A Hand Up
ML Tavares at Violet Flame

A Hand Up.
The Creator Writings.
Transcribed by Jennifer Farley*.* *March 11th, 2020* .
The upward curve may feel that it is getting steeper every moment. That is when, on occasion, you may need each other for the extra hand. Take your time, rest when you feel it is right and remember; even though is looks like it will go on forever, it will not. The Universe is right beside you.
Creator. *
Jennifer Farley* -
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ML Tavares at Violet Flame -

The Angels want you to know...
Angel Wisdomwith Sharon Taphorn *.*
Posted March 11, 2020. .
When an aspect of your journey comes to an end, celebrate it and know that it means that there is something else coming your way. Let go of the mental energy of feeling trapped, getting caught up in fear and worry, and just take each day at a time, trusting that things will turn out and you have planted seeds that are germinating. Repeat “I trust!” until you can feel it in your bones, and then proceed with forward action. Thought for today: *Trust in your abilities to ... more »
Reigniting the Creative Spirit
ML Tavares at Violet Flame -

Reigniting the Creative Spirit
By Wes Annac,*Editor, Openhearted Rebellion.*March 11, 2020. .
I love writing as much as anyone with a blog. It’s a great outlet for expressing what’s on your mind and connecting with a source of inner wisdom most of us don’t know we have. But when writer’s block gets in the way, it can lead to hair-pulling anxiety. When I first started writing, I didn’t see it as a discipline or skill I had to develop. I thought that if you wrote well, you’d never get writer’s block. The words would either flow or they wouldn’t. I learned pretty quickly that this... more »
Planting the Garden of Your Soul
ML Tavares at Violet Flame -

Planting the Garden of Your Soul A Message for Equinox from Archangel Gabriel.*
Through Shanta Gabriel.*
March 10, 2020. . *
Dear Ones,* *
Planting the Garden of your Soul invites the Grace of the Angels to work in your daily life. *This focused activity demonstrates your desire to co-create what you need to harvest a more bountiful future. *The Equinox is always a moment of Profound Balance — a time to reassess your life and choose anew*. You are in the Equinox portal from March 19-21. When you plant clear intentions for your most empowered future, the manifestation of your ... more »
The Current Climate of the World
ML Tavares at Violet Flame -

The Current Climate of the World
Emmanuel Dagher.
March 11, 2020. .
My friend, If you are finding yourself attaching to and internalizing the current fear wave occurring on the planet, here's a simple process that can tremendously help. *Step 1:* Be mindful of how your mind is choosing to internalize the fear. The experience of fear is unique and personal to each person. Usually the areas of our lives that are most affected by internalized and unprocessed fear are our physical, mental and financial well-being. If you are finding yourself worrying, panicking, hiding, getting rid o... more »
The Promise of Self-Education.
ML Tavares at Violet Flame -

The Promise of Self-Education.
*The Beloved **One*.*Is The Teacher*
Message received by Lytske
Urantia, February 19, 2020Posted March 11, 2020
[image: Akashic Construct - 11:11 Spirit Guardians] Source *
The Beloved One:* “We shall continue with the most important part of your existence as you earnestly seek to do His Will. Above all things you are going to find out that Love is the greatest thing as it is the currency of creation. Education starts at the time of birth. In the beginning the infant is being led by parents and significant others, until the age of discernment when the hum... more »