A Chama da Ascensão


Sábado, 23 / 05 / 20



By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 23, 2020.



Beloved Souls, Greetings!

Certain that we found them in this Now within their best for the occasion, we returned to point out some more of your questions, always from the perspective of your galactic friends and family and other kind consciences.

Our selection of questions is used for tasting ideas. Be comfortable, preferably in a quiet environment, open your minds and keep to yourself what resonates best, releasing what you cannot understand or agree at that moment; consciential awakening despite being collective, always starts from being to being, according to its evolutionary rhythm. [smile]


- Everything has to do with the Planetary Transition phase because everything is part of the same thing. There will be Terrans who will feel especially more sensitive, while some others, for no apparent reason, will feel cooler, more distant, airy. There will also be those who will oscillate between these two conditions and develop new habits even.

What is relevant should be pointed out here is that it is characteristic of the moment that certain points referring to the personality of the Gaian Man will tend to become even more intense, so who already has a predisposition to sensitivity and who has the characteristic of selectivity when expressing thoughts and feelings, most likely you will go through this experience of accentuating those energies.

The best recommendation is to protect yourself so that you can recognize yourself within these new intimate configurations, before you go around saying things that afterwards do not even know how or why they said them. It is a process, it can take a shorter time here, longer there, depending on the evolution of each individual.


- It means that your new interest is beginning to emerge now, and that the divine spark that is wants to gain wings, explore other realities, and that in the beginning it is really sensibly confusing for everyone. Nobody is born knowing, you say among yourselves. We say that you just do not remember everything you already know, but to progress, to ascend is just that - it is a path, even before a destination.

In that case, go slow. Many Seekers get lost surrendering in haste, to the rush of their anxieties, compromising the good quality of the search itself. We have already told you about the benefits of Targeting over Rush, but this concept is not for everyone to understand, so we do not insist.

Read articles, watch documentaries, see lectures, films on the topics you want to better understand that, little by little, everything will start to fit, at your own pace, without any hiccups or unnecessary excesses. Nothing to compare to the others - it doesn't work! [smile]


- Quarantine is a resource that is repeatedly applied among Terrans in an attempt to restrict as few people as possible to the exposure of a serious viral condition. It seems new to them, something unprecedented and even aggressively undue, because many did not live in those days and in places where there were similar health conditions.

Still, it is a controversial method for many understandings, due to the demands that each one carries to be purified in the atmosphere of Gaia. As hard as it may seem, the truth needs to be told: many will be able to get around all of this, but others will perish, because they need these experiences to face what lies ahead - on this plane and in other parallels.

When someone accesses a certain level of understanding that is more expansive, he will be guided by the most pertinent practices for the prolongation of his missionary existence on the little blue planet. Likewise, those who have a more modest expansion of understanding will tend to neglect what they are told about safeguarding themselves from excess, and will resist head on as long as they can. It's all about the quality of experience they've had so far and everything they give themselves to - without judgment.

Do not suffer for the luck of yours. Understand that each one only faces what he needs to face in order to become someone better, in this existence or in another, and everything is fully assisted by selfless mentors, but always in respect for each person's free will. Wearing out for something that is independent of you directly is a waste of energy in itself, you see.

- The "cure" is already among you, along with the conception of the virus itself, and is in the hands of those who conceived them, as well as those who bought it, in an attempt to take advantage over other countries, according to their own interests. But, as always, greed and ideals of centralization of power did more damage than initially planned by all those involved, but they did consider the drastic reduction of the world population to their most specific plans.

When this answer will be consciously offered to them by their “governors ruled” by Density adherents, it will only depend on them. Because you are still reluctant to deal with the fact that everyone who is living there the privileges that live at your expense, is in no hurry to change anything in this scenario installed by the shadows of greed and pride. But you need to go through all of this in the best possible way, with discipline and resignation, because you also depend on these experiences to transcend the chaos that you co-created and co-created in the name of maintaining your own physical and ideological addictions.

It is exhausting, yes, it is painful, yes, but that is what Humanity needs if it wants to know another side of its own existence that so many of you request in your moments of recollection and elevation in prayers. Cleaning needs to be surgical, and it will be.


- There is no effective separation between the two themes, due to the similarity of that on which the current institutions were built by Man. Without one, the other concept is not sustainable, socially speaking. And now trying to dissociate one thing from the other is especially complicated, although possible - for an undated future; everything will depend on the moral purification of understanding of its social cells.

What happens especially in Brazil is part of that old issue of polarization of their subjects, which has been following them very closely from some of their linear years. The result of all this is the postural densification of those who give in to their primitive instincts, leaving common sense in the background.

What is indicated for the case is that they avoid free ideological clashes, especially when they want to impose on others what they think and feel in the cry - as if this were actually possible to be accomplished with the success initially envisioned. It doesn't work like that, but telling them that is fruitless when the fear for the reason they seek to spread seems to be more important than anything else.

Getting away from those in love with the densest is what they can best do for themselves. Do not comment, do not propagate, do not give them the energy of your attention. Their question is with themselves first, only after that they return to the social of which they are also part, and do not have enough clarity to understand.

Family, for today's communication we have the presence of Antarians and Essassanis who came to assist and collaborate with all of you, Pozinhos de Estrelas (Little fragments of Stars). This whole experience is shared with immense Love by your own searches, you know! And we humbly thank each beloved spark that contributes to this delicate process that certainly elevates Gaia to its best version. [smile]

Soon, news for those who adopted us as part of their ascended realities in their lives! Until then, leave your greetings to our guests from the appointment of the day. And see you soon!

Selamat Matah! (May the peace be with you!)



AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo

CHANNEL NOTE: Greetings to the Antarians and Essassanis brothers! It was an honor to count on you, your light and good energy! The SIRIUS FRATERNITY certainly makes the best social in the Universe. 😊 Endless gratitude! ❤

Translated by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

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Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 17:48
Sábado, 23 / 05 / 20



By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 22, 2020.




Beloved Souls, Greetings!

Today we will talk about the energy of the Terrans who live their personal legend as active and lethargic co-creators, asleep.

Many of you, in your moments of intimate seclusion and conscientious reflection, raise your thoughts about the quality of some of your relationships. And, you know, none of this fails to be fully assisted by your friendly mentors! [smile]

If it is part of your inner maturation, you can be absolutely convinced that there is a powerful spiritual / magnetic support nearby, trying to open your eyes to understandings that until the same time were no longer possible in the same way.

In these moments, we seek to raise your private magnetic fields a little more so that you can benefit from energies more consistent with each issue, and then be able to access an extra dose of your I Am. From then on, their decisions usually become lighter, more fluid and harmonious. If until another day you resisted taking a certain route, “suddenly” the whole thing changes its shape. Work of chance? You can call it that, if you want, but we reaffirm a lot of work and love involved in each process!

It is still delicate to deal with so many fluctuating energies around you, so it is a great opportunity and satisfaction to offer you this quality of support. It is not that you are not in a position to resolve your issues alone ... it is that the concepts of this understanding change a lot between your readings of this and ours, ascended. But the decisions, all of them, have always been, are and will be yours - we, your Galactic Family, are just your private advisers, so to speak. [smile]

In any case, as soon as certain interpersonal dilemmas move towards their most expanded resolution, other new service fronts are opened, always with the greatest intention of dissolving knots, dismantling vibrational densities that, when together, make the dear Seekers so heavy, moody, sad and less productive in their routine about Gaia. In some cases, they may even throw them into beds, for health reasons, either physical or emotional (somatized).

For each of you, it is absolutely imperative that you can continue unlocking these points of conflict. That is if there is really an engagement in your moral / spiritual purification. When not, everything continues to unfold in the form of challenges, and one more complicated to manage than the other, ceaselessly, until tiredness settles, resistance screams for a break and other interests for alternative routes begin to be considered with greater interest than the old formulas used up to that critical point.

When talking about the “other”, it is important to say that, quantum speaking, this “other” does not exist, because we are all One (1) with the Whole, and that means that that “other” is also a fraction of each yours. What is done in their name is done automatically in you, because everything is one and the same, just experiencing different ways of the same reality.

We know how challenging information of that order can be for so many of you. After all, it takes an extra dose of understanding and minimal interior lighting to absorb it all in a more… comfortable way, according to their realities and behaviors within them. But, roughly speaking, you feel that what we tell you touches you in a particular and strong way, and this is the beginning, the beginning of a new relationship with yourself that will become more and more constant and dominant - dominant , but without ever being invasive, don't worry about it! [smile]

The existence within the very particular aspects of the optical perception of the Gaian Man is unique. We learned from all of you, be convinced of it, loved more, but what the Pozinhos de Estrelas (little fragments of stars) capture is transcendental. For this reason, some people already go to other planes, in their moments of physical rest, to other realities and share their experiences all over Gaia and beyond the little blue planet. Yes, legitimate teachers who speak with the assistance of countless mentors so that Knowledge can be expanded, according to what each one has and had to offer. And how your classes are played by the Multiverse!

When their mentors call them "masters", it is also for this reason. Because that's what you are, and you just haven't accessed full awareness of all these adventures yet. To be honest with you, we would spend hours here describing all the fronts that your essences take on in front of the Cosmos, and you wouldn't even imagine! But soon everything will become very clear to your conscious human understanding, be patient. [smile]

Family, everyone teaches and everyone learns, that's all. Its apparent opponents today are nothing more than beings boiling with themselves. They externalize all this, all this gall in criticism and bad mood because it is part of their intimate processes of personal recognition and maturation. They are seldom consciences that have learned about a series of understandings that to many of you feel natural and consistent. Resilience! Do you know what they are and what they will never be, from a certain point of conscience, so why give so much importance to the words of those who still fall asleep over their own nature? Do you understand what we tell you here?

Allow it to pass. Being reactive at this point in time and with so many other more relevant events taking place at the same time right in front of your physical senses is, at the very least, one of those wears out of which it is not worth the price to get involved, to feed, to propagate. Will they continue to be impolite, inopportune, provocative? For you to find in yourself the most placid of non-judgmental and Unconditional Love energies. It is not meant to be “easy”, dear ones, it is a mission, we have already told you this a few times, so it is the opportunity that presents you with new paradigms, in greater synchronicity with the values ​​of the New Earth, because it is so!

Heia Sun! (Let there be light!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


CHANNEL NOTE: When we remember that our role here * is self-transcendence and service, it becomes more and more important that we keep the focus on this guideline, and in this way what comes from third parties will lose strength, importance to the point of disharmony. Since it is not possible for us to control what goes on in the minds of others, let us work on our own internal shielding as to the sarcasms and dense vibrations of those who know nothing about themselves to try something against us. So it is done!


Translated by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 05:40
Sexta-feira, 22 / 05 / 20




By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 21, 2020.




Beloved Souls, Greetings!

There is no “punishment”, “retaliation” or anything like that; what exists is what each one needs to live in favor of its best version (without judgments!).

To the Terran understanding, it may seem an external way of selecting who ascends and who remains in the purge of their demands, indefinitely. When not. Whoever engages better understands that Law of Cause & Effect is Nature's tool for the systems involved in the process of each social segment, so that you always have the best of what all of you have to offer in favor of the New Earth.

And it is always Men who place themselves above, below or beside these directives of conscientious / spiritual / magnetic expansion. No one else. [smile]

The idea that some external factor is the one who determines the pace of their evolutionary marches belongs to the matrix of those who always understand that they suffer the direct effects of the actions of others, of this or of parallel dimensions. One more of these structural mistakes that the invigilating Servers of Light use with some regularity.

The great truth is that you will always be in the quality of what you rise to access. Those who engage in little will achieve the same proportion of their own blessings, while those who turn to good practices the most will achieve similar returns. Everything very consistent and transparent.

Those who think they can circumvent this elevation formula of all things are deluded, because they cannot. There is no “way” for that. It is not possible to “turn around” in this condition that supports the Good News and the New Man. Whoever gives of himself with discipline, fraternity and love in his heart, will always follow a more enlightened path and, consequently, will be helped with his demands in an identical way. [smile]

We have already had the opportunity to tell you this, but we will repeat: There are no privileged in the path of good; there are consequences.

Envying what the other is experiencing, in itself, is no longer one of those good energies that they can associate with yours. Imagine plotting against your brothers just because they live what you would like to experience and don’t? What sir does this energy serve, beautiful ones? Think!

Your path is one, the path of the next is another, and everything is perfectly harmonious within this evolutionary itinerary. It does not matter what each one lives and in what way. Everything is given to those who are entitled, understand.

Whoever wants to follow for the sake of experiencing new relationships, new conquests, needs to try to engage in this focus, needs discipline and awareness of the value of every small opportunity. Everything is climbing, needs to be worked on in order to optimize one day at a time, with faith and humility, with enthusiasm and hope. And what has to be yours will be.

If things stop going as you originally planned, that's okay, part of it. Learning how to deal with the frustrations of the way mature is also an empowering experience. And certainly other fruits will avenge all of this - perhaps even better than you imagined back there. [smile]

Family, Man is very blessed and rarely identifies this in his brief existence on the little blue planet. Many of you will be able to realize this only when you are no longer in that Now, living the life you co-create through your engagements and neglect.

So, consider valuing the little things of your time in Gaia Now. Because chance is just one of those badly told stories that the atmosphere of dense planets has reserved for undeveloped understandings, in the face of the immeasurable All Cosmic, of which they have always been part.

SYRIUS FRATERNITY greets you and smiles in complicity with your most modest achievements, everyone knows. JATA (Source) speaks to you all this way too! [smile]

Selamat Gajun! (Be One!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


CHANNEL NOTE: Typical Sirian “note” that resonates with my values and understanding. What is to be mine *, will be in one way or another, and in the same way, what does not have ... we deliver to the Universe. I think that detachment should always be exercised in the face of these cases, you know ?! We become lighter when we aim for life.


Translated by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 00:46
Quarta-feira, 20 / 05 / 20



By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 20, 2020.




Beloved Souls, Greetings!

It is not relevant what you call the movement caused by the system that coordinates and feeds your pillars in terms of centralizing power and spreading fear. Nothing changes the fact that it is real and acts powerfully on the nations of his planet, and it will always reorganize itself in an attempt to keep things as they are - standardized, stagnant, average.

At least, it was that way until another time; maybe some of you still have some difficulty in identifying, but a lot has changed in recent times, and this is not just a matter of chance! [smile]

So much is said about the New Earth, and so little objective idea is made of it - if only because of the freedom of minds from the lack of imagination and fear strategically implanted among the dear Terrans! In any case, the fact is that new actions provoked reactions to the height, and the energy of Gaia is already differentiated, and for the better, despite those without Faith, without confidence in their own power as well as in the Supreme Intelligence of JATA (The Creative Source, God).

Servants of Light had to face their own demands as part of their own purification process. There was suffering. There was pain. There was doubt. There was loneliness. However, there was also solidarity, fraternity, expressions of affection, respect and love. There was an effective engagement in practical actions in favor of the collective, as rarely seen in so little of humanity. And all of this was and is part of what will bring about in Man the changes that they need for the New Man to co-create the New Earth.

Obviously, the matrix, the system, does not want, more beloved Terrans, that things change even more in order to confront their interests so intrinsically rooted in the ego of the invigilating Servants of Light, through their vices and dark interests. Therefore, it is natural for it - the system - to move in defense of its interests, even if it means dropping pieces of its big game in favor of itself.

It is important to say objectively: the system does not care about human lives.

It feeds on everything that its mentors and guides of light have always tried to teach them to deal with discipline and engagement; and we speak here of fear, of segregation, of separatism, of violence, of everything that evokes the darker side of the ignorance of being. And all this is easily identified in the actions of Man, whose energy is associated with Matrix interests, as he will always be on the side of financial interests above legitimately humanitarian causes.

The vibrational scale of the New Earth that is established in this Now, will exalt the most striking characteristics of all of you. For this reason, the last strongest movements in favor of duality are yet to come, although around your 5 (five) earth years things have become especially denser among you, with glaring ideological postures, falling into physical aggression in some cases. This is all from the purge phase, that is, it must be so due to the high demand involved in the process.

Humanity has seen movements in favor of and against the coordinates of the bodies responsible for monitoring global health regarding this pandemic. People are already starting to confront each other about all of this, in a very similar way to what happened in their most recent elections, that is, with more passion than with common sense. And due to this direct effect, wear and tear of relationships have kept them away from each other, even in family social cells including. Because the system is strengthened when you divide, objectively so.

You fall, like pieces of a huge domino, knocking each other down, mechanically, whenever common sense is relegated to the background. But, when their own leaders fail to lead them through the paths of open and respectful, empathic and aggregating dialogue, what do the sleeping morals, the conscientious lethargics do if they don't follow the herd? This is the legitimate end of days, beautiful!

The adherents of these denser and more violent stances will no longer remain in Gaia - and they know it. They know and do not care, because for their interests what the reverberating energy of the rising planet means, they do not arouse any interest either, if they will no longer be able to maintain the privileged patterns on which they depend to coexist as they are used to. Some groups will resist the Good News here and there, but they already see that from that last experience of the Gaian Man positively activated due to the effects of the pandemic, with less and less resources they will be able to count on to maintain themselves according to their intimate and petty interests.

The New Man is a growing reality among you. They are identified coordinating themselves in favor of the other, without particular interests, and so often anonymously - such that their conventional media show contempt and choose to show the lack of respect for the collective, the focus on the violence of their routines, pain and in the suffering of his people. And all of this has already started its countdown to reach the end, because the beautiful ones yearn to live other and higher qualities of experiences. And it will be!

Beautiful, the matrix cannot counter the more direct effects of the New Earth. Neither he - the system - nor his immoral supporters. For this reason large groups will be removed from the planet, you know, because they have run out of time among you. They had all the opportunities pertinent to their intimate improvement to transcend or at least signal interest in that direction, but they made choices and, of course, will respond for every act of love not lived. Do not regret any of this; it is the strongest dose of what will still be treated according to where they will go for their evolutionary development, still assisted by their mentors and guides of light.

What should remain in you, who are really interested in moving forward on the path of Unconditional Love in favor of the New Earth, is the feeling that each one can only offer what he rises to share. Because outside the fraternity, there is no real evolution, and this rescue is intimate, it goes from conscience to conscience, from spark to spark. [smile]

The New Man is a growing reality among you. They are identified coordinating themselves in favor of the other, without particular interests, and so often anonymously - such that their conventional media show contempt and choose to show the lack of respect for the collective, the focus on the violence of their routines, pain and in the suffering of his people. And all of this has already started its countdown to reach the end, because the beautiful ones yearn to live other and higher qualities of experiences. And it will be!

Beautiful, the matrix cannot counter the more direct effects of the New Earth. Neither it - the system - nor his immoral supporters. For this reason large groups will be removed from the planet, you know, because they have run out of time among you. They had all the opportunities pertinent to their intimate improvement to transcend or at least signal interest in that direction, but they made choices and, of course, will respond for every act of love not lived. Do not regret any of this; it is the strongest dose of what will still be treated according to where they will go for their evolutionary development, still assisted by their mentors and guides of light.

What should remain in you, who are really interested in moving forward on the path of Unconditional Love in favor of the New Earth, is the feeling that each one can only offer what he rises to share. Because outside the fraternity, there is no real evolution, and this rescue is intimate, it goes from conscience to conscience, from spark to spark. [smile]

Selamat Matah! (May the peace be with you!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


CHANNEL NOTE: Despite all the problems caused by everything that is involved in our purification process, I still stick to the best examples and stories of those who roll up their sleeves and surrender in favor of social well-being. Everything that is heavy, dense exists, already existed before, so I see no logic to exalt any of this. New Earth asks for the New Man that we can all always be, if we stop resisting and really allow ourselves to. Expanded free will.


Translated by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 22:56
Quarta-feira, 20 / 05 / 20



By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 19, 2020.




Beloved Souls, Greetings!

As stated a few times - and confirmed by countless serious channels - High Spirituality works hard in favor of the legitimacy of all things, with method and discipline. In other words, your spiritual / magnetic support remains firm and at your side, dear Terran, in the sense of showing you more and more to the engaged and enthusiastic of the Good News.

We affirm that the best of all things are in full swing, bringing out of each new situation more of what they once committed to, still in the astral. In this sense, there is the loving alert to the other Servers of Light:

Stay focused on what adds up to the positive. Get away from what they hijack you from your good anchoring. Density has several tools at the service of its energy stagnation, so pay attention to venous distractions disguised as information *. No matter how attentive your spiritual / magnetic protectors may be, without your efforts for the proper maintenance of your anchoring, synchronicity is not established and intention is replaced by illusion.

We Syrians have just left, together with sister lineages in Light, of heavy and exhausting work on the minds of some of their political leaders and supporters, due to the energy harassment they suffer from Shadow-workers. Those who are infiltrated in this cause are excited, trying to harm as many as possible to them through these weaknesses that always end up facilitating the work of the dark minions of low vibration.

Despite the best results achieved, we will have to return to the same points soon, to untie certain knots that still maintain those consciousnesses assisted by the shadows by the effect of astral contracts, with the intention of preparing the area for the New that they will begin to access even in this month of your linear time. We are happy with the new possibilities, as everything runs towards positive results for the health of all of you.

The activities in the Astral Field are accelerated, as many improvements will still be delivered soon, you know. And a large part of this is due to the good anchoring of those who have positively surrendered to the phase of social detachment for spiritual self-improvement, thus elevating relevant points on the planet, rebalancing the Gaia chakras.

We could not end this session without registering here our gratitude for each one of you who dared to follow your missions and illuminated the delicate phase through which humanity is going through with its prayers, its anchors, its meditations, its magnetic elevations as a whole. You have made and make the positive difference that is expected of a true Server of Light! [smile]

Heia Sun! (Let there be light!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


CHANNEL NOTE: I admit that seeing this exhibition recorded in that text was strange to me at first, but I now understand the importance of these examples. Sirians are very intuitive so they can create metaphors in the form of very diverse, and even fun, images. The fact is that we are very supported by our “spiritual cavalry”, and we do not always realize how much. Does not matter. What counts is the feeling of gratitude that must always be at the forefront of all occurrences. And so it is!


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 02:30
Segunda-feira, 18 / 05 / 20



By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 18, 2020.



Beloved Souls, Greetings!

In the Faith that all our dear Terrans follow the flow of the positive and expansive, we have selected yet another wave of intuitions captured by the channel, through its sensitivity, for all of you. They are decrees, they are words of good cheer and encouragement to the good practices that we regularly speak to them in our meetings.

Make good use of all that energy, taking with you what seems to resonate the most and, as always, despise what fails to make sense to you. The important thing is to anchor them in their best versions, because our mission among you is essentially this. [smile]

So, all have good thoughts for this restarted weekly cycle!

⚜️ ❝Discipline is the new ‘engagement’, targeted motivation. Whoever engages in an idea will never be the idea itself, but will integrate it into his own being, and that is powerful! ❞

⚜️ ❝Optimizing an energy is putting yourself in rhythmic and synchronous fluidity with it. It can be achieved through high engagement and determination.❞

⚜️ ❝I AM Faith, Discipline and Love. I go on wrapped in the best energies and vibrations. I am in everything that I focus my attention on, and for this reason I focus on the Light of better days progressively. So it is! ❞

Desejo️ ❝The desire to betray the partner starts from points of imbalance between essences. When someone decides to venture with someone else, he has completely disconnected himself from the one he betrays.

It is possible to consider the total rupture of a relationship even before reaching such a point, but it is difficult for man to embark on this path. The tendency is to betray and, depending on the outcome of this, you may - or not - consider that the best is that each one goes to his side. Getting involved with third parties is always a potential problem. It moves the mind, the psychological, the emotional, and all of this can be very serious. Take all this into account, in the future, because today's ‘case’ may pass, but the consequences tomorrow will be etched forever in your evolutionary history.❞

⚜️ ❝ Offer your best, with humility, with love. That is the part that is up to you. What the other person will receive depends on how you find your spiritual, your emotional, your psychological - and none of that depends on you or your intentions. Your Angels tell you to do the right thing because it is what you are motivated to do. Each one will always answer for the signature he gives under everything that is available. Receive! ❞

⚜️ ❝I AM the love for the experience that transcends me. I am whole in every moment. I stick to that purpose Now and beyond. So it is! ❞

Família️ ❝Your family reigns far beyond the average understanding of man. Its essence was never just earthly, and in due course you will remember it.❞

⚜️ ❝Honor your original lineage through moral correction and fraternal service to the collective. Someone involved in such principles is certainly a Server of Light anchored at its best.

⚜️ ❝Stay faithful to the highest you can experience in your evolutionary march. Your focus determines your most objective destination.❞

⚜️ ❝Bad moments can always return when their instructional teachings are not absorbed. Replace complaints with attention to the hidden lesson in the unfavorable picture, and make adjustments.❞

⚜️ ❝It is possible to be a friend of the one you love because love itself has elements of goodwill, respect and a high degree of empathy. However, it must be said: it is not every frame of friendship that necessarily becomes a romantic relationship. Think of it as one of those truths that can be ignored, but which always reveal themselves in their essence through their own interaction. Don't force anything. If some couples out there were just good friends, they might get a better result from their relationships. If you have that opportunity, don't skip steps. Live one phase at a time, that tomorrow belongs to God - says the popular adage.❞

⚜️ ❝Angels are spiritual guardians of something or someone, being given the power to protect their guardians with engagement and unconditional love. Your Angels tell you that there are limits to your actions on your life, making it necessary for you to make practical movements for vibrational elevation and, in this way, better capture what they try to share with you, with greater fluidity. Receive! ❞

⚜️ ❝I AM the fullness in all my reflections and attitudes. I am anchored in my best version. I offer my best to everyone who crosses my path. And so it is! ❞

⚜️ ❝Stay away from victimization. The energy of 'coitadismo' is dangerous because it undermines its positive magnetism and propagates the low vibrational scale where to pass.❞

⚜️• ❝A boa manutenção energética faz parte de suas tarefas nesse Agora. Sem esse auto-cuidado, pode-se desperdiçar uma qualidade vibracional que fará falta logo mais.❞
⚜️ ❝Não é preciso ser um ‘especialista’ em relacionamentos para identificar uma relação fake e a diferenciar de uma outra mais comprometida com a legitimidade natural de todas as coisas. Logo, considere reavaliar essa necessidade íntima de sair registrando e espalhando por aí o quanto sua vida pode ser feliz e harmoniosa, sem de fato o ser. Quem precisa saber exatamente do que se passa na intimidade de seu lar é você e seu par, ninguém mais. Com uma luz boa e um filtro interessante, qualquer um, sozinho ou acompanhado, passa pra frente uma ideia manipulada. O mundo real não tem filtro – tem direcionamento.❞
⚜️ ❝Quem fala a verdade não merece castigo. A questão é: qual verdade lhe ressoa e de qual verdade está predisposto/a a abrir mão? Seus Anjos estão dispostos a lhe ajudar a ampliar sua percepção para que acesse com mais qualidade àquilo de que realmente precisa para ser feliz. Basta que você queira isso, mesmo que signifique ir contra algumas de suas próprias crenças. Receba!❞
⚜️ ❝Quando o sentimento ou pensamento de caos se abater sobre você, assuma a postura de ler* o que a mensagem lhe diz, mas não a absorva, ou seja, a identifique mas não permita que ela determine o andamento de suas atitudes. Esse corte quem tem o poder de dar é você.❞
⚜️ ❝Organize-se de modo à otimizar o andamento de sua rotina. Tudo flui bem melhor à seu favor quando você propicia condições para isso. Seus Anjos lhe pedem para que verifique o que pode fazer hoje para agilizar seus assuntos, com ações práticas. Nem sempre bastará você saber que existem coisas para fazer… será necessário pôr a mão na massa. Receba!❞
⚜️ ❝Seu sono anda bagunçado, surgindo em horários diferenciados? Tudo bem. Entregue-se, se possível, pois poderosos downloads vibracionais estão sendo realizados enquanto seu corpo físico relaxa.❞
⚜️ ❝O período letárgico do corpo físico é quando o universo sutil de seus mentores, anjos e afins vão ao seu encontro – ou você até eles – para trocar energias. Faça desses momentos de repouso um ritual para que descanse bem e, de preferência, sem interrupções.❞
⚜️ ❝Existem pessoas que precisam dormir mais do que algumas outras, apesar do que lhes dizem seus especialistas. É plenamente possível ter uma vida produtiva repousando pouco, quando há treinamento para isso e disciplina nessa intenção. Vale a pesquisa!❞
⚜️ ❝EU SOU o Amor manifesto nesse Agora. Estou presente onde sou chamado em similar energia. Sirvo ao Bem Maior que criou e recria o Universo pela eternidade. Assim é!❞
⚜️ ❝Todos os especialistas poderão cruzar seu caminho tentando lhe harmonizar os entendimentos sobre si e sobre o outro, sobre seus relacionamentos, mas se você não se propuser a fazer a coisa andar para frente, a acontecer, nada e ninguém poderá lhe socorrer. Existem pessoas que realmente se sabotam, através de posicionamentos que lhes minam as melhores possibilidades. Os relacionamentos não vingam, o serviço não anda, não progridem nos estudos, sentem-se mal sem qualquer causa aparente, e frequentemente porque decisões atraíram consequências, energias densas, pesadas. Crenças limitantes fazem tudo isso. Daí a importância em tentar identificá-las para posterior administração adequada. Simplifique a vida, e verá a fluidez positiva realizando milagres bem diante de seus olhos!❞
⚜️ ❝Quando você se organiza para que a vida torne-se algo mais leve, seu suporte espiritual encontra campo aberto para trabalhar suas próprias energias em seu favor. Seus Anjos lhe sugerem que abra portas e janelas, que permita que a luz do sol entre, que o ar circule para que a renovação vibracional realize seus pequenos milagres. Receba!❞
⚜️ ❝EU SOU a perfeição aos olhos de Deus. Invisto na humildade e bom senso no trato de todas as coisas. Realizo meus sonhos em conformidade com meu amadurecimento moral e espiritual. Assim é!❞
⚜️ ❝O Homem não se aparta da Fonte Criadora através de seus deslizes morais. Isso ocorre quando nega-se à si mesmo o melhor que sua rota evolutiva tem para lhe revelar.❞
⚜️ ❝Direcione-se para a abundância focando em seus sonhos, suas metas e na possível logística para realizá-los. Quem foca na falta, na escassez, na ausência, fortifica esses padrões e logo se tornará um cativo deles.❞
⚜️ ❝Faça a coisa certa, mesmo que isso implique em possíveis desarmonias. Se suas bases forem sólidas, relacionamento algum se desfará por conta disso. Porém, se o Amor deixar de ser legítimo, ocorrências mais sérias podem se dar. O importante é que impere a transparência e o bom senso sempre. Tentar selecionar onde ser verdadeiro e onde deixar de ser, é medíocre em qualquer configuração de relação. Seguir o bom caminho não é para ser fácil sempre, ou belo em tempo integral. Falamos aqui de energias, e elas oscilam. Falamos de sentimentos, e eles também variam. Mas o que é correto e onde impera o Amor, sempre será onde se manifesta o campo das mais expandidas possibilidades.❞
⚜️ ❝Reavalie a qualidade daquilo que se esmera em registrar por aí. Existem energias que simplesmente não merecem ser documentadas.❞
⚜️ ❝Ser digno é estar ancorado em sua melhor versão. Sempre haverá honra em buscar viver em sincronicidade com o Mais Alto, com Deus. Seus Anjos lhe dizem para que viva essa condição de buscador espiritual com dignidade, com honra, com amor – mesmo que a reciprocidade nem sempre pareça surgir em resposta imediata. Receba!❞
⚜️ ❝O poder do outro sobre a sua conduta tem a extensão que você lhe confere. Nada muda essa condição. Diante de um aborrecimento com alguém, tome providências e reassuma as rédeas de sua vida.❞
⚜️ ❝EU SOU a melhor versão de mim mesmo/a nesse Agora. Estou conectado/a diretamente à Fonte Criadora e por ela sou plenamente amado/a. Sigo em paz e feliz com tudo que acesso e conquisto. Assim é!❞
⚜️ ❝Quando você foca na benignidade da vida, o bem se apresenta com mais facilidade em sua existência. O nome disso é direcionamento.❞
⚜️ ❝Todo Servidor da Luz ativado é capaz de realizar milagres. Através de seu exemplo positivo, propicia um dos mais poderosos que existe, pois contagia todos àqueles que estão prontos para ascender.❞
⚜️ ❝Ponha-se em Amor e viva essa experiência do Paraíso na Terra. Ninguém chega à esse nível de realidade expandida e remissora senão através dessa via potencializada.❞
⚜️ ❝Mágoas são legítimos venenos que intoxicam qualquer relacionamento menos sólido. É preciso identificar ‘o inimigo’ e realizar sua assepsia com vigor cirúrgico, antes que cresça e se alastre de modo incontrolável. Sempre que tiver a oportunidade de pontuar o que pensa e sente, especialmente sobre um assunto mais sensível, delicado, faça-o. Muitas consequências indesejadas podem ser tratadas de acordo através dessa predisposição em invocar a Verdade e o Amor Incondicional.❞
⚜️ ❝Respire fundo, conte até dez, mas antes de considerar externar palavras e sentimentos rudes, lembre-se que sempre existe um outro caminho. Seus Anjos lhe pedem que verifique com maior atenção a qualidade de suas próprias energias. Muito provavelmente anda se permitindo desequilibrar por mera invigilância. Receba!❞
⚜️ ❝O Universo pertence àquele que se eleva para acessá-lo em seu Eu Sou. Através das boas práticas, sua melhor versão se manifesta. Faça acontecer!❞
⚜️ ❝Um Eu Sou ativado se sincroniza com a Paz, a Harmonia, a Fraternidade, a Gentileza, a Amizade, o Amor Incondicional. Quem vibra à margem disso, permanece estagnado até que desperte dessa letargia consciencial.❞
⚜️ ❝EU SOU a alta qualidade magnética em ação. Acesso tudo o que me é devido para amadurecer e propagar. Trafego entre as realidades existentes com equilíbrio e sabedoria, com humildade e fraternidade. Assim é!❞
⚜️ ❝Assuma sua maestria, seu soberano Eu Sou. O mundo sempre se revelará mais fluídico à partir dessa ação expandida, em auto-amor.❞
⚜️ ❝Servir ao coletivo significa colocar-se à sua disposição, à partir de seu melhor. Uma coisa independe da outra, mas em termos de fluidez, trata-se de outro nível de energia em ação.❞
⚜️ ❝Temer sua ascensão é incoerente com a essência que é. Deve temer o Novo quem criou raízes, quem firmou acordos com a densidade, através de seus próprios vícios. Esses, sim, responderão por suas práticas invigilantes à altura.❞
⚜️ ❝Você identifica coerência ou incoerência num comando através dos efeitos que tais coordenadas provocam sobre você e o coletivo. Fique alerta aos sinais, analise tudo à frio (sem paixões) e siga sua intuição. O restante ao Universo pertence.❞
⚜️ ❝O Amor está no ar para quem despertou para sua percepção. Você pode fingir que nada está acontecendo ou se engajar nesse direcionamento de busca e reconhecimento. Invoque Amor sobre si, sobre seus assuntos. Envolva de Amor o próximo, o meio e o Todo, e jamais haverá de se sentir menos valioso/a do que realmente é. Não há perdas nesse quadro, saiba!❞
Dessa forma vamos encerrando a transmissão oficial do dia, com grande satisfação por sua presença nesse Agora e muito Amor por cada um de vocês, tão engajados em sua auto-transcendência, Família. Que possamos seguir sempre assim, juntinhos em amor e luz rumo ao esplendor de suas melhores versões! [sorriso]
Selamat Bratzo! (Estejam em satisfação!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 15:58
Segunda-feira, 18 / 05 / 20



By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 17, 2020.



Beloved Souls, Greetings!

In the certainty that they remain firm and in constant search for psycho-emotional balance, we present ourselves in this NOW for our notes of the day. We hope that they are in a position to open their minds and review concepts, despite all the obstacles that the phase imposes on them. [smile]

Mission has these things - if it were to be a joke, it would be disfigured as a mission. You have to challenge, you have to promote changes, you have to provoke understandings, because all of this is part of the ascension process. Whoever had the option of being on Gaia like you and chose not to go through any of this, stagnated in his own evolutionary march. Objectively so!

But, as we have even more to share with all of you, on specific issues, let's move on:


- Peace is more than an intention; it is a set of applied behaviors, experienced in the effective daily life. Man (humanity) needs to be educated to exercise the Peace he claims to want. Otherwise, everything will be just another chimera, a summer dream.

It is easy to see Terrans complaining about their own (lack of) luck, and for many reasons. They do not use the same energy spent in this focus to invest in Self-knowledge to the point of identifying the primordial origin of what destabilizes them. And then they claim to want peace fully involved with practices opposed to this cause ... blame others ... circumstances ...

Qualitative engagement leads to Peace, that is, practical actions and even quite simple to access and apply, put things in their proper places. Less ego and more brotherhood, less attachment and more self-surrender, less aggression and more unconditional love. Whoever wants to live peace must first suspend the agreements made with the war actions, and that is a personal commitment.


- Consider investing more and better in yourself. There are a lot of distracted Seekers really believing in, as you say, in the other half of your oranges, in the lid of your pots, isn't that so? [smiles] And in that way, a limiting belief was presented to you successfully.

Man is not "half" of anyone. That does not exist. Never existed. If the amusing allegory of the eternal search sounds poetic to them, it must be said that this reaffirms a continuous dissatisfaction behind a form of absolutely undue emotional dependence.

Why would anyone stop "being whole" to put themselves in the submissive position of a half? Think: to whom would this benefit, if not Density, if not the restriction of positive fluidity? However, if it is in these beliefs that you place your attention, it is as if the Universe - which is neutral until you carry out your magnetic emissions through thoughts, feelings and attitudes befitting -, resonates what each of you are, by doing or for entire existences, and in fact it is.

Anyone who really wants to live happily with someone else, needs to invest in himself first to the point of becoming someone pleasant, vibrationally interesting and interested in sharing his own fullness. From this intimate setting, the best experiences come naturally to you - without any effort.


- Definitely not. There are other responses that are better applicable to the effects of the pandemic, which, in turn, is nothing more than the materialized reflection of their most intimate fears, a pertinent picture that Men have molded from the ethereal through negative synchronicities (hatred, resentment, violence, sexism, segregations and other dense tentacles).

These afflictions at the collective level and fully synchronous with the low magnetic quality of a determined social group are cyclical. In any case, you go through this experience because you need it to reach other future conscious spheres. Some locations more than others, because of the variation in intensities. And what your medications can do against all this is really little, almost nothing.

In a personalized dosage, this formula can, at most, reduce discomfort due to other pathological specificities (lung), but nothing much more than that; little or almost nothing if they are told about the effects on their kidneys, for example, or even about side effects for those suffering from blood pressure unevenness.

Their “best answer” is still their responsible conduct to guard against the excesses they adopt in the face of their own challenges, because this can immunize them from the unwanted effects of this virus. The question is: if it really cured someone as some people try to claim, it would be mandatory for Man to have completely deciphered his activation codes in the human body, something that is not yet done, very objectively speaking to them.

It is important that you do not give up this search, within your fragile area of ​​understanding the matrix of everything that is involved in this process of scanning Gaia, but dear ones, please do not wait for “magic formulas” overnight because it won't be like that. On the contrary: there will still be more casualties due to this inability and precipitation in the way of administering their medications until their most efficient treatment. Until then, Faith, DISCIPLINE and patience!

In time: Self-medication does not save * anyone!


- Correct would be the understanding that every action invariably causes an equivalent reaction, including Nature. Do you notice the difference between the sentences?

If there was planting, there is the harvest. To that little starlet who wishes to live in harmony with himself and the environment, he intuitively knows what behaviors to adopt, and will not be cutting down trees indiscriminately, burning pastures and forests, hunting animals for sport or polluting the atmosphere, seas and rivers that will turn for Man the best returns. There is no such synergy, you see.

The appearance of plagues is the most objective way to tell them: “Humanity, you are disrespecting our time and our way. They are unbalancing something they are also part of and depend on, whether they consciously acknowledge it or not. Review your actions while there is still this possibility! ”.

As long as the ignorance of greed is active among you, dense developments are scheduled to occur, whether in the form of plagues or even in viral ways.


- One of those truths that are hardly propagated around is that technology also fails! [laughs] Despite the collective unconscious feeding the opposite idea, apart from the creation coming directly from the Creator Source (God), everything else is liable to failure. It is just a matter of opportunity.

To believe that alien technology is absolutely infallible is a mistake on the ground. Especially because there are many technologies among the peoples of space - some more advanced than others, but all consistent with the evolutionary degree of what they have purified to access. Or do you really believe that because you can travel through the Cosmos, everything that was created for that is really "perfect"? [smile]

For your information, spaceships of civilizations existed that were disintegrated by simple contact with the Earth's atmosphere either by the effect of gravitational pressure or by direct contact with the quality and components of its air, and even these cases were not recorded for your knowledge. Because technologies are restricted aspects of something much bigger involved in the pilgrimage and even the intention of contact with other civilized realities or not.

Therefore, “flying saucers” can fall, yes, and for the most varied reasons. Many are on your planet right now, and many of them against their own will (but it was necessary, as it was part of their intimate rescue to go through such an experiment). Some of them no longer have the spark of physical life, some others remain alive, some confined, some others living among you in recluse. They are very wide variants, you know!


Family, we will continue to answer the questions left in our official spaces, in our notes and intuitions of the channel, as always. So be patient and stay alert so that nothing is lost for free.

We also remind you that our objective here is to present you with the Sirian perspective of these occurrences that affect the Terran race, but without any extra intention of imposing on you any new element with which they resonate or refute. Everything here is prepositive; embrace whatever makes sense to you and release what you fail to do. This is the civilized formula to behave, in any dimension and consciential level. [smile]

Selamat Mai! (So ​​it is!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


CHANNEL NOTE: Yesterday I had the opportunity to record and share in audio in our AarayA Family group about these elements that occasionally emerge as legitimate smoke screens. The fall of the flying saucer was one such case. It is just to try to distract us from things that are really more important for our development, such as our conscientious elevation or even the messes of our confused political scenario. It is time for less distractions and more commitment to our positive anchoring, because that is the basic condition of free access to our best version in this Now. May it be fulfilled!


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 05:23
Domingo, 17 / 05 / 20



By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 16, 2020.




Beloved Souls, Greetings!

For the appointment of the day we will share with you, who lovingly fortify our words with the energy of your attention, the meaning of some codes that we lovingly present to the channel, in the face of certain very practical and common situations among the other dear terrans. A light way to draw your attention to what they are doing on their evolutionary route, through simple commands. [smile]

First of all, it is pertinent to point out here that, contrary to what many of you think, the magnetic support of all Seekers is personalized, from being to being. That is, what happens to one has no obligation to repeat itself with the same configuration for another - it would not work, due to the consciential / spiritual variation of each one of you. That said, let's go on then.

Who among you has found yourself wanting to solve several obstacles at the same time? Many, isn't it? We check your energies also on those occasions (they change color). [smile] It is obvious that the channel, in its condition as a Gaian man, also goes through experiences of this order. But, since it is something he has to manage, after all this is part of his purifying process on Gaia (like everyone else), we follow how he reacts, how he gets around the dilemmas themselves.

Roughly speaking, it achieves satisfactory results, but when we identify traces of some more resistant density, of an idea or feeling of wanting to control more than they should, we project on your mental screen the image of someone opening a drawer and fixing it. From there he captures the message: “Do you want to change the planet? Start packing your drawers! ”. [smiles]

It is very easy for you to fall into the egoic trap of wanting to be in control of absolutely everything - even elements on which you do not depend, and as if that were really possible. Hence the simple brake. So, here is an example of code that you can use yourself in those moments when you are identifying yourself with this improper posture - you will tidy up your drawers, clean the house, fix things or build new ones, getting rid of what has already accomplished its mission with you in detachment. The possibilities are there to be exercised!

Another case: how many of you, Pozinhos de Estrelas (micro fragments of stars), have already caught yourself entering via a route without many or any guarantees that such an action would work, and yet you are left with the question of "Did I do the right thing?" in the mind? Too many, to be sure. Well, it is worth telling you, little ones, that whatever course you take towards your destinies, it will be correct at that point in your life. However bitter some developments may be, it was still that dose of the consequences that his essences needed most, regardless of the result.

When the channel catches itself oscillating vibrationally to the point of starting to feel heavy, with a few pangs of pain in the head or something similar, the image we coded to call your attention is exactly that of the discouraged child taking a bitter spoon of medicine, and shortly thereafter, despite the grimaces, being reenergized, being cured of her pain. The "child", most loved, are you. And the medicine is the teaching contained in the lived experience, which will not always be sweet, however, whenever it happens, it will be fully necessary for its evolution. [smile]

Another codification we use in our relationship refers to the feeling or idea of ​​loss, of something or someone. Does such a feeling of emptiness, of coldness, seem familiar to you, Family? Well then, it is something very recurring among you, and it makes sense that as a human, the channel is also exposed to such a picture, occasionally or, in some cases, for entire lives.

For this case specifically, the image we work on, the little film we play in the channel's mind is that of the feather, very light, which is suspended by the breeze from one point and which rests in another alternative point. Because that is how things are, beautiful, what starts to move must follow from a specific point, from a situation, to some other, regardless of our wishes, our desires, and all of this is natural.

So, why wear yourself out for something that doesn't depend on your will, right? That is the point: even if it doesn't seem to make any sense to them, it will often be necessary for the Universe, which is alive, to make use of its own designs to realign things and provoke their best versions through experiences of that order. Even if it takes some time, you, all of you, will come to the best of yourself, through these repositionings. [smile]

Dear Servants of Light - and we call you affectionately so that you consider the option of replacing the encoding of the “warrior”, the one who lives in constant battle, wear and never allows the fluidity of lightness ever -, it is time for the resignification of your own values ​​for this Planetary Transition.

Elements were presented to them in a pertinent way for those who have been here, but other ways of moving forward - with or without a pandemic, present themselves well in front of their physical senses. Can you understand that? Can you identify the new parameters being redesigned to accommodate the reality of days of more light and fraternity between themselves and the other social nuclei of which they are part?

Your galactic family speaks to you, speaks through you, with a similar desire to contribute to your life story together. We are always inspiring them in countless ways so that they can access their best version, in any situation, however heavy it may be, because we are all One with the Whole, and their pain also affects us, we just manage it more broadly, without commitment to uncontrolled attachments or egos.

If they pay close attention, they will identify their own internal codes of their mentors, regardless of lineage or even ascended order. The fact is that all of this exists, more beloved ones, and so many of you start to notice it and see it with other eyes that come to thank the perception of the experience as a whole! Because that's how it is - simple. It is enough that we allow it to be so, and Cosmos always fulfills its role straight from the heart of JATA (Source) to yours. [smile]

Selamat Matah! (May the peace be with you!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


CHANNEL NOTE: I admit that seeing this exhibition recorded in that text was strange to me at first, but I now understand the importance of these examples. Sirians are very intuitive so they can create metaphors in the form of very diverse, and even fun, images. The fact is that we are very supported by our “spiritual cavalry”, and we do not always realize how much. Does not matter. What counts is the feeling of gratitude that must always be at the forefront of all occurrences. And so it is!


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

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Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 02:07
Sexta-feira, 15 / 05 / 20



By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 15, 2020.




Beloved Souls, Greetings!

Sometimes we are surveyed, either in our official spaces, or through the ethereal (mentalizations, meditations, prayers), about the best way to work according to the Directives of Light, of the Highest, of JATA (God). The answer may vary slightly from understanding to understanding, due to the varying ways in which information is received, but we can extol one of the most relevant ones: through your own energies.

Every body, whether animated or not, emits a magnetic quality pertinent to its original state. The dense human body is no exception. Its differential is based on the property that in addition to being able to receive energy from other sources, you can also "read" it. And how this perception helps the Terran more aware of this potential! [smile]

The big question here is: can everyone access this conscious treatment with these highly varying magnetic qualities? And the answer is "YES!".

When your galactic family tells you about the values ​​of Self-knowledge, we invariably advance also over that area of ​​their existence where they are on a planet with a dense atmosphere in transition to something more fluid.

Whoever invests in Self-knowledge, does not waste time in applying the first teachings in practical life, because each experience they need to go through, tends to become more effective, even optimized, enhancing relationships with themselves and with the collective, improving health issues, prosperity , of other relationships, of access to their cosmic consciential heritage.

Thoughts generate energy, feelings generate energy, attitudes generate energy and, you know, intentions also generate energy - so much so that it is through these emissions that many consciences access them precisely through them - some more enlightened, others more primitive, depending on what that an issuer dedicates itself to deposit its focus, its attention.

Hence the importance of the Seekers to try to really separate segregating and disharmonious attitudes in general, because this is the food of those who chose to turn their backs to the Light.

It is also important to say that there are certain subjects that are for the treatment of the Gaian Man (human), and others that are not. When we tell them to abandon certain heavier topics, of a sensationalist nature, for example, this is just one of those destabilizing elements that we try to alert them to.

Because fear undermines their own strength and, although this is not always the intention of those who propagate certain information, their disseminating agents rarely work with such articles at the same time that they anchor them back to their best, most basic versions, in positive anchoring. of your energies, affecting your evolutionary march.

They resist to understand this, but we have reached a point in the Great Transition where the tickets for the entry of the New Earth are being distributed to those who are entitled, and those who are not, will follow an alternative route. Cause and effect, nothing more.

As soon as Stars' little fragments (humanity) understand how much they can benefit from this training, which is individual, to learn about energies, what they can accomplish with you and for you, my friends, other realities will become more easily co-created, for your satisfaction and its galactic support, because a significant consciential elevation of this size affects Gaia itself, raising its own energy standards.

For those who do not know, man, fauna, flora, the mineral kingdom, and some others still hidden from his senses, punctuate a particular energetic quality. When there is an elevation of any one of these kingdoms, the others also go on their way and at their pace, to seek a similar elevation. It is the balance of Nature in full swing, despite the already famous human rush, following its own course, with fluid direction and engagement. [smile]

Family, your intuition is opening up more and more for you and, through this new condition, it will become especially easier to see yourself, the other and the environment where you are in this Now, who you are, where you came from, your role before the Cosmos and its relationship with the Whole. Can you understand the magnitude of this picture, beautiful ones?

The words also emit vibrations, even more subtle is true, but they follow with the same power the intention of those who utter them verbally or in writing. It is up to each one of you to decide - and appropriate action - on how to manage these same energies in your lives. That authority is yours, so know that the consequences of what you flirt with, what you energize through your attention, is the exact proportion of what the Universe will send you in return. Objectively so.

There are matters that are above you, and for which the celestial phalanxes are scheduled to deal accordingly, and not with the help of "anyone", but with enlightened consciences already prepared before and incarnated on the little blue planet for these missions existential lives.

Some will even perish, if necessary, but nothing that they don't already know before the start of this complex process. For this reason, we tell you that not everything is for everyone, in terms of information, because whoever has to learn and with what depth, takes care of that right now and, of course, with total and unrestricted extra-dimensional support from their positive spiritual / magnetic support.

For those who are still without guidance in the face of everything we deal with here, follow the gentle note: live your lives with simplicity and transparency, with empathy and guided by unconditional love.

Allow disruptive behaviors to pass, heavy energies signed by pseudo light workers, but who insist on acting like spoiled children after attention - your attention.

It is time for a choice: they either follow their example of straight and peaceful conduct, of that good energy that heals the world, or they remain in the resistance that will lead them to a destination similar to the energies with which they are linked by tuning effect. Because it is only possible to reap what was sown, either in Gaia, or in any other quadrant of the Multiverse.

Selamat Mai! (So ​​it is!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


CHANNEL NOTE: Intuition is working, I admit. Today, for example, when I start reading certain things, or when I watch some things on TV or the Internet, when there is something strange, I can identify it more quickly, and it has helped me a lot. Especially not to expose myself to that anymore - and that goes even for the heavy energy of some people. I can pray for them, I can emanate more harmonious vibrations for them, but cutting excesses is surgical. We are responsible for directing our energies and this calls for empathy, without forgetting equivalent self-preservation.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 14:25
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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