms. Know that all is proceeding according to plan.

Some refuse to let go of three-dimensional concepts now being recognized by many others as false. They continue to identify with what is familiar in the belief that their belief system is their identity, showing others who they are. These dear ones believe that they would no longer be the person they believe themselves to be if they were to change.

This type of thinking represents separation and demonstrates the common human need to create an ideal persona based in the individual’s concepts of what constitutes a good, bad, perfect, ideal human–illusion at its finest. (1)

Many continue to believe and promote that change and new ways of thinking will never be as wonderful as in the past. These dear ones live in the past, nostalgic for what they falsely believe were “the good old days,” not realizing that the past only seemed better because the same issues being exposed today were very much alive at that time as well, but were hidden.

Never forget that those who remain fully three-dimensional are also Divine Beings. Your job is to live from your highest enlightened realizations in the ordinary moments of each day. Many of those choosing to remain rigidly attached to illusion will at some point leave the planet as they will not be able to align with the higher-dimensional frequencies.

Do not overly concern yourselves with those choosing not to awaken at this time even if the person is a loved family member or friend. Remember, every person has a Higher Self, Guides, and a spiritual contract and this lifetime may not be their chosen time to awaken. After enough lifetimes lived in the illusions of duality and separation, every soul grows tired of the nonsense and begins to seek for more.

Evolution can be postponed, but not avoided forever because the reality of every soul is Oneness with Source.

Every one of you has experienced lifetimes mired in the sticky energy of duality and separation. It is important and necessary to have hundreds of different three-dimensional experiences before a person is prepared to let go and seek the deeper realities. That is how the ascension journey works.

Everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell is energy . Everything is in vibration. The faster the vibration, the higher the frequency, the highest being pure Light. Highly-resonating frequencies cannot be seen with human eyes because the two frequencies (three-dimensional versus fifth and higher) do not align. This is why most people are unable to see their Guides and beings from the higher dimensions. However this is rapidly changing as the ascension process brings change to the personal resonance of every individual.

There are some who have brought psychic abilities with them into this lifetime, they see “ghosts” and get information usually from the fourth dimension. Contrary to what many believe, psychic is not the same as spiritual. Psychic information flows through the consciousness of the individual giving the information and will reflect their level of awareness. Keep this in mind when getting a reading or body work from another. Seek out those who work from a high level of spiritual awareness and always trust your intuition.

Earth is a spiritual universe filled with Divine Beings and governed by love, but what most see and experience are the false mental interpretations of this spiritual reality. This is why it is so important to practice non-judgement regarding appearances at all times. Example–Rather than being shocked, repulsed, or pitying of someone with a severely deformed body, say to yourself; “Oh, God disguised as a deformed body.” This is unconditional love.

We are not speaking of deformed fetuses. The soul does NOT enter a fetus at the time of conception as many believe. In preparation, the soul may come or go into the developing fetus during pregnancy, but many do not fully enter until birth.

Unconditional love is a state of consciousness that is able to acknowledge the realities that lie hidden behind all appearances. It is a conscious realization of Divine Oneness regardless of circumstances. It does not mean ignoring whatever human footsteps may be necessary but does mean that these human footsteps are taken with a consciousness of Oneness.

Many of the negative situations you observe in others lives are actually facets of that person’s spiritual journey, experiences chosen by them (not consciously) as being necessary for their evolution. Even what is termed “karma” is an energetic reflection of energy given out, a learning experience and never punishment. God does not punish. God could not punish ITself. Never forget that. All painful experiences are creations of the one experiencing and no one else.

Consciousness is omnipresent energy. Energy is not good or bad; it just is. Everyone feels energy although most do not understand what they are feeling. When you enter a place of heavy dense energy, you feel it and want to leave. These frequencies are commonly felt in bars, antique stores, and businesses that thrive on lower human instincts.

When you enter a place where the energy is light and refined, you feel that as well. It resonates with you and you want to stay– commonly experienced in places of natural beauty or places of prayer and meditation.

The state of consciousness of the individual determines the energy they align with. Those living fully in duality and separation and who get all their pain and pleasure from this level often enjoy being in heavy dark energy and frequent places of that density. Some go on to create their own situations of dark energy–satanic rituals, serial killers, and those who thrive on the pain and suffering of others.

They feed from these energies because they are unable to access the inexhaustible source of energy within themselves. They have blocked their flow and need to find it elsewhere, outside of themselves.

Always know that high-energy frequencies of Light are the reality and that heavy, low-resonating energy cannot enter into the higher because there is no alignment. Let this realization be your “sword and shield” in every situation.

There exist many metaphysical protocols for “protection,” and most of you learned and have practiced them along the way of your spiritual journey but you are now shifting into a higher state of consciousness where your Light is the only protection you need.

You no longer require rites and rituals meant to protect, lift you into the Light, or bring you closer to God. These practices are based in beliefs of separation and you now know that you never have been or never could be separate from God. These practices serve newly-awakening students of truth and were important facets of your journey at one time, but at some point become obsolete.

This is the shift from metaphysics into mysticism that you have been preparing for over lifetimes. Metaphysics is changing a bad picture into a good picture through the use of energy tools, mantras, etc. Mysticism is the realization that nothing needs to be changed, healed or corrected.

Let go of assigning power to anything that does not reflect truth, always remembering that God alone is power. You who read and resonate with these messages have been preparing though many lifetimes for a higher way of living and are ready.

There is nothing but God, Divine consciousness, regardless of how the outer scene may appear. As you begin to acknowledge and live this truth, it becomes your state of consciousness and your lives will begin to reflect it because you will be creating from reality rather than from concepts of duality and separation.

We cannot emphasize enough that at some point you must cease being the student and become the master. False ego based “humility” will say, “Oh I am not worthy.” This type of thinking is impersonal and reflective of the un-awakened three-dimensional collective belief system.

Intellectual levels of spiritual study reach a place of completion where one begins to be taught from within rather than from some guru, book, class, or practice. There comes a point at which every individual must let go of the tools that served them along the way and begin living and being truth.

It is every person’s free will choice to stay in the illusions of separation, continuing to seek and search for some concept of God to save them.

However, you have graduated and are ready to experience the infinity of Consciousness not available to the human mind should you choose.
We are the Arcturian Group 

Marilyn Raffaele



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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 19:14
Domingo, 30 / 06 / 19

You are witnessing the surfacing and exposure of many warped and false concepts ~ Arcturian Group, Marilyn Raffaele

You are witnessing the surfacing and exposure of many warped and false concepts.

The Arcturian Group Message  

Through Marilyn Raffaele

April 30, 2019


Dear readers, welcome to another message from those who watch and love you dearly. Never believe that the other side is unaware of your struggles. Many of us have also experienced lives on Earth and know what it is like to live in the energies of duality and separation.
We understand the hypnotism that permeates every aspect of living in third-dimensional energy and therefore have a great deal of respect for the courage and strength you are demonstrating during these times of change and conflict between the Light and the dark, the truth and the false.
We send our love and encouragement along with the many other evolved beings from other planets and higher dimensions who are observing Earth’s ascension process. These beings are eager for the people of Earth to evolve and energetically join them, finally free to visit and roam space as they do.
It may seem as if nothing is changing, but remember that consciousness is the substance of form. In the third dimension there exists the element of time that causes everything to work as a process. As more awaken out of third-dimensional conditioning and begin integrate truth, the resulting higher states of consciousness can begin to manifest. Know that all is proceeding according to plan.
What you are witnessing is the surfacing and exposure of many warped and false concepts that remain alive and well within the third-dimensional collective consciousness. Exposure is allowing the many who have been unaware of or in denial about such things to begin seeing clearly, rather than with eyes programmed to see what others want them to see.
The hypnotism of the third-dimensional belief system causes many to fear deviating from what they have been taught regarding all aspects of life. Many continue to live unconsciously having surrendered their innate power of choice and decision making to others–“experts,” organized religion, politicians, partners, friends, and family.
Fear of allowing empowerment can be the result of intense experiences from other lifetimes still active in cellular memory. (eg., slavery) and sometimes it is simply laziness because it is easier to let someone else make decisions. “Wake up calls” consisting of some intense event/experience are often necessary in order to shift certain individuals out of their comfortable sleep state. This is happening for many at this time.
You are becoming the sentinels, those who silently and secretly hold the Light in every situation. Be the Light in every conversation. Carry the Light with you into places of darkness. Hold the Light wherever you find yourselves and allow the Light to be who you are even when you don’t really feel like it.
More is required of those who have awakened. The “leash” becomes shorter and it quickly becomes evident that going back to some seemingly easier and un-awakened state is not possible. Many have tried, but once a state of consciousness has been outgrown it simply no longer exists.
Life on Earth is not for the faint-hearted. The third-dimensional energy of Earth makes it an extremely difficult but powerful place to evolve and you are doing it superbly and with gusto.
Peace is something that individuals, governments, and societies have sought for generations. There never yet has been real peace on Earth because true Peace must first be present in consciousness before it can manifest. Peace is a state of consciousness.
Three-dimensional concepts of peace will and can only ever reflect the duality/separation energy that constitutes their substance. The appearance of peace created from these concepts may look sweet and friendly to human eyes, but, because of duality, will always contain opposites ready and able to manifest at any time.
True and lasting peace can only manifest where the substance of it — consciousness — is present, whether it is peace among partners, family, and friends, or peace between groups, governments, countries, and world leaders.
Regardless of how ingrained some social beliefs may be, know that country of origin, skin color, gender, language, religious belief, or sexual orientation has absolutely nothing to do with the reality– that every life is an expression of the ONE LIFE –period–and until this is accepted by a majority, there can be no true peace.
As more begin to realize and live from Oneness, a new and higher collective consciousness is being formed, one that can then manifest as experiences of true Peace rather than the false concepts of peace that have come to be accepted as normal.
However, individuals do not have to wait for the collective in order to experience Peace in their personal lives because every person experiences their own attained state of consciousness.
Those who continue to promote war as being necessary for peace have no idea about, nor do most of them actually care about, true Peace. There is a large element of un-awakened individuals and corporations that seek only to fortify their wallets and power through the promotion of war–arms manufacturing and sales (good for the economy), the promotion of aggression and killing as a means to be powerful and heroic  (games, military ads, media), as well as displaying tools of war as entertainment (parades, air shows promoting war planes).
These things seem harmless on the surface. They are meant to look that way. Ponder this, for this is how concepts of war have easily and subtly come to be accepted and integrated into the collective by the general public.
There is a popular saying that says, ‘Freedom is not free.” This belief serves to lock many in the old and dense energies of the past. It is false, is propaganda, and is still being accepted “hook, line, and sinker.” Freedom is the natural birthright of every person. As God Beings, every person is and always has been free unless they continue to believe that they aren’t. Like peace, freedom is a state of consciousness, able to express even in the worst of circumstances.
Like so many things, the essence and spirituality of true patriotism has been manipulated by those seeking to glorify, fortify, and personally gain from the promotion of the false sense of patriotism.
The sending of younger generations to carry out atrocities in the name of peace and freedom are not the actions of an evolved planet, which is why Earth is still held in planetary isolation. Those observing from evolved planets question why humans allow their young to be killed in order to keep those manipulating behind the scenes, fat and happy. They tell you it is for your freedom and safety, but is it really??
The time has come to seriously and honestly question your beliefs with regard to commonly-accepted concepts about security, freedom, and war. True patriotism is not; “My country right or wrong.” as it is promoted to the public, but is rather having enough love for country and mankind to acknowledge and change what isn’t working for the higher good of all.
The promotion of false patriotism has been an easy way to hide the true intentions of war promoters. Up to now most have not been aware of this because it is very easy to slip into this hypnotism if one doesn’t stay alert, awake, and trusting intuition at all times.
People are beginning to wake up and realize that the “Emperor has no clothes.” Carefully examine your own personal belief systems for any subtle but false beliefs about war, peace, freedom, security, and the military-industrial complex.
The promotion of military power as the being the best means to keep mankind safe is energetically old and dense, stretching back into eons of time. In earlier times, conflicts were simply the result of the evolutionary level of the collective, but that is no longer true.
World conflicts have devolved into being a secure means for lining the pockets of those who stand to gain from war and who constantly promote them through fear tactics. You are not yet aware of the behind-the-scenes maneuvering that goes on to keep war and conflict alive and well in the name of your security. However, know that there are many awake individuals choosing to quietly serve the Light from inside the military and other corporations.
War is the creation of the un-evolved state of consciousness fully conditioned by beliefs of duality and separation. Personally and collectively, many have evolved beyond believing war and violence to be essential to freedom, yet fail to recognize that many of these old concepts remain alive and well in their consciousness because of their false sense of patriotism.
The warrior role is one that every person chooses to play in one or more lifetimes on Earth and constitutes an important facet of every person’s evolutionary learning process. The world is now at a turning point, one in which violence as a viable solution to problems must cease and warriors become warriors for peace.
Many dear souls with pure intent and love chose in the past and still today choose to serve their country through the military. Many have sacrificed their own lives to keep loved ones back home safe and out of harm’s way.
In the third dimension these choices have been viable solutions. We do not demean but rather honor the sacrifices made by these dear souls, for their intentions were pure in a world not yet evolved enough to lay down its weapons.
All at some point must be willing to leave behind the old state of consciousness that promotes war and conflict as being essential for safety. Safety is already fully present within the consciousness of every man, woman, and child if they could only realize it. Safety is a state of consciousness.
We realize that some of you may not agree with this message and that is fine, but, if you are sincere in your spiritual growth, the energies of duality and separation as manifested through war and violence can no longer be a part of your consciousness. “My country, right or wrong” does not represent the true spiritual essence of patriotism for any country.
You are spiritually ready to start walking the walk of truth instead of just talking the talk of truth.
Whether it be in family, with friends, or the whole world, never forget that Peace is fully present within you–a quality of the Omnipresent Divine Consciousness you are.
We are the Arcturian Group 

Marilyn Raffaele



Tanks to  


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 23:28
Segunda-feira, 17 / 06 / 19

The collective consciousness has begun to shift... ~ Arcturian Group, Marilyn Raffaele.

The collective consciousness has begun to shift...

The Arcturian Group Message  

Through Marilyn Raffaele

April 16, 2019


It is with Love and Light that we greet you dear readers, you who are paving the way for the those prepared to awaken. You are guide posts for the many now questioning the status quo and searching for answers. However, most are seeking these answers from the old belief system that holds nothing new or higher.
Opportunities for love and service are increasing as many suffer physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The collective consciousness has begun to shift beyond beliefs that are rapidly becoming obsolete. Because the majority as of yet does not understand what is taking place, they can only interpret current events in terms of good and bad (duality), often viewing change and the disintegration of what is familiar as being bad.
Accept that it is a time in which every one (if they choose) can evolve to a higher level of awareness. Many still consider the idea of ascension to be an interesting topic for discussion, not to be actually taken seriously. In many ways the world may look the same, but it is not. The old is completing its usefulness and as more awaken they contribute to the higher resonance that will replace it. Stand back and observe rather than fretting and worrying over appearances. Know that the “train has left the station”.
All there is is God. Ask yourselves; “Do I really believe this or is it just a comforting concept in my mind?” All life, substance, and idea is in and of Divine Consciousness for nothing else exists. Human eyes interpret Reality through the level of their attained state of consciousness which for the vast majority still consists of low resonating and false third dimensional concepts and beliefs. There is nothing but God–Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Divine Consciousness.
Your very bodies are made of Light. What the human eye sees is a material physical sense of the Divine qualities embodied within the Light body. As you attain the realization that there is absolutely nothing outside of Divine Consciousness, the illusory creations formed of duality and separation consciousness begin to fade out of your experience for you will no longer be creating them.
You are ready and must begin to accept and identify yourselves as a Divine beings rather than as Mary, Joe, or Bill. As long as a person continues to identify with a concept of themselves and all the problems that go with being physical, they will continue to experience that belief.
There comes a time in which one can no longer continue to live with one foot in both worlds if they are serious about their spiritual evolution. The choice must be made–“Do I really believe the truth I have learned or do I want to continue thinking of truth as being a nice concept that is too impractical for actual living?”
You all chose to be on earth at this time, well aware before coming of how energetically powerful these times would be. You brought with you your whole list of things needing completion and release rather than just the one or two issues usually brought into a lifetime. You wanted to be able to ascend with Gaia into the higher dimensional frequencies and knew you would not be unable to carry any still active old energy with you.
In order to integrate the Light frequencies of higher consciousness, dense energies still active in cellular memory or in the present must be cleared. This is why many of you have had many intense experiences in this lifetime and wondered why. You are doing a lot of inner work at night as well as throughout daily living and are doing it more quickly than ever before.
Not all were allowed to be on earth at this time, for it was known that it would be a powerful time of change and spiritual evolutionary experiences for Gaia and those upon her. You wanted to be a part of it and knew you had already attained a consciousness level that would be able to assist the process.
Learn to live in the now moment, rather than in the human state of continuously plotting and planning for the future or regretting the past. When you dwell upon the past or the future, you are in the illusion for the only time that exists is now. As you do your best, living up to your highest sense of truth in each now moment, that moment becomes the now and you begin live the awakened life.
We are not saying to ignore events of the past that need to be healed or addressed in some way, nor are we saying that the ordinary planning required in three dimensional living is not necessary. What we are saying is that spiritual living is doing what you are guided to in each now moment which very well could be making plans of some sort but doing it without attaching power for good or bad to the outcome.
You are in charge of you. In your quiet time state your intentions (In the presence of my Higher Self and my guides, I choose…) but never make intentions for a particular person or experience to be your concept of how it should be. Rather let your intentions be for the highest good of self and all involved. Example;” I choose to find employment that most closely resonates with my energy and where I can serve on a high level…” Then let it go. Intentions are always heard for they are self speaking to SELF.
The concept that love is always accompanied by emotion is the three dimensional concept of love. All love is in and of God. It is the energy that flows between the many within the ONE. Human beings in and of themselves do not have love to give. Only in the degree that a person allows God’s love to flow through them can he/she love. As a person evolves and their consciousness fills with Light and truth, the person automatically becomes more loving because Consciousness is always expressing, there is no unexpressed consciousness.
Give up expecting and looking to others for love or appreciation and seek it from the only place it exists–your own Divine Self–allowing it will then flow to you from where you may least expect it.
In difficult situations where you are simply unable to love some person or persons who have deeply hurt you, don’t try. Don’t struggle and attempt to personally feel love in the belief (three dimensional concept) that in and of yourself you have love and forgiveness to give. Simply stand back from the situation, let go, and allow God to love through you.
Unconditional love is the realization everything exists within the ONE and therefore every person is a Divine Being in spite of appearances to the contrary. The recognition of another’s Divinity can lift them out of their personal illusion if they are receptive. This is true healing and is how Jesus did his healing work. When you attempt to “heal, change, or fix” someone, you are coming from the belief of separation, that they are not Divine beings– the myth of “original sin”.
Let your first step when interacting with others always be a silent recognition of their divinity, then proceed to take whatever human footsteps you may be guided to take in accord with the situation and the consciousness level of the person you are trying to assist. There may be times when you must use harsh words for a person only able to hear in that form. However, if the words are prefaced by your silent recognition of the other’s Divine nature, they will flow on a higher level than if they came from separation.
Teachings of Oneness are often misunderstood to mean that all human beings are equal. In Divine Reality they are, but in the third dimension they are not. Many states of consciousness exist and continue to express within the belief system of duality and separation that exists on earth. Oneness must be understood as being a spiritual reality–the Oneness of the many ( all life forms) within the ONE Divine Consciousness called God which is all there is.
Much of what we give you is absolute truth. The absolute is first understood on an intellectual level and then with practice gradually becomes one’s state of consciousness. Because consciousness is the substance of form, nothing can permanently manifest outwardly just from the intellectual knowledge of it. Rather, it must become one’s state of consciousness. People often say; ” I have been stating the truth about — for years and nothing happens.” Truth must be embodied in consciousness before it is able to express as form.
Each truth realized and lived automatically becomes your state of consciousness. Many of you are beginning to notice a synchronicity and harmony in daily living that was not previously there and which you did not consciously plan. Your years of spiritual study and practice are quickly becoming your attained state of consciousness.
For those of you who do energy work, always remember that you are a tool, the gentle breeze that is helping to clear the energetic residue of present and past lives in order to expose an already present reality. “Healers” who hope to work on a high level must attain a state of consciousness that knows without doubt that their “patient” is already complete, perfect, and whole, that they are simply brushing away the fogs of illusion that the person in ignorance allowed to settle over his reality.
Today’s powerful energies are dissolving fear, becoming the impetus for many to complete, act, or do something that they have been afraid to do. Accepting and embracing one’s personal power means no longer being afraid to love, to do, or to be, and allowing intuition to guide in spite of the opinions of those around you.
It may manifest as having the courage to start the business you have dreamed of having, going back to school, or quitting the secure job you hate and replacing it with one that may seem less secure but you love. It means speaking up for yourself and no longer being a doormat for the expectations, rules, and concepts of others.
Empowerment does not mean that you disregard all common sense or refuse to take the human footsteps that may be important in some particular circumstance but rather it means that you allow your intuition and inner “knowing” to lead the way rather than putting your trust in the concepts and beliefs of persons and the three dimensional collective.
The high frequency energies now pouring onto earth are pushing everyone to look within. Most of you are now at a level where seemingly innocent beliefs hiding in the corners of your consciousness are being revealed. You are “fine tuning” the state of your consciousness as you begin to understand what many seemingly innocent beliefs actually represent.
As an example, in our last message we spoke of revenge. Revenge is often thought of as killing another or as intense actions of retaliation. However, the energy of revenge can be very subtle with tentacles that reach into all facets of ordinary life such as being happy when another falls flat on their face–physically, emotionally, mentally, or even spiritually because you believe that they deserve it.
We are not saying that you can no longer engage in a bit of fun with others, laughing with them rather than at them when they or yourself fall flat on your face, but we do say that at this point in your journey you must become very clear and honest regarding the intentions behind your actions.
You are to enjoy life, living spiritually does not and never has meant that one must suffer. God is not and never has been glorified through anyone’s suffering in spite of what some organized religions still teach.
Allow the process, go with the flow, and trust that all is proceeding according to plan.
With great love and respect for you all we are the Arcturian Group. 

Marilyn Raffaele



Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 22:17
Quinta-feira, 14 / 02 / 19

More souls awaken to the truth about themselves ~ Arcturian Group, Marilyn Raffaele

More souls awaken to the truth about themselves.

The Arcturian Group Message  

Through Marilyn Raffaele

February  10, 2019

Dear ones,  with love and Light we speak about the shifting energies of evolution now awakening many to a deeper reality.  Silently and secretly continue  holding fast to your highest level of awareness, allowing it to guide your actions and open you to more.
Each day as more souls awaken to the truth about themselves and others, more high vibrational Light is being added to the collective consciousness which in turn is beginning to manifest in the world as the desire in mankind for higher and  better forms of government, health, and spirituality.  People are beginning to see and accept that there are indeed better ways of doing almost everything.
The chaos you are witnessing is not the ending of anything real, but rather reflects the labor pain necessary for birthing a new world consciousness.
Lifetimes lived in energies of duality and separation have resulted in a universal consciousness that is ingrained with illusory concepts,  believes that materiality is all there is,  and that unless something can be seen or touched, it isn’t real.  Actually, many of your scientists are already well aware that what is perceived through the senses as material is in reality, energy.
There is much to come that we cannot yet share with you because our job and that of other  higher dimensional beings is guide you in your free will choices, rather than make them for you.  Stay in the now moment as best you can, living your highest awareness in every activity of the day.  In reality, you only can live in the now moment because nothing else exists.  Many are discovering  that life becomes much easier when lived this way.
You are the actual substance of everything real, the very essence of Divine Consciousness individualized, appearing as form.   Therefore you are now and always have been the very substance of wholeness, completeness,  abundance, joy, peace, harmony etc etc. — IT is what you are made of.   You are not a physical body with a little spiritual light bulb inside, but are the fullness of Divine Light manifesting on earth through the density required for living in three dimensional energy.
The only thing that separates a person from experiencing their already present wholeness is the belief that they are separate from it–creators perfectly creating lack and limitation in all its forms.  There is no judgement about this because mankind has been subjected to the denser energies for eons of time during which  it became necessary to create a system that would enable them to survive.  This outdated system is what mankind is now struggling to evolve beyond.
Because you are creators no longer ignorant of the deeper truths, you must live your awareness rather than continuing to cling to what has worked in the past otherwise, you will simply continue creating and experiencing the same old three dimensional  problems and wonder why. The ever increasing frequencies of Light at this time are allowing creations to manifest ever more quickly.
At a certain point it is no longer necessary to keep looking for old programming and faults to clear because when you begin to live as Light and truth, those higher frequencies automatically dissolve the lower resonating energies within and without.  This realization removes the need for “protective work” as is taught in metaphysics because your consciousness of Light is your protection.
Lower resonating energy cannot enter into the Higher as there is no alignment but this truth must be realized, rather than seen as just another tool for protecting from something outside of self.
Free will is a universal spiritual law allowing every individual  to make whatever choices they wish.   No one is coming to save anybody or to do the work for  you.  There is no old man in the sky watching and waiting for a person to be good enough.
“Saviors” represent the grand illusion created over time by the suffering of the unaware–hope born from a belief in separation.  No guru, priest, holy man, technique, or teaching is ever or can ever save you from your own free will choices. These things can be powerful tools alerting you to your personal belief system, but only you can make the changes.
Living spiritually does not mean throwing your hands in the air at every negative appearance  while shouting; “God is all” and then doing nothing.  Declaring absolute truth before attaining the consciousness of it is to  pretend a state of consciousness not yet attained–very three dimensional activity.
This often happens with serious spiritual students, teachers, and channelers etc. who falsely believe they must never let others see them as having  “human” issues or problems in the false belief that it would make their work invalid.  Never pretend a state of consciousness not yet attained.  If you have a cold, accept it for what it is.  If you have a problem, simply look deeper, but don’t deny it.  Non-resistance is a core facet of spiritual living.
Living spiritually means going about the normal activities of each day, making decisions and performing tasks, but in a way that reflects an inner awareness of the Divine nature of every individual and the truth that underlies appearances.   Go within often, recognizing the reality of everything–nature, business, people, government.  Eventually the truths you practice become your attained state of consciousness and you automatically live them without conscious effort.  They become you.
An example of this is honesty.  At this point in your journey, you are simply never tempted to steal.  Honesty has become your attained state of consciousness and no effort is needed to be honest.  Another person may be tempted, but holds back because he has  intellectual knowledge regarding the rightness of honesty even if it is fear of the law.  There are those who will take every advantage to steal with no remorse because their state of consciousness holds only concepts of separation.
One of the biggest issues troubling the third dimensional collective is lack–lack of money, resources, information etc.  Praying for these things only creates them because you create your belief system and if your state of consciousness is one of lack and limitation, this is what you will create.  Continually telling yourself; “I don’t have.” allows you to perfectly create experiences of  “don’t have”.
When you attempt to change something from a place of resistance or solve problems on the level of the problem, you empower them.  Conditions of rich and poor equally represent duality, neither  having anything but the  belief in them to hold them in place which means they are subject to changing very quickly.
Spiritual abundance is held infinitely in place by Divine Law and flows from the realization of “I have because I am”.   This is the higher way of understanding abundance.   A state of consciousness that  realizes money to be the  material form of self sustained/self maintained completeness will manifest it outwardly and often through unexpected avenues, but knows it is never from them.
Pay  your bills in the realization that because of oneness, you are simply moving forms of infinite energy from your right hand to your left.  Let objects, money, goods, flow freely through you in the realization that they are flowing from an Infinite Source within and not from you personally where you can be depleted.  Lack is like a person having a large bank account somewhere that they do not know about and so continue living life as a pauper while their money lies waiting.
Know that you are the very substance from which dollar bills are formed.  Abundance is not just money, it is  wholeness and completeness in all its forms, and you can never be separate from it no matter how hard you may try.   Know that wherever your personal financial abundance seems to come from (job, family, husband or wife, inheritance) it really does not come from these things, but rather through them as your own state of consciousness in expression.
Those living fully in the third dimensional belief system do believe that abundance comes from outside of themselves and  think that they are perfectly within their rights to fight, steal, or use any other means to keep it coming and increasing. This is still the mentality of many three dimensional corporations and businesses.  You however, are ready to shift into the truth of abundance.
Abundance as with all truth, cannot suddenly manifest in its fullness without the substance of it–consciousness.  Knowing a truth intellectually is only the first step toward attaining the consciousness of it but this never means doing nothing.  First you know the truth and then take whatever human footsteps you are guided to take.  Frequently a person needs to just take a job, any job, in order to get the flow of moving.
Sitting back awaiting others to appreciate and reward you for your education or experience in the exact form you desire or believe you deserve, more often than not simply creates exactly that–waiting.
Everyone is creating through their state of consciousness, but the majority is not yet aware that they are doing it.  However, never judge, for many during these times of planetary evolution are not creating experiences from a place of un-awakened consciousness but rather are completing  a life plan chosen pre-birth  as being necessary to their spiritually evolution
Once a person begins to meditate, read, and seriously study truth, they automatically indicate to their Higher Self that they are ready for more and the “spiritual train” leaves the station.  Some believe that from then on everything will be roses and light, but nothing could be further from the truth as most of you have discovered.
What happens is that the seeker has opened  doors and allowed light to shine on everything hiding there. Old and dense energies still alive and well in cellular memory and manifesting as their present belief system begin to to be seen with more awakened eyes.   For most, this is a time during which the “Sh..  begins to hit the spiritual fan” so to speak, leaving the awakening spiritual student to believe that he/she is doing something wrong.
No dear ones, this experience indicates that you are doing it right.  In order to open to and integrate the higher frequencies of truth,  every soul must first clear out the old and obsolete.  This is the meaning behind the bible statement about not putting new wine into old wine skins.
This stage of evolution has been called the “dark night of the soul”, and comes to every person at some point along their way.  It is a time of feeling lost, alone, and even in doubt as to whether or not there really is a God.  The person’s former comfortable belief system no longer works and they cannot even explain it to those who have always been closest to them.
Choose not to resist this experience but rather understand the “Dark Night of the Soul” as being an important and necessary part of the evolutionary journey.  It may feel negative, but is a time filled with living vital energy  leading the person to a more evolved  state of consciousness.  If you need to, allow yourself to cry, be alone, and mourn the loss of what is quickly becoming the past without guilt.  Just remember to move on, for this is just a parenthesis in the process.
You are spiritually ready for your good to flow from a conscious realization of your oneness with all that Source  is.  Spiritual good knows no opposite, does not fluctuate, and can be depended upon as ever present.  Continuing to seek human good and remove human bad must no longer be your consciousness if you seriously seek to move beyond duality and separation.
Know that you are always being guided.  Listen to and trust the silent voice of your intuition.  Stop trying to to plan every detail of your lives  according to concepts of how things must be in order to be right.
You are ready dear ones, you are more than ready.
We are the Arcturian Group  

Marilyn Raffaele


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 19:10
Domingo, 27 / 01 / 19

The evolutionary process cannot be stopped due it is the process of awakening to what already is ~ Arcturian Group, Marilyn Raffaele

The evolutionary process cannot be stopped because it is simply the process of awakening to what already is.

Arcturian Group Message  

Marilyn Raffaele

January  27, 2019

Welcome to the new age dear ones, for in spite of appearances you are indeed on the cusp of the new age long predicted by seers of the past and present. The evolutionary process cannot be stopped because it is simply the process of awakening to what already is.
Sooner or later every soul tires of the fruitless efforts involved in third dimensional living and without personal alignment to feed them, the illusions of material sense begin to fade away.  Evolution can be ignored and delayed but cannot disappear because it is the means by which every soul awakens out of illusion and into reality.
Try not to imbue your concerns with power over you, but rather remain centered in the realization that  your oneness with Divine consciousness constitutes  your oneness with harmony, peace, abundance, and wholeness–everything IT is.  Then after doing that, take the human footsteps you may be guided to take.
Many are suffering at this time of transition and those on the other side are well aware of it.   The world has not been abandoned, nor is it being punished for its “sins”.  Events taking place in these times are necessary to the completion cycles of clearing for earth’s ascension process that is now well on it’s way.  A point of no return has been reached.
Many are being forced out of their comfort zone which serves to open them to question their personal belief system and the status quo.  New and higher awareness about everything seen, heard, tasted, touched, and smelled are quickly unfolding in world consciousness through the Light of the higher dimensional energies now pouring onto earth.
Third dimensional ideas are beginning to shift into higher form as increasingly more people awaken. This is causing those who have chosen to remain locked in “power over” consciousness to resist and fight any change as best they know how.  There is a global rift beginning to take place between those opening to  higher consciousness and those refusing to or who are simply not spiritually prepared.
You are going to witness this deepening divide as chaos, but it is part of the ascension process.  Trust that all is proceeding according to plan.  Much that heretofore has never been questioned, especially in politics and religion, is  increasingly being examined and questioned by those seeing with “new” eyes.
The outer always reflects the inner.  Consciousness is the substance of all form because nothing else exists but Divine Consciousness.   However, the qualities embodied in the One Divine consciousness can only be experienced personally when there is alignment.  Every person’s consciousness expresses what it is in alignment with.
However, it is important not to judge or believe that everyone experiencing  problems is un-evolved, for the individual may be right on track with his pre-birth contract, having the experiences  he chose to have as necessary for his spiritual growth.
Differing levels of consciousness are the reason so many religions originally based in real truth and taught by an evolved master teacher are today polluted with erroneous concepts and beliefs that representing gross misinterpretations of the original teachings.  Students and followers unable to grasp the teachings at the level of the teacher,  interpret them incorrectly according to their much less evolved state of consciousness. This is why Truth should never be organized.
You who read these messages have made  your choice to ascend and are spiritually prepared to stay centered at all times even if you do not think you are.  The outer scene is changing very quickly and those who remain centered, meeting every appearance with an awareness of truth,  will find they are spiritually cushioned for whatever presents.
It is time to clear lingering false beliefs and remove any energetic cords still binding you to some person, place, or thing.  This will create space for higher frequency energies to integrate and become your energy.  Energy pathways present in the etheric body are now being activated in the physical body, enabling it to hold, carry, and become one with  higher frequencies.
Many highly evolved beings are assisting earth at this time.  Assistance is always available for the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual facets of the whole.  It is important to understand that because of free will, help must be asked for.  Guides cannot tell you what to do, they are only permitted to assist you with your decisions.
Never disrespect the physical body through the belief that it is base, sinful, irrelevant, or un-holy as  many religions and even some metaphysicians continue to teach.  Your body is the sacred temple of Divine Consciousness, the material sense of the spiritual body.   To think of it as anything less is a facet of the three dimensional belief in duality and separation.  Treat your body as the sacred temple it is by keeping it safe, loved, and clean inside and out.
We have often stated that every person must eventually  let go of seeking outside of themselves for what they need.  This is true regarding spiritual truth as well.  When a person attains the conscious realization of their completeness and wholeness, that which is needed regardless of how seemingly ordinary can manifest outwardly because the person’s consciousness is in alignment with the substance of it.
Needed answers, ideas, or goods flow through some person, job,  book, etc. but  NEVER FROM THEM.This is the universal mistake inherent in third dimensional thinking that has brought about so much suffering and pain for the world.  It is a person’s attained consciousness of their already present wholeness that can then manifest in forms that are  personal to the individual.
                                   THERE IS NO UNEXPRESSED CONSCIOUSNESS.
Truth progresses from being simply intellectual knowledge to being an attained state of consciousness through awareness, acceptance, and practice.  Truth must become one’s actual consciousness before it can manifest because consciousness is the substance of all form.  A consciousness of duality and separation will continue to create experiences of good and bad for as long as it remains intact.
Release  any and all beliefs promoting the idea that some ritual or belief is necessary for your spirituality. True spirituality is not governed or based in rules and regulations, it just IS.  Going to church every Sunday will not make you any more spiritual than you already are although  it can assist spiritual beginners to open to new ways of thinking.
You are ready to fully embrace the truth that you already are and always have been everything you  sought through lifetimes in techniques, rites, and rituals.  These helped you to awaken in the beginning but you are no longer beginners.  You now know that you already embody everything  you sought and yet many of you continue to doubt, still placing all your trust and confidence in the third dimensional belief system.
Continuing to think of yourself  as a human being subject to the whims and conditions of duality and separation after awakening to the reality of who and what you really are, is very foolish indeed and only serves to hold you in bondage to the creations of this mindset.
When you compare, judge, doubt  and access your life according to third dimensional standards, you are only able to see a tiny fraction of the whole picture leaving you to understand  your life in very limited ways stating that some things are right, and other things are wrong and that if you fail to accept and live by these rules you are unworthy of love.
Choose in this moment to once and for all let go of and move beyond the old programming and decide for  yourselves which world you will live in.  Truth either is or it isn’t and the choice always remains yours.
We are the Arcturian Group  

Marilyn Raffaele


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 23:52
Quarta-feira, 22 / 01 / 14



Mensagem do Grupo Arcturiano

Por Marilyn Raffaele

Em 19 de janeiro de 2014

Nós do Grupo Arcturiano dizemos a todos vocês que vemos luz vertendo na Terra em uma abundância sempre crescente.
Vocês estão alterando as energias do mundo pela sua nova consciência do que o amor realmente significa.
Por éons, a humanidade prendeu-se a conceitos muito estreitos a respeito do amor, acreditando que ele fosse ou uma emoção romântica entre duas pessoas ou um laço familiar.
O amor continua sendo imensamente mal entendido porque os livros, filmes, mídia e a própria sociedade ainda promovem essas definições estreitas que então são aceitas por muitos que escolhem não pensar por si mesmos... aqueles que por tempo demais permitiram que os outros lhes dissessem o que fazer, pensar e no que acreditar.
O amor é a atividade de uma consciência alcançada de Unidade e nós estamos cientes de que dissemos isto muitas vezes, mas ele é a base da evolução e precisa ser expandido e incorporado através do pensamento e da prática a toda consciência para um indivíduo e o mundo evoluir.
O amor é tudo que existe porque a Consciência Divina é tudo que existe.
Dentro deste UM, toda Ideia Divina flui de forma divina e em variedade... mas sempre no e do UM.
O Amor, como compreendido e experienciado dentro da consciência limitada do sistema de crença tridimensional, tornou-se mal entendido e estreitamente definido em conceitos de dualidade e separação.
Muitos não estão cientes de que seu amor inato por natureza e o dos outros é um estado de consciência alcançado de outras vidas.
Muitos são seres evoluídos que escolheram estar aqui simplesmente para acrescentar Luz a esta época importante na Terra ou para concluir algumas lições tridimensionais.
Nós falamos daqueles que discreta ou renomadamente levam vidas que refletem um sentido de Unidade em toda ação da vida diária independentemente de qual seja a posição social e popular.
Isto torna toda ação uma ação amorosa e sagrada.
É por isso que vocês escolheram evoluir em um sistema de dualidade e separação, para que vocês pudessem evoluir pela experiência para esta consciência e vivê-la apesar das aparências exteriores.
O Amor NUNCA significa ser o capacho de alguém ou ser um facilitador.
Nós dissemos isto antes, mas precisa ser repetido porque "ser uma pessoa amorosa" tem sido imensamente mal entendido por muitas almas queridas que acreditam que o amor significa permitir que outro as usem ou as manipulem.
Essas situações frequentemente são kármicas e manifestadas (por escolha pré-natal) para o crescimento de ambos os indivíduos que agora estão preparados para ir além delas de uma vez por todas.
Em algum momento pelas vidas vividas nas energias densas de dualidade e separação, os "capachos" abriram mão de seu poder, muitos experienciaram ser mortos ou punidos por se manifestarem e sua memória celular se lembra... a um nível consciente, eles passaram a acreditar que isto é quem eles são.
Lições de vida manifestarão essas oportunidades oferecidas para esses indivíduos reivindicarem seu poder inato.
Algumas personalidades ainda ressoam com as energias de vidas passadas e com a memória celular de poder e domínio, o que é refletido em suas vidas e atitudes.
Os indivíduos precisam e estão aprendendo a se relacionar de formas superiores.
Saibam que seu campo de energia fala mais alto do que as palavras.
É assim que funciona o "bullying".
Certos indivíduos são atraídos e inconscientemente respondem à energia dos outros que irradia: "Eu sou indigno. Eu sou inferior. Eu sou burro, feio ou antipático" e o bullying atua nisso.
A resposta para este problema não está em mais regulamentação, e sim em ajudar amorosamente as "vítimas" a reivindicar seu poder por se amarem e se honrarem.
Empoderamento significa aprender a falar sua verdade... amorosa mas firmemente.
Palavras ditas com uma energia de raiva e julgamento não esclarecem uma situação, mas simplesmente dão continuidade a ela.
Entretanto, essas mesmas palavras quando ditas com um reconhecimento da real identidade do outro (mesmo se ele mesmo estiver muito longe de conhecê-la) e com a intenção de servir ao bem maior de todos os envolvidos, elas portarão uma energia diferente e superior.
Falar a verdade neste nível mais alto terá resultados diferentes.
Mesmo que o outro não aceite as palavras ditas na luz que lhes foram passadas ou fique com raiva, aquele que falou não sentirá a reação.
Isto é porque um campo de energia cheio de luz não tem nada nele a que a densa energia pesada possa se prender.
Se ou quando vocês precisarem dizer firmemente ao outro alguma coisa que ele/ela possa não querer ouvir, tentem fazê-lo quando estiverem centrados e não em um estado emocional reativo.
Até tirem um momento para se dizerem: "Claro" ajudará.
Se puderem, pratiquem tirar um tempo para meditar, ponderar e pedir por orientação antes de falar, e mais importante, sejam MUITO HONESTOS com vocês mesmos com relação a quaisquer conceitos a que vocês mesmos possam estar se apegando quanto à situação.
Normalmente é mais amoroso simplesmente permitir o outro viver com o que ele criou por si mesmo, pois a situação pode ser sua lição de vida e não seria amoroso interferir.
Fiquem tranquilos como um observador com sua mão pronta para pegar a dele quando ele estiver preparado, mas permita que ele pegue a sua primeiro.
O Amor é a energia que liga toda vida, seja ela humana, animal ou vegetal.
Toda vida está e é da vida Una e aqueles que erroneamente se acreditam fortes e poderosos porque podem e realmente matam outras coisas viventes, ainda estão muito involuídos e totalmente enredados na energia de dualidade e separação.
Os animais evoluem e voltam outra vez, tal como os humanos, e adicionam muito mais cor, alegria e cura ao mundo... eles não são objetos inanimados para serem manipulados por esses que ignoram a verdade.
Porque ainda são tantos em posições de poder que ainda não entendem o princípio da Unidade, muitas leis estão em vigor refletindo esses estados involuídos de consciência.
Obedeçam as leis, obedecendo de formas que refletem sua compreensão mais evoluída... sempre olhem profundamente e vejam o quadro maior, pois a leis reais provém de dentro e são sempre governadas pelo amor.
Muitos consideram os trabalhadores da luz somente como aqueles que canalizam, ensinam ou escrevem livros new age, etc..
Um trabalhador da luz é toda pessoa que vive a partir de uma consciência de amor.
São as pessoas que se importam com animais perdidos ou abusados, a pessoa que segura a porta para vocês com um sorriso, o vendedor que gasta tempo ajudando vocês a encontrar o que é certo para vocês e não apenas tenta "fazer uma venda".
Um trabalhador da luz traz a luz da Unidade para toda e qualquer atividade da vida independentemente de como ela pode ser categorizada como banal.
Conceitos que separam o "sagrado" do "profano" estão em e são de ensinamentos religiosos obsoletos.
O estranho que flui Luz num sorriso é um trabalhador da luz tanto quanto aquele de um circuito de leitura ensinando salvação e iluminação.
Ambos estão fazendo o trabalho.
Alguns escolheram antes de nascer serem mestres nesta vida, pois sabiam que era assim que eles poderiam servir melhor, outros escolheram serem mantenedores silentes e irradiarem Luz.
Ambos são igualmente importantes.
Nunca acreditem que vocês não têm nada com que contribuir, pois toda simples ação de seu dia se torna sagrada quando feita na conscientização da verdade.
Todo pensamento e ação provindos de um espírito de Unidade adicionam à iluminação do planeta inteiro.
É isto que está acontecendo agora e vocês o estão fazendo.
Cada um e todos, sendo uma expressão individual do Divino, têm uma peça única do gigantesco quebra cabeça que é a Terra e seus habitantes.
Esta mensagem é sobre aprender a amar e honrar vocês como os seres espirituais que vocês são, queridos.
Muitíssimos chegam a acreditar que suas vidas foram desperdiçadas porque fazem o que pode ser considerado comum... atividades comuns realizadas de formas comuns em empregos comuns enquanto vivendo vidas comuns.
Frequentemente indivíduos vivem no passado dizendo a si: "Se eu apenas tivesse feito isto ou aquilo".
Saibam, realmente saibam que tudo tem um plano pré-natal posto em prática por cada indivíduo a fim de aprender as lições que são necessárias... um plano que é a verdade de quem e do que vocês são.
Deste novo ponto de vista, a vida não parece mais comum... esse mesmo conceito humano dissolverá de sua consciência porque tudo agora adquire uma consciência nova e superior, que então se manifestará externamente em formas sempre novas e superiores.
Sem pensar, vocês são a energia que pode mudar todo o seu lar ou escritório enquanto não estão fazendo nada em particular, exceto sendo... fazendo o que cabe a vocês fazer enquanto centrados e despertos.
A Luz do seu campo de energia terá efeito em tudo ao seu redor... ela pode elevar aqueles que são receptivos a ela ou provocar raiva em alguns que possam se sentir ameaçados.
Isso não é uma preocupação para vocês, vocês simplesmente vivem, movem e mantêm seu ser na Verdade.
Todos são importantes e necessários para a evolução da humanidade.
É por isso que vocês estão aqui na Terra nesta época.
Este é seu trabalho e pode ser feito de onde vocês se encontrarem.
Sigam sua intenção e confiem nela, JAMAIS acreditando que quem vocês são ou o que vocês fazem não tem importância.
A menor das ações realizada no amor tem um efeito profundo na mudança da energia de seu mundo.
Seu trabalho é viver a partir do mais alto nível da verdade que vocês conhecem e simplesmente fazer o que lhes é dado para fazer todos os dias.
Divirtam-se... sonhem... sejam criativos... sejam gratos...
Quando vocês aprendem a viver cada dia desta forma, mais verdade é fornecida e se desenrolará em correntes cada vez mais profundas de conhecimento e compreensão.
Isto é evolução.
Isto é graduação, queridos.
Nós somos o Grupo Arcturiano
Tradução: Blog SINTESE http://blogsintese.blogspot.com
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publicado por achama às 04:37
Segunda-feira, 06 / 01 / 14

EM 2014... - O Grupo Arcturiano

EM 2014... - O Grupo Arcturiano

O Grupo Arcturiano

Por Marilyn Rafaelle

05 de janeiro de 2014

Queridos, nós do Grupo Arcturiano viremos neste novo ano de 2014 para lhes trazer mensagens de amor e luz conforme vocês progridem.
Saibam que na realidade não existe tempo, ele é uma construção que lhes possibilita aprender na energia tridimensional.
Essas coisas vocês virão a entender mais profundamente conforme entrarem nas frequências superiores da ascensão e recordação.
Saibam que tudo está prosseguindo de acordo com o plano, mesmo quando vocês observam discórdia na maior parte do mundo.
O que vocês veem é a superficialização e liberação de energias antigas - purificações que podem trazer uma resolução final e um fim às energias que ainda ressoam a antigas rivalidades e guerras.
A Luz traz à superfície e ao conhecimento consciente essas energias densas, pesadas que ainda estão aí para que elas possam ser resolvidas e dissolvidas, pois a Luz sempre dispersará a sombra.
Tentem não rotular a negatividade que vocês observam no mundo, mas usem seu conhecimento para perceber que o único poder, a única realidade e a única verdade é aquela incorporada na Consciência Divina e nada mais tem alguma lei que apoie.
E sim, comecem a visualizar o mundo como vocês sabem que ele é: um mundo que reflete a unidade de todos no amor incondicional.
Pratiquem este modo de vida com toda experiência da vida cotidiana por reconhecer a Divindade de todos que vocês encontram no curso de seu dia.
Olhem nos olhos deles e reconheçam a luz que brilha por trás deles.
Ofereçam conhecimento silente a todos, até para aqueles aparentemente vocês não têm nada em comum.
Nunca forcem outro a ver ou entender como vocês entendem, mesmo quando vocês conhecem a informação que poderia ajudá-los, pois eles podem ainda não estarem capacitados a aceitar ou entender no nível que vocês atingiram.
Ainda há muitos que necessitam de mais experiências humanas de dualidade para crescerem além delas.
Ofereçam assistência para aqueles que pedem, mas sempre se lembrem de que a verdadeira assistência pode ser dada a qualquer momento a qualquer um e ela consiste de saber silenciosa, secreta e sagradamente quem todos realmente são.
Para todos com que vocês se deparam seja em pessoa, nas notícias ou aqueles que simplesmente passam pelo seu pensamento, simplesmente digam: Eu sei quem você é, você é o Cristo... o filho do deus vivo. - independente de quaisquer aparências em contrário.
Isto pode mudar aqueles que podem ser receptivos, e irá ajudar a limpar alguns dos resíduos, porque a Luz dissolve as sombras que realmente são manifestações formadas a partir da crença nelas.
E mais importante: vocês mesmos estarão mudando seu estado de consciência por viver em e de cada verdade que vocês vêm a conhecer.
A maioria de vocês passaram vidas passadas em conventos, monastérios e comunidades espirituais, retirando-se do mundo e das questões dele para viver a vida espiritual.
De fato, este era o único local seguro em uma época de sua história para o inclinado misticamente, mas descoberto e em contínua descoberta é que seu estado de consciência vai com vocês para onde vocês vão.
Há aqueles que podem precisar de uma vida de retiro e silêncio, e para eles esta opção é adequada, mas o crescimento espiritual somente pode ocorrer pela real vivência dos princípios espirituais que foram aprendidos.
O modo de iniciar é estar "no mundo, mas não ser dele".
Não importa quais modalidades espirituais ou religiosas vocês percorreram para chegar onde vocês estão hoje.
Uma não é melhor do que a outra, pois todos os caminhos levam montanha acima.
Vocês podem ressoar com uma ao invés de outra, baseados nas experiências de vidas passadas.
Não se deixem cair na armadilha de acreditar que seu caminho específico é o único certo.
Um caminho verdadeiro é qualquer um que leva vocês para o interior ao invés de acreditar que vocês PRECISAM de alguém ou alguma coisa externa.
Todos os caminhos verdadeiros se reúnem neste ponto e a partir daí vocês não precisam de caminho, vocês se tornam o caminho.
Os verdadeiros ensinamentos fluem de indivíduos iluminados que, por sua vez, compartilham aquilo de que ficaram conscientes.
O problema é que após o mestre não estar mais por perto, os ensinamentos sagrados não são totalmente entendidos pelos seguidores menos evoluídos que os interpretam de acordo com seus conceitos tridimensionais e seus modos de pensar.
Normalmente é neste ponto que uma "Religião" nasce em que rituais e regras de organização entram em cena e a diluição da mensagem original altera o ensinamento em algo totalmente diferente.
Uma vez organizada, a verdade se dissemina entre muitos não no nível espiritual do mestre original e a Luz da mensagem frequentemente é perdida.
Para aqueles que apreciam e se sentem à vontade com a organização, nós apenas aconselhamos que olhem profundamente, olhem por trás dos ensinamentos e rituais e descubram o que eles realmente representam - encontrem sua própria verdade.
Virá um tempo em que a maioria não sentirá mais a necessidade de pertencer a alguma coisa organizada, pois eles terão percebido totalmente que "O Reino de Deus está no interior".
Vocês levam consigo sua igreja para qualquer catedral, mesquita, sinagoga ou monastério.
Locais de veneração mantêm as energias suas e de outros antes que vocês as tenham trazido.
É por isso que muitas igrejas e pontos de poder são sentidos como tão pacíficos e calmantes.
O silêncio de uma catedral permeado com a energia da oração de séculos pode ser sentido por todos que entram nela.
Regozijem-se e descansem nesses locais sagrados - alguns internos, outros externos - mas sempre se lembrem de que dar poder para qualquer coisa além do Divino é idolatria.
Nós sabemos que durante este novo ano, muito entrará no lugar para aqueles de vocês que levam a sério sua jornada espiritual.
Muitos portais novos se abriram e muitas frequências de energia de ressonância superior estão vertendo para Gaia e seu povo, resultando primeiro em caos e então em mudança.
Vocês estão sentindo estas novas energias em seus corpos físico, emocional e mental.
Permitam o processo, queridos, permitam o processo.
Nós somos o Grupo Arcturiano.
Tradução: Blog SINTESE http://blogsintese.blogspot.com


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publicado por achama às 21:05
Terça-feira, 10 / 12 / 13



Mensagem do Grupo Arcturiano

Por Marilyn Rafaelle

Em 08 de dezembro de 2013

Queridos, nós vemos muito mais esperança e luz elevando-se da Terra.

Vocês não detectam isto como nós, porque vocês estão no meio.

Os noticiários e a mídia na maior parte das vezes relatam somente eventos negativos, muitos dos quais, quando entendidos num nível mais profundo, realmente são limpezas.

A Terra, a querida Gaia, que é uma alma vivente... tem bolsões de energia antiga ressoando sobre ela.

Esses bolsões precisam ser limpos para permitir que as energias da Luz superior de ascensão entrem.

Tudo está prosseguindo de acordo com o plano, tanto dentro como fora, então, tentem não julgar as aparências externas pelos padrões tridimensionais.

A maioria dos veículos de notícias da mídia ainda ressoa com os antigos modos de passar informação na convicção de que "choque e pavor" são necessários para atrair espectadores ou leitores.

Conforme a humanidade evoluir, virá um tipo superior de informação reunida por aqueles que não trabalharão na antiga tradição, mas sim, trabalharão nos níveis mais profundos de compreensão e amor.

Vocês estão entrando no que é denominado temporada de alegria e amor, mas muitos de vocês estão descobrindo que não ressoam mais com os aspectos comerciais da temporada do mesmo modo como costumavam ressoar.

Vocês estão se vendo cada vez mais cientes da constante pressão para comprar, comprar, comprar e estão considerando ofensivo ao invés de festivo porque vocês evoluíram.

Agora vocês percebem que posse não é igual a felicidade ou amor - uma lição que muitos foram forçados a examinar através dos eventos relacionados ao clima.

Como vocês crescentemente começam a viver a partir da gratidão e amor, vocês se conscientizam de que "mais posses" não criam felicidade.

Há alguns que são muito ricos, mas levam a vida passando de uma aquisição para outra em sua busca pela felicidade, nunca a alcançando - esta é a lição deles nesta vida.

Muitos de vocês também estão notando que algumas das atividades tradicionais agora parecem vazias e chatas (filmes, programas de TV, divulgações, música e propagandas).

No início vocês podem tentar ignorar essas sensações ou creditá-las ao cansaço enquanto continuam a avançar dos modos familiares.

Queridos, honrem-se por ter a coragem de deixar ir qualquer coisa ou qualquer um que não ressoa mais com vocês.

Não julguem ou creiam que algo está errado se vocês virem que não conseguem entrar no seu "clima de Natal" costumeiro, pois agora vocês estão vivendo a partir de um novo estado de consciência, um estado que não mais ressoa totalmente com o consumismo como é lhes apresentado sob os embrulhos coloridos do "espírito de Natal".

Vocês estão graduando, e isso é o que vocês estavam pedindo.

Com a evolução, vocês começam a experimentar toda faceta da vida de maneiras novas.

Vocês começam a ver além das aparências tridimensionais e passam a observar mais profundamente o real significado por trás dos eventos da vida.

Isto é válido para o Natal também - vocês começam a celebrar o nascimento do Amor na Consciência e as mensagens da verdade fornecidas ao mundo através dele.

Vocês apreciam a temporada a partir de um estado de consciência novo e superior, mas ao mesmo tempo não "jogam o bebê junto com a água da banheira", pois a temporada do Natal é uma época de alta energia, de alegria, de celebração - energias poderosas para aceitar e experimentar.

A temporada de Natal apresenta oportunidades para treinarem viver a partir de seu poder enquanto ainda experimentam a alegria desta época sagrada.

É uma oportunidade para vocês deixarem ir as tradições que não ressoam mais com vocês enquanto, ao mesmo tempo, incorporam novas tradições que ressoam.

Isto pode provocar discórdias em famílias cujas tradições reportam a muitas gerações - sendo sempre comemoradas da mesma forma.

Novas ideias e atividades podem ser incorporadas lenta e delicadamente.

Não precisa ser a exclusão das tradições ainda apreciadas, mas a exclusão daquelas que parecem velhas e acabadas.

Trata-se de olhar por trás das tradições, ritos e rituais, e examinar o que essas atividades representam.

Trata-se de não permitir mais que vocês sejam levados pela família, igreja, mídia, etc. a uma crença cega de que essas coisas têm um poder inato nelas e delas, pois elas somente têm o poder que vocês escolhem dar a elas.

Observem profundamente.

Lembrem-se sempre: vocês estão no comando de si e de suas escolhas, não a família, amigos ou grandes lojas.

Estejam cientes de que o comércio normalmente é apresentado de formas ocultas, pressionando-os dar para este ou dar para aquele, tudo em nome de ser amoroso e generoso.

Entretanto, a maior parte disso simplesmente é a porta dos fundos para promover mais compras.

Deem, mas deem a partir do coração, queridos, sempre confiando em sua intuição quanto a quando é apropriado e quando não é.

Muitos presentes não precisam ser comprados e vocês pensarão em muitos se tentarem.

A plenitude intensa e profunda somente pode vir da consciência de que vocês são seres divinos tendo experiências humanas de separação para, em algum momento, descobrir a verdade disto.

As celebrações de Natal representam as interpretações tridimensionais do nascimento da Luz e da verdade.

Há muitos que não estão cientes disso, e em sua ignorância, continuam a ver e promover a temporada de modos ainda mais comerciais, entretanto, o que vocês fazem com isso é escolha sua.

Aproveitem as altas frequências da Luz e alegria apresentadas durante a temporada de festas, pois a energia da alegria ressoa mais proximamente com a energia divina - deixem a criança alegre em seu interior sair e ser livre.

Entendam e aproveitem as festividades dos modos que fazem seu coração cantar, mas comecem a ENTENDER e CONHECER as verdades mais profundas por trás de toda celebração, toda tradição, todo rito ou ritual.

Nós somos o Grupo Arcturiano
Tradução: Blog SINTESE http://blogsintese.blogspot.com

Mais: http://rayviolet2.blogspot.ca/search?q=Marilyn+Rafaelle



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publicado por achama às 10:25
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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