A Chama da Ascensão


Sábado, 14 / 12 / 19

Ten self-evident truths that We the People have spontaneously come to realize... (powerful)


By Mike Adams.


Mike Adams

We have shared an amazing journey together, and over the last three years, something amazing and spontaneous has happened to us all: We've awakened to the shocking truths about the evils of corrupt government (and the deep state swamp).

Read my short story today for the top 10 "awakening" list that's spontaneously happening in the minds of people everywhere, including in the UK and across Western Europe.


Image: Ten self-evident truths that We the People have spontaneously come to realize… that will END all government as we know it.


Ten self-evident truths that We the People have spontaneously come to realize… that will END all government as we know it.

(Natural News

We have a lot to thank Trump for, but among the most important is the idea that Trump has caused the corrupt, fraudulent, lying specter of “Big Government” to fully reveal itself for what it truly is.
Does anyone trust the FBI after reading the shocking findings of the Horowitz (IG) report? Not on your life.
Does anyone believe the Democrats are pursuing legitimate “impeachment” based on legitimate “high crimes?” Not a chance.
Does any rational person think that high-level lawmakers and bureaucrats aren’t on the take, receiving kickbacks from billions in foreign aid?
It’s quite stunning, actually, how the mass awakening has accelerated over the last three years as Trump has succeeded as President. In their desperate attempt to destroy Trump, the deep state swamp creatures and corrupt, lawless Democrats have been forced to reveal the truth about their corruption, fraud and malicious abuse of power.
Because of all this, there are many self-evident truths that have now become obvious to the American people. Read from the point of view of the People talking to the political swamp in Washington D.C.:
  1. We don’t believe you.
  2. You are all dishonest crooks and horrible people who should never be trusted again.
  3. The intelligence community is the enemy of the people and must be dismantled if any American is to ever be truly free.
  4. We are not going to voluntarily hand over our guns. You may come try to take them by force, but we will shoot you if you try.
  5. We are withdrawing our consent. You are now a rogue enemy government that we finally recognize as the ENEMY.
  6. We are never going to vote for establishment candidates ever again.
  7. We will not live as slaves, suffering under your tyranny. We would rather die as Americans, defending our liberty and our republic.
  8. If we ever get the chance, we will arrest all of you and throw you in prison for as long as you live.
  9. We will no longer cooperate with your sham court system, your corrupt FBI and your lawless federal regulators. They are all fraudulent, criminal cartels that have no legitimate authority. You have lost the consent of “the governed.”
  10. Your fiat currency financial system and debt Ponzi scheme is a criminal fraud that steals money from the working class. We will no longer hold your dollars and will seek alternatives at every opportunity.
I’m sure you can think of dozens more, but that short list sums up the highlights.
The bottom line should be crystal clear: The United States federal government is run by illegitimate, corrupt, fraudulent swamp creatures and the very future of freedom for America depends on completely dismantling the very concept of a “government” that rules over the people.
The time has come to end the era of big government. We the People no longer need “representatives” in Washington. We don’t need a United States Senate, packed with treasonous crooks (like McCain or Reid) and foreign aid skimming hucksters. We don’t need the FDA or the CDC, both of which are nothing but fake science marketing departments for Big Pharma. We don’t need the Federal Reserve, a fiat currency counterfeiting operation that steals from all working Americans. And we don’t need the intelligence community, which has morphed into a domestic spying secret police operation that routinely abuses its power to surveil and threaten innocent Americans.
We don’t need government-run health care, government-run food stamps or government-run anything, other than defending the shores, setting standards and using the limited powers of small government to protect the rights of individuals against dangerous corporations such as banks and tech giants. That’s the proper role of government: To protect liberty, not to rule over the people.
Do not surrender an inch to this corrupt, lawless system run by traitors and tyrants. Every Democrat in Washington D.C., without exception, is guilty of treason and should be arrested, charged and treated accordingly. And half the Republicans are guilty of the same crime, by the way.
The entire system is corrupt beyond repair. The deep state swamp cannot investigate itself, yet all the powers of investigation have been concentrated in the hands of the very people who are the most dangerous, corrupt criminals of all.
It’s time to revoke our consent from this criminal government and dismantle it once and for all.
Trump is attempting to do exactly that, but even he is spending America into oblivion with record debt spending. Perhaps he realizes a financial implosion is the only sure way to bring down the whole corrupt system.
There will never be another Trump. Once Trump’s tenure is up, We the People must continue his work of exposing, dismantling and rejecting the criminals, crooks and fraudsters in Washington D.C. The very existence of big government is irreconcilable with personal liberty and prosperity. We can either be free and prosperous, or we can be enslaved and forced into destitution under the rule of big government tyranny.
Watch Brighteon.com to daily videos on liberty and freedom, posted by thousands of different users. Or join Brighteon and post your own.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 03:44
Sexta-feira, 13 / 12 / 19

Brighteon explodes in popularity as YouTube unveils insane censorship policies


By Mike Adams.


Mike Adams

YouTube has gone completely insane and now says that if you criticize politicians or transgenders, you will be banned. As a result, huge numbers of users are abandoning YouTube. Many of those users are migrating over to Brighteon.com, the pro-speech alternative to YouTube.

We built Brighteon to support freedom and truth. Today, I'm announcing a new feature that even allows you to sell your videos on the site and earn revenues.


Image: Brighteon explodes in popularity as users flee YouTube in droves due to insane censorship.


Brighteon explodes in popularity as users flee YouTube in droves due to insane censorship.

(Natural News

Brighteon.com, the free speech alternative to YouTube, is suddenly exploding in popularity as YouTube is rolling out outrageous new censorship rules that accelerate the silencing of dissenting voices who question establishment narratives.
YouTube’s new rules now ban any users who criticize transgenderism, since LGBTP is the new “protected” class on YouTube, including the child-raping pedophiles and child-maiming transgenders.
Similarly, YouTube also now bans insults against politicians, since politicians are the new protected class who cannot be subjected to mockery of any kind, according to YouTube’s tyrant-in-chief Susan Wojcicki.
As you might expect, YouTube will openly allow vicious attacks, malicious slander and demeaning mockery against gun owners, white people, Trump supporters, patriots, Christians and straight people.

A mass exodus away from YouTube is now under way

As a result, large numbers of users are moving to Brighteon.com, the pro-free speech video platform that welcomes dissenting views and anti-establishment speech on almost any topic.
Researcher and analyst Steve Quayle, for example, has just announced the moving of over 500 videos to Brighteon in anticipation of being completely silenced by YouTube. 
Children’s Health Defense has also launched a channel there and is beginning to post videos from Robert F. Kennedy’s organization that questions the safety of vaccines.
Brighteon is a platform for free speech and the exchange of ideas on all sorts of topics, including topics that some people might find to be offensive or strange. (Personally, we here at Brighteon don’t give a crap about your snowflake safe space. Grow the f##k up and process information like an adult.)
One such channel is called “The Fire Rises” and posts videos that all begin with the title “White victims of black crime.” This channel, which currently has only two subscribers, posts videos that appear to show police interview videos and law enforcement videos describing exactly what the title claims: white victims of black crime. The reason this is an important sector of free speech is because the lying fake news media almost never highlights white victims of black crime
You can see the videos here: Brighteon.com/channel/thefirerises
If, on the other hand, you wish to watch videos about black victims of white crime, just tune in to CNN on any given day where you will find the fake news media declaring George Zimmerman, a Latino / Hispanic American, to be “white” because it fits their narrative surrounding Trayvon Martin.
Another popular channel on Brighteon.com is called “High Impact Flix” and it features fascinating, edgy videos on current events, politics and more: Brighteon.com/channel/kittensrus
The Robert Scott Bell Show, which covers health freedom and personal liberty, posts new broadcast videos daily: 
Listen to my podcast announcing Brighteon’s newest features, as of 12/12/2019:


Occult “666” lecturer is rising fast due to clever marketing (that Christians should learn from, by the way)

Another potentially controversial channel that has posted hundreds of new videos on Brighteon comes from occult researcher “Styxhexenhammer666” who lectures on witchcraft and the occult. The creator of this channel, who is extremely articulate on his topic of focus, has come to realize that his topics would get him banned on YouTube and most other sites. The fact that we carry his channel, even though I am personally a Christian and I oppose much of what this content creator teaches, underscores our commitment to the principles of free speech: If you don’t support the free speech of those with whom you disagree, you don’t support free speech at all.
If any Christians are offended by Styxhexenhammer666, you are welcome to launch your own Christian channel on Brighteon, and there are already dozens, if not hundreds, of such channels on the site. For example, Paul McGuire Ministries has posted many popular videos about transhumanism, the fake news media and the rise of Christian truth: Brighteon.com/channel/paulmcguire777
Styxhexenhammer666 is actually one of the smartest promoters on the site, as he appealed to his entire YouTube audience to come watch his videos on Brighteon. This caused his Brighteon view numbers to leap, which unlocked higher levels of video posting permissions on Brighteon, allowing him to post hundreds of videos there. Now, his videos appear across several categories, including culture, religion, finance and more. His user level is currently up to the “500 videos” level and continues to rise. (It’s just good marketing.)
It’s true: No matter what you think of Styxhexenhammer666, he has actually “decoded” the secret to success on Brighteon, and is certainly the most clever marketer of his videos there. The wrong way to use Brighteon is to just post videos and never promote them, hoping people will somehow find them on their own. That’s not the way Brighteon works. Some users actually post videos on Brighteon but keep promoting their YouTube channel, then they wonder why they aren’t getting views on Brighteon. Then they get banned from YouTube before they ever figured out that they should use their YouTube audience to migrate fans over to Brighteon.
The right way to use Brighteon is to announce your Brighteon channel to your YouTube, Twitter or Facebook followers so that you can build a following on Brighteon. That’s what Styxhexenhammer666 did, and it works brilliantly for him. The fact that we aren’t banning him should prove to almost anyone else that we won’t ban you, either. Yes, there are some limits of speech on Brighteon, such as restrictions on posting porn, or depictions of violence, or specific death threats, etc., but those limits do not restrict speech based on a person’s political, religious or cultural views (unlike YouTube which simply bans people for defending America or promoting Trump).
Personally, I find it pretty funny that the first person to figure all this out is the “occult lecturer” with 666 in his name. Again, this doesn’t mean I support what he says, just that he actually has proven to be the smartest marketer on the platform. Maybe, dare I say, the Christian channels might actually learn something practical from this guy… or is that blasphemy to state such an obvious point?

No shadow banning on Brighteon!

Brighteon.com allows users to “subscribe” to channels they wish to follow. There is no shadow banning on Brighteon, and when users visit the Brighteon home page, they always see the latest videos from the channels they are following.
Although the subscribe feature is very new, my own channel, Health Ranger Report, now has 575 subscribers. InfoWars is the site’s most prolific publisher of videos, and InfoWars currently has 560 subscribers and rising daily: Brighteon.com/channel/infowarsnetwork
Brighteon’s home page sorts videos into nine categories:

This allows users to focus on their specific areas of interest.

New features: Premium videos and a new search

Active right now on Brighteon, you can post videos and set them to “premium” status (“For Sale”) while setting a purchase price for those videos.
This allows end users to purchase your video and have it permanently appear in their library. They can watch that video an unlimited number of times.
Brighteon pays you, the video content owner, 70% of the purchase price (minus the 2.9% + 30 cents transaction fee charged to us by the e-commerce merchant system). We keep 30% of the purchase price.
Using this powerful new feature, you can now post:
  • Documentaries
  • Premium how-to videos
  • Seminar and lecture videos
… or basically anything you want to post that other users might find valuable.
You’ll find this new feature by clicking on the “For Sale” icon on your dashboard (after you log in) and uploading a new video there. Once uploaded, you can set the purchase price for this premium video.
In the video EDIT screen, you can also add the URL of a trailer video which would be the preview video for the video you’re selling.
Once you’ve done that, people can immediately start purchasing your video, and you can see the earnings under the “transactions” button on your dashboard.
We pay you via PayPal, once a month, for any month in which your accrued earnings exceed $100.

New search coming soon

This year, we will be rolling out a new search engine called Webseed.com, which focuses on health and wellness information. All videos on Brighteon will be indexed by the Webseed search engine. In fact, the new Webseed search technology will serve as the new search engine for Brighteon itself. This will vastly improve search results on Brighteon, allowing people to find your videos more easily.
In 2020, here’s what else we’re launching:
– A new “vaccine videos” website that features all the best videos about vaccines, autism, thimerosal and more.
– Live streaming capabilities for users. This feature will not be free, but will be very affordable.
– New twitter-like messaging functionality that will allow channel users to announce text messages to their users. Their subscribers will see those text messages on their home page on Brighteon.com. (No shadow banning. ALL messages will be delivered.)
There’s much more to come! As the evil tech giants like Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter continue to censor all the speech they don’t like, Brighteon is exploding in popularity as a free speech platform that welcomes not just free speech but even offensive speech.
In fact, the more provocative, the better. It’s time to rip the snowflakes out of their safe spaces and toss them into the yellow snow. Yummm… it’s like Mother Nature’s snow cone.
Post your own videos now at Brighteon.com. It’s just like YouTube except it doesn’t suck.
Brighteon welcomes videos on:
  • Firearms and Second Amdendment
  • Vaccines and dangerous medications
  • Chemtrails and geoengineering
  • Anti-cancer food cures and natural remedies
  • The dangers of GMOs and toxic pesticides
  • Religious, consciousness and God
  • Exposing the deep state traitors

… and so on. Join now and grow your audience on a video platform that won’t ban you for telling the truth.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:05
Sábado, 23 / 11 / 19

The goal of Big Tech is to erase knowledge from your consciousness


By Mike Adams.


Mike Adams

Big Tech is no longer interested in sharing human knowledge for the benefit of humankind. 

Instead, they are now wholly focused on destroying human knowledge and suppressing human consciousness.  

We ended slavery. We defeated Hitler. We abolished Apartheid. Now we must dismantle Big Tech.


Image: Tech giants now MEMORY HOLING facts they want to erase from your consciousness.

Tech giants now MEMORY HOLING facts they want to erase from your consciousness.

(Natural News) If you use Google, Twitter, Facebook or YouTube, you are not living in the real world… you’re living in an artificially constructed psycho-fabrication that’s engineered by the tech giants to isolate you from actual knowledge.

The goal of the tech giants, simply stated, is to obliterate human knowledge and enslave humanity under endless layers of engineered disinformation and propaganda that makes humans easier to control (or kill, as the climate activists are now demanding with their depopulation agenda).

As an independent publisher, our goal has always been to uplift human consciousness and connect people with knowledge about natural health, nutrition, liberty, divinity and more. That’s why the tech giants are de-platforming anyone who promotes real human knowledge, since knowledge is the enemy of tyranny.

As Gary Barnett writes at Alt-Market.com:

The ruling class fully understands that the only way to control people, and to finally control the world, is to stifle individual excellence by creating a society that refuses to think…

The monopoly of power that is held by the few over the rest of society is all consuming, and the ultimate control sought by these elites is getting ever closer to fruition. It has been affected over long periods of time through incremental measures. It did not happen overnight, but over centuries, and at this point, the final objectives desired are within sight.

This is the most dangerous time for man as I see it, as the elite design for future economic decision-making for all is to be placed in the hands of so-called chosen experts, with power over the entire world economy. All economic decisions are to be based on a controlled allocation for society, which is simply centrally planned socialism, with a top-down hierarchy of control by the few. This ruling system is known as Technocracy, and when implemented, it will be the end of liberty.

This all helps explain why the tech giants have run coordinated memory-holing operations to eliminate from public consciousness all the following things (and much more):
The name of the so-called “whistleblower” who is actually part of a deep state coup plot against the President of the United States.
The fact that the CDC used to publish, on its own website, an admission that 98 million Americans were exposed to cancer viruses that were accidentally incubated in polio vaccines (or perhaps on purpose).
The admission of a top CDC scientist who publicly admitted to taking part in a coordinated cover-up to bury the scientific evidence that links vaccines to autism, especially in young black babies.
The fact that there were three buildings which fell on September 11, 2001 during the 9/11 attacks. The third building was called “WTC 7” and it was not hit by an airplane. It was actually brought down by controlled demolition, which means the entire “attack” was a planned false flag operation run by the same deep state that’s now trying to overthrow our elections.
The truth that FLIR footage exists, showing government agents gunning down innocent women and children during the Waco raids of 1993, which were used by the ATF to create a false flag operation to justify huge increases in future funding. (See video, below.)

I cover all this in great detail in this thought-provoking podcast, hosted on the H.R. Report channel on Brighteon.com:
Read more stories about human freedom, knowledge and consciousness at Freedom.news.

We ended slavery.

We defeated Hitler.

We abolished Apartheid.

Now we must DISMANTLE Big Tech.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 14:45
Sexta-feira, 15 / 11 / 19

Health Ranger to publicly release breakthrough anti-cancer nanotechnology recipe.


By Mike Adams.


Mike Adams

In early 2020, I'm going to publicly release a breakthrough anti-cancer nanotechnology recipe that will allow you to make your own anti-cancer medicine for pennies per dose.

This is how we break the Big Pharma monopoly: We discover powerful, safe, effective medicines and we give them away to the world.

The upcoming release will feature a video and an article with photographs, showing you how to manufacture this powerful "structured nanoparticle" anti-cancer medicine at home, using simple equipment items and materials that you can acquire for almost nothing.


Image: Health Ranger: In 2020, I’m going to publicly release a breakthrough, low-cost technology for making your own anti-cancer nanoparticle medicine at home, for pennies.

Health Ranger: In 2020, I’m going to publicly release a breakthrough, low-cost technology for making your own anti-cancer nanoparticle medicine at home, for pennies.

(Natural News) I believe it’s wrong for powerful corporations to “own” medicines. Medicine should belong to the People, and patent protection should be prohibited for all medicines, since such patents only encourage drug companies to maximize profits by keeping people sick (for repeat business, of course).

Economies should never be structured around profit incentives for keeping people sick, or corporations will find ways to achieve exactly that.
That’s why prohibiting patents for medicines would end the scourge of Big Pharma and its disastrous medical tyranny that has devastated human health. When there is no more profit from medicine, there is no incentive for the pharmaceutical cartels to keep people sick, suffering and diseased. The way to restore health freedom to the people while ending human suffering from Big Pharma’s medical enslavement of the human race is to do exactly what needs to be done to the illicit drug industry, too: Decriminalize all plant-based molecules and take the profit out of the drug cartels, both legal ones and illegal ones.
But talking about how to solve the world’s problems is easy. Actually doing something that matters is a different deal altogether. That’s why in 2020, I’m going to release to the public an innovative, breakthrough recipe for making your own anti-cancer medicine at home, for mere pennies per dose, using readily available items.
Hear the full podcast on Brighteon.com, the pro-natural health free speech alternative to YouTube:


You will soon learn how to make your own “structured nanoparticles” anti-cancer medicine for pennies per dose

I have been working on this discovery for at least half a year or so. The discovery consists of a simple, low-cost and safe way to manufacture what the scientific community calls “botanically end-capped structured nanoparticles” which are created using a process called “biosynthesis.”
ebookDiscover how to prevent and reverse heart disease (and other cardio related events) with this free ebook: Written by popular Natural News writer Vicki Batt, this book includes everything you need to know about preventing heart disease, reversing hypertension, and nurturing your cardiac health without medication. Learn More.
Over the last several months, I’ve studied several dozen science papers that described various uses for such nanoparticles, including detailed information on how these structure nanoparticles naturally seek out and lock on to cancer tumors throughout the body, almost like a targeted chemotherapy agent, but obviously without using toxic synthetic chemicals. The structure nanoparticles contain a “payload” which is stabilized and surrounded by botanically-derived molecules such as lignans, polyphenols, acids, carotenoids or other functional molecular groups found in a multitude of foods and herbs. This plant-based outer shell of the molecule causes it to be biologically compatible with human physiology, which is why various organ cells “recognize” the molecule as a resource and consume it by allowing the structured molecule to pass through cell walls. Once inside the cell, these structure nanoparticles unleash a medicinal payload directly to the targeted cells. This medicinal payload can consists of many different substances, including botanicals, ionic elements or even synthesized molecules, if desired.
The process of combining the botanical molecules with the nanoparticle payload is called “biosynthesis,” and the result of this process is what I call a “structured nanoparticle.”
We are currently in the process of sending samples of these structured nanoparticles to an electron microscopy laboratory so that we can bring you actual nano-scale photographs of these complex nanostructures.

Incredibly inexpensive to manufacture, and I’ll show you how

What really surprised me in this research effort was discovering how easily these structured nanoparticles can be created. Even though I founded and run a multi-million dollar laboratory facility (ISO accredited, multiple mass-spec instruments, full chemistry lab, etc.) through a series of simple experiments, I was able to simplify the structured nanoparticle creation process to something so simple that any person can do this in their own home, using remarkable simple, low-cost equipment.
For example, one of the pieces of equipment necessary for this process is nothing more than a $5 tea strainer.
What’s amazing is that when you follow the procedure I will be releasing in an upcoming video (on Brighteon.com, the free speech alternative to YouTube), you will be able to witness the nanoparticle biosynthesis with your own eyes as the formation of the molecules takes place. Although you can’t see the individual molecules, you can directly witness the changes in the spectral transmission of the molecules, which is both detectable by UV systems (HPLC systems with a UV detector) as well as with the naked human eye.
In fact, I have a stunning video of the biosynthesis process taking place in a beaker, and that video will be released along with the process of how to replicate this yourself using safe, low-cost methods.
By the way, there is no cooking or heating of any materials necessary to achieve this result. The only energy inputs come from common batteries, as I will reveal in the upcoming video that shares the full details. What this means is that this technology can also be used in a SHTF / survival scenario, even when the power grid is down.

The video and the process will all be released to the public at no charge as a way of achieving “distributed medicine” for the world

The FDA enforces medical monopolies that deprive the people of the world of knowledge and technology that can save lives and help end human suffering. The solution to this centralized, monopolistic, profit-driven medical system is to give away the technology for free so that every human being on planet Earth can make their own medicine and protect the knowledge that now Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are desperately trying to censor. (I’ve been banned on every major tech platform for daring to criticize Big Pharma and discuss natural cures, which just goes to show you how evil the tech giants have become.)
Because I believe so strongly that knowledge in the hands of the many is POWER against the pharma cartels, I am going to release photographs, a video, an article and other details that reveal the step-by-step process for making your own structured nanoparticles.
To be alerted when this goes public, subscribe to the Natural News newsletter at this link, and you’ll receive an email alert. (Avoid using Gmail or Yahoo, as those evil tech companies also try to block our emails from time to time.)
You can also sign up at Brighteon.com and subscribe to the Natural News video channel by clicking the “subscribe” button below any video from that channel. Check back at Brighteon.com for new videos.
Oh, and the nanoparticle medicine created through this technique is also neuroprotective, anti-inflammation, anti-diabetes and strongly anti-viral, capable of treating pandemics and serious outbreaks of infectious disease. (That last sentence will cause heads to explode at the CDC, since they’ve been planning for a long time to release bioengineered, weaponized viruses to achieve global depopulation. The last thing they want us to humans to have a defense against their bioweapons which will be inserted into vaccines, of course.)


Secrets to making anti-cancer medicine for pennies per dose: Tautomerization

I’ll share a hint with you about this technique which involves a fascinating phenomenon in organic chemistry called “tautomerization.”
What is tautomerization? As explained by BiochemDen.com:
A tautomer is a separate type isomer by an organic compound that has the property that it can quickly change their isomeric form by a chemical reaction called tautomerization. The tautomers are couples of constitutional isomers inter-convertible by a reversible chemical reaction called tautomerization.
Tautomerization involves flipping organic molecules from “keto” forms into “enol” forms, as shown by this diagram from BiochemDen.com:
As the page also explains, “Tautomerism is a special case of structural isomerism,” which means it is a novel (but natural) phenomenon that allows molecules to rearrange their own structure without losing their identity. Specifically, as stated on the site, “Tautomerism is the conversion of a functional group in another, most often by concomitant displacement of a hydrogen atom and a ? bond (double or triple bond).”
Understanding this tautomerism is key to grasping the natural “chemistry miracle” that takes place in the process I will be releasing to the public. I will reveal right now that the “keto-enol tautomerism” is the class of tautomerism that is at play in the nanoparticle biosynthesis technology I’ll be publicly releasing.
As I discovered in studying various science papers on this subject, Mother Nature provides a multitude of tautomers which can be easily obtained from readily available herbs and superfoods.
The key is knowing which molecules have this isomeric “morphing” property and realizing how to apply this to other substances to catalyze biosynthesis using natural substances (i.e. “green chemistry”). As it turns out, there are many published theoretical papers on this subject — mostly from authors outside the USA — that I was able to study in my effort to carry out real-world experiments. Many of these papers will be cited in my final release of this knowledge.

Big Pharma has been working on this technology for decades, using toxic synthetic chemicals instead of natural substances found in foods and herbs

Pharmaceutical companies have, for many years, approached artificial synthesis of nanoparticle medicines using highly toxic chemical substances which are dangerous for both health care providers and patients themselves. Why use toxic substances? They needed novel, toxic chemicals in order to achieve patent protection (and FDA monopoly protection). Thus, Big Pharma sought out toxic solutions to biosynthesis problems that Mother Nature has already solved in a far better way.
The “Aha!” moment in all this was realizing that natural botanical molecules could synthesize structured nanoparticles using safe, even food-based molecules that are naturally compatible with human biology and the environment.
Stated another way, Mother Nature is the greatest innovator of nanotechnology, and all we have to do is be wise enough to recognize this technology in humble plants, then harvest those molecules to catalyze our biosynthesis goals.
That’s what I have accomplished in these experiments, and the results are nothing less than astonishing.
But to achieve this, you have to use the right molecules which can flip their isomeric forms in order to engage in oxidation reduction processes, for example. This requires studying science papers and running a large number of experiments on medical herbs that explore different extraction techniques and biosynthesis results. Fortunately, we have an HPLC system at the lab with a UV detector that can easily confirm and quantify the changes in the wavelength transmission (i.e. color changes) as non-structured molecules rapidly restructure themselves in mere seconds, forming “structured nanoparticles” which are, in certain recipes, powerful anti-cancer medicine.
So that’s what I’m going to share with you in early 2020.
It’s a recipe for how to do this yourself.

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Once you watch this video and see the step-by-step instructions, you will be astonished at how easy this process really is. As it turns out, chemistry is really doing the work for you. All you have to do is bring the right molecules together, with the right ionic charges, and let Mother Nature do the rest.
Acquiring those molecules is absurdly easy and affordable. Specifically, you can very likely build a system to accomplish this for under $50 in its simplest rendition. If you want a more advanced system for it, you could spend perhaps a few hundred dollars on various pieces of equipment to accomplish this. But you don’t need a million dollar lab like I run, thank goodness. And you don’t need a functioning power grid, either.
This technology is truly low cost, low tech and should be part of the human lexicon of knowledge for healing humanity and ending human suffering. Every family should know how to make this nanoparticle medicine in their own home.
Oh, and by the way, I don’t sell any of the equipment, and I won’t be selling this “medicine”, since the FDA and FTC would immediately charge me with criminal behavior due to the Big Pharma tyranny that now exists in America. The only way for me to give this formula away and maintain my freedom from tyranny is to give it away for free and have no commercial involvement in any of the materials or equipment items that are mentioned in the recipe.

Empowering humanity to heal themselves and escape Big Pharma’s medical tyranny

I have no financial ties to what I’m about to release. And I won’t profit a dime from this effort. But that’s not the point. This is about doing something far more important: Helping humanity save itself from the scourge of Big Pharma and the predatory cancer industry that profits from the continuation of disease.
The final product you will be able to produce from this method that I will disclose, by the way, is called “structured nanoparticles” of a certain type, and there are many different types which can be created. During the release of this information, I will include several disclaimers that encourage you to exercise caution with your own health and work with a qualified naturopathic physician to determine what treatments are right for you. These structured nanoparticles are not a magical cure-all for every type of cancer, of course, since there are many factors that result in cancer, including a person’s lifetime aggregate exposure to cancer-causing chemicals or radiation. Nanoparticles cannot alter the laws of physics, and they do not reverse exposure to ionizing radiation, which is the kind you get from a mammogram. (Yes, mammograms cause cancer, which is why the cancer industry promotes mammography so aggressively.)
In addition, there are limits to the efficacy of natural medicine, of course. These nanoparticles are very unlikely to help those who have been seriously compromised by subjecting themselves to chemotherapy, radiotherapy or many years of taking toxic prescription pharmaceuticals that compromise heart, liver and kidney function. The pharmaceutical cartel is an industry of toxicity, death and destruction, and those who choose to follow that path are, indeed, causing permanent and irreversible damage to their bodies and their health.
I fully recognize there may be individuals who choose to manufacture these “structured nanoparticle” products and sell them to others or even give away the healing substances to others. This would be especially important in developing nations where people have very little access to medicine. I fully encourage the open, shared use of this technology to benefit humanity, and even though I am in the process of patenting this recipe, the entire point of the patent is to protect it so that no pharmaceutical cartel can sweep it up and claim monopoly control over this technology.
By patenting it and then deliberately refusing to enforce the patent, a person can actually use the U.S. patent office to thrust knowledge into the public domain, protecting it from predatory corporations that seek to withhold such knowledge from humanity. (Many people do not realize this, but the U.S. Patent Office can serve this purpose, if the intentions of the patent holder are aligned with such goals.)
Once I complete the submission of this to the U.S. Patent Office, I will publicly release the recipe and the technology via NaturalNews.com and Brighteon.com.

With your support, we will work to discover and release more self-healing technologies to the world

If this goes well, I plan to dedicate the rest of my professional career to similar endeavors, making important discoveries about natural medicine and then openly sharing those discoveries with the world, without any commercial intent behind such sharing. There’s nothing wrong with free market economics, of course, and if you wish to help support my ongoing efforts in this realm, consider shopping at my online store, HealthRangerStore.com, now offering over 700 products which are laboratory tested for glyphosate, heavy metals, microbiology and other potential contaminants. We offer the world’s cleanest, lab-verified superfoods, nutritional supplements, personal care products and green living solutions (such as eco-friendly laundry detergent). Every purchase at the Health Ranger Store helps support my efforts to engage in scientific discovery and the release of such discoveries into the public domain.
Thank you for your ongoing support. We have much to do in order to help free humanity from medical, political and financial tyranny.
Medicine should belong to everyone, not the dishonest, monopolistic pharmaceutical cartels that are protected by corrupt government. It’s time to set medicine free and bring anti-cancer solutions to everyone, without the permission of the corrupt FDA or the approval of a doctor who’s being bribed by Big Pharma.
– Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

About the author: Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on Amazon.com called “Food Forensics“), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science and medicine to culture and politics. Follow his videos, podcasts, websites and science projects at the links below.

Mike Adams serves as the founding editor of NaturalNews.com and the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. There, he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for achieving extremely high accuracy in the analysis of toxic elements in unknown water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation. Adams is also highly proficient in running liquid chromatography, ion chromatography and mass spectrometry time-of-flight analytical instrumentation. He has also achieved numerous laboratory breakthroughs in the programming of automated liquid handling robots for sample preparation and external standards prep.
The U.S. patent office has awarded Mike Adams patent NO. US 9526751 B2 for the invention of “Cesium Eliminator,” a lifesaving invention that removes up to 95% of radioactive cesium from the human digestive tract. Adams has pledged to donate full patent licensing rights to any state or national government that needs to manufacture the product to save human lives in the aftermath of a nuclear accident, disaster, act of war or act of terrorism. He has also stockpiled 10,000 kg of raw material to manufacture Cesium Eliminator in a Texas warehouse, and plans to donate the finished product to help save lives in Texas when the next nuclear event occurs. No independent scientist in the world has done more research on the removal of radioactive elements from the human digestive tract.
Adams is a person of color whose ancestors include Africans and American Indians. He is of Native American heritage, which he credits as inspiring his “Health Ranger” passion for protecting life and nature against the destruction caused by chemicals, heavy metals and other forms of pollution.
Adams is the founder and publisher of the open source science journal Natural Science Journal, the author of numerous peer-reviewed science papers published by the journal, and the author of the world’s first book that published ICP-MS heavy metals analysis results for foods, dietary supplements, pet food, spices and fast food. The book is entitled Food Forensics and is published by BenBella Books.
In his laboratory research, Adams has made numerous food safety breakthroughs such as revealing rice protein products imported from Asia to be contaminated with toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium and tungsten. Adams was the first food science researcher to document high levels of tungsten in superfoods. He also discovered over 11 ppm lead in imported mangosteen powder, and led an industry-wide voluntary agreement to limit heavy metals in rice protein products.
In addition to his lab work, Adams is also the (non-paid) executive director of the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (CWC), an organization that redirects 100% of its donations receipts to grant programs that teach children and women how to grow their own food or vastly improve their nutrition. Through the non-profit CWC, Adams also launched Nutrition Rescue, a program that donates essential vitamins to people in need. Click here to see some of the CWC success stories.
With a background in science and software technology, Adams is the original founder of the email newsletter technology company known as Arial Software. Using his technical experience combined with his love for natural health, Adams developed and deployed the content management system currently driving NaturalNews.com. He also engineered the high-level statistical algorithms that power SCIENCE.naturalnews.com, a massive research resource featuring over 10 million scientific studies.
Adams is well known for his incredibly popular consumer activism video blowing the lid on fake blueberries used throughout the food supply. He has also exposed “strange fibers” found in Chicken McNuggetsfake academic credentials of so-called health “gurus,” dangerous “detox” products imported as battery acid and sold for oral consumption, fake acai berry scams, the California raw milk raids, the vaccine research fraud revealed by industry whistleblowers and many other topics.
Adams has also helped defend the rights of home gardeners and protect the medical freedom rights of parents. Adams is widely recognized to have made a remarkable global impact on issues like GMOs, vaccines, nutrition therapies, human consciousness.
In addition to his activism, Adams is an accomplished musician who has released over fifteen popular songs covering a variety of activism topics.
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Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

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publicado por achama às 18:01
Terça-feira, 18 / 06 / 19

Actress Jessica Biel attacked, smeared by vaccine goons for supporting health choice ~ Ethan Huff

Actress Jessica Biel bravely comes out in support of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and vaccine truth, only to sustain barrage of criticism on social media.

By: Ethan Huff.

June 17, 2019

Any person who opposes vaccine mandates (gunpoint medicine) is immediately attacked, smeared, censored and called an "anti-vaxxer" even when they support vaccines in principle.
The latest victim of the vicious vaccine trolls is actress Jessica Biel, who joined RFK Jr. to call for parental choice and personal choice when it comes to vaccines. Mike Adams.



(Natural NewsIt’s not every day that a high-profile individual decides to break from the herd and express unpopular viewpoints that could negatively impact her career. But that’s exactly what actress Jessica Biel has done by boldly joining up with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to challenge restrictive new legislation recently proposed in California that would make it even harder for parents to opt their children out of mandatory vaccinations.

On his Instagram account, Kennedy recently shared a series of photos of himself and Biel in Sacramento, where the two spoke with legislators about the threat of Senate Bill 276. Introduced by none other than corrupt drug and vaccine hack Richard Pan, SB 276 would require that all written statements by physicians allowing vaccination exemptions also be signed by an official from the State Department of Public Health.
This added hurdle would make it more difficult than ever for California parents to exempt their children from mandatory vaccinations for medical purposes, since that’s now the only exemption option afforded to parents in the Golden State. Prior to Pan’s legislative crusade against health freedom, California parents could freely exempt their children from mandatory vaccinations on not just medical grounds, but also for religious, personal and philosophical reasons.
“Please say thank you to the courageous [Jessica Biel] for a busy and productive day at the California State House,” Kennedy wrote in the caption below the photo series he shared to his Instagram account.

As usual, Fox News publishes anti-freedom bias, suggesting that people like Jessica Biel who support medical freedom are “anti-vaxxers”

As to be expected, the pharma brigade has been quick to condemn Biel simply for standing up in defense of health freedom. Dr. Jennifer Gunter, a California gynecologist, jumped on her Twitter account after hearing the news to accuse Biel of coming out “as pro childhood death,” arguing that California children will some how die “from measles and influenza” if Pan and his fellow vaccine apologists don’t get their way in imposing more nanny state restrictions on medical exemptions for vaccines.
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“Apparently she and her husband Justin Timberlake will be bringing measles back,” tweeted author and journalist Jennifer Wright, who also became triggered by Biel’s brave and selfless decision to support health freedom.
Fox News, which remains staunchly pro-vaccine and anti-freedom, similarly took a jab at both Kennedy and Biel, suggesting that the duo has taken an “anti-vaccination” stance by trying to protect California parents against having their children forcibly vaccinated by the medical police state.
“Sad to see Fox continuing to kowtow to the Liberal Left and insult our intelligence with below the belt terms like ‘Anti-Vaxxer’ slipped into their headlines,” wrote one Fox Newscommenter in response to the faux-conservative news outlet’s obvious bias against Kennedy and Biel, and their pro-freedom stance.
“Funny how many people think vaccines are the answer to everything … Big Pharma has done some great marketing,” wrote another commenter, expressing similar sentiments. “Clean water, good hygiene, proper nutrition, an understanding of waste disposal, etc., have been just as important to the eradication of disease as anything.”
These are some good points, as is the fact that the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella is far more dangerous than contracting natural measles, which back in the day was looked at as being much like chicken pox – in other words, measles is no big deal.
For more real news about the deadly nature of vaccines, most of which are completely ineffective, be sure to check out Vaccines.news.
You can also learn more about how to naturally boost your immune system without the need for vaccines at NaturalMedicine.news.
Sources for this article include:


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 00:53
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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