A Chama da Ascensão


Domingo, 26 / 04 / 20

What CoVid-19 is Showing you

What CoVid-19 is Showing you


Via Sharon Stewart

Posted April 26, 2020



I am Ashtar Sheran and again, I have a message for those of the Light.
In these trying times of change, there is more afoot than you may realize. You hear of changes being made at the political level, and you see the power shifting away from the Cabal to that of the White Hats. With such a leader as Trump, who steadfastly holds his course despite many threats to his well being and that of his family, yes, he receives them even from the general public. Despite these threats, he stays his course.
We of the Light have sworn to protect his family from harm in return for his work to set your world straight. Many of you know it was end game as the New world order was to implement its final stages in order to enslave you.
You see the power struggle being played out in front of you. Dr Faucci has gone into hiding now that his connection between Covid 19 and Bill Gates has been made public. What prompted his disappearance was the release of the Wikileaks papers which will implicate him to the public and expose his diabolical plot to innoculate all humans with controlling technology. The cabal are well aware that the public sentiment towards them will change, and they fear it.
This is about power for your world, and particularly for North America as the power holders shift from dark to Light. This is being carried out in front of you, the public, in order that your power too may swing and it has. Many more are awakening to the truth and they realize that all was not as it was professed to be.
In other parts of the world, world leaders are subjected to change as well. Kim Jong has been proclaimed to be dead but this is not the truth. In fact he is alive, however that it was indicated in the press that he was dead is a threat to him and you must realize that this is what is going on in your media – threats are being printed in American newspapers, knowing that they will be seen by the ones who the threat is directed towards. And the threateners were indeed the Rockefeller faction of the Illuminati.
Any ally of the white hats is a threat to the illuminati and will be threatened in turn, if not taken out. That is the politics that is going on on your planet and has been for years. It is up to the people to be aware of this.
A few years ago, a missile was launched appearing to be from North Korea, aimed at Hawaii in an attempt to break off friendship between the White Hats and Kim Jong. It was not successful. Now this threat is another attempt at threatening Jong-un off. They don’t want to see Korea re-united as their prototype society would then be released to freedom. In the same way that Germany was re-united in 1990, fascism would take another hit. But it is due to happen.
As for CoVid 19, hardest hit areas are quarantined and measures are sufficient now to isolate them. The spread is minimal at this point. New measures are being sought and spoken of for the first time by the president. Why? To shift the power away from the pharmaceutical industry towards healing modalities that actually work. With the lockdown being so severe, people are now willing to embrace new ideas. They are seeing the old didn’t work and new measures are being embraced as they are being introduced by your leaders.
This will be one win at a time. We would love to see a grand wave of new awareness sweep over your planet but it won’t be like this. It will be one issue with new solutions, over and over until finally the cabal are powerless and the world has turned away from the old regime. This will take time and patience.
Relief funding is being issued to those who are not working and have lost income. This same network will be used in issuing the St Germaine funds when the time is ready. Were so much money to be issued to your people now, they would not understand. So it is being introduced slowly as relief money at a time when they are in need of it. It is about getting your people to accept and embrace the changes.
With more payments comes also the ensuing upset to your society as people no longer need to work. Again, this is a large change and needs to be introduced slowly. There is also the suspicion that the government is attempting to control, and so these funds have to be introduced at a pallatable rate when the timing indicates otherwise. We are attempting to quell any rioting or revolt against measures to liberate your planet.
People on the planet are ready to rebel to the imposed control over their lives, not understanding that working for a living is more controlling of their lives than requiring them to stay home and relax. To change the status quo that has been in place for so long takes small steps, and then observation of the result. Correction may be required. Your people will be asked to tolerate frequent small changes rather than fewer larger changes. We believe this is the way to acclimate them to the new GESARA based system that is coming in.
Again, We Are Here With You, Always.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:09
Domingo, 19 / 04 / 20

New System Will Overtake the Mainstream Media; Will Be Real News.

New System Will Overtake the Mainstream Media;

Will Be Real News.


Via Sharon Stewart

Posted April 18, 2020



I am Ashtar Sheran, Master of this Universe, here to be of service to you.
Yes, you are in times of great change. Until now, the truth of activities that had been undertaken to prepare your world for its new incarnation as Eden, had been kept from your view. Now we require your participation in greater numbers as the changes to be made affect your daily lives.
Those who have been awake and aware for years have been prepared for the news that is literally coming to the surface now, and you in turn are there to help to convince the others who don’t believe this news, that it is in fact true. Everything adds up. It makes sense, it’s logical, it’s reasonable to view the evidence that’s surfaced, even in small amounts, and to create the bigger picture from it.
We have leaked, if you want to call it, this information to the Light forces here on the surface – and by this I mean you – the new communications system that will overtake the main stream media eventually to provide the real news to the rest of the world. We have trained you, we have watched you as you gallantly took on the forces that sought to oppress you, we have watched you increase your numbers as you shared the Truth with the world. You have fought for the Light, for the Truth to be revealed to your planet, seeking out clues and details, speaking with information givers who work on the classified projects that you need to know about. Your group digs to reveal the secrets being kept from you and in so doing, you are changing the fortunes of your planet. By providing this information to others, you allow them as well, to hold that Light of Truth with you.
And now, one by one, the numbers are increasing daily as the light snaps on in the minds of those who begin to question their reality.
You are creating a human web of Truth and Light. This grid is already shining brightly.
Your reality is changing. What you called “normal” before is now a thing of the past. You have to be prepared to embrace change because that’s what your world is currently immersed in.
The comforts you knew of the past will be taken away, released back to you, and then perhaps removed again. Freedom, as you define it, will change. Events will come about, sometimes large, sometimes small events, that will modify your lives and change your realities.
9/11 was the first of these. People began to question the sanity of their lifestyles when, believing what they saw on television, they realized their lives could be snuffed out in a matter of seconds, and that they were sharing their space with others who did not revere life as they did. The actors who portrayed the skyjackers of 9/11 were in fact depictions of your true reality – they portrayed the Illuminati to those upon your planet. Energies were such at that time that allowed for a mass wake up and it indeed did happen. Some of you are here with this movement now.
9/11 tore away the safety blanket that so many people lived under in the western world. Never having lived through an attack on their home turf, many were cast into the truth of your current reality overnight. Of course, this act was perpetrated by your deep state and the goal of it was not to disturb you as much as it was to send a message to the white hats of the day, who lost their lives in their attempt to release you from this oppression. And so we forged on, with new members stepping in where those who had died had left opportunity. We grew in numbers, and so now we have presidential representation, and higher levels of power.
Now it is time for the people to join us, and to step into their power as well, and these coming events will be opportunities for you to rise to the occasion.
Change is not always comfortable. But you must weigh the pain of change versus the pain of having remained as you were. Had change not taken place already you would have been in a compromised state at this time. Humanity on earth has been saved, and you are now working to continue to save yourselves. We ask for your patience. All will come to good for you. We hear your cries. We understand there are shortages of food, and other necessities being experienced. Please help each other out as much as possible. This is temporary. The financial system is due to change over to the QFS before the end of this year.
The lower astral is all but cleared up. DUMBs are proceeding well. We are eliminating the extraterrestrial population in your lower earth quickly now. Indictments are being formulated, and arrests are already underway. Try as they may to hide it, your main stream media is no match for the sleuths your team has proven to be.
We are working with your leaders, your businesses and your financial establishments to bring about GESARA law and humanitarian aid for you all.
We Are Here With You.
Take comfort.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 21:01
Domingo, 22 / 12 / 19

Ex CBS Investigative Journalist Explains How Mainstream Media Brainwashes The Masses

Authored by Arjun Walia.


Posted December 22, 2019 by Siora Tils.

Ever since Operation Mockingbird, a CIA program to infiltrate mainstream media and spread disinformation and propaganda for the purposes of controlling the perception of the masses on several different topics, people have been waking up. That was decades ago, and today, it’s easy to see how mainstream media has been completely compromised by governments, intelligence agencies and corporations. We know this from several documents and several whistleblowers, as well as multiple mainstream media journalists. For example, a declassified document from the CIA archives in the form of a letter from a CIA task force addressed to the Director of the CIA details the close relationship that exists between the CIA and mainstream media and academia. The document states that the CIA task force “now has relationships with reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly, and television network in the nation,” and that “this has helped us turn some ‘intelligence failure’ stories into ‘intelligence success” stories,’ and has contributed to the accuracy of countless others.”
Again there are many examples, especially with regards to mainstream media in general. Not long ago, William Arkin, a longtime well known military and war reporter who is best known for his groundbreaking, three-part Washington Post series in 2010 on classified black budget programs, went public outing NBC/MSNBC as completely fake government run agencies.  You can read more about that here. Arkin is known as an American political commentator, best-selling author, journalist, activist, blogger, and former United States Army soldier. He has previously served as a military affairs analyst for the Los Angeles TimesThe Washington Post, and The New York Times.) You can read more about that here.
Dr. Udo Ulfkottewho was a top German journalist and editor and has been for more than two decades, went on the record stating that he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, also mentioning that noncompliance would result in him losing his job. (source)
Again, there multiple examples, as well as several examples of fake footage.
In the below eyeopening talk, veteran investigative journalist (and Former CBS NEWS investigative reporter) Sharyl Attkisson shows how “astroturf,” or fake grassroots movements, funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages.
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. (Propaganda)
There is no doubt that mainstream media plays a role on this, and that’s simply due to the fact that they are run by governments, intelligence agencies and giant corporations.
There’s a reason why independent media outlets, like Collective Evolution, have been censored and demonetized so much. In today’s day in age, presenting information with credible evidence to back it up that is a threat to corporate and political interests will be heavily censored. There is  ‘ministry of truth’ out there, one example is FakeNews watchdog NewsGuard who aims to hold independent media accountable for their stories. They are funded by Clinton donors and big pharma, with ties to the CFR, NewsGuard seems to have a clear agenda in favour of mainstream media.
With all of the control and the attempt to censor various truths, it doesn’t matter, truth always makes its way into the public domain in various areas, it’s just a process.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:46
Quarta-feira, 12 / 06 / 19

Mainstream Media Panicked About Independent Media? ~ Joe Martino

Mainstream Media Panicked About Independent Media?

By Joe Martino

June 11, 2019.



Have you heard of the Vox ad-apocalypse? 
Essentially, after one right-wing, comedic news analyst on YouTube, Steven Crowder, was critical of some of Vox's content, Vox took it upon themselves to work towards getting Steven banned and demonetized on YouTube.. and it partly worked! 
Thus far, Crowder's YouTube channel is now demonetized, along with many other accounts (ours back in 2018), but he has not been banned entirely from YouTube. It appears that mainstream media has the power to create enough of a stink to affect the success of independent media.
Now there is a lot to discuss with this specific topic, including that Crowder is often not the most harmonious voice, but it has begged us to ask the question: is mainstream media in a state of mega panic over the success of independent media? Are they working together with social media platforms to knock out the legs of independent media? Are they simply caving to the desires of the mob?
It appears that way, and we're going to explore all the evidence in this week's episode of The Collective Evolution Show on CETV.. the attacks on independent media continue, but we'll prevail in the end!
Along with that segment we'll be doing segments on Importance of Nuance In Activism, and discussing why UFOs Are Now Mainstream and What's Next.
Help us celebrate our 10 year anniversary this June by becoming a member of CETV today!
The Controversial Science of Cloning
If I asked you whether or not cloning is already happening you might say yes, and you'd probably be right!

Arjun and I discussed the controversial science of cloning and did some research on a particular claim coming from a group called The Raelians who claim to have cloned multiple human babies and who can clone based on request!

Of course, the ethics of this, the consciousness transference element, the potential uses of cloning and what evidence there is for it is discussed as well.

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7 Proven Reasons To Eat More Blueberries

One of my favorite fruits to eat. Research confirms that eating even less than a cup of blueberries a day helps fend off heart disease, cancer, brain aging, and much more.

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Top Cancer Research Advisor Compares Wireless Radiation To Cigarettes

They told us to stop talking about GMOs, we did and things changed. They told us to stop talking about vaccines, and things are changing. They don't want us talking about 5G... but we will.. and things will change. We don't need to repeat our collective unconsciousness.

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Close Ties & Financial Entanglements: The CDC-Guaranteed Vaccine Market

Believe it or not, the vaccine marketplace has a number of guaranteed monopolies tied to it that provide a few corporations a huge amount of control over the market. That amount fo consolidated power can cause a great deal of corruption in our current state of consciousness.

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Join IONS In Creating Humanity’s Future NOW At The Possibility Accelerator Conference

Our friends over at IONS are having a consciousness expanding conference July 18-21, 2019 that will feature some incredible speakers including Rupert Sheldrake, Ervin Laszlo, Deepak Chopra and more!

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Peace & Enjoy The Day!

Joe Martino
Founder, Collective Evolution
Host, The Collective Evolution Show
Connect with me on Instagram


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 




Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 




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publicado por achama às 03:14
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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