Jewish lineage.
Expulsion of Jews from Spain:
The 1492 Edict of Expulsion in Spain forced Sephardic Jews to convert to Christianity or leave, prompting a dispersion to locations including the Americas and the Middle East. Within Spain and its newfound American colonies, some conversos, or Jewish converts, kept their original faith in secret, under threat of discovery and punishment from the Inquisition.
Christopher Columbus Discovers America, 1492:
The closing of the application window for Spanish citizenship marked an opportune time for the October 24 screening in Madrid’s El Centro Sefarad of a new documentary about the past, present and future of the Sephardim: “Children of the Inquisition,” by award-winning filmmaker Joseph Lovett.
“This film challenges everybody’s ideas about history and identity,” Lovett told The Times of Israel last month. “For many people, it challenges ideas about their own identity.”
Premiering earlier this year at the Seattle Jewish Film Festival, the documentary follows the many paths taken by the Sephardic Jews after they were ordered to convert or leave in both Spain and neighboring Portugal. Shot across 12 cities in four continents, Lovett interviews descendants of conversos as well as academic experts. In August, the film won the Hearts, Minds and Souls award at the Rhode Island International Film Festival, and it has recently been invited for inclusion into the Library of Congress.
Asked about the issue of citizenship, Lovett recalled the journey taken by the ancestors of his recently departed sister-in-law Sylvia Moubayed — from Spain to Izmir to Rhodes to Alexandria to Lovett’s home state of Rhode Island. Despite these ancestral voyages far from Spain, Lovett said that his sister-in-law had gotten Spanish citizenship in the 1960s.
“I think, apparently, it was always possible,” he said. “As things are, it’s become very uncomfortable in the US. Obviously, more and more people than ever are probably looking toward European citizenship.”
The film took about a decade to shoot and edit; its backstory goes back even longer. Lovett began thinking about its subject in 1958, as a 13-year-old growing up in Providence. He was intrigued when his rabbi, William Braude of Temple Beth El, visited Franco’s Spain seeking to interview descendants of conversos, and upon his return gave a sermon entitled “Todos Catolicos,” or “We are all Catholic.”
“No one [in Spain] would speak to him,” Lovett said. “They literally [said] ‘We’re all Catholic, we’ve always been Catholic.’”
Even hundreds of years after the edict that forced Spanish Jews to convert or depart, “the shadow of the Inquisition hung so heavily over Spain,” Lovett said. “Nobody could dare consider having a drop of Jewish blood.”

A painting depicting the Mexican Inquisition, shown in this still from ‘Children of the Inquisition.’ (Lovett Productions)
And yet, he recalled, anecdotal evidence indicated that some kept a remnant of their ancestral faith by not going to church, refusing a priest at their funeral, or covering mirrors at home during periods of mourning, a traditional Jewish practice.
An Ashkenazi Jew, Lovett was intrigued by the story of the Sephardim, and over 20 years ago he conceptualized the idea for the film. Meanwhile, he was accumulating experience working in TV, including on the news program “20/20,” where he honed his investigative skills addressing subjects such as the AIDS crisis.
Since then, he has become a documentary filmmaker. While he said he felt he was “skilled enough” to take on “Children of the Inquisition,” he was aware that it represented “a very ambitious project.”

Director Joseph Lovett, actor Carlos de Medeiros, and his cousin John Elson explore family genealogy in this still from ‘Children of the Inquisition.’ (Lovett Productions)
The complex experiences of the Sephardic Jews and their descendants have been described in terms of varying connotations. As the film explains, those who converted to Christianity were called conversos; conversos who secretly kept practicing Judaism were called the derogatory term marranos, or pigs; another term, Nuevos Cristianos, or New Christians, distinguished Jewish converts to Christianity from people who had always been Christian.
“It was very daunting,” Lovett said of the film project, describing the subject matter as “sometimes incomprehensible, with changes of names, identities, faiths. It’s very, very hard to follow.”
Lovett also explores the story of crypto-Jews, or converts to Christianity who practiced Judaism in secret, and the anousim, individuals who were forcibly converted from Judaism and are now seeking to reconnect. Lovett screened clips of the film in Netanya at the first conference on the anousim, and he also screened the then-unfinished film at the Knesset Caucus Conference in 2015.
Remembering the forgetting river

Director Joseph Lovett.
Several years into the project, Lovett found a through line for the film when he met New York Times journalist Doreen Carvajal. While reporting from Europe, Carvajal realized that her own family background represented a story. In a video on the film website, she discusses being raised Catholic before learning that her last name is “an old Sephardic Jewish name.” Finding reluctance in her extended family to address the subject, Carvajal embarked on research of her own that became a memoir, “The Forgetting River.” As it turned out, her ancestors had been among the prominent Avilas Davila family of conversos in Segovia who were part of a show trial in the 15th century.
“Oh my God, we could have done the whole story on her,” Lovett said, calling her family narrative “a window we would take through history.”
Lovett and Carvajal researched her family background — first in Dallas, Texas, at the Center for Crypto-Judaic Studies. Then, the duo traveled to Spain for further research in centuries-old archives with scholar David Gitlitz, whom Lovett describes as a brilliant scholar and expert on Carvajal’s family, including its branches in both Spain and Mexico.
Carvajal’s 16th great-grandfather, Diego Avilas Davila, was converted to Christianity as a child and grew up to become finance minister to Enrique IV of Castile, older brother of Queen Isabella. Avilas Davila’s son Juan became bishop of Segovia and the show trial was intended to smear him by smearing his Judaizing parents, Lovett explained.
E. Note:
In Portugal people have an average of 20% of ancient Israelite.
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