A Chama da Ascensão


Domingo, 16 / 02 / 20

The Power of Blessings

The Power of Blessings

Inspiration for the Week.

Archangel Gabriel 

Through Shanta Gabriel.

February 16th, 2020


We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel invites us to expand our abilities to create greater possibilities for being happy and living in more beautiful, inspired ways.






The Gabriel Message Card for this week

Take time to bless that which you have and ask for what you want.



To bless means to confer energy upon a person or situation that has your focus. It is a wonderful way to bring Divinity into your daily life, and this practice honors the Oneness within us at all times.

It is important to bless all that is manifesting. Without that space of honoring what we already experience in life and being grateful for what it is, we are not in a place of magnetism for what we want to experience instead.

For many years I seemed to be waiting for something else to change before I could be happy. This led me to living in the future, out of balance and out of touch with my present life. It was not a resourceful state to be in. When the life I was leading went through a very radical change, I was not prepared to lose everything I thought was important to me. It could be called involuntary simplification, because now I know the Universe will use anything it can to get my attention.

Sitting in that place of emptiness, I had to examine my core values, becoming more clear about what was truly important to me. I continued to bless my situation and found a new level of compassion and love for who I was at the core of my being. Then everything changed.

When we bless what we want to experience, we are honoring the Divine Presence and letting the Universe know what we need. It creates an opening to the River of All Creation; that sacred flow of Divinity that is always available for us. When we can match the vibration of our desires, we become a magnet for their manifestation by the Law of Attraction.

Giving thanks in advance allows us to strengthen and raise our vibrational frequency. This helps us to radiate the beautiful energy of loving gratitude into our world. The benevolence of God responds to this beauty and will flow to us what we are asking for if we can continue to sustain our and strengthen the power of our attention.

The focus of our attention is the attracting force for the flow of the Divine. If we continue to complain about what we don't have, it creates a powerful concentration on what is not working. The result is we will receive more of what we don't want from the same Benevolent Force that provides what we are focused on at all times. That is why the energy of blessing is so powerful. Even if we really don't know what lesson we are receiving from a less than happy situation, we can still offer our blessings so it can provide a catalyst for the change we do want.

Through this concentration on the spiritual base of our reality, we become very resilient and open to new levels of support from the Universal Presence who cares for us eternally. All that we need is then provided with more Grace and Ease, and we know to the core of our being that we are truly loved.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for the life I have been given and for the lessons I am learning on all levels. Please bless all my relationships and all the situations in my life with Love and Divine Order. May all beings be blessed to receive more Grace and Love in their lives.

May my consciousness be blessed with Divine Light and brought to a frequency that is in harmony with that which I truly desire to receive in my life. I am open to receive the Grace that is here for me now. Thank you, God. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
February 16, 2020



The Gabriel Messages #55

Take time to bless that which you have and ask for what you want.




Dear One,


You may be finding yourself in a time of questioning and dissatisfaction with your life. However, this is also a time of great opportunity. Every moment of your conscious awareness creates the qualities of your future moments. You can ask for those qualities you feel are missing from your life now, and they will come to you from your sincere prayer.

It is not about asking for material things. Instead, ask for those qualities of consciousness you believe you would have if you had the things you want. For example, if you want a new job, what qualities would this job give you? Abundant income? Harmonious atmosphere with co-workers? Fulfillment and joy doing that which you love? Perhaps ease in transportation?

When you know the qualities you want, this allows the Universe to provide these qualities in a work situation that may be even better than the type of work you were looking for. When you ask for a narrowly defined work environment, you may get exactly what you ask for but the qualities that would make you happy may not be present.


It’s important not to limit the response of the Universe to the confines of your present awareness. But if you do choose to be precise, also say, “this or something better, God” and then let go. You can also give thanks in advance for answered prayers by saying, “Thank you, Divine Presence, for meeting my needs in ways better than I can imagine. Thank you for Divine Order in this situation.”

Blessing situations also brings more good to you. Even if your world appears to be falling apart around you, you can bless the changes occurring and know there is Divine Order beneath the illusion of disharmony.
Though it may not appear that you have much you can bless, you can bless the gift of another day of life. You can bless the learning experiences you are now receiving, knowing they are bringing you to a greater good. You can bless the people in your life. Know that they are your perfect teachers for what you need to learn at this time.
Remember to give more attention to what you want than to what you don’t have. It seems a small distinction, but power is given to whatever you focus your energy upon. If what you are experiencing is not what you want, bless it anyway. But do not dwell there. Shift your focus to ask for whatever good you want — greater happiness, joy-filled relationships, abundant income, satisfying work. Then say, “Thank you, God” and release your prayers to the Universe to be fulfilled. Whenever you think of it, bless your life, say thank you for what you have and want, then let Divine Will take over.

You deserve to be happy and have miracles in your life. A prayerful attitude of blessing and gratitude can bring to you all the good life has to offer. You are worthy to receive the grace of God. All who ask sincerely are answered in kind.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today is:

Take time to bless that which you have and ask for what you want.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
February 16, 2020




About Shanta


Shanta Gabriel is an author, teacher and healer,whose life is devoted to Bridging Heaven and Earth. She began her studies with an Indian Shaktipat master of the ancient Science of Sound in 1977. It is the inspired ancient practices she received at the ashram and has used in 40 years of training, that she offers to others in her programs.





Her work with the Archangels began in 1988. She shares this work through alignment, immersion, and transmissions from the Archangels through her classes, membership groups and private sessions. Her mission is to facilitate and invite people into a direct experience of Infinite Intelligence and Divine Love.



For more information about her classes as well as private sessions and products, visit ShantaGabriel.com.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
  • Shanta Gabriel <shanta@shantagabriel.com>



and https://www.facebook.com/mel.tavares.75

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 20:15
Domingo, 09 / 02 / 20

Making Exalted Choices for Life


Making Exalted Choices for Life

Inspiration for the Week.

Archangel Gabriel 

Through Shanta Gabriel.

February 9th, 2020


We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message is reminding us that every moment we are making choices for our lives, so our focus of attention is very important. We are being gifted with living words of power to help empower those choices.






The Gabriel Message Card for this week

Make choices for greater Life, Peace and Joy, and all the forces of the Universe align themselves behind you.



From the beginning of my association with Archangel Gabriel in 1990, he spoke to me in CAPITALS. While writing the messages that I received, I noticed that these capitalized words contained high frequencies of energy and deeper meanings.
Words such as Life, Peace and Joy would all be written with capital letters to give them stronger emphasis. It became clear that these words represented Qualities of Consciousness. The capitalized words acted as Spiritual Principles that carried a deep, resonant frequency. When I played with these words in my meditations, they had the power to change my consciousness.

Archangel Gabriel suggested that I sit in the frequencies of an empowered word as if I were in a bath of Divine Light. This became a focal point for my meditations. I was coached to imagine immersing myself in Peace or Joy for a few minutes. I was told, "Let the Light frequencies in one of these words fill every fiber of your being and flow into your heart. After you feel this energy strongly in your heart, let the Light fall through your base chakra to anchor into the earth." When I followed these instructions, I was surprised by my illuminated ability to sense the Divine Intelligence inherent in the qualities of Light these words represented.

As the energy frequencies on the planet have increased, so has the power of certain words to change our vibrations and affect our lives through their magnetic resonance. Each of these powerful words acts as a Spiritual Principle that we can bring into our lives. It is our focus of attention that helps to attract these qualities into our energy fields, where they can empower us to new ways of being.

When I meditated with these words, I could feel that my energy would be uplifted by their power. It felt like these capitalized words were acting as living frequencies of Light that became available to me in a new way. I could make these words into my intentions for the day or direct them into different areas of my life, and I would feel the impact that focus would have as the frequencies were increased.

Archangel Gabriel has stated that there is a clear requirement for us to anchor these higher energy frequencies on the Earth so the consciousness of all people can be uplifted. When we sit in the field of Divine Light frequencies carried in certain words of power, we create a bridge from Heaven to Earth. As simple as it seems, this exercise has the capacity to create beautiful change on the planet as well as in our own lives.

Sometimes these words of empowerment would come in groups of three with the same first letter. When this happens, I feel a bit of Angelic play afoot. Once when I was nervous about a trip to visit family, the words I received for my intentions were Harmony, Happiness and Humor. Keeping these key words and the magnetic energy that filled them in the forefront of my attention changed the trip in a wonderful way and resulted in a very positive outcome.

Creating new life begins with our intentions for what we want to experience. We have a choice, moment to moment, where we place our attention. These choices open us to amazing support from the Universal beings that believe in our Soul Purpose and are committed to our expanding consciousness. This level of alignment to Source energy assists our ability to be more conscious in life. As we immerse ourselves in the power of living words of Light, we allow the Divine Presence to work within us, inspiring the heart-centered action we need to fulfill our Soul's Destiny on Earth.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for helping me to open into new expansive awareness of the fields of Living Light available to humanity right now. I ask to be more clear about what I need to feel fulfilled, happy and more successful in every area of my life.

As I center myself in the holy words of this empowered language of Divine Light, I ask that I be a clear channel to anchor these frequencies on the Earth in more grace-filled ways. As I stay in alignment with the living fields of Light now available, may I and all of humanity become more aware of the depth of spiritual connection available to all of us at this time.

May all be empowered by the pure potential and Grace being offered for our awakening consciousness on the Earth. Thank you God and so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
February 9, 2020



The Gabriel Messages #53

Make choices for greater Life, Peace and Joy, and all the forces of the Universe align themselves behind you.




Dear One,


Joy, This is a universe of free will. The Angels will not step in to assist without being asked. “Ask and you shall receive” was the statement of master Jesus. So it is important to ask for this support in all the choices you make in your life, from moment to moment.

When you make a choice to think in a positive, instead of negative way; when you make a choice to accept, rather than judge, the decisions made by another; when you agree to give instead of waiting to receive; all these choices are examples of opening your heart and mind to receiving your highest good. When you choose the highest good for all, you signal the available energy in the universe to come to your aid. Miracles will occur naturally all around you, by your willingness to receive them. People will suddenly begin to give to you in a different way. Synchronous events will transpire in ways you never thought possible. This is the natural flow of God’s grace available to all who are willing to work in harmony with Divine Energy and have the forces of the universe align behind them.

There is a Universal Flow of energy awaiting your command. You live in the pure potential of All That Is, a River of All Creation. When you are aligned with what you want to create, and open to receive, that powerful river of creative energy will flow in the direction of your intentions. It is the natural order of life, yet it will feel like a miracle.

These results also come from willingness on your part to have your life be good, and to allow others to love and support you. It has to do with knowing what you want and asking for it directly, as well as having faith to know that there is a greater order and good available to all who believe.

So accept that what is occurring around you in your life is a reflection of what is occurring within you. Begin to make small choices to experience love instead of fear, to forgive the person who has wronged you, even when the action seems unforgivable, to give thanks for what you have instead of complaining about what you don’t have, and to believe that miracles can occur in your life, when you are willing to receive them.

These shifts in attitude bring a return of greater Love, Joy and Fulfillment in your life. It all begins with you and with your sincere willingness to allow the Angels and the Universal Presence to come to your assistance.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel for today:

Make choices for greater Life, Peace and Joy,
and all the forces of the Universe align themselves behind you.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
February 9, 2020




About Shanta


Shanta Gabriel is an author, teacher and healer,whose life is devoted to Bridging Heaven and Earth. She began her studies with an Indian Shaktipat master of the ancient Science of Sound in 1977. It is the inspired ancient practices she received at the ashram and has used in 40 years of training, that she offers to others in her programs.





Her work with the Archangels began in 1988. She shares this work through alignment, immersion, and transmissions from the Archangels through her classes, membership groups and private sessions. Her mission is to facilitate and invite people into a direct experience of Infinite Intelligence and Divine Love.



For more information about her classes as well as private sessions and products, visit ShantaGabriel.com.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
  • Shanta Gabriel <shanta@shantagabriel.com>



and https://www.facebook.com/mel.tavares.75

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 23:17
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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