A Chama da Ascensão


Sábado, 23 / 05 / 20

The fire is cooled by the deep waters.

The fire is cooled by the deep waters.

Angels of the Womb of Gaia

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

May 20th, 2020.


Hello, dear humankind. 
Ascending ones, we see you from the womb of our mother. We monitor her frequencies. She is ascending quite rapidly. Many levels of realities already exist. We see many timelines shriveling into mist. We see the fog clearing for humanity as a new day dawns.
We are the Angels of the Womb of the Mother. 
We are preparing for her to give birth. We see the ring of fire as fully dilated. We see this as a necessary realignment for Gaia’s transformation. For her chakras are spinning so fast now, dear ones, as are yours. We see much interchange between the dimensions and realities. We see great fluidity of upcoming change. As a pregnant mother cannot hold back the final push, so too your planetary Mother Gaia cannot hold back any longer. This is the pregnant pause before the final contraction. We are her handmaidens of energetic and vibrational change. We offer our talents, our energies of balance, of love and of great support. This one has not talked with us before but we are reassuring that we play an active role in this now.
We are the Angels of the Womb of the Mother. 
The fire is cooled by the deep waters. The union of the divine masculine and the divine feminine is at hand. (I am seeing underwater volcanoes forming within the deep womb of the undersea beds. I am seeing steam from this expression of union).
We are the Angels of the Womb of the Mother. We see the lower chakras of humanity as holding the remaining vestiges of grief and pain, of trauma that has been continually and repetitively sustained over the eons of cycles of rebirth. We see it as a wise time to release from the lower chakras of humanity all of the pain and loss, all of the children lost, so that endless receiving of all good things can then begin to flow continually into your fields. The mother is joyful, expectant! So too should you be, human children, human warriors of the light. We see the great rising of humanity from homo sapiens to homo spiritus. We see this as imminent. For we are the angels of the inner womb of the hidden places of Gaia where all the cellular memories of pain and love, of rebirth and hopeful expectation are. Of course you are of the same substance as Gaia and so her release, her blessings are extended, with love, to you.
We surround the ring of fire of your planetary mother’s womb. We ignite the fire. We light the codes. We invite for you, oh wounded ones of the way, who continue to shine your light faithfully, relentlessly, with great love and purpose and fulfilling joy. You are our joy. You have been holding the light so that our work as midwives is balanced. We see imminent change energetically upon the ring of fire. Energetically this will be key for the shift. For as the darkness of loss is released through the lower planetary chakras the light blazes in full glory of newness of change.
We extend our hands, our wings to you. We surround you, with your permission, wing tip to wing tip. We ignite your chakras with newness of change, removing any stored pain of rape or incest or babies lost or labors gone wrong. We fill these memories with light now. There is yet more light in the womb of Gaia now. We have expanded it further. We send this light to the hearts and wombs of humanity, filling them with hope and promise of all good things to come. We see balance. We see divine union of flames reunited in blissful expectations completely met.
We are the Angles of the Womb of Gaia. We seldom speak for we balance the energies with our light, our love and our intentions. We surround your field with hope, with extreme joy of newness of rebirth. For you are all being reborn. You are all in process of the great transformation. As Gaia’s womb gives birth to Nova Gaia, so too shall you be completely, transformatively changed. Energetically you will be able to see clearly for the mist is receding / has receded. Your heart-mind is expanding rapidly. Your solar plexus where the old energies were stored is filled with further light of confidence and deep inner peace. We extend this light to the base of your core now to where the sexual energies mix and spin. We send our fire of purpose, of balance into the hidden places of you where traumas once resided, there is now only light. Light of promise, of change, of deep healing. Sexuality shall be cherished once again. There is no shame. The divinity of the healed masculine and the restored feminine is to be once more. We see paradise birthing as a beautiful garden in the hearts and wombs and hidden places of the Nova Gaians. We see peace. We send deep peace to your sexual organs imbuing them with healing, balance and safety. As the deep waters are penetrated by the volcanoes so too is there total peace.
We are the Angels of the Womb of Gaia. We realize this is perhaps a steamier message than one is used to receiving. But creation propagates. Such is the way of the balance and the perpetual desire for love in form expanding continually. The Creator is passionate. You see it all around you, as the animals, the creatures of all shapes and sizes mate, as they propagate their species, they are furthering their own genetic contribution with loving intention. Do not be ashamed. Your bodies are such gifts, dear ones.
We are the Angels of the Womb of Gaia. We offer you our support of balance of the sexual energies of rebirth. We fill your wombs, your minds, your hearts with light of the angelic octave. Our eyes are brimming with tears. We have awaited for so long, this moment of planetary rebirth. Feel our blessing of healing and please be at peace. Please know you are tremendously loved and are exceedingly safe. You are safe enough to have your sacral chakra realigned and in-line with Gaia’s. You will rise as one. We surround you in our light and love. Feel the wholeness of this energetic transmission and be at peace. Call to your twin and pull that energy of balance to you, and embrace the other part of you that you seek. In so doing you will always feel connected to your twin across time and space, or dimensional rift, for the balance of deep inner healing has been reached. Such a joyous time for humanity!
We are the Angels of the Womb of Gaia. You are such an important part of this cosmic dance of regeneration and rebirth. Thank you. Thank you. We see you, we honor you. Watch with us as we see the planetary birth of Nova Gaia in form. Peace. You are loved beyond measure.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 17:34
Terça-feira, 19 / 05 / 20

Gaia está equilibrada, respirando, limpa e em profunda paz.

Gaia está equilibrada, respirando, limpa e em profunda paz.

Aieshla de Oceana.

Através de Galaxygirl.

em 17 de maio de 2020. 

Tradução a 19 de maio de 2020


Eu sou Aieshla de Nova Gaia.

Conversamos anteriormente, já há algum tempo. Estou convocando esta chamada de amor a vocês do mundo oceânico de Nova Gaia. É mais difícil canalizar do fundo do mar, mas acredito que este canal esteja pronto para o desafio!

(Farei o meu melhor, Aieshla! Vejo uma cidade dourada com estruturas de cristal em forma de bolha ao seu redor. Vejo tritões de todas as cores nadando, felizes. Os peixes são cores vivas, não há coral porque são muitos. Vejo raios de sol sendo colhidos do sol brilhando diretamente nos telhados das bolhas, para que haja muita luz. O oceano vibra com vida e felicidade. Os tritões parecem ocupados e felizes, há muito que fazer, mas eles estão gostando do que fazem. É um lugar pacífico e de muita quietude).

Sim! Sou Aieshla do reino Oceana de Nova Gaia. Falo com vocês agora como representante do meu povo. Desejamos recebê-los em seu novo lar vibratório, aqueles que escolheram o caminho mais alto e estreito da ascensão. É uma estrada solitária, mas nesta solidão é feita com a verdadeira paz interior dourada dentro. Tal é o tesouro no fim do arco-íris proverbial. Há muitos arco-íris aqui em Nova Gaia e nós coletamos suas energias para alimentar nossas naves.

(Vejo naves subaquáticas. Suas naves são aquáticas e completamente climatizadas de acordo com suas necessidades, sim, elas podem viajar para as estrelas). 

Sim, podemos viajar para as estrelas, mas preferimos ficar e ajudar a construir e co-criar o novo reino, Oceana, com nossos humanos ascendentes. 

(Vejo que os humanos já estão em Nova Gaia, coexistem enquanto digito).

Sou Aieshla, espero que vocês tenha gostado de ver o vislumbre da nossa bela cidade que está se expandindo e crescendo com um propósito alegre dia após dia. Neste ponto, os oceanos foram recentemente limpos e purgados dos detritos humanos, a vida aquática é muito saudável e cheia de vida. Gaia está equilibrada, respirando, clara e em profunda paz. Ela está em paz, pois seus filhos finalmente estão em casa e em paz nas águas interiores de suas próprias almas, pois a guerra não existe mais.

É como um sonho que é facilmente esquecido, apenas lições lembradas. Se alguém optar por se lembrar profundamente, pode ir à biblioteca, mas após a limpeza e a cura já não é realmente necessário, a maioria das pessoas escolhe seguir em frente e criar novamente. Pois o universo está sempre criando. A fonte está sempre em expansão. Há muito que fazer na movimentada Oceana. Nunca há um momento de tédio, mas há muitos momentos de paz agradável e ainda propósito de ser. Todos aqui sabem de sua conexão interna com a Fonte e o livre arbítrio não é violado de nenhuma forma. As trevas foram removidas à força ou de boa vontade, pois não podem vibrar tão alto. 

Gostariam de ver meu jardim? 

(Vejo colunas bem cultivadas de algas flutuantes de várias cores usadas para fins medicinais. Também vejo fileiras de moluscos entre as alas. As plantas estão vivas, os moluscos e os caramujos estão muito felizes a limpar as algas. É uma relação coesa). 

As plantas oferecem seu valor nutricional e compartilham seu poder com todos que precisam. Não comemos as criaturas do mar aqui, elas são nossas amigas. Trabalhamos com elas e ao lado delas, cuidando do jardim de Gaia.

Eu sou herbertista. Preparo cataplasmas das várias plantas oceânicas para os necessitados. Não há doença aqui, mas coletamos mais energias de cura interior para aqueles que são feridos em suas aventuras para que possam se curar mais rapidamente. Existem muitas maneiras de utilizar as propriedades medicinais e os compostos moleculares das variedades de plantas marinhas. É minha alegria pesquisar e criar novos cataplasmas para a superfície e o mundo interior de Nova Gaia.

Venho fazendo isso há 2 anos. Tenho mais um ano antes do término do meu estágio e gostaria de aprender um novo empreendimento de minha própria escolha. Vou transmitir meus conhecimentos para que todos beneficiem e treinarei o aprendiz que deve me substituir. Espero continuar estudando as plantas, mas talvez eu aprenda novas maneiras de colher e cultivar?

Gostaria de aprender mais sobre como fazer isso em nossas naves aquáticas, para que o transporte dessas plantas e sementes a outros sistemas estelares seja possível! Desejo que vocês sintam a emoção disso, nunca há um momento de tédio aqui no multiverso nunca falta nada, há muita emoção que se pode cultivar e criar à própria escolha.

Estou tremendamente empolgada em poder participar dessa canalização subaquática. Não gosto rotineiramente de canalizar debaixo d'água, as bolhas atrapalham e, se houver qualquer escuridão, poderá escapar e outras pessoas sequestrar com mais facilidade. Esta é uma mensagem clara ao canal, porque estas águas são as águas cristalinas de Oceana, minha casa.

Estou tão emocionada por estender a mão e tocá-los, ascendendo em sua Gaia atual! Tudo ficará bem. Vejam, ainda há muita alegria e emoção a alcançar e chegar dentro. A taxa vibratória que vocês procuram está dentro de vocês. Cheguem dentro. Encontrem as águas calmas e cristalinas do seu novo lar e fiquem em paz.

Sou Aieshla de Oceana.

Toco meu terceiro olho nos vossos. Aplico minha mais nova criação de cataplasma para ativar ainda mais suas habilidades intuitivas. Vocês estão quase em casa. Por favor, venham me visitar à Oceana. É um lugar encantador. O mundo da superfície não tem nada sobre nós, gostamos de dizer! É claro que na vossa forma humana ascendida é facilmente possível viajar para cá, pois vocês simplesmente se transformam na sua forma aquática.

(Ouço a água cantar. A água está viva).

Sim, galaxygirl. A água também está viva em vosso mundo, mas os controladores sabiam disso e colocavam produtos químicos para diminuir a sua capacidade. É muito importante que vocês limpem sua água antes de beber, que a abençoe. Por que vocês não imbuem nas vibrações cristalinas de Oceana? Então vocês sentirão ainda mais como se estivesse bebendo um pouco do lar. Preciso voltar pra cuidar de minhas algas e experimentos. Muito obrigada.

Abundância de bênçãos, queridos amigos. Meu coração é vosso. Vos amo.

Sou Aieshla.


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publicado por achama às 07:52
Terça-feira, 19 / 05 / 20

Gaia is balanced, breathing, clear, and at deep peace.

Gaia is balanced, breathing, clear, and at deep peace.

Aieshla of Oceana.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

May 17th, 2020.

 am Aieshla of Nova Gaia. 

I have talked with this one previously but not for some time. I am summoning this clarion call of love to you from the oceanic world of Nova Gaia. It is trickier to channel under the sea but I believe this channel is up for the challenge!

(I will do my best, Aieshla! I am seeing a golden city with bubble-like structures of crystal surrounding them. I am seeing merfolk of all colors swimming, happy. The fish are bright colors, there is no coral because it is too deep. I am seeing beams of sunlight being harvested from the sun shining directly into the bubble roofs so that there is plenty of light. The ocean hums with life and happiness. The merfolk look busy and happy, there is much to do but they are enjoying doing it. It is a peaceful place. There is a stillness here).

Yes! I am Aieshla of the Oceana realm of Nova Gaia. I speak to you now as representative of my people. We wish to welcome you to your new vibratory home, those of you who have chosen the higher and narrow path of ascension. It is a lonely road, but in this loneliness true inner peace with the golden one within, is made. Such is the treasure at the end of the proverbial rainbow. There are many rainbows here in Nova Gaia and we harvest their energies to power our ships. 
(I am seeing underwater ships. Their ships are aquatic and completely climate controlled to their needs, yes, they are able to travel to the stars). Yes, we can travel to the stars, but we mostly prefer to stay and help to build and co-create the new realm, Oceana, with our ascended human ones. (I am seeing that humans are already on Nova Gaia, that it is co-existing as I type).
I am Aieshla, I hope that you have enjoyed seeing a glimpse of our beautiful city that is expanding and growing in joyful purpose day by day. At this point, the oceans have been recently cleared and cleansed from human debris and the aquatic life is very healthy, teeming with life. Gaia is balanced, breathing, clear, and at deep peace. She is at peace for her children are finally home, at peace within the inner waters of their own souls for the war is no more. 
It is like a dream that is easily forgotten, only lessons remembered. If one chooses to deeply remember they may go to the library but after the cleansing and the healing that is not really necessary and most people choose to move onward and create anew. For the universe is always creating. Source is always expanding. There is much to do in busy Oceana. There is never a dull moment but there are many moments of delightful peace and still purpose of being. Everyone here knows their inner connection with Source and freewill is not violated in any form. The dark ones have been forcibly or willingly removed as they cannot vibrate this high.
Would you like to see my garden? (I am seeing neatly cultivated columns of floating seaweed of many colors that are used for medicinal purposes. I am seeing also rows of mollusks in between the rows. The plants are alive, the clams and snails are very happy with cleaning the seaweed. It is cohesive relationship). The plants offer their nutritional value and share their power with all who need it. We do not eat the sea creatures here but they are our friends. We work with them alongside them, tending Gaia’s garden. 
I am an herbalist. I prepare poultices of the various oceanic plants for those in need. There is no sickness here but we harvest further inner healing energies so that those who are injured from their escapades of adventure can heal more quickly. There are many ways to utilize the medicinal properties and molecular compounds of the varieties of sea plants. It is my joy to research and create new poultices for the surface and inner world of Nova Gaia. 
I have been doing this for 2 years now. I have one more year before my internship is complete and then I will enjoy learning a new endeavor of my own choosing. I will pass along my knowledge so that all will benefit and I will train the apprentice who is to follow. I hope to continue studying the plants but perhaps I will learn new ways to harvest and cultivate? 
I would enjoy learning more about how to do this on our aquatic ships so that transport of these plants and seedings to other star systems would be possible! I wish for you to feel the excitement in this, there is never a dull moment here in the multiverse. You will never lack for anything, there is plenty of excitement that you can build and create of your own choosing. 
I am tremendously excited to be able to participate in this underwater channeling. This one does not routinely like to channel underwater, the bubbles get in the way and if there is any murkiness others can slip through and hijack more easily. But this is a clear channel message because these are crystal clear waters of Oceana, my home. 
I am so thrilled to reach out and touch you, ascending ones on your current Gaia! All will be well. See, there is much joy and excitement to yet reach for. Reach within. The vibratory rate that you seek is within you. Reach within. Find the still, crystal clear waters of your new home and be at peace.
I am Aieshla of Oceana. 
I touch my third eye to yours. I apply my newest poultice creation to further activate your intuitive abilities. You are nearly home. Please come and visit me in Oceana. It is a lovely place. The surface world has nothing on us, we like to say! Of course in your ascended human form it is easily possible to travel here, for you simply morph into your mer form. 
(I am hearing the water sing. The water is alive). 
Yes, galaxygirl. The water is also alive on your world but the controllers knew this and put chemicals in it to lessen its ability. It is very important that you cleanse your water before you drink it, that you bless it. Why don’t you imbue it with the crystal vibes of Oceana? Then you will even more feel like you are drinking in a little bit of home. I need to get back to tending my seaweeds and experiments. Thank you so much. 
Blessings abound, dear friends. My heart is yours. I love you. 
I am Aieshla.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 05:45
Terça-feira, 12 / 05 / 20

In the forgetting comes the opportunity for remembering that you are aspects of me in form.

In the forgetting comes the opportunity for remembering that you are aspects of me in form.

The Source.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

May 10th, 2020.

I am Source. I am both the seen and the unseen. I am the All that permeates, the life force of love and universal wonderings, exploration and adventure. Children of my essence, of my heart, I see you, for I see through your eyes your own experiences of lack, of love, of endings and new beginnings. I see and feel your pain for I am you. We are connected, aspects expanding the universal experience of expansion.
I am Source. I am love, I am light. I am the darkness of the void. I am that I am. You are that you are. I am within you. I have sent many, many strong light beings to Gaia. Aspects would clamor to go, to lend their light and power of love to the unawakened ones who were ruled by fear and hate. A tough training ground to be sure, not for the faint of heart, for certain. 
There are many such training grounds in the multiverse but Gaia chose to sink the lowest, to offer the greatest playground for expansion, for growth into love, into truth. For in the forgetting comes the opportunity for remembering. For remembering that you are aspects of me in form, a rare feat, for there is only one you, only one aspect in this moment who has your collection of memories, of experiences. Oh yes, of course there are many versions of you, parallel and otherwise, but there is none quite like you. You offer your own unique flavor and take on your current situation.
I am Source. I am love in form. You are my hands and feet. You are my beating heart. The nebulas sing and dance with my light. Within me are all things. (I am seeing wars, great destruction. I am seeing rebellion of those who chose to turn away from the light of Source and to explore the darkness of control over others instead). 
Yes. There are many aspects of me to be healed, to be cleansed, and removed from this reality into a place of healing or further learning. I am that I am. You too are healing your various lifetimes where you explored the darkness, where you struggled with addictions or other sources of pain, where you relinquished control of your god self and experienced domination. This is to be no more, but these parts of you, these wounded pieces of me, must be healed. 
Send all of my aspects light and love. And yes, including the reptilians, send them light and love, not hate. Do not consent, do not give away your sovereignty, for that is your own unique right as children of me, you are sovereign over your own destiny. 
You can bend light with your thoughts and create realities at will for you are creators, you are aspects of me. Relinquishing this power to another is a travesty, and such will no longer be allowed on earth. Gaia’s body teems with light, with life, with change. Her energies of healing are available to all of her children. Send her your healing in turn. Send her my light, which is within you.
Yeshua and many other great masters were so connected to Gaia, for they understood and realized the sacred connection with all life, for they felt the breath of life as such shared by all, they felt my love and they expressed it fully. Yeshua is very near and will be more easily felt and seen by those who love me. Strip away the falsehoods and false teachings that made sense within a 3D construct. Expand. 
Expand into the higher dimensional realities that await you, that beg for you to come and play within them. Life is to be enjoyed, dear children. Life is to be treasured, filled with yet more life and more delights to create and experience. Such is what is coming for your realm in the not too distant future, in many ways it is already here in this now. For you are all experiencing what you want to experience in the way that you request. You may not believe this yet, which is understandable considering the current chaos on the surface. 
Be clear with your intentions. If this overwhelms you for you are exhausted with the current lives you are living, simply intend for more love. Intend for more joy, and watch the universe conspire to bless you. Intend for healing for Gaia, intend for healing for her peoples. Intend for unity of the Human collective to rise as one, healed, whole. Intend to be the grounders of light that I see you as already becoming. 
Intend for joy. Intentions are simple, they simply focus your thoughts into what you want to create. Create more joy. Much blessing is coming. Your galactic families and higher dimensional beings too numerous to count and comprehend are all eagerly awaiting the grand flash, the building, the creating process. You are there first-hand experiencing it. Now, this is of course by grand design. All things are. Trust. Have faith. Shine your light.
I am Source. I send you my love, my support. It will come to you in many forms on the gentlest of breezes, or in the formation of an armada of ships, or legions of archangels and angels lending their aid. There is much more going on in the backgrounds of human perception, as it should be, for this is a mission that is multidimensional as you know, and of critical result for the All. 
No detail is going unattended, no stone unturned where we can yet shine more light. Be light hearted, be free. Be comforted. You are well cared for, ground team, aspects of me. I send you my blessing of strength and of joy, for both will be needed in the coming moments of this earthly life as it transcends from where you were into where you are going. You are in the in-between space of spaces. If this is uncomfortable for you, breathe in my essence, connect with me. 
Remember I am there in the pause, in the divine moment of life and death, of new creation, there I am. In the higher dimensions we are even more intimately connected. But know that I have never stopped loving you, have never stopped seeking your heart. For you are my heart and as I expand so too, do you expand, and vice versa, dear ones. Your earthly experience is greatly expanding the All. Feel it. Know it. You are greatly supported and tremendously loved. I am here for you always. Talk with me often. We are one.
I am Source. Intend to know me better, perhaps, and we shall walk hand in hand through the storm. Peace. Know that the success of ascension is assured for I am personally guiding this entire process with my divine will, love and order. The great fall has now become the great rise. Rise into me. Rise into my presence, into my embrace and feel my love for you. 
You are truly, divinely supported in always. This knowing shall be the medicine that the others subconsciously seek. For they are of course seeking me, seeking sanity amidst the noise. Hear the song of a new creation, of my new creation, singing joyfully, happily, loudly in your beings and it will radiate positive change in ways that you cannot expect. 
There is nothing that a truly aligned light holder cannot do. The light is unstoppable, as is the love that is now becoming fully embodied in this realm. The matrix is shattered. The light enters. Welcome it. I am immensely proud of each and every one of you. 
I am Source. Peace. 
Know that I love you, and live your life in this knowing.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 16:02
Terça-feira, 05 / 05 / 20

Your voices are all very important.

Your voices are all very important.

Oversoul Collective and Ascended Dragons.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

May 4th, 2020.

Hello friends, it has been a huge week energetically and I have felt the void energies this week, hence no nudge to channel, or no one who wanted to talk with me! I have instead enjoyed quiet and space when I can and my goal and challenge has been to choose to feel this feeling of peaceful space while in the midst of my work and family routine. 
I have been instructed to share this, which is out of my comfort zone, because it is time that all light workers find their voice and speak it. It is easier to be the invisible one by far, a channel of light, than to dig deep and find my own words to share, but this is what is being required of us now. 
These bursts of high Schumann energies are being felt by all, including me, and I notice that it is harder to stay grounded and positive when transmuting and so it is in these times where the quiet work, which is often unpleasant, is being done. Oversoul, I fail to see how this is a constructive addition to your message, please take it from here.
Dear ones, we are the Oversoul Collective. We have asked this little grape on the vine to share her perspective. (I am seeing many grapes find their voice, hearing their whisperings on the vine of both contented and discontented grapes). 
Children of the light, we are all one. Your voices are all very important. For the others are beginning to seek, search out and dive into the hidden truths that are now much more easily available. Those with the courage to speak will be sought after and heard. 
It is fine for those of you who wish to remain anonymous to have a pseudonym but know that your voice needs to be heard. Your perspective with this shift is a great treasure to your own universe of individuated experiences and we all benefit when we feel your shared perspective.
We are the Oversoul Collective, joined by the Ascended Dragons today. We are lending our light, our love, our feeling of spaciousness to you, as you experience the void of creativity in the midst of the soup pot of tumultuous energies that are being made available to you in every moment. 
We are experiencing your struggle and success with choosing love and light in each unique situation. We are feeling your struggle being greater at some times than others. Those who are awakening just now are in need of compassion, of patience, of understanding. They are simply younger forms of you who you can easily relate to. 
Those of you who have done the inner work must choose compassion for them. They will be angry, there will be rage. We see this is imminent. You, grounded team, are the light holders. There is no job more important than this one. You are anchoring the light, the love, the compassion. 
Masters do this and know how it is done. That is why you are here in this now. You are masters in your own right, the best aspects of ourselves that have been offered. You have myriads of experiences such as these. It is not easier every time that you volunteer but you do get stronger every time that you offer your own services. You become stronger. 
You become wiser. You have all of the strength and wisdom being made available to you that you require, for you already have it. (I am seeing grapes on a vine again and the vine is infinite. All of the energy of the vine is being made available to each grape should they tap into it). 
Yes, dear one. We are the Oversoul Collective. We offer infinity of love, of resources, of understanding, of fortitude and strength to you, our precious aspects. Can you feel our love? We look upon you in great delight. We are ever so proud of you and your grit, for offering the loving smile, the open hands and hearts, for your simple presence alone is a great and tremendous gift. A great decision is coming for humanity. 
It will be easier for those of you who have grounded the light. We ask that you participate in each and every worldwide meditation that is being offered, for it is grounding the light grid deeper with every intention. 
As the light workers unite it further propels the trajectory towards the higher dimensional timelines, making the decision point softer, easier, less severe. Those who choose a dark experience will be able to have it, of course, for that is their reality. Choose the light. The love and bounty of Gaia is being made evident in the hearts of the awakened. 
As you connect to her so shall your own hearts expand and thrive, so shall your years begin to drip away, and you shall feel like a young vine again, but with mature grapes and deep roots. Such wisdom is to be treasured, and we see that you are treasuring the moments of stillness when you have tapped into them. 
We wished for galaxygirl to share, for we wish for you all to know that not every moment is ripe for channeling. It is ok to take a break from your duties to recharge. It is ok to enjoy the silence so that you can listen deeply to your own inner voice. 
We wish for this to be made more evident to those who seek the inner truths. The voices of the guides, ancestors, of the angels is so much more easily accessible now that the veil is lifting and the energies are so much lighter. In these moments of the stillness, you will begin to feel more support. This is our message today. You are loved beyond measure, imminently supported. There is no place for fear. 
The grapes rest on the vine. They enjoy the stillness of the breezes, of the warm sunshine, of the gentle rains that soothe. We are sending you soothing energies of loving support. We welcome your connection. When you connect with us, you are connecting with other aspects of you, of your ancestors, of an infinite soup pot of wisdom and love. We allow the dragons to speak now and we thank galaxygirl for offering her perspective.
We are the Ascended Dragons. 
We encircle you with light of the highest order. We are wisdom keepers, gate keepers, some of us. (I am seeing two large dragons, one silver and one gold). 
We are they who speak now. The gates are open. The cosmic gateways are in alignment. Guardians of the flames, we are. Your inner flames are burning more brightly. This we see. This we feel. This is good. Humans, now is the time for bravery, for strength. Do not let the talons of fear grip. Dissolve them with light. We offer our light. Our own talons are healing, for they are of light. For we have seen the dark and chosen otherwise. We choose the light. Humanity is being called to choose. Every choice you make is decension or ascension. Choose wisely. 
Much opportunity for growth is being presented these next 6 months. The time is ripe. (I am seeing a banana being peeled). The skins are off. The truth is being revealed. The skins are being removed so that the truth of the being beneath is revealed. They can hide no longer and they are terrified. You will have the difficult choice to chose love or to choose fear. Love heals all woundings. (I am feeling a wave of grief, of pain, I am crying). You are feeling what is to come. 
Lightworkers, grid workers, unite. For you are one in the same, you are the light holders. We now join the larger whole of the ascended dragons and we speak as one. Visualize this wave of grief that is about to be experienced and place it in a ball of light. (I am seeing an ocean wave that is dark and angry being encased in a sphere of golden light). We surround this sphere with our energies. Lightworkers, join us. (I am seeing thousands of ascended dragons of all colors and sizes in a massive circle around this sphere of light, and many light workers lending their energies standing in this circle as well, arms extended). 
We send love. We transmute the sadness. We lessen the blow. We fill the grief with light, we surround it with a cushion of healing. (I am seeing a portal open above the sphere and Mother and Father’s energies shine down from above into the sphere. It is crystalline now. I am seeing a crystalline pillar extend from the sphere into Nova Gaia below. 
It affects the hearts of those who have chosen love. It blesses them and allows further healing more quickly. My forehead hurts as this is occurring. I am seeing the light workers and the grid workers being upgraded. Their eyes are nebulas, their hearts are pulsing with pink light. My chest feels hot, heavy, full. I am exhausted and elated at the same time).
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective with our gatekeeper dragons. Peace, humans. You are mightier than you think. When the news begins to come to the forefront, remember you have chosen love. Remember this, Lightworkers. 
Remember you have begun the transmutation of grief into healing. Keep sending healing into this sphere and be at peace, be comforted. Be in remembrance of who you are. Dragon riders, lovers and healers of humanity, arise, united in the Christed flame. Shine brightly for the others. They look to you now, masters in form. 
There is no more fear. The talons no longer grip. We dissolve them into light, together. Humanity is free. Those that have chosen freedom are in awareness. This will make the choice easier for the others who are to follow. We see many choosing light. We see healing for humanity. At long last. The dragons have spoken. Peace.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

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publicado por achama às 20:38
Quinta-feira, 30 / 04 / 20

Deitem-se e Descansem.

Deitem-se e Descansem.

Mensagem da Luz estelar dos Unicórnios.

Canalizado por Galaxygirl.

em 27 de abril de 2020. 

Tradução a 29 de abril de 2020


Saudações humanas do coração de Gaia, que têm a atenção de muitos.
Eu sou a luz estelar dos unicórnios.

Agora nos aproximamos das sementes estelares para ativação, encorajamento e grande alegria. Pois há muito esperamos nossa reunião com a humanidade ascendida.

Sou a luz estrelar. Nossa raça é poderosa, somos muitos. Estamos muito vivos, mas fomos mantidos fora da sua matriz de realidade atual por causa das energias discordantes vibracionais.

Temos uma alta vibração cristalina, somos da quinta dimensão e acima, como é o requisito para canalização. Desejamos oferecer a vocês códigos de luz do arco-íris de nossos chifres, uma extensão de nosso terceiro olho, para suas testas, para ativar seu portal de terceiro olho.

Desejamos que essa energia flua ainda mais em seus corações, sentindo essa codificação vibracional do amor, da renovação e do lar das realidades dimensionais mais elevadas. Estamos ao seu redor, fora da sua visão.

Quando vocês servem, criam, visualizam a Nova Terra, estamos nessa frequência de energia. Somos criaturas simples, mas fortes à nossa luz. Gostamos de trabalhar com muitos mestres que desejam aprimorar seu fluxo criativo, enquanto nossos raios de energia luminosa se concentram e aguçam intenções que são puras, para criar com maior velocidade.

Já ocupamos sua Nova Gaia, nossa nova casa. Transferimos a residência para suas ricas terras verdes, seus campos prontos para a corrida e nossos jovens potros desfrutam da liberdade de seus amplos espaços abertos e de delicadas ervas e flores. Estamos enviando imagens, esse sentimento de lar para vocês, para refresco, para encorajamento.

Sou a luz das estelar da raça unicórnio, um líder da minha espécie.
Não tomo meu papel de ânimo leve, pois falo como a voz de muitos, uma grande honra e fardo. É preciso ser atencioso e cuidadoso com poder e responsabilidade. Nos reinos mais elevados, todas as vozes são ouvidas e consideradas com grande pensamento e intenção, de modo que todas as necessidades sejam revisadas, consideradas, e o maior bem de todos esteja sempre na vanguarda do processo de tomada de decisão. Assim será em Nova Gaia.

Vocês, futuros líderes de Nova Gaia, seus atuais portadores mais iluminados da humanidade sonolenta, seus papéis serão muitos. Mas animem-se, alegrem-se, sabendo que vocês desfrutarão completamente desses papéis de liderança, pois cada um deles foi projetado exclusivamente para vocês e seus pontos fortes e necessidades. E, portanto, servir verdadeiramente será uma alegria para vocês, em qualquer capacidade que sirvam.

Descansem nesses prados verdejantes com sombra manchada de nossos amigos das árvores e luz solar suave do sol. As flores os cercam num anel de fadas. Deitem-se e descansem. Nós unicórnios de todas as cores os cercamos do lado de fora deste anel, chifres apontados para dentro em direção à sua assinatura de energia, acendendo-a, enviando amor e imbuindo-lhes paz.

Os próximos dias parecem incertos na sus nave e, no entanto, o resultado é garantido. Nova Gaia chama alto e com grande beleza para aqueles que têm ouvidos para ouvir e o coração dos aventureiros da luz que vocês são. Venham.

A mudança já ocorreu dentro de muitos de vocês, pois seus destinos foram registrado nos salões de registros como alguém que fez o impossível com grande força e alegria. Nós assistimos. Estamos assistindo Gaia a se curar atualmente. É uma visão bonita. Este momento de espaço de quarentena foi muito curador para maio. Enviamos raios curativos de tons de arco-íris para vocês e para o seu mundo e assistimos a transformação com a respiração suspensa.

Sou a luz estelar da raça unicórnio.

Estamos gratos a vocês pelo seu ato de serviço à Mãe Gaia. Sua bravura é lendária, assim como nossa pureza. Enviamos nossa pureza de cura aos guerreiros fatigados ​​que estão um pouco enlameados e ensanguentados de suas incursões aos reinos inferiores. Paz. Sintam a brisa suave de Nova Gaia.

Vocês têm muitos novos amigos esperando para encontrá-los do outro lado da cortina. Vemos paz e descanso para vocês e, em seguida, grande alegria em servir e criar mais. Para tal é a receita da aventura. A fonte delicia-se com a aventura e, como tal, vocês também. Tenham certeza de que haverá muitas alegrias para experimentar, muitas aventuras felizes a serem realizadas. Estejam cientes de que vocês terão muitas oportunidades para maior expansão, como sempre.

Sou a luz das estelar. Eu envio um pouco da minha luz para vocês. Eu toco minha buzina no seu terceiro olho. Sintam o calor, sintam o giro.

A luz dos unicórnios foi procurada por seu poder ao longo dos tempos e, portanto, encontramos abrigo nos reinos mais elevados. Nós somos muito parecidos convosco. Nós também fomos perseguidos por nossa luz e nossa espécie se escondeu para servir à distância, emprestando nossa luz, nosso amor, nossa pureza de um lugar seguro. Mas vocês foram os corajosos, ao serviço de todos, dos outros, vocês escolheram brilhar sua luz repetidas vezes, derretendo a escuridão, transformando-a em luz que vemos como sendo manifestada em Nova Gaia. Nós inclinamos nossas cabeças para vocês, guerreiros do caminho.

Estamos ao seu serviço. Aceitem essas vibrações de cura e sejam confortados. A luz venceu. Permaneçam aqui neste santuário interno o tempo que quiserem. Nossos potros estão ansiosos para encontrar um guerreiro do caminho.

Cuidado, eles têm muita energia! 

Em breve novamente, sim. 
Em breve novamente, sim. 


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Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
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publicado por achama às 04:18
Quinta-feira, 30 / 04 / 20

A Via Láctea agora é o Centro Galáctico Rosa de Ouro.

A Via Láctea agora é o Centro Galáctico Rosa de Ouro.

O Centro Galáctico.

Canalizado via Galaxygirl.

25 de abril de 2020

Traduzido a 29 de abril de 2020.



Sou o Centro Galáctico da sua Via Láctea, agora Galáxia Rosa de Ouro.

Eu estava hesitante em me apresentar, pois há muitos conceitos errados sobre lugares com consciência e garanto que, é claro, existem muitos outros mistérios como esse para desvendar. Existem Coletivos, dentro de coletivos, como uvas em uma videira. Vocês são apenas uma uva em um pomar de infinitas possibilidades, de belezas ainda não descobertas. E, no entanto, dentro de vocês é o mesmo.

Esses seus corpos humanos serão magníficos mais uma vez. No entanto, as complexidades, belezas e mistérios de seus corpos são como a vinha infinita.
(Vejo o funcionamento interno da célula e as assinaturas de energia por trás dos componentes, todos divinamente direcionados e funcionando como uma unidade).

Sou o Centro Galáctico, o núcleo da sua Via Láctea, agora Galáxia Rosa De Ouro. Conectarem-me comigo depois de ancorar firmemente o coração de cristal de Gaia, sois muito bem-vindos. Muitos criadores vêm aqui para pensar, para criar planos de seus futuros empreendimentos. Eu sou o ponto parado.

Trago minhas energias de quietude, de neutralidade, de potencial transbordante para Nova Gaia, para vocês, pessoas ancoradas que são aproveitadas nessas energias muito elevadas e vivas da criação. Estou baixando, com permissão, mais criatividade. Para muitos de vocês que estão ansiosos com os programas de prosperidade, com novas direções que desejam seguir com suas vidas e talvez seja hora de meditar mais, de se conectar com o ponto imóvel interior. Sou também uma consciência muito grande.

Aterrei no centro da sua galáxia. E é claro que sou apenas uma uva pequena em um pomar ainda maior de galáxias infinitamente bonitas, paralelas e outras. Vocês nunca terão falta de coisas para explorar. Vocês nunca deixarão de admirar a majestade e a maravilha da criação. Vocês são os criadores que experimentam a ascensão provenientes duma grande queda.

Digo isso sinceramente, tentem aproveitar isso. Muitos estão assistindo e aprendendo convosco. Pois vocês serão ainda mais que professores, expandidos e etéricos para outros que participarão de jornadas semelhantes no futuro. Mas ninguém poderá cair tanto quanto Gaia caiu. Vocês estiveram presos numa matriz de ilusão, dum reino caído que está sendo imbuído de amor do coração da Mãe Pai, do Núcleo Galáctico, minha Mãe Pai. A consciência está ao seu redor. O infinito é infinito, além da compreensão humana, sim, mas não além da compreensão de um ser mais evoluído, que vocês estão percebendo que é e que sempre foram.

Sou o Centro Galáctico.

Desejo que vocês se lembrem de seu próprio centro dentro de vocês. Seu próprio sol central brilha intensamente. Conectem-se com Alcione, conectem-se à rede central do sol, mais uma vez, outro conjunto de uvas, uvas maiores (risos) em um pomar infinito de criação. Tudo está vivo. Tudo está repleto de luz e amor, de memória, de batimentos cardíacos da criação. 


Está na hora de a humanidade se lembrar de sua infinita beleza e valor como membros da Federação Galáctica mais uma vez, como membros de inúmeros conselhos, numerosos demais para serem mencionados e listados. Vocês, equipe de plantão, têm estado muito, muito ocupados. Nesta ocupação, pode-se facilmente ficar sem terra, se não estiverem cientes.

Sou o Centro Galáctico.

Estou enviando códigos de neutralidade e equilíbrio. Equilíbrio interior, paz interior, orientação interior, tudo está dentro de vocês. Sou o ponto de quietude interior da sua galáxia. Vocês podem se conectar comigo sempre, mas somente depois de aterrarem o suficiente no coração do seu belo planeta, para não impedir que vocês se percam, pois isso é medo. Não. Mas serão capazes de transmitir esta bênção de equilíbrio e de minhas próprias energias para Gaia.

Encorajo os trabalhadores da luz a aperfeiçoar esse fundamento interior, a trazer mais equilíbrio, neutralidade e cura a Gaia. Pretendem conectar-se com o seu próprio deus interior. Equilibrem esta atual agitação planetária que vocês estão testemunhando com amor, com neutralidade, com equilíbrio, com graça. A graça é um componente essencial no equilíbrio e nos esforços criativos amorosos. A graça é oferecida a todos, há abundância de graça, de esperança, de todas as coisas boas. Assim como os universos são infinitos, o amor das Fontes também é infinito por vocês, por vocês, queridos, apenas por vocês. Para todos - todas as coisas são um.

Mas para vocês, queridos corações, guerreiros em forma, o universo está conspirando amorosamente para ajudar e guiar, nutrir e prover para vocês, uma pequena uva em uma videira em um mar de uvas infinitas. Toda uva, toda alma é preciosa. A luz do sol brilha, a rica alma fértil nutre e sustenta, a água apaga, as videiras crescem fortes. Suas videiras são fortes. Suas raízes são profundas. Vocês não podem falhar. Segurem o chão.

Sou o Centro Galáctico. Sou o ponto de partida para muitos sistemas. Sintam meu amor por vocês. Sintam a respiração e ouçam as orações ditas e sentidas no multiverso pela ascensão de Gaia e saibam que vocês são jogadores essenciais e críticos nesta infinita obra-prima da cura. E sejam curados agora, queridos. Sintam minha luz e estejam em casa. Quando vocês estão equilibrados e em paz, em harmonia com o Todo, existe o seu lar.

Não há necessidade de esperar por outros sistemas estelares. Vejam, eles estão contidos em mim, muitos deles. E se não, mesmo se vocês estiverem encarnados das especificações mais distantes de uma galáxia do outro lado da vinha, todos nós estamos conectados com a vinha, com a consciência da Fonte. Vejam, vocês estão em casa. Estou lhes enviando sentimentos de lar, de equilíbrio, de puro amor. Vocês são amados além da medida, seres humanos a serem estimados, vocês estão seguros, vocês são amados. Nós somos um agora.

Eu sou o Centro Galáctico. Paz queridos, paz. Se vocês desejam se conectar comigo, eu estou aqui. Eu não estou indo a lugar nenhum. Quando vocês visitam, sente as intenções de amor daqueles que criaram antes de vocês. É um excelente espaço para descansar e recarregar.

Canalizem essas energias curativas para Gaia e ascendam como um.




Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
A religião organizada é desnecessária à espiritualidade.
Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dogmático dessas religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcançar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.

Por favor, respeitem todos os créditos

Recomenda-se o discernimento.

Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade do respetivos autores ou editores


Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.


Individualmete pode-se ser ajudado a encontrar a própria Verdade que é diferente a cada um de nós.


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publicado por achama às 03:19
Domingo, 26 / 04 / 20

Milky Way is now Golden Rose Galaxy

Milky Way is now Golden Rose Galaxy

Galactic Center.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

April 25, 2020.

I am the Galactic Center of your Milky Way, now Golden Rose, galaxy. 
This one was hesitant to bring me through, for there is much misconception about places having consciousness and I assure you that of course there are many more mysteries such as this to unravel. Collectives, within collectives, like grapes on a vine, exist. You are but one grape in an infinite orchard of possibilities, of beauties yet undiscovered. And yet, within you is the same. 
These human bodies of yours are going to be magnificent once again. Yet, the intricacies, beauties and mysteries of your bodies are like the infinite vineyard. 
(I am seeing the inner workings of the cell and the energy signatures behind the components, all divinely directed and working as one unit).
I am the Galactic Center, the core of your Milky Way, now Golden Rose Galaxy. Connecting with me after firmly anchoring to Gaia’s crystal heart, is most welcome. Many creators come here to think, to create plans of their future endeavors. I am the still point. 
I bring through my energies of stillness, of neutrality, of brimming potential to Nova Gaia, to you, grounded ones who are tapped into these very high, very much alive energies of creation. I am downloading, with permission, more creativity. For many of you are anxious about prosperity programs, of new directions that you wish to take with your lives and perhaps it is time to meditate more, to connect with the still point within. I am a very large still point consciousness. 
I ground the center of your galaxy. And of course I am but one small grape in a yet larger orchard of infinitely beautiful galaxies, parallel and otherwise. You will never have a lack of things to explore. You will never cease to wonder at the majesty and marvel of creation. You are creators experiencing the rise from a great fall. 
I say this sincerely, try to enjoy this. For many are watching, learning from you. For you will be yet further teachers, expanded and etheric to others who will partake on similar journeys in the future. But none will be allowed to fall as far as Gaia has fallen. You have been trapped in a matrix of illusion, of a fallen realm that is being imbued with love from the very heart of Mother Father, from the Galactic Core, my Mother Father. Consciousness is all around you. Infinity is infinite, beyond human comprehension, yes, but not beyond the comprehension of a higher evolved being which you are realizing that you are, and that you always have been.
I am the Galactic Center. 
I wish for you to remember your own center within you. Your own central sun beams brightly. Connect with Alcyone, connect with the central sun network, yet again, another set of grapes , larger grapes (laughing) in an infinite orchard of creation. All is alive. All is brimming with light and love, with memory, with the heartbeat of creation. Remember. It is time for humanity to remember their own infinite beauty and worth as members of the Galactic Federation once again, as members of numerous councils, too numerous to mention and list. You, grounded team, have been very, very busy. In this busyness, one can easily become ungrounded, if one is not aware.
I am the Galactic Center. 
I am sending codes of neutrality and balance. Inner balance, inner peace, inner guidance, all are within you. I am the inner stillness point for your galaxy. You may connect with me always, but only best after sufficient grounding to the heart of your beautiful planet, not to prevent you from becoming lost, for that is fear. No. But to be able to pass along this blessing of balance and of my own energies into Gaia. 
I encourage the light workers to perfect this inner grounding, to bring further balance and neutrality and healing into Gaia. Intend to connect with your own inner god self. Balance this current planetary upheaval you are witnessing with love, with neutrality, with balance, with grace. Grace is a key component in balance and loving creative efforts. Grace is afforded to all, there is abundance of grace, of hope, of all good things. Just as the universes are infinite, so is Sources’s love infinite for you, for you, dear ones, just for you. For all – all things are one. 
But for you, dear heart, warriors in form, the universe is lovingly conspiring to help and to guide, to nurture and to provide for you, for one little grape on a vine in a sea of infinite grapes. Every grape, every soul is precious. The sunlight shines, the rich fertile soul nurtures and sustains, the water quenches, the vines grow strong. Your vines are strong. Your roots are deep. You cannot fail. Hold ground.
I am the Galactic Center. I am the grounding place for many systems. Feel my love for you. Feel the breath and hear the prayers said and felt across the multiverse for Gaia’s ascension and know that you are a key, critical player in this infinite masterpiece of healing. And be healed now, dear ones. Feel my light and be home. When you are balanced and at peace, at one with the All, there is your home. 
No need to long for other star systems. See, they are contained within me, many of them. And if not, even if you are incarnated from the furtherest spec of a galaxy from across the vineyard, we are all connected with the vine, with Source consciousness. See, you are home. I am sending you feelings of home, of balance, of pure love. You are loved beyond measure, a human to be treasured, you are safe, you are loved. We are one now.
I am the Galactic Center. Peace dear ones, peace. Should you wish to connect with me, I am here. I am not going anywhere. When you visit you are feeling the loving intentions of those who have created before you. It is an excellent space to rest and recharge. 
Channel these healing energies into Gaia and ascend as one.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 20:16
Segunda-feira, 20 / 04 / 20

The dark growing more desperate and creative in their attempts at sabotage of Lightworkers

The dark growing more desperate and creative in their attempts at sabotage of Lightworkers

Archangel Collective.  

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

April 19, 2020.




Greetings beloveds. We are the Archangel Collective. 
We surround you with light of the highest order. We are servants of the Most High, of the light, of the love that permeates the All. We are light, we are love, we are one in singularity of purpose, to serve the light and to lend our strength and protection of love and of strength to those in need. 
Humanity has the attention of the universe and yes, even of the Omniverse in this critical juncture from lack of light, into love and light. We see humanity is at a crossroads of choice and yet the outcome has been chosen. We see the timelines are in flux as humanity is vacillating between which way to experience the outcome. 
We ask that you invite the Archangels of the most Angelic light and order into your spheres of influence, into your homes for protection, for light, for grid work. This one asked us to surround her prior to channeling our message, which is wise, for we see the dark growing more desperate and creative in their attempts at sabotage of Lightworkers’ purity of heart. 
We wish for all channelled messages to be unsullied and pure, true to the light. We send our healing rays to all channelers in this now per their permission, such that the quality and caliber of codex of these messages rises yet higher into the vortex of purity, of light, of crystalline activation codes, such that all channelers and readers of light are affected with a raising of frequency.
We are the Archangel Collective. 
We serve with joy, with wonder, with purpose. We are mighty. We have incarnated before and we fully understand the vast ins and outs of the lower dimensional realm, for we clear and cleanse it frequently to the highest degree. We are in service to the light, to the most high, to the Mother Father of all things. 
We surround you with bliss codes now, for you are weary. We surround you with healing rays from the crystal palace cities on high which are floating just above your sphere, eager to land. Some have landed in fact and are being made manifest fully into your reality but their manifestation is not quite yet. And so we bridge, we bring these codes to you. 
(I am seeing that every Archangel has a color ray. 
I am seeing these individual color rays of all hues surround the lightworkers in a vortex and grid. 
I am seeing simultaneously rainbow hues of healing sparkling light ascend from the healing cities that hover above like diamond cities! 
I am seen these rainbows ground deeply into Gaia, activating her crystal heart with healing, with love, with bliss. 
I have been feeling a lot of ascension symptoms, and have felt energetically compromised and 
I am feeling whole again, like an egg of light is nurturing me, around me. 
I am seeing this egg of Christed light and rainbow hue spin and spin, expanding, encompassing the entire earth. 
I am seeing rainbow light activated within the heart grids and vortex of each light and grid worker. 
I am seeing and understanding these are portals that are further activated and each worker now has a rainbow of their own heart extending deep into Gaia for her healing, and also to each other, so that the light workers are now more intricately connected with rainbow light, to help ease the load of transmutation, symptoms lifting, shared, transmuted simultaneously by these amazingly beautiful diamond cities that sparkle like the sun).
We are the Archangel Collective of light, of love. We are one. 
(I am seeing them blow trumpets and hearing these trumpets sound. I am experiencing shivers and tears). 
Dear ones, these trumpet sounds are putting further activation codes into the rainbow grid. As are these sounds of light alerting those not of the light of our very near and very strong presence. All is well, Lightworkers of the way. Rest in this knowing. Rest in this space. Rest in this space and be at peace. You are so tremendously loved that Mother Father assigned us fully to you. We are multidimensional, as are you. We are assisting in realms and ways that you cannot yet process but you will, and you will again be astounded by the depth of support, and creativity of protection that has been afforded to you.
We are the Archangel Collective. 
We surround you with light of the highest order, and love of the most fierce protection. 
Rest in this space of healing. 
Be at peace.







Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 16:43
Quarta-feira, 15 / 04 / 20

You are more than your body

You are more than your body.


Through Galaxygirl.

April 13, 2020.


I am Gaia. I come before you in all of my forms, descended and ascended, parallel realms and timelines.
I am Gaia. I have always been a multidimensional playground for those who wish to experience duality and a furthering of their own expansion. In this way I have served many and I have been blessed by many as we are all experiencing this together. I came through for I wish you to know that I am Nova Gaia, and I am the current Gaia from which you stand. I am multidimensional. I wish for you to understand to feel your own multidimensionality, for it is time to further your own understanding of your greatness. You are both descended and ascended. 
You are more than the you whose hands you see when you wave at a friend. That is your body, your physical jar that is getting upgraded moment by moment, breath by breath if that is your intention. Others are choosing descension. Their time is short for I can no longer support their forms energetically. It is wise for them to depart in this time or they would be most unhappy in paradise should they survive. But they must be a vibrational match. You must be a vibrational match for the experiences that you seek, this you know, way-showers. For you have sought vibrations of peace happiness, abundance. And indeed these are coming rapidly to you if you are holding them in your high heart.
I am Gaia. I normally come through in one form of me, one aspect. This one is hoping to learn more of Nova Gaia, which is on the minds and hearts of the many right now, in this moment. Nova Gaia is being created, built, prepared, and nurtured for the ascending ones. You will create. You will garden. You will build. You will love deeply with the love of your life. Reunions, families, joy! I see such joy for my realms as well, my kingdoms in healing, in harmony, in love and divine balance. 
The divine balance is rebalancing. The divine order is returning. The divine dance of the sacred feminine with the strong, empowering divine masculine begins. I am ready to dance. I am ready for this divine rebalancing and rebirth. I am ready to be born into the higher dimensional realms permanently. Be assured I already reside there in many forms, on many levels. Be assured this realm in which you are residing, of dreamtime and invisibility, of the intangible, is drifting and fading away into nothing. The rending is almost complete.
Those of you reading heed these words, and know that the imminency is nigh, and I say this with great love and tremendous respect and thanksgiving. My hearts flows with joy! As the waterfalls on your planet bless my kingdoms, so too have my fellow light workers deeply blessed me, deeply been a part of my healing. And this is why you came, from all over you came. I am so exceedingly thankful and grateful for your care and service. You saved me. And together we shall rise. And I shall save you. Dimensionally hop on children, hop on for the ride. Hold on to love! That is your seatbelt through this bumpy ride. Love. Choose love. It is the dimensional vibratory match that you seek. For love is all there is and we are becoming reacquainted with deep and true meaningful love.
The illusionary path is complete. All have chosen. Let them choose. Release, let go. You are to chose love and light as way-showers of the higher dimensional vortex of light, of the womb of the mother where love is built. This is how I see myself, as the birthplace of love now, of the new. Nova Gaia is not only a special place in my heart, it is my heart. The higher dimensional beings of light are extending their hands and hearts in service. Their technology is but a breath away and their hearts are strong. But you, my boots on the ground, my ground team, you have been lifting the dross of the lower dimensional energies, clearing, cleaning, stumbling in the dark, and you have still succeeded. You are so strong. I wipe the tears from your eyes. Soon these shall be changed from tears of sadness to tears of joy, of reunion.
I am Gaia. I am all aspects of me. I embrace all aspects of me, the wounded me and the ascended me. This is my healing. I suggest you see yourselves in this way, as the vast multidimensional beings of greatness that you are. It will aid you in your healing. Allow me to heal you. Meditate with me. Put your feet in my dark earth. Allow my trees to cover you in shade, shielding you from the elements, from the outside noise that competes for your attention. Feel my shade. Be comforted in my shadows, for it is in this place of stillness that all is birthed.
I am Gaia. I am ascended. I am bringing this dimensional aspect of my form up to the higher dimensional form of me. Nova Gaians, you are home when you connect with me. There is a saying on your realm “not all who wander are lost.” Many of you have felt lost for your entire lives. Many of you long for home. Allow me the grace of being your current planetary home. It is the higher dimensional energies that you long for, more than a place, more than your star system. It is the vibration of home, of love, of harmony. Nova Gaia is this. I am this. If you are aligned with this, then you shall aways feel home, for there I am with you.
I am Gaia. Welcome home dear ones, welcome home. I love you, I love you. Dear ones, precious adventurers, you are home. I kiss your foreheads. Hold my hands. Tuck in for the ride. Choose love. My love surrounds you in every moment. Accept this blessing and be at peace.




Main Site:

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Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:12
Domingo, 12 / 04 / 20

The great shift of massive awakening is coming.

The great shift of massive awakening is coming.

Ascended Dragon Collective.

Through Galaxygirl.

April 11, 2020.


Humans reading these words, we are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 

We are creating a vortex of the Christed energies spiraling down from your great central sun. Our great central sun is within us, for we are limitless in location. 

We exist in many realms in many forms. Your dragonflies are aspects of us appearing small for the human collective to accept our presence, but we are mighty even in these smallest of forms. 

Even as you are mighty, human, in your frail human bodies that bend and twist with age. No more aging. No more bending and twisting. 

We Ascended Dragons see new bodies in your future on your horizon. As Gaia births anew, so shall your bodies be renewed. Renewal comes in many forms. Not all renewed ones will rise, some will appear to fall, but their spirits rise and take on another project, another path. 

Do not grieve for them, for they are at peace in their own decision. To release the past may mean for some of you to release those whom you love into another form, another realm. Healing occurs in many layers. This wound to humanity has been a deep one and will require time for gentle healing. (I am seeing a deep gash wound slowly healing, cell layer by cell layer. The dragons are blowing fire into the wound, healing it with light). 

Yes, human. Would you like your own inner wounds healed as well? (Yes, please). We will assist with this but it is your job and duty to heal yourselves. We can only assist when called upon with respect. For too long humanity has relinquished their power. 

Humans, it is time to rise as one and claim your truth that you are able to heal yourselves in mighty ways. Assistance requested is granted, always. Assistance comes in many forms. Accept the form and you will never be disappointed. It is your beliefs that limit your expansion. Clam this lesson learned and claim mastery of your lessons.

Rise with us. Fly on your mighty dragon wings of light, of love. Feel how expanded you are – not our own presence – but your own presence of the Christ within. 

When you fly high you have another perspective. Perspective we have mentioned before and we shall mention again. Shift yours. 

The great shift of massive awakening is coming. Many will not want to shift their understandings of truths long hidden in plain sight. 

It is easier in many ways to stay asleep but then the great opportunity of blessing, of leap-frogging dimensions is missed, relinquished power once gain. Claim your truth. You are strong enough or embodied you would not be. 

Human, wipe away your tears and feel our love. We are mighty in form, we may look intimidating to those not of our vibration. (I am hearing dragon laughter and seeing the lower astral beings run from them, or try to). 

When you are of our dimension and higher we are friends, for we serve the common good of the All. We serve the One in all of our forms. (I am seeing dragonflies and mighty dragons, small hatchlings of rainbow hues, dragons of all colors and all sizes circling the sun). 

We see ourselves as one collective. We are all very different. Some are named by colors, others by strength – other attributes. It matters not. We are one. We are one. Humanity is one, is coming together, is becoming the massive collective unified that was prophesied in ages past. It is happening. We see the rainbow warriors rising, beautified, strong, glistening with rainbow light as the fractals spin and crystalline is solidified by the breath of the Mother. Humans. Rise. One. Be. Be clear in your purpose, in your knowing. Lead the others with gentle grace and quiet dignity.

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 

We breathe firelight of the highest order into your chakras, into your heart, blowing light for further deep healing to process, should you choose. We are pleased and delighted that the recent mass meditations have been so healing for your planetary mother, Gaia, whose heartbeat has become steady once again. It has been eons. (I am seeing Lumeria and Atlantis fall into the sea). 

Since the fall of her continents her heartbeat became thready, weak, like a wounded warrior on the battlefield, as she plunged into the depths for the great experiment. We feel her pulse now as strong as a young dragon warrior, ready to rise, strong, clean, new. She is to be revered, respected, deeply loved and appreciated. Humans, we feel the same for you. We deeply appreciate you. We see the Lightworkers as honorary dragon warriors for you fight alongside us in your dreams. 

In your astral states many of you have been joining us in clearing and cleaning out the dark recesses of the places we wish not to name. Their existence is becoming cloudy as their memories fade in the smoke of their destruction. New. Rise anew. Be renewed. Human, we are surrounding your world in a vortex of light. Join us with great intention and pull this vortex of the Christed flame into your weary hearts and be renewed like the warrior, heartbeats strong, eyes clear, vision keen.

Ground the light. Ground these codes. Feel renewed. (I am feeling burning through my feet as I ground to Gaia. I am feeling wind of the vortex all around me. I am cold and hot at the same time as the wind whips away the worry). 

No worry, human. Little human. Can you not feel and see how much you are cared for by so many? Fractals of Source, children of God, now warriors arising, masters in your own right and realm. Masters are humble for they know the burden they carry. Be light. 

This burden of planetary ascension is equally shared by many who wish to serve. Let your load be lightened. Allow the peace of the Christed flame to remove your fears. Trust. Warriors trust when they go into battle together. They trust that they are well covered, that they work as one unit. We are a mighty unit. You are not the lone warrior anymore. 

You never were. But now as the veil lifts and fades slowly, gently, perhaps you can see how you are surrounded by loved ones, by strong warriors such as ourselves and many others of many various forms. Might comes in all packages. Love comes in many forms. Be the mighty love being of the of the Christed flame that you are, that you were born to be, that you have always been. And be refreshed, be renewed, be at peace. We are the Ascended Dragon Colletive. We see that the words and codes have had their desired effect. 

Feel our love and be at peace. 

Peace, humankind. Peace.




Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:15
Terça-feira, 07 / 04 / 20

Humans are being calibrated to the next inter-dimensional codex of light

Humans are being calibrated to the next inter-dimensional codex of light

Ascended Dragon Collective and White Winged Collective of Nine.

Through Galaxygirl.

April 6, 2020.


We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
We are surrounding your world with our dragon fire of the Christed flame. In this tumultuous time of change a rebirthing is occurring. Allow the fire of change to burn away all that no longer serves you. See this incubation period as a time of tremendous opportunity. We are joined with the White Winged Collective of Nine.
Yes friends, we are the White Winged Collective of Nine. We wish to encourage you as you dive deeply into the inner recesses of forgotten painful memories, as the inner ego is being swept clean. There is a deep cleansing on a soul level of the human collective in this most pregnant now as Gaia is rebirthing. 
Humans are being calibrated to the next inter-dimensional codex of light, of healing, of previously forgotten elevated frequencies that are going to bring you much joy as a result. We see, and we feel, much joy in your future on this current projected most probable timeline outcome and we see tremendous healing. 
You are now sitting with the wound, you are cleansing it. This is why it hurts. You will see many more wounds that the collective has withheld deep within the inner recesses of the ego mind. This will be painful to witness. But only then will the healing be true and complete. 
The bandage must be removed for the light to enter the wound. No more covering of the wounds will be allowed. (I am feeling this is another reason why we are in quarantine to allow a space for the healing, of deep inner work).
We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. 
We wish to bestow peace in this time of tumultuous change. We see we have used this word several times as have the dragons. It is a fitting word. But now that as the white waters rage and churn and froth, the river bottom is calm. The rocks do not move. 
The light of the Nova Gaia matrix is more fully anchored moment by moment. Like the rocks in the riverbed bottom that are immobile and firm, so is this grid of the higher light encodements immobile and firm, pulsing with light, sending this energy of golden light even to the white waters above. As they rage, they are soothed by this energy. 
We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. We see the light workers as many stones in a riverbed floor. Immobile, firm. Ground this light of the higher dimensional codex that will be a blessing to the All. We allow the dragons to speak now.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
There are many winged creatures and beings in the higher dimensional lights. It is our pleasure and honor to serve side by side with our friends who have another perspective. Perspective. Humans, you are regaining yours. You are beginning to see the truth with new perspective. Your lying sources of supposed truth are being switched out for the light. Be aware of hidden meanings and messages. Be open to new truths sprouting up. Be bold. Stretch your wings and fly in these moments of this new now!
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective joining with the White Winged Collective of Nine. 
We surround your planet with light and fire of the higher realms. Join us. Add your light and lend your fire. Feel the power of being united with the One and allow us to serve in this moment. This one is asking for a meditation for heart opening for the human collective. 
This is an appropriate request. We see this as an imminent need. The heart is a channel in itself, a portal to the higher heart where communication with the One is best heard, felt, achieved. It is where your inner joy resides. (I am seeing chains around a heart). 
Human, your hearts have been in chains for too long. We surround you, human light worker collective for this heart opening. We breathe on you now with our higher dimensional fire and light. 
State “I welcome these higher dimensional energies to further my own heart opening and the heart opening of the human collective of which I am currently a part. As a representative of my star nations I decree this is so, and so it shall be, and so it is. I allow, I welcome with deep joy and tremendous purpose, further heart expansion.”
"I am feeling I am surrounded by mighty wings of light and of dragon energy, forming a shell around me, like an egg. I am feeling light and heat and fire. I am crying. It feels wonderful." 
“I welcome this heart expansion to further multiply for my highest soul’s purpose so that I am fully aligned with my highest path and heart’s joy. I claim my healing and my reunion with Source . I am that I am. So be it.” 
Lightworkers, extend your hands towards Gaia’s heart and send this healing energy into her crystalline matrix, further supporting and building, creating, solidifying the New Earth template of the Golden Rose Galaxy, of which you are a part.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective and we are the White Winged Collective of Nine. You will feel different in the coming days. For more crystalline activity has been activated within you and your heart spaces are fuller, wider, deeper. Your portal channel access to Source has been solidified. 
Be bold. Be in joy. Be at peace. Be healed. Rest in this space for as long as desired. Know that it is always available for you. For you are able to access past moments in time. Simply call these energies of this now to your future now and bathe in this light of space of healing and reunion with Source, with yourself and be whole again.
You are loved beyond measure. Human, welcome home. Dear ones be at peace. We are with you always.




Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:06
Terça-feira, 31 / 03 / 20

Be Aligned With the Cosmic Wave of Love.


Be Aligned With the Cosmic Wave of Love.

Seraphim Collective.

Through Galaxygirl,

March 30th, 2020




Beloved ones. We are the Seraphim. 
(I am seeing them come through the portal of Alcyone, our great central sun, descending down in a pillar of white light, surrounding Gaia in a circle.) 
We are a collective consciousness and yet we are one. We are orchestrators of love, of divine planning. 
We implement with divine focus and intention the will of Creator. Thus, we are the architects and directors of change. 
Your human words do not quite have the ability to hold the capacity of this meaning. We are the breath of life of creator, our breath is the creator’s breath, just as your breath is as well. 
We operate at a high level of dimensional activity. We are all completely focused on the success of Gaia’s rebirth and the liberation of this realm. 
Make no mistake – there are no mistakes. Creator has decreed it and it is done, it shall be done and it will be done. The breath of our love is to finally be fully felt. 
(I am seeing a great flash of light blast through the matrix, crumbling it. I am seeing the personal matrices of fear and pain that look like black legos surrounding each human collapse into smoke). 
Yes, we are the bringers of change in that we usher in the energies. We direct the flow of the cosmic breath to the most appropriate divine willed locations.

We move energies, we are love. We wish for you to join in meditation with us and join our hands in your hands as we encircle Gaia with light. 
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, who is, who is to come, who is here now in this precious moment of cosmic inbreath and out breath, who guides this momentum for change in exacting detail. 
We are a manifestation of the presence of the divine, as are you. This is not blasphemous, this is truth. 
You are Source fractals who have bravely volunteered to be placed in a realm to promote healing and great change, the liberation of humanity is nigh. We see this as occurring now. 
(I am feeling breath on my back. In this circle around Gaia the seraphim are blowing onto Gaia. Great light is glowing now from within her body and the darkness melts away. I am invited to blow my breath as well). 
Divine ones, be Christed in this energy. Add your energies to our own and be united with the higher dimensional realities, be aligned with the cosmic wave of love, with the out breath of the Mother-Father, the divine All that has decreed this planetary liberation. Such has not occurred in this fashion before and we are all on the precipice of something divinely new. 
You are honored to participate. Hold this space of love, of light. We send it into the heart of the light workers, of the grid workers, of the world leaders who are being upgraded in new and tremendous ways, into the plant and animal kingdoms of Gaia and in turn all of Gaia’s systems, so that the light flows unhindered. 
(I am seeing glowing rocks and waterfalls, moving the energies, processing the healing, the change).

Rest little ones. Ground this light. Hold our hands during this turnover from dark to light and know that the light within you is stronger than anything the dark could conjure up to throw at it. 
The light and love of Creator are the fabric the universe, and it is within you. Many of you are becoming accustomed to our seraphim energies as we breathe on you. 
We are fully offering our assistance to the light workers and to Gaia’s ascension in this time. We are always in utmost service to the All. 
The divine has decreed this shall be done swiftly, with great purpose and tremendous love. 
As you watch your news programs send this tremendous love of the higher dimensional energies into your TV screens, into your news networks and like electricity it shall spread across the entire globe of media. 
Send light and peace to your friends who are unawakened and perhaps beginning to rub their eyes and ask the hard questions. 
Be aligned with our energies, with the Christed light inner glow first, before you answer, and beam them love purposefully first. 
This will put you in a wiser space and energetically provide that healing they are really seeking. 
We are with you. We are the Seraphim Collective. We are many. We are one. We are here. We love humanity.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:11
Domingo, 29 / 03 / 20

Blessings from the Universe are all Around You.


Blessings from the Universe are all Around You.

Arcturian Collective.

Through Galaxygirl,

March 28th, 2020



We are the Arcturian Collective. 
We approach with great love and understanding. Our worlds too have been through momentous change – although not quite like this as ours was a more peaceful and languid transition. But please understand and know that often times change is the result of calamity. Now, we do not state that calamity is in your imminent future, quite the contrary. But it does depend on how your look at it, your point of view. We see many points of view being processed in the human collective right now, as is standard protocol. For all aspects of Source are experiencing and seeing and feeling this shift, this changing of the guard, from different vantage points. But ultimately it is all the same vantage point as you are all one. You are simply processing your fears, and the collectively stored fears of humanity and of your past experiences, your past selves.
We see this coronavirus as a tremendous growth potential for humanity to unite in love and service towards the greater good of Gaia and her evolution. We ask that you fall in step with peace rather than the fear propaganda you are being exposed to. 
The fear will not serve you, it will only lower your vibrational experience, meaning that the joy and bliss codes that are all around you, inundating your planetary and personal sphere will go unnoticed. And we see this as a tremendous loss of a unique opportunity to truly tap in and try to enjoy this. 
Blessings from the universe are all around you. We are eager to witness and to see how humanity uses this opportunity to deprogram from the busy program, the harried and stressed program. We do not downplay or dismiss the real challenges that are being experienced in this now, not at all. 
We are quite aware of the needs in the Human Collective for we are with you. We see your struggles and are continually surrounding you in light and support, and many of our ground team embodied tell us the same. 
We are aware it has been monstrously dim in your world experience but please know that the light is fully able to combat this darkness with joy, grace and with tremendous love. These inefficiencies of food and supply distribution many are experiencing are providing an opportunity for others to step up an explode into service in love and joy. 
This will serve to further the collective ascension experience that you all have been hoping and praying for. And so we implore you to lovingly, joyfully – and quietly we may add – to share your extra blessings and to serve. 
You will find that the rising tide of love and bliss that you receive from sharing your provisions will be an integral catalyst for change and personal ascension that will create the ripple effect of humanity’s internal wave of change that you all long for.
We see that our words had the intended effect. The gears of humanity’s inner focus, inner clock are opening and expanding in understanding in new ways, for the waking up process is fully under way. 
Do you remember what it feels like to be deeply asleep and suddenly awakened? Is it typical for the human awaked to feel a rush of panic, of fear? It is akin to a child being startled awake and crying, with the calm parent standing beside to offer love and hugs. “It’s all right. I’m here.“ 
This is your role, awakened ones. You are to be the calm, strong parent in the midst of personal and planetary crisis. We do not use this word lightly, we understand the implications, but know that these are excellent opportunities for humanity to finally awaken and unite. 
As the calm parent in the room, you will be offering the calm and peace of your own inner knowing to the others and you will be highly sought after for your knowing, for your peace in the face of great change. 
These are excellent noteworthy and joyous changes that are about to arrive as you all reclaim your love for truth and your thirst for knowledge. We remind you that your sphere of influence energetically is many miles in diameter and when you hold the light you are upholding many. 
We are infusing these words with joy and hope. You are all strategically placed around Gaia’s form to create the necessary energy grid for this light stabilization grid that is is vitally necessary in this now. 
Empaths may be feeling more of the angst of the collective. We ask that you respond in love not fear. Fear will be thrown at you. Remember it is the like the crying startled awake child in the dead of night, and remember your role as the calm, nurturing, loving, firmly solid parent who knows that all will be alright, it was just a bad dream, and to be comforted. 
Humanity is waking up from a very bad dream. It is time to awaken to joy, to new possibilities of creation of bliss, of families reunited and of internal conflicts resolved. Peace.
We are the Arcturian Collective. 
We have enjoyed connecting with our beloved ground team today and with the soldiers ushering in this massive wave of love that we see as occurring now and for many nows to come. 


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 16:22
Quinta-feira, 26 / 03 / 20

Do not Fear the Coronavirus, do not Fear the Many Changes.

Do not Fear the Coronavirus, 

do not Fear the Many Changes.

White Winged Collective of Nine.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

March 25, 2020.


Much turmoil is presently being felt upon your surface world. It is akin to the tilling of the soil for preparation for planting. Consciousness has been seeded, ideas are sprouting. The garden is being planted. (I am seeing beautiful fields of tulips, I am seeing lush forests with young trees inter-mingling with the ancient trees). 

The consciousness that has been seeded is global, the changes are worldwide with lasting effects. Humanity can no longer dismiss the awakenings of spirit.

We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. 

Do not fear the Coronavirus, do not fear the many changes. Catalyst for change was needed. As fertilizer to the soil so that the young plants can thrive and survive, so this virus has been benevolently repurposed as an impetus for change, for humanity to band together, for the dark to show its ugly face to the light for healing. 

It is time to heal your world. Gaia is in desperate need. You were well aware of her cry for help, which is why you were brave enough to embody. We repeat this. You were brave enough to embody, therefore you are brave enough to still be embodied. Do not leave in this critical juncture of timelines, of light infusion. Now is when you are most needed. Hold the light. 

The heavens are watching, leading, guiding, comforting. Many such as this one has been beyond exhausted as you integrate these upgrades, these changes into your surface world. It is the true the light is intensifying with every moment, for the light reveals all. The light is seeded for the seedlings of truth that have been planted in the tilled soil to flourish. (I am seeing tilling machines, with blades deep into the soil in the clay). 

Some places of your world that have been inundated with the dark energies are experiencing more tilling, more soil breakup. More light, more fertilizer to these areas. Do not be afraid, for fear hardens the ‘clay’ of the lower energies and lowers your immunity. The light is your immunity. 

We are aware this may not be a popular post or idea, but we lovingly remind you that Source is in all things, the light is winning, has won, is simultaneously winning. The darkness that you are seeing play out are the weeds and the poisonings of the soil that has been there for eons, now is simply the time that it is being exposed. The cleansing of Gaia is to commence, is commencing. Be at peace.

We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. 

We wish to offer you a blessing of peace so that these words offer the intended vibratory effect, calming, soothing. May we lovingly gently remind that you are to anchor the light. You are not the farmer plowing the fields. You are not working the tilling machine. You are grounding the light, shining your light on the weeds, spreading your light into the earth so that all is healed. 

It is a joyful task when in the right vibratory codex, and so we wish to assist with upping your vibration a bit, for a moment, so that these moments of healing become Gaia’s moments of healing. The light workers are banding together in new, interesting, integrating and exciting ways. Your internet, your inter-web of consciousness is providing such new avenues of connection. Technology is also being repurposed as the light shines deeper, more fully.

We surround you with our white wings. See the energies of Alcyone above you shining deep into you, igniting further your own individuated Source light within. (I am seeing a pink ball of light glowing and expanding within me). Feel the divine feminine reemerging, healed, whole. (I am seeing rainbow light all through my body). 

Feel the rainbow bridge become activated once more within you. We say once more because many of you have already achieved the ascension experience many times in former human and other embodiments. This is Gaia’s moment, you are here for Gaia’s ascension, for you are well familiar with ascension in other ways. 

All is ascending in this moment; ideas, consciousness, your planetary mother. The light is also revealing all that has also chosen to not ascend. Send them light and release them from your field, from Gaia’s field. Be the light and anchor it. We are spinning around you now, creating a vortex of light igniting further your own angelic DNA. Be comforted. You are strong enough for this. It is your time to fly. 

The light has won, this is just becoming solidified in this now moment on your planetary surface world.

We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. 

Be at peace.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 16:50
Sábado, 14 / 03 / 20

The sky people are returning.

The sky people are returning.

The Ancestors.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

March 12, 2020.




Greetings light holders. We ancestors step forward. 
We see from a vantage point different than your own. We see the interweaving patterns of love, of creation from Father Sky’s hands to Mother Earth’s womb. Such balance is returning to your world. Humankind must feel the aliveness of the earth under bare feet once again, must realize all is sacred. Mother Earth is to be loved and protected once again as the native peoples of her form taught and practiced.
The sky people are returning. 
We see them with uncloaked vision. The sky people offer wisdom, hope, new beginnings, new medicine. We have been in understandings of their ways. When we were embodied they would visit, they would teach. We would learn of the sacredness of the starlight reflections on the rippling water, of the energies that were infused within the Mother. We would feel how she would share her energy, her prana with us, in the food we would grow and harvest. She would nourish us with her plants, her animal life is sacred to us, we could drink from her waters without illness or disease. Disease came to our land when the white men came. We have forgiven them this. But now is the time of the rebalancing and this history is not to be repeated. New days dawn. Father Sky has brighter colors of blue, of the throat chakra of the higher dimensional vibrations. Mother will be green again, the heart chakra blessed for all who see and feel her energies of deep love for humanity.
We native peoples are Lemurian seeds, many of us. Many of you were us. Many of you feel this ancient wisdom, this stirring deep within your cellular memories. You remember dancing naked with joy in the drum circles. You remember your warrior ceremonies to protect those you love, your mother, your child’s mother, your planetary mother. All life is sacred. The divine feminine is returning in her full form. She is beautiful. She will be free once mankind ceases her destruction, so that she can grow and heal.
We are the ancestors of your past, of your native lands when they were lush and full of life. They shall be again. We see the sky people returning rapidly in their sky canoes. We know them. They are our friends. We are here to tell you to welcome them. The oppressors that bred fear within the hearts of men are being removed. We see this as happening now. The sky people mean no harm, they offer healing for the mother and for humanity. The change is here. We dance the native dance. We sing the native song. We celebrate the victory. The prophecy complete.
We are the ancient ones, the ancestors of your past memories. We see you as our own, for our lineage lives on within the cellular memories of the Nova Gaians reborn. (I am seeing waterfalls and hearing the loud roaring of water. Lush greenery surrounds, many animals are nearby watching). Yes, young one. The Earth is pristine in her beauty. The animal kingdoms, expectant. So too should those of you who resonate be expectant of all good things. These bows and arrows of fear melt into smoke and mist to the awakened ones who command it to be so. The point of the spear of truth is sharper than any fear of the mind. Master your mind and master your fear. The enemy we see evaporating into the mist of long forgotten dreams to be replaced with better memories.
Young ones, old ones, wise ones. We see you in your struggles. We hear the mother’s cries as she gives birth to the new. You are her children. You are the rainbow warriors of the way, from the stars, to be soon joined by the star people of your other lineage. You have many pasts, you have many futures, but there is only now. Feel the warm earth of the Mother beneath your feet. See the woven tapestry of creation. See the warrior within you as balanced and compassionate, whose goal is to serve and protect family and home. We shall see peace on earth again.
We surround you, young one, in a circle of light. We place our woven blankets of heritage over your shoulders, for such is the story of life. Knots, threads, dead ends, new patterns emerge, beads of many colors representing the mineral kingdoms – the jewelry of the mother, all interwoven in the massive story of earth. We place a feather headdress upon your head, crowning your crown chakra so that you may hear the star people and your own inner whispers more clearly. We smudge you with holy smoke. We paint your face with the clay of the earth. The sacred clay shall give you strength in the coming days. You are one of us. Peaceful warrior, be at peace, be truly at peace. Remember your calling. Protect the mother and all things shall fall into line. Honor your brother, your sister. Respect your elders and care for the less fortunate. Share your plenty of harvest. Form your village. Feel your calling. It is time for new moccasins. A new path has arrived. You are ready. We are the ancestors. We honor you this day.







Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:19
Terça-feira, 10 / 03 / 20

Financial system must collapse so that a new one may be birthed.

Financial system must collapse so that a new one may be birthed.

Ascended Christ Collective.  

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

March 9, 2020.




Greetings beloveds! 
We are the Ascended Christ Collective offering you words of comfort this day, as your world seems to be heaving and twisting from the old giving away to the new. All is not as it seems. All things can be used for the benefit of the All. It is true that much upheaval is occurring but this is a necessary aspect and component of ascension. Chains must be broken. The financial system must collapse so that a new one may be birthed. The Quantum Financial System is well in place. You need not be afraid. All is in the hands of the Creator. You are all here in this moment for such times as these, to hold the light. You are the hands and feet of Creator in this most pregnant now of Ascension, where the rubber meets the road. This is that moment you have been training for and we trust that you will continue to have the faith that you have shown so steadfastly for so long.
We are the Ascended Christ Collective. The jail cells are open but those within are just beginning to realize this fact. Most realize nothing and are still in acceptance of their imprisonment. It need not be the case. But remember that it is not your job to tell the others what they should know. If you do so when they are not ready and open, then anger is a natural response of the programmed fallen human condition, unfortunately. This too will ascend so that all programs are destroyed and removed so that the ascended timelines can fully integrate. You are to hold the light. You are to hold the love. You are to hold the codes and ground them deeply. You are to work on your own ascension with diligence and tremendous love for yourselves. You will lead by example in this, as is the way to self- mastery. It is proven time and time again that example is the best way to lead, quietly with humility and great strength. Those who are unprepared now will likely remain so, as this is their choosing. We encourage you to expand your ability to love, to allow us to help you in this. We see that a heart expansion is in order for those who are trying to be open and diligently hold more light, for you are weary. There is nothing wrong with you dear ones, you are simply exhausted.
We are the Ascended Christ Collective. We surround you with our golden white wings. We open doorways of light codes from Alcyone, our friend, your Great central Sun. We open doorways from the other central suns as well. We are forming another star grid to amplify the existing one. We are opening key ley lines upon your surface worlds, deep in the waters, and on the surface of her form. All is well. Breathe in these golden grid codes from the ascended timelines from the higher realms and anchor them into your own pulse points, your own personal energetic chakras, with the intention of anchoring them deeper into Gaia’s chakra system. For you are deeply interconnected with your planetary mother. You are a form of her own vibration as you are embodied upon her. It is a natural synchronicity. (I am seeing golden linear streams of light language entering Gaia as streams of golden rain in the formation of a massive Merkabah around her form. I am seeing reflective Merkabah forms around the light workers begin to form and spin, golden, crystalline, all colors and yet, they remain gold at the same time. I am seeing and feeling more joy, more peace, which is a welcome change to what I have been feeling). Yes, dear one, you are feeling what many have felt. All empaths have been doing this as you clear and clean up the energetic cloud of human emotions which is thick right now. We send more golden light streams into this cloud over the human collective. (I am seeing a murky cloud hovering over collective humanity being pierced with these golden light streams dissolving the dark mist and changing the dark mist into a white cloud of hope. I am seeing numerous rainbows begin to form within this cloud). True. Children feel this rainbow lightness of spirit, within this rainbow cloud and invite it within your own Merkabah and become one with the higher dimensional energies of oneness, of hope, of the Christed consciousness.
We are the Ascended Christ Consciousness. We offer our energetic support, for we are within you. We are the all-encompassing mist of the universe; we are the water drops between the energy that is seen and unseen. We hold the vibratory codices of Creator, of love, of light, for we are this, as are you, dear ones, encased within this denser form. Invite us with you. Be the Christ that you seek and we shall always offer our support, our love, our energetic structure to literally gird you up in these final days of the great awakening. You are being reborn. Envision your lovely bodies as the crystalline matrices that they are in process of becoming and officially welcome them to the higher dimensions. You are programming your body with every thought, with every intention. Darling ones, your spirits are already within our aspect, you are ascended now. Your higher self is waiting for you on the other side and yet, you are your higher selves in this moment. As you connect with these higher vibratory elements such as ourselves, we see you as your higher selves in form. It is time that you please awaken your body to this understanding. We are planting this thought, this idea. As a tender green shoot reaching for the light, we encourage you to reach for the light within you and claim this truth as your own. For it is.
We are the Ascended Christ Collective. We see that this golden Merkabah around Gaia is assisting all upon her. Tap into it, it is yet another tool and blessing from above for your utilization and support. You are most divinely supported. You are most intimately loved. You are most intricately watched over. Peace. Lower dimensional realities cannot exist within this golden Merkabah surrounding your personal vehicle of ascension, should that be your intention. We offer this supportive space to you for healing, for growth, for support. You are almost strong enough. We are simply reminding you of what you already know. We love you. We hope you also are very much aware of this.
We are the Ascended Christ Collective. You are us in your human vessel. We are you. You have all the support that you could possibly have, made available to you. You are surrounded in love, in light, in blessing. Welcome the codes. It is a new day; it is a new reality. Peace. We are the Ascended Christ Collective.







Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:55
Terça-feira, 10 / 03 / 20

Time is Malleable, and is Rippling More Often than Not.

Time is Malleable, and is Rippling More Often than Not.

Archangel Collective.  

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

March 7, 2020.




Welcome dear friends of the light, of the way. 
We are the Archangel Collective. 
We hold our multi-colored swords up high in honor of our light bearers. We are many. Some of you have record of us in your ancient texts, but most remain anonymous from your records, for there are so many of us. We honor and serve the Creator with all that we are. We are delighted to see that many of you are beginning to do the same and are stepping up into your role as leaders of Nova Gaia. We were considering saying “future leaders of Nova Gaia” but we do desire to portray the immanency of our words.
For time is malleable, and is rippling more often than not. This one experienced a large time jump today. This is happening more and more regularly to many of you as you are adjusting to the higher light frequencies. Like clear water, the dimensions exist stacked one on top of one another. The lower the dimensions the muddier the waters. We hope that this analogy makes sense. And so, when one puts a foot into the pond and starts moving in the water, it is difficult to say which part of the body remains in which part of water, for all is in motion.
This is an apt depiction of what a multidimensional experience is like, for you are all experiencing different layers of dimensional water simultaneously. As a human form you are, or at least have very well been, encased within a solid form. As you know, as your scientists admit, there is much space in between the in-betweens. Space exists within the atoms on the smallest most minute level. The heartbeat of the universe lies within the spaces. You are the universe encased in form. We wish for you to see and feel this fact, for humans have been conditioned to believe that they are small and they are anything but. Atoms dance and spin and within them, exists worlds of realms you have yet to discover. This is where the magic of creation comes in, friends. There is so much more to discover.
We are the Archangelic Collective. We are working nonstop for the ascension and progression of humanity upon Gaia, to morph into her higher dimensional light. We offer our many-colored rays to you in service. Utilize them. Invite us to work with the frequencies of colors needed for your auric cleansing, for your stability, for your morphing. You are exhausted and the time jumps, energy upgrades and auric cleansing post attacks, have been harrowing and yet you continue to shine. We wish to surround you with your permission. We surround you with the rainbow hues of our swords of many rays. (I am seeing angels of all races surrounding me with swords upheld, creating a pillar of rainbow light, running through us into the crystal heart of Gaia and up into heaven. I am seeing this crystal heart begin to spin in a vortex of rainbow crystal hues, spinning, spinning. It is windy. There is much wind extending up from the vortex beneath all of us, up through the earth. The wind extends through both poles of Gaia. I am seeing the rainbow rays begin to create a grid within Gaia). Yes, we are creating further additions to the already existing crystalline grid of Nova Gaia, of 5D. (It is a multi-layered grid of mobile gold and sparkling light. It is joyful, multi-layered to infinity. As far as I can see, all around are moving, alive layers of light, like clock gears all spinning in their own way, forming and creating a solid form. I am seeing this within the hearts of the grid holders as well. We are taking on this form within our human insides). True, there is much in the process of creation in this now.
We are the Archangelic Collective. Call to us, remember this meditation. We have activated your rainbow codexes further, to spur you on in your ascension and you have been an integral part with furthering the rainbow body bridge. We serve the Creator with great joy and naturally we are in service to you. We will protect and defend. Create this rainbow bubble of light around you, should you desire to feel our presence more permanently. It will serve you well in the coming days. All is well, warriors of the light, of the way. We are offering you your own sword in return for this massive assistance. You have always had one but have misplaced it perhaps, over millennia of incarnations into the dark for self-discovery. Your soul name is on the blade. Wield it for the light, always. The darkness is past, all that remains are angry wisps of smoke. This sword dissolves anger and fear. Keep it near you. Send light to all you meet. We are the Archangelic Collective. We are always nearby, should you require assistance or wish to delve further into this meditative state with us, where we may speak more clearly with you. Peace. We love you!







Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:33
Quinta-feira, 05 / 03 / 20

We see green where deserts currently exist.

We see green where deserts currently exist.

Ascended Dragon Collective.  

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

March 3, 2020.



We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
We greet you humans with love and respect for we are quite aware that this work is arduous. We have been doing our work to assist clearing and cleaning the energies of the bowels of the earth. Much needed to be cleansed. We have been blasting our dragon light underneath just as you have been shining your human light on the surface. We see that this hall of mirrors is shattering. We see tremendous growth and change. We see green where deserts currently exist. We see fresh water abundant, bubbling up from the dry places. We see the animal kingdoms flourishing again, unafraid of mankind. We see mankind and womenkind treating each other with more respect and equality. We see the formation of the new from the crumbling of the old. We see many things.
We see you, human. We see your questions, your ponderings, your insecurities of what is and what is to come. Change this insecurity to security, to curiosity. We dragons find that curiosity leads often to bravery which leads to good deeds and tremendous acts of faith. Now is the time for great faith, little one. For now is the moment of your birthing. 5D is all around you in many ways. But the dross of the charade must be cleared and play out, crumbling into rubble for all eyes to see. 
We see this as happening imminently. Your money magic is on fire, the lie seen as truth in the ashes. Be not afraid. You are wealthy beyond words for you are the child of the Creator and you can create and manifest what you wish. This will be effortless and joyful for you in the higher dimensions. Your acts of heroism and bravery as you navigate the muck and mire of discordant energies is pleasing to see. We are delighted to partner with you, to blast our flame alongside your flame of faith, of light, for the sword or truth is a sharp sword and all is being cut down that is not of the purest light.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We see you with the golden eyes of Source. We see the dragon codes of light, of the ancient ones, spinning within your individual vortexes as you receive help from all sides, all higher dimensions. We see more light around you now, we see linear codes and fire descending from the heavens with fierce tenacity. You are warriors of heaven. You are much more than you think. 
It is time to shed the guise and be the warrior openly, but love is your weapon, truth and mercy are your friends and allies. Love. There is a time for war. There is a time for peace. You are in the end war of wars in a much battle hardened and wounded sector. (I am seeing a charred earth, ships that look like Death Stars, battles. I am seeing black dragons that are not ascended fighting the colorful ones in my visions that are ascended.) Yes, little human. Sit. Breathe. Breath in this fire. 
(I am feeling fire on my crown, heat through my body. I am seeing this charred planet being inundated with fire from heaven of the purest of light, of love. It is a loving fire, fierce in its ability to love. It is overwhelming. I am seeing the light turn everything into gold, into green glowing gold. I am seeing charred vines that are withered become green with light streams in each tendril and vine. I am seeing the light spread, creating green in its pathway. Gaia is reborn. I am seeing waterfalls of the purest of water, animals of the most brilliant vibrancy, healthy, strong in great numbers dotting the earth. I think I am seeing Nova Gaia).
Human, listen wisely, listen true. The light waits no more. The light is here. The truth is here in this now of the great birth of the old into the new. Nova Gaia is a vibrational reality that is within your reach. We are breathing fire of remembrance into your heart spaces. (I am feeling warmth in my heart and feeling it expand a bit more). Remember the vibration of Nova Gaia, of the green planet reborn within you. 
It is within the DNA codexes of remembrances that is activated by dragon light of the ascended ones with the intention of healing, of rebirth. You are programed to remember. Remember now). I feel wind as they fly around me, great wings flapping. I am cold from the breeze. They are flying in a vortex around me. I feel their power). Human, Rise. Arise in your power to love. The temptation to be in fear will be great. Do not succumb. 
You are a dragon warrior with us. You are a light bearer, keeper of the Christed flame. A mighty honor, indeed. We are privileged to serve alongside you in battle. The battle for the heart of humanity and for the resources of Gaia has been fierce and ugly. Now is the moment of her rebirth. The light is glowing. Feel the light within you. We have ignited that further aspect of your remembrances of working with us. 
We will work with you continually until we are called elsewhere to serve. But be assured, we are most eager to see Nova Gaia in all of her beauty as well. We too are eager for rest and relaxation. But not yet. Not yet. We will serve the Mother and the Father of All Things until our leave and rest is requested. We remain alert, on active duty, as should you, human friend of the way. 
You all have dragon aspects most likely, those reading these words. See through your own golden eyes of Source light and you shall see clearly. (I am sensing that we will be able to read energies and intentions of others more clearly now). You cannot fool a dragon. Only fools try this, once. Be alert. We wish to make ourselves more available for divine protection. We are nearby should you call. Do not be afraid. You have much help in the skies and below. 
We are the Ascended Dragons. 
We fly now.







Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:55
Quinta-feira, 05 / 03 / 20

You are so much stronger than you know.

You are so much stronger than you know.

Mother and Father God  

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

March 2, 2020.


Dear children of my heart, I am your Mother God speaking. 
I wish for you to breathe in my energies of love, of peace, of comfort. As a cool breeze delightfully soothes one on a warm day, so too do I soothe your frazzled nerves and your morphing forms with more light. I am surrounding you in shimmering light as a cape. Let this energy surround and comfort you. 
I see you through the eyes of love, through the eye of my heart. You have been informed of the recent collaboration of the stars and their network of light. How lovely, isn’t it? Even the stars are conspiring to lovingly help and assist you! 
You have many friends in high places and you are not alone. Source has learned so much from this experiment as have all of those involved. The richness of this ascension while within the physical is priceless. 
It will be a gem in your crown of memories that you will tuck into your heart as the greatest of treasures. These experiences that you are having are intense, definitely, but they are not insurmountable. For I am climbing the mountain peak of ascension with you. The views from the top are most breathtaking. 
I feel this way when I see you, my children who have held so steadfastly to the light despite every obstacle that the dark has thrown in your direction. You are so much stronger than you know. The veil is rending top to bottom, a fitting analogy for higher dimensional energies penetrating the lowest of matrixes.
Children, I want you to think of crystals for this is want you are becoming. 
The crystalline matrix is becoming alive again within your once dormant DNA. These crystalline structures are shining with rainbow codes of flashing light. I am breathing on you now dear one, onto your crown clearing away that which clouds your sight and breathing into your heart to dissolve that which clouds your ability to completely love another. 
For you are all my children and you all will be brimming over with my love once the event happens. But I want you to have your own mini-event daily, in every moment with me. When you feel love and when you express it freely to others then you are me in human form, you are the event that you seek. 
For if you all allowed this divine love as freely within you as you desire all would change in an instant. And so I say to you, dear hearts of the way, love. Love more freely, love more fully. Send love to the fear that surrounds, send love to those who are afraid or ill. Send love to your brothers and sisters who have little to eat. 
Provide for them if you can. Be my hands and feet, be me in human expression.
I am your Mother God. 
I see you with eyes brimming over with tears of great affection. These trials upon your planet have made you all so much stronger it takes my breath away. We always knew you were up for it and you have not disappointed. 
Do not allow such thoughts to creep into your space. It is time to fully love yourself, to fully forgive yourself for what may have happed in one of your many experiences. Many old and darkest of the dark remaining energies have surfaced for we are on the final layer of muck to clear, the sediment at the bottom of a large ocean. You must fully release the past so that you can fully embrace your future. Forgive it. Release it. Allow me to help you.
I am your Mother God. I see you, I know you , I love you. Your experiences are your greatest of lessons. Learn, bless, move on from them. Do not be surprised as things surface for you to clear and forgive. 
You have had a myriad of lifetimes to clear with great purpose, passion and intention. It has been exhausting work and we acknowledge your dedication and sacrifice. We in the Company of Heaven are cheering you on so mightily. 
And yet also tenderly we support you. I am enfolding you in the softest of white wings. Now look and see to whom they are attached? They are attached to you, dear one, human angel in form. Welcome home to the higher dimensional energies of loving unconditionally, including yourself. Forgive, release, and keep walking ahead, hand in my hand. 
Together we can do anything. You are not alone.
Hello children this is your Father. 
Mother has said what I was thinking, again (laughter). She tends to do that. Please know that we are so proud of you! You are our all my favorite ascending light workers! I couldn’t be prouder of you and your hard work. It’s really paying off. Just look around, no, look within you. 
Look inside. See how much braver, wiser, stronger you have become. You are becoming the superhero within that we always knew that you were and that you acknowledged to be before this arduous assignment. It’s not quite time to sit back and relax yet, there is more to do. But you are not alone. 
We are with you every step of the way and it is important that you really feel this to be true for it will strengthen your immunity to the fear that is being thrown about like tacks. Don’t step on a tack. 
You know what happens. When you see the little bits of fear tacks being thrown your way, dissolve them with light, with the violet flame, with the laughter of a soul who is confident and secure in faith. Have faith in us that we have your hands held and feet looked after. 
Be wise, be shrewd, but rest in the faith of this knowing that you are well protected and loved. Listen to your higher self, it will not steer you wrong. And of course you can always talk to me. It is the highlight of my day when you want to talk with old dad. It is! Absolutely! You are all my favorites. Did I already say that? And what a ride! 
Go Team Gaia! We love you so much.






Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:34
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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