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Domingo, 16 / 02 / 20

Mental Laziness Is More Common Than Ever: How to Overcome It?

Mental Laziness Is More Common Than Ever: 

How to Overcome It?

Becky Storey.


February 16, 2020



We live in a modern society where information is available constantly. We’re able to instantly access what’s going on in faraway countries and we can immediately see how millions of other people feel about it. This is causing more and more of us to develop mental laziness.
Instead of thinking for ourselves, we’re allowing others to tell us how to think. The more we do this, the worse our thinking abilities become. Like any muscle, if you don’t use it, it gets weaker.
What Is Mental Laziness?
Mental laziness happens when we allow our thoughts to become automatic. Sometimes, this is perfectly fine. For example, once you’ve been a qualified driver for a while, your reactions and movements become automatic. You simply go about your journeys without thinking much of the situation or the decisions you make.
This is preferable in situations where you have to react quickly because your brain is working on instinct. In situations that might require deeper thought or critical thinking, however, mental laziness isn’t such a good thing.
Mental laziness includes avoidance of deep thinking, usually because it’s simply too much effort. Mentally lazy people tend to take what they’re told at face value and don’t apply only of their own ideas or debates.
This is a major cause of the spread of fake news. Instead of reviewing the information for themselves, mentally lazy people share the news without a second thought. Sometimes, people will go as far as to only read the headlines of news stories before sharing, because reading the article would require too much personal thought.
Instead of taking the time to consider the world around them, people who struggle with mental laziness typically make choices based on whims and gut reactions. They take on a “do it first, think about it later” approach.
Mental laziness can manifest in a number of ways. Some people might become risk-takers and rule disobeyers because they don’t care to think about the consequences of their actions or the reasons behind the rules. Other mentally lazy people might just behave in unhelpful and inconvenient ways, such as cleaning up after themselves or watching where they’re going.
Contributing Factors to Mental Laziness
Lack of Goals
A significant factor that contributes to mental laziness is a person’s lack of long and short term goals. Having something to aim for and a sense of ambition drives us to be more conscious. Ambitious people are constantly searching for purpose in what they do and finding connections between their current activities and their hopes for the future. Without these goals, you’ll develop mental laziness because nothing has much meaning to it.
With physical laziness, it is often caused by a fear of trying and failing. Saying that you can’t be bothered is an easy way to mask the anxiety caused by a fear of not succeeding. Mental laziness is similar.
We avoid thinking about things in case we don’t actually understand the concept. We feel embarrassed when it’s revealed that we don’t understand something, and fear that others will think we’re stupid. Instead of challenging ourselves to think about something, even if it’s a tricky subject, we often wait for others to find the answer for us.
Poor Well-Being
When we’re tired, our brains don’t function as well and we may develop mental laziness. We’re zoned-out and unable to focus. This means we tend to run more on automatic thoughts than deep and critical thinking. Plenty of studies, including this one, carried out in Finland, prove that our ability to think is deeply impacted by our sleep schedule.
Similar studies, like this one done in California, show that our diet also has an impact on mental laziness. Junk food affects our attention span, and malnourishment makes thinking straight difficult. We all know the struggle that is trying to concentrate at school or work just before lunch. Our bodies need energy and nourishment to process information and create deep thoughts.
Have you ever met someone who has been so privileged that they have no concept of thinking for themselves? When a person grows up having had everything done for them, they don’t develop their ability to think about their actions. They float through life leaving mess and trouble in their wake, for no evil reason, they’re just mentally lazy.
If you’ve never had to take much responsibility for anything, you’re unlikely to ever be forced to think too much about your actions or what else is going on in the world.
How to Overcome Mental Laziness?
Fortunately, mental laziness is not something you have to be stuck with forever. With a little conscious effort, you can take your brain off autopilot and become a critical thinker.
Mediation is the best way to fight mental laziness. It forces you to be alone with your thoughts. Meditation also teaches us to sort through our minds for valuable information and ditch the nonsense.
If you aren’t much of a thinker, use meditation to bring forward thoughts of importance to you. This could ideas of the future, feelings about world events, or just gratitude for family and friends. Meditation doesn’t always need to be done with an empty mind, especially if you struggle with connecting to your thoughts.
While overthinkers will benefit from quiet meditation, “underthinkers” and those who are mentally lazy will benefit from thoughtful meditation.
Improve Your Wellbeing
Possibly the most straightforward (but not always easiest) place to start is with your sleep pattern and diet. Try to get into a healthy night-time routine that will provide you with those blissful 9 hours of sleep. Too little sleep makes thinking difficult, but too much could also encourage mental laziness too.
Changing your diet can be challenging but will be noticeably beneficial to your brain. A generally healthy diet will be a significant improvement on one which consists mostly of junk foods as your body will have more nutrients and sustainable energy. Specific foods like fish, nuts and even dark chocolate will provide particular vitamins and minerals which are known to improve cognitive functioning.
Take One Task at A Time
Multi-tasking might seem like a great thing to be able to do, but when you fill your brain with several tasks at once, each one gets less attention. Our brains typically can’t handle multiple deep-thinking jobs at the same time, so we become mentally lazy and apply minimal thought to each one.
If you’re looking to rid yourself of mental laziness, make sure you always separate your tasks. When you’re taking on a project, you can devote more thought to it this way. No more autopilot, only intentional actions.
Set Some Goals
If you’re looking to gather up some motivation in your life, you can’t go wrong with setting goals. If you’re mentally lazy, you probably just stroll through life without much thought for your next move or the motivation behind your actions. When you have goals, both long and short term, you’ll be much more likely to have deep, critical thoughts in order to guide you to those goals.
Stop Escaping
Some of us hate to be alone with our thoughts. We’ll do anything just to avoid having to hear our brain chatter, especially those of us who suffer from anxiety and negative thinking. This is a type of mental laziness because we’d rather distract ourselves with nonsense than let ourselves think. Instead of running away, let the thoughts in. The only way you’ll solve the underlying cause is by thinking yourself through them.
Mental laziness is an easy trap to fall into these days, but fortunately, it’s not impossible to get back out of. Believe in your ability to create intelligent thoughts. Question the things you see, trust yourself to form your own, valid opinions.
  1. https://www.psychologytoday.com
  2. https://www.entrepreneur.com


Becky Storey



About the Author: Becky Storey

Becky Storey is a professional writer who has been passionate about the way we think and the human mind since she developed chronic anxiety many years ago. Now she loves to write and educate people on mental health and wellbeing. When Becky is not writing, you’ll find her outside with her Labrador, sitting behind a jigsaw puzzle, or baking something with too much sugar.
Copyright © 2012-2019 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:47
Domingo, 09 / 02 / 20

Are You Putting Your Life on Hold? How to Live Your Life Right Now.

 Are You Putting Your Life on Hold? 

How to Live Your Life Right Now.

Lauren Edwards-Fowle.


Posted February 4th, 2020.


There are many reasons why you might not be living your life right now and be putting it on hold instead. None of them are ever good ones! Let’s look at the reasons why we might not be living in the present, and how to live our lives right now.
Reasons for putting your life on hold:
When we say that someone puts their life on hold, it means one thing – that person is waiting for something. What that something is, could be different for every person. Finding out why you are doing this is the first step to start living in the moment.
What are you waiting for?
Here are examples of why you might be postponing your life:
1. Waiting for the ‘next phase’
We are constantly evolving, and moving from one period of our lives into the next. Not living your life to the fullest whilst waiting for the time to pass is the worst way to waste years of your life not achieving your aspirations. These phases could include:
  • Waiting till the kids have gone to college
  • Needing to save up a certain amount of money
  • Wanting to have paid off your mortgage
  • Waiting until you have met the right person
  • Hoping to be in better shape or better health
2. Needing everything to be perfect
Are you putting your life on hold waiting for ideal circumstances that may never arise? Have you ever wished to do something but decided to do it when you win the lottery? Life is rarely perfect, and so delaying goals until it is means you are postponing your life, perhaps indefinitely.
3. Longing for love
One of the most common reasons why people put their lives on hold is waiting for the perfect relationship. Not everybody wants to settle down and get married, of course, but so many of us think that life will ‘start’ once you find your happily ever after.
The fact is that you need to be happy in your skin before you worry about finding your perfect partnership.
4. Guilt at moving on
After something has happened which you feel the need to be forgiven for, or to seek closure from, avoiding to live your life is the worst decision to make. Without a resolution, it can feel difficult to move forward, but you need to take the first steps to keep moving on with your life and stop putting it on hold waiting for the last chapter to end.
5. Indecision
Another reason you might be postponing your life is not being able to make a decision. If you have lots of goals and aspirations, but can’t decide which to prioritize you can get stuck in an endless cycle of hesitation until the time has passed by anyway and you haven’t achieved any of the things you set out to do.
Breaking the cycle – how to live your life right now
Once you have realized that you are putting your life on hold, you need a proactive plan to stop the cycle. Here are some ways to start living your life right now!
Sharing your plans with a friend, partner or collaborator is a great way to kick start action. Do you dream of getting fit, starting a new business, or going back to school?
Stop posponing your aspirations by finding a friend to join you on your journey, be part of a support group or enroll in a course to give you the accountability to stand by your decisions and make the first move.
Eliminate indecision
Knowing why you refuse to live your life right now is a great way to stamp out those barriers that are holding you back. Take some time to analyze what it is you are waiting for, discuss with a friend or confidante, or seek help from a counselor to be able to walk away from your past into a brighter future.
Break down goals into actions
Having a huge goal can be daunting. Breaking it down into actionable steps is a way to digest the plan and stop avoiding living your life for fear that your aspirations are too lofty.
Want to take a step up on your career ladder? Take some night classes, learn a new language through an app, or look for a mentor to help you understand how to upskill and make the first decisions to start climbing that career ladder.
Prioritise yourself
Avoiding living your life to the fullest to fulfill obligations is the same as putting yourself last. You only get one life, and delaying it because of responsibilities is a waste of valuable years.
Whilst responsibilities for dependents always come first, remember to schedule time for yourself into every day, no matter how busy your schedule. If you had one hour per day to do anything with you wish, what would it be? Think of your answer, and then do it.
Start now – right now!
It is all too easy to stay in your comfort zone and not rock the boat. No matter how small, the first step is always the hardest but proves to yourself your commitment to achieving something new.
Write a list, join a social media group or tell a friend what you want to do. Even just committing to an idea in your head will help solidify your intentions, and help kick start you mentally into working on yourself.


Lauren Edwards-Fowle
Copyright © 2012-2019 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.


About the Author: Lauren Edwards-Fowle

Lauren Edwards-Fowle is a professional copywriter based in South East England. Lauren worked within Children's Services for five years before moving into the business sector. She holds an MSc in Applied Accountancy and BSc in Corporate Law. She now volunteers within the community sport sector, helping young people to live healthier, more productive lifestyles and overcome the barriers to inclusion that they face. With a keen interest in physical wellbeing, nutrition and sports, Lauren enjoys participating in a variety of team sports in her spare time, as well as spending time with her young family and their dog Scout.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 04:09
Terça-feira, 24 / 12 / 19

Maximizers and Satisficers: Which One Are You and What Does It Mean?

Lottie Miles.


Posted December 23rd, 2019.

Maximizers and Satisficers.


Decision making is an unavoidable feature of our lives. However, researchers have found that some of us are better at it than others. Psychologists have grouped people into two distinctive categories: maximizers and satisficers.

In this post, we look at the meaning behind the terms ‘maximizer’ and ‘satisficer’. And help you to explore which term best describes your approach to decision making.

What does the concept mean?

To put it simply, maximizers are individuals who are constantly striving to make the best decision that derives the maximum benefit. Whereas satisficers spend less time over a decision and are content with an option that is ‘good enough’.

Maximizers vs. Satisficers: Which one are you?
Let’s take a look at these categories in more detail and go through some examples to help you to determine which camp you fit into.

Imagine the scenario, you need to buy a new car and believe you have found the perfect model in your local garage. However, despite this, you know there are several other garages to visit in the area. You, therefore, decide to visit all of these before making your decision. Sound familiar? A maximizer finds it difficult to commit to a decision until they have explored all of the other available options first.

Maximizers are most likely to experience ‘FOBO’ the term coined by US venture capitalist Patrick McGinnis. FOBO stands for the ‘fear of better options’, a feeling which maximizers are all too familiar with. When faced with many options in front of them, a maximizer will deliberate over the selection and often experience a feeling of remorse after making a decision.

Maximizers are prone to regretting their decisions and contemplate what could have been rather than being satisfied with their choice.

Satisficers have a lot easier time making decisions than maximizers. They have a clear set of criteria beforehand and make a decision based on this. Referring back to the example above, a satisficer would have purchased the first car that met their criteria. They would not have felt the need to look around the other garages.

The US Nobel Prize-winning economist Herbert A. Simon came up with the concept of ‘satisficers’ in 1956. He created the term by combining the words ‘satisfying’ and ‘sufficing’. Simon explainedthat humans need only ‘very simple perceptual and choice mechanisms to satisfy [their] several needs’ and in first considering what they seek to achieve from a certain choice, it is easier to reach a satisfying decision.

Satisficers, therefore, approach a decision with an awareness of their needs and requirements. In doing so, they can select an option that suits and satisfies them.

How can your decision-making ability impact your life?
So, does being a maximizer or a satisficer impact on your overall life experiences and satisfaction? Unsurprisingly, the way you approach decisions can significantly impact how you feel about them.

This concept has been explored by numerous researchers. They have used the maximizers versus satisficers theory to explore how such a state determines an individual’s life satisfaction and attainment.

Bruine de Bruin et al (2007), for example, explored the connection between socioeconomic status, cognitive ability, and decision-making style. The research found that those with a stronger impulse to maximize on their decisions actually obtained worse life outcomes.

A satisficer’s ability to enjoy their decision also comes from the fact that it is based on their own criteria and needs. Whereas, as Starry Peng (2013) points out, maximizers are more likely to base their choice on external choices such as social status, reputation or reviews. The preoccupation with selecting the ‘best’ possible choice, therefore, can often mean that maximizers fail to consider their own needs and desires.

Constantly deliberating over the available options doesn’t necessarily mean that you are satisfied with your overall choice. Yang and Chiou (2010), looked into the decision making processes of those looking at online dating sites. Their study found that the availability of more search options lead to worse choices as it reduced an individual’s cognitive resources, making it harder for them to ignore irrelevant information and screen out unsuitable options.

Embracing what is ‘good enough’
Of course, there is the possibility that individuals can show characteristics of both maximizers and satisficers. Some people love to trawl the internet, investigating the pros and cons of a certain product and feel satisfied that they have chosen the best, fully researched option. The situation isn’t clear cut. However, according to psychologist Barry Schwartz, we have a lot to gain from taking the satisficers’ approach to life.

Schwartz recognizes that freedom of choice can bring autonomy and liberation to people. However, when we’re faced with too much choice, this can lead to reduced happiness and increased anxiety.

In Schwartz’s research, he increasingly found that when faced with an exhaustive amount of options, individuals question their decisions and blame themselves if the option they chose isn’t perfection. Referring to this concept as ‘The Paradox of Choice’, Schwartz encourages us to settle for what is ‘good enough’ rather than always striving for the perfect option.

The terms ‘maximizers’ and ‘satisficers’ help us to gain insight into our own decision-making processes. In a world where choices can seem endless, recognizing that many decisions we make are ‘good enough’ can go a long way in reducing anxiety and increasing our overall life satisfaction.


Lottie Miles


About the Author: Lottie Miles

Lottie Miles is a professional researcher and writer with a passion for human rights. She has 4 years of experience working within the NGO sector and has a Masters Degree in Social Policy. She has a keen interest in exploring ways in which happiness habits can help to improve mental health and wellbeing. In her spare time, she likes doing crossword puzzles, painting and traveling.
Copyright © 2012-2019 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 04:08
Segunda-feira, 23 / 12 / 19

How Lowering Your Expectations Can Help You Live a Happier Life

Haifa Aboobacker.


December 22, 2019.



We all have certain expectations in our lives. We all thrive to achieve something or become someone. However, at times, we get disappointed because the outcome didn’t match our expectations. It happens with each one of us when things don’t turn out the way we want them to be. The problem is that when our expectations are too high, and they don’t come about, we tend to feel sad. Aiming for something big in life is good. However, it is suitable only up to a certain level. We shouldn’t expect too much from something. So can lowering your expectations make you happier?

Lowering Your Expectations Isn’t about Settling for a Mediocre Life
‘No expectations, no disappointments‘ is a famous phrase that you might have heard. Is it true? What do you think?

In the first place, many of us believe that it’s true because we feel disappointed when our expectations are not satisfied. Life is strange and ever-evolving. We never know what’s going to happen next. We cannot expect anything unachievable or unrealistic. We have to accept the fact that life has a plan for us. We will achieve the things that are in our destiny.

We cannot change God’s plan. Expectations are the strong beliefs that make us believe that something will happen or something will turn out to be true. In actual fact, we expect certain things because we are not satisfied with the present. As a result, when we can’t accept reality, we tend to think of ideal situations to satisfy ourselves and expect things that can be unrealistic.

Having higher expectations is a sign that you’re not fully living your life. Subsequently, if your expectations are not met, you tend to become sad. Don’t waste your life and worry about fulfilling your expectations.

Instead, get up and take life as it is. Don’t get discouraged. If you wish to make your life easier, stop expecting too much from everything. Life can be more fulfilling, happier and less stressful simply by paying attention to your expectations and taking steps to lower them.

Following are some of the things that you should keep in mind to live a happy life without expectations:

Be aware of your expectations

As mentioned, we all have expectations in our lives that this will happen, or I would get this. However, not all of them get fulfilled. As such, this is the reason why it is imperative to be aware of our expectations. One should know whether their expectations are achievable or not.

Don’t let these expectations dishearten you later. Categorize your expectations as goals, vision, and beliefs. Then filter out things that you can achieve in a time frame and set a time limit for yourself. Don’t expect too much in a limited time frame. Otherwise, it will only discourage you later in the process.

Stop expecting from other people
The best thing that you can do to avoid disappointments would be to have no or zero expectations from others. Your expectations make you feel miserable, so lowering them can make you happier. Stop expecting that people would behave in a way that you want. Open yourself to both positive as well as negative comments.

For instance, you need to understand that you cannot control what other people would think of you. However, what you can do is to accept that they have their opinion and you cannot change it.

Don’t stress yourself for something that you can’t change. We all wish to receive positive comments and positive feedback. However, it cannot happen every time. Therefore, don’t expect strangers or even your known ones to behave in a particular way. Remember, everyone has a different perspective, and you should respect it. Instead, be kind to yourself, and be helpful to people.

Stop expecting people to like you
If one person likes you, it doesn’t mean the whole world will love you. Everyone has a different perspective and different nature. You should never criticize someone for not liking you or for not agreeing with you.

Actually, it is a very foolish act that a person can do to try and make others like them. So don’t get in the battle of being liked by everyone. Instead, love yourself and stay kind to yourself. If you can’t accept yourself for what you are, don’t expect others to accept you and like you.

It is a crazy world, and you’ll meet different kinds of people. Some will like you, and others won’t. The same thing will happen to you. You might meet new and interesting people and you may not like some of them. And that’s life. Don’t expect everyone to be fond of you and like you for your behavior.

You can’t be right all the time
You need to understand that you are not always right. You can be wrong. Likewise, if you think you’re right, it doesn’t mean that others feel the same. Maybe, from their perspective, they don’t find that behavior to be correct.

Therefore, it is advisable to stop needing to be right all the time. If you’re wrong, accept that you’re wrong. Don’t try to prove yourself or justify the fact that you’re right. Take small steps in life and enjoy all the wrongs and rights. Learn from the things that you have done wrong.

Focus on process, not outcome
One of the biggest reasons that we feel disappointed is because we only focus on the outcome and forget the process. We all have goals — however, only a few focus on the process. Most people focus on the outcome and have beliefs in their minds that they would achieve this or that.

If you wish to achieve something big in life, the best thing would be to fall in love with the process. When you start thinking of the outcome, you tend to have expectations. And when you don’t meet those expectations, you tend to feel sad, which sometimes also leads to mental health issues.

The process is the most crucial step. If you have a specific goal in mind, you should work every day to be able to achieve it. Create a timeline, create a plan, and follow the process. At times, plans also fail. Win or lose; you’ll have something to learn.

Stop comparing, stop judging, stop expecting
Comparing yourself to others and judging others are some of the root causes that lead to expectations. When we compare ourselves, our hopes become even higher. We expect more from ourselves, without thinking if it can be achieved or not.

If someone can do that by that age, it doesn’t mean you should also do it. You are unique. You have different strengths and weaknesses. Don’t compare yourself to others and over-think that you should do what they do.

Both judgments and comparisons create negativity. Because of these perceptions and comparisons, we have an additional set of expectations. We tend to believe what we should do and what we should not. Don’t judge others. Set your path so you can be free to live life to its fullest.
Final Thoughts

Life is not perfect. You’ll have peaks of joy along with valleys of heartaches. Don’t add expectations in it. Lower your expectations and appreciate life as it is. Letting go of expectations is one of the best things you can do in your life.

Life is more like a roller coaster ride. Don’t complicate it more by adding your set of expectations. Say yes to the adventure and embrace the beauty of life. Just by lowering your expectations, you can take one step forward towards a happy life.
Haifa Aboobacker


Haifa Aboobacker is a growth assistant at AirTract.Com, a social platform in which people ask questions, get answers, read articles, share knowledge and experience. She is a communication engineering graduate and a digital marketing buff who is fascinated by the best SEO practices and content strategies. She loves to make friends and explore places, and she chooses reading in her time off.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:51
Sexta-feira, 20 / 12 / 19

FOBO: The Reason You Struggle with Making Decisions and How to Overcome It.

Lottie Miles.


Posted December 18th, 2019.



I’m sure that you have all heard of Fomo, or the ‘fear of missing out’, but have you heard about the ‘fear of better options’ (Fobo)? Fobo is consuming many of our thought patterns and affecting our behavior for the worst. The more anxious sister of Fomo, Fobo is attributed as the reason why some of us struggle to make even the simplest of decisions.

In this post, we take a closer look at the reasons behind Fobo. We will also give you some helpful steps to overcome the difficulties you may be having with making decisions.

What Is Fobo?

The freedom of choice we have access to in the modern world is indeed a privilege. However, with so many things to choose from, it can lead us to make no decisions at all. This is what the fear of better options relates to. In other words, when we are faced with a multitude of options, the fear of missing out on the best one leads us to a state of indecision.

The term Fobo was coined by the US venture capitalist Patrick McGinnis, who also came up with the term Fomo. According to McGinnis, Fobo is the “coping mechanism” we use to deal with the fear of making the wrong decision in case if “something better comes along”. However, the persistence of Fobo in our lives can lead to not only a general dissatisfaction in our own life, but also cause our friends, family, and colleagues to despair with us also.

McGinnis defines Fobo as being an “affliction of affluence” and is, therefore, restricted to the privileged who have the benefit of power and money to give them so many options. This is an affliction, therefore, that can also be used by large corporations, as well as individuals, as a justification for “not doing something”.

Discussion around the demotivating power of choice is not entirely new. Iyengar and Lepper’s study in 2000 concluded that individuals who had fewer options derived greater satisfaction from the decisions they made.

The concept of ‘maximizers’ and ‘satisficers’ has also been a popular phenomenon in psychology when discussing individuals’ approaches to decision making. ‘Maximizers’ are those that base their decisions on the maximum benefit later on. Whereas ‘satisficers’ settle for a decision based on more modest criteria (and less research).

The lack of commitment that maximizers show to their decisions, according to Joyce Erlinger from Florida State University, makes them less satisfied with their choices in the long term.

How to Overcome Fobo?
If the concept of Fobo is ringing true for you, then fear not. There are some steps you can take to improve your decision making power and overcome the constant fear of what better options are waiting for you around the corner. Here are some tips to set you in the right direction:
1. Recognize that you can never be aware of all your options
While it is normal to want to select the best option in all areas of your life, it is helpful to recognize that it’s impossible to examine all of the potential options available. Acknowledging this fact is a key part of beginning your journey to be released from the restraint of Fobo. It can also be beneficial to acknowledge that there may be multiple ‘best’ options. So, in making a decision, you’re one step closer to getting one of those.

2. Be clear about what it is you want
Fobo can lead to hours of research and deliberation. This results in a spiral of indecision, confusion and, ultimately, frustration. To overcome this, try making a set of clear criteria of what you want to get out of your decision. Make sure you restrict yourself to 3 or 4 criteria. Once you have found those criteria in an option, go for it.
3. Be honest with yourself
McGinnis states that an element of Fobo can derive from resistance to, or fear of, saying no to something. We may delay our decision by giving a tentative ‘maybe’ to an option which, when you’re honest with yourself, you know is not right for you. To prevent delaying the negative, saying no immediately can prevent the escalation of Fobo.
4. Set yourself a time limit
Your indecisiveness does not only affects your own experiences, but it can also influence those around you. Waiting for a decision can be a stressful time for others. Not to mention putting you in the bad books with those closest to you. Setting yourself a time limit to make a decision can be an effective way to improve your decision-making ability, and lead to greater satisfaction with your choices.

For instance, you’ve been given a few options for a Friday night but are worried about choosing the best option. In this instance, giving yourself a time limit of Wednesday to decide ensures that you can enjoy your weekend and prevent annoying your friends.
Final Thoughts

Having a fear of better options (Fobo) can have serious effects on your ability to enjoy your life. Never making a decision may result in you missing out on fun opportunities or important life chances. Fortunately, it is possible to tackle this obsession with finding perfection by following our simple steps.


Lottie Miles


About the Author: Lottie Miles

Lottie Miles is a professional researcher and writer with a passion for human rights. She has 4 years of experience working within the NGO sector and has a Masters Degree in Social Policy. She has a keen interest in exploring ways in which happiness habits can help to improve mental health and wellbeing. In her spare time, she likes doing crossword puzzles, painting and traveling.
Copyright © 2012-2019 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 02:27
Quarta-feira, 18 / 12 / 19

How to Master Self-Discipline in Your Life with 7 Tips


By Selenha Tomas 

Guest Authorlearning-mind.com

December 16th, 2019



Self-discipline is one thing we all struggle with. From eating “just one more” doughnut to waking up late every morning. It is all a matter of how self-disciplined we are, and it can be applied to all fields of life.

Some people like to live their lives by the book, and they are natural talents when it comes to self-discipline. But for the rest of us, it is like a skill. As such, it is something that we can learn and strive to master from early childhood.

Why Do We Need Self-Discipline?
The problem is, even though we have been introduced to the concept of self-discipline from early childhood, if you are not ready to fully commit to it, it does not get much easier with age. When we were kids, our mothers did not allow us to eat sweets before lunch. As adults, we can eat whatever we want whenever, but that does not mean we should. So instead of having a parent who will hide all the candies, now we have to hide them from ourselves.

Power of will, self-control, you can call it whatever you like, it is one of the key features of every successful person. The good news is that it can be taught. Even if you were not so great with it as a child or teen, it is never too late. Not only can you take over control of your life, but you can also learn how to be, and stay, self-disciplined.

We gathered here some of the most useful tips for becoming a true master. So, if you feel ready to make a change, keep on reading.
Tips on Mastering Self-Discipline
1. Set Your Goals

What are your goals? Do you want to eat better, sleep more, study harder, run faster, or be more productive at work? You have to know where you are going and what you want first. Only then can you create a list of things you need to do in order to reach your goal. It is all based on practice and developing healthy habits.

In the beginning, it is never going to be easy. However, after a while, your established routine is not going to be so annoying. In fact, it is going to become something you will do without thinking too much about it. Start writing a weekly planner and make a schedule which you will follow.
2. Acknowledge Your Weaknesses
Whether it is a slice of pizza at 11 PM, binge-watching, or procrastinating your work tasks, keep it real and be aware of your weaknesses. This is the only way to overcome them. Stop making excuses and start spending your time more wisely.

Bad habits are so tempting, and it is so easy to cheat. But think about the time and energy you are wasting. Instead of ordering fast food, put that money away and save it for travelling. Find something good to replace your unhealthy cravings.

3. Baby Steps
Many people tend to start some big changes from Monday or next week. But the thing is, you should not introduce all the changes at once. This is because you can not successfully turn your entire life upside down in one day.

Start with those changes that are doable. Slowly, make adjustments without putting too much pressure on yourself. Then gradually introduce new rituals or tasks. Eventually, you will get the result you wanted. There are no shortcuts. Self-discipline is like a learning process. Therefore, if you want to pass it, you have to go through all the stages.
4. Healthy Habits

Regardless of what your goals are, you should not forget about two essential things, sleeping and eating well. These two are the base, the core of self-discipline. So if you are not eating healthy or sleeping enough, you cannot consider yourself for a self-disciplined person.

These two are especially important for people who are trying to lose weight. But also in general, poor sleeping habits can trigger an eating disorder, insomnia, REM sleep behaviour disorder, and plenty of other things that will get on your way.
5. The Power of Will
It is all in your head. You are your biggest competitor. Likewise, the only boundaries that exist are the ones in your head. If you believe that you can not do this or that, then you probably are not going to be able to do it.

This willpower is based on our beliefs. As a result, it can either hinder our success or enhance it, depending on our inner beliefs. This can be tricky. For start, it has a lot to do with self-esteem, rational thinking, and personal subconscious obstacles.

6. Plan “B”
In general, it is always good to have a backup plan. But in situations like this, when you are trying so hard to change yourself, any small failure can be discouraging. That is why it is always good to have a plan B.

If you know that you are going to be in a tempting situation, think in advance. Put together ideas on how to stay in your lane, without breaking your rules. This type of strategy is something that psychologists like to call implementation intentions.
7. Treat Yourself
It is good to have small milestones and to reward yourself to boost your motivation. But that reward should not consist of things you are fighting against. For example, junk food, or playing video games the entire night. An idea of a reward waiting for you will give you the strength to continue. This is because a reward system is a powerful tool for success, and it will keep you focused on your goal.
Final Thoughts
People are creatures of habit, and somehow we tend to love the bad ones, especially. However, we should not allow our habits to control us. Our guide contains some general steps and tips that can be applied to any life situation which requires self-discipline. We hope it will help many of you. All those things you already know, but you never actually tried them.

Remember, all good things take time. So instead of rushing into changes, and then giving up on everything even quicker, take some time, be patient, be stubborn, and do it right. Don’t forget that once you establish your self-discipline, you need to nourish and maintain it because it will always depend on your mindset.



Selena Thomas is a content writer from Counting Sheep who loves sharing tips on healthy lifestyles. A writer by day and a reader by night, she’s fond of writing articles that can help people in improving both physical and mental health. Also, she loves travelling and inspires people on her blogs.







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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 03:16
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

Sisu: The Finnish Concept of Inner Strength and How to Adopt It ~ Jamie Logie

Sisu: The Finnish Concept of Inner Strength and How to Adopt It.

By Jamie Logie.

July 14, 2019. 

sisu finnish inner strength.



You have more strength in you than you even realize, but how do you bring it out?

Sisu is a Finnish concept based on grit, bravery, and resilience. Sisu is all about having a real stoic determinism and is something that the people of Finland pride themselves on. We may call it “having a stiff upper lip“, but it goes much deeper than that.
This article will look at what Sisu is all about, and how you can adopt it for yourself.

What Does Sisu Really Mean?

I mentioned some of its traits, but we can see Sisu as the ultimate form of courage. It’s about what you do when your back is up against the wall and all the odds are against you.

It’s all about sticking to a course of action and not backing down no matter what adversity you face. No matter the odds you may be up against, Sisu allows you to not be overcome by them.

We can see a popular culture example of this in Han Solo in The Empire Strikes Back. When faced with certain doom from an attack by the Empire, Han Solo – with his back against the wall – takes the Millenium Falcon into an asteroid field.

Something that’s considered a suicide mission. He is informed by C3-PO that the chances of successfully surviving an asteroid field are 3720:1, to which Solo responds, “Never tell me the odds…”.

This is an easy way of looking at Sisu as it’s all about displaying courage in the face of overwhelming adversity – and insurmountable odds. 

How Long Has This Concept Been Around?

Sisu goes back hundreds of years and is one of the foundations of Finnish culture. It’s thought to be one of the best ways to understand what the Fins are truly all about. The country has always prided themselves in going beyond one’s own mental or physical capacity, and Sisu is what represents their people.
Sisu has been explained as the word that describes Finland and that “it’s the most wonderful of all their words“. This became popularized during the famous “Winter War” when the Fins were invaded by the Soviet Union. This occurred during 1939-40 and it’s when Sisu came to the forefront.
Time Magazine noted that the “Sisu” displayed by the Fins was all about tenacity. It was about the ability to keep fighting long after others would quit.
The Fins were able to take the war into Russian territory while at the same time withstanding brutal attacks by a reinforced Russian army. This allowed them to gain the upper hand as the Fins could fight in harsh conditions with no sense of throwing in the towel.
Sisu is all about bravery, bravado, and ferocity.

More Examples of Sisu

Sisu applies well to matters of war and battles, but is it something notable in a modern, non-military aspect? Most people forget that one of the biggest phone companies – Nokia – is actually Finnish. As the wireless phone market grew more intense, Nokia could hang on despite many odds being stacked up against them.
Nokia was constantly able to overcome many obstacles going into the mid-2000s and the “guts” they had displayed allowed them to stick around in the industry.
This was chalked up to the Sisu shown by Nokia’s executives. The CEO of Nokia noted how this unique Finnish quality allowed them to persevere and have endurance where other companies would falter.
We can see Steve Jobs as possessing Sisu as he refused to ever throw in the towel. He had an intensity and endurance that others couldn’t match. For Jobs, it was all about being relentless and not giving in to create the best products possible. No was never an option.
Even being forced to leave the company that he started only made him embrace this white-knuckle courage to push forward and come back stronger than ever turning Apple into one of the biggest companies in history.

Where Does Sisu Come From and How Do You Adopt It?

With the Fins, it’s considered having developed because of their harsh Nordic winters. To survive in an environment like that takes the ultimate in perseverance and courage.
But it’s also seen as a product of genetics, biology, psychological, and social factors. Some of it may be in you, but it’s also able to be nurtured through your environment.
This may be a social construct, but the concept of Sisu can exist in anyone. Some people have this “never give up” mindset from the day they are born – but it’s still possible to develop it.

It all comes down to your thought process and mindset.

If you grow up in an environment that fosters this approach, it will be easier for it to become naturally engrained in you. It may be the culture that allows Sisu to exist in you more than it is genetics.
This means you want to surround yourself with people who have these traits as they are more likely to rub off on you.
If Sisu is something you don’t think you have – and you want to adopt it – it means getting out of your comfort zone and exposing yourself to people – and situations – where resilience is common. Over time, you will embrace the qualities that allow you to persevere and not back down.

It also means retraining the way you think.

Your brain is like a muscle and it needs repetition to get stronger and more developed. Positive thinking – where you tell yourself to be determined and resilient – will eventually become second nature.
You need to catch yourself every time you doubt or second-guess yourself and remember that it’s just your mind telling you these things. You can train your mind, the problem is it’s we have bombarded it with negative self-talk because of the environment and culture we find ourselves in – so it takes work.
When you continue to reinforce the idea of Sisu in your mind, you will find that the perception of it has now become a reality.
  1. http://www.bbc.com/
  2. https://www.psychologytoday.com/
  3. https://www.sciencedaily.com/
About the Author: Jamie Logie

 Jamie Logie is a personal trainer, nutritionist, and health & wellness specialist. Jamie also studied sociology and psychology at Western University and has a counseling diploma from Heritage Baptist College. He has run a blog and top-rated podcast on iTunes called "Regained Wellness". Jamie is also a contributing writer for places like the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, LifeHack and has an Amazon #1 book called "Taking Back Your Health".

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 19:41
Quarta-feira, 03 / 07 / 19

What Is Pygmalion Effect and How It Can Bring Positive Results ~ Francesca F.

What Is Pygmalion Effect and How It Can Bring Positive Results.

By Francesca F.

July 2nd, 2019



In a position of power, how you treat those below you makes a huge difference, as proved by the Pygmalion Effect.
Whether we are looking after children, managing staff, or coaching a team, our behavior has a direct influence. It is all too easy to see some as more capable than others, and some as more disruptive. We subconsciously give the higher achievers more attention because we want to give them the best chance. However, were we to give equal expectation to all, we improve the performance of the whole team.
The Pygmalion Effect is a psychological phenomenon which explains why we should have high hopes for everyone, even when they are not initially performing.

What Is the Pygmalion Effect?

The Pygmalion Effect is an interpersonal motivational phenomenon whereby higher expectations lead to an increase in performance. Conversely, low expectations lead to reduced performance in the same way.
It is the very notion of a self-fulfilling prophesy as attributed to sociologist Robert Merton in 1948. In his writings, Merton described the phenomenon of a false belief becoming true over time. This creates a feedback loop whereby we assume we are always correct because we believe ourselves to be. We essentially hypnotize ourselves to achieving what we want.

Robert Rosenthal’s Research

Robert Rosenthal defined the Pygmalion Effect as the phenomenon whereby one person’s expectations for another’s behavior serves as a self-fulfilling prophecyRosenthal’s work came to prove that a teacher’s expectations for a student highly influenced the student’s performance.
A group of students took a test which Rosenthal said would be able to identify ‘growth spurters’. ‘Spurters’ are those likely to achieve academically. Rosenthal gave teachers names of pupils Rosenthal said he expected to achieve. ‘Spurter’ students showed a significantly greater increase in performance throughout the year.
‘Spurters’, however, were chosen at random. Rosenthal claimed that the only influence in their performance was the beliefs of the teacher. This proved that the expectation of the teacher, parent, or coach has an incredible impact on the performance of the child.
Rosenthal posed four key factors which explained why this was:


Teachers acted warmer and friendlier to those children said to spurters.


Teachers gave more time and energy into the children said to be spurters.


Teachers called on spurters more often to give answers in class.


Teachers tended to give more helpful responses and in-depth feedback to children said to be spurters.

It is not only children affected by the Pygmalion Effect.

The Pygmalion Effect is also applicable in the workplace in managerial expectations of employees. Those who receive frequent recognition from bosses will feel more motivated to do even better. Conversely, those who are constantly criticized soon lose motivation to try their best and the quality of work may suffer.
When we look at the phenomenon of the Pygmalion Effect, we can clearly see that the way we treat people can vastly alter their performance. We can even use it to consciously change the behavior of others in a positive way. The more we view people as capable of more, the more likely they are to strive to achieve more.
We can see the converse of the Pygmalion Effect in stereotypes of social class in schools and workspaces. The less we believe in someone, the less they are likely to achieve.
By keeping the four aspects of impact in mind when addressing someone you are managing, you can put the Pygmalion Effect to full use.

The first step is creating a positive environment for all.

Offer the same warm and friendly environment to your entire cohort and they will feel more comfortable and secure. This has a powerful impact on ensuring high productivity because comfortable people work best.

Ensure that you are giving the same time and energy to those who may not achieve as those who will.

Be conscious of your feedback and who you decide to give difficult tasks. You may trust those with a consistently high level of output, but by stretching others, you help them improve.

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool.

When people feel as though they are achieving, the Pygmalion Effect proves that they will keep striving for greatness.

The Pygmalion Effect is a psychological embodiment of mind over matter.

Reinforcement of expectation and belief that someone can achieve is more likely to bring about achievement than criticism. Understanding the Pygmalion Effect and how to use is a valuable tool in people management.
It can help you to get the best out of your team and increase the performance of those who are under-achieving. You have more power than you realize over those who aren’t achieving. With a little belief, even the lowest achieving member of the team can improve.
Practicing working with the Pygmalion Effect can take time, as people sometimes need convincing that they can achieve more. It is easy to criticize and expect achievement through fear.  Stay consistent and remind each person what is expected of them and offer praise when they achieve. Over time, you will see the results you are looking for and the entire team will increase in performance.
  1. https://www.psychologytoday.com/
  2. https://link.springer.com/








About the Author: Francesca F.

Francesca is a freelance writer currently studying a degree in Law and Philosophy. She has written for several blogs in a range of subjects across Lifestyle, Relationships and Health and Fitness. Her main pursuits are learning new innovative ways of keeping fit and healthy, as well as broadening her knowledge in as many areas as possible in order to achieve success.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 22:09
Terça-feira, 30 / 04 / 19

How the Flow State Supercharges Your Brain and How to Get into It ~ Francesca F.

How the Flow State Supercharges Your Brain and How to Get into It.

By Francesca F.

April 29, 2019

We all want to be a little bit more productive and we’ve all experienced the extreme focus of flow state, but most of us don’t know how to utilise it.
Productivity can fluctuate for a number of different reasons. Maybe you’re tired, hungry, or stressed. It might just be that you struggle to find your focusFinding your state of flow is the best way to counteract this lapse of productivity. It will help you banish the temptation to procrastinate so that you can start making positive progress.

What is the flow state?

First, we need to understand what the state of flow actually isIt is a term from positive psychology, which is essentially the study of what makes life good, worth living, and how we can flourish.
This state of mind is commonly known as being ‘in the zone’. It is the state where we feel completely immersed in the task at hand, with complete concentration and even enjoyment in the task. When you’re experiencing it, it is common to lose track of your surroundings, even the time.

Flow state and hyperfocus

Flow state can sometimes be confused with hyperfocus, however, the two are entirely different. Hyperfocus is an intense mental concentration or imagination, which often distracts individuals away from tasks.
Although the two are similar in terms of concentration, hyperfocus is concentration on the wrong things, such as videogames and focussing only on a small part of a task. For these reasons, hyperfocus is a common symptom of ADHD and has been proposed to be linked to other conditions.

How to know if you are in the state of flow?

While this state of mind is a somewhat abstract concept, some psychologists have proposed some indicators of experiencing it:

1.Intense and focused concentration on the present moment

When you are experiencing the flow, you are entirely focused on what is going on right there and then. You lose sight of future commitments and past events.

2.Merging of action and awareness

Again, somewhat of an abstract concept, the merging of action and awareness essentially means that your actions feel like an extension of your mind.

3.Loss of reflective self-consciousness

A key indicator of flow state is that we lose the awareness of ourselves in some way. Simply put, it means that we feel less self-critical and self-aware.

4.A sense of personal control over the situation or activity

We may not be in control of the result of a project, but when we are experiencing this state while performing a task, we often feel in complete control.

5.A loss of sense of time

The most common indicator of flow state is a complete loss of time. We’ve all looked up from the clock and wondered where the time went.

6.Experience of intrinsic reward

We don’t even need to know the outcome of a particular task and project. When we are in the state of flow, we receive an intrinsic reward from simply performing the task in the first place. We typically feel as though we have more potential to succeed in the task at hand.

7.Other needs become less important

When experiencing the flow, it is common that we forget about other needs. We may forget we are hungry, thirsty, or tired. We might even come out of flow realising we desperately need the bathroom!

How can the flow state benefit you?

flow state focus
The most obvious benefit you will get is boosted productivity. We all want to get a little bit extra done, improve our focus and make progress on our goals. Finding your flow state is an incredibly useful tool in getting things done, but it also has some unexpected benefits.
A surprising, but not entirely unexpected, result of reaching this state is greater happiness. This is because of two reasons. First, when you are experiencing the flow, you are not necessarily happy or unhappy, you are simply neutral. Then, once the project is finished, you receive the personal reward of finishing a project.
Secondly, the state of flow also tends to give you better performance because your brain is more relaxed, similar to post-meditation. This allows you to achieve greater insight with a project. Moreover, the flow state allows for the release of dopamine, which enhances your ability to notice patterns by heightening our attention and decreasing distractions.
This aspect of being in the flow allows us to also the external rewards from bosses, or project completion. All in all, this gives you a greater proportion of positive emotions and studieshave found that those in flow also tended to improve in levels of self-esteem and self-image.

5 elements of reaching the flow

productivity and happiness
There are five aspects which fit together to create a state of flow:
  • self-control
  • environment
  • skills
  • purpose
  • reward

Self-control is a key element of being in the flow.

To be able to utilise flow more often, we need to be able to gain control of our willpower. Nathan DeWall, a psychology professor who utilised the science of self-control to become a marathon runner, suggests three ways to develop our self-control:

1.Find your standards and set some goals.

These may be big or small, but are usually things such as hitting a word count, running a certain distance, or drinking a certain amount of water. They are the small goals on the way to the ultimate goal.

2.Set up how you will monitor your goals.

Self-control works best with immediate feedback, and this comes in the form of tracking your goals. Find ways to constantly track your goals, but be flexible enough to alter them if you need to.

3.Be aware of your energy levels.

Our energy fluctuates throughout the day and, with it, so does our willpower. Typically, we will have more self-control and willpower when we have more energy, and these are the times we should practice getting into the flow state.

Environment is an interesting feature when finding your flow.

Although it may seem counterintuitive, the best way to practice flow is to push yourself slightly out of your comfort zone. This allows your body and mind to adapt to more challenging environments. As a consequence, when you do reach the state of flow, you will be less distracted by more challenging environments.

Skills allow us to begin the task in the first place but should be well matched with a good level of challenge.

To experience the flow, we need enough knowledge to complete a task and feel as though we are deliberately using them. That is to say that we must be present when applying our knowledge and do it on purpose, rather than just going through the motions.

Purposeful work is much more likely to get you into the flow state.

When we feel connected and passionate about something, we pay much more attention to it. Consider what you are creating, who you are creating it for, and what is the expected outcome. The more something stimulates us, the more motivated we become, and this is an essential element of finding your flow.
If a task doesn’t feel so important to you, find ways of making it important. Maybe it will help your job performance, improve your physical capability, or just make you feel good about yourself when you finish.

Reward is the last element of finding the state of flow.

In its essence, reward simply a by-product of flow state but links all of the rest together. Understanding the reward of your work will almost always help you find your purpose. It will also motivate you to apply your skills, develop self-control and put yourself out of your comfort zone. The reward is the motivation to see a task from start to finish.
Finding and practising these elements will help you successfully enter flow more often and reap the incredible benefits. Not only will it boost your productivity, but it will also holistically improve your life.
  1. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  2. Find Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5855042/
  4. Scientific Secrets for Self-Control – C. Nathan Dewall





About the Author: Francesca F.

Francesca is a freelance writer currently studying a degree in Law and Philosophy. She has written for several blogs in a range of subjects across Lifestyle, Relationships and Health and Fitness. Her main pursuits are learning new innovative ways of keeping fit and healthy, as well as broadening her knowledge in as many areas as possible in order to achieve success.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 15:43
Domingo, 14 / 04 / 19

7 Valuable Skills You Need to Reach Success in Life ~ Guest Author.

7 Valuable Skills You Need to Reach Success in Life.

By Guest Author.

April 14th, 2019


skills you need for success.


What are the skills you will need to achieve success in different areas of your life? Find out more about them in our article.
Success is a quite debatable phenomenon that can be perceived differently depending on one’s beliefs, hobbies, dreams, and social status. But, it is hard to find a person who doesn’t want to be successful in life.
However, you must not forget that success does not equal luck. How so? Imagine you have been working on an original startup, and, after its launch, you make a killing. What a success! But, if you find $100 on the road, that would be mere luck. You can’t control the power of fortune — it just comes out of nowhere and makes your day better.
In the case of success, things are more complicated and demanding. It requires you to devote considerable time, efforts, patience, and diligenceto the work while you are on your way to the desired results.
But first, you have to define your own kind of success, for example:
  • Develop your own business and promote it to the international market.
  • Be able to travel frequently and explore the world from different perspectives.
  • Start a family and guarantee a prosperous future for your children.
  • Tackle all points from your “New Year resolutions” list, etc.
These are just examples — you can set any goals that will let you consider yourself successful once you reach them. Nevertheless, the next thing to do is decide what you need to succeed.
Here, we approach the core topic of our article. The most important thing is that working on your own success implies learning, developing certain skills, and improving every day.

The question is, what are the most valuable skills that you need in order to reach success in life?

We live, and we learn — gaining new skills (or developing existing ones) is unavoidable in this context. And while many people consider success as something hard-to-attain, there is an opportunity to confidently approach it by working on a set of universal skills that will come in handy regardless of your goals.

Here is our 7-skill kit that will be useful for your progress as a successful individual:

1. Problem-Solving

There are a lot of issues around the world you confront. To overcome them, you have to know how to spot a problem appropriately, analyze it, and choose an effective strategy to solve it.
Here, we speak not about global warming or the shortage of drinking water but your personal challenges on the way to successProblem-solving can facilitate a wide range of tasks: from a simple to-do list to complex work-related issues.

2. Negotiation

Well-developed communication skill is a must-have nowadays. To be confident and successful in life, you have to know how to communicate with people having different viewpoints, how to make your own reasonable statements, and how to reach a compromise.
Negotiation will help you meet new people and establish connections with them, make you an interesting narrator, and take away the fear of expressing your thoughts openly.

3. Research and Analysis

We always do something unknown to us before, whether it is our startup, new responsibilities in the office, preparing the essays for college, or taking an art class.
If you don’t want to stuff your head with irrelevancies, you have to learn how to research duly and manage the information from different areas. Thus, you will stay focused only on things that matter and get to the essence of issues.

4. Adaptability

Nowadays, we must always adapt. Everything around is changing, and we need to get accustomed to it so that some unforeseen circumstances don’t disrupt our everyday life too much.
Adaptability is a must when you change your school, start working in a new office, or move into a new house. To succeed regardless of the environment, you have to keep your head above the changes and adjust if needed.

5. Curiosity

It is hard to learn something without a curiosity drill in your shed. Of course, while being students, we have teachers who tell us what to do for a science fair, what books to read for exams, and where to find the answers to our questions. But after that, your success is in your own hands.
Curiosity is what makes us interested in the events around, innovations in different areas, emerging trends, etc. It works as an impulse that fills us with a desire to explore, ask questions, and develop.

6. Creativity

Creative people can find a solution to even the most challenging and non-standard problem. As a rule, they are open-minded, and there is always a bunch of exciting ideas in their heads.
That doesn’t mean you have to be an artist or start working on your own book right now. But, we suggest you pay some attention to the creative aspects of life from time to time. On your way to success, it is important not to turn yourself into a robot stuck on the rails of routine activities.

7. Being Honest with Yourself

It is rather a way of thinking than a skill. But, this type of trait can make your life easier. If you are honest with yourself, you can always determine whether achieving a certain goal makes you successful. Thus, you can clearly see what your priorities are and what achievements are worth your effort.
Your path to success can be thorny, but if you master these skills, going all that way will be like an enjoyable journey!






Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 20:17
Terça-feira, 05 / 02 / 19

5 Truths Overly Busy People Want to Tell You but Never Will ~ Francesca F.

5 Truths Overly Busy People Want to Tell You but Never Will.

By Francesca F.

February 4th, 2019




We admire busy people for keeping on top of everything, but there may be something they’re not telling us.

We all like to be busy. It keeps us from laziness and boredom and provides us with more opportunities for success and satisfaction. Everyone has busy people in their life – we all know someone who is constantly busy.
It’s that one person who seems to be balancing the world on their shoulders with relative ease. Yet, this person may be constantly busy for other reasons. Although business is generally quite good for us, there are some who try to keep themselves busy as a distraction.
Constantly busy people don’t want us to know what is actually going on, so they distract us and themselves by managing several projects at once. It makes us admire them and not ask what is really going on.
Busy people may not want us to know what is really going on, so there are a few truths they just won’t tell you.

1.Something has happened they’re not ready to deal with

We are all guilty of burying ourselves in work when there is something has just happened. Eventually, we carve out time to deal with it so that our lives return to equilibrium.
This is not always the case with constantly busy people. They actively ensure their lives are skewedtowards more work and less personal time to avoid the problem.
Those who are always busy may be making themselves so so that they don’t have to face what they’re not dealing with. It is difficult to know whether the problem occurred recently or a while ago unless you have known the person for a long time.
You may have noticed a sudden change in behavior, or they may have always been busy, but it could be a mechanism to distract themselves from the problem.

2.They don’t have fulfilling social lives

People who don’t gain much fulfillment in their social lives will seek it in other areas of their lives. This usually comes in a work paradigm where we are praised for hard work and dedication.
Busy people, therefore, gain fulfillment in work where they are unable to get it elsewhere. It may be that they find it difficult to make friends, or are naturally introverted, or that their main social connections are at work. This means that busy people keep busy simply because they are lonely.

3.There are ongoing problems in their personal lives

When going through hard times, people handle things in different ways. Some people lose control and become reckless. Others push themselves harder in work to distract themselves from the problem.
This will most likely manifest as a sudden change in a person. Where they may previously have been good at balancing their work and personal lives, they may now be only focusing on their work lives.
It is a distraction technique and may subside or get worse as the problems go on. This is slightly different from being unable to face something that has already happened. The quality of their work may slip as they try to distract themselves whilst also trying to deal with a difficult problem.

4.They feel uncomfortable doing nothing

There are a number of reasons why people are uncomfortable in inaction. Some people have a chronic fear of doing nothing and become addicted to being busy.
Their identity is tied up in their successes and business, meaning they can’t take time for themselves to simply do nothing. They find themselves pacing and agitated if they are forced to do nothing, or have nothing to do.
When your identity is tied up in your success, this can lead to a fear of failure, which exacerbates the need to be busy.  It is a constant cycle which can only be remedied by finding comfort in doing nothing.

5.They’re afraid of being ordinary

Sometimes people keep themselves busy simply because they are afraid of being ordinary. They want to stand out, they have big dreams of being successful and are willing to do whatever it takes to get there. They make sacrifices in their personal lives to get where they want to be in their careers, and this is what makes them appear to be constantly busy.
Busy people will, therefore, not have as well established personal relationships, which can be detrimental in the long run.  However, sometimes, a goal is much stronger and more motivating than having personal relationships.
Being busy is not necessarily a bad thing. It helps us to advance our careers and produces more satisfaction and accomplishments. However, there are times when being busy is a sign that something is wrong.
When something is wrong, we may not want people to know. We won’t open up about the problems in our personal lives in order to hide them. It may not only be work we keep ourselves busy with, however.
Busy people may be throwing themselves into family and childcare, but if their efforts seem excessive, it may be the indicator of a deeper truth they don’t want to tell. Everyone needs comfort in inaction at times, it’s a part of being human.
  1. https://psychcentral.com/
  2. https://www.psychologytoday.com/




About the Author: Francesca F.

Francesca is a freelance writer currently studying a degree in Law and Philosophy. She has written for several blogs in a range of subjects across Lifestyle, Relationships and Health and Fitness. Her main pursuits are learning new innovative ways of keeping fit and healthy, as well as broadening her knowledge in as many areas as possible in order to achieve success.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 18:41
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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