A Chama da Ascensão


Quinta-feira, 23 / 01 / 20

Ben Fulford Full Report: Rothschilds kicked out of Russia...

Benjamin Fulford 

Full Report 


Posted by January 23, 2020 by Edward Morgan



A world revolution is unfolding with historical events taking place in Africa, China, France, Japan, Russia, and elsewhere as the old planetary control grid continues to collapse, multiple sources agree.
Let’s start with the revolution that was announced in Russia last week.  Basically, David Rothschild was kicked out and the Russian central bank was nationalized, which is why half the government was fired, FSB sources tell us.  Here’s what our FSB sources have to say on the subject:
“It was supposed to start back in November 2019 when Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was killed at FSB headquarters, but due to the presence in the country of a huge number of the richest Jews in the world (the Rothschilds, Sheldon Adelson, etc.), this operation was postponed.
“Then at the end of December, half of our money was given to one structure, which organized this sudden ‘departure’ of Jewish Premier Medvedev.  This structure will oversee various ministries and all new ministers will be appointed under its supervision.
“On January 16th, President [Herman] Gref of Federal Central Bank Sberbank got so drunk with grief that he was taken to the Odintsovo Hospital suffering from acute alcohol poisoning.  That is why he suddenly cancelled his speech at the Gaidar Forum.”
On January 18th, Gref told Tass News, “We should brace for the collapse of the existing world order.  It will be very painful.”

The FSB sources also report that when Elvira Nabiullina, the head of the Russian central bank, was fired last week, all cellphones of central bank employees were confiscated and a huge stash of documents was seized.
One other thing they reported to us was that Yevgeny Zinichev, “the head of the Ministry of Emergencies, will become the head of the FSB, but this will also not be for long.”

The P3 Freemasons, who report a lot of very weird stuff, tell us the Medvedev who was removed was actually an “an alien.”
Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron of France is also under siege.  He was forced to flee for his life from a theater last week amid rioting that has gone on now for over a year.  A new French revolution is coming, French resistance sources promise.
Equally dramatic, if less public, events were going on in Japan last week.  A first cousin of former Emperor Hirohito tells us the Bank of Japan has been …
… nationalized and the Rothschilds as well as the Rockefellers have been removed from control of this country.
British royal family sources confirm this and say that Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako have been invited to the UK this spring where, among other things, they will discuss the creation of a world future planning agency.

Representatives of the P3 Freemasons, the British Commonwealth, and Asian secret societies are planning to meet in London, possibly in February, to discuss the creation of this agency.  They will also discuss preparations for human colonization of space, P3 sources say.

The initial agreement is that the planning agency will be headed by a committee of seven with decisions made by majority vote, according to a source involved in the negotiations.  The seven will include one representative each from Africa, the Americas (North and South), Asia outside of China, China, Europe including Russia, India, and the Muslim world.  Vetoes would be limited to the region making it.  So, for example, if the world decided to ban pork, the Chinese could veto that and continue to eat pork in China.
Speaking about pork and China, CIA sources in Asia say a major offensive is underway against that country.  “The Western media is not discussing the slaughter there of several hundred million pigs due to the outbreak of the new strain of African swine flu virus (created in vitro, of course),” one source says, noting:
“Pork is the main food of the Chinese.  It is consumed every day.  America cannot replace the lost pork from the massive slaughter.  You can imagine what will happen to the Chinese people without pork, which is their main source of protein.  This is being kept very quiet for obvious reasons.  China had half of the world’s supply of pigs with a population of more than 700 million pigs.  This provides the main source of protein for 1.3 billion people.”
The sources also told us the following:
“Xi Jinping and his cronies are behind the protesting in Hong Kong.  His plan is to bring down HK and turn Macau and Shanghai into the new financial centers.  China has been financing the protesters since the beginning.
“HSBC is in the process of moving their regional headquarters to Singapore.
“The Chinese government is planning on canceling all leases that were made with the UK, meaning they will take over the land and buildings in HK.  They are also planning on canceling the HK dollar and will allow up to 6 months for all HK dollars to be exchanged for Yuan.  As you can see, China is going to destroy Hong Kong.  They will of course shoot themselves in the foot, so to speak, as HK is their connection to money from the West.  China will implode from within.”
Furthermore, the source says:
“China has been kicked out of Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam.  They are no longer wanted or needed.  The same is true in Australia.  The Aussies have had enough.”
The U.S. also carried out a sophisticated attack on China via Japan, according to Japanese military intelligence sources.  This was seen in the news as a fight between South Korea and Japan over historical issues.  In reality, though, it was a pretense to stop Japanese exports of key semiconductor manufacturing equipment to South Korea.  This in turn had the effect of shutting down the Chinese semiconductor industry, the sources say.
A new soft power struggle is also going on with the Chinese over Africa.  An example is this disinformation being sent (presumably by the Chinese) about a British-led summit about Africa.  According to this disinformation:
“Organized by Boris Johnson, this summit will host many heads of state and government leaders, companies, international institutions, international spy organizations of espionage and counter-espionage, and secret societies to present investment opportunities in Africa and to discuss implementation of the New World Order.  It will feature a discussion by the supreme committee entitled “melanin and the control of black people.”
The actual summit summary published by the British government reads as follows:
“The Summit will be hosted by the Prime Minister and will bring together businesses, governments and international institutions to showcase and promote the breadth and quality of investment opportunities across Africa.  The Summit will strengthen the UK’s partnership with African nations to build a secure and prosperous future for all our citizens.  It will mobilize new and substantial investment to create jobs and boost mutual prosperity.”
In other words, we are finally seeing a Western answer to the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative.
In any case, Chinese Freemasons, for their part, say that talk of a Chinese implosion has been around for decades and has always proven to be wrong.  They say time is on their side because they have a superior system of governance and economic management, so they will continue to grow faster than the West.
The Chinese are also now taking the lead on environmental protection, the sources say.  Recent news items backing this up include Chinese plans to ban single-use plastic and a ten-year fishing moratorium on the Yangtze.

The offensive against China is taking place in the context of a still-unfolding collapse of the U.S. Corporate government in Washington, D.C.  The regime there is paralyzed by infighting and staged events.  The latest is a gathering in Virginia featuring crisis actors, gun lobbyists, goons, undercover cops, citizen journalists, etc.  There is also a fake impeachment show going on against U.S. President Donald Trump.
The fake show distracts from the very real crimes of the end-times evangelicals who now surround President Trump.  We are talking, for example, of the recent attempt to start World War 3 in Iran with the murder of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani and the shooting down of a Ukrainian civilian aircraft.
The fact that the plane was remotely hijacked and flown towards an Iranian military base—a clear war crime—is now being reported by mainstream news outlets.

Also, in a sign of a real break in the Anglo world, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is blaming the U.S. for downing the Ukrainian airliner.  This is happening as UK Defense Minister Ben Wallace says his country is ending its military alliance with the Trump regime.

Pentagon sources too are making it clear they are tired of the political hacks in Washington, D.C.  For example, the sources note that “In a rebuke to former presidents, the Navy decided to name its newest carrier after an African-American sailor instead of Bush Jr., Clinton, or Obama.”
The Pentagon is also sick and tired of fighting as an Israeli proxy in the Middle East, the sources say.  “Congress is livid that the death toll from Iran’s missile strikes on U.S. bases in Iraq is at least 139, making troop withdrawal an election issue,” they say.
A clear sign of how rogue the U.S. regime has become was when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, “The destruction of Soleimani is an example of a new U.S. strategy aimed at deterring its opponents.  This applies equally to Iran, China, and Russia.”  Someone should point out to Pompeo that assassination is a two-way street.

The Trump regime is also doing things like threatening Europe and pulling out of NATO military exercises.

Finally, we are hearing increasingly credible information about battles taking place in deep underground bases from multiple sources.  First take a look at the seismographs from an Indian underground nuclear test versus those from a natural earthquake.

The recent earthquakes in Puerto Rico, around the China Lake underground bases in Nevada and California, in Kumamoto, Japan, etc. all bear the signs of artificial earthquakes.
Multiple sources tell us they have found children in cages and other horrors in some of these bases that are now being taken over or destroyed by the white hats.  Japanese sources tell us that 14,000 Japanese children were being sold each year to the Khazarian mafia.  FBI statistics show that 40,000 children go missing each year in the U.S.  Many of them are now being rescued from cages in underground bases, Pentagon sources say.  The 38-minute video at the link below provides good background information on this no longer very secret war.

On a final note, we were told by our Antarctica sources that what is happening now on the surface of the planet is much more important.  We were promised more information about this subject at a later date.
Benjamin Fulford


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Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 17:59
Quinta-feira, 16 / 01 / 20

Ben Fulford Report: Messianic nut-case Iran gambit backfires, payback begins

Benjamin Fulford 

Full Report 


Posted by January 15, 2020 by Edward Morgan



The recent events orchestrated by the U.S. government in Iran have backfired in a major way and the repercussions have only just begun, multiple sources agree.  The worst result has been to force the British and the rest of the Anglo-Saxon world away from their alliance with the U.S. under its current administration, MI6 sources say.  “Whatever happened should never have happened, and the Western powers need to vacate the Muslim world and contain Israel,” the sources say.
Even the Israelis are waking up to the dangers of the Evangelical Christian nut jobs they created, Mossad sources agree.

Of course, the rest of the world already views the U.S. as a pariah state, so now U.S. President Donald Trump is totally isolated on the world stage.
Before we go further into the fallout, let us summarize exactly what happened.  Basically, it was yet another attempt to start World War 3 by the Messianic Jewish crazies who, for simplicity’s sake, we will call the Zionists.  This time they orchestrated an escalating series of events in a vain effort to get their long-awaited Armageddon by:
  1. Murdering an American contractor in Iraq and blaming it on the Iranians.
  2. Convincing or blackmailing Trump into a disproportionate response.
  3. Getting their Iranian agents and brainwashed dupes to riot at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.
  4. Forcing Trump to commit a war crime by murdering Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.
  5. Remotely hijacking a Ukrainian airliner and flying it with transponders off towards an Iranian military base to fool the Iranians into shooting it down.  (For those readers who do not yet realize this, in the late 1990’s the U.S. had remote hijacking equipment installed in all civilian airliners, supposedly as an anti-hijacking measure.  This ability has been repeatedly abused for political purposes by the Khazarian mafia).
Now they are trying, and failing, to orchestrate regime change in Iran.  Instead, though, this botched operation has succeeded in waking up a critical mass within the Western intelligence/military community to the fact the U.S. government has been hijacked by a fanatical cult that is trying to start WW3.
That is why the UK Defense minister Ben Wallace publicly announced his country was breaking away from its military alliance with the U.S.

There has also been a huge pushback by saner minds in the U.S. military-industrial establishment against the end-times fanatics centered around presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner and his Chabad cult.  For example, U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper publicly denied claims by Trump that Iran was planning to attack U.S. embassies.

Pentagon sources say, “Despite the rhetoric, Trump has no choice but to pull U.S. troops out of Syraq, and eventually the Middle East.”
The reason Trump has no choice is, among other things, financial.  The U.S. has wasted over 7 trillion dollars on endless war in the region and is now running out of money.  This is the $7 trillion, by the way, that the Japanese were hoping to spend on ending poverty and stopping environmental destruction before the U.S. regime stole it from them.
There was a meeting between a representative of the White Dragon Society (WDS) and a senior Asian secret society leader last week to discuss, among other things, a plan for the bankruptcy reorganization of the U.S.
The plan calls for …
… the U.S. military-industrial complex to provide hitherto hidden technology to the Asians in exchange for financial support for rebuilding the U.S. economy, WDS sources say.
The Asians, for their part, are wary of making deals with any European peoples because so many promises have been broken by them in the past.  This is the result of past actions of Jewish supremacists who believe it’s okay to deceive and cheat Goyim.  You reap what you sow.
The WDS pointed out that Western civilization had a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde aspect to it, and the key was in making deals with the good side of the West.  It was explained to them that it was true that Asia, especially China, had experienced many humiliations and betrayals by the West.  However, it was also true that while the West has long had the technical capability to kill all the Chinese, instead they transferred technology, industry, and know-how to them to help them develop and modernize.
The meeting also revealed there was a significant faction in the Chinese power structure who actually believe the Zionist nonsense that WW3 is needed in order to bring on a one world government and a one world religion.  They were warned that this was a Zionist trap intended to kill 90% of the world’s population and enslave the rest.
As an alternative, the WDS proposed that Canada and the rest of the Anglo-Saxon world be given a chance to help restore the U.S. system to peace and sanity.  It was pointed out that England and Canada have historically kept their promises and acted with honour.
The discussions will continue, but the chances for world peace are now much higher now than the chances for World War.  A higher-level meeting between representatives of the British Commonwealth, the P3 (the Romans or the Vatican), and the Asians has been proposed.  We are now awaiting an answer from the Asians.  The discussions will continue in February with the start of the Chinese New Year, the Asian side says.
In the meantime, expect more Zionist provocations in the South China Sea, North Korea, Africa, etc., none of which will achieve their goal of WW3.
There will also be a continuation of assassinations and sudden deaths of Zionist leaders, Pentagon and other sources promise.  “Not lost in the Iran news cycle is the death of Zionist former longtime NBA Commissioner David Stern, and the death of Jewish LA billionaire Ron Burkle’s son.  Burkle was a guest on the Lolita Express, a Democratic fundraiser, and a friend of billary [Bill and Hillary Clinton] and Epstein,” the sources note.  “David Koch expired last August, and other billionaires on Epstein flight logs are Steven Spielberg, Tom Pritzker, Glenn Dubin, and Oprah Winfrey,” they add.
The ancient Iran-based cult of assassins is undoubtedly going to avenge the murder of Soleimani.  In the past, one of their assassins explained to this writer how they carefully infiltrate the households and families of their targets before making their move when it is least expected.  Trump should have listened to the advice I once gave to a representative of North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un:  “The best way to avoid assassination is to not make enemies.”
Speaking about avoiding assassination, Prince Harry of the UK has now come out publicly to say he fled to Canada to save his family from the same fate that befell his mother, Princess Diana.

Here is what a European royal had to say about the situation:  “The whole thing is a disgrace and infuriating to us all.  If the monarchy carries on like this, the people will show it the door.  The matter will be managed carefully and correctly,” the source said.  However, it is already certain that Prince Charles will never succeed to the throne of England, he said.  The Gnostic Illuminati, who oppose bloodline rule, will for their part try to exploit this situation to overthrow the British Monarchy.  Given the huge popular support in the UK for this institution, they will probably fail, but in the meantime, the tabloids will have a feast.
Whatever trouble occurs in England, however, will be minor compared to what is happening in France.  President Emmanuel Macron has been forced by large-scale demonstrations and strikes to back down on his plans to steal pension money from his people.  However, the French are aware he stole the election that put him in power and that he does not work for the French people.  Since French living standards are continuing to plummet, his regime will not be able to stabilize the situation.  It’s time for the French generals to take action before it is too late.
Another nation that might experience big change soon is Japan.  The country’s population is vanishing at the rate of 500,000 people per year.  This is because nobody wants to have children in a land whose future has been hijacked by Zionist gangsters.  The cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is filled, according to insiders, with low-IQ morons.  The result is that Japanese living standards are plunging and the country is filled with impoverished elderly people.
A sign of how incompetent the Japanese government is came with the entire saga surrounding the arrest and escape of former Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn.  Several sources say the real reason Ghosn was persecuted was that he was planning to steal military secrets from Abe’s sponsors in Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.  If that was the case, they should have come out and said that.  Instead, they fabricated ambiguous charges and made an international mockery of Japan’s justice system.
Japan’s police, in line with the U.S. and Japanese armed forces, are preparing to take power away from the Zionists and return it to the country’s still-talented, albeit leaderless bureaucrats, according to right-wing sources close to the new Emperor.
On a final note this week, we are once again hearing rumblings about Antarctica and disclosure.  A WDS envoy has been sent to meet a representative of the groups operating in Antarctica.  We hope to have something to report about this next week.r the Zionists, and it reads “Peace on earth, goodwill to men.”
Benjamin Fulford


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Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 21:50
Quinta-feira, 09 / 01 / 20

Benjamin Fulford Report: Desperate Zionist move to start WWIII backfires drastically

Benjamin Fulford 

Full Report 


Posted by January 9, 2020 by Edward Morgan



The U.S. murder of top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani was either a “brilliant chess move” or a very stupid mistake, but either way, it has severely harmed the Zionists.
“The martyrdom of Soleimani may have been a brilliant chess move by U.S. President Donald Trump to unleash global anti-Semitism and terminate Israel, Saudi Arabia, Zionism, Exxon, and the deep state using Iran, Russia, China, Turkey, the EU, and its allies,” was how one Pentagon source summed up the situation.
However, British Intelligence got a very different story from their U.S. counterparts, who told them Soleimani was killed because “he was going to set off nuclear weapons in an attempt to start WWIII and bring on the Mahdi or Messiah.” The British don’t believe this excuse and note that “It was highly unusual the Pentagon did not forewarn Great Britain,” according to MI6 sources.
Regardless, despite the incredible Zionist beating of war drums, the Pentagon, Russian, and Chinese sources agree that this incident will not be allowed to escalate into WWIII.
“As Einstein said, ‘I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.’ We need to make sure the Iran situation does not threaten modern civilization,” was how an Asian Secret Society source described China’s view of this engineered crisis.
“…Eliminating officials of another UN member state…blatantly violates the principles of international law and should be condemned,” was Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s response to the incident. The world community will support Iranian war crime charges against Trump and he will eventually end up in jail for this crime, Russian FSB sources promise.
Veteran’s Today is reporting that the U.S. government committed a war crime by officially inviting Soleimani, under the promise of diplomatic immunity and the lifting of sanctions on Iran, only to ambush and kill him.
Pentagon sources say that because Trump was “tricked into ordering the hit [on Soleimani] with false Israeli Intelligence,” he now has cause and may fire…
…“Eliminating officials of another UN member state…blatantly violates the principles of international law and should be condemned,” was Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s response to the incident. The world community will support Iranian war crime charges against Trump and he will eventually end up in jail for this crime, Russian FSB sources promise.
Veteran’s Today is reporting that the U.S. government committed a war crime by officially inviting Soleimani, under the promise of diplomatic immunity and the lifting of sanctions on Iran, only to ambush and kill him.
Pentagon sources say that because Trump was “tricked into ordering the hit [on Soleimani] with false Israeli Intelligence,” he now has cause and may fire Zionist agents [Secretary of State Mike] Pompeo, [Defense Secretary Mark] Esper, [CIA head Gina] Haspel, and even javanka [Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump].
“The red flag of jihad has been declared on Israel and Saudi Arabia, as Iran has been given casus belli and global approval, while Trump has political cover to pull U.S. troops and U.S. citizens out of harm’s way,” the sources say.
Also, “U.S. Special Forces may even hunt Israelis in Kurdish Iraq, Syria, or elsewhere before leaving, and may execute International Criminal Court arrest warrants on Israeli war criminals,” the sources predict.
“As sealed indictments approach the biblical number of 144,000, kinetic warfare may be combined with lawfare through the ICC and military tribunals to wage total war against the Zionists,” they continue. “The ICC may also prosecute Israel and Saudi Arabia for war crimes in Yemen, crimes against humanity in Syria, Iraq and Libya, and any Zionists or deep state agents aiding or abetting ISIS [Daesh],” they say.
The Zionists may have made this desperate attempt to start war against Iran because of the dragnet that’s closing in on them. For example, evidence is appearing in the mainstream press that chemical weapons attacks on Syria were faked by the Zionist-controlled Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. This means their information control grid is collapsing.
In any case, the attempt to start WWIII with Iran is definitely connected to the ongoing bankruptcy negotiations of the U.S. Corporation, agree various secret society sources. So far, the U.S. Corporation has not found funding to continue its operations past January 31st, and that may be the real reason why they played their war card yet again, one Asian secret society source noted.
Certainly the media hysteria over Iran has distracted people from the fact that the U.S. economy is in a free-fall worse than the Lehman crisis of 2008. Here are a few recent signs of this.
The Baltic Dry Index has plunged 64% in the past three months as the world stops trading with the U.S.

  1. U.S. used truck prices fell 50% year on year in December, while rail freight dropped 11.5%.
U.S. factory output has fallen to its lowest level since 2009 immediately after Lehman.
Another indication the U.S. Corporation is desperate for funds is the fact that NASA (Not A Space Agency) is seeking survival money from Japan.
The U.S. Corporation was able to fool China and get funding to keep its operations going after the Lehman crisis by promising a black communist president—Barack Obama.
This time may be different, because so far only the Federal Reserve Board is buying U.S. stocks and U.S. Treasuries.
However, FRB funny money is not acceptable for the U.S. Corporation’s international payments that are due January 31st.
The fact is that U.S. debt is soaring, while population bombs and denying reality with funny money are not going to solve the problem.
What the American people need to understand is that the world is trying to free them from the U.S. Corporation’s Babylonian debt slavery and restore the Republic of the United States of America. This will lead to a huge jump in U.S. living standards, similar to the near doubling of Russian living standards that was seen after Vladimir Putin kicked the Khazarian mafia out of his country.
Even if the U.S. Corporation is funded past January 31st, the world is headed for extreme turbulence and a major purge as the Zionist beast is put down, Pentagon sources say.
The situation in Iran has distracted from many radical events taking place elsewhere in the world. For example, the Zionist press is ignoring the news that their Venezuelan opposition leader and self-proclaimed “president” Juan Guaidó has been removed from his post as chief of the National Assembly, as multiple Venezuelan media outlets have reported. This means they will not be able to use Venezuelan oil to pay their bills.
Meanwhile, the massive wildfires threatening Australia are now being labeled by Australian police and military sources as a deliberate attack on that country. This arson is being accompanied by a huge corporate media campaign aimed at trying to force the Australian government to pay a carbon tax to cabalists, Australian secret intelligence service sources report. Police say most of the fires have been caused by arsonists and not by “global warming.”
Also, as in California, some of the Australian fires look unnatural. Why are only the vehicles burned, as seen in the picture at the link below?
France, for its part, is facing a revolution as the Zionists try to keep themselves afloat by stealing French pension money just like they already stole Japan’s pension funds. The massive strikes and year of demonstrations are only intensifying as French living standards continue to plunge under the regime of Rothschild-slave president Emmanuel Macron.
P3 Freemason sources say France will experience regime change in 2020. “It’s a good time to invest in guillotine futures,” one source joked morbidly.
The P3 have also revealed a bit more about themselves. They say the P1 was created two centuries ago and was replaced by the P2 sixty years ago. The P2 has been replaced by the P3 in 2020. The biggest difference between P3 and P2 is that the P3 has no Mafiosi in its membership, they say.
The P3 are saying the Germans under Angela Merkel are now the main obstacle to world peace and the creation of a future planning agency. This means Merkel will be under great pressure to resign in 2020, one of the sources says. This will be seen in the form of an increasingly destabilized EU, they say.
The other underreported but drastic event taking place is secret warfare between the Chinese and the Khazarian satanists. China’s food supply is being hit with “pig ebola” and “army worms,” and now Chinese people are coming down with a SARS-like disease.
Also, Taiwan’s top military general was killed in a helicopter crash that was almost certainly a murder.
The Chinese are responding to these attacks by using scalar weapons technology to hit certain Americans, according to British Intelligence reports.
The Zionists are also now rattling their nuclear sabre as satanist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accidentally on purpose says Israel is a “nuclear power.”
They have also been making multiple threats against Japan recently, claim Japanese right-wing and other sources. The latest is a renewed threat to use directed energy weapons to cause Mt. Fuji to erupt.
The Gnostic Illuminati and others threaten to retaliate against any new attack on Japan by blowing up Washington, D.C., Rome, and Jerusalem with 500-megaton nuclear bombs. Also, the Khazarian mob was reminded that hundreds of earthquakes were reported in the Island of La Palma immediately after the March 11, 2011 attack on Fukushima. If La Palma’s precarious rock formation falls into the sea, the East Coast of the U.S. and Southern Europe will be hit with a 100-meter tsunami.
Despite all these threats and counter-threats, we must not forget the reality that world peace is far more likely than world war. The people of the world overwhelmingly reject the attempt by the Zionists and their counterparts in Iran to provoke WWIII. The U.S. military and European allies are rejecting calls for war with Iran. The Chinese and Russians are also telling Iranian hardliners they will not be fooled into WWIII.
Iran’s government has been in peace talks with Saudi Arabia and the U.S. That’s why Iranian President Hassan Rouhani recently visited Japan. After the attack on Soleimani, the Gulf States including Saudi Arabia called for peace.
Certainly there may be more provocations by the Zionists as their satanic project collapses around them. However, they have lost the ability to fool and manipulate the world’s military forces into a world war. This means the writing is on the wall for the Zionists, and it reads “Peace on earth, goodwill to men.”
Benjamin Fulford


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Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 16:48
Quinta-feira, 02 / 01 / 20

Benjamin Fulford Report 12/30/19: Humanity’s liberation from satanic Western ruling class possible in 2020

Benjamin Fulford 

Full Report 


Posted by January 2, 2020 by Edward Morgan



With a big push, humanity could be liberated in 2020.  The key will be to force an implosion of the Khazarian mafia’s privately owned central bank system of debt slavery, according to Pentagon, P3 Freemason, and other sources.  The increasing disconnect between the real-world economy and the financial market bubble is being deliberately engineered to cause a humanity-liberating systemic failure during 2020, say Asian secret society and P3 Freemason sources. (And no, P3 is not a typo;  see below for details.)
This Ben Garrison cartoon illustrates the current situation:

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Needless to say, the real economy is continuing to plunge despite the record-high stock market and corporate media cheerleading.  The latest sign is the Baltic Dry Index, which is plunging to lows not seen since the Lehman crisis.  The BDI cannot be manipulated with fiat funny money like other indexes can, because it is the price of sending physically existing stuff in ships.

Durable goods orders, another reality-based indicator, are also plunging.

A hidden part of this financial/economic war that’s now raging involves an East/West tug-of-war over historical bonds.
The U.S. Treasury Department has started buying Chinese historical bonds in hopes of using them to get gold to meet a January 31, 2020 payments deadline, Japanese right-wing sources and P3 Freemason sources say.
Meanwhile, the Chinese have been buying old American Corporate bonds in a counterattack, they say.  The “dark digital U.S. dollars” being created this way are being used to “make monetary inflation to f-ck the U.S. dollar,” they explain.
The bonds are either ending up with the U.S. Secret Service in Citibank or with the Chinese Secret Services in the Hong Kong Branch of HSBC Bank, they say.  “Historical bonds are a way of f—king the enemy,” they explain.
This secret war is also leading a huge surge in public gold-related activity and is part of the reason that talk of a financial reset has become a mainstream topic in the markets.

This gold activity is picking up, as the experiment of using negative interest rates to save the fiat financial system is failing.  It is failing because more and more investors are moving their money into physical cash (which is immune to negative rates), gold, and other things that actually exist.  The bottom line is that reality always wins in the end.

The fact that the Rothschild-owned United Nations is now openly calling for the use of cryptocurrency to finance its operations is a sign they are running out of physical assets like gold and are looking for a digital escape hatch.  The gold-holding Asians, for their part, would rather create a new UN in Asia.

The P2 Freemasons, Asian secret societies, the British Commonwealth, the Pentagon, and others have been trying to end this war by reaching a new agreement on how to run the planet.
Toward that end, the Italian P2 Freemason Lodge has now been superseded by the P3 Freemason Lodge, P3 sources say.  There was even an announcement of this in the Italian press on December 30th.

A sign of a change in Italy is that Leo Zagami, who was involved in the Fukushima mass-murder attack on Japan, has had to flee to Palm Springs, California to avoid arrest in Italy on slander charges filed by the Calabrian Freemasons, P3 sources say.
The head of the P3 is a Mr. Gianmario Fioramonti, who says …
… “the Lodge is not covered or secret.  It is fully transparent and open to all my friends all over the world of any race, color, or belief.”  The P3 are releasing all sorts of information about Antarctica, aliens, Nazis, and other things that are so mind-boggling they will require strong proof.  If you are interested, we suggest you contact them directly about this via the Catholic Church.
In any case, the financial and information war is also taking a powerful turn against the Jews, who will have to purge their ranks of satanists and radical Zionists, or else face inevitable collective punishment.  Pentagon sources outline the moves against them as follows:
“Trump may have begun anti-Semitic attacks in New York and elsewhere on Hanukkah when he recently told the Israeli American Council, ‘You’re brutal killers.  You’re not nice people at all, but you have to vote for me.’

“The International Criminal Court case against Israel appears to have unprecedented global support as, despite heavy lobbying by Bibi [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu], not one single world leader dares to speak up in defense of isolated Israel or condemn the ICC, not even Trump, Putin, Xi, Bolsonaro, Modi, Sisi, King Abdullah, MBS, Macron, Merkel, Trudeau, or Bojo.
“The Judenpress appears to be silent on the ICC, as the Court may even reverse its decision to not prosecute torture war crimes of the U.S. military and CIA in Afghanistan, but may even expand to include drone strikes.
“The ICC may have been given a spine transplant and raison d’être to help take down Zionists, the deep state, and pedo’s in concert with military tribunals.“The ICC investigation appears to target both Bibi and Benny Gantz as war criminals, as it touched a raw nerve, exposed racist, supremacist Talmudic anti-goy culture, and already stopped Israeli plans to annex the Jordan Valley.
“As indictments are unsealed, some deals may have been made as Democratic Congressman and civil rights icon John Lewis got Stage 4 cancer.”
With all of this activity as a background, the recent broadcast of “Home Alone 2” in Canada with an appearance by Donald Trump edited out may have been some sort of insider message.  That’s because Macauley Culkin, the child star of that movie, is among many who have said movie business executives are “satanic pedophiles” who “ritually abuse children in the industry.”  Culkin says that during the filming of this movie he was called into a room where he was molested by an industry executive.  In an interview with French radio, Culkin said:
“He told me to look at his shoes.  He said they were made from the skin of children he and his friends had murdered.  He asked me if I knew Heather O’Rourke.”  The implication was the shoes were made from her skin.

This is what AP news had to say about her death in 1988:
“The death of 12-year-old ‘Poltergeist’ actress Heather O’Rourke was ‘distinctly unusual.’″

There has been a thorough attempt to expunge the Culkin story from the Internet and the original article in French is missing, but in a different interview, Culkin says his father was “an evil man who was both psychologically and physically abusive.”
The fact that self-described satanist and human fetus-eater Zagami chose to flee to California to avoid arrest in Italy is also very telling.  California is now in a state of open revolt against Trump.  This is seen in California-based Nancy Pelosi (or the controllers of her computer graphics or clone or whatever) trying to impeach Trump, among other things.
An invasion of California may also be needed to end the ongoing undeclared U.S. civil war and liberate the American people, Pentagon sources say.  The fact that multiple explosions (earthquakes) are reported coming from California and Nevada U.S. military bases is a sign the invasion is already underway, they say.
An invasion of the tiny Asian nation of Brunei might also be in the works, Pentagon and CIA sources say.  That is because Brunei is the main nexus of dark money in Asia, the sources say.  The building in the photograph below, with a pyramid on its roof, is scheduled to be taken over in order to help end the financial war, they say.
Here is what a CIA source had to say about the place:

“The Finance Ministry has numerous non-official cover (NOC) CIA and MI6 operatives working there as consultants.  They assist in the actual transfers of very large financial transactions made throughout the region, amounting to billions of dollars monthly.  It is said that Brunei is the main financial hub for most off-ledger money transfers which are used for black ops and other nefarious funding.  This has been going on since the Iran-Contra Scandal back in the mid-80’s.  Brunei was involved at the time with a missing $10 million that went into the wrong Swiss bank account.  The money was actually intended for Oliver North.  Before this incident, which hit all the major news outlets globally, most people in the West had never heard of Brunei.”
The satanists in Japan are also under increasing attack by the White Dragon Society and its allies.  The Japanese military are finally realizing that the population is shrinking by more than 500,000 people per year because of incompetent satanic puppet rulers.  A purge is in the works, Japanese right-wingers promise.
This war is also getting personal for your correspondent.  When I tried to send money to the copyeditor of this blog on December 5th via the Japan Postal Bank, nothing happened.  After I complained loudly, the bank sent us a letter on December 23rd with the statement:  “Your application for international payment described above has been cancelled due to our comprehensive judgement.”
Also, a Christmas card sent to us was only released by the Post Office after intervention by MI6.  It arrived torn (and thus probably opened), as can be seen below:
In a related move, the top three executives of Japan Post Holdings were forced to resign on December 27th.  Japan Post Holdings was taken over by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers after Fukushima.  The Japanese are now about to take it back.

We are also banned from using Western Union, PayPal, or other electronic means to send money to our staff.  This, together with many other crimes, is why bounties have been placed on the owners of these institutions.  They will be hunted down and removed.  This is war and we are winning, folks.
Finally, I would like to end the last report of 2019 with the good news that anti-gravity technology is now being made available to the general public.  Existing anti-gravity craft are now being deliberately flown over heavily populated areas as a part of Disclosure, Pentagon sources say.  The latest was spotted in daylight over New York and can be seen at the link below.

Also, the video at the link below shows you how to actually build an anti-gravity device in your own garage.

2020 will be a year of biblical-scale events.
Benjamin Fulford


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 07:12
Quinta-feira, 26 / 12 / 19

Benjamin Fulford's Full Report: Calabrian mafia arrests, International Criminal Court actions against Zionist leaders signal doom for Khazarian mafia

Benjamin Fulford 

Full Report 


Posted by December 26, 2019 by Edward Morgan



The arrest of 334 gangsters from the Calabria-based Ndrangheta mob, and International Criminal Court (ICC) proceedings against Israel mean the net is closing tighter on the Khazarian mafia.
“The wheels of justice grind slowly.  The ICC prosecuting Israeli war crimes in Palestine after 5 years may lead to arrest warrants and other war crimes in Syraq [sic], since Israel supports ISIS [Daesh] and steals Syrian and Iraqi oil,” Pentagon sources say.  U.S. Special Forces will soon be hunting down Zionist war criminals wherever they may try to hide on this planet, the sources promise.
The arrests in Italy, meanwhile, are a direct blow to the Italian/Swiss faction that carried out the Fukushima mass-murder attacks against Japan, according to Japanese military intelligence sources.  This means the fraudulently elected criminal regime of Crime Minister Shinzo Abe in Japan is going to finally face justice, the sources say.
We will have more details on both of these developments below, but first let’s look at other big moves taking place around the world.
The biggest story, as usual, remains the ongoing bankruptcy negotiations of the U.S. corporate government.  “The corporate American government exists from hand to mouth, week by week, month by month.  This is not sustainable and at some point must be reset,” British intelligence sources say.
That’s why U.S. President Donald Trump will be attending the annual gathering of the world elite at Davos on January 21st to try to negotiate funding to keep his regime going past its January 31st payments deadline, European royal family sources say.  Remember, early this year Trump skipped Davos before caving in and hiring neocon Zionists after a 35-day partial government shutdown.  Let’s see what the Davos elite try to force Trump to do in exchange for more debt this time.
Related to this are the bankruptcy negotiations of the United Nations, say European royal family sources.  “The UN is a private corporation incorporated in California and owned by the Rothschild family via the Lucis Trust,” the sources say.
The Rothschilds are doing everything in their power to keep their entire rickety UN/U.S./IMF/World Bank/BIS structure going with a giant circle jerk.  “The Rothschild-owned private central banking monopoly’s ‘quantitative easing’ is another word for ‘buyback,’ artificially sustaining a collapsed market,” the European royals explain.  A sign this is unsustainable is the fact that the banks are charging individuals ever-higher interest rates even as the FRB gives the banks ever-cheaper money.

However, despite Zionist propaganda media cheerleading, the real economy is getting worse, so more of those expensive loans to real people are going bad.  Maybe that’s why the Rothchild’s World Bank subsidiary warned on December 19th of “the worst debt crisis in 50 years.”

Meanwhile, their U.S. corporation has been caught lying about gold reserves, while their flagship Glencore Commodities Corporation is facing multiple criminal investigations and lawsuits.

Related to all this was a shoot-out at FSB (former KGB) headquarters last week that left two FSB agents dead.  The official Russian news claims the attack was carried out by a lone individual.  However, our Russian sources say the real target was Vladimir Putin, and the attack was carried out by “nine …
… militants from the Right Sector of Ukraine.  Three of them were killed, three were taken to prison, and three managed to escape.”  The attack took place while Putin was nearby for an FSB Day celebration.  “This is a war inside the FSB,” the source added.  In other words, the Zionist Rothschild faction tried and failed to kill Putin.
The question now is whether Trump will join Putin in rebelling against his Rothschild masters.  Our Pentagon sources seem to think this is exactly what he is doing.  Here is their description of what Trump is really up to:
“After wishing the federal workforce and military a Merry Christmas, Trump may have given the ICC the green light as a Hanukkah present to Bibi [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu], with [U.S. Secretary of State Mike] Pompeo pretending to defend Israel while U.S. Special Forces working with Russia may arrest Israeli war criminals wherever they may be, to add gravitas to Nuremberg 2.0.
“It appears that the UN, EU, Russia, China, India, Brazil, Germany, France, the UK, Japan, Iran, Turkey, and the international community support the ICC and the Hezbollah-backed prime minister in Lebanon, as Israel is implicated in Epstein pedo entrapment, 9/11, 3/11, MH370/MH17, and other anti-goy crimes against humanity.  Former Pakistani military ruler Musharraf being sentenced to death for treason is a stern warning to Saudi, Israel, royals, Zionists, and the deep state about the severity of military tribunals.”
The arrests of 334 mafiosi in Calabria were definitely a part of this crackdown.  “Those arrested are bad persons, so the people hated them,” a P2 Freemason source said.  “I know them and they are stupid, fierce people,” he said.  “This was only a clean-up against one group—the worst Ndrangheta group.  Other Calabrian gangs are in power now,” he continued.
The arrests included a police chief, a former member of Parliament close to former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, as well as lawyers and accountants in Switzerland and Northern Italy involved in the 2009 theft of $134 billion worth of Japanese bonds, P2 Freemason sources add.
Also, a representative of the Calabrian faction had bragged about his mafia’s involvement in Fukushima immediately after that attack.
It was after Fukushima that Abe was put into power in Japan through election fraud.  Shortly after being put in power, Abe showed up at Davos and threated World War 3 against China.  This same Abe who once threatened China is now sucking up to them big time, as you can see from Japanese news reports about his upcoming summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
No doubt this is connected to the U.S. corporation expecting China to buy $200 billion dollars a year worth of extra “stuff” from them.  This would allow them to put off bankruptcy yet again.  However, as we mentioned last week, the public U.S. economy does not make enough actual real “stuff” to earn $200 billion a year extra—that is, unless some secret space program stuff is put on the block.
In any case, the Italian white nobility who cleaned up the Ndrangheta are saying they will not allow Trump to get any funding at Davos unless he fires his son-in-law Jared Kushner.  Kushner, of course, symbolizes the Chabad faction of the Zionists, the P2 say.  Kushner (Chabad) is the “bad face of Zionism;  for him we aren’t all brothers, but slaves,” they add.
We also note that the Zionist media are once again putting out “North Korea could soon make a missile that could hit the U.S.” BS.  They have been saying that for decades.  The fact is that the North Koreans have had this ability since the 1990’s when U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld gave it to them.  Any attempt by the Zionists to use North Korea as a cover for another 9/11 or 3/11 type of attack is not going to fool anybody.  Retaliation for any such attack will go to Switzerland and Israel, not North Korea, Pentagon sources warn.
“What is really happening is that the international powers are putting the Zionists back in their box.  The ‘war on terror’—which was total rubbish—made the world a very unpleasant and uncomfortable place for many years.  The 9/11 incident still to this day sickens many.  There is a desire for the entire apparatus to be broken up and put back together properly,” was how an MI5 source summarized the situation.
Many powerful forces are fighting now to make sure 2020 will be the year the Zionist nightmare finally ends and peace will come to all the inhabitants of this planet, human or otherwise.  With that, we would like to wish our readers a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or whatever name you use to celebrate the Northern Hemisphere’s solar new year.

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 04:47
Quinta-feira, 26 / 12 / 19

Benjamin Fulford 12/16/19 Report: Antarctica is under lockdown as secret space program...

Benjamin Fulford 

Full Report 


Posted by December 19, 2019 by Edward Morgan



An unusual flurry of events and press announcements makes it clear the U.S. government is unveiling its secret space program, multiple sources agree.  We are also hearing of a Chinese secret space program, a Nazi secret space program, and a Russian secret space program.  All of these revelations are being accompanied by unusual movements of gold and other financial anomalies.  The recent trade agreement between the U.S. and China is also linked to these secret space programs, Chinese and Pentagon sources agree.  These are all signs that some sort of mind-boggling planetary event may be coming.
Typically this writer does not tread lightly into the UFO world and believes extra-ordinary claims require extraordinary proof.  However, such proof is now undeniable.
The biggest evidence is a series of public announcements by multiple government officials, including U.S. President Donald Trump.  The official launching of a U.S. Space Force by Trump is just the start of a gradual process of disclosure, Pentagon officials say.

The media is now being filled with stories about UFOs and secret U.S. military technology as part of this process.  As we have previously reported, the U.S. Navy has released patents for anti-gravity flying saucers and compact nuclear fusion.  Now we have a recently retired Air Force general talking about already existing technology that can take us “from one part of the planet to any other part within an hour.”

Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala. and Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett both called publicly this month for the declassification of “a large amount of information about America’s military space programs.”

The $21 trillion missing from the U.S. government budget since 1998, as documented by Catherine Austin Fitts and others, was spent on the secret space program, Pentagon officials confirm.  Much of this technology is now being released to the general public, they say.

We are also getting far more UFO sightings around the world that are being recording on high-quality video.  If you get into the habit of looking at the sky as I have, it won’t be long before you can see for yourself with your own naked eyes.

Now that the Antarctic summer has begun, we are again getting multiple reports of strange goings-on there, too.  On December 10th, a Chilean military plane carrying 38 people vanished in good weather on its way to Antarctica.

A senior CIA officer, and relative of Admiral Richard Byrd of Antarctic exploration fame, told us:
“The Chilean military were ordered by their controllers not to go near Antarctica.  They thought they were smarter and knew more than their masters.  The C-130 has been removed.  It wasn’t who was on the plane, it was what they were carrying that resulted in ‘the disappearance.’  At this stage, there are no entries and exits taking place on Antarctica.  The Southernmost continent is on lockdown until further notice (not due to this incident).”
A member of the “Cobra resistance” who has recently returned from Antarctica provided us with the photograph below.
They claim it is a photograph of a cloud ship or a large alien vessel using cloud-type camouflage.  However, what interests us more is the faint picture of what looks like large buildings on the distant coastline.  Whatever is going on there, it is clearly more than just a few scientists studying penguins.
“Many Russian and American scientists have been killed in Antarctica,” says a senior P2 Freemason source, citing Russian FSB and CIA reports.  “I know for sure there are ancient alien bases,” he adds.  This is why Antarctica is closed off, he says.
This is the person who told us in advance that the P2 were going to fire Pope Benedict XVI.  He was also found once by the CIA near the BIS with a gun and a sophisticated lock-picking device.
This source also says the earthquake recorded last week at Mindanao in the Philippines was caused by an attack on a hostile underground military base.

Now, to segue back to the here/now geopolitics that this newsletter usually focuses on, let us see how the secret space program ties into the recent U.S./China partial trade deal.  Asian secret society leaders have long told us they have wanted the U.S. to reveal its secret space program to them.  This was agreed to at the recent U.S./China trade talks, they say.  That’s why the details of the agreement have not yet been made public, they add.  What has been made public indicates that China has offered to buy an extra $200 billion worth of goods from the U.S. every year.  Economists have been scratching their heads over this, because the official U.S. economy does not have the capacity to export that much.  However, if secret space technology is included in the picture, then everything makes sense.
The U.S. is also now going to wind down its germ warfare against Chinese agriculture as a part of the deal, CIA sources say.  The story at the link below, trying to blame Chinese gangsters for drones caught dropping swine fever into pig farms, is almost certainly a CIA attempt to divert the blame for these attacks.

The other thing that has been going on this week is the continued strange movements in the financial markets.  A CIA source in Southeast Asia tells us Indonesia has suddenly announced a $40 billion infrastructure project that he says is a payoff to the government for giving the Rothschilds access to some of their gold.  Goldman Sachs provides partial confirmation of this by reporting that 1,200 tons or $57 billion of “unexplained gold flows” have been spotted recently.
Also, according to Zero Hedge, “A Fed economist, Ruth Judson, wrote in 2017 that about 60% of all U.S. currency, and about 75% of $100 bills, had left the country by the end of 2016—for a total of about $900 billion in U.S. dollars kept overseas.”  That number is now over $1 trillion, as the world’s rich hoard cash in a fight against negative interest rates, CIA sources say.

This all ties into a growing market consensus that it will be impossible to keep the current U.S. stock market bubble going on much longer.  When mainstream publications like The Wall Street Journal start saying corporations are cooking their books to make profits look bigger than they are, you know the end is near.

The FRB’s announcement they were going to pump $500 billion into financial markets in the coming days is another sign it is not business as usual in the financial markets.  P2 Freemason sources say the money is being pumped into the repo market in response to a proxy war that is pitting the Germans, i.e. JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank, against the Rothschilds, i.e. Goldman Sachs and Trump.
Speaking about the FRB, we are sad to note the passing of former Fed Chief Paul Volcker.  I met him several times and he convinced me that the central bankers were only charged with trying to keep money in line with the real economy, something he excelled at.  What Volcker did not tell me was that it was his Rockefeller bosses who decided—in secret—how the money central bankers created was distributed.
We also note the subject of a jubilee, or debt forgiveness for the average Joe, is now part of a mainstream discussion.  This is another hint of some sort of financial event, one that could be linked to space disclosure.

Also, now that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has won an overwhelming mandate to leave the German EU, it’s time for a new deal for Europe, agree P2 Freemason and British Intelligence sources.  They say a fundamental agreement has been reached to have Europe run by a triumvirate of Germany, Russia, and the UK.
British Intelligence are also saying the constant impeachment and “Russian meddling” attacks against Trump were waged by a certain UK faction.  This campaign is now being wound down, they say.  This means the attacks on Russia and on Trump are going to be stopped, they add.
Our Pentagon source close to Trump had the following to report this week:  “Trump may have to invade Mexico not just to fight CIA drug cartels, but to keep lithium and other resources out of Chinese hands.”
Also, “Backlash against Boeing continues as China finally questions the safety of the 737 MAX, paving the way for a global ban of the flying coffins, while the Department of Defense blocked Boeing from the $85 billion ICBM replacement contract.”
The source further noted, “The 90% Christian majority is flexing its conservative muscles against accursed J with the Hallmark Channel banning lesbian ads and Brazil outrage over a Netflix portrait of a gay Jesus in “the first temptation of Christ.”
On a final note, we can confirm that a meeting is being arranged, possibly for mid-January, between the British Commonwealth, the P2 Freemasons, the Pentagon, and Asian secret societies to discuss the establishment of a World Planning Agency with an annual budget of $1 trillion.  The establishment of this agency, a jubilee, disclosure of the secret space program, and a financial reset are going to be discussed at this meeting, which P2, British, and Asian sources all agree about.

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 04:45
Quinta-feira, 19 / 12 / 19

Benjamin Fulford 12/16/19 Report: Antarctica is under lockdown as secret space program...

Benjamin Fulford 

Full Report 


Posted by December 19, 2019 by Edward Morgan



An unusual flurry of events and press announcements makes it clear the U.S. government is unveiling its secret space program, multiple sources agree.  We are also hearing of a Chinese secret space program, a Nazi secret space program, and a Russian secret space program.  All of these revelations are being accompanied by unusual movements of gold and other financial anomalies.  The recent trade agreement between the U.S. and China is also linked to these secret space programs, Chinese and Pentagon sources agree.  These are all signs that some sort of mind-boggling planetary event may be coming.
Typically this writer does not tread lightly into the UFO world and believes extra-ordinary claims require extraordinary proof.  However, such proof is now undeniable.
The biggest evidence is a series of public announcements by multiple government officials, including U.S. President Donald Trump.  The official launching of a U.S. Space Force by Trump is just the start of a gradual process of disclosure, Pentagon officials say.

The media is now being filled with stories about UFOs and secret U.S. military technology as part of this process.  As we have previously reported, the U.S. Navy has released patents for anti-gravity flying saucers and compact nuclear fusion.  Now we have a recently retired Air Force general talking about already existing technology that can take us “from one part of the planet to any other part within an hour.”

Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala. and Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett both called publicly this month for the declassification of “a large amount of information about America’s military space programs.”

The $21 trillion missing from the U.S. government budget since 1998, as documented by Catherine Austin Fitts and others, was spent on the secret space program, Pentagon officials confirm.  Much of this technology is now being released to the general public, they say.

We are also getting far more UFO sightings around the world that are being recording on high-quality video.  If you get into the habit of looking at the sky as I have, it won’t be long before you can see for yourself with your own naked eyes.

Now that the Antarctic summer has begun, we are again getting multiple reports of strange goings-on there, too.  On December 10th, a Chilean military plane carrying 38 people vanished in good weather on its way to Antarctica.

A senior CIA officer, and relative of Admiral Richard Byrd of Antarctic exploration fame, told us:
“The Chilean military were ordered by their controllers not to go near Antarctica.  They thought they were smarter and knew more than their masters.  The C-130 has been removed.  It wasn’t who was on the plane, it was what they were carrying that resulted in ‘the disappearance.’  At this stage, there are no entries and exits taking place on Antarctica.  The Southernmost continent is on lockdown until further notice (not due to this incident).”
A member of the “Cobra resistance” who has recently returned from Antarctica provided us with the photograph below.
They claim it is a photograph of a cloud ship or a large alien vessel using cloud-type camouflage.  However, what interests us more is the faint picture of what looks like large buildings on the distant coastline.  Whatever is going on there, it is clearly more than just a few scientists studying penguins.
“Many Russian and American scientists have been killed in Antarctica,” says a senior P2 Freemason source, citing Russian FSB and CIA reports.  “I know for sure there are ancient alien bases,” he adds.  This is why Antarctica is closed off, he says.
This is the person who told us in advance that the P2 were going to fire Pope Benedict XVI.  He was also found once by the CIA near the BIS with a gun and a sophisticated lock-picking device.
This source also says the earthquake recorded last week at Mindanao in the Philippines was caused by an attack on a hostile underground military base.

Now, to segue back to the here/now geopolitics that this newsletter usually focuses on, let us see how the secret space program ties into the recent U.S./China partial trade deal.  Asian secret society leaders have long told us they have wanted the U.S. to reveal its secret space program to them.  This was agreed to at the recent U.S./China trade talks, they say.  That’s why the details of the agreement have not yet been made public, they add.  What has been made public indicates that China has offered to buy an extra $200 billion worth of goods from the U.S. every year.  Economists have been scratching their heads over this, because the official U.S. economy does not have the capacity to export that much.  However, if secret space technology is included in the picture, then everything makes sense.
The U.S. is also now going to wind down its germ warfare against Chinese agriculture as a part of the deal, CIA sources say.  The story at the link below, trying to blame Chinese gangsters for drones caught dropping swine fever into pig farms, is almost certainly a CIA attempt to divert the blame for these attacks.

The other thing that has been going on this week is the continued strange movements in the financial markets.  A CIA source in Southeast Asia tells us Indonesia has suddenly announced a $40 billion infrastructure project that he says is a payoff to the government for giving the Rothschilds access to some of their gold.  Goldman Sachs provides partial confirmation of this by reporting that 1,200 tons or $57 billion of “unexplained gold flows” have been spotted recently.
Also, according to Zero Hedge, “A Fed economist, Ruth Judson, wrote in 2017 that about 60% of all U.S. currency, and about 75% of $100 bills, had left the country by the end of 2016—for a total of about $900 billion in U.S. dollars kept overseas.”  That number is now over $1 trillion, as the world’s rich hoard cash in a fight against negative interest rates, CIA sources say.

This all ties into a growing market consensus that it will be impossible to keep the current U.S. stock market bubble going on much longer.  When mainstream publications like The Wall Street Journal start saying corporations are cooking their books to make profits look bigger than they are, you know the end is near.

The FRB’s announcement they were going to pump $500 billion into financial markets in the coming days is another sign it is not business as usual in the financial markets.  P2 Freemason sources say the money is being pumped into the repo market in response to a proxy war that is pitting the Germans, i.e. JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank, against the Rothschilds, i.e. Goldman Sachs and Trump.
Speaking about the FRB, we are sad to note the passing of former Fed Chief Paul Volcker.  I met him several times and he convinced me that the central bankers were only charged with trying to keep money in line with the real economy, something he excelled at.  What Volcker did not tell me was that it was his Rockefeller bosses who decided—in secret—how the money central bankers created was distributed.
We also note the subject of a jubilee, or debt forgiveness for the average Joe, is now part of a mainstream discussion.  This is another hint of some sort of financial event, one that could be linked to space disclosure.

Also, now that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has won an overwhelming mandate to leave the German EU, it’s time for a new deal for Europe, agree P2 Freemason and British Intelligence sources.  They say a fundamental agreement has been reached to have Europe run by a triumvirate of Germany, Russia, and the UK.
British Intelligence are also saying the constant impeachment and “Russian meddling” attacks against Trump were waged by a certain UK faction.  This campaign is now being wound down, they say.  This means the attacks on Russia and on Trump are going to be stopped, they add.
Our Pentagon source close to Trump had the following to report this week:  “Trump may have to invade Mexico not just to fight CIA drug cartels, but to keep lithium and other resources out of Chinese hands.”
Also, “Backlash against Boeing continues as China finally questions the safety of the 737 MAX, paving the way for a global ban of the flying coffins, while the Department of Defense blocked Boeing from the $85 billion ICBM replacement contract.”
The source further noted, “The 90% Christian majority is flexing its conservative muscles against accursed J with the Hallmark Channel banning lesbian ads and Brazil outrage over a Netflix portrait of a gay Jesus in “the first temptation of Christ.”
On a final note, we can confirm that a meeting is being arranged, possibly for mid-January, between the British Commonwealth, the P2 Freemasons, the Pentagon, and Asian secret societies to discuss the establishment of a World Planning Agency with an annual budget of $1 trillion.  The establishment of this agency, a jubilee, disclosure of the secret space program, and a financial reset are going to be discussed at this meeting, which P2, British, and Asian sources all agree about.

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Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 12:51
Quinta-feira, 12 / 12 / 19

Benjamin's Full Report: China winning as West remains paralyzed by bloodline vs. Illuminati battle December 11, 2019 by Edward Morgan

Benjamin Fulford 

Full Report 


Posted by December 12, 2019 by Edward Morgan



The Western world remains paralyzed by an elite civil war while China keeps getting stronger and stronger and is heading towards absolute dominance.  Unless this civil war is ended, the Western G6 alliance (G7 minus Japan) will lose the ability to control the United Nations and the direction humanity chooses for its future.
The civil war was on full display at last week as U.S. President Donald Trump “didn’t fare too well at the NATO meetings in London and left abruptly after the Canadian premier was overheard being disrespectful to him,” according to European royal family sources.  The “school playground type of tricks” masked the fact that the real topic of the summit was “the funding of the U.S. corporate government.”  The source also said, “Trump has been a disappointment, I think.  His job was to wind down and reboot.”
Trump has been recently given a couple of reminders that he is dealing with bigger issues than keeping a U.S. stock market bubble inflated long enough for him to be re-elected in 2020.  One was a shutdown of Washington, D.C. air defenses that left him totally vulnerable to a missile or air attack.  The other was when he was hit with a psychotronic weapon on November 21st.

The Gnostic Illuminati military and intelligence types behind Trump, for their part, have been lashing out strongly against the British royals, especially after the failed NATO summit.  Pentagon sources say, “The royal family saga is far from over, as Trump denies knowing and even Canada’s military struggles with Prince Andrew’s three Colonels-in-Chief titles.”
Then there was the undeniable satanic hand sign made by Prince Harry when he met Melania Trump on December 6th.

Sources close to Harry say the sign meant …
… he supported Lucifer, as defined by the Gnostic Illuminati.  In their world view, the current “God” is the evil cause of all the suffering in this world and needed be replaced by Lucifer, a symbol of light and good.  It also was a jab at the “divine right of rule” that places Prince Charles and Harry’s older brother William ahead of him in the line of royal succession, the sources say.
Harry is also angered by evidence showing Charles was behind the murder of his mother, Princess Diana.  See the link below for details.

Pentagon sources add, “the Zionists are in for a rude awakening, as the EU is now headed by former German defense minister Ursula von der Leyen fronting for Bundeswehr, who are no fans of UK royals, Saudi Arabia, or Israel.”
The unprecedented strikes that are shutting down France are also a sign that the Illuminati are targeting Rothschild-slave president Emmanuel Macron.  As you will see further below, the Swiss branch of the Rothschild family is also under severe attack.
Inside the U.S., more and more Democratic Party politicians are being replaced by computer graphics as arrests and renditions to Guantanamo Bay continue, Pentagon sources say.  “With over 140,000 sealed indictments, the Department of Justice Inspector General is releasing its long-awaited report to crush the impeachment circus,” the sources say.
While we have heard the “140,000 indictments” story many times and have yet to see any mass arrests, the Justice Department did indict 8 individuals, including a convicted pedophile, for illegally funneling money into Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2016.

Attempts to discredit Trump by releasing evidence of his being financed by Deutsche Bank are also being stopped.  The British press are reporting that a Deutsche Bank banker who handled Trump’s accounts was found hanged.

Meanwhile, U.S. corporate media report that “Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg temporarily blocked a lower court ruling ordering two banks to release President Donald Trump’s financial records to House Democrats.”  Since we are pretty sure Ginsburg is no longer with us, we can only assume that intelligence agency sources are using a computer-generated image of her to protect Trump.

All of this infighting is taking place while the U.S. corporate government has yet to find a way to finance its operations past January 31, 2020, European royal family sources say.
However, there are negotiations now taking place between representatives of the 2.4 billion member British Commonwealth and the 1.5 billion member Catholic Church to decide what to replace the U.S. corporate government with, according to P2 Freemasons and European royals involved in the negotiations.
The negotiations are being stalled by some medieval-minded people at the P2 Lodge who still think in terms of a battle against Islam.  As far as we can tell, the only really significant difference between Islam and Christianity is the issue of polygamy.  Anthropological data shows that almost every known society historically has practiced polygamy.  Also, the amount of homosexual men tends to be equal to the amount of men who cannot find wives because of polygamy.  This is evidenced from the actual creation and thus the Creator.  Furthermore, Western Christian countries that ban polygamy all have shrinking populations, while societies that practice polygamy all have growing populations.
In any case, while issues of this sort are delaying a final agreement, a broad consensus has already been reached to set up a meritocratically staffed world planning agency with an annual budget of at least $1 trillion, the sources say.  There is also agreement that the agency will finance human expansion into the universe, they add.
To this end, Pentagon sources confirm that “With Boeing against the ropes, the U.S. Air Force is preparing to declassify the secret space program to shake up the military-industrial complex and generate support for a space force.”  That means that finally, at the very least, Area 51 will reveal some of its secrets.
Our CIA source in Southeast Asia meanwhile is reporting that the legendary gold treasures buried there are finally being moved as part of a reboot of the world financial system.  The evidence comes from an “explosion” at the Monas Monument in Indonesia, believed to be atop one of the largest gold hoards, the source says.
Here is his report:
“A senior Indonesian military source tells me, ‘The smoke bomb that was detonated by members of the Indonesian Army at the Monas Monument on Tuesday morning at 07:00 hrs was done as a diversion.  The tunnel is now operational.’  It looks like they are about to move the gold.
“The incident below shows what the group does when they want to make one of their own a scapegoat.  Take note of who is in the photo.  More diversion away from the real perpetrators, who are puppets for the Zionist cabal.

“I asked my contact, who is a member of Parliament in Jakarta, about this incident.  His reply was, ‘This type of importation into Indonesia is done on a daily basis.  The CEO of Garuda had bad luck and bad timing on his side.  Unbeknownst to him, he was chosen to be an example of how efficient the ministers are at tackling corruption.  They held a big press conference for the people, to show off, smile for the cameras, and get their names in the media.’
“I know for a fact that certain ministers in Jakarta have imported Ferrari and Lamborghini luxury sports cars into Indonesia without paying the import duty of up to 200%.  They are assisted by high-ranking customs officials who receive a nice commission for looking the other way.
“The Glencore investigation is about someone going for the jugular vein of the Zionist cabal.  It looks like the 13 families are fighting each other.  As you know, Glencore was founded by Marc Rich.  This is at the top of the financial pyramid for the Khazarian Zionist cabal.

“And from the above article, guess who is back in the limelight from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill:  one of the cabal puppets.
“In response to the DoJ investigation, with which the company also says it’s cooperating, Glencore set up a board committee to respond to a U.S. probe that included chairman and former BP Plc Chief Executive Officer Tony Hayward.”
As a reminder, Glencore is the Rothschild corporation based in Zug, Switzerland.  For decades it was paying off both Iranian and Israeli government officials as they manipulated the world’s oil markets with their scam that “Iran must be bombed because they are going to get a nuclear weapon within a few months.”
If Glencore is taken out, you can be sure the BIS won’t be far behind.
The cornered Zionists, for their part, are now spreading rumors of some sort of nuclear incident on December 21st, the day of the winter solstice.  They have been warned that the Gnostic Illuminati still have three 500-megaton nuclear bombs at their disposal and will retaliate against any further Zionist mass murder attack.
To conclude this week’s report, we can report that a secret meeting is scheduled for Friday the 13th of December.  Its aim is to figure out the best way to end the Western civil war and start world peace.

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Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 12:47
Segunda-feira, 02 / 12 / 19

Trump lashes out in all directions as world tension escalates to dangerous levels

Benjamin Fulford 

Sample Report 




World tensions are reaching a dangerous boiling point as an increasingly isolated U.S. President Donald Trump lashes out in all directions.  It looks like Trump is trying to rally U.S. military support for war against Denmark and Mexico in an attempt to seize resources to finance the U.S. corporate government, multiple sources agree.  A major financial sabotage campaign is also underway against China, highlighted by the U.S. dollar bond default of a company with revenue of the satanic number of $66.6 billion.  Meanwhile, Trump backers are lashing out against the British royal family.  Remember, Trump has already labeled the EU “a foe.”
All of this activity is related to the fact that, despite stealing the Japanese people’s pension money, the U.S. corporation still does not have a clear path to meeting its January 31, 2020 payment deadline.  It is interesting to note in this context that Brexit is now scheduled for January 31, 2020.
Let’s start by looking at the situation with Mexico.  The U.S. has now deployed three aircraft carrier groups around that country as “the U.S. military prepares to attack Mexican drug cartels, who may be armed and trained by Mossad,” Pentagon sources say.

While we can independently confirm that some of the drug cartel fighters have indeed been trained by Mossad, we also know that this war on Mexico is really about stealing Mexican oil, silver, and other resources to finance the U.S. corporation.  That’s why the Mexican military has publicly come out in support of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (Amlo).

Russia has also deployed nuclear-armed submarines around the U.S. coastline, and Russian President Vladimir Putin publicly declared earlier this year that his country is ready for another Cuban missile crisis.

What this means is that Trump is going to have to back down, because the U.S. military is not going to start a nuclear war to steal resources to support a foreign-owned UNITED STATES CORPORATION.
Next let us look at Denmark.  Here, Lars Findsen, head of the Danish Defence Intelligence Service, said Greenland was now a top security issue for Denmark because a “power game is unfolding” between the U.S. and other global powers in the Arctic.  Trump cancelled an August state visit to Denmark and called their Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen “nasty” after she refused to sell Greenland to the U.S.

These events follow the installation of a Nazi government in Brazil and a seizure of lithium resources in Bolivia by U.S. Special Forces.  Clearly the Trump administration is trying to turn the American continent into a fortress.  Unfortunately, Canada (the British Empire), Denmark (the EU), and Mexico (supported by Russia and the Vatican) stand in his way.
Now let us turn to the economic attack against China, where CIA sources in Asia promise, “China’s economy and financial system will most likely implode within …
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Letters to the Editor

November 28, 2019

Benjamin Fulford talks Gold, Silver, JFK and financial reset with Robert David Steele, with Notes




By Benjamin Fulford



This 30-minute interview with Robert David Steele provides an easy-to-understand overview of exactly who and what the deep state is made of.
Hi Ben,
I thought your interview with Robert David Steele was so good it should make the history books as “The Steele-Fulford Level Set.”
I had to take notes. Here they are if they can be useful to you.
Best & cheers,
Robert David Steele (RDS) sets the stage, asks for Fulford’s full introduction, and Fulford complies. RDS cites Fulford’s introduction of a Japanese princess to RDS, and then RDS breaking the Korea Peninsula denuclearization and reunification story because of this. RDS is called a lunatic until the story breaks more widely. RDS knows that many Fulford stories are similar—considered crazy until widely acknowledged. RDS then asks for a broad, global stage-setting of the historical players.
Gnostic Illuminati
Started the American, French, and Russian revolutions. Starting a world revolution this time.
Founded by Pythagoras.
Recruits 6,000 geniuses per generation.
A discloser to Fulford (one of the geniuses) was scouted in by Bobby Fisher, the chess champion.
P2 Freemasons
Created Communism.
Leo Zagami told Fulford of the P2 Freemasons.
Descendants of Caesars who want a NWO empire under them.
They wear black masks and give orders to the Vatican and others.
They foretold of the firing of Pope Benedict and then made it happen, so they’re real.
Scottish Rite Freemasons
Basically, the British Empire, #2 “on the totem pole” after the P2 Freemasons/Caesars in the West. Fulford feels they are, from his interactions, basically decent people.
They are pushers of global warming to support underdeveloped countries to avoid killing large part of the world’s population. Bush and his people want population culling.
RDS recounts Fulford introducing RDS to a top Chinese Freemason.
RDS asks about the power structure in Asia and the differences in Freemasons in the West versus the East.
Fulford: The Chinese royal families chose Communism as the best way to modernize China.
There are two power blocks inside China, and three outside.
Communist Youth League is Chinese meritocracy/bureaucracy; the people working their way up that pyramid.
Royal families that stay in the background and control finances.
Third Asian block, having similar languages: “The horse people”—Mongolians, Japanese, Koreans—with a 1,000-year history of cooperation and adversity with Chinese. Fulford: “The difference between the Chinese and these people is BIGGER than between the Chinese and the English.”
Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia: Former members of defeated dynasties who fled with riches/gold to Southeast Asia and Taiwan. Very influential among overseas Chinese.
The Bolshevik Revolution was NOT a Russian revolution but rather was created by Communist Jews.
Upon the dissolution of the USSR, 300 top Russians were bribed to agree to the fall of the Soviet Union and became Russia’s oligarchs living overseas, as in London, etc. Many top Russian Jews migrated to Israel.
The traditional Orthodox Christian Church of Russia and the Secret Service allied to the Czar were assassinated (~200 people) but took back power. Today the Russian Orthodox Church is the main power in Russia. Fulford feels these are good people. Russia’s living standard doubled within one year of Russia taking back its power. The Church/Putin stopped the looting of monies going overseas by oligarchs, which is why they vilify Putin. Fulford speculates that the USA similarly could double its living standard within a year by the removal of the Khazazian Jewish owners of the Federal Reserve Board. RDS agrees.
RDS references returning to the topics of Asia, gold, and the JFK Memorial Green Hilton Agreement.
RDS mentions the Russian Orthodox Church sweeping into the Byzantine empire as the segue to the Middle East of today and Russia’s proactive stance in Middle East and avoided the topic of the Aga Khan.
Fulford: “I forgot to mention the Zionists!” Big laugh. RDS: “Qanon says ‘we leave the Zionists for last,’” referencing a Qanon post.
Fulford recounts the Turkish Jew founder, Sabbatai Zevi (~1648) with ~1 million followers, acts to carry out prophecies in the Bible, create an artificial Armageddon, and rule the world from Jerusalem.
The Chabads think that after war between Gog and Magog with 90% of humans eliminated, every Jew will receive 2,800 slaves and Jews will rule the world. The Zionists are a powerful minority behind the Middle Eastern troubles.
Middle East: Historically, there are three main groups:
Persians/Iranians—the Shia branch of Islam.
Turks/Byzantine heirs—different languages, but variants are still spoken in 17 countries, as testimony of the enduring legacy of the Byzantine empire.
Arabs/Saudi Arabia, Egypt—the Sunni branch of Islam.
Aga Khan—a descendent of Mohammed and heir to the Assassins (who are still around and quite active). Influential in the Shia world and British high society, maintains a low profile and controls Pakistan. Fulford: His heart seems to be in the right place.
RDS mentions the Seagraves’ book Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold. Both of the Seagraves were friends of RDS. The book is about the capture of Japanese gold in Philippines, which became the Black Lily Fund, which funded U.S. covert operations worldwide, morphing into the Black Eagle Fund which funded the Brennan/Tenet/Krongard economic war on Russia (RDS: “for which Putin had every right to nuke us”).
RDS segues to the Global Currency Reset (GCR), as indigenous chiefs and elders seem to be coming back into their own.
Fulford: “That’s a big question!”
Since Roman times, Asia has been sending silk/ceramics/spices to the West, being paid in gold and silver, resulting in 85% of world’s gold being in Asia.
Asians set up the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) to help Germany help pay for their Versailles Treaty reparations after WWI.
Asians were promised a world governance with families in the background, but needed WWII to make that happen. The winning powers broke their promise and cut off gold to Asia, with no Marshall Plan for Asia/Africa, only a plan for the countries they controlled in Europe.
Kennedy promised a Marshall Plan for the world using Asian/Indonesian gold for backing. Kennedy was assassinated and the U.S. ran out of gold in the early 1970’s. Nixon went off the gold standard and the petrodollar was the scheme created, which is now failing.
9/11 was related to a secret court case that the U.S. lost. The U.S. had to pay back gold taken from China in the 1938 deal. The U.S. couldn’t pay, so the evidence was blown up in 9/11. The War On Terror started, with a fascist coup d’état in the form of the U.S. Patriot Act, when the U.S. became a Nazi terrorist state. The good guys wake up and find that the U.S. establishment are the bad guys.
In 2008, with the U.S. teetering on bankruptcy, they promise a black president and “things will be different” to get money from Asians. Barry Soetoro a.k.a. Barack Obama was just a Bush-agenda house slave. Asian support was withdrawn. Obama/2008: 750 tons of gold were taken from Yohannes Riyadi, and sold 1,000+ times to create $23 trillion of gold-backed bonds. This is what’s pumping up the global stock markets, 1,000x leveraged gold. The markets must return to reality.
The Trump presidency is backed by Gnostic and military-industrial persons, whose hearts are in the right place.
RDS asks about a possible Xi Jinping/Putin/Trump deal to keep markets from collapsing to get Trump re-elected. Fulford: It’s easy to say it’s a bubble, but difficult to say when it will burst. The Chinese Elders suggest a collapse will occur before the U.S. elections and Trump will have to negotiate a bankruptcy.
The CIA and Indonesia contacted Fulford before this interview specifically to ask Fulford to bring up President Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110 and state that it “is still there,” providing for stroke-of-the-pen gold-backed U.S. currency “and leave the Fed mess to the Khazazian mafia.” Re-enactment of that Executive Order is their recommendation. This would bring Asian backing.
RDS points to Wayne Jett’s book The Fruits of Graft: Great Depressions Then and Now, stating that the Fed debt is on the private banks, not the U.S. citizen. RDS says “we could nationalize the Fed, and NOT nationalize those Federal Reserve dollars….”
RDS asks Fulford about the Chinese view.
Hillary Clinton had promised China “The United States of China,” handing over control of Japan and Asian to the Chinese and “that’s why they gave her lots of money and were surprised when she was not elected.”
Trump could be better for Chinese, i.e. “with a whole new set-up for the planet, and a fair role for Asia.”
In the 1980’s Fulford was studying the successful Japanese economic double-digit growth as a student. Japan’s success was being dismantled by U.S. The U.S. assassinated prime ministers, the U.S. shot down Japan Airlines Flight 123 (600 people), along with other disruptions. The Japanese system had an economic planning agency at its heart—a hybrid between Communism and Capitalism where the government creates a framework and the private sector fills that framework. Singapore—the third richest place on earth—and China both copied and improved upon this model. Qatar and Luxembourg were cited as shills; Singapore earns money through work and real economic development. Fulford has been recommending such a system for a Western re-boot.
Fulford cites the bankruptcy of the U.S. CORPORATION owned by “gangsters and satan-worshiping bankers” (many people have no clue as to this U.S. CORPORATION, the Act of 1871, and how USA/America has been actually ruled) as not terrible but actually “removing the nightmare.” He makes an analogy to the fall of the USSR, and that “that would be a great thing for everybody.” This is a military fight; we (the good guys) are winning, and they (the cabal) have hired mercenaries to stay in power. Victory is only a matter of time. RDS cites the parallel between a planning agency to his open source intelligence and open source engineering.
5-minute wrap-up
RDS: Will Palestine be returned to the Palestinians per Kissinger’s suggestion?
Fulford: Israel is militarily doomed. The U.S. will no longer fight wars for Israel. Israel will have no choice but to sue for a real peace and will end up in the protection of Turkey, Iran, and Egypt.
RDS: “I’ve distinguished between Zionism and Judaism for a long time. The Supreme Leader of Iran recently made the same distinction, calling for the end of Israel. Will Trump visit Iran before the election and make “the deal” with Iran’s Supreme Leader?
Fulford: The Jews need to realize that the Holocaust was caused by Zionists. It was manufactured to fit the Gog vs. Magog Biblical battle and to drive the European Jews into Israel. “If they (the Jews) don’t understand that, they’re never going to be free.” The people of Israel will be allowed to live and prosper in peace with autonomy. They just need to get rid of these fanatics.
RDS interjects: “I agree… I follow Rabbi Michael Lerner among many others. It’s clear that many Jews now realize that Zionism is antithetical to Judaism.”
RDS: With 2 minutes left, what would you say to Donald Trump if you had his ear for two minutes alone in an elevator?
“Make a deal with the Asians for a Future Planning Agency for the planet;
“Start multi-trillion-dollar projects to:
End poverty;
Stop environmental destruction (clean up the planet); and
Expand the human race into the universe.
“That’s all I’d need to say.”
RDS closes very graciously and says he’s looking forward to another visit with Fulford in Japan, praising Ben as an amazing human being.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:13
Quinta-feira, 28 / 11 / 19

Benjamin's Full Report: Things heat up as Netanyahu indicted, while Trump declares war on the Queen

Benjamin Fulford 

Full Report 


Posted by November 28, 2019 by Edward Morgan



The battle for the planet Earth has heated up again as mass-murdering Israeli crime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is indicted, while U.S. President Donald Trump declares war on Queen Elizabeth.  Economic and information warfare between the U.S. and China is heating up too, especially over Asian gold and the recent American lithium grab in Bolivia.  This is part of the ongoing battle for control of the international financial system raging between the Gnostic Illuminati and an alliance of Asian and European royals.
Let us first look at the battle for control of the Anglo-Saxon world that is flaring between Trump and the British Empire.  Here Pentagon sources say, “Trump is declaring war on the Queen not just for spying and trying to remove him from power, but also for pedophilia, murder, and other heinous crimes of the royal family.”  British royal family sources are saying that while traditionally they try to keep a stiff upper lip and stay above the fray, they are seriously thinking of hiring lawyers to sue for libel over recent such allegations against them.
The public battle is centered around Prince Andrew and his connections to pedophile blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein and an alleged affair with a 17-year-old girl.  “Pedophile Prince Andrew or “randy Andy” is so toxic he has been or is about to be dumped by British Telecom (BT), Standard Chartered, Barclays, Stelios Philantropic Foundation, Bosch, Cisco, Aon, Salesforce, TV Azteca, Inmarsat, KPMG, AstraZeneca, Air Asia, Woodside Petroleum, and even Chinese companies like the Bank of China, the China Construction Bank, JD.com, Tencent, and the Li Ka Shing Foundation,” the Pentagon sources say.
The Queen has also publicly dismissed Andrew from all official royal activities.  A European royal close to the Queen said, “I wouldn’t be surprised if the affair seriously damages the Monarchy.  The Queen is no longer in supreme control of the Monarchy and Court of Saint James.  For insiders it is really very serious now.”
The real battle, of course, is over control of the Anglo-Saxon navies, agree Pentagon and MI6 sources.
Here, “the Trump purge began with the firing of Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer for insubordination, and may be followed by Obama flag officer holdovers, as ‘the Donald’ has won the loyalty of warfighters and special ops forces needed to take down the Zionists and the deep state,” Pentagon sources say.
MI6 sources, for their part, say, “There seems to be a lot of infighting now and attempts to strip the Queen of things like the CIA, U.S. DOD, etc., so this latest fiasco may be an expression of all this.”
In a sign of just how serious a battle this is, the Pentagon sources say that “Since Vice-Admiral Andrew won’t be extradited and may hide behind diplomatic immunity, he may be renditioned by the U.S. military, since the Queen is also Commander in Chief of UK forces.”  Needless to say, such an operation would be tantamount to a declaration of war.
The battle to control the U.S. and UK navies is also just one aspect of the bigger battle for control of the financial system.  Trump is on the warpath against the European and Asian royals because they are about to stage “a simultaneous recalibration of …
… the Forex and sovereign debt markets on a global level,” according to the European royal.
Trump is attempting to counter this by going after the $29 trillion Indonesian gold fraud carried out by the Federal Reserve Board at the time of the Lehman crisis, according to CIA sources in Asia.
According to the CIA, “During the financial crisis, the New York Fed was given unprecedented powers by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington, D.C. to create over $29 trillion in electronically engineered money to bail out Wall Street.  A significant portion of the $29 trillion went to prop up many of the central banks around the world.”
In his counterattack, “Trump’s soon-to-be-next move is that the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement signed by [then President] John F. Kennedy and President Sukarno at Geneva in November 1963 becomes a reality.  Trump can, with the stroke of his pen by Executive Order, reinstate Executive Order 11110 or an amendment thereof, thus allowing the Department of the Treasury to issue the new United States dollars.  This may be the reboot of the U.S. dollar, as Trump leaves the debt of the Federal Reserve to be resolved by the actual owners—the Khazarian Zionist cabal,” the CIA says.
The European royal commented that “If that is the extent of the received intelligence at the CIA, then we have a long way to go with them.  Individual nation-states such as America would obviously be prevented from going it alone because of the inherent interdependence in the whole thing.  But the plan is to migrate away from fiat to asset-backed [currency].  That part is correct, yes.”
Trump, meanwhile, is also attacking Wall Street, according to the Pentagon sources.  “After the failed IPOs of WeWork, Lyft, and Uber, greedy Wall Street is unable to make much money from the pump-and-dump Aramco IPO, as their top dogs like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs face DOJ criminal enterprise investigations along with Boeing, General Electric, and other corporate miscreants,” the sources say.
Saudi Aramco, of course, is key to the support of the Rockefeller petrodollar.  On this front, the Pentagon sources note, “The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, the Russian oil company Lukoil, and the Malaysian national oil company Petronas all say no to Aramco, leading other pensions like the Japan Pension Investment Fund and state-owned oil companies like Rosneft, PetroChina, Sinopec, Gazprom, Petrobras, and Pertamina to follow.”
Trump has also seized Japan’s $1.5 trillion national pension fund to keep the U.S. government afloat, according to CIA sources in Asia.  That’s why the fund stopped disclosing how it allocated its assets for the fiscal quarter ending in September—that is, at the time the U.S. government needed money to pay its bills.

“Where is the real money that all the Japanese worked for all these years?  When the market crashes, as it is very close to doing, there go all the computer entries.  I presume it is nearly the same with all government pension funds.  The game is about over,” is how the CIA source explained the situation.
The other thing the Trump forces are doing is physically detaining and killing, or else imprisoning political enemies.  That’s why, as far as we can tell, all recent appearances by Barack Obama, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, etc. are computer graphics.  It’s getting harder to tell, but for example, if you look at the 1:13 to 1:15 second mark on this video of a recent “TV appearance” by Nancy Pelosi, you can see from her eyes that she is a computer-generated image:

The attacks are going both ways.  Trump ally Benjamin Netanyahu was finally indicted on corruption charges last week.  Pentagon sources say he is trying to negotiate a plea bargain by threatening to tell the world what he knows about the Fukushima mass-murder attack against Japan.
Also, Trump lawyer and ally Rudolph Giuliani has publicly been saying that he might be killed but that he has “insurance.”  Presumably he is talking about what he knows about 9/11, since he was mayor of New York at the time of the attacks.
Then of course there was the attempted poisoning of Trump earlier this month as reported by several alternative news outlets.
What’s interesting about this battle between the Gnostic Illuminati and their man Trump versus the world royals is that both seem to support the creation of a meritocratically staffed future planning agency.
Russian President Vladimir Putin publicly came out last week and said the future-planning-agency-based system pioneered by Japan and Singapore and which is now used by China is superior.
“The aggregate performance of the Chinese economy is a lot more efficient than that of other major economies, including the American one,” Putin told the VTB Capital Investment Forum ‘RUSSIA CALLING!’ on Wednesday.
“I think that to a major extent, this causes the concern of our U.S. friends and explains the restrictions imposed on China,” Putin said, adding that the U.S. sanctions were a result of ‘this fact, not of the disparity in the trade balance.’  The key to Chinese success, according to Putin, was a ‘unique symbiosis between the centralized planning and the market economy.’”
The White Dragon Society has long promoted the establishment of a world future planning agency emulating—and improving upon-the Asian central planning/market hybrid model that Putin is praising.  If such an agency were set up with an annual budget of $1 trillion or more, it could end poverty and stop environmental destruction within a matter of months.  After that, it could consult with the people of the world about how to turn this planet into the paradise it is meant to be.  The agency could also oversee a swords-to-plowshares transition of the military-industrial complex.  Following this, it could carry out an expansion of human and Earth life into the universe.
Instead of running the planet on the current Western system of perpetual conflict, we can start making love, not war.  Remember, the battle of evolution isn’t won by the lion that is fighting and risking injury or death—it is won by the lion that is back in its cave making love.

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Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
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With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 20:04
Segunda-feira, 25 / 11 / 19

Things heat up as Netanyahu indicted, while Trump declares war on the Queen

Benjamin Fulford 

Sample Report 




The battle for the planet Earth has heated up again as mass-murdering Israeli crime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is indicted, while U.S. President Donald Trump declares war on Queen Elizabeth.  Economic and information warfare between the U.S. and China is heating up too, especially over Asian gold and the recent American lithium grab in Bolivia.  This is part of the ongoing battle for control of the international financial system raging between the Gnostic Illuminati and an alliance of Asian and European royals.
Let us first look at the battle for control of the Anglo-Saxon world that is flaring between Trump and the British Empire.  Here Pentagon sources say, “Trump is declaring war on the Queen not just for spying and trying to remove him from power, but also for pedophilia, murder, and other heinous crimes of the royal family.”  British royal family sources are saying that while traditionally they try to keep a stiff upper lip and stay above the fray, they are seriously thinking of hiring lawyers to sue for libel over recent such allegations against them.
The public battle is centered around Prince Andrew and his connections to pedophile blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein and an alleged affair with a 17-year-old girl.  “Pedophile Prince Andrew or “randy Andy” is so toxic he has been or is about to be dumped by British Telecom (BT), Standard Chartered, Barclays, Stelios Philantropic Foundation, Bosch, Cisco, Aon, Salesforce, TV Azteca, Inmarsat, KPMG, AstraZeneca, Air Asia, Woodside Petroleum, and even Chinese companies like the Bank of China, the China Construction Bank, JD.com, Tencent, and the Li Ka Shing Foundation,” the Pentagon sources say.
The Queen has also publicly dismissed Andrew from all official royal activities.  A European royal close to the Queen said, “I wouldn’t be surprised if the affair seriously damages the Monarchy.  The Queen is no longer in supreme control of the Monarchy and Court of Saint James.  For insiders it is really very serious now.”
The real battle, of course, is over control of the Anglo-Saxon navies, agree Pentagon and MI6 sources.
Here, “the Trump purge began with the firing of Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer for insubordination, and may be followed by Obama flag officer holdovers, as ‘the Donald’ has won the loyalty of warfighters and special ops forces needed to take down the Zionists and the deep state,” Pentagon sources say.
MI6 sources, for their part, say, “There seems to be a lot of infighting now and attempts to strip the Queen of things like the CIA, U.S. DOD, etc., so this latest fiasco may be an expression of all this.”
In a sign of just how serious a battle this is, the Pentagon sources say that “Since Vice-Admiral Andrew won’t be extradited and may hide behind diplomatic immunity, he may be renditioned by the U.S. military, since the Queen is also Commander in Chief of UK forces.”  Needless to say, such an operation would be tantamount to a declaration of war.

The battle to control the U.S. and UK navies is also just one aspect of the bigger battle for control of the financial system.  Trump is on the warpath against the European and Asian royals because they are about to stage “a simultaneous recalibration of …
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Letters to the Editor

November 20, 2019

Why do you post this?




By Benjamin Fulford


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

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With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 15:06
Quinta-feira, 25 / 04 / 19



By Christina Sarich.

April 22, 2019 by Edward Morgan. 




There’s the official explanation for why NASA is spraying lithium, a pharmaceutical drug most often used to treat people with manic depression or bi-polar disorder, into our ionosphere, and then there is the probable reason(s). It would be easier to accept NASA’s official explanation if they were not so secretive about everything they study and do in space – but one thing is for certain – NASA’s own personnel have admitted that lithium, along with other chemicals, are intentionally being placed into our environment regularly. It is possible that many of NASA’s own employees aren’t even aware of the true motivations for carrying out such a project, ironically displaying the very behaviors that these chemicals/pharmaceuticals are meant to instill.
In the first bomb-shell video a NASA employee (Douglas.e.rowland@nasa.gov) admits that lithium is being sprayed in the atmosphere, and says that it is “harmless to the environment.”
Before I give you NASA’s official explanation of why they are spraying psych-meds over hundreds of thousands of Americans, I’d like to point you to some references so that you can do your own research, and discover that this is no conspiracy theory. It is very real, and there is ample scientific documentation to corroborate what I put forth here:
Pub Med abstract titled, Feasibility of Aerosol Vaccinations in Humans discusses how an increase in antigen volumes can be beneficial in aerosol delivery of vaccines, and could be used in “developing countries and disaster areas.” The abstract also admits that several thousand human subjects have already been aerosol vaccinated with live attenuated measles and influenza A vaccines. The executive summary further states that aerosol vaccinations are ideal for “large populations.” This has apparently been happening since as early as 2003.
Another discussion of aerosolized vaccinations can be found in The New England Journal of MedicineA Randomized, Controlled Trial of Aerosolized Vaccines Against Measles states that these vaccines were tested on children in India that were as young 9 months old.
The World Health Organization has been researching aerosol vaccines for years now, as have “philanthropic” agencies which have clear aims to sterilize the population. It is also worth noting that the pharmaceutical industry has been absolved from any legal responsibility for medicating the masses since they were awarded  legal protection from all lawsuits by Congress in 1986. This law was challenged, but upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2011. Many powerful agencies are making sure that we “take our medicine.”
In fact, many nations are participating in our unwitting, forced vaccination, and the dumping of any number of attenuated viruses, chemical concoctions and other ‘chemtrails’ on our heads with dogged frequency.
The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) considered giving a license application to PaxVax Australia (PaxVax) for the intentional release of a GMO vaccine consisting of live bacteria into the environment in Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Victoria. They planned to release cholera on their people.
According to the regulator, this GMO vaccine qualified as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000.
Of course, we can’t ignore the USA. Michael Greenwood wrote an article stating that:
“The incidence of human West Nile virus cases can be significantly reduced through large–scale aerial spraying that targets adult mosquitoes, according to research by the Yale School of Public Health and the California Department of Public Health.”
So, hopefully we’ve established that this IS happening. But why?
As more nations refuse genetically modified food, and refuse to drink fluoridated water, which has been named as a neurotoxin by one of the world’s premiere medical journals, the power structure that desires a complicit population has to figure out a way to alter our neurochemistry.
Lithium alters how we think by changing the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine secreted by our endocrine system. Lithium strongly alters the brain system, yet the NASA employee in the above video states that “it is not dangerous” and doesn’t harm the population. Even doctors who normally prescribe this medication for the mentally ill have said that it is dangerous because it is hard to figure out proper dosing. Surely, spraying copious amounts of lithium indiscriminately into the air via aerosols should be questioned – but here’s NASA’s official stance on this practice:
“The project is studying neutral and charged particles in the ionosphere and how each affects the way the other moves resulting in currents in the region. The variations matter because all of our communications and GPS satellites send signals through the ionosphere. A disturbed ionosphere translates to disturbed signals, so scientists want to know just what causes the ionosphere to behave in specific ways.” (NASA) 
Meanwhile, should the over-medicated start to actually figure out what is being done to them, the government has imposed gag orders on the National Weather Service (NWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) who might easily refute the ridiculous claims of NASA.
The US Navy admits to conducting electromagnetic warfare drills over the Olympic Peninsula. Reader submitted photo.
The US Navy admits to conducting electromagnetic warfare drills over the Olympic Peninsula. Reader submitted photo.
Notably, every single person who works for NASA, the NWS or NOAA are paid with tax payer dollars. This means that we are paying to be medicated and poisoned.
Here, to corroborate information being given by the NASA employee in the video, is the Code 8440 RMMOwhich states the exact purpose of using Wallops Flight Facility to launch a rocket containing lithium thermite:
Purpose: The primary purpose of this mission was to test the loading methods for lithium canisters to be flown on the upcoming Kudeki (Kwajalein, April 2013) and Pfaff (Wallops, June 2013) missions, and verify their functionality under sounding rocket launch and space flight conditions.
Rocket Type: Two-stage Terrier MK70 Improved-Orion
Location: Wallops Range
Launcher: MRL
Date of Launch: January 29, 2013
Time: 17:50 EST
Experiment results: Thermistor data looked nominal. Good report from airborne optical platform of recorded video and lithium clouds also visible by ground observation.’
We also learn from this specific call that lithium has been dumped in our skies since 1970If you wanted to medicate the masses to create mindless, slave-like prisoners who didn’t even know they were imprisoned, this is surely a good way to do it. Spraying lithium into our skies, along with countless other bacteria, viruses, prions, parasites, fungi, carcinogens, toxins, hormone-altering drugs, anti-flora and anti-fauna, as well as gene-altering micro-dust is nothing more than bio-warfare against the world’s citizenry. You can call them chemtrails or something else, the effect is the same.
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of personswho understand the mental processes and social patterns of the massesIt is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” ~ Edward L. Bernays, Master Propagandist
About the Author
Christina Sarich is a writer, musician, yogi, and humanitarian with an expansive repertoire. Her thousands of articles can be found all over the Internet, and her insights also appear in magazines as diverse as Weston A. PriceNexusAtlantis Rising, and the Cuyamungue Institute, among others. She was recently a featured author in the Journal, “Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and Healing Arts,” and her commentary on healing, ascension, and human potential inform a large body of the alternative news lexicon. She has been invited to appear on numerous radio shows, including Health Conspiracy Radio, Dr. Gregory Smith’s Show, and dozens more. The second edition of her book, Pharma Sutra, will be released soon.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 




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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 17:15
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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