A Chama da Ascensão


Terça-feira, 07 / 04 / 20

Humans are being calibrated to the next inter-dimensional codex of light

Humans are being calibrated to the next inter-dimensional codex of light

Ascended Dragon Collective and White Winged Collective of Nine.

Through Galaxygirl.

April 6, 2020.


We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
We are surrounding your world with our dragon fire of the Christed flame. In this tumultuous time of change a rebirthing is occurring. Allow the fire of change to burn away all that no longer serves you. See this incubation period as a time of tremendous opportunity. We are joined with the White Winged Collective of Nine.
Yes friends, we are the White Winged Collective of Nine. We wish to encourage you as you dive deeply into the inner recesses of forgotten painful memories, as the inner ego is being swept clean. There is a deep cleansing on a soul level of the human collective in this most pregnant now as Gaia is rebirthing. 
Humans are being calibrated to the next inter-dimensional codex of light, of healing, of previously forgotten elevated frequencies that are going to bring you much joy as a result. We see, and we feel, much joy in your future on this current projected most probable timeline outcome and we see tremendous healing. 
You are now sitting with the wound, you are cleansing it. This is why it hurts. You will see many more wounds that the collective has withheld deep within the inner recesses of the ego mind. This will be painful to witness. But only then will the healing be true and complete. 
The bandage must be removed for the light to enter the wound. No more covering of the wounds will be allowed. (I am feeling this is another reason why we are in quarantine to allow a space for the healing, of deep inner work).
We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. 
We wish to bestow peace in this time of tumultuous change. We see we have used this word several times as have the dragons. It is a fitting word. But now that as the white waters rage and churn and froth, the river bottom is calm. The rocks do not move. 
The light of the Nova Gaia matrix is more fully anchored moment by moment. Like the rocks in the riverbed bottom that are immobile and firm, so is this grid of the higher light encodements immobile and firm, pulsing with light, sending this energy of golden light even to the white waters above. As they rage, they are soothed by this energy. 
We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. We see the light workers as many stones in a riverbed floor. Immobile, firm. Ground this light of the higher dimensional codex that will be a blessing to the All. We allow the dragons to speak now.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
There are many winged creatures and beings in the higher dimensional lights. It is our pleasure and honor to serve side by side with our friends who have another perspective. Perspective. Humans, you are regaining yours. You are beginning to see the truth with new perspective. Your lying sources of supposed truth are being switched out for the light. Be aware of hidden meanings and messages. Be open to new truths sprouting up. Be bold. Stretch your wings and fly in these moments of this new now!
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective joining with the White Winged Collective of Nine. 
We surround your planet with light and fire of the higher realms. Join us. Add your light and lend your fire. Feel the power of being united with the One and allow us to serve in this moment. This one is asking for a meditation for heart opening for the human collective. 
This is an appropriate request. We see this as an imminent need. The heart is a channel in itself, a portal to the higher heart where communication with the One is best heard, felt, achieved. It is where your inner joy resides. (I am seeing chains around a heart). 
Human, your hearts have been in chains for too long. We surround you, human light worker collective for this heart opening. We breathe on you now with our higher dimensional fire and light. 
State “I welcome these higher dimensional energies to further my own heart opening and the heart opening of the human collective of which I am currently a part. As a representative of my star nations I decree this is so, and so it shall be, and so it is. I allow, I welcome with deep joy and tremendous purpose, further heart expansion.”
"I am feeling I am surrounded by mighty wings of light and of dragon energy, forming a shell around me, like an egg. I am feeling light and heat and fire. I am crying. It feels wonderful." 
“I welcome this heart expansion to further multiply for my highest soul’s purpose so that I am fully aligned with my highest path and heart’s joy. I claim my healing and my reunion with Source . I am that I am. So be it.” 
Lightworkers, extend your hands towards Gaia’s heart and send this healing energy into her crystalline matrix, further supporting and building, creating, solidifying the New Earth template of the Golden Rose Galaxy, of which you are a part.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective and we are the White Winged Collective of Nine. You will feel different in the coming days. For more crystalline activity has been activated within you and your heart spaces are fuller, wider, deeper. Your portal channel access to Source has been solidified. 
Be bold. Be in joy. Be at peace. Be healed. Rest in this space for as long as desired. Know that it is always available for you. For you are able to access past moments in time. Simply call these energies of this now to your future now and bathe in this light of space of healing and reunion with Source, with yourself and be whole again.
You are loved beyond measure. Human, welcome home. Dear ones be at peace. We are with you always.




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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:06
Quinta-feira, 28 / 11 / 19


The Arcturians,

Through Suzanne Lie.

Posted November 27th, 2019.

Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for me and my readers today? 
Of course, we always have messages for anyone who asks us. However, too many of our grounded ones who have chosen to take a physical form on Gaia’s Earth, have forgotten that they are members of the “Galactic Family” who resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond. 
In fact, these grounded ones once decided to take an earth vessel to assist dear Gaia to expand/return to Her innate, fifth-dimensional Planetary SELF. We say “expand/return” because once you expand your perceptions of SELF to encompass your fifth dimensional  Galactic SELF, your memory of life on Gaia’s fifth dimensional Earth will slowly, or quickly, return.
For one thing, you will eventually be able to remember that you are among the many Galactic Ones who chose to take a third dimensional form on Gaia’s third dimensional planet to assist  humanity to remember to remember.
Before, you took your present earth vessel so that you could walk among the third dimensional ones to educate and assist them, you vowed to “remember YOUR Innate fifth dimensional SELF.”
Within that NOW, you had no idea how difficult it could be to remember your own Fifth  Dimensional - Multidimensional Self  while you were wearing a third dimensional vessel. Hence, you chose to join the “Ones Who Have Remembered” their fifth dimensional and beyond Galactic SELF.
In fact, once you remember your Galactic SELF, you are also able to remember why you chose to take a human incarnation during this NOW of Gaia’s great need for assistance.
Yes, there are many challenges that are occurring on Gaia’s Earth within this NOW. Therefore, we, your Galactic Family, wish to assist you to remind your of your “inner call to duty,” which is VERY REAL.
We, your Galactic Family, understand that there are many of you who do not fully understand some of the thoughts, feelings and emotions that are coming into your awareness. 
The reality is that these thoughts, feelings and emotions have always been within your physical consciousness, or unconsciousness, but it was not yet the NOW for you to receive your “inner call to duty.” 
The reason why we, your Galactic Family, are calling you at this personal and planetary time is because the 
“That NOW is Dawning.”
What we mean by “That NOW is Dawning,” is that there are certain issues regarding Gaia’s planetary health, welfare, and most important, Gaia’s return to Her true fifth dimensional planetary frequency, that will arrive in your consciousness. 
These issues, which have been largely ignored by humanity, need to be addressed NOW by Gaia’s humans. 
The main reason why the humans must address these issues is because the main problem to be addressed by the humans is how the humans are treating their planetary home of Earth! 
Another primary issue is, how too many humans have become so lost in “human issues” that they have forgotten that if Gaia is NOT cared for, the humans will no longer have a third/fourth dimensional planet on which they can live!
Without a healthy planet, the humans will no longer have a safe place on which they can remember, learn, and address that FACT that every being needs to be healthy in their Heart and Soul before they can expand their consciousness into the fifth dimension of Gaia’s ascending Planetary SELF. 
It is vital that the humans realize that if Gaia is not healthy and well cared for by Her human population, (who are the ones who are harming Gaia’s planetary body the most), these humans will no longer have a healthy planetary home on which they can live. 
Humanity’s mistreatment of Gaia has been increasingly worse as humans have focused more on fame, money, success, power over others, and other humans that are close to them. However, if Gaia is no longer habitable for humans, their fame, money and success will mean nothing.
Of course, to change one’s behavior to consciously assist Gaia rather than to unconsciously harm Gaia, one needs to activate their higher states of consciousness in which ALL life is alive, and ALL of Gaia is united with all that lives on Her planet. 
Long ago, humans worshiped, cared for, and sent unconditional love and dedication to the Earth that gave them a place to live, water to drink, and trees to shade them, and make houses in which they could live. 
On the other hand, the “primitive ones” were more aware of the process of Planetary Ascension than the “modern people” of today. How did this occur? 
Once, long ago, the humans often reached very high peaks of art, architecture, farming and living on the Planet as ONE with Gaia. However, bit  by bit the humans learned about “competition” in which one person, place or thing was “better” than another. 
When the humans began to compete rather than unite, they lost their sense of Unity with other places and people, as well as their sense of Unity with Gaia. Without a sense of unity with Gaia, humans had no problem with destroying Gaia’s land and tainting Her water and air.
We, the members of your Galactic Family, have come to many of you in your meditations and dreams, and many of you have warmly responded to our message which was subliminal to your third dimensional self. 
However, when you awoke in the morning, or rushed off to your busy day, many of you forgot the important messages that you had received from the Higher Beings. Also, too often, your higher dimensional messages became lost in the hustle and bustle of your third dimensional reality.
How can you remember to maintain your “growing sense of Unity”? How can you remember to remember that YOU are NOT ALONE. How can you find a manner in which you can “remember to remember” that which you experienced during your connection with your Higher SELF and the Higher Realities? 
Of course, each of you must find your own way to maintain this connection.
We, your Galactic Family will remind you of our incoming messages. 
However YOU will need to listen to our reminder.  
We tell you now that it is vital for you to assist Gaia NOW!
Also, if you think about a time and place that you wish to put aside to meditate, go inside and your own Higher Consciousness to commune with your Higher Self, and take care of your personal and planetary body” your life will begin to think about Gaia more and more each day.
Dear readers, I am not posting as many Blogs now because we are on vacation. 
I hope that many of you are on vacation as well.
Blessings to you all,
Sue Lie and the Arcturians
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 09:24
Segunda-feira, 25 / 11 / 19

Inter-dimensional Knowing and Unconditional Love

The Arcturians,

Through Suzanne Lie.

Posted November 24th, 2019.

Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for me and my readers today? 
Yes, we always have a message for anyone who wishes to communicate with their own Higher Expressions of SELF. Yes, you ALL have higher expressions of your third dimensional self because you are all Multidimensional/Inter-dimensional Beings. 
Yes, you are our dear volunteers to take leave of your true, fifth dimensional and beyond  SELF in order to wear a third dimensional earth vessel. We say “earth vessel” because you are NOW wearing the vessel that allows you to take an incarnation on Gaia’s planet, which is usually known as Earth. 
However, you made this decision while you were wearing a fifth dimensional and beyond vessel. Therefore, you dear warriors for the Light, you made the great sacrifice of lowering your innate fifth dimensional and beyond resonance of your Light-body SELF into your third/fourth dimensional physical self. 
Why did you make such a sacrifice?
You made this personal sacrifice in order to assist the Planetary Being Gaia, or Earth, because your Galactic SELF knew what a loving, beautiful, and very old planet called Earth, was in grave danger. This danger was coming, not from other planets, but from the human inhabitants of Gaia’s Earth.
Fortunately, many Galactic Beings who have evolved to resonate to the fifth dimension and beyond, have taken a third dimensional, human form to better assist dear Gaia.  Gaia is usually known as Earth to the humans, but known as Gaia by Her Galactic Family. 
The reason why these Galactics made the huge sacrifice of wearing a third dimensional human form was because too many, if not most of the “human beings” on Earth, were unaware that the planet Earth on which they live is a Living Being.
Hence, because many of the humans who are living on Gaia’s Earth during this NOW are not aware that they are actually living on an ALIVE Planetary Being. 
Therefore they feel free to:     
  1. leave trash on the street, or the yard… 
  2. to pollute the air with the many cars that they drive… 
  3. to throw trash into the water ways…
  4. and not notice that they are responsible for the bad air, polluted water 
“What is happening on Earth?,” we ask from our fifth dimensional perspective.
“It must be time to ask our Galactic Volunteers to to take an earth vessel and become  humans on Earth. 
However, none of our Galactic Volunteers could imagine how much damage the humans were actually creating. Also, many of the rulers of Earth, such as the Presidents and other leaders, are more concerned about their own life, and do not seem to care about their planet. 
The base of this behavior is that too many people get too addicted to what “money” can buy them, as well as how much power their “money” can give them.
We Galactics had no idea what this substance called “money” was.  Therefore, some of us, in fact, now more and more of us, have decided to take an earth vessel in hopes of educating the humans who seem to care more about money and power over others then they care about dear planet Gaia on which they live. 
Fortunately, there are some humans, most of them of Galactic Heritage, who usually do remember, or can, at least remember that the planet on which they live is becoming more and more damaged each day. 
In fact, some of the highest leaders of Earth, have chosen to forget the promise that they made before they took this earth vessel. These “frightened leaders,” as we call them, are so involved in the “power over people” and “power over the very planet on which they live,” that they have totally forgotten the “Birth Contract” that they made before they took this incarnation. 
In the Galactic NOW in which they made this promise, they were wearing a higher dimensional, usually higher fourth or fifth dimensional, Galactic Vessel.  None of these brave Galactics could even imagine how “lost in personal selfishness” many of them would become.
We Arcturians and Pleiadians remember the shock of first taking a third dimensional human form. We had never experienced fear in the manner that the Earth Humans do, and we had not had any wars for many, many millennia. 
Males and Females were not separated from each other, and there was NO hierarchy as to one gender being “better” than another gender. In fact, there are many fifth dimensionals (as we call them) who have chosen to take on a form which has no gender. 
In our fifth dimensional reality, “reincarnation,” which humans call “birth,” is quite different than on a physical planet such as Gaia. In our fifth dimensional/inter-dimensional expression of SELF, we all resonate to the frequency of the fifth dimension and beyond.
In fact, we Galactics live within a higher dimensional/multi-dimensional reality which we have chosen in order to experience within the NOW of the ONE in which there was a “Unconditional Knowing” of our “Multidimensional Being.”
Therefore, we Galactics do not experience “time” and “space” in the same manner as the beings on Earth. We say “beings” rather than “humans” as many of us have chosen to take on incarnations in which our form could not be named via your human knowing, and/or, we may not have any form at all. 
Yes, we feel your confusion about this statement. All of you who are known as third dimensional “humans,” are also “Higher Dimensional Beings.” Some Higher Dimensional Beings have chosen to take on a form, and some of the Higher Dimensional Beings have chosen to be formless.
The formless ones are sometimes experienced by humans as “an inner voice,” or as “a very special feeling that is filled with happiness and a sense of “deep knowing.” The formless ones can take on a form, and occasionally, very occasionally, they reveal their “form” to humans who are on the cusp of resonating to their own fifth dimensional expression of SELF.
This resonance of one’s Fifth Dimensional SELF can only be experienced when that human, or Galactic, has filled it’s being with Unconditional Love and Inter-dimensional Knowing. 
The power of Unconditional Love assists that Being to “Love ALL Life,” and also gives them the ability to experience the many differing manners in which they can experience, know, and share that which they have experienced.
It is vital that when one receives these gifts of Interdimensional Knowing and Unconditional Love, that they pass it on into the heart of the reality which they are experiencing.
Inter-dimensional Knowing, is the ability to “know, understand, look for, receive and accept” information that they “somehow” understand is coming to them from a higher frequency of reality. 
How do they know that? The answer to that question would likely be expressed in different ways via different people. However, the “feel” of Inter-dimensional Knowing surrounds the heart and mind to leave a strong feeling of “deep inner knowing.” This deep knowing will best be understood if the receiver of that gift allows the “knowing” to be free—that is without a cost or need to pay for it in some manner.
This Inner Knowing often feels like a memory of something that you always knew, but for some reason forgot. Likely this “forgetting” was a symptom of remembering. Yes, we know that statement is confusing to third dimensional thinking. However, remember we are taking about “Inter-dimensional knowing,” which is quite unique to one’s third dimensional brain.
This is were the Unconditional Love comes in. In fact, the first Unconditional Love that comes in is Unconditional Love for  your own SELF. Yes, we mean your “Higher SELF,” but we also mean your “physical self.”  
Your physical self holds the great honor and responsibility of “grounding the Unconditional Love into your physical form and into all that you perceive around them. With the Unconditional Love grounded, your Inter-dimensional Knowing activated, one can more easily slip into a physical form.  
Yes, humans often believe that only their brain “thinks,” but as you remember your own Multidimensional Body, you realize that the “fuel” for your Multidimensional Body is the Unconditional Love that your “essence” remembers to give to your inner, higher, and Multidimensional SELF .
 Yes, it is true that most humans do NOT know that they have a “Multidimensional SELF hiding within their physical body.” In fact, many times humans get so involved with their search for Unconditional Knowing that they forget that the body is what grounds their Multidimensional SELF and Unconditional Knowing into the being of Gaia’s planet.
In fact, too many humans do not think about their “knowing,” as they are too busy searching for the “being” that they wish to experience. However, there is no separation between the Unconditional Knowing that listens to and integrates the messages from one’s own  Multidimensional Being.
“How can one person do all that?” we hear you ask. Did you forget about your Unconditional Knowing that can answer all your questions if you allow your SELF to acknowledge, experience, and attend to your own Multidimensional SELF. Your Multidimensional SELF is not limited to just one frequency of reality at a time.
In fact, your Multidimensional SELF, as well as your Unconditional KNOWING, are NOT bound by third dimensional rules, or even fourth dimensional day dream. Unconditional Knowing is actually the core of your ability to recognize that you are NOT limited to the third dimensional form that you are wearing on Gaia’s surface.
We say “Gaia’s surface,” because the Core of Gaia is the entry way to an entirely different expression of Gaia. Just as your human inner being is often something that you do not share with others, Gaia’s planetary inner being (Her planetary core) is quite different from Her Planetary Surface, and seldom shared with third dimensional human. 
Yes, we ask you to look into your own “unconditional knowing,” that allows you to remember what you did not know – until, somehow, you remembered it. In fact, if you consciously ask your Multidimensional Self to remind you of all that you KNOW within your Multidimensional Being, you just may find that you Unconditionally Love your SELF. 
Is there a better gift than your remembering your own Multidimensional Being who gave you the Unconditional Knowing of “How to LOVE your own Personal and Planetary SELF!” 
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 04:10
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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