A Chama da Ascensão


Terça-feira, 07 / 04 / 20

Virus pandemic - a time of opportunity

Virus pandemic - a time of opportunity


Light Source.

Through Jani King


April 2020



Q: Humanity as a whole is going through a very difficult and different time right now and a lot of people are wondering what’s going on, so I would like to ask you for your take on what is happening at the moment.

P’taah: Indeed. This is, for humanity planetarily, a very unsettling time for you all. This virus, this pandemic as it has been called, is working on so many levels.

And we remind you that you are not victims here, you are not victims, you are co-creators in this world event. It is important that you remember this because if you are not in the knowingness of your own creative power, then you become victim. We are not necessarily speaking victim of the virus, but rather victim in your own perceived reality.

So it would behove you all to look at this idea of virus as a most astounding opportunity, in the understanding that it work on many, many levels. The first thing is, we remind you, you do not catch disease-ment like you would go out and catch a dog, or a creature. You are not victims, you co-create your own reality absolutely.

So in that understanding that the greater being-ness of you knows precisely how you shall be in your choices and in your game, and in your perceived reality – the time of your birthing, the choices you make, and indeed, particularly, how and when you go Home. So again we remind you, you are the co-creator of your reality. Now that is on a personal level.

On a global level for the planet you can indeed see that there are many gifts. The planet, in a way, is replenishing herself, and you have all seen examples of this, the cleansing. And so this is a very perceivable gift, that the planet herself is healing herself.

And in a way this is an opportunity for each and every one of you to heal yourself. To have the time to go within, to be quiet, to make, we would say, connection – clear connection if you do not already have it – with the greater part of who you are, your grand self, your soul essence.

Also a time for reflection, to be in the understanding of what you actually believe about who you are, and who you are in your world. To look at your own power, to look at how connected you are – or are not – with your planet, with the peoples in your life and in this time of isolation. Certainly you may look in a different way to your relationships, your day to day relationships with your family, with your friends, with the people you have been working with, etcetera.

So rather than buying in to the panic and the fear that swirl around you, know that you have the power and you have the strength to withdraw from that, and in this time of isolation to really look at your choices, to look at your fears, to go deep within, to embrace everything that keeps you separate from the knowing-ness of who you are.

And we remind you who you are: you are the perfect and eternal – we stress eternal – expression of Source. We remind you that this your now-ness, this your reality, this your life is one portion, a tiny portion of who you truly are. And if you cannot, or do not even want to connect with this greater part of you, you in a way are allowing yourself to be caught up in the fear and the stories that, really, need not impact you at all.

We would say to you to really utilise this important time to allow your creativity, to re-connect with who you are, and to really look at what you truly desire in your life. It is time to allow the old things that do not serve you to simply fall away, so that you may allow yourself to live in your full potential.

Jani King



Message from G'day, P'taah and Jani friends

We're sending you this special edition of P'taah e-News so that you all have early access to the April 2020 Conversation with P'taah, in which Nellie asks your burning questions about the declared corona virus pandemic.  Topics included in this Conversation are:
- Virus pandemic - what's going on?
- What's coming: a collective choice point
- What can I do? Where did the virus come from? UFOs
- Dealing with a sense of loss
- Dealing with the fear
- Remember it is all a story, we are all playing a game

For those of you with Conversations with P'taah subscriptions, the download link for the April Conversation is now ready for you in your Light Source P'taah account.
- The April Conversation is also available as a one-of purchase at https://ptaah.com.au/ptaah-shop/

You can expect our usual P'taah e-News later this month, with a message from Jani (who is keeping very well thank you) and a synopsis of the March Conversation with P'taah.

We hope you are all keeping well too, and choosing for yourself a path of LOVE, and thanks and gratitude.

With love from Annie
Light Source P'taah (Australia)

"Love is the truth of who you really are!"





Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
  • Light Source P'taah (Australia) <ptaah@ptaah.com.au>
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Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.
Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 13:54
Quarta-feira, 19 / 02 / 20




Light Source.

Through Jani King


February 2020


Light Source Ptaah


Q: P’taah can you please say a few words to us about what we perceive as these very troubling times we’re living in? We seem to be at a crisis point, at least all the politicians are telling us so, and running out of time to help our planet, you know we have these terrible climate changes with fire and floods over lots of our planet, and extinction of species and pollution of our waters, I wonder if you could say a few words to us about these things?
P’taah: Firstly we would like to say this: much of what you are hearing and much of what you are comprehending, in fact, is not necessarily what you would call news, but rather being dictated to, how you should think. Now, by this we mean you are being, in a way, forced to come to very fearful conclusions, to have fearful reaction to what you are hearing, what you are seeing on your news, etcetera, what you are reading, and as fear takes hold you are forgetting the bigger picture.
Certainly we would say there are many truths coming to the surface now, coming to being disclosed, about behaviour of politicians making choices, in a way, to make money rather than what is for the benefit of the planet, of each country, of all of the people upon the planet, and of course about wildlife etcetera, all of these things that you have been worrying about.
Now, these things are what is occurring, however there is a bigger picture, there is opportunity for change. It is, in a way, a time for peoples to take back the power of populace, power to change law, opportunity to change the way things are done in each country.
Also it is to remember that the Earth herself is going through change which have nothing to do with human interference. This is a natural cycle, that which is of global warming and ice ages and various, what you would term, catastrophes, but really are simply ways that the Earth has of balancing herself.
Also to remember that everything is always perfect! Now this is most difficult when you are looking, what we would say, down the barrel of the gun! Everything is always perfect, in truth, nothing is lost. This is really looking at things outside the square, outside the box of consciousness which is normal for your peoples.
So there is indeed cause for concern. Also let us speak about the disasters in the country of Australia, and indeed much grief, much hardship, etcetera. However, also coming from this is the fact that humans are coming to humans to support, to nurture, to assist, coming from love, coming from a place in the heart, coming from the idea of nurturing, of healing, coming together to assist wildlife.
In this country also fire is a natural way of regeneration, not on the scale which have been experienced in these last months, but certainly that is the nature of the country, in a much smaller way.
So to look at this idea of peoples coming to assist peoples, coming to assist from all over the world, in this disaster, this catastrophe. And then to rise above that and to look at the overall picture and how this have touched the hearts and souls of peoples all over your globe. And in other countries, as we say, truths are coming to the surface, peoples are learning that they must take power to create change and transformation.
It is a time of hope rather than a time of despair, to know that everything, in a way, is going according to plan.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Jani King



Message from Jani 

Hi Everyone,
Greetings from beautiful New Zealand! I have escaped the February heat in Cairns and am visiting friends and family in the North and South Islands of NZ.
Along with the joy and fun of catching up with some beloved ones, there has also been the sorrow of learning about the passing of others - it certainly brings to one's attention P'taah's reminder that we 'only have now' to be all that we can be.
We only have now to pay attention, to grasp the opportunity, to BE the love.
So, along with my morning Thank Yous, I am reminding myself to be NOW! 



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
  • Light Source P'taah (Australia) <ptaah@ptaah.com.au>

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.
Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 19:01
Sábado, 18 / 01 / 20

Unconditional Love


Light Source.

Through Jani King


January 2020


Light Source Ptaah


Q: P’taah a friend asked me, What is unconditional love? And how does it work?

P’taah: All right, that is a very good one because what you call love, very often, we would not call love, eh? You know, love is simply another name for goddess/god. Love is the building block of existence. Love is whole and complete within itself, and requires no return.

So you may say that when you express love, and you express love which requires no return, you are expressing the goddess/god-ness of you.

When it comes with conditions, that is a different thing altogether. That does not mean that you cannot love somebody, or care deeply. But, you know, in the truest love and appreciation, and awe and wonderment simply at the wholeness of love, you get an idea of what is unconditional love, hmm? And our desire for each of you is that you will know unconditional love for who you are, as a perfect expression of goddess/god.

When you think about who you are, you very often edit who you think you are because much of who you think you are does not, in a way, come up to standard, is not good enough. And you think of what you would call the not so nice bits, or the bad bits for some of you, or the things that you have said and done and thought that were certainly not of love.

And so you will not acknowledge, you will not embrace. But when you understand that all of those, what you would call negative aspects, were simply born out of fear that you were not enough, then indeed you can open your heart, you can look honestly at who you are, acknowledge it, and acknowledge the fear that created these thoughts and actions which were not as whole as you would have wanted.

And be in the understanding that all of this, all of this, comes from that small portion of you which has forgotten the truth of you: that you are perfect, that you are eternal, and that you are the most wondrous expression of goddess/god.

And when you can look at who you are and love that expression of goddess/god that you are, then indeed you are coming to really understand unconditional love.

Q: Choosing physical reality was a tough thing to do wasn’t it?

P’taah: Oh indeed, indeed, and as one beloved friend said, you know, this be-ing in physicality is not for sissies! (laughter)

Jani King

Message from Jani
Hi Everyone,
Here’s wishing you all a creative and fulfilling 2020.
While many of us are giving thanks for a peaceful new year, our hearts and prayers go out to those battling loss and grief and the horror of a burning countryside.
P’taah has spoken of the multi dimensional aspect of this catastrophe and the opportunity it affords not only the people of Australia, but for the entire planet. The opportunity for new beginnings and the casting out of avarice and greed. The opportunity for people everywhere to come together in peace and unity, to create
in loving, honouring and respectful relationship with each other and with the Goddess Earth Herself.
Although most of us are unable to give physical assistance to those in need, P’taah reminds us of our power to create support through conscious thought and through love.
I’m looking forward very much to catching up with many of you in person this year, both here in Australia and of course during the retreats in Turkey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
  • Light Source P'taah (Australia) <ptaah@ptaah.com.au>

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.
Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 09:44
Domingo, 22 / 12 / 19

Heart knowledge


Light Source.

Through Jani King

December 2019


Light Source Ptaah




Q: P’taah I have been in a period of deep gratitude for a number of weeks, in part this is because of hearing a message of yours when you talked about transmutation, and this has fascinated me always, but what I heard as though for the first time was I am to say thank you not only for every incident in my life but also every person involved. I don’t think it’s the only time you have said it but it was an eye opener and has had an immediate effect on me. Is this what you mean by heart knowledge instead of head knowledge?
P’taah: Indeed it is Beloved. You see, in a way, as we have said many times before, the head, the mind, really was designed to be a servant of the heart, because, indeed, the heart stuff is soul expression. So when you can, in a way, put aside that which are the old judgements, the old conditionings, the old learnings, and listen to the heart, indeed there is great wisdom to be garnered.
Of course as you go through your life, being that you are simply a band of energy, in a way, a band of electromagnetic energy, you draw to you the peoples and the situations which reflect to you what you believe about who you are in this existence.
Now, the people are no less a component than the situation, so when we say to give forth the thanks for everything that has occurred, it is also every person that you have drawn to you because no matter how you may judge the situations and the peoples, the truth is each have been opportunity for you to learn and to grow, and everything that you have experienced, every person, every situation, has brought you to this now moment, to this understanding, to this opportunity to expand in your understanding, in your consciousness and also, of course, in your heart.
So the thanks and the gratitude in this respect is important, to acknowledge that even that which you have found unlovable, even that which you have found cataclysmic, that which you have found devastating, all of this has brought you to this now, to this choice point, and the very fact that you have a choice in every moment how you will Be, not even what you will do, although what you will do of course will be in accordance to how you are Be-ing.
So the more that you can Be in this resonance of thanks and gratitude, the more open the heart, the more receptive you are to Soul’s energy, to your own goddess/god-ness, so that you may indeed create your heaven on earth.
Q: All right, is that what you’re saying when you say “Take your head off”?
P’taah: In a way it is, yes indeed. Usually we say those words when we are speaking of allowing yourself to feel, and allowing yourself to feel without the judgement, and especially if you are judging that feeling to be negative.
Q: Yes, well right now all my life seems to be evolving for my benefit! Perhaps it always has
P’taah: Of course!
Q: But I didn’t recognise it (laughs)
P’taah: Of course it has really, and that is surely the point of wisdom, when you understand that all of it, everything, has been for your benefit.
Q: Well, saying thank you, and feeling it, and thank you for everything, seems to be a powerful key, leaving out nothing in the thanks. You’ve often said how powerful we are, is this our power? That we can create what we want, like harmony and happiness, by saying thanks and being thankful?
P’taah: Yes, yes it is.

Jani King

Message from Jani
Hi Everyone,
I guess most of you are gearing up for the holiday season.  For those of us in the southern hemisphere it's summer holidays and, of course, the Summer Solstice.  We commiserate with those of you in the North - rug up, keep warm and enjoy some winter frolicking!
Here at Light Source P'taah we're busy planning next year's events and I'm really looking forward to catching up with some of you face to face in physicality.
In Australia there will be two events early in the year:
- a weekend retreat in Maleny, in the beautiful Sunshine Coast Hinterland an hour north of Brisbane, on 7 and 8 March 2020, and
- on Saturday 4 April 2020 one day of Q&A with P'taah at Oak Beach Dreaming, just north of Cairns on the tropical coast.
You can find more information here: https://ptaah.com.au/whats-coming-up/
or email ptaah@ptaah.com.au
Later in the year we'll be doing a week long P'taah Retreat in southern Turkey on the glorious Mediterranean coast, but more about that later ...
So whether you're rugging up or stripping down, have a wonderful holiday season!
With every blessing


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
  • Light Source P'taah (Australia) <ptaah@ptaah.com.au>
A Trusty with Privacy Search 
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No religious or political creed is advocated here.


Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.


Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.


Discernment yes; judgement does not.

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

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publicado por achama às 18:34
Quinta-feira, 21 / 11 / 19

Co-creating for Harmony and Balance


Light Source.

Through Jani King

November 2019


Light Source Ptaah


Welcome from Jani
Hi Everyone! 
It's great to be able to say 'Welcome back!' to all of you very patient subscribers, and to welcome those of you who are new subscribers to P'taah e-News. 
Annie, here in Cairns, has been working very hard to get our Australian administration up and running and what an amazing job she is doing. Nelly is kept busy in Malta organising the Conversation with P'taah sessions and ably assisting in general, wherever needed. 
I want to thank them and thank all friends of P'taah for your support, in the knowing that where there is love there can be no separation. 
With every blessing
If you'd like to participate in a Conversation with P'taah, or if you have a burning question (or just a curiosity question) you'd like her to ask for you - please email Nelly at lightsourcemalta@gmail.com.
CwP October 2019 - Burning Questions with Nelly 
Track 1. Connection After Death
The personality of the one who has passed is still available, in a way - we may be still and listen and feel that person to be with us.
Each of our lifetimes is occurring simultaneously and each is connected to a larger consciousness, or oversoul - yet each lifetime has it's own integrity.
Remember that love is a connecting rod, love is all-encompassing.
It is all right if we hear something but do not 'get it' straight away. We all need to come to our own 'Aha!' moment.
Track 2. Thanks & gratitudes, Co-creation
The Thank-you prayer - who are we saying 'thank you' to?
Putting ourselves in touch with a feeling of appreciation, and aligning ourselves with Universal Consciousness
All of this is simply about how does it feel?
Co-creation, picturing how it works - consciousness is made up of many layers, and different groups of consciousness overlap each other like umbrellas.
We are each a body of electro-magnetic frequency drawing to ourselves things of like frequency as we go about our day to day living, weaving patterns of interaction with other people.
Anybody who has an emotional reaction to a situation is part of its co-creation.
Track 3. Child abuse, No judgement, Being vulnerable
In spite of the horror of child abuse there is no judgement
Someone who has experienced child abuse may find love, and may teach others about this experience.
Perpetrators have also been so-called victims, and have to come to a recognition of their emotional reaction to that experience.
All things not based on love will be revealed – child abuse may seem like an 'epidemic', not because there is more of it, but because more is being revealed, and as the truth is revealed, so the collective consciousness is changed.
Being afraid to be one's self: feeling shame. 'If I show you who I am you cannot love me, because I do not love myself!'
Understanding that we all have fear, and vulnerability is our greatest strength.
Track 4. Judgement, Children, Relationships
"You are loving yourself when you are not in judgement of others"
Using one's judgement vs. being in judgement.
Stating the truth - with compassion, without separation.
Whatever negative judgement we have about someone else is also who we are - one way or another.
Children coming forth now with a 'knowing' unprecedented for millennia.
How can we enhance our relationships? Communication! Allowance. We do not have to believe the same things.
Hearing the art of the heart: Be now! Be in awe & wonderment! Say thank you! Be aware! And dance through all your days in this fashion!
(Many thanks to Ravenna for providing CwP synopses.)

November 2019 Message from P'taah

Co-creating for Harmony and Balance

This month's message is taken from the latest Conversation with P'taah - we hope it is of assistance in this time of anxiety around events on our beloved planet Earth.
Q: We’re becoming increasingly aware of the damage we’ve caused the planet and that climate change is happening much faster than we anticipated, the pollution and the effect it’s having, and the dying out of various strands of sentient beings on the planet. How can we best think of this in terms of allowing the Universe to do what is required for balance and harmony?
P’taah: Yes, that is important, what is required for balance, for harmony. All right, so the first thing is that it behoves each one of you to do whatever you can, in your day to day living, to assist the cessation of this pollution. That is the first thing. To be very clear about the desire in your heart to see a thriving planet. Of course one of the greatest pollutions of your planet, you may say, is humanity!
However, the pollution is in the mind of humanity, in the greed, in the disregard, etcetera, etcetera. However, the planet of course is a powerful, powerful goddess and, whether or not there is pollution, she go through great changes of her own to maintain her health, if you like. Now, if humanity will put its mind to changing this rate of pollution, to, if you like, cleaning up the planet, then what is allowed to occur is that the planetary natural changes shall be less devastating.
You all, as a body of consciousness, create your own reality, co-create it with the Goddess, with Earth herself. It requires clarity: What does humanity want? And not only in the selfish idea of saving humanities, but in the love of Earth herself – in the love of Earth herself – that requires clarity within the mind and heart of humanity. And then, with the clarity, with the fervent desire to create change for the greatest benefit of the Earth and everything that exist upon and within, so these changes may be creating wondrousness, instead of creating devastation.
All that you can do, each of you, is work with love and the Earth in your day to day life, giving forth the thanks and doing whatever you may to reduce the imprint, what we would say, step lightly upon your Earth, and hold clearly in your mind and heart the desire for a pristine planet. Because the larger number of you have no power alone to create the change, together you can change anything, you can create whatever you want.
Q: How can we tip the balance against governments that are just selling whatever, you know, the money makers and where the greed comes in, and things that we can’t seem to do anything about or have any effect on? How can we really tip the balance against all that?
P’taah: By holding on to the knowing, and being clear about what you desire. You do not actually need to know how. In a way, Beloved, it is likened unto, how do you create your day to day reality? The fact is that you do not really know how, you only know that it works! And the more that you know that it works the more it is, and the more that it does work, for your benefit. Does that make, at all, any sense to you?
Q: Yes, well in the sense that I know that I create it, and I see that I create it by the thoughts that I have.
P’taah: And most important, the feelings attached to those thoughts.
Q: Often I find my feelings do not coincide with my thoughts. My thought might be that if I give thanks for it I’ll create it, but in my feeling I might be in fear: what if I don’t?
P’taah: Yes well you see that is exactly what impedes your grand creativity: the fear that you are not enough to create it, to create what you desire, to create what is for your greatest benefit, and to create for your planet what is the greatest benefit. This is what we mean by clarity: to be very clear about what it is that you desire, and to feel what that creation means to you. Because when you think of a joyous planet, when you think of no pollution, when you think of the flourishing of your flora and fauna, what feeling does it give you?
When you give thanks in your daily life for what you have, how does it feel? How does it really feel? This is why we say it is to be mindful, not just to say thank you by rote, but really to be present, to say thank you for the food, to really appreciate the food that you eat, the beauty that surrounds you, your comfort, not only your physical comfort, but the comfort of your friendships, of your loves, of your relationships, all of the things, to actually feel how wonderful it is. And it is this incredible energy!
Also, you know, there is something that each of you can do who live near water, to in a way sing your thanks to the water so the water can carry that energy throughout your planet, spreading the love, spreading the joy!
And so, no matter how it seems, each of you is powerful, each of you is the co-creator of your reality, and so it is by being present, and being mindful, and giving forth your thanks and gratitudes that you create change, because the Universe listens! Your Earth listens, every plant, every bird, every butterfly, every wild creature knows!

Jani King


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
  • Light Source P'taah (Australia) <ptaah@ptaah.com.au>

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 16:15
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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